Indian Standard

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IS : 657 - 1982 ( Reaffirmed 1996 )

Indian Standard

Second Revision )
First Reprint MARCH 1997


69.025.33 1.1

0 Copyright BUREAU





Gr 3



IS : 657 - 1982

Indian Standard

( Second Revision )
Flooring and Plastering Sectional Chairman



0. P. MITTAL Safdarjung Development New Delhi 110016 SHUI



Concrete Association of India, Bombay T. ANTiA SJJJJJ M. G. DANDAVATE ( Altewate ) National Test House, Calcutta Snr:r S. K. B~NERJEE: Srrn~ P. R. DAS ( Alternate ) Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta BRIM P. M. BHATIA At-coy Industries, Ahmadabad SJJitJDIKEFIH CIIO~~JJI A. SI~J RASIRLAL A. CHOI~SIII ( Ahnafc ) Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute, Nasik DIRECTOR REXVAJJCIJ Ol;rJcsJJ, Ma~~sJtrnr. TEWJNG DWJSJON ( Alternate ) The Fertilizer ( Planning & Development ) India DJJ V. S. GUPT~ Ltd, Sinclri Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, New Delhi SHRI K. V. Gunusw,\ar~ SHRI G. V. P,\~caJr~a:J ( Alternate ) Railway Board ( Ministry of Railways ) JOIST DJ~xoroJ~ ( Anc~ ), RDSO DEPUTY DIJJECTOJ~ Ancu ), ( RDSO ( Alternate ) Modern Tiles & Marbles, New Delhi SHlil S. c. KnrooJt SH~II A. C. KAPOOIL ( Aftcrnatc ) Builders Association of India, Bombay Sac1 C. P. KAPANI Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi SHRI G. P. LAHIRI SHRI T. S. BH,\c.~.T( Ahmatc ) Bhor Industries Ltd, Bomba! SHJJI K. E. S. MANI SHI<I RAMJZSHD. PATEL ( Alternate )
( Continued on page 2 )

Cupyrighf 1982

BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publicarion is protected under the Indian Copyright Acf ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall he deemc.d to he an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

IS : 657 - 1982
( Continued from page 1 ) Members Dn MOHAN RAI Representing Central Building Roorkee Research Institute ( CSIR ),

Da R. K. J.41~ ( Alternate ) Coromandal Prodoritc Pvt Ltd, Madras irxltl M. V. Moa~o~pY.4N SHHI R. SltINIVASAN ( Ah,wtc ) National Buildings Organization, New Delhi itrru 0. P. R.4~1~4 Indian Institute of Architects, Bombay ilmr D. B. SEN SHL~IS. B. SI~III:OI\IANYAhnate ) ( Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters, LT-COL M. P. SHAltX.4 New Delhi SHHI A. P. JAIN ( Alternate ) Public Works Department, Govt of Uttar Pradesh, SHRI A K. ~HlLlV,28~.4V.A Lucknow SH.RI DAXSHAN SINQH ( Alternate ) SUPERINTENDINGE N G I N E E n Public Works Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Madras ( PLANNING AND DESIGNS CIRCLE ) EXECUTIVE ENUINEE~L BUII.( DINO CENTICE DIVISION ) ( Alternate ) SIIPERINTENDINOSURVEYOR OF Central Public Woks Department, New Delhi WORKS ( CZ ) SURVEYOR OF WORKS I ( CZ ) ( Alternate ) Director General, BIS ( Ex-oficio Member ) SHRI G. RAMAN, Director ( Civ Engg ) Secretary SRRI K. M. MATHUR Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1

Convener EHRI




BDC 5 : 1


Ministry of Railways

Flintrock Products Ltd, Bombay SHRI C. G. DALAL Oxy-Chloride Flooring Products Ltd, Bombay SHRI N. HARILAL SHWI H. J. VAKEEL ( Altctnate ) Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal, SH~I M. T. KANSE Delhi SHRI N. G. S. IYER ( Alternate ) SHRI A. C KAPOO~ Modern Tiles and Marbles, New Delhi


Salem Magnesite Ltd, Salem SHRI J. R. ME~TA Sang R. VENRATES.~N i Alternate 1 __ SBRI K. S. MEEITA Bharat Pulverising Mill Private Limited, Bombay SHRI C. CUATTERJEE ( Alternate ) Central Building Rrsearch Institute ( CSIR ), DR MOHAN RAI Roorkee SH~I R. S. SRIVASTAVA ( Alternate ) Premier Art & Composition Flooring Company, DR PI~ANLALPATEL Bombay SHRI MOHAN SRANKRAN Burn Standard Co Ltd, Salem LT-COL M. P. SHAHMA Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi SFIRI A. P. JAM ( Ahnate )

IS : 657 - 1982

Indian Standard

Second Revision )


This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 26 February 1982, after the draft finalized by the Flooring and Plastering Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

6.2 Magnesium oxychlcride composition consisting of mixture of calcined magnesite filters and pigments provides a good floor if proper ingredients are mixed in correct proportions and skilled labour is employed in laying the floor. Too wet a mix with excess of magnesium chloride results in Mineral oils, greases or vegetab!e oils do sweating of the floor surface. The flooring is not seriously effected by alkalis, not affect the floor. but strong alkalis such as soda or harsh cleaning agents tend to attack the protective dressing and thus exposing the flooring to action of water. However, the finished floor needs to be protected from water or excessive moisture by periodic applications of wax polish or oil at regular intervals. 0.2.1 Magnesium oxychloride flooring should not be used in any situation where it woulcl be exposed to damp conditions for long periods, unless other suitable protective measures are taken. The flooring should not also be used in places where it will be exposed to acids or salts continuously. Under normal conditions proper waxing or oiling of floors will provide adequate protection against the attack of moisture. 0.3 This standard was first published in 1956 and subsequently revised in 1962. It has been revised again to incorporate the improvements found necessary in the light of the usage of this standards and in view of the experience gained during the course of these years. In this revision, a number of changes have been made; the most prominent being the inclusion of the physical requirements of calcined magnesite which in the eariler version was left to agreement between the purchaser and 3

IS : 657 - 1982 the vendor. The requirements of fillers like saw dust and wood flour have also been dealt in detail on the basis of actual invcsigations. The limit of grading for fillers and aggregates other tllan saw dust and wood flour has also been added and only Grade 3 of magnesium chloride has been allowed. The methods of tests have been separated and covered in IS :10032-1982*.



of practice

for laying,

etc are co< rvd in IS


0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, obcervetl or calculated, expressing the results of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in with IS : 2-1960:. The number of significant places accordance retained in the rouncle:l off vaiue shou!tl 1~ the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

1. SCOPE I.1 This standard covers the requirements for the following ma~gnesium manufacture of oxychloride used in the compositions: materials flooring

4 b) cl 4

Calcined Magnesium Fillers,

magnesite, chloride, and

Pigments. MAGNESITE essentially of ( magnesium suitably with of a sample,


2.1 Description -- The calcined magnesite shall consist magnesium oxide formed by but-ning natural magnesite carbonate ) which after being finely ground will react magnesium chloride solution. 2.2 Colour if any. The colour shall generally match with that

2.3 Chemical Requirements -The composition of calcined magnesite when tested in accordance with the method given in IS : 10032-1982* shall be as specified in Tab!e 1.
*Methods of test for materials for we in the prrparation of magnesium oxychloride compositions. @ode of practice for magn$um oxychloride composition floors ( second ~uision ). fRulcs for raundfnk off num: rical values ( rer,ised ).

IS : 657 - 1982



REQUIREMENTS ( Clause 2.3 )




SJ, NO. (1) i) ii) iii) iv) y) Magnesium Calcium Carbon

Clr \I~.4CTEI<IS'rIC


(2) oxide oxide dioxide ( MgO ), pcrcrnt by mass 87

(3) .I4ii2

( CaO ( CO,

), percent ), percent dioxide

by mass by mass and water SiO, ), percent and loss on

2.5 Max 2.5 Max 8 99.5 Max Min

Loss on ignition by mass

( carbon

Total cant nts of MgO, CaO, ignition, percent by mass


2.4 Physical Requirements - The physical requirements of calcined with the method given in magnesite when tested in accordance IS : 10032-1982* shall be as specified in Table 2.
TABLE SL No. Cl) 1. 2. Bulk a) b) Setting a) b) density, percent percent time, Initial Final of rupture N/m% kg!1 by mass passing by mass passing hours 3 to 6 7 to 15 through through 150 micron IS Sieve* 75 micron IS Sieve* 2 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS OF CALCINED MAGNESITE REQUIREMENT

0.65 Fineness

(3) to 0.85

97 95



At 7 days .\t 28 days Linear change, percent: in length The average change During expansion During contraction sieves

7 Min IO.5 Min

0.15 Max 0.25 Max of test sieves

See IS : 410 ( Part I )-I978 ( second r&ion ).



I Wire



*Methods of test for materials flooring compositions.

for use in the preparation

of magnesium


IS : 657 - 1982

3. lklAGNESIUbf 3.1 The magnesium

conform to Grade 4. FILLERS

chloride used in the manufacture 3 of IS : 254-1973*. of such floor shall

4.1 Wood Flour - The material shall consist of a product of timber and in any one consignment all the material shall preferably be produced from the same species of timber. 4.1.1 Moisture Content - The moisture content of wcod flour when tested in accordance with the method given in IS : 10032-1982t shall not exceed 12 percent by mass. 4.1.2 Resiti - When tested in accordance with in IS : 10032-1982t the material shall not contain resinous matter. the method described more than 5 percent of that not IS Sic\-e

4.1.3 Fineness -. The fineness of the material shall be such more than 1 percent by mass is retained on 300 micron [ see IS : 460 ( Part I )-1978 $1. 4.1.4 Grading The grading shall conform to lable 3.

4.2 Saw Dust - The material shall be the product of timber and in any one consignment all the material shall preferably be proclvcecl from the same species of timber. 4.2.1 Moisture Content - When tested in accordance described in -IS : 10032-1827 the rncisturc content of not exceed 12 percent by mass. w:ith the method the material shall

4.2.2 Resin - When tested in accordance \\.ith the method described in IS : 10032-1?82t the material shall not contain more than 7 percent of resinous matter. 4.2.3 Fineness - The fineness of the material shall be such that not more than 5 percent by mass is retained on a 212 micron IS Sikve [set IS : 460 ( Part I )-1978: ]. 4.2.4 Grading The grading shall conform to Table 3.

tMethod of test for matrriais flooring compositions. $Specilication for test sieves

4.3 Other Fillers and Aggregates - The material shall consist of marble powder, talc, ground silica/sand/crushed ztone/quartz, emery or fused abrasives, chips made of marble/granite, asbestos ant1 their suitable combinations depending on the type of floor to be laid. _____ _ ~~_ _~~ *Specification fur magnc~iun~ chlor;dc ( sccocd raision ).
for USC in the Part I Wire r,rey.aration test rf mrgne?ium c,xythicr:dc



( second rccikm ).

IS : 657 - 1982
NOTE - The fillers and aggregates used shall not contain any ingredients that shall react chemically with other materials used in the flooring composition and affect its physical properties adversely.

4.3.1 Grading Table 3.









5. PIGMENTS 5.1 The

pigments combinations: Pigment i) Black, ii) Green iii) Yellow red or brown used shall conform to one of the following or their

Relevant Indian Standard IS : 44-1969* IS : 54-1950t IS : 50-1967: IS : 3574 ( Part II )-19664

iv) Blue

IS : 55-197011 IS : 56-19757 IS : 3574 ( Part II )-I9665

v) White 6. PACKING

IS : 411-1968**



6.1 Packing

- The calcined magnesite shall be packed in suitable containers, such as jute bags suitably lined with bitumen and polythene iilm so that the material is not affected by atmospheric agencies during the course of transhipment and storage. Each bag shall contain preferably 50 kg of the material.




7.1 The sample shall be taken to a dry and clean

air-tight container so that the material fill set completely. The container shall be sealed and labelled, and the sample shall be tested within four weeks of delivery.
*Specification tSpecification &Specification @pecification /ISpecification VSpecification **Specification for iron oxide pigments for paints (first r&ion ). for green oxide of chromium for paints (/;rst revisien ). for lead and scarlet chromes ( second revision). for organic pigments for paints : Part II Phthalocyanines. for ultramarine blue for paints (/irsl revision ). for prussian blue ( iron blue ) for paints ( jirs: revision ). for titanium dioxide for paints (first reoisirn ).


-1982 of Samples sample for testing magnesite 7 kg. shall weigh at least: 0.5 kg, 3 kg,

7.2 Selection 7.2.1 Each

a) for calcined

b) for wood flour or saw dust c) for other fillers -

Each sample shall be truely represen:arive of the consignment, The sample shall consist of a or part of a consignment sampled. mixtute of at least 10 equal sub-samples taken from places evenly spaced throughout the consignment, or part of a consignment sampled. of bulk material shall be taken from the bulk container Sub-samples For material in bags, drums or containers, during filling or emptying. of other packages, not more that one sub-sample shall be taken from any The number 0: bags, drum or other one bag, drum or other package. packages to be sampled shall be as follows: JVumber of Bags, Drums, or other Packages it1 Consignment 10 Percentage of Bags, Drums or other Packages to be Sampled 10 7 5 4 3 1 000 Minimum Number of Bags, Drums or other Packages to be Sampled 10 10 15 25 40 packages tn

to 100

101 to 200 .201 (0 500 501 to 1 000 Exceeding

7.2.2 Where there are less than 10 ha?;:, drums or other be sampled, one sub-sample shall be takeu from each.

7.2.3 The bags, drums or other packages from lvhich samples have been dralvn shall be effectively resealed after sampling and suitably labelled to indicate that samples have been taken from them. 7.3 Non-compliance with Tests - The test sample prepared for each lot shall be subjected to various tests specified in this standard. The lot shall be declared conforming to the specification only if the sample passes all the prescribed tests. 7.4 The sampling and criterion for conformity for magnesium and pigments shall be as per relevant Indian Standard?. chloride



( Clauses 4.1.4, 4.2.4, and 4.3.1 ) SL No. FILLER OR AQIXLEGATE GEN?xAL PLXPoGE _-_--h IS Sieve Percent Passing Through (4) 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 100 94 Max 20 Max 2 Max 100 95 Max 7 HEAVY DVTY t-h---, IS Sieve* (5) 850 micron 300 micron 2.00 mm 300 micron 3.35 mm 600 micron 150 micron 150 micron 75 micron Percent Passing Through (6) 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 7Max 100 95 Max NON-SPARK STATIC

DISCHARGING ___-h___~ IS Percent Sieve* Passing Through (7) 850 micron 300 micron 200 mm 300 micron 150 micron 75 micron (8) 100 Max 80 Max 100 80 Max

NON-SLIP ~-_--*_---_-~ IS Sieve* (9) 850 micron 300 micron 2.00 mm 300 micron 3.35 mm 300 micron 150 micron 150 micron 75 micron 3.35 mm 600 micron Percent Passing Through (10) 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 100 370zz: 100 95 Max 100 5 Max -

~____-h____, p--_


BASE COAT ~___-*__--_

IS Sieve (11) 2.00 mm 300 micron 150 micron 75 micron 3.35 mm 850 micron

Percent Pasbing Through (12) 100 80 Mav

IS Sieve* (13) 850 micron 300 micron 2.CO mm 300 micron 3.35 mm 600 micron 150 micron 150 micron 75 micron

Percent Passing Through (14) 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 7 Max 100 95 Max

IS Sieve* (15) 3.35 mm 300 micron 2.00 mm 300 micron 600 micron 300 micron -

Passing Through (16) 100 80 Max 100 80 Max 100 20 Maw 100 95 Max -


i) ii)

Wood Flour, Saw Dust Asbestos ( Fibrous Aggregate ) Sand, Crushed Stone, Ground Silica, Quartz Talc, Marble Powder Emery or Fused Abrasives Granite Marble Chips


850 micron 300 micron

2.00 mm { 300 micron r1.18 600 1 300 1 75 { mm micron micron micron


100 95 Max -

150 micron 75 micron

iv) v)

150 micron 75 micron

100 95 Max


These shall be graded from a minimum of 3.35 mm to a maximum which shaI1 not exceed l/3 of the average thickness of the finished floor

*See IS

: 460 ( Part I )-1978 Specification for test sieves: Part I Wire cloth test sieves ( second rcoisiorr ).

These shall be graded 100 from a minimum of 5 Max 3.35 mm to a maximum which shall not exceed lJzssof to!e average thickthe finished floor

As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank

IS : 657 - 1982 8. MARKING 8.1 Each bag shall be clearly a) Brand name marked with the following:

of the manufacturer,

b) Name of material, c) Net weight, and d) Batch No. 8.2 BIS Certification Marking

The product may also be marked with Standard Mark. 8.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1956 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of conditions under which the liceucc for the use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.





Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones 323 0131, 323 3375, 323 9402 Fax : 91 11 3234962. 91 113239399, 91 113239382 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offices) Central Laboratory: Plot No. 2019, Site IV, Sahibabad Regional Offices: Central *Eastern Northern Southern Industrial Area, SAHIBABAD 201010 Telephone 8-77 00 32

: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 : 1114 CIT Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA700054
: SC0 335336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022

323 76 17 337 86 62 60 38 43 235 23 15 832 92 95

: C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 TWestern : Manakalaya, E9 Behind Mar01 Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East),
MUMBAI 400093

Branch Offices: Pushpak, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD 380001 550 13 48 839 49 55 55 40 21 40 36 27 21 01 41 8-28 88 01 8-71 500001 19 96 54 11 37 20 10 83 37 29 25 21 68 76 23 89 23 26 23 05 6 21 17 440010 52 51 71 32 36 35

SPeenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore BANGALORE 560058 Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Kalaikathir

- Tumkur Road,

Road, T. T Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 751001 641037 121001

Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI. Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE Road, FARIDABAD 201001 116 G. T Road, GHAZIABAD Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Savitri Complex, 5-8-580,

5315 Ward No. 29, R. G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 L. N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 Nagar, KANPUR 208005 E-52, Chitaranjan

117/418 B, Sarvodaya

Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, LUCKNOW 226001 Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 P. 0. Palayam, 695034 T. C. No. 1411421, University THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Institution of Engineers

NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR

( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005

Approach, P 0. Princep Street, 400007

Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee CALCUTTA 700072 tSales

27 10 85 309 65 28 222 39 71

Office is at Novelty Chambers,

Grant Road, MUMBAI

*Sales Office is at F Block, Unity Building, Narashimaraja BANGALORE 560002


Printed at New India Printing Press, Khurja. India

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