ACCA - IAS 41 - Aug23 - For Participants
ACCA - IAS 41 - Aug23 - For Participants
ACCA - IAS 41 - Aug23 - For Participants
23 August 2023
© 2023 Deloitte PLT 1
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Overview of IAS 41
Scope of IAS 41
Key takeaways
Agricultural produce
Biological Assets
(at point of harvest)
41 • Measured at Fair value less costs to sell • Measured at Fair value less costs to sell
• High-level rebuttable presumption that
the fair value of biological assets can be
measured reliably. If rebutted, use cost
model (IAS 16)
Agricultural produce
Bearer plants IAS 2/ (after point of harvest)
IAS other
16 • Cost or fair value model IFRSs • Measurement model in the
applicable IFRSs
Identifying an asset
as a bearer plant
IAS 41
What is the
appropriate Whether the fair
discount rate to be value measurement
used for fair value methodologies are
calculations? Whether appropriate
monitoring process
is in place to
separately track
bearer plants and
• The management by an entity of the biological transformation and harvest of biological assets for sale or for
conversion into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets.
• Plant breeding
Agricultural produce
The harvested product of the entity’s biological assets
(at the point of harvest)
Produce on bearer
A biological asset
• Trees in a timber
• Felled trees • Logs, lumber
plantation forest
* At point of harvest
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Bearer plants
Which of the following are bearer plants are within the scope of IAS 16?
• Sugar cane
Entity A is a plant breeding entity. In the initial stages of the plant breeding process,
Entity A must develop new varieties by selecting seeds and cross-breeding in a
laboratory, as well as performing field tests. This process can take up to 12 years.
Is the development of new breeds of plants within the scope of IAS 41?
• Company A is a manufacturer of steel products with vertically integrated operations. Company A has a subsidiary, Subsidiary X,
that owns and operates a eucalyptus tree plantation.
• The agricultural produce (i.e. felled eucalyptus frees) is processed by Subsidiary X to produce charcoal.
• The charcoal is sold to Subsidiary Y, another member of the consolidated group, and used to fire blast furnaces for the
production of steel products. Subsidiary X does not sell the felled trees or the charcoal to entities outside of the consolidated
• For the purposes of Company A’s consolidated financial statements, should Subsidiary X’s biological assets (live eucalyptus tree)
and agricultural produce at the point of harvest (felled trees) be accounted for under IAS 41?
Yes, both the live eucalyptus trees and the felled trees will be accounted for under IAS
No, since the underlying transactions are within the consolidated group and will be
C The live eucalyptus trees and the felled trees will be accounted for under IAS 41
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Knowledge Check #5
An entity in rubber tree plantation produces latex to sell to latex processing factories. The entity has 10 tractors, 10
computers and software to manage the rubber tree plantation on its plantation estates, which is planted with
10,000 rubber trees. The entity’s assets also included 100 barrels of recently tapped latex.
It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the
entity and
No Use cost-depreciation-
impairment model
Only on
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
between market participants at the measurement date.
Included Excluded
• Presumes fair value can be measured reliably for most biological assets
• Rebuttable, only at initial recognition, if
A Can
B Cannot
How do you determine the fair value of biological assets including produce
growing on the bearer plants?
With active • The quoted price in that market is the appropriate basis to determine the FV
Fair value (FV) market • Where different active markets exist, to identify the principal (or most advantageous
Policy choice:
Upon maturity • the cost model; or
• the revaluation model
• Measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses
• To be accounted for in the same way as self-constructed items of PPE before they are in the
location and condition necessary to bear produce
• Depreciation commences when it is available for use, (i.e. when it is in the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management)
B When the bearer plants start producing or bearing fruits with the intended yield
Determining the Commencement of Depreciation or Amortisation of Bearer Plants – Oil Palm Trees
Depreciation begins when it is available for use
(i.e., when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of
operating in the manner intended by management)
MFRS 116
What are the appropriate depreciation or amortisation method for bearer plant?
Based on expected revenue generated from the future harvest from the bearer plants
over its useful lives
C Based on expected yield of production from the bearer plants over its useful lives
At point of
Fair value less estimated costs to sell
• At initial recognition, any gain or loss (when a biological asset is first recognised at fair value
less costs to sell) is reported in profit or loss for the period
Biological asset
• Over the life, gains and losses (to reflect changes in fair value less costs to sell) are also
reported in profit or loss in the period in which they arise
Agricultural • At initial recognition (point of harvest), any gain or loss arising is included in profit or loss
produce for the period in which it arises
Timing of
depreciation and
amortisation of
Fair value bearer plants (under
determination IAS 16)
methods and
involvement of Disclosure
experts requirements
Availability of systems and
historical IAS 41 processes for
information tracking biological
❑ Measuring assets
• Presumption that fair value is determinable
• Rebuttable only on initial recognition when
quoted market price are not available or
are clearly unreliable
© 2023 Deloitte PLT 42
Deloitte Publication on IAS 41 and Amendments to IAS 41 and IAS 16 (IAS Plus)
Insurance contracts
Embedded derivatives
(Only for entities applying IFRS 17 in their first IFRS FS)
Deemed of previously
Cost recognised Joint arrangements
Business Borrowing
in subsidiaries,
Combinations costs
and joint ventures Fair value Designation of
measurement contracts to buy
Leases of FA and FL or sell a non-
at initial financial
Assets & recognition item
Share-based Extinguishing
payment financial liabilities
of subsidiaries,
transactions with equity
associates and
joint ventures Decommissioning
Stripping liabilities included Revenue
costs in the
Insurance cost of PPE
Contracts Compound
(only for Severe
entities not Hyperinflation
applying IFRS FA or
17) Foreign currency
Cumulative intangible asset transactions and
translation accounted for advance consideration
differences in accordance with
© 2023 Deloitte PLT 50
Key implementation considerations
IT implementation
Data gaps
(changes in systems.
(info required to apply
controls, etc)
new accounting )
Key implementation
Familiarity with the
key major standards
Consideration of (e.g. IFRS 15, 9, 16)
accounting policy
Key Performance
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