Innomar Software
Innomar Software
Innomar Software
This document gives a brief overview on Innomar’s software for the SES-2000 family of
parametric sub-bottom profilers.
The SES-2000 SBPs come with the following Innomar software:
SESWIN control and data acquisition software
SES Netview software:
This is used for online display of SBP data and system settings on slave monitors for
QC and supervision.
SES Convert data converter software:
If the SES-2000 user likes to use third-party software for processing the data, this
software can be used to export SES-2000 data into SEG-Y format.
ISE post-processing software:
With ISE you can re-process the digitally stored SES-2000 data print the data, digitise
layers and objects and extract these data to common file formats (ASCII, AutoCad
DXF, CODA, IVS Fledermaus).
Main Menu Button Bar / Hot Keys Signal Amplitude Display Depth Display
Echo Plot
Status Bar
Only few settings will directly influence data quality. These settings have to be monitored by
the operator:
transmit pulse characteristics (usually set once at the beginning of the survey),
gain settings (HF and LF channel),
range for data collection.
Range and gain settings can be applied manually or using sophisticated algorithms for
automatic range control or automatic gain control (AGC)
ISE screen dump (example with different toolboxes opened and sediment probe data overlaid to the echoprint)
It is also possible to cut or assemble SES data files. There are also tools available to assist
geophysical interpretation. Optionally there is also a seabed classification module available.
Calculated data can be stored in different formats for documentation or for further processing
with ISE or third-party software:
echoprint graphic (different graphic formats),
track info, position data (ASCII),
digitized layer data (ASCII xyz, CODA, PIPE),
digitized object data (ASCII),
amplitude values for all data samples for all pings,
SES data.
After selecting a file within the file browser there is a simple echoplot of the data shown and
basic file information is given below the file selector. An enlarged file preview can be
obtained by left- double clicking into the echoplot picture.
Before starting the conversion there are some settings required to fit the SEG-Y format
requirements of the target software:
coordinate (position data) scaling,
data channels,
range correction,
heave correction,
reduce sample rate,
altitude correction,
byte order: little or big endian,