Glencoe Readers Choice 4 Unit2

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The Three Graces. Freeman. Oil on Canvas, 91.4 x 121.9 cm. Private Collection.

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P.J. Crook/Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library


Looking Ahead
Nonfiction is truth in writing. It is the broadest category of literature and
includes autobiographies, memoirs, biographies, letters, essays, speeches,
and news articles, to name a few. All types of nonfiction concern real,
rather than imaginary, subjects and are written, in part, to convey
information to readers.

PREVIEW Big Ideas and Literary Focus


1 Looking into Lives Autobiography and Biography


2 On the Move Personal and Expository Essay


3 Finding Common Ground Persuasive Essay and Speech

In learning about the genre of nonfiction, you will • identifying and exploring literary elements
focus on the following: significant to nonfiction
• understanding characteristics of different types • analyzing the effect that these literary elements
of nonfiction have upon the reader

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Genre Focus: Nonfiction
What are the different types of nonfiction?

Nonfiction is the broadest category of literature. Nonfiction writers in particular know the importance
Autobiographies, biographies, memoirs, letters, of being clear. In addition, they understand that
essays, speeches, and news articles are just a few what they write must be of interest, or no one will
of the many types of nonfiction writing. All of want to read what they have to say. Even though
these forms of prose concern real, rather than nonfiction is about real people and real events,
imaginary, subjects. nonfiction writing can also be creative.

Autobiography and Biography

Writing About Oneself
An autobiography is the story of a person’s Once, several years ago, when I was just starting
life written by that person. Autobiographies out my writing career, I was asked to write my own
are presented from the first-person point of contributor’s note for an anthology I was part of.
view and may be based entirely on the writer’s I wrote: “I am the only daughter in a family of six
memory. A memoir is also about the person who sons. That explains everything.”
has written it, but a memoir usually focuses on
—Sandra Cisneros, from “Only Daughter”
one experience or period in the person’s life.

Night Travellers, 1943. Thomas Reid Macdonald. Oil on Canvas,

51.1 x 81.5 cm. Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada.

My father came to America in 1906 when he was

Writing About Another not yet twenty-one. Sailing from Japan on a small
A biography is the story of a person’s life six-thousand-ton ship which was buffeted all the
written by someone other than that person. In way by rough seas, he landed in Seattle on a bleak
addition to recounting the events of the subject’s January day.
life, most biographers explore the person’s —Yoshiko Uchida, from “Of Dry Goods and
reactions to those events and the effects they Black Bow Ties”
had on his or her personality.

Canadian War Museuem, Ottawa, Canada/Bridgeman Art Library
Personal and Expository Essay
Formal and Informal Essays
An essay is a relatively short piece of nonfiction For Sayonara, literally translated, “Since it must
in which the writer explores a single topic from be so,” of all the good-byes I have heard is the
his or her own perspective. Essays can be formal most beautiful. Unlike Auf Wiedersehens and
or informal. The most common type of informal Au revoirs, it does not try to cheat itself by any
essay is the personal essay, in which the writer’s bravado “Till we meet again,” any sedative to
purpose is to entertain or share personal experi- postpone the pain of separation.
ences with the reader. Formal essays are more
—Anne Morrow Lindbergh, from “Sayonara”
serious in tone. They include the expository (or
explanatory) essay and the persuasive essay.

Persuasive Essay and Speech

Writing to Persuade
One type of formal essay is the persuasive essay “So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides
or speech. In persuasive writing, the writer tries that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity
to influence the reader’s or listener’s ideas is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate
or actions. A persuasive essay or speech may out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”
contain emotional appeals. However, a specific
—John F. Kennedy, from “A New Generation
type of persuasive writing, known as argument,
of Americans”
relies on logic, reason, and evidence to convince
the reader.

Study Central Visit

to review the different types of nonfiction.

Paddywagon Party, 2001. Colin Bootman.

Oil on Canvas. Private Collection.


Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library
Literary Analysis Model
How do literary elements create meaning in nonfiction?

Because she spent half her childhood in the her roots as a writer and the joy she feels at being
Dominican Republic and the other half in the United part of a comunidad—community—of authors.
States, writer Julia Alvarez experienced firsthand how As you read, notice how she uses elements of the
difficult it can be for a writer to find his or her various types of nonfiction discussed on pages
“voice.” In the essay that follows, Alvarez explains 302–303.

from On Finding
APPLYING a Latino Voice
Literary Elements
by Julia Alvarez
How I discovered a way into my bicultural,
Alvarez’s use of the first- bilingual experience was paradoxically not through
person point of view is a a Hispanic-American writer, but an Asian-American one. Soon after it came
clue that the selection out, I remember picking up The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston.
may be an autobiogra- I gobbled up the book and then I went back to the first page and read
phy or a personal essay. it through again. She addressed the duality of her experience, the Babel
of voices in her head, the confusions and pressures of being a Chinese-
American female. Wow! The silence within me broke.
With her as my model, I set out to write about my own experience
as a Dominican American. And now that I had a name for what I had
been experiencing, I could begin to understand it as not just my personal
problem. I combed the bookstores and libraries. I discovered Latino
Personal Essay
writers I had never heard of: Piri Thomas, Ernesto Galarza, Rudolfo
Anaya, Jose Antonio Villareal, Gary Soto. But I could not find any women
Alvarez focuses on the among these early Latino writers.
lack of women authors The ’80s changed all that. In 1983, Alma Gomez, Cherrie Moraga,
represented in Latino and Mariana Romo-Carmona came out with Cuentos: Stories by Latinas.
writing. This focus is a It was an uneven collection, but the introduction, titled “Testimonio,”
clue that the selection was like a clarion call: “We need una literatura that testifies to our lives,
is a personal essay, provides acknowledgement of who we are: an exiled people, a migrant
describing her thoughts people, mujeres en la lucha1 . . . What hurts is the discovery of the
about Latina writers. measure of our silence. How deep it runs. How many of us are indeed
caught, unreconciled between two languages, two political poles, and
suffer the insecurities of that straddling.”

1. Mujeres en la lucha is Spanish for “Women in the struggle.”

Theo Westernberger/Gamma-Liaison Network/Getty Images
Personal and
Expository Essay
The very next year Sandra Cisneros published her collection of linked
Phrases like “the very
stories, The House on Mango Street; Ana Castillo published her book
next year” help the
of poems, Women Are Not Roses; I published Homecoming. Up at
reader track the
Bread Loaf,2 I met Judith Ortiz Cofer and heard her read poems and
sequence of events
stories that would soon find their way into her books of poems, stories,
Alvarez describes in
and essays and her novel The Line of the Sun. Cherrie Moraga, Helena
her essay.
Maria Viramontes, Denise Chavez. Suddenly there was a whole group
of us, a tradition forming, a dialogue going on. And why not? If
Hemingway and his buddies could have their Paris group and beat poets3
their Black Mountain School,4 why couldn’t we Latinos and Latinas have
our own made-in-the-U.S.A. boom?
Still, I get nervous when people ask me to define myself as a writer.
I hear the cage of a definition close around me with its “subject matter,”
“style,” “concerns.” I find that the best way to define myself is through the
stories and poems that do not limit me to a simple label, a choice.
Maybe it is part of my immigrant uneasiness at the question, in whatever
form, “Do you have something to declare?”5 Maybe, too, after years
of feeling caught between being a “real Dominican” and being American,
I shy away from simplistic choices that will leave out an important part
of who I am or what my work is about.
Certainly none of us serious writers of Latino origin wants to be a
mere flash in the literary pan. We want to write good books that touch
and move all our readers, not just those of our own particular ethnic
background. And speaking for myself, I very much agree with the advice
given to writers by Jean Rhys,6 “Feed the sea, feed the sea.” The little
rivers dry up in the long run, but the sea grows. What matters is the
great body of all that has been thought and felt and written by writers
of different cultures, languages, experiences, classes, races.
At last, I have found a comunidad in the word that I had never Persuasive Essay:
found in a neighborhood in this country. By writing powerfully about our Argument
Latino culture, we are forging a tradition and creating a literature that will
widen and enrich the existing canon. So much depends upon our feeling Alvarez’s thesis—that she
that we have a right and responsibility to do this. and writers like her are
forging a new tradition—
2. Bread Loaf is an annual writer’s conference held in Vermont. appears at the end.
3. The beat poets were part of a social and artistic movement that began in the 1950s. Details in the preceding
They withdrew from society and protested against social norms. paragraphs support the
4. The Black Mountain School was a group of experimental poets in the 1950s that was thesis.
centered in Black Mountain College in North Carolina.
5. The phrase something to declare is a pun. One sense of declare is to “state positively”
or “announce.” Another involves people entering the United States, who are required to
“declare” to a customs agent any valuable property they are carrying and possibly to
pay taxes on it.
6. Jean Rhys (1890–1979) was a West Indian novelist.

Reading Check
Analyzing What comunidad does Alvarez describe?

Writers on Reading
What do writers say about nonfiction?

Believability in Writing
“It’s all storytelling, you know. That’s For me, part of the pleasure of reading comes
what journalism is all about.” from the awareness that an author stands behind
the scenes adroitly pulling the strings. But the
—Tom Brokaw pleasure quickly palls at painful reminders
of that presence—the times when, for instance,
I sense that the author strains to produce yet
another clever metaphor. Then I stop believing
Honesty in Personal Essays in what I read, and usually stop reading. Belief
What the personal essayist must do straightaway is what a reader offers an author, what Coleridge
is establish his honesty. Honesty for a writer is famously called “That willing suspension of
rather different from honesty for others. Honesty, disbelief for the moment, which constitutes
outside literature, means not lying, establishing poetic faith.” All writers have to find ways to
trust through honorable conduct, absolute do their work without disappointing readers
reliability in personal and professional dealings. into withdrawing belief.
In writing, honesty implies something rather I think that the nonfiction writer’s fundamental
different: it implies the accurate, altogether truth- job is to make what is true believable. But for
ful, reporting of feelings, for in literature only some writers lately the job has clearly become
the truth is finally persuasive and persuasiveness more varied: to make believable what the
is at the same time the measure of truth. One writer thinks is true (if the writer wants to be
might think this would be easy enough to do, scrupulous); to make believable what the writer
but it isn’t, especially when one is under the
added pressure of making both the feelings
and the reporting of them keenly interesting.
Two of the chief ways an essayist can prove
interesting are, first, by telling readers things
they already know in their hearts but have
never been able to formulate for themselves;
and, second, by telling them things they do not
know and perhaps have never even imagined.
Sometimes the personal essayist is announcing,
in effect: “Please to notice that I am not so differ-
ent from you in my feelings toward my father
[music, food, sleep, aging, etc.].” When this hap-
pens, an amiable community is built up between
essayist and audience. Sometimes the personal
essayist is announcing, also in effect: “Something
truly extraordinary has happened to me that I
think you will find no less extraordinary than
did I.” When this happens, the reader, through
the mediation of the essayist, finds his or her
own experience enlarged. De Standaard, 20th century. P. J. Crook. Acrylic on canvas
—Joseph Epstein, from “The Personal Essay: and wood. 40 x 51.97 in.
A Form of Discovery”

Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library
Under the Elevated Tracks, 1989. Don Jacot. Louis K. Meisel Gallery, Inc.

wishes were true (if the writer isn’t interested in Where Life and Art Meet
scrupulosity); or to make believable what the
writer thinks might be true (if the writer couldn’t The task of a biographer or autobiographer is to
get the story and had to make it up). understand how the elements within the person
he is writing about and the elements in the world
—Tracy Kidder, from “Making it Believable” surrounding that person both contributed to his
formation. In the case of a literary man, however,
we learn not only what made the man, but what
The Craft of the Biographer made the artist. This makes a bridge between
In examining the lives of other people, one the everyday world and the world of literature,
examines one’s own. A biographer is, in a sense, a connection not always obvious. But it is a
a doppelgänger, a double goer; he becomes the connection of the most fundamental sort. Words
shadow of his character. And an identity devel- cannot exist divorced from men; they depend on
ops between the two, which may be loving, may human experience for their symbolic value.
be hypocritical. I think both these extremes are
—Virginia Woolf, from “How Should One Read a Book”
dangerous. If you love your subject, you end up
writing soppy stuff. And if you hate your subject,
it becomes unreadable for obvious reasons. So I InterActive Reading Practice
think the best relationship that a biographer can Visit to practice these strategies for reading
have with his subject is one of mild affection.
The interest must be there. One has to spend
many years with this person, so you’d better Reading Check
make sure, up front, that it’s going to be a
Responding From your own reading experiences,
congenial relationship.
which passage do you identify with most closely?
—Edmund Morris, from Booknotes Explain.

Louis K. Meisel Gallery, Inc./CORBIS
Guide to Reading Nonfiction Elements of Nonfiction
• When reading nonfiction, first determine • Nonfiction is writing about real people and
what type of work you are reading. real events.
• Try to identify the author’s purpose. Is he • An autobiography tells the story of the
or she writing to inform, to entertain, or to writer’s own life.
• A biography tells the story of another
• If the author’s purpose is to inform, look for person’s life.
a thesis statement and support for the thesis.
• An essay is a short work of nonfiction
• If the author’s purpose is to entertain, look for on a single topic. An essay can be formal
literary elements, such as figurative language, or informal.
dialogue, or suspense.
• Informal, or personal, essays are meant
• If the author’s purpose is to persuade, deter- primarily to entertain. Formal essays are
mine whether the author is presenting an intended to explain, inform, or persuade.
argument, emotional appeals, or a combina-
tion of both.
• Persuasive essays and speeches are intended
to change the way people act and think.
Some persuasive essays and speeches contain
arguments that persuade through logic,
reason, and evidence.

Use what you have learned about reading

Activities nonfiction to complete one of these activities.

1. Speaking/Listening In small groups, discuss the

excerpt from Julia Alvarez’s essay “On Finding a LAYERED-LOOK BOOK
Latino Voice.” In your discussion, identify three
events that helped the author find her voice.
Reader's Questions
2. Visual Literacy Create a Venn diagram to
show the similarities and differences between Who?
autobiography and biography.
3. Writing Reread Alvarez’s essay, noting specific Where?
word choices and structures the author uses. Write
a short essay describing the effect of these choices When?
on the essay as a whole. Why?

Try using this study organizer to jot down questions you

have about the readings in this unit.

• Conduct a discussion of a work of literature. • Compare and contrast types of narrative nonfiction.
• Write a descriptive essay.


Looking into Lives

The Quest. Tomar Levine. Watercolor on paper. Private collection.

Writers create portraits that allow readers to look into the lives of people both
familiar and exotic. The selections in this part look into the lives of people
from all walks of life. As you read, ask yourself: In what ways are these people
different from people I know, and in what ways are they similar?

Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library

Autobiography and Biography

How do writers choose which details to include

when they write about a real person?

An autobiography is the story of a person’s life Someone was drawing water and my teacher
written by that person. Usually it is written in the placed my hand under the spout. As the cool
first-person point of view. Most autobiographies stream gushed over one hand she spelled into
are organized chronologically and reveal the events the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly.
and ideas that shaped the writer’s life. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the
motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty
Birth Childhood School years
consciousness as of something forgotten—a thrill
Young adulthood Adulthood
of returning thought; and somehow the mystery
In this excerpt from her autobiography The Story of language was revealed to me. I knew then that
of My Life, Helen Keller tells how she, a blind and “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something
deaf child, began to realize what words mean. that was flowing over my hand. That living
Because Helen did not understand the difference word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope,
between “mug” and “water,” her teacher created joy, set it free!
an experience to help Helen understand the
—Helen Keller, from The Story of My Life
word water.

Memoir Like an autobiography, a memoir is a Biography
first-person account of a person’s life written
by that person. The chief difference between the A biography is the account of a person’s life
two is that an autobiography is a more complete written by someone other than that person.
summation of a person’s life. A memoir focuses Unlike an autobiographer—who can write mostly
on one period or significant episode in a per- from memory—biographers consult a variety
son’s life. For example, James Herriot has of sources when gathering information about the
written a series of memoirs describing his life subject. Most biographies are organized chrono-
as a veterinarian. logically, and many reflect the attitude the author
has toward his or her subject. Biographies can
vary in length, from brief encyclopedia entries
to works that span several volumes.
In his book Good Brother, Bad Brother, James
The silvery haired old gentleman with the pleasant
Cross Giblin presents a biography about Edwin
face didn’t look the type to be easily upset, but
Booth, the brother of the man who assassinated
his eyes glared at me angrily, and his lips quivered
Abraham Lincoln. In order to gather information
with indignation.
for the biography, Giblin read documents such
“Mr. Herriot,” he said. I have come to make a
as newspaper articles and personal letters to and
complaint. I strongly object to your callousness in
from Edwin Booth.
subjecting my dog to unnecessary suffering.”
“Suffering?” What suffering?” I was mystified.
“I think you know, Mr. Herriot. I brought my dog
in a few days ago. He was very lame, and I am
referring to your treatment on that occasion.” That night Edwin, who was staying at a friend’s
— James Herriot, from “A Case of Cruelty” house in Boston, had trouble getting to sleep. But
he still had no intimation of the shock that was in
store for him the next morning. Without knocking
first, his valet burst into his bedroom shortly after
seven. Thrusting a newspaper in front of a dazed
Edwin, the man exclaimed, “Mr. Booth, President
Lincoln has been shot!” Before Edwin could absorb
that terrible fact, the valet went on: “And—oh, Mr.
Booth—they say your brother John has done it!”
—James Cross Giblin, from “A Brother’s Crime”

Writing a Title Think of a famous person you find
interesting. If you were to write a biography about
the person, what title would you use? Write your title
and then explain your choice.
The Seaside, 1895–1905. Francois Flameng.

•Understand characteristics of autobiography, biography, • Describe and evaluate personal preferences regarding
and memoir. nonfiction.
•Recognize author’s purpose.


Fine Art Photographic Library/CORBIS

Of Dry Goods and

Black Bow Ties

he stories of millions of people who left
their homes to seek better lives in the
United States make up one of the most
interesting chapters in American history. The
parents of Yoshiko Uchida (yō shēkō ō¯ō chēda), After Uchida was released in 1943, she earned
Dwight and Iku, were a part of this chapter. They a master’s degree in education from Smith
immigrated to the United States from Japan. College in Massachusetts. She did not teach,
however. Instead, she worked as a secretary
Treated Like an Enemy Yoshiko Uchida was during the day and wrote in the evenings.
born in Alameda, California. Raised in the Uchida published her first book, The Dancing
nearby community of Berkeley, Uchida Kettle and Other Japanese Folk Tales, in 1949.
finished high school early. She enrolled in
college when she was only sixteen years old. Visit to Japan In 1952, Uchida won a Ford
In 1941, she was studying for final exams at Foundation research grant to study in Japan.
the University of California in Berkeley when Over a period of two years, she traveled around
she learned that Japanese warplanes had the country collecting folktales. She also learned
bombed Pearl Harbor. Then the United States about Japanese arts and crafts. As a result of her
declared war on Japan. experiences in Japan, Uchida gained a deeper
awareness of herself as a Japanese American. She
also developed an increased “respect and admi-
“I write to celebrate our common ration for the culture that had made my parents
what they were.”
humanity, for the basic elements of
Uchida eventually became an award-winning
humanity are present in all our author of more than twenty children’s books.
strivings.” They include A Jar of Dreams, The Bracelet, and
The Magic Purse. Influenced by her heritage,
—Yoshiko Uchida she focused on Japanese American themes in
her work. Uchida hoped that her books would
help Asian American children “be aware of
Not long after, the United States government their history and culture.” She wanted them
decided to imprison thousands of Japanese “to understand some of the traditions, hopes,
Americans. Citizens or not, those of Japanese and values of the early immigrants.” She also
heritage remained in “relocation centers” or hoped her books would touch upon universal
internment camps for months or even years. values and feelings common to all children.
Uchida and her family were among them. Yoshiko Uchida was born in 1921 and died in 1992.
They had to leave everything behind and go
to an internment camp. Until 1943, they lived
in a remote, guarded camp in the Utah desert.
Uchida later recalled this experience in Journey Author Search For more about
to Topaz and its sequel, Journey Home. Yoshiko Uchida, go to
Author Search For more about
Author Name, go to


file photo

Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Analyzing Cause-and-

In this selection, Uchida writes about success and fail- Effect Relationships
ure in the lives of Japanese immigrants who came to A cause is any event that leads to an effect, or result.
live in the United States. Before you read the selection, For example, because Mr. Shimada can sew and speak
think about the following questions: Japanese, Japanese women come to his shop.
• In your opinion, what does it mean to be successful? Reading Tip: Creating Organizers Use cause-and-
• What obstacles do you think an immigrant might effect diagrams like the one shown below to record
have to overcome?
other examples of cause-and-effect relationships that
Building Background you find in this selection. You may have to add Effect
Although this autobiographical essay begins and ends in boxes if a cause has more than one effect.
Berkeley, California, sometime after the mid-1940s, it
mainly recalls events that happened between 1880 and Cause Effect
1929 in Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. One event Mr. Shimada can Japanese women
sew and speak come to his dress-
that is not directly discussed but that affected a central Japanese. making shop.
figure in this selection was a financial panic that trig-
gered widespread selling of stocks on the New York
Stock Exchange. This panic helped begin the Depression
era in the United States. Many businesses failed at this Vocabulary
time, including a dry goods store that Uchida’s father confidant (kon´ fə dant) n. a person to whom
had worked in. Dry goods are fabric, clothing, canned or secrets are entrusted; p. 313 My best friend is a
packaged foods, and other nonperishable items. They true confidant; I can tell her anything.
were sold in “dry goods” stores before supermarkets
became widespread in the late 1940s and 1950s. imposing (im pō zin) adj. impressive in
appearance or manner; p. 314 The pyramids in
Setting Purposes for Reading Egypt are imposing monuments.
Big Idea Looking into Lives exhilarated (i zil ə rāt´əd) adj. cheerful,
As you read, think about facts and details in the selec- lively, or excited; p. 315 The exhilarated cast
tion that bring to life the relationship between Uchida’s took its final bow after a terrific performance.
father and Shozo Shimada, a successful Japanese irreverent (i rev ər ənt) adj. showing a lack of
American businessman. proper respect; p. 316 Jim felt that the unflattering
jokes about our country’s leaders were irreverent.
Literary Element Title
Vocabulary Tip: Synonyms Synonyms are words
The title is the name of a work of literature. Titles may that have the same or nearly the same meaning.
express themes, highlight important details, or point to Note that synonyms are always the same part of
a central character or event. As you read this selection, speech.
pay attention to details that help you understand why
Uchida chose her title.

• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1

Interactive Literary Elements
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • understanding sequence of events in a biography
• analyzing an author’s choice of title • writing an analytical essay
• analyzing cause-and-effect relationships


Yoshiko Uchida

L ong after reaching the age of sixty,

when my father was persuaded at last to
a small six-thousand-ton ship which was buf-
feted all the way by rough seas, he landed in
wear a conservative four-in-hand tie,1 it was Seattle on a bleak January day. He revived him-
not because of his family’s urging, but self with the first solid meal he had enjoyed
because Mr. Shimada2 (I shall call him that) in many days, and then allowed himself one
had died. Until then, for some forty years, day of rest to restore his sagging spirits. Early
my father had always worn a plain black on the second morning, wearing a stiff new
bow tie, a formality which was required on bowler,4 he went to see Mr. Shozo Shimada to
his first job in America and which he had whom he carried a letter of introduction.
continued to observe as faithfully as his At that time, Shozo Shimada was Seattle’s
father before him had worn his samurai3 most successful Japanese business man. He
sword. owned a chain of dry goods stores which
My father came to America in 1906 when he extended not only from Vancouver to
was not yet twenty-one. Sailing from Japan on Portland, but to cities in Japan as well. He
had come to America in 1880, penniless but
1. A four-in-hand tie is a man’s necktie that is tied in a slip enterprising, and sought work as a laborer.
knot with the ends hanging down vertically. It wasn’t long, however, before he saw the
2. Shimada (shē ma  da )
3. In feudal Japan, the sword-carrying samurai (sam oo r¯´)
futility of trying to compete with American
were an aristocratic class of warriors who valued honor
above life itself. 4. A bowler is a hard, round hat with a narrow, curled brim.

Literary Element Title Think about the title of the essay. Big Idea Looking into Lives How might this description
What do you think this essay will be about? reflect his mood, or how he feels when he arrives?


Museum of History and Industry, Seattle, Washington
laborers whose bodies were twice his in mus- a time, Mr. Shimada’s private bank began to
cle and bulk. He knew he would never go far overflow and he soon found it necessary to
as a laborer, but he did possess another skill replenish his supply of socks.
that could give him a start toward better He went to a small dry goods store down-
things. He knew how to sew. It was a matter town, and as he glanced about at the buttons,
of expediency5 over masculine pride. He set threads, needles, and laces, it occurred to him
aside his shovel, bought a second-hand sew- that he owed it to the women to invest their
ing machine, and hung a dressmaker’s sign in savings in a business venture with more future
his window. He was in business. than the dark recesses of his bureau drawer.
In those days, there were some Japanese That night he called a group of them together.
women in Seattle who had neither homes “Think, ladies,” he began. “What are the
nor families nor sewing machines, and were two basic needs of the Japanese living in
delighted to find a friendly Japanese person Seattle? Clothes to wear and food to eat,” he
to do some sewing for them. They flocked to answered himself. “Is that not right? Every
Mr. Shimada with bolts of cloth, elated to man must buy a shirt to put on his back and
discover a dressmaker who could speak pickles and rice for his stomach.”
their native tongue and, although a male, The women marveled at Mr. Shimada’s clev-
sew western-styled dresses for them. erness as he spread before them his fine plans
Mr. Shimada acquainted himself with the for a Japanese dry goods store that would not
fine points of turning a seam, fitting sleeves, only carry everything available in an American
and coping with the slippery folds of satin, dry goods store, but Japanese foodstuff as well.
and soon the women ordered enough dresses That was the beginning of the first Shimada
to keep him thriving and able to establish a Dry Goods Store on State Street.
healthy bank account. He became a trusted By the time my father appeared, Mr.
friend and confidant to many of them and Shimada had long since abandoned his sew-
soon they began to bring him what money ing machine and was well on his way to
they earned for safekeeping. becoming a business tycoon.9 Although he
“Keep our money for us, Shimada-san,” 6 had opened cautiously with such stock items
they urged, refusing to go to American banks as ginghams, flannel, handkerchiefs, socks,
whose tellers spoke in a language they could shirts, overalls, umbrellas, and ladies’ silk
not understand. and cotton stockings, he now carried tins of
At first the money accumulated slowly and salt, rice crackers, bottles of soy sauce, vine-
Mr. Shimada used a pair of old socks as a gar, ginger root, fish-paste cakes, bean paste,
repository,7 stuffing them into a far corner of Japanese pickles, dried mushrooms, salt fish,
his drawer beneath his union suits.8 But after red beans, and just about every item of canned
food that could be shipped from Japan. In
addition, his was the first Japanese store to
5. Expediency is a means of achieving a particular goal, or the
quality of being appropriate to the end in view. install a U.S. Post Office Station, and he there-
6. According to Japanese custom, the suffix -san (san) is added fore flew an American flag in front of the large
after a person’s name to express respect. sign that bore the name of his shop.
7. A repository is a place or object in which something may be
stored for safekeeping.
8. Union suits are one-piece undergarments that combine a
shirt with long pants.
9. A tycoon is a wealthy, powerful businessman.
Big Idea Looking into Lives What does this passage tell Reading Strategy Analyzing Cause-and-Effect
you about the Japanese women who hired Mr. Shimada?
Relationships What causes Mr. Shimada to establish a dry
goods store?
confidant (kon´ fə dant) n. a person to whom secrets Literary Element Title What does Mr. Shimada sell in his
are entrusted store? Why is this detail in the title of the essay?


Viewing the Photograph: How might this 1903 dry goods store in Sacramento, California, compare with
Mr. Shimada’s store?

When my father first saw the big fifties then, a ruddy-faced man whose hair,
American flag fluttering in front of Mr. already turning white, was parted carefully in
Shimada’s shop, he was overcome with the center. He was an imposing figure to
admiration and awe. He expected that Mr. confront a young man fresh from Japan with
Shozo Shimada would be the finest of scarcely a future to look forward to. My
Americanized Japanese gentlemen, and father bowed, summoned as much dignity
when he met him, he was not disappointed. as he could muster, and presented the letter
Although Mr. Shimada was not very tall, of introduction he carried to him.
he gave the illusion of height because of his Mr. Shimada was quick to sense his need.
erect carriage. He wore a spotless black “Do you know anything about bookkeep-
alpaca10 suit, an immaculate11 white shirt, ing?” he inquired.
and a white collar so stiff it might have over- “I intend to go to night school to learn this
come a lesser man. He also wore a black bow very skill,” my father answered.
tie, black shoes that buttoned up the side and Mr. Shimada could assess a man’s qualities
a gold watch whose thick chain looped in a very few minutes. He looked my father
grandly on his vest. He was probably in his straight in the eye and said, “Consider your-
self hired.” Then he added, “I have a few basic
10. Alpaca (al pak ə) is the fleece of the alpaca, a South rules. My employees must at all times wear a
American mammal related to the llama.
11. Immaculate (i mak yə lit) means “perfectly clean” or
“spotless.” Vocabulary
Big Idea Looking into Lives What do these details imposing (im pō zin) adj. impressive in appearance
reveal about Mr. Shimada? or manner


California Historical Society
clean white shirt and a black bow tie. They and their husbands might open grocery stores
must answer the telephone promptly with the and laundries and shoe repair shops. Mr.
words, ‘Good morning or good afternoon, Shimada helped them all and never demanded
Shimada’s Dry Goods,’ and they must always any collateral.12 He operated his banks on faith
treat each customer with respect. It never and trust and gave no thought to such com-
hurts to be polite,” he said thoughtfully. “One mon prudence as maintaining a reserve.13
never knows when one might be indebted to When my father was called to a new
even the lowliest of beggars.” position with a large Japanese firm in San
My father was impressed with these modest Francisco, Mr. Shimada came down to Portland
words from a man of such success. He accepted to extend personally his good wishes. He took
them with a sense of mission and from that day Father to a Chinese dinner and told him over
was committed to white shirts and black bow the peanut duck and chow mein that he would
ties, and treated every customer, no matter how like always to be considered a friend.
humble, with respect and courtesy. When, in “If I can ever be of assistance to you,” he
later years, he had his own home, he never said, “don’t ever hesitate to call.” And with
failed to answer the phone before it could ring a firm shake of the hand, he wished my
twice if at all possible. father well.
My father worked with Mr. Shimada for ten That was in 1916. My father wrote regu-
years, becoming first the buyer for his Seattle larly to Mr. Shimada telling him of his new
store and later, manager of the Portland branch. job, of his bride, and later, of his two chil-
During this time Mr. Shimada continued on a dren. Mr. Shimada did not write often, but
course of exhilarated expansion. He estab- each Christmas he sent a box of Oregon
lished two Japanese banks in Seattle, bought a apples and pears, and at New Year’s a slab of
fifteen-room house outside the dreary confines heavy white rice paste from his Seattle shop.
of the Japanese community and dressed his In 1929 the letters and gifts stopped com-
wife and daughter in velvets and ostrich feath- ing and Father learned from friends in
ers. When his daughter became eighteen, he Seattle that both of Mr. Shimada’s banks
sent her to study in Paris, and the party he had failed. He immediately dispatched a
gave on the eve of her departure, with musi- letter to Mr. Shimada, but it was returned
cians, as well as caterers to serve roast turkey, unopened. The next news he had was that
venison, baked ham, and champagne, seemed Mr. Shimada had had to sell all of his shops.
to verify rumors that he had become one of the My father was now manager of the San
first Japanese millionaires of America. Francisco branch of his firm. He wrote once
In spite of his phenomenal success, how- more asking Mr. Shimada if there was any-
ever, Mr. Shimada never forgot his early thing he could do to help. The letter did not
friends nor lost any of his generosity, and this, come back, but there was no reply, and my
ironically enough, was his undoing. Many father did not write again. After all, how
of the women for whom he had once sewn
dresses were now well established, and they
12. A moneylender sometimes requires a borrower to provide
came to him requesting loans with which they collateral: something of equivalent value offered or
promised as proof that a loan will be repaid.
Literary Element Title Why do you think this detail is 13. A bank maintains a reserve of uninvested funds to meet
highlighted in the title of the essay? possible demands or emergencies (such as a drop in the
value of its invested funds).
Reading Strategy Analyzing Cause-and-Effect Big Idea Looking into Lives What positive traits and
Relationships What are three effects of Mr. Shimada’s
characteristics does Mr. Shimada have?

Reading Strategy Analyzing Cause-and-Effect

Relationships Why do Mr. Shimada’s banks fail? What
exhilarated (i zil ə rāt´ əd) adj. cheerful, lively, or excited happens to Mr. Shimada’s business as a result?


do you offer help to the head of a fallen in a magnificent gesture that recalled his
empire? It seemed almost irreverent. eloquence of the past. “I wish I could give
It was many years later that Mr. Shimada them to your children as a personal gift,” he
appeared one night at our home in Berkeley. In added softly.
the dim light of the front porch my mother was Without asking the price of the set, my
startled to see an elderly gentleman wearing father wrote a check for one hundred dollars
striped pants, a morning and gave it Mr. Shimada.
coat, and a shabby black Mr. Shimada glanced at the check and said,
hat. In his hand he car- “You have given me fifty dollars too much.”
ried a small black He seemed troubled for only a moment, how-
satchel. When she ever, and quickly added, “Ah, the balance is
invited him inside, she for a deposit, is it? Very well, yours will be the
saw that the morning first deposit in my next bank.”
coat was faded, and his “Is your home still in Seattle then?” Father
shoes badly in need of a asked cautiously.
Visual Vocabulary shine. “I am living there, yes,” Mr. Shimada
A morning coat is a
man’s jacket for formal
“I am Shimada,” he answered.
daytime wear, tradition- announced with a And then, suddenly overcome with mem-
ally worn with striped courtly bow, and it was ories of the past, he spoke in a voice so low
trousers and a top hat.
my mother who felt he could scarcely be heard.
inadequate to the occa- “I paid back every cent,” he murmured.
sion. She hurriedly pulled off her apron and “It took ten years, but I paid it back. All of it.
went to call my father. When he heard who I owe nothing.”
was in the living room, he put on his coat “You are a true gentleman, Shimada-san,”
and tie before going out to greet his old Father said. “You always will be.” Then he
friend. pointed to the black tie he wore, saying,
Mr. Shimada spoke to them about Father’s “You see, I am still one of the Shimada men.”
friends in Seattle and about his daughter That was the last time my father saw
who was now married and living in Denver. Shozo Shimada. Some time later he heard
He spoke of a typhoon that had recently swept that he had returned to Japan as penniless as
over Japan, and he drank the tea my mother the day he set out for America.
served and ate a piece of her chocolate cake. It wasn’t until the Christmas after we
Only then did he open his black satchel. heard of Mr. Shimada’s death that I ventured
“I thought your girls might enjoy these to give my father a silk four-in-hand tie. It
books,” he said, as he drew out a brochure was charcoal gray and flecked with threads
describing The Book of Knowledge. of silver. My father looked at it for a long
“Fourteen volumes that will tell them of the time before he tried it on, and then fingering
wonders of this world.” He spread his arms it gently, he said, “Well, perhaps it is time
now that I put away my black bow ties.” 
Big Idea Looking into Lives What does this action tell
you about Uchida’s father?

Reading Strategy Analyzing Cause-and-Effect
irreverent (i rev ər ənt) adj. showing a lack of proper Relationships How does Mr. Shimada’s life change after
respect the Great Depression?



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Describe your reaction to what happens to Mr. 5. What are the most important lessons that the
Shimada. author’s father learned from his experience of
working for Mr. Shimada?
Recall and Interpret
6. In your opinion, is Mr. Shimada a shrewd or a naive
2. (a)What happens after Japanese Americans in Mr.
businessman? Use evidence from the selection to
Shimada’s neighborhood entrust him with their
support your answer.
savings? (b)What traits and qualities do you think
help Mr. Shimada become a success in business? 7. What conclusions can you draw, based on your
reading of this essay, about the impact of the stock
3. (a)Summarize what happens to Mr. Shimada and
market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression on
his businesses after the stock market crash of
the lives of Americans?
1929. (b)Why does Mr. Shimada’s generosity
prove to be his “undoing”? Connect
4. (a)When does the author’s father decide it is 8. Big Idea Looking into Lives Would you want to
time to put away his black bow ties? (b)Why work for a boss like Mr. Shimada? Explain.
might the author’s father have continued to wear
black bow ties even after he no longer worked for
Mr. Shimada?


Literary Element Title Review: Biography

Many works of literature have a title that is linked to As you learned on pages 308–309, a biography is an
the work’s central theme or to the traits of a major account of a person’s life written by someone other
character. The link may be subtle or obvious. Often, than the subject.
writers attempt to select for their titles catchy, intrigu-
Partner Activity With a partner, create a sequence
ing words and phrases to spark the readers’ curiosity
chain like the one below, completing it with the most
and interest. Consider your own first reaction to the
significant events from Mr. Shimada’s life. Expand the
title of this essay as well as the relationship between
chain to include as many events as necessary. Use your
the title and the essay itself. Then answer the follow-
completed sequence chain to summarize the biography.
ing questions.
1. In your opinion, why did Uchida give her essay the
comes to America in 1880
title “Of Dry Goods and Black Bow Ties”?
2. Do you think the title is effective? Explain.
3. If Uchida had invited you to think of a good title for
becomes dressmaker in Seattle
this selection, what would you have suggested?



Reading Strategy Analyzing Cause-and- Writing About Literature

Effect Relationships Analyze Tone The tone of a work of literature is
Sometimes, you will recognize cause-and-effect a reflection of a writer’s attitude toward a subject.
relationships in a work of literature because the Authors convey tone through words and details that
author uses clue words such as because, as a result, express emotions and that create an emotional
since, when, or therefore. When you do recognize response in the reader. Write a brief essay in which
cause-and-effect relationships, determine whether the you analyze the tone of this biographical selection.
cause has one effect or more than one effect. Before First, identify how Uchida feels about Mr. Shimada, the
you answer the following questions, review the cause- subject of the essay. Then give examples of words,
and-effect diagrams you created as you read this phrases, and details that Uchida uses to create and
selection. communicate this tone.

1. Identify two clue words that Uchida uses to signal As you draft, state your thesis in the introduction, pro-
cause-and-effect relationships in this essay. vide examples to support your analysis, and conclude
with a summary of your main points. Follow the writ-
2. Identify a cause-and-effect relationship in this essay ing path shown here to help organize your essay.
that has one effect.
3. Identify a cause-and-effect relationship that has
multiple effects. State your thesis.

Vocabulary Practice
Body Paragraph(s)
Practice with Synonyms Choose the better syn- Present main ideas that sup-
onym for each vocabulary word. Use a dictionary or port your thesis, details from
a thesaurus if you need help. the story, and explanation.

1. imposing a. big b. grand

2. confidant a. acquaintance b. friend Conclusion
Briefly restate your thesis.
3. exhilarated a. elated b. happy
4. irreverent a. disrespectful b. wrong
After you complete your draft, meet with a peer
reviewer to evaluate each other’s work and to suggest
revisions. Then proofread and edit your draft for errors
Academic Vocabulary in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Here is a word from the vocabulary list on

page R86. This word will help you think, talk, Literature Groups
and write about the selection.
A paradox is an idea that includes two parts. Both
finance (fi nans) v. to provide or raise the parts are true but seem to contradict each other. With
funds for a small group, discuss these paradoxes that character-
ize Mr. Shimada:
Practice and Apply
Who helped finance Mr. Shimada’s first dry goods
• He appeared to be tall, but he was actually short.
store? • He was a success and a failure.
Identify facts that support the “truth” within each para-
dox and vote on which part of the paradox seems
Web Activities For eFlashcards, truer than the other. Share the results of your vote
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to with the class.



Only Daughter

andra Cisneros says that coming from a
Mexican American family gives her “two
ways of looking at the world” and “twice
as many words to pick from.” Although
Cisneros weaves Spanish words and phrases
into her writing, she writes poetry and fiction
primarily in English. “knew and loved but never saw in the pages
of the books” that she borrowed from the
Poverty and Alienation Cisneros grew up in «fieldslibrary. As she portrayed life through the eyes
page, placement, credits
«If Page = pageinfo(3)»«placement »«credits» «repeat 50»«if
Chicago, Illinois, in a working-class Mexican
next page <> pageinfo(3)»
of a female Mexican American protagonist,
American family. As she explains in her essay Csineros culled her own identity for her
“Only Daughter,” she was the only girl in a themes and for elements of her style.
family of seven children. As a child, she expe-
rienced poverty firsthand. She also felt alien-
ated because her family moved frequently
between the United States and Mexico. As a “I am a woman and a Latina. Those
result of moving and changing schools fre- are the things that make my writing
quently, Cisneros had difficulty making
friends and spent a lot of time alone. distinctive. Those are the things that
While attending Catholic schools in Chicago, give my writing power.”
Cisneros studied hard, but she received poor
—Sandra Cisneros
grades. One reason was that she was too shy
to speak up in class. As a young teenager, she
began to write stories and poems to express
her feelings and observations on paper. A Writer’s Life Despite the success of The
House on Mango Street, which won the
Finding Her Voice After graduating from American Book Award, Cisneros struggled
high school, Cisneros studied English at to earn a living after she finished graduate
Loyola University in Chicago. Later, she school. She worked as a high school teacher, a
attended graduate school at the University college recruiter, and a college professor while
of Iowa where she earned a master’s degree writing at night at her kitchen table. After she
in poetry from the famed Iowa Writers’ received a National Endowment for the Arts
Workshop. While she was in graduate school, grant in 1988, Cisneros was able to work on
she realized that she wanted to write about Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, which
her unique experiences as a Mexican was published in 1991. Since then, she has
American. published a fourth book of poems, a children’s
At this point in her life, Cisneros also began to book, and her first novel, Caramelo.
write the vignettes that were later published Sandra Cisneros was born in 1954.
in her acclaimed work of fiction The House on
Mango Street (1984). In that collection of con-
nected stories, as well as in her other writing, Author Search
Author Search For
For more
more about
she focused on poor families—the people she Author Name,
Sandra go go
Cisneros, to to


AP/Wide World

Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Drawing Conclusions

In this autobiographical essay, Cisneros discusses About Author’s Beliefs
being the only daughter in her family. Before you read When you draw a conclusion, you use a number of
the selection, think about the following questions: pieces of information to make a general statement
about people, places, events, or ideas. By drawing
• Does being a family’s only daughter or son affect conclusions about an author’s beliefs, you can bet-
who a person is? If so, how?
ter understand and interpret how an author’s ideas
• How does being the eldest, middle, youngest, or and opinions are related to what you are reading.
only child in a family affect a person?

Building Background Reading Tip: Making a Chart Use a chart to list

This autobiographical essay was first published in details that will help you draw conclusions about
Glamour magazine in 1990. In the essay, Cisneros Cisneros’s beliefs regarding the role of women, getting
recalls events that occurred during her childhood in an education, and becoming a writer.
Chicago, during her years in college, and during a visit
to her parents at Christmas the year before this essay Role of Getting an Becoming
was written. She describes her relationship with her
Women Education a Writer
father, an upholsterer from Mexico, who acted as the
head of her household and as the chief breadwinner felt “erased” in fifth grade aloneness
for her family. She remembers him referring to his by her father planned to was good
children as “hijos” (ēh ōs). In Spanish, hijos means go to college for her
“sons,” but it also means “children.” When Cisneros’s
father speaks directly to his daughter, he uses the fem-
inine equivalent of the word hijo, which is hija (ē ha).
He says “mi’ja” (mē ha), which is a shortening of mi Vocabulary
and hija, meaning “my daughter.”
anthology (an thol ə jē) n. a collection of
Setting Purposes for Reading written works, such as poems, stories, or essays,
in a single book or set; p. 321 My favorite story
Big Idea Looking into Lives and Sam’s favorite story are both in an anthology,
As you read, think about details in the selection that Best Short Stories About New England.
give readers an idea of what Cisneros’s life was like as
retrospect (ret rə spekt´) n. the act of looking
the only daughter in a large Mexican American family.
back or thinking about the past; p. 322 In retro-
spect the detective realized that he had missed an
Literary Element Author’s Purpose important clue.
An author’s purpose, or reason for writing, may be embroider (em broi dər) v. to make a story
to entertain, to persuade, to express opinions, to more interesting with imaginary details or exag-
describe, or to inform. As you read this selection, pay gerations; p. 322 Cal did not embroider his
attention to words, phrases, and details that help you account of being lost at sea; the true story was
determine Cisneros’s purpose for writing. thrilling enough.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 fulfill (fool fil) v. to measure up to, or satisfy;
to bring to pass; p. 322 Dawn is determined to
Interactive Literary Elements fulfill her dream of competing in the Olympics.
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • analyzing characterization
• recognizing author’s purpose • writing a personal response
• drawing conclusions about an author’s beliefs


Sandra Cisneros Woman in Cordilleran Night, 1996. Maria Eugenia Terrazas.
Watercolor, 70 ⫻ 70 cm. Kactus Foto, Santiago, Chile.
Viewing the Art: How does the artist’s use of color and lines
affect the mood of this painting? Compare and contrast this
woman with the narrator in this selection.

O nce, several years ago, when I was

just starting out my writing career, I was
of six sons forced me by circumstance to
spend a lot of time by myself because my
asked to write my own contributor’s note for brothers felt it beneath them to play with a
an anthology I was part of. I wrote: “I am girl in public. But that aloneness, that loneli-
the only daughter in a family of six sons. ness, was good for a would-be writer—it
That explains everything.” allowed me time to think and think, to
Well, I’ve thought about that ever since, imagine, to read and prepare myself.
and yes, it explains a lot to me, but for the Being only a daughter for my father meant
reader’s sake I should have written: “I am my destiny would lead me to become some-
the only daughter in a Mexican family of six one’s wife. That’s what he believed. But
sons.” Or even: “I am the only daughter of a when I was in the fifth grade and shared my
Mexican father and a Mexican-American plans for college with him, I was sure he
mother.” Or: “I am the only daughter of a understood. I remember my father saying,
working-class family of nine.” All of these “Qué bueno, mi’ja,1 that’s good.” That meant
had everything to do with who I am today. a lot to me, especially since my brothers
I was/am the only daughter and only a thought the idea hilarious. What I didn’t
daughter. Being an only daughter in a family realize was that my father thought college
was good for girls—good for finding a
Literary Element Author’s Purpose How do the first two husband. After four years in college and
paragraphs of the selection give you clues about the author’s two more in graduate school, and still no
purpose for writing this essay?

1. Qué bueno, mi’ja (kā bwānō mēha)

anthology (an tholə jē) n. a collection of written Reading Strategy Drawing Conclusions About
works, such as poems, stories, or essays, in a single book Author’s Beliefs What conclusion can you draw about
or set Cisneros’s beliefs on what it takes to become a writer?


Kactus Foto, Santiago, Chile/SuperStock
husband, my father shakes his head even paperbacks with tragedy and trauma erupt-
now and says I wasted all that education. ing from the characters’ mouths in bubbles.
In retrospect, I’m lucky my father believed My father represents, then, the public
daughters were meant for husbands. It majority. A public who is disinterested in
meant it didn’t matter if I majored in some- reading, and yet one whom I am writing
thing silly like English. After all, I’d find a about and for, and privately trying to woo.
nice professional eventually, right? This When we were growing up in Chicago,
allowed me the liberty to putter about we moved a lot because of my father. He
embroidering my little poems and stories suffered bouts of nostalgia.9 Then we’d have
without my father interrupting with so to let go our flat, store the furniture with
much as a “What’s that you’re writing?” mother’s relatives, load the station wagon
But the truth is, I wanted him to interrupt. with baggage and bologna sandwiches and
I wanted my father to understand what it head south. To Mexico City.
was I was scribbling, to introduce me as “My We came back, of course. To yet another
only daughter, the writer.” Not as “This is Chicago flat, another Chicago neighborhood,
only my daughter. She teaches.” Es maestra— another Catholic school. Each time, my father
teacher. Not even profesora.2 would seek out the parish priest in order to
In a sense, everything I have ever written get a tuition break, and complain or boast: “I
has been for him, to win his approval even have seven sons.”
though I know my father can’t read English He meant siete hijos,10 seven children, but
words, even though my father’s only read- he translated it as “sons.” “I have seven
ing includes the brown-ink Esto3 sports mag- sons.” To anyone who would listen. The
azines from Mexico City and the bloody Sears Roebuck employee who sold us the
¡Alarma! magazines4 that feature yet another washing machine. The short-order cook
sighting of La Virgen de Guadalupe5 on a where my father ate his ham-and-eggs
tortilla or a wife’s revenge on her philander- breakfasts. “I have seven sons.” As if he
ing husband6 by bashing his skull in with a deserved a medal from the state.
molcajete (a kitchen mortar7 made of volcanic My papa. He didn’t mean anything by
rock). Or the fotonovelas,8 the little picture that mistranslation, I’m sure. But somehow I
could feel myself being erased. I’d tug my
2. Es maestra (es m¯ āstrə); profesora (prō´ fes ō rə),
father’s sleeve and whisper: “Not seven
means “professor.” sons. Six! and one daughter.”
3. Esto (āstō) When my oldest brother graduated from
4. The ¡Alarma! magazines feature exciting stories about medical school, he fulfilled my father’s
famous people, strange events, and shocking crimes.
5. La Virgen de Guadalupe (la vērhin dā wa də loopā),
dream that we study hard and use this—our
meaning “the Virgin of Guadalupe,” is a name for Jesus’ heads, instead of this—our hands. Even now
mother, Mary, the patron saint of Mexico. my father’s hands are thick and yellow,
6. A philandering husband is one who cheats on his wife.
stubbed by a history of hammer and nails
7. A molcajete (mōl´kə hātā), or kitchen mortar, is a thick
bowl used to crush substances, such as dried spices, into a
powder or paste.
8. fotonovelas (fō´tō nō vālas)
9. Nostalgia is a sentimental longing for the past.
10. Siete hijos (syetā ēhōs)
Big Idea Looking into Lives How would you describe
the relationship between Cisneros and her father? Big Idea Looking into Lives Why does the author’s
father boast about having seven sons rather than seven
retrospect (retrə spekt´) n. the act of looking back or
thinking about the past Vocabulary
embroider (em broidər) v. to make a story more inter- fulfill (fool fil) v. to measure up to, or satisfy; to bring
esting with imaginary details or exaggerations to pass


and twine and coils and springs. “Use this,” leisure hours horizontally. And that’s how I
my father said, tapping his head, “and not found him, watching a Pedro Infante movie
this,” showing us those hands. He always on Galavision15 and eating rice pudding.
looked tired when he said it. There was a glass filmed with milk on the
Wasn’t college an investment? And hadn’t bedside table. There were several vials of
I spent all those years in college? And if I pills and balled Kleenex. And on the floor,
didn’t marry, what was it all for? Why one black sock and a plastic urinal that I
would anyone go to college and then choose didn’t want to look at but looked at anyway.
to be poor? Especially someone who had Pedro Infante was about to burst into song,
always been poor. and my father was laughing.
Last year, after ten years of writing profes- I’m not sure if it was because my story
sionally, the financial rewards started to was translated into Spanish, or because it
trickle in. My second National Endowment was published in Mexico, or perhaps
for the Arts11 Fellowship. A guest professor- because the story dealt with Tepeyac, the
ship at the University of California, Berkeley. colonia16 my father was raised in and the
My book, which sold to a major New York house he grew up in, but at any rate, my
publishing house. father punched the mute button on his
At Christmas, I flew home to Chicago. The remote control and read my story.
house was throbbing, same as always: hot I sat on the bed next to my father and
tamales12 and sweet tamales hissing in my waited. He read it very slowly. As if he were
mother’s pressure cooker, and everybody— reading each line over and over. He laughed
my mother, six brothers, wives, babies, at all the right places and read lines he liked
aunts, cousins—talking too loud and at the out loud. He pointed and asked questions:
same time, like in a Fellini13 film, because “Is this So-and-so?” “Yes,” I said. He kept
that’s just how we are. reading.
I went upstairs to my father’s room. One When he was finally finished, after what
of my stories had just been translated into seemed like hours, my father looked up and
Spanish and published in an anthology of asked: “Where can we get more copies of
Chicano14 writing, and I wanted to show it this for the relatives?”
to him. Ever since he recovered from a stroke Of all the wonderful things that happened
two years ago, my father likes to spend his to me last year, that was the most
11. The National Endowment for the Arts is a U.S. government
agency that awards money in the form of grants and
fellowships to writers and other artists. 15. Pedro Infante (in fantā) is a popular Mexican movie star
12. A tamale (tə mal¯ā) is a Mexican dish made of highly who can occasionally be seen on Galavision, a Spanish-
seasoned ground meat that is rolled in cornmeal dough, language, cable-television channel.
wrapped in corn husks, and steamed. 16. Tepeyac (tā pā yak) is a district (colonia) of Mexico City.
13. The movies of Italian director Federico Fellini (1920–1993)
are often filled with strange characters and noisy, chaotic Literary Element Author’s Purpose Why do you think
events. Cisneros tells this story about her father?
14. Chicano (chi kanō) means “Mexican American.”

Reading Strategy Drawing Conclusions About Reading Strategy Drawing Conclusions About
Author’s Beliefs Mr. Cisneros’s beliefs about the purpose Author’s Beliefs Why is this experience important to
of education are clearly stated. What conclusion can you Cisneros as a daughter, as a Mexican American woman,
draw about Sandra Cisneros’s beliefs about education? and as a writer?



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. How did you react to the author’s experience as an 5. By writing “My father represents, then, the public
only daughter? majority,” what might Cisneros be saying about her
father—and about society? Explain.
Recall and Interpret
6. “I am the only daughter in a family of six sons. That
2. (a)Describe Cisneros’s family. (b)In your opinion,
explains everything.” In what ways does the essay
why does Cisneros write more about her father in
confirm or contradict Cisneros’s statement?
this essay than about any other family member?
7. Explain how being the only daughter, and “only” a
3. (a)How was her father’s attitude toward his daugh-
daughter, has proven to be both a positive and a
ter’s college education different from his
negative experience for Cisneros.
attitude toward his sons’ educations? (b)Do you
think that Cisneros was affected by his attitude? Connect
Explain why or why not, using details from the
8. Cisneros seeks approval from her father. In your
selection to support your answer.
experience, is this a goal that is specific to certain
4. (a)How does Cisneros react to her father’s request cultures or a common goal of all children? Explain.
for copies of her story? (b)In your opinion, why
does the father react differently to the story she 9. Big Idea Looking into Lives How does the use

gives him at Christmas than to all the other work of Spanish words, as well as the references to
she has done? Mexican television, food, and magazines, help you
look into Cisneros’s life?


Social Change in the 1960s problems helped spark the Chicano move-
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Chicago had ment, or the Mexican American struggle for
the third largest Mexican-origin population in political and civil rights. In part, this move-
the United States behind Los Angeles and ment sought to improve education, gain voting
San Antonio. Many Mexican Americans in rights, help migrant farm workers, and
urban areas faced unemployment, poverty, and awaken cultural pride. During that period,
racial discrimination. During the 1960s, these some Mexican Americans also began to
question traditional family structure and
social roles.

Group Activity Discuss the following questions

with classmates. Use evidence from “Only
Daughter” to support your opinions.
1. Do you think Cisneros was influenced by
political and social changes taking place in
the 1960s and 1970s? Why or why not?
2. How might the Chicano movement have
affected a young, aspiring writer like
Cisneros? Explain your answer.


Kim Karpeles/Alamy Images

Literary Element Author’s Purpose Reading Strategy Drawing Conclusions

Sometimes an author may have more than one About Author’s Beliefs
purpose for writing. For example, you may find parts Drawing conclusions about an author’s beliefs can
of “Only Daughter” entertaining, but Cisneros also had help you understand the author’s purpose for writing
something important to say about being a daughter a literary work and better appreciate his or her choice
and the role of women in society. of subject. Refer to the chart in which you listed facts
1. In your opinion, what is Cisneros’s primary purpose and details in this selection about Cisneros’s beliefs
for writing this essay? Explain. regarding the role of women, getting an education,
and becoming a writer.
2. This work was published in Glamour magazine,
which is read almost exclusively by women, many 1. From the facts and details in your chart, what con-
of whom are young and single. How might this clusion can you draw about Cisneros’s beliefs on
information help you understand the author’s the role of women?
purpose? 2. What conclusion can you draw about Cisneros’s
beliefs on getting an education?
Review: Characterization 3. What conclusion can you draw about Cisneros’s
beliefs on becoming a writer?
As you learned on page 161, an author reveals the
personality of a character through characterization.
In direct characterization, an author makes direct state- Vocabulary Practice
ments about a character. In indirect characterization,
an author reveals a character through his or her words, Practice with Analogies Complete each analogy
thoughts, and actions and through what other charac- below by identifying the relationship between the
ters think and say about that character. first pair of words and applying that relationship to
the second pair of words.
Partner Activity With a partner, find details that
reveal what Cisneros’s father is like. Then complete a 1. poem : anthology :: episode :
character web like the one below. When you are fin- a. story b. series c. play
ished, identify the methods of characterization that 2. embroider : exaggerate :: lie :
Cisneros uses to bring her father to life in this autobio- a. lesson b. deceive c. disagree
graphical essay. 3. retrospect : remember :: opinion :
a. believe b. fact c. debate
4. fulfill : abandon :: succeed
Cisneros’s father a. ascertain b. overcome c. fail

Direct Indirect
characterization characterization Academic Vocabulary
Here is a word from the vocabulary list on
page R86. This word will help you think, talk,
and write about the selection.

adequate (adə kwət) adj. reasonably sufficient

sports to satisfy a requirement

Practice and Apply

Does Cisneros provide adequate information for
you to understand her father? Explain.



Writing About Literature Cisneros’s Language and Style

Respond to Theme The implied theme of “Only Using Compound Adjectives A compound adjective
Daughter” is that our culture, our personal experiences, consists of two or more words that function as one
and the time and place in which we grow up helps adjective to modify or describe a noun or pronoun (for
make us who we are. Do you agree or disagree with example, a dog that is reddish brown). When a com-
Cisneros’s ideas and opinions? Write a brief essay in pound adjective comes before the noun or pronoun it
which you express your personal response to the modifies, a hyphen shows that the words function
theme of this selection. together as a single adjective (a reddish-brown dog).
Begin with an introduction in which you state the In “Only Daughter,” Cisneros uses compound adjec-
theme of “Only Daughter” and your response to it. In tives that are joined with a hyphen. For example, she
the body of your essay, explain your response using writes, “But that aloneness, that loneliness, was good
evidence from the selection. Conclude your essay for a would-be writer.” The compound adjective
with a summary of your response. Follow the writing “would-be” refers to a person who, later in life, would
path shown here to help you organize your essay. be a writer.

Examples Meaning

State the theme and your would-be writer someone who would be

Introduction a writer
overall response.
working-class family people who work for a

short-order cook someone who cooks
Explain your response. Use evi- individual, or short,

Body orders
dence to support your reasons.

Activity Create a chart of your own, listing three other

Restate your response to hyphenated compound adjectives that you find in

Conclusion the theme. “Only Daughter.”

F IN I S H Revising Check
After completing your draft, meet with a peer reviewer Compound Adjectives When you revise your own
to evaluate each other’s work and to suggest revisions. writing, check that you have correctly hyphenated any
Then proofread and edit your draft to correct errors in compound adjectives. Have a partner look over your
spelling, grammar, and punctuation. response to the theme of “Only Daughter” to spot any
compound adjectives that should be hyphenated.
Listening and Speaking
Review how Cisneros’s father reacts when he reads
his daughter’s story in the anthology of Chicano writ-
ing (page 323). With a partner, role-play for the rest of
the class how you think father and daughter might
interact while he reads and reacts to her essay, “Only
Daughter.” Find places in the essay that might, for
example, provoke him to smile, feel regret, or ask Web Activities For eFlashcards,
questions. Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to



A Brother’s Crime

ho wants to write about the “bad
guys” in history? James Cross Giblin
does. He has already written about
Adolf Hitler and John Wilkes Booth, Abraham
Lincoln’s assassin. He is currently working on
the biography of Senator Joseph McCarthy, the
man whose investigations of suspected
Communists ruined so many lives in the
1950s. For Giblin, “bad guys”—who often see
themselves as heroes—make terrific stories. The Writing Life Because acting was an
unpredictable career, Giblin started working
Theater Background Giblin, who wrote his as an editor. He enjoyed this career tremen-
own comic strips as a child, was more inter- dously and discovered that he particularly
ested in acting than writing when he was in liked working on books for young audiences.
high school. After seeing a notice in a local From editing, the transition to writing
newspaper, he auditioned for a role in a com- was natural, and in 1980, working with
munity play and got the part. After the play collaborator Dale Ferguson, Giblin published
was over, he said, “I was hooked on the the- The Scarecrow Book. It was the beginning of a
ater.” In college, he studied drama and per- long list of nonfiction titles on topics ranging
formed in many plays. from skyscrapers and defensive walls to
windows, pasteurized milk, and famous
“I approach my nonfiction topics as if Finding the Facts Giblin enjoys the research
I were playing detective.” required to write a nonfiction book. Tracking
down information seems to come naturally
—James Cross Giblin to him, and many critics have noted his
thoroughness in this area. Giblin does not do
his research exclusively in libraries. For his
Giblin feels that his acting work actually helps biography of Hitler, for example, he traveled
him develop narrative interest and pacing in across Europe twice.
his nonfiction writing. “My training in the the- Giblin asserts that he is not a professional
ater has given me a sense of drama that comes historian, which he feels may be an advantage
in handy when I’m trying to shape [my writ- to his readers. As an amateur, he says, “I
ing] in a way that will catch and hold the approach a subject on much the same level as
reader’s attention,” he says. He explains that my young readers, and we discover together
actors ask themselves, “What is my charac- what’s interesting and important about it.”
ter’s chief goal, and how does he or she go
about trying to achieve it?” This is similar, James Cross Giblin was born in 1933.
Giblin points out, to the biographer’s job of
determining his or her subject’s motivations Author Search For more about
and inner life. James Cross Giblin, go to Author Search For more about
Author Name, go to


Alejandra Villa

Connecting to the Text Reading Strategy Activating Prior

In “A Brothers Crime,” a man’s life is changed by his Knowledge
brother’s crime. Before you read the selection, think Activating prior knowledge is considering what you
about the following questions: already know about a person, place, idea, or event in a
• How would you deal with the news that a family literary work and using that knowledge to deepen your
understanding of what you are reading. As you read “A
member had committed a crime?
• How might your life change if someone close to Brother’s Crime,” you can activate, or use, your prior
knowledge of Lincoln, the Civil War, and human
you committed a terrible crime?
Building Background
Stage actors were the celebrities of the nineteenth Reading Tip: Recording What You Know Record
century. Perhaps the greatest actor of his day was details about which you have prior knowledge.
Edwin Booth, of whom one admiring critic wrote,
“Edwin Booth has done more for the stage in America Detail Prior Knowledge
than any other man.” Lincoln, who was an enthusiastic
and regular theatergoer, saw Edwin Booth perform p. 329 This is near the end
many times. Edwin’s brother, John Wilkes Booth, was “April 14, 1865” of the Civil War.
also an accomplished actor. When John Wilkes Booth
shot Lincoln, he fired his shot from the president’s box,
jumped onto the stage, and cried out, “Sic semper
tyrannis.” This is the motto of the state of Virginia, Vocabulary
which means “death always to tyrants.” John Wilkes
premonition (prē´ mə nish ən) n. anticipation
Booth, who believed that his actions were honorable,
of an event without outside warning or reason;
was easily recognized in what became his final role.
p. 329 Dad had a premonition about the storm, so
Setting Purposes for Reading we all moved to higher ground.
intimation (in´ tə mā shən) n. suggestion or
Big Idea Looking into Lives
hint; p. 330 The slight tic in the applicant’s eye
Notice how Giblin uses contrast, as well as standard was the only intimation of his nervousness.
methods of characterization such as words and actions,
to reveal Edwin Booth at this key moment in his life. calamity (kə lam ə tē) n. a disastrous event;
p. 331 The hurricane was a calamity for which
few people were fully prepared.
Literary Element Historical Narrative
perpetrator (pur pə trā´ tər) n. one who com-
A historical narrative is a work of nonfiction that tells
mits a crime or other similar act; p. 331 Police
the story of important historical events or develop-
captured the perpetrator within hours.
ments. As you read the historical narrative that follows,
note how you learn facts and gain insights into the incriminating (in krim ə nāt´ in) adj. showing
lives of real people, as well as into the time period. involvement in a crime; p. 332 Detectives found
stolen goods and other incriminating items.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1
Vocabulary Tip: Word Origins The origin of a word
Interactive Literary Elements is its history. Many English words come from Latin,
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements, Greek, and earlier forms of the English language.
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • recognizing interior monologue
• identifying the characteristics of historical narratives • writing an analytical essay
• activating prior knowledge


James Cross Giblin

stairs to the balcony. Many had come just to

E dwin Booth often had premonitions

that something bad was going to happen. But
see Booth, who, at thirty-one, was considered
one of America’s finest actors, if not the finest.
But many others had come to celebrate the
there is no evidence that he had any advance end of the Civil War.
warning on April 14, 1865, of the terrible The Sunday before, on April 9, the
event that was about to befall him and the Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, had sur-
nation. On that Friday—Good Friday1—Booth rendered to the Union commander, Ulysses
sat in his dressing room at the Boston Theatre, S. Grant, at the little town of Appomattox
applying his makeup for the evening perfor- Courthouse in Virginia. Four years of
mance. The theater’s manager had told him increasingly bloody warfare had ended in
the house was sold out, and Booth wanted to victory for the North. Now, while the South
give the crowd his best. mourned its loss, people all across the North
An air of eager expectation filled the audi- rejoiced that the fighting was over. The
torium as the audience members took their Union flag—the American flag—flew every-
seats in the orchestra2 or climbed the steep where, and red-white-and-blue bunting 3
decorated lampposts and storefronts in
1. Good Friday is the day that Christians observe as the
towns large and small.
anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion. On Good Friday, thousands of Norther-
2. Here, orchestra refers to a seating area on the first floor of a ners gave thanks for the victory by attending
church services in the morning. That
Literary Element Historical Narrative Identify the time, evening, theaters were packed in cities
the place, and the person who is the subject of this historical
3. Bunting is loosely woven fabric or coarse muslin used for
Vocabulary flags and other decorations.

premonition (prē´ mə nish ən) n. anticipation of an Reading Strategy Activating Prior Knowledge How did
event without outside warning or reason many Southerners feel at this time?


Mary Evans Picture Library/The Image Works
throughout the North—and Boston was no evidence, that Lincoln would make himself
exception. For the occasion, Edwin Booth, king of the United States if the North won
who was famed for his performances in the war. The last time they’d been together,
Shakespeare’s plays, chose something in a John had stormed out of the room when
less classical vein. He decided to appear as Edwin, whose sympathies were with the
the villain, Sir Edward Mortimer, in a melo- North, told him that he’d voted for Lincoln’s
drama4 that never failed to please the crowd: re-election. Oh, John could be headstrong.8
The Iron Chest. But to shoot the president—to try to kill
When Edwin made his entrance, clad5 in him? That wasn’t the brother he knew and
black velvet, the audience greeted him with loved.
loud applause. Unlike most actors of his day, Edwin grabbed the newspaper from the
Booth never indulged in grand gestures or valet and quickly scanned the story of the
studied6 poses. Instead, he acted in a more shooting, which occupied the entire front
realistic style, relying on his low, intense page. It said that President Lincoln had been
voice and piercing dark eyes to compel the shot and gravely wounded in his box at
spectators’ attention. Not a sound could be Ford’s Theatre in Washington, where he and
heard in the vast theater during the climactic his wife had gone to see a play. And there it
death scene, when Booth, as Sir Edward, was, the name of the attacker, who had been
finally admitted his guilt. And at the end, he recognized at once by many in the audience.
was brought back for curtain call after cur- He was the dashing, dark-haired young
tain call. actor who stirred many feminine hearts
That night Edwin, who was staying at a when he played Romeo in Shakespeare’s
friend’s house in Boston, had trouble getting Romeo and Juliet and other romantic roles:
to sleep. But he still had no intimation of the John Wilkes Booth.
shock that was in store for him the next Later, Edwin would write to a friend that
morning. Without knocking first, his valet7 when he saw his brother’s name in print, he
burst into his bedroom shortly after seven. felt “as if I had been struck on the head by a
Thrusting a newspaper in front of a dazed hammer.” As he struggled to comprehend
Edwin, the man exclaimed, “Mr. Booth, the dreadful news, his mind was a jumble of
President Lincoln has been shot!” Before worries and fears. He thought of his mother,
Edwin could absorb that terrible fact, the at home in New York with his older sister,
valet went on: “And—oh, Mr. Booth—they Rosalie. John had always been his mother’s
say your brother John has done it!” favorite; how would she deal with the news?
His brother John . . . how could that be? Would she have the strength to go on? And
Edwin knew that John strongly supported where was John now? The newspaper said
the South and hated Abraham Lincoln. He’d he had escaped—where had he gone?
often heard John state, without any While Edwin was still sorting out his
reactions and trying to decide what to
4. A melodrama is a type of play that emphasizes action and do, word came that Lincoln had lost his
dramatic effects over characterization and theme. night-long battle for life. The president
5. Here, clad means “dressed.” had died early that morning without ever
6. Here, studied means “carefully prepared.”
7. A valet is a personal servant.
regaining consciousness. Shortly after that,

Big Idea Looking into Lives What do these details sug-

8. Headstrong means “impatient” or “unwilling to accept
gest about Booth’s personality?
advice or control.”

Reading Strategy Activating Prior Knowledge

What types of stories typically appear on the front pages of
intimation (in´ tə mā shən) n. a suggestion or hint newspapers?

a messenger arrived with a letter from the
manager of the Boston Theatre. “My dear
sir,” the letter began. “A fearful calamity is
upon us. The President of the United States
has fallen by the hand of an assassin, and I
am shocked to say suspicion points to one
nearly related to you as the perpetrator of
this horrid deed. God grant it may not prove
But the manager was taking no chances.
He went on: “With this knowledge, and out
of respect for the anguish which will fill the
public mind as soon as the appalling 9 fact
shall be fully revealed, I have concluded to
close the Boston Theatre until further
notice.” The manager ended on a cool,
impersonal note. “Please signify to me10
your cooperation in this matter.”
Edwin drafted a quick response to the
manager’s letter. It was written in the formal
style of the time, but Edwin’s feelings can be
sensed between the lines. “With deepest sor-
row and great agitation, I thank you for
relieving me from my engagement11 with
yourself and the public,” he wrote. “The
news of the morning has made me wretched
indeed, not only because I received the
may befall me or mine, my country, one and
unhappy tidings of the suspicion of a broth-
indivisible, has my warmest devotion.”
er’s crime, but because a good man, and a
Now that the Boston Theatre was closed,
most justly honored and patriotic ruler, has
Edwin had no reason to stay on in Boston. He
fallen by the hand of an assassin.”
decided to return to New York as soon as
Edwin concluded the letter with a strong
possible and sent a telegram to his mother
statement of his own loyalty and patriotism.
saying he would take the midnight train and
“While mourning, in common with all other
be home on Sunday morning. But he had to
loyal hearts, the death of the President, I am
delay his departure. Federal marshals13
oppressed by a private woe12 not to be
wanted to question him about his relations
expressed in words. But whatever calamity
with his brother and what, if anything, he
knew about the assassination of the president.
They also wanted to conduct a thorough
search of his luggage.
9. Appalling means “horrifying.”
10. Signify to me is an old-fashioned way of saying “Let me
Edwin did not keep a diary or journal, so
know of.” there’s no way of knowing what questions
11. Here, engagement means “period of time working.”
12. Woe is sorrow.
13. Federal marshals are law enforcement officers concerned
Vocabulary with national issues.

calamity (kə lam ə tē) n. a disastrous event Literary Element Historical Narrative How does this
perpetrator (pur pə trā´ tər) n. one who commits a account differ from anything else you have read or heard
crime or other similar act about the events following Lincoln’s assassination?


the authorities asked him or how he would rub off on him. Edwin shrugged off
answered them. But an indication of his their worries. But before leaving for the
mood at this time can be glimpsed in a letter railroad station, he pulled his wide-
he wrote his friend Adam Badeau while brimmed hat down low over his forehead so
waiting for permission to leave Boston. as to conceal as much of his face as possible.
“You know, Ad, how I have labored to He and Tompkins boarded the New York
establish a name that all my friends would train without incident and found their seats
be proud of; how I have always toiled for in the nearly empty parlor car.15 Exactly at
the comfort and welfare of my family—and midnight, the train pulled out of Boston’s
how loyal I have been from the first of this South Street Station and began the five-and-
rebellion [the Civil War]. And you must feel a-half-hour trip to New York. There’s no way
deeply the agony I bear in thus being of knowing what was on Edwin’s mind as
blasted in all my hopes by a villain [John] he sat back in his seat and stared out into the
who seemed so lovable and in whom all his darkness. No doubt his thoughts centered
family found a source of joy in his boyish largely on his brother and the horrible thing
and confiding nature.” Booth ended on a he had done. But he must have wondered
slightly more positive note: “I have a great about his own future, too. Would he ever act
deal to tell you of myself & the beautiful again, or would audiences reject him
plans I had for the future—but must wait because he was a Booth—the brother of the
until my mind is more settled. I am half man who had killed President Lincoln?
crazy now—” A Booth. Earlier he had reminded Adam
The federal marshals found nothing Badeau how hard he had labored to estab-
incriminating in Edwin’s trunks, or in lish a name that he and all his friends would
his correspondence. He was not given be proud of. He wasn’t the first Booth to do
clearance14 to travel, though, until several so. Or the first Booth to make his reputation
prominent friends, including the governor in the theater. His father, the actor Junius
of Massachusetts, spoke to the authorities Brutus Booth, had emigrated from England
on his behalf. At last, on Easter Sunday in 1821 and, within a short time, had been
afternoon, he received official permission to recognized as one of the finest players
leave Boston. His friend Orlando Tompkins American audiences had ever seen.
volunteered to accompany him, and they Edwin always spoke kindly of Junius—his
reserved seats on the midnight train for gifted, eccentric,16 lovable, and often mad-
New York. At that late hour, fewer people dening father. Junius had introduced him to
would be on the streets and there’d be less the world of the theater and taught him
chance of Edwin being recognized. much of what he knew about acting. Now,
The assassination had aroused strong as he rode southward toward New York and
feelings of outrage throughout the nation. an uncertain future, Edwin may have been
Everyone who had any connection with wishing his father were still alive to offer
John came under suspicion, and Edwin’s advice and support. 
friends feared that the hatred of his brother

14. Here, clearance means “permission from an authority.” 15. A parlor car was a railroad car for which passengers paid
extra fare in order to sit in individual chairs.
Vocabulary 16. Eccentric means “odd.”

incriminating (in krim ə nāt´ in) adj. showing Big Idea Looking into Lives What does this action
involvement in a crime reveal about Edwin’s true feelings?


Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. What was the most surprising or interesting thing 5. What is the author’s attitude toward Edwin Booth?
you learned from this selection? Cite details from the selection that support your
Recall and Interpret
6. How well does Giblin show the effect of John’s
2. (a)How did the audience respond to Edwin Booth
action on Edwin?
during his last performance? (b)How did attitudes
toward him change the next day? 7. How credible do you think Giblin is as a source of
information about the Booths? Do you think that he
3. (a)What did Edwin learn from his valet? (b)Why did
has any biases? Explain.
this information shock him?
4. (a)What did the theater manager tell Edwin Booth? Connect
(b)What qualities did Edwin exhibit in his response 8. How would you defend Edwin Booth from some-
to the manager? one who accused him of being just like his brother?

9. Big Idea Looking into Lives Why do you think

Giblin chose to look into the life of Edwin Booth?


Literary Element Historical Narrative Review: Narrator

A historical narrative contains many elements found As you learned on pages 206–207, a narrator is the
in fictional narratives. The people described in a his- person or voice that tells a story. In “A Brother’s Crime,”
torical narrative are real people, but they are also like the narrator uses a technique called interior monologue.
characters in fiction: they have motives, and authors This technique presents one character’s thoughts as they
can reveal them through their words, actions, appear- occur to him or her. It is a monologue in the character’s
ance, and other details. Like a fictional narrative, a his- mind. Interior monologue allows the reader to get a
torical narrative also includes events that are usually more complete picture of a character by revealing
told in chronological order. Some historical narratives thoughts and feelings that may not be obvious from a
also include a central conflict, rising action, and a character’s spoken dialogue or actions. Carefully examin-
resolution. ing the thoughts expressed in an interior monologue can
help you to more fully understand a character.
1. What is the setting of Giblin’s narrative?
Partner Activity With a partner, identify examples of
2. What techniques does Giblin use to characterize
interior monologue in the selection. Use a chart to
the Booth brothers? Give examples.
record what each reveals about Edwin and/or John.
3. What conflict(s) does Giblin present?

Interior What It What It

Monologue Shows About Shows About
Edwin John
“Would he He is worried
ever act about his
again . . . ?” future.



Reading Strategy Activating Prior Writing About Literature

Analyze Historical Context The historical context
In “A Brother’s Crime,” James Cross Giblin assumes of a work is its time and place. In “A Brother’s Crime,”
that you have prior knowledge of President Lincoln you learn facts not only about two brothers, but also
and the Civil War, but not of Edwin Booth. about the world of 1865. For example, you learn a few
Nevertheless, you can use your prior knowledge facts about the theater, train travel, and how quickly
about human nature to understand this historical news traveled. Write a brief essay in which you report
figure. Review the chart you made as you read. on what you learned from this selection.
1. How does prior knowledge help you understand Prewrite by listing historical facts from the selection.
what Edwin Booth must have felt when he got the Then write an analytical thesis based on them: that is,
news of his brother’s crime? use details from the selection to arrive at a general
2. How does your understanding of people in general statement of what the text reveals about the time
help you understand Edwin’s concern for his family period depicted in Giblin’s narrative. Develop your
and fears for his future? draft by following this pattern:

Vocabulary Practice Introduction

with Thesis Topic Sentence:
Practice with Word Origins Use your dictionary

to look up and choose the correct origin for each
of the following words.
1. premonition Body Paragraph(s)
a. from Latin for “to name in advance”
b. from Middle English for “warning”

2. intimation
a. from Latin for “innermost” Conclusion
b. from Greek for “hint”
3. incriminating
a. from Old English for “not” and “innocent”
When your draft is complete, meet with a peer
b. from Latin for “in” and “crime”
reviewer to evaluate each other’s work and suggest
4. perpetrate revisions. Then proofread and edit your draft to
a. from Latin for “through” and “to accomplish” correct errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
b. from French for “to send forth”

Academic Vocabulary Reread the scene in which Edwin first receives the
news of his brother’s crime. Examine Edwin’s thoughts
Here is a word from the vocabulary list on page and actions. Then work with a partner to dramatize
R86. the scene. Write the characters’ dialogue and add
stage directions, or instructions to the actors on where
retain (ri tān) v. to hold secure; to keep and how to stand and what tone to use. Practice the
scene before performing it for your classmates.
Practice and Apply
Name two facts or ideas from this selection that
Web Activities For eFlashcards,
you are likely to retain. Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to


VI SUAL P ER SP ECTIVE on Abraham Lincoln
Graphic Novel


Building Background Reading Strategy

Comic books have been an important part of U.S. Identifying Genre
popular culture since superheroes such as Superman
Like literature, visual art has different genres, or types,
and Batman first appeared in the late 1930s. In the
such as the portrait and the landscape. The comic is
1970s, comic books took a new direction, which was
another visual genre. Identifying genre means rec-
soon referred to as the “graphic novel.” Graphic nov-
ognizing the characteristic elements of a particular
els have the same basic panel format as comic books
type of art. As you read Rick Geary’s graphic novel,
and use the same visual techniques, such as speech
note how he uses elements of the comic book
balloons and inset panels. But the two forms differ in
genre. Use a two-column chart like the one below
important ways. Graphic novels are longer than the
to record your notes.
standard comic book; they usually present only a sin-
gle story; and they often deal with more realistic sub-
Example Genre Element
ject matter.
p. 337 boxed text over
Rick Geary’s graphic novel, The Murder of Abraham The setting is illustration
Lincoln, deals with the events immediately before and established
after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
on April 14, 1865. This excerpt, which opens the
novel, presents Lincoln’s delivery of his Second
Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865.

Set a Purpose for Reading

Read to experience a graphic novel interpretation of
an important episode in Lincoln’s life.


Excerpt from The Murder of Abraham Lincoln, Rick Geary, published by permission from NBM Publishing.
Graphic Novel


Excerpt from The Murder of Abraham Lincoln, Rick Geary, published by permission from NBM Publishing.
Graphic Novel


Excerpt from The Murder of Abraham Lincoln, Rick Geary, published by permission from NBM Publishing.
Graphic Novel


Excerpt from The Murder of Abraham Lincoln, Rick Geary, published by permission from NBM Publishing.
Graphic Novel

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Considering both pictures and text, what 4. (a)How does Geary arrange the speech balloons
words would you use to describe the way that on pages 337 and 339? (b)What is the purpose of
Abraham Lincoln is presented in this excerpt? the arrangement in each case?
5. (a)How does Geary visually interrupt the presenta-
Recall and Interpret tion of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address on page
2. (a)What is the setting of page 336? (b)What is the 337? (b)What effect does this interruption have?
effect of Geary’s visual composition of this panel?
3. (a)What appears in the inset panel on page 336?
6. How is the overall effect of this excerpt similar to
(b)What storytelling purpose does the inset serve?
and different from that of “A Brother’s Crime”?

• Understand the characteristics of graphic storytelling.
• Apply critical viewing skills to nonprint media.


Excerpt from The Murder of Abraham Lincoln, Rick Geary, published by permission from NBM Publishing.

from The Story of My Life


lind and deaf since early childhood,
Helen Keller became a symbol of all
people who overcome seemingly
impossible obstacles—both physical and
societal. Though her achievements were
recognized during her lifetime, only after
Keller’s death has society been able to fully Massachusetts, with Sullivan by her side.
appreciate her extraordinary life. While at Radcliffe, Keller published her first
autobiography, The Story of My Life. John
Breakthrough Helen Keller was born in Macy, a Harvard instructor and editor who
Tuscumbia, Alabama. When she was nineteen eventually married Sullivan, helped Keller
months old, an undiagnosed illness left her with the writing.
both blind and deaf. Her heartbroken parents
were not sure how to interact with her, and Keller graduated cum laude from Radcliffe in
Helen, isolated in a world without sight, 1904. She wrote a total of fourteen books and
sound, or language, became more and more hundreds of articles. Her writing was not
frustrated and uncontrollable. When she was always autobiographical: one of Keller’s best-
seven years old, her parents learned of the known books, Teacher, is about Sullivan, while
Perkins School for the Blind and sent for a other works deal with religion and politics.
tutor. Soon Helen had a teacher who would Besides being an accomplished author, Keller
change her life: Anne Sullivan. was very active politically and socially. She
Within a year of Sullivan’s arrival, Keller spoke out for the rights of women and the
had learned to read and write in braille. At disabled. She helped to abolish the practice of
age ten, she began learning speech. So rapid committing blind or deaf people to mental
was Keller’s progress that Sullivan was called hospitals. She became living proof of her own
“the miracle worker,” which later became the philosophy—that people with disabilities can
title of a play about their relationship and live rich and fulfilling lives.
accomplishments. Awards Keller carried her message around
the world, earning not only the Presidential
Medal of Freedom but also the Lebanese
“Blindness has
has no
no limiting
limiting effect
effect upon
upon Medal of Merit, the French Legion of Honor,
mental vision.”
vision.” and the Brazilian Southern Cross, among
others. “My work for the blind,” she once
—Helen Keller
Keller wrote, “has never occupied a center in my
personality. My sympathies are with all who
struggle for justice.”
An Accomplished Author Keller’s achieve- Helen Keller was born in 1880 and died in 1968.
ments catapulted her into the public eye. She
met many famous people of her day, including
President Grover Cleveland. In 1900 she Author Search For more about
entered Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Author Search For more about
Helen Keller, go to
Author Name, go to

Oscar White/CORBIS

Connecting to the Text Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal

One of the most important events in Helen Keller’s life Experience
occurred when she first connected things with the To connect to personal experience is to use experi-
words that name them. Before you read this excerpt ences in your own life to understand characters and
from her autobiography, think about the following events in literature. For example, you might better
questions: understand Keller’s actions and feelings by considering
how you act and feel when presented with a challeng-
• What would it be like to live without language? ing or frustrating situation.
• How important are words in your life?
Building Background Reading Tip: Taking Notes Make connections
Helen Keller first published The Story of My Life as a between story details and your own life. Use a simple
series of magazine articles that appeared in the Ladies’ chart to note connections that you find.
Home Journal in 1902. Keller used a braille machine
to make notes for herself. Then, using a manual type- Detail My Personal Experience
writer, she typed the first drafts, describing events in
her life in no special order. Anne Sullivan and John Helen meets I remember one special
Macy helped her put the material in chronological her teacher. teacher I had.
order. They pointed out “gaps,” and she dictated
transitions and revisions. A copy of the final manuscript
was created in braille, so that Helen could read and
approve it. The Story of My Life was incredibly popular
and has been reissued multiple times since its original traverse (trav ərs) v. to pass across or through;
publication. p. 345 It was difficult to traverse the crowded
dance floor.
Setting Purposes for Reading
symmetrical (si met ri kəl) adj. exactly agree-
Big Idea Looking into Lives ing in size, form, and arrangement on both sides
As you read this selection, think about the unique chal- of something; p. 345 The windows are symmetri-
lenges that shaped Helen Keller’s life. cal: they are the same size and the same distance
from the door.
Literary Element Anecdote verbatim (vər bā tim) adv. word for word; in
An anecdote is a brief account of an interesting or sig- exactly the same words; p. 346 Are you para-
nificant occurrence. Writers often use anecdotes to phrasing what Keller said or quoting her verbatim?
illustrate their points, to get a reader’s attention, to clar- augment (ô ment) v. to become greater;
ify their ideas, or to convey a story element, such as increase; grow; p. 346 These new stamps will
setting or rising action. As you read this excerpt from augment my collection.
Keller’s autobiography, focus on how anecdotes help
you understand her message and life experiences. Vocabulary Tip: Context Clues A word’s context—
the words and sentences around it—can help you
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 determine its meaning.

Interactive Literary Elements

Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • identifying an author’s purpose
• understanding anecdotes • writing an analytical essay
• connecting to personal experience


Helen Keller
Helen Keller at work on a braille typewriter.

T he most important day I remember in

all my life is the one on which my teacher,
mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch,
and fell on my upturned face. My fingers
Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am lingered almost unconsciously on the famil-
filled with wonder when I consider the iar leaves and blossoms which had just come
immeasurable contrasts between the two forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I
lives which it connects. It was the third of did not know what the future held of marvel
March, 1887, three months before I was or surprise for me. Anger and bitterness had
seven years old. preyed upon me continually for weeks and a
On the afternoon of that eventful day, I deep languor1 had succeeded this passionate
stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. I struggle.
guessed vaguely from my mother’s signs Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog,
and from the hurrying to and fro in the when it seemed as if a tangible white dark-
house that something unusual was about to ness shut you in, and the great ship, tense
happen, so I went to the door and waited on and anxious, groped her way toward the
the steps. The afternoon sun penetrated the shore with plummet and sounding-line,2 and

Reading Strategy 1. Languor is a lack of spirit, interest, energy, or activity.

Connecting to Personal
2. A sounding-line is used to measure the depth of water. A
Experience How can you tell when something unusual is
plummet, or weight, at one end of the line sinks to the
about to happen at your home or school?
bottom; the resulting marks on the line show distance.

Getty Images
you waited with beating heart for something into my lap also, spelled “d-o-l-l,” and tried
to happen? I was like that ship before my to make me understand that “d-o-l-l”
education began, only I was without com- applied to both. Earlier in the day we had
pass or sounding-line, and had no way of had a tussle over the words “m-u-g” and
knowing how near the harbor was. “Light! “w-a-t-e-r.” Miss Sullivan had tried to
give me light!” was the wordless cry of my impress it upon me that “m-u-g” is mug and
soul, and the light of love shone on me in that “w-a-t-e-r” is water, but I persisted in
that very hour. confounding5 the two. In despair she had
I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched dropped the subject for the time, only to
out my hand as I supposed to my mother. renew it at the first opportunity. I became
Someone took it, and I was caught up and impatient at her repeated attempts and, seiz-
held close in the arms of her who had come ing the new doll, I dashed it upon the floor.
to reveal all things to me, and, more than all I was keenly delighted when I felt the frag-
things else, to love me. ments of the broken doll at my feet. Neither
The morning after my teacher came she sorrow nor regret followed my passionate
led me into her room and gave me a doll. outburst. I had not loved the doll. In the still,
The little blind children at the Perkins dark world in which I lived there was no
Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman3 strong sentiment or tenderness. I felt my
had dressed it; but I did not know this until teacher sweep the fragments to one side of
afterward. When I had played with it a little the hearth, and I had a sense of satisfaction
while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my that the cause of my discomfort was
hand the word “d-o-l-l.” I was at once inter- removed. She brought me my hat, and I
ested in this finger play and tried to imitate knew I was going out into the warm sun-
it. When I finally succeeded in making the shine. This thought, if a wordless sensation
letters correctly I was flushed with childish may be called a thought, made me hop and
pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to skip with pleasure.
my mother I held up my hand and made the We walked down the path to the well-
letters for doll. I did not know that I was house, attracted by the fragrance of the
spelling a word or even that words existed; honeysuckle with which it was covered.
I was simply making my fingers go in Some one was drawing water and my
monkey-like imitation. In the days that fol- teacher placed my hand under the spout. As
lowed I learned to spell in this uncompre- the cool stream gushed over one hand she
hending 4 way a great many words, among spelled into the other the word water, first
them pin, hat, cup, and a few verbs like sit, slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole
stand, and walk. But my teacher had been attention fixed upon the motions of her fin-
with me several weeks before I understood gers. Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness
that everything has a name. as of something forgotten—a thrill of return-
One day, while I was playing with my ing thought; and somehow the mystery of
new doll, Miss Sullivan put my big rag doll language was revealed to me. I knew then
that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool
3. Laura Bridgman (1829–1889), a student of Dr. Samuel G. something that was flowing over my hand.
Howe of the Perkins Institution for the Blind, was the first
deaf, blind, and mute person to be successfully educated in
the United States.
4. Uncomprehending means “without understanding.” 5. Here, confounding means “confusing” or “failing to
understand the difference between.”
Big Idea Looking into Lives Why do you think Keller
wanted to give readers this insight into her life? Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal
Experience Besides feeling thrilled, what other feelings do
Literary Element Anecdote What does this anecdote tell people have when something suddenly becomes clear that
you about Helen’s personality? was formerly hard to understand?

Helen Keller reading braille.

That living word awakened my soul, gave it I learned a great many new words that
light, hope, joy, set it free! There were barri- day. I do not remember what they all were;
ers still, it is true, but barriers that could in but I do know that mother, father, sister,
time be swept away. teacher were among them—words that were
I left the well-house eager to learn. to make the world blossom for me, “like
Everything had a name, and each name gave Aaron’s rod,6 with flowers.” It would have
birth to a new thought. As we returned to been difficult to find a happier child than I
the house every object which I touched was as I lay in my crib at the close of that
seemed to quiver with life. That was because eventful day and lived over the joys it had
I saw everything with the strange, new sight brought me, and for the first time longed for
that had come to me. On entering the door I a new day to come. . . .
remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my
way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I had now the key to all language, and I was
I tried vainly to put them together. Then my eager to learn to use it. Children who hear
eyes filled with tears; for I realized what I acquire language without any particular
had done, and for the first time I felt repen- effort; the words that fall from others’ lips
tance and sorrow. they catch on the wing, as it were, delight-
edly, while the little deaf child must trap
Big Idea Looking into Lives What do these words add them by a slow and often painful process.
to your understanding of Helen’s life? But whatever the process, the result is

Literary Element Anecdote How does this anecdote

6. In the Bible, Aaron’s rod, a wooden walking stick,
show how Helen has changed?
miraculously blossoms and bears almonds.

Library of Congress/CORBIS
wonderful. Gradually from naming an Again I thought. The warm sun was shin-
object we advance step by step until we have ing on us.
traversed the vast distance between our first “Is this not love?” I asked, pointing in the
stammered syllable and the sweep of direction from which the heat came. “Is this
thought in a line of Shakespeare. not love?”
At first, when my teacher told me about a It seemed to me that there could be noth-
new thing I asked very few questions. My ing more beautiful than the sun, whose
ideas were vague, and my vocabulary was warmth makes all things grow. But Miss
inadequate; but as my knowledge of things Sullivan shook her head, and I was greatly
grew, and I learned more and more words, puzzled and disappointed. I thought it
my field of inquiry broadened, and I would strange that my teacher could not show me
return again and again to the same subject, love.
eager for further information. Sometimes a A day or two afterward I was stringing
new word revived an image that some ear- beads of different sizes in symmetrical
lier experience had engraved on my brain. groups—two large beads, three small ones,
I remember the morning that I first asked and so on. I had made many mistakes, and
the meaning of the word, “love.” This was Miss Sullivan had pointed them out again
before I knew many words. I had found a and again with gentle patience. Finally I
few early violets in the noticed a very obvious
garden and brought them error in the sequence and
to my teacher. She tried to for an instant I concen-
kiss me: but at that time I
did not like to have any-
I thought it strange that trated my attention on the
lesson and tried to think
one kiss me except my how I should have
mother. Miss Sullivan put my teacher could not arranged the beads. Miss
her arm gently round me Sullivan touched my fore-
and spelled into my hand,
“I love Helen.”
show me love. head and spelled with
decided emphasis,
“What is love?” I “Think.”
asked. In a flash I knew that the
She drew me closer to word was the name of the
her and said, “It is here,” pointing to my process that was going on in my head. This
heart, whose beats I was conscious of for the was my first conscious perception of an
first time. Her words puzzled me very much abstract7 idea.
because I did not then understand anything For a long time I was still—I was not
unless I touched it. thinking of the beads in my lap, but trying to
I smelled the violets in her hand and find a meaning for “love” in the light of this
asked, half in words, half in signs, a question new idea. The sun had been under a cloud
which meant, “Is love the sweetness of all day, and there had been brief showers;
“No,” said my teacher.
7. Abstract means “not concrete” or “unlike any specific
example or thing.”

Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal Literary Element Anecdote Why is this a significant
Experience What do people who feel this tremendous thirst moment for Helen?
for knowledge typically do on a daily basis?

symmetrical (si met ri kəl) adj. exactly agreeing in
traverse (trav ərs) v. to pass across or through size, form, and arrangement on both sides of something


but suddenly the sun broke forth in all its hearing child learns these from constant
southern splendor. repetition and imitation. The conversation he
Again I asked my teacher, “Is this not love?” hears in his home stimulates his mind and
“Love is something like the clouds that suggests topics and calls forth the spontane-
were in the sky before the sun came out,” ous10 expression of his own thoughts. This
she replied. Then in simpler words than natural exchange of ideas is denied to the
these, which at that time I could not have deaf child. My teacher, realizing this, deter-
understood, she explained: “You cannot mined to supply the kinds of stimulus11 I
touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the lacked. This she did by repeating to me as
rain and know how glad the flowers and the far as possible, verbatim, what she heard,
thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. and by showing me how I could take part in
You cannot touch love either; but you feel the conversation. But it was a long time
the sweetness that it pours into everything. before I ventured to take the initiative, and
Without love you would not be happy or still longer before I could find something
want to play.” appropriate to say at the right time.
The beautiful truth burst upon my mind— The deaf and the blind find it very difficult
I felt that there were invisible lines stretched to acquire the amenities of conversation.12
between my spirit and the spirits of others. How much more this difficulty must be
From the beginning of my education Miss augmented in the case of those who are both
Sullivan made it a practice to speak to me as deaf and blind! They cannot distinguish the
she would speak to any hearing child; the tone of the voice or, without assistance, go
only difference was that she spelled the sen- up and down the gamut13 of tones that give
tences into my hand instead of speaking significance to words; nor can they watch the
them. If I did not know the words and idi- expression of the speaker’s face, and a look
oms8 necessary to express my thoughts she is often the very soul of what one says. 
supplied them, even suggesting conversation
when I was unable to keep up my end of the
This process was continued for several 10. Spontaneous means “arising from a natural impulse or
years; for the deaf child does not learn in a cause” or “unplanned.”
11. A stimulus is something that causes a response.
month, or even in two or three years, the
12. By amenities of conversation Keller means those things
numberless idioms and expressions used in besides words, such as tone of voice or facial expression,
the simplest daily intercourse.9 The little that help communicate meaning.
13. Here, gamut means the “entire series” or “entire range” of
possible tones or sounds.
8. Idioms (id ē əmz) are expressions whose meaning is
different from the literal meaning of the words. Examples Big Idea Looking into Lives What does this statement
are “She’s on the ball,” “My stomach is in knots,” and “The add to your understanding of Keller’s life?
test is a piece of cake.”
9. Intercourse is the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and feelings Vocabulary
through conversation or other communication.
verbatim (vər bā tim) adv. word for word; in exactly
Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal the same words
Experience What types of situations make you feel this type augment (ô ment) v. to become greater; increase;
of connection to others? grow


Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. What questions would you want to ask Helen Keller 5. How and why was Keller’s process of learning lan-
or Anne Sullivan? guage different from that of a hearing child?

Recall and Interpret 6. How well does Keller communicate the transition
from a life without language to a world in which
2. (a)How does Keller describe her state of mind just
she can communicate with others? Give an exam-
before Sullivan arrived? (b)What do you suppose
ple from the text to support your opinion.
she means when she says that the wordless cry of
her soul was “Light! give me light!” 7. Millions of readers and viewers have been moved
by this part of Keller’s life story. Explain what gives
3. (a)What is the first word Keller truly understands?
this segment such emotional power.
(b)What changes inside the child when “the mys-
tery of language [is] revealed” to her? Use details Connect
from the selection to support your response.
8. Big Idea Looking into Lives What examples of
4. (a)How does Keller respond when Sullivan first life’s most important experiences do you find in
introduces the word love? (b)Why were the words this excerpt from Keller’s autobiography?
think and love important in her learning process?


A Feeling for Rhythm

During her lifetime, Helen Keller was often in Partner Activity Discuss the following ques-
the news. Read the following excerpt from the tions with a partner. Refer to the news article
New York Times dated April 12, 1902, which and cite evidence from the excerpt from The
discusses her book, The Story of My Life. As Story of My Life for support.
you read it, think about how Keller was
1. How did Anne Sullivan speak to Helen and
teach her idiomatic speech?
“Miss Helen Keller, the deaf, dumb [speechless], 2. Why do you think Keller had “a feeling for
and blind girl, whose extraordinary history has rhythm in writing”?
often been exploited in the newspapers, has 3. Do you agree or disagree with the Harvard
prepared an account of her life. . . . Her book, faculty member’s comment about heredity?
which was written in sign language of the blind, Explain.
is said to be remarkable for the excellence of its
style. It shows that, though Miss Keller has never
known the sound of speech, she has a feeling for
rhythm in writing. Her composition has greatly
astonished members of the Harvard faculty who
take a deep interest in her. One of them attributes
it directly to heredity; in no other way, he
maintains, could it have been acquired.”

Helen Keller with Anne Sullivan



Literary Element Anecdote Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal

An anecdote is a brief account of an interesting or Experience
amusing incident. An anecdote is often used to In this story, a teacher moves a child out of a “dark”
explain or support an idea, to entertain readers, or to world into the “light” of language. Consider whether, in
reveal the personality of an author or another person. your experience, this is what teachers regularly do in
1. Keller uses several anecdotes to show how she their lives and work.
began to understand language, communication, 1. What qualities does Sullivan have that are impor-
and abstract thinking. Which anecdote did you tant qualities for all teachers?
find most effective for this purpose? Explain.
2. What is unusual or unique about the relationship
2. Which anecdote did you find the most amusing? between this teacher and child?
3. What might be unique about Keller as a pupil?
3. Which anecdote do you think best illustrates
Keller’s personality? Sullivan’s personality? Explain.
Vocabulary Practice
Practice with Context Clues Use context clues
Review: Author’s Purpose
to choose the best meaning for each underlined
As you learned on page 320, author’s purpose is the word.
author’s reason for writing. For example, the purpose
1. A cane helps a person without sight traverse an
may be to persuade, to express an opinion, or to
unfamiliar room.
inform. Sometimes an author may have more than
a. recreate b. cross c. avoid
one purpose for writing.
2. Krista’s painting is symmetrical—the image on
Partner Activity With a classmate, create a chart like the right is identical to the image on the left.
the one below to find evidence that indicates Keller’s a. balanced b. dull c. uneven
purpose in writing The Story of My Life.
3. Although the parrot can repeat the phrase
verbatim, it does not understand its meaning.
Evidence Purpose a. all day b. out loud c. word for word
p. 343 To describe her life 4. Parents’ contributions augmented the school’s
“In the still, dark before learning small supply of soccer balls.
world in which I language a. increased b. decreased c. began
lived there was no
strong sentiment or
tenderness.” Academic Vocabulary
Here is a word from the vocabulary list on
page R86. This word will help you think,
write, and talk about the selection.

equivalent (i kwivə lənt) n. something equal in

importance, value, or measure

Practice and Apply

What, for Helen, was the equivalent of spoken


Writing About Literature Keller’s Language and Style

Analyze Details Nonfiction can be vividly descriptive, Making Comparisons Helen Keller realized that
and in this work, Keller takes pains to provide details sighted, hearing people who can speak would have a
about surroundings that she could neither see nor hard time understanding her everyday world. To help
hear. Think about why she might have included these her readers, Keller uses a number of comparisons.
details. Some are analogies:
Write a brief essay in which you state your opinion
about why Keller includes sensory details in her writ- Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog,
ing. In the body of your essay, describe the types of when it seemed as if a tangible white
details that she uses. Do some types of sensory darkness shut you in, and the great ship,
impressions appear more than others? If so, consider tense and anxious, groped her way
why this might be so. As you gather ideas, use a sen- toward the shore . . . ?
sory web to record the details that you notice.
Use some of these details as evidence to support
your idea. At other times, however, Keller makes a direct com-
parison between her own life and the life of children
who can see, hear, and speak:

sight smell
Children who hear acquire language
without any particular effort; the words
that fall from others’ lips they catch on
Details the wing, as it were, delightedly, while
the little deaf child must trap them by a
taste touch slow and often painful process.

After you complete your draft, meet with a peer Each comparison emphasizes particular aspects of the
reviewer to evaluate each other’s work and suggest items being compared. The analogy about the ship
revisions. Then edit and proofread your draft for errors emphasizes the sense of feeling lost and frightened;
in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. the other comparison emphasizes the difficulty deaf
children have acquiring language.

Listening and Speaking Activity Find at least two additional comparisons in

the selection. Write them out and explain what aspect
With a partner, research and learn the manual sign of the situation is emphasized by using a comparison
language that Anne Sullivan taught to Helen Keller. as opposed to a simple statement.
Then take turns spelling words into each other’s
hands. With eyes closed or blindfolded, the person
“reading” the signs should try to identify each letter, Revising Check
say it aloud, and then pronounce the word spelled by
Comparisons Reread your essay about Keller’s use
the letters.
of details with a partner to see if a comparison would
strengthen one of the points you are trying to make.

helen Revise your draft as necessary.

Web Activities For eFlashcards,
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to

Grammar Workshop

º Writing Dialogue Handling Dialogue

Dialogue is the exact “‘What is love?’ I asked.”
words that characters
—Helen Keller, from The Story of My Life
exchange. Writers use
speaker tags or tag lines
Connecting to Literature Keller uses dialogue to break up long para-
to identify who is speaking
graphs, as well as to show her exact words. She encloses the words of
in a dialogue.
each speaker in quotation marks and uses speaker tags or tag lines to
º Test-Taking Tip identify the speakers. Speaker tags are phrases such as “she said” and
When you are writing or “I replied.” They identify who is speaking and often convey other
proofreading dialogue, information, such as tone of voice. Keller also follows specific rules for
always check for the end punctuating dialogue.
quotation mark. Writers Examples
often accidentally omit it.
• Mr. Shimada asked, “Can you keep the books?”
º Grammar Handbook
Enclose the speaker’s exact words in quotation marks and begin the
For more about misplaced
speaker’s statement with a capital letter. Place the end quotation mark
modifiers, see Language
after, not before, the end punctuation of the sentence. If the speaker tag
Handbook, p. R46.
comes before the speaker’s words, follow it with a comma.
• “Yes, I can,” my father answered.
• “May I have the chance to prove it?” my father added.
If the speaker tag comes after the speaker’s words in a declarative sen-
tence, follow the sentence with a comma. For an exclamatory or interroga-
tive sentence, keep the exclamation point or question mark and do not
add a comma.
• My father summoned his courage and asked Mr. Shimada, “Are you
living in Seattle?”
“Yes, I am,” he replied.
eWorkbooks To link to
the Grammar and Language
Begin a new paragraph each time the speaker changes.
eWorkbook, go to www
OB J EC TIVES Revise for Clarity Rewrite the dialogue below, which takes place
• Correctly punctuate
between Neil and Marisa. Add punctuation, capitalization, indenta-
tion, and speaker tags as needed.
• Use speaker tags to achieve
1. Are you an only daughter? Neil asked. Yes, I am.
2. Well, you might like this essay. It’s by Sandra Cisneros.
3. Oh, I think I already read that!
4. You’re kidding! Neil said. Marisa explained we had to read it in
5. Did you enjoy it? I thought it was terrific!

350 UNIT 2

Escape from Afghanistan


ne day when Farah Ahmedi was in sec-
ond grade and walking to school in her
home city of Kabul, Afghanistan, she
stepped on a landmine. At first, her parents
thought she would die. Luckily, however, a
humanitarian organization flew her to Germany
for medical care. She spent two years there, all Ahmedi entered high school at the age of
the time believing she would never walk again fourteen.
or see her family again. Ahmedi did lose one leg,
A Contest Changes Her Life Only a couple
and the other remained permanently rigid.
years after Ahmedi’s arrival, Good Morning
Nevertheless, she was able to walk because of a
America and the publisher Simon & Schuster
prosthesis, or artificial replacement device.
offered a writing contest. It invited viewers to
Not long after Ahmedi returned to Afghanistan, write their life stories. Ahmedi submitted an
she was out with her mother when a rocket hit essay and was selected as one of three finalists.
her home in Kabul. Her father and two sisters Then the publisher assigned a professional
were killed in the explosion. Her brothers left the writer, Tamim Ansary, to write Ahmedi’s story.
country in order to avoid the Taliban, a militant Comfortable with Ansary, who was also from
Islamic group. Ahmedi never heard from them Afghanistan and spoke her native language of
again. She and her mother were left full of grief Farsi, Ahmedi spent five days recounting her
and alone. When asked about her young life in story to him. The result was a full-length book.
Afghanistan, Ahmedi said she just wanted to When viewers chose her book as the best, it was
get away. published as The Story of My Life: An Afghan
Girl on the Other Side of the Sky. Ahmedi was
also awarded a $10,000 prize and a ten-city
book tour.
“I was so scared. A lot of times I
wonder why I didn’t die. Those were A Bright Future Ahmedi has visited the White
House and met with First Lady Laura Bush. She
hard times.” has also been named a youth ambassador for the
—Farah Ahmedi Adopt-a-Minefield Program. That organization
works to clear landmines and help landmine sur-
vivors in the six most heavily mined countries in
Arrival in America During the time Ahmedi the world, one of which is Afghanistan. She is
and her mother lived alone in Afghanistan, the proud and happy to live in America, where she
Taliban gained control of the country. The Taliban knows she has excellent opportunities for inde-
government persecuted Ahmedi’s ethnic group, pendence and education.
the Hazara. Because Ahmedi’s mother had a Farah Ahmedi was born in 1988.
cousin in Pakistan who was willing to help them,
they decided to flee their country. Ahmedi was
only ten years old. After spending several years Author Search For more about
in a refugee camp in Pakistan, they were finally Author Search For more about
Farah Ahmedi, go to
allowed to come to America in 2002, where Author Name, go to

FAR A H A H M E D I 351
David Bartolomi Photography

Connecting to the Autobiography Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural

“Escape from Afghanistan” will give you insight into Context
what it is like to escape one’s own country in a Analyzing cultural context is thinking about the time
time of war. Before you read the story, think about the and place of a work, as well as the values of the peo-
following questions: ple in that time and place, and determining how those
factors affect the work. Understanding the cultural con-
• How would you feel if you had to move to a new text will help you understand Ahmedi’s story.
country with only a small bundle of belongings?
• How would you have dealt with the challenges that Reading Tip: Taking Notes As you read, make a list
Ahmedi and her mother faced?
of details that show the time, place, values, or atti-
Building Background tudes. Record conclusions you draw, inferences you
Throughout its history, Afghanistan has suffered waves make, or questions you ask based on those details.
of political change. Landlocked and vulnerable to inva-
sion, Afghanistan also lacks unity because of its mix of
religions and cultures. About 85% of Afghans are Inferences/Conclusions/
Sunni Muslims. Shi’ite Muslims make up most of the
Detail Questions
remaining 15%. Afghans are also divided by language
and ethnicity. The major ethnic group is the Pashtun— p. 354 Is this a place with no
Sunnis who live mainly in the central and southern “a letter is hand- mail delivery? Is the
part of the country. When the Taliban took over in the carried by some author’s mail censored?
1990s, conflict between the Pashtun and other ethnic traveler”
groups intensified and eventually led to the massacres
of Shi’ite Muslims and other people. Until the end of
the Taliban regime in 2001, thousands of Afghans left
the country each year, most bound for Iran or Pakistan. Vocabulary

quandary (kwon drē) n. state of indecision or

Setting Purposes for Reading doubt; p. 353 Lisa was in a quandary over which
Big Idea Looking Into Lives class to take.
As you read, think about how Ahmedi’s life has been a surge (surj) v. to move suddenly in a wave;
tale of survival against all odds. p. 355 The fans surge forward when the rock star
comes on stage.
Literary Element Tone pervade (pər vād) v. to go through or fill every
Tone is an author’s attitude toward his or her subject part of; p. 355 After each win, joy pervades the
matter. Tone is conveyed through elements such locker room.
as word choice, punctuation, sentence structure,
stoke (stōk) v. to stir up; to cause to increase;
and figures of speech. As you read, think about how
p. 356 Robert’s part in the school prank stoked bad
word choice reveals the author’s feelings and attitudes.
feelings in many of the faculty members.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 chide (ch¯d) v. to express disapproval;
p. 359 My parents chide me for putting off my
homework until the last minute.
Interactive Literary Elements
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • analyzing cultural context
• interpreting tone • writing a response


Farah Ahmedi
Tamim Ansary

O ne day we got a letter, hand-carried

to us by some traveler. Alas, it was not from
fact, you will be in danger, for the Taliban come
from that region, and they are prejudiced against
my brothers. It came from my mother’s Hazaras. Peshawar is a dangerous place for two
cousin in Quetta, a city on the Pakistan side Hazara women on their own. Do not even go into
of the Afghan border. We had lost track of the city, if you can avoid it. Just come to Quetta.
her and did not even know she was there, And she gave directions for finding her
but somehow, six months after my father’s house once we got to her city.
death, she had heard about the event and This cousin of my mother’s had moved
about our quandary. to Quetta some time ago. She had a settled
Come to Quetta, she wrote. Get across the bor- life there. She had lost her husband, but
der somehow, and then come directly to Quetta. Do she had a brother and two sons living in
not tarry1 in Peshawar.2 That is a Taliban strong- Turkmenistan.3 Those men had gotten out
hold, a Pashtun city. You won’t be welcome there. In of Afghanistan during the Communist era.4
They had gone to Turkmenistan to study,
1. Here, to tarry means “to delay” or “to stay longer than the and then, because the country had dissolved
minimum necessary.”
2. Peshawar is the first major city in Pakistan below the Khyber
Pass from Afghanistan. 3. Turkmenistan borders Afghanistan on the north.
4. The Communist era began in 1979 when the Soviets took
Literary Element Tone What tone or attitude do you hear control of Afghanistan. That occupation began the
in this sentence? Afghanistan War, which lasted until 1989, devastating the
Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural Context What
quandary (kwon drē) n. state of indecision or doubt appears to be part of the culture of Peshawar, Pakistan?

FAR A H A H M E D I 353
Shepard Sherbell/CORBIS
into civil war, they had simply stayed. They tightened up her air passages. We had no
now worked in that former Soviet republic medicine for her condition. When it got bad,
and sent bits of money from time to time; all she could do was rest, so the last thing
that’s what my mother’s cousin lived on. we needed was extra baggage.
Well, we talked it over with our neigh- We made it to Jalalabad by bus. We could
bors and decided that we had to do it. We not have gotten there any other way. The
made inquiries and learned that we could stretch of road between Kabul and Jalalabad
pay a man to serve as our escort on the bus goes over some of the country’s steepest
to Jalalabad. That would get us out of mountains, cutting through two rugged
Taliban-dominated Kabul.6 From Jalalabad gorges. The Kabul River pours through those
to the border, we would be on our own. As gorges in a series of thundering cataracts,7
for getting across the border, no one knew and the highway has been cut into nearly
what that entailed. solid rock, folding
And as for making /-/ back and forth,
1< -/
the journey from /1, -/
back and forth like
the border to a ribbon along the
Quetta, that was riverbank.
like asking how to Once the road
get from one part descended out of
of the moon to >LՏ >>>L>`
those gorges, the
another part. No *ià >Ü>À weather changed.
one could give us Ï>“>L>` The temperature
any advice on that rose. Now we were
subject. We would in the Jalalabad val-
just have to figure ley, which was dot-
things out when *-/ ted with groves of
we got there. +ÕiÌÌ> orange trees and
By the time we lemon trees. The
left Afghanistan, bus let us off in a
the warm days had crowded bazaar. We
come. We wrapped This map shows the location of the cities and countries
were frightened to
the few possessions mentioned in the selection. be there alone and
we would take frightened to have
along in little cloth to ask for advice
bundles. We could not take much, for we and directions, but we addressed our ques-
would have to carry whatever we took, and tions to women as much as possible or to
while I could not handle much of a load, family groups that included women. In this
my poor mother was in even worse shape. way we found out how to get to the “other”
The day my father died, her asthma took a bus station.
turn for the worse. Now she was rasping This other bus station wasn’t really a sta-
with every breath, and exertion of any kind tion. There was no building, no ticket booth,
and no station agent—nothing like that. The

5. Jalalabad is the last major city in Afghanistan before the

Khyber Pass. It is southeast of Kabul. 7. Gorges are canyons or narrow passages through the land;
6. Kabul is the capital city of Afghanistan, located in the cataracts are steep rapids.
eastern part of the country.
Big Idea Looking Into Lives The author and her mother
Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural Context What face incredible challenges. What does their willingness to
does this tell you about the culture of Afghanistan? forge ahead tell you about their situation?


A passenger bus plies the rough road between
Jalalabad and Kabul.

were unable to get onto the first

van. We could not get on the next
one, either. By the third one, how-
ever, I saw what we needed to do,
so-called bus station looked like any other and taking my mother by the arm, I shoved
part of the bazaar: It was just a road lined on and pushed with the others until we made it
both sides with merchants’ stalls. Along this to the door of the van.
strip of bazaar, however, men cruised back It wasn’t all that far from Jalalabad to the
and forth in vans they owned, looking for border, but we were traveling in the heat of
people who wanted to go to the border. If mid-afternoon. Dust boiled up around the
you just stood at the curb, they pulled over car and got in through the windows. My
and offered you a ride. mother began to wheeze and gasp. I worried
Before we got on, though, other people that she might stop breathing right then and
waiting there for rides advised us to get there, so I tried to shield her with my body,
some plastic bags. We didn’t know why, but tried to keep the other passengers from
we figured we had better do whatever other pressing in on her so that she would have
travelers were doing. They no doubt knew her own space to breathe out of. Meanwhile,
more than we did. Curiously enough, some the dust mingled with the sweat running
of the stalls in that vicinity sold plastic bags down my face, turning to mud by the time it
as if this were a normal travel need. reached my chin.
Shortly after we took up our post by the At that moment I discovered what the
side of the road, a van pulled over. Instantly, plastic bags were for: One of the men in the
a crowd surged toward its door. People backseat vomited loudly, barely getting his
fought and threw elbows to get to the front awful stew into his bag. The nasty odor
so they could board. That’s how it was at the immediately pervaded the entire van. My
“bus station.” Only the most aggressive trav- nostrils puckered, and I felt my own vomit
elers got rides. Each van could carry ten or rising. I grabbed for my bag. Within min-
twelve people, if they squeezed; and they utes, all of us passengers were filling up our
always squeezed. The drivers wanted to plastic bags. No, it wasn’t far from Jalalabad
make as much money as they could. We to the border, just a couple of hours, but that
ride felt like it would never end.
About half a mile from the border the van
Big Idea Looking Into Lives What does the description pulled over to the side of the road. “This is
of this bus station tell you about the trip Ahmedi and her as far as we go,” the driver said. “That’s the
mother are taking?

Vocabulary Vocabulary

surge (surj) v. to move suddenly in a wave pervade (pər vād) v. to go through or fill every part of

FAR A H A H M E D I 355
Teru Kuwayama/CORBIS
border up ahead. You see those two build- milled about and muttered and stoked their
ings and the gate between them? That’s it. own impatience and worked up their rage,
If you can get through that gate, you’re in until gradually the crowd gathered strength
Pakistan. About half a mile up the road on and surged against that gate again, only to be
the other side, if you can get to the other side, swept back.
you’ll find other cars like this one offering We never even got close to the front. We got
rides to Peshawar.” caught up in the thinning rear end of the
Well, we got out and started trudging crowd, and even so, we were part of each
toward the border station. We were not alone. wave, pulled forward, driven back. It was hard
The whole stretch of road was filled with peo- for me to keep my footing, and my mother
ple hoping to get across the border that day— was clutching my arm now, just hanging on,
hundreds of families. I don’t know how just trying to stay close to me, because the
many. I wasn’t counting. I didn’t count. I was worst thing would have been if we had gotten
distracted by the scene I saw up ahead. separated. Finally, I saw that it was no use. We
The gate to Pakistan was closed, and I were only risking injury. We drifted back, out
could see that the Pakistani border guards of the crowd. In the thickening dusk we could
were letting no one through. People were hear the dull roar of people still trying to get
pushing and shoving and jostling up against past the border guards, but we receded into
that gate, and the guards were driving them the desert, farther and farther back from the
back. As we got closer, the crowd thickened, border gate.
and I could hear the roar and clamor at the Night was falling, and we were stranded
gate. The Afghans were yelling something, out there in the open.
and the Pakistanis were yelling back. My But at least it wasn’t cold; that was a bless-
mother was clutching her side and gasping ing. And at least we were not alone. For that,
for breath, trying to keep up. I felt desperate too, I felt grateful. Hundreds of us were hun-
to get through, because the sun was setting, kering out there on the desert floor, in the
and if we got stuck here, what were we going shadows of the high hills that marked the
to do? Where would we stay? There was border. We were clotted into family groups.
nothing here, no town, no hotel, no buildings, Some groups managed to get fires going,
just the desert. which added a feeling of cheer. They chatted
Yet we had no real chance of getting quietly around their fires, and we could hear
through. Big strong men were running up to their voices. There was something compan-
the gate in vain. The guards had clubs, and ionable about it, really. We were all just ordi-
they had carbines,8 too, which they turned nary folks caught in a bad situation, sharing
around and used as weapons. Again and the same fate. No one there meant anybody
again, the crowd surged toward the gate and harm.
the guards drove them back with their sticks Had I been alone, I would have felt fright-
and clubs, swinging and beating until the ened, but with that sea of families surrounding
crowd receded. And after that, for the next few me, I felt safe, even if they were strangers. My
minutes, on our side of the border, people mother and I had our little cloth bundles, in
which we were each carrying some extra
clothes, and we had our head scarves. We put
8. Carbines are a type of firearm.

Literary Element Tone What emotions do you hear in the Literary Element Tone What is the author’s attitude
author’s voice? toward her situation?

Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural Context Does Vocabulary

this description differ from what you would expect if you
crossed an international border? Explain. stoke (stōk) v. to stir up; to cause to increase


Mountains near Badakhshan, Afghanistan.
those under our heads as pillows and slept
under the stars. It wasn’t bad. We did manage
to catch some sleep.
Then dawn came, and we again had to or two could get through the side door at a
make our way to the road and try to get across time. The fact that the guards were taking
that border. What else could we do? We could bribes did us no good whatsoever. We did not
not go back, nor could we stay in that waste- have the money to pay them. What little we
land indefinitely. We had to get through. But had we would need to get from Peshawar to
once again, the guards were keeping the gate Quetta. And so the second day passed.
closed, beating and hitting anyone who got At the end of that day we found ourselves
close enough each time the crowd rushed. camping near a friendly family. We struck up a
On that second day, however, I learned that conversation with them. The woman told us
it was all a question of money. Someone told that her husband, Ghulam Ali, had gone to
me about this, and then I watched closely and look for another way across the border. He was
saw that it was true. Throughout the day, checking out a goat path that supposedly went
while some of the guards confronted the over the mountains several miles northeast of
crowds, a few others lounged over to the side. the border station. If one could get to Pakistan
People approached them quietly. Money safely by that route, he would come back for
changed hands, and the guards then let those his family. “You can go with us,” the woman
people quietly through a small door to the side. said.
Hundreds could have flowed through the Later that night her husband showed up. “It
main gate had it been opened, but only one works,” he said. “Smugglers use that path, and
they bribe the guards to leave it unguarded.
Of course, we don’t want to run into any
Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural Context What do smugglers, either, but if we go late at night, we
these details tell you about the guards at this border station?
should be fine.”

FAR A H A H M E D I 357
Michael S. Yamashita/CORBIS
Pakistani border security
guards stand in front of the
Pakistan-Afghanistan border
to stop Afghan refugees,
Wednesday, November 15,
2000 at Torkham border post,
55 kilometers (34 miles)
northwest of Peshawar,
northwestern Pakistan.
Viewing the Photograph:
Based on Ahmedi’s
description, how well does
this photo capture the scene
at the border?

that people waiting to

get across the border
would have a place to
say their prayers. We
got some water to
drink at the mosque,
His wife then told him our story, and and we said namaz10 there too. Somehow we
Ghulam Ali took pity on us. “Yes, of course obtained a bit of bread as well. I can’t remem-
you can come with us,” he said. “But you have ber how that turned up, but there it was, and
had two hard days. You will need some rest we ate it. We sustained our strength. After sun-
before you attempt this mountain crossing. set we lay down just as if we were going to
Spend tonight here and sleep well, knowing spend another night. In fact, I did fall asleep
that you will have nothing to do tomorrow for a while. Long after dark—or early the next
except lounge around, rest, and catch your morning, to be exact, before the sun came
breath. Tomorrow, do not throw yourself up—that man shook us awake. “It’s time,” he
against those border guards again. Let your said.
only work be the gathering of your strength. We got up and performed our ablutions11
Then tomorrow night we will all go over the quickly in the darkness, with just sand because
mountain together, with God’s grace. I will that’s allowed when you have no access to
show you the way. If God wills it,9 we will fol- water. We said our prayers. Then Ghulam Ali
low that smugglers’ path to safety. You and began to march into the darkness with his
your mother are in my care now.” family, and we trudged along silently behind
So we spent the whole next day there. It was them. After several miles the path began to
terribly warm and we had no water, but we climb, and my mother began to wheeze. Her
walked a little way and found a mosque that asthma was pretty bad at this point, poor
refugees like us had built over the years, so
10. Namaz is prayer.
11. Ablutions refers to ritual washing before prayer.
9. Throughout the Muslim world, expressions that show an
awareness of God are common. Here, typical phrases are Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural Context What
used to show that people’s fortunes are dependent on does this tell you about the author’s culture?
God’s will or grace.


AP/Wide World
thing. No doubt, her anxiety made it worse, ing a leg, and yet she’s going faster than
but in such circumstances how could she rid you. Why can’t you keep up? Hurry now!”
herself of anxiety? It was no use knowing That Ghulam Ali was certainly a good
that her difficulty was rooted in anxiety, just man, so patient with us and so compas-
as it was no use knowing that we could have sionate. He had never seen us before, and
moved more quickly if we had possessed yet when he met us, he said, “I will help
wings. Life is what it is. The path over that you.” That’s the thing about life. You
mountain was not actually very long, only a never know when and where you will
couple of miles. Steep as it was, we could encounter a spot of human decency. I have
have gotten over in little more than an hour felt alone in this world at times; I have
if not for my mother. Because of her, we had known long periods of being no one. But
to pause every few minutes, so our journey then, without warning, a person like
took many hours. Ghulam Ali just turns up and says, “I see
I myself hardly felt the exertion. I was you. I am on your side.” Strangers have
walking quite well that day, quite athleti- been kind to me when it mattered most.
cally. I had that good prosthetic leg from That sustains a person’s hope and faith.
Germany. The foot was a little worn by then, Anyway, climbing up that mountain on
but not enough to slow me down. Thinking the Afghanistan side took some effort, but
back, I’m puzzled, actually. How did I scale after we topped the crest, even my mother
that mountain so easily? How did I climb found the going down part fairly easy. We
down the other side? These days I find it hardly stopped at all on the downward
hard to clamber up two or three flights of side. Going up took hours; coming down
stairs, even. I don’t know what made me so took minutes, or so it seemed.
supple12 and strong that day, but I felt no As soon as we reached the bottom of the
hardship, no anxiety or fear, just concentra- slope, Ghulam Ali told us we were now
tion and intensity. Perhaps my mother’s officially in Pakistan. We peered around.
problems distracted me from my own. That The landscape looked just the same here
might account for it. Perhaps desperation as it did back where we came from. And
gave me energy and made me forget the yet we were in Pakistan. We had escaped
rigor of the climb. Well, whatever the reason, from Afghanistan. We started laughing.
I scrambled up like a goat. The family we We couldn’t stop. We tried to stop our
were following had a girl only a bit younger mouths with our palms, and we could not
than me, and she was moving slowly. Her do it. The laughter just insisted on burst-
family used my example to chide her. They ing forth from us. Happiness filled our
kept saying, “Look at that girl. She’s miss- hearts. My mother’s asthma disappeared
without a trace for one whole hour. Yes,
12. Here, supple means “able to adapt or respond to a new for one whole hour there, my mother
situation.” could breathe. You might as well say we
Literary Element Tone What tone or attitude do you hear
had been in prison for thirty years and
in this statement? had suddenly been released—that was the
kind of joy we felt. 
Literary Element Tone How do the author’s word choices
affect her tone in this passage?

Big Idea Looking Into Lives How does the author draw
the reader into the giddy happiness she felt on the other side
chide (ch¯d) v. to express disapproval of the mountain?

FAR A H A H M E D I 359

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. What part of this autobiography do you think you 5. How does the author make it clear that she and
will remember longest? Why? her mother faced problems in both Afghanistan
and Pakistan?
Recall and Interpret
6. How would you describe the style of the writing in
2. (a)Where do the author and her mother start out,
this memoir? Explain.
and where are they going? (b)What can you infer
about why they are going? 7. How well does the author give you a “you-are-
there” sense of the journey? Cite evidence from
3. (a)How do the author and her mother reach the
the text about what you can hear, see, smell, or
border? (b)What details of the journey hint at
otherwise experience through your senses.
4. (a)How do the author and her mother cross the Connect
border? (b)Why could they be considered lucky to 8. Big Idea Looking Into Lives How are the chal-
have gotten across the border? lenges that the author faces similar to or different
from your own?


Literary Element Tone Review: Historical Narrative

A writer’s tone can convey a variety of attitudes, such As you learned on page 328, a historical narrative is
as sympathy, objectivity, or humor. The specific tone is a work of nonfiction that tells the story of important
often related both to the type of writing and its pur- historical events or developments.
pose. Often, first-person narratives, including autobiog-
Partner Activity Work with a classmate to record
raphies, are far more subjective and emotional than
information you learn in this autobiography about
other types of nonfiction written in the third-person.
Afghanistan during the Taliban regime. Use a cluster
An autobiographer can write for many purposes,
chart like this one.
including to inform, to reflect, to persuade, and to
1. Explain whether the tone of “Escape from Life for
Afghanistan” is serious or casual. Provide examples
to support your opinion.
2. Name one other word that describes the author’s
tone. Give an example from the text to support
your word choice.
During the

Life for People

Life for Hazara Trying to


Reading Strategy Analyzing Cultural Writing About Literature

Context Respond to Theme One theme of Ahmedi’s autobi-
Much of what makes “Escape from Afghanistan” so ography is the support of family and strangers. Write a
interesting is that it is set in such a different world brief essay explaining how and where this theme is
than the one most readers inhabit. Review the cultural presented and how you responded to it. Use evidence
details you noted as you read. from the story to support your points.

1. In what ways does this autobiography take you to a Develop a working thesis statement for your paper. A
world that is different than the one you live in? List working thesis statement presents the main idea you
three or four examples. will support, but it may need revision when you finish
drafting. Then gather evidence from the story that
2. How do the details about life in Afghanistan and supports your thesis. Remember to introduce that
the crossing to Pakistan interest you? evidence and explain it. Your plan of organization
might look like this.
Vocabulary Practice
Practice with Context Clues Read each of the
following sentences and then decide which of the

choices reveals the best clues to the meaning of Introduction Include your thesis.

the word in boldface type.

1. Tyler is in a quandary: he cannot decide which
pair of sneakers to buy.
Body Present and explain

a. Tyler is b. he cannot
Paragraph(s) supporting evidence.
2. The crowd of protestors surged forward when

the speaker appeared.
a. The crowd of protestors b. appeared ▲
Briefly summarize
3. Anxiety pervaded the stuck elevator, and Conclusion your main points.
everyone showed signs of stress.
a. the stuck elevator b. everyone
4. The cheers grew louder as the touchdown After you complete your draft, have a peer read it
stoked the fans’ enthusiasm. and suggest revisions. Then proofread and edit your
a. grew louder b. touchdown work to correct errors in spelling, grammar, and
5. Ms. DiDario chided Leah for jaywalking. punctuation.
a. Ms. DiDario b. for jaywalking

Internet Connection
Academic Vocabulary What effect have the many years of civil war, as well
as the recent U.S. war against the Taliban, had on
Here is a word from the vocabulary list on Afghan children? Use the Internet to find information.
page R86. You might look for information about interrupted edu-
cation, landmines, orphans, and refugees. Present
network (net wurk´) n. group of people with your findings to the class.
similar interests or goals

Web Activities For eFlashcards,

Practice and Apply Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to
Who was the author’s network of support?


Comparing Literature Across Genres

Connecting to the Reading Selections

What is the relationship between dogs and people? What do you think it should be? In the three
selections that follow, you will read about abandoned and mistreated dogs who were given new
lives, as well as about a watchdog’s welcome.

James Herriot
A Case of Cruelty ........................................................memoir ................... 363
A dog lover meets a dog in need of love

W. S. Merwin
Ali .................................................................................................poem ................... 375
A small, rescued dog seems to take wing

George Gordon, Lord Byron

A Friendly Welcome ......................................................poem ................... 377
How sweet the watchdog’s welcome is!

CO M PA R I N G TH E Big Idea Looking into Lives

Dogs can be such dear companions. While some are just good friends, others fill deep and fun-
damental human needs. Each of the writers featured here offers a unique glimpse into the lives
of dogs and their owners.

CO M PA R I N G Tone
Tone is a reflection of a writer’s or a speaker’s attitude toward the subject of a literary work.
Tone is communicated through words and details that express particular emotions and that
evoke an emotional response in the reader.

CO M PA R I N G Author’s Purpose
Author’s purpose is an author’s reason for writing a literary work. An author’s purpose for writ-
ing can inform his or her decisions about such choices as the tone, style, and genre. For exam-
ple, an author who wants to persuade a specific group of people to do something may opt to
give a speech written in a logical style.

36 2 UNIT 2 N O NF I C TI ON
(t) Louis K. Meisel Gallery, Inc./CORBIS, (c) Darrell Lecorre/Masterfile, (b) Art Resource, NY

A Case of Cruelty

ows having trouble giving birth,
sheep with ear infections, and dogs
who are disastrously overweight are
among the many subjects of James Herriot’s
charming stories about his experiences as a
country veterinarian in Yorkshire, England.
In these stories, the problems and conflicts
start with the animal, but quickly include
people—and the full range of human per-

Getting Started as a Writer James Alfred

Wight, who later took the pen name James as he was able. Even when he became rich
Herriot, was born in England and spent and famous, he did not wish to live in any
most of his childhood living just outside other place or any other way than he always
Glasgow, Scotland. By the age of thirteen, he had.
had already decided to become a country
veterinarian. This job would allow him to
treat both farm animals and house pets,
such as cats and dogs. It would also allow “I think it was the fact that I liked [my
him to combine his love of animals with his job] so much that made the writing just
love of the countryside.
come out of me automatically.”
Although he often spoke to his wife about
turning his experiences into stories, it was —James Herriot
not until he was fifty that he began to write.
He did not achieve immediate success.
Herriot admits that those first stories were Accomplishments Herriot wrote twenty
just plain bad, and that he had to teach him- books, eight of which deal with his life as a
self how to write before he could do better. veterinarian. Many others are books for chil-
But do better he did. Eventually, he became dren. More than sixty million copies of his
a best-selling author and a popular sensa- works have sold worldwide. His books have
tion. In fact, his books about his life were also been turned into two films and a popu-
considered a causal factor in a spike in lar BBC television series. A museum and his-
applications to veterinary school, as well a toric site have been built to honor his
spike in tourism in his little town in memory in his native village of Thirsk.
James Herriot was born in 1916 and died in 1995.
Simple Pleasures An employee and then a
partner in a veterinary practice, Herriot took
pleasure in his interactions with the local
people and animals. He married, had two Author Search For more about
children, and continued working for as long James Herriot, go to

Alan Band/Getty Images

Connecting to the Memoir Reading Strategy Analyzing Style

In this story, Herriot brings together a human who Analyzing style is looking carefully at the writer’s word
needs a good dog and a dog who needs a good choice, sentences and paragraph structure, and use of
human. Before you read “A Case of Cruelty,” think figurative language and imagery in order to gain
about the following questions: greater understanding of the author, the author’s pur-
pose, or the work itself.
• Have you ever had a pet or known someone
who had a pet? How did the pet affect your or
Reading Tip: Making a Chart As you read, list inter-
its owner’s life?
esting word choices, figures of speech, images, and
• How important is it to feel needed?
particularly long, short, dense, or otherwise interesting
Building Background sentences. Comment on what makes them expressive.
James Herriot’s stories are autobiographical. They
take place in Darrowby, a fictional town that many Interesting Why/How It Is
recognize as Thirsk, Herriot’s hometown in Yorkshire, Language Expressive
England. The stories take place in the 1940s and
1950s. At this time, veterinary science was far less p. 365 Strong verb:
sophisticated than it is now, but human nature was quivered
“his lips quivered
just the same. As a veterinarian, Herriot worked with
with indignation” precise noun:
a man he called Siegfried, who also appears in this

In a veterinary practice, those who deal with small ani-

mals treat dogs, cats, and other pets. Those who deal
with large animals typically treat farm animals such as Vocabulary
horses, sheep, and cows.
callousness (kal əs nes) n. state or attitude of
Setting Purposes for Reading feeling no emotion or sympathy; p. 365 Jan
viewed the family’s loss with sympathy, but Brian
Big Idea Looking into Lives viewed it with callousness.
As you read, think about how Herriot concerns himself
with both the physical and emotional lives of the peo- adamant (ad ə mənt) adj. rigidly determined;
ple and animals of Darrowby. p. 366 The teacher made it clear that she was
adamant about her homework policy, and no
exceptions were allowed.
Literary Element Memoir
transcend (tran send) v. to go beyond;
A memoir is an account of an event or period in the
p. 366 Lee and Fran will transcend their personal
author’s life that emphasizes the author’s personal
differences to work together on the pledge drive.
experience of that event or period. Like an autobio-
graphy, a memoir is told from the first-person point of diligent (dil ə jənt) adj. steady, responsible;
view. p. 367 The diligent doctor gave thought to every
possible diagnosis.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 placidly (plas id lē) adv. calmly, serenely;
p. 373 The quiet, contented child played placidly.
Interactive Literary Elements
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • writing an analytical essay
• recognizing characteristics of a memoir • analyzing style

36 4 UNIT 2 N O NF I C TI ON
Dog Lying Down
(Dog Portrait), 1909.
Franz Marc.

James Herriot

T he silvery haired old gentleman with

the pleasant face didn’t look the type to be
lame, and I am referring to your treatment
on that occasion.”
easily upset, but his eyes glared at me I nodded. “Yes, I remember it well . . . but
angrily, and his lips quivered with indigna- where does the suffering come in?”
tion. “Well, the poor animal is going around
“Mr. Herriot,” he said. “I have come to with his leg dangling, and I have it on good
make a complaint. I strongly object to your authority that the bone is fractured and
callousness in subjecting my dog to unnec- should have been put in plaster2 immedi-
essary suffering.” ately.” The old gentleman stuck his chin out
“Suffering? What suffering?” I was mysti- fiercely.
fied.1 “All right, you can stop worrying,” I said.
“I think you know, Mr. Herriot. I brought “Your dog has a radial paralysis3 caused by
my dog in a few days ago. He was very a blow on the ribs, and if you are patient

2. Plaster is a reference to a cast.

1. Mystified means “bewildered.”
3. Radial paralysis is a loss of movement that has developed
Vocabulary uniformly from a central point of injury.

callousness (kal əs nes) n. state or attitude of feeling Reading Strategy Analyzing Style How does the author
no emotion or sympathy help you experience the “old gentleman”?

Christie’s Images/CORBIS
and follow my treatment he’ll gradually of her acute curiosity, but whatever the
improve. In fact I think he’ll recover com- motivation, her activities took her into
pletely.” almost every channel of life in the town.
“But he trails his leg when he walks.” One of these channels was our veterinary
“I know—that’s typical, and to the practice.
layman4 it does give the appearance of a Because Mrs. Donovan, among her other
broken leg. But he shows no sign of pain, widely ranging interests, was an animal
does he?” doctor. In fact I think it would be safe to say
“No, he seems quite happy, but this lady that this facet of her life transcended all the
seemed to be absolutely sure of her facts. others.
She was adamant.” She could talk at length on the ailments
“Lady?” of small animals, and she had a whole
“Yes,” said the old gentleman. “She is armory of medicines and remedies at her
very clever with animals, and she came command, her two specialities being her
around to see if she could help in my dog’s miracle-working condition powders and a
convalescence. She brought some excellent dog shampoo of unprecedented value for
condition powders5 with her.” improving the coat. She had an uncanny
“Ah!” A blinding shaft pierced the fog in ability to sniff out a sick animal, and it was
my mind. All was suddenly clear. “It was not uncommon when I was on my rounds
Mrs. Donovan, wasn’t it?” to find Mrs. Donovan’s dark, gypsy face
“Well . . . er, yes. That was her name.” poised intently over what I had thought
Old Mrs. Donovan was a woman who was my patient, while she administered
really got around. No matter what was calf’s foot jelly or one of her own patent
going on in Darrowby—weddings, funerals, nostrums.6
house-sales—you’d find the dumpy little I suffered more than Siegfried because I
figure and walnut face among the specta- took a more active part in the small animal
tors, the darting, black-button eyes taking side of our practice. I was anxious to
everything in. And always, on the end of its develop this aspect and to improve my
lead, her terrier dog. image in this field, and Mrs. Donovan
When I say “old,” I’m only guessing, didn’t help at all. “Young Mr. Herriot,” she
because she appeared ageless; she seemed would confide to my clients, “is all right
to have been around a long time, but she with cattle and such like, but he don’t know
could have been anything between fifty-five nothing about dogs and cats.”
and seventy-five. She certainly had the And of course they believed her and had
vitality of a young woman because she implicit7 faith in her. She had the irresistible
must have walked vast distances in her mystic8 appeal of the amateur, and on top
dedicated quest to keep abreast of events. of that there was her habit, particularly
Many people took an uncharitable view endearing in Darrowby, of never charging

4. Here, a layman is a person without specialized medical

knowledge. 6. Nostrums can be effective medicines or quack remedies.
5. Condition powders are treatments or remedies in 7. Here, implicit means “unquestioning.”
powdered form. 8. Here, mystic means “mysterious.”

Literary Element Memoir How does this comment show Big Idea Looking Into Lives What kind of person is
the author’s special knowledge about Darrowby? Mrs. Donovan? How does she live her life?

Vocabulary Vocabulary

adamant (ad ə mənt) adj. rigidly determined transcend (tran send) v. to go beyond

36 6 U N IT 2 N O NF IC TION
Beware of Dog, 1991. Reynard Milici. Louis K. Meisel Gallery, Inc.

for her advice, her medicines, her long peri- There was no smile on her face, however,
ods of diligent nursing. on the day when she rushed into the surgery9
Older folk in the town told how her hus- while Siegfried and I were having tea.
band, an Irish farm worker, had died many “Mr. Herriot!” she gasped. “Can you
years ago and how he must have had a “bit come? My little dog’s been run over!”
put away” because Mrs. Donovan had appar- I jumped up and ran out to the car with
ently been able to indulge all her interests her. She sat in the passenger seat with her
over the years without financial strain. Since head bowed, her hands clasped tightly on
she inhabited the streets of Darrowby all day her knees.
and every day, I often encountered her, and “He slipped his collar and ran in front of a
she always smiled up at me sweetly and told car,” she murmured. “He’s lying in front of
me how she had been sitting up all night with the school half way up Cliffend Road. Please
Mrs. So-and-so’s dog that I’d been treating. hurry.”
She felt sure she’d be able to pull it through. I was there within three minutes, but as I
bent over the dusty little body stretched on
the pavement, I knew there was nothing I
Literary Element Memoir What do you hear in the nar-
rator’s tone as he tells about Mrs. Donovan? What does it tell
could do. The fast-glazing eyes, the faint,
you about the author’s personality? gasping respirations, the ghastly pallor of

diligent (dil ə jənt) adj. steady, responsible 9. In Britain, surgery refers to a doctor’s, vet’s, or dentist’s


Louis K. Meisel Gallery, Inc./CORBIS
the mucous membranes10 all told the same We’ve traveled a few miles together, you
story. know.”
“I’ll take him back to the surgery and get “Yes, you have. He had a wonderful life,
some saline11 into him, Mrs. Donovan,” I Mrs. Donovan. And let me give you a bit of
said. “But I’m afraid he’s had a massive advice—you must get another dog. You’d be
internal hemorrhage.12 Did you see what lost without one.”
happened exactly?” She shook her head. “No, I couldn’t. That
She gulped. “Yes, the wheel went right little dog meant too much to me. I couldn’t
over him.” let another take his place.”
Ruptured liver, for sure. I passed my “Well I know that’s how you feel just now,
hands under the little animal and began to but I wish you’d think about it. I don’t want
lift him gently, but as I did so, the breathing to seem callous—I tell everybody this when
stopped, and the eyes stared fixedly ahead. they lose an animal, and I know it’s good
Mrs. Donovan sank to her knees, and for a advice.”
few moments she gently stroked the rough “Mr. Herriot, I’ll never have another one.”
hair of the head and chest. “He’s dead, isn’t She shook her head again, very decisively.
he?” she whispered at last. “Rex was my faithful friend for many years,
“I’m afraid he is,” I said. and I just want to remember him. He’s the
She got slowly to her feet and stood bewil- last dog I’ll ever have.”
deredly among the little group of bystanders
on the pavement. Her lips moved, but she I often saw Mrs. Donovan around the town
seemed unable to say any more. after this, and I was glad to see she was still
I took her arm, led her over to the car and as active as ever, though she looked
opened the door. “Get in and sit down,” I strangely incomplete without the little dog
said. “I’ll run you home. Leave everything to on its lead. But it must have been over a
me.” month before I had the chance to speak to
I wrapped the dog in my calving overall13 her.
and laid him in the boot14 before driving It was on the afternoon that Inspector
away. It wasn’t until we drew up outside Halliday of the R.S.P.C.A.15 rang me.
Mrs. Donovan’s house that she began to “Mr. Herriot,” he said. “I’d like you to
weep silently. I sat there without speaking come and see an animal with me. A cruelty
till she finished. Then she wiped her eyes case.”
and turned to me. “Right, what is it?”
“Do you think he suffered at all?” “A dog, and it’s pretty grim. A dreadful
“I’m certain he didn’t. It was all so case of neglect.” He gave me the name of a
quick—he wouldn’t know a thing about it.” row of old brick cottages down by the river
She tried to smile. “Poor little Rex, I don’t and said he’d meet me there.
know what I’m going to do without him. Halliday was waiting for me, smart and
business-like in his dark uniform, as I pulled
10. Mucous membranes are layers of tissues that line parts of
up in the back lane behind the houses. He
the body such as the nose and mouth. was a big, blond man with cheerful blue
11. Saline is a salt solution. eyes, but he didn’t smile as he came over to
12. A massive internal hemorrhage refers to extraordinary,
the car.
abnormal bleeding inside the body.
13. A calving overall is a protective smock worn by a vet
during the messy job of helping a cow give birth. 15. The R.S.P.C.A. is the Royal Society for the Prevention of
14. Boot is the British word for a car’s trunk. Cruelty to Animals.

Big Idea Looking Into Lives How has Mrs. Donovan’s Reading Strategy Analyzing Style Why do you think the
life changed at this moment? author ends the paragraph with this particular statement?

36 8 U N IT 2 N O NF IC TION
“He’s in here,” he said and led the way but this advanced emaciation reminded me
towards one of the doors in the long, crum- of my textbooks on anatomy; nowhere else
bling wall. A few curious people were hang- did the bones of pelvis, face and rib cage
ing around, and with a feeling of stand out with such horrifying clarity. A
inevitability I recognized a gnome-like deep, smoothed out hollow in the earth floor
brown face. Trust Mrs. Donovan, I thought, showed where he had lain, moved about, in
to be among those present at a time like this. fact lived, for a very long time.
We went through the door into the long The sight of the animal had a stupefying19
garden. I had found that even the lowliest effect on me; I only half took in the rest of
dwellings in Darrowby had long strips of the scene—the filthy shreds of sacking scat-
land at the back as though the builders had tered nearby, the bowl of scummy water.
taken it for granted that the country people “Look at his back end,” Halliday mut-
who were going to live in them would want tered.
to occupy themselves with the pursuits of I carefully raised the dog from his sitting
the soil; with vegetable and fruit growing, position and realized that the stench in the
even stock keeping16 in a small way. You place was not entirely due to the piles of
usually found a pig there, a few hens, often excrement. The hindquarters were a welter
pretty beds of flowers. of pressure sores which had turned gangre-
But this garden was a wilderness. A chill- nous, and strips of sloughing tissue hung
ing air of desolation hung over the few down from them. There were similar sores
gnarled apple and plum trees standing along the sternum20 and ribs. The coat,
among a tangle of rank17 grass as though which seemed to be a dull yellow, was mat-
the place had been forsaken by all living ted and caked with dirt.
creatures. The inspector spoke again. “I don’t think
Halliday went over to a ramshackle he’s ever been out of here. He’s only a young
wooden shed with peeling paint and a dog—about a year old—but I understand
rusted corrugated iron roof. He produced a he’s been in this shed since he was an eight-
key, unlocked the padlock and dragged the week-old pup. Somebody out in the lane
door partly open. There was no window, heard a whimper, or he’d never have been
and it wasn’t easy to identify the jumble found.”
inside; broken gardening tools, an ancient I felt a tightening of the throat and a sud-
mangle, rows of flower pots and partly used den nausea which wasn’t due to the smell. It
paint tins.18 And right at the back, a dog sit- was the thought of this patient animal sitting
ting quietly. starved and forgotten in the darkness and
I didn’t notice him immediately because filth for a year. I looked again at the dog and
of the gloom and because the smell in the saw in his eyes only a calm trust. Some dogs
shed started me coughing, but as I drew would have barked their heads off and soon
closer, I saw that he was a big animal, sitting been discovered, some would have become
very upright, his collar secured by a chain to terrified and vicious, but this was one of the
a ring in the wall. I had seen some thin dogs, totally undemanding kind, the kind which

16. Stock is a shortened form of the word livestock; stock 19. Here, stupefying means “deadening to the senses.”
keeping is raising farm animals. 20. The dog has a welter, or mass, of sores that have become
17. Here, rank means “overgrown.” dangerously infected, as well as dead tissue separating
18. Tins is a British term for cans. (sloughing) from its backsides. There are also similar sores
along its sternum, or chest.
Literary Element Memoir How does this comment show
the author’s personal response to the situation and his Reading Strategy Analyzing Style How does Herriot’s
special knowledge about it? word choice in this description evoke a strong image?


had complete faith in people and accepted As I spoke, I noticed there was more
all their actions without complaint. Just an than one figure in the door opening.
occasional whimper perhaps as he sat inter- A pair of black pebble eyes were peering
minably in the empty blackness which had intently at the big dog from behind the
been his world and at times wondered what inspector’s broad back. The other spectators
it was all about. had remained in the lane, but Mrs.
“Well, Inspector, I hope you’re going to Donovan’s curiosity had been too much for
throw the book at whoever’s responsible,” I her. I continued conversationally as though I
said. hadn’t seen her.
Halliday grunted. “Oh, there won’t be “You know, what this dog needs first of all
much done. It’s a case of diminished is a good shampoo to clean up his matted
responsibility. The owner’s definitely sim- coat.”
ple. Lives with an aged mother who hardly “Huh?” said Halliday.
knows what’s going on either. I’ve seen the “Yes. And then he wants a long course of
fellow, and it seems he threw in a bit of some really strong condition powders.”
food when he felt like it, and that’s about “What’s that?” The inspector looked star-
all he did. They’ll fine him and stop him tled.
keeping an animal in the future but nothing “There’s no doubt about it,” I said. “It’s
more than that.” the only hope for him, but where are you
“I see.” I reached out and stroked the going to find such things? Really powerful
dog’s head, and he immediately responded enough, I mean.” I sighed and straightened
by resting a paw on my wrist. There was a up. “Ah well, I suppose there’s nothing else
pathetic dignity about the way he held him- for it. I’d better put him to sleep right away.
self erect, the calm eyes regarding me, I’ll get the things from my car.”
friendly and unafraid. “Well, you’ll let me When I got back to the shed, Mrs.
know if you want me in court.” Donovan was already inside examining the
“Of course, and thank you for coming dog despite the feeble remonstrances21 of the
along.” Halliday hesitated for a moment. big man.
“And now I expect you’ll want to put this “Look!” she said excitedly, pointing to a
poor thing out of his misery right away.” name roughly scratched on the collar. “His
I continued to run my hand over the name’s Roy.” She smiled up at me. “It’s a bit
head and ears while I thought for a like Rex, isn’t it, that name?”
moment. “Yes . . . yes, I suppose so. We’d “You know, Mrs. Donovan, now you men-
never find a home for him in this state. It’s tion it, it is. It’s very like Rex, the way it
the kindest thing to do. Anyway, push the comes off your tongue.” I nodded seriously.
door wide open will you so that I can get a She stood silent for a few moments, obvi-
proper look at him.” ously in the grip of a deep emotion, then she
In the improved light I examined him burst out.
more thoroughly. Perfect teeth, well- “Can I have ’im? I can make him better, I
proportioned limbs with a fringe of yellow know I can. Please, please let me have ’im!”
hair. I put my stethoscope on his chest, and
as I listened to the slow, strong thudding of
the heart, the dog again put his paw on my 21. Remonstrances are protests.

hand. Reading Strategy Analyzing Style What words does

I turned to Halliday, “You know, Herriot use to portray in this paragraph?
Inspector, inside this bag of bones there’s a
lovely healthy golden retriever. I wish there Big Idea Looking Into Lives How does the narrator
was some way of letting him out.” show an understanding of both animals and people?

Man and Dog Running by Holly Roberts.
Viewing the Art: How would you describe the relationship between human and dog shown here?
How is it similar to or different from the relationship between Mrs. Donovan and Roy?

“Well I don’t know,” I said. “It’s really about him needing shampoos and condition
up to the inspector. You’ll have to get his powders?”
permission.” “Oh never mind about that. I’ll tell you
Halliday looked at her in bewilderment, then some other time. What he needs is lots of
he said: “Excuse me, Madam,” and drew me to good grub, care, and affection, and that’s just
one side. We walked a few yards through the what he’ll get. You can take my word for it.”
long grass and stopped under a tree. “All right, you seem very sure.” Halliday
“Mr. Herriot,” he whispered, “I don’t know looked at me for a second or two then
what’s going on here, but I can’t just pass over turned and walked over to the eager little
an animal in this condition to anybody who figure by the shed.
has a casual whim. The poor beggar’s had one I had never before been deliberately on the
bad break already—I think it’s enough. This lookout for Mrs. Donovan: she had just
woman doesn’t look a suitable person . . .” cropped up wherever I happened to be, but
I held up a hand. “Believe me, Inspector, now I scanned the streets of Darrowby anx-
you’ve nothing to worry about. She’s a funny iously day by day without sighting her. I didn’t
old stick, but she’s been sent from heaven
today. If anybody in Darrowby can give this
Literary Element Memoir What aspect of his personality
dog a new life it’s her.”
does the author choose to focus on here? Do you find the
Halliday still looked very doubtful. “But I first-person voice believable?
still don’t get it. What was all that stuff
Holly Roberts/Getty Images
like it when Gobber Newhouse drove his bicy- and there was not a speck of dirt in his coat or
cle determinedly through a barrier into a ten- on his skin. I knew then what Mrs. Donovan
foot hole where they were laying the new had been doing all this time; she had been
sewer and Mrs. Donovan was not in evidence washing and combing and teasing at that filthy
among the happy crowd who watched the tangle till she had finally conquered it.
council workmen and two policemen trying As I straightened up, she seized my wrist in
to get him out; and when she was nowhere to a grip of surprising strength and looked up
be seen when they had to fetch the fire engine into my eyes.
to the fish and chip shop the night the fat burst “Now, Mr. Herriot,” she said. “Haven’t I
into flames, I became seriously worried. made a difference to this dog!”
Maybe I should have called round to see “You’ve done wonders, Mrs. Donovan,” I
how she was getting on with that dog. said. “And you’ve been at him with that mar-
Certainly I had trimmed off the necrotic23 tissue velous shampoo of yours, haven’t you?”
and dressed the sores before she She giggled and walked
took him away, but perhaps he away, and from that day I saw
needed something more than the two of them frequently but
that. And yet at the time I had “Haven’t at a distance, and something like
felt a strong conviction that the two months went by before I
main thing was to get him out of
I made a had a chance to talk to her
there and clean him and feed difference to again. She was passing by the
him, and nature would do the this dog!” surgery as I was coming down
rest. And I had a lot of faith in the steps, and again she grabbed
Mrs. Donovan—far more than my wrist.
she had in me—when it came to “Mr. Herriot,” she said, just
animal doctoring; it was hard to believe I’d as she had done before. “Haven’t I made a
been completely wrong. difference to this dog!”
It must have been nearly three weeks, and I I looked down at Roy with something akin
was on the point of calling at her home, when I to awe. He had grown and filled out, and his
noticed her stumping briskly along the far side coat, no longer yellow but a rich gold, lay in
of the market place, peering closely into every luxuriant shining swathes over the well-fleshed
shop window exactly as before. The only differ- ribs and back. A new, brightly studded collar
ence was that she had a big yellow dog on the glittered on his neck, and his tail, beautifully
end of the lead. fringed, fanned the air gently. He was now
I turned the wheel and sent my car bumping a golden retriever in full magnificence. As I
over the cobbles24 till I was abreast of her. stared at him, he reared up, plunked his
When she saw me getting out, she stopped and forepaws on my chest and looked into my face,
smiled impishly, but she didn’t speak as I bent and in his eyes I read plainly the same calm
over Roy and examined him. He was still a affection and trust I had seen in that black,
skinny dog, but he looked bright and happy, noisome26 shed.
his wounds were healthy and granulating25 “Mrs. Donovan,” I said softly, “he’s the
most beautiful dog in Yorkshire.” Then,
22. The council workmen are laborers employed by the local because I knew she was waiting for it. “It’s
23. Necrotic means “dead.”
24. Cobbles are stones; the road is cobblestone. 26. Noisome means “offensive” or “smelly.”
25. Granulating means “forming new tissues in the process
of healing.”
Literary Element Memoir How does the language in this
Big Idea paragraph show the author’s attitude toward the dog and
Looking Into Lives How has Mrs. Donovan’s
toward animals in general?
life apparently changed?

those wonderful condition powders. Whatever he wasn’t doing that, he was submitting to
do you put in them?” being stroked or patted or generally fussed
“Ah, wouldn’t you like to know!” She bri- over. He was handsome, and he just liked
dled27 and smiled up at me coquettishly and people; it made him irresistible.
indeed she was nearer being kissed at that It was common knowledge that his mis-
moment than for many years. tress had bought a whole selection of
brushes and combs of various sizes with
I suppose you could say that that was the which she labored over his coat. Some peo-
start of Roy’s second life. And as the years ple said she had a little brush for his teeth,
passed, I often pondered on the beneficent too, and it might have been true, but he cer-
providence28 which had decreed that an ani- tainly wouldn’t need his nails clipped—his
mal which had spent his first twelve months life on the roads would keep them down.
abandoned and unwanted, staring uncom- Mrs. Donovan, too, had her reward; she had
prehendingly into that unchanging, stinking a faithful companion by her side every hour of
darkness, should be whisked in a moment the day and night. But there was more to it
into an existence of light and movement and than that; she had always had the compulsion
love. Because I don’t think any dog had it to help and heal animals, and the salvation of
quite so good as Roy from then on. Roy was the high point of her life—a blazing
His diet changed dramatically from odd triumph which never dimmed.
bread crusts to best stewing steak and biscuit, I know the memory of it was always fresh
meaty bones, and a bowl of warm milk every because many years later I was sitting on the
evening. And he never missed a thing. Garden sidelines at a cricket match, and I saw the
fêtes, school sports, evictions, gymkhanas29— two of them; the old lady glancing keenly
he’d be there. I was pleased to note that as time around her, Roy gazing placidly out at the
went on, Mrs. Donovan seemed to be clocking field of play, apparently enjoying every ball.
up an even greater daily mileage. Her expendi- At the end of the match I watched them
ture on shoe leather must have been phenom- move away with the dispersing crowd; Roy
enal, but of course it was absolute pie30 for would be about twelve then, and heaven
Roy—a busy round in the morning, home for a only knows how old Mrs. Donovan must
meal then straight out again; it was all go. have been, but the big golden animal was
Mrs. Donovan didn’t confine her activities trotting along effortlessly, and his mistress, a
to the town center; there was a big stretch of little more bent perhaps and her head rather
common land down by the river where there nearer the ground, was going very well.
were seats, and people used to take their When she saw me, she came over, and I felt
dogs for a gallop, and she liked to get down the familiar tight grip on my wrist.
there fairly regularly to check on the latest “Mr. Herriot,” she said, and in the dark
developments on the domestic scene. I often probing eyes the pride was still as warm, the
saw Roy loping majestically over the grass triumph still as bursting new as if it had all
among a pack of assorted canines, and when happened yesterday.
“Mr. Herriot, haven’t I made a difference to
this dog!” 
27. Here, bridled means “drew back the head or chin.”
28. Beneficent providence refers to the goodness of a greater
Big Idea Looking Into Lives How does the dog change
29. A fête is a party or festival; a gymkhana is an event
Mrs. Donovan’s life?
featuring athletic contests.
30. Here, pie is a metaphor for a treat.
Reading Strategy Analyzing Style How would you
placidly (plas id lē) adv. calmly, serenely
describe the style of this phrase?



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Does either Herriot or Mrs. Donovan remind you of 5. (a)How does Herriot portray the character of Mrs.
anyone you know? Explain. Donovan? Use examples from the story to support
your answer. (b)How well does Herriot bring a
Recall and Interpret small-town busybody to life?
2. (a)What does the gentleman object to in the first
6. How effectively does Herriot illustrate the case of
scene of the story? (b)What does this scene tell
cruelty for the reader?
you about James Herriot and Mrs. Donovan?
7. How does Herriot show the positive effect of Roy
3. (a)What happens to Mrs. Donovan’s dog Rex?
on the owner and of the owner on Roy?
(b)Why is this particularly awful for her?
4. (a)What is the “case of cruelty”? (b)How does Connect
Herriot act in the best interest of both the animal 8. Big Idea Looking Into Lives Do you think this
and Mrs. Donovan? story is mainly about a case of cruelty, about Mrs.
Donovan, or about the life of a vet in a small town?


Literary Element Memoir Reading Strategy Analyzing Style

This story is a memoir, a first-person, true account One aspect of style is figurative language and imagery.
that focuses on the author’s personal experience of Figurative language includes similes, metaphors, and
a particular time period or event in his or her life. personification. It is used to describe and to convey
ideas and emotions. Imagery is language that appeals
1. Which aspects of “A Case of Cruelty” make it a
to one or more of the five senses.
memoir? Is there anything in the story that is not
typical of a memoir? 1. Find the first description of Mrs. Donovan on page
366. How does it contribute to Herriot’s style?
2. Memoirs draw heavily on the author’s personal
experiences. Cite three examples of details that 2. Find another example of figurative language or
only Herriot, the country veterinarian, would know imagery in this selection. Tell how these devices
or think to include. help bring the people, setting, or events to life.

Writing About Literature Vocabulary Practice

Analyze Voice Herriot often portrays himself as Practice with Word Parts Choose the word that
the voice of authority. Herriot also portrays himself best answers each question. Use a dictionary as
as warmhearted, clever, and wise, and, at times, necessary.
confused, frustrated, or upset. Write an essay in which
1. Which word has a suffix that means “state of”?
you analyze the ever-changing voice in “A Case of
a. callousness b. adamant c. placidly
Cruelty.” Remember to state in your thesis which voice
you think is most effective, which is most predomi- 2. Which word has a root that refers to diamond?
nant, or how the voice functions in this memoir. a. diligent b. adamant c. transcend
3. Which word has an adverb suffix?
Web Activities For eFlashcards, a. callousness b. placidly c. diligent
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to


W. S . M e r w i n


Building Background
Born in 1927, William Stanley Merwin grew up in poetry became more personal and his language
Pennsylvania. When Merwin was a teenager, he met became more relaxed. Over the years, Merwin
poet Ezra Pound, who advised him to write seventy- became increasingly interested in ecology, and much
five lines of poetry a day and to learn foreign of his poetry reflects his ideas about the relationship
languages. He took this advice to heart. Merwin’s early between people and nature. Merwin won the Pulitzer
poems adhered to traditional narrative forms and Prize for poetry in 1971.
regular meter patterns. By the 1960s, however, his

Author Search For more about

W. S. Merwin, go to

Small dog named for a wing

never old and never young

abandoned with your brothers on a beach

when you were scarcely weaned

taken home starving

by one woman with
too many to feed as it was

handed over to another

who tied you out back in the weeds
with a clothesline and fed you if she remembered

on the morning before the eclipse of the moon

I first heard about you over the telephone

only the swellings of insect bites

by then held the skin away from your bones

thin hair matted filthy the color of mud

naked belly crusted with sores
head low frightened silent watching

I carried you home and gave you milk and food

bathed you and dried you
W. S. MERWIN 375
Darrell Lecorre/Masterfile
dressed your sores and sat with you
in the sun with your wet head on my leg

we had one brother of yours already

and had named him for the great tree of the islands

we named you for the white shadows

behind your thin shoulders

and for the remainder of the desert

in your black muzzle lean as an Afghan’s
and for the lightness of your ways
not the famished insubstance of your limbs

but even in your sickness and weakness

when you were hobbled with pain and exhaustion

an aerial grace a fine buoyancy

a lifting as in the moment before flight

I keep finding why that is your name

the plump vet was not impressed with you

and guessed wrong for a long time
about what was the matter

so that you could hardly eat

and never grew like your brother

small dog wise in your days

never servile never disobedient

and never far

standing with one foot on the bottom stair

hoping it was bedtime

standing in the doorway looking up

tail swinging slowly below sharp hip bones

toward the end you were with us whatever we did

the gasping breath through the night

ended an hour and a half before daylight

the gray tongue hung from your mouth

we went on calling you holding you

feeling the sudden height

The speaker in this poem credits Ali with many qualities. Choose
five of these qualities and write a paragraph describing what the
qualitities reveal about the speaker’s feelings about the dog.

376 U N IT 2 N O NF I C TI ON

Building Background
Descended from two noble but flamboyant and After graduating from Cambridge University, Byron
violent families, George Gordon, Lord Byron, inherited toured southern Europe and Asia Minor. While
his title and property at the age of ten when his great- traveling, he worked his adventures into poetry. His
uncle, known as the “Wicked Lord,” died. Byron had books sold well, and he influenced art and fashion, as
been born with a clubfoot, and the physical suffering well as literature, with his flamboyant style. At twenty-
and acute embarrassment it caused him profoundly eight, Byron left England, never to return. He spent
affected his temperament. To compensate for his most of the rest of his life in Italy.
condition, Byron succeeded in becoming a masterful
swimmer, horseman, boxer, cricket player, and fencer.
Author Search For more about
George Gordon, Lord Byron, go to

G e o rg e G o rd o n , L o rd B y ro n

Waiting for master. George Earl. Fine Art of Oakham,

Leicestershire, Great Britain.

’Tis sweet to hear the watch-dog’s honest bark

Bay deep-mouthed welcome as we draw near home;
’Tis sweet to know there is an eye will mark
Our coming, and look brighter when we come.

Name three specific words in this poem that
convey delight and write a paragraph explaining
how well these words convey the speaker’s delight
in his dog.


Art Resource, NY
Wrap-Up: Comparing Literature Across Genres

• A Case of Cruelty • Ali • A Friendly Welcome

by James Herriot by W. S. Merwin by George Gordon, Lord Byron

CO M PA R I N G TH E Big Idea Looking Into Lives

Partner Activity With a partner, discuss how the people and animals in these selections are
alike and different. Then copy the Venn diagram below and work together to complete it.


A Case of Cruelty A Friendly Welcome

CO M PA R I N G Tone
Group Activity Short works of literature often have a single consistent tone. Longer works, how-
ever, may include many different scenes and each scene may have its own tone. Even a work
that presents several tones, though, has one dominant tone that colors the entire work. In a small
group, discuss the following questions. Cite evidence from the selections to support your ideas.

1. What is the dominant tone in each of the three selections?

2. How does the writer’s tone help you appreciate both the people and animals in each piece?
Do you think tone is more important in one of these selections than in the others? Explain.

CO M PA R I N G Author’s Purpose
Writing Activity An author may have a single purpose for writing or a combination of pur-
poses. To identify purpose, think about the details the author selects as well as the overall mes-
sage or theme of the selection. Write a brief essay in which you compare and contrast the
themes in at least two of the selections. Use a chart like the one below to help you get started.

Selection Important Overall Message Author’s

Details or Theme Purpose(s)

“A Case of Cruelty””


“A Friendly Welcome”

• Analyze genres. • Identify tone.
• Compare and contrast authors’ purposes.



On the Move

Harbor, Lofoten, Norway, 1937. William Johnson. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC.

The world and its richness is a favorite subject of essayists. Travel and
adventure writers describe their travels in vivid detail and draw lessons from
exploring the world or experiencing the wonders of nature. In the essays in
Part 2, the writers not only tell of their experiences, they often offer personal
messages—as if they were thinking aloud and talking only to you. As you
read these essays, ask yourself: What message is the author trying to convey?

Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC/Art Resource, NY

Personal and Expository Essay

What is an essay?
An essay is a short piece of nonfiction writing that In the excerpt in Part 2 from All God’s Children
usually deals with a single subject. But an essay can Need Traveling Shoes, Maya Angelou tells of a
deal with virtually any subject in a variety of ways. weekend drive out of Accra to see the countryside
Many essays, regardless of their type, share the of Ghana.
author’s thoughts about a subject or an experience.

from All God’s

Children Need
Traveling Shoes
by Maya Angelou

The too sweet aromas of flowers,

the odors of freshly fried fish and
stench from open sewers hung
in my clothes and lay on my skin.
Car horns blew, drums thumped.
Loud radio music and the muddle
of many languages shouted or
murmured. I needed country quiet.
The Fiat was dependable, and
I had a long weekend, money in
my purse, and a working command
of Fanti, so I decided to travel into
the bush.

The essays in this part were written

to inform or to share experiences
with the reader. For example, in
the above excerpt, Maya Angelou
shares her impressions of the sights,
sounds, and smells of Accra. Essays
are generally categorized as per-
sonal, expository, or persuasive.

Africa, 1995. Elizabeth Barakah Hodges. Acrylic.

Elizabeth Barakah Hodges/SuperStock
Personal Essays
Personal essays are usually informal in their
language and tone. A personal essay often
reflects on an incident in the writer’s life. The
writer may share a life lesson with the reader
or perhaps reminisce about a past experience.

On the day Robert Kennedy was shot we found

ourselves, numbed, staring at vats of creamy
chocolate brew at the Judson Candy Factory. The
air hung thickly around us. It didn’t make much
sense to consider all that work for something that
wasn’t even good for you.
—Naomi Shihab Nye, from “Field Trip”

Expository Essays
The word expository is a derivative of the word
Chefs in Paris, 2003. Pam Ingalls.
expose, which means “to make known or
explain.” Whenever you write to inform, give
directions, explain an idea, or make something
clear, you are writing an expository essay. Persuasive Essays
In a persuasive essay, the writer attempts to
influence the reader to accept an idea, adopt a
point of view, or perform an action. Persuasive
The name Wyoming comes from an Indian word
writing may appeal to the reader’s emotions.
meaning “at the great plains,” but the plains are
However, a type of persuasive writing called
really valleys, great arid valleys, sixteen hundred
argument relies on reason, logic, and evidence to
square miles, with the horizon bending up on all
convince the reader. Most persuasive essays and
sides into mountain ranges. This gives the vastness
speeches use a combination of argument and
a sheltering look.
emotional appeal. You will encounter persuasive
Winter lasts six months here. Prevailing winds
writing and speaking in Part 3 of this unit.
spill snowdrifts to the east, and new storms from
the northwest replenish them. This white bulk is
sometimes dizzying, even nauseating, to look at.
—Gretel Ehrlich, from “The Solace of Open Spaces” Quickwrite
Describing a Journey Describe your journey to
school on a particular day. What main point will you
make? What are your thoughts about your experi-
ence? Include details about what you see, hear,
smell, taste, and touch that support your main point.

•Understand the characteristics of an essay. • Analyze main idea.
•Understand the different types of essay. • Recognize author’s purpose.

Pam Ingalls/CORBIS

from All God’s Children

Need Traveling Shoes

How many careers can one person have?

Maya Angelou has been a cook, waitress,
singer, actor, and dancer. She was the first
female African American streetcar conductor
in San Francisco. During the 1960s, she was a
coordinator for the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference and a voice of the
Civil Rights Movement. She was a television
and movie star, as well as a political activist
for women’s rights. She recently published a
cookbook. On top of all that, she is an award- Angelou has published children’s books,
winning author. poetry, essays, plays, and film and television
Six Autobiographies Born in St. Louis,
Missouri, Angelou spent much of her child- On the Move Angelou has crossed the United
hood in rural, racially segregated Stamps, States as well as other countries and continents
Arkansas. She wrote eloquently about this and to write, perform, appear on talk shows,
other periods of her life in a series of six auto- receive honorary degrees, and fight for the
biographical books. Of those books, I Know rights of women and the underprivileged. A
Why the Caged Bird Sings is the first and most savvy traveler, Angelou speaks five languages
famous. All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes in addition to English: Spanish, French, Italian,
is the fifth in the series. It recounts Angelou’s Arabic, and Fanti, a language spoken in
years in Ghana, where she enrolled her son in Ghana. She knows that travel is not a cure for
college. the world’s problems, but she does think it has
great potential for bringing people together.

Awards and Accomplishments Angelou has

“[Travel] can introduce the idea that if been honored in many ways. President Bill
Clinton chose her to write and read a poem at
we try to understand each other, we his first inaugural ceremony in January 1993.
may even become friends.” Angelou was also chosen to write and read a
poem for the fiftieth anniversary of the United
—Maya Angelou Nations in 1995. She received the NAACP’s
Spingarn Medal in 1993. A dynamic speaker
with a deep and rhythmic voice, Angelou
Angelou began writing autobiographies remains a sought-after guest in every location
when she returned home from Ghana. One from college campuses to the Oprah Winfrey
reason she wrote was because her friend show.
James Baldwin, the African American novel-
Maya Angelou was born in 1928.
ist, encouraged her. Although Angelou never
planned to write more than one volume, she
published more and more books over the Author Search For more about
years. In addition to autobiographies, Maya Angelou, go to

AP/Wide World

Connecting to the Narrative Essay Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and

When people travel, they often have a variety of expe- Solution
riences, both wonderful and disappointing. In All God’s Identifying problem and solution is looking for
Children Need Traveling Shoes the author travels in obstacles, conflicts, and problems and identifying how
Ghana. Before you read, think about the following they are or can be solved. This process can help you
questions: better understand the purpose of a literary work and
provide you with greater insight into its characters. As
• Have you ever gone someplace where you you read, identify the series of problems that arise as
did not know anyone?
the narrator travels in Ghana and the solutions that
• How would you act if you were not sure you she develops for those problems.
would be accepted among strangers?

Building Background Reading Tip: Making a Chart As you read, use a

This selection takes place in the early 1960s in Ghana, chart to list problems and solutions.
a nation that lies on the Atlantic coast of West Africa.
When fifteenth-century Portuguese explorers arrived in Problem Solution
the region now known as Ghana, they found so much
gold there that they named it the Gold Coast. From The narrator She asks a woman
the 1500s to the 1850s, the Gold Coast was a center cannot find a for help, and the
of the international slave trade. In 1957 the nation place to stay. woman guides her to
attained its independence and renamed itself Ghana. the “old man.”
Big Idea On the Move
As you read, think about what Angelou learned and
felt during this part of her journey to Ghana. Vocabulary

throng (thron) n. a large number of people or

Literary Element Narrative Essay things crowded together; p. 384 Cars could not
A narrative essay is a nonfiction story. In this short pass through the throng of tourists.
form, authors present a real time and place, real peo- pang (pan) n. a sudden sharp feeling of pain
ple as characters, and events that actually happened. or distress; p. 385 The woman felt a pang as she
Often a narrative essay includes a central conflict or recalled the scene of the accident.
problem, as well as a climax and resolution. Knowing
that a literary work is a narrative essay can help you suffuse (sə fūz´) v. to spread through or over;
gain historical and/or general knowledge about other p. 385 The smell of baking bread suffused the
people, places, and events. As you read, note the ele- small house.
ments of a narrative essay mentioned above. impervious (im purvē əs) adj. incapable of
being passed through, affected, or disturbed;
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 p. 386 The manager was impervious to the cus-
tomer’s complaints and refused to issue a refund.

Interactive Literary Elements reverberate (ri vur bə rāt´) v. to echo; resound;

Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements, p. 389 The noise of the cars passing through the
go to tunnel reverberated off its walls.

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • identifying author’s purpose
• recognizing the characteristics of a narrative essay • writing an analytical essay
• identifying problem and solution


Maya Angelou

E ach morning Ghana’s seven-and-one-

half million people seemed to crowd at once
The too sweet aromas of flowers, the odors
of freshly fried fish and stench from open
into the capital city where the broad avenues sewers hung in my clothes and lay on my skin.
as well as the unpaved rutted lanes became Car horns blew, drums thumped. Loud radio
gorgeous with moving pageantry: bicycles, music and the muddle of many languages
battered lorries, hand carts, American and shouted or murmured. I needed country quiet.
European cars, chauffeur-driven limousines. The Fiat was dependable, and I had a long
People on foot struggled for right-of-way, weekend, money in my purse, and a work-
white-collar workers wearing white knee- ing command of Fanti,1 so I decided to travel
high socks brushed against market women into the bush. I bought roasted plantain
balancing large baskets on their heads as stuffed with boiled peanuts, a quart of Club
they proudly swung their wide hips. beer and headed my little car west. The stretch
Children, bright faces shining with palm oil, was a highway from Accra to Cape Coast,2
picked openings in the throng, and pretty filled with trucks and private cars passing
young women in western clothes affected from lane to lane with abandon. People hung
not to notice the attention they caused as out of windows of the crowded mammie lor-
they laughed together talking in the musical ries,3 and I could hear singing and shouting
Twi language. Old men sat or stooped beside
the road smoking homemade pipes and
1. Fanti (fan tē) is a dialect of Akan spoken by one of Ghana’s
looking wise as old men have done eternally. many ethnic groups.
2. Accra is Ghana’s capital and largest city; the town of Cape
Coast is about 75 miles southwest of Accra.
3. Mammie lorries are small trucks or open-sided buses used
Vocabulary for public transportation.

throng (thrôn) n. a large number of people or things Literary Element Narrative Essay What do these details
crowded together reveal about Ghana?

when the drivers careened those antique my grandmothers, who were used to the
vehicles up and down hills as if each was a rush of air against bamboo huts and the
little train out to prove it could. sound of birds rattling their grass roofs?
I stopped in Cape Coast only for gas. I had to pull off the road. Just passing near
Although many black Americans had headed Cape Coast Castle had plunged me back into
for the town as soon as they touched ground the eternal melodrama.5
in Ghana, I successfully avoided it for a year. There would be no purging,6 I knew,
Cape Coast Castle and the nearby Elmina unless I asked all the questions. Only then
Castle4 had been holding forts for captured would the spirits understand that I was feed-
slaves. The captives had been imprisoned in ing them. It was a crumb, but it was all I had.
dungeons beneath the massive buildings, and I allowed the shapes to come to my imagi-
friends of mine who had felt called upon to nation: children passed tied together by ropes
make the trek reported that they felt the thick and chains, tears abashed, stumbling in dull
stone walls still exhaustion, then women, hair uncombed,
echoed with old bodies gritted with sand, and sagging in
cries. defeat. Men, muscles without memory, minds
The palm tree- dimmed, plodding, leaving bloodied foot-
lined streets and fine prints in the dirt. The quiet was awful. None
white stone buildings of them cried, or yelled, or bellowed. No
did not tempt me to moans came from them. They lived in a mute
remain any longer territory, dead to feeling and protest. These
than necessary. Once were the legions, sold by sisters, stolen by
Visual Vocabulary out of the town and brothers, bought by strangers, enslaved by
Found mostly in tropical again onto the tarred the greedy, and betrayed by history.
Africa, baobab (bā ō bab´)
trees have very broad trunks,
roads, I knew I had For a long time, I sat as in an open-air
thick branches, and large not made a clean auditorium watching a troop of tragic play-
white flowers. They grow well escape. Despite my ers enter and exit the stage.
on savannahs, which are
open grasslands with scat- hurry, history had The visions faded as my tears ceased. Light
tered trees and shrubs. invaded my little car. returned and I started the car, turned off the
Pangs of self-pity main road, and headed for the interior. Using
and a sorrow for my rutted track roads, and lanes a little larger than
unknown relatives suffused me. Tears made foot paths, I found the River Pra. The black
the highway waver and were salty on my water moving quietly, ringed with the tall trees,
tongue. seemed enchanted. A fear of snakes kept me in
What did they think and feel, my grand- the car, but I parked and watched the bright
fathers, caught on those green savannas, sun turn the water surface into a rippling cloth
under the baobab trees? How long did their of lamé.7 I passed through villages which were
families search for them? Did the dungeon
wall feel chilly and its slickness strange to 5. [eternal melodrama] Angelou compares the experience of
slavery to a play that never fails to stir the emotions deeply.
6. A purging is a removal of something that is unclean or
4. Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle are two slave-trade era undesirable.
fortifications. The castles’ dungeons held thousands of 7. Lamé (la m ā) is a fabric woven with metallic threads that
captured men, women, and children in chains as they give it a glittering appearance.
awaited export to North America as slaves. The United
Nations has designated the buildings as World Heritage Big Idea On the Move What important connection came
about because of this interruption in the narrator’s journey?

Literary Element Narrative Essay What happens in the
pang (pan) n. a sudden sharp feeling of pain or distress
narrative at this point and how do you know that something
suffuse (sə fūz) v. to spread through or over has changed?


John Shaw/Tom Stack & Associates
Small Town in Africa.
Rosemary Woods.
Viewing the Art: How
do the colors in this
painting affect your
sense of the place?

little more than collections of thatch huts, with huge and impervious. I searched for a hotel
goats and small children wandering in the sign in vain and as the day lengthened, I
lanes. The noise of my car brought smiling started to worry. I didn’t have enough gas to
adults out to wave at me. get to Koforidua, a large town northeast of
In the late afternoon, I reached the thriving Dunkwa, where there would certainly be
town that was my destination. A student hotels, and I didn’t have the address of my stu-
whom I had met at Legon had spoken to me dent’s family. I parked the car a little out of the
often of the gold-mining area, of Dunkwa, his town center and stopped a woman carrying a
birthplace. His reports had so glowed with the bucket of water on her head and a baby on her
town’s virtues, and I had chosen that spot for back.
my first journey. “Good day.” I spoke in Fanti, and she
My skin color, features, and the Ghana responded. I continued, “I beg you, I am a
cloth I wore made me look like any young stranger looking for a place to stay.”
Ghanaian8 woman. I could pass if I didn’t She repeated, “Stranger?” and laughed.
talk too much. “You are a stranger? No. No.”
As usual, in the towns of Ghana, the streets To many Africans only whites could be
were filled with vendors selling their wares of strangers. All Africans belonged somewhere,
tinned pat milk, hot spicy Killi Willis (fried,
ripe plantain chips), Pond’s cold cream, and
antimosquito incense rings. Farmers were Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and Solution
When do you first realize that the narrator is in trouble and
returning home, children returning from how does she convey the significance of her predicament?
school. Young boys grinned at mincing9 girls
and always there were the market women, Vocabulary
impervious (im purvē əs) adj. incapable of being
8. Ghanaian (a nə yən) passed through, affected, or disturbed
9. The mincing girls are trying to appear dainty and refined.

Rosemary Woods/Getty Images
to some clan. All Akan-speaking10 people studying my face. “You are not Ga.” He was
belong to one of eight blood lines (Abosua) reading my features.
and one of eight spirit lines (Ntoro). A few small children had collected around
I said, “I am not from here.” his knees. They could barely hold back their
For a second fear darted in her eyes. giggles as he interrogated me.
There was the possibility that I was a witch “Aflao?”12
or some unhappy ghost from the country I said, “No.”
of the dead. I quickly said, “I am from “Brong-ahafo?”
Accra.” She gave me a good smile. “Oh, I said, “No. I am—.” I meant to tell him
one Accra. Without a home.” She laughed. the truth, but he said, “Don’t tell me. I will
The Fanti word Nkran, for which the capi- soon know.” He continued staring at me.
tol was named, means the large ant that “Speak more. I will know from your Fanti.”
builds ten-foot-high domes of red clay and “Well, I have come from Accra and I need
lives with millions of other ants. to rent a room for the night. I told that
“Come with me.” She turned quickly, woman that I was a stranger . . .”
steadying the bucket on her head, and led He laughed. “And you are. Now, I know.
me between two corrugated tin shacks. The You are Bambara from Liberia. It is clear
baby bounced and slept on her back, you are Bambara.” He laughed again. “I
secured by the large piece of cloth wrapped always can tell. I am not easily fooled.” He
around her body. We passed a compound shook my hand. “Yes, we will find you a
where women were pounding the dinner place for the night. Come.” He touched a
foo foo11 in wooden bowls. boy at his right. “Find Patience Aduah, and
The woman shouted, “Look what I have bring her to me.”
found. One Nkran has no place to sleep The children laughed and all ran away as the
tonight.” The women laughed and asked, man led me into the house. He pointed me to a
“One Nkran? I don’t believe it.” seat in the neat little parlor and shouted,
“Are you taking it to the old man?” “Foriwa, we have a guest. Bring beer.” A small
“Of course.” black woman with an imperial air entered the
“Sleep well, alone, Nkran, if you can.” My room. Her knowing face told me that she had
guide stopped before a small house. She put witnessed the scene in her front yard.
the water on the ground and told me to wait She spoke to her husband. “And, Kobina,
while she entered the house. She returned did you find who the stranger was?” She
immediately followed by a man who rubbed walked to me. I stood and shook her hand.
his eyes as if he had just been awakened. “Welcome, stranger.” We both laughed. “Now
He walked close and peered hard at my don’t tell me, Kobina, I have ears, also. Sit
face. “This is the Nkran?” The woman was down, Sister, beer is coming. Let me hear you
adjusting the bucket on her head. speak.”
“Yes, Uncle. I have brought her.” She We sat facing each other while her hus-
looked at me, “Good-bye, Nkran. Sleep band stood over us smiling. “You, Foriwa,
in peace. Uncle, I am going.” The man you will never get it.”
said, “Go and come, child,” and resumed I told her my story, adding a few more
words I had recently learned. She laughed
10. Akan (a kan´) is the language spoken in southern Ghana;
Fanti is a dialect of Akan. 12. Here and in the next few paragraphs, the man guesses at
11. Foo foo is a dough made from mashed yams, plantains, or Angelou’s ethnic group in the mistaken belief that she is a
other starchy fruits. native West African.

Literary Element Narrative Essay What does the wom- Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and Solution
an’s response to the narrator suggest about her role in the What are the complexities of the problem that the narrator
narrative and the ensuing events? has at this moment?


Voices came to the house from the
“Brother Kobina,” “Uncle,” “Auntie.”
Foriwa opened the door to a group of
people who entered speaking fast and look-
ing at me.
“So this is the Bambara woman? The
stranger?” They looked me over and
talked with my hosts. I understood some
of their conversation. They said that I
was nice looking and old enough to have
a little wisdom. They announced that my
car was parked a few blocks away.
Kobina told them that I would spend the
night with the newlyweds, Patience and
Kwame Duodu. Yes, they could see
clearly that I was a Bambara.
“Give us the keys to your car, Sister;
someone will bring your bag.”
I gave up the keys and all resistance.
I was either at home with friends, or I
would die wishing that to be so.
Later, Patience, her husband, Kwame,
and I sat out in the yard around a cook-
Calabash Girls, 1991. Tilly Willis. Oil on canvas. Private Collection.
ing fire near to their thatched house
which was much smaller than the Artey
bungalow. They explained that Kobina
grandly. “She is Bambara. I could have told Artey was not a chief, but a member of
you when Abaa first brought her. See how the village council, and all small matters in
tall she is? See her head? See her color? Men, that area of Dunkwa were taken to him. As
huh. They only look at a woman’s shape.” Patience stirred the stew in the pot, which
Two children brought beer and glasses to was balanced over the fire, children and
the man who poured and handed the glasses women appeared sporadiacally out of the
around. “Sister, I am Kobina Artey; this is darkness carrying covered plates. Each time
my wife Foriwa and some of my children.” Patience thanked the bearers and directed
I introduced myself, but because they had them to the house, I felt the distance narrow
taken such relish in detecting my tribal ori- between my past and present.
gin I couldn’t tell them that they were In the United States, during segregation,
wrong. Or, less admirably, at that moment I black American travelers, unable to stay in
didn’t want to remember that I was an hotels restricted to white patrons, stopped
American. For the first time since my arrival, at churches and told the black ministers or
I was very nearly home. Not a Ghanaian, but deacons of their predicaments. Church offi-
at least accepted as an African. The sensation cials would select a home and then inform
was worth a lie. the unexpecting hosts of the decision. There
was never a protest, but the new hosts relied

Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and Solution

What problem is solved in this exchange with the Ghanaians, Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and Solution
and what does this solution suggest about the narrator’s In what ways is this statement a solution to the narrator’s
sense of who she is? earlier problems?

Tilly Willis/Getty Images
on the generosity of their neighbors to help twenty women in a walled enclosure that
feed and even entertain their guests. After had no ceiling. The greetings were loud and
the travelers were settled, surreptitious cheerful as we soaped ourselves and poured
knocks would sound on the back door. buckets of water over our shoulders.
In Stamps, Arkansas, I heard so often, Patience introduced me. “This is our
“Sister Henderson, I know you’ve got Bambara sister.”
guests. Here’s a pan of biscuits.” “She’s a tall one all right. Welcome, Sister.”
“Sister Henderson, Mama sent a half a “I like her color.”
cake for your visitors.” “How many children, Sister?”
“Sister Henderson, I made a lot of maca- I apologized, “I only have one.”
roni and cheese. Maybe this will help with “One?”
your visitors.” “One?”
My grandmother would whisper her “One!” Shouts reverberated over the
thanks and finally when the family and splashing water. I said, “One, but I’m trying.”
guests sat down at the table, the offerings They laughed. “Try hard, sister. Keep
were so different and plentiful, it appeared trying.”
that days had been spent preparing the We ate leftovers from the last night feast
meal. and I said a sad good-bye to my hosts. The
Patience invited me inside, and when I children walked me back to my car with the
saw the table I was confirmed in my earlier oldest boy carrying my bag. I couldn’t offer
impression. Groundnut stew, garden egg money to my hosts, Arkansas had taught me
stew, hot pepper soup, kenke, kotomre, fried that, but I gave change to the children. They
plantain, dukuno, shrimp, fish cakes, and bobbed and jumped and grinned.
more, all crowded together on variously “Good-bye, Bambara Auntie.”
patterned plates. “Go and come, Auntie.”
In Arkansas, the guests would never sug- “Go and come.”
gest, although they knew better, that the I drove into Cape Coast before I thought of
host had not prepared every scrap of food, the gruesome castle and out of its environs
especially for them. before the ghosts of slavery caught me.
I said to Patience, “Oh, Sister, you went to Perhaps their attempts had been half-
such trouble.” hearted. After all, in Dunkwa, although I let
She laughed, “It is nothing, Sister. We don’t a lie speak for me, I had proved that one of
want our Bambara relative to think herself a their descendants, at least one, could just
stranger anymore. Come, let us wash and eat.” briefly return to Africa, and that despite
After dinner I followed Patience to the cruel betrayals, bitter ocean voyages,
outdoor toilet, then they gave me a cot in a and hurtful centuries, we were still
very small room. recognizable. 
In the morning I wrapped my cloth under
my arms, sarong fashion, and walked with
Patience to the bathhouse. We joined about Literary Element Narrative Essay How has the narra-
tor’s past helped her act appropriately in the present?

Big Idea On the Move How does the narrator’s descrip-

tion of her meal at Dunkwa reveal the importance of travel
to her? reverberate (ri vurbə rāt´) v. to echo; resound



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Which emotion described in this selection could 5. (a)How does the discussion of Cape Coast Castle
you relate to most? What specifically about the writ- introduce a new mood in this selection? (b)How
ing evokes this emotion? well does Angelou succeed in creating this mood
here and elsewhere in the selection?
Recall and Interpret
6. (a)How is the information about Stamps, Arkansas,
2. (a)Describe what happened when Angelou pulled
important in the story of Angelou’s travels in
her car off the road after passing Cape Coast
Ghana? (b)How does that information make the
Castle. (b)Do you think Angelou avoided entering
selection more interesting?
Cape Coast Castle and, if so, why? What issues and
emotions might Cape Coast Castle raise for her? 7. Why might it have been important to Angelou to
be seen as a Ghanaian woman?
3. (a)What nationality do Kobina and Foriwa think
Angelou is? What reason does she offer for not cor- Connect
recting them? (b)What unspoken reasons might
Angelou have for not correcting her hosts when 8. Big Idea On the Move Do you think that travel-
they misidentify her? ing to Dunkwa was the only way that Angelou
could have quieted the “ghosts of slavery”? Explain.
4. (a)What does Angelou feel that she proved in
Dunkwa? (b)How do you think this resolution
relates to her experience at Cape Coast Castle
at the beginning of her journey?


Life in Rural Ghana Group Activity Work with classmates to discuss

In Ghana in the 1960s, most people lived in and answer the following questions.
towns and villages that did not yet have elec- 1. How full or complete a picture do you get
tricity. Dirt roads and waterways connected of life and culture in Ghana in the early
them. In the greener, wealthier south, pictur- 1960s from Angelou’s essay?
esque villages sat beneath trees and were sur- 2. What do you learn from this feature about
rounded by banana groves and coconut palms. daily life and culture that is not stated in
In the dryer, poorer north, mud huts baked in Angelou’s essay?
the hot sun. In the villages and towns,
women and girls carried water in
buckets or pots, sometimes on their
heads, from nearby streams or pipes;
did washing by hand; pounded
maize, cassava, and other starchy
fruits and vegetables using a heavy
mortar and pestle; and cooked over
an open fire in the courtyard.

Dennis Stock/Magnum Photos

Literary Element Narrative Essay Reading Strategy Identifying Problem

A narrative essay often has story elements, including and Solution
plot elements. Plot elements can include exposition In Angelou’s narrative essay, some of the problems
(describing the time, place, and characters) as well as and solutions lead to new problems and solutions,
various events and rising action. Some, though not all, creating a chain of events. Review the list of problems
narrative essays also have a climax and resolution. and solutions you created while reading this essay.
A well-crafted plot is not as necessary in an essay, Draw arrows in your chart to show which solutions
where the author’s purpose is often to inform, as it led to new problems.
is in a story, which is usually meant to entertain.
1. Which problems and solutions in this essay appear
1. What do you learn from the exposition in this to lead to new problems?
2. In what way is the problem-solution structure of
2. Do you think that this essay has a climax? Explain. this essay related to the Big Idea of being “On the
3. How does this narrative essay differ from a story? Move”? Use events from the narrative to support
Use details from the essay to support your answer. your answer.

Review: Author’s Purpose Vocabulary Practice

As you learned on page 320, the author’s purpose is Practice with Synonyms Synonyms are words
the author’s intent in writing a literary work. Authors that have the same or similar meanings. However,
typically write for one or more of the following pur- words that are synonyms may still have different
poses: to persuade, to inform, to explain, to entertain, shades of meaning. Note that synonyms are always
or to describe. the same part of speech. Read each sentence
below. Choose the synonym for the underlined
Partner Activity Meet with a partner to discuss word.
Angelou’s purpose in writing this selection. Make a dia-
gram like the one below. Complete it by listing three 1. He loved her so much he could not think of
important points or main ideas of the essay. Draw a losing her without feeling a pang.
conclusion about Angelou’s purpose based on the a. twinge b. relief c. madness
details. 2. The fragrance of the flowers suffused the
a. diminished b. saturated c. overpowered
3. A good roof is impervious to rain.
a. subject b. impressive c. resistant
Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea
4. She is slightly claustrophobic; a throng of
people will make her nervous.
a. room b. crowd c. meeting
5. Marisol’s voice reverberated throughout the
a. echoed b. whispered c. was heard
Author’s Purpose



Writing About Literature Angelou’s Language and Style

Analyze Style Maya Angelou is often praised for Using Possessive Pronouns In this excerpt from All
expressing deep thoughts in eloquent yet clear lan- God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes, Maya Angelou
guage. This sentence, with its parallel phrases, is an uses many possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns
example: “These were the legions, sold by sisters, sto- show ownership. They take the place of possessive
len by brothers, brought by strangers, enslaved by the nouns and can be singular or plural.
greedy, and betrayed by history.” Find other examples
of eloquent, clear language in this selection, and write
Singular Possessive Plural Possessive
an essay in which you analyze them. Pronouns Pronouns
Begin your prewriting by identifying three examples my our
and analyzing them. mine ours
your your
yours yours
Sentence My Analysis of Style his their
her theirs
1. hers
2. its
Notice the possessive pronoun in each of Angelou’s
sentences below and the possessive noun it replaces.
Use your prewriting ideas to develop three body para-
graphs. Then write an introduction with a thesis state- Angelou’s Sentence Possessive Noun
ment that sums up what your analysis shows. Finally, Replaced
add a formal conclusion that not only restates your
We sat facing each other the woman’s
main points but adds a fresh, but still related, insight while her husband stood
or idea. over us smiling.

After you complete your draft, have a peer read it A student whom I had met the student’s
at Legon had spoken to me
and suggest revisions. Then proofread and edit your
often of . . . Dunkwa, his
work to correct errors in spelling, grammar, and birthplace.

Activity Make a chart like the one above with more

Internet Connection examples from the story. Think about how the use of
possessive pronouns helps to eliminate unnecessary
Much of Maya Angelou’s writing is based on her own
experiences. Use the Internet to learn more about her
life and her writings. Find out what she has been
doing recently and whether she has continued to Revising Check
write about her African roots. You might use a search
engine to find sites dedicated to Angelou or look Possessive Pronouns Possessive pronouns are fre-
up online bookstores to find out more about her quently misspelled or misused. Work with a partner to
publications. identify possessive pronouns and the nouns they
replace in your analysis of Angelou’s style. Refer to the
chart above to be sure you have used the correct sin-
Web Activities For eFlashcards, gular or plural form and spelling of each possessive
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to pronoun. Edit as necessary.


Field Trip

aomi Shihab Nye is the kind of
writer who could show up at your
school or local bookstore. She has
been a visiting writer in hundreds of
schools and she frequently gives readings.
Energetic and always on the move, Nye has
not only written in many different genres
but has also been singer-songwriter and
contributed to two PBS television series.
On the Move “Field Trip” is part of a col-
Published at Age Seven Born in St. Louis, lection of essays called Never In a Hurry. It rep-
Nye is the daughter of a Palestinian immi- resents thirteen years of observation and
grant father and an American mother. She personal experience with a variety of topics.
began writing at the age of six, and had her Wandering is one theme of this book, which
first poem accepted for publication by the includes journeys to places as far away as
age of seven. When she was in high school, Hawaii and India, and as close as the local
her family moved to Jerusalem, where her print shop. Although Nye loves to explore
father edited the Jerusalem Times. Nye wrote mentally and calls travel a “recurrent theme”
a column for the same paper. The family’s in her life, she does not think literal movement
stay in the Middle East ended abruptly, from place to place is a necessity for writing.
however, when the Six-Day War broke out,
and they returned to the United States. Nye
continued to publish, working her way “I would adhere to Thoreau’s idea that
from children’s magazines to teen maga-
zines and then literary journals. you can stay in your own backyard all
Although Nye’s first major published work your life and have plenty to write
was a book of poetry, she has also written about.”
essays, a novel for young adults, and many
children’s books. She has edited collections —Naomi Shihab Nye
of poetry, including This Same Sky, an
anthology of poems that includes one hun-
dred twenty-nine poets from sixty-eight Today, Nye continues her personal journey in
countries. More recently, she brought San Antonio, Texas. She writes, edits, and
together poetry from the Middle East in a gives readings that take her audiences to new
collection called Nineteen Varieties of Gazelle. destinations and into new experiences.
A third collection called I Feel a Little Jumpy
around You presents pairs of poems on the Naomi Shihab Nye was born in 1952.
same topic, but written from male and
female perspectives. It is aimed at teens
and shows how gender differences affect Author Search For more about
people’s lives. Naomi Shihab Nye, go to
Author Search For more about
Author Name, go to


Gerardo Somoza/CORBIS

Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal

When unexpected things happen, how do people react Experience
to them? As you read the essay, think about the fol- Connecting to personal experience is linking what
lowing questions: you read to your own life or to other selections. While
reading “Field Trip,” you may recall field trips that you
• Does this story remind you in any way of field trips have experienced or heard about, or events that
you have taken? If so, in what way? If not, why?
surprised you or your friends.
• In your opinion, how often do field trips have unex-
pected educational value?
Reading Tip: Taking Notes Take notes to show how
Building Background you connect with details in the essay.
A commercial print shop is a place where written text
and art are made into printed products such as busi- My Personal
ness cards, stationery, brochures, posters, newspapers, Detail Connection
magazines, and books. A print shop usually has many
kinds of machines—including darkroom equipment, p. 395 I’ve been responsible
printing presses, computers, and photocopiers. It may “a large group of for groups of
also have an electric paper cutter that can trim more children on a field children as a camp
than five hundred sheets of paper with a single slice of trip” counselor.
its razor-sharp blade. In this essay, a class visits a print
shop to see how pages are bound, or put together to
make a book.

Setting Purposes for Reading Vocabulary

Big Idea On the Move severance (sev ər əns) n. the act of cutting off
As you read, think about what the class is supposed to or apart; p. 395 Part of the opening ceremony was
learn from the field trip, as well as what the class actu- the severance of a ribbon across the door.
ally learns.
oo shē ā´ tin) adj. agoniz-
excruciating (iks kr¯¯¯
ing; intensely painful; p. 396 Some dental work
Literary Element Aphorism can result in excruciating pain.
An aphorism is a short, pointed statement that parched (parcht) adj. severely dry; p. 397 After
expresses a wise or clever observation about human a week without rain, the plants were parched.
experience. Other terms for aphorism include saying,
maxim, and adage. This quotation from Robert Louis console (kən sōl) v. to comfort someone
Stevenson is an example of an aphorism on the topic experiencing sorrow or disappointment;
of travel: “To travel hopefully is a better thing than to p. 397 Nothing could console Pam when her dog
arrive.” As you read “Field Trip,” identify the aphorisms died.
that the author includes. Also consider what purpose
Vocabulary Tip: Analogies Analogies are
they serve in the essay.
comparisons based on the relationships between
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 things or ideas. To complete an analogy, decide
what relationship exists in a pair of words and
Interactive Literary Elements
create the same relationship in a second pair
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements, of words.
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • connecting to personal experience
• analyzing aphorisms and anecdotes • writing a critical essay

Naomi Shihab Nye

Busing. Franklin McMahon.

O nly once did I ever take a large group

of children on a field trip. I took a creative
blot of blood grew outward in a rapid pool,
staining all the pages. Cupping her wounded
hand against her chest, the woman pressed
writing workshop to a printing office to see through the crowd, not screaming, but
how pages were bound together to make mouthing silently, “Hospital. Now. Let’s go.”
books, and our cheerfully patient guide The children stood motionless, suspended.
chopped her finger off with a giant paper The motion of the workers was like the flurry
cutter. of feathers and wings when anyone steps too
I had not prepared the children for expe- quickly into a chicken coop. People dialed,
riences beyond typeface, camera-ready copy, then asked one another why they were dial-
collation.1 Standing toward the back like a ing. Couldn’t they drive her to the hospital
shepherd, I felt their happy little backs themselves? Someone at the emergency room
stiffen at the moment of severance. A said to place the severed finger on ice, and a
collective gasp rose from their throats as a man who, moments before, had been
tediously pasting up layouts ran for ice.
1. In the printing industry, a typeface is a style of letters to be One boy tugged my shirt and croaked,
printed, camera-ready copy is text and art arranged on a
“The last thing she said was—you have to be
page, ready to be photographed for printing; and collation is
the process of sorting pages into the correct order, by hand very careful with this machine.”
or machine. Someone dropped a ring of keys, and
Big Idea On the Move In what way is a field trip an
I immediately crawled around on the floor,
example of being “on the move”?

Reading StrategyConnecting to Personal

Vocabulary Experience How might your own reaction have been
severance (sev ər əns) n. the act of cutting off or apart similar to or different from the students’ reactions?


Franklin McMahon/CORBIS
reaching under a desk for them. It felt good At our next meeting we forgot poetry and
to fall to my knees. For a second the stricken made get-well cards. Or come-together-again
woman loomed above me, and I stuttered, cards. May the seam hold. May the two
apologizing for having distracted her become one. They thought up all kinds of
from business, but she was distracted by things. I had been calling the printing office to
something else. monitor her progress, and the reports
“Honey, look at that thing!” she said, star- sounded good. The students had been gather-
ing into the cup of ice where the index finger ing stories: someone’s farmer-uncle whose leg
now rested like a rare archival specimen.2 was severed in a cornfield but who lived to
“It’s turning white! If that finger stays white, see it joined; someone’s brother’s toe.
I don’t want it on my body!” I went to her home with a bundle of hope-
We laughed long and hard and straight, ful wishes tied in loops of pink ribbon. She
and the children stared, amazed. Had we was wearing a terry-cloth bathrobe and sitting
lost our senses? That she could joke at such a in a comfortable chair, her hand hugely
moment, as the big fans whirred and the col- bandaged.
lating machines paused over vast mountains She shook her head. “I guess none of those
of stacked paper . . . I wanted to sing her cute kids will ever become printers now, will
blackness, the sweet twist of her joy, to call they? Gee, I hope they don’t stop reading and
out to those boys and girls, “This, my writing! And to think of it happening in front
friends, is what words can do for you—make of such an interested audience! Oh, I feel just
you laugh when your finger rests in a plastic terrible about it.”
cup!” Reading their messages made her chuckle. I
But she went quickly off into the day, and asked what the doctors had said about the fin-
I shuffled an extremely silent group of bud- ger turning black again. She said they thought
ding writers back onto our bus. I wanted to it would, but it might be slightly paler than
say something promising recovery, or prais- the rest of her hand. And it would be stiff, for
ing our guide’s remarkable presence of a long time, maybe forever.
mind, but my voice seemed lost among the She missed being at work; vacations
seats. No one would look at me. weren’t much fun when they came this unex-
Later I heard how they went home and pectedly. The pain had been excruciating at
went straight to their rooms. Some had first but was easing now, and wasn’t modern
nightmares. A mother called my assistant to medicine incredible, and would I please thank
say, “What in the world happened on that those kids for their flowers and hearts!
field trip? Sarah came over today, and she Once I’d dreamed of visiting every factory
and Molly climbed up on the bed and just in town, the mattress factory, the hot sauce
sobbed.” factory, the assembly line for cowboy boots,
but I changed my mind. Now I took my
workshops out onto the schoolyard, but no
2. Archives (ar k¯vz) are a storage area, usually within a
farther. I made them look for buttons and
museum or a library, where documents or objects of feathers, I made them describe the ways men
historical or scientific interest are preserved. An archival and women stood as they waited for a bus.
specimen—such as a fossil or a rare book—is something kept
in archives.

Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal

Experience Do you find this comment to be believable? Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal
Explain. Experience If you were Nye, how would you have reacted?

Big Idea Vocabulary

On the Move Do you think the parents will
think twice before allowing their children to go on another excruciating (iks kr¯¯¯
oo shē ā´ tin) adj. agonizing;
field trip? Explain. intensely painful

By the time our workshops ended that sum- creamy chocolate brew at the Judson Candy
mer, we felt more deeply bonded than other Factory. The air hung thickly around us. It
groups I’d known. Maybe our sense of mortal- didn’t make much sense to consider all that
ity linked us, our shared vision of the fragility work for something that wasn’t even good for
of body parts. One girl went on to become one you. A worker joked that a few of his friends
of the best young writers in the city. I’d like to had ended up in those vats, and no one
think her hands were blessed by our unex- smiled.
pected obsession with hands. As a child I finally grew brave enough to
I continued to think plot a camping trip years after my friends had
about field trips in gen- first done it—to Camp Fiddlecreek for Girl
eral. In San Antonio, Scouts. I’d postponed such an adventure
school children are because of a profound and unreasonable fear
taken to the Hall of of spiders. I felt certain a giant spider would
Horns, where legions3 crawl into my bedroll and entangle itself in my
of exotic stuffed birds hair the moment I got there. The zipper on the
and beasts and fish stare sleeping bag would stick, and I would die, die,
back at them from glass die. Luckily I finally decided a life without
habitats; to the missions, courage might be worse than death, so I
where the Indians’ packed my greenest duds and headed to the
Visual Vocabulary mounded bread ovens hills.
David (Davy) still rise from parched The first night I confided my secret fear to
frontiersman, and
grass; and to the Alamo, the girl who slept next to me. She said she’d
Tennessee politician— where David Crockett’s always been more scared of snakes than spi-
became an American fork and fringed vest ders. I said, “Snakes, phooey!”
folk hero after being continue to reside. Here, The next day while we were hiking, a group
killed in 1836, while
fighting to defend the
we say, for your infor- of donkeys broke out of a nearby field, ran at
Alamo against Mexican mation, soak it up. See us, knocked me down, and trampled me. My
forces. what you can learn. leg swelled with three large, hard lumps. I
It was not always could not walk. I would have to be driven
predictable. At the state back to the city for X rays. My friend leaned
mental hospital, my high school health teacher over my bruised face, smoothing back my
unwittingly herded us into a room of elderly bangs and consoling me. “Donkeys! Can you
women who’d recently had lobotomies,4 just believe it? Who could ever dream a donkey
after telling us doctors didn’t do that to people would be so mean?”
anymore. So began a lifetime of small discoveries
On the day Robert Kennedy 5 was shot we linked by a common theme: the things we
found ourselves, numbed, staring at vats of worry about are never the things that happen.
And the things that happen are the things we
never could have dreamed. 
3. Here, legions means “huge numbers.”
4. Lobotomies are surgical operations in which nerve
connections in the brain are cut in an attempt to control
Literary Element Aphorism Explain why this is an
inappropriate behavior of certain mentally ill patients.
5. Robert Kennedy was assassinated while campaigning as a
Democratic presidential candidate in 1968.
Literary Element Aphorism Restate this aphorism in
Big Idea On the Move What learning experiences do your own words.
field trips include?
console (kən sōl) v. to comfort someone experiencing
parched (parcht) adj. severely dry sorrow or disappointment


Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. What part of this essay did you visualize or experi- 5. Is this essay funny, serious, or both? Use examples
ence most vividly as you read? from the text to explain your response.

Recall and Interpret 6. (a)How does Nye structure her essay? That is, what
parts does she include, and in what order does she
2. (a)How do the people in the print shop react to
put them? (b)Is this structure effective? Explain.
the accident? (b)What seems to be going on in the
minds of the children, teacher, and coworkers at 7. Critic Mary Logue says that Nye “often pulls gold
the moment of the accident? from the ordinary.” In your opinion, how well does
“Field Trip” prove or disprove this statement? Use
3. (a)How do the children respond immediately after
evidence from the essay in your response.
the incident and in the days that follow? (b)Why
might the children have shared stories of similar Connect
events? (c)What purpose do their handcrafted
cards serve? 8. Big Idea On the Move Do you think that field
trips are a necessary or important part of educa-
4. (a)Name two unexpected things that happened to tion? Use your own experiences to explain your
the author on other field trips or outings. (b)Choose opinion.
one of the field trips the author describes in
the essay and explain why the events might be
considered ironic.


Literary Element Aphorism Review: Anecdote

Because an aphorism often sums up the meaning of As you learned on page 341, an anecdote is a brief
personal experience, it may be used in a nonfiction account of an interesting event. Essayists often use
essay as a topic sentence, as a concluding thought, or anecdotes to support their opinions, clarify their ideas,
as a thesis, or main idea. When an aphorism is used get a reader’s attention, or entertain.
as a summary statement, the events and details of the
Partner Activity Work with a classmate to record at
essay may lead up to or follow the statement in order
least three anecdotes, or little stories, that Nye tells in
to develop and support it.
this essay. Then draw a conclusion about her purpose
1. (a)What conclusion does the author draw about for including the anecdotes.
field trips, and by extension, about life? (b)Why is
Nye’s conclusion about field trips an aphorism?
Anecdote 1 Anecdote 2 Anecdote 3
2. Where does Nye state her aphorism about unex-
pected events? Why do you think she states it
where she does?
3. How do Nye’s examples lead up to and support or
prove her aphorisms? Author’s Purpose(s)


Reading Strategy Connecting to Personal Writing About Literature

Experience Evaluate Author’s Craft Did “Field Trip” hold your
The central idea, or thesis, of this essay is a direct attention from beginning to end? Why or why not?
statement about human experience. Review the chart Write an evaluation of the essay explaining why the
you created showing your personal connection to work was successful or how it could be revised so that
various details in the story. Then focus on the essay’s it would be compelling from beginning to end.
thesis. As you draft, follow this organizational plan:
1. Do you agree with Nye’s conclusion? What
experiences in your own life support or disprove
her conclusion? Introduction—
including an
2. What general statement about life would you make evaluative thesis • Topic Sentence:
based on your own experiences with field trips?

• Support:
Body Paragraph(s)
Vocabulary Practice
Practice with Analogies Choose the word that • Explanation/Link to Thesis:
best completes each analogy.
1. starving : hungry :: parched :

including a final
a. sandy b. dry c. hot evaluation
2. scissors : severance :: ruler :
a. inch b. length c. measurement
3. confine : release :: console :
After you complete your draft, have a peer reviewer
a. upset b. sympathize c. reveal
read it and suggest revisions. Then proofread and edit
4. excellent : good :: excruciating : your work to correct errors in spelling, grammar, and
a. pleasant b. painful c. sharp punctuation.
5. tediously : dully :: readily :
a. eagerly b. slowly c. fully
Interdisciplinary Activity: Art
If “Field Trip” were a painting, what colors would be
Academic Vocabulary on the canvas? Which parts of the essay would best
be represented by warm colors, such as red or
Here are two words from the vocabulary list on orange? Which parts would best be represented by
page R86. cool colors, such as blue or green? Photocopy the
essay. Then, using colored pencils or markers and a
anticipate (an tis ə pāt´) v. expect and take color wheel for reference, shade or outline the pas-
steps to deal with sages with the appropriate color or colors. Finally, write
a brief explanation of why the events or emotional
inevitable (i nev ə tə bəl) adj. destined to
contentof each passage led you to select particular
happen; unable to be avoided
Practice and Apply
Web Activities For eFlashcards,
1. According to Nye, when groups go on field trips,
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to
what can they anticipate will happen?
2. Was what happened in the print shop
inevitable? Explain.


The Solace of Open Spaces


ate in the summer of 1991, Gretel
Ehrlich was walking with her dog out
on her Wyoming ranch. Suddenly, after
a brief vision, Ehrlich found herself lying on
the ground. Her heart was racing and she
could not talk or move her legs or arms.
Ehrlich had been struck by lightning. She had
been struck by lightning once before since
arriving in Wyoming, but this time it was
much worse. Although she survived, Ehrlich World Traveler Ehrlich’s books since then
suffered serious injuries and spent years reveal her fascination with out-of-the-way,
recovering. Ehrlich continued writing desolate places where the people are hardy
throughout those years, turning her near-fatal and self-reliant. In Greenland, Ehrlich spent
experience into a book, A Match to the Heart. years living with the native people, the Inuit.
Ehrlich has journeyed all over the world, writ- She helped run a dog sled team, ate native
ing about her travels in works of rich descrip- foods such as polar bear, and lived through
tive power. Arctic summers when the sun never set and
Arctic winters when the sun never rose. She
Life on the Range Ehrlich was born on a has also traveled extensively in Tibet, China,
horse ranch near Santa Barbara, California. Japan, Africa, and South America. She is an
After high school, she attended Bennington adventurer with an admiration for world cul-
College in Vermont. With ambitions to become ture and a tireless thirst for travel.
a filmmaker, Ehrlich went on to film school at
UCLA and spent a decade working on films. Asked what advice she would give to aspiring
Her work eventually brought her to Wyoming, writers of nonfiction, Ehrlich replied: “I would
where she recorded details of life on a 250,000- offer the same advice to anyone writing any-
acre sheep and cattle ranch. In 1978, after the thing: read. Read widely of the best things
death of a loved one, Ehrlich decided to stay written in every genre . . . poetry, prose, fic-
in Wyoming and become a full-time writer. tion, nonfiction, science. Just everything. . . .
Ehrlich’s experiences there became the subject And I would also advise you to always be
of a collection of essays, The Solace of Open awake, aware, alive, observant. Neither grasp-
Spaces, published in 1984. ing nor rejecting, just letting things soak in.”
Gretel Ehrlich was born in 1946.

“I like big, open, spare landscapes.

There’s lots of room. Nobody bothers
you. . . . I feel as if I can think
—Gretel Ehrlich Author Search For more about
Author Name, go to
Gretel Ehrlich,


David McLain/Getty Images

Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Visualizing

The essay you are about to read describes life in a Visualizing is picturing a writer’s ideas or descriptions
very sparsely populated place. Before you read, con- in your mind’s eye. Visualizing can help you better
sider the following questions: understand what an author is trying to show you or tell
you. It can also help you remember what you read.
• Why do some people enjoy spending time in iso-
lated places?
Reading Tip: Sketching As you read, pause to visu-
• How would you spend your time if you were staying alize the descriptions presented by Ehrlich. Jot down
somewhere far from people?
quick sketches of what you see in your mind’s eye.
Building Background
The state of Wyoming—the setting of Ehrlich’s memoir— Vocabulary
is located in the western United States. The tenth largest
state in terms of area, Wyoming has the smallest popu- replenish (ri plen ish) v. to fill, supply, or build
lation of any state in the country. Wyoming’s population up again; p. 402 Please replenish the table with
density (the number of people per square mile) is napkins when we run out.
lower than that of any other state except Alaska. Much oo əns) n. wealth; abundance of
affluence (af l¯¯¯
of Wyoming is made up of badlands, areas marked by property; p. 403 Martha’s expensive clothing was
scant vegetation, unusual hill formations, mesas, and indicative of her affluence.
land sculpted by erosion. The keeping of large herds of
livestock is a long tradition. Because of dry, arid condi-
haphazardly (hap´ haz ərd lē) adv. in a ran-
tions, the state is not suited to farming, but is excellent
dom or disorderly manner; p. 403 The hats in
for ranching. It is also rich in mineral resources and has
the display window were placed haphazardly, as if
a significant mining industry.
someone had thrown them in the air and left them
where they landed.
Setting Purposes for Reading fugitive (fū jə tiv) adj. intending flight; run-
ning away or fleeing; p. 404 The fugitive goose
Big Idea On the Move flew far from the flock.
As you read, notice how important travel is to the life
of the rancher. Vocabulary Tip: Word Origins A word’s origin can
be determined by examining its history. To find a
Literary Element Descriptive Essay word’s history, also called its etymology, refer to a
dictionary. For example, the word plateau derives
Descriptive essays use carefully selected details to
from the Middle French word plat, meaning “flat.”
help readers picture an object or place. In this essay,
Knowing this history makes it easier to determine
Ehrlich uses vivid details to describe life in Wyoming.
and remember the meaning of plateau—an area
Many of these details are sensory details, words that
of land that is higher than the surround land and
convey sensory experiences such as seeing, hearing,
has a flat surface.
touching, tasting, and smelling. As you read, notice the
sensory details.

• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1

Interactive Literary Terms
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • analyzing setting
• recognizing the characteristics of a descriptive essay • writing an analytical essay
• visualizing

Gretel Ehrlich

I t’s May and I’ve just awakened from a

nap, curled against sagebrush1 the way my
The name Wyoming comes from an Indian
word meaning “at the great plains,” but the
dog taught me to sleep—sheltered from wind. plains are really valleys, great arid valleys, six-
A front is pulling the huge sky over me, and teen hundred square miles, with the horizon
from the dark a hailstone has hit me on the bending up on all sides into mountain ranges.
head. I’m trailing a band of two thousand This gives the vastness a sheltering look.
sheep across a stretch of Wyoming badlands, a Winter lasts six months here. Prevailing
fifty-mile trip that takes five days because winds spill snowdrifts to the east, and new
sheep shade up in hot sun and won’t budge storms from the northwest replenish them.
until it’s cool. Bunched together now, and This white bulk is sometimes dizzying, even
excited into a run by the storm, they drift nauseating, to look at. At twenty, thirty, and
across dry land, tumbling into draws2 like forty degrees below zero, not only does your
water and surge out again onto the rugged, car not work, but neither do your mind and
choppy plateaus3 that are the building blocks body. The landscape hardens into a dungeon of
of this state.
Reading Strategy Visualizing Visualize the land forma-
1. Sagebrush is a shrub that grows in the plains of the
tion. From what perspective is Ehrlich describing the land?
western United States.
2. Draws are shallow trenches worn into the earth by running
water. Vocabulary
3. A plateau is an area of land with a level surface, raised replenish (ri plen ish) v. to fill, supply, or build up again
sharply above nearby land.


The Art Archive/Gift of Paul Krogman and Claude Rauch in Memory of Bill Cody
space. During the winter, while I was riding drove around the States to see what she’d
to find a new calf, my jeans froze to the sad- been missing.
dle, and in the silence that such cold creates Most people tell me they’ve simply driven
I felt like the first person on earth, or the last. through Wyoming, as if there were nothing
Today the sun is out—only a few clouds to stop for. Or else they’ve skied in Jackson
billowing. In the east, where the sheep have Hole, a place Wyomingites acknowledge
started off without me, the benchland tilts uncomfortably because its green beauty and
up in a series of eroded red-earthed mesas, chic affluence are mismatched with the rest
planed flat on top by a million years of of the state. Most of Wyoming has a “lean-
water; behind them, a bold line of muscular to” look. Instead of big, roomy barns and
scarps rears up ten thousand feet to become Victorian houses, there are dugouts, low
the Big Horn Mountains.4 A tidal pattern is sheds, log cabins, sheep camps, and fence
engraved into the ground, as if left by the lines that look like driftwood blown
sea that once covered this state. Canyons haphazardly into place. People here still feel
curve down like galaxies to meet the oncom- pride because they live in such a harsh place,
ing rush of flat land. part of the glamorous cowboy past, and they
To live and work in this kind of open are determined not to be the victims of a
country, with its hundred-mile views, is to mining-dominated future.
lose the distinction between background and Most characteristic of the state’s landscape
foreground. When I asked an older ranch is what a developer euphemistically
hand to describe Wyoming’s openness, he describes as “indigenous growth right up to
said, “It’s all a bunch of nothing—wind and your front door”—a reference to waterless
rattlesnakes—and so much of it you can’t tell stands of salt sage, snakes, jack rabbits, deer-
where you’re going or where you’ve been flies, red dust, a brief respite of wildflowers,
and it don’t make much difference.” John, a dry washes, and no trees. In the Great Plains
sheepman I know, is tall and handsome and the vistas look like music, like Kyries5 of
has an explosive temperament. He has a per- grass, but Wyoming seems to be the doing of
fect intuition about people and sheep. They a mad architect—tumbled and twisted, rib-
call him “Highpockets,” because he’s so boned with faded, deathbed colors, thrust
long-legged; his graceful stride matches the up and pulled down as if the place had been
distances he has to cover. He says, “Open startled out of a deep sleep and thrown into
space hasn’t affected me at all. It’s all the a pure light.
people moving in on it.” The huge ranch he
was born on takes up much of one county I came here four years ago. I had not
and spreads into another state; to put planned to stay, but I couldn’t make myself
100,000 miles on his pickup in three years leave. John, the sheepman, put me to work
and never leave home is not unusual. A immediately. It was spring, and shearing
friend of mine has an aunt who ranched on time. For fourteen days of fourteen hours
Powder River and didn’t go off her place for
eleven years. When her husband died, she 5. A Kyrie is a repetitive prayer, often sung, in some Christian
quickly moved to town, bought a car, and religions. The prayer repeats the phrase “Kyrie eleison,”
which is Greek for “Lord have mercy.”

Literary Element Descriptive Essay In what way does

4. Benchland refers to a shelf of land interrupting slopes. Mesas Wyoming resemble the work of “a mad architect”?
are isolated bits of elevated land. A scarp is a steep slope or
long cliff that usually results from erosion. The Big Horn
Mountains extend from southern Wyoming into Montana.
affluence (af l¯¯¯
oo əns) n. wealth; abundance of property
Big Idea On the Move What kind of travel is a routine haphazardly (hap´ haz ərd lē) adv. in a random or
part of life on ranches in Wyoming? disorderly manner

farming valley with implement stores
and a block-long Mormon church. In
the eastern part of the state, which
slides down into the Great Plains, the
new mining settlements are boom-
towns, trailer cities, metal knots on flat
Despite the desolate look, there’s a
coziness to living in this state. There
are so few people (only 470,000) that
ranchers who buy and sell cattle
know one another statewide; the
kids who choose to go to college usu-
ally go to the state’s one university,
in Laramie; hired hands work their
way around Wyoming in a lifetime
of hirings and firings. And despite
the physical separation, people stay
Cowboys in the Badlands, 1888. Thomas Eakins. in touch, often driving two or three hours to
Viewing the Art: How does this painting reflect Ehrlich’s
another ranch for dinner.
descriptions of Wyoming?
Seventy-five years ago, when travel was by
buckboard6 or horseback, cowboys who were
each, we moved thousands of sheep through
temporarily out of work rode the grub line—
sorting corrals to be sheared, branded, and
drifting from ranch to ranch, mending fences or
deloused. I suspect that my original motive
milking cows, and receiving in exchange a bed
for coming here was to “lose myself” in new
and meals. Gossip and messages traveled this
and unpopulated territory. Instead of pro-
slow circuit with them, creating an intimacy
ducing the numbness I thought I wanted, life
between ranchers who were three and four
on the sheep ranch woke me up. The vitality
weeks’ ride apart. One old-time couple I know,
of the people I was working with flushed
whose turn-of-the-century homestead was
out what had become a hallucinatory
used by an outlaw gang as a relay station for
rawness inside me. I threw away my clothes
stolen horses, recall that if you were traveling,
and bought new ones; I cut my hair. The arid
desperado or not, any lighted ranch house was
country was a clean slate. Its absolute indiffer-
a welcome sign. Even now, for someone who
ence steadied me.
lives in a remote spot, arriving at a ranch or
Sagebrush covers 58,000 square miles of
coming to town for supplies is cause for cele-
Wyoming. The biggest city has a population of
bration. To emerge from isolation can be disori-
fifty thousand, and there are only five settle-
enting. Everything looks bright, new, vivid.
ments that could be called cities in the whole
After I had been herding sheep for only three
state. The rest are towns, scattered across the
days, the sound of the camp tender’s pickup
expanse with as much as sixty miles between
flustered me. Longing for human company, I
them, their populations two thousand, fifty, or
felt a foolish grin take over my face; yet I had to
ten. They are fugitive-looking, perched on a
resist an urgent temptation to run and hide. 
barren, windblown bench, or tagged onto a
river or a railroad, or laid out straight in a
6. A buckboard is a four-wheeled open carriage with a floor
made of long, springy boards.

Vocabulary Reading Strategy Visualizing From the descriptions in

fugitive (fū jə tiv) adj. intending flight; running away this paragraph, how do you visualize the towns and settle-
or fleeing ments in Wyoming?


Geoffrey Clements/CORBIS

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. What image or description in this essay did you 5. In your opinion, what anecdote or story in the
find most powerful? Explain. essay best explains what life is like in Wyoming?
Recall and Interpret
6. (a)How does moving to Wyoming affect the
2. (a)According to Ehrlich, what is the landscape like
author? (b)What details in the essay suggest the
in Wyoming? (b)What element of the landscape
impact Wyoming has had on her?
seems to have the most importance for people
who live in Wyoming? 7. The author’s purpose is the author’s reason for
writing a work. In your opinion, what was Ehrlich’s
3. (a)How does the author spend her time in
purpose for writing this essay? Explain.
Wyoming? (b)How would you describe the lifestyle
of Wyomingites in general? Connect
4. (a)Are the people Ehrlich describes friendly or 8. Big Idea On the Move Is Wyoming the kind of
quiet? (b)Does the landscape affect their place you would want to visit or live in someday?
personalities? Explain. Use details from the essay to support your answer.


A Heart’s Home
In interviews, Gretel Ehrlich has discussed her opin- 1. (a)How does “The Solace of Open Spaces” support
ions of Wyoming, where she has lived for over seven- Ehrlich’s statement that “it’s good for people to just
teen years. Ehrlich has said, “I feel as if I can think roam around” (b)What attributes of Wyoming
there. Nobody’s trying to be anything that they’re not, make it Ehrlich’s “heart’s home”?
and they don’t really care who you are, particularly.” To
2. Why do you think that Ehrlich advises people to
find out more about Ehrlich’s feelings for Wyoming,
“stay where your car breaks down”?
read the quotation below.

“I think people find what [author] Edward

Hoagland calls ‘your heart’s home.’ I didn’t move
[to Wyoming] because I read a book about it; I just
ended up there, and I found it suited me. I think it’s
good for people to just roam around. Stay where
your car breaks down.”
—Gretel Ehrlich

Group Activity Discuss the following questions with

classmates. Refer to the quotation and cite evidence
from “The Solace of Open Spaces” for support.


Americana Images/SuperStock

Literary Element Descriptive Essay Reading Strategy Visualizing

A descriptive essay gives a carefully detailed portrayal Visualizing is picturing a writer’s ideas or descriptions
of a place or a thing. Writers often use sensory details in your mind’s eye. Visualizing is one of the best ways
in their description to help readers understand what to understand and remember information in an essay.
something looks like, sounds like, and feels like.
1. What pictures or images from “The Solace of Open
Ehrlich uses sensory details to describe winter in
Spaces” would you include in a documentary film
Wyoming: “This white bulk is sometimes dizzying,
about Wyoming? Explain.
even nauseating, to look at. . . . the landscape hardens
into a dungeon of space.” 2. As you read the essay, was it easier to visualize the
people or the landscape? Explain.
1. List five descriptive details that help you picture
Wyoming. Explain what you find interesting or evoc-
ative about the details. Vocabulary Practice
2. (a)What details does Ehrlich use to describe Practice with Word Origins The origin, or
ranches, settlements, and towns in Wyoming? etymology, of a word can be found in most
(b)What details does she use to describe sheep dictionaries. It is usually listed after the
herding and winter weather? pronunciation guide and part of speech
designation. Use a dictionary to find the language
from which each of the words originated.
Review: Setting
1. replenish a. Greek b. Sanskrit c. Latin
As you learned on pages 10–11, setting is the time
and place in which the events of a work occur. In 2. affluent a. French b. Latin c. Greek
addition to a place’s physical characteristics, setting
3. hazard a. Latin b. Norse c. Arabic
also includes the history, customs, and values of the
people who live there. 4. fugitive a. Slavic b. Latin c. Old
Partner Activity With a partner, discuss Wyoming
and its people as they are described in the essay.
What would it be like to live in a place as spacious as
Wyoming? What insights might you gain by living Academic Vocabulary
there? What lifestyle does it foster? With your partner,
create a chart like the one shown. Use the chart to list Here are two words from the vocabulary list
details about Wyoming. Then record your inferences on page R86. These words will help you think,
about how Wyoming might affect its residents. write, and talk about the selection.

scope (skōp) n. the range of one’s perceptions,

Details My Inferences About thoughts, or actions
Life in Wyoming
capable (kāp ə bəl) adj. having the ability
required for a specific task or accomplishment;

Practice and Apply

1. According to Ehrlich, what is the scope of
the intimacy between ranchers?
2. What difficulties are people in Wyoming
capable of enduring?



Writing About Literature Ehrlich’s Language and Style

Analyze Mood Mood is the emotional quality or Using Vivid Verbs The use of specific, vivid verbs can
atmosphere of a literary work. For instance, the mood make an impact on readers and help them better
of an essay might be apprehensive, joyful, or sad. visualize what a writer is describing. Vivid verbs can be
Write a brief essay explaining how Ehrlich’s subject more precise in their effect than commonplace verbs.
matter, language, and tone contribute to the mood of In her essay, Ehrlich uses such verbs to create memo-
“The Solace of Open Spaces.” (Recall that tone is the rable descriptions. In the sentence below, note how
attitude a writer expresses toward his or her subject one strong verb helps to make the description lively
matter.) and evocative:
To generate ideas for your essay, use a web diagram “Today the sun is out—only a few clouds billowing.”
like the one shown. Use the diagram to list details
Consider how the sentence might read if Ehrlich had
about the language, setting, and tone of the essay.
used a more commonplace verb:
Think about how these details help to create a mood.
“…only a few clouds moving.”
“…only a few clouds flowing.”
You may notice that moving and flowing lack the
impact of billowing, which creates a more powerful
Language Tone image of the clouds.
Subject matter Frequently used verbs often can be replaced by stron-
ger, more vivid verbs. Look at the chart below which
Refer to your diagram as you write your essay. After shows some common verbs and examples of vivid
you complete your draft, meet with a peer reviewer to verbs that could be used instead.
evaluate each other’s work and to suggest revisions.
Then proofread and edit your draft to correct errors in
Common Verbs Vivid Verbs
spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
yell roar
walk saunter
Reading Further eat devour

Around the Globe After her time in Wyoming,

Ehrlich traveled extensively in Greenland and China. Activity Choose five other sentences from the essay.
If you would like to read more by Ehrlich, you might Underline vivid verbs in each sentence. If there are
enjoy these works: none, replace the common verb with one that is more
descriptive. Use a thesaurus if you need help.
This Cold Heaven (2001) is Ehrlich’s account of her
time among the Inuit people of Greenland.
Questions of Heaven (1994) details Ehrlich’s time in Revising Check
the foothills of the Himalayas in western China. Vivid Verbs Review the essay you wrote in which you
analyzed the mood of Ehrlich’s essay. Do any of your
verbs seem too commonplace? Are there places
where a vivid verb would make your writing livelier or
more precise? Insert more vivid verbs to improve your
Web Activities For eFlashcards, essay.
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to

Grammar Workshop
Sentence Structure

º Punctuating Subordinate Using Adverb Clauses

“After I had been herding sheep for only three days, the sound of the
When a subordinate
camp tender’s pickup flustered me.”
clause appears at the
beginning of the sentence, —Gretel Ehrlich, from “The Solace of Open Spaces”
use a comma to separate
it from the main clause.
Connecting to Literature Erhlich’s sentence is made up of an
independent, or main, clause: the sound of the camp tender’s pickup
º Test-Taking Tip flustered me and a subordinate, or dependent, clause: after I had been
To identify subordinate herding sheep for only three days. Both clauses contain a subject and a
clauses on a test, look for verb, but the dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence.
subordinating conjunctions Instead, it depends on the independent clause to complete its meaning.
followed by a subject and
An adverb clause is one type of dependent clause. Like an adverb, an
a verb.
adverb clause modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb and tells how,
º Subordinating when, where, why, to what extent, or under what conditions. Like all
Conjunctions subordinate clauses, it begins with a subordinating conjunction.

after if Examples
although since
as so long as • Because Wyoming has wide-open spaces, some of its residents are
as though unless lonely.
because until [The underlined adverb clause tells why and modifies the adjective
before when lonely.]

º Grammar Handbook
• One woman never left her ranch in Wyoming until her husband died.
[The underlined adverb clause tells when and modifies the verb left.]
For more on subordinate
clauses, see Language
Handbook, p. R46.
Write a sentence that contains each group of elements. Underline each
adverb clause you create, and circle the word it modifies.

eWorkbooks To link to 1. Clause: they live in the land of cowboys

the Grammar and Language
eWorkbook, go to www Clause: people from Wyoming feel proud Subordinating conjunction: because
2. Clause: the landscape hardens
OB J EC TIVES Clause: temperatures drop to ten or twenty below zero
• Use commas correctly with
Subordinating conjunction: when
introductory adverb
3. Clause: she hadn’t planned to live there
• Apply standard rules of
Clause: Ehrlich stayed in Wyoming
sentence structure, includ-
ing those for subordinate
Subordinating conjunction: although

408 UNIT 2


magine soaring high above the earth in a
tiny single-engine plane—nothing but blue
sky all around you and blue ocean water
as far as the eye can see. That is how Anne
Morrow Lindbergh spent much of the early
years of her marriage to aviation pioneer
Charles Lindbergh. In 1927 Charles became A Gifted Writer Anne’s interest in aviation
the first person to fly solo over the Atlantic was matched by a devotion to writing. In fact,
Ocean, and he was greeted with worldwide her flying was the source of inspiration for
adoration. Later that year, he was invited to some of her work. In all, Anne wrote more
visit Mexico by Dwight Morrow, the U.S. than a dozen books and published five vol-
ambassador to that country. There he met umes of her diaries and letters. Her most pop-
Morrow’s daughter, Anne. ular and enduring work, however, was not
about flying at all. In Gift from the Sea, Anne’s
The Daring Pilot Born in Englewood, New quiet, contemplative nature was revealed in a
Jersey, Anne Morrow was a quiet girl who series of essays about a woman’s role in
wrote poetry. She and Charles fell in love, and modern life.
during their courtship, he taught her how to
fly. The two married in 1929 after Anne gradu- Home Life/Public Life Anne gave birth to the
ated from college. first of her six children, Charles A. Lindbergh
III, in 1930, a year after she married. In 1932,
the young boy was kidnapped and murdered.
“Writing is thinking. It is more The press sensationalized the crime and, later,
than living, for it is being conscious the trial of the accused kidnapper. For the sake
of their privacy and security, the Lindberghs
of living.” left the United States to live in Europe. They
—Anne Morrow Lindbergh went on to have five more children.
Once their children were grown, Anne and
Charles began to travel again. They journeyed
Anne became an accomplished pilot, naviga- through Asia and Africa, working for conser-
tor, and radio operator. Together with Charles, vation and the protection of endangered ani-
she made historic flights all over the world, mals. In 1974, while residing on the Hawaiian
charting routes for the fledgling airline indus- island of Maui, Charles died. Anne moved
try. The couple crisscrossed continents in their back to the East Coast, where she lived until
single-engine plane. In 1931 they flew an her death at the age of 94.
uncharted route over Canada, Alaska, and the
Anne Morrow Lindbergh was born in 1906 and
northern Pacific Ocean to China. In 1933 the
died in 2001.
two completed a 30,000-mile survey of air
routes over North and South Atlantic waters.
Author Search
Search For
For more
more about
Name, Lindbergh, go to
go to



Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Analyzing Rhetorical

Sayonara (sa´ yə na rə) means “good-bye” in Devices
Japanese. In Lindbergh’s essay “Sayonara,” she Rhetorical devices are stylistic techniques an author
describes a trip on which she hears, over and over uses to express ideas, persuade, or evoke an emo-
again, family members saying good-bye to each other. tional response. Rhetorical devices include repetition—
Before you read the essay, think about the following repeating a sound, word, or phrase; analogy—
questions: explaining an unfamiliar idea by comparing it with a
familiar one; juxtaposition—placing two or more distinct
• How does it feel to have to say good-bye to some- things side by side in order to compare or contrast
one you love?
them; and parallelism—using a series of similar gram-
• Is one way of saying good-bye better than another? matical structures. As you read, note instances of
Building Background repetition, analogy, juxtaposition, and parallelism.
This descriptive essay is from North to the Orient, an
account of the Lindberghs’ 1931 trip to the Far East in Reading Tip: Listening Use a chart to record
their single-engine Lockheed plane. The young couple instances of parallelism and of repetition of the word
flew north over Canada and Alaska before turning Sayonara. List who says the word and under what
south toward China. When the plane was damaged in circumstances. Then note the effect the use of parallel-
China, the Lindberghs traveled by boat to Japan. They ism or repetition has on the essay as a whole.
then had to travel by train across Japan to the ship
that would carry them home to the United States. Vocabulary
During the trip, the Lindberghs passed through the
seaports Shanghai in China, and Yokohama in Japan. conglomerate (kən lomər it) adj. made up of
separate parts collected together as one; p. 411
Setting Purposes for Reading The junk heap was a conglomerate pile of bottles,
old tires, and other discarded material.
Big Idea On the Move
As you read, think about the various ways of saying unintelligible (un´ in tel ə jə bəl) adj. not able
good-bye and the differences in their meanings. to be understood; p. 412 Your voice sounds low
and unintelligible on that cell phone.
Literary Element Thesis bravado (brə vadō) n. pretended courage or
confidence; p. 412 Although the boxer entered the
A thesis is the main idea of an essay or other work of
ring with bravado, he had sweaty palms.
nonfiction. It is generally stated in one or two sen-
tences. This brief summary is called the thesis state- Vocabulary Tip: Analogies An analogy is a type of
ment. Identifying the thesis can help you better comparison that is based on the relationships
understand a work as a whole. As you read “Sayonara,” between things or ideas. For example, the word
look for clues that might help you to determine the good-bye has the same relationship to leave (one
thesis. says good-bye when one leaves) as hello has to
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 arrive (one says hello when one arrives).

Interactive Literary Elements

Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • recognizing and understanding the characteristics of a
• identifying a thesis descriptive essay
• analyzing rhetorical devices • writing an expository essay


voices outside rose in a flurry of noise, like a
flock of frightened birds. But above the
conglomerate sound there was always one
voice, clean and sharp and individual and
yet representative of the mass like that one
face in the front line that holds the meaning
of the whole crowd—one cry, “Sayonara.”
The impression was intensified perhaps
because it was the one word of Japanese I
understood—“Sayonara” (“Good-bye”).
I was to hear it again, all along our trip
home. For we crossed Japan by train from
the southern tip to Yokohama, where we
boarded the boat for America.
“Sayonara”: the clatter of wooden clogs2
along the station platform; the flutter of
kimonos;3 babies jogging on their mothers’
backs; men carrying four or five small bun-
dles tied up in different-colored furoshiki
(squares of parti-colored silk or cotton); old
women knocking along with their sticks,
their brown faces hidden under enormous
rooflike hats of straw; a man shouting his
wares. We leaned out of the window at one
of these stations and motioned to a vender
Postcard for the Nippon Yusen Kaisha line, c. 1929. Private for some tea. He poured out of his big tin
Collection. into a little brown clay teapot like a child’s
toy, with a saucer for a lid and an inverted
cup on top. “Two! Two!” we shouted and
signaled as the train jerked forward, starting
to pull out. The vender ran after us with
another teapot swinging from its wire han-
dle and pushed it in our window.
Anne Morrow “Sayonara—Sayonara!” cried the passen-
Lindbergh gers who had just stepped on board. A
Japanese family across the aisle from us
leaned out of the window to say a few last
words. They occupied two long seats raised

S ayonara, Sayonara!” I was in my
stateroom1 but I could hear them, outside on
on a slight platform, separated from the next
family by a partition. The mother and nurse
the deck of the Japanese boat, calling to
friends and relatives on the dock at 2. Here, clogs refers to a type of sandal.
3. Kimonos (ki mō nōz) are loose gowns tied with a sash, part of
Shanghai. “Sayonara”—up and down the the traditional costume worn by Japanese men and women.
gangplank and over the rails. A boatload of
Literary Element Thesis Based on your reading so far,
Japanese were leaving China for home, as
what do you think the thesis of this essay is?
we were. “Sayonara,” the chains clanked and
the warning whistle shook the boat. The Vocabulary
conglomerate (kən lomər it) adj. made up of separate
parts collected together as one
1. A stateroom is a private room aboard a ship.


The Art Archive/Private Collection/Chris Deakes
(or older sister) were dressed in Japanese gap, made up a finely woven band—a tissue,
kimonos, the father in Western business suit, intricately patterned and rich in texture
the two little girls in green challis4 suits with which held together for a few more seconds
Irish-lace collars, and the baby in woolens. those remaining and those departing. Then
They had already kicked off their shoes, in the gap of water slowly widening between
Japanese fashion, and were squatting on dock and ship, the ribbons tautened and
their feet on the blue plush seats. They held snapped, the broken and raveled ends twirl-
the baby up to the window for the last good- ing off idly into the water, floating away
bye—“Sayonara”; and then the monotonous with the unfinished ends of sentences.
doggerel rhythm of the train, quickening to a And nothing could bridge the gap but
roar, drowned all noise. We were off. “Sayonara!”
It was good-bye for us too, as we rushed For Sayonara, literally translated, “Since it
through Japan on our way to the boat. Good- must be so,” of all the good-byes I have
bye to the rice fields terraced up a narrow gully heard is the most beautiful. Unlike the Auf
in the hills; to thatched roofs and paper walls; Wiedersehens and Au revoirs, it does not try to
to heavy-headed grain bent to a curve; to a cheat itself by any bravado “Till we meet
field of awkward lotus leaves, like big elephant again,” any sedative to postpone the pain of
ears flapping on their tall stalks; to a white road separation. It does not evade the issue like
leading up a hill to a pine grove and the flicker the sturdy blinking Farewell. Farewell is a
of red of a shrine gate. Good-bye to the little father’s good-bye. It is—“Go out in the world
towns we rattled through, with their narrow and do well, my son.” It is encouragement
cobbled streets lined with shops, open to the and admonition. It is hope and faith. But it
passerby except for fluttering blue-toweling passes over the significance of the moment;
curtains or bright paper and cloth flag-signs. of parting it says nothing. It hides its emo-
Good-bye to blue paper umbrellas in the rain tion. It says too little. While Good-bye (“God
and little boys chasing dragon flies. be with you”) and Adios say too much. They
Our real good-bye was not until the boat try to bridge the distance, almost to deny it.
pulled out of the dock at Yokohama, when Good-bye is a prayer, a ringing cry. “You must
the crowd of Japanese leaning over the rails not go—I cannot bear to have you go! But
of the decks shot twirling strands of serpen- you shall not go alone, unwatched. God will
tine5 across to those they had left behind on be with you. God’s hand will be over you”
shore—a rain of bright fireworks. One end of and even—underneath, hidden, but it is
these colored paper ribbons was held in the there, incorrigible—“I will be with you; I
hands of those on deck; the other, by those will watch you—always.” It is a mother’s
on shore, until a brilliant multicolored web good-bye. But Sayonara says neither too much
was spun between ship and shore. This and nor too little. It is a simple acceptance of fact.
the shouts of conversation unintelligible to All understanding of life lies in its limits. All
me, interlacing back and forth across the emotion, smoldering, is banked up behind it.
But it says nothing. It is really the unspoken
good-bye, the pressure of a hand,
4. Challis (shal ē) is a lightweight cloth made of cotton or wool. “Sayonara.” 
5. Serpentine are streamers of rolled colored paper that
unwind when thrown.
Literary Element Thesis What does the author mean by
Reading Strategy Analyzing Rhetorical Devices What “too much” and “too little,” and why does she prefer the
is the effect of Morrow’s use of parallelism in this sentence? term Sayonara?

Vocabulary Vocabulary
unintelligible (un´ in tel ə jə bəl) adj. not able to be bravado (brə vadō) n. pretended courage or
understood confidence



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Do you agree with Lindbergh that Sayonara is the 6. In the passage beginning, “ . . . the clatter of
most appropriate parting expression? Explain. wooden clogs,” the author uses parallel phrases:
“babies jogging . . . men carrying . . . old women
Recall and Interpret knocking. . . . ” How does the first half of this para-
2. (a)Reread the first paragraph. What are the voices graph differ from the second half, beginning, “We
being compared to? (b)How does the analogy leaned out of the window”? Which style is more
contribute to the special importance attached to effective in describing the scene?
the word Sayonara?
7. (a)Why does Lindbergh contrast the words farewell
3. (a)Why does Morrow say she was to hear the word and good-bye? (b)Do you agree with her interpre-
Sayonara again and again? (b)Why do you think she tations? Why or why not?
uses the experience to make a generalization about
8. When the author says, “But it says nothing,” does
she really mean that Sayonara has no meaning?
4. (a)What do the people on the boat deck do as the Explain.
boat is leaving? (b)What does their action symbolize?
5. (a)What does Sayonara literally mean? (b)What
does this meaning suggest about the Japanese 9. Big Idea On the Move Although the idea of say-
view of life? ing good-bye seems sad, the ending of the essay is
neither sad nor happy. Why might this be important
to Lindbergh?


Literary Element Thesis Review: Descriptive Essay

A thesis is the main idea of an essay or other work of As you learned on page 401, a descriptive essay cre-
nonfiction. A thesis may be stated directly, or it may ates a picture in the mind of the reader of an actual
be implied through the use of details. To determine person, object, or place. The essayist uses descriptive
the author’s thesis, first identify the subject of the details and concrete language, which appeal to one or
piece. Then use information from the text to deter- more of the senses, to create this picture.
mine the author’s main point, or thesis, about the
Partner Activity Pair up with a classmate. Reread the
scene at the train station. Note the specific details
1. What is Lindbergh’s thesis in “Sayonara”? Is the Lindbergh described, and classify each as a detail of
thesis implied or stated directly? Explain. sight or of sound. Then write a description of the over-
all impression these images give you.
2. Did the author’s thesis surprise you? If so, how?
3. How well does Lindbergh support the thesis? Use
details from the text to support your opinion. Sights Sounds



Reading Strategy Analyzing Rhetorical Writing About Literature

Devices Explore Author’s Purpose An author’s purpose in
The rhetorical devices of analogy and juxtaposition writing a descriptive essay is to describe a person,
are methods of comparison. By using analogy, an place, or object, but it might also be to entertain, to
author compares two dissimilar things by showing inform, or to persuade. Write an essay explaining what
how they are similar. By using juxtaposition, an author you think Lindbergh’s purpose or purposes were in
compares or contrasts two distinct things placed side writing “Sayonara.” Discuss two techniques she uses to
by side. achieve her purpose(s). Use evidence and examples
from the essay as well as any related personal experi-
1. Find an example of analogy in “Sayonara.” What ences to support your point.
two things are being compared? How are they
similar? Generate your ideas, and then organize them before
you begin to write. Follow the organizational plan
2. Find an example of juxtaposition. What two things shown here for your essay:
are juxtaposed? How are they similar or dissimilar?
State your view on the
Introduction author’s purpose(s).
Vocabulary Practice
Practice with Analogies Choose the word pair
Present details and
that best completes the analogy.
other evidence from
Body Paragraph(s) the essay supporting
1. conglomerate : individuals ::
your view.
a. team : players b. teacher : students
2. monotonous : same ::
Briefly summarize your
a. thoughtful : brainy b. various: different view of the author’s
3. unintelligible : understand :: purpose(s).
a. hidden : see b. broken : mend
4. bravado : nervousness :: After completing your draft, meet with a peer reviewer
a. joy : emotion b. calmness : anxiety to evaluate each other’s work and suggest revisions.
Then proofread and edit your draft to correct errors in
spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Academic Vocabulary
Literature Groups
Here are two words from the vocabulary list
on page R86. With three to five of your classmates, discuss the
structure of Lindbergh’s essay and whether you think
mode (mōd) n. a way or manner of doing, it is effective. Key questions to discuss include the fol-
acting, or being lowing: What structure does Lindbergh use in the first
part of the essay? Does it effectively convey the
invoke (in vōk) v. to call on for help, description? Why or why not? What structure does she
support, or blessing use at the end of the essay? Does it effectively convey
her thesis? Why or why not? How do you personally
Practice and Apply
respond to this structure as a reader? Support your
1. What mode of travel did Lindbergh take
views with reasons and details from the selection.
across Japan?
2. According to Lindbergh, what does the part-
ing expression good-bye invoke? Web Activities For eFlashcards,
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to


Into Thin Air


J on Krakauer went from being a recre-

ational climber to a best-selling author: a
tough mountain to scale. He got started as
a writer when a mountain climbing club asked
him to write an article about his ascent of
three previously unclimbed Alaskan peaks.
Three years later, a British magazine paid him
to write another article, this time about climb- Nevertheless, within a few years of the disaster
ing Devil’s Thumb near Petersburg, Alaska. he chronicles in Into Thin Air, Krakauer
After that, Krakauer quit his carpentry job to returned to climbing. He explains, “I’d give up
become a freelance writer. His experience as a writing before I gave up climbing.”
carpenter and commercial fisherman enabled
him to write articles for Architectural Digest
and Smithsonian, but he soon realized that
only writing about the outdoors truly satisfied “The plain truth is that I knew better
him. but I went to Everest anyway.”
Climbing and Writing Krakauer spent most —Jon Krakauer
of his childhood in Oregon, where he began
climbing at age eight with his father. Krakauer
never lost his love of climbing. After graduat- Fact That Reads Like Fiction One reason for
ing from college, he spent part of each year Krakauer’s success as a writer is his ability to
working and the rest in the mountains. After tell a story. In many ways, Krakauer works
publishing his first few articles, Krakauer like a journalist. He takes volumes of notes
turned to full-length books. His story of a and does extensive research. Yet his nonfiction
young man who travels alone into the Alaskan work has the drama, the pacing, and the qual-
wilderness, Into the Wild, became a bestseller. ities of rising action—including suspense—
that are found in fiction. His people are
Mount Everest In 1996 Krakauer was hired to well-developed characters full of complex
write about how climbing Mount Everest was motives and emotions. Krakauer, who admits
turning into a big business. Everyday adven- that he reads “a lot more fiction than nonfic-
turers would pay large sums for the thrill of tion,” adds that he works very hard to achieve
saying they had climbed the world’s tallest these effects, sometimes taking days to ham-
mountain. Krakauer admits that there were mer out a single sentence.
many reasons for not going but he could not
resist the opportunity. He joined a climbing Jon Krakauer was born in 1954.
team led by the legendary Rob Hall. Hall, who
had reached the top of Mount Everest seven Author Search For more about
times, would be one of several people to die Jon Krakauer, go to
on the May 1996 expedition.

Author Search For more about

Author Name, go to


Time Life Pictures/Getty Images

Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Monitoring

In this excerpt from Into Thin Air, people risk their lives Comprehension
for the sake of adventure despite the record of tragedy Monitoring comprehension is thinking about whether
and death on the world’s highest mountain. Before you you understand what you are reading. You can
read the essay, think about the following questions: improve your comprehension by rereading or slowing
down when the material is difficult. Keep asking your-
• What is the riskiest adventure you have ever taken self questions about central ideas, characters, and
part in?
events. When you cannot answer a question, review
• What could motivate someone to put his or her life and read at a slower pace.
on the line in a place like Mount Everest?

Building Background Reading Tip: Rereading Record Keep a record of

The lure of Mount Everest has long been a potent the parts you stop to reread. For each, jot down basic
force for the world’s best climbers. But the mountain facts about who, what, where, when, why, and how.
has often proved deadly. At 29,028 feet, it claimed the
lives of at least two dozen climbers before it was first Passage Brief Summary
successfully conquered in 1953. Besides ice, snow,
p. 419 Who—Krakauer;
steep rock faces, possible avalanches, and changing
First paragraph Where—at the top of
weather conditions, a central problem for all climbers
Everest; What—a few
is the “thin air,” or lack of oxygen, at the mountain’s
snapshots, a few souve-
higher elevations. Climbers must get used to the lack
nirs; Why—in a hurry to
of oxygen by spending several weeks at a base camp,
get down the mountain
as well as at successive camps higher and higher up
the mountain. Most also carry bottled oxygen. A regu-
lator delivers oxygen from the bottle or canister, and
climbers control the flow by turning a valve. If climbers
do not get enough oxygen, they enter a state of Vocabulary
hypoxia, which includes disorientation, dizziness, and
hallucinations. tenuously (tenū əs lē) adv. uncertainly;
shakily; p. 418 The climber was perched tenuously
Setting Purposes for Reading on a crag above the cliff face.
Big Idea On the Move exacerbate (i zasər bāt´) v. to make worse,
As you read, think about what it means to be on the more violent, or more bitter; p. 421 The foul
move in one of the most dangerous places on earth. weather exacerbated Jane’s headache.
invincible (in vinsə bəl) adj. not able to be
Literary Element Structure beaten or overcome; p. 421 Many people tried to
beat Amanda at chess, but she was invincible.
Structure is the particular order a writer uses to pre-
sent ideas. Narratives commonly follow a chronological terrain (tə rān) n. the physical features of the
order. As you read the selection, think about the order land; p. 423 The team made slow progress over
in which Krakauer presents the events. the rocky terrain.

• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 detachment (di tachmənt) n. indifference; a

state of being apart from; p. 424 Steve’s detach-
Interactive Literary Elements ment was not unusual: he liked to be alone.
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • monitoring comprehension
• recognizing and analyzing structure • writing a critical essay


Jon Krakauer

Near the top of Khumbu Icefall, Scott Fischer ascends the large
overhanging serac known as the mouse trap, during the May 1996
ascent on Mount Everest.

named Martin Adams3 on their way up.

I n my backpack was a banner from

Outside magazine, a small pennant embla-
After exchanging a high five with Neal, I
grabbed a handful of small stones from a
wind-scoured patch of exposed shale, zipped
zoned with a whimsical lizard that Linda, the souvenirs into the pocket of my down
my wife, had sewn, and some other memen- suit, and hastened down the ridge.
tos1 with which I’d intended to pose for a A moment earlier I’d noticed that wispy
series of triumphant photos. Cognizant2 of clouds now filled the valleys to the south,
my dwindling oxygen reserves, however, I obscuring all but the highest peaks. Adams—
left everything in my pack and stayed on top a small, pugnacious4 Texan who’d gotten
of the world just long enough to fire off four rich selling bonds during the booming
quick shots of Andy Harris and Anatoli 1980s—is an experienced airplane pilot
Boukreev posing in front of the summit sur- who’d spent many hours gazing down on
vey marker. Then I turned to descend. About the tops of clouds; later he told me that he
twenty yards below the summit I passed
Neal Beidleman and a client of Fischer’s
3. Throughout this essay, Krakauer mentions the names of
many other climbers, including guides Andy Harris, Anatoli
1. Mementos are souvenirs.
Boukreev, Andy Fischer, and Neil Beidleman. He also
2. Here, cognizant means “aware.”
mentions climbers who were led by these guides, including
Literary Element Martin Adams.
Structure What is the first thing
4. Here, pugnacious suggests someone who is not easy to get
Krakauer tells his readers?
along with.


Neal Beidleman/Woodfin Camp and Associates
recognized these innocent-looking puffs of last and steepest portion of the Step. I watched
water vapor to be the crowns of robust thun- helplessly for fifteen minutes as she struggled
derheads immediately after reaching the top. to haul herself up the uppermost brow of
“When you see a thunderhead in an air- rock, too exhausted to manage it. Finally Tim
plane,” he explained, “your first reaction is Madsen, who was waiting impatiently
to get out of there. So that’s what I did.” directly below her, put his hands beneath her
But unlike Adams, I was unaccustomed buttocks and pushed her to the top.
to peering down at cumulonimbus cells from Rob Hall appeared not long after that.
29,000 feet, and I therefore remained ignorant Disguising my rising panic, I thanked him
of the storm that was even then bearing for getting me to the top of Everest. “Yeah,
down. My concerns revolved instead around it’s turned out to be a pretty good expedi-
the diminishing supply of oxygen in my tank. tion,” he replied, then mentioned that Frank
Fifteen minutes after leaving the summit I Fischbeck, Beck Weathers, Lou Kasischke,
reached the top of the Hillary Step,5 where I Stuart Hutchison, and John Taske had all
encountered a clot of climbers chuffing up turned back. Even in my state of hypoxic
the single strand of rope, and my descent imbecility, it was obvious Hall was pro-
came to an enforced halt.6 As I waited for foundly disappointed that five of his eight
the crowd to pass, Andy arrived on his way clients had packed it in—a sentiment that I
down. “Jon,” he asked, “I don’t seem to be suspected was heightened by the fact that
getting enough air. Can you tell if the intake Fischer’s entire crew appeared to be plug-
valve to my mask is iced up?” ging toward the summit. “I only wish we
A quick check revealed a fist-sized chunk could have gotten more clients to the top.”
of frozen drool blocking the rubber valve Rob lamented before continuing on his way.
that admitted ambient air into the mask Soon thereafter, Adams and Boukreev
from the atmosphere. I chipped it off with arrived on their way down, stopping imme-
the pick of my ice ax, then asked Andy to diately above me to wait for the traffic to
return the favor by turning off my regulator clear. A minute later the overcrowding atop
in order to conserve my gas until the Step the Step intensified further as Makalu Gau,
cleared. He mistakenly opened the valve Ang Dorje, and several other Sherpas8 came
instead of closing it, however, and ten min- up the rope, followed by Doug Hansen and
utes later all my oxygen was gone. My cog- Scott Fischer. Then, finally, the Hillary Step
nitive functions, which had been marginal was clear—but only after I’d spent more
before, instantly went into a nosedive. I felt than an hour at 28,900 feet without supple-
like I’d been slipped an overdose of a pow- mental oxygen.
erful sedative. By that point, entire sectors of my cerebral
I fuzzily remember Sandy Pittman climbing cortex seemed to have shut down altogether.
past as I waited, bound for the summit, fol- Dizzy, fearing that I would black out, I was
lowed an indeterminate time later by frantic to reach the South Summit, where my
Charlotte Fox and then Lopsang Jangbu. third bottle was waiting. I started tenuously
Yasuko materialized next, just below my
precarious stance, but was flummoxed7 by the
8. Sherpas are people who live in the Himalayas and are hired
5. Named for Sir Edmund Hillary, Hillary Step is the last difficult to carry supplies and otherwise assist mountain climbers in
ascent before the summit. their ascents.
6. One of Krakauer’s points is that there were so many
climbers on the mountain that it was like a traffic jam. Literary Element Structure Where is Krakauer? How is
7. Flummoxed means “confused.” he using his location to tell his story?

Big Idea On the Move How do Krakauer’s and Adams’s

different travel experiences affect their assessment of the
situation on Mount Everest? tenuously (tenū əs lē) adv. uncertainly; shakily

The summit ridge viewed from the South Summit in the early afternoon of May 10, 1996, as the climbers moved to the top.
Viewing the Photograph: What do you find most striking about this photograph? Explain.


Scott Fischer/Woodfin Camp and Associates
Doug Hansen approaching the summit, with Mike Groom descending behind.

down the fixed lines,9 stiff with dread. Just on his way down from the summit. Mike
below the step, Anatoli and Martin scooted had climbed Everest in 1993 without gas,
around me and hurried down. Exercising and he wasn’t overly concerned about going
extreme caution, I continued descending the without. He gave me his oxygen bottle, and
tightrope of the ridge, but fifty feet above the we quickly scrambled over to the South
oxygen cache the rope ended, and I balked Summit.11
at going farther without gas. When we got there, an examination of the
Over at the South Summit, I could see oxygen cache immediately revealed that
Andy Harris sorting through a pile of orange there were at least six full bottles. Andy,
oxygen bottles. “Yo, Harold!”10 I yelled, however, refused to believe it. He kept insist-
“Could you bring me a fresh bottle?” ing that they were all empty, and nothing
“There’s no oxygen here!” the guide Mike or I said could convince him otherwise.
shouted back. “These bottles are all empty!” The only way to know how much gas is in
This was disturbing news. My brain a canister is to attach it to your regulator and
screamed for oxygen. I didn’t know what to read the gauge; presumably this is how
do. Just then, Mike Groom caught up to me Andy had checked the bottles at the South

9. Fixed lines, also referred to later as fixed ropes, are ropes

11. The South Summit is a short distance below Hillary Step.
that have been put in place by others in the most
challenging parts of the mountain. Climbers are supposed Big Idea On the Move How important is the presence of
to clip a short safety tether to these ropes as they ascend
other people on Mount Everest to Krakauer’s ability to move
or descend.
10. Harold was Andy Harris’s nickname.

Neal Beidleman/Woodfin Camp and Associates
Summit. After the expedition, Neal and shrugged. Turning to Andy, I said, “No
Beidleman pointed out that if Andy’s regula- big deal, Harold. Much ado about nothing.”
tor had become fouled with ice, the gauge Then I grabbed a new oxygen canister,
might have registered empty even though screwed it onto my regulator, and headed
the canisters were full, which would explain down the mountain. Given what unfolded
his bizarre obstinacy. And if his regulator over the hours that followed, the ease with
was perhaps on the fritz and not delivering which I abdicated responsibility—my utter
oxygen to his mask, that would also explain failure to consider that Andy might have
Andy’s apparent lack of lucidity.12 been in serious trouble—was a lapse that’s
This possibility—which now seems so likely to haunt me for the rest of my life.
self-evident—didn’t occur to either Mike or Around 3:30 PM I left the South Summit
me at the time, however. In hindsight,13 ahead of Mike, Yasuko, and Andy, and
Andy was acting irrationally and had plainly almost immediately descended into a dense
slipped well beyond routine hypoxia, but I layer of clouds. Light snow started to fall.
was so mentally impeded myself that it sim- I could scarcely tell where the mountain
ply didn’t register. ended and where the sky began in the flat,
My inability to discern the obvious was diminishing light; it would have been very
exacerbated to some degree by the guide- easy to blunder off the edge of the ridge and
client protocol. Andy and I were very similar never be heard from again. And the condi-
in terms of physical ability and technical tions only worsened as I moved down the
expertise; had we been climbing together in peak.
a nonguided situation as equal partners, it’s At the bottom of the rock steps on the
inconceivable to me that I would have Southeast Ridge I stopped with Mike to wait
neglected to recognize his plight.14 But on for Yasuko, who was having difficulty nego-
this expedition he had been cast in the role tiating the fixed ropes. He attempted to call
of invincible guide, there to look after me Rob on the radio, but Mike’s transmitter was
and the other clients; we had been specifi- working only intermittently and he couldn’t
cally indoctrinated not to question our raise anybody. With Mike looking after
guides’ judgment. The thought never Yasuko, and both Rob and Andy accompa-
entered my crippled mind that Andy might nying Doug Hansen—the only other client
in fact be in terrible straits—that a guide still above us—I assumed the situation was
might urgently need help from me. under control. So as Yasuko caught up to us,
As Andy continued to assert that there I asked Mike’s permission to continue down
were no full bottles at the South Summit, alone. “Fine,” he replied. “Just don’t walk off
Mike looked at me quizzically. I looked back any cornices.”15
About 4:45 PM, when I reached the
12. Lucidity means “mental clarity.” Balcony16—the promontory at 27,600 feet on
13. Hindsight is the ability to see past events clearly and with the Southeast Ridge where I’d sat watching
wisdom, often in a way that was not possible at the time the sunrise with Ang Dorje—I was shocked
the events occurred.
14. Here, plight means “a dangerous condition or state.”
15. Cornices are snowy, unsupported overhangs.
Reading Strategy Monitoring Comprehension Monitor 16. The Balcony is a projecting mass of land on the Southeast
Ridge, the place where two of the faces or slopes of Mount
your comprehension by explaining Andy Harris’s behavior. If
Everest meet.
necessary, reread.
Reading Strategy Monitoring Comprehension What
Vocabulary does Krakauer mean by “a lapse”? Why will the lapse haunt
exacerbate (i zasər bāt´) v. to make worse, more him? If you are not sure of the answers, reread.
violent, or more bitter
invincible (in vinsə bəl) adj. not able to be beaten or Literary Element Structure What clues are given here to
overcome chronological and spatial order?


to encounter Beck Weathers, standing alone “Sorry pal,” Rob immediately announced,
in the snow, shivering violently. I’d assumed “you’re going down. I’ll send one of the
that he’d descended to Camp Four17 hours Sherpas down with you.” But Beck wasn’t
earlier. “Beck!” I exclaimed, “what are you quite ready to give up his summit hopes: “I
still doing up here?” explained to Rob that I thought there was a
Years earlier, Beck had undergone a radial pretty good chance my vision would
keratotomy18 to correct his vision. A side improve once the sun got higher and my
effect of the surgery, he discovered early in pupils contracted. I said I wanted to wait a
the Everest climb, was that the low baromet- little while, and then boogie on up after
ric pressure that exists at high altitude everybody else if I started seeing more
caused his eyesight to fail. The higher he clearly.”
climbed, the lower the barometric pressure Rob considered Beck’s proposal, then
fell, and the worse his vision became. decreed, “O.K., fair enough. I’ll give you half
The previous afternoon as he was ascend- an hour to find out. But I can’t have you
ing from Camp Three to Camp Four, Beck going down to Camp Four on your own. If
later confessed to me, “my vision had gotten your vision isn’t better in thirty minutes I
so bad that I couldn’t see more than a few want you to stay here so I know exactly
feet. So I just tucked right behind John Taske where you are until I come back from the
and when he’d lift a foot I’d place my foot summit, then we can go down together. I’m
right in his bootprint.” very serious about this: either you go down
Beck had spoken openly of his vision right now, or you promise me you’ll sit right
problem earlier, but with the summit in here until I return.”
reach he neglected to mention its increasing “So I crossed my heart and hoped to die,”
severity to Rob or anyone else. His bad eyes Beck told me good-naturedly as we stood in
notwithstanding, he was climbing well and the blowing snow and waning light. “And
feeling stronger than he had since the begin- I’ve kept my word. Which is why I’m still
ning of the expedition, and, he explained, “I standing here.”
didn’t want to bail out prematurely.” Shortly after noon, Stuart Hutchison, John
Climbing above the South Col through the Taske, and Lou Kasischke had gone past on
night, Beck managed to keep up with the their way down with Lhakpa and Kami, but
group by employing the same strategy he’d Weathers elected not to accompany them.
used the previous afternoon—stepping in “The weather was still good,” he explains,
the footsteps of the person directly in front “and I saw no reason to break my promise to
of him. But by the time he reached the Rob at that point.”
Balcony and the sun came up, he realized his Now, however, it was getting dark and
vision was worse than ever. In addition, he’d conditions were turning grim. “Come down
inadvertently rubbed some ice crystals into with me,” I implored. “It will be at least
his eyes, lacerating both corneas.19 another two or three hours before Rob shows
“At that point,” Beck revealed, “one eye up. I’ll be your eyes. I’ll get you down, no
was completely blurred over, I could barely problem.” Beck was nearly persuaded to
see out of the other, and I’d lost all depth descend with me when I made the mistake
perception. I felt that I couldn’t see well of mentioning that Mike Groom was on his
enough to climb higher without being a dan- way down with Yasuko, a few minutes
ger to myself or a burden to someone else, so
I told Rob what was going on.” Big Idea On the Move How would you describe Beck’s
desire to continue the climb?
17. Camp Four is the highest camp.
18. A radial keratotomy is surgery for nearsightedness.
Literary Element Structure How does Krakauer remind
19. The ice crystals cut the cornea, a clear layer that covers the
the reader of the chronological structure?
iris and pupil, of each of Beck’s eyes.

Late in the afternoon during the descent from the summit of Mount Everest.

behind me. In a day of many mistakes, this stuffed it into my pack with my other two
would turn out to be one of the larger ones. bottles (one empty, one partially full) and
“Thanks anyway,” Beck said. “I think I’ll then hurried toward the South Col, 1,600
just wait for Mike. He’s got a rope; he’ll be feet below.
able to short-rope20 me down.”
“O.K., Beck,” I replied. “It’s your call. I From the Balcony I descended a few hun-
guess I’ll see you in camp, then.” Secretly, I dred feet down a broad, gentle snow gully
was relieved that I wouldn’t have to deal without incident, but then things began to
with getting Beck down the problematic get sketchy. The route meandered through
slopes to come, most of which were not pro- outcroppings of broken shale blanketed with
tected by fixed lines. Daylight was waning, six inches of fresh snow. Negotiating the
the weather was worsening, my reserves of puzzling, infirm22 terrain demanded unceas-
strength were nearly gone. Yet I still didn’t ing concentration, an all-but-impossible feat
have any sense that calamity21 was around in my punch-drunk state.
the corner. Indeed, after talking with Beck I
even took the time to find a spent oxygen
22. Here, infirm means “not solid.”
canister that I’d stashed in the snow on the
way up some ten hours earlier. Wanting to Reading Strategy Monitoring Comprehension
Describe the encounter between Krakauer and Beck. If
remove all my trash from the mountain, I
necessary, reread.

20. To short-rope is to pull a second climber along using a Vocabulary

rope attached to a leading climber. terrain (tə rān) n. the physical features of the land
21. A calamity is a great loss.


Scott Fischer/Woodfin Camp and Associates
Because the wind had erased the tracks of the force of the rising tempest, I realized that
the climbers who’d gone down before me, I I’d gotten down the trickiest ground just in the
had difficulty determining the correct route. nick of time.
In 1993, Mike Groom’s partner—Lopsang Wrapping the fixed line around my arms
Tshering Bhutia, a skilled Himalayan climber to rappel,27 I continued down through the
who was a nephew of Tenzing Norgay’s23— blizzard. Some minutes later I was over-
had taken a wrong turn in this area and fallen whelmed by a disturbingly familiar feeling
to his death. Fighting to maintain a grip on of suffocation, and I realized that my oxygen
reality, I started talking to myself out loud. had once again run out. Three hours earlier
“Keep it together, keep it together, keep it when I’d attached my regulator to my third
together,” I chanted over and over, mantra- and last oxygen canister, I’d noticed that the
like.24 “This is way serious. Keep it together.” gauge indicated that the bottle was only half
I sat down to rest on a broad, sloping full. I’d figured that would be enough to get
ledge, but after a few minutes a deafening me most of the way down, though, so I
boom! frightened me back to my feet. hadn’t bothered exchanging it for a full one.
Enough new snow had accumulated that I And now the gas was gone.
feared a massive slab avalanche had released I pulled the mask from my face, left it hang-
on the slopes above, but when I spun around ing around my neck, and pressed onward,
to look I saw nothing. Then there was surprisingly unconcerned. However, without
another boom!, accompanied by a flash that supplemental oxygen, I moved more slowly,
momentarily lit up the sky, and I realized I and I had to stop and rest more often.
was hearing the crash of thunder. The literature of Everest is rife28 with
In the morning, on the way up, I’d made a accounts of hallucinatory experiences attrib-
point of continually studying the route on this utable to hypoxia and fatigue. In 1933,
part of the mountain, frequently looking down the noted English climber Frank Smythe
to pick out landmarks that would be helpful observed “two curious looking objects float-
on the descent, compulsively memorizing the ing in the sky” directly above him at 27,000
terrain: “Remember to turn left at the buttress feet: “[One] possessed what appeared to be
that looks like a ship’s prow.25 Then follow that squat underdeveloped wings, and the other
skinny line of snow until it curves sharply to a protuberance29 suggestive of a beak. They
the right.” This was something I’d trained hovered motionless but seemed slowly to
myself to do many years earlier, a drill I forced pulsate.” In 1980, during his solo ascent,
myself to go through every time I climbed, and Reinhold Messner imagined that an invisible
on Everest it may have saved my life. By 6:00 companion was climbing beside him.
PM, as the storm escalated into a full-scale bliz- Gradually, I became aware that my mind
zard with driving snow and winds gusting in had gone haywire in a similar fashion, and I
excess of 60 knots,26 I came upon the rope that observed my own slide from reality with a
had been fixed by the Montenegrins on the blend of fascination and horror.
snow slope 600 feet above the Col. Sobered by I was so far beyond ordinary exhaustion
that I experienced a queer detachment from
23. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were the first climbers my body, as if I were observing my descent
ever to reach the top of Mount Everest.
24. A mantra is a prayerlike repetition of syllables, words, or
27. To rappel is to descend from a height by sliding down a
phrases for mystical purposes.
25. Krakauer describes a buttress, or a large, projecting rock,
28. Here, rife means “full of” or “overflowing with.”
that looks like a prow, or the front part of a ship or boat.
29. A protuberance is something that sticks out.
26. 60 knots is about 69 mph.

Reading Strategy Monitoring Comprehension Did you
slow down, speed up, or maintain the same reading rate as detachment (di tachmənt) n. indifference; a state of
you read this paragraph? Explain. being apart from

from a few feet overhead. I imagined that I I pointed in the direction of Camp Four,
was dressed in a green cardigan and wing- then warned him about the ice just below
tips. And although the gale was generating us. “It’s steeper than it looks!” I yelled,
a windchill in excess of seventy below zero straining to make myself heard over the
Fahrenheit, I felt strangely, disturbingly tempest. “Maybe I should go down first
warm. and get a rope from camp—” As I was in
At 6:30, as the last of the daylight seeped midsentence, Andy abruptly turned away
from the sky, I’d descended to within 200 and moved over the lip of the ice slope,
vertical feet of Camp Four. Only one obsta- leaving me sitting there dumbfounded.32
cle now stood between me and safety: a Scooting on his butt, he started down the
bulging incline of hard, glassy ice that I steepest part of the incline. “Andy,” I
would have to descend without a rope. shouted after him, “it’s crazy to try it like
Snow pellets borne by 70-knot gusts stung that! You’re going to blow it for sure!” He
my face; any exposed flesh was instantly yelled something back, but his words were
frozen. The tents, no more than 650 hori- carried off by the screaming wind. A sec-
zontal feet away, were only intermittently ond later he lost his purchase, flipped ass
visible through the whiteout. There was no over teakettle, and was suddenly rocketing
margin for error. Worried about making a headfirst down the ice.
critical blunder, I sat down to marshal30 my Two hundred feet below, I could just
energy before descending further. make out Andy’s motionless form slumped
Once I was off my feet, inertia31 took hold. at the foot of the incline. I was sure he’d
It was so much easier to remain at rest than broken at least a leg, maybe his neck. But
to summon the initiative to tackle the danger- then, incredibly, he stood up, waved that he
ous ice slope; so I just sat there as the storm was O.K., and started lurching33 toward
roared around me, letting my mind drift, Camp Four, which, at the moment was in
doing nothing for perhaps forty-five minutes. plain sight, 500 feet beyond.
I’d tightened the drawstrings on my I could see the shadowy forms of three or
hood until only a tiny opening remained four people standing outside the tents;
around my eyes, and I was removing the their headlamps flickered through curtains
useless, frozen oxygen mask from beneath of blowing snow. I watched Harris walk
my chin when Andy Harris suddenly toward them across the flats, a distance he
appeared out of the gloom beside me. covered in less than ten minutes. When the
Shining my headlamp in his direction, I clouds closed in a moment later, cutting off
reflexively recoiled when I saw the appall- my view, he was within sixty feet of the
ing condition of his face. His cheeks were tents, maybe closer. I didn’t see him again
coated with an armor of frost, one eye was after that, but I was certain that he’d
frozen shut, and he was slurring his words reached the security of camp, where
badly. He looked in serious trouble. “Which Chuldum and Arita would doubtless be
way to the tents?” Andy blurted, frantic to waiting with hot tea. Sitting out in the
reach shelter. storm, with the ice bulge still standing
between me and the tents, I felt a pang of
30. To marshal is to bring together in an effective way. envy. I was angry that my guide hadn’t
31. Here, inertia means “the tendency of a body at rest to
waited for me.
remain at rest.”

Literary Element Structure Summarize how time and 32. Dumbfounded means “so surprised that one cannot speak.”
place have changed since the beginning of the essay. 33. To lurch is to move in a sudden, irregular way.

Reading Strategy Monitoring Comprehension Monitor

Big Idea On the Move What is Andy’s attitude toward your comprehension by telling who and what the preceding
the climb at this point? two paragraphs are about. If necessary, reread.


Members of the ill-fated Mount Everest expedition led by Rob
Hall (center right) and guide Scott Fischer (center left). John
Krakauer is third from left.

My backpack held little more than three tight, and sprawled across the frost-covered
empty oxygen canisters and a pint of frozen floor too tired to even sit upright. For the
lemonade; it probably weighed no more than first time I had a sense of how wasted I
sixteen or eighteen pounds. But I was tired, really was: I was more exhausted than I’d
and worried about getting down the incline ever been in my life. But I was safe. Andy
without breaking a leg, so I tossed the pack was safe.35 The others would be coming into
over the edge and hoped it would come to camp soon. We’d done it. We’d climbed
rest where I could retrieve it. Then I stood Everest. It had been a little sketchy there for
up and started down the ice, which was as a while, but in the end everything had
smooth and hard as the surface of a bowling turned out great.
Fifteen minutes of dicey, fatiguing cram- It would be many hours before I learned that
pon34 work brought me safely to the bottom everything had not in fact turned out great—
of the incline, where I easily located my that nineteen men and women were
pack, and another ten minutes after that I stranded up on the mountain by the storm,
was in camp myself. I lunged into my tent caught in a desperate struggle for their
with my crampons still on, zipped the door lives. 

34. Crampons are steel spikes attached to mountaineering

boots to prevent sliding on ice and snow.
35. As Krakauer would realize later, he had mistaken Martin
Literary Element Structure How consistently does
Adams for Andy Harris. In fact, Harris died on the climb
Krakauer use time and spatial order in this essay?
while trying to help others reach safety.

Time Life Pictures/Getty Images

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. What part of this essay interested or startled you 5. (a)What storytelling elements appear in this non-
the most? Explain. fiction selection? (b)How well does Krakauer tell
the story of this part of the climb? Use evidence
Recall and Interpret from the selection to back up your opinion.
2. (a)Where is Krakauer at the beginning of this
6. How well does the author convey the dangers the
selection? (b)How would you describe his mood
climbers faced?
or state of mind?
7. How does Krakauer let the reader know that there
3. (a)What problems does Krakauer have with the
are too many people on the mountain and, per-
climate on the mountain? (b)How do these
haps, that there are people who should not have
problems lead to a crucial error on Krakauer’s part?
been there?
4. (a)Where is Krakauer at the end of the selection?
(b)Do you think Krakauer reaches this destination Connect
as a result of luck or skill? Explain. 8. Big Idea On the Move How does this selection
make you feel about the risks and rewards of
climbing Mount Everest?


Literary Element Structure Review: Dialogue

In this excerpt from Into Thin Air, Krakauer arranges As you learned on page 189, dialogue is conversation
the facts of his narrative in both spatial and chronolog- between characters in a literary work. Dialogue is usu-
ical order. Spatial order shows the descent from the ally set off with quotation marks and dialogue tags, or
summit, while chronological order shows the passage markers that tell the reader who said what.
of time.
Partner Activity Work with a partner to record at
1. Where is Krakauer at the beginning of the selection, least five examples of dialogue from the essay. For
and where is he at the end? State, in order, at least each one, identify the speakers, and reflect on the pur-
two places he stops along the way. pose of the dialogue. That is, tell whether the dialogue
contributes to characterization, establishes mood,
2. Explain how elevations, or heights measured in
advances the action, helps develop a thesis or theme,
feet, provide a guide to the structure of this
or serves some other purpose.
3. How much time would you guess elapses from the
beginning of the action to the end? Cite evidence Dialogue Speakers Purpose
from the selection to support your answer.



Reading Strategy Monitoring Writing About Literature

Comprehension Evaluate Author’s Craft In this excerpt, Krakauer
Krakauer assumes that his readers have some knowl- takes you to what mountaineers call “the death zone.”
edge about mountaineering, Mount Everest, and the How well does he lead you to the edge, or build sus-
problems of thin air. Rereading, adjusting one’s pace, pense? Write an essay that states and supports your
and scanning for additional sources of information, evaluative judgment.
such as footnotes and illustrations, can help in under- Begin by identifying and stating your opinion in a clear
standing difficult text. thesis statement. Then gather evidence from the story
1. Name at least one place where you slowed down that supports your thesis.
to refer to a footnote. ESSAY STRUCTURE
2. Explain how the footnotes helped you understand Introductory paragraph with thesis
the features of Mount Everest.

Vocabulary Practice First body paragraph—first point in support of your thesis; examples
and reasons to support your first point
Practice with Word Parts Choose the word that
answers each question. Use a dictionary if you
need help.
Second body paragraph—second point in support of your thesis;
1. Which word has a suffix used to form a noun? examples and reasons to support your second point
a. invincible b. detachment
2. Which word has a prefix that means “not”?
a. terrain b. invincible Third body paragraph—third point in support of your thesis; exam-
ples and reasons to support your third point
3. Which word has a Latin root meaning “earth”?
a. terrain b. exacerbated
4. Which word has a suffix used to form a verb or Concluding paragraph
a. exacerbated b. tenuously
5. Which word has a suffix that signals an adverb?
After you complete your draft, have a partner read it
a. detachment b. tenuously
and suggest revisions. Then proofread and edit your
work to correct errors in spelling, grammar, and
Academic Vocabulary
Here are two words from the vocabulary list on Internet Connection
page R86. The history of human drama on Mount Everest is long
and full of death and glory. Use the Internet to find out
compute (kəm pūt) v. to determine; to arrive about other expeditions and climbers, such as George
at by using mathematics Leigh Mallory, Tom Hornbein and Willi Unsoeld, David
recover (ri kuvər) v. to return to normal Breashears, and Ed Viesturs. Report on their challenges
and triumphs, including facts about their routes, the
Practice and Apply conditions of their ascents, and first-time feats.
1. What facts would you need to compute how
far Krakauer descended?
Web Activities For eFlashcards,
2. How did Krakauer recover from his state of
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to
dizziness and mental confusion?


Infor mational Text

Media Link to On
the Move

Preview the Article

In “Adventure to Antarctica,” Rob Johnson
shares his experiences of encountering
danger when he and his team traveled to
Adventure to
South Georgia Island in Antarctica.
1. What do you already know about
Onne Van Der Wal
2. Read the deck, or the text in large A VOYAGE TO THE MOST DANGEROUS WATERS
type that appears underneath the title. IN THE WORLD
What type of emotion do you think the
author wants you to feel about the
voyage he is about to describe? By ROB JOHNSON

Set a Purpose for Reading outh Georgia Island, located in the South
Read to discover how Rob Johnson and Atlantic Ocean, is the breeding ground of Antarctica.
his crew accomplish their goal and reap Birds and seals live and reproduce there. The island is
the rewards of doing so. also the site of the whaling industry in the Southern
Ocean for much of the 20th century. This cold and
Reading Strategy windswept, rocky land is the final resting place and center of drama
Analyzing Text Structure
for the life of British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, who wanted to
Analyzing text structure involves be the first person to cross the frozen continent.
recognizing the pattern of organization the
author uses. The following selection’s Surrounded by ice and the Shaman was created with the
main pattern of organization is problem most famous and dangerous South Georgia mission in mind.
and solution. As you read the selection, waters in the world, South We launched her in 1997, and
identify the problem the author illustrates, Georgia Island (SGI) represents every voyage aboard her—past
and the possible solution or solutions he the ultimate destination on Earth. many glaciers, through many
provides. Use a graphic organizer like the With this in mind, I set my sights storms—built my confidence for
one below. on sailing to her shores. But the passage to South Georgia.
nearly 10 years of reading,
planning, dreaming, and The Management of Fear
Possible voyaging would pass before we To dream and consider is not the
Problem Solutions cast off. same as to act. Setting out on an
The first thing I had to do was expedition to SGI is challeng-
to build Shaman, the ship that ing—the water temperature is 30
would take us on our adventure. degrees Fahrenheit, winds are
Her design and construction often stronger than 50 knots, and
became the cornerstone of the waves frequently reach a height
adventure. My vision of sailing of 50 feet.
OB J EC TIVES to South Georgia Island became We expected to hike on land
• Analyze a variety of texts according the tool I used to inspire the that features elevation changes
to structure. of 2,000 to 3,000 feet in a day’s
designer, project manager, boat-
• Analyze organizational patterns.
builder, and sail maker as each trek, and as much as 10,000 feet
joined me in creating this 88-foot just a few miles from shore.
sailing yacht. Everything about Besides the weather and the


Onne Van Der Wal/TIME
Informational Text

land, there were other dangers to

face. Animals, in this case fur
Bill Tripp designed Shaman specifically seals, can bite, leaving a deadly
for the author’s voyage to South Georgia infection, and South Georgia
Island and Antarctica.
does not have a hospital.
Fear will always be present
when risk and danger are real,
yet too much fear can limit an
adventure. Much pleasure,
excitement, and achievement are
lost if you give in to it. Yet you
can’t ignore fear. It is more
dangerous to say it doesn’t
I believe that the central focus
of expedition sailing is fear
management. Are the boat, the
equipment, the team, and the
preparation thorough enough to
manage the risk of a dangerous
expedition? Does the crew get
along and do they trust and
support one another? How does
the team work together to roll
back the envelope of the fear that
limits action—roll back, but not
eliminate, fear to get the most
from the experience?

The Team
I selected a team of nine people,
including myself. Raymond
Wroe Street and Kim Broas had
been aboard Shaman for four
years. They knew her inside out
and were in charge of the
mechanical and logistics prepa-
rations. Raymond’s brother,
Grant, and Simon Laight were
the athletes. Grant was an expe-
rienced outdoorsman, hiker, and
climber. We would need Simon’s
and Grant’s help once we landed
on the island.
Since the Southern Ocean is so
dangerous, I needed experienced
sailors, some of whom knew
how to steer in heavy seas. An
88-foot sloop, such as Shaman,
can reach speeds of 20 knots or
Onne Van Der Wal

more in the conditions that

sailors find in the rough Southern
Ocean. A mistake aboard a 100,000
pound yacht hurtling through

Onne Van Der Wal/TIME
Informational Text

The crew socialized with the

residents of Albatross Island.


Onne Van Der Wal

confused seas at that speed can be dangers. We were very fortunate were cool and we spent time
costly. to find a guide in Eef Willems. reviewing safety procedures.
Erik Soper had a strong spirit. Eef had been to SGI several Everyone on deck had to wear a
He came to be known as Crean times, taking part in studies of safety harness and be clipped to
after the member of Shackleton’s the island’s animal population. a tether so we wouldn’t fall over-
crew Tom Crean, who was at He also knew SGI’s geology, ani- board. In addition, everyone on
Shackleton’s side throughout his mal life, wind conditions, and deck wore a life jacket and an
voyage. Every job was his job in places to go for shelter. Eef had a emergency radio locator in case
his mind. Erik proved to us all very loving, enthusiastic, and we did fall overboard!
that we could do more. encouraging way about her that Our trip was largely unevent-
Onne van der Wal was our was so important to her leader- ful for 800 miles. Eef continued
photographer. He is a fine sailor ship. We could feel that she to tell stories about the island,
and had sailed the Southern wanted us to stretch to see what which made us excited to see it.
Ocean before. His skill as a sea- she knew was waiting for us, As we got closer, icebergs, 200 to
man added to our confidence, and that she cared about our 400 feet high, began to appear on
and his pictures preserved our safety. the horizon. We were able to see
memories so we could share them the ice on radar, and during the
forever. Departure daylight hours (about 19 hours
Peter Wilson was the project We left Ushuaia, Argentina, on of the day in the Antarctic sum-
manager in the building of February 7, 2003, and stopped mer), we could spot them in the
Shaman, and an experienced sea- briefly in Chile. Then we sailed distance. As the ice masses grew
man. He was formerly a captain out into the ocean, where light in number, Eef requested that we
and ocean racer. I was delighted winds greeted us, eventually slow the boat to 5 knots or less
that he had the chance to experi- growing to 25 knots. We clipped during darkness. She also sug-
ence firsthand the ship which he along at 10–12 knots, at last on gested that we put a crew mem-
had helped create. our way. Eef told us what we ber on the ship’s bow during
We also needed knowledge of could expect during the 1,300- daylight as a lookout for ice. As
the island, its harbors, and its mile trip to SGI. Temperatures excited as we were to reach the


Onne Van Der Wal/TIME
Informational Text

island, we were all in favor of which was before our eyes and in have been to the men seeking help
Eef ’s safer—if slower— our ears. for their stranded crew.
approach. Perhaps even more remarkable
Ernest Henry Shackleton was that Shackleton returned
Approach and First Landing Many times, close examination continued to Elephant Island and
On a slightly hazy and overcast deflates the reputation of a heroic rescued all of his team. Every one
day, we sailed up to the northwest figure. In this case, though, the of them was alive after months of
corner of the island toward Right more we explored the experience living on the ice, eating penguins,
Whale Bay. As we approached the of Shackleton, the more powerful and burning seal blubber for
anchorage, two things were clear. his heroism became. Shackleton, warmth.
First, the symphony of animal who had hoped to be the first Shackleton died in 1922, aboard
cries was worthy of a Steven person to travel across Antarctica, ship while docked at a harbor
Spielberg movie. Fur seals, ele- had the sense to place the value of along SGI. On February 15, 2003,
phant seals, and penguins pro- human life above his personal the 129th anniversary of
vided a continuous soundtrack. record of achievement. In the end Shackleton’s birth, we visited his
As dusk approached, we could he is all the more heroic for the grave on South Georgia and had
make out the outlines of the many choices he made. cake inscribed with the Shackleton
animals playing on the beach. In 1915, Shackleton’s ship was family motto, “By Endurance We
Second, our sense of smell told crushed in the ice near Elephant Conquer.” Written on the back of
us that this place was different Island, about 800 miles from a the gravestone is the following: “I
from any most of us had ever vis- whaling center on SGI. To save held that a man should strive to
ited. Not even the monkey house his crew, the explorer and five of the uttermost for his life’s set
at the San Diego Zoo could com- his strongest men sailed and prize. —Robert Browning.”
pare with this notification that rowed 800 miles in a 22-foot boat
animal life was abundant. In my to get help from the whalers. As Albatross Island
journal of the day I wrote: we visited the beach where We spent two days on Albatross
Animal cries were everywhere. Shackleton landed after his trip, Island playing with the wandering
Awe was in every pair of eyes I and as we traced parts of his albatross, the largest existing bird
explored. The excitement of the dangerous three-day hike across species that can fly. This last stop
romantic quest to the land of the island, we could see and feel was the most moving of
Shackleton had given way to that how dismaying the task must experiences for me. I stood in the
grass with my still and video
cameras, and watched birds
perform their mating dance. As
they flew overhead, their 11-foot
wingspan ripped the winds. At
one point, two birds came up next
to me. One of them nibbled on my
glove. It then turned and sat down
not 18 inches from my right thigh.
I took off my glove and sat there
petting its beautiful white-
feathered back. Tears flowed
down my cheeks. Tenderness and
wonder filled my spirit.
After returning to Shaman I
wrote in my journal: I touched a
bird and something in me was
touched. At that moment, standing
with Simon, Eef, Peter, and Onne, I
Onne Van Der Wal

could feel that I have completed what

I came here to do. I cannot tell you
what it is that I came here to do. But
I know I have completed it. I am

Onne Van Der Wal/TIME
Informational Text

ready to come home. I do not entirely

know why I built this boat. I do not
know why South Georgia Island
was my ultimate destination from
the beginning. When we took off, I
expected it to be stimulating and, at
times, stunning. But I did not know
all of what I wanted to accomplish. I
did not know either, early on, what

Onne Van Der Wal (2)

would free my mind to set sail away
from here feeling . . . . satisfied . . . .
We have seen a lot, and the experience
of this island has been significantly
more powerful than I had expected.
Even with high expectations, I do
not know now why this moment seas continued to build as we out of our woolies and wet gear.
with the wandering albatross crossed the rough waters. A beautiful sunrise and Van
completed my satisfaction, and I do This was our final test. Four Morrison on the stereo brought
not even know what it is that times, waves crashing into the relief to everyone.
constitutes completeness. I just feel steering cockpit knocked the That evening, we landed in
it. I can come home now. helmsman off of his feet. The Montevideo, Uruguay, and tied
power of the Southern Ocean the ship to the dock. Shaman had
Heading Home lived up to the tales, and I knew safely completed that which she
The magnetic pull of family, we did not see the worst of its had been designed to do. It was
business, and friendships grew anger. Shaman was strong and the trip of a lifetime. I am so
increasingly strong. Snow was the crew was capable, but we grateful.
falling on the mountains as we were aware that the sea could —Updated 2005, from
left, and winds were moderate. take us if it wanted to. Yachting, October 2004
Dolphins and albatross took As we sailed north, the condi-
turns as escorts, leading our tions eased and the temperatures
parade toward home. Winds and warmed enough to let us step


Respond Analyze and Evaluate

1. After reading about Johnson’s travels, how would 5. Why does Johnson describe each member of his
you describe his personality? team?
6. Why do you think Johnson points out the Shackleton
Recall and Interpret family motto, “By Endurance We Conquer”? What
2. (a)How long did Johnson prepare for the voyage? does this say about Johnson’s values?
(b)How do you think the time he spent preparing
7. Johnson wrote in his journal, “I could feel that I
affected his coping skills while on the voyage?
completed what I came here to do. I cannot tell
3. (a)What does Johnson think about fear? (b)Do you you what it is that I came here to do. But I know I
agree with his philosophy? Why or why not? have completed it.” Why may he have felt this?
4. (a)What did Ernest Shackleton do to save his crew?
(b)How do you think Shackleton’s rescue efforts Connect
inspired Johnson’s idea of a team? 8. Consider the article, “Adventure to Antarctica,” and
the excerpt from Into Thin Air. How does the team
mentality differ in each selection?


Onne Van Der Wal/TIME
Vocabulary Workshop
Technical Words

º Technology Tip Understanding Jargon

To find specialized mean- “By 6:00 PM, as the storm escalated into a full-scale blizzard with
ings online, use a search driving snow and winds gusting in excess of 60 knots, I came upon
engine. Type define: and the rope that had been fixed by the Montenegrins on the snow slope
the term you want 600 feet above the Col.”
defined. For example, type
—Jon Krakauer, from Into Thin Air
define: knot, and several
sites and/or definitions
will appear. Different Connecting to Literature When Krakauer writes about mountain climb-
search engines will give ing, his language is full of words that climbers understand, such as refer-
different results, so if you ences to fixed ropes and wind speeds. This specialized vocabulary is
do not find what you need jargon. Jargon is any technical or specialized language specific to a partic-
immediately, try a different ular sport, trade, hobby, or field. For example, the jargon of computer
engine. users includes terms like bug, boot up, spam, Usenet, and blog. The jargon of
bodybuilders includes terms such as rep, lats, mass, and set.
º Test-Taking Tip
Always use context clues Examples
to determine the meaning
Word Meaning Why the Word Is Used
of a term you think is
jargon. Analyzing word intake valve device used to control the flow of oxygen Krakauer wore an oxygen mask, which he
into an oxygen mask depended on to survive his climb.
parts can also help you
cornice a snowy, unsupported overhang on the Climbers who walked onto cornices could
determine meaning.
mountain fall, possibly to their deaths.
º Reading Handbook the Balcony a mass of land on the Southwest side of Krakauer relates different locations on the
Mount Everest where two of its faces, or mountain and uses different times to retell
For more about vocabulary
slopes, meet the story of the climb.
development, see Reading
Handbook, p. R20.

Identify jargon, or specialized vocabulary, in each sentence below.
For each term, use a dictionary or context clues to find the meaning.
eFlashcards For eFlashcards
Then give a reason why the author may have used the term.
and other vocabulary activities,
go to 1. In Ghana, Angelou sees people crowded into mammie lorries.
2. Angelou’s hosts identify her as Bambara from Liberia.
OB J EC TIVES 3. At breakfast, Angelou is offered fish cakes, fried plantain, and
• Analyze why an author dukuno.
uses particular language.
• Identify and understand 4. At the print shop, Nye expected her students her to see camera-
specialized uses of ready copy.
5. Nye had prepared them to see the process of collation.

4 34 UNIT 2

Finding Common Ground

United Front (Un solo frente), ca. 1928. Diego Rivera. Mural. 6.69 ft. x 5.28 ft.
Court of Fiestas, Level 3, South Wall. Secretaria de Educacion Publica, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico.

One of the most powerful forces in the world is that which comes about when
people join with others who share their point of view. A major concern for
citizens is how to get people to agree with one another and to join a common
effort. The writers in Part 3 demonstrate their powers of persuasion. As you read
these speeches, essays, and articles, ask yourself: How do you convince others to
share your opinions? What do you do when someone does not agree with you?

4 35
Schalkwijk/Art Resource, NY

Persuasive Essay and Speech

What techniques make persuasive writing compelling?
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham his speech was to persuade his audience to
Lincoln went to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to speak continue their support of the Civil War, no matter
at the dedication of a cemetery that was to honor how terrible the losses.
the Union war dead. One of Lincoln’s goals in

The Gettysburg Address

by Abraham Lincoln

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought

forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived
in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal. Now we are engaged in
a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any
nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long
endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that
war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that
field, as a final resting place for those who here
gave their lives that that nation might live. It is alto-
gether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we
cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled
here, have consecrated it, far above our poor
power to add or detract. The world will little note,
nor long remember what we say here, but it can
never forget what they did here. It is for us the
living, rather, to be here dedicated to the great
task remaining before us—that from these honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause
for which they here gave the last full measure
of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these
dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation,
Abraham Lincoln, 1864. William Willard. Oil on canvas, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—
61 x 45.5 cm. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution,
and that government of the people, by the people,
Washington, DC.
for the people shall not perish from the earth.

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution/Art Resource, NY.
By speaking of the sacrifice of the fallen soldiers Evidence in support of an argument’s assertion
and emphasizing the importance of the cause— should be fact-based. It can come from a variety
liberty not just for the United States but for the of sources, including research, expert opinion,
whole world—Lincoln made a strong persuasive and personal experience.
speech in favor of continuing the war.
Persuasion Persuasion is writing that attempts
to convince readers to think or act in a particular When I quit the New York Times to be a full-time
way. Writers of persuasive essays and speeches mother, the voices of the world said that I was
appeal to logic and reason, but they also appeal nuts. When I quit it again to be a full-time novelist,
to emotion. Notice how Lincoln uses patriotic they said I was nuts again. But I am not nuts. I am
appeals in referring to the “honored dead” and happy. I am successful on my own terms.
“this nation, under God.” —Anna Quindlen, from “Put Down the Backpack”
Argument Argument is a specific type of per-
suasive writing or speaking in which logic and
evidence is used to appeal to the reader’s or lis-
tener’s reason. Notice for example how Lincoln
employs logic in saying that the hallowed Refuting the opposing argument means antici-
ground cannot be consecrated because it has pating what the opposition will say, and then
already been consecrated by the dead soldiers. explaining why these arguments are illogical,
An effective argument has four primary parts: impractical, or unsound.
(1) the assertion or opinion statement, (2) sup- A good persuasive piece also includes a solution
port for the assertion, (3) acknowledgement of to the problem or a recommendation of what the
opposing arguments, and (4) a recommendation. reader or audience should do, think, or say as a
The four parts of an argument can come in any result of the argument.
order, or they can be mixed together.
Assertion An assertion is a statement of belief.
A good assertion is short, precise, and direct. Begin to say no to the Greek chorus that thinks it
The writer or speaker names the topic and then knows the parameters of a happy life when all it
states his or her position. knows is the homogenization of human experience.
Listen to that small voice from inside you, that tells
you to go another way.
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to —Anna Quindlen, from “Put Down the Backpack”
friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed
to a new generation of Americans—born in this
century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and
bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and
unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of
those human rights to which this Nation has always
been committed, and to which we are committed
today at home and around the world. Convincing Others Write an e-mail to a family
member persuading him or her to allow you to go to
—John F. Kennedy, from ”A New Generation an amusement park with friends. Then read what you
of Americans” wrote. Label the sentences in which you make the
assertion, provide support, acknowledge opposing
arguments, and make your recommendation.

•Understand the characteristics of persuasive writing. • Recognize and evaluate an argument.
•Recognize an opinion and support for the opinion.


A New Generation
of Americans

J ohn F. Kennedy was the youngest person

ever elected president of the United States.
He was a positive leader who had many
ideas about how to change the country for the
better. Although his time in office ended
tragically when he was assassinated, he the Senate in 1953. Two years later he wrote a
accomplished much in his short presidency. book, Profiles in Courage, about politicians who
stay true to their principles despite difficult
Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massa- circumstances. This book was awarded the
chusetts. His father was a successful business- Pulitzer Prize for history.
man who encouraged all nine of his children
to try to win in whatever they might do. One Challenges as President Kennedy’s popular-
of his father’s favorite sayings was “Second ity as a senator increased, and he decided to
place is a loser.” Kennedy attended several run for president. He won the presidential elec-
universities and graduated from Harvard in tion in 1960. He called for new civil rights laws
1940, shortly before the United States entered as well as additional government funding for
World War II. education and better medical care. He also
emphasized the need to help developing coun-
tries and started the Peace Corps, an organiza-
tion that sends U.S. volunteers overseas.
“Change is the law of life. And those
Kennedy had to deal with threats from the
who look only to the past or present Communist countries of Cuba and the Soviet
are certain to miss the future.” Union. One significant event of his presidency
was the Cuban missile crisis. In October of
—John F. Kennedy 1962, a terrifying situation developed when
the Soviets tried to bring nuclear missiles to
Cuba. The United States feared that Cuba
Soldier and Statesman Kennedy joined the might use them to attack the United States
Navy and served as a lieutenant during the and start a nuclear war. Kennedy was able to
war. In 1943, when he was a commander in resolve the situation peacefully, and the
the South Pacific, a Japanese destroyer sank Russians removed the missiles. In return, the
his PT (patrol torpedo) boat. Kennedy led the United States promised not to invade Cuba.
ten other survivors to safety, despite his own Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,
serious injuries. The sailors spent three days 1963. He was shot while riding in a presiden-
afloat in the ocean, and Kennedy saved one of tial motorcade during a campaign trip to
his wounded companions who was unable to Dallas, Texas.
swim. He gripped the other man’s life jacket
in his teeth and dragged him along for miles John F. Kennedy was born in 1917 and died in
while swimming. For his bravery, Kennedy 1963.
received recognition as a hero.
After the war ended, Kennedy became a Author Search For more about
Democratic Congressman, and he advanced to John F. Kennedy, go to


Connecting to the Speech Reading Strategy Recognizing Bias

In his inaugural address, Kennedy tries to inspire Bias is a certain opinion or position on a topic that
Americans to work together toward common goals for may stem from prejudice. An author who shows bias
the good of their country. Before you read, think about is inclined to think in a particular way and may have
the following questions: something to gain from the viewpoint he or she sup-
ports. Recognizing bias can help you evaluate a literary
• When is it necessary to compromise with someone work with greater objectivity. As you read this selection,
with whom you disagree?
look for examples of bias.
• What ideals and principles are so important to you
that you would make sacrifices to protect them?
Reading Tip: Making a Chart Use a chart to record
Building Background instances of bias in Kennedy’s address.
Kennedy gave his inaugural address on January 20,
1961. World War II had ended less than twenty years Passage Bias
before, and the hardships of war were still fresh in the
nation’s memory. Scientific progress in areas such as
“human rights to human rights have not
medicine and space exploration made the era a time
which this nation always been protected
of excitement—and uneasiness. The atomic bomb
has always been in the United States
used to end the war had caused destruction unlike
anything seen before. Many Americans feared the pos-
sibility of a nuclear war as tensions between the
United States and the Soviet Union escalated. This
conflict was known as the Cold War. The two countries Vocabulary
were in an arms race, with each competing to accu-
venture (ven chər) n. an undertaking involv-
mulate more nuclear weapons than the other.
ing chance, risk, or danger; p. 441 Though they
Setting Purposes for Reading were unsure of its chances for success, Mick’s
friends supported his business venture.
Big Idea Finding Common Ground
negotiate (ni ō shē āt´) v. to discuss or com-
As you read, notice how Kennedy encourages promise; p. 442 The countries were able to nego-
Americans to focus on the aspects of their history and tiate a peace treaty.
the common experiences that draw them together.
eradicate (i rad ə kāt´) v. to get rid of com-
pletely; p. 442 Certain household pests are diffi-
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices cult to eradicate.
Rhetorical devices are techniques that an author uses
testimony (tes tə mō´ nē) n. a solemn declara-
to create particular effects or to engage the attention
tion; p. 442 The witness gave testimony in court
of the reader. These devices use language in artistic
that showed that the incarcerated man had been
ways that make passages more memorable as well as
innocent all along.
more persuasive. As you read, look for rhetorical
devices and note their effects.

• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1

Interactive Literary Elements
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • identifying the structure of a speech
• analyzing rhetorical devices • writing a compare-and-contrast essay
• recognizing bias


John F. Kennedy

W e observe today not a victory of

a party but a celebration of freedom—
We dare not forget today that we are the
heirs of that first revolution. Let the word
symbolizing an end as well as a beginning— go forth from this time and place, to friend
signifying renewal as well as change. For I and foe alike, that the torch has been
have sworn before you and Almighty God the passed to a new generation of Americans—
same solemn oath our forebears1 prescribed born in this century, tempered3 by war, dis-
nearly a century and three quarters ago. ciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud
The world is very different now. For man of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to
holds in his mortal hands the power to witness or permit the slow undoing of
abolish2 all forms of human poverty and all those human rights to which this nation
forms of human life. And yet the same revolu- has always been committed, and to which
tionary beliefs for which our forebears fought we are committed today at home and
are still at issue around the globe—the belief around the world.
that the rights of man come not from the gen-
erosity of the state but from the hand of God. 3. Here, tempered means “made stronger through hardship.”

Big Idea Finding Common Ground According to

1. Forebears are ancestors; Kennedy is referring here to the
Kennedy, what was one of the effects of war on the people
founders of the United States.
of the United States?
2. Abolish means “to end or destroy.”


Let every nation know, whether it wishes alliance for progress—to assist free men and
us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, free governments in casting off the chains of
bear any burden, meet any hardship, poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope
support any friend, oppose any foe to assure cannot become the prey of hostile powers.
the survival and success of liberty. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join
This much we pledge—and more. with them to oppose aggression or subver-
To those old allies whose cultural and sion5 anywhere in the Americas. And let
spiritual origins we share, we pledge the every other power know that this hemi-
loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is lit- sphere intends to remain the master of its
tle we cannot do in a host of cooperative own house.
ventures. Divided, there is little we can do— To that world assembly of sovereign6
for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at states, the United Nations, our last best hope
odds and split asunder. in an age where the instruments of war have
To those new states whom we welcome to far outpaced the instruments of peace, we
the ranks of the free, we pledge our word renew our pledge of support—to prevent it
that one form of colonial control shall not from becoming merely a forum for invec-
have passed away merely to be replaced by tive7—to strengthen its shield of the new and
a far more iron tyranny.4 We shall not always the weak—and to enlarge the area in which
expect to find them supporting our view. But its writ 8 may run.
we shall always hope to find them strongly Finally, to those nations who would make
supporting their own freedom—and to themselves our adversary, we offer not a
remember that, in the past, those who fool- pledge but a request: that both sides begin
ishly sought power by riding the back of the anew the quest for peace, before the dark
tiger ended up inside. powers of destruction unleashed by science
To those peoples in the huts and villages engulf all humanity in planned or accidental
of half the globe struggling to break the self-destruction.
bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best We dare not tempt them with weakness.
efforts to help them help themselves, for For only when our arms are sufficient
whatever period is required—not because beyond doubt can we be certain beyond
the Communists may be doing it, not doubt that they will never be employed.
because we seek their votes, but because it is But neither can two great and powerful
right. If a free society cannot help the many groups of nations take comfort from our
who are poor, it cannot save the few who present course—both sides overburdened by
are rich. the cost of modern weapons, both rightly
To our sister republics south of our border, alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly
we offer a special pledge—to convert our atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain
good words into good deeds—in a new balance of terror that stays the hand of man-
kind’s final war.
So let us begin anew—remembering on
both sides that civility is not a sign of weak-
4. Tyranny means “oppressive power.”
ness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices What is the effect
of the repetitions in this passage?

Reading Strategy Recognizing Bias Who here defines

5. Subversion is a systematic attempt to overthrow a
what deeds are good and what constitutes progress?
6. Here, sovereign means “independent.”
Vocabulary 7. Invective means “insulting or abusive language.”
8. A writ is a law or a formal written command or order.
venture (ven chər) n. an undertaking involving
Kennedy is promising to help the United Nations extend
chance, risk, or danger
its power.

Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us been summoned to give testimony to its
never fear to negotiate. national loyalty. The graves of young
Let both sides explore what problems Americans who answered the call to service
unite us instead of belaboring those prob- surround the globe.
lems which divide us. Let both sides, for the Now the trumpet summons us again—not
first time, formulate serious and precise pro- as a call to bear arms, though arms we need—
posals for the inspection and control of not as a call to battle, though embattled12 we
arms—and bring the absolute power to are—but a call to bear the burden of a long
destroy other nations under the absolute twilight struggle, year in and year out, “rejoic-
control of all nations. ing in hope, patient in tribulation”13—a strug-
Let both sides seek to invoke9 the wonders gle against the common enemies of man:
of science instead of its terrors. Together let tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, Can we forge against these enemies a
eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and grand and global alliance, North and South,
encourage the arts and commerce. East and West, that can assure a more fruit-
Let both sides unite to heed in all corners ful life for all mankind? Will you join in that
of the earth the command of Isaiah10—to historic effort?
“undo the heavy burdens and to let the In the long history of the world, only a
oppressed go free.” few generations have been granted the role
And if a beachhead11 of cooperation may of defending freedom in its hour of maxi-
push back the jungle of suspicion, let both mum danger. I do not shrink from this
sides join in a new endeavor—not a new responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe
balance of power, but a new world of law, that any of us would exchange places with
where the strong are just and the weak any other people or any other generation.
secure and the peace preserved. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we
All this will not be finished in the first one bring to this endeavor will light our country
hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the and all who serve it—and the glow from that
first one thousand days, nor in the life of this fire can truly light the world.
administration, nor even perhaps in our life- And so, my fellow Americans, ask not
time on this planet. But let us begin. what your country can do for you—ask what
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more you can do for your country.
than mine, will rest the final success or fail- My fellow citizens of the world, ask not
ure of our course. Since this country was what America will do for you, but what
founded, each generation of Americans has together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of
America or citizens of the world, ask of us
here the same high standards of strength and
9. To invoke means “to put into effect or operation.” sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good
10. Isaiah is a prophet in the Old Testament of the Bible. conscience our only sure reward, with history
11. A beachhead is an occupied area in an enemy country
where troops and supplies can land.
the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to
lead the land we love, asking his blessing and
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices What technique
his help, but knowing that here on earth
God’s work must truly be our own. 
does Kennedy use to make this passage memorable?

Literary Element Rhetorical Devices What is the effect

of the repetition of the word nor? 12. Embattled means “prepared for battle.”
13. A tribulation is a difficult experience.
negotiate (ni ō shē āt´) v. to discuss or compromise Vocabulary
eradicate (i rad ə kāt´) v. to get rid of completely testimony (tes tə mō´ nē) n. a solemn declaration



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. (a)How does Kennedy’s speech make you feel 5. (a)What are the main arguments Kennedy uses to
about the United States? (b)Do you agree with try to inspire the American people? (b)How per-
the way that he portrays the country? suasive is he in these arguments? Explain.

Recall and Interpret 6. How does Kennedy present his attitude toward war
in this speech? Support your answer with examples
2. (a)According to Kennedy, in which ways has the
from the text.
world changed? (b)What does he expect of this
new generation of Americans? 7. (a)Kennedy says that “sincerity is always subject
to proof.” Does his speech strike you as sincere?
3. (a)What does Kennedy promise to the people of
(b)For what reasons might the writer of such a
less developed countries? (b)How do you think his
speech say something he did not really mean?
promises to these countries relate to his goals for
the United States? Connect
4. (a)What does Kennedy say are the common ene- 8. Big Idea Finding Common Ground (a) What
mies of man? (b)How does he hope to make use groups of people does Kennedy encourage to find
of these common enemies? common ground? (b)What are some specific ways
he mentions for this to be achieved?


Inaugurating a New Decade

President Kennedy inherited a sharply divided country. 1. What do you know about the 1950s from popular
For the white American middle class, the 1950s were culture, such as movies and television shows? What
a time of stability and increased consumerism. For have your parents, grandparents, or other family
many African Americans, however, it was a time of members told you about life in the 1950s?
racism and oppression. Happy nuclear families ate TV
2. Compare and contrast life in the 1950s with life in
dinners while watching “Lassie” or “I Love Lucy,” but
the United States today.
there were fallout shelters in the yard, bomb
drills in the classroom, young U.S. soldiers
dying in Korea, and the creeping fear of
Communism. In his inauguration speech,
Kennedy expressed the hope that people
would unite in order to dispel the increasing
polarization of both the country and the
Group Activity Discuss the following
questions with your classmates.

A family gathers around the television in 1956.



Literary Element Rhetorical Devices Reading Strategy Recognizing Bias

A writer can draw from a wide variety of rhetorical Most authors who write persuasively have a bias of
devices to create a particular effect. Rhetorical devices some kind, simply because they have a point of view
are most often used to persuade or move an audi- that they want the reader to adopt. Authors might also
ence. Parallelism and repetition are examples of rhe- write with a slant, meaning they make something
torical devices that appear in Kennedy’s address. appear either better or worse than it actually is.
Parallelism is the use of a series of words, phrases, or
1. As president of the United States, in what ways is
sentences that have a similar grammatical form. This
Kennedy likely to be biased? Do you notice exam-
sentence structure emphasizes the items that are
ples of this kind of bias in the text?
arranged in a similar way. Repetition emphasizes
words or phrases that appear more than once. 2. Do you find that Kennedy’s bias takes away from
his credibility? Explain.
1. Examine Kennedy’s speech to find one example of
parallelism and one example of repetition.
2. For both passages you have chosen, describe Vocabulary Practice
how the rhetorical device is effective and what kind Practice with Word Origins If you look up
of reaction it is meant to evoke in the reader or progress in a dictionary, you can see that it comes
listener. from the Latin progressus, meaning “to advance or
3. How does Kennedy use parallelism on a large scale go forth.” Match each vocabulary word below with
in his speech? What effect does this parallelism its word of origin. Use a dictionary if you need help.
have on his speech as a whole? 1. venture a. negotiare
2. negotiate b. testimonium
Review: Structure 3. eradicate c. aventure
As you learned on page 416, structure is the particu-
4. testimony d. testum
lar order or pattern a writer uses to present ideas.
e. negare
Partner Activity Work with a classmate to discuss
f. eradicare
the structure of Kennedy’s speech. Create a chart simi-
lar to the one below. Fill in the first column with
names for each section of the speech, such as intro-
duction or first main idea. In the second column, note Academic Vocabulary
how long the section is. In the third column, summa-
rize the main points presented in the section. Here are two words from the vocabulary list on
page R86. These words will help you think,
Section Length Main Points write, and talk about the selection.

Introduction 1st two The world is dynamic (d¯ namik) adj. marked by produc-
paragraphs changing, and tive activity or change
people have enhance (en hans) v. to heighten, increase,
more power or improve
than before.
Practice and Apply
1. In what ways does Kennedy’s speech portray
the early 1960s as a dynamic period in U.S.
2. How does the structure of Kennedy’s speech
enhance its persuasive power? Explain.


Writing About Literature Kennedy’s Language and Style

Compare and Contrast Speeches Every president Creating Rhythm with Paralellism and
of the United States gives an inauguration speech at Repetition In his inauguration speech, Kennedy uses
the beginning of a term in office. How might a presi- parallelism and repetition to create a certain rhythm.
dent with very different ideas from Kennedy address The rhythm of his speech, in turn, lends power to his
the American people? What characteristics do all inau- ideas. In his conclusion, for example, parallelism gives
guration speeches have in common? his words a poetic rhythm that makes his message
Pick another inauguration speech to read or listen to
and write a five-paragraph essay in which you com- “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your
pare and contrast it with Kennedy’s speech. Before country can do for you—ask what you can do for your
you begin drafting, take notes on which aspects of the country.”
speech are similar and which are different. You may
“My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America
want to organize your ideas in a Venn diagram like the
will do for you, but what together we can do for the
one below.
freedom of man.”
“Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens
of the world, ask of us here the same high standards
of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.”

Speech 1 Both Speech 2 Notice some of Kennedy’s uses of repetition and


Example Literary Device

“Symbolizing an end as well as Parallelism

As you draft, make sure to provide plenty of support- a beginning—signifying renewal
ing details for each speech to demonstrate their simi- as well as change . . .”
larities and differences. “Let us never negotiate out of Parallelism and Repetition
fear. But let us never fear to
After completing your draft, meet with a peer reviewer negotiate.”
to evaluate each other’s work and to suggest revisions.
Then proofread and edit your draft to correct errors in
spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Activity Choose a passage of the speech where
Kennedy uses parallelism. Paraphrase the passage and
read it to a classmate. Discuss the differences between
Listening and Speaking the two versions. Which is more effective?
Listen to a recording of Kennedy giving his inaugural
address, paying attention to his speaking style. Then Revising Check
perform all or part of the speech for your classmates.
As you speak, focus on the persuasive and expressive Parallelism and Repetition Parallelism and
elements of the speech. Vary your speed, volume, repetition are important rhetorical devices to keep in
rhythm, and tone in accordance with the speech in mind when you revise your own writing. Read through
order to fully communicate Kennedy’s message to your compare-and-contrast essay with a partner. Find
your audience. places where you could add parallelism and repetition
to create rhythmic and persuasive effects.

Web Activities For eFlashcards,

Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to



That One Man’s Profit Is

Another’s Loss

n influential Renaissance thinker,
humanist, and one of the world’s great-
est essayists, Michel de Montaigne
(ma n tān) had an unusual childhood. He was
born near Bordeaux, France, to a wealthy mer-
chant family and was educated according to his
father’s personal views, in an environment of
gentle encouragement. He was taught Latin, (the French essais means “attempts”), and made
the language of the educated in Europe at the it popular. Montaigne wrote about humankind
time, and did not learn French until he was six by observing and analyzing his own behavior
years old. As a child, he was curious about and opinions and comparing them with those of
everything, especially people and their motives. others. His essays cover a wide range of topics,
As an adult, he called into question many of such as how to read well, how to endure pain,
the beliefs of his time. and how to raise children. Montaigne traveled to
Paris to present a copy of his famous Essays to
Father of the Essay When Montaigne was six
the king, Henry III, in 1580.
years old, he was sent to the famous humanist
school, Collège de Guyenne. He went on to A Progressive Thinker When drawing conclu-
study law, and became a councilor in the sions, Montaigne tried to use what he called his
Bordeaux parliament in 1554. In 1565 he mar- “natural judgment” rather than things he learned
ried Françoise de la Chassaigne, the daughter from books. He wrote in a clear, nontechnical
of a parliament member. They had six daugh- style, and tried to humble his readers by calling
ters, but only the last child survived past attention to excessive pride. Montaigne wanted
infancy. to challenge what other people accepted as truth.
He pointed out the danger of believing in any-
thing without thoroughly examining it. Living in
“I write to keep from going mad from an age when religious intolerance ran high,
Montaigne thought that the beliefs and customs
the contradictions I find among of different cultures should be respected.
mankind—and to work some of those Montaigne often borrowed and quoted from the
contradictions out for myself.” works of other writers. Unlike other writers of
his time, he structured his essays through free
—Michel de Montaigne association. This distinctive style influenced later
essayists, such as Francis Bacon and Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
Three years after Montaigne married, his father
died, and he inherited the family estate. He left Michel de Montaigne was born in 1533 and died
his government position to settle at the family in 1592.
château where he began to write. Montaigne is
called the “father of the familiar essay” because Author Search For more about
he revived the ancient literary form, named it Michel de Montaigne, go to



Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Analyzing Argument

Have you ever wanted something even though you An argument is a technique an author uses to present
knew that getting it would mean a loss for someone an idea in a convincing way. Arguments use reasons
else? Montaigne’s essay about profit and loss explores and facts to support an idea or opinion. As you read
the ways that one person’s gain might have a negative the essay, think about what kinds of arguments
effect on someone else. Before you read, think about Montaigne uses to persuade the reader.
the following questions:
Reading Tip: Taking Notes As you read the essay,
• How might another person suffer because of some- note Montaigne’s arguments and identify the support-
thing that you gain?
ing details. Create a web diagram like the one below.
• Is it possible to be successful without taking advan- Write one of Montaigne’s arguments in the center cir-
tage of others?
cle and fill the surrounding circles with supporting
Building Background details.

The sixteenth century was the beginning of the mod-

ern era in Europe and was a time of ebb and flux. The
population of Europe was growing quickly, and as the
middle class grew, it became much more powerful. All profit is
Most people were relatively prosperous. At the begin- similar
ning of the century, even peasants could afford to
eat meat.

Setting Purposes for Reading

Big Idea Finding Common Ground Vocabulary
As you read this essay, notice how Montaigne
condemn (kən dem) v. to declare to be wrong;
assumes that all people have certain traits in common.
to pronounce guilty; p. 448 She condemned his
cruelty to animals.
Literary Element Antithesis
contention (kən tən shən) n. a point advanced
Antithesis is a contrasting relationship between two in a debate or argument; p. 448 The speaker’s
ideas. An author uses antithesis by placing two con- contention was well supported and won the
trasting ideas together, often in parallel structure. approval of the audience.
Mentioning the two ideas next to each other highlights
their differences. As you read, notice Montaigne’s use vice (v¯s) n. a moral fault or failing; p. 448 She
of antithesis. considered eating junk food a vice and decided to
break her habit.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1
Vocabulary Tip: Word Origins Many English
words originated other languages, such as Greek,
and Latin. For example, “profit” comes from the
Latin proficere, which means “to advance.”
Interactive Literary Elements
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • analyzing an author’s arguments
• recognizing antithesis • writing an analytical essay

Michel de Montaigne

D emades the Athenian1 condemned a man of his

city whose trade was to sell what is needed for funer-
als, on the ground that he asked too high a profit, and
that he could only make this profit by the death of a
great many people. This seems an ill-reasoned judg-
ment, since no profit can be made except at another’s
expense, and so by this rule we should have to con-
demn every sort of gain.
The merchant only thrives on the extravagance of
youth; the farmer on the high price of grain; the archi-
tect on the collapse of houses; the officers of the law on
men’s suits2 and contentions; even the honor and prac-
tice of ministers of religion depend on our deaths and
our vices. No physician takes pleasure in the health
even of his friends, says the ancient Greek comedy-
writer,3 no soldier in the peace of his city, and so on.
And what is worse, let anyone search his heart and he
will find that our inward wishes are for the most part
“The Man of the Century” (Caricature of entrepreneur),
born and nourished at the expense of others.
c.1890. Albert Hahn. Graphic art. As I was reflecting on this, the fancy came upon me
that here nature is merely following her habitual policy.
For natural scientists hold that the birth, nourishment,
and growth of each thing means the change and decay
of something else:

Nam quodcumqus suis mutatum finibus exit,

continuo hoc mors est illius, quod fuit ante4 

1. Demades the Athenian was a character in Seneca’s essay Beneficiis.

Montaigne takes many ideas in his essay from the ancient Greek writer
2. Here, suits refers to processes in a court for the recovery of a right or claim.
3. Montaigne is referring to Philemon, an ancient Greek writer of comedies.
4. “Whenever a thing changes and alters its nature, at that moment comes the
death of what it was before.” This sentence is a quotation from the Roman
philosopher Lucretius (c. 96–c. 55 bc).

Literary Element Antithesis Is this statement an antithesis? Explain.

condemn (kən dem) v. to declare to be wrong; to pronounce guilty
contention (kən tən shən) n. a point advanced in a debate or
vice (v¯s) n. a moral fault or failing

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Do you agree with Montaigne’s ideas about profit 5. (a)What does Montaigne mean when he says that
and loss? Explain your answer. “No physician takes pleasure in the health even of
his friends”? (b)How would you describe
Recall and Interpret Montaigne’s tone in this sentence?
2. (a)Why does Demades the Athenian criticize the
6. In the last paragraph of the essay, Montaigne
funeral director? (b)How does Demades’ complaint
writes, “As I was reflecting on this, the fancy came
set the stage for Montaigne’s declaration?
upon me. . . .” What effect do the content, tone,
3. (a)What does Montaigne say anyone will find if he and language of this sentence have on the reader?
searches his own heart? (b)What does Montaigne’s
7. Are you convinced by Montaigne’s arguments in
statement tell you about his view of human nature?
this essay? Explain using examples from the text.
4. (a)According to Montaigne, what is the natural
result of birth and growth? (b)Compare his earlier Connect
depiction of profit and loss with this view of nature. 8. Big Idea Finding Common Ground How does
Montaigne employ the idea of nature as a way to
establish common ground?


Literary Element Antithesis Reading Strategy Analyzing Argument

Authors use antithesis to make comparisons more The kinds of statements, reasons, and facts that an
powerful and to more clearly define the contrasting author uses to support an argument differ depending
relationship between two things. Antithesis can lead on the purpose of his essay or literary work. In order
the reader to certain conclusions or opinions. to persuade, an author must hone his or her argument
by choosing only reasons that are certain to have a
1. Where does Montaigne use antithesis to try to lead
great impact on the reader.
the reader to a certain conclusion? Explain using
examples from the essay. 1. What kinds of reasons or facts does Montaigne use
to support his main argument?
2. In what ways is Montaigne’s whole essay based on
antithesis? 2. What kind of support in this essay do you find most
persuasive? Explain.

Writing about Literature

Vocabulary Practice
Analyze Genre Elements “That One Man’s Profit Is
Another’s Loss” is a formal essay. This kind of persua- Practice with Word Origins Match each vocabu-
sive writing is generally serious and logically organized. lary word with the definition of its Latin root word.
How well does Montaigne’s essay fit this criteria? How Use a dictionary if you need help.
does he balance formal and informal elements? Write a 1. condemn a. to stretch (contendere)
short essay analyzing Montaigne’s form and technique.
2. contention b. fault (vitium)
3. vice c. to damn (condemnare)
Web Activities For eFlashcards,
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to



Daylight Saving

orn in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1706,
Benjamin Franklin attended school for
only two years before beginning work
in his father’s shop. When his brother James
returned from England in 1718 and set up
a printing shop, Franklin became James’s
apprentice. Franklin developed a great love of
books. In fact, he would eventually establish
America’s first public library.

Literary Career When Franklin was sixteen,

he began to write anonymously for the New
England Courant, a newspaper that James had
started. Franklin wrote under the pseudonym
“Silence Dogood,” thinking that his brother
would not take his work seriously. In 1723 “If you would not be forgotten, as
Franklin moved to Philadelphia, where he soon as you are dead, either write
established a printing shop in 1728. One year
later he purchased a local newspaper, the things worth reading, or do things
Pennsylvania Gazette. Franklin wrote a political worth the writing.”
editorial which soon made the paper famous.
—Benjamin Franklin
Franklin married Deborah Read Rogers in
1730, and they raised three children, two of
whom survived to adulthood. Two years later,
Franklin was also an important figure in the
Franklin started writing and publishing what
struggle to achieve American independence
became known as Poor Richard’s Almanack,
from England. He was elected Speaker of the
which was extremely popular for its engaging
Pennsylvania House in 1764 and became one
prose and useful information.
of the chief spokespersons for the colonies. In
1776 he served on the committee to draft the
Scientist and Revolutionary Franklin busied
Declaration of Independence and then went
himself conducting scientific experiments.
to France as an ambassador. While there he
During his lifetime, he was better known for
negotiated the Treaty of Paris, which formally
his scientific achievements than for his writing
ended the American Revolutionary War. He is
accomplishments. For example, he devised a
considered by many historians to be the most
new way of printing paper money to make
celebrated early American after George
counterfeiting more difficult, and he designed
the “Pennsylvania fireplace,” which heated
houses much more efficiently than other Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 and died
fireplaces. He also made many important in 1790.
discoveries concerning electricity and
invented the grounding rod, which Author Search For more about
protected buildings from lightning strikes. Benjamin Franklin, go to

The Corcoran Gallery of Art/CORBIS

Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Evaluating Evidence

Franklin’s humorous letter to the editor describes his Evidence consists of facts and details that an author
“discovery” of early morning sunlight. Before you read uses in order to support an argument. Recognizing evi-
this essay, think about the following questions: dence can help you evaluate whether an author’s
argument is credible. As you read Franklin’s letter, think
• When have you shared a humorous incident with about the kinds of evidence he uses and how well this
your friends and family members to convince them evidence supports the claims, or main points, of his
of something? argument.
• How could you use humor to convince someone
that an idea or discovery of yours is important? Reading Tip: Making a Chart Create a chart like the
one below to help you track Franklin’s use of evidence.
Building Background In the left column, list important claims. In the right
Daylight savings time, the system by which people column, note evidence in support of these points.
change their clocks in the spring and fall, comes from
an idea of Franklin’s. The system was not seriously
suggested, however, until 1907, when German William Claim Supporting Evidence
Willett proposed moving clocks forward twenty minutes
on each of four consecutive Sundays in April and mov-
It gets light earlier Franklin observed over
ing clocks back twenty minutes on each of four consec- in the summer. several days the times
utive Sundays in September. His proposal met with a of sunrise, and the
great deal of criticism. By the 1960s in the United almanac gave the
States, most people observed Daylight Saving Time same information.
according to local customs and laws.

Setting Purposes for Reading

Big Idea Finding Common Ground
As you read Franklin’s letter, notice how he finds com- Vocabulary
mon ground with his readers as he argues the benefits negligently (ne li jənt lē) adv. in a carelessly
of using the full duration of sunlight. inattentive manner; p. 453 The babysitter negli-
gently allowed the children to go swimming alone.
Literary Element Humor
subsequent (sub sə kwənt) adj. following in
Humor is the quality of a literary work that makes the time, order, or place; p. 453 After working on
characters, situations, or events seem funny or ridicu- their first research paper, the students hoped that
lous. Recognizing an author’s use of humor can help subsequent assignments would be easier.
you determine how serious a selection is, as well as
whether it is fictional or factual. As you read, note how
obstinately (ob stə nit lē) adv. stubbornly; in
and consider why Franklin uses humor in his writing.
spite of reason or persuasion; p. 454 His friend
obstinately refused to change his plans.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 ood ənt) adj. showing wisdom and
prudent (pr¯¯¯
good judgment; p. 455 She asked the advice of
Interactive Literary Elements
a prudent friend before making a big decision.
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • identifying and analyzing rhetorical devices
• analyzing humor • writing a critical essay
• evaluating evidence and supporting details

Benjamin Franklin

Shakespeare’s Bed, 2003. Pam Ingalls.

You often entertain us with accounts of new
satisfy us in that point, which all agreed
ought to be known, it being a very desirable
discoveries. Permit me to communicate to thing to lessen, if possible, the expense of light-
the public, through your paper, one that has ing our apartments, when every other article
lately been made by myself, and which I of family expense was so much augmented.
conceive may be of great utility. I was pleased to see this general concern for
I was the other evening in a grand com- economy, for I love economy exceedingly.
pany, where the new lamp of Messrs. I went home, and to bed, three or four hours
Quinquet and Lange was introduced, and after midnight, with my head full of the sub-
much admired for its splendor; but a general ject. An accidental sudden noise waked me
inquiry was made, whether the oil it con- about six in the morning, when I was sur-
sumed was not in proportion to the light it prised to find my room filled with light; and I
afforded, in which case there would be no imagined at first, that a number of those lamps
saving in the use of it. No one present could had been brought into it; but, rubbing my eyes,

Big Idea Finding Common Ground What common con-

1. Messieurs (mes ərz), abbreviated as Messrs., is the plural of cern does Franklin mention here, and how is it related to the
Monsieur (mə sy), the French equivalent of the English title of the essay?
title “Mister.”

Pam Ingalls/CORBIS
I perceived the light came in at the windows. I natural philosopher, has assured me that I
got up and looked out to see what might be must certainly be mistaken as to the circum-
the occasion of it, when I saw the sun just ris- stance of the light coming into my room; for it
ing above the horizon, from whence he poured being well known, as he says, that there could
his rays plentifully into my chamber, my be no light abroad at that hour, it follows that
domestic2 having negligently omitted, the pre- none could enter from without; and that of
ceding evening, to close the shutters. consequence, my windows being accidentally
I looked at my watch, which goes very well, left open, instead of letting in the light, had
and found that it was but six o’clock; and still only served to let out the darkness; and he
thinking it something extraordinary that the used many ingenious arguments to show me
sun should rise so early, I looked into the alma- how I might, by that means, have been
nac,3 where I found it to be the hour given for deceived. I owned6 that he puzzled me a little,
his rising on that day. I looked forward, too, but he did not satisfy me; and the subsequent
and found he was to rise still earlier every day observations I made, as above mentioned, con-
till towards the end of June; and that at no firmed me in my first opinion.
time in the year he retarded his rising so long This event has given rise in my mind to sev-
as till eight o’clock. Your readers, who with me eral serious and important reflections. I consid-
have never seen any signs of sunshine before ered that, if I had not been awakened so early
noon, and seldom regard the astronomical4 in the morning, I should have slept six hours
part of the almanac, will be as much aston- longer by the light of the sun, and in exchange
ished as I was, when they hear of his rising so have lived six hours the following night by
early; and especially when I assure them, that candlelight; and, the latter being a much more
he gives light as soon as he rises. I am convinced expensive light than the former, my love of
of this. I am certain of my fact. One cannot be economy induced me to muster up what little
more certain of any fact. I saw it with my own arithmetic I was master of, and to make some
eyes. And, having repeated this observation calculations, which I shall give you, after
the three following mornings, I found always observing that utility is, in my opinion the test
precisely the same result. of value in matters of invention, and that a dis-
Yet it so happens, that when I speak of this covery which can be applied to no use, or is
discovery to others, I can easily perceive by not good for something, is good for nothing.
their countenances,5 though they forbear I took for the basis of my calculation the
expressing it in words, that they do not quite supposition that there are one hundred thou-
believe me. One, indeed, who is a learned sand families in Paris, and that these families
consume in the night half a pound of bougies,
or candles, per hour. I think this is a moderate
2. A domestic is a household servant.
3. An almanac is a publication that gives the times of sunrise allowance, taking one family with another; for
and sunset, the cycles of the moon, and the weather, among though I believe some consume less, I know
other things. that many consume a great deal more. Then
4. The astronomical part of the almanac refers to information
estimating seven hours per day as the medium
about the sun, moon, and stars.
5. Here, countenance means “face.” quantity between the time of the sun’s rising
Big Idea Finding Common Ground Why do you think
that Franklin includes himself with the readers here? 6. Here, own means “admit.”

Literary Element Humor How does Franklin treat his

Reading Strategy Evaluating Evidence Why might natural philosopher friend’s “logical” argument? What was
Franklin feel it necessary to give evidence of this point? your reaction?

Vocabulary Vocabulary

negligently (ne li jənt lē) adv. in a carelessly subsequent (sub sə kwənt) adj. following in time,
inattentive manner order, or place

and ours, he rising during the six following induce them to rise before noon, consequently
months from six to eight hours before noon, my discovery can be of little use; I answer, Nil
and there being seven hours of course per desperandum.10 I believe all who have common
night in which we burn candles, the account sense, as soon as they have learnt from this
will stand thus;— paper that it is daylight when the sun rises,
In the six months between the 20th of will contrive to rise with him; and, to compel
March and the 20th of September, there are the rest, I would propose the following regula-
Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 tions; First. Let a tax be laid of a louis11 per
Hours of each night in which window, on every window that is provided
we burn candles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 with shutters to keep out the light of the sun.
Multiplication gives for the Second. Let the same salutary12 operation of
total number of hours . . . . . . . . . .1,281 police be made use of, to prevent our burning
These 1,281 hours multiplied candles, that inclined us last winter to be more
by 100,000, the number of economical in burning wood; that is, let guards
inhabitants, give . . . . . . . . . . 128,100,000 be placed in the shops of the wax and tallow
One hundred twenty-eight chandlers,13 and no family be permitted to be
millions and one hundred supplied with more than one pound of candles
thousand hours, spent at per week.
Paris by candlelight, Third. Let guards also be posted to stop all
which, at half a pound of the coaches, &c. that would pass the streets
wax and tallow7 per hour, after sunset, except those of physicians, sur-
gives the weight of . . . . . . . . 64,050,000 geons, and midwives.
Sixty-four millions and fifty Fourth. Every morning, as soon as the sun
thousand of pounds, rises, let all the bells in every church be set
which, estimating the ringing; and if that is not sufficient?, let cannon
whole at the medium be fired in every street, to wake the sluggards14
price of thirty sols8 the effectually, and make them open their eyes to
pound, makes the sum see their true interest.
of ninety-six millions and All the difficulty will be in the first two or
seventy-five thousand three days; after which the reformation will be
livres tournois9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,075,000 as natural and easy as the present irregularity;
An immense sum! that the city of Paris might for, ce n’est que le premier pas qui coûte.15 Oblige
save every year, by the economy of using sun- a man to rise at four in the morning, and it is
shine instead of candles. If it should be said, more than probable he will go willingly to bed
that people are apt to be obstinately attached at eight in the evening; and, having had eight
to old customs, and that it will be difficult to hours sleep, he will rise more willingly at four
in the morning following. But this sum of
7. Tallow is a white, nearly solid fat from cattle and sheep ninety-six millions and seventy-five thousand
that is used to make soap and candles. livres is not the whole of what may be saved
8. A sol was a French unit of currency.
9. Livres tournois refers to currency coined in Tours, a
10. Nil desperandum means “Never despair” in Latin.
provincial French city in west-central France along the Loire
11. A louis was a French unit of currency.
River. This currency was worth one-fifth less than the
12. Salutary means “beneficial.”
money made in Paris.
13. A chandler is a maker or seller of tallow, wax candles, or
Reading Strategy Evaluating Evidence How does soap.
Franklin’s math strengthen or weaken his argument? Explain. 14. A sluggard is a habitually lazy person.
15. Ce n’est que le premier pas qui coûte means “It is only the
first step that counts” in French.
obstinately (ob stə nit lē) adv. stubbornly; in spite of Literary Element Humor What does this humorous
reason or persuasion suggestion add to Franklin’s argument?

Starry Night, Aries, 1888. Vincent Van Gogh. Musee d’Orsay, Paris, France.
Viewing the Art: What forms of light appear in this painting? Explain.

by my economical project. You may observe, it might have been long since forgotten; for it
that I have calculated upon only one half of certainly was unknown to the moderns, at
the year, and much may be saved in the other, least to the Parisians, which to prove, I need
though the days are shorter. Besides, the use but one plain simple argument. They are
immense stock of wax and tallow left uncon- as well instructed, judicious,16 and prudent a
sumed during the summer, will probably people as exist anywhere in the world, all pro-
make candles much cheaper for the ensuing fessing, like myself, to be lovers of economy;
winter, and continue them cheaper as long as and, from the many heavy taxes required from
the proposed reformation shall be supported. them by the necessities of the state, have surely
For the great benefit of this discovery, thus an abundant reason to be economical. I say it is
freely communicated and bestowed by me on impossible that so sensible a people, under
the public, I demand neither place, pension, such circumstances, should have lived so long
exclusive privilege, nor any other reward by the smoky, unwholesome, and enormously
whatever. I expect only to have the honor of it. expensive light of candles, if they had really
And yet I know there are little, envious minds, known, that they might have had as much
who will, as usual, deny me this and say, that pure light of the sun for nothing. I am, &c.
my invention was known to the ancients, and A SUBSCRIBER 
perhaps they may bring passages out of the
old books in proof of it. I will not dispute with
these people, that the ancients knew not the
sun would rise at certain hours; they possibly
had, as we have, almanacs that predicted it;
but it does not follow thence, that they knew
he gave light as soon as he rose. This is what I
claim as my discovery. If the ancients knew it, 16. Judicious means “using good judgment.”

Literary Element Humor How is this statement prudent (pr¯¯¯
ood ənt) adj. showing wisdom and good
humorous? What purpose does it serve? judgment

Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY.

Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. How does Franklin’s essay affect your thoughts 5. How does the way that Franklin narrates his discov-
on our country’s current Daylight Saving Time ery of early morning sunlight add to the humor of
program? the essay?

Recall and Interpret 6. Franklin says that a discovery that is not useful is
good for nothing. How convincing is he in portray-
2. (a)Franklin describes sharing his discovery with sev-
ing daylight saving as useful?
eral people. How do they react to his news?
(b)How does the way he talks about these people 7. (a)How does Franklin balance serious and humor-
relate to his purpose for writing the essay? ous elements in his essay? (b)Do you take him
seriously in spite of his humorous style? Explain.
3. (a)What are the only difficulties that Franklin sees
in beginning a citywide program of daylight saving? Connect
(b)Why might he mention these difficulties?
8. Big Idea Finding Common Ground How
4. (a)How does Franklin show that he “knows” the does Franklin establish common ground with his
ancients did not perceive that the sun “gave light as audience?
soon as he rose”? (b)How do these reasons relate
to what he considers the most important motive
for proposing daylight saving?


Literary Element Humor Review: Rhetorical Devices

Humor is often used to point out human failings As you learned on page 439, rhetorical devices are
and the ironies of everyday life. Humorous devices techniques that an author uses in order to heighten a
include sarcasm, exaggeration, puns, and verbal irony. particular effect or engage the attention of the reader.
Humor that is ironic presents a statement that is One of these techniques is the deliberate repetition
the opposite of what is true, or the opposite of what of sentence structures, which is called parallelism.
the author really means.
Partner Activity With a classmate, look through
1. How does Franklin use humor to point out human Franklin’s letter to find examples of parallelism. Use a
failings? chart like the one below to record the examples and
their effects.
2. What is an example of exaggeration in Franklin’s
3. Where does Franklin use verbal irony? Example of Parallelism Effect
“I looked at my watch” Humorous—he
seems to need a lot
“I looked into the
of evidence that
the sun comes up in
“I looked forward, too” the morning, some-
thing we all know.

4 56
Comstock Images/Alamy

Reading Strategy Evaluating Evidence Writing About Literature

Evidence supports an author’s ideas or opinions. Evaluate Author’s Craft When you evaluate an
Different types of evidence include statements, statis- author’s craft, you analyze his or her use of sentence
tics, observations, or examples that can be proven. structure, word choice, literary elements, and other
When evaluating evidence, it is important to consider technical aspects of writing. Write an essay in which
whether an author’s facts come from reliable sources. you evaluate Benjamin Franklin’s use of anecdote and
antithesis. Remember that an anecdote is a brief
1. Describe two kinds of evidence that Franklin uses
account of an interesting incident, and antithesis is
in his letter. How effective is this evidence in per-
the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas.
suading the reader?
Before you begin writing, create two web diagrams
2. On what does Franklin base his statistical evidence?
like the one below to organize your ideas. Use one
Does he refer to any sources?
web for anecdote and one for antithesis. In the center
of each diagram, write the name of the technique. In
Vocabulary Practice the space around the web, list examples of Franklin’s
use of the technique.
Practice with Context Clues Use context clues
in each sentence to determine the meaning of the
boldfaced word.
about waking
1. He negligently forgot to check the safety of up in the morning and
checking watch
the machinery, which led to an accident.
a. hurriedly
b. confusedly
c. irresponsibly
2. The introduction to his speech was very
interesting, but his subsequent points were
less than inspiring.
a. complicated
b. following
c. boring
3. Merle refused to learn to type correctly and After completing your first draft, discuss your essay
obstinately kept typing in her own, much with a classmate and evaluate each other’s work. Then
slower way. proofread and edit your work for mistakes in spelling,
a. stubbornly grammar, and punctuation.
b. frustratingly
c. inexpertly
4. She wanted to start skiing down steep slopes Reading Further
immediately, but she made the more prudent To learn more about Benjamin Franklin’s discoveries
decision to practice on gentler slopes first. or to read more of his humorous writings, you might
a. hasty enjoy the following books:
b. comfortable
Poor Richard’s Almanack was Franklin’s most popular
c. wise
work. The book is full of Franklin’s famous sayings,
funny stories, and both practical and humorous
Web Activities For eFlashcards, Franklin: Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay, includes
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to
Franklin’s autobiography, several of his essays, and
writings about his inventions.


The American Cause


J ohn Dos Passos’s childhood encouraged

him to study his country from an outsid-
er’s point of view. In his lifetime of writ-
ing, Dos Passos explored and reported
changes in U.S. society, politics, and history.
John Roderigo Dos Passos was born in
Chicago. His father worked as a prominent
corporate lawyer. His mother traveled exten-
sively, taking her son with her to Mexico,
England, and Europe. Dos Passos later writers such as Ernest Hemingway and
claimed he had a “hotel childhood” because F. Scott Fitzgerald. He began to earn his living
he traveled so much. In those years, he devel- by writing—producing travel essays, poems,
oped a love of Europe, especially France. He plays, and fiction. He took an interest in politi-
also developed a passion for reading, writing, cal protests and social causes. He wrote about
and studying languages. labor unions, strikes, and the changing struc-
ture of U.S. industry.
In 1912, at the age of fifteen, Dos Passos
entered Harvard University. There he estab- Literary Career In 1925, Dos Passos estab-
lished a close friendship with the poet lished his literary reputation with his novel
E. E. Cummings. In 1917, the writings of both Manhattan Transfer. In the novel, he experi-
appeared in the collection Eight Harvard Poets. mented with new writing techniques and
created characters that reflected U.S. social
orders. In the 1930s, Dos Passos published his
“I was thoroughly embarked on an trilogy U.S.A., which critics praised as a land-
mark work of literature. For Dos Passos, the
effort to keep up a contemporary novel was a tool for encouraging political
commentary on history’s changes.” action.
Later in life, Dos Passos grew more conserva-
—John Dos Passos
tive in his outlook and turned to writing about
history. He published books about Thomas
Jefferson and other historical figures, as well
Social and Political Interests During World
as another trilogy, District of Columbia.
War I, Dos Passos served as an ambulance
driver in France and Italy. He based his first However, the politics and culture of the
novel, One Man’s Initiation—1917, which United States continued to be a major focus in
appeared in 1920, on his wartime experiences. his writing. He spent the last years of his life
A second book, Three Soldiers, published in in Virginia with his family.
1921, explored the bitterness men felt while John Dos Passos was born in 1896 and died in 1970.
serving in the armed forces. It gained atten-
tion as a significant war novel.
During the 1920s, Dos Passos traveled over- Author Search For more about
seas. He spent time in Paris with American Author Name,
John Dos go to


Connecting to the Essay Reading Strategy Distinguishing Fact and

A group of German students asked John Dos Passos Opinion
why they should admire the United States. Before you A fact is information that can be proven. An opinion is
read his response, think about the following questions: a personal interpretation. Distinguishing fact and
opinion as you read will help you form your own
• Is it important to feel patriotic? Why or why not? opinions. As you read, determine if the author’s state-
• In your opinion, what is admirable about the United ments are facts or opinions.

Building Background Reading Tip: Taking Notes Use a chart like the one
Dos Passos wrote “The American Cause” in 1955, as shown to record details in the essay.
he neared the age of sixty. He had witnessed two
World Wars and was well aware of the challenges
Detail Fact or Possible
faced by the young Germans he addressed. Their
country was still redefining itself after losing World
Opinion Effect
War II (1939–1945) to the Allied Powers of the United I didn’t tell Opinion: Encourages
States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. them that Dos Passos reader to
When Dos Passos’s essay was published, Germany they should suggests that consider the
lacked political and economic stability. By contrast, the admire the U.S. war effects of
United States was enjoying a postwar boom in its
United States victories are national
economy and population.
for the not the most aggression.
Setting Purposes for Reading victories of admirable
our armed thing about
Big Idea Finding Common Ground forces. . . the nation.
As you read, notice what Dos Passos believes the
German students might find they have in common
with people in the United States.

Literary Element Persuasive Essay
negations (ni ā shənz) n. acts of denying;
A persuasive essay is an essay that employs tech-
negative statements or denials; p. 460 The gov-
niques designed to convince an audience to think or
ernor gave carefully worded negations when asked
act in a certain way. These techniques might include
about her decision to cut education funding.
cause-and-effect reasoning or appeals to logic, emo-
tion, ethics, or authority. Reading a persuasive essay estuaries (es chō¯ō er´ ə̄z) n. places where rivers
gives the reader an opportunity to consider the argu- feed into the sea; p. 461 They recorded the
ments presented and use them to form his or her widths of the estuaries when mapping the ocean.
own opinion. As you read, notice the kinds of tech- inherent (in her ənt) adj. existing naturally in
niques used by Dos Passos. someone or something; p. 461 All human beings
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1. have an inherent right to be treated with respect.
unstratified (un strat ə f¯d) adj. not structured
Interactive Literary Elements
into different social classes; p. 461 An unstrati-
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements, fied society treats all people as equals.
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • distinguishing fact and opinion
• recognizing and analyzing characteristics of a persuasive • identifying tone
essay • writing a critical essay

John Dos Passos

Liberty in Cubism (III). Tsing-Fang Chen. Mixed media on paper.

This is what I didn’t tell them: I didn’t tell

N ot long ago I received a letter from

some German students asking me to explain
them that they should admire the United States
for the victories of our armed forces or because
we had first developed the atomic bomb or the
to them in three hundred words why they hydrogen bomb, or because we had shinier
should admire the United States. “Young automobiles or more washing machines and
people in Germany,” they wrote, “as in other deep freeze1 or more televisions or ran up
places in the world are disillusioned, weary more passenger miles of airplane travel a year
of pronouncements on the slogan level. They than any other people in the world. I didn’t
are not satisfied with negations, they have tell them to admire us for getting more
been told over and over again what to hate productive work done with less back
and what to fight. . . . They want to know
what to be and what to do.” 1. A deep freeze is a very large, stand-alone freezer that can
store a considerable amount of frozen food.
Reading Strategy Distinguishing Fact and Opinion
negations (ni āshənz) n. acts of denying; negative Does this passage include statements of fact or opinion?
statements or denials How do you know?


T. F. Chen Cultural Center/SuperStock
breaking than any other people in the without which life is a meaningless
world or for our high wages, or our social servitude.4 I told them to admire our fail-
security system.2 I didn’t tell them to ures because they might contain the seeds
admire us because our popular leaders of great victories to come, not of the vic-
had the sweetest smiles before the televi- tories that come through massacring men,
sion cameras or because we lived on a women, and children, but of the victories
magnificent continent that offered an that come through overcoming the evil
unbelievable variety of climates, moun- inherent in mankind through urgent and
tains, plains, rivers, estuaries, seashores. warmhearted use of our best brains. I told
Some of these are very good things but them to admire us for our foolish trust in
they are not things that would help them other peoples, for our failure to create an
“to know what to be and what to do.” empire when empire building was easy.
This is what I told them: I told them I told them to admire us for our still
they should admire the United States not unstratified society, where every man has
for what we were but for what we might the chance, if he has the will and the wit,
become. Self-governing democracy3 was to invent his own thoughts and to make
not an established creed, but a program his own way. I told them to admire us
for growth. I reminded them that indus- for the hope we still have that there is
trial society was a new thing in the world enough goodness in man to use the
and that although we Americans had omnipotence5 science has given him to
gone further than any people in spread- ennoble6 his life on earth instead of
ing out its material benefits we were just degrading it. Self-government, through
beginning, amid crimes, illusions, mis- dangers and distortions and failures,
takes, and false starts, to get to work on is the American cause. Faith in self-
how to spread out what people needed government, when all is said and done, is
much more: the sense of belonging, the faith in the eventual goodness of man. 
faith in human dignity, the confidence of
each man in the greatness of his own soul
4. Servitude is submission to another person’s will; a person in
2. Social security system refers to the U.S. government program servitude has little or no independence.
in which a portion of workers’ wages are shared with people 5. Omnipotence means “all powerful.”
who are aided by the system. 6. Ennoble means “to make noble” or “to elevate.”
3. Democracy is a system of government in which all citizens
Big Idea Finding Common Ground Why might Dos
are free to participate by voting.
Passos refer to U.S. failures in his response to the German
Literary Element Persuasive Essay How does Dos students?
Passos’s repetition of this phrase help keep you interested in
reading further? Vocabulary
inherent (in herənt) adj. existing naturally in
Vocabulary someone or something
estuaries (es chō¯ō er´ ə̄z) n. places where rivers feed unstratified (un strat ə f¯d) adj. not structured into
into the sea different social classes


Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Is Dos Passos’s essay still relevant today? Explain. 5. Dos Passos argues that American society is “unstrati-
fied.” Is this argument valid? Why or why not.
Recall and Interpret
6. (a)What does Dos Passos mean by “not the victories
2. (a)List three “very good things” Dos Passos says he
that come through massacring men, women, and
excludes from his list of things to admire. (b)What
children”? (b)What does this phrase reveal about his
do these exclusions suggest about Dos Passos’s
definition of victory?
political and social views?
7. Why does Dos Passos insist that some U.S. failures
3. (a)What do people need more than material benefits,
are admirable?
according to Dos Passos? (b)How easy is it to obtain
these things? Connect
4. (a)According to Dos Passos, what is the basic 8. Big Idea Finding Common Ground Dos
American cause? (b)How does this cause relate to
Passos is answering a question posed by a group
his point that the United States should be admired
of German students. Who is the larger audience?
for “what we might become”?
Explain your reasoning.


Literary Element Persuasive Essay Review: Tone

The author of a persuasive essay relies on appeals to As you learned on page 352, tone is the reflection of
both logic and emotion. A good persuasive writer a writer’s attitude toward his or her subject matter.
anticipates the possible concerns and objections of Tone is conveyed through word choice, punctuation,
the audience. The writer then uses this insight to sentence structure, and figures of speech. A writer’s
directly address possible arguments. Sometimes this tone might communicate a variety of attitudes, includ-
means admitting mistakes early on in order to avoid ing sympathy, anger, and humor.
opposition later.
Partner Activity With a classmate, discuss the tone
1. At times Dos Passos seems biased against indus- of “The American Cause.” Working with your partner,
trial society. At other times, he seems to advocate create a two-column chart. In the left-hand column,
industrial society. Identify one example of each record passages from the text that demonstrate a par-
point of view. How do they relate to his overall ticular tone. In the right-hand column, label each
message? example with a descriptive adjective.
2. (a)What assumption lies beneath Dos Passos’s Passage Tone
belief in “the evil inherent in mankind”? (b)How
does this evil relate to what Dos Passos sees as the our popular Ironic
common human goal? leaders had the
sweetest smiles



Reading Strategy Distinguishing Fact and Writing About Literature

Opinion Evaluate Author’s craft In this essay, Dos Passos
In order to distiguish fact and opinion, review the uses repetition and juxtaposition to try to persuade his
chart you made as you read the essay. Decide which audience that certain things are more admirable about
details relate to the past, which focus on the future, the United States than others. Repetition is a literary
and which are easiest to disprove. device in which words, phrases, and sentences are
repeated for emphasis. Juxtaposition is the placing of
1. Dos Passos argues that the best days for the two or more distinct things side by side in order to
United States lie in the future. Is this a fact or an compare and contrast. Write a short essay in which
opinion? Explain your answer. you explain how repetition and juxtaposition contribute
2. Identify three details from the essay that are based to Dos Passos’s effectiveness or lack of effectiveness
on facts. in convincing his audience that his ideas are sound.
Use evidence from “The American Cause” to support
your claims.
Vocabulary Practice
Before you begin drafting, graph elements from the
Practice with word parts The fundamental ele- essay to help you organize your response:
ment of a word, without prefixes or suffixes, is the
root word. In the word heroic, for example, the root Repetition: Overall Effect:

word is hero. The suffix –ic changes hero, a noun, I didn’t tell them
into an adjective. Use a dictionary to find the Latin
root word for each vocabulary word listed below.
Juxtapositon: Overall Effect:
1. negations a. gates b. negatus
not for what we were but
2. estuaries a. estar b. aestus for what we might become

3. inherent a. here b. inhaerens

4. unstratified a. stratem b. ratify
After you complete your draft, meet with a peer
reviewer. Discuss revisions that would improve your
essay’s power to persuade. When your revisions are
Academic Vocabulary complete, proofread and edit your draft to correct
errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Here are two words from the vocabulary list on
page R86.
Listening and Speaking
advocate (ad və kāt´) v. to argue in favor of a Create two teams to debate the pros and cons of the
cause United States as outlined in “The American Cause.”
concentrate (kon sən trāt´) v. to increase the Take ideas from the essay that support your side of
strength or intensity of; to focus or gather the argument. In an organized debate, allow each
team member to present an argument.
Practice and Apply
1. What does Dos Passos advocate about peace?
2. Why does Dos Passos concentrate on “what
we might become”?

Web Activities For eFlashcards,

Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to

J O H N D O S PAS S O S 463
Comparing Literature: Different Viewpoints

Connecting to the Reading Selections

Many cities throughout the United States have faced this dilemma: What should be done about
aging sports stadiums that lack the features team owners claim are essential to modern sports
franchises? Many fans argue passionately for the preservation of their beloved stadiums. Others
urge that new facilities are needed for teams to survive. In the works compared here, writers
argue for and against the demolition of historic Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox.

Various authors
Thoughts on Fenway Park..................... persuasive text ................... 465
A variety of opinions about keeping or demolishing Fenway Park

John L. Harrington
Taxpayers Will Get a
Return on Investment ................................ persuasive text ................... 470
A CEO’s appeal for help from the taxpayers

William M. Straus
Other Revenue Sources
Should Be Pursued........................................ persuasive text ................... 473
A state representative argues that the Red Sox need to find their own

CO M PA R I N G TH E Big Idea Finding Common Ground

Is it always possible to find common ground? In these selections, authors express some
agreement about the problems caused by the aging Fenway Park. They also express disagree-
ment about the best way to address those problems.

CO M PA R I N G Persuasion
The art of persuasion is the art of convincing someone to adopt a certain belief or to take a cer-
tain action. For instance, you might try to persuade your friends that one candidate for class
president is better than another, or you might try to persuade your parents to watch a particular
movie. In these selections, authors make different kinds of appeals to persuade readers to
adopt their ideas.

CO M PA R I N G Author’s Viewpoint
The author’s viewpoint is the author’s opinion about, or approach to, an issue. In persuasive
writing, the author’s viewpoint helps shape both form and content, both what the author says
and how he or she says it.


(t)CORBIS, (c)Mike Segar/Reuters/CORBIS, (b)Icon SMI/CORBIS

Persuasive Text
R E A D I NG A N D A N A LY Z I N G at a conclusion. The chart below outlines the
PE R SUA SI V E T E X T deductive reasoning used by the people who
left Love Canal, a community in upstate New
York, when they discovered that it had been

n argument is a type of persuasive built on a toxic waste dump.
writing in which logic or reason is
used to try to influence the reader’s Generalization: Toxic chemical waste is dangerous to humans.
ideas or actions. When reading an argument, it
is important to be cautious about its claims.
First, determine the author’s position. Then
Fact: Love Canal is located on top of a layer of toxic waste.
identify the structure of the argument. Is the
structure logical? Does the author provide
strong evidence to support his or her opinions?
Conclusion: Love Canal is a dangerous place to live.

The Structure of an Argument At its most

basic, an argument consists of a specific posi- Common Pitfalls Most arguments involve
tion plus evidence supporting that position. both inductive and deductive reasoning. When
The strongest argument is a logical one, which analyzing arguments, be aware of faulty rea-
means that the argument is structured in such soning in the form of hasty generalizations and
a way that it makes sense. An argument can invalid assumptions. Hasty generalizations
be structured logically by the use of either occur when a conclusion goes further than the
inductive or deductive reasoning. evidence permits. For example, if you saw a
Inductive reasoning involves drawing a gen- group of drummers who were boys, you might
eral conclusion from a series of specific facts. reason inductively that only boys play drums,
When scientists draw conclusions based on but your reasoning would be incorrect because
data from experiments and observations, it is based on too small a sample of drummers.
they are using inductive reasoning. The chart In deductive reasoning, the chain of reasoning
below shows how inductive reasoning led can be invalidated by an incorrect statement.
some scientists to conclude that Earth had For example, consider this line of reasoning:
been hit by a meteorite. To attract top-notch students, a school needs a
good science program; our school wants to attract
Fact: Iridium, a chemical top-notch students; therefore, we need to improve
element, is found in layers
of rock in Italy, Denmark, and
our science program. Not everyone may agree
New Zealand. with the first assumption. In this case, the rea-
soning is well-constructed but the conclusion
Fact: Iridium is rarely found on Generalization:
A meteorite hit
is not necessarily true.
Earth but is found in
Earth about 66
meteorites. As you review an argument, also be sure to
million years ago.
Fact: The rock containing the
examine the evidence the author provides for
iridium is about 66 million his or her claims. Is the evidence credible?
years old. Does the evidence, in fact, support the
author’s opinions?
Deductive reasoning begins with a generaliza-
tion and then applies that generalization to a
specific example, or set of examples, to arrive



Connecting to the Text Reading Strategy Identifying Problem

Public spaces can inspire deep feelings. For instance, if and Solution
you grew up attending games at a particular baseball Most persuasive writing is concerned with identifying
stadium, that stadium might seem like an old friend. a problem and proposing a solution to that problem.
Before you read, think about the following questions: As you read, consider how various writers approach
• What public building or other public space has spe- the issue surrounding Fenway Park. To what extent do
they agree that Fenway has problems? For the prob-
cial meaning for you, and why?
• What would it mean to you if that place were lems identified, what solutions do they propose?
destroyed or replaced?
Reading Tip: Taking Notes Use a chart to record the
Building Background problems and solutions discussed in the articles about
In 1999 the Yawkey Trust, then-owner of the Boston Fenway Park.
Red Sox, proposed that a new stadium be built to
replace Fenway Park. Many Red Sox fans were Problem: Fenway Park is a small, old
shocked and dismayed at the thought of their team stadium that cannot keep up with
playing home games anywhere other than Fenway modern stadiums.
Park. The Red Sox have been playing home games at
Fenway Park since the stadium opened on April 20, Solution: Solution: Solution:
1912. Because the stadium is small, fans are close to Raise tax
the game as it is being played. The field is real grass, money to build
and the scoreboards are still hand-operated. Behind a new stadium.
the scoreboards is a room where all the players
throughout Fenway’s history have signed their names
on the walls. The short left field ends at a thirty-seven- Vocabulary
foot wall called the Green Monster.
cathedral (ke thē drəl) n. a large, important
Setting Purposes for Reading church; sometimes used to describe something
of great importance; p. 467 The redwood forests
Big Idea Finding Common Ground of California are nature’s cathedrals.
As you read the arguments about Fenway Park, notice
that even writers with differing opinions can agree on
nostalgia (nos tal jə) n. a feeling of longing
certain points.
experienced when remembering the past; an
overly sentimental feeling; p. 468 As they lis-
tened to music from the 1980s, a wave of
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices nostalgia washed over them.
Rhetorical devices are ways in which authors support staggering (sta ər in) adj. shocking; over-
their arguments and persuade their audiences. Such whelming; p. 471 When I returned from vaca-
devices include appeals to logic, emotion, ethics, and tion, I found a staggering tower of bills.
ood´) n. great size,
magnitude (ma nə t¯¯¯
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1 volume, or extent; importance; significance;
p. 475 The bride had never in her life seen a cake
Interactive Literary Elements
of such magnitude.
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying these selections, you will focus on the following: • writing a personal response
• analyzing and evaluating rhetorical devices
• identifying problems and solutions


Thoughts on Fenway Park

Babe Ruth, Ernie Shore, Rube (George) Foster, and Del Gainer rest on
the edge of their dugout during a game at Fenway Park, ca. 1915.

In 2000 sportswriters were invited to respond to the I’ve seen the way players react after enter-
question, “Should Fenway Park be replaced?” ing Fenway for the first time. They go knock
Following are some of their responses. on the Monster, climb inside the scoreboard,
Jayson Stark wander up to sit in The Ted Williams Seat4
No. Please. I may not be Paul Volcker,1 but I in the bleachers, think about Babe Ruth and
understand modern baseball economics. Ty Cobb5 dressing in the same clubhouse
And I’m tired of baseball’s inclination to they now occupy. It’s awesome. Believe me,
bulldoze its history in the name of econom- nobody reacts this way when they enter
ics. To me, places like Fenway and Wrigley Stade Olympique6 for the first time.
and Yankee Stadium2 aren’t mere ballparks. So rather than tear down these cathedrals,
They’re national historic monuments. So we
should no more consider blowing up
Fenway than we would Independence Hall.3 4. The Ted Williams Seat is the seat in the stands at Fenway
where Ted Williams’s longest home run (also the longest
ever hit in Fenway) landed. The seat back is red, which sets
1. Paul Volcker is a financial expert who has served as it apart from the other green seats.
undersecretary of the U.S. Treasury and president of New 5. Ty Cobb played baseball for the Detroit Tigers between
York’s Federal Reserve Bank. 1905 and 1926. He is still considered one of baseball’s
2. Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium are located respectively in greatest players.
Chicago and New York City. 6. The Stade Olympique is the large, modern stadium that
3. Independence Hall is the building in Philadelphia, housed the Montreal Expos baseball team until 2005.
Pennsylvania, in which the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution were signed. Vocabulary
cathedral (ke thē drəl) n. a large, important church;
Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and sometimes used to describe something of great impor-
Solution What solution is the author rejecting here? tance


the people who run the sport need to work reminds you of Tiger Stadium. But it doesn’t
with these teams to figure out ways to pre- have to be that way. Build a new stadium for
serve their great ballparks and still keep the Red Sox and find a way to keep the
them economically viable.7 There is no Green Monster.
equivalent to Fenway in any other sport. And There was a tremendous amount of oppo-
it ought to dawn on our leaders one of these sition to tearing down Tiger Stadium. They
days that baseball needs to capitalize on8 had all kinds of “Save Tiger” groups, just
places like Fenway, not abandon them. The like they do in Boston now. The bottom line
NFL has a new-stadium fund. Shouldn’t is Fenway Park is, like Tiger Stadium was,
baseball have an old-stadium fund? antiquated,11 old, and probably getting to the
point of unsafe. “Save Fenway” groups only
Dave Campbell put off the inevitable. It’s time to move into
Yes, Fenway should be replaced. I know it’s the 21st century.
tough for the fans in New England. I grew
up in Michigan and Tiger Stadium9 was the Tim Kurkjian
ultimate institution for me; it was my Absolutely not. There is so much history and
Fenway. It was the stadium I grew up tradition at Fenway, I would hate to see it
in, with all the memories and nostalgia go. I know it’s getting a little old, and I
involved. Tiger Stadium was a wonderful know I sit in the press box and not behind
sea of green and had a magical charm about some pole obstructing my view in the
it. In fact, Fenway and Tiger opened the stands, but every time I walk in that place,
exact same day—April 20, 1912. I think about Ted Williams and Babe Ruth,
Unfortunately, the bottom line in today’s and that stuff is really important. Even if
economy is that you have to create a sta- they build a park to look just like it, it won’t
dium that can generate a lot of revenue from be the same.
places other than ticket sales. Right now, Financially, I understand why new parks
the Red Sox have the most expensive ticket are necessities. Today’s game is built around
prices in baseball and that is because they luxury suites, big-time corporate backing,
only have 33,000 seats. They need to have a and over 40,000 seats; and Fenway doesn’t
stadium with corporate luxury suites; and I have any of those. The only way to make
mean real, top-notch suites, not those things Fenway a financially viable park is to tear it
they threw up like a glorified backstop in down and build a new one. I know Fenway
recent years. will be replaced eventually, and I’ll be sad
In Detroit they revamped10 everything. when it is.
There is nothing in the new stadium that

7. Viable means “able to be done.”

8. Here, capitalize on means “treat as an asset rather than as
an expense.”
9. Tiger Stadium was the stadium for the Detroit Tigers 11. Antiquated means “out of date.”
baseball team until 1999.
Big Idea Finding Common Ground In this passage, to
10. Revamped means “altered” or “renovated.”
whom is the author trying to appeal?
nostalgia (nos tal jə) n. a feeling of longing Literary Element Rhetorical Devices Does this part of
experienced when remembering the past; an overly the writer’s argument appeal to logic, emotion, ethics, or
sentimental feeling authority? How can you tell?


A Fenway Park vendor wears a
shirt honoring former Red Sox
player Ted Williams, who died in

Brian McRae There is enough technology to refurbish15

From a nostalgic standpoint, you can’t tear the stadium without having to tear it down.
down Fenway. But from an economic stand- You should be able to rebuild it from within.
point, the Red Sox are losing so much money, I understand that, economically, something
they need to get a new ballpark. The amount has to be done. And the facilities aren’t the
of money it costs just to maintain Fenway is greatest; the locker rooms are way too small.
amazing. The way the economics of baseball It needs to be upgraded in the worst way,
are today, if the Red Sox don’t get a new sta- but it’s difficult to imagine Fenway not
dium, 10 years from now it will be hard for existing.
them to compete and put a championship-
caliber12 team on the field. I think the fans Buck Martinez
would rather see a championship-caliber Yes. Fenway Park should be replaced
team in a new park than a last-place team because the locker-room facilities, the
in an old, broken-down Fenway Park. It’s fan-comfort facilities and the concession
inevitable. stands are all antiquated. But when they
replace it, they have to pay particular atten-
Rob Dibble tion to keeping the new park as close to
No. There are very few old-time structures what it is now as possible. Fenway Park is
left in the league. In the NL, it’s Wrigley; in baseball history and a remarkable baseball
the AL,13 it’s Yankee Stadium and Fenway. setting. They would make a terrible mistake
Those parks are monuments and are like if they don’t include the Green Monster in
museums. Babe Ruth, Yaz,14 Ted Williams . . . whatever new ballpark is built. But the
great players have walked across that field. I economics of the game today dictate that
love the historical aspect of baseball and the they need more luxury boxes and more fan
history of Fenway makes saving it worth amenities16 because that is the way the game
more than any economic downside. is headed. 
The sportswriters who responded to the question
12. Caliber means “degree of excellence or importance.” “Should Fenway Park be replaced?” gave a variety of
13. NL stands for National League, and AL stands for American
opinions. Choose the response you think is the
League. These are the two leagues that make up Major
League Baseball (MLB).
strongest and write a paragraph explaining why you
14. Yaz refers to Carl Yastrzemski, the Red Sox player who chose it.
replaced Ted Williams as left fielder in 1961.

Reading Strategy 15. Refurbish means “to restore to the original state”; or “to
Identifying Problem and
Solution What problem and solution does the writer
16. Amenities are benefits that make places more attractive to
present in this sentence?


John L. Harrington


Building Background training site was moved to a state-of-the-art facil-

ity in Fort Myers, Forida. In an interview,
John L. Harrington was a young accounting pro-
Harrington said, “People refer to the Red Sox as
fessor at Boston College in 1970 when he was
an institution and look on me as a caretaker. And
hired as controller by the president of baseball’s
that’s fine with me.” The following article which
American League. Three years later, he became
originally appeared in 2000, was excerpted from
treasurer of his hometown Red Sox. He never
the official Web site of the Boston Red Sox.
returned to academia. Harrington stayed with the
Red Sox and served as Chief Executive Officer
from 1992 to 2001. During that time, Fenway Park Author Search For more about
was expanded and refurbished, and the spring John L. Harrington, go to

W ith all of the talk and discussions

today surrounding our new ballpark project,
more private dollars into the new ballpark
than any sports team in history has put into
I wanted to communicate directly with you its facility. In absolute dollar terms, at the
to update you on recent developments in costs we face today, we are committing to
our effort to build a new ballpark—the step over $350 million for the new ballpark.
we believe is essential to the future of the Furthermore, we will take responsibility for
Boston Red Sox. any cost overruns involved in the park’s
The Red Sox have committed to privately construction.
finance the entire new ballpark. We will put


Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
This is not easy for us. To raise this
staggering amount will require us to use a
combination of ticket revenues, in-park market-
ing and advertising revenues, up-front pay-
ments for club seats and suites, deposits from
season-ticket holders, naming rights,1 and rev-
enue from major league baseball and our lim-
ited partners.
By taking this approach, we will be required
to consider certain steps that I have been very
reluctant to think about, such as naming rights
and season ticket deposits. Our reluctance has
stemmed from our desire to protect you, our These goals are increasingly difficult in Fenway
fans. I recognize that many fans care deeply Park, the oldest and smallest park in the major
about their season tickets and about the name leagues. We have stayed competitive, but we
of the ballpark. But we do not think we can ask have maxed out ticket prices. Frankly, ticket
for the first public dollar until we have shown prices are much higher than we’d like them to
our willingness to consider every possible pri- be, but we have no other way to raise revenue
vate dollar. to field a team. In the economics of today’s
As you know, the Red Sox do not have the baseball, in a tiny ballpark, these twin goals are
limitless pockets that some suggest we have. in conflict.
Our financial objective, carried forward from To meet our goal of fielding a competitive
the Yawkey years,2 is to break even—not to team, we must bear in mind that much
turn a profit. Because I run a trust3 and not a of our competition plays in ballparks
traditional profit-making enterprise, and substantially built by their host municipalities.5
because the mandate4 of that trust was to serve This means that they enjoy a competitive
the best interests of the baseball team, we plow advantage over us.
all our revenues back into the Red Sox So be it. We want to play baseball here in
organization. Massachusetts, in Boston, in the Fenway, and
The twin goals of the organization that we we accept the political realities that go along
must balance are the fielding of a strong, com- with that.
petitive team and the preservation of Red Sox But to play here for another hundred years
baseball as affordable family entertainment. we do need the kinds of public investments
that have been made here in Massachusetts in
the past. We believe that those public invest-
1. Sponsors who make very large contributions to an ments are justified by the return to the state
organization are sometimes given naming rights, or the
and the city—in hard economic benefits, in
opportunity to name a piece of property, such as a ball park,
theater, or stadium. increased income, sales, hotel and property
2. The Yawkey years refers to the time period during which the taxes, and in the quality of life that a major
Red Sox were owned by Tom Yawkey (1933–1976). league baseball team helps bring to a city.
3. Here, trust means “a corporation legally responsible for
managing the money or property of another person.”
4. A mandate is an official duty or order. 5. Here, host municipalities are the towns or cities in which the
teams play.
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices For what
rhetorical purpose does the author bring up the subject Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and
of naming rights? Solution According to the author, if ticket prices were
reduced, what new problem might arise?
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices Which of these
staggering (sta ər in) adj. shocking; overwhelming examples appeal to logic? Explain.


Mike Segar/Reuters/CORBIS
The Red Sox also bring a special return teams like the Orioles and Indians back into
through the ownership arrangement: the contention,8 and other cities followed: twenty-
Yawkey Foundation6 will be the biggest benefi- six of the other twenty-nine major league teams
ciary of any future sale of the team, and have either built new ballparks or are in the
Yawkey Foundation charities—educational, planning stages. If we do nothing, we will be
health care, and youth programs—will receive left behind.
millions of dollars. That ownership arrange- This legislative session may be the last
ment, and that public benefit, is uniquely dif- chance to build this in the way we want it built.
ferent from every other sports team in Since Tom Yawkey bought this team more than
Massachusetts, and probably unique in sixty-five years ago, there has been an extraor-
American sports. . . . dinary relationship with this community, which
We need assistance from the city we have has made this team one of the most beloved
called home for a hundred years, consistent sports franchises9 in the world. We know how
with the steps the city has taken on other proj- people feel about the Red Sox, and we feel the
ects like the Convention Center. As Boston did same way about Boston. The Boston Red Sox
with the Convention Center, the Red Sox need have never contemplated any other way to run
for the city to acquire the land and prepare the this team or this franchise.
site. We believe this investment is more than There’s more than one way to finance
justified by the economic benefits the Red Sox a ballpark project, but the best overall financing
will generate in a new park, but we understand plan is the one that is acceptable to all the
the city needs some revenue streams to support essential parties—the team, the city, and the
their investment. state. We are open to any reasonable plan that
This legislative session has about eight can achieve a consensus10 agreement in time
weeks left. Last year’s legislation for the for action in this legislative session.
new Patriots7 stadium was passed in three The Boston Red Sox are prepared to do
weeks. But this year’s window of opportunity what we must to make this new park a
closes on July 31, and if action is not taken by reality. We ask you and our other fans and
then, the opening date will be pushed back friends to speak out on this issue, let your
another year, or several years. That in turn public officials know how you feel, and
means higher interest rates, construction costs, encourage them to show the same kind of
and possibly years without the benefits the leadership they’ve shown in the past on
new ballpark will bring to the fans, the team, similar projects. 
the city, and the state.
Time is not on our side, and doing nothing is Discussion Starter
not an option. Fenway was built in 1912. We
started trying to build a new ballpark in 1965, Harrington presents several reasons for both build-
and have invested close to $100 million in ing a new ballpark and using tax money to pay for
it. With a group of classmates discuss Harrington’s
Fenway maintenance and upkeep since then. In
main points. Does your group agree with him? What
competitiveness—baseball survival—terms, we
arguments can you make to counter his proposal?
are one of the last teams in baseball still trying
to build a new ballpark. New ballparks put
8. Here, contention means “competition.”
9. Sports franchises are professional teams that compete in
6. The Yawkey Foundation is a charitable organization that
a league.
comprises Tom Yawkey’s Foundation I and Jean Yawkey’s
10. Here, consensus means “among all members of a group.”
Foundation II.
7. The Patriots are the New England Patriots football team, Big Idea Finding Common Ground What attitude is the
who play their home games at Gillette Stadium in author expressing here? Why?
Foxborough, Massachusetts.


William M. Straus


Building Background Orange, New Jersey, and remains a loyal Yankees

fan. Nevertheless, he says he loves to see a game
After earning a law degree from Georgetown
at Fenway Park. The following article was
University, William M. Straus served as an
excerpted from the Web site of the New Bedford,
Assistant District Attorney in Bristol County,
Massachusetts, Standard-Times newspaper and
Massachusetts, for six years. He has represented
originally appeared in 2000.
the 10th Bristol District in the Massachusetts
state House of Representatives since 1992. One of
his special concerns is protecting drinking water
supplies and the unique coastal areas of south- Author Search For more about
eastern Massachusetts. Straus grew up in South William M. Straus, go to


T here’s something different in the air
in Massachusetts whenever the discussion
The Sox priced the project at $627 million.
The team was to provide $352 million to build
involves major league sports and stadiums. In the stadium, the city of Boston was being
1993 we saw this play out with the financing asked for $140 million for site acquisition and
of the FleetCenter1 and last year with the related costs, and the state of Massachusetts
Patriots and their whirlwind trip to would put up $135 million for building two
Connecticut and back.2 parking garages, utilities,5 and road and sub-
And now it is the Red Sox’s turn at bat. way improvements near the park.
To its credit, the team has stated clearly its The real cost of the subway and road proj-
intention to remain in Boston with no threat to ects, projected at around $50 million by the
go elsewhere. In addition, the Red Sox contri- Red Sox, is more likely to come in at about
bution to the welfare of Massachusetts and its $100 million. Even more disturbing is that
citizens has been exemplary,3 whether in the the Sox did not identify the borrowing costs
field of charity or as a business neighbor. to the state or city for coming up with this
Although the need for a new ballpark has amount of money. Given the current bond
been discussed for nearly twenty years, it was capacity 6 of the state, and the fact that this
only in May that the team first went public fall’s ballot contains tax-cut proposals reduc-
with hard numbers on a request for taxpayer ing annual state revenues by at least $1.5 bil-
help. In a familiar negotiation approach, the lion, the carrying costs of the Sox proposal
Sox also stated that the deal had to be done by are a serious concern.
July 31, before the end of this year’s legislative I believe there are two broad areas that
session. The imposition4 of artificial deadlines caused this plan to fail and unless they are
usually doesn’t help resolve negotiations, par- confronted in the next proposal by the Red
ticularly when the deadline is set by someone Sox, will continue to plague the completion
who is asking for more than $200 million. of the project.
Unfortunately, the Red Sox request fell short First, have all private revenue sources
in a number of respects. As of now, they are, in been pursued? We are dealing with a private
the phrase of the moment, “sharpening their for-profit business enterprise. While public
pencils” to reduce the taxpayer’s exposure in help for businesses in Massachusetts has
the costs of developing a new stadium. A occurred before, the private contribution is to
quick review of the numbers helps explain the be maximized. The natural tendency to view
problem with the Red Sox’s initial request. sports teams in emotional or nostalgic terms
cannot overwhelm other considerations.

5. Utilities refer to services, such as water and electricity, that a

1. The FleetCenter was the former name of a Boston sports
city provides to homes and businesses.
arena that hosts hockey and basketball games as well as
6. Bond capacity refers to a way in which city, state, and
concerts and other events. The arena is now called the TD
federal governments borrow money for public projects. They
Banknorth Garden.
sell bonds to citizens to raise funds and pay back the money,
2. Their whirlwind trip to Connecticut and back refers to the
with interest, at a later date.
time in which the Patriots football team left Boston briefly
because the state legislature would not finance
Reading Strategy Identifying Problem and
improvements to the Patriots’ old stadium.
Solution According to the author, what is the problem with
3. Exemplary means “so good that others should use it as an
the Red Sox’s plan for paying for a new stadium?
4. Imposition means “an unreasonable request.”
Literary Element Rhetorical Devices What does the
Big Idea Finding Common Ground What does the author mean here? How does his word choice affect his
author hope to do by using the word we? message?


When tax increment financing7 is used in our private parties might be just as willing to con-
region or other parts of the state, some balance struct, there seems to be no logic in simply
of local return is analyzed and weighed. handing over future income to the team from
In this case, the Sox plan has not considered parking revenues. . . .
a number of other private sources of money Some public assistance for a project of this
that have been employed around the country magnitude can be justified by the overall
for financing stadium projects. Naming rights improvement to tax revenues for both the state
to the stadium is the most obvious example and the city. But such numbers cannot be
which so far has been missing; published glossed over and should be based upon seri-
reports indicate that in some cases, companies ous calculations and benefits to the public.
have paid nearly $100 million What the final mix should
for multiyear agreements for be on the contributions for
the right to name a facility. infrastructure9 improve-
Another potential source of
revenue is the inclusion of
Companies have ments remains open and
will take shape in the
new private partners in the paid nearly unusual process of negotia-
project. It has also been tion which occurs on sports
reported that other busi- $100 million for facilities.
nesses might agree to help
finance the $81 million in
the right to name No one can say for sure
when this project will get its
parking garages in return for a facility. approvals. The process is
their use outside of the eighty both public and private. As
or so game dates needed by we’ve seen in the few weeks
the Sox. since the Red Sox came for-
Another private source of funds may be the ward with a real spending plan, much give
private land owners whose land the Sox are and take has occurred and will occur in the
asking be taken by the city of Boston in emi- coming weeks. The Legislature has a responsi-
nent domain8 proceedings. And finally, many bility to act prudently so that the Red Sox are
teams have raised money by selling private treated no better or worse than others who
licenses for long-term seat ownership by the seek public help for their projects. 
fans who attend the games. Until these ave-
nues are exhausted, the Sox will have a hard
time coming to the taxpayers for help.
The second broad area for the Sox to con- If you were a taxpayer in Boston, would you
sider is the question of repayment to the tax- approve of paying more taxes in order to fund a
payers for the money put up by the state. The new baseball park? Write a paragraph explaining
Sox proposed that they retain most of the rev- why or why not.
enue stream from the parking garage, which
was to be built entirely by the state. This sim- 9. Infrastructure is the network of public systems that includes
ply will not work. Assuming that it is even roads, telephone wires, water pipes, and other means of
public communication, transportation, and operation.
appropriate for the state to build a facility that
Big Idea Finding Common Ground Who does the
author see as part of the “give and take”?

7. Tax increment financing refers to the use of tax increases to

finance local projects. Vocabulary
8. Eminent domain is the right of the government to take magnitude (ma nə t¯¯¯ood´) n. great size, volume, or
private land if it can prove that its use of the land will extent; importance; significance
benefit the public.



Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. (a)Who do you think presented the most persua- 5. Harrington argues that the Yawkey Trust is “not a tra-
sive argument about Fenway Park? (b)What evi- ditional profit-making enterprise.” But Straus refers to
dence persuaded you to choose this argument? the Yawkey Trust as “a private for-profit business
enterprise.” Whom do you believe, and why?
Recall and Interpret
6. Who is Harrington’s audience? Straus’s audience?
2. (a)Why is Fenway Park so loved by Boston Red Sox
Support your answers with evidence from the text.
fans? (b)What would be the most serious loss if a
new stadium were built for the team? 7. (a)Straus writes, “But such numbers cannot be
glossed over and should be based upon serious
3. (a)According to John L. Harrington, what is essen-
calculations and benefits to the public.” What does
tial to the future of the Red Sox? (b)What does he
he suggest about the numbers Harrington cites?
think would be the most negative repercussion if
this project is stalled? Connect
4. (a)According to William M. Straus, what is the most 8. Big Idea Finding Common Ground After read-
obvious source of private funding for a new Red ing these opinions and arguments, what ideas do
Sox stadium? (b)What might Red Sox fans dislike you have about how opposing sides might find
about this kind of funding? common ground?


Literary Element Rhetorical Devices Reading Strategy Identifying Problem

Appeals to logic rely on facts and reasoning that can and Solution
be proven. Appeals to emotion often consist of anec- Sometimes one person’s solution can be another
dotes or use ambiguous language. Appeals to ethics person’s problem.
emphasize what is morally right and wrong. Appeals to
authority use the audience’s respect for another per- 1. What two solutions are offered to the problem of
son who shares the view of the author. Fenway Park?

1. Choose one of the selections and describe a rhe- 2. What new problems would these solutions cause
torical device its author uses. What is the intended for people on the other side of the issue?
effect of the device?
Vocabulary Practice
2. Which of the authors did you find most trust-
Practice with Synonyms Choose the synonym
worthy? Explain your answer in terms of the
for each vocabulary word. Use a dictionary or
rhetorical devices the author uses.
thesaurus if you need help.
1. cathedral a. church b. building
Writing About Literature 2. nostalgia a. optimism b. wistfulness
Respond to Arguments The authors of these selec- 3. staggering a. awesome b. primary
tions present several different arguments regarding the 4. magnitude a. charge b. immense
fate of Fenway Park. Whose evidence did you find most
convincing? Whose use of rhetorical devices did you find
most persuasive? Write a one- or two-page essay identi-
fying and responding to three different arguments. Web Activities For eFlashcards,
Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to


Wrap-Up: Comparing Literature: Different Viewpoints

• Thoughts on • Taxpayers Will Get a • Other Revenue Sources

Fenway Park Return on Investment Should be Pursued
by Various authors by John L. Harrington by William M. Straus

CO M PA R I NG TH E Big Idea Finding Common Ground

Writing Each of the authors you read makes an attempt to find common ground
with the audience. For example, authors may mention ideas or facts that they know
will resonate with their audience. Write a brief essay in which you
compare the ways that three of the authors seek to establish that
they share goals, feelings, or ideas—common ground—with the
reader. Cite evidence from the selections to support your ideas.

CO M PA R I N G Persuasion
Group Activity As an attempt to influence, a persuasive appeal—
to logic, emotion, ethics, or authority—can be a very powerful thing.
It is important for readers to identify these appeals so that they can
draw informed conclusions. The selections that you just read use
persuasive appeals to communicate the authors’ positions. With a
small group, discuss the following questions:

1. What is each author trying to communicate about Fenway Park?

2. What persuasive appeals does each author use to influence the
3. Which of the selections, in your opinion, presents the strongest argument about
what should be done with Fenway? Support your answer with passages from
the selections.

CO M PA R I N G Author’s Viewpoint
Speaking and Listening With a partner, research one of the following questions
using the resources at the library and on the Internet. Present your findings in an
oral presentation to your class.

1. Why did John Harrington sell the Boston Red Sox in 2002?
2. What recent renovations have been made to Fenway Park? Who is paying for
these improvements?
3. How has the neighborhood around Fenway Park changed in the past ten years?
4. What issues are Red Sox fans currently debating?

• Identify an author’s use of persuasive techniques. • Compare and contrast author’s message and beliefs.
• Analyze and evaluate arguments.


Jed Jacobson/Getty Images

Put Down the Backpack


nna Quindlen knows the power of
language. She once said that reading
“has made me more human by
exposing me to worlds I might never have
entered and people I might never meet.”
Her love of reading and writing led to a suc-
cessful career as a journalist and fiction
Quindlen was born in Philadelphia. Her par-
ents raised her and her four siblings in a tra-
ditional, Catholic household. From an early With her next column, “Public and Private,”
age, Quindlen knew that she wanted to be a Quindlen became the third woman in the New
writer. At the age of eighteen, she was work- York Times’ history to write a regular column on
ing part-time as a reporter for the New York the prestigious op-ed page. Quindlen made
Post while attending Barnard College, where observations about social issues and linked these
she earned a bachelor’s degree in English observations to her personal life. She was
literature. In 1977 she left the Post for the awarded a Pulitzer Prize for “Public and
New York Times. Private” in 1992. A collection of Quindlen’s
essays, Thinking Out Loud, was published in
“There’s no greater happiness than A Novelist Too Quindlen’s first novel, Object
doing something every day that you Lessons, was published in 1991. It was followed
by One True Thing and the bestselling Black and
love.” Blue. In her fiction, she explores themes of trag-
—Anna Quindlen edy, loss, violence, and power. Despite these
grave themes, Quindlen’s message often is about
finding happiness and meaning in life.
Quindlen’s successful career as a novelist, social
Trailblazer By 1983 Quindlen was writing critic, and prize-winning journalist continues
editorial columns for the New York Times. In today. Currently, she writes for the popular col-
spite of her success, however, Quindlen umn “The Last Word” in Newsweek magazine.
decided she wanted to spend more time She lives in New York with her husband and
with her children. She resigned from the three children.
paper but continued to write from home. In
1985 she began writing “Life in the 30s.” In Anna Quindlen was born in 1952.
the column, Quindlen openly discussed her
own childhood, the struggles of parenting,
and a variety of political issues. Readers Author Search For more about
were drawn to the honest nature of her Anna Quindlen, go to


AP/Wide World

Connecting to the Speech Reading Strategy Evaluating Credibility

Anna Quindlen, in her speech to a group of young Evaluating credibility means judging how credible, or
women at their college graduation, offers some believable, an author is. Credible authors’ claims will
unusual advice regarding imitation and success. be supported by evidence. This evidence might
Before you read the speech, think about the following include facts, personal experience, or examples so that
questions: readers will trust the information presented.

• Which qualities in others do you find yourself Reading Tip: Making a Web As you read, keep track
imitating most often?
of the author’s claims and how she supports them.
• In what ways do you see yourself as unique or Make a web like the one shown below for each claim
different from other people?
to help evaluate whether the author is credible.
Building Background
Quindlen delivered this speech at Mount Holyoke
College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Mount Being perfect is hard work.
Holyoke is a women’s college, similar to Barnard
College, which Quindlen attended. Mount Holyoke was
founded in 1837 and Barnard in 1889, both at times Support Support Support
when many universities did not admit women. In fact, The rules of being
perfect change
as recently as the 1970s, nationwide there were fewer
choices for women who sought the same quality of
education available to men. Women’s colleges played
an important part in bridging the educational gender
gap. Vocabulary

Setting Purposes for Reading monogrammed (mon ə ramd) adj. decorated

with a design of one or more letters, usually the
Big Idea Finding Common Ground initials of a name; p. 480 As a wedding present,
As you read, notice how Quindlen establishes com- they received monogrammed towels.
mon ground with her audience.
template (tem plāt) n. a pattern that serves as
a guide to making something accurately; p. 481
Literary Element Author’s Purpose The teacher asked all students to use a template
An author writes a speech for a particular occasion and when drawing their graphic organizers.
a particular audience. An author’s purpose might be redundant (ri dun dənt) adj. unnecessarily
one or more of the following: to inform, to explain, to repetitive; without a purpose; p. 482. Carla
entertain, to describe, or to persuade. Being aware of decided that repeating her instructions would be
the author’s purpose gives the reader a clearer under- redundant.
standing of the meaning and intent of a writer or
speaker. As you read, try to determine Quindlen’s denigrate (den ə rāt´) v. to criticize or belit-
specific purpose in writing for this particular audience. tle; p. 483 The coach did not denigrate the kicker
for the missed field goal.
• See Literary Terms Handbook, p. R1
Interactive Literary Elements
Handbook To review or learn more about the literary elements,
go to

In studying this selection, you will focus on the following: • recognizing appeals to logic and emotion
• determining the author’s purpose • writing a persuasive speech
• evaluating the credibility of an author’s arguments


Anna Quindlen

I look at all of you today and I cannot

help but see myself twenty-five years ago, at
while I arrived at college in 1970 with a
trunk full of perfect pleated kilts and perfect
my own Barnard commencement. I some- monogrammed sweaters, by Christmas
times seem, in my mind, to have as much in vacation I had another perfect uniform: over-
common with that girl as I do with any alls, turtlenecks, and the perfect New York
stranger I might pass in the doorway of a City Barnard College affect2—part hyper-
coffee shop or in the aisle of an airplane. I intellectual, part ennui.3 This was very hard
cannot remember what she wore or how she work indeed. I had read neither Sartre nor
felt that day. But I can tell you this about her Sappho,4 and the closest I ever came to being
without question: she was perfect. bored and above it all was falling asleep.
Let me be very clear what I mean by that. Finally, it was harder to become perfect
I mean that I got up every day and tried to because I realized, at Barnard, that I was not
be perfect in every possible way. If there was the smartest girl in the world. Eventually
a test to be had, I had studied for it; if there being perfect day after day, year after year,
was a paper to be written, it was done. I became like always carrying a backpack
smiled at everyone in the dorm hallways, filled with bricks on my back. And oh, how I
because it was important to be friendly, and secretly longed to lay my burden down.
I made fun of them behind their backs So what I want to say to you today is this:
because it was important to be witty. And I if this sounds, in any way, familiar to you, if
worked as a residence counselor1 and sat on
housing council. If anyone had ever stopped 2. Here, affect (afekt) is a noun meaning “a quality pretended
and asked me why I did those things—well, to impress others.”
I’m not sure what I would have said. But I 3. Ennui (an wē) is the French word for boredom. The word
has a connotation of world weariness or boredom brought
can tell you, today, that I did them to be per- on by intellectual superiority.
fect, in every possible way. 4. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980) was a French writer and
Being perfect was hard work, and the hell philosopher. Sappho was an ancient Greek poet.
of it was, the rules of it changed. So that Reading Strategy Evaluating Credibility Does this
admission strengthen or weaken the author’s credibility?
1. A residence counselor is an older student who lives with and
supervises other students in a college dormitory. Vocabulary

Big Idea Finding Common Ground Why do you think monogrammed (mon ə ramd) adj. decorated with a
the author opens her speech with this reference to Barnard? design of one or more letters, usually the initials of a name


you have been trying to be perfect in one things, a clean slate. Then look, every day, at
way or another, too, then make today, when the choices you are making, and when you
for a moment there are no more grades to be ask yourself why you are making them, find
gotten, classmates to be met, terrain to be this answer: for me, for me. Because they are
scouted, positioning to be arranged—make who and what I am, and mean to be.
today the day to put down the backpack. This is the hard work of your life in the
Trying to be perfect may be sort of inevitable world, to make it all up as you go along, to
for people like us, who are smart and ambi- acknowledge the introvert, the clown, the
tious and interested in the world and in its artist, the reserved, the distraught, the goof-
good opinion. But at one level it’s too hard, ball, the thinker. You will have to bend all
and at another, it’s too cheap and easy. your will not to march to the music that all
Because it really requires you mainly to read of those great “theys” out there pipe on
the zeitgeist5 of wherever and whenever you their flutes. They want you to go to profes-
happen to be, and to assume the masks nec- sional school, to wear khakis, to pierce your
essary to be the best of whatever the zeit- navel, to bare your soul. These are the fash-
geist dictates or requires. Those requirements ionable ways. The music is tinny, if you
shapeshift, sure, but when you’re clever you listen close enough. Look inside. That way
can read them and do the imitation required. lies dancing to the melodies spun out by
But nothing important, or meaningful, or your own heart. This is a symphony. All the
beautiful, or interesting, or great ever came rest are jingles.8
out of imitations. The thing that is really This will always be your struggle whether
hard, and really amazing, is giving up on you are twenty-one or fifty-one. I know this
being perfect and beginning the work of from experience. When I quit the New York
becoming yourself. Times to be a full-time mother, the voices of
This is more difficult, because there is no the world said that I was nuts. When I quit it
zeitgeist to read, no template to follow, no again to be a full-time novelist, they said I
mask to wear. Set aside what your friends was nuts again. But I am not nuts. I am
expect, what your parents demand, what happy. I am successful on my own terms.
your acquaintances require. Set aside the Because if your success is not on your own
messages this culture sends, through its terms, if it looks good to the world but does
advertising, its entertainment, its disdain not feel good in your heart, it is not success
and its disapproval, about how you should at all. Remember the words of Lily Tomlin:9
behave. If you win the rat race, you’re still a rat.
Set aside the old traditional notion of Look at your fingers. Hold them in front
female as nurturer6 and male as leader; set of your face. Each one is crowned by an
aside, too, the new traditional notions of abstract design that is completely different
female as superwoman and male as oppres- than those of anyone in this crowd, in this
sor.7 Begin with that most terrifying of all country, in this world. They are a metaphor
for you. Each of you is as different as your
5. Zeitgeist means “the culture of a particular place and time.”
6. A nurturer is someone who takes care of others.
7. An oppressor is someone who dominates others through an 8. Here, jingles refers to the short, catchy songs used in
unjust use of force or authority. advertising.
9. Lily Tomlin (1939– ) is a U.S. comedian and actress.
Big Idea Finding Common Ground What effect might
this phrase have on the audience at this point in the speech? Literary Element Author’s Purpose What is the author’s
purpose in this paragraph? How can you tell?
template (tem plāt) n. a pattern that serves as a guide Reading Strategy Evaluating Credibility What evidence
to making something accurately has Quindlen provided to support this claim?


fingerprints. Why in the world should you expectations of those around you. Think of
march to any lockstep?10 what the writer Catherine Drinker Bowen13
The lockstep is easier, but here is why you once wrote, more than half a century ago:
cannot march to it. Because nothing great or “Many a man who has known himself at ten
even good ever came of it. When young forgets himself utterly between ten and
writers write to me about following in the thirty.” Many a woman, too.
footsteps of those of us who string together You are not alone in this. We parents have
nouns and verbs for a living, I tell them this: forgotten our way sometimes, too. I say this
every story has already been told. Once as the deeply committed, often flawed
you’ve read Anna Karenina, Bleak House, The mother of three. When you were first born,
Sound and the Fury, To Kill a Mockingbird, and A each of you, our great glory was in thinking
Wrinkle in Time, you understand that there is you absolutely distinct from every baby
really no reason to ever write another novel. who had ever been born before. You were
Except that each writer brings to the table, if a miracle of singularity, and we knew it in
she will let herself, something that no one every fiber of our being.
else in the history of time has ever had. And But we are only human, and being a par-
that is herself, her own personality, her own ent is a very difficult job, more difficult than
voice. If she is doing Faulkner11 imitations, any other, because it requires the shaping of
she can stay home. If she is giving readers other people, which is an act of extraordinary
what she thinks they want instead of what hubris.14 Over the years we learned to want
she is, she should stop trying. for you things that you did not want for
But if her books reflect her character, who yourself. We learned to want the lead in the
she really is, then she is giving them a new play, the acceptance to our own college, the
and wonderful gift. Giving it to herself, too. straight and narrow path that often leads
And that is true of music and art and absolutely nowhere. Sometimes we wanted
teaching and medicine. Someone sent me a those things because we were convinced it
T-shirt not long ago that read “Well-Behaved would make life better, or at least easier
Women Don’t Make History.” They don’t for you. Sometimes we had a hard time
make good lawyers, either, or doctors or distinguishing between where you ended
businesswomen. Imitations are redundant. and we began.
Yourself is what is wanted. So that another reason that you must give
You already know this. I just need to up on being perfect and take hold of being
remind you. Think back. Think back to first or yourself is because sometime, in the distant
second grade, when you could still hear the future, you may want to be parents, too. If
sound of your own voice in your head, when you can bring to your children the self that
you were too young, too unformed, too fan- you truly are, as opposed to some amalgam15
tastic12 to understand that you were supposed of manners and mannerisms, expectations
to take on the protective coloration of the and fears that you have acquired as a
carapace16 along the way, you will give them,

10. A lockstep is any process or method of doing something

that is adhered to strictly and without question or thought.
13. Catherine Drinker Bowen (1897–1973) was an American
The word comes from a style of marching in which a group
writer of what she called “semifictional biographies.”
march as one, precisely in step and very close together.
14. Hubris means “arrogance or excessive pride.”
11. William Faulkner (1897–1962) was a renowned
15. An amalgam is a mixture of different elements.
American writer.
16. A carapace is a figurative shell that protects a person, just
12. Here, fantastic means “reliant on imagination.”
as the literal shell of a turtle protects it.
Literary Element Author’s Purpose What do the writing
redundant (ri dun dənt) adj. unnecessarily repetitive; techniques in this paragraph reveal about the author’s pur-
without a purpose pose? What is unusual about her purpose in this passage?


Ciurana, the path, 1917.
Joan Miro. Coll. Tappenbeck,
Mouzay, France

too, a great gift. You will teach them by transfer to our fellows the injustice and vio-
example not to be terrorized by the narrow lence we inflict upon our own natures.”
and parsimonious17 expectations of the Most commencement speeches suggest
world, a world that often likes to color within you take up something or other: the chal-
the lines when a spray of paint, a scrawl of lenge of the future, a vision of the twenty-
crayon, is what is truly wanted. first century. Instead I’d like you to give up.
Remember yourself, from the days when Give up the backpack. Give up the nonsensi-
you were younger and rougher and wilder, cal and punishing quest for perfection that
more scrawl than straight line. Remember all dogs too many of us through too much of
of yourself, the flaws and faults as well as the our lives. It is a quest that causes us to doubt
many strengths. Carl Jung18 once said, “If and denigrate ourselves, our true selves, our
people can be educated to see the lowly side quirks and foibles20 and great leaps into the
of their own natures, it may be hoped that unknown, and that is bad enough.
they will also learn to understand and to love
their fellow men better. A little less hypoc-
risy19 and a little more tolerance toward one- 20. Quirks and foibles are odd qualities and small weaknesses
self can only have good results in respect for in a person’s character.

our neighbors, for we are all too prone to Literary Element Author’s Purpose How is Quindlen’s
repetition of the phrase “give up” in this passage related to
her purpose?

17. Parsimonious means “stingy or ungenerous.”

18. Carl Jung (1875–1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist who wrote Big Idea Finding Common Ground Quindlen has
about the human unconscious. established that she has given up the quest for perfection.
19. Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have certain values, Why then do you think she uses the pronouns us and our in
beliefs, or feelings in order to appear moral or superior to this sentence?
Reading Strategy Evaluating Credibility Why do you
think Quindlen included a quote from Carl Jung? denigrate (den ə rāt´) v. to criticize or belittle


Giraudon/Art Resource, NY.
Two Women and Mirror. Ludvik Glazer-Naude.
Viewing the Art: In what ways does this picture reflect Quindlen’s call to “put down the backback”?

But this is worse: that someday, sometime, Don’t take that chance. Begin to say no to
you will be somewhere, maybe on a day like the Greek chorus22 that thinks it knows the
today—a berm21 overlooking a pond in parameters of a happy life when all it knows
Vermont, the lip of the Grand Canyon at is the homogenization23 of human experi-
sunset. Maybe something bad will have hap- ence. Listen to that small voice from inside
pened: you will have lost someone you you, that tells you to go another way. George
loved, or failed at something you wanted to Eliot24 wrote, “It is never too late to be what
succeed at very much. you might have been.” It is never too early,
And sitting there, you will fall into the either. And it will make all the difference in
center of yourself. You will look for that core the world. Take it from someone who has
to sustain you. If you have been perfect all left the backpack full of bricks far behind.
your life, and have managed to meet all the Every day feels light as a feather. 
expectations of your family, your friends,
your community, your society, chances are
excellent that there will be a black hole
22. A Greek chorus is a group of actors in an ancient Greek
where your core ought to be. play who comment in unison on what is happening.
23. Homogenization means “making the same.”
24. George Eliot was the pen name of British novelist Mary
21. A berm is a narrow path along the top or bottom of a hill. Ann Evans (1819–1880).


Respond Analyze and Evaluate
1. Did Quindlen’s speech persuade you to change the 5. (a)Why might “walking in lockstep” with the rest of
way in which you think about success? Explain your the world be preferable for some people? (b)What
answer using examples from the speech. are the dangers of the “lockstep”?

Recall and Interpret 6. Compare the content and purpose of Quindlen’s

speech to most commencement speeches.
2. (a)In Quindlen’s view, what is the problem with
imitation? (b)How does her opinion of imitation 7. Explain whether you think Quindlen was a good
relate to her message of “becoming yourself”? choice as a commencement speaker for the gradu-
ating class at Mount Holyoke.
3. (a)According to Quindlen, how must real success
be measured? (b)How do her standards compare Connect
to the “messages this culture sends, through its
advertising, its entertainment, its disdain and its 8. Big Idea Finding Common Ground Does
disapproval”? Quindlen’s speech reach out to all types of stu-
dents? Use examples from the text to explain your
4. (a)Why does Quindlen urge the members of her answer.
audience to remember being children? (b)When
might “coloring outside the lines” be beneficial?


Topics and Transitions Topic

In her speech, Quindlen establishes clear “I tried to be perfect when I was your age. It felt like carrying
topics and then links those topics together a backpack of bricks.”
with transition sentences. Make a flowchart
like the one shown to identify the topics and
transitions in Quindlen’s speech. First fill in Transition
the chart with topics by summarizing “if this sounds, in any way, familiar to you,
Quindlen’s main ideas in your own words. if you have been trying to be perfect in one way
or another, too, then make today…the day to put
Then identify the sentences from the speech
down the backpack.”
that connect Quindlen’s ideas to one another.
Note which words or phrases connect the tran-
sition sentence to the previous topic and the Topic
following topic.
“If you are trying to be perfect, you should stop.”
1. How does Quindlen help her audience fol-
low the flow of her ideas? Use examples
from your flowchart to illustrate your Transition
2. Why does the author of a speech need to
make sure that all topics and transitions are
clear and easy to follow?



Literary Element Author’s Purpose Reading Strategy Evaluating Credibility

Frequently an author has more than one purpose in a In order to establish credibility with an audience, an
particular piece of writing. A newspaper columnist, for author must be viewed as an authority. Being an
example, may seek to inform, explain, and entertain at authority usually requires varying degrees of education,
the same time. The author of a campaign speech, on training, and experience. An author who is credible for
the other hand, most likely wants to persuade and some topics may not be credible for others. In those
defend. instances, he or she may seek to support certain points
with additional information or expert opinions.
1. Describe Quindlen’s possible intent in speaking on
this particular topic to this particular audience. 1. List the topics Quindlen discusses in her speech
that you believe she has the credibility to address.
2. Choose one or two paragraphs from “Put Down
the Backpack” and analyze Quindlen’s purpose(s). 2. What factors make Quindlen qualified to write and
Support your analysis with specific examples from speak about these topics?
the text.

Vocabulary Practice
Review: Argument Practice with Analogies Complete each analogy
As you learned on pages 436–437, an argument is a below. Use a dictionary if you need help.
type of persuasive writing in which logic and reason,
1. monogrammed : undecorated :: creation :
rather than emotion, are used to influence a reader’s
a. destruction b. evolution c. war
ideas or actions.
2. templates : identical :: paupers :
Partner Activity With a classmate, look for places in a. hungry b. poor c. unclean
“Put Down the Backpack” when Quindlen appeals to 3. imitation : redundant :: singularity :
logic or reason. Then find an equal number of places a. unique b. identical c. parallel
where she appeals to emotion. Working with your 4. denigrate : elevate :: move :
partner, create a three-column chart similar to the a. wander b. settle c. travel
one below. Fill in the left-hand column with examples
you have chosen from the text. In the middle column,
explain how each portion of text appeals either to
logic or to emotion. In the right-hand column, rewrite
the argumentative text so that is appeals to emotion, Academic Vocabulary
and rewrite the emotion-driven text to appeal to
reason or logic. Here are two words from the vocabulary list on
page R86.

Appeals to submit (səb mit) v. to give in to authority

Logic/ differentiate (dif´ər en shē āt´) v. to notice
Text Emotion Rewrite the differences between two or more things
“I cannot help Logic: The “I can Practice and Apply
but see myself speaker was imagine your 1. According to Quindlen, what are the dangers of
twenty-five a student at excitement submitting to cultural standards of success?
years ago, at Barnard, so and 2. How does Quindlen say that we can
my own Barnard she can anticipation differentiate between our own standards
commencement.” relate to her at finishing and the standards of our culture?
audience. college.”



Writing About Literature Quindlen’s Language and Style

Respond to Thesis In “Put Down the Backpack,” Making the Most of Juxtaposition Juxtaposition is
Quindlen speaks passionately about the importance of the placement of two things next to each other. In writ-
being yourself. What experiences have encouraged or ing, this device is often used to accentuate similarities
discouraged you from discovering who you really are? or differences, sometimes both. Throughout “Put
Write a one- or two-page persuasive speech about the Down the Backpack,” Quindlen uses juxtaposition of
pros or cons of being yourself. Aim your speech at a ideas or images to influence her audience.
particular audience, such as students about to gradu-
Quindlen juxtaposes both ideas and images in her
ate from eighth grade.
Before you begin drafting, find quotations in
Quindlen’s essay that you would like to use in your
speech. Authors use quotations for a variety of pur- Text Image Effect
or Idea
poses, including adding insight or supporting a point.
Create a diagram like the one below to help organize “But at one level Idea Suggests to audience
your ideas: [trying to be per- that perfection is both
fect is] too hard, impractical (hard) and
“[I]f it looks good to the world but and at another, shameful (cheap and easy).
it’s too cheap and Leads audience toward
does not feel good in your heart, Quotation
Yo on

easy.” alternative to perfection.

u yo
ca ur

it is not success at all.”

n o

“I smiled at every- Image Illustrates how following

ha wn

ve te

one in the dorm cultural standards creates

su rm


hallways, because hypocrisy and a false

cc s.


it was important personality.


to be friendly, and
Thesis: Follow your interests. I made fun of
Audience: 8th grade students them behind their
backs, because it
was important to

be witty.”




Quotation Quotation
Activity Read through the speech again and find
other examples of juxtaposition. Create your own chart
listing the additional juxtapositions you found.
Choose main ideas that you can support with your
own experience as well as with quotations from
Quindlen’s speech. Once you have completed the Revising Check
diagram, begin drafting.
Juxtaposition Using juxtaposition for contrast helps a
When you have completed the first draft of your writer influence the audience’s emotions, an important
speech, meet with a peer reviewer. Edit your speech aspect of persuasive writing. With a partner, read
based on your peer reviewer’s suggestions. Make sure through your speech on being yourself. Identify several
that you have correctly cited any quotations you key points at which an emotional appeal would help
included in your speech. influence your audience. Create and insert juxtaposi-
tions of images or ideas that will emotionally appeal to
your listeners at those key moments.
Act It Out In groups of three or four students,
write and perform skits about self-discovery. Each Web Activities For eFlashcards,
skit should have a well-defined conflict, such as Selection Quick Checks, and other Web activities, go to
individuality versus conformity or perfection.


Writing Workshop
Autobiographical Narrative
Writing About A Memory
The Writing Process

In this workshop, you will “Being an only daughter in a family of six sons forced me
follow the stages of the
writing process. At any stage,
by circumstance to spend a lot of time by myself because my
you may think of new ideas brothers felt it beneath them to play with a girl in public.
to include and better ways
to express them. Feel free to
But that aloneness, that loneliness, was good for a would-be
return to earlier stages as writer—it allowed me time to think and think, to imagine, to
you write. read and prepare myself.”
—Sandra Cisneros, from “Only Daughter”

Connecting to Literature In much of her writing, Sandra Cisneros
Focus Lesson: Developing reflects on growing up in Chicago with her parents and six brothers.
Your Voice Autobiographical narratives generally focus on memories and their sig-
nificance to the writer. Like most writers of autobiographical narratives,
Editing and Proofreading Cisneros uses the first-person point of view and tells a story with setting,
Focus Lesson: Pronoun- characters, theme, and conflict.
Antecedent Agreement
Rubric: Features of Autobiographical Narrative Writing
Goals Strategies

To relate a personally meaningful ✓ Choose an experience with some kind

experience of conflict or tension

To use specific details in a narrative ✓ Make a list of details that you remember
✓ Describe the characters, setting, theme,
Writing Models For models
and other writing activities, go to and conflict ✓ Use dialogue

To present your narrative in logical ✓ Choose an appropriate pattern of

order organization such as chronological order
• Write an autobiographical
narrative. ✓ Use an outline or flow chart to organize
• Organize writing with a your narrative
logical progression of ideas.
• Demonstrate understanding To draw conclusions about human ✓ Point out how your experience helped
of pronoun-antecedent
experiences from your memories you understand people, yourself, or a



º Assignment Real–World Connection

Write an autobiographical narrative in which you explain how a personal From ex-presidents to
experience was meaningful in your life. As you move through the stages professional baseball play-
of the writing process, keep your audience and purpose in mind. ers, people often write
autobiographical narratives
about their experiences.
Audience: peers, classmates, and teacher
When a friend asks what
Purpose: to relate a personal experience and explain why it was you did over the weekend,
meaningful how do you respond? You
tell an autobiographical
story in which you narrate
Analyzing a Professional Model the events most important
to you.
In the following selection, Nobel Prize winner in literature Isaac Bashevis
Singer describes a memorable experience from his childhood. As you read
the narrative, notice Singer’s use of the first-person point of view, concrete
words, and dialogue. Pay close attention to the comments in the margin.
They point out features that you might want to include in your own auto-
biographical narrative.

“A Day of Pleasures” from In My Father’s Court

by Isaac Bashevis Singer

When times were good, I would get a two-groschen piece from Father or
Mother every day. For me this piece—or kopeck—represented all worldly
Make the topic clear to
pleasures. Across the street was Esther’s sweetshop, where one could buy your readers and hint at
chocolates, jelly beans, candy squares, ice cream, caramels, and all sorts of its significance.
Narrative Details
cookies. Since I had begun at an early age to write copy exercises, and had
Use specific details to
a weakness for drawing and coloring with crayons, which cost money, a vividly explain your situa-
kopeck proved not nearly so large a coin as Father and Mother made it out tion and give background
to be. There were times when I was forced to borrow money from a heder
classmate, a young usurer who demanded interest—for every four groschen,
I paid a groschen a week.
First-Person Point of View
Now imagine the indescribable joy that I felt when I once earned a whole
Comment on the events in your
ruble—that is, one hundred kopecks! narrative using the first-person
I no longer remember exactly how I came to earn that ruble. I think it point of view.

happened like this: Someone had ordered a pair of kidskin boots from a
shoemaker, but upon delivery the boots proved to be either too tight or too
loose. The man who had ordered them refused to accept them, and the shoe-
maker summoned him to a Din Torah. Father sent me to another shoemaker


to ask him to appraise the value of the boots or perhaps even to buy them,
since he also dealt in ready-made footwear. It so happened that the second
shoemaker had a customer who wanted the boots and was prepared to pay a
good price for them. I do not recall all the details, but I remember that I car-
ried a pair of brand-new boots around, and that one of the litigants rewarded
me with a ruble.
I knew that if I stayed home my parents would ruin that ruble. They
Describe the conflict, or
problem, that you had would buy me something to wear which I would have got in any case, or
to confront. they would borrow the ruble from me and, though they would never deny
the debt, I would never see it again. I therefore took the ruble and decided
for once to indulge myself in the pleasures of this world, to enjoy all those
good things for which my heart yearned.
Order of Events
I quickly passed through Krochmalna Street. Here everyone knew me too
Use a logical order or
sequence to show the well. Here I could not afford to act the profligate. But on Gnoyna Street I
events in the narrative. was unknown. I signaled to the driver of a droshky, and he stopped.
“What do you want?’
Dialogue “To ride.
Use dialogue to move “Ride where?”
your story along and
“To the other streets.”
bring it to life.
“What other streets?”
“To Nalewki Street.”
“That costs forty groschen. Have you got the money to pay?”
Show why the experi-
I showed him the ruble.
ence was meaningful in
your life.

Reading–Writing Connection Think about the writing techniques that

you have just encountered and try them out in the autobiographical
narrative you write.



When I walked out the patio door, I heard faceless voices yelling,
“Surprise! Surprise!” Then suddenly people started popping up from behind
the trees and bushes all over the backyard. “Happy Birthday, Andy.” I was
stunned! At least twenty of my friends from school were in the yard.
I congratulated my parents on their plan to surprise me. Few people are
First-Person Point of View
clever enough to throw a surprise party that really is a surprise. I felt like I
Why is it important to explain
was getting a double party—the one with a movie and pizza and now this how you felt or feel about
one. the events?

The party continued, and the surprises kept coming. As everyone was
Order of Events
singing “Happy Birthday,” three strangers dressed in black and wearing sun-
Why is chronological
glasses appeared in the backyard. They carried large wire cages draped with order often used in a
black scarves. narrative?

My mom introduced the mysterious guests. She said, “May I have your
attention, everybody. I would like to introduce Craig, Tim, and Wanda, a trio
of animal trainers from Creepy Crawling Creatures.”
Wanda, the head animal trainer, slipped off the black scarves covering the
cages. Everyone gasped!
How can you create
“Ewwww . . .” conflict or tension in a
“Oh!” narrative?

“What kind of snakes are they?”
How does dialogue add
Craig said, “Each cage holds a huge boa constrictor.” interest to a narrative?
“These snakes are over seven feet long. They are all tame. Don’t be
afraid,” Tim continued.
My friend Darryl asked, “Can we pet them?”
“Yes, if you want,” Wanda said.
Darryl was brave enough to let Wanda wrap one of the boa constrictors
around his neck like a scarf.
My friend Martha said, on her way out the door at the end of the
party, “What a cool surprise party! We surprised you, but those snakes
surprised us.”
I just smiled. I had learned something new about my parents: Expect the
Why is it important to
unexpected. draw a conclusion to
wrap up the story?



Peer Review Once you complete your draft, exchange papers with a
partner. Your partner should note if you have consistently used the
Traits of Strong Writing first-person point of view, and if you have used details to elaborate. Also,
Follow these traits of your partner can evaluate how you keep your audience interested by
strong writing to effec- making suggestions for dialogue and for developing a conflict.
tively express your
ideas. Use the rubric below to evaluate your essay.

Ideas message or Rubric: Writing an Autobiographical Narrative

theme and the details
that develop it ✓ Does your introduction create suspense or draw interest?
✓ Do you use the first-person point of view?
arrangement of main ✓ Do you elaborate using narrative details that develop the plot?
ideas and supporting
✓ Do you use chronological order, or another clear organizational pattern?
✓ Do you use dialogue to make your narrative more immediate for your
Voice writer’s unique
way of using tone and
style ✓ Do you effectively communicate the significance of the memory?
Word Choice
vocabulary a writer uses º Focus Lesson
to convey meaning
Developing Your Voice
Sentence Fluency
rhythm and flow of Your voice is what gives your writing its own style. Your writing
sentences should reflect your unique personality. Voice is determined by your use
of language, your choice of words, and your tone. Remember that tone
Conventions correct is your attitude toward your subject. As you revise your narrative, use
spelling, grammar, vivid words and expressive details to create your own voice. See the
usage, and mechanics revised sentences from the student workshop model below.
Presentation the way
words and design ele-
ments look on a page
“That sounds fine,” I replied. What I didn’t know was her plan. My
friends were involved.
For more information
on using the Traits of
Strong Writing, see
pages R32–R33 of the
Writing Handbook.

“That sounds like a great idea,”1 I replied. What I didn’t know was that
she was setting me up.2 My friends were part of her scheme.3

1: tone 2: language (idiom) 3: word choice



Tell a Story
Choose an Experience As you consider subjects to write about, think of
experiences that have been meaningful in your life. Also consider what Remember that a narra-
experiences will be interesting to others. Choose an experience you want tive tells a story. Be sure to
to share with readers, and one that you remember in detail. include the elements of a
good narrative. Begin with
Gather Your Thoughts Use the following criteria to help you choose a an exposition, or introduc-
meaningful experience to describe. tion. Identify the setting,
characters, and conflict.
º Think About the Experience Recall the details by asking yourself what Tell what happens as the
happened and when. Try replaying the experience in your mind and suspense builds to a high
talking about it with others who were there. You might have a photo point and then comes to a
or diary entry that will provide details you have forgotten. conclusion.

º Connect to Your Audience Consider what details will be interesting

to your readers. Plan to provide background or narrative details so that
your readers can relate to the experience.

º Be Specific and Concrete Your readers will feel like participants in the
experience if you include specific details and concrete words. Sensory
images, dialogue, and your own thoughts about the experience will
make it come alive for your readers.

Make a Plan To write an autobiographical narrative, you may want to

tell what happened in chronological order. A flow chart or timeline can
help you get organized during the prewriting step. Put the events in the
sequence in which they happened. Draw arrows to show how one idea
flows into the next.

Test Prep
If you are writing an auto-
biographical narrative
for an essay test during
Introduction What happens Conclusion a class, you won’t have
much time to recall and
check the details. Take a
few minutes to decide on
Discuss Your Ideas Before you begin drafting, meet with a partner to talk
an experience before you
about the details of your autobiographical narrative. Talking through the
begin writing. Make sure
experience will help you recall events and specific details that you may not
you choose one that is
have thought about for a long time. Jot down notes to refer to as
familiar to you and will
you write.
be meaningful to your



Put Your Words Down on Paper Using your plan as a guide, begin
drafting your autobiographical narrative. However, don’t get stuck trying
to find the exact words. During the drafting step, you want to put your
ideas in writing. Keep in mind that you are writing a narrative, so try
to incorporate conflict and suspense. You may find that writing about a
memory gives you a fresh understanding of it.

Analyzing a Workshop Model

Here is a final draft of an autobiographical narrative. Read the narrative
and answer the questions in the margin. Use the answers to these ques-
tions to guide you as you write.

Surprise! Surprise!
First-Person Point of View
I should have been more suspicious from the start. A few weeks before my
Why is an autobiographical
narrative always told from birthday, my mother said casually, “Now that you are in high school, it’s time
the first-person point of to give up those big parties. You will probably have more fun if you go out for
pizza and a movie. You can have birthday money to treat yourself and three
Why is your first para-
graph important? “That sounds like a great idea,” I replied. What I didn’t know was that she
was setting me up. My friends were part of her scheme. I found out later that she
had called Jason, Darryl, and Will and sworn them to secrecy.
My dad was sworn to secrecy, too. He gave me a ten-dollar bill and two
twenties before we got in the car. Then he picked up my three friends and
dropped us off at the mall with the theater showing the movie we all wanted
to see. Dad said, “I’ll pick you up at the entrance in front of Pat’s Pizza Place
at 7:30.”
Meanwhile, my mom was decorating the backyard with blue and orange
Narrative Details
streamers and balloons in honor of my favorite football team. My sister made a
How do specific details
make your story vivid banner and a sign. She hung the banner between two trees.
and engaging? Dad picked us up at exactly 7:30. During the drive home, he made comments
like, “I bet this was your best birthday celebration ever.” His words signaled
that the party was over. As we pulled up to the house at quarter to eight, he said,
Order of Events
“Why don’t you guys come in for an hour. I want to watch a television show at
How is this essay
organized? 8:00. Then I’ll drive all of you home.” My father had successfully set the trap.
As I walked with the guys into the house, my mom said, “Why don’t you
wait in the backyard so your dad can watch his show uninterrupted?”



Editing and Proofreading

Get It Right When you have completed the final draft of your
autobiographical narrative, proofread it to correct errors in grammar,
usage, mechanics, and spelling. Refer to the Language Handbook, pages
R46–R60, as a guide.

º Focus Lesson
Gaining New insight

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Think about your memory

and the process of writ-
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or group of ing about it. What details
words acting as a noun. It can also take the place of another pronoun. came back to you as you
Remember that the antecedent is the word or words the pronoun planned the narrative?
replaces. Every pronoun refers back to its antecedent. The pronoun How has this memory
must agree with its antecedent in number, gender, and person. affected the way you think
and act today? What new
insight do you have about
Problem: It is unclear which antecedent the pronoun refers to. yourself as a result of
writing about this
My sister made a banner and a sign. She hung it between two trees. experience?

Solution: To avoid an unclear pronoun reference, revise by using the noun

or otherwise making the meaning clear.

My sister made a banner and a sign. She hung the banner between two

Problem: A pronoun does not agree with its antecedent in number.

I found out later that she had called Jason, Darryl, and Will and sworn
him to secrecy.

Solution: Use a singular pronoun if the antecedent is singular; use a plural

pronoun if the antecedent is plural.

I found out later that she had called Jason, Darryl, and Will and sworn
them to secrecy.

Writer’s Portfolio
Place a clean copy of
your autobiographical
The Right Look Before you turn in you autobiographical narrative, make narrative in your
sure it is neat and presentable. Your narrative should be typed with portfolio to review
appropriate margins or neatly handwritten. Be sure to include an interest- later.
ing title that catches your readers’ attention from the start. Check with
your teacher for additional presentation guidelines.


Speaking, Listening,
and Viewing Workshop
Narrative Presentation

Delivering a Narrative Presentation

Connecting to Literature Sandra Cisneros is a master storyteller whose
work, which often deals with themes of identity and heritage, is emotional
and gripping. When you present your autobiographical narrative, it is
important to understand the themes and emotions you want to convey to
your audience. To present a narrative effectively, use eye contact, facial
expressions, and gestures to communicate your message.

Assignment Create an oral presentation of your autobiographical

narrative and present it to an audience.

Planning Your Presentation

It is time to present your autobiographical narrative to an audience. To get
started, reread your narrative, and note places that are funny, poignant, or
tense. Think about how your audience will react to those moments. Ask
yourself: What can I do to help the audience connect to my story?

• Work with a partner to prepare your presentation. Read your narrative

aloud. Have your partner suggest ways to liven up your performance.
For example, you can use a loud, exuberant voice for exciting moments
and a softer voice for more serious, reflective moments.
• Practice your story until you know it well enough to present it without
notes. Make eye contact with your audience and respond to their reac-
• If you are concerned about forgetting where you are during your pre-
sentation, you may want to make note cards to remind you of the order
of events. Check with your teacher for guidelines.

Dad asked,
in for an hou“why don’t you come
Mom said, “
496 UNIT 2 NONFICTION to the yard?why don’t you go out

Gathering Your Props
Storytellers often use objects to make their presentations visual. For
example, the writer of “Surprise! Surprise!” might use a stub from a
movie theater ticket, balloons, a sign, a banner, and a black scarf. Decide Time Your Presentation
what props you will use and how you will use them during the Your teacher may set a
presentation. You might put them behind the podium and hold them up guideline for how long your
when you come to that part of the story. Use your imagination. You can presentation should take. Use
brainstorm ideas in a chart like the one below. a clock, a watch, or a kitchen
timer to make sure your
delivery takes the right
amount of time.
What objects are Which of these are How can I display the
mentioned in my easy to find and carry objects during the
narrative? around? presentation?
Record Your Presentation
Use a tape recorder to know
how your narrative will sound
to your audience. Listen to

Getting Prepared make sure you are speaking

with expression and
pronouncing your words
You will need a lot of practice to remember all of the details when you clearly.
present your narrative in front of an audience. Begin by reviewing the
story several times to fix the order of events in your mind. Then invite
members of your family to a dress rehearsal where you give your Make a Videotape
presentation. They may be able to suggest additional details to enhance
Have someone videotape your
the story if they remember the event. Ask them to comment on how
presentation of your
clearly you are speaking and on the effectiveness of your props.
autobiographical narrative.
View it and evaluate your
Use some of the verbal and nonverbal techniques mentioned below. delivery as part of your
preparation. Make
adjustments based on your
Hints for Delivering an Effective Presentation
Verbal Techniques Nonverbal Techniques

✓ Emphasis Speak expressively. ✓ Posture Stand with confidence

Stress important words and to show you believe you have a
phrases that help communicate good story to tell.
the meaning of the experience. O B J EC T IV ES

✓ Pace Speak at a moderate ✓ Eye Contact Look at your

• Deliver a narrative presenta-
tion that describes a memory
speed but vary your rate and audience. Relate to them. Make in a logical order.
use of dramatic pauses. eye contact. • Use volume, stress, gestures,
expression, and eye contact.
✓ Tone Make sure your tone of ✓ Gestures Use gestures and facial • Use props to enhance a
voice reflects the subject expressions to communicate
matter. with your audience.



Nonfiction and Novels

It can tell us how, why, what, and when. Some nonfiction selections look
back and reflect on entire lives while others describe just one chapter or
experience in a life. For more nonfiction on a range of themes, try the first three
suggestions below. For novels that incorporate the Big Ideas of Looking into Lives,
Being on the Move, and Finding Common Ground, try the titles from the Glencoe
Literature Library on the next page.

Last Chance to See

Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine
A best-selling author and a well-known
zoologist team up to travel the world
looking for endangered species. They meet
up with exotic species such as the Komodo
dragon, the northern white rhinoceros,
and the mountain gorilla. Adams and
Carwardine retell some of their adventures
with sidesplitting humor and flair. At the
same time, they describe the heartbreaking
plight of the animals that they encounter
The Chinese American Family and make a convincing case for greater
Album awareness and conservation efforts.
Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler
In order to tell the story of Chinese
immigration to the United States, the
Hooblers gathered photographs, letters,
journals, and other firsthand accounts from
the people who made the trip from one
country to the other. Challenges of the new
world, including clashes of culture, are
presented in personal, intimate detail.
Other topics include the Gold Rush, the
construction of the transcontinental
railroad, and the establishment of Chinese


Aaron Haupt

“Sarah and Annie Elizabeth Delany . . . . were taught to participate in

history, not just witness it, and they have had the wit to shape their
histories with style. . . . And no, I am not saying their memoirs, deftly
arranged in alternating chapters by the journalist Amy Hill Hearth, are
literature: I am saying that they are literature’s living kin.”
—Margo Jefferson, The New York Times

From the Glencoe Literature Library

Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
This coming-of-age novel
take a looking into the life
of a boy as he becomes a
man in Victorian England

. . . And the Earth Did Not

Pedestrians stroll along Lenox Avenue in Harlem. Devour Him
Tomás Rivera
Having Our Say This collection of related
Sarah and A. Elizabeth Delany with Amy Hill stories recounts the
Hearth struggles, hopes, and
dreams of migrant
This is the remarkable story of two sisters, workers on the move.
who were 101 and 103 when they told their
stories. Born on a North Carolina farm to
a father who had been a slave, the Delany
sisters lived through most of the twentieth To Kill a
century and its myriad changes. Both sisters Mockingbird
were part of the Great Migration from Harper Lee
South to North. Both lived in Harlem. Both
were pioneers in their own ways in the era Set in the rural south of
that ended segregation and saw the birth of the 1930s, this is a tale
civil rights. Neither married. Their insights of justice and injustice,
into history and life reflect the wisdom family, community, and
gained over a century. the courage needed to
find common ground.


(t)Underwood and Underwood/CORBIS, (Lit. Library)file photo
Test Preparation and Practice
English–Language Arts

Reading: Nonfiction
Carefully read the following passage. Use context clues to help define any words with which
you are unfamiliar. Pay close attention to the author’s main idea and her use of rhetorical
devices. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions on pages 501–502.

from To Be Young, Gifted, and Black by Lorraine Hansberry

This spells Ross
We’ll get along at any old cost
With one good Principal
5 & teachers all so fine
You may search the wide world over
No school like Ross you’ll find.
The heartbreaking part was this: It was not an old building but, on the contrary, a relatively new and
modern one. Its substandard quality had been planned from the drawing board. For from its inception
10 Betsy Ross had been earmarked as a ghetto school, a school for black children and, therefore, one in
which as many things as possible might be safely thought of as “expendable.” That, after all, was why
it existed: not to give education but to withhold as much as possible, just as the ghetto itself exists not
to give people homes but to cheat them out of as much decent housing as possible.
I was given, during the grade school years, one-half the amount of education prescribed by the
15 Board of Education of my city. This was because the children of the Chicago ghetto were jammed into
a segregated school system. I am a product of that system and one result is that—to this day—I cannot
count properly. I do not add, subtract, or multiply with ease. Our teachers, devoted and indifferent
alike, had to sacrifice something to make the system work at all—and in my case it was arithmetic that
got put aside most often. Thus, the mind which was able to grasp university level reading materials in
20 the sixth and seventh grades had not been sufficiently exposed to elementary arithmetic to make
even simple change in the grocery store.
This is what is meant when we speak of the scars, the marks that the ghettoized child carries
through life. To be imprisoned in the ghetto is to be forgotten—or deliberately cheated of one’s
birthright—at best.

25 I recall being the only child in my classes who did not come from the Rooseveltian atmosphere
of the homes of the Thirties. Father ran for Congress as a Republican. He believed in American
private enterprise and, among other things which he had done by the time I was old enough to be
aware of him, amassed—in the terms of his community—a “fortune” (though actually he had done
absolutely nothing of the kind: relative to American society of the Nineteen Thirties and Forties Carl A.
30 Hansberry had simply become a reasonably successful businessman of the middle class). But we are
all shaped, are we not, by that particular rim of the soup-bowl where we swim, and I have remained
throughout the balance of my life a creature formed in a community atmosphere where I was known
as—a “rich” girl.
In any case, my mother sent me to kindergarten in white fur in the middle of the depression; the
35 kids beat me up; and I think it was from that moment I became—a rebel. . . .

1. According to Hansberry, what factor led to 5. What does Hansberry refer to when she
her attending the kind of school she did? writes, in the third paragraph, of “scars”?
A. family A. lasting effects of prejudice
B. politics B. shame of feeling left out
C. race C. suffering caused by poverty
D. talent D. corruption in public schools

2. From the context, what do you conclude that 6. What factor led Hansberry to be thought of
the word substandard, in line 9, means? in a specific way by others in her school?
A. average A. Her father had become wealthy as a
B. high business leader.
C. poor B. Her father was more successful than most
D. unusual others in the community.
C. She attended a segregated school even
3. What does Hansberry suggest was the most though she did not have to.
serious issue in her school? D. She was far ahead of her classmates in
A. location reading and writing.
B. money
C. students 7. From what point of view is this passage
D. teachers written?
A. first person
4. What literary element is most evident in the B. second person
sentence beginning on line 30? C. third-person limited
A. allusion D. third-person omniscient
B. metaphor
C. simile 8. From the context, what do you conclude that
D. symbol the word indifferent, in line 17, means?
A. apart
B. dislocated
C. similar
D. uncaring


9. What does Hansberry mean when she talks 12. What subject does Hansberry say was not
about being “cheated of one’s birthright”? taught properly in her school?
A. Her parents were not respected enough in A. math
the community. B. history
B. Many children were not receiving the C. reading
education they deserved. D. science
C. Some children suffered terribly during the
thirties. 13. Which of the following best describes the
D. Her upbringing was unusual for the time. author’s purpose in this passage?
A. to entertain
10. In this passage, how does Hansberry convey B. to persuade
the personality of her father? C. to describe
A. through allegory D. to explain
B. through personification
C. through direct characterization 14. What is the overall tone of this passage?
D. through indirect characterization A. angry
B. mysterious
11. What literary element is used in the sentence C. relaxed
beginning on line 25? D. sarcastic
A. allusion
B. hyperbole 15. Short Response In a short paragraph,
C. metaphor describe the theme of this essay. Support
D. personification your answer with details from the essay.

Unit Assessment To prepare for

the Unit test, go to

Vocabulary Skills: Sentence Completion
For each question in the Vocabulary Skills section, choose the word that best completes the sentence.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Because his throat felt , he asked for a 6. Unlike her classmates, Hansberry was
glass of water. always respectful toward her teachers.
A. excruciating A. irreverent
B. impervious B. adamant
C. exhilarated C. inherent
D. parched D. prudent

2. My brother would the entire 7. Hansberry’s family conveyed a sense

neighborhood each day on his walk to of , but her father was simply a
school. reasonably successful businessman.
A. incriminate A. detachment
B. replenish B. affluence
C. suffuse C. intimation
D. traverse D. magnitude

3. Because the speakers were 8. Although her school was not a great one,
researchers, their talks were always Hansberry her education by reading
interesting and fact filled. independently.
A. diligent A. augmented
B. incriminating B. consoled
C. negligent C. fulfilled
D. monotonous D. denigrated

4. Some of the audience fell asleep while the 9. Hansberry saw in that many of her
speaker lectured. childhood teachers had worked very hard.
A. obstinately A. severance
B. tenuously B. expediency
C. tediously C. retrospect
D. prudently D. languor

5. The author addresses the reader as a , 10. The new teacher was so that the
in revealing personal writings about her students always quietly obeyed his
childhood. instructions.
A. fugitive A. haphazard
B. confidant B. imposing
C. throng C. symmetrical
D. perpetrator D. distraught


Grammar and Writing Skills: Paragraph Improvement
Carefully read the following excerpt from the first draft of a student’s essay.
Pay close attention to verb tense, punctuation, and parallel construction. Then, on
a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions on pages 504–505.

(1) There is a long history of segregation in American public schools. (2) Prejudice and
racism had keeping minorities out of white schools. (3) Even though much progress had been
made in Civil Rights during the nineteenth century segregation practices continued. (4) In a
famous 1896 case, the Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” facilities for Whites and
African Americans were acceptable. (5) That ruling allowed public school systems to continue
segregating students.
(6) It was many decades before the Supreme Court finally changed its position, it held
that “separate but equal” was no longer acceptable. (7) Many schools were forced to admit
African American students for the first time. (8) While many people applauded this change, others
were outraged. (9) Schools throughout the country were segregated in the nineteenth century.
(10) Even the Supreme Court could not fully integrate schools, however. (11) The fact
is that most children attend schools in their own communities. (12) Many communities not
integrated. (13) In order to address this problem, many cities would have students travel to
other communities to desegregate its schools. (14) This policy was known as “busing.”
(15) Today many people see segregation in public schools as resulting from other
factors that are not racially diverse. (16) Fewer whites live in central cities than in previous
eras. (17) This “white flight has left many school districts populated mostly by minority groups.
(18) Since busing is not so common today as it once was, many public schools are not
integrated. (19) Although the causes of racial separation have changed, however, many believe
that the effects are similar.

1. Which of the following is the best revision of 2. Which is the best way to revise sentence 3?
sentence 2? A. Make no change.
A. Prejudice and racism kept minorities out B. Insert commas after Rights and after
of white schools. practices.
B. Prejudice and racism keeps minorities out C. Insert a comma after century.
of white schools. D. Insert a comma after Rights.
C. Prejudice and racism had kept minorities,
out of white schools.
D. Prejudice and racism was keeping
minorities, out of white schools.

3. Which error appears in sentence 6? 7. Which error appears in sentence 15?
A. incorrect verb tense A. incorrect parallelism
B. misplaced modifier B. misplaced modifier
C. run-on sentence C. run-on sentence
D. sentence fragment D. sentence fragment

4. Which sentence is not related to the main 8. Which is the best revision of sentence 17?
idea of the second paragraph? A. This “white flight has left many school
A. 6 districts populated mostly by minority
B. 7 groups.”
C. 8 B. This “white flight has left many school
D. 9 districts populated,” mostly by minority
5. Which error appears in sentence 12? C. This “white flight” has left many school
A. incorrect parallelism districts populated mostly by minority
B. misplaced modifier groups.
C. run-on sentence D. Make no change.
D. sentence fragment
9. What material would best fit in a paragraph
6. Which is the best revision of sentence 13? inserted between the last two paragraphs?
A. To address this problem many cities A. a discussion of the origins of segregation
would have students travel, to other B. a discussion of busing-program results
communities, to desegregate its schools. C. an explanation of the Supreme Court’s
B. To address this problem many cities decisions
would have students travel to other D. an explanation of nineteenth-century Civil
communities, to desegregate its schools. Rights laws
C. In order to address this problem, many
cities would have students travel to another 10. What is most needed in this essay?
community to desegregate their schools. A. a conclusion
D. In order to address this problem, many B. an introduction
cities would have students travel to other C. quotations
communities to desegregate their schools. D. visual aids

WRITING SITUATION : Imagine discussing with the author the use of literary elements
to connect her personal experience to ideas about society.

DIRECTIONS FOR WRITING : Think about how literary elements, such as metaphor and
hyperbole, help express her point of view. Now write an essay in which you argue
for or against the use of these literary elements in writing about history.

• write about the assigned topic
• make your writing thoughtful and interesting
• make each sentence you write contribute to your composition as a whole
• make sure that your ideas are clear and well organized
• write about your ideas so that the reader can understand your argument
• proofread and edit your writing to correct errors in spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and sentence structure


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