Multifunctional Robot Car Using Arudino

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Multifunctional Robot Car Using Arudino UNO and Node


Author :
Mr. Ketan Todarmal Patil
Mr. Rutik Ravikant Patil.
Ms. Vaishnavi Vilas Walzade.
Mr. Shubham Dnynshwar Rathod.

Under the guidance of

Prof. V.R Khandve
Multifunctional Robot Car Using Arudino UNO and Node

Introduction : Definition :
Bluetooth module and a smartphone, the The creation of an obstacle-avoidance
robot is wirelessly controlled. Overall, this robotic vehicle that can move utilising
study shows the possibility for creating ultrasonic sensors is the main topic of this
intelligent, effective robotic systems that research article. A microprocessor from the
can carry out a variety of duties, improving ATmega328 family, which directs the
the convenience and ease of our lives vehicle's movement, is used. The goal is to
create a vehicle that can recognise
People are looking for multipurpose items
impediments in its route and adjust its
in today's society, and robotic automobiles
course accordingly. To do this, a
are a prime example of this. Several robotic
microcontroller receives an instruction
cars were created in the past to carry out
from the ultrasonic sensor, which detects
particular jobs. However, in this project, we
the obstruction. The microprocessor
have created a multi-functional robot that
activates the motors attached to it using a
can carry out a variety of duties, including
motor driver to command the robot to move
household chores, industrial applications,
in a different direction based on the signal
and military operations. We created a
it receives. The project seeks to investigate
smartphone app using MIT App Inventor
the advantages of ultrasonic sensors over IR
that has a variety of capabilities and can be
sensors, which although having their own
used to control this robot. With the help of
uses, are incompatible with the project's
this app, users can effortlessly steer the
specifications. The proposed robotic
robot with their cell phones and, with a
vehicle is made to be an intelligent device
simple click, put it in obstacle-avoidance
that can carry out duties automatically or
with instruction, offering a safer and more
The robot can detect impediments in its effective approach to go through settings
path and alter its course to avoid them while that are full of obstacles.
it is in obstacle-avoidance mode. The robot
can also follow a track thanks to a feature
called line-following. In order to enable Objectives :
remote control of the robot via a transmitter,
we installed an 1838 IR sensor. Through obstacle detection and avoidance,
the research effort intends to create a
The objective of this project is to create a
robotic system that can safely navigate its
prototype for a strong, adaptable, multi-
way. In order to ensure accurate navigation,
functional robot car that uses the least
the system uses sensors to determine the
amount of technology possible. As the hub
precise path and may analyse sensor
to which all other components are
readings from various angles. The device
connected, we have utilised an Arduino
also has a Bluetooth module that, when in
automated mode, may send status updates
to an Android phone nearby. Additionally, 4) The "Building a Line Following Robot"
the system can be controlled manually by project by Richard T. Vannoy (released
detecting signals from the phone, providing December 2007) aims to create a robot that
more flexibility and control. Overall, the can navigate along a predetermined black
system provides cutting-edge functionality line on the ground. This technology offers
for effective and safe navigation in a variety reliable transportation without human
of settings. involvement, with the ability to be
programmed for specific courses. It has
Literature Survey : potential applications in manufacturing,
logistics, and transportation sectors.
1) D. Vijendra Babu, D. C. Jenniffer, and R.
Karthikeyan created the project "Line 5) In May 2020,Shubh Srivastav and
follower robot & obstacle detection using Rajanish Singh produced a project that used
PID controller" in 2020. In this project, a less space and was more focused on
line-following robot that can recognise monitoring and investigation. The goal of
impediments and change directions on its this project is to create a technology that can
own is proposed. The robot can follow a monitor and research different settings in a
predetermined line and identify obstacles space-constrained manner. With this
using a PID controller. This system's technology, less room is needed while yet
advantage is that it can navigate on its own having effective monitoring and
without assistance from a person. investigation capabilities. To improve
safety and reduce hazards, technology can
2) Akhund and Newaz (2020) surveyed the
be applied in a variety of industries,
literature on the "IoT Waiter Bot: A Low
including security and surveillance.
Cost IoT based Multi Functioned Robot for
Restaurants." The robot's pros include 6) The "Voice Control Robot Car using
obstacle recognition and waiting for Arduino Uno" project, led by Mr. Vineeth
clearance, while its cons are limited Teeda, Mrs. K. Sujatha, and Mr. Rakesh
mobility along a predetermined black line Muthukuru in August 2016, focused on
path. The study highlights the robot's developing a voice-controlled robot car
affordability and effective use of IoT using an Arduino Uno microcontroller. This
technologies. technology offers significant advantages in
chemical industries where manual
3) A study project titled "Line Following
operation poses risks due to toxic
Robot Using Arduino for Hospitals" was
substances. By reducing accidents and
released in September 2019 by Sushama
enhancing safety, the voice-controlled robot
Gavarskar and Jagruti Chaudhari. By
car shows promise in creating effective and
utilising a line-following robot that can
secure automation solutions for high-risk
detect and follow a pre-defined course
using sensors controlled by an Arduino
microcontroller, this project intends to
reduce the workload of transportation for
hospital staff. The use of the technology can Diagram Of Arduino UNO
increase productivity, improve patient Circuit Diagram :
safety, and lighten the workload of hospital
staff, among other benefits.
Explaniation of project Explaniation of project
using Arudino uno: using Node MCU:
This project aims to create a Multi-
A Node MCU-based line following and Wi-
Functional robot using sensors, motor
Fi control robot car can be built using the
driver, and Arduino. After powering on the
open-source firmware and development kit.
robot and connecting the HC-05 Bluetooth
With a Node MCU board, motor driver
module, the Multi-Functional robot app is
module, DC motors, line sensor module,
opened. Commands are sent to the robot
and battery pack, the hardware setup can be
through the app, such as forward, reverse,
established. The Node MCU board can be
right, and left. The app also features line
programmed using the Arduino IDE,
following, obstacle avoiding, and manual
enabling control over motor speed and
modes. Voice control is implemented,
direction as well as line detection. To enable
allowing commands like "Move Forward,"
Wi-Fi control, the board can connect to a
"Go Back," "Turn Left," and "Turn Right."
network and receive commands through an
The robot can be controlled using an IR
IP address assigned to it. A mobile app or
remote by decoding the remote buttons.
web page can be developed to send
Each button has a predefined function, such
instructions such as moving forward,
as forward, reverse, left, right, line
backward, turning left or right, or stopping.
following mode, obstacle avoiding mode,
The code in the Node MCU board interprets
manual mode, and stop.
and executes these commands, controlling
the motors and line sensor accordingly. This
allows the robot car to follow lines and be
remotely controlled via a smartphone or
Diagram of Node MCU with Mobile Control And Line

1) Arduino UNO:
Arduino is an open-source electronics 2) Ultra Sonic Sensor:
platform known for its user-friendly
interface and versatility. It allows users to Arduino is an open-source electronics
easily connect sensors and buttons to platform known for its user-friendly
generate motor or LED outputs. Developed interface and versatility. It allows users to
at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute, easily connect sensors and buttons to
Arduino enables fast prototyping and is generate motor or LED outputs. Developed
accessible to beginners and advanced users. at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute,
It is widely used in various projects, from Arduino enables fast prototyping and is
everyday objects to scientific instruments. accessible to beginners and advanced users.
Arduino's compatibility with different It is widely used in various projects, from
operating systems makes it accessible to a everyday objects to scientific instruments.
wide range of users. Its simplicity and Arduino's compatibility with different
flexibility have made it a popular choice for operating systems makes it accessible to a
educators, students, and hobbyists wide range of users. Its simplicity and
interested in physical computing. flexibility have made it a popular choice for
educators, students, and hobbyists
interested in physical computing.
3) Servo Motor: 6) IR Sensor:
A Servomotor is an actuator used for An IR proximity sensor detects objects by
precise control of position, acceleration, emitting and measuring reflected infrared
and velocity. It consists of a sensor, motor, light. It uses an LED to emit light and a
and controller. In an obstacle-avoiding photodiode to detect reflected light. The
robot, a servomotor rotates the ultrasonic strength of the reflected light indicates the
sensor to scan for obstacles. object's distance. The sensor sends a low
signal when active, which can be used by a
4) Motor Drive:
microcontroller. It is useful in robotics,
A motor driver is an electronic component security, and automation. It has built-in
used to control motors in robots. The L293 LEDs for visual feedback and is compact,
series, like L293D and L293NE, are low-power, and easy to use.
common motor drivers for controlling two
7) Node MCU:
DC motors. L293D has two H-bridges and
interfaces with microprocessors. It supplies The Node MCU is an open-source
voltage to motors and draws current for its development platform based on the
operation. L293D is crucial in robotics for ESP8266 microcontroller. It is widely used
precise motor control, compactness, low for IoT projects due to its integrated
power consumption, and high efficiency. components and cost-effectiveness. The
Node MCU comes in different package
5) HC 05 Bluetooth Module:
styles with the ESP8266 at its core. It
The HC-05 Bluetooth module is a popular supports various programming languages
wireless communication device used in and has built-in Wi-fi capabilities for easy
robotics, home automation, and industrial integration with cloud services. The Node
control systems. It supports Bluetooth MCU simplifies IoT project development
2.0+EDR, has a 10-meter range, operates at and is popular among hobbyists, students,
2.4GHz, and uses a serial interface. It is and professionals.
easy to configure with AT commands and
has master and slave modes for versatility.
The HC-05 module is reliable and widely
used for wireless data transfer and control.
Test case for Arudino uno:

Condition Test Case Output

Obstacle Successful The robot car is equipped with a servo motor that
Avoidance measures the distance of all sides. When an obstacle is
detected and the distance is calculated, the robot compares
the distance to a threshold of 20. If the distance is less than
20, the robot will turn in the direction of the obstacle and
continue moving forward. This functionality allows the
robot to successfully avoid obstacles and navigate its

Line Following Successful The robot car is equipped with IR sensors that allow it to
detect and follow a black line. When the sensors detect the
black line, the robot will move forward along the line. If
an object is present on the line, the robot will stop and wait
for the object to be moved. Once the object is moved, the
robot will continue to follow the line. This functionality
allows the robot to successfully follow a line and react
appropriately when an object is detected on the line.

Bluetooth and Successful The robot car is controlled using an open source mobile
Voice Control application that communicates with the car through
Bluetooth. The application allows for both voice control
and navigation control, allowing the user to give voice
commands or manually control the car's movements using
a virtual joystick or directional buttons on the app. This
functionality allows for easy and flexible control of the
robot car using a mobile device, making it accessible and
Test case for NODE MCU:

Condition Test Case Output

WiFi Control Successful The robot car is controlled using a Node MCU, which
allows for WiFi control of the car from anywhere.
This means that the user can control the car from a
remote location, without being limited by the range of
Bluetooth or other short-range communication
methods. The Node MCU can connect to any
available WiFi network, allowing the user to control
the car from virtually anywhere with an internet
connection. This functionality greatly enhances the
versatility and convenience of the robot car, making it
suitable for a variety of applications and use cases.

Line Following Successful The robot car is equipped with IR sensors that allow it
to follow a black line on the ground. The sensors detect
the contrast between the black line and the lighter
background, and adjust the direction of the car
accordingly. The car is able to follow the line accurately
and smoothly, with no significant deviations or
disruptions. Additionally, the car is able to detect and
respond appropriately to obstacles that may be present
on the line, such as by stopping or adjusting its
direction. Overall, the line following functionality of
the robot car is effective and reliable, making it suitable
for a variety of applications that require precise and
automated movement.

 The system can be used in various which can be useful in various
applications such as automated applications.
vehicles, space missions, and  The system is based on widely
mines. available and easy to use
 The system can be controlled components such as IR sensors,
wirelessly using an Android phone, Arduino boards, and motors,
allowing for remote operation. making it easy to replicate and
 The system is relatively low cost modify for different purposes.
compared to other advanced  Industrial Applications: These
navigation systems. robots can be used as automated
 The line following functionality equipment carriers in industries
allows for precise and accurate replacing traditional conveyer belts.
movement along a predefined path,
 Automobile applications: These Conclusion:
robots can also be used as automatic
cars running on roads with In this research paper, we have explored the
embedded magnets. field of Robotics and presented a robotic car
 Domestic applications: These can that is equipped with various advanced
also be used at homes for domestic features. The proposed model operates on
purposes like floor cleaning etc. wireless remote control via an Android
 Guidance applications: These can application that is connected to a Bluetooth
be used in public places like module. It also incorporates features such
shopping malls, museums etc to as obstacle avoidance, line following, voice
provide path guidance. control, and remote control.
Throughout the project, we have gained a
deep understanding of the Arduino UNO
Disadvantages: and various sensors, which has helped us to
develop our coding and designing skills.
 Robotics systems may require The project has provided us with valuable
regular maintenance and calibration insights into different technologies and
to ensure proper functioning, which tools that can be used to enhance the
can be time-consuming and capabilities of the robotic car. Overall, the
expensive. project has been a great learning experience
 Robotics systems may have limited and has broadened our knowledge in the
flexibility and adaptability to field of Robotics.
changing environments or tasks, as
they are designed for specific References :
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Changchun, Jilin, 2007, pp. 1-6, doi:
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