Module 1-4
Module 1-4
Module 1-4
Semantic Interoperability
Optimization and Innovation
01 Advances in computer
networks and information
INTEGRATION development
05 Regulatory compliance
Professor Dewey Walker and his student, John Zachman formulated documents into the
more structured format of EA.
Modern EA strategies now extend this philosophy to the entire business, not just IT, to
ensure the business is aligned with digital transformation strategies and technological
growth. EA is especially useful for large businesses going through digital transformation,
because it focuses on bringing legacy processes and applications together to form a more
EA can offer support for re-designs and re-organization, especially during major
organizational changes, mergers or acquisitions. It’s also useful for bringing more
discipline into the organization by standardizing and consolidating processes for more
05 Providing a benchmarking framework to
compare results against other organizations
or standards
Enterprise architecture as a framework can be vague since it’s meant to address the
entire organization, instead of individual needs, problems or business units.
Therefore, several frameworks exist to help companies effectively implement and
track EAP.
TOGAF provides principles for
designing, planning, implementing and THE
governing enterprise IT architecture.
The TOGAF framework helps OPEN
businesses create a standardized
approach to EA with a common GROUP ARCHITECTURAL
vocabulary, recommended standards,
compliance methods, suggested tools FRAMEWORK (TOGAF)
and software and a method to define
best practices. The TOGAF framework
is widely popular as an enterprise
architect framework, and according to
The Open Group it’s been adopted by
more than 80 percent of the world’s
leading enterprises.
The Zachman framework is named after
one of the original founders of enterprise
Module 2: Overview of
Enterprise Architecture
A Framework can be defined as a real or concept structure intended to
serve as a support or guide for the building of something that expands the
described as a vertical layer where at the top you want to see the most
Management Tool
The EA is a management tool, it helps us to evolve the
Enterprise Architecture. It also helps you to move it from current
state to a target state. It gives you the capabilities that the
business requires
IEEE 14071:2000
This standard provides a conceptual framework which meant to explain how the key terms relate
to each other in a conceptual model for architectural descriptions. It also tackles the role of
stakeholders in the creation of architectural description. It also provide a number of scenarios for
the architectural activities during the life cycle.
The Zachman Framework
for Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise architecture was developed by John Zachman while with IBM in the 1980 s
after observing the building and airplane construction industries and the IT industry. He
saw similarities between the construction of buildings, airplanes, and the information
systems used by an enterprise
• Owner
• Designer
• Builder
Drawback of the 2 The relations between the different cells are not that
well specified
3 Does not give a step-by-step process for creating a new
framework architecture
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework with a detailed method
and a set of supporting tools - for developing an enterprise architecture. It may be used freely
by any organization wishing to develop an enterprise architecture for use within that
TOGAF is developed and maintained by members of The Open Group, working within the
Architecture Forum (
The original development of TOGAF Version 1 in 1995 was based on the Technical
Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM), developed by the US
Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD gave The Open Group explicit permission and
encouragement to create TOGAF by building on the TAFIM, which itself was the result
of many years of development effort and many millions of dollars of US Government
Starting from this sound foundation, the members of The Open Group Architecture
Forum have developed successive versions of TOGAF and published each one on The
Open Group public web site.
Organizations seeking Boundary-less Information Flow can use TOGAF to define and
implement the structures and processes to enable access to integrated information
within and between enterprises.
Organizations that design and implement enterprise architectures using TOGAF are
assured of a design and a procurement specification that can facilitate an open systems
implementation, thus enabling the benefits of open systems with reduced risk.
Components of
An enterprise’s architecture is the
engineering and structure of the enterprise’s
mission, organizations, functions and
database domains so that they can be
extended and/or integrated with other more
technical architectures such as hardware,
business information systems, and business
events. It describes the contents of the
enterprise’s architecture and its high level
model that tells how it is created.
of Enterprise
The Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA)
documents the business strategy, governance,
organization and business functions. EBA also
establishes a baseline that defines which organizations
perform these functions.
Enterprise Information
Architecture Concepts
The heart of IA is information and knowledge, and we need to build on that
foundation. EIA’s should better understand their organization’s business
strategy and integrate the strategic vision in order to contribute to the
development of business strategy. This can be done with a good IT governance
For IT Governance, many standards do exist but
value and a generic information-centric set
02 IT architecture
one common example is the COBIT standard
The set of technical choices that guide the enterprise in satisfying
(Control Objectives for Information and related
business needs.
Technology), which is owned by the IT
Governance Institute. From the COBIT 03 IT infrastructure strategies
perspective, IT Governance is considered a Describes the approach to building shared and standard IT services
framework to govern IT assets over their across the enterprise
04 Functional business requirements
Good IT Governance ensures that the IT group Refers to applications that need to be acquired or built
supports and extends the company strategies and
business objectives. The decision making process 05 Prioritization of IT investments
on how information systems are planned and The whole process of IT investments, including where they should
organized, acquired and implemented, delivered be focused and the procedures for progressing initiatives, their
and supported, as well as monitored and justification, approval, and accountability.
evaluated. It should therefore be just another
Information Governance
Information Governance is defined as the orchestration of people, processes, and
technology to enable an organization to leverage information as an enterprise asset. It
specifically details the area associated with managing issues such as incomplete data,
poor or untimely access to data, lack of or poor Metadata, and managing and resolving
duplicate (or similar) data.
01 Compliance and regulatory adherence satisfies auditors and regulators by developing data management environments
leveraging technology and process to ensure adherence to specific requirements.
02 Enhanced BI capabilities using high-quality information drives new opportunities for organic growth (for example, by
identifying opportunities for increased effectiveness in cross-selling and retaining existing customers)
03 Enhanced alignment of IT initiatives with business strategies drives more value and enables the business through data
availability and enrichment, which enables insightful strategic planning and execution.
04 Improved platforms measure, monitor, and improve business performance by tying operational metrics to business
performance measures and facilitating reporting and management of critical processes.
05 Reduced environmental complexity improves business flexibility and accelerates strategic initiatives by providing
comprehensive and predictable information environments that support effective business decision making.
Information Security and Information
Information Security and Information Privacy is another aspect of managing
and controlling the information assets which are exposed to a growing number
of security threats today. This is focus for our business information, and then
we look at the potential areas in which information could be seen to be under
risk in a typical enterprise information scenario.
Trends around the security aspects of business systems:
01 Across the globe there has been a growing number of attacks on major enterprises with (internal inspired) threats still
02 Business infrastructures, such as utility networks for water or electricity, are increasingly equipped with sensors to
capture information. The information is used, for example, to predict peak consumptions.
03 The Cloud Computing delivery model requires new means to federate identities across internal and external systems to
protect data from unauthorized access.
04 Regulatory compliance pressures around the world across all industries demand strict enforcement of data access and
Information Privacy.
05 Access by partners to internal systems is ever increasing as the new trends to distributed solutions and cooperation across
business boundaries take place.
06 As systems design leads to more consolidated data sets (around core enterprise-wide DW and MDM capabilities), the
opportunity to hack one’s critical resource can actually increase.
There are many areas in which we must address Information Security in our business.
02 IT Security Services
Form the core technical components that must be designed and deployed around our data domains to deliver the security
functions as defined in the Business Security Services layer. This means that the IT Security Services layer is responsible
for addressing how the business security services are physically deployed.
01 Extract-Mask-Transform-Load (EMTL)
Uses an enhancement to the well-known Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) mechanism often used with Data Warehouse
environments. This is the process of extracting data from production into flat files while masking the data and finally
loading the data into multiple different environments.
The conceptual and logical layers are the first elements for a solution design with the latter fleshing out the
former. Both represent well-defined layers describing the EAI Reference Architecture.
For the Conceptual Layer, the EIA Reference Architecture is necessary because of its capabilities for in the
context of the architecture terms and the Enterprise Information Model. An Architecture Overview Diagram
(AOD) shows the various required capabilities in a consistent, conceptual overview for the EIA Reference
Architecture. By introducing architecture principles, we guide the further design of the EIA Reference
Architecture. We apply them to drill-down in a first step from the Conceptual to the Logical Layer. We show
the Logical View as a first graphical representation of the logical architecture and explain key Architecture
Building Blocks (ABB).
Conceptual Architecture Overview
An EIA provides an information-centric view on the overall Enterprise Architecture. Thus, any instantiation of the EIA
Reference Architecture enables an enterprise to create, maintain, use, and govern all information assets throughout their
lifecycle from a bottom-up perspective. From a top-down perspective, business users and technical users articulate their
information needs in the context of business processes shaping the business and application architecture based on the role
they perform. We develop the EIA Reference Architecture from a top-down perspective.
We look at information from an end user perspective working with or operating on it to achieve certain goals. Key
functional and technical capabilities provide and enable the set of operations on information required by the user
community of an enterprise. Thus, we approach the Conceptual View of the EIA Reference Architecture presented in an
AOD by introducing from a business Perspective the required functional and technical capabilities.
The EIA must cover all five data domains with appropriate capabilities as required by each individual
domain. Furthermore, there are several capabilities required that span across either some or all data
domains. Building an EIA Reference Architecture that satisfies the more advanced business requirements
of today and the upcoming ones in the future, we see the need for the following additional capabilities:
The Component Model specifically describes how these functional aspects can be assembled to add value in
any solution stack, and the Operational Model details how these functional components can be deployed onto
physical assets to deliver the requirements (functional and non-functional) of the design. We now introduce
each layer with a brief description.
The Component Model
To delve deeper into the architecture description of the EIA, another term is needed:
A component represents a logically grouped set of specific capabilities to deliver
particular software functionality.
The Component Model is the heart of the EIA. It describes the functional components in
terms of their roles and responsibilities, their relationships and interactions to other
components, and the required collaboration that enables the implementation of specified
deployment and customer use case scenarios. Each component is a relatively independent
part of the architecture, where its characteristics are described by its functions,
responsibilities, usage aspects, and interfaces. Their usages depend on the required
solution capabilities and deployment scenarios.
Component Relationship Diagram
This diagram is a depiction of the components, interfaces, and relationships that are a part of the Component Model. The interfaces and
relationships can be described at different levels. They simply describe directional flows of data between two components. On a more
ambitious level, they describe the information content and the usage of protocols to exchange the information content between components.
We call this the static relationship between the components.
For the Component Relationship Diagram presentation, we applied the following color codes:
01 The dark gray boxes represent the information services components for the metadata, data, content, master data, and
analytical data domain.
02 The gray boxes represent information service-related components such as the EII Component, the Mashup Hub
Component, and IT Service & Compliance Management Services Component.
03 The light gray boxes are components that are not part of the previous two categories and are typically found in a solution
based on the EIA.
The Component
Relationship Diagram
Component Descriptions
Aside from a high-level description, it include a detailed description of the main functionalities and the responsibilities of each component.
Depending on the nature and functional scope of the component, it also includes the service description and implementation aspects. These
implementation aspects might be characterized by various design and service patterns. The component interactions, interfacing capabilities,
and functional and non-functional requirements complete the Component Descriptions.
Those key functional components are described using the following structure (depending on concrete project needs, a more enriched
structure might be needed):
01 ID
• For easy identification
02 Name
• Applying intuitive naming convention
03 High-level description
• Short paragraph for quick understanding
04 Service description
• Focus on service, including service patterns
05 Interfaces
• Component interactions and interface standards (such as XML)
Service Description
Component Interaction Diagrams
These diagrams depict how components dynamically collaborate to support various required business scenarios. These diagrams capture the
most significant dynamic relationships between components. It focuses on the interactions between components and illustrate the derived
flow of functionality in the context of a specific deployment scenario. Depending on the deployment scenario and required business scope, an
appropriate subset of the functionality of each component might be required. Any customer use case scenario can be easily mapped to the
Component Model using the corresponding Component Interaction Diagram.
Each step in a scenario is indicated with a number. We now begin with the first scenario. Here we assume the user (a customer) bought a
consumer product (e.g. shoes, mobile phone, PDA, and so on) in a store.
Walkthrough for the
application deployment
The Operational Model
The Operational model is the definition and distribution of an IT system’s components onto geographically distributed nodes. It
predominately targeted at enterprise architects, information architects, and system architects; however, it can also be used as a reference for
IT experts from different skill domains. The key concepts of operational modeling provide an understanding of how physical nodes can be
derived from logical components of the Component Model.
According to the IBM Architecture Description Standard (ADS), the Enterprise Architecture can be presented at different levels. One of the
principles that guides the development of an ADS is the recognition that infrastructure design is a specialized skill and that its exponents deal
with concepts, entities, and methods that are different from those known in the area of application development. The EIA Reference
Architecture is subdivided into three parts: a Conceptual Level, a Logical Level, and a Physical Level
Forms of Operational Mode Levels
01 Logical Operational Model (LOM)
• The LOM identifies the required technical services, develops the connections, and refines the technical
specifications. It describes:
⚬ Placement of specified components onto specified nodes
⚬ Specified connections between those nodes necessary to support the interactions between specified components
⚬ Non-functional characteristics of those nodes and connections, acquired from the placed specified components
and their interactions
02 Physical Operational Model (POM)
• It is the hardware and software technologies needed to deliver the Operational Model’s characteristics and
capabilities are identified and configured. It documents the overall configuration of the technologies and products
necessary to deliver the functional requirements and NFRs of the IT system. In particular, it describes:
⚬ Hardware and software technology and product selection for computers and networks
⚬ Hardware specifications, such as processor speed and disk configuration, or network bandwidth and latency
⚬ Overall hardware configurations, such as “fail-over” or “scalable” arrangements
■ o Software product specifications (such as version) and detailed configuration, such as the need for multiple
instances of a software product (operating system, middleware, and communication element or application
system) on a computer
Operational Model Concepts and Notations
01 Node
• The central concept of an Operational Model.
⚬ A platform on which software executes. During early stages of the design process, a node represents a potential
platform, before decisions have been made about how to map it to actual platforms. Each node has a name and
optionally the number of instances.
• It represent physical data paths between nodes and show the shape of the network.
03 Deployment units (DU)
• Items placed on the nodes.
⚬ It is the smallest unit of software or data for which an architect makes a placement decision. Deployment units
are shown as named items on each node. A deployment unit consists of one or more components.
When implementing Information Services, various design and development tasks must
meet the operational requirements of the IT system. The major conceptual work items
We introduce the generalized level of the LOM and POM to convey the application of
patterns and reuse. Generalization means we provide a collection of standard node types,
pre-defined connection types, location types, and deployment unit placements for specific
business scenarios. It is important to recognize that the standards provided are a
representation of typical IT landscapes over which the system is distributed. They represent
the “design building blocks” that will be used when deciding upon the detailed physical
configuration for a set of technologies.
Basic Location Types:
• External Business Partners Location
• Public Service Providers Location
• Disaster Recovery Site Location
• Branch Systems Location
⚬ Branch Systems Location
In order to describe how the component model is implemented across IT systems, the
Operational Model documents the access mechanisms used by all users of the system. In
operational terms, people (and systems) can use and access the system components in a
variety of access mechanisms according to the defined use cases.
Specified nodes do not represent actual computing resources. Rather, they provide a formal
mechanism for enabling the specification of the location for the solution’s application and
underlying technical components across the geographic landscape. Using standard specified
nodes for the EIA Reference Architecture, we examine the patterns of how Information
Services can be constructed and instantiated. Node relationship provides node-to-node
connections and fleshing out exemplary topology views to meet particular service-level
characteristics. This leads to the categorization of common capabilities in layers.
The framework of operational patterns is a repository of recurring solution elements based from previous
experiences. It is a good practice to capture and reuse the experience of past engagements. The lessons
learned applying Information Services, you can consider the “scope of integration” which is determined
by typical deployment scenarios of these services. The scope of integration impacts the requirements for
availability, resiliency, security, and, to a certain extent, scalability.