Chapter 3 Notes
Chapter 3 Notes
Chapter 3 Notes
8. Comparing financial statements from different 15. Firms that have high gross profit margins and
points in the year can result in inaccurate and low net profit margins have high levels of
misleading analysis due to the effects of expenses other than cost of goods sold. In this
seasonality. Levels of current assets can fluctuate case, the high expenses more than compensate for
significantly, depending on a company's business, the low cost of goods sold (i.e.. high gross profit
so statements from the same month or year end margin) thereby resulting in a low net profit
should be used in the analysis to ensure valid margin.
comparisons of performance.
16. The owners are probably most interested in the
9. The current ratio proves to be the better return on equity (ROE) since it indicates the rate
liquidity measure when all of the firm's current of return they earn on their investment in the firm.
assets are reasonably liquid. The quick ratio ROE is calculated by taking earnings available to
would prove to be the superior measure if the common shareholder and dividing by
inventory of the firm is considered to lack the stockholders' equity.
ability to be easily converted into cash.
17. The price-earnings ratio (P/E) is the market
10. Large businesses typically have established price per share of common stock divided by the
relationships with banks that can provide access to earnings per share. It indicates the amount the
short- term funds in the event that the firm has a investor is willing to pay for each dollar of
need for liquidity. Whole Foods, the natural and earnings. It is used to assess the owner's appraisal
organic grocery store, needs to have more rapid of the value of the firm's earnings. The level of the
turnover than even the typical grocery store in P/E ratio indicates the degree of confidence that
order to keep fresh produce on the shelves. It investors have in the firm's future. The
offers a more focused food selection, reducing its market/book (M/B) ratio is the market price per
inventory and increasing its inventory turnover of common stock divided by the firm's book value
ratio. per share. Firms with high M/B ratios are
expected to perform better than firms with lower
11. Additional information is necessary to assess relative MB values.
how well a firm collects receivables and meets
payables. The average collection period of 18. Liquidity ratios measure how well the firm
receivables should be compared to a firm's own can meet its current (short-term) obligations when
credit terms. The average payment period should they come due.
be compared to the creditors' credit terms.
Activity ratios are used to measure the speed with
12. Financial leverage is the term used to which various accounts are converted (or could be
describe the magnification of risk and return converted) into cash or sales.
introduced through the use of fixed-cost
financing, such as debt and preferred stock. Debt ratios measure how much of the firm is
financed with other people's money and the firm's
ability to meet fixed charges.
Profitability ratios measure a firm's return with
respect to sales, assets, or equity.