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Influence of Exercise on the Mood Status of STEM Senior High School Students from the

Perspective of a Private Institution

S.Y. 2023-2024

A Research Paper Submitted to the Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. In Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for



APRIL 2024
Influence of Exercise on the Mood Status of STEM Senior High School Students from the
Perspective of a Private Institution
S.Y. 2023-2024

Grade 12 – St. Theophilus of Corte
Group 2

Gian Ashley T. Albaña

Shaine Marie F. Manaog

Ralph Francis C. Reyes

Hershey Kisses C. Cagomoc

Sheila Mae B. Caber

Ana Tamarah A. Enojado

Ernest Romeo J. Diongon

Arwind P. Abenir

A Research Paper Submitted to the Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. In Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for



APRIL 2024

The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to their respected

subject teachers, Mr. Jhunrey Miasco and Ms. Airen S. Ampoan, for their constant support

and guidance during their research, which made it possible for them.

The researchers would also like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the

committee members for making this defense a pleasant experience, as well as their thoughtful

comments and ideas. It was a delightful honor and privilege for them to share their knowledge

with the researchers. A huge thanks!

The assistance provided by Christ the King College - Library Services was

greatly appreciated in aiding the researchers in accomplishing their research.

Words cannot express their gratitude to the respondents for their enthusiastic

participation in responding the 4-point Likert scale survey with sincerity and tremendous

involvement. The time and knowledge they have given the researcher to conduct the study was a

big help.

The researcher would also want to thank their friends and family for their

constant support and understanding in conducting their research work.

Thank you to all of our researchers for your hard work and sleepless nights. We

wouldn't have made it this far without each other, especially the essential folks – Gian Ashley T.

Albaña, Shaine Marie F. Manaog, and Ralph Francis Reyes. Thank you for motivating the

researchers to always provide their best effort. To Hershey Kisses C. Cagomoc, Sheila Mae B.

Caber, Ernest Romeo J. Diongon, and Ana Tamarah A. Enojado your dedication and hard work
were critical to finishing the research study on schedule. This project truly reflects the collective

effort of many, and the researchers are deeply appreciative of their contributions.

To our beloved IBED principal, Ms. Farina D. Magdaraog, Mbio and College

president, Fr. Prisco A. Cajes, OFM, Th. D. The researchers would like to acknowledge and

give their warmest thanks for being one of the major factors in approving their research paper.

Finally, the researchers would like to praise God for allowing them to overcome

through all of the challenges they faced. They have experienced your guidance on a daily basis.

You are the one who enabled them to finish their paper. They will continue to trust you with

their future.

This research report is sincerely dedicated to the researchers' supporting parents,

who encouraged them to persevere in their studies. They never left their side throughout the

procedure, offering them strength and hope anytime they felt like giving up. They are also the

ones helping in financing the study, providing almost all the needs for the betterment of the

study. The researchers express their gratitude to the supporting parents who allow their children

to be independent and to be able to grow in their skills.

Furthermore, the researchers dedicate this research paper to Mr. Jhunrey Miasco

and Ms. Airen S. Ampoan, who have continually guided and taught them to improve their skills

needed in their studies, for the unending corrections to make their study reliable. To their friends

who encouraged them, and to their research team who worked tirelessly and cooperatively to

complete their studies.

Finally, they would like to dedicate this research paper to the Almighty God, who

provides them with strength, wisdom, guidance, thinking power, competitiveness, and good

health while they do their research.



Title Page ………………………………………………………………….…………………….. i

Approval Letter ………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………... iii

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………….. iv

Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………… vi

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………... vii

List of Tables …………………………………………………………………………………. viii

List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………………….. ix


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………... .1

Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………………………. .3

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………………….. 4

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………... 5

Research Hypothesis …………………………………………………………………….. 6

Scope and Delimitation …………………………………………………………………. 7

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………... 8

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………… 9


Literature review ………………………………………………………………………. 10


Research Design………………………………………………………………………... 12

Respondents and Sampling Procedure ………………………………………………… 13

Research Locale ………………………………………………….…………………….. 14

Research Instrument ……………………………………………………………………. 15

Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………………………………………… 16

Statistical Treatment of Data …………………………………………………………… 17


Result ………………………………………………………………………………...… 18

Socio-demographic Profile of the Respondents …………………………………….….. 19


Conclusion …………………………………………………….……………………..… 20

Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………… 21

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………... 22

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………………………… 23

Research Instrument …………………………………………………………………….. 24

Communication Letter …………………...…………………………………………..…. 25

RESEARCH’S PROFILE ……………………………………………………………………. 26



This chapter will provide an introduction to the chosen topic. The introduction

will be followed by the theoretical and conceptual framework, a statement of the problem, scope,

and delimitation, then the significance of the study, and lastly, ending it with the definition of



Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It prevents health problems,

builds strength, boosts energy, and can help in alleviating stress. The influence of daily exercise

can build one’s confidence physically and mentally. Exercising is indeed beneficial and

influential when it comes to an individual’s health, but does it affect the mood status of a

student? According to Clark et al. (2018), mood states reflect the prior expectation about

precision that nuances (emotional) fluctuations in confidence or uncertainty. The mood of

students has a big impact on the school, it can affect their performance in classes, quizzes,

exams, recitations, and different school activities. The mood of an individual is important,

especially in controlling situations that requires a high level of focus and emotional control.

Exercise can also help you maintain a healthy body weight and curb your appetite

(, 2021). Physical activities such as doing exercise will result in an improved

mood and emotional state, it can also promote psychological well-being as a student for it also

improves the quality of life of an individual. Despite the benefits that exercising dispense, it is
proven that exercising is difficult for others because of different exercise barriers such as time

constraints, lack of motivation, physical health limitations, and etc.

The well-being of individuals, involving physical fitness and changes of mood are

some of the concerns that is shared by different countries. The mood status can also affect

students physically, mentally, and emotionally; for example, it can lead to depression, which

may result in suicidal attempts or, worse, death. Furthermore, the change of mood status of an

individual is a concern for many persons. A report from the World Health Organization (WHO)

stated that more than 80% of adolescents did not meet the recommended levels of physical

activity. Several factors contribute to being unhealthy or lacking physical fitness, including

insufficient self-motivation, energy, and time. However, effective control is attainable through

the adoption of appropriate behavior. Mood is a pervasive and sustained feeling that is felt

internally and affects all aspects of an individual’s behavior. However, by another definition, it is

believed to be transient. It is low-intensity, nonspecific, and an affective state (Mehta, 2022).

With the issues of physically unfit and mood disorders by students. There is a

need to study the issues of the well-being of the students. Awareness and concern of the student's

health. Therefore, this research paper aims to determine and identify the influence of daily

exercise on the mood status of STEM students in Senior High School at Christ the King College

of Calbayog City, Inc.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on the study cognitive behavioral theory by American

psychiatrist Aaron Beck.

Cognitive Behavior Theory indicates that people's emotion, thoughts, behavior

and body sensations, are linked to each other and that whatever people do and whatever they

think, affects how they feel (Main, 2022). This theory outlines how an individual’s thinking and

mental processes play a vital role in the development of emotional state.

CBT encourages individual to identify the negative thoughts. Exercise can

contribute to cognitive restructuring to provide a positive outlet for reducing anxiety, stress and

improving mood. Engaging into physical activity that can shift student’s mood and focus away

from negative thoughts and can also improve mood of every student.

Physical exercise is not only had the physical health benefits but it also influences

mental health. By promoting the mind and body connection, exercise can improve student’s

awareness of the link of physical activity and emotional well-being and encouraging them to

make choice that support their well-being.

The James–Lange theory of emotion says that physical changes in the body

happen first, which then leads to the experience of emotion. Essentially, emotions stem from

your interpretation of your physical sensations (Cherry, 2022). theory of emotion proposed that
there are a set of basic emotions such as anger and that each of these emotions has its own

associated physical state emotional measurement (Nickerson 2023). These physiological

responses are integral to the experience of emotion. In exercise the increased arousal can lead to

positive emotional states, including feelings of joy, satisfaction, and enthusiasm.

When students engaged in physical exercise the positive physiological responses

can be labelled as feelings of happiness or accomplishment. Exercising provides a context for

student to associate their physiological states with positive emotions. It has been shown to

remove stress hormones and trigger the release of endorphin and it is called natural mood

elevators. It can be seen as physiological changes that lead to emotional experiences. As students

engaged in physical activity, these may interpret physiological responses as improvement of

stress and improvement of one’s mood. Regular physical activity induces physiological changes

that can be interpreted positively, contributing to improved mood, stress reduction, enhanced

self-perception, and increased overall emotional well-being for students.

The Environmental Enrichment Theory is described as having motor, sensory,

cognitive, and social stimulation. A definition literature encompasses a changing environment

that encourages socialization, exercise, sensory, and cognitive stimulation (Figuracion & Lewis,


Environmental enrichment, providing greater sensory, physical, cognitive and

social stimulation, triggers a cascade of anatomical and molecular changes within the brain and

contributes to significant improvements in sensorimotor (Jansenn et al., 2018).

Students engage in physical activity in outdoors environment such as natural

sorroundings, it can stimulate cognitive process. This may enhance learning of one’s student,
enriched environment including physical activity that is associated with stress reduction.

Exercise is known to promote the release of endorphins, which it acts as stress reliever, Reduced

stress level can positively impact the performance and attentions of the students. Exercise also is

linked to an emotional well-being and improved mood. Positive emotions can enhance one

capability of a one person. Students who engaged in physical activity may experience improved

motivation, focus and overall mental state.

The theoretical framework of Cognitive Behavioral Theory provides a useful tool

to analyze the data gathered from STEM students of Christ the King College of Calbayog City,

Inc. the theories will guide the researchers in interpreting the findings related to the Influence of

Exercise to the Mood Status of STEM Students. By understanding the different theories

Cognitive Behavioral Theory, James-Lange Theory and Environmental Enrichment Theory can

help identify the potential barriers and help to analyze the well-being of the students from doing

physical activity.
Conceptual Framework



S Type of Exercise
Duration of Exercise DV
The mood status of
STEM Senior High
E Sub-variable School Students’
E Frequency of Exercise
I Sub-variable
E Intensity of Exercise

Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the

LEGEND: Independent Variable Sub-Variable Dependent Variable

Indicates the relationship of the Sub-Variables to the Dependent Variable

Figure 1 above
Indicates illustrates
the aspects the study's
of exercise conceptual paradigm, showing the
or the Sub-Variables

relationships between each variable, which are Independent, Dependent, and Sub-Variables. An

orange box at the top of the figure represents the independent variable (IV) or the main

independent variable of this study, which is the "exercise". The blue line and arrows point to and

direct to the four (4) purple boxes below the main independent variable. These four (4) purple

boxes represent the aspects of exercise in this study or the sub-variables. The first box is the type

of exercise (e.g., aerobic, strength, flexibility), the second box is the duration of exercise (e.g., 15

minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes), the third box is the frequency of exercise (e.g., number of

sessions per week), and the fourth box is the intensity of exercise (e.g., low, moderate, high). The

purple one-headed arrows pointing directly to the green box containing the dependent variable

(DV) illustrate the relationship between the Sub-Variables and the Dependent variable. These

arrows point straight to the green box, demonstrating how the Sub-Variables directly affect or

change the dependent variable, which is the mood status of STEM Senior High School Students

at Christ the King College Calbayog City, Inc.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the influence of exercise on the mood status of STEM

students in Senior High School at Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. for the

academic year 2023 – 2024. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the STEM Senior High School Students in terms of:

1.1. Age (In years);

1.2. Sex;

1.3. Year level

1.4. Type of Exercise;

1.5. Duration of Exercise

1.6. Frequency and;

1.7 Intensity of Exercise

2. What is the mood of STEM students in Senior High school at Christ the King College of

Calbayog City, Inc. in terms of:

2.1. having frequent exercise;

2.2. not having any exercise at all;

3. Is there a significant difference when grouped to according to their demographic profile?

4. Is there a significant relationship on the mood of the student when grouped according their

demographic profile?

5. What program can be proposed to improve the exercise activities and mood of STEM Senior

Highschool in Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc.?

Research Hypotheses

Null Hypotheses

H0 There is no significance difference in the mood status of STEM Senior High School student at

Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. based on their exercise frequency.

Alternative Hypotheses

Ha There is a significant difference in the mood status of STEM Senior High School students at

Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. based on their exercise frequency.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus on STEM Senior High School Students at Christ the King

College Calbayog City. The purpose of this study is to determine whether exercising influences,

the Mood Status of the students in school. The study is delimited only for the STEM strand in

both Grades 11 and 12 at Christ the King College Calbayog City, Inc., the main purpose of the

study is to figure out the Influence of Exercise on the Mood status of the students and to

determine whether exercising affects their mood at school. The duration of this study will be

conducted within the second semester of the school year 2023-2024.

Significance of the Study

This research holds significance as it could provide valuable information and new

knowledge on the Influence of Exercise on the Mood Status of Students. This study will serve as

a guide to a deeper understanding of the influence of exercise on the mood status of STEM

Senior High School Students. Benefiting the study are the various sectors that follow:

Students. The study would benefit the students because the results of the study will provide

information that will serve as an informative guide in terms of the influence of exercise on the

mood status of their fellow students.

Teachers. The study will provide the teachers with a better understanding of the mood status of

each student they handle, in addition, it will give them awareness about the mood changes of

their students during class hours.

Parents. The study will benefit the parents because it will raise awareness as to how their

children behave and how exercising influences the mood status of their children. Also, it can

help them improve their relationship with their children and build a better connection by

understanding them.

Researchers. The result of this study may help researchers in their studies. The results would be

able to provide invaluable information especially when it comes to the influence of exercise on
the mood status of the students. The results of the study would give them the desire to discuss the

topic further and provide more knowledge to the existing body of knowledge.

Future Researchers. The result of this study may help future researchers as it can be their basis

in starting their research or it can help as a guide regarding to a better understanding of the

influence of exercise on the mood status of the students. It hopes to expand on what is known

with the current body of knowledge available. This study also provides valuable information for

researchers to utilize in future studies that may tackle topics regarding exercising, and the mood

status of the students within the STEM strand.

Definition of Terms


Exercise, according to Cambridge Dictionary (n.d.), is an action or action

intended to improve something or make something happen. To do physical activities to make

your body strong and healthy.

Mood is defined as a pervasive and sustained feeling tone that is endured

internally and which impacts nearly all aspects of a person’s behavior in the external world

(Sekhon & Gupta, 2023).

Body Weight refers to the weight of a person’s body, refers to the total mass of

an individual’s body (Vocabulary. com Dictionary, 2023).

Lifestyle, according to FARHUD (2008), Lifestyle is a way used by people,

groups, and nations and is formed in specific geographical, economic, political, cultural, and

religious texts. Lifestyle refers to the characteristics of inhabitants of a region in a special time

and place. It includes day-to-day behaviors and functions of individuals in jobs, activities, fun,

and diet.

World Health Organization (WHO), according to Britannica (2023), it is a

specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) established in 1948 to further international

cooperation for improved public health conditions.


Fluctuations in confidence, when extreme jumps between highs and lows are

frequent, and especially when no clear pattern can be distinguished, as to what is causing rapid

changes, might be a sign of a mental condition, which requires help in dealing with from a

professional (Alex, 2020).



It has long been known that exercise has a major beneficial effect on mental

health in addition to its physical advantages. Frequent exercise can positively affect mood and

emotional states, which can lead to better mental health. Research has indicated that participating

in physical activities might trigger the production of endorphins, also known as "feel-good"

hormones, which can cause an instant improvement in mood. Moreover, plenty of research has

demonstrated the enduring benefits of physical activity, including elevated self-worth,

diminished indications of anxiety and sadness, and improved psychological health overall.


A large collection of research in humans has shown that a single bout of exercise

alters behavior at the level of affective state and cognitive functioning in several keyways. In

terms of affective state, acute exercise decreases negative affect, increases positive affect, and

decreases the psychological and physiological response to acute stress. These effects have been

reported to persist for up to 24 hours after exercise cessation. In terms of cognitive functioning,
acute exercise primarily enhances executive functions dependent on the prefrontal cortex

including attention, working memory, problem solving, cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency,

decision making, and inhibitory control (Basso & Suzuki, 2017).

As stated by Irandoust et al. (2019), exercise can be a stress reliever because. It

pumps up your endorphins that helps the brain feel good. It also improves your mood. Consistent

physical activity has the potential to boost self-assurance, enhance mood, promote relaxation,

and alleviate mild symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moreover, exercise has the capacity to

enhance sleep quality, often disturbed by stress, depression, and anxiety. These various

advantages of engaging in regular exercise collectively contribute to stress reduction, providing

individuals with a feeling of control over both their bodies and their lives.

Irandoust et al. (2019) stated that It is well documented that former elite athletes

tend to retain an active lifestyle in their senior years. So, it is important to find out the best type

of exercise that fits this goal. It was reported in a study that 60% of former elite athletes retain a

physically active lifestyle throughout their adulthood, whereas only 17% of controls do the same.

Exercising can help us get physically active and can relieve stress from work or school.

As stated by Liu et al. (2023), exercise involves a combination of physical and

mental activities in our bodies. Various factors like body temperature, hormone release, muscle

strength, and VO2max (a measure of oxygen consumption) vary throughout the day, affecting

how our bodies respond to and adapt to exercise. This results in different physical performance

and metabolic outcomes between morning and afternoon/evening exercise.

According to Mayo Clinic Staff (2022), regular exercise has been shown to have

positive effects on mood and self-esteem in the general population. This impact extends to
individuals dealing with depression. Recognizing the potential immediate benefits of exercise on

mental health, particularly in groups with heightened needs, further investigation is warranted.

Therefore, the objective of this research is to assess whether a single session of exercise can

influence the mood and self-esteem of clinically diagnosed patients experiencing a spectrum of

mental health problems. The study aims to delve into the specific effects of exercise on

individuals with different mental health conditions and contribute valuable insights to the field.

Exercise is a great way to improve your physical fitness. According to Tyler

Spraul (2013), it helps keep your bones, joints, and muscles healthy. Regular exercise is

important for maintaining a healthy body and for reducing the risk of developing chronic

illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. The importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy

mind is now also becoming clearer. Studies have shown exercise can help treat a variety of

mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder,

schizophrenia and more

Only a small percentage of Filipinos are exercising. According to Cagas et al.

(2015), National data from the Philippines reveals that a small percentage of Filipinos participate

in regular physical activity, as reported by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the

Department of Science and Technology in 2008. The issue of physical inactivity is not exclusive

to well-developed countries but is also a prevalent health risk in developing Asian nations like

the Philippines, conducted by World Health Organization in 2010.

According to (2016), exercise is a powerful tool for breaking the

cycle of negative thoughts associated with depression. It induces positive changes in the brain,

including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that contribute to a
sense of balance and well-being. The release of endorphins during exercise energizes the spirit

and serves as a natural remedy for anxiety. Furthermore, exercise increases levels of dopamine,

norepinephrine, and serotonin, positively impacting concentration, memory,

mood, and motivation. This can be particularly beneficial for reducing symptoms of ADHD.

Regular workouts enhance concentration, mental agility, and stimulate the growth of new brain

cells, protecting against age-related mental decline. Achieving exercise goals fosters a sense of

accomplishment and self-worth, making individuals feel strong and powerful.

Also stated by (2019), the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in a study

on the benefits of exercise for the clinically depressed reported that exercise could improve

treatment outcomes for many patients. “Exercise is a behavioural intervention that has shown

great promise in alleviating the symptoms of depression,” wrote Dr. Lynette Craft and Dr. Frank

Perna. They cited that there is a growing body of research on the relationship of exercise and

depression pointing out to the efficacy of exercise as an adjunct treatment for the illness.


A large collection of research in humans has shown that a single bout of exercise

alters behavior at the level of affective state and cognitive functioning in several keyways. In

terms of affective state, acute exercise decreases negative affect, increases positive affect, and

decreases the psychological and physiological response to acute stress. These effects have been

reported to persist for up to 24 hours after exercise cessation. In terms of cognitive functioning,

acute exercise primarily enhances executive functions dependent on the prefrontal cortex
including attention, working memory, problem solving, cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency,

decision making, and inhibitory control (Basso & Suzuki, 2017). Whether moderate or vigorous,

consistent exercise has mood-boosting benefits for people of all skill levels. The American Heart

Association and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend doing 30 minutes of

moderate-intensity aerobic activity five days a week. If that seems like too much to take on, try

starting out with 10- to 15-minute sessions and gradually increasing your time each week

(Showell, n.d).

Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference.

No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with

mental health problems, improve your energy and outlook, and get more out of life (Robinson et

al., n.d.). Exercise is a great way to improve your physical fitness. According to Tyler Spraul

(2013), it helps keep your bones, joints, and muscles healthy. Regular exercise is important for

maintaining a healthy body and for reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart

disease and diabetes. The importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy mind is now also

becoming clearer. Studies have shown exercise can help treat a variety of mental health

conditions including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and

more (Permanent e Medicine, 2021).

Physical activity is a natural way to prevent the negative consequences of stress

because it can ward off the ill effects of chronic stress and actually reverse them (Barile, n.d).

Exercise can be a great way to lift your mood and improve your ability to deal with stress. When

you exercise, your body often feels more relax and calm, but there are mental benefits, too

(Stibich, 2020).
Benefits include improved thinking or cognition for children 6 to 13 years of age

and reduced short-term feelings of anxiety for adults. Regular physical activity can help keep

your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of

depression and anxiety and help you sleep better (Barile, n.d.).

Our students face enormous stress in the classroom and in their lives, including

peer pressure, work overload, and high stakes testing. Exercise controls the emotional and

physical feelings of stress, and it also works at the cellular level. Physical activity is a natural

way to prevent the negative consequences of stress because it can ward off the ill effects of

chronic stress and actually reverse them. In addition, studies show people who add physical

activity to their lives become more socially active, which boosts confidence and helps establish

and maintain social connection. (Nancy Barile M.A. Ed, n.d).

Exercise can be a great way to lift your mood and improve your ability to deal

with stress. When you exercise, your body often feels more relax and calm, but there are mental

benefits, too. Find out why exercise is beneficial, and which types of exercises are best to help

balance your emotion, While exercise is not, on its own, a treatment for clinical depression,

studies show that even a single bout of exercise results in positive changes in brain chemicals

and can improve your mood. A 2017 review on the effects of exercise published in the journal

Brain Plasticity, found that after exercise, people reported a better mood with decreases in

tension, depression, and anger (Mark Stibich, PhD, 2023).

Exercise can be a great way to lift your mood and improve your ability to deal

with stress. When you exercise, your body often feels more relax and calm, but there are mental
benefits, too. Find out why exercise is beneficial, and which types of exercises are best to help

balance your emotions.

While exercise is not, on its own, a treatment for clinical depression, studies show

that even a single bout of exercise results in positive changes in brain chemicals and can improve

your mood. A 2017 review on the effects of exercise published in the journal Brain Plasticity,

found that after exercise, people reported a better mood with decreases in tension, depression,

and anger (Mark Stibich, PhD, 2023). Physical Activity can be a great way to lift your mood and

improve your ability to deal with stress. When you exercise, your body often feels more relax

and calm, but there are mental benefits, too. Find out why exercise is beneficial, and which types

of exercises are best to help balance your emotions.

While exercise is not, on its own, a treatment for clinical depression, studies show

that even a single bout of exercise results in positive changes in brain chemicals and can improve

your mood. A 2017 review on the effects of exercise published in the journal Brain Plasticity,

found that after exercise, people reported a better mood with decreases in tension, depression,

and anger (Mark Stibich, PhD, 2023). Regular exercise has numerous positive benefits for the

mood and the mind. It helps improve focus and provides the individual with a longer attention

span. Other benefits of physical activity include a calmer, more positive outlook due to changes

in brain chemistry. (Tyler Spraul, 2022).

Although this study is similar, the content of Miller k. Et al., (2016) is mainly

focused on the vicious cycle contributes to further inactivity and deterioration of physical

function. However, in this study, we aim to delve deeper into the captivating relationship

between daily exercise habits and the emotional well-being of students. Our primary objective is
to investigate how the frequency of exercise, ranging from regular and consistent physical

activity to a complete lack of exercise, influences the mood status of STEM students in Senior

High school at Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc.



Research Design

This study will utilize the Quantitative research method, particularly Quasi-

Experimental Quantitative Research Design. According to GCU (April 28, 2023) “The

researcher attempts to establish a cause-effect relationship from one variable to another. The

Influence of daily exercise on mood status will be the assigned independent variable, STEM

students are the dependent variable that will be used to better determine the relationship between

these two variables. Furthermore, this study will employ the use of surveys as the research

instrument. The data collection will be based on the survey distributed to the respondents and

will serve as the primary instrument.

Respondents and Sampling Technique

The researchers will be conducting the data gathering for this research among the

STEM 12 Students of Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. The selected respondents

for this research will be asked to respond to the close-ended questions prepared by the

researchers through Likert-4 point scale system. The data gathered from the chosen respondents

will be analyzed and interpreted by the researchers.

In selecting the respondents, the researchers will use the purposive sampling

technique also known as judgmental, selective, o subjective sampling. Purposive sampling

involves deliberately choosing individuals who possess certain qualities or experiences essential

to the research. Within this, the approach of maximum variation sampling will help the

researchers in have a holistic idea of the subject, empowering the data collected. This approach

broadens the scope of viewpoints, ensuring that the findings represent a more comprehensive

range of facets within the studied population. This method widens the range of perspectives,

giving the assurance that the gathered data will be more comprehensive within the studied


The sampling technique that the researchers will be using for gathering data is

through survey questionnaires.

Slovin’s Formula:
n = sample size

N = total population

e = total margin


Figure 2. Map Layout of Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc.

This study will be conducted at Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc.

This institution is situated on 499, Magsaysay Blvd., Calbayog City, Samar. his location was
chosen because it contains the necessary data for this study. In this locale, the researchers will be

able to reach out to individuals essential for data collection.


The researchers use survey questionnaire in gathering data as which to be used to

conduct the study to determine the influence of exercise on the mood status of Grade 11 & 12

STEM students of Christ the king College of Calbayog City, INC. The questionnaire will consist

of 2 parts. The first part will consist of demographic profile of respondents and the last part of

the instrument consist of the respondents rating on the effect of exercise on their mood.


The researchers will allocate sufficient time, effort, and collaboration to formulate

close-ended question with specific objectives for particular groups of respondents, such as

STEM 12 Students of Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc. The gathering of data will
be conducted using appropriate close-ended questions that relate to the primary aim or statement

of the problem of the research. Next procedures will be based on the conducted survey. The

responses from the respondents will be gathered, recorded, and analyzed. The information

gathered from the survey by the researchers will serve as supporting details and evidence to be

validated as information.


To determine the Influence of Exercise on the Mood Status of STEM Senior High

School of Christ the King College, a survey method was used in a questionnaire that contains:

Frequency and Percentage Distribution. It will used to determine the profile of the



P= × 100

P= Percentage F= Frequency N= Number of Respondents

Weighted mean - This method is used to average the responses to the

different parts of the questionnaire in this study. To process the correlation of the Influence of

Exercise on the Mood Status of STEM Senior High School of Christ the King College, this treatment

will be used. This formula will sum all the responses based on the 4-point Likert scaling approach,

will specifies the interpretation of the respondent’s level of strongly agree, agree, disagree, and

strongly disagree will the Influence of Exercise on the Mood Status of STEM Senior High School of

Christ the King College, the computed mean will be studied and interpreted.

∑∫ x

Where: µ= Weighted mean

∑= Summation

f = Number of responses each scale

x = Weight assigned to each scale

N = Total number of Respondents

An interpretation will be assigned to give verbal interpretation to the computed

weighted mean. Likert scaled to be followed:

4 Strongly agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree



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Apendix A (Communication Letter)

Apendix B (Questionaire)

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