9.1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................
9.2. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE OR RECIPROCATING...............................................................
9.2.1. Basic Concepts...................................................................................................................
9.2.2. Leading Parameters in Power.............................................................................................
9.2.3. Outside Parameters Influence on Power.............................................................................
9.2.4. Propeller Concepts...........................................................................................................
9.3. TURBOPROP ENGINE................................................................................................................
9.3.1. Basic Concepts..................................................................................................................
9.3.2. Turboprop Engines Types.................................................................................................
9.3.3. Influential Parameters in Power.......................................................................................
9.4. TURBOJET/TURBOFAN ENGINES...............................................................................................
9.4.1. Basic Concepts..................................................................................................................
9.4.2. Engines Comparison.......................................................................................................
9.4.3. Leading Parameters in Thrust...........................................................................................
9.5. ENGINE TESTS AND CERTIFICATION..........................................................................................
9.5.1. Engine Testing..................................................................................................................
9.5.2. Certification Aspects.......................................................................................................
9.6. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................
9.7. REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................
Aircraft require thrust to produce enough speed for the wings to provide lift for takeoff
and to remain in level flight. Thrust must be provided that is equal to and in the opposite
direction of the aircraft drag. A suitable type of aircraft heat engine provides this thrust,
or propulsive force. All heat engines have in common the ability to convert heat energy
into mechanical energy by the flow of some fluid mass (generally air) through the
engine. In all cases, the heat energy is released at a point in the cycle where the working
pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure. The energy initially comes from fuel, and
burning it with air some transformations occurs that produces movement and result in
the thrust force to propel the aircraft.
In short, an aircraft propulsion system must achieve two things. First, the thrust from the
propulsion system must balance the drag of the airplane when the airplane is cruising.
Second, the thrust from the propulsion system must exceed the drag of the airplane for
the airplane to accelerate. In fact, the greater the difference between the thrust and the
drag, called the excess thrust, the faster the airplane will accelerate.
There are many types of aircraft engines. The distinction among them is where the
transformations previously discussed occur. Hence, different propulsion systems
generate thrust in slightly different ways. We will discuss four principal propulsion
systems: the internal combustion engine (reciprocating engine) with propeller, the
turboprop engine (turbine + propeller), the turbojet engine and the turbofan engine.
A general derivation of the thrust equation shows that the amount of thrust generated
depends on the mass flow through the engine and the exit velocity of the gas. On
airplanes, thrust is usually generated through some application of Newton's third law
of action and reaction. The engine accelerates a gas, or working fluid, and the reaction
to this acceleration produces a force on the engine. In the case of aircraft with
propellers this device produces the acceleration.
The propellers of aircraft powered by reciprocating or turboprop engines accelerate a
large mass of air at a relatively lower velocity by turning a propeller. The same amount
of thrust can be generated by accelerating a small mass of air to a very high velocity.
Turbojets are examples of engines that accelerate a smaller quantity of air through a
large velocity change. Turbofan jets engines use the two effects to be more efficient in
the process to produce thrust.
Figure 9.1: Aircraft engines
The figure 9.2 represents a complete cycle of the engine. The four-stroke motor follows
a standard air cycle, called OTTO CYCLE. The hypotheses for this cycle are:
The air is considered a perfect gas;
The combustion is accomplished with constant volume;
No losses are considered in intake or exhaust;
The compression and power are adiabatic.
Figure 9.3 in the next page is the diagram for the Otto cycle described before.
The real cycle is quite different from the theoretical showed before. The effectiveness of
the cycle is measured by a parameter called thermal efficiency.
At low engine speeds, the power increases rapidly with engine velocity due to decreased
losses of the cylinder walls, which decreases as the duration of the cycle is reduced. At
higher speeds, the power grows less rapidly, passes through a maximum and then
decreases at very high RPM.This occurs due to increased friction and power absorbed
by the engine accessories.
The figure below shows the variation of the power with the engine speed, admitting
pressure of admission and mixture constant.
Figure 9.5: Power versus RPM
The pressure of admission is the pressure of carburized mixture. The power of the
engine varies almost linearly with the inlet pressure, as shown in figure 9.4.
The temperature increase, the power decreases. The humidity effect works against the
power; this is the steam replaces the dry air in the combustion, decreasing the power
9.2.4. Propeller Concepts
The propeller is a rotating airfoil, subject to induced drag, stalls, and other aerodynamic
principles that apply to any airfoil. It provides the necessary thrust to pull, or in some
cases push, the aircraft through the air. The engine power is used to rotate the propeller,
which in turn generates thrust very similar to the manner in which a wing produces lift.
The amount of thrust produced depends on the shape of the airfoil, the angle of attack of
the propeller blade, and the revolutions per minute (rpm) of the engine. The propeller
itself is twisted so the blade angle changes from hub to tip. The greatest angle of
incidence, or the highest pitch, is at the hub while the smallest angle of incidence or
smallest pitch is at the tip.
The reason for the twist is to produce uniform lift from the hub to the tip. As the blade
rotates, there is a difference in the actual speed of the various portions of the blade. The
tip of the blade travels faster than the part near the hub, because the tip travels a greater
distance than the hub in the same length of time. Changing the angle of incidence
(pitch) from the hub to the tip to correspond with the speed produces uniform lift
throughout the length of the blade. A propeller blade designed with the same angle of
incidence throughout its entire length would be inefficient because as airspeed increases
in flight, the portion near the hub would have a negative angle of attack while the blade
tip would be stalled.
Small aircraft are equipped with either one of two types of propellers. One is the fixed
pitch, and the other is the adjustable pitch.
The air into the engine is compressed, goes through combustion in a chamber and the
resulting high-pressure exhaust gases can be used to provide jet thrust as in a turbojet
engine. Alternatively, the gases can be directed through an additional turbine to drive a
propeller through a reduction gearing, as in a turbo-propeller (turboprop) engine.
The turbo engine excels the reciprocating engine in top speed and altitude performance.
On the other hand, the turbo engine has limited takeoff and initial climb performance, as
compared to that of a reciprocating engine. In the matter of takeoff and initial climb
performance, the reciprocating engine is superior to the turbo engine.
Turbojet engines are most efficient at high speeds and high altitudes, while propellers
are most efficient at slow and medium speeds (less than 350 kt.). Propellers also
improve takeoff and climb performance. The development of the turbo prop engine was
an attempt to combine in one engine the best characteristics of both the turbojet, and
propeller driven reciprocating engine.
The turboprop engine offers several advantages over other types of engines such as:
Light weight;
Mechanical reliability due to relatively few moving parts;
Simplicity of operation;
Minimum vibration;
High power per unit of weight; and
Use of propeller for takeoff and landing.
For gas turbine engines, the thermodynamic cycle to be considered is the BRAYTON
CYCLE. It is an open cycle and operates on steady-flow condition. Besides some
similarities with the OTTO cycle engines, for instance the processes are the same:
compression, combustion, and expansion, but the conditions they occur are quite
different. In the Brayton cycle, the heat addition and rejection processes are of constant
pressure, whereas in Otto cycle they are of constant volume.
The figure 9.10 shows a schematic development of the Brayton Cycle.
Figure 9.10: Brayton cycle
9.3.2. Turboprop Engines Types
One type of turboprop engine is the fixed shaft constant speed type such as the Garrett
TPE331 (Figure 9.11).
In this type of engine, ambient air is directed to the compressor section through the
engine inlet. An acceleration/diffusion process in the two-stage compressor increases air
pressure and directs it rearward to a combustor. The combustor is made up of a
combustion chamber, a transition liner, and a turbine plenum. Atomized fuel is added to
the air in the combustion chamber. Air also surrounds the combustion chamber to
provide for cooling and insulation of the combustor.
In the fixed shaft constant-speed engine, the engine r.p.m. may be varied within a
narrow range of 96 percent to 100 percent. During ground operation, the r.p.m. may be
reduced to 70 percent. In flight, the engine operates at a constant speed, which is
maintained by the governing section of the propeller. Power changes are made by
increasing fuel flow and propeller blade angle rather than engine speed. An increase in
fuel flow causes an increase in temperature and a corresponding increase in energy
available to the turbine. The turbine absorbs more energy and transmits it to the
propeller in the form of torque. The increased torque forces the propeller blade angle to
be increased to maintain the constant speed. Turbine temperature is a very important
factor to be considered in power production. It is directly related to fuel flow and thus to
the power produced. It must be limited because of strength and durability of the material
in the combustion and turbine section. The control system schedules fuel flow to
produce specific temperatures and to limit those temperatures so that the temperature
tolerances of the combustion and turbine sections are not exceeded. The engine is
designed to operate for its entire life at 100 percent. All of its components, such as
compressors and turbines, are most efficient when operated at or near the r.p.m. design
Powerplant (engine and propeller) control is achieved by means of a power lever and a
condition lever for each engine. There is no mixture control and/or r.p.m. lever as
found on piston engine airplanes.
On the fixed shaft constant-speed turboprop engine, the power lever is advanced or
retarded to increase or decrease forward thrust. The power lever is also used to provide
reverse thrust. The condition lever sets the desired engine r.p.m. within a narrow range
appropriate for ground operations and flight.
Powerplant instrumentation in a fixed shaft turbo-prop engine typically consists of the
following basic indicator.
• Torque or horsepower;
• ITT – inter-turbine temperature;
• Fuel flow; and
• RPM.
In a free power-turbine engine, such as the Pratt &Whitney PT-6 engines, a separate
turbine through reduction gearing drives the propeller. The propeller is not on the same
shaft as the basic engine turbine and compressor, see Figure 9.12 below. Unlike the
fixed shaft engine, in the split shaft engine the propeller can be feathered in flight or on
the ground with the basic engine still running. The free power-turbine design allows the
pilot to select a desired propeller governing r.p.m., regardless of basic engine projected
Figure 9.12: Split shaft / free turbine engine
A typical free power-turbine engine (as showed above) has two independent counter-
rotating turbines. One turbine drives the compressor, while the other drives the propeller
through a reduction gearbox. The compressor in the basic engine consists of three axial
flow compressor stages combined with a single centrifugal compressor stage. The
axial and centrifugal stages are assembled on the same shaft, and operate as a single
Inlet air enters the engine via a circular plenum near the rear of the engine, and flows
forward through the successive compressor stages. The flow is directed outward by the
centrifugal compressor stage through radial diffusers before entering the combustion
chamber, where the flow direction is actually reversed.
The gases produced by combustion are once again reversed to expand forward through
each turbine stage. After leaving the turbines, the gases are collected in a peripheral
exhaust scroll, and are discharged to the atmosphere through two exhaust ports near the
front of the engine.
A pneumatic fuel control system schedules fuel flow to maintain the power set by the
gas generator power lever. Except in the beta range, propeller speed within the
governing range remains constant at any selected propeller control lever position
through the action of a propeller governor.
The accessory drive at the aft end of the engine provides power to drive fuel pumps,
fuel control, oil pumps, a starter/generator, and a tachometer transmitter. At this point,
the speed of the drive (N1) is the true speed of the compressor side of the engine,
approximately 37.500 r.p.m.
Powerplant (engine and propeller) operation is achieved by three sets of controls for
each engine: the power lever, propeller lever, and condition lever.
The power lever serves to control engine power in the range from idle through takeoff
power. Forward or aft motion of the power lever increases or decreases gas generator
r.p.m. (N1) and in that way increase or decrease engine power. The propeller lever is
operated conventionally and controls the constant-speed propellers through the primary
governor. The propeller range is normally from 1.500 to 1.900 r.p.m. The condition
lever controls the flow of fuel to the engine. Like the mixture lever in a piston-powered
airplane, the condition lever is located at the far right of the power quadrant. However,
the condition lever on a turboprop engine is really just an on/off valve for delivering
fuel. There are HIGH IDLE and LOW IDLE positions for ground operations, but
condition levers have no metering function. Leaning is not required in turbine engines; a
dedicated fuel control unit performs this function automatically.
Some trainers that use this type of engine have a computerized system that controls an
optimized operation and works with only one lever control.
Engine instruments in a split shaft/free turbine engine typically consist of the following
basic indicators.
• ITT (inter-stage turbine temperature) indicator;
• Torque meter;
• Propeller tachometer; and
• N1 (gas generator) tachometer.
• Fuel flow indicator.
• Oil temperature/pressure indicator.
Air enters the engine, passes through the fan, and splits into two separate paths. Some of
it flows around—bypasses—the engine core, hence its name, bypass air. The air drawn
into the engine for the gas generator is the core airflow. The amount of air that
bypasses the core compared to the amount drawn into the gas generator determines a
turbofan’s bypass ratio.
Turbofans efficiently convert fuel into thrust because they produce low pressure energy
spread over a large fan disk area. While a turbojet engine uses the entire gas generator
output to produce thrust in the form of a high-velocity exhaust gas jet, cool, low-
velocity bypass air produces between 30 percent and 70 percent of the thrust produced
by a turbofan engine. The fan-jet concept increases the total thrust of the jet engine,
particularly at the lower speeds and altitudes.
Although efficiency at the higher altitudes is lost (turbofan engines are subject to a large
lapse in thrust with increasing altitude), the turbofan engine increases acceleration,
decreases the takeoff roll, improves initial climb performance, and often has the effect
of decreasing specific fuel consumption.
The most important operating data to be closed observed are:
EGT = Exhaust Gas Temperature;
TIT = Turbine Inlet Temperature;
ITT = Inter stage Turbine Temperature;
TOT = Turbine Outlet Temperature;
EPR = Engine Pressure Ratio;
N (rpm) = Engine Rotation Speed; and
Fuel Flow.
Pilot must closely monitor the temperature of turbine gases. As in any gas turbine
engine, exceeding temperature limits, even for a very few seconds, may result in serious
heat damage to turbine blades and other components. Depending on the motor design,
the point chose to take the temperature data can be at different locations within the
On some jet airplanes, thrust is indicated by an engine pressure ratio (EPR) gauge.
Engine pressure ratio can be thought of as being equivalent to the manifold pressure on
the piston engine. Engine pressure ratio is the difference between turbine discharge
pressure and engine inlet pressure. It is an indication of what the engine has done with
the admitted raw air.
Fan speed (N1) is the primary indication of thrust on most turbofan engines. Fuel flow
provides a secondary thrust indication, and crosschecking for proper fuel flow can help
in spotting a faulty N1 gauge. Turbofans also have a tachometer for the gas generator
turbine (N2). They are used mainly for engine starting and some system functions. In
power setting, usually the primary power reference (EPR or N1) is most critical, and
will be the gauge that will first limit the forward movement of the thrust levers.
However, there are occasions where the limits of either RPM or temperature can be
exceeded. The rule is:
- Movement of the thrust levers must be stopped and power set at whichever the
limits of EPR, RPM, or temperature is reached first.