Pronouns 1
Pronouns 1
Pronouns 1
Pronoun Types:
Relative Pronoun- a pronoun that is used to refer Reflexive Pronoun- we use reflexive
previously mentioned noun in the main sentence pronoun when we want to refer back to
and they come directly after it. subject of the sentence or clause.
List of relative pronouns: List of reflexive pronouns:
who for people (subject) singular- myself, yourself, him/herself, itself
whom for people (object) plural- ourselves, yourselves, themselves
which for things or animals
that for people, animals, or things, We use reflexive pronouns:
whose for people, animals or things when the subject and object are the same
(possession) person or thing. 🠖 I cut myself.
where for places with these verbs: enjoy, behave, help
when for time 🠖 Did you enjoy yourself at Iya's party?
Ex: This is the spot where we should with by, to mean 'alone', without help from
plant the tree. anyone else. 🠖She went to school by herself.