Tobu Japan - Profile - Ar2021

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Management Philosophy and Policy
(1) Tobu Group Management Philosophy
The Tobu Group has set forth the concepts of “dedication,” “enterprising spirit” and “affinity,” as the corner stone for
its management.

Dedication: The Tobu Group will contribute to materializing an affluent society based on the profound
awareness that all of its businesses are supported by society.
Enterprising spirit: The Tobu Group will keep taking up challenges with a pioneering spirit to pave the way to a new
era through constant self-improvement without complacency.
Affinity: The Tobu Group will contribute to the evolution of society by promoting its business as well as
the welfare of its employees based on the concept of congeniality among people and harmony
with the environment.

(2) Tobu Group Management Policy

The Tobu Group will operate diversified and composite businesses on the basis of safety and security, including
“transportation,” “leisure,” “real estate” and “retail distribution” as a corporate group contributing to the development
of the areas along its railway lines through businesses that closely support customers’ daily lives.
We will provide innovative and inventive services of high quality based on the customer’s viewpoint, thereby
aiming to create attractive destinations full of energy along the Tobu lines, providing the residents with a comfortable
Tobu Group will fulfill its corporate social responsibility through achieving sustainable growth along with local
communities, as a corporate group that supports customers’ lives by promoting ecofriendly management while
constantly generating profit from its business operations.

Message from the President...............................................1
Tobu Group Strategy Based on Changes in Business
Our Current Situation..........................................................3
Review of Operations.........................................................4
Financial Review (Consolidated)..........................................8
Attention regarding forward-looking statements
Corporate Governance.......................................................9 The reader is advised that this report contains forward-looking
Risks to which the Company’s Business is Subject...........11 statements, including statements relating to the Company’s
Five-Year Summary..........................................................14 future policies and strategies, and estimates of future business
development. As opposed to statements of historical fact,
Consolidated Balance Sheets...........................................15 these constitute estimates or projections made by the
Consolidated Statements of Income and Company’s management on the basis of facts known to them
Comprehensive Income................................................17 as of the time of writing, and actual results may therefore differ
substantially from such statements, due to a wide variety of
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity..................18
possible risk factors. Page 11 contains a list of the principal
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows..........................20 categories of risk to which the Company’s business operations
Corporate Directory..........................................................21 are subject.
Message from the President

In regard to the economic situation and trends in 2020, the environment that makes it difficult to secure steady revenue.
Group was heavily impacted by the sharp decline in foreign In regard to Group business consolidation and
tourists and rapid drop in domestic consumption as well as withdrawal, we will review our business portfolio and carefully
stay-at-home measures associated with declarations of a investigate the management situation and challenges at
state of emergency and voluntary event cancellations due to Group businesses as well as the effect on future Group
the global spread of COVID-19. synergy. Afterward, we will restructure the business through
The business environment is expected to remain harsh consolidation and withdrawal.
in fiscal 2021, but we will put every effort into supporting the As for promotion of businesses that address
lives of our customers, primarily through the railway business, diversification of daily life needs, we will provide services
which is part of the social infrastructure, and promoting adapted to the changes in the social environment by utilizing
further social progress. digital technology and leverage our railway network, which is
Although the future is uncertain in the business our strength and includes cities, suburbs, and tourist areas,
environment surrounding the Group, we will aim to establish to accomplish the objective.
a new medium-term business plan as soon as possible The Tobu Group will continue to provide kindness with
and promote enhancement of our management structure in power of connections and create areas where people want
fiscal 2021 by establishing business policies for promotion to continue to live and visit in order to realize sustainable
of business structure reform, Group business consolidation development together with society.
and withdrawal, and promotion of businesses that address
diversification of daily life needs. Yoshizumi Nezu
In regard to promotion of business structure reform, we President and Representative Director
will review our business management structure and promote
increased efficiency and labor savings through cost reduction
measures to develop a structure that allows us to secure
consolidated recurring income even in a harsh business


Tobu Group Strategy Based on Changes in Business Environment
Promotion of sustainable business

The business environment has changed significantly due to the impact of COVID-19, but we will take the steps below to ensure
business continuity into the future.

n Promotion of business structure reform

Strengthen management structure by promoting establishment of plan to lower break even point and address needs

n Group business consolidation and withdrawal

Promote establishment of strong Group management foundation by restructuring businesses after identifying management

n Promotion of businesses that address diversification of daily life needs

Provide services to address needs utilizing railway network in urban, suburban, and tourist areas

Future road map

Promotion of sustainable businesses

FY2017 to FY2019 FY2020 to FY2021 (2 years) FY2022– (about 3 years)

Business Structure
Previous Reform Next Medium Term
Medium Term Management Plan Growth
(implement short term measures,
Business Plan review/prepare medium to (strengthen management stage
long term measures) structure)

Assumptions FY2020 FY2021 efforts Post-reform vision

Structural reform in the railway business

Reduction of fixed costs
No return to
Improved efficiency through utilization of new technologies Robust business
Development of business management structure for securing profits structure
despite revenue not bouncing back
Structural reform in non-railway businesses
Fundamental improvement of management efficiency in hotel and travel
Provision of services to address needs in supermarket and department
store businesses and implementation of low-cost operations
Securing of early profitability and realization of improvements in profit
Fundamental margin Dynamic organization
structural capable of flexibly
reform Restructuring of Group business responding to changes
needed Business restructuring leveraging area and business category in business
characteristics and advantages of scale environment
Development of competitive business management structure


Our Current Situation
The Tobu Group consists of TOBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The core business of the parent company founded in 1897 is operating a network of
private railway lines that extends across Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Tochigi, and Gunma Transportation

prefectures of the Kanto region.

The main lines, which originate in Asakusa, eastern Tokyo, extend to Saitama, Tochigi, Leisure Other
Gunma, and Chiba prefectures, including the trunk lines (the TOBU SKYTREE Line (Isesaki TOBU
Line), Nikko Line, and the TOBU URBAN PARK Line (Noda Line)) and branch lines. They
can be broadly divided into the TOBU SKYTREE Line (the southern portion of the Isesaki
Real Retail
Line) and the TOBU URBAN PARK Line (Noda Line), which primarily serve commuters Estate Distribution
and students, and the Nikko Line and northern portion of the Isesaki Line that primarily
serve tourists and businesses. The Tojo Line mainly carries commuters and students.
Development in areas along the line has been proceeding smoothly.
In addition to the main railway business, the Tobu Group engages in the development businesses outlined in the following
In our leasing business, particularly in areas alongside our railway lines, the Group is leasing a large number of sites for
such purposes as stores, office buildings, houses, and warehouses. In particular, in TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN this includes the
commercial facility TOKYO SOLAMACHI® and the office facility TOKYO SKYTREE EAST TOWER®.
In addition, spaces inside our station buildings are leased or utilized for business purposes, and stations and railway cars
are used for advertising.
In our subdivision business, we are engaged in the sale and development of homes and land, and the independent and joint
construction and sale of condominium units.
In the leisure business, the parent company directly manages the Courtyard by Marriott Tokyo Ginza Hotel and the Tobu
Hotel Levant Tokyo in the center of Tokyo, and in developing its leisure business, the Company works in close corporation with
each of its member companies.
(Group Companies)
The transportation business consists of fixed-route and long-distance bus services, taxi services, freight trucking, and other services.
In addition to TOKYO SKYTREE™, we operate the Tobu Zoological Park and TOBU WORLD SQUARE. Group companies
manage enterprises in such fields as travel, city and resort hotels, inns, skiing facilities, golf courses, sports clubs, ropeways, and
sightseeing vessels.
We are involved in real estate leasing, real estate brokerage, and the car parking lot and bicycle parking lot businesses.
There are Tobu department stores in Ikebukuro, Funabashi, Utsunomiya, Ohtawara and Tochigi, and we own TOBU STORE
CO., LTD., which operates a chain of supermarkets.
Other businesses include construction, building and facility management, construction materials supply, and heating supply

Basic Indicators
Number of Group Companies Number of Employees Revenue from Operations

Administration Transportation
Other Transportation 1.5% 48.4% Other Transportation
19.0% 34.5% Other
16.0% 28.5%
Retail Retail Retail
Distribution Distribution Total Distribution Total
14.3% 84 13.1%
20,345 38.8%
Group Companies Leisure
employees millions of yen
Real Estate
28.6% Real Estate Leisure Real Estate
3.6% 1.6% 20.8% 9.7%
*Figures above are before elimination of inter-company transactions.


Review of Operations
Sales by Sector (¥ million)

216,170 215,802 217,107 215,427

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

In our railway operations, our top priority is ensuring safety, In terms of operations, we launched service of TH
peace of mind, and comfortable living, and we are promoting Liner, a train with designated seating, via mutual through
various initiatives so that more customers will choose our train operations between the Tobu and Tokyo Metro Hibiya
railway lines. lines and worked to improve convenience by opening new
In terms of safety, we promoted elevation projects and stations. In the Nikko/Kinugawa area, we launched service of
installed additional platform doors as a safety measure on the second Taiju steam locomotive, allowing us to offer four
platforms. We also conducted counter-terrorism drills in round-trips between Shimo-imaichi Station and Kinugawa-
collaboration with police and fire departments. onsen Station via two steam locomotives. In addition to
providing customers with more opportunities to ride these
trains, we worked on regional revitalization.
In the bus and taxi business, we launched operations
of a fuel cell bus with superior environmental performance
and a high safety rating that does not emit carbon dioxide or
substances of environmental concern.
Overall, in the transportation business, revenue from
operations fell to ¥159,122 million (a decrease of 26.1%
year on year) due to a substantial decrease in revenue from
commuter passengers and non-commuter passengers
caused by two declarations of a state of emergency and
people staying home and telecommuting in response to
the spread of COVID-19. Although we worked to reduce
expenditures, including reviewing our construction plans, we
recorded an operating loss of ¥5,224 million (as compared to
operating income of ¥37,659 million the previous year).

Transportation (31 firms)

Railway business:
The Company; Jomo Electric Railway Co., Ltd.*
Bus and taxi business:
ASAHI Motor Corporation*, TOBU BUS CO., LTD*
Freight business:


25 other firms

Notes: *Consolidated Subsidiary.

TOBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. is counted multiple times in the above segment
TABETE Rescue direct sales depot breakdown.


Sales by Sector (¥ million)

76,792 78,620 77,944 SALES RATIO



2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

In the SKYTREE business, TOKYO SKYTREE® held a

campaign offering half-price observation deck admission for a
limited time and collaborative events with popular anime titles
to attract customers.
In the hotels business, THE RITZ CARLTON NIKKO,
Tochigi Prefecture’s first luxury hotel, AC Hotel by Marriott
Tokyo Ginza, the first location of the brand in Japan, and
accommodation-type hotels in Wako City, Kawagoe City, and
Asakusa were opened.
In the amusement parks and tourism business, Tobu
Zoological Park held a collaborative event with popular anime
titles and male voice actors, and TOBU WORLD SQUARE
held illumination events, including exhibits in the garden, to
attract customers.
AC Hotel by Marriott Tokyo Ginza
In the leisure business overall, despite working to attract
customers while implementing measures to prevent infection,
revenues from operations dropped to ¥39,055 million (a
decrease of 45.8% year on year), and we recorded an
operating loss of ¥18,484 million (as compared to operating
income of ¥3,116 million the previous year). This was mainly
a result of the substantial decrease in domestic travel due to
people staying home and the sharp decline in foreign tourists
due to immigration restrictions as well as our suspension
of operations following the first declaration of a state of

Leisure (32 firms)

Amusement parks and tourism: Tobu Leisure Planning Co., Ltd.*
Sports: Tobu Kogyo Co., Ltd.*
Travel: TOBU TOP TOURS CO., Ltd.*
Hotels: The Company; Tobu Hotel Management Co., LTD.*
Food: Tobu Foods Service Co., Ltd.*
25 other firms

Notes: *Consolidated Subsidiary.

TOBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. is counted multiple times in the above segment


Real Estate
Sales by Sector (¥ million)

61,943 67,912 BY SEGMENT
55,828 53,649 54,228

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

In the SKYTREE TOWN business, we worked to
attract customers by holding various events at TOKYO
SOLAMACHI®, and carrying out large-scale renovations,
including inviting famous stores from each area of Japan
and outdoor fashion stores based on demand during the
COVID-19 pandemic and changes in the environment.
In the real estate leasing business, we opened TOKYO
mizumachi®, a commercial complex under the elevated
railway, in the Asakusa/TOKYO SKYTREE area and the new
Sumida River Walk pedestrian bridge beside Sumidagawa
Bridge. In addition, we opened a rental condominium with
workspaces to tenants along with four satellite offices for
achieving close proximity between work and residence to
contribute to an increase in workspaces near where people
Solaie Plus Work Sakado
live, thereby promoting urban development for greater
In the real estate subdivision business, sales of
condominiums in Soka City and detached houses in Noda
City were favorable owing to increased appreciation for
large-scale properties near suburban stations offering
improved convenience of life in conjunction with the rise of
In the real estate business overall, although sales of
houses built for sale were strong, revenues from operations
fell to ¥54,228 million (a decrease of 20.1% year on year),
and operating income was ¥13,702 million (a decrease of
5.3% year on year). This was primarily due to suspension of
operations at commercial facilities and rent reductions.

Real estate (4 firms)

Real estate subdivision: The Company
1 other firm

Notes: *Consolidated Subsidiary.

TOBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. is counted multiple times in the above segment


Retail Distribution
Sales by Sector (¥ million)

228,161 216,253 BY SEGMENT
194,915 192,808

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

In the retail distribution business, we implemented sales
measures adapted to new lifestyles, including introducing
online shopping for a local food fair at TOBU DEPARTMENT
In the supermarket business, TOBU STORE Co., Ltd.
newly opened two supermarkets in an effort to increase
In the retail distribution business overall, revenues from
operations fell to ¥216,253 million (a decrease of 18.8% year
on year), and we recorded an operating loss of ¥5,384 million
(as compared to operating income of ¥3,364 million the
previous year). This was primarily a result of our suspension
of operations at department stores due to the declaration of
a state of emergency and people staying home despite the
TOBU STORE Fresh&Quick
increased sales and income at supermarkets as a result of
increased demand for eating at home and the opening of new

Retail distribution (13 firms)

10 other firms

In other businesses overall, revenues from operations were ¥88,863 million (a decrease of 19.6% year on year), and operating
income was ¥2,876 million (a decrease of 46.5% year on year).

Other (17 firms)

Construction: TOBU CONSTRUCTION Co., Ltd.*, Tobu Yachida Construction Co., Ltd.*
Other businesses: Tobu Building Management Co., Ltd.*, Tobu Energy Support Co., Ltd.*
13 other firms

Notes: *Consolidated Subsidiary.


Financial Review (Consolidated)
In the supermarkets business, sales were up owing to increased demand for eating at home in conjunction with people
refraining from going out. However, sales were down in all other segments, primarily the railway, hotels, and department stores
businesses, due to two declarations of a state of emergency and people subsequently staying home and continuing to work
from home to stop the spread of infections on top of temporary closures of some leisure and commercial facilities at the request
of municipalities. As such, revenue from operations fell to ¥496,326 million (a decrease of 24.1% year on year).
Although income was up in the supermarkets business owing to increased sales, revenue from operations was down in all
other segments. As a result, we recorded an operating loss of ¥13,577 million (as compared to operating income of ¥62,653
million the previous year).
We recorded a recurring loss of ¥9,892 million (as compared to recurring income of ¥58,414 million the previous year).
As a result of the above, we recorded a net loss before income taxes and minority interests of ¥22,279 million (as compared
to net income before income taxes and minority interests of ¥54,157 million the previous year) and a net loss after deduction
of income taxes and minority interests of ¥25,149 million (as compared to net income of ¥35,966 million the previous year).
Additionally, we recorded a net loss attributable to owners of the parent company after deduction of net loss attributable to
noncontrolling interests of ¥24,965 million (as compared to net income attributable to owners of the parent company of ¥35,530
million the previous year).
Total assets at the end of the fiscal year were ¥1,682,497 million, up ¥26,405 million compared to the end of the previous
consolidated fiscal year (an increase of 1.6% year on year). This was a result of increased cash and deposits and investment
Liabilities came in at ¥1,229,393 million, up ¥47,270 million compared to the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year
(an increase of 4.0% year on year). This was primarily due to an increase in interest-bearing debt despite a decrease in notes
and accounts payable - trade.
Net assets were ¥453,103 million, down ¥20,865 million compared to the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year (a
decrease of 4.4% year on year) owing primarily to the recording of a net loss attributable to owners of the parent company.

Operating Income (Millions of yen) Shareholders’ Equity Ratio (%)

70,000 30







0 15
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

-10,000 * Shareholders’ Equity Ratio equals net assets attributable

to shareholders’ as a percentage of total assets.



Corporate Governance
Basic Approach to Corporate Election of Outside Directors
We have also appointed outside directors who play an
Governance important role in ensuring the efficiency and fairness of
We believe that it is important to establish a fair and management. At meetings of the Board of Directors and
transparent management structure in order to earn the trust other important meetings, our directors provide explanations
of our shareholders and many other stakeholders as well as of the execution of duties with outside directors in mind
to achieve sustainable growth and improve our corporate and reflect their objective opinions and suggestions in
value in the medium to long term. We will continue to further management of the Company. Moreover, outside directors
enhance our Board of Directors, executive officer system, contribute to the enhancement of corporate governance as
and corporate auditor system and engage in the proactive members of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee,
disclosure of corporate information in a timely and appropriate which is an advisory body of the Board of Directors that
manner. Furthermore, we will work to strengthen corporate considers important matters related to nominations and
governance by engaging in honest corporate activity based remuneration, and play an important role in strengthening
on corporate ethics and awareness of legal compliance. the independence and objectivity of functions of the Board
of Directors. The Nominating and Remuneration Committee
is comprised of two outside directors and one representative
Current Status of Corporate director (president), and the chair of the Committee is
selected from among the outside directors. The Committee
Governance reviews the adequacy of the proposal of nomination of
Corporate Governance Structure director candidates, as well as the adequacy of the level of
The Company’s Board of Directors consists of 12 directors, of remuneration, organizing the Committee’s opinion on these
whom four are outside directors. The Board’s responsibilities subjects, and report to the Board of Directors. All members
are, in addition to those set forth by law and in the Articles of attend every meeting.
Incorporation, to make comprehensive and strategic business
Management Meeting and Meeting of Executive
decisions based on the “Rules of the Board of Directors” and
for each director to exercise supervisory functions over the
At the Management Meeting, which is comprised of fulltime
execution of day-to-day business operations.
directors, managing executive officers and standing audit &
The President and Representative Director chairs the
supervisory board members, members deliberate and make
Board of Directors, and ordinary meetings are held monthly, in
decisions on the execution of business operations assigned
principle. All fulltime directors attend these meetings, and the
by the Board of Directors and share important management-
status of attendance by outside directors is provided in the
related information.
business report.
At the meeting of executive officers, which is comprised
Furthermore, we have introduced an executive officer
of fulltime directors, all executive officers and standing audit
system to clarify authority and responsibility for business
& supervisory board members, reports are provided every
execution. With regard to executive functions, we have
quarter to directors on the status of execution of operations
developed a system where executive officers execute
and progress on the management plan, and information is
business operations according to the authority and
shared on management to review business development
responsibility established within the “Rules for Execution of
plans for the next year and other matters.
Duties” under the control and supervision of the representative
director. The executive officers are selected by the Board of
Internal control system
Directors. In this way, we increase management mobility.
In an effort to ensure the reliability of the internal control
system, establish corporate ethics, and ensure that its
officers and its employees are fully aware of compliance, the
Company has been promoting compliance management. This
consists primarily of setting out specific guidelines for day-
to-day activities and developing training systems based on


Corporate Governance
the Tobu Group Basic Policy on Compliance and establishing Additionally, to strengthen and enhance the function
a Compliance Committee that meets regularly to provide of monitoring group companies and further increase the
support and guidance on effective compliance. effectiveness of the internal control system at the group level,
we have prepared an integrated system within the Group
Governance Committee business division. It consists of ten individuals of general
Additionally, to further increase the effectiveness of corporate manager rank or lower, auditing group companies and
governance, we have established a Governance Committee, providing guidance for improvement based on those results.
which is chaired by the President and Representative Director Furthermore, our Internal Audit Office conducts internal
and consists of representative directors, outside directors and audits of those monitoring activities. Group management
standing audit & supervisory board members. In response policies are communicated and management information
to reports on and suggestions concerning activity plans is shared by holding Tobu Group Corporate Meetings and
and activities from the chairs of the Compliance and Crisis other meeting on a regular basis in the aim of improving the
Management committees, it engages in deliberations and corporate value of the Group. In addition, to raise the levels
evaluations, referring matters to the Board of Directors to of fairness and transparency of the Group’s management, the
strengthen the supervisory functions of the Board of Directors. Company conducts regular investor relations events, such
The Governance Committee is chaired by an outside director. as results briefings for analysts and tours of facilities in areas
served by our railway stations. It also provides extensive
Group Company Audits corporate information on its website and will continue to
To ensure the proper operation of the Tobu Group under
pursue a policy of openness in communications with investors
the Rules for Management of Group Companies, the Group
and the general public in a prompt and appropriate manner.
business division that is specifically responsible for the
management of subsidiaries and other companies manages
and supports the business execution of subsidiaries and
other companies.

Meeting of shareholders
Appoint and dismiss Appoint and dismiss

Board of Directors Nominating and

Audit & Remuneration Committee
Supervisory Board
Audit Outside directors
Accounting Standing audit & Governance Committee
board members President and Representative Director
Outside audit & President and CEO
board members
Management Meeting

Compliance Committee

Crisis Management Committee

Executive officer
Business division
Internal Audit Office
General administrative division

Group companies


Risks to which the Company’s Business is Subject
We identified four categories of risk that could significantly impact the business performance and financial position of the
Group, and consequently could have a substantial effect on the decisions of investors. These were risks impacting the business
environment and business model, risks related to securing of safety and peace of mind, risks related to securing management
resources, and risks related to corporate governance.
The forecasts in the text below are based on the assessment of the Group as of the date of the General Meeting of
Shareholders (June 23, 2021).

(1) Risks impacting the business environment

and business model iii. Lifestyle changes
i. Changes in the law New lifestyles are taking root due to changes in work
In the railway business, permission to engage in railway styles and daily routines arising from the current spread of
operations must be obtained from the Ministry of Land, COVID-19. We anticipate that needs will continue to change
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism with respect to each and diversify and do not expect things to return to the way
railway line and each category of railway-related business they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.
under Article 3 of the Railway Business Law. Under Article For that reason, the Group will implement structural reform
16 of the Law, the initial setting and subsequent revision of in order to secure profits even in a harsh business environment
fares by passenger transport operators must not exceed the that makes it difficult to secure steady revenue. We will
upper limits approved by the Ministry. The Minister of Land, promote efficiency and labor savings by reviewing our business
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism conducts a review of management structure and carrying out cost reduction
whether or not such revisions exceed fair costs incurred as measures.
a result of efficient management and fair profits to approve
them (fully-distributed cost method). Additionally, the railway iv. Changes in the competitive environment
operator must apply for permission to the Ministry each time it The Group is engaged in a wide range of businesses in
wishes to revise its fares within the approved upper limits. addition to the railway business. Worsening of the supply
The railway business accounts for a large percentage and demand situation or intensification of competition arising
of the Group’s business as a whole, so a change in the legal from significant changes in the business environment or the
system and the revision of fares could have an impact on emergence of competing business operators could have an
the business performance of the Company. The business impact on the business performance and/or financial position
operation of the Company and other Group companies of the Group.
must also be in compliance with a variety of laws and For that reason, the Group will provide optimal services
regulations. A change in the relevant laws could, therefore, to customers in a timely and flexible manner by accurately
have a substantial effect on the business performance and/or identifying changes in the business environment and customer
financial position of the Group. needs and tying that into the development of new services.

ii. Rapid acceleration of population decline and aging of v. Pandemics and other public health crises
society due to drop in birth rate In the event of a pandemic or other public health crisis
The total fertility rate in Japan began declining in 2016, and leading to lockdowns or people refraining from going out, the
the number of births also continues to drop. COVID-19 is number of users, primarily in our transportation and leisure
expected to further accelerate this trend. Although there are businesses, would decrease sharply, and this could have an
regional differences, population decline and aging of society impact on the business performance and/or financial position
will continue in the coming years. of the Group.
For that reason, the Group provides comfortable work For that reason, we continue to work on measures to
and school commutes and appealing tourism transportation by prevent the spread of infection so that our customers can use
improving convenience and speed, including seamless mutual our services safely and with peace of mind.
through train operations. At the same time, the Group seeks to
provide quality living environments and attract tourists. We are
working to promote permanent residence and create a non-
resident population.


Risks to which the Company’s Business is Subject
(2) Risks related to securing of safety and peace iv. Management of personal information
of mind The Group manages databases containing information on
i. Securing of safety and peace of mind individual customers in each business. In the event of an
The Group believes that the securing of safety and peace of information leak, the resulting compensation for damages,
mind is the most important thing when it comes to earning loss of credibility, etc. could impact the business performance
customer trust. As such, we take utmost care in that regard, and/or financial position of the Group.
but if a serious accident were to occur leading to long-term For that reason, the Group exercises due care when
suspension of business operations, it could have an impact handling information and manages it accordingly. This
on the business performance and/or financial position of the includes the establishment of in-house protection regulations
Group. on the acquisition and use of information, the development
Based on the belief that safety is the foundation of all of a management system, employee education, and fully
business, the Group works to establish a safety management enforcing information management by related parties as
system with the top priority of ensuring the safety of customers. well as strengthening the development and supervision of
We also continue to invest in safety equipment and implement confidentiality when outsourcing information processing.
education and training as we endeavor to ensure safety and
peace of mind. (3) Risks related to securing management
ii. Impact of climate change, natural disasters, etc. on i. Human resources
business operations and continuity The Group requires a large labor force, including for our
In recent years, climate change, especially the increase in railway business. To secure diverse human resources, we
average temperature, has increased the risk of abnormal will endeavor to secure a working environment in which
weather, including a higher frequency of major typhoons people can work comfortably, including by offering stable
and training storms, which could lead to large-scale natural employment, responding to diversifying work styles, enhancing
disasters. In addition to this, if an act of terror or other benefits, developing and utilizing human resources, and
unpredictable accident were to occur leading to long-term improving health. At the same time, we will promote the
suspension of business operations, it could impact the utilization of new technologies such as automatic driving as we
business performance and/or financial position of the Group. work to achieve labor savings and efficiency in our operations.
For that reason, the Group is working to enhance our
crisis management system, including establishment of a ii. Increase in interest-bearing debt balance and interest
business continuity plan in preparation for a large-scale natural rate fluctuation
disaster or other emergency situation while also continuing to The Group primarily procures the funds necessary for ongoing
work on measures for securing safety, including development capital expenditures in each business through the issuance
of infrastructure that is resistant to natural disasters and of corporate bonds and borrowing from financial institutions.
establishment of counter-terrorism measures. In particular, the interest-bearing debt balance has grown
due to increased borrowings necessitated by the decrease in
iii. Information security measures revenue associated with the spread of COVID-19. If interest
The Group uses many information systems in various fields of rates were to rise or our credit rating were to be lowered by
business. If a serious failure in the function of these systems a credit rating agency, this could result in increased interest
due to a cyber-attack, unauthorized access, computer virus, payment burden or deterioration of financing terms, which
artificial manipulation, etc. were to impede our business could have an impact on the business performance and/or
operations, it could have an impact on the business financial position of the Group.
performance and/or financial position of the Group. For that reason, the Group is working on properly
The Group has prepared rules in accordance with our managing the consolidated interest-bearing debt balance to
Information Security Policy and implements improvements to reduce it and promoting diversification of fundraising methods
information security functions and employee education. At the in order to procure funds at the right time via the optimal
same time, we have established a group-wide system that method while taking medium- to long-term interest rates into
enables a swift response in the event of a problem. account.


iii. Sharp rises in the cost of resources carrying out systematic and ongoing education on human
The Group utilizes a large amount of infrastructure equipment, rights. In addition to ensuring proper awareness among
including in our railway business, and uses electricity and employees and deepening their understanding, we continue to
fuel to power the equipment. In the event of a sharp rise work on developing a working environment in which employees
in the price of resources caused by a natural disaster or can do their work enthusiastically as part of our ongoing efforts
deterioration of conditions overseas, it could have an impact to ensure respect for human rights.
on the business performance and/or financial position of the
Group. The above is a list of the principal categories of risk thought
For that reason, the Group is working to control costs to apply to the business operations of the Group, but it is not
and build a sustainable society, including by reducing energy intended to be an exhaustive list of all risks.
consumption and CO2 emissions through the introduction of
energy-saving vehicles and equipment.

iv. Drop in portfolio value

The Group possesses assets necessary to engage in
development of diverse businesses and investment
securities such as stocks. Through thorough management
of expenditures and implementation of structural reform, we
aim to increase the profitability of our businesses and improve
the value of our assets. We also verify the significance of
investment securities to our portfolio and gradually shrink our
holdings if dilution is likely in the medium to long term.

(4) Risks related to corporate governance

i. Compliance
The Group conducts operations in compliance with the
relevant laws and regulations in each business, but in the
event of a violation, the resulting social sanctions and loss of
credibility could have an impact on the business performance
and/or financial position of the Group.
For that reason, the Group has established the Group
Basic Policy on Compliance and works to ensure thorough
legal compliance and prevent misconduct, such as preparing
a compliance manual and enhancing compliance education
for all group employees. The Group also promotes the use of
the whistleblowing hotline by familiarizing all employees of the
Group with it in an effort to ensure compliance.

ii. Human Rights

The Group has established a working environment and
programs to eliminate difficulties and employs diverse human
resources, but in the event of an infringement of human rights,
the resulting social sanctions and loss of credibility could have
an impact on the business performances and/or financial
position of the Group.
For that reason, the Group has established a system for


Five-Year Summary
(Years ended March 31, TOBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. and Subsidiaries)

Millions of Yen
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Revenues from operations......................................................... ¥ 568,887 ¥ 569,519 ¥ 617,543 ¥ 653,874 ¥ 496,326

Operating income...................................................................... 68,335 66,645 67,295 62,653 (13,577)
Profit attributable to owners of parent....................................... 36,137 36,025 28,024 35,530 (24,965)
Net assets.................................................................................. 442,772 460,582 469,276 473,969 453,103
Total assets................................................................................ 1,597,733 1,618,274 1,643,190 1,656,092 1,682,497

Net income per share — basic.................................................. ¥33.76 ¥168.87 ¥168.87 ¥168.84 (¥119.67)
Net income per share — diluted............................................... — — — — —

Sales by Sector
Millions of Yen
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Transportation........................................................................... ¥ 216,170 ¥ 215,802 ¥ 217,107 ¥ 215,427 ¥ 159,122

Leisure....................................................................................... 76,792 78,620 77,944 72,072 39,055
Real estate................................................................................. 55,828 53,649 61,943 67,912 54,228
Retail distribution...................................................................... 194,915 192,808 228,161 266,418 216,253
Other......................................................................................... 94,507 96,896 103,014 110,513 88,863

Millions of Yen
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Revenues from operations......................................................... ¥ 223,761 ¥ 222,356 ¥ 231,906 ¥ 232,788 ¥ 167,696

Operating income...................................................................... 50,597 50,167 51,547 47,979 7,325
Net income................................................................................ 28,771 23,102 30,850 27,071 (21,607)
Net assets.................................................................................. 355,220 364,933 383,452 383,618 363,007
Total assets................................................................................ 1,487,353 1,512,122 1,559,584 1,560,929 1,571,092

Dividends per share of common stock...................................... ¥6.5 —* ¥35 ¥40 ¥20

* Fiscal 2017 results have been reclassified in conjunction with the partial amendments to accounting standard for tax effect accounting.


Consolidated Balance Sheet
March 31, 2020 and 2021

Millions of Yen

Assets 2020 2021

Current assets
Cash and deposits.................................................................................................................................... ¥ 31,593 ¥ 45,134
Notes and accounts receivable - trade..................................................................................................... 53,384 51,085
Short-term loans receivable..................................................................................................................... 1,160 1,342
Securities................................................................................................................................................. 58 —
Land and buildings for sale in lots.......................................................................................................... 21,673 23,428
Prepaid expenses..................................................................................................................................... 2,852 3,139
Other........................................................................................................................................................ 30,858 34,533
Allowance for doubtful accounts............................................................................................................. (196) (211)
Total current assets.................................................................................................................................. 141,385 158,452

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Buildings and structures, net............................................................................................................... 543,177 551,049
Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net............................................................................................. 86,284 83,315
Land..................................................................................................................................................... 637,388 637,338
Construction in progress...................................................................................................................... 116,462 112,254
Other, net............................................................................................................................................. 17,408 17,616
Total property, plant and equipment.................................................................................................... 1,400,720 1,401,573

Intangible assets
Public facilities charges....................................................................................................................... 884 823
Other.................................................................................................................................................... 17,023 15,451
Total intangible assets.......................................................................................................................... 17,908 16,274

Investments and other assets

Investment securities........................................................................................................................... 50,728 63,381
Long-term loans receivable................................................................................................................. 143 117
Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other...................................... 894 877
Net defined benefit asset...................................................................................................................... 2,817 3,261
Deferred tax assets............................................................................................................................... 15,199 12,519
Other.................................................................................................................................................... 27,893 27,618
Allowance for doubtful accounts......................................................................................................... (1,599) (1,579)
Total investments and other assets....................................................................................................... 96,077 106,196
Total non-current assets........................................................................................................................... 1,514,706 1,524,044
Total assets................................................................................................................................................. ¥ 1,656,092 ¥ 1,682,497


Millions of Yen

Liabilities 2020 2021

Current liabilities
Notes and accounts payable - trade......................................................................................................... ¥ 47,454 ¥ 36,261
Short-term loans payable......................................................................................................................... 43,466 73,312
Current portion of long-term loans payable............................................................................................ 54,380 54,550
Current portion of bonds......................................................................................................................... 34,420 21,120
Accrued expenses.................................................................................................................................... 6,716 7,390
Accrued consumption taxes..................................................................................................................... 2,727 1,792
Income taxes payable.............................................................................................................................. 8,361 1,987
Advances received................................................................................................................................... 89,358 108,956
Provision for bonuses.............................................................................................................................. 2,773 2,081
Allowance for collection loss on gift certificates and other items........................................................... 4,674 4,234
Asset retirement obligations.................................................................................................................... 351 124
Other........................................................................................................................................................ 84,606 85,976
Total current liabilities............................................................................................................................. 379,291 397,788

Non-current liabilities
Bonds payable......................................................................................................................................... 133,820 147,200
Long-term loans payable......................................................................................................................... 511,451 533,406
Long-term accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology agency............. 10,327 6,536
Deferred tax liabilities............................................................................................................................. 3,939 6,312
Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation............................................................................................. 50,606 49,999
Provision for directors’ retirement benefits............................................................................................. 898 917
Net defined benefit liability..................................................................................................................... 51,732 47,313
Asset retirement obligations.................................................................................................................... 2,654 2,641
Other........................................................................................................................................................ 37,401 37,278
Total non-current liabilities..................................................................................................................... 802,830 831,605
Total liabilities............................................................................................................................................ 1,182,122 1,229,393

Net assets

Shareholders’ equity
Capital stock............................................................................................................................................ 102,135 102,135
Capital surplus......................................................................................................................................... 50,863 50,864
Retained earnings.................................................................................................................................... 256,511 225,891
Treasury stock......................................................................................................................................... (4,442) (4,447)
Total shareholders’ equity....................................................................................................................... 405,069 374,444
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities............................................................................... 11,365 20,080
Revaluation reserve for land.................................................................................................................... 47,506 47,222
Foreign currency translation adjustment................................................................................................. 58 21
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans............................................................................................... 1,648 3,186
Total accumulated other comprehensive income..................................................................................... 60,578 70,510
Non-controlling interests............................................................................................................................. 8,321 8,149
Total net assets............................................................................................................................................ 473,969 453,103
Total liabilities and net assets....................................................................................................................... 1,656,092 1,682,497


Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income
Years ended March 31, 2020 and 2021

Millions of Yen
Consolidated Statement of Income 2020 2021

Revenues from operations............................................................................................................................... ¥ 653,874 ¥ 496,326

Operating expenses
Operating expenses and cost of sales of transportation.............................................................................. 467,065 396,579
Selling, general and administrative expenses.............................................................................................. 124,154 113,324
Total operating expenses............................................................................................................................. 591,220 509,904
Operating income (loss).................................................................................................................................. 62,653 (13,577)
Non-operating income
Interest income............................................................................................................................................ 30 19
Dividend income......................................................................................................................................... 1,630 1,715
Proceeds from contribution for small construction..................................................................................... 186 1,340
Subsidy income........................................................................................................................................... — 5,864
Other............................................................................................................................................................ 2,256 2,989
Total non-operating income........................................................................................................................ 4,103 11,929
Non-operating expenses
Interest expenses......................................................................................................................................... 6,501 6,300
Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method....................................................................... 69 160
Other............................................................................................................................................................ 1,772 1,783
Total non-operating expenses...................................................................................................................... 8,343 8,244
Ordinary income (loss)................................................................................................................................... 58,414 (9,892)
Extraordinary income
Contribution for construction...................................................................................................................... 3,373 4,240
Other............................................................................................................................................................ 922 772
Total extraordinary income......................................................................................................................... 4,296 5,012
Extraordinary losses
Loss on retirement of non-current assets.................................................................................................... 1,495 1,020
Loss on reduction of non-current assets...................................................................................................... 3,284 4,236
Impairment loss........................................................................................................................................... 2,421 6,004
Amortization of goodwill............................................................................................................................ — 3,567
Loss on temporary suspension of operations.............................................................................................. — 1,929
Other............................................................................................................................................................ 1,351 640
Total extraordinary losses............................................................................................................................ 8,552 17,399
Net income (loss) before income taxes........................................................................................................... 54,157 (22,279)
Income taxes - current..................................................................................................................................... 17,210 2,732
Income taxes - deferred................................................................................................................................... 981 137
Total income taxes.......................................................................................................................................... 18,191 2,870
Profit (loss)...................................................................................................................................................... 35,966 (25,149)
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests...................................................................................... 436 (184)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent................................................................................................... 35,530 (24,965)

Millions of Yen
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 2020 2021

Profit (loss)...................................................................................................................................................... 35,966 (25,149)

Other comprehensive income
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities.................................................................................. (10,168) 8,721
Revaluation reserve for land........................................................................................................................ (327) 323
Foreign currency translation adjustment..................................................................................................... (7) (37)
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax.................................................................................. (2,383) 1,537
Share of other comprehensive income of entities accounted for using equity method............................... (0) 0
Total other comprehensive income.............................................................................................................. (12,886) 10,545
Comprehensive incom..................................................................................................................................... 23,079 (14,604)
Profit attributable to
Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent............................................................................ 22,657 (14,426)
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests................................................................ 422 (178)


Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Previous Consolidated Fiscal Year
(April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020)

Millions of Yen
Shareholders’ equity
Retained shareholders’
Capital stock Capital surplus earnings Treasury stock equity
Balance as of April 1, 2019............................................ ¥102,135 ¥59,723 ¥229,476 ¥(3,450) ¥387,884
Changes of items during period.......................................
Dividends of surplus.................................................... (7,922) (7,922)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent................ 35,530 35,530
Purchase of treasury stock............................................ (10,460) (10,460)
Disposal of treasury stock............................................ (0) — 1 1
Retirement of treasury stock........................................ (8,871) (595) 9,467 —
Reversal of revaluation reserve for land....................... 23 23
Change in parent company equity associated with
transactions with non-controlling shareholders........... 12 12
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity....
Total changes of items during period............................... — (8,859) 27,035 (991) 17,184
Balance as of March 31, 2020........................................ ¥102,135 ¥50,863 ¥256,511 ¥(4,442) ¥405,069

Accumulated other comprehensive income

Valuation Foreign Accumulated
difference on Revaluation currency Remeasurements other Non-
available-for- reserve for translation of defined comprehensive controlling
sale securities land adjustment benefit plans income interests Total net assets
Balance as of April 1, 2019............................................ ¥21,520 ¥47,856 ¥65 ¥4,031 ¥73,474 ¥7,917 ¥469,276
Changes of items during period.......................................
Dividends of surplus.................................................... (7,922)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent................ 35,530
Purchase of treasury stock............................................ (10,460)
Disposal of treasury stock............................................ 1
Retirement of treasury stock........................................ —
Reversal of revaluation reserve for land....................... 23
Change in parent company equity associated with
transactions with non-controlling shareholders........... 12
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity.... (10,154) (350) (7) (2,383) (12,896) 404 (12,491)
Total changes of items during period............................... (10,154) (350) (7) (2,383) (12,896) 404 4,692
Balance as of March 31, 2020........................................ ¥11,365 ¥47,506 ¥58 ¥1,648 ¥60,578 ¥8,321 ¥473,969


Consolidated Fiscal Year Under Review
(April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021)

Millions of Yen
Shareholders’ equity
Retained shareholders’
Capital stock Capital surplus earnings Treasury stock equity
Balance as of April 1, 2020............................................ ¥102,135 ¥50,863 ¥256,511 ¥(4,442) ¥405,069
Changes of items during period
Dividends of surplus.................................................... (6,262) (6,262)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent................ (24,965) (24,965)
Purchase of treasury stock............................................ (12) (12)
Disposal of treasury stock............................................ — (0) 7 7
Retirement of treasury stock........................................ — — — —
Reversal of revaluation reserve for land....................... 607 607
Change in parent company equity associated with
transactions with non-controlling shareholders........... 0 0
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity....
Total changes of items during period............................... — 0 (30,619) (5) (30,624)
Balance as of March 31, 2021........................................ ¥102,135 ¥50,864 ¥225,891 ¥(4,447) ¥374,444

Accumulated other comprehensive income

Valuation Foreign Accumulated
difference on Revaluation currency Remeasurements other Non-
available-for- reserve for translation of defined comprehensive controlling
sale securities land adjustment benefit plans income interests Total net assets
Balance as of April 1, 2020............................................ ¥11,365 ¥47,506 ¥58 ¥1,648 ¥60,578 ¥8,321 ¥473,969
Changes of items during period
Dividends of surplus.................................................... (6,262)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent................ (24,965)
Purchase of treasury stock............................................ (12)
Disposal of treasury stock............................................ 7
Retirement of treasury stock........................................ —
Reversal of revaluation reserve for land....................... 607
Change in parent company equity associated with
transactions with non-controlling shareholders........... 0
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity.... 8,714 (284) (37) 1,537 9,931 (172) 9,759
Total changes of items during period............................... 8,714 (284) (37) 1,537 9,931 (172) (20,865)
Balance as of March 31, 2021........................................ ¥20,080 ¥47,222 ¥21 ¥3,186 ¥70,510 ¥8,149 ¥453,103


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Years ended March31, 2020 and 2021

Millions of Yen
2020 2021
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income (loss) before income taxes....................................................................................................... ¥ 54,157 ¥ (22,279)
Depreciation................................................................................................................................................ 55,442 56,664
Impairment loss........................................................................................................................................... 2,421 6,004
Loss on temporary suspension of operations.............................................................................................. — 1,929
Amortization of goodwill............................................................................................................................ 1,451 4,486
Share of (profit) loss of entities accounted for using equity method.......................................................... 69 160
Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts.............................................................................. (85) (4)
Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses.............................................................................................. (192) (692)
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability...................................................................................... (2,577) (2,220)
Provision for directors’ retirement benefits................................................................................................. (20) 18
Increase (decrease) in allowance for collection loss on gift certificates and other items............................ 173 (440)
Interest and dividend income...................................................................................................................... (1,661) (1,735)
Interest expenses......................................................................................................................................... 6,501 6,300
Contribution for construction...................................................................................................................... (3,560) (5,580)
Loss on retirement of non-current assets.................................................................................................... 1,767 841
Loss on reduction of non-current assets...................................................................................................... 3,284 4,236
Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable - trade..................................................................... 7,931 2,299
Decrease (increase) in inventories............................................................................................................... 7,368 (1,427)
Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable - trade.......................................................................... 3,399 (11,192)
Other............................................................................................................................................................ (10,747) 18,052
Subtotal....................................................................................................................................................... 125,122 55,422
Interest and dividend income received........................................................................................................ 1,662 1,738
Interest expenses paid................................................................................................................................. (6,460) (6,324)
Amount paid toward loss on temporary suspension of operations.............................................................. — (1,469)
Income taxes (paid) refund.......................................................................................................................... (19,188) (9,862)
Cash flows from operating activities........................................................................................................... 101,136 39,504

Cash flows from investing activities

Net decrease (increase) in short-term loans receivable............................................................................... (4) (202)
Payments of long-term loans receivable..................................................................................................... (7) (119)
Collection of long-term loans receivable.................................................................................................... 17 8
Purchase of short-term and long-term investment securities...................................................................... (571) (232)
Proceeds from sales and redemption of short-term and long-term investment securities........................... 1,618 388
Proceeds from sales of investments in subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation............ 102 —
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets............................................................... (93,721) (80,653)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets............................................. 420 1,186
Proceeds from contribution received for construction................................................................................ 16,738 12,982
Payments for guarantee deposits................................................................................................................. (298) (749)
Proceeds from collection of guarantee deposits.......................................................................................... 469 1,206
Other............................................................................................................................................................ (385) (97)
Cash flows from investing activities............................................................................................................ (75,621) (66,283)
Cash flows from financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable................................................................................... (1,304) 29,845
Proceeds from long-term loans payable...................................................................................................... 62,246 78,648
Repayments of long-term loans payable..................................................................................................... (70,328) (56,523)
Proceeds from issuance of bonds................................................................................................................ 30,600 34,500
Payments for redemption of corporate bonds............................................................................................. (19,760) (34,420)
Net decrease (increase) in treasury stock.................................................................................................... (10,458) (5)
Cash dividends paid.................................................................................................................................... (7,920) (6,272)
Redemption of accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology agency.......... (4,905) (4,465)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests................................................................................................ (6) (6)
Other............................................................................................................................................................ (739) (938)
Cash flows from financing activities........................................................................................................... (22,577) 40,362
Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents........................................................................ (10) (42)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents..................................................................................... 2,927 13,540
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period.......................................................................................... 28,479 31,407
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.................................................................................................... ¥ 31,407 ¥ 44,947


Corporate Directory

Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board (As of July 1, 2021)
President and Representative Outside Directors External Audit & Supervisory Board
Director Mitsuyoshi Shibata Members
Yoshizumi Nezu Takaharu Ando Yuzaburo Mogi
Noriko Yagasaki Shuji Fukuda
Representative Director Masanori Yanagi Nobuhide Hayashi
Hiroaki Miwa
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board
Directors Members
Akihiro Ojiro Naotaka Nakajima
Toshiaki Onodera Tomoya Sugiyama
Yoshimi Yokota
Tsutomu Yamamoto
Toshiya Yoshino
Atsushi Shigeta

Investor Information (As of March 31, 2021)

TOBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. Principal Shareholders:
Registered Office: Number of Percentage of
Shares Held Total Shares
1-2 Oshiage 1-chome, Sumida-ku, Name (Thousands) in Issue
Tokyo 131-8522, Japan
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account)............. 20,146 9.65
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account).......................... 9,351 4.47
Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance Company................................ 5,235 2.50
Head Office:
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.................................................................. 4,653 2.22
18-12 Oshiage 2-chome, Sumida-ku,
STATE STREET BANK WEST CLIENT- TREATY 505234 ....... 4,026 1.92
Tokyo 131-8522, Japan
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account 5)....................... 3,196 1.53
Nippon Life Insurance Company............................................ 3,187 1.52
Date of Establishment:
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account 6)....................... 2,832 1.35
November 1897
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account 7)....................... 2,627 1.25
Saitama Resona Bank, Limited.............................................. 2,541 1.21
Number of Employees:
Securities Traded: Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
Common Stock The annual meeting of shareholders is
Common Stock:
Tokyo Stock Exchange, 1st Section normally held in June.
¥102,135 million

Transfer Agent and Registrar:

Number of Shareholders:
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
4-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8233, Japan



Tobu Railway Lines (major stations only)

GUNMA Shin-fujiwara

Akagi Tōbu-nikkō Shimo-imaichi

Kuzū Shin-tochigi

Nishi-koizumi Tatebayashi
Kuki Kurihashi
Sakado Ōmiya Kasukabe
Kawagoe Nagareyama-ōtakanomori
Wakōshi Daishimae Kashiwa
Nishiarai Shin-kamagaya
Ikebukur o Kita-senju
Hikifune Funabashi


Tōbu Main Line

Isesaki Line Sano Line
Nikkō Line Kiryū Line
Kameido Line Koizumi Line
Daishi Line Utsunomiya Line
Noda Line Kinugawa Line
* The Isesaki Line between Asakusa/Oshiage Station and
Tōbu-dōbutsu-kōen Station is nicknamed “TOBU SKYTREE Line”
* The Noda Line is nicknamed “TOBU URBAN PARK Line”

Tōbu Tōjō Line

Tōjō Main Line Ogose Line

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