Simple No-Grid Survival

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Simple No Grid Survival

Projects Book

The Beginner’s Friendly Handbook, Skills & Preparedness Guide for

a Disaster Ready Home

Kingsley Theo
Copyright © 2022 Kingsley Theo

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use
of brief quotations in a book review.

Printed in the United States of America

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: Projects on Lighting When You Have No Electricity ............................. 2

Project 1: Turn Your Car into a Generator ............................................................ 2

Project 2: How To Build A Solar Bottle Bulb ........................................................ 4

Project 3: DIY Solar Battery Charger.................................................................... 13

Project 4: How to Set Up A Solar Power System ................................................ 16

Project 5: How to Store Petrol/Gasoline ............................................................. 20

Chapter 2: Projects on Water When the Powers is out ......................................... 25

Project 6: How to Construct a Device That Collects Rainwater ........................ 27

Project 7: How to Make A Simple DIY Stand Point Well .................................. 35

Project 8: How to collect Water from a Surface Source .................................... 45

Chapter 3: Projects on Water Purification ............................................................. 54

Projects 10: Water Filtration .................................................................................. 54

Project 9: Purifying Water by Boiling .....................................................................60

Project 10: Water Distillation at Home ................................................................... 62

Chapter 4: Food Preservation Projects ................................................................... 65

Project 11: DIY Method for Smoking Meat..........................................................66

Project 12: Garbage Can Root Cellar DIY ............................................................ 72

Project 13: How to Make your Dill Pickles .......................................................... 79

Project 14: The No Power Refrigerator ............................................................... 82

Chapter 5: No Grid Cooking Projects ..................................................................... 87

Project 15: How To Build A DIY Rocket Stove Oven .......................................... 87

Project 16: How to build a solar oven .................................................................89

Project 17: How to Get Wood and Let It Dry ..................................................... 92

Chapter 6: Projects on ............................................................................................ 98

Superfood Survival Food......................................................................................... 98

Project 18: How to make this super food - HARDTACK ................................... 98

Project 19: Superfood Survival Recipe ................................................................... 100

Chapter 7: Projects on Free Heating and Air Cooling System Project ................ 104

Project 20: How to Get Started with the Free Heater ...................................... 104

Project 21: How to make a non-compressor air conditioner............................. 110

Chapter 8: Toileting ................................................................................................ 112

Project 22: Easy Steps to Make a Composite Toilet ........................................... 112

Chapter 9: Medical Survival Skills.......................................................................... 115

PROJECT 23; HOW TO STOP BLEEDING?....................................................... 115

Project 24: How to Check Airway, Breathing and Circulation ........................ 122

Project 25: How to do CPR ................................................................................ 127

Project 26: How to Splint a fractured Leg ......................................................... 136

Project 27 : How to Put Together a First Aid Kit for Your House ................... 140

Chapter 10: Home Security .................................................................................... 147

Project 28: Laser Security System Alarm DIY ................................................... 147

LONG TERM NO GRID SURVIVAL PROJECT ..................................................... 151

Chapter 11: Projects on Growing and Sourcing for Food ...................................... 152

Project 29: How to Start a Garden .................................................................... 152

Part 1: Choosing a Garden Style ......................................................................... 152

Project 30: How To Make A Homemade Organic Compost For Your Garden160

Chapter 12: Animal Husbandry ............................................................................. 169

Project 31: Raising chickens ................................................................................ 169

Project 32: How to Hunt ..................................................................................... 172

Project 33: Foraging ........................................................................................... 180

Edible Plants in the United States .....................................................................182

Edible Plants in UK ............................................................................................ 184

Edible Plants in Germany .................................................................................. 186

Project 34: Trapping for Game .......................................................................... 188

Conclusion ..............................................................................................................195

A Note from the Author .........................................................................................197

our way. If you even want to live off grid,
these projects are perfect for you.
These projects include super foods and
The last thing you want during dark time s
survival skills and hacks to keep your
is depending on others for basic needs.
loved ones well fed and safe during crisis
According to Congressional EMP, a lot of
and dark times. These projects are suited
people will lose their lives if society
for those who want to save much, rather
collapses. And the only way you can
than the very wealthy that do not care
survive this kind of country -wide collapse
about the bills.
is by becoming self -sufficient on your own
property. You don’t have time? We understand that
too. These projects do not require time to
In this book, we are going to show you
build. Some of these projects take a few
more than 35 Projects you can easily do
minutes to an hour to put together,
yourself with step by step instructions.
allowing you to work on easy projects in
Each project comes with colored images
your spare time.
and a list of materials needed for each
project. You can easily purchase any of With that said, let's dive right in.
these materials online or at a nearby DIY
Hardware shop.

The best part about this project is that they

are going to make you independent and
self-sufficient on your own property.
There’s an extraordinary peace and
accomplishment when you produce
everything you need on your own.

This book also has home projects that

everyone should know to be safe and to
protect their families in the time of
economic crisis, especially in long term
black out, riot, hyperinflation, hurricanes,
or other unforeseen events that may come

your property has stairs. These exist in our
Chapter 1: Projects on
home for daily usage, but staircases can be
Lighting When You particularly dangerous when there is no
light at all.
Have No Electricity
And to prevent this from happening
Water should always be the first resource
further, have an s0lar installation in your
used in an emergency, in my opinion. In
house. With this, you become more self-
contrast, in a grid-down situation, you
must be able to see to safely get the items
you prepared. As a result, I put lighting as With that said, let us look at how we can
the top category. Lighting will be crucial as make our own DIY lighting system in a no
you carry out your objectives. grid situation.

I advise you to have a variety of lights. I

Project 1: Turn Your Car
adore solar and battery -powered lighting
since they are comparatively secure. into a Generator
Candles with portable holders are an How to turn your car into a generator
excellent backup option as well, but if you
use these kinds of lighting, keep a fire This is a must have system, if you find

extinguisher on hand. No need to yourself in areas with low supply of

compound an already urgent situation. electricity

If you need to travel around the house, With this, you are able to power your

carry some light that is simple to carry with laptops, cellphone, drills, printer, monitor,

you. fan etc.

Have some stationary, bigger, brighter Equipment

lights as well, such as while you're eating ● Power inverter (500 watt)
or playing games at a table. Having some ● A car
light that you can move around while
keeping your hands free, like a headlamp,
can also be handy. ● Battery clip
● Cables
I also advise having some battery -operated ● 12v DC adapter plug
lights that don't need to be carried around if

1. Connect your negative cable to the

negative terminal of the inverter.

5. If it doesn't come on, turn your volume

ignition to the accessory position.

2. Do same for the positive terminal.

6. Now you can power your laptops,

cellphone, drills, printer, monitor, fan etc.

3. Then attach your negative clamp to the

negative terminal of your battery.

7. You could also power your work tools.

Also your positive clamp connect to the

positive terminal of your battery

4. Turn on your inverter, by pressing the

button in front

8. You can either use the battery clamps or 3. GALVANIZED STEEL SHEETS 10
the DC adapter plug; they both work in the BY 10 INCHES
same way.

For heavy duty equipment you can use the

1000 watts inverter.

This inverter is a great device to have and

it's not that expensive. You could get that
at the cost of 49$ or more. 4. BOTTLE WITH CEMENT

Project 2: How To Build A

Solar Bottle Bulb











HOW TO BUILD SOLAR BOTTLE smaller circle in the center of the first
BULB circle, using the smaller guide.


Use the bigger circular guide which must

fit the circumference of the bottle to draw a
circle on the sheet. The center of the guide
should be on the crest of the galvanized
sheet. The nice thing about having guides
is that you do not make mistakes. It is good
to use thick cardboard or a thick kind of STEP 2

plastic for the guide.

Use the chisel to cut through the first

circle, then use the steel cutter to cut it out.
It is important to use a curved type,
because if you use the straight cutter, you
won't be able to cut the curve correctly.

Once you have the circumference of the

bottle on your steel sheet, trace out a



Cut the teeth in spaces of about 2ml apart

from the outside to the guideline that you
placed previously. This will help to keep
the bottle in place. Hammer the teeth flat,
then you use a plier to bend it out. It should
To confirm that the teeth are properly set;
be at 45° not 90° out.
you get another plastic bottle, fill it with
cement. Put the steel sheet over the cement
bottle, push the teeth so that it fits correctly Step 5
to the bottle. Then you carefully remove
the cement bottle from the sheet. The use
of the cement bottle is to protect the plastic
bottle that will be used from damage.

Apply glue using the glue gun in the

middle of the sanded section. Insert the
plastic can into the sheet. By putting the
glue beforehand you lessen the possibility
of risk.

To prevent your hand from getting sticky,

mix some water with some soap, insert
your fingers in the mixture. Push in the
glue into the crevices, this is essential
because, if the upper seal is breached, you
Sand close to the mid part of the plastic will still have one at the bottom to hold
bottle(normally where the label is placed) back the water from coming in.
so that the glue sticks properly. There
Do the same at the top, make sure the top
should be 2/3 space at the bottom for light
seal is about 2ml or half an inch above the
to go out and some space at the top of the
sheet, that way water won't go into the
bottle for light to come in. The sanding
roof. If there are spaces or metal pieces that
should be done at 45°. Make sure that there
go out, you can put another layer of glue.
is no shiny part in the section.

from growing in the water blocking the
light coming into the house. The bleach
will be enough to keep the water clean for
the next couple of years.

Then fill it up with distilled water, to make

sure that there are no particles of dirt in the
water that will block off the sunlight. Fill
up the bottle all the way to the top to
ensure that there is no room for

Step 6 Step 7

Fill the bottle with water and 4 caps of

bleach (10ml). The bleach is to stop algae

It is important to put a sealant in the cap to
make sure that no evaporation occurs from
the solar bottle light. Apply glue to the
mouth of the bottle and plac e the cap on it.
The bottle cap cracks under the sun, so
protect it by putting a shield around it, to
make sure that the sun's rays do not crack
the top of the bottle. Apply gum to the cap
and place the shield ( a 1 1/4 inch pipe
covering) on it, seal the edge of the shield
and the top with gum.


Step 1

Draw a circle on the roofing sheet using a

guide. Cut through the circle.

Put the glue on the outer perimeter of the
steel sheet and on an inch around the hole,
make sure the glue does not cover the
bottle light. Then you insert the bottle.

Step 2

Insert the bottle through the roofing sheet

to make sure it fits correctly before you
apply glue.

Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Drill 6 holes and rivet immediately to make Seal around the sheet with gum and a metal
sure the holes align. strip, it ensures that water does not leak
into the house at least in the next 5 years.
This gives it double sealing.

Step 6 Project 3: DIY Solar
Battery Charger
Learn how to charge a Li -ion 18650 cell
using a TP 4056 chip with the sun energy.

Hardware Equipment:

● 5v solar cell
● General purpose circuit board (PCB)
Seal with glue from inside of the roof. ● 1N4007 diode
● Copper wire
● 2 terminal blocks
● 18650 battery holder
● 18650 battery
● TP4056 battery protection board
● 5v power booster
● Connecting cables/wires
● General soldering equipment

Conclusively, ensure you use PET soda

bottle (1L, 1.5L, 2L) to make sure that it
does not easily break. Do not use plastic
water bottles. Use tough glue like Sika
Flex 11FC glue or epoxy sealant to make
1100 percent sure it is sealed properly.

Here comes your plastic solar bulb.


1. Solder the battery protection board a

bit above the circuit board

3. Put four copper wires to make four
legs on the circuit board

To achieve this, use a hard copper wire to

make legs of the circuit board
4. the solar cell is connected to the
TP4056 battery charger

2. Slide in the battery charger board unit

into the leg and solder them altogether.

5. A diode of 1N4007 is inserted at the

positive end for the revert voltage

6. Then the BAT+ and BAT – of the

board is connected to the positive and
negative end of the battery.
9. Put in the sun to test
7. To power the board, we need to boost
up the output to 5v. add a 5v booster to
the circuit.

The charging light comes on

8. Connect the negative end of the battery

to the IN - of the booster and the
positive end to the IN+ by adding a
switch in between

10. Plug in your load to see

The booster goes straight into the charger

The LED light appears dim

Project 4: How to Set Up
A Solar Power System
Solar electricity is more expensive than a
generator, but it never runs out of fuel
(except on a cloudy day). In general, a
gas/propane generator will produce more
11. Plug in the battery to see how it works energy for less money. Even if you install
solar panels, you will need a generator for
use at night and on cloudy days.

Consider a grid -independent inverter, a

battery backup, and/or a generator if you
already have solar panels. The way it
works is that the elect ricity is harvested by
the solar panels, which goes to the solar
charged controller, which then charged the
The charging lights are up battery and then power from the battery
goes back to the charged controller. After
that it then goes to the solar inverter, which
then powers your g adgets and home

You can use this for your remote data

4 basic components:
You will actually need solar panels with
more wattage to effectively and efficiently 1. Solar charge controller
charge the battery. 2. 12V20ah Seal lead acid battery with a
max charging current of 6 amperes

Note: you can put distilled water into the
battery terminals to extend the life usage of
your battery.

3. 500 watts Solar power inverter of 12

volts to ac 220 which converts power
from the solar panel and battery
4. 50 watts Solar panel
Procedures: Note: be sure to cover one of the terminals
from the solar panel with an electric tape to
● Connect the negative and positive
prevent it from short circuiting. As soon as
wires from the solar panel to the
the solar panel hits with light, both wires
positive and negative solar panel
automatically become live.
terminal on the charge controller
Tip: personally, I always us e the wire with
the printed label on it for the positive
terminal to prevent confusion.

● Connect the positive and the negative

battery terminal on the charged
controller to the negative and positive
terminal of the battery.

● Connect the negative and positive
terminal of the charged controller to
the positive and negative terminal of
the power inverter.
Tip: I'll use the wire with the printed label
for the positive terminal.

Note: As soon as the solar battery and

solar panel are connected to the charged
controller, some of the LED lights will
light up.

● Try charging your gadgets.
Tip: To power inverter, press the orange
power button on the solar charged inverter,
this will light up the load LED light of the
solar charger controller and turn the power
inverter fan on.

To power up the ac out and USB port, on

the inverter, press the on button.
a minimum, and store gasoline in a safe
place away from heat, fire, and electricity.

Part 1: Selecting A ppropriate

Containers for Storage

1. Choose containers that are clearly

labeled for gasoline.

That's it.

Gas cannot be safely stored in any

container. Look for a container that is
Project 5: How to Store labeled "gasoline" (or "petrol"), with
appropriate warnings and information
Petrol/Gasoline about the capacity and safety features of
In the case of a total grid down, gas the container (such as spill -proof caps or
stations will not be functioning and eve n if flashing arresting screens).
they are, the queue will be too long to even
● Check the label for safety certifications
get petrol. So the best thing to do is to have
(like UN/DOT or UL) or signs that the
your petrol stored safely in case something
Environmental Protection Agency or a
like that ever happens.
similar group has approved the
To maintain the safety and freshness of container.
your gasoline, it is necessary to store it ● Most gasoline containers are red to
properly. Always store gasoline in show that the product is flammable.
containers designed specifically for 2. Purchase standard plastic gasoline
gasoline storage. Fill and move containers containers for use around the house.
carefully to keep health and safety risks to

If you need to transport gasoline
containers in the United States using a
commercial vehicle, you mus t use a
container approved by the Department
of Transportation. The Department of
Transportation approves gas containers
that meet United Nations standards.
These containers may be made of
plastic or metal and will bear the UN
For basic home use, such as refueling a emblem.
lawnmower or generator, plastic gas cans
● Numerous nations adhere to UN
are widely available at automotive and
requirements for the storage and
home supply stores. These cans are made
transport of gasoline. Chapter 6.1 of
to meet a number of safety and quality
this UN publication on the
standards. When used correctly, they are
International Carriage of Dangerous
usually safe.
Goods contains a detailed breakdown
● Plastic gas storage containers are of the UN's packaging and labeling
designed to be child -resistant, leak - standards:
proof, and environmentally frien dly. ● Choose containers with a maxi mum
They must adhere to strict national and capacity of 5 gallons (19 l).
international safety requirements.

3. Obtain safety cans approved by

UN/DOT for use in commercial

Most fire codes stipulate that portable

gasoline containers should hold no more
than five gallons (19 liters) of fuel.

Capacity requirements may vary depending
on your location. In some areas, plastic gas
containers are subject to even stricter
capacity restrictions than metal ones.

● Check the local fire code to determine

the area's capacity regulations.
Filling your container too quickly can
Part 2: Safely filling and moving
result in splatters, spills, and potentially
dangerous static electricity buildup. Keep
1. Keep the container on the ground your hand on the gas nozzle at all times
while filling it. and maintain control of the gas flow into
your container while filling.

● Keep the nozzle of the gas pump in

touch with the opening of the container
at all times.
3. When the container is 95 percent full
or less, stop.

Gas fires caused by static electricity can be

avoided by placing the container on the
ground. Never fill the container while
holding it or driving with it.

● Fill the container at a safe distance (at

least 5 feet or 1.5 meters) from the
vehicle. Overfilling a container increases the
2. Fill the container carefully a nd likelihood of spills and overflow. When
slowly. gasoline is exposed to heat, it may expand
in the container, so it is also important to
leave a small amount of headspace to
prevent pressure buildup.
● Some plastic gasoline containers have ● If you see gasoline on the outside of
a strip of translucent white plastic the container, you should let it sit until
along one side so that the level of fuel the gasoline has evaporated before
can be easily determined. putting it in your car.
4. Once the container is full, it must be 6. Immediately remove the container
tightly sealed. from the vehicle.

After filling the container, replace the cap After you've filled your container, transport
and verify that it is securely fastened. This it to its final destination and remove it from
will prevent any hazardous spills or leaks. your vehicle. The interior of a vehicle can
become ver y hot. Never leave gas in your
5. Place the container upright in a
vehicle for longer than strictly necessary.
shady, stable location wit hin your
vehicle. ● Inhaling gas fumes while driving with
a gas container in your car puts you at
risk for illness, so it is best to limit the
amount of time the container is in your

Part 3: Maint aining Your Containers in

a Secure Location

1. No more than 25 gallons (95 l) of

Do not place the container in the trunk or
gasoline may be stored in a room.
in direct sunlight. Ensure that the container
is not on its side or at risk of toppling
during transport.

● You can purchase flammable storage
cabinets at a variety of home
improvement stores or online.
3. Place your containers away from
large appliances.

While local regulations may vary, many

fire codes prohibit storing more than 25
gallons (95 l) of gasoline in a single
location. Typically, gas must also be
separated into smaller storage containers.

● Find out how much gasoline you can An appliance's heat, sparks, or static
electricity could ignite the flammable
legally and safely store on your
vapors in your gas containers. Do not store
property by contacting the local fire
your gas container near any electrical
department or another health and
appliances, including dryers, refrigerators,
safety authority.
or water heaters.
2. Keep the gasoline in a well -
ventilated area outside the residence. ● You should also make sure your
storage area doesn't have any open
flames or other things that could start a
4. Avoid placing your containers in
direct sunlight.

If you keep gasoline cans in your home,

you risk exposure to fumes or fire. Keep
your containers in a shed or a cabinet
designed specifically for the storage of
Your storage space should be dark, cool,
flammable liquids outside your residence.
and out of direct sunlight. Your gasoline
will evaporate and expand inside the
Chapter 2: Projects on
container when exposed to sunlight.
Water When the Powers
● An excessive amount of heat from any
source, including the sun, can pose a is out
risk of fires or explosions.
We just cannot survive for very long
● Keep your fuel containers away from
without water. Now that the grid is down,
windows and never leave them in
why is water still an issue? Pumps deliver
direct sunlight.
water to our homes, so when the power
5. Gasoline should be discarded after
goes out, the pumps stop, eventually
12 months or when oxidation signs
lowering the pressure as well.
The good news is that the pressure
If properly stored, gasoline has the
typically persists for a while, so as soon as
potential to last up to a year. If your
the power goes off, fill up any bathtubs,
gasoline has been stored for several
big pots, or other containers you may have
months, pour a sample into a glass jar and
around the house.
compare it to a sample of fresh gasoline. A
darker hue could indicate that the gas is It is advised that you strive to keep 3
beginning to oxidize and should be gallons of water per person, each day, on
discarded. your property at the very least (don't forget
your pets!). This can be kept in many
● Fuel stabilizers can extend the shelf
different ways and is used for drinking,
life of gasoline by several months.
personal hygiene, and cleaning.
● To find out how to get rid of old gas,
search for "hazardous waste disposal
facility near me" or call your local
First, visit your local grocery store and get
waste management agency.
cases of bottled water. It's a good idea to
● Never dispose of gasoline outside, in a
keep these on hand for drinking.
sink, or in a storm drain. This can
create fire haza rds, harm the Depending on how much space you have to
environment, and possibly contaminate store water, you can choose from a wide
local water sources. variety of storage containers.

The Water Bricks

• 55 Gal. Barrels

When you think of water storage, the 55

For people with smaller houses, such
gallon barrel is likely what comes to mind.
apartments or condos, Water Bricks are
If you have the capacity for them, these are
fantastic. They can be stacked and are
wonderful for storing big amounts of
water. For simpler storage and use, I prefer
the ones that stack.

5 gal Containers Barrels for Rain

They are compact and easy to carry, fill, In the absence of an emergency, rain
and use than larger containers. I prefer and buckets are excellent to have and may be
utilize 5 gallo n containers. They come used to water your plants. Just keep in
with handles, and spigot valves are also mind that water you gather from the
available for purchase for them. outdoors isn't pure, so you'll need to boil it
or get a decent water filter like the
Lifestraw for individual u sage or the • Five-gallon bucket
Berkey for a family or you can DIY. • A fifty five gallon drum with lid
• The downspout fittings
What about if power does not come up for
• A power drill with 7/8 inch spade bit
a long time and you have almost exhausted
• A utility knife
the ones you have stored? Then make your
own water.
The next project we are going to embark
1. Have your roof cleaned professionally.
on will show you how easy it is to get your
own water.

Project 6: How to
Construct a Device That
Collects Rainwater
The use of collected rainwater for garden
irrigation can result in significant water
savings. If you live in a place that gets a
moderate to high amount of rain, you
might be able to get all the water you need
for your home from rainwater alone.

The following items are necessary for your


• A gutter strainer
• A permanent black marker
• A three -quarter inch spigot with a 1/4
inch turn ball valve
2. Make a hole in a bucket. To create the
• Three cinder blocks
top of your rainwater collection
• 1 1/4 inch galvanized wood screws
system, use the 7/8-inch spade bit
• A half-round bastard file
attached to you r power drill to cut the
• A jigsaw
• Paint strainer
lid off of a five -gallon bucket. This
will serve as the cap.
4. Trace all the wa y around the top of the
55 gallon barrel onto the top of the 5
gallon bucket with your permanent
black marker. drill your way through
the five-gallon bucket to create the first
hole in it in the same way.

3. Make it simpler for your jigsaw to roll

and cut by drilling a hole in the side of
the five-gallon bucket. This will allow
more room for the blade.

5. Using a 7/8 -inch-diameter spade bit,

drill a ho le in the top of the 55 -gallon

6. Be sure to stick to the instructions that
8. Give it a good spout, because no one
are written around the top of the barrel.
likes a leaking spout, especially when
the goal of your rainwater collection
system is to reduce water waste.
9. Spout it out. You will need to drill a
hole with your 7/8 -inch spade bit into
the bottom of the 55 -gallon dru m, and
then use a half-round bastard file to file
down the inside of the hole until you

7. The opening of the 55 -gallon drum have a good fit and can screw the 3/4 -

should be able to accommodate the top inch spigot in securely. This will allow

of the five -gallon bucket without any you to make sure that your spout fits

difficulty. snugly into the bottom of the drum.

10. Once you have determined that the
drum will fit adequately on the cinder
blocks, place the drum on the blocks.

11. The drain. Install an extension to the

gutter downspout so that water can
flow into the collection barrel using the
one that is already there ( any hardware
store will have a variety of extensions
and fittings).

12. To ensure that the end of the fitting
will be able to slide into the top of your
rainwater collection barrel, measure
and mark the location where the fitting
13. A splice may be required to connect
will be cut (most fittin gs are made of
the extension to the end of your
flexible plastic and can be cut with a
previous downspout.
utility knife).

16. Attach the fittings to the side of your
house step to make sure they fit

14. Bring the two parts together until they

securely click into place.

17. To prevent bulky items from falling

into the collection barrel, you should
drill a hole in the top of the fiv e-gallon
container and secure it with a screw.

15. Use brackets to fasten the fittings to

the surface of the side of your house.

18. First, take measurements all the way
around the opening of the drain, and
then use the 7/8-inch spade bit to drill a
pilot hole before proceeding to cut the
rest of the lid with your saw.

20. Make sure there is no standing water in

the drain because mosquitoes need
moving water to breed in.

19. Position the lid on top of the bucket,

and check to see that it has a good,
secure fit.

22. Another smart thing to do is install a
gutter strain in the open gutter on your
roof. This will stop large debris from
getting into the fittings and possibly
clogging the gutters.
21. Before you put the strainer on the lid,
tie a knot in it so that any organic
waste that accumulates won't fall too
far into the rain barrel. This will
prevent any water from getting

Project 7: How to Make A
Simple DIY Stand Point
This is similar to a straw that penetrates
deeply into the earth and allows you to
extract water. This style of well is quite
simple to insta ll on your own. As the ends
of the pipes are threaded,

Note: Before start digging a well, it is

important to check the water table and
obtain the appropriate permissions.

Tools Needed:

 A well point
 Get a sledge hammer or a fence post
driver, often called a pipe slammer
 A well point ((the blue piece is made
of cast iron and it is attached to a
galvanized pipe that also has stainless
steel mesh). The fine screen will be
inserted into the ground to allow water

to enter the pipe, which will then be 3. Mix some soapy water
connected to other pipes to draw water
from deep underground to the surface.
 Get five 4 -foot-long pipes with
threaded ends and a 1-and-a-quarter-
inch diameter. Larger diameters are
available, but this is the best choice
since you will be putting the pipe into
the ground yourself.
4. To clean the pipe, pull the threaded
 Use a cup line to connect the pipes, but
brush through it.
do not purchase a standard one. This is
a unique well cup line because it has
threads on both ends, but the threads
do not extend all the way to the end.
 Pipe dope (one which is rated safe for
drinking water)
 A pitcher or a motorized pump


1. The interior of the pipes should be

cleaned, as someone or an animal may
be drinking the water.
2. Attach a rope to the end of the brush in
this manner.

5. Run water through it to remove dirt

and detergent.

8. Be sure to remove any roots or rocks
6. Use a post hole digger to start digging that could enter the upper soil from the
the hole. hole.

9. Place the well point in the hole.

7. This can be approximately 4 feet deep.

10. Leave approximately one foot of the

pipes above ground.

13. Next, take another segment, apply
dope to the end of the threads, and
insert it into the coupler.

11. Apply pipe dope to the pipe's threads.

(Obtain a pipe cleaner that is rated safe
for drinking water.)

12. Use your hand to tighten the coupler as

much as possible.

14. Now, use the two biggest pipe

wrenches you can find to tighten the
coupler to the lower part of the pipe.

16. Insert it into the pipe's upper threaded

Additionally, tighten the cou pler's upper


Note: This material should not be made too

tight, as it is intended to be beaten on.

17. Add another 10 -inch length of pipe

before attaching the cap in order to
properly insert the pipe into the well

15. Here are the secret ingredients that will without damaging the threads.

allow you to drive the pipe into the

ground without causing any damage.
This is known as a "smash cap."

18. Start by driving the pipe into the 20. You may wish to include pipe dope.
ground with a sledgehammer. Place it beneath the coupling and then
tighten everything.

You may use a chair for convenience, and

hit the pipe as hard as you possibly can.

Each strike drives approximately one inch

of the pipe into the soil.

19. Once you are within a foot or two of

the ground, you can now remove the
extra 10-inch pipe.

21. Connect a pipe to the coupler.

22. Pipe wrenches should be used to

tighten the pipes and couplings.
Always check the tightness of the

24. Start checking for water approximately

12 feet above the ground.

Once you reach 12 feet, you will insert at

23. Resume striking with your least one more pipe segment into the

sledgehammer. ground. This will position the well point

far enough below the water table to ensur e
that your new well will never run dry.
Once the pipe hits something, like a rock, it
will stop going into the ground. As a result
of this, you should be ready to take the

26. Cover the pipe's surrounding hole.

25. Insert the rope completely into the

pipe. With water dripping from the
rope, dragging it out will produce a
musical sound in your ears.

27. The most productive phase of the 28. Attach the pump to the pipe using
project. It is time to pump your pitcher. Teflon tape to make the process a bit

Note: Before using a pitcher pump for the

first time, it is recommended to soak it in a
five-gallon bucket of water for about an
hour, as the leather gaskets inside the
pitcher may have become quite dry while
in the packaging.

29. Screw the pump securely into the pipe.

Tip: Pouring water on top of the pump will

assist in priming it.

Note: The initial water will be
contaminated. Maintaining the pumping
process will aid in the final extraction of
clean water.

30. Start pumping. Remember that you are

pumping water from approximately 20
feet below the surface, so it may take
some time before water begins to

And that concludes it!

Project 8: How to collect
Water from a Surface
 Surface water: Surface water is water
that flows on the surface; flowing
water is preferable to stagnant water
because it is significantly cleaner.
There are parasites, protozoa, bacteria,
and viruses in stagnant water, so it
needs to be filtered and cleaned before
it can be used.

Making A Drum Pump With Zero



 16 millimeter pipe for intake of water

 16 millimeter pipe output water pipe
If you intend to drink the water, you can  55 gallon water drum
have it tested. Otherwise, feel free to use it  A marker
for any other purpose.  A drill or any instrument that can assist
in drilling the hole.
31. You may choose to embellish your
 PVC pipe


1. There is a 16 -millimeter hole already

present at the top of the drum.

2. Drill a 16-millimeter hole in the middle
of the drum's underside.
3. Measure with a marker and mark the

4. Shave around the middle mark.

7. Locate a different used 55 -gallon

5. Round off the edges.

8. Remove its original entrance.

6. Determine if it is compatible with your

PVC pipe coupler.

9. Double-check that your cuttings are an
10. Apply glue to the cuttings to ensure a
exact match with your 16mm hole
precise fit.

11. Screw the attached cuttings' edges to
the drum
12. Insert your PVC pipes into the two 16
mm holes.

This is the outcome of the 16-millimeter

13. Run with the air tight and fit the bill.

Remember the drum's original 16 -

millimeter-diameter hole?

Make sure to tighten it.

14. Place the drum close to the water's
surface on a stand.

15. Attach your input pipe using glue or a

rubber band and a plastic bag (I.e.,
using glue or rubber at each joining).

16. Connect the final longer pipe (i.e.,

connect various lengths of pipe until it
can reach the water source).

17. Attach a pipe for air pressure to the
angled pipe.

18. Close the end of the pipe leading into

the water until the output is opened.

19. Connect your output pipe.

20. Join air pressures
22. Now, fill both air holes to generate

21. Connect the locks.

23. obstruct the air vents

25. And your water begins to flow out.

Note: Depending on the distance between

24. Release the water input and output the source and your shed, you can connect
pipes. your output pipes to any length. Also, the
pipe going into the drum should be smaller
than the pipe going out of the drum.

Chapter 3: Projects on
1. Drill two holes in the bottom of one 5 -
Water Purification
gallon buckets and one lid
Although many people believe that
filtering and purifying water are the same,
they are in fact entirely distinct processes.
When water is filtered, it is forced through
a filter, which captures both minute and
large particles of debris. Additionally,
professional filters remove bacteria,
parasites, and protozoa. My advice is to
2. Measure 4 inch from the edges of the
utilize a gravity-fed water filtration system,
two sides so they’d appear somehow
but don't forget to acquire one that is large
enough to meet the demands of your

Projects 10: Water Filtration

A Water Filtration System Modeled
After Berkey Water

Berkey Water Filter System


 Water container
 The filter elements
 And the spigot

Home Made:

 Water drop filters. Same size and

shape of the berkey water filter system
 Two Five gallon BPA free food -grade
buckets with two lids
 Plastic water spigot

3. Place the lid top -down over the bottom
of what will be the top bucket.

Note: the purpose of the lid is to give a

way to seat on top the lower bucket and
also provide a little more structure on 4. Drill three 8 inches holes through the

which to hold the filter elements lid and bucket

5. Clean the plastic burrs up

6. Since the filter elements are threaded,
use an included plastic wing nut to
affix the filter with the bucket
7. Attach the lid and the bottom of the
bucket. Putting the filter and thread
through the bucket and the lid holes.

At this point, the lid will be affixed with

the bottom of the bucket

8. Tighten it in place with the plastic nuts

9. Remove the filter elements.
10. Drill a 5 -8 inch hole at the side of the
lower bucket near the bottom and
install the spigot

Note: the Big berkey bucket comes with

two filter elements but it can accommodate
up to four.

The filters come with a small rubber gasket
that is used to press against the faucet
thereby forcing water into the bottom side
of the filter element.

Note: Before the filters are ready to use,

they need to be primed.

This is done by using the faucet to gently

force water up the filter to flush out the
element and saturate the pores with water.
The water begins to seep out the sides of
the filter element. After doing this for
several seconds, both filters are ready to

14. Pour in 4 gallons of water to test it out

11. Clean up the buckets with dish soap

and water.

15. Water begins to drip out of the bottom

of the filters into the lower bucket

12. Run a quick test on the spigot to ensure

its attached securely and no leaks

13. Attach the filters back into the upper

bucket and lower lid with the plastic
wing nuts. It is ready to use

16. Make sure to cover the upper bucket
Project 9: Purifying
Water by Boiling
After you have filtered the water, you must
purify it. There are some chemicals you
could use, but boiling the water is by far
the easiest method. Simply place the water
in a cooking pan and allow it to boil for a
few minutes. You will need to purify the
Here we have it! water because boiling it will kill any
viruses and other small bacteria that may
have gotten through the filter. Water filters
are unable to remove viruses and

This method requires bringing clean wa ter

to a rolling boil for one to three minutes.
Water boiled at high altitudes should be
boiled for a longer period of time than
water boiled at lower altitudes. This is due
to the fact that water boils at a lower
temperature at greater altitudes. Before
drinking, boiled water should be covered
and allowed to cool. Before filtering out
clean water from water drawn from a well,
you must allow the impurities to settle.


1. Prepare a clean saucepan. Depending

on how much water you'll need to boil,
purchase a saucepan of the appropriate

2. Get yourself a clean measuring cup. 4. Place your pot on the stove.

3. Pour some water from the faucet into

the saucepan.
5. Start the stove and bring the water to a

6. You may cover the pot or leave it than other contaminants and disease -
uncovered. causing elements found in water, this
method is effective. A heat source is
applied to water until it reaches its boiling
point. The substance is then allowed to boil
until it evaporates. This vapor is cooled by
passing through a condenser. Upon
cooling, water vapor is converted back into
clean, potable liquid water. Other
substances with a higher boiling point are
left in the container as sediment.

This method effectively eliminates

bacteria, germs, salts, and heavy metals
such as lead, mercury, and arsenic.
Distillation is optimal for those who have
access to untreated, unprocessed water.
This method has both benefits and

A notable disadvantage is that the water

purification process is slow.

In addition, a heat source is required for the

purification to be effective. Although
inexpensive energy sources are being
developed, distillation remains an
Your water is now fit for consumption.
expensive method of water purification. It
Allow it to cool before transferring it.
is only optimal (efficient and economi cal)
Project 10: Water Distillation at Home for purifying small quantities of water (it is
Distillation is a method of water not ideal for large -scale, commercial or
purification that uses heat to collect pure industrial purification).
water in vapor form. Due to the scientific
fact that water has a lower boiling point


When heated, the water in the pan, which

can be tap water, mineral water, or even
sea water, becomes steam. When boiled
water changes from its liquid state to its
gaseous state, steam, only pure water
evaporates, leaving behind any impurities.
The steam rises and contacts the lid, which
3. Place a clean baking dish in the pot of
is cooler because it is farther from the heat
water so that it will float.
source. This cools the steam, causing it to
condense and transform back into water.

The water droplets, held on by surface

tension, then run down the pan lid and
collect at the handle. When enough water
drops have gathered, the tension is broken,
letting the drops fall into the bowl. This
procedure w ould continue until all of the
pan water is consumed.

1. Fill a clean pot halfway with clean tap

4. Cover the pot with the lid upside down.
The angle of th e lid will help stop

2. Place it on the stove.

Note: Make sure that water from melted ice
is thrown away in the right way so that it
doesn't get into the water you've already

5. When the water begins to boil, water

vapor is collected in the small pan
placed within the pot.

7. Continue the process until t he water in

the pot is gone or as desired.
8. Carefully remove the lid.

6. Place a block of ice or ice cubes from

your freezer on the lid of the pot of
boiling water. This will help move the
water accumulating on the surface of
the lid into the small pan within the
boiling pot. 9. That is your water inside.

Chapter 4: Food
Preservation Projects
You could decide not to go to the store if a
severe storm has knocked down the
electricity grid. Even if you did, they
would probably be closed as there would
be no power. Therefore, it will be up to you
to feed your family using only the
resources you have at home.

Utilize your perishables as soon as possible

to avoid them going bad. Food in your
refrigerator and freezer won't keep very
long without a generator.

Since they will spoil first, start by utilizing

any meat, eggs, or dairy products. As long
as the refrigerator door is closed, food will
10. Transfer the water to your container or remain fresh for four hours. Before food
desired location. starts to spoil, you have 48 hours for a full
freezer and 24 hours for one that is just
halfway full.

In the case where there is power outage for

a pretty long time , there should be at least
rudimentary knowledge of food
preservation, particularly meat. Large
freezers typically consume more electricity
than a solar generator can produce, so they
are uncommon on most farms.

Living in a no grid system, typically

requires you to preserve meat and other
foods for multiple days. So in this chapter
we are going to show you beginner’s
friendly practices on how to preserve your
own food in case of emergency or a no grid
situation or if you want to go off grid.

Project 11: DIY Method

for Smoking Meat

1. 4 Regular Concrete Bricks

2. 15 1/2 Concrete Blocks
3. Black Spray Paint
4. Meat Thermometer
5. A 10 By 14 Tile
6. 11 By 16 Grate
7. 2 Foot By 2 Foot Piece Of Plywood

1. Spray paint your plywood to make it

look better and protect it from the rain
3. Put a block at the top for air holes

4. And a blind block at the back

2. Start with one, two, three blocks for

the base
5. Put two blind block on each sides

9. Lay the tile with air holes all around it

8. Put your four bricks inside the corners

12. Put four more blind blocks all way
10. Put another 4 blind blocks all way
round as shown in the image below

11. Put in the grate and ensure it fits 13. Put the last two blocks in front
14. Finally, put the lid it

15. You can slide the lid backward a little

to fit in the meat thermom eter or use a
drill to drill a hole at the top of the lid
to fir in the meat thermometer.

17. Pour in some plain old charcoals into
the hole

16. Get your meat ready and smoke

18. Open the air vent and light the charcoal

either using a lighter fluid or preferably

20. Then the grate and the meat

19. Put back the heat barrier ( tiles)

cost garbage can. How exactly does
everything function?

This simple and cheap DIY project that

involves using trash cans as a root cellar
and cold storage is, in some ways,
comparable to a geothermal energy system.
As one descends deeper into the ground,
the temperature there does not change.
Because of this, when we bury the trash

And that’s it! can and cover it, the soil will stay at the
same temperature, which will keep the
vegetables from freezing.

How to Set Up

1. Select a location that has a slope, as

this will allow any water to drain away
from the can.
2. Dig a hole in the spot where you intend
to put the garbage can. The vegetables
need to be protected from the bitterly
cold winter weather, so the ground will
be dug up so that it can serve as
Project 12: Garbage Can
Root Cellar DIY
This Garbage Can Root Cellar may be of
interest to you if you are looking for a cost-
effective method to maintain the freshness
of all of your vegetables throughout the
entire winter. By following these
instructions, you will learn how to make a
fantastic cold storage system out of a low -

3. Ensure that the trash is buried for at 5. As you fill in the area around the
least 90% of its size. Additionally , garbage can with a hoe, make sure to
make sure that the garbage is covered create a grade that slopes away from
so that it can be protected and the can so that any water that collects
insulated. there will drain away.

4. Position the can so that it fits inside

the hole, then fill the hole with sand.
Be sure to cover the sides with a
sufficient amount of dirt so that vermin
cannot enter.

6. You can now begin to gather your

fruits and get ready to put them away.
But before that, you should make an
effort to insulate the space with wood
shavings. During the winter, wood
shavings are helpful in maintaining potatoes from touching each other and
more consistent levels of humidity. to help the insulation move around

7. Layer your root vegetables on top of

the wood shavings already in the can's

9. After that, add another layer of your

root vegetables

8. Once that step is completed, add an

additional layer of wood shavings on
top of the root vegetables that were
there previously. The purpose of this
method of layering is to help keep the

10. Repeat the layering of the root 11. At this point, install two upside -down
vegetables with the wood shavings as garbage can lids, one of which will
needed until you have finished storing serve as rigid insulation and the other
them. will provide access and additional

12. You will now need to add dirt in order

to shape the area into a cone, with the
rigid insulation serving as the flat peak
of the cone. You will nee d to add more
dirt to fill in the gaps that have

14. Once that step is completed, the next
step is to take the caps off the

13. Using your hand to create a mound

around it will help it take on the shape
of a cone. 15. Once it has been opened, the next step
is to place some straw inside of it so
that it has increased insulation.

16. After placing the straw, place the cap
on the top of the container.

17. When you have finished doing that, we

recommend you add more dirt so that 18. If you add more soil and dirt to the
you won't have to go back and add area, you will be able to pack it down
more dirt in the spring when and reduce the likelihood that animals
everything is wet. Additionally, this will try to enter the space.
will improve insulation and keep the After ten weeks, you will be able to check
potatoes from drying out (which are on the progress of the situation. We did
root vegetables in an edible state). exactly that, and our investigation revealed
that no rodents or other small animals came
near the area.

19. We were able to open it.

20. After you have finished harvesting
your root vegetables, be sure to re -

cover the root cellar in exactly the
same way that you did so before.

Project 13: How to Make

your Dill Pickles
You want to bring the water to a boil. And
In this guide, we'll show you how to make
sometimes, make sure you roll your jars so
your own pickles. We are going to use the
that all the sides can be sterilized.
cold pack method to make our own pickles
as it allows the cucumbers to be at room 2. Ensure you toss your seals in the boiling
temperature. And also allows the jar to be water so that they can be sterilized too.
sterilized and cooled down to room
temperature. That way you're not dealing 3. The next step is to pack the sterilized
with handling hot cucumbers. This means jars with the cucumbers. Start by putting
you can easily pack them into the jars. And the larger cucumbers in the jars first, and
if you make a mistake, you can just remove then fill the spaces with the smaller ones.
the cucumbers and start again. You want to pack them tight so that when
you cook them they are going to loosen.
The cold pack method is a great way for a
person who has never done p ickling before
to start off.

Instructions on How to Start

1. Before you start, make sure you sterilize

your jars and your lids.
4. Once you get your cucumbers in, you
want to put in some dill. Put enough dill
and flowers into your jars.

6. The next step is to make the brine. You
are going to use 3 cups of water, 2 cups of
white vinegar, and a quarter cup of
pickling salt.

5. After that, add two cloves of garlic in a

medium size or one really big clove and
pack those in as well.

If you are a fan of dill spears, instead of

whole pickles, you can use the same 7. After adding these, then stir together,
method. All you want to do is to make and bring it to a boil. And after bring ing it
sure you have quartered your cucumbers to a boil, keep it at a simmer until you are
into the spear shape. Then cold pack them ready to pour it into jars.
into your sterilized jars.
8. Now that we have the jar packed, it is
time to pour the brine into the jar.

You want to leave a half inch of head room 12. Seal it tightly and put it into your water
in your jar. So make sure you have covered bath.
your c ucumbers, but leave a half inch of

9. After that, take a clean cloth, dip it into

your sterilized water and use it to wipe the
rim very well, so we can get a good seal.

10. Take a sterilized seal out of your water

bath and seal it on the jar. The n use the jar
cover to have it covered.

13. After 15 minutes, take the pickles out

of the water bath. And keep them in a safe
cool place where you won't touch them for
24 to 48 hours.

The seal, when you first take them out will 2. Put some sand into the bucket
be concave, and hopefully within a few
minutes or hours, you will hear a popping
noise. The seal will then be convex, and
you're good.

Keep them in cool dark places and wait for

at least 4 to 6 weeks to eat them. Cann ing
your own pickle is easy and it is fun.

Project 14: The No Power

Having a no grid freezer that doesn’t use
power will be a great tool to help store
food during a grid down. Learn how to
store food items, drinks and more for 24
hours without electricity.

1. Get a paint bucket

3. Level the sand with your hands

4. Put an earthenware pot inside your


As you keep adding the sand, ensure to
level with your hand

5. Put a lid on the pot

6. Add more sand to the surrounding of

the pot, enough to bury it inside the 7. Take off the lid when the pot is
bucket (Be Careful not to let it spill on properly buried
the lid, wipe off any sand with your
hands or a piece of cloth)

9. Put back the lid of the pot to test

8. Wrap two Turkish towel around th e

mouth of the pot. (Be sure to get it
properly tucked in around the pot)
Take off the lid

10. Raise the edges of the towel

11. Pour some amount of water around the

pot through the tucked in towels to get
it all soaked up

12. Keep putting water at every corner
until the sand is all soaked up with the

14. Put the lid back on the pot

15. Cover with a wet Turkish towel. (Make

sure that your towel stays wet all the
time and fill the water also around the
Now tuck your towels properly

13. Put in your items for storage

17. Repeat the process and check back in 3
hours and repeat again noting a
Note: the outside temperature is about 41° reduction in temperature to about
at first before putting the thermometer 17.3°.
inside the pot.

16. Put the thermometer inside the pot and

wrap again. Leave it for an hour and
check back. Noting the temperature to
have dropped to about 26.9°.

Your no energy cooling system is ready!

Chapter 5: No Grid
Cooking Projects
When choosing which foods to stockpile in
your emergency supply, take in mind your
cooking preferences. Of course, if your gas
stove is still functional, you can use it.

But if you are out of gas, you can use our

DIY guide to learn how to make a roc ket
stove to cook. This is another cheap way of
cooking without spending money on gas,
it's an outdoor kind of stove, easy to
operate and maintain.

Project 15: How To Build

A DIY Rocket Stove Oven
Here is another cheap way of cooking
How to organize
without spending money on gas, it's an
outdoor kind of stove, easy to operate and 1. Begin by arranging a single block as
maintain. depicted in the image below.

Rocket stove is straightforward and easy to

construct. I am confident that you will find
this task to be simple. This design is really
basic and assembly will take no more than
a minute or two.

Here are the resources you should utilize:

2. If you have an H -shaped block, place
1. three cylinder blocks it on top of the cinderblock.
2. The Brick
3. two paver sets

3. Next, place a cinderblock in front of
5. You may now add fuel and light the
the other cinderblocks.

4. Place the remaining brick atop the

stack. This will complete the chimney,
and you can next place a grill or
cooking surface over the opening.

Project 16: How to build
a solar oven
There is always an alternative to
everything, it's just finding it and applying
it appropriately

Here is a simple technique on how to apply

solar energy as a source of heat for

Materials needed

• Carton(pizza box)

If you wish to build a double -burner stove • Scissor

with two cooking areas, you can add a • Cutter

second block to the back of the stove. • Gum

• Black paper
This stuff costs between 6 and 8 bucks. It • Ruler
can be assembled in a matter of minutes • Marker
and requires no technical knowledge or • Foil paper
expertise. In an emergency, you will be • Paper wrap
able to cook or boil water with minimal
fuel with this item.
1. Measure one inch border on the
pizza box. Use your marker to join this
point, which will give you a square shaped

2. Cut the box according to the line 6. Cover the portion you applied your gum
with the aluminum foil.

3. Fold the flap back by using a rule.

7. Smoothening the wrinkles and air pocket
before putting the gum on the other side,

Then press down the foil to the glued


4. Measure the size of the aluminum foil

according to the square I.e. the flap.

Cut off the excess foil.

5. Apply gum to the surface of the flap.

8. Apply gum to the edges of the box, cut a

square shaped plastic wrap, fitting the top
of the box

10. Apply gum first to the bottom of the

9. Then press down the plastic wrap, to

stick to the top of the box to create an air
tight space.
11. Glue the layer of aluminum to the
bottom of the pizza box for insulation.

9. Do same for the bottom of the top cover,

apply gum to the edges then cover it with
the wrap.
12. Cover the bottom with foil black paper.
This will help to absorb the heat.

Now our oven is ready.

Project 17: How to Get
Wood and Let It Dry
Freshly cut wood holds on to a lot of water,
which makes it hard to start a fire and keep
it going. Even if it does burn, wet wood
creates more smoke and soot and gives off

You can prepare your cookies and less heat.

marshmello with a mixture of chocolate. Effectively drying wood does take time, so
it's best to plan at least six months in
advance. But once the wood has been cut
to the right size and carefully stacked, all
you have to do is wait for the sun and air to
dry it out.

Part 1: Splitting the Wood

1. Gather the wood early. You should

Ensure your oven is placed under the hot
buy firewood or cut it down at least six
sun, for more heat.
months before you want to use it. For
the best results, do it even earlier to
give it even more time to dry in the air.
If you can, get the wood a year ahead
of time so that it has enough time to
dry out.
 The drying time can depend on the
weather. If you live in a very wet area,
Our cookie is ready.. give yourself more time.
 Denser types of wood, like elm and
oak, also take longer to dry.
2. Choose a secure workplace. If you
didn't buy split firewood, find a place
outside where you can cut and split the

wood yourself. Make sure the area is  Some people like to cut rounds that are
clear enough so that you can use a saw bigger than they need because wood
and/or an ax wi thout getting in the shrinks as it dries.
way. If you want to work safely,  If you're just starting out, it's best to be
choose a flat surface over one that isn't safe and cut smaller pieces until you
even. know how much the wood will shrink.
 Keep people and animals far away  If you live in a wet area, cut the rounds
from the area where you're working. even smaller so they dry faster.
When you start to cut and split, make  Cutting wood into the same lengths
sure to look behind you often to make will make it easier to stack it.
sure no one is coming. 4. Cut the wood in half
3. Cut whole logs into rounds of the
same size.

5. Put your cutting block on a flat surface.

Place a round on top with the side that
was cut facing up. The round can be
First, measure the size of your fireplace,
cut or sawed in half from the top down.
furnace, or any other place where you will
6. Repeat with each half to make splits of
burn wood. Then, take three inches (7.6
wood that will fit in your fireplace,
cm) away from either the length or width
furnace, or other wood -burning
of the wood, depending on h ow it needs to
fit into the space. Use this number to figure
 Split the wood at least once, even if
out how long each whole log is and mark
your wood burner can fit a whole
where to cut it. Use a saw or an ax to cut
round. Since the bark seals in moisture,
them into rounds of equal length.

it is important to show as much of the  If your land has a lot of hills, air
inner wood as possible. currents will flow up and down the
 Cut the w ood into smaller pieces than sides of the hills.
you need to dry it faster. 2. Sketch your row(s).
 Also, cut the wood into pieces of
different sizes. Make small pieces for
kindling and larger pieces that will
burn longer.
Part 2: Storing Your Cut Wood

Plan to stack your wood in a single r ow if

you can, so that the cut ends face the
strongest air currents. Use this method
instead of adding up rows. Allow all of
your wood to get the same amount of air.
1. Locate a suitable location for
 Have enough room for one long
stacking items. To get the most out of
row of wood, put each row as far
solar drying, choose a spot outside that
apart as you can to let the most air
gets little to no shade. Use the air by
flow between them.
choosing a place that is open to the
3. Build a raised garden bed.
winds or other air currents that are
already there. Stay away from places
where water is likely to flood, run of f,
or stand.
 Use almanacs or weather stations to
find out which way the winds usually
blow in your area.

4. Don't put firewood on the ground. your row by making each layer face in
Don't let the water that collects below a different direction.
cause rot. Use something that won't • You can finish the ends all at once or
soak up water, like concrete or a grid as you go. If you build them all at the
of poles laid out in a straight line. In a same time, stop when they are about 4
pinch, you can use pallets or lumber feet (1.2 m) tall. This way, if the pile
that you don't need for anything else. falls, the top will still be below the
Make the bed as level as you can so heads of most adults.
that you can stack it safely. • Put your best pieces at the end s of the
 If you use wood, cover the top of books. Check that each piece of wood
the bed with tarps, plastic sheets, is even on all sides. Throw away any
or something similar to stop that looks like it's getting smaller from
moisture from getting from the one end to the other. If such pieces are
wood below to the wood on top. At used, the structure may not be as stable
the same time, make holes in the as we want it to be.
materials so water doesn't pool on • Put the bark side up on each piece.
top. Since bark does not absorb water, this
5. Build bookends. will help protect the wood from rain.
6. Stack your wood on top of one

First, put the bottom layer of split wood

along the length of the raised bed to make
the first row. Set each piece up s o that the
cut ends all point in the same direction.
Between the bookends is where you should
• Then, make a second layer at each end start the second layer. Place the cut ends so
of your row with the cut ends facing that they face the same way as the ends o f
the opposite way. To make stable the bottom layer. Set each piece so that it
bookends, keep adding to both ends of covers two pieces in the bottom layer by
going across where the two bottom pieces makes it harder for air to move, and the
meet. Keep doing this until the pile is 4 friction could cause the plastic to tear.
feet (1.2 m) high. • Use things that can black up heat and
speed up the rate at which water
• Put each piece in place so that the bark
evaporates. Clear things let the sun
is facing up. This will protect the wood
shine right through.
from rain.
• If you leave your pile open, the wood
• When gaps need to be filled for
should be dry by the time you need it,
stability, use smaller pieces to fill
unless you get a lot of rain or have a
very short drying season.
• If the layer is capable of supporting the
Part 3: Checking to see if it's dry
next one, leave the spaces as they are
for better airflow.
7. Cover if desired.

1. Take a look at the color. Even though

each type of wood is a different color,
you can expect your wood to get
darker as it dries. Observe how bright
the inside is when you first split the
Decide if you want to leave the pile as it is, wood. Wait until the mostly white
or cover it so it doesn't get wet when it wood turns yellow or grayish before
rains. Use black or clear plastic sheeting to you burn it.
cover it if you decide to. For the best 2. Check for sap. Hold a piece of the
results, support the sheeting with things wood up to your nose and take a deep
other than the pile, like stakes or poles, so breath when you first split it.
they don't touch.

• When the sheeting and wood are in

direct contact, the wood can soak up
condensation from the plastic. It also

Learn what the smell of its sap is like.
Then, when you're ready to burn the wood,
pick a piece from the pile to use as a test.
Cut it open and smel l it. If you can still
smell the sap, put it back in the pile to dry
some more. If you are still not sure, put together a few

3. Give it a try. Consider the wood safe pieces and try them out. If neither the small

to burn if most or all of the bark has pieces nor the bigger ones catch fire, it

fallen off on its own. If not, use a knife means they are still too we t and need more

to cut off the bark. Check out the wood time to dry. If they do catch something,

right underneath. Pieces that look listen for a hissing sound, which means

green need more time to dry before there is water in it.

they can be used. My advice is to start getting this project

done now for the woods to dry out properly
4. Decide by weight. Note how heavy in case we need to make use of them any
each piece feels when you first split the day and any time.
wood. Once the water weight is gone,
the same piece will weigh a lot less.
Knock two pieces together to make
sure that they are dry. If they sound
hollow, they are likely to be dead.

5. Set up a fire.

 4-5 cups of enriched flour
Chapter 6: Projects on
 2 cups of water
 3 tablespoons of salt

Superfood Survival
With this simple survival food recipe, you
are sure to have bread every single day as
you stay off grid.

Step 1: Add salt to your flour and stir (you

can choose to sift it first)
Project 18: How to make
this super food -
Hardtack is an old sailor way of keeping
carbohydrate and preserving them for
consumption, formerly used as a long -term
staple food aboard ships. Many people, all
the way back to the Ancient Egyptians
utilize this simple recipe. It is a simple and
easy way to feed your family and to be able
to stow away food for future use.

Step 2: Add the cups of water.


Step 3: Mix it all togethe r slowly, to make
sure that everything gets incorporated.
Ultimately, what we want is to get a dough
that we can work with and then roll out and
cut into 3inch by 3inch square.

Step 5: Roll it out, it should be about a

quarter inch thick.

Step 4: Place the dough on your work

table. Pour some flour on the work table .
This flour is to enable the dough to dry out
and to make it less sticky. Continue to
knead the dough.

Step 6: Cut it up in squares.

Step 7: Poke holes with a fork or a chop
Project 19: Superfood
stick all the way through the dough. So that
it can dry quickly. The drier it is, the better Survival Recipe
the product. Requirements:

● 2 cups of flour
● 2 teaspoons of baking powder
● ½ teaspoon of salt

1. Mix everything up in a large bowl with

a cup of water
2. Let the dough sit for one hour in a
Step 8: Put in the oven at 375° for
30minutes. Flip them and reduce the heat
3. Bring it out. Put it on a clean flat
to 350° for the next 30 minutes.
surface (counter top).
It comes out very tough which is necessary
for preservation. To eat it, you have to
rehydrate it, like dipping it in tea. It is
important to invest in good flour. The flour
used is enriched with niacin. This is such
an important nutrient. If you were in a
situation where you are unable to get your
daily allowances of normal nutritional
intake, this is going to be your lifeline. So
invest in good flour that will pay you great
dividends, even if you decide to use this for
a weekend treat, this simple recipe will
save you a lot of money as well as It has a level of elasticity that you will feel
practicing a very useful skill. which wasn't initially present

5. Roll it up super thin about a quarter of
Note: You can make dough that's going to an inch to give it the capability to cook
last for a whole week and it can be used for up really quick
your pan pizzas or others

4. Cut off a small portion perfect for a

sandwich or about the size of your fist

Take it up and set it aside

6. Get your chia seeds or whatever seeds

you'll want to use and roll it or spread
it up on the counter top

8. Use your rolling pin and roll over the
dough to get those seeds inside

7. Take your flattened dough and spread

it on the seeds
9. Take it off the counter top and repeat
the process to the other side

You can give the dough a little tap to take

up the seeds The other side

10. Grab some spray or oil that you'll use 12. Flip the side!
to heat your pan up. Spray some into
your pan

Allow for another golden brown

Tip: If you are using a grill outside, make

the spray on the do ugh and place right on
top of the grill.

11. Place the dough on the pan and cover it

up with a clear glass and grill for about
There you go!

Optional: You can put some ha m, turkeys,

cheese and fold it up.

Get the glass lid off

2. Obtain a total of three buckets.
Chapter 7: Projects on
Free Heating and Air
Cooling System Project
If the weather contributed to your
emergency Power outage, you are
definitely going to be dealing with some
high temps.

If your home can accommodate a b urner, it 3. Use a drill to create some holes in the
will keep you warm, o therwise, you must bottom of one of the buc kets, and then
rely on warm clothing and blankets to stay use the drill to create some holes all
warm during cold weather. around the outside of the bucket so that
water can flow through.
Check out our DIY guide on how to heat
up your home, in an extreme cold situation.
This is a very cheap way to heat up your

Project 20: How to Get

Started with the Free
1. Collect all of your old newspapers and
junk mail (gather them up instead of
putting them into the garbage).

4. Grab the next bucket, and place the 6. Add some water to create paper mache
bucket with holes from number one or pulp according to your preference.
inside this one.

7. Add a lot of sawdust (optional).

5. Place all of your trash, including you r 8. After allowing it to soak for the
papers, inside the bucket with holes. previous night, you should grind it all
up (you can use a mixer that is used for
mixing up concrete in buckets).

9. Add a lot of water and continue to

11. Lift the bucket with the mixture and

10. Obtain the third bucket and position a put it right on top of the bucket with
mill creek so that it is positioned across the drain.
the bucket so that the mixture can be

13. Let it drain completely before
continuing. You are able to give it a
modest amount of provocation.

12. Keep in mind that the bucket

containing the mixture has several
holes in it. Put the second bucket,
which also contains water, inside the
mixture so that it can help press the
water out.

14. Remove/cut out the mixture.

15. In order to remove the mixture from
the bucket, first invert it over a surface, 16. You can now cut it to the appropriate
and then take the mixture out. size for your fire bricks in order to
allow it to dry more quickly.

17. You could try shaping it into logs for

the fire.

19. To be burned in your fireplace, put it in

18. You can wait a week or two for it to

dry completely if you leave it.

And that wraps things up!

Project 21: How to make
a non-compressor air
How to Remain Cool in High Heat

Make sure to drink plenty of water when

it's extremely hot outside. If possible, avoid
performing physical labor during the
hottest times of the day. Keep to the
ground floor of your house. Cover all
windows that receive direct sunlight during
the day. Create paper fans to move the air.
If you can afford it, invest in some battery -
operated fans.

With that said, you can follow our DIY

guide to make a non -compressor air
conditioner at home.

Items needed: Bucket, styrofoam liner pvc It is really simple to build and you get tons
pipe, small fan and ice (small solar panel is of cool air.
Step 1: Drill 3 holes of 21/4 in the bucket.

Step 4: Cut a hole in the lid of the bucket
and the styrofoam. Make sure you measure
it to your fan.

Step 2: Insert the liner and drill through the

holes, make it 2 1/8 inches. Ensure that your
fingers are not close to the hole you are
drilling. Step 5: Place a frozen gallon in the bucket

Step 6: Place the lid over the bucket and

insert your fan at the top. You can also
place the fan on the styrofoam, without the
bucket lid. Either ways, it works.

Step 3: Insert the PVC pipes of about 1 /2
inches through the 3 holes.

Chapter 8: Toileting
During prolonged power outages, it is
unlikely that toilets will function. In most
cases, gravity handles the flush, but the
sewer or septic may rely on electricity to

Step 7: Connect your fan to your power pump sewage.

source. Here we used a solar panel to run

It may be necessary to defecate on a
the fan.
newspaper or in a makeshift toilet, and to
store waste in black plastic bags. Provide
wet wipes for cleanup purposes.

A second option is a por table toilet with a

bucket and garbage bags. This is easier for
individuals who cannot squat to use. If you
have the funds, purchase two: one for urine
Based on previous experience, we can get
and one for feces. The separation of solids
at least 5hours out of this. You can place
simplifies cleanup.
the bucket o n a stool or anywhere you
deem fit, probably near the bed or a chair, Project 22: Easy Steps to
wherever you want it to go and get your
nice cool air. Make a Composite Toilet
Resources to acquire:

• Obtain a bucket with a capacity of five

or eight gallons.
• Medium trash bags
• A noodle for the pool
• A toilet paper roll
• The bucket cap is made of plastic.
• A blade, and perhaps a refreshing
beverage to go with it.

1. Rip the handles off the bucket and stuff 3. Get a trash bag of the proper size and
a roll of toilet paper into each one of put it in there. Check that it has a nice
the holes. snug fit.

4. Using the bucket as a guide, measure

your noodle and cut it to the
appropriate size using a knife.

2. From the outside, reinsert the handle

into the bucket.

7. Put it to th e test by adding a drop or
two of liquid.
5. Make a slit down the middle of the
object so that it can be wrapped around
the bucket

8. Place some dirt inside to keep odors

and mosquitoes at bay.

6. Wrap the noodles around the bucket in Alternately, you could use pine shavings
a clockwise direction. like we do for our chicken coop.

Chapter 9: Medical
Survival Skills
Without functioning hospitals, you will be
essentially on your own in terms of
medical care. Not only will the loss of
9. When you are finished, remove it and power cripple the hospitals, but there will
either dispose of it in a place whe re it also be an influx of individuals seeking
is legal to do so or bury it in your medical care. In addition, medical supplies
forest. will run out rapidly, and replenishing them
will be nearly impossible because
communications will be down and traffic
will be gridlocked.


According to experts, the first thing you
should do if you are bleeding is to apply
pressure to the area. Bleeding occurs when
blood leaks from blood vessels, usually due
to a wound. When you have a cut or a
bloody discharge, you are bleeding on the
outside. When you are bleeding on the
inside, the blood is coming from under the
skin. According to research, uncontrolled
or severe bleeding can lead to shock, which
means you don't have enough blood in
your body. You can likely treat mild
bleeding injur ies at home, but you should

see a doctor immediately if you have clean piece of tissue paper or gauze. Check
severe bleeding or can't control it. to see if the bleeding has stopped after
holding the tissue or gauze in place for
Stopping Minor Bleeding from Small
several minutes. If blood penetrates the
Cuts (Method 1)
tissue or gauze, substitute it with a clean,
dry piece.

1. Use water to clean the wound. Water

will both disinfect the wound and staunch 3. Think about using a styptic pencil.
the bleeding. Use cold water to stop the The original purpose of these waxy pencils
bleeding by constricting the blood vessels. was to treat shaving nicks and razor burn,
Using hot water in the same manner will but they are effective on any small cut. The
cauterize the wound and allow the blood to mineral astringents within the pencil can be
clot. Don't use both hot and cold water; one activated by rubbing it over the skin. It will
or the other will suffice. hurt a little at first, but the pain and
bleeding will stop in a few seconds.
As an alternative to cold water, ic e can be
used to constrict blood vessels. Hold the 1. Add petroleum jelly to promote
ice against the wound for a few seconds, or coagulation.
until the wound stops bleeding.

If you have multiple small cuts on your

body, a hot shower will remove all the
blood and seal the multiple gashes

2. Apply force to the wound. After

cleansing the wound, apply pressure with a Due to the waxy consistency of petroleum
jelly or Vaseline, applying a small am ount onto the wound, or soak a cotton ball in it
to minor cuts will stop the blood flow and and dab it on. You should observe a
allow the wound to clot. You can decrease in blood flow after one or two
substitute regular lip balm if you don't have minutes.
any petroleum jelly or Vaseline on hand.
4. Use a block of alum.
2. Use antiperspirant.

This is a bar of mineral-based soap that

Similar to a styptic pencil, the
helps to staunch bleeding. Wet the alum
aluminum chloride in your deodorant
block with water and rub it gently over the
acts as an astringent to stop the flow of
wound. There is no need to apply pressure
blood. Put some on your finger and
when placing the block over the wound;
then smear it over the wound, or rub
the minerals will do the necessary work.
the stick directly on the wound.
5. Apply white vinegar to the wound to
disinfect it.
3. Dab on Listerine.

Vinegar's astringent pro perties aid in

Originating as an aftershave, regular
disinfecting and clotting minor wounds.
Listerine can disinfect and staunch
Apply some white vinegar to the wound
bleeding from a cut. Pour Listerine directly
with a cotton swab and then wait for the stopped bleeding, remove the cornstarch
bleeding to stop. with running water.

6. Consider using witch hazel to stop 8. Utilize spiderwebs if necessary.


This is an excellent option if you suffer a

cut while hiking or camping. Grab some
Witch hazel is a natural astringent that (spider-free!) spiderwebs and roll them
helps small cuts heal, just like white over the wound, if necessary. The webs
vinegar. Pour a small amount over the cut will stop the bleeding and allow your
or dab it on with a cotton swab for the wound to clot internally.
same effect.
9. Dress the wound once the bleeding
7. Apply cornstarch to the wound. has been stopped.

Apply a clean bandage or dressing to the

wound to prevent contamination and

Sprinkle some cornstarch onto the wound, further bleeding. Use a simple band -aid or

taking care not to rub or cause additional a clean piece of gauze.

abrasions. You can l ightly press the

powder onto the wound to hasten the
healing process. When the wound has

Treating Significant Wounds (Method 2) suspect a broken bone, you should not
attempt to move the affected limb.

4. Remove any foreign material from

the wound.

1. Lie down. If you can elevate your legs

or position your head below your trunk,
you will be able to reduce the lik elihood of Remove any visible dirt and foreign
shock. Check their respiration and objects, but don't clean the wound too
circulation before proceeding if you are much because that could make it worse.
assisting someone. Your immediate priority is to stop severe
bleeding. The wound cleaning can wait.
If you think the person you are helping is
in shock, get them to a doctor right away or  Do not remove the foreign object if it
call 911. is large (e.g., a large piece of glass, a
knife, or something similar). It is likely
2. Raise the affected limb.
to stop a significant portion of the
bleeding by itself. Just put pressure on
the area around the object, being
careful not to squeeze it more.
5. Apply direct pressure to the wound
until the bleeding has ceased.

Assuming that the injured limb is an

extremity, elevating it above the heart will
reduce severe bleeding. However, if you

Utilize a clean pad of gauze, dressing, or However, do not overwrap it, as
clothing. If nothing else is available, your increased bulk may reduce pressure on
hand can be used. Place your hand over the the wound. If you suspect that the
pad and apply firm finger or hand pressure bandage is not working, remove the
to the wound. bandage and pad and ree valuate the
application.[9] If it looks like the
bleeding is under control, keep
applying pressure until you are sure the
bleeding has stopped or help arrives.
12. Use pressure points if necessary.

10. Apply consistent force. If the wound

is on a limb, tape or cloth can be
wrapped around it to maintain pressure
(a folded triangular bandage placed
over the wound and tied is ideal). For
injuries to the groin or other areas of
the body where the wound cannot be If direct pressure alone is insufficient to
wrapped, use a heavy pad and continue stop the bleeding, combine it with pressure
to press with your hands. to one of these pressure points. Utilize your
fingers to apply pressure to the blood
vessels and bone. The most commonly
needed pressure points are described

 The brachial artery for lower arm

wounds. between the elbow a nd the
armpit, on the inside of the arm.
 The femoral artery, for injuries to the
11. Check for oozing from the wound. thigh. Along the groin, close to the
Add additional gauze or bandages if bikini line.
the initial one is soaked through.

 The popliteal artery is for lower leg 14. Observe the victim's respiration.
wounds. This can be located behind the Examine whether the bandages are too
knee. tight. If the victim has cold, pale skin,
toes, or fingers that do not return to
normal color following compression,
or if the victim complains of numbness
or tingling, the b andaging is likely too

Method 3: Internal Bleeding

13. Continue to apply pressure until the
bleeding stops or until assistance
arrives. Do not release pressure until
you are certain that the bleeding has
stopped. If you can't see blood coming
through the dressing, check the wound
every so often to see if it is still
 Do not apply pressure to an artery
for more than 5 minutes following 1. Immediately dial 911 if you suspect
the cessation of bleeding. internal bleeding. Transport the victim to

 If bleeding is life -threatening, a a hospital as soon as possible. Internal

tourniquet should be applied. bleeding cannot be treated at home and

When used correctly, tourniquets requires medical attention. Inte rnal

usually stop bleeding right away, bleeding symptoms may include:

but if they aren't used right, they

 Pain and inflammation near the site of
can hurt the patient.
the injury
 Cold, sweaty skin
 Bruising of the skin
 Dizziness or confusion
 Rapid heartbeat
 Low blood pressure

1. Keep your body temperature
normal. If you put wet rags on the
victim's forehead, he or she won't get
too hot or too cold.

2. Settle into a comfortable position. Do

Project 24: How to Check
not attempt to move, and if possible, Airway, Breathing and
remain lying down. If you are helping
someone who is bleeding from the inside, Circulation
you should try to keep them calm and If you find yourself in an emergency
comfortable so they don't get hurt even situation where someone has collapsed or
more. passed out, you must determine if they
require CPR. CPR is a life -saving
technique, but it should only be
administered to a person who is truly in
need. Before you start CPR, you need to
check the person' s airways, breathing, and
circulation to see if it's needed.

Part 1: Examining Reactivity

3. Check for breathing. Monitor the

airway, breathing, and circulation of the
victim. If external bleeding is present, treat

1. Evaluate the situation. When you find

someone unconscious or observe someone
passing out, you should assess whether you

can reach him without jeopardizing your 2. Engage with the victim. Conversation
own safety. You must also determine if he is one of the best ways to determine a
is in an area large enough for you to assist person's responsiveness. Ask questions
him. If the person appears to be in such as "What is your name?" and "Can
imminent danger (such as in the middle of you hear me?" These questions may
the street), move him to a safe location awaken the vi ctim from her stupor and
before attempting to assist him. However, compel her to respond. Try tapping her
do not place yourself in danger. If you rush shoulder or arm at the same time to see if
into a potentially hazardous situation, you that helps.
may sustain injuries. Not only does this
 If this does not work, try yelling at her
help the person you were attempting to
once or twice to see if she will
save, but it also provides emergency
respond. Use phrases such as "Hey!"
personnel with an additional victim to
and "Hello!" to determine if she is
 Use caution if a neck or spinal injury is
suspected, such as in the case of a
person who has fallen from a height or
at the scene of a car accident where
there are signs of additional major
3. Apply a sternal rub. A sternal rub may
Spinal precautions should be taken for
help confirm that the individual is indeed
anyone who has fallen from a height or
unresponsive. You should not perform
been involved in a motor vehicle accident.
CPR on an individual who is unresponsive
but still breathing and circulating blood.
Make a fist and vigorously rub your
knuckles on the individual's breastbone.

 You can also perform a "trap squeeze,"

in which you grasp the shoulder
muscles with your thumb and fingers
and squeeze into the collarbone's

hollow. While bending low, listen for
sounds or signs of breathing.
 Those who are merely sedated but still
breathing should awaken from their
 Notate the reaction, if any, in order to
inform EMS upon their arrival.

Part 2: Examining the airways 2. Adjust the head. To open his airway
while he is laying on the ground, his head
and airways must be properly aligned. One
hand should be placed behind his head and
the other under his chin. He should tilt his
head back toward the sky.

 As if sniffing the air, the chin should

end in a slightly raised position.

1.Situate the victim. Prior to examining

the airway, the victim must be in the proper
position. If there is any exudate (vomit,
blood, etc.) in or around the person's
mouth, place a glove over her mouth and
remove it to clear her airway before rolling
her. Roll the person onto their back. This
should be placed on a surface th at is as flat
as possible so that her body is straight and 3.Remove any debris from the airway.
easy to manipulate. Ensure that his hands There may be instances in which the
are at his sides and that his back and legs airway is blocked. This could be caused by
are straight. a foreign object, the victim's tongue, vomit,
or other bodily fluids. If the airway is
 Take a moment to gently lower her
obviously obstructed by vomit or any other
shoulders. This widens the trachea and
removable material, remove it from the
aids in keeping the jaw elevated.
mouth using two or three fingers. To aid in
removal, you can quickly turn the victim's Additionally, observe his nose as he
head to one side. breathes in through his nose, as well as his
mouth as he breathes in and out.
 Try to avoid pushing any debris further
down the tr achea by sweeping only as  If the chest does not rise, attempt to
far as you can see inside the mouth reposition the airway slightly in either
with it open. Use sweeping motions direction. You may have opened the
instead of digging motions. airway too far or not far enough.
 If the tongue is obstructing the airway,  If the patient is gasping for air or
the jaw thrust technique can be breathing poorly, they should be
utilized. Assume a squat position treated as if they were not breathing
above her head and gaze toward her and their circulation should be
toes. With both hands, grasp the jaw checked.
gently but firmly so that you can curve
your fingers into the chin's soft flesh.
2. Perform a breath test.
Raise the lower jaw to the sky without
moving the remainder of the head. This
facilitates the tongue's descent to the
floor of the jaw rather than into the
Part 3: Performing a Breathing Check

If you cannot see obvious signs of

breathing, you can use touch and sound t o
determine if a person is breathing. Place
your hand close to her nose and mouth to
determine if she is breathing. If you do not,
1. Check for obvious signs of respiration. lean your head close to the patient's mouth
There are several clear indicators that the and listen for inhales and exhales while
victim is breathing. Observe the chest's rise feeling for breath on your cheek.
and fall as he draws oxygen into his lungs.

 If you hear normal breathing, CPR is middle fingers on the raised area of the
not necessary. Still, you should call chin, just below the jaw and to the right or
911 if she does not wake up. left of the voice box or Adam's apple, in
3. If the victim begins to breathe, flip the groove in the neck. Insert your fingers
them over. into that groove. This is the carotid artery,
which should have a robust pulse if his
blood circulation is healthy.

 If the pulse is weak or absent, the

individual is in danger and you must
seek medical attention.

Opening the airway may be sufficient to

restore the victim's breathing. If this
occurs, roll the victi m onto his side to
alleviate chest pressure. This will improve
his breathing.

Part 4: Examination of Circulation 2. Call 911. Call 911 if the individual is

not breathing or has no pulse. Once
emergency services arrive, they can help
treat the victim and determine the
underlying cause of the collapse. If you are
alone, dial 911 before assisting the victim.

 If you are with another person, have

them dial 911 while you assist the
1. Consider the circulation. After
determining that she is not breathing, you
must determine whether or not her blood is
still circulating. Place your index and

3. Provide CPR. Project 25: How to do
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a
way to save a person's life when their
breathing or heart has stopped, like during
a heart attack or when they are almost

CPR typically consists of chest

If the victim is not breathing and his pulse compressions and rescue breathing, but the
is weak or absent, CPR must be exact method and duration vary depending
administered. This will help get his blood on the situation and victim. If you are
pumping and his lungs functioning, and untrained in CPR, many health
may save his life while you await medical professionals recommend performing
assistance. CPR is a method that can give hands-only CPR, which does not include
the victim more time to live until medical rescue breaths. CPR can be administered to
staff can treat the cause of the attack. adults, children, infants, and most animals.

 When giving CPR to the victim, make Method 1: Hands -Only CPR for Adults
sure you follow the rules set by the and Adolescents
American Heart Association.
1. Examine the scene for any apparent
 Consider enrolling in a CPR course to
dangers. In some circumstances, CPR may
learn how to administer this lifesaving
not be safe. If nearby dangers pr event you
technique correctly.
from approaching the individual, do not
 There are distinct CPR techniques for
endanger your own life as well as theirs.
adults and children.
Call for assistance and wait for it to arrive.

 Avoid the area if, for instance, a

person has collapsed due to
exposure to smoke, fire, or toxic
 If the perso n is in a dangerous
situation and you are able to safely
remove them, do so before placing your fingers on the carotid
beginning CPR. If they have artery, which is located next to the
collapsed in the middle of the windpipe and jaw.
street, for instance, wait until there  Hands-only CPR is ideal for those who
is no oncoming traffic and then lack formal CPR training or are unsure
move them out of the way. of their CPR skills. It excludes the
rescue breathing techniques associated
with conventional CPR and focuses
2. Check for a lack of response.
instead on chest compressions.
3. Dial 911 for emergency assistance.
Even if you decide to perform CPR on a
person who is unresponsive, not breathin g,
or without a pulse, you should call your
local emergency number first. [6] CPR can
sometimes bring someone back to life, but
it should only be used as a stopgap until
help arrives with the right tools.
If an adult or adolescent collapses while
 If more than one person is present, one
conscious, CPR is typically unnecessary.
should call for help while the other
However, if they lose consciousness and
begins CPR.
stop breathing, you should administer
 If someone is not responding because
rescue breaths if possible, or stick to
they are suffocating, like from
hands-only CPR if you are not train ed to
drowning, it is best to start CPR right
perform rescue breaths. If the individual is
away for one minute and then call 911.
not breathing, has no pulse, or is
unresponsive, attempt CPR even if you are
untrained or rusty.  If you are the only person present and
the victim is a child between the ages
 Shake the victim's shoulders and ask,
of 1 and 8, perform 5 cycles of chest
"Are you okay?" in a loud voice. If the
compressions and rescue breathing
patient does not respond, look for signs
before calling for help. This will take
of breathing, such as the chest rising
approximately 2 minutes.
and falling. Check for a pulse by

 Invoking emergency services will a long time before help arrives (a few
dispatch paramedics to the scene. hours or more).
Typically, the dispatcher can also 5. Raise the individual's chin to open
instruct you on how to perform their airway. Once they are on their
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). back, tilt their head back and press
4. Keep the victim face down. their chin forward and up with two
fingers. This should remove the tongue
from the airway and make breathing
 If you suspect the individual has a
neck injury, avoid moving their
head. Without moving the rest of
their head or neck, they should
For move their lower jaw forward
hands-only CPR, the victim must be placed using both hands.
on his or her back (supine), preferably on a  Once you've opened the airway,
firm surface, with the head facing upward. carefully listen for breathing
[9] If the patient is on their si de or stomach sounds and observe whether the
(prone), roll them gently onto their back chest is rising and falling. Start
while supporting their head and neck. Try CPR if the person isn't breathing
to make a note if the individual suffered a after 10 seconds or if they are only
serious injury while fa lling and becoming gasping occasionally instead of
unconscious. breathing regularly.
6. Rapidly press down on the chest's
 Once the patient is on their back, kneel
next to their neck and shoulders so that
you can more easily access their chest
and mouth.
 Remember that you should not move
the individual if you suspect they have
suffered a severe head, neck, or spinal
injury. Moving them is life -threatening
and should be avoided, unless it will be

Place one hand directly over the center of Method 2: Using Conventional
the person's chest (generally between their Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for
nipples) and the second hand on top of the Adults and Children
first for support. Aim for approximately
100 chest compressions per minute on the
victim's chest until the arrival of medic al

 If you're unsure what 100

compressions per minute means, try
doing your compressions to the beat of
"Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees or
"Another One Bites the Dust" by 1. Follow the same initial steps as for
Queen. CPR with only the hands. Even if you
 Utilize the weight and strength of your have recently completed CPR training and
upper body, not just you r arm strength, are confident in your abilities, you must
to push straight down on the chest. evaluate the patient's responsiveness. If
 Your chest compressions should they are unresponsive and show no signs of
depress the individual's chest by at neck, head, or spine injury, turn them on to
least 2 inches (5.1 cm). You should their back. Before beginning chest
understand that it is likely you will compressions, make an attempt to contact
break the person's ribs if you exert emergency services and l ook for someone
significant force. This is extremely to switch with.
common, and even if you suspect it has
occurred, you should not stop  Use only one hand to perform chest

compression. compressions when administering CPR

to a young child between 1 and 8 years
 Before the ambulance comes, you and
of age.
other bystanders may need to take
turns doing chest compressions.  The rate of chest compressions is
identical for children and adults
 Keep doing this until the patient starts
(roughly 100 per minute).
to move or until th e emergency
medical team arrives.  For children between the ages of 1 and
8, the sternum (chest bone) must be

depressed between one -third and one -  Please be aware that gasping is not
half of the chest's depth. considered normal breathing.
 If you have recently completed CPR  If they are already breathing, they do
training, you will only perform 30 not require assistance with breathing.
chest compressions before moving on However, if the individual is still not
to the breathing assistance phase of breathing, move on to the mouth-to-
CPR. mouth breathing portion of CPR.
 To execute the jaw -thrust technique,
one must sit above the individual's
head. Place one hand on each side of
the individual's jaw and lift it so that it
protrudes forward, as if the i ndividual
has an underbite.
1. Place your mouth over the mouth of
the victim.

2. Continue with opening the airway. If

you are trained in CPR, confident in your
abilities (not rusty), and have performed 30
chest compressions, then proceed to open
the individual's airway using the head -tilt,
chin-lift technique [14], o r the jaw thrust if
you suspect a neck/head/spine injury. Place
your palm on their forehead and slightly tilt
their head backwards. Then, using your Once the individual's head is tilted and
other hand, gently lift the chin forward to their chin is raised, check that their mouth
widen the airway and make it easier to give is clear of any obstructions to their airway.
oxygen. Then, with one hand, pinch the victim's
nostrils shut and completely cover their
 Take 5 to 1 0 seconds to ensure you are
mouth with your own. Make a seal with
breathing normally. Check for chest
your mouth so that no air can get out while
movement, listen for breathing, and see
you try to give the person a rescue breath.
if the victim's breath can be felt on
your cheek or ear.

 You should know that mouth-to-mouth Again, the goal is not to always revive
CPR can spread diseases from the them or continue indefinitely, but
person who needs help to the person rather to buy them time until
who is trying to help them. paramedics arrive.
 Remove any vomit, mucus, or extra  In traditional CPR, one cycle is made
saliva from their mouth before up of about 30 chest compressions and
touching it. 2 rescue breaths. This is true for both
 If a person's mouth is severely injured adults and children.
or cannot be ope ned, rescue breathing  When performing CPR on a child
can also be mouth-to-nose breathing. between 1 and 8 years of age, you can
inflate their lungs with gentler breaths.
1. Repetition of cycles as necessary.

4. Start by taking two deep breaths.

Once your mouth is over the other person's,
Repeat 30 chest compressions and two
forcefully breathe into their mouth for at
rescue breaths after the initial two rescue
least one second and observe their chest to
breaths. Repeat as necessary until the
determine whether it rises slightly. [17] If
victim becomes responsive or until the
so, administer the second breath. If it does
arrival of emergency medical personnel.
not work, repeat the head tilt and chin lift
Remember that chest compressions attempt
and try again. A person's life is in your
to restore circulation while rescue
hands, so avoid being overly timid or
breathing provides so me (but not enough)
oxygen to prevent tissue death, particularly
 Although carbon dioxide is present in in the brain.

exhaled breath, ther e is still sufficient

oxygen to benefit a victim during CPR.

Method 3: Performing CPR on Infants 3. Place the infant in between your
(Under 1 Year) forearms.

2. Evaluate the situation to determine

if the patient's airway is blocked. Place the infant so that they are facing u p
Choking is the most common cause of on one forearm. Cradle the back of their
infant suffocati on. You must evaluate head in the same forearm's hand. Place
the situation to determine whether the your other forearm over the baby's front
airway is completely or partially and turn them over so that they are face -
obstructed. down, keeping them sandwiched betwe en

 When a baby coughs or gags, the your arms at all times.

airway is partially obstructed. Allow

 Hold the jaw with your thumb and
the infant to continue coughing, as this
fingers as you rotate the baby's head.
is the most effective way to dislodg e
 Reduce your lower arm to your thigh.
the obstruction.
The infant's head should b e positioned
 The airway is completely blocked if
below their chest.
the infant is unable to cough and
 Note that back blows should only be
begins to turn bright red or blue. To
administered if the infant is awake. If
dislodge the obstruction, you will need
the infant loses consciousness, bypass
to perform back blows and chest
the back blows and move directly to
chest compressions and rescue breaths.
 If your infant is ill, experiencing an
4. Back blows are used to dislodge an
allergic reaction, or suffocating due to
airway obstruction.
a swollen airway, you can perform
chest compressions and rescue breaths,
but you must immediately contact local
emergency services.

 As you turn your arms, the infant
should remain encircled by your
 Remember to remain calm and
speak to the baby in a soothin g
manner. They are unable to

Use the heel of your dominant hand to comprehend your words, but they

deliver five distinct but gentle back blows can perceive your calm and

between the baby's shoulder blades. affectionate tone.

 Hold the infant's jaw between your

thumb and forefinger to continue
supporting their neck and head.
 When performing CPR on an infant,
there is often a fine line between being
effective and causing harm. To save a
life, however, a minor musculoskeletal 6. Place your fingers in the middle of
injury is a small price to pay. the infant's chest. Place the tips of
two or three fingers in the middle of
the baby's chest while supporting the
baby's head and neck with the other
hand. Utilize your thumb and fingers to
support the baby's jaw while
sandwiching it between your forearms.
5. Place the infant on his or her back.
The lower arm should support the
After administering the gentle back
baby's back on the opposite thigh, and
blows, place your free hand on the
the head should be lower than t he rest
baby's head and rest your arm firmly
of the baby's body.
along the baby's spine. Turn the infant
 The infant could also be placed on
back over so that they are facing up.
their back on a firm, flat surface,
 Do not lif t the infant's head as you
such as a table or the floor.
turn them, as doing so could force
the obstruction back into their
throat. Keep your head lowered.
 The fingers should be placed in the You do not need to pinch a child's nose as
center of the baby's chest, between you would an adult's. Instead, seal the
the nipples. baby's airways by placing your entire
7. Compress the chest gently. mouth over his or her nose and mouth.

First, be sure to remove any vomit, blood,

mucus, or saliva.

 Provide two rescue breaths. Deliver

one puff of air into the mouth of the
infant. If the chest moves, administer
the second breath.
Straight down, dep ress the chest by
 Before administering the second
approximately 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). If the
breath, attempt to clear the airway
infant is conscious, perform only five
again if the chest does not move.
compressions. If the infant is unresponsive,
 Do not take deep breaths through your
administer 30 compressions.
lungs. Use the muscles in your cheeks
 Rapidly compress at a rate of 100 to exhale air gently.
times per minute.
 Each compression must be consistent
9. Reiterate the cycle as necessary.
and not abrupt or shaky.
 Ensure that the baby's ribs are not
injured during compressions.
8. Breathe while covering the baby's
nose and mouth.

Repeat chest compressions and re scue

breaths as necessary until the infant begins
breathing again or until the arrival of
emergency medical personnel.

 If you suspect that the infant is Project 26: How to Splint
choking on a foreign object, you
should examine their mouth after a fractured Leg
each chest compression. Experts believe that a lower leg fracture
 Each cycle sh ould consist of 30 requires rapid medical attention. Therefore,
chest compressions and two rescue if you suspect that your leg is broken,
breaths. consult a physician immediately.

However, you may need to splint the leg if

you break it while camping or hiking and
are far from medical assistance. According
to research, a splint can immobilize your
leg, thereby stabilizing the fracture and
reducing the likelihood of it worsening.
After splinting the fracture, you should see
a doctor to begin your road to recovery.

Part 1: Providing First Aid in an


1. To remove garments from the area,

use scissors. Any treatment you must
perform will be impeded by excess apparel.
If you don't have many other things
available, you can also use the excess
clothing to staunch the bleeding. If you do

not have scissors, you may use a knife.
However, make sure the blade is pointed
away from you and the sufferer.

2. This should stop all bleeding.

Prior to placing it on the fracture, wrap the

ice in a cloth (a towel or cotton clothing
will suffice). Frost will minimize edema.
Additionally, it will help alleviate some of
the pain. If you have an ice pack, it is most
Before treating the fracture, the bleeding effective and least messy. Additionally,
must be stopped., especially if it is severe. you can use a bag of frozen food, such as
Apply pressure with a cloth to the wound. peas.
If the cloth becomes drenched, apply
another cloth on top. Do not remove the
bandage from the injury. To assist in
stemming the flow of blood, lift the
affected leg above the heart.

 Always use gloves to prevent the

transmission of blood-borne infections.
Put on gloves before washing or
disinfecting your hands. Be aware that 4. If necessary, the wound should be
if you choose to treat a bleeding patient cleaned. You should only clean the wou nd
without gloves, you and the patient at this stage if it is extremely polluted,
may be exposed to each ot her's shallow, or if hospital care is delayed. In
bloodborne infections. addition to cleansing the incision to limit
2. Apply ice to it. the danger of infection, it is essential to
stop the bleeding, which can be lethal
much faster than infection.

Part 2: Bracing the Leg Cardboard and tent poles work nicely for
this purpose. The splint should stretch from
just above the knee to just below the heel
of the afflicted leg. This will provide
maximal support for the fractured leg. If
you do not have a first -aid splint on hand,
you can construct one out of any ha rd
object, such as a stick.

1.Do not force or attempt to set a

fractured bone . This is of the utmost
importance. This should only be performed
by a physician, as you could potentially cut
an artery or cause nerve damage. Instead of
attempting to influence the region, merely
attempt to paralyze it.
3. Wrap the splint in a suitable material.
Utilize fabric or tape to fasten the splint.
Also available is duct tape. Tie the splint
above and below the injury, ensuring that
the joint above and below the damage is
also splinted. This will aid in the splint's
stabilization. Avoid wrapping it too tightly,
since this can cut off circulation.

2. Place the splinting material as gently

as possible parallel to the leg. The leg
should be padded with foam padding, a
cushion, a blanket, or corrugated
cardboard. Then, a rigid, structured
substance should be applied to the sides of
the leg to prevent it from moving.

4.Examine the patient for a pulse 1. Move the leg only as much as
beneath the splint. If there is none, the necessary. This is vital to avoid causing
splint is likely wrapped excessively firmly. further harm or aggravating the pain. An
Remove the splint and recheck. During increase in discomfort or injury can induce
splinting, circulation is crucial for shock in a patient. Ensure that the leg
maintaining the health of the limb. remains stable and still.

6. Ensure that the splint fits snugly on 2. Examine the region beneath the
the leg. Avoiding really painful spo ts break. If it is bloated, going pale, or
can assist with this. The individual you becoming cold to the touch, vascular
are splinting will have a decent supply may be disturbed. Vital is restoring
understanding of whether or not the vascular flow, which is best done in a
splint is comfortable, and they will let hospital. For severe shock, medical
you know. If the splint causes treatment is required, and there are few
discomfort, untie it, adjust it, and things that can be done in the wilderness.
possibly wrap it less tightly. Ensure the patient stays hydrated with
Part 3: Prevention and Treatment of water until aid arrives or until you can
Shock transport them to the emergency room.

3. If shock develops, try to lift the legs Project 27 : How to Put
above the head. This may improve blood
circulation to the heart. [16] Although there Together a First Aid Kit
are no trials demonstrating the efficacy of
for Your House
leg elevation for shock, it may be
Because unexpected events can take place
beneficial. However, you should not
at any time and in any location, you and
elevate the afflicted person's legs if they
your family need to be ready for them. A
simultaneously have a head or ab domen
straightforward but essential component of
injury. Additionally, elevating an injured
getting ready for an emergency is maki ng
extremity will be painful and can
sure that your home is equipped with a first
exacerbate the injury.
aid kit that is fully stocked. You can buy
first aid kits that are already assembled at
the store, but it is not difficult to put
together your own, and you can personalize
it to meet the requirements tha t are unique
to your household.

The First Part: Choosing Your Gear,

Placing It, and Taking Care of It

4. Utilize modest pain medications to

treat pain. Typically, acetaminophen will
work (assuming the injured person does
not have an allergy or some other
contraindication to the medicine). Some
studies recommend avoiding NSAIDs
(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
1. Opt for a container of good quality.
medicines, such as ibuprofen or Advil)
You have the option of purchasing
after a fracture, as they are believed to
either pre-filled first aid kits or first aid
impede fracture healing and increase
kit containers that are empty. On the
other hand, it is highly likely that you

already have a container that is containers. You can also use these
perfectly adequate for a first aid kit. types of containers to store food.
• An additional option is to use a large • Use a permanent pen to cl early label
plastic container that is translucent, the container you choose. For example,
resistant to water, rigid or flexible, and you could write "FIRST AID" on the
has either a zipp er or a latch -top lid. container more than once.
Because of this, the contents of the 2. Ensure that your equipment can be
container can be determined with accessed quickly.
relative ease.
• You can easily carry a larger first aid
kit with more parts in a backpack or a
small duffel bag.
• Lunchboxes are yet another wonderful
option available to you. The ideal
container for a first-aid kit is one that is You do not want your first-aid kit to be
roomy, has multiple access points, is buried in the back of a closet or misplaced
portable, and can withstand some because it is not returned to the same
degree of moisture. location after each use when your child is
• Because it needs to be simple to wailing in pain because of a "boo -boo" on
transport to the emergency location, a her knee. In other words, you do not want
handle is the best option. it to be misplaced.
• You should also be able to organize the
• Tell everyone in your home where
contents of the kit according to the
your first aid kit is and put it
type of item, so that it is simple to find
somewhere that is both easy to see and
what you need. Labeled zip -close bags
easy to get to, like a shelf in your linen
are a useful solution, especially when it
comes to storing non -rigid containers.
• Ensure that younger children are aware
Look for smaller, clear plastic
of the location of the kit, but ensure
containers such as those used for craft
that it is kept secure so that they are
supplies or even disposable food
unable to access it.
storage containers with snap -on lids to
3. Inform your family about the
use as lunchboxes or other rigid
contents of the kit.

Make sure that everyone in your home who
Nobody wants to get their hands on a first
is old enough to understand the function of
aid kit only to find that all of the bandages
a first aid kit is aware of where it is kept
are gone and the pain medication has been
and when it should be retrieved, and
out of date for too long. Maintain a
communicate this information to each
consistent check on both the supply
quantities and the expiration dates.
• Teach younger children, who s hould
• It's likely that someone has told you
not be using the kit's materials, the
that you should change the batteries in
location of the kit so that they can
your smoke detectors before the start
show it to a visitor, a relative, a
and after the end of Daylight Saving
babysitter, or someone else in a similar
Time, which occurs in the spring and
capacity. However, ensure that young
fall, respectively. You should also
children are unable to access the kit by
review the contents of your first -aid kit
putting it in a location that is out of
at this time and add more supplies if
their reach, such as on a high shelf.
they are depleted.
• Describe to older children as well as
Compile a list of items that should be
adults when and how each component
included in the set.
of the kit should be used. As a point of
reference, make use of a pamphlet with
first aid instructions like the ones that
are offered by the American Red
Cross, and make sure to include one in
the kit..
4. Keep your equipment up to date.

Your first aid kit sh ould be stocked with

the items recommended in Part 2 of this

guide, and a list of each item should be made easier if you have a variety of
written down on a sheet of paper that can options to choose from.
be kept inside the kit.
 Put all of the bandages in a clear bag
• On the kit's checklist, write the number with a zipper that has been clearly
of items (ten tiny bandages, for labeled using a permanent marker.
example) and t he expiration date (for Include:
drugs or ointments) next to each item.  Two sterile dressings 5 inches by 9
This is required for compliance with inches in size
regulations.  One 3 inch roller bandage and one 4
• You want to make sure that whoever inch roller bandage (ace bandage).
receives the kit is aware, as soon as  Two bandages in the shape of a
possible, of what it does and does not triangle.
include, as well as whether or not the  25 bandages with an adhesive backing,
components are ready to be used. ranging in size.
 Ten 4" x 4" gauze pads and five 3" x
3" gauze pads
Part 2: Putting the Final Touches on the
Kit  A spool of adhesive tape made of cloth
2. Include basic medical supplies.

It is important to be ready to perform first

aid tasks such as removing splinters,
1. Be sure to include a selection of
cutting bandages, and other similar
different bandages. When it comes to
activities without having to search through
treating cuts and scrapes, having a wide
the junk drawer. Also, place these inside a
selection of bandaging materials in a
bag with a zip top and label it. Include the
variety of sizes and styles is necessary.
following without a doubt:
Your efforts to provide first aid will be

 Two pairs of gloves that are not latex - • A space blanket that has been pre -
free packaged.
 cleaning wipes (only for external • Turkey baster (for flushing out
cleaning) wounds)
 Tweezers • Eye protection is a must.
 A guide to basic first aid procedures. • Security pins

 Hand sanitizer • Finger splint made of aluminum

 Compact and pointed scissors • Petroleum emulsion

 A non -mercury-containing oral

thermometer 4. Make a separate section that is

 Cotton balls and a variety of swabs dedicated to drugs.

 Plastic bags with resealable zippers

(for medical waste disposal)
 Breathing barrier mask used during
 A quick application of ice to the face
3. Think about incorporating Put
additional tools. these in a separate pile from the bandages
and the tools, and label them very clearly.
Always double check the dates of
expiration. Most of these things should be
kept in smaller sizes that are good for
traveling, trials, or first aid kits:

• Aloe vera gel

If there is enough room in your kit, you • Anti-cough and anti-cold medication
might want to consider putting any medical • Calamine cream
supplies that aren't absolutely necessary • laxatives
but could be helpful in a separate bag that • Antacids
you label. Examples include: • Anti-diarrhea medicine
• Pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, and
• Masking tape Needle for sewing
• Hydrocortisone cream
• Antihistamines

5. Customize your kit by adding the

prescriptions that you and your
family need.

Part 3: Making Mobile Kits

6. Always carry a travel or car kit with


It is a good idea to pack modest dosages of

prescription medications for each member
of the family, especially in car or travel
kits. These medicines should be kept in
small containers with clear labels and A
written instructions on how to use them. first aid kit is an item that should never be
missing from either a person's house or any
• Maintain strict vigilance over
vehicle that they own. Even though some
prescription drug expiration dates.
cars come with a first -aid kit, you should
• If someone in your family suffers from
still check it out and, if necessary, add to
severe allergies and has a prescription
its contents to make sure it has everything
for an epi-pen, make sure you keep one
you might need.
in your emergency kit along with the
instructions so that a guest can assist in • A travel kit should be similar to the
the event of a medical emergency. one you have at home. However, you
• Even for home kits, a small stock of should think about adding the
tailored medical supplies, such as a bee following items to make it useful on
sting kit, may be useful in case your the road: a flashlight with batteries,
medicine cabinet runs out of supplies. waterproof matches, a solar/crank
This could include antihistamines, pain charger for phones, sunscreen, insect
relievers, and ointments. repellent, a whistle, phone numbers for
your doctor, poison control, and other
emergency services, and medical
consent and history forms for each
member of the family.
• Ensure that the emergency kit for your
automobile is easily accessible; do not
conceal it in the well for the spare tire
that is located beneath the floor of the
It is wonderful to have a large kit with a
7. Make a camping kit for yourself if
little bit of everything, but it is also
you're going camping.
wonderful to have a small kit that is easily
transportable and can be with you almost
all the time.

• A purse kit with one ointment package,

three cleansing wipes, two gauze pads,
and ten bandages is available for
purchase commercially. You can make
a useful first aid kit that is small
enough to fit in a handbag, diaper bag,
A camping kit should have many of the backpack, or something similar by
same things as a car kit, plus extra scissors, putting small amounts of your most-
waterproof matches, a space blanket, duct used medicines in a bag with a zip -top
tape, a solar or hand -crank phone charger, closure.
and a whistle.

8. Carry water purification tablets in case

you have to drink from an untreated
body of water. This will protect you
from getting sick.
8. Always keep a small first-aid kit in
your purse.
9. Put together the necessary kits
according to their contents. Pack
travel kits that are clearly labeled and

are designed to meet the specif ic
Chapter 10: Home
medical needs of each member of your
family if any of those members have Security
special medical requirements. To maintain my home's security, I wou ld
• An allergy emergency kit is most likely install shutters made of 34-inch plywood
the most common example. on every window and door I am not
• Make sure that the individual's name utilizing. These are already made, so I do
and the phrase "ALLERGY not need to figure out how to do this
EMERGENCY KIT" are prominently without electricity.
displayed on a small, sturdy, water -
resistant container that you use for this Even though these are NOT bulletproof,

kit. they provide better security and

• Before deciding which medications to concealment than those that are not. In

include, consult with your attending keeping with the concept of light

physician. Antihistamines (like concealing, I would put light-blocking

Benadryl or Zyrtec), prednisone, fabric over the windows for which I have

and/or epi-pens are the ca ndidates with yet to construct shutters. Check out our

the highest likelihood of being DIY laser home security system alarm you

included. can also incorporate in your home.

• Add at least one extra dose of each

Project 28: Laser Security
medication to your routine in case you
need to wait for medical attention. System Alarm DIY
• Print or write all medication usage
To make your laser security system alarm,
instructions clearly on a piece of sturdy
you need:
paper or a notecard, and consider
laminating it for extra protection.
Include the doctor's phone number and
any other important information about
the patient, such as if they have any
other allergies.

1. Laser

5. Bc547 Transistor

2. 9v battery
6. LDR

3. Buzzer
7. 9v Battery connector.

4. 2.24 ohm Resistor


Step 1: C onnect your transistor and
resistor. There are three parts of the
transistor, they are: collector, base and
emitter. Connect your resistor to the base
and connector.

Step 4: Connect the positive wire to the

transistor and the negative wire to the

Step 5: Connect the battery connector.

Step 2: Connect one side of the LDR to Connect the negative wire to the LDR and

the base. the positive wire to the transistor.

Step 3: Connect red and black wire s to the Step 6: Get your box, put some holes at
base of buzzer. one end of the box, which is needed for the
sound of the buzzer and another hole on

the side for the LDR. Then you put Step 7: Connect your battery to the battery
everything inside. connector. As soon as you connect it, the
alarm will start beeping. Then you put your
battery in the box and close it

Point your laser to the LDR, and the

beeping will stop.

Your device is ready!

This device can be used for safety

purposes. When anything interferes with

the laser beam, the device will start
beeping, which will alert you on the
presence of an intruder. LONG TERM NO GRID SURVIVAL

Chapter 11: Projects on Project 29: How to Start a

Growing and Sourcing Garden

for Food Part 1: Choosing a

In any grid-down scenario, food supplies
Garden Style
will be among the hardest hit. Farmers will
be unable to transport their goods to
wholesalers, and wholesalers would be
unable to transport food to processing
mills. There will be an emptying of stores
and spoilage of food on farms.

You will only have access to food you can

produce yourself. Vegeta ble gardening
1. Decide what you want to grow or
may appear to be a simple activity, but it is
achieve in your garden. There are
significantly more complicated than it
numerous types of gardens and uses for
gardens, so consider what your ideal
When we first began, it took me 3 years to garden would provide. Among the
obtain a decent yield from my garden. The numerous types of gardens are:
first two years were spent establishing the
• Plant a vegetable garden. This type of
garden, particularly the soil.
garden may be the most popular and
Begin working on your garden before you practical. By growing your own, you
need it. Thus, when the time comes, you can save money and increase your
and your family will already have consumption of fresh vegetables.
something growing to eat. • Plant a flower garden. A flower garden
adds beauty to your yard and can
provide you with a tranquil retreat. If
your primary objective is to beautify
your property, a flower garden may be
the best option. You can plant
perennials, annuals, or a mixed garden.

• Hummingbird or butterfly garden. You in containers indoors, so container
cannot cultivate butterflies or gardening may be ideal for apartment
hummingbirds, but you can plant dwellers.
pollen-rich wildflowers like dill,
• Growing a garden in the ground is a
fennel, and milkweed to attract them to
viable option if you live in a region
your yard. A butterfly or hummingbird
with good soil that is not too rocky or
garden is an ideal type of garden for
children to plan.
• If growing your garden in the ground is
• A garden for wildlife. A wildlife
not a viable option, you should
garden is one that helps to sustain the
consider purchasing containers or
local animal population by providing
constructing raised beds. Above -
food and shelter. Usually, these a re
ground beds are advantageous because
plants that are native to your region, so
they are easier on the back and can be
to plan your garden, you would need to
relocated as desired. Make sure that the
learn what your native species are.
pots or beds are big enough for the
2. Take into account the amount of plants you want to grow and that they
available space. have enough drainage.
• If you have limited outdoor space but
still want a garden, you can cultivate a
vertical garden. These types of gardens
utilize small planters or stacked crates
as well as plants with upright growth.
7. Determine the amount of sunlight
your plants will receive. Many plants
require six to eight hours of direct
If you have ample room, you can plant a sunlight to thrive. If you do not have a
garden in the soil. You can also plant a location that receives this amount of
garden in containers if you have limited sunlight, you can still plant a garden.
space or simply prefer not to plant in the Simply choose plants that thrive in the
ground. You can cultivate a variety of shade or with less sunlight.
plants in pots on your patio or in a sunny • On a sunny day, ch eck the area where
area of your yard. Some plants even thrive you intend to grow your garden several

times per day to determine how long 2. Examine the soil
the sun shines there. For instance, you
could check the area at 7 a.m., 11 a.m.,
2 p.m., and 5 p.m. and make a note if
the sun is shining at those times. If the
sun is shining during two or three of
your checks, it is likely that sun -loving
plants will flourish there.

A healthy soil will contain sufficient

Part 2: Preparing Your Garden Plot and quantities of lime, phosphorus, nitrogen,
Equipment and potassium. Determine how much of
each you have in your soil and what you
1. Choose a plot. When designing a
need to add for optimal plant growth. If
garden, its location is essential. Determine
you are planting a container garden, you
whether the area yo u want to use receives
have nothing to worry about. You can
adequate sunlight. Then, consider whether
simply use potting soil suitable for the
the size is appropriate for what you intend
plants you intend to cultivate.
to do with the garden and how you will
water it. If the garden is large, you should • A home soil testing kit can be
be able to pull a hose to it, and if it is purchased at many hardwa re and
small, you should be able to carry a full garden stores. Follow the instructions
watering can to it. to determine the characteristics of your
garden's soil.
 If you intend to cultivate a container
• You can collect soil samples from
garden, you must still identify a
around your garden, send them to a
suitable location for the containers.
state-certified soil testing lab or
The area should have ample sunlight,
university extension service, and for a
space for the plants to grow upwards,
nominal fee, you will receive the
and easy access to a water s ource, or
results of a soil analysis within a week.
be situated in a location where it is
This is much simpler than testing the
convenient to bring water to them.
soil on your own, but it is more

• Collect multiple soil samples from • If the results of your pH test indicate
different areas of your garden to ensure that your soil is alkaline (above 7),
accurate test results. neutralize it by adding lime or wood
• Test you r soil's pH to determine if it ash. If the pH of your soil is below 7,
needs to be adjusted. Use a pH testing add peat moss or decaying leaves.
kit or conduct your own test at home to Depending on the plants you intend to
analyze the soil in your garden. Certain cultivate, it may not be necessary to
plants prefer different pH levels, but it adjust the pH. It is easier to cultivate
is ideal to have soil as close to neutral plants that can thrive in the current
as possible, with a pH of 7. soil.

3. Get your soil ready. Once your soil and 4. Conduct research in your area of
pH tests are completed, prepare your soil expertise. It is essential to gather
by adding the essential nutrients for plant information about the local growing
growth. conditions. Consult the Internet, a local
garden consultant, or your county
• Add organic matter to your soil to
extension service.
improve its nutrient content. You may
utilize compost (if you have your own • Determine the average frost start and
compost pile), decomposing leaves, end dates so you know when to plant.
peat moss, or decomposed animal Planting too early or too late can result
manure. If you do not have easy access in the death of your seeds or plants, so
to these items, you can purchase them it is crucial to know when to begin.
at local gardening centers. • Become familiar w ith local weather
• Add fertilizer to your soil to patterns that may have an impact on
compensate for any nitrogen, your garden.
phosphorus, or potassiu m deficiencies. • Investigate the optimal time to harvest
The label on the fertilizer bag will tell fruits, berries, and vegetables in your
you exactly how much of each of these region. Some of these may be easy to
nutrients is present. The numbers 5-10- understand, but knowing when to
5, for example, tell you that the harvest others may take a bit more
fertilizer contains 5 percent nitrogen, knowledge.
10 percent phosphorous, and 5 percent • Create a planting schedule for each of
potassium. your specific plants based on their
habitat and growth requirements. 1. Decide whether you want to start your
Others may not require planting until garden from seeds. Many plants
the summer. germinate successfully from seeds. Check
5. Gather your tools. To make gardening your local garden center for seed packets
as simple and relaxing as possible, it is and read the labels to determine how long
essential to have the proper equipment. they take to grow, the optimal planting
At a minimum, use a shovel, gloves, a time, and the amount of water they require.
gardening trowel, a garden fork,
 Depending on what you are growing,
baskets or buckets to collect weeds,
germinating seeds can take anywhere
and a watering can.
from one to four months, so it is
important to plan ahead.
 A pack of seeds costs only a few
dollars or cents, making it the least
expensive option. Each mature plant
purchased from a gardening store can
Other tools are available for purchase, cost between $1 and $50.
but they are not required for a small to  Growing from seed allows you to start
medium-sized garden. the seed either indoors in a container or
• You may also need a wheelbarrow, directly in the ground. However,
rakes and hoes, loppers, and a post- planting a seed in a container and
hole digger for a large garden. starting it indoors may produce a
• Consider installing a sprinkler system healthier plant than starting it outdoors.
if you lack the time or ability to Because you won't have to wait for the
manually water your garden. last frost, it may also provide your
plant with an earlier start.
Part 3: Choosing Seeds and Plants
2. Consider transplanting
established plants.

The advantage of transplanting a alliums, which you can plant in your
mature plant into your soil or container garden and enjoy year after year.
is that it is already partially grown and Part 4: Planting Your Garden
will produce fruit more quickly.
Additionally, the plant is more likely to
survive and flourish. Once the rest of
your garden is ready, it only takes a
few minutes of work to move mature

 Check your local garden center for

1. Arrange your plants. Choose the
mature plants and examine their
location for each plant in the garden.
tags to determine if they are
Consider the amount of sunlight they
suitable for the type of garden you
require as well as their eventual size.
intend to create.
Starting with small plants can be
3. Investigate flower bulbs.
deceiving because some of them may
grow to be very big and need bigger
plots or containers.
 It is generally safe to leave about 10
inches (25.4 cm) between each plant,
If but check the seed package or plant tag
you decide to cultivate flowers, you have to see how much space is needed.
the option of planting bulbs as well. It is  You should also leave sufficient space
simple to plant bulbs, and some of them between rows so that you can walk
(the perennials) will return year after year. between them. Allow approximately
Some bulbs are annuals that must be 18 inches (45.7 cm) between rows.
replanted annually.  Attempt to group your plants by
species. For instance, you can plant all
 Remember that bulbs bloom for only a
your vegetables in one section of your
few weeks at a time.
garden while keeping your flowers and
 Check your local garden center for
berries in another.
bulbs, such as tulips, daffodils, and
 Identify the tallest plants, as they will
create shade over time and should only
be planted near other tall plants or • Place each plant in its hole with care so
plants that require less sunlight and as not to harm any part of it. Use your
more shade. fingers or a trowel to slowly scoop soil
2. Plant your seeds or vegetation. over the roots and back into the hole.
Before planting a plant whose roots are
root bound, or wrapped around the
container, massage and loosen them
with your fingers. This will help the
plant's roots grow out into the soil
around them instead of continuing to
wrap around the root ball and choke
the plant. Cover with mulch.
Incorporating as many nutrients as
Utilizing the plan you have developed,
position each plant in the garden. Dig a possible into the soil will help your

hole that is twice as wide and as deep as plants grow strong and healthy. Mulch

the root ball, or as instructed on the seed will aid in this endeavor and also

packet. prevent the growth of we eds. Spread a

layer of mulch approximately one inch
Seed depth can range from 14 inches (0.6 thick between each plant.
cm) to 2 inches (5 .1 cm) depending on the • For the best results, add straw or
type of plant you are planting. decomposed leaves as mulch around
your vegetable plants.
It makes no difference whether you plant in
• As mulch, wood chips and bark are
a container or in the ground. Use the
beneficial to flower growth.
planting depth recommendations listed on
3. Water your plants.
the seed packet.

• Do not dig an excessively deep hole.

Dig only as deeply as necessary to
accommodate all of the roots without
burying the stem or leaves. The soil in
the ground should match the soil of the
plant being planted.

The first few weeks after planting If you are cultivating a vegetable
necessitate a bit more water to facilitate garden, you may wish to erect a fence
root establishment. However, avoid around it to deter wildlife. This is not
overwatering your garden by flooding the required, but it can be helpful if you
top layer. You only need to supply experience frequent invasions.
approximately one inch of water per week,
 Remember that deer can leap very
so if it rains, you may no t need to water
high. To prevent them from
your garden at all.
jumping into your garden, your
• Water the plants with a watering can or fence will need to be at least 8 feet
a spray attachment for your hose. They (2.4 m) tall.
should be irrigated from a height to 6. Take care of your garden.
avoid damaging their leaves and stalks.
• After a few days of daily watering, you
can water less frequent ly. Move to
watering approximately every two
4. Observe your garden and remove
weeds frequently. Once your garden is
established, give it time to flourish. If
properly maintained, a healthy garden When your garden has reached maturity,
will endure for multiple seasons. you should harvest your hard work. Pick or
Inspect your garden fo r weeds on a cut vegetables, berries, herbs, and flowers
regular basis and remove any that you with care for personal use. Or, you can just
find. take a walk and relax in your garden if
5. Consider installing a fence. you've designed it to make your home look

Project 30: How To Make Procedure:

1. Drill some holes under your container

A Homemade Organic
to let some air easily
Compost For Your
Most of the people trying to grow
vegetables or crops fail in the first year,
this is mostly because not all areas have
rich enough land to be able to grow crops.
In some areas, it is vital that you make
2. Shred the banana peels and kitchen
your own compost and without it, it will be
waste into tiny pieces to help compost
extremely difficult to grow anything.
break down faster

 Get a container either a bucket, waste

bin or a garden pot
 A shallow tub or tray to collect drained
 Egg shells for calcium
 Neem leaves for minerals, vitamins
and enzymes and help plants resistan t
to pest
 Garden soil to help keep the smell
away and help composting process
 Compost will help introduce bacteria
and earthworm
 Banana peel for potassium, nitrogen,
phosphorous and magnesium
 Green kitchen waste for nitrogen and You can also add wood chips, straws or

help increase the heat process. hays, shrub pruning, pine needles,

shredded papers/newspapers, coffee
grounds etc.

3. Layer the bottom of the container with

1 inch of garden soil

5. Add your kitchen green waste now

4. Add 1 inch of compost to start the pile

to help introduce the bacteria

7. Add the egg shells

6. Add your chopped banana peels

8. Add the neem leaves

Repeat the process and add multiple layers 11. To avoid any spill, place a shallow tray
of kitchen waste, neem leaves, compost, or container underneath your container
and others respectively.

9. Now add enough garden soil to keep

the smell away.

10. Press the mix with your hands to

compress it.

12. Water the mix thoroughly

13. Keep the container in full sunlight to
help the mix break down quicker but it
will need more water.

15. Keep the drainages pot under the

container for at least 10-15 days

14. Re-use the collected drained water as it

contains useful bacteria and essential

16. Whenever the compost pile is dried
water it again 18. Make sure the mixture stays moist but
not too wet

Do this often

17. It is a good idea tom mix up the

compost pile on a regular basis to
encourage the growth of the right kind
of bacteria and help the compost to
decompose faster

Your compost pile is almost ready

21. To fasten the process, cover the pile
with anything you have - wood chips,
plastic sheeting, dry leaves, carpet
scraps etc. this will help retain
moisture and heat.

19. Every few days turn your compost pile

with a shovel or a stick in order to
aerate your pile and aid decomposing

22. Water the pile

20. At this stage you can see some worms.
Which makes the compost more
porous and turn the waste into

It usually takes about 2 -3 months for the
24. Once compost is ready, separate out all
compost to be completely ready.
the leaves.
Depending on your weather conditions and
the components of your pile.

23. After 60 -70 days, your compost is

ready to be used in the garden.

26. Add compost to your plants in small
25. You can store your compost in poly
bags or in simple garbage cans. Just
keep the bag away from direct sun

You can water your plant after adding the


There are many advantages that can come
Chapter 12: Animal
from keeping chickens in our backyard.
Husbandry Chickens are capable of producing eggs

Vegetables are wonderful, but you also that are truly fresh in addition to excellent

need animal protein. This can be meat that is high in nutrients. And while

accomplished by raising chickens, bunnies, our children are learning about

and even fish f or your family. But not if responsibility and the development of

you do not learn prior to needing it. For animals, we might enjoy sitting on our

instance, how do you identify animal back porch and watching the birds.

illness? What do you do when someone is Before you go out and buy some fresh
ill? How do you ensure that your livestock chicks this spring, I have compiled a list of
reproduce and provide you with food? six suggestions that can help you get

Project 31: Raising chickens started with raising chickens.

Both chicken meat and eggs are excellent 1. Determine which breed is best
sources of protein, and both can be suited to your requirements
obtained from chickens. In order to get the There is a wide variety of appearances,
best meat and eggs from your chickens, sizes, and hues available in the world of
you need to learn the correct procedures for poultry breeds. People who want to raise
keeping chickens as well as how to care for chickens for eggs or meat are advised to
them. start with common breeds at first.

With a coop, some chicks, and a strategy Think about what it is you want to
for the long run, a family can raise their accomplish with your flock. If you want
own flock of chickens in their backyard, fresh eggs, you should think about getting
which not only gives them access to fresh White Leghorn hybrids, which lay white
eggs that are good for them but also gives eggs; Plymouth Barred Rocks, which lay
them the satisfaction of seeing a baby chick brown eggs; Rhode Island Reds, which lay
mature into a hen that lays eggs. The first brown eggs; Blue Andalusians, which lay
thing you should do when starting a flock white eggs; or Ameraucanas/Easter Eggers
of chickens in your backyard is to make a (blue eggs). Cornish Cross chickens reach
plan. maturity at an earlier age than other breeds,
making them ideally suited for meat

production. If you want to produce both against Marek's disease and coccidiosis in
eggs and meat from your chickens, you order to prevent the chicks from becoming
should look into dual -purpose breeds like ill.
the Plymouth Barred Rock, Sussex, or Buff
During Purina® Flock Talk events, a
Orpingtons. Breeds from other parts of t he
number of local Purina® stores will sell
world are beautiful to look at and make
chicks right in the store.Check with the
wonderful pets.
business owner in your area to learn more
about the breeds, the timing, and the
2. Determine the total number of birds
that you want to buy 4. Begin preparing your incubator
The number of birds in your flock and their A brooder is a warm, draft -free enclosure
sexes may be determined in part by local that should be used to keep newborn chicks
regulations as well as the goals you have safe and secure. The brooder needs to have
set for your flock. a bottom surface that is covered in bedding
and a heating lamp inside of it. It also
Keep in mind that the immature birds,
needs to be completely enclosed. If the
known as chicks, will eventually mature
birds tend to co ngregate in one area of the
into fully grown birds. Create a spending
brooding chamber, you should try to avoid
plan that accounts for the amount of time
having any square corners there. This will
you will be able to spend with your flock,
prevent the young birds from becoming
the type of housing the birds will require ,
how you will collect and utilize the eggs,
and what you will do with the birds once Each chick needs at least two to three
they are no longer productive of eggs. Start square feet of floor space to call their own
with a small flock of four to six chicks to for the firs t six weeks of their lives. The
get things going. temperature in the brooder should be kept
at a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Look for a provider of chickens who
For the first week, the temperature should
has a good reputation
be set to 90 degrees Fahrenheit; after that,
Buy pullorum-typhoid-free chicks from a
the heat should be reduced by 5 degrees
reputable hatchery in the United States that
Fahrenheit each week until it reaches the
is pullorum-typhoid-free. Be certain that
desired temperature. Prepare a spacious
the hatchery gave the chicks vaccinations
and sanitized coop for the chicks as soon as and you will only need one comp lete feed
it is no longer necessary to use the for layers when the hens begin laying
supplemental heat source. Always make around week 18 of their lives.
sure there is plenty of fresh, clean water
Get your chicks off to a healthy start with a
available at all times, an d make sure it is
complete feed for starters and growers.
refreshed on a regular basis.
Chicks have a requirement for 38 different
5. Stress the importance of proper nutrients beginning on day one. Choose a
sanitation complete diet for starters and growers that
It is important to keep the environment also includes the Chick StrongTM System to
clean both before the new chicks arrive and make sure they get all the nutrients they
while they are growing. It is important to need.
clean all materials before using them , and
If you want your chicks to grow into egg -
then again on a weekly basis, because
laying birds, feed them a diet high in
young chicks are susceptible to early health
protein, such as Purina® Start & Grow® or
Purina® Organic starter-grower.
The proper household disinfectants have
For meat birds and mixed flocks, choose a
the potential to be efficient. Make sure that
complete feed containing 20% protein,
your disinfectant is safe to use and does not
such as Purina® Flock Raiser® Crumbles.
leave behind any sort of film residue by
This will ensure that the birds grow strong
carefully reading the instructions. A
and healthy.
cleaning solution made of 10% bleach and
90% water can be useful as long as the When layer chicks reach the age of 18 to
cleaner is well rinsed after each use. 20 weeks, it is time to switch them to a
complete feed with a higher calcium
6. Construct a diet that you can stick
content, such as Purina® Organic layer
to over the long term
feed, Purina® Layena®, or Purina®
Strong chicks are more l ikely to hatch into
Layena® Plus Omega-3.
robust hens. To ensure your success over
the long term, adhere to our "Flock
StrongTM Feeding Program." You will only
need one complete feed for starters and
growers on the first day to get the first egg,

Project 32: How to Hunt • Small game such as rabbits, hares,
squirrels, pheasants, crows, and
There will likely be a large number of
waterfowl, among others.
people out hunting in search of food for
• Big game like deer, sheep, moose,
their families. That doesn't imply you
antelope, bear, bighorn sheep,
shouldn't, but, you should be cautious.
mountain goats, etc.
This will be a good skill to add to your No 2. Determine which hunting tools are
grid Survival Project skills. Just remember effective.
to hunt smaller animals because it can be
hard to process and store the meat of
bigger animals.

for the environment and not cruel. To keep

yourself and others safe while hunting, you
should get the right training and gear. You won't need an elephant gun to hunt a
pheasant, but you can probably use a few
Part 1: Researching Hunting
different guns with birdshot. Find out what
the best weapon is for the game you want
to hunt. Some weapons to think about are:

 Black powder rifle.

 Centerfire (high-powered) rifle.
 Rimfire rifle.
 Bow and arrow.
 Shotgun.
1. Choose the game you want to play. 3. Speak with someone who has gone
"Game" means the type of animal you hunting. Ask people in your family or
are going to hunt. at your local sporting goods store if
they know someone who can answer
The game you choose to hunt will affect
some of your questions about hunting.
how you hunt, what kind of weapon or trap
You could say:
you use, and where you should hunt. Some
• "I don't have much experience hunting,
suggestions for what to hunt:
but I love nature and could use the

nutrients in venison. Could you tell me • Dogs like pointers and setters, which
more about hunting for deer? " can follow the scent of game birds, are
4. Find out about state and local rules often used to hunt upland birds. Then,
and restrictions. Depending on where these hunting dogs will show the
you live, how rural the country is, and hunter where the game is so he or she
the culture of the area, the legal can flush it out and shoot it.
definitions of different types of game • People often hunt migratory birds from
and the weapons you can use to hunt blinds, so a good bird hunter will need
them can be very different. to find a place where birds eat or drink.
• In most places, hunting is regulated by You might be able to catch one o f
the Department of Natural Resources, these birds in harvested grain fields,
the Fish and Wildlife Department, or along waterways, or in other places.
some other similar group. If you do a • Dogs can be used to hunt small game
quick search online, you should be able like rabbits and squirrels. Rabbits love
to find the right agency in charge of beagles, and some breeds are easy to
managing wildlife. train to catch squirrels (or raccoons or
5. Learn how to hunt the game you opossums).
want to catch.
Part 2: Preparing for a Hunt

The right hunting strategy will make the

sport even more fun by giving you the best
1. Attend the necessary safety classes.
chance of catching what you're after. Some
Before you can get a hunting license
of the most common ways to hunt are:
in many places, you have to take a
• You can hunt deer from ground blinds, mandatory safety course for hunters.
tree stands, by stalking, or by getting a This is especially true if you plan to
group of people to push prey out of hunt with a gun. Make sure you
brush or cover. Some places even let follow all the rules. If you don't, you
you use hounds to go after deer.
could be fined or face other legal  Extra daily medication (e.g. insulin,
consequences, such as jail time. blood pressure pills, etc.).
2. If you need to, buy a license.  Cell phone or two way radio (in
waterproof case).
 Appropriate clothing for changeable
weather (rain gear, etc.).
 Lighters/fire starters.
4. Decide on what you will do.
Depending on what you want to hunt,
Depending on where you live, you there will be different ways to do it.
may not need a permit to hunt some People often use ambush hunting,
animals, like small game, as long as stalking, and hound hunting to catch
you follow the rules for hunting in different kinds of prey. You will need
your area. to learn about your prey to figure out
the best way to catch it.
3. Stock up on supplies in case of an
5. Prepare your hunting strategy. If
emergency. During your hunt, you
you want to hunt from a p ortable tree
might get hurt and need medical help,
stand, you should practice climbing
or you might have to spend the night
and carrying it before your hunt. The
out in the elements while you wait for
same is true for making a blind or
help. Don't be caught without a plan.
figuring out how to stalk game.
Make sure that you:
6. Pick a place to go. Your prey is likely
 Metal cup. to live in a good place. While you're
 Waterproof light source (e.g. hunting, you'll have a b etter chance of
headlamp). finding your prey here. Find out where
 Survival knife. your prey likes to live, paying attention
 Map and compass. to notes about migration and changes
 Whistle or signaling device. in behavior throughout the year. Then,
 First aid kit. look for places near you where you can
 Emergency rations (granola, meal hunt your prey.
replacement bars, etc.). • Hunting on public land is le gal as long
 Emergency shelter (e.g. space blanket). as you don't violate any state, federal,
or regional rules, have the proper
license, and follow any state, federal, able to shoot a clean -killing broad -
or other hunting rules that apply. head arrow.
• Larger animals, such as e lk, wild boar,
Part 3: Mastering Your Weapon
moose, or bear, should be hunted with
10. Select the appropriate ammunition larger calibers.
for your game. You will need enough • 30 mm guns that shoot soft -pointed
knockdown power to kill the animal bullets of 150 grains or more. When
cleanly, but not so much that you hurt hunting dangerous game, you need a
it too much. Here are some examples: gun that can stop animals from
• Quail, dove, and other small game charging.
birds can be hunted using shotguns and 11. Use your "sight" to your advantage.
field loads with shot sizes ranging from
6 to 9 and gauges rangin g from 20 to
12 ga.
• Larger shot sizes and, if possible,
larger gauge guns are required for
turkeys, geese, grouse, ducks,
pheasants, and other big game. A 12 Peep sights, pin sights, lit sights, and
gauge or even a 10 gauge that shoots a even telescopic sights can be put on
2 or 4 shot is a good choice. Rabbits modern bows. Shotguns usually only
and squirrels can be hunted with have one front bead, but slug guns can
hollow-point rim-fire rifles, high- sometimes have rifle-style iron sights
powered air rifles capable of shooting or laser dot sights. Rifles can have
at least 750 fps, or shotguns similar to telescopic sights, iron sights, peep
those used for quail and dove. sights, red dot sights, or a mix of these.
• You can use center -fire rifles, bows, or
Understand how your weapon works or
muzzle-loading rifles to hunt deer,
how it is configured.
antelope, and sheep. Center-fire rounds
should be at least.243 caliber and have
soft-pointed bullets that are at least 100
grains. Muzzle-loading rifles should be
at least.40 caliber, and bows should be

Rifles and shotguns can be single -shot, 1. Getting familiar with the land scape
double-barreled, pump -action, semi - is it’s best to take a walk around the
automatic, or semi -automatic, and each of hunting area so you know where the
these can work in a differe nt way. Bows animals are likely to be sleeping.
are the same way. There are recurve, This will also help you if you hit your
compound, and crossbows. Some hunters prey but have to follow it.
even use pistols. Use a weapon that you are • Pay attention to any swamps, loose
sure you can handle well. rocks, downed trees, or other things
that could get in your way on the way
to your hunting spot.
• Watch out for natural animal paths in
the area where you hunt. Most of the
time, these are the paths your prey will
take. If you need to find your prey,
knowing these paths will help.
12. Practice your chosen weapon. You
• Remember the tracks you see on these
should keep doing this until you are
natural trails or take a picture of them.
sure that you (and it) can do the job
You can compare these to a track guide
well. You might want to go to a rifle or
when you get back home.
bow range, a skeet range, or another
2. Take a Look at the Weather. Even if
place where you can shoot. If you want
the weather report says it will be nice,
to be good at shooting, you should do
it's best to be ready for bad weather
it with care.
when you go hunting. If you knew
Part 4: Making plans for a successful about bad weather or other dangerous
hunt situations ahead of time, it could have
saved your life.
3. Gather your belongings. When you
are out in the wild, forgetting
something can be more than just a
pain. It can be dangerous. Before you
go h unting, you should make a list of
the things you will need and gather
• When you are getting ready to go also help you remember the best way
hunting, you should make sure you to get there and the safest way to get to
have an emergency supply kit and wear where you want to hunt.
enough blaze orange (also called
Part 5: Learning the Rules of the Game
hunter's orange or safety orange) so
that other hunters can see you. 13. Learn how to handle game meat the
4. Tell your friends and family what right way.
you want to do. So, if you get lost or
hurt while hunting, you will know that
help is on its way. You can't always
count on your phone to get you help
when you're out in the wild.
5. If you need to, ask for permission. How you do this will depend on what you
Before you go hunting on the private are hunting. But you don't want to try field
land of a friend or neighbor, make sure dressing and carrying a 700 -pound elk
you have permission from the without being ready. Take the time to learn
landowner and your hunting license. what to do with an animal so that the meat
• Even if you've been told you can hunt you take doesn't go to waste.
there whenever you want, it's best to
let your neighbo r know before you go. 14. Make sure you have what you need
to take care of the meat. To move a
This will make it less likely that you
big game animal, you might need pack
will get hurt while hunting.
animals or something else. You s hould
also remember that you will need a
place to store possibly hundreds of
pounds of deer, moose, or elk meat
after your hunt.

6. Examine the map. This will help you

remember the walk you took to get
ready for your hunting trip. This will

15. Get to know other hunters. This can • You should skin and dress rabbits and
help you find people to go hunting squirrels before they get too stiff.
with, but it can also help if you don't
Part 6: Begin Hunting
have enough freezer space. You can
also get advice on [field dressing a
deer carcass] and how to cook the

1. Start the hunt at the right time. This

will depend on your game and the rules
in your area. If you want to hunt deer
from a stand in the evening, you may
need to get to your stand around 3 p.m.
16. Know that time plays a role. So, you won 't scare away the animals,
and your scent will fade before your
game is most active.
2. As you enter the hunting area, try to
be as quiet as possible. You should
park your car a long way from where
you expect to find game and then move
It might be fun to drive around with a as quietly as possible to your chosen
trophy buck to show it off, but if the stand or stalking area.
weather is warm, you need to gut the 3. Stop often to look at what's around
animal an d cool the meat as soon as you.
possible after you kill it. Other game
animals also need to be handled in a certain

• Game birds should be plucked,

skinned, and dressed as soon as
possible after being caught.

For many first-time hunters, sitting still for 5. Use binoculars or a scope for
hours while waiting for the right animal to spotting. This is especially helpful
walk into view is the hardest part of getting when hunting in open country s o you
wild meat. You will be looking for si gns can look for game. You might only see
that your game is in the area, such as the tip of an antler or the eye of a
droppings, tracks, signs of foraging, or rabbit that has blended in well. If the
other signs that your game is active. animal gets scared and runs away, it
will be hard to get a good shot.
6. Before you start shooting, make sure
you know where you want to go.

4. Pay attention to the wind as you

hunt. Deer and other game animals can be
killed again and again for meat, but
there is a limit to how many can be
killed each year. For many types of
game, you can only hunt a certain size
or gender of animal. Learn about the
rules in the area and make sur e your
target follows them.

7. Aim to kill cleanly.

When there is a lot of wind, animals often

hide in thick cover or where they sleep
because it is harder to see dangerous
predators. Wind can also carry your scent
to your game, which will scare them and
make them run away before you even get
a moral person who eats meat, you are now
directly responsible for the lives that must • Check your gear before you go home.
be lost so that you can live. Once you've You don't want to accidentally bring
found a safe meat animal to shoot, you wild animals into your home that could
should try to kill it as quickly a nd hurt you.
painlessly as possible. • Don't drink alcohol or use drugs when
you're hunting. This could affect your
You shouldn't shoot at a game animal that
judgment and cause you to get hurt.
is too far away, moving too fast for you to
• Check all of your gears before you g o
get a good shot, or in a place where a miss
hunting. You don't want broken gear to
could hurt other hunters or damage their
put you or your hunting partners in
property. If you don't know what's going
on, don't shoot. Don't shoot across or
toward highways, and never shoot at
Project 33: Foraging
buildings or people.
Foraging is a skill that can be extremely
8. Be ready to find a wounded animal valuable, but only if you know what you're
and kill it. If you don't kill what you doing. There are many poisonous berries in
want to eat cleanly, you should wait a the wilderness , and even something as
good amount of time before going after common as diarrhea could be fatal in the
it. Even injured animals can run for wilderness.
miles if they think someone is after
How to Locate Edible Wild Plants
them. But in the end, it is your job to
do everything you can to find the hurt Before consuming any of these plants,
animal and end its suffering in a kind please double-check their authenticity on
way. other websites. There are edible wild plants
9. This could mean following your prey everywhere you look. Not only is it free
through rough terrain and waiting until food, but eating wild plants is a significant
you find blood or other signs that point step toward self-sufficiency in the
you in the right direction. wilderness. If you know where to look and
10. Learn how to hunt in a group safely. how to prepare plants you find in the wild,
If you decide to go hunting with a you'll be well-prepared for your next
friend or friends, make sure they are camping trip, whether you're planning to
also wearing enough blazes orange and survive on free greens or just want to try
stay in sight while you hunt.
new flavors. However, consuming the sow thistle. Some of these may have
wrong plant could be fatal. different names depending on where
you live or forage.
• Don't start with gr ass, because not all
1. Determine where the best food is grasses are edible. For example,
based on your location bamboo has cyanogenic glycosides,
which your body turns into hydrogen
cyanide.(although those with a weak
stomach should avoid it). Anything
under 6 is easy to digest and chew. The
flavor ranges from in tensely sweet to
mild to bitter; anyone who has
consumed a wheatgrass shot is aware
Keep in mind that if you reside in a
of how sweet grass can be. Grass that
humid area, the majority of wild food
exceeds 6" can be chewed and spit out
will be found in the sun, whether in a
for juice, or run through a manual
clearing or along an edge. In arid
wheatgrass juicer for a nutritious shot.
regions, such as the Southwest of the
• Many grasses have ed ible seeds, but it
United States, the majority of wild
is preferable to learn how to identify a
food will be found near water.
particular plant rather than shady tips.
2. Pick up a local plant identification 4. Visit other regions that are routinely
guide. Obtain guides to the most cleaned.
prevalent edible plants in your region,
also known as "weeds." Try to
memorize the top 20 or 25 terms, as
they may come in handy in the future.
3. Start with the top habitat for wild
edible plants, which is your lawn.
Any area that is regularly cleared has
roadways (see warning below), fields, and
the potential to be overrun with edible
parks, etc. They will have an abundance of
weeds such as dandelion, chickweed,
edible plants. You can gather chickweed by
plantain, wild onion, violets, wood
sorrel, henbit, clover, dead -nettle, and

the bucketful. Here are some things to look Yes, the stinging variety, are o ur healthiest
for: green. Consider sautéed spinach on
steroids. Cooked nettles are excellent
5. cones with edible nuts in late summer
emergency stomach fillers, as they contain
and fall.
approximately 8% protein (amino acids),
complex carbohydrates in the flowers and
Edible Plants in the
seeds, and a remarkable array of minerals.
United States Most people also report that nettle tea so
1. Cattails effectively balances their immune systems
that they rarely experience seasonal
allergies if they consume a lot of it.

Note, however, that nettle leaves must be

harvested in the spring before the plant
goes to seed , at which point a compound
called cystolyths becomes extremely
damaging to the kidneys and/or bladder.
The stems of nettles provide the strongest
Cattails are a quick starting point of natural plant fiber available in many
sustained, plant-based energy (complex northern climates, elevating them to the list
carbohydrates) in almost every season and of the top five most significant plants.
latitude, and the only source of plant -based
3. Flora
energy in many northern climates during
spring and winter. Just don't mistake
cattails for poisonous impostors like irises.

2. Nettles

Other natural flora, such as the flowers and

seeds of the aster family, are crucial to

recognize and utilize. Sunflowers are the
most prominent illustration.

If you read John Kallas's Edible Wild

Plants, you'll learn that "littl e sunflowers"
like dandelion, hairy cat's ear, oxeye
daisies, and other asters typically have
edible flowers that you can eat raw or fry
in hot oil for a nutty, nutritious snack. Blue Camas

You should also familiarize yourself with Problematically, they resemble numerous
the genus Chenopodium and other edible poisonous plants, and it is difficult to find
goosefoots, such as Lamb's Quarter leaves, harvestable plants in the wild today.
which are "salty" and whose seeds contain
You must essentially cultivate them
some of the highest protein concentrations
yourself. Carrots typically grow in poor,
in the plant kingdom. Think quinoa.
gravelly soil, so their taproots are nearly
4. Root crops nonexistent except in gardens that have
been tilled. Blue cama is a prairie plant that
requires days o f baking, and there are only
about 1% of prairies left in North America.

Chocolate lilies are found in pristine

wetlands and, to say the least, are
exceedingly rare.

Wild Carrots

Root such as wild carrot, blue camas, and

chocolate lily, or whatever your native root
crop is, are excellent if they are identified
and marked for future harvest when they
are flowering during the summer.

Chocolate Lily

Edible Plants in UK 2. Elderflower (Sambucus nigra)

The United Kingdom has an abundance of

edible weeds, plants, mushrooms, and
berries. This list barely scratches the
surface of the common wild edibles I enjoy
during the summer months in the United
Kingdom. I hope you found this guide on
my top ten summertime foraged foods of

1. Chickweed (Stellaria media) is among Early July marks the end of elderflower
the top ten wild foods to harvest. season, which is ideal for flavoring
cordials, wine, sorbets, and ice cream. The
tiny white flowers are easy to spot in large
clusters in nearly every hedgerow, but you
should avoid picking them near roads to
avoid picking polluted plants.

3. Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)

Vitamins and minerals with cleansing and

healing properties are abundant in
chickweed. This frequently overlooked
weed is severely undervalued. Make
delicious homemade pesto with it, or use it
to flavor fish or chicken. As it shares the
same habitat as the non -edible Speedwell,
Spurge, and Scarlet Pimpernel, care must
Wood sorrel is typically found on moist
be taken when searching for this gem.
and shady woodland floors and hedgerows.
Chickweed is distinguished by its
It is easily identified b y its three heart-
distinctive star-shaped white flowers. To
shaped leaves and stem that descends
consume, thoroughly wash and use only
the green portions of the plant.
perpendicularly from the middle, similar to 5. Chanterelles (Cantharellus cibarius)
a clover.

The leaves "wilt", or close at night or in

harsh conditions. The leaves have a sharp
and sour flavor, similar to that of apple
peel and lemon, and are quite delicious.
Wood sorrel is an excellent addition to
This delightful, golden -yolk-colored
4. Pennywort (Centella asiatica) mushroom can be found in pine and mixed
forests. Its undulating form distinguishes it
from the false Chanterelle, which smells
and resembles a more typical mushroom
but has a similar hue. The Chanterelle has a
peppery, slightly fruity flavor and a faint
apricot aroma. Cook in a small amount of
oil or butter and add to pasta, or soak in
Pennywort is difficult to misidentify, as it vodka to make a very unique liqueur.
is typically found in old stone walls and
rocky crevices. Due to the small People who wish to gather wild
mushrooms should be aware of the
indentation in the center of its round leaves
potential dangers they pose. To ensure that
and spikes of green and pink flowers on its
stem, the plant is also known as navelwort. foraging is enjoyable and does not pose a
health risk, it is essential to correctly
Pennywort is at its most juicy after a
rainstorm, making it ideal for summer identify edible mushrooms. Foraging for

salads and adding crunch to picnic wild fungi requires the assistance of a
seasoned professional.

Edible Plants in distinguished by its elongated, sharply
serrated leaves, which are completely
Germany smooth and devoid of hairs, in contrast to
The forest path is a treasure trove of edible other species that are commonly confused
plants because it is typically more light- with the dandelion.
drenched than densely forested areas,
Moreover, the dandelion forms a rosette of
which explains why some plants that also
bracts and extends its leaves just above the
grow in the meadow can be found here.
ground. The entire plant, including the
However, the fact that they receive
root, is usable. This can be roasted and
considerably less light can result in a
ground into a coffee substitute.
slightly different appearance, such as a
lighter shade of green or a generally Due to the high proportion of bitter
smaller habit. However, the plants remain substances, the leaves are slightly bitter,
edible and retain their flavor. but they can be added without difficulty to
any game vegetable di sh. Typically, closed
Common plants along the German forest
buds are roasted or sweet -and-sour. Also,
path are:
in the spring, the flower is picked and
1. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): turned into the well -known dandelion

Tips As with the collection of flowering

wild herbs in a meadow, it is best to gather
aromatic flowers in th e forest or along
forest roads when there is an abundance of

Delicious Shrubs

The dandelion is frequently mistakenly Numerous bushes, especially at the forest's

thought to be poisonous due to its milky edge, promise a bountiful harvest in
white sap, but all plant parts are safe to autumn. The f orest's most common shrubs
consume. In folk medicine, the dandelion are:
is referred to as "Pissblume" because it has
2. Hazelnut shrub (Corylus avellana):
a diuretic effect. The dandelion is

nothing that Frau Holle's name resembles
that of t he fairy tale character. This is
especially noticeable when the bush loses
its flowers and the ground appears to be
covered in snow. The elm is distinguished
by its porous gray -brown bark and white
spring flower umbels. He may be confused
Almost everyone has consumed hazelnuts,
with the red elde rberry, which has yellow
which are unmistakable in the fall due to
flowers and red berries, or the attich, which
their split fruit. There are numerous myths
blooms much later and has a low growth
about hazelnut bushes, including those that
habit compared to the elderberry's bushy
forget the passage of time and remain there
nature. The shrubs can consume the
springtime flowers and autumn berries.
This is true regardless of the season for Since the incompatible glycosid e
densely bearing shrubs. The hazelnuts are sambunigrin is destroyed by heat, the black
harvested as soon as they have a firm, hard elderberry must always be processed in a
shell—if it is still susceptible to the warm way.
thumbnail, it is too early and the nut is not
Tip: Unfortunately, wild animals are
yet fully developed. If the nuts are to be
frequently faster, which is why you should
harvested at a later date, they are dried and
frequently inspect the shrubs for ripeness
stored with their shells to preserve their
so as not to lose track of it.
flavor for as long as possible.

Tree-borne treats
3. Black elder (Sambucus nigra):

Obviously, the forest also provides a

variety of trees that are edible. By
collecting buds, nearly all year -round
plants in the forest can be consumed, but
taking too many buds can be detrimental to
the tree.

4. Summer/winter bark (Tilia

Numerous legends and fairy tales also platyphyllos/Tilia cordata):

surround the elderberry, and it is not for

proverb "The spruce stings, the fir
(yew)" The spruce uses the fresh, light-
green shoots that emerge in May and
reach a maximum length of 2
centimeters. They can be consumed
raw or processed i nto syrups or similar

In the forest, the winter bark is far

more prevalent than the summer bark,
Project 34: Trapping for
which differs in the size of its leaves
but is equally edible. The linden tree Game
has particularly tasty buds, and its In a survival situation, snaring or trapping
green, unripe fruits can be eaten even game is the preferred method for several
in autumn. The white blossom has a reasons. You may have a firearm, but firing
scent that is almost intoxicating and is it may reveal your location and scare away
used to make tea. the game in the area, so you may need to
save your ammunition for self-defense.
5. Spruce (Picea abies):

Getting good at snares and traps will give

you the confidence to live in the most
dangerous places.

Where can I find small games?

It is necessa ry to identify game trails and

runs. Trails are typically used to get to and
from water sources, and a variety of
The spruce is likely the most common
animals, including large predators, will use
forest tree, and the so -called
them as well. Animal runs, on the other
"Maiwipferl" is typically harvested in
hand, are typically used by the same
May. The spruce can be distingu ished
animal until it moves its burrow or den.
from the related fir and other conifers
with short needles, such as the The animal using the run has discovered
extremely poisonous yew, by the the most secure and convenient route to
and from feeding areas and dens. There is • The link between the two sticks is
usually a "bolt hole" or backdoor as well. known as a "hook trigger."
Examine the environment for droppings • The force that draws the animal up
and worn/chewed vegetation. Once you've using a noose is maintained by the
identified the areas where you want to tension between the engine's branch
place your traps, avoid trampling around in pulling upward on the leader line and
them too much so you don't leave any the base stick holding the hook stick
evidence of your presence. firm.
2. Find a young, robust tree close to
Creating a Small Game Trap is Method
animal signs of activity.

The tree will serve as the engine, so select

one that is both young and robust but not
1. Become acquainted with the various
too rigid that it cannot flex. Walk through
parts and functions of a small game
possible sites and search for animal
trap. Each begins with an engine,
shelters, footprints, and other indicators of
which consists of a young tree
animal activity.
connected to a snare that collects tiny
game. The snare consists of a noose • Choose a tree tha t will hold
tied to a hook stick, which is notch- your game until you find it.
connected to a base stick buried in the 3. Select 18 to 24 inches (46 to 61 cm)
ground. Additionally, the h ook stick is of material for the noose.
connected to the engine's branch by a
leader line attached to its top. When an
animal walks through the nose, the
sticks are dislodged, and the leader line
pulls the noose upward, trapping it.

Use craft wire, picture hanging wire, or • Ensure that all three "S" legs are
copper strands if possible. If you want to parallel.
use a different material, ensure that it is • Tighten each turn individually as you
both flexible enough to tighten fast when make it.
tugged and strong enough to hold tiny • You can make more than seven twists,
games in the air. but you must always use an odd
number in order to tie the knot
• Other materials include shoelaces,
dental floss, and fishing line.
• Complete your noose by tig htening it
• If you find yourself in the wilderness
by drawing down on the right -hand
unprepared, use natural noose
edge of the noose generated by the
materials like dogbane, milkweed, and
initial bight.
stinging nettle.
4. Tie a noose using the desired
5. Create a pencil -diameter loop at one
end of your leader line.

Make a U-shaped bend (sometimes called a

bight) with the opening on the left side. Create a loop with wire by making a circle
Create a "S" form by bending a second with one end and then repeatedly twisting
bend at the end of the first one in the the free e nd back onto itself. Fold the free
opposite direction. Put the end of the end of the thread back upon itself and then
material beneath all three legs and wrap it create an overhand knot. After forming a
over them; repeat at least six more times. loop, pass the remaining free end of the
To construct a loop, ensure that the top of material through the loop.
the second bight protrudes above the
• Tie an overhand knot by grasping the
topmost turn. Pass the unattached end of
cloth 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm) from
the material through the front -to-back loop
the end of the noose. Pass the material
created by the second bight.
over the gripping point (called the

standing section) and tuck it inside the • Attempt to locate a stick with a similar
loop from the opposite side. Pull it thickness to the base stick.
toward you via the loop. Now, pull 8. Carve a notch onto each stick's tip.
both ends apart to tighten the knot.
6. Sharpen the end of a 2 -foot-long
(0.61-meter-long) base stick.

Mark the lines of the notch with a knife to

begin. Ensure that each notch is
approximately 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm)
Find a hardwood species stick, such as ash, in length and begins approximately 2 to 3
oak, hickory, maple, or Osage. Angle a inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm) from the end of each
knife or other cutting instrument, such as stick.
an axe or saw, at a 45 -degree angle toward
the stick and make small, even strokes • When finished, connect the sticks via

away from you. Continue removing strips their notches. Ensure that you can tug

of the stick while turning it until a pointed them in opposite directions without

end is achieved. them coming apart when they are

• Make sure the point is sharp enough to
9. Tie the free end of the noose to the
penetrate the soil.
hook's base.
7. Get a hook stick that is slightly
shorter than the base stick.

Connect the unattached end to the point on

the hook stick just above the notch
The hook stick will be hooked a t one connecting it to the base stick. After
end to the noose and the other end to affixing the noose to the hook, pull up on
the leader engine. Moreover, its notch the thread and down on the hook to secure
will secure it to the ground stick. it.
• Be sure to knot the noose as securely
as possible to the stick.
10. Connect the hook to the motor using
the leader line.

After attaching the sticks, the sapling

should be bent at a 90 -degree angle. Make
sure the noose is on the ground and the
loop is open so that it can capture your
Verify that the noose of the hook is secured target.
just above the notch. Attach the free end of
the leader line to the free end of the hook,  Your snare is now prepared! Test it by

and then attach the free end of the leader inserting a stick to activate the trigger.

line to the engine tree. Make sure the hook  Detach the hook stick from the base

can reach the base of the sapling by tying a stick to disarm the trap.

knot roughly 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) Method 2: Fish Trap Construction

from the top of the sapling's branch and

1. Using a knife, remove the cap off
then pulling the hook down to the base
a 0.52 gallon (2.0 L) soda bottle.

• Conduct a test to confirm that the

sapling is robust enough to attach to
the foundation piece. If it is too loose,
reduce the length of the string. If it is
too t ight to reach the branch's root
without breaking it, remove the leader Any type of plastic bottle can be used

line and make a longer one. in this trap. Insert the knife

11. Connect the notches on the hook horizontally into the bottle where the

stick to the base stick to arm the curve becomes straight. Hold the bottle

trap. steady and move the knife in and out as

you pull it around the circumference of
the bottle.

• Be sure to hold the bottle away from the holes and cover them with nuts to
the cutline in order to avoid cutting secure the bottle's top to the bottom.
• Use small M3*8 (3 mm x 6 mm)
2. Insert the bottle's cap into the
stainless steel 304 screws with M3 nuts
bottle's body.
if possible.
• If you do not have a power drill, use
tacks to create the init ial holes. Press
the screws into place using your hands
or a screwdriver.

Hold the bottle's opening upward.

Rotate the cap so th at the point is 4. Place pebbles and fish food
pointing down and inserted into the inside the bottle.
aperture. Gently push it down until it
fits snuggly inside the bottle.

• Don't worry if the bottle's cap is

somewhat loose after insertion; you
may tighten it with screws.
3. Drive two screws through the
bottle's sides where they meet Place a handful of pebbles or small
the top piece. rocks through the aperture. Filter it just
enough so that the trap may be
anchored to the botto m of the lake.
Add small pieces of bait, insects, or
fish food to the water to attract fish.

• For the best results, use

After inserting the cap, place the bottle worms, maggots, hotdogs, or
on a flat surface on its side. Attain the cereal as bait for fishing.
screw hole locations with the tip of an 5. Place the bottle in water that is
electric drill at a 45 -degree downward shallow, such as a lake.
angle. Drill the holes while holding the
bottle still. Then, insert screws through

• Apply melted animal fat to the affected
area and then wash with water and
soap to remove pine resin.
• If you cannot find pine trees, look for
any tree with a pitch -like substance on
its bark.
After placing your bottle, you must wait.
2. Line the inner surface of a plastic
After swimming through the hole, the fish
cup with pine sap.
will be unable to escape. Continue
constructing and deploying traps to
maximize your likelihood of catching fish.

• To make your trap portable while

traveling, drag it through densely
populated areas of water. Perform this
periodically, and you could be
Use your knife to scrape the interior of
your glass jar. Using your knife, rub the
Method 3: Creating a Bird Trap pine sap along the interior of the plastic
cup. Continue rubbing until a thin film of
sap surrounds the inside.

• Utilize Dixie cups for optimal results.

3. The interior of the cone should be
covered with bird feed or bait.
1. Remove pine resin from the bark of
pine trees. Put on some discarded
garments and gloves. Remove the outer
coat of resin from local pine trees with
a tiny knife. Using a hunting knife,
scrape it into a glass jar after removing
it. During cold temperatures, it may be
bird feed or other bait, such as peanuts,
necessary to break the resin off rather
millet, or safflower seeds. Sprinkle them
than scrape it.
liberally into the cup's interior. Cover the

cup's rim with your palm and shake it
vigorously. Continue spreading and
During the first few days of a grid -down
shaking the seeds until they form an inner
event, review your long -term survival
layer of seed.
strategy. Determine whether the situation is
• Spread the seeds evenly throughout the merely a power outage or a serious grid
interior of the cup, using a knife to failure. Although it may be tempting to
create a uniform coating of bait. instantly access your survival gear from
4. Place the cup on its side in an open your bug out bag, unless you are actually
area where birds are frequently bugging out, do not do so! You never know
active. when your emergency kit may be required.

The fact that you are already in a disaster

situation does not guarantee that nothing
else will occur. Even if you are sheltering
at home, you may be forced to evacuate in
the event that something else goes wrong
Ideal are open zones near trees and flora in the future.
and sites with viewpoints, such as trees and
Do not immediate ly open the fridge or
power lines. In addition to chirping and
freezer. The food in your freezer will
bird sounds, search for common perching
remain frozen for several days if the door
spots, including those near or above the
is not opened. Plan to use the food in the
freezer within a few days, and only open
• Male birds frequently sing to designate the door when you're ready to consume it.
territorial boundaries; by marking these
In a survival situation, you should avoid
spots on a map, you can determine the
wasting food at all costs.
nest's location.
• Females frequently call to their mates You may already have an abundance of
on their route to the nest; listen for bottled water, but it is impossible to have
their cries to determine the location of too much water. It is likely that the water
their nest! supply will shut off shortly after the power
grid fails, so fill containers from the faucet.
Tape over the bath and sink plugs with

duct tape, then fill them with water. This
provides a substantial amount of additiona l
water for the first few days. In the early
stages of the grid down scenario, the
majority of individuals may have been
unaware of the severity of the situation. If
any grocery stores are still open, now
would be a good time to withdraw cash and
stock up on fresh food.

If your garden is not yet ready for harvest,

it may be some time before you can
consume fresh fruits and veget ables again.
When people are desperate, they will do
almost anything to obtain food and water
due to their inherent nature. You do not
want to draw attention to the fact that you
have supplies, lest you become a target.
Utilize the first two days after the grid fails
to secure your supplies.

Ensure that your home is as secure as

possible and that your food and water
supplies are hidden from view. You may
require additional equipment for blocking
doors, reinforcing gates, and covering

Thanks so much for reading.

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