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For further information,contact:

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URL http://www.jrc.co.jp
Marine Service Department
Telephone : +81-3-3492-1305
Facsimile : +81-3-3779-1420
e-mail : tmsc@jrc.co.jp
Telephone : +31-20-658-0750
Facsimile : +31-20-658-0755
e-mail : service@jrceurope.com
Telephone : +1-206-654-5644
Facsimile : +1-206-654-7030
e-mail : marineservice@jrcamerica.com
CODE No.7ZPSC0141 01ETM ISO 9001, ISO 14001 Certified
NOV. 2012 Edition 2 JRC Printed in Japan

1. Summery of Ship Security Alert System 1

2. Block diagram and installation place example 2
3. Appearances and Configurations 3
4. SSAS operation flow 5
5. Creating security message 6
5.1 Creating security message for TELEX or FAX 7
5.2 Creating Internet e-mail message 9
6. Setting up the security alert transmission 14
6.1 Setting up sending the security message to
the telex terminal on the terrestrial network 14
6.2 Setting up sending the security message to
the facsimile on the terrestrial network. 19
6.3 Setting up sending the internet e-mail
via Inmarsat service provider 24
7. Transmitting security alert 28
8. Security alert transmission test 29
9. Security button test 31
1. Summery of Ship Security Alert System

The latest regulations of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and International Port and Ship Security (ISPS) code require
that International voyage passenger ships and cargo ships over 500G/T must be equipped the Ship Security Alert

This Ship Security Alert Option connecting to INMARSAT-C JUE-75A or JUE-75C meets the following
requirements for Ships Security Alert System.

(1) SOLAS Chap. XI-2 Regulation 2&6

(2) ISPS code Part A, 9.4.18
(3) IMO MSC Resolution 136(76)/147(77)
(4) IMO MSC/Circ.1072/1073

2. Block diagram and installation place example

Security buttons shall install in the navigation bridge and at least one other location.
EME (SOLAS Chapter XI-1 Reguration6)
Up to four Security buttons can connect to the Security Button Controller.


Printer Button
Button Security
PSU DTE Button

GPS 5m cable
with no armor Controller
Captain Room
or equivalent

Security Other Rooms



3. Appearances and Configurations

Security Button Controller Security Button

(NQE-3153) (NQE-3154)



54 24



30 12


Security Button Controller Security Button

(NQE-3153) (NQE-3154)

4. SSAS operation flow

Open the hinged cover of the security button

Press the button and then release the button.

The security button is latch type button, the button pressed remains pushed in.
You can cancel the security alert transmission without transmitting by pressing the
security button again within 30 seconds from initial pressing.

The security alert is sent to the address has been preset in

“Schedule Transmission#1”option in “Setup” dialogue box after 30 seconds from
initial pressing.
If another address has been setup in the Schedule Transmission#2- #5,
the security alert transmission will be started in order of transmitting setting file #2, #3, #4,
and #5 at intervals of 12 minutes.

The security alert transmission to the address at interval which setup in transmission setup
files (Schedule Transmission#1- #5).

To stop the security alert transmission, press the button again.

If the button pushed in at least a security button, the security alert will not stop.

5. Creating security message
JUE-75 C transmits the following message as the security message under initiating security alert transmission.
This section describes how to create user message.
<Security message transmitted>
1. The message created by user.
2. The message which are provided in JUE-75 C, The message is transmitted selected depending on transmitting
setting file.
* MES NO is ship’s IMN (Inmarsat Mobile Number ).
Ship’s position is registered at transmitting the security alert.

Message Type 1
Selection conditions: a user creating message file as security message is selected with correctly.
MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG,10.0KT,COG,20DEG

Message Type 2
Selection conditions: a user creating message file as security message has not been selected.
Message: NO FILE
MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG,10.0KT,COG,20DEG

Message Type 3
Selection conditions: a user creating message file selected as security message is not exist.
MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG,10.0KT,COG,20DEG

Message Type 4
Selection conditions: The communication between DCE and DTE has failed after initiating the security
alert transmission.
MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG,10.0KT,COG,20DEG

5.1 Creating security message for TELEX or FAX.

Step 1 Press <ESC> key until the screen clear.

Step 2 Highlight the “Edit” function from the menu bar by pressing the right/ left arrow keys.
Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)
N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Transmit read-Out Edit call-Log Distress Ncs / les-info receive-Mode egC
Transmit :To transmit message
Read-Out :To read out received message.
Edit :To edit a message or to manipulate files.

Step 3 Press <Enter> to obtain “Edit” dialogue box.
edit Telex file
edit Ascii file

Delete file
reName file
Copy file

cOpy to another diskette

Initialize Diskette


Step 4 Select the message format type by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
•䎃“edit Telex file” option should be selected for creating Telex message.
• “edit Ascii file” option should be selected for FAX message or Internet e-mail message.

In “edit Telex file” mode;
1. The characters which can be used on the land telex line can be input. So, the following
characters and the small letters are rejected in the file:
! @ # $ % ^ & * _ { [ ] } : ; ” ~ and ’
2. Created telex file is assigned the extension “ .TLX” as file name.

Step 5 Type the filename of the message, and then press<Enter>.

(File names must be 8 characters or less in length ) Edit Telex file

e.g. File : SSAS F:

“SSAS” has been typed as the file name. Edit
No. File name Date Time Size
edit 1.
Telex file TEST1.TLX 04-07-01 00:01 100
edit 2.
Ascii file TEST2.TLX 04-07-02 10:00 52

Delete file
reName file
Copy file↑↓ contd. ( Total : 2 Residual: 975KB )

cOpy to another diskette

Initialize Diskette


The following characters can be used for file name.


Step 6 Enter your message.

An example of creating message is shown below.

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS.TLX Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20



MMSI: 431995000
[End of File]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line

F6:Transmit F7:Quit F8:Save As F9:Save & Quit F10:Others

1.The following message is automatically added to your message when initiating security alert.

MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG, 10.0KT,COG,20DEG
2. When you edit message for internet e-mail, check message format to LES provider
you want to send e-mail.

Step 7 To store your message, select “Save & Quit” function by pressing function key 9 <F9>.
If “Input Search String” dialogue box is appear, press function key10 <F10> twice,
and then press function key9 <F9>.

Step 8 Press <ESC> key until the screen clear.

5.2 Creating Internet e-mail message

This section describes how to create internet e-mail message via Inmarsat service provider.

When you edit message for internet e-mail, check message format to LES service
provider you want to send e-mail.

Step 1 Press <ESC> key until the screen clear.

Step 2 Highlight the “Edit” function from the menu bar by pressing the right/ left arrow keys.
Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)
N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Transmit read-Out Edit call-Log Distress Ncs / les-info receive-Mode egC
Transmit :To transmit message
Read-Out :To read out received message.
Edit :To edit a message or to manipulate files.

Step 3 Press <Enter> to obtain “Edit” dialogue box.
edit Telex file
edit Ascii file

Delete file
reName file
Copy file

cOpy to another diskette

Initialize Diskette


Step 4 Select “edit Ascii file” by pressing the up/down arrow keys, an then press <Enter>.
Edit Ascii file

File : F:
No. File name Date Time Size
edit Telex file
1. TEST1 04-07-01 00:01 100
edit Ascii file
2. TEST2 04-07-02 10:00 52
Delete file
reName file
Copy file

cOpy to another diskette↑↓ contd. ( Total : 2 Residual: 975KB )

Initialize Diskette
disKcopy F10:Previous


Step 5 Type the filename of the message, and then press<Enter>. Edit Ascii file

(File names must be 8 characters or less in length ) File : SSAS F:

No. File name Date Time Size
“SSAS” has been typed as the file name. edit Telex1.file TEST1 04-07-01 00:01 100
edit Ascii2.file TEST2 04-07-02 10:00 52

Delete file
reName file
Copy file
↑↓ contd. ( Total : 2 Residual: 975KB )
cOpy to another diskette
Initialize Diskette
disKcopy F10:Previous



The following characters can be used for file name.


Step 6 Enter your message.

The following message is automatically added to your message when initiating security alert.

MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG, 10.0KT,COG,20DEG


When you edit message for internet e-mail, check message format to LES provider
you want to send e-mail.
If the created message could not be sent to the destinations by e-mail,
the message could be created by the incorrect format.

- 10 -
Examples of creating message are shown below.


Special Access Code : 28 LES ID: AOR-W:003, AOR-E:103, POR:203, IOR:303

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20

cc: jmarine2@m1.jrc.co.jp
subject: Security message
<One blank line>
This is SSAS message.
[End of File ]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line


Special Access Code : 28 or EMAIL LES ID: AOR-W:012, AOR-E:112, POR:212, IOR:312

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20

cc: jmarine2@m1.jrc.co.jp
su: Security message
<One blank line>
This is SSAS message.
[End of File ]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line

- 11 -
Special Access Code : 63 or EMAIL LES ID: AOR-W:002, AOR-E:102, 1POR:202, IOR:302

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20

This is SSAS message.
[End of File ]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line

F6:Transmit F7:Quit F8:Save As F9:Save & Quit F10:Others


Special Access Code : 28 LES ID: AOR-W:004, AOR-E:104, POR:204, IOR:304

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20
CC: jmarine@m1.jrc.co.jp

SUB: Security message
<One blank line>
This is SSAS message.
[End of File ]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line

F6:Transmit F7:Quit F8:Save As F9:Save & Quit F10:Others

- 12 -
Special Access Code : EMAIL LES ID: AOR-W:021, AOR-E:120, POR:221, IOR:305

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20
CC: jmarine@m1.jrc.co.jp

This is SSAS message.
[End of File ]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line

F6:Transmit F7:Quit F8:Save As F9:Save & Quit F10:Others


Special Access Code : 29 LES ID: AOR-W:021, AOR-E:121, 1POR:221, IOR:321

Ready Rec :Good-15 Msg print 04-07-01 09:00(UTC)

N35.33 E139.50 Course:120deg Speed:10.0kt Update:07-01 00:00 Esc :Main menu
Editing telex file: SSAS Line:1 Column: 1 Size: 20
Subj+ SSAS
This is SSAS message.
[End of File ]

F1:Insert Off F2:Ins_Line F3:Block F4:Del_Word F5:Del_Line

F6:Transmit F7:Quit F8:Save As F9:Save & Quit F10:Others

Step 7 To store your message, select “Save & Quit” function by pressing function key9 <F9>.
If “Input Search String” dialogue box is appear, press function key10 <F10> twice,
and then press function key9 <F9>.

Step 8 Press <ESC> key until the screen clear.

- 13 -
6. Setting up the security alert transmission

6.1 Setting up sending the security message to the telex terminal on the terrestrial network

This section describes how to set up for sending the security message to the telex terminal on the terrestrial network.
Set up
Step 1 Press <ESC> until the screen clear.
Date & time
Step 2 Press <ALT> + <U> to obtain “Set up” dialogue box. log-Out initiation
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission
Land id registration for polling
Closed network id selection
Peripheral Function


Step 3 Select “Scheduled transmission” option by pressing the up/down arrow keys , and then press <Enter>.
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box will be appeared.
Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

log-Out initiation
log-In Scheduled
initiation transmission #1
initiation #2
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #3
Land id transmission
registration for polling#4
network id transmission
selection #5
Peripheral Function

Step 4 Press <Ctrl>+function key10 <F10>, and then “F1:SSAS TEST” will be appeared in bottom of
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box. Set up

Date & time

log-Out initiation
Scheduled transmission
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #2
Land id registration for polling #3
Scheduled transmission
Closed network id selection
Scheduled transmission #4
Peripheral Functiontransmission #5

F10:Previous F10:Previous

- 14 -
Step 5 To setup security alert transmission, select the “Scheduled transmission #1”,
“Scheduled transmission #2”, “Scheduled transmission #3”, “Scheduled transmission #4”
or “Schedule transmission #5” by pressing the up/down arrow keys and press <Enter>.

The security message transmission should be configured in order from “Scheduled
transmission #1”.
The MES transmits security alert in order of a young file number of scheduled
transmission configuration file.

“Scheduled transmission file #1” has been selected for SSAS message transmission setup.
Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out00:00
: 00-00-00 initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 00:00
lEs Scheduled
Performance test initiation
: 000-000-000-000 transmission #2
Network type Scheduled
: TELEX Scheduled
transmission transmission #3
Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
subscriber’s number Closed
: 000000 networkScheduled
id transmission
selection #5
Character code : Ia5 Peripheral
F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None F10:Previous
File name : 0:
transMission : oN oFf
security Alert : oN oFf

F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 6 Press the down arrow key to choose “requesting Interval”, and then press <Enter>.
(“Starting date and Time” is not used for security message transmission.)
Step 7 Enter time interval (01:00 – 23:00 ) to the security alert transmission, and then press <Enter>.
The minimum setting unit is one hour. If any number (01-59) enter as minute, JUE-75A/ C will ignore.

One hour has been entered as interval to transmit the security alert.

requesting Interval : 01: 00

1. The minimum setting unit is one hour. If any number (01-59) enter as minute, JUE-75A/ C will
2. When “ 00:00” has been entered as interval to transmit the security alert, MES will transmit.

- 15 -
Step 8 Press <Enter>, enter LES ID, and then press <Enter>.

KDDI LES has been entered as default LES in each ocean region.
lEs : 003 – 103 – 203 – 303
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) LES ID used when MES logs in AOR-W.
(b) LES ID used when MES logs in AOR-E.
(c) LES ID used when MES logs in POR.
(d) LES ID used when MES logs in IOR.

Step 9 Press <Enter>, “Network type” dialogue box will be appeared and then select “TELEX” option
by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out00:00
: 00-00-00 initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 01: 00
lEs Scheduled transmission #2
Performance test initiation
: 003-103-203-303
Network type : TELEX Scheduled transmission #3
Scheduled transmission
. Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
subscriber’s Scheduled
Closed network transmission #5
id selection
Network typenumber : 000000
Character code : Ia5 Peripheral
F1: SSAS F10:Previous
Telex data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None F10:Previous
psDn File name : 0:
Closed nettransMission : oN oFf
security Alert
Special access : oN oFf

F10:Previous F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 10 Press <Enter>, and then enter the country code and subscriber’s number of final destination.
“072-0223344” has been entered as Destination code and subscriber’s number.
Destination code &
subscriber’s number : 072 - 0223344
(a) (b)
(a) Telex Country code
(b) Subscriber’s number
Step 11 Press <Enter>, Select “Ia5” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Character code : Ia5 iTa2

- 16 -
Step 12 Press <Enter> thrice, and then select “None” by pressing the left/right arrow keys,
and then press <Enter>.
dS : 1 2 Both None

“qtH” setup may be set whichever of ON and OFF, because this menu is used to add
ship’s position information to sending message on usual scheduled transmission.
The security message is automatically added also for ON or OFF.

Step 13 Press <Enter>, enter the directory number and the name of file created for SSAS message
according to the following format:
“SSAS.TLX” has been entered as file name of SSAS message
File name : 0 : SSAS.TLX
(a) (b)
(a) Directory number: “0” should be input
(b) Message file name

Add the extension “.TLX” to file name created by using “edit Telex file” option.

Step 14 Press <Enter>.

Step 15 Press <Enter>, select “oFf “ by pressing the left/right arrow keys, press <Enter>.
Transmission : oN oFf
If “oN” has been selected, Message will be sent although nobody press the security button.
Step 16 Press <Enter>, select “oN” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Security Alert : oN oFf
If “oFf” has been selected, Message will NOT be sent although anyone press the security button.

- 17 -
Step 17 Setup is completed, and then press function key10 <F10> to finish the setup.

Step 18 Press function key10 <F10> or <ESC> to save the setup.

An example of setup of scheduled transmission is shown below.

Scheduled transmission #1
Starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) : 00-00-00 00:00
requesting Interval : 01:00
lEs : 003-1
Network type : Telex
Destination code &
subscriber number : 720-26059
Character code : Ia5 iTa2
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None
File name : 0: SSAS.TLX
transmission : oN oFf
Security Alert : oN oFf

F9:Next F10:Previous

- 18 -
6.2 Setting up sending the security message to the facsimile on the terrestrial network .

This section describes how to set up for sending the security message to the facsimile on the terrestrial network.

Step 1 Press <ESC> until the screen clear. Set up

Step 2 Press <ALT> + <U> to obtain “Set up” dialogue box.
Date & time
log-Out initiation
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission
Land id registration for polling
Closed network id selection
Peripheral Function


Step 3 Select “Scheduled transmission” function by pressing the up/down arrow keys , and then press <Enter>.
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box will be appeared.
Set up

Scheduled transmission
Date & time
log-Out initiation
initiation transmission #1
Performance transmission
test initiation #2
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #3
Scheduled transmission #4
Land id registration for polling
network transmission
id selection #5
Peripheral Function

Step 4 Press <Ctrl>+function key10 <F10>, and then “F1:SSAS” will be appeared in the bottom of
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box. Set up

Date & time

log-Out initiation
Scheduled transmission
log-In initiation
initiation #1
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #2
id registration for polling#3
Closed network id
Scheduled selection #4
Peripheral Function
Scheduled transmission #5

F1: SSAS TEST F10:Previous


Step 5 To setup SSAS message transmission, select the “Scheduled transmission #1”,
“Scheduled transmission #2”, “Scheduled transmission #3”, “Scheduled transmission #4”
or “Schedule transmission #5” by pressing the up/down arrow keys and press <Enter>.

The security alert transmission should be configured in order from
“Scheduled transmission #1”.
The MES transmits the security alert in order of a young file number of scheduled
transmission configuration file.

- 19 -
“Scheduled transmission file #1” has been selected for security alert transmission setup.
Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out initiation
: 00-00-00 00:00
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 00:00
lEs Scheduled transmission #2
: 000-000-000-000 test initiation
Network type : TELEX Scheduled transmission #3
Scheduled transmission
Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
subscriber’s number : 000000 Scheduled
Closed network transmission #5
id selection
Character code : Ia5 Peripheral
F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None F10:Previous
File name : 0:
transMission : oN oFf
security Alert : oN oFf

F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 6 Press the down arrow key to choose “requesting Interval”, and then press <Enter>.
(“Starting date and Time” is not used for security alert transmission.)
Step 7 Enter time interval (01:00 – 23:00 ) to transmit the security alert, and then press <Enter>.
The minimum setting unit is one hour. If any number (01-59) enter as minute, JUE-75C will ignore.

One hour has been entered as interval to transmit the SSAS message.

requesting Interval : 01: 00

1. The minimum setting unit is one hour. If any number (01-59) enter as minute, JUE-75C will
2. When “ 00:00” has been entered as interval to transmit the security alert, MES will transmit the
security alert only one time.

Step 8 Press <Enter>, enter LES ID, and then press <Enter>.

KDDI LES has been entered as default LES in each ocean region.
lEs : 003 – 103 – 203 – 303
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a)LES ID used when MES logs in AOR-W.
(b)LES ID used when MES logs in AOR-E.
(c)LES ID used when MES logs in POR.
(d)LES ID used when MES logs in IOR.

- 20 -
Step 9 Press <Enter>, “Network type” dialogue box will be appeared and then select “PSTN” option and
by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and then press <Enter>, and then “Modem type “ dialogue box will
be appeared. Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out
: 00-00-00 00:00initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 01: 00
lEs Scheduled
: 003-103-203-303 test initiation
Performance transmission #2
Network type : TELEX Scheduled transmission #3
Scheduled transmission
Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
subscriber’s number Closed network
: 000000 Scheduled transmission #5
id selection
Network code
type : Ia5 Peripheral
F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH : oN oFf
Telex dS : 1 2 Both None F10:Previous
pstN File name : 0:
psDn transMission : oN oFf
Closed netsecurity Alert : oN oFf
Special access
F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 10 Select “ others” by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and then press <Enter >, and then “Others” dialogue
box will be appeared.
Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out00:00
: 00-00-00 initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 01: 00
lEs PerformanceScheduled
: 003-103-203-303 transmission #2
test initiation
Network type : TELEX Scheduled transmission #3
Scheduled transmission
Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
Network typenumber
subscriber’s Closed network
: 000000 Scheduled transmission #5
id selection
Character code : Ia5 Peripheral
Telex Modem type : oN F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH oFf
pstN dS Others
: 1 2 : Both None F10:Previous
psDn V22
File name : 0:
Closed nettransMission V22bis : oN oFfF10: previous
Special access V32bis
security Alert : oN oFf
F10:Previous F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 11 Enter “ T30 ” , and then press <Enter>.

Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out00:00
: 00-00-00 initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 01: 00
lEs PerformanceScheduled
: 003-103-203-303 transmission #2
test initiation
Network type Scheduled
: TELEX Scheduled
transmission transmission #3
Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
Network type
subscriber’s number Closed
: 000000 networkScheduled
id transmission
selection #5
Character code : Ia5 Peripheral
Telex Modem type : oN F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH oFf
pstN dS : 1 2 : T30
Others Both None F10:Previous
psDn V22
File name : 0:
Closed nettransMission V22bis : oN oFfF10: previous
Special access V32bis
security Alert : oN oFf
F10:Previous F9:Next F10: Previous

- 21 -
Step 12 Press <Enter>, and then enter the country code and subscriber’s number of final destination.
“081-422459111” has been entered as Destination code and subscriber’s number.
Destination code &
subscriber’s number : 081 - 422459111
(a) (b)
(a)Telephone Country code
(b)Subscriber’s number
Step 13 Press <Enter>, Select “Ia5” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Character code : Ia5 Data

Step 14 Press <Enter> thrice, and then select “None” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
dS : 1 2 Both None

“qtH” setup may be set whichever of ON and OFF, because this menu is used to add
ship’s position information to sending message on usual scheduled
transmission .The security message is automatically added also for ON or OFF.

Step 15 Press <Enter>, enter the directory number and the name of file created for SSAS message
according to the following format:
“SSAS” has been entered as file name of SSAS message
File name : 0 : SSAS
(a) (b)
(a)Directory number: “0” should be input
(b)Message file name

Add the extension “.TLX” to file name created by using “edit Telex file” option.

Step 16 Press <Enter>.

Step 17 Press <Enter>, select “oFf “ by pressing the left/right arrow keys, press <Enter>.
Transmission : oN oFf
If “oN” has been selected, Message will be sent although nobody press the security button.
Step 18 Press <Enter>, select “oN” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Security Alert : oN oFf
If “oFf” has been selected, Message will NOT be sent although anyone press the security button.

- 22 -
Step 19 Setup is completed, and then press function key10 <F10> to finish the setup.

Step 20 Press function key10 <F10> or <ESC> to save the setup.

An example of setup of scheduled transmission is shown below.

Scheduled transmission #1
Starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) : 00-00-00 00:00
requesting Interval : 01:00
lEs : 003-1
Network type : PSTN(T30)
Destination code &
subscriber number : 081-422459111
Character code : Ia5 Data
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None
File name : 0: SSAS
transmission : oN oFf
Security Alert : oN oFf
F9:Next F10:Previous

- 23 -
6.3 Setting up sending the internet e-mail via Inmarsat service provider

This section describes how to set up for sending the internet e-mail via Inmarsat service provider.

When you edit message for internet e-mail, check message format to LES service
provider you want to send e-mail.

Set up
Step 1 Press <ESC> until the screen clear.
Step 2 Press <ALT> + <U> to obtain “Set up” dialogue box. Date & time
log-Out initiation
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission
Land id registration for polling
Closed network id selection
Peripheral Function


Step 3 Select “Scheduled transmission” option by pressing the up/down arrow keys , and then press <Enter>.
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box will be appeared.
Set up

Scheduled transmission
Date & time
log-Out initiation
initiation transmission #1
Performance testtransmission
initiation #2
Scheduled transmission #3
LandScheduled transmission
id registration for polling#4
network id transmission
selection #5
Peripheral Function

Step 4 Press <Ctrl>+function key10 <F10>, and then “F1:SSAS TEST” will be appeared in the bottom of
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box. Set up

Date & time

Scheduled transmission
log-Out initiation
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #2
Land idScheduled
registration for polling #3
Closed Scheduled
network idtransmission
selection #4
Peripheral Function
Scheduled transmission #5

F1: SSAS TESTF10:PreviousF10:Previous

- 24 -
Step 5 To setup SSAS message transmission, select the “Scheduled transmission #1”,
“Scheduled transmission #2”, “Scheduled transmission #3”, “Scheduled transmission #4”
or “Schedule transmission #5” by pressing the up/down arrow keys and press <Enter>.

The SSAS message transmission should be configured in order from
“Scheduled transmission #1”.
The MES transmits the security alert in order of a young file number of scheduled
transmission configuration file.

“Scheduled transmission file #1” has been selected for SSAS message transmission setup.
Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out00:00
: 00-00-00 initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 00:00
lEs PerformanceScheduled
: 000-000-000-000 transmission #2
test initiation
Network type Scheduled
: TELEX Scheduled
transmission transmission #3
Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
subscriber’s number Scheduled
Closed network id selection
: 000000 transmission #5
Character code : Ia5 Peripheral
F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None F10:Previous
File name : 0:
transMission : oN oFf
security Alert : oN oFf

F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 6 Press the down arrow key to choose “requesting Interval”, and then press <Enter>.
(“Starting date and Time” is not used for SSAS message transmission.)
Step 7 Enter time interval (01:00 – 23:00 ) to transmit the SSAS message, and then press <Enter>.
The minimum setting unit is one hour. If any number (01-59) enter as minute, JUE-75A/ C will ignore.

One hour has been entered as interval to transmit the security alert.

requesting Interval : 01: 00

1. The minimum setting unit is one hour. If any number (01-59) enter as minute, JUE-75A/ C will ignore.
2. When “ 00:00” has been entered as interval to transmit the security alert, MES will transmit
the security alert only one time.

- 25 -
Step 8 Press <Enter>, enter LES ID, and then press <Enter>.

KDDI LES has been entered as default LES in each ocean region.
lEs : 003 – 103 – 203 – 303
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a)LES ID used when MES logs in AOR-W.
(b)LES ID used when MES logs in AOR-E.
(c)LES ID used when MES logs in POR.
(d)LES ID used when MES logs in IOR.
Step 9 Press <Enter>, “Network type” dialogue box will be appeared and then select “Special access” option
by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Scheduled transmission #1 Set up

Date & time Scheduled transmission

starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) log-Out00:00
: 00-00-00 initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
log-In initiation
requesting Interval : 01: 00
lEs Scheduled transmission #2
Performance test initiation
: 003-103-203-303
Network type : TELEX Scheduled transmission #3
Scheduled transmission
. Destination code & Scheduled
Land id registration fortransmission
polling #4
subscriber’s number : 000000 Scheduled
Closed network transmission #5
id selection
Network code
Character type : Ia5 Peripheral
F1: SSAS F10:Previous
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None F10:Previous
psDn File name : 0:
Closed nettransMission : oN oFf
security Alert
Special access : oN oFf

F10:Previous F9:Next F10: Previous

Step 10 Press <Enter>, and then enter the country code and subscriber’s number of final destination.
“28” has been entered as the special access code for KDDI inmarsat-C internet e-mail service.
Destination code &
subscriber’s number : 28
(a) Special access code

Check the special access code number for LES you want to send internet e-mail.

Step 11 Press <Enter>, Select “Ia5” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Character code : Ia5 Data

Check character code can be used for LES you want to send internet e-mail.

- 26 -
Step 12 Press <Enter> thrice, and then select “None” by pressing the left/right arrow keys,
and then press <Enter>.
dS : 1 2 Both None

“qtH” setup may be set whichever of ON and OFF, because this menu is used to add
ship’s position information to sending message on usual scheduled transmission. The
security message is automatically added also for ON or OFF.

Step 13 Press <Enter>, enter the directory number and the name of file created for SSAS message
according to the following format:
“SSAS” has been entered as file name of SSAS message
File name : 0 : SSAS
(a) (b)
(a)Directory number: “0” should be input
(b)Message file name

Step 14 Press <Enter>.

Step 15 Press <Enter>, select “oFf “ by pressing the left/right arrow keys, press <Enter>.
Transmission : oN oFf
If “oN” has been selected, Message will be sent although nobody press the security button.

Step 16 Press <Enter>, select “oN” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Security Alert : oN oFf
If “oFf” has been selected, Message will not be sent although anyone press the security button.

- 27 -
Step 17 Setup is completed, and then press function key10 <F10> to finish the setup.

Step 18 Press function key10 <F10> or <ESC> to save the setup.

An example of setup of scheduled transmission is shown below.

Scheduled transmission #1
Starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh:mm UTC) : 00-00-00 00:00
requesting Interval : 01:00
lEs : 003-1
Network type : Special access
Destination code &
subscriber number : 28
Character code : Ia5 Data
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None
File name : 0: SSAS
transmission : oN oFf
Security Alert : oN oFf
F9:Next F10:Previous

- 28 -
7. Transmitting security alert

This section describes how to initiate the security alert transmission.

The communication status indication, Buzzer sounding and message printout for security alert are
not executed under transmitting the security message.

Step 1 Open the hinged cover of the Security Alert Button.


Step 2 Push the button. <Top View > <Side View>

The SSAS message will be transmitted after 30 seconds from the button is pushed in.

1. Your creating message and the following message are transmitted to pre-designed destinations.

MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG, 10.0KT,COG,20DEG

To cancel security alert transmission if you accidentally push the button, push the button again
within 30 seconds.
When security alert transmission has canceled, the following widow will be displayed on DTE

Cancelled Security Alert

by No.1 SA button
F10: Previous

Step 3 MES transmits SSAS message in order of a young file number of scheduled transmission configuration

Step 4 To stop transmission, push button again to pop up the pushed button.

If you turn on the MES with any security button has been pushed in, The MES resumes the security
alert transmission.

8. Security alert transmission test

This section describes how to initiate the security alert transmission test.
The test transmission actives with setting up for real security alert transmission.
The security message transmitted under test mode is added the following message.

* MES NO is ship’s IMN (Inmarsat Mobile Number ).

Ship’s position is registered at transmitting the security alert.
Message: TEST TEST
MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG,10.0KT,COG,20DEG

Setup the security alert setup menu beforehand transmit security alert test messages.

Step 1 Press <ESC> until the screen clear. Set up

Step 2 Press <ALT> + <U> to obtain “Set up” dialogue box. Date & time
log-Out initiation
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission
Land id registration for polling
Closed network id selection
Peripheral Function


Step 3 Select “Scheduled transmission” option by pressing the up/down arrow keys , and then press <Enter>.
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box will be appeared.
Set up

Scheduled transmission
Date & time
log-Out initiation
initiation transmission #1
Performance testtransmission
initiation #2
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #3
LandScheduled transmission
id registration for polling#4
network id transmission
selection #5
Peripheral Function

Step 4 Press <Ctrl>+function key10 <F10>, and then “F1:SSAS TEST” will be appeared in the bottom of
“Scheduled transmission” dialogue box. Set up

Date & time

log-Out initiation
Scheduled transmission
log-In initiation
Performance test initiation
Scheduled transmission #1
Scheduled transmission
Scheduled transmission #2
Land id registration for polling #3
Scheduled transmission
Closed network
Scheduledid selection
transmission #4
Peripheral Functiontransmission #5

F1: SSAS TEST F10:Previous

Step 5 Press function key 1<F1> to start the security alert transmission test.

1. The MES starts transmission with setup of “ Scheduled transmission #1” immediately after
pressing function key 1 <F1>. If the another setup has been configured,
The MES starts transmission with setup of “Scheduled transmission #2” at 12 minutes after
pressing function key 1 <F1>, starts transmission with setup of “Scheduled transmission #3” at
24 minutes after pressing function key 1 <F1>, starts transmission with setup of “Scheduled
transmission #4” at 36 minutes after pressing function key 1 <F1>, and starts transmission
with setup of “Scheduled transmission #5” at 48 minutes after pressing function key 1 <F1>.
2. This test mode remains for 1 hour.
3. Your creating message and the following message are transmitted to pre-designed destinations.

MES NO, 123456789
LAT,N12 34.56LON,E123 45.56,UTC,07.01.2004 12:34,SOG, 10.0KT,COG,20DEG

Step 6 The test mode is finished after one hour from pressing function key 1<F1>.

The security alert transmission test mode is cancelable if the power switch on the IME
to OFF and ON within one hour from pressing function key 1<F F1>.

9. Security button test

This section describes how to initiate the security button test.

The test is used to check that the security button activates with correctly.
The test is not initiated with real transmission.

Step 1 Press <ESC> until the screen clear.

Step 2 Press <ALT> + <A> to obtain “Diagnostics” dialogue box.


Data source contents

Alarm history
Rom / floppy diskette version
distress button Test


Step 3 Press <Ctrl>+function key10 <F10>, and then “security button Test” will be appeared in the
dialogue box.


Data source contents

Alarm history
Rom / floppy diskette version
security button Test


Step 4 Select “security button Test” option by pressing the up/down arrow keys.

Data source contents

Alarm history
Rom / floppy diskette version
security button Test


Step 5 Press <Enter>, and then “Security Button test mode” window is appeared.
Security Buttons test mode

Security buttons are under test now.

Press the security button to test it.
If real security alert to be sent,
Cancel the test mode


Step 6 Open the hinged cover of the Security Alert Button.


Step 7 Push the button.

“Security Button Test” status window is appeared.
No.1 Security button has been pushed in.
------- Security Button Test -------
Now security button testing…..
If real security alert to be sent,
Cancel the test mode

Step 8 When the test is passed, the following window is appeared 30seconds
after pushing in the button.
------- Security Button Test -----
Security button test succeeded.
If real security alert to be sent,
Cancel the test mode


Step 9 Push button again to pop up the pushed button, and then press function 10 key <F10>,
and then the following window is appeared.
If you test another button, repeat from Step 6 to Step 9.
If you cancel the security button test, go to Step 10.
Security buttons test mode

Security buttons are under test now.

Press the security button to test it.
If real security alert to be sent,
Cancel the test mode


Step 10 To cancel the test mode, press function 10 key <F10>.

If you turn on the MES with any security button has been pushed in, The MES resumes the security
alert transmission.



For further information,contact:

Not use the asbestos

URL http://www.jrc.co.jp
Marine Service Department
Telephone : +81-3-3492-1305
Facsimile : +81-3-3779-1420
e-mail : tmsc@jrc.co.jp
Telephone : +31-20-658-0750
Facsimile : +31-20-658-0755
e-mail : service@jrceurope.com
Telephone : +1-206-654-5644
Facsimile : +1-206-654-7030
e-mail : marineservice@jrcamerica.com
CODE No.7ZPSC0141 01ETM ISO 9001, ISO 14001 Certified
NOV. 2012 Edition 2 JRC Printed in Japan

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