Grade 7 Term Social Studies
Grade 7 Term Social Studies
Grade 7 Term Social Studies
We Les Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
ek son outcomes Question(S) Resources Methods
1 1 Sustainab Sustainable By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What are KLB: Top Oral questions
le Use of Use of learner should be able to: explain the meaning of resources? Scholar; Social Oral Report
Resources Resources in sustainable use of resources. Studies Observation
in Society Society a) Explain the meaning of Learner’s Book
sustainable use of In groups or in pairs, Grade 7 pg.
resources. learners to demonstrate 156-157
b) Demonstrate sustainable sustainable ways of using
ways of using resources resources available in their Pictures
available in their community. Charts
community. Realia
c) Appreciate the resources Computing
available in their devices
2 Sustainab Applying By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify a Which type of KLB: Top Oral questions
le Use of Sustainable learner should be able to: resource that can be resources are Scholar; Social Oral Report
Resources use of sustainably used in their found in your Studies Observation
in Society resources a) Identify a resource that community. community? Learner’s Book
available in can be sustainably used Grade 7 pg.
the in their community. In groups, learners to 158-159
community b) Discuss the uses of the discuss the uses of the
resource identified. resource identified. Photographs
c) Design sustainable ways Pictures
of using the resource In groups, learners are Video clips
identified in the guided to design sustainable Realia
community. ways of using the resource Computing
d) Engage in activities that identified in the community devices
ensure sustainable use of
the resource.
3 Sustainab Appreciating By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How will you KLB: Top Oral questions
le Use of sustainable learner should be able to: identify ways of appreciate Scholar; Social Oral Report
Resources use of appreciating sustainable use sustainable use Studies Observation
in Society resources for a) Identify ways of of resources for sustenance of resources Learner’s Book
sustenance appreciating of life. for sustenance Grade 7 pg.
of life sustainable use of of life? 160-161
resources for In groups, learners are
sustenance of life. guided to design posters Pictures
b) Design posters with with communication Video clips
communication messages on sustainable use Realia
messages on of resources for sustenance Computing
sustainable use of of life devices
resources for
sustenance of life.
c) Appreciate
sustainable use of
resources for
sustenance of life.
2 1 Political Political By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Where did the KLB: Top Oral questions
developm development learner should be able to: describe the political setup Ogiek Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and in Africa up of Ogiek community up to community Studies Observation
Governan to 1900 a) Describe the political 1900 lived? Learner’s Book
ce setup of Ogiek Grade 7 pg.
community up to 1900 In groups, learners to 162-164
b) Discuss the role of the discuss the role of the Ogiek
Ogiek political setup. political setup. Atlas
c) Draw the governance Photographs
structure of the Ogiek. Learners are guided to draw Pictures
d) Appreciate the Ogiek the governance structure of Video clips
community. the Ogiek Maps
2 Political Political By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Where did the KLB: Top Oral questions
developm Organization learner should be able to: describe the political setup Zulu Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and of the Zulu of Zulu community up to community Studies Observation
Governan a) Describe the 1900 lived? Learner’s Book
ce political setup of Grade 7 pg.
Zulu community up In groups, learners to 164-166
to 1900 discuss the role of the Zulu
b) Discuss the role of political setup. Atlas
the Zulu political Photographs
setup. Learners are guided to draw Pictures
c) Draw the the governance structure of Maps
governance structure the Zulu Realia
of the Zulu. Computing
d) Appreciate the Zulu devices
3 Political Political By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Where did the KLB: Top Oral questions
developm Organization learner should be able to: describe the political setup Asante Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and of the Asante of Asante community up to community Studies Observation
Governan a) Describe the 1900 lived? Learner’s Book
ce political setup of Grade 7 pg.
Asante community In groups, learners to 166-167
up to 1900 discuss the role of the
b) Discuss the role of Asante political setup. Atlas
the Asante political Photographs
setup. Learners are guided to draw Pictures
c) Draw the the governance structure of Video clips
governance structure the Asante Realia
of the Asante. Computing
d) Appreciate the devices
Asante community.
3 1 Political The concepts By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define the What is the KLB: Top Oral questions
developm “Scramble learner should be able to: concept of scramble and meaning of Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and for and partition of Africa. scramble? Studies Observation
Governan Partition” of a) Define the concept Learner’s Book
ce Africa of scramble and In groups, learners to What is the Grade 7 pg.
partition of Africa. discuss the various meaning of 168-170
b) Discuss the various European groups that came partition?
European groups to Africa. Atlas
that came to Africa. Pictures
c) Name the European Learners are guided to name Video clips
explorers who came the European explorers who Charts
to Kenya. came to Kenya Realia
d) Have a desire to Computing
learn more about devices
2 Political European By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to name Which factors KLB: Top Oral questions
developm Traders learner should be able to: various traders that came to led to the Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and Africa up to 1900 presence of Studies Observation
Governan a) Name various Europeans in Learner’s Book
ce traders that came to Learners to identify the Africa? Grade 7 pg.
Africa up to 1900. factors that led to the 170-171
b) Identify the factors presence of Europeans in
that led to the Africa. Photographs
presence of Pictures
Europeans in Africa. In groups, learners are Video clips
c) Discuss the role of guided to discuss the role of Maps
various traders that various traders that came to Computing
came to Africa. Africa devices
d) Have a desire to
learn more about
European Traders.
3 Political Matching the By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Who were KLB: Top Oral questions
developm Countries in learner should be able to: identify the countries of colonial Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and Africa with Africa and their colonial masters of Studies Observation
Governan their a) Identify the masters from the map. Kenya? Learner’s Book
ce Colonial countries of Africa Grade 7 pg. 172
Masters and their colonial Learners are guided to
masters from the match the colonial masters Atlas
map. with the countries they Photographs
b) Match the colonial colonized in Africa Pictures
masters with the Video clips
countries they Maps
colonized in Africa. Charts
c) Enjoy using the map Realia
of Africa. Computing
4 1 Political Terms of the By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify the What are the KLB: Top Oral questions
developm Berlin learner should be able to: meaning and implication of terms of the Scholar; Social Oral Report
ent and Conference the terms of the Berlin Berlin Studies Observation
Governan of 1884- a) Identify the meaning Conference of 1884-1885 on Conference of Learner’s Book
ce 1885 on the and implication of partition of Africa from the 1884-1885 on Grade 7 pg.
Partition of the terms of the plaque. partition of 173-175
Africa Berlin Conference of Africa?
1884-1885 on In groups, learners to Atlas
partition of Africa discuss the terms of the Photographs
from the plaque. Berlin Conference. Pictures
b) Discuss the terms of Maps
the Berlin In groups, learners to create Charts
Conference. posters on the terms of the Realia
c) Create posters on the Berlin Conference of 1884- Computing
terms of the Berlin 1885 devices
Conference of 1884-
d) Acknowledged the
Organisation of
Communities in
2 The The By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define the term What is a KLB: Top Oral questions
Constituti Constitution learner should be able to: constitution. constitution?Scholar; Social Oral Report
on of of Kenya Studies Observation
Kenya a) Define the term Learners to identify the What is the Learner’s Book
constitution. importance of the importance of Grade 7 pg.
b) Identify the constitution of Kenya. Constitution of 176-178
importance of the Kenya?
constitution of In groups, learners to Atlas
Kenya. compose a song on any eight Photographs
c) Compose a song on national values enshrined in Pictures
any eight national the Constitution of Kenya. Maps
values enshrined in Charts
the Constitution of Computing
Kenya. devices
d) Appreciate the
importance of the
constitution of
3 The Ways of By the end of the lesson, the Learners to search for ways Why do you KLB: Top Oral questions
Constituti Upholding learner should be able to: of upholding and protecting think it’s Scholar; Social Oral Report
on of and the Constitution of Kenya. important for Studies Observation
Kenya Protecting a) Search for ways of Kenyans to Learner’s Book
the upholding and In groups, learners to uphold and Grade 7 pg.
Constitution protecting the discuss the importance of protect the 179-181
of Kenya for Constitution of upholding and protecting the constitution?
Social Kenya. constitution. Atlas
Cohesion b) Discuss the Photographs
importance of Pictures
upholding and Video clips
protecting the Maps
constitution. Charts
c) Uphold and protect Realia
the constitution of Computing
Kenya. devices
5 1 Democrac Types of By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define What is KLB: Top Oral questions
y Democracy learner should be able to: democracy. democracy? Scholar; Social Oral Report
practiced in Studies Observation
Africa a) Define democracy. Learners are guided to Learner’s Book
b) Identify types of identify types of democracy. Grade 7 pg.
democracy. 182-184
c) Role play different In groups, learners are
types of democracy. guided to role play different Photographs
d) Appreciate the use types of democracy. Pictures
of democracy. Video clips
2 Democrac Importance By the end of the lesson, the Learners to state the How can we KLB: Top Oral questions
y of learner should be able to: importance of democracy in ensure that Scholar; Social Oral Report
Democracy society. democracy is Studies Observation
in Society a) State the importance practiced in Learner’s Book
of democracy in In groups, learners to our society? Grade 7 pg.
society. discuss the role of citizens in 185-187
b) Discuss the role of democratic representation. What are
citizens in democratic Photographs
democratic Learners to draw the picture values? Pictures
representation. in learner’s book 7 pg. 186 Maps
c) Draw the picture in Charts
learner’s book 7 Computing
d) Appreciate the devices
importance of
democracy in
3 Democrac Characteristi By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify the Why should KLB: Top Oral questions
y cs of learner should be able to: characteristics of Various we Practise Scholar; Social Oral Report
Various Types of Democracy in democracy? Studies Observation
Types of a) Identify the Governance. Learner’s Book
Democracy characteristics of Grade 7 pg.
in Various Types of Learners to recite the poem 187-190
Governance Democracy in in learner’s book 7 pg. 189
Governance. Pictures
b) Recite the poem in Charts
learner’s book 7 Realia
c) Apply democratic Computing
values in devices
interactions with
others in the
d) Promote democratic
values in the
6 1 Human Evolution of By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define human What are KLB: Top Oral questions
Rights Human learner should be able to: rights. human rights? Scholar; Social Oral Report
Rights as Studies Observation
practiced in a) Define Human Learners to identify the Why is it Learner’s Book
society rights. characteristics of Human important to Grade 7 pg.
b) Identify the Rights in society. know our 191-196
characteristics of rights?
Human Rights in Learners are guided to Pictures
society. classify human rights as Maps
c) Classify human stipulated in the Human Charts
rights as stipulated Rights as Stipulated in the Realia
in the Human Rights human rights instruments Computing
as Stipulated in the devices
human rights
d) Appreciate the
evolution of human
2 Human The concept By the end of the lesson, the Learners to brainstorm on How can we KLB: Top Oral questions
Rights of Equity learner should be able to: how equity and non- promote equity Scholar; Social Oral Report
and Non- discrimination foster and non- Studies Observation
Discriminati a) Brainstorm on how solidarity in the society. discrimination Learner’s Book
on in equity and non- in society? Grade 7 pg.
Fostering discrimination foster Learners to explain how to 196-199
Solidarity solidarity in the promote equity and non-
society. discrimination in society. Pictures
b) Explain how to Computing
promote equity and devices
in society.
c) Respect, adhere to
and promote of
human rights for
sanctity of life.
3 African African By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define diaspora. What is the KLB: Top Oral questions
Diasporas Diasporas learner should be able to: role of Scholar; Social Oral Report
Learners are guided to industrial Studies Observation
a) Define diaspora. indicate on the map they revolution in Learner’s Book
b) Indicate on the map have drawn countries Europe in the Grade 7 pg.
they have drawn inhabited by African development 200-204
countries inhabited diasporas by mid 1960s of African
by African diasporas diasporas? Video clips
by mid 1960s Learners are guided to Charts
c) Examine the role of examine the role of How can we Computing
diasporas in the diasporas in the political promote devices
political development in Africa. African unity
development in in the society
Africa. today?
d) Acknowledged
African diasporas
for promotion of
African Unity in
society today.
7 1 Global Global By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define global What is global KLB: Top Oral questions
Citizenshi Citizenship learner should be able to: interconnectedness and interconnected Scholar; Social Oral Report
p interdependence. ness? Studies Observation
a) Define global Learner’s Book
interconnectedness Learners to identify positive What is Grade 7 pg.
and and negative effects of interdependen 205-208
interdependence. globalization at local and ce?
b) Identify positive and national levels. Pictures
negative effects of What are the Video clips
globalization at local In groups, learners to qualities of a Charts
and national levels. discuss the qualities of a global citizen Realia
c) Discuss the qualities global citizen. in the modern Computing
of a global citizen. society? devices
d) Appreciate the
qualities of a global
2 Global Contribution By the end of the lesson, the Learners to explain what Which are the KLB: Top Oral questions
Citizenshi to the learner should be able to: they understand by the term common Scholar; Social Oral Report
p Wellbeing of ‘common humanity’ concerns in the Studies Observation
the a) Explain what they world today? Learner’s Book
international understand by the Learners to identify how Grade 7 pg.
community term ‘common they can develop a sense of 209-211
humanity’ belonging to a common
b) Identify how they humanity for harmonious Pictures
can develop a sense living Maps
of belonging to a Charts
common humanity Realia
for harmonious Computing
living. devices
c) Develop a sense of
belonging to a
common humanity
for harmonious
3 Global Organisation By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify the Why was the KLB: Top Oral questions
Governan of African learner should be able to: founding member countries OAU formed? Scholar; Social Oral Report
ce Unity of OAU. Studies Observation
(OAU) a) Identify the Learner’s Book
founding member In groups, learners to Grade 7 pg.
countries of OAU. discuss the achievements of 213-217
b) Discuss the OAU.
achievements of Photographs
OAU. Learners to state the Pictures
c) State the challenges challenges affected by OAU Video clips
affected by OAU Realia
d) Draw the Learners are guided to draw Computing
organizational the organizational structure devices
structure of the of the OAU
e) Appreciate the
importance of OAU.
8 1 Global African By the end of the lesson, the Learners to describe the What are the KLB: Top Oral questions
Governan Union (AU) learner should be able to: formation of African Union achievements Scholar; Social Oral Report
ce (AU) of African Studies Observation
a) Describe the Union (AU)? Learner’s Book
formation of African In groups, learners to Grade 7 pg.
Union (AU) discuss the achievements of 217-220
b) Discuss the AU.
achievements of Photographs
AU. Learners to state the Pictures
c) State the challenges challenges affected by AU Video clips
affected by AU the challenges affected by Computing
d) Sing the African AU devices
Union Anthem.
e) Appreciate the Learners are guided to sing
importance of AU the African Union Anthem.
2 Global Member By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How should KLB: Top Oral questions
Governan countries of learner should be able to: identify the AU member leadership and Scholar; Social Oral Report
ce the African states from an atlas. integrity be Studies Observation
Union a) Identify the AU promoted in Learner’s Book
member states from Learners are guided to draw the society Grade 7 pg.
an atlas. a map of Africa showing today? 221-223
b) Draw a map of member countries of African
Africa showing Union (AU) Photographs
member countries of Pictures
African Union (AU) Video clips
c) Appreciate the Realia
importance of AU Computing
3 Global Organization By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify various How can we KLB: Top Oral questions
Governan al structures learner should be able to: organs that run the AU. promote Scholar; Social Oral Report
ce of the continental Studies Observation
African a) Identify various Learners are guided to interconnected Learner’s Book
Union organs that run the identify the factors which ness and Grade 7 pg.
AU. can promote continental interdependen 223-226
b) Identify the factors interconnectedness and ce in Africa?
which can promote interdependence. Atlas
continental Photographs
interconnectedness Learners are guided to draw Pictures
and the organizational structure Video clips
interdependence. of African Union (AU) Maps
c) Draw the Charts
organizational Realia
structure of African Computing
Union (AU) devices
d) Appreciate the
importance of AU
We Les Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
ek son Question(S) Resources Methods
1 1 Sustainabl Sustainable By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to What are KLB: Top Oral
e Use of Use of learner should be able to: explain the meaning of resources? Scholar; Social questions
Resources Resources in sustainable use of resources. Studies Oral Report
in Society Society d) Explain the meaning of Learner’s Book Observation
sustainable use of In groups or in pairs, learners Grade 7 pg. 156-
resources. to demonstrate sustainable 157
e) Demonstrate sustainable ways of using resources
ways of using resources available in their community. Pictures
available in their Charts
f) Appreciate the resources
available in their
community. devices
2 Sustainabl Applying By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify a Which type of KLB: Top Oral
e Use of Sustainable learner should be able to: resource that can be resources are Scholar; Social questions
Resources use of sustainably used in their found in your Studies Oral Report
in Society resources e) Identify a resource that community. community? Learner’s Book Observation
available in can be sustainably used in Grade 7 pg. 158-
the their community. In groups, learners to discuss 159
community f) Discuss the uses of the the uses of the resource
resource identified. identified. Photographs
g) Design sustainable ways Pictures
of using the resource In groups, learners are guided
Video clips
identified in the to design sustainable ways of
using the resource identified Realia
h) Engage in activities that in the community Computing
ensure sustainable use of devices
the resource.
3 Sustainabl Appreciating By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How will you KLB: Top Oral
e Use of sustainable learner should be able to: identify ways of appreciating appreciate Scholar; Social questions
Resources use of sustainable use of resources sustainable use Studies Oral Report
in Society resources for d) Identify ways of for sustenance of life. of resources for Learner’s Book Observation
sustenance of appreciating sustenance of Grade 7 pg. 160-
life sustainable use of In groups, learners are guided life? 161
resources for to design posters with
sustenance of life. communication messages on Pictures
e) Design posters with sustainable use of resources
Video clips
communication for sustenance of life
messages on
sustainable use of
resources for devices
sustenance of life.
f) Appreciate
sustainable use of
resources for
sustenance of life.
2 1 Political Political By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Where did the KLB: Top Oral
developm development learner should be able to: describe the political setup of Ogiek Scholar; Social questions
ent and in Africa up Ogiek community up to 1900 community Studies Oral Report
Governan to 1900 e) Describe the political lived? Learner’s Book Observation
ce setup of Ogiek In groups, learners to discuss Grade 7 pg. 162-
community up to 1900 the role of the Ogiek political 164
f) Discuss the role of the setup.
Ogiek political setup. Atlas
g) Draw the governance Learners are guided to draw
structure of the Ogiek. the governance structure of
h) Appreciate the Ogiek the Ogiek
Video clips
2 Political Political By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Where did the KLB: Top Oral
developm Organization learner should be able to: describe the political setup of Zulu Scholar; Social questions
ent and of the Zulu Zulu community up to 1900 community Studies Oral Report
Governan e) Describe the political lived? Learner’s Book Observation
ce setup of Zulu In groups, learners to discuss Grade 7 pg. 164-
community up to the role of the Zulu political 166
1900 setup.
f) Discuss the role of Atlas
the Zulu political Learners are guided to draw
setup. the governance structure of Photographs
g) Draw the governance the Zulu Pictures
structure of the Zulu. Maps
h) Appreciate the Zulu Realia
community. Computing
3 Political Political By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Where did the KLB: Top Oral
developm Organization learner should be able to: describe the political setup of Asante Scholar; Social questions
ent and of the Asante Asante community up to 1900 community Studies Oral Report
Governan e) Describe the political lived? Learner’s Book Observation
ce setup of Asante In groups, learners to discuss Grade 7 pg. 166-
community up to the role of the Asante political 167
1900 setup.
f) Discuss the role of Atlas
the Asante political Learners are guided to draw
setup. the governance structure of
g) Draw the governance the Asante
Video clips
structure of the
Asante. Realia
h) Appreciate the Asante Computing
community. devices
3 1 Political The concepts By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define the concept What is the KLB: Top Oral
developm “Scramble learner should be able to: of scramble and partition of meaning of Scholar; Social questions
ent and for and Africa. scramble? Studies Oral Report
Governan Partition” of e) Define the concept of Learner’s Book Observation
ce Africa scramble and In groups, learners to discuss What is the Grade 7 pg. 168-
partition of Africa. the various European groups meaning of 170
f) Discuss the various that came to Africa. partition?
European groups that Atlas
came to Africa. Learners are guided to name
g) Name the European the European explorers who
Video clips
explorers who came came to Kenya
to Kenya.
h) Have a desire to learn Realia
more about explorers. Computing
2 Political European By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to name Which factors KLB: Top Oral
developm Traders learner should be able to: various traders that came to led to the Scholar; Social questions
ent and Africa up to 1900 presence of Studies Oral Report
Governan e) Name various traders Europeans in Learner’s Book Observation
ce that came to Africa Learners to identify the Africa? Grade 7 pg. 170-
up to 1900. factors that led to the 171
f) Identify the factors presence of Europeans in
that led to the Africa. Photographs
presence of Pictures
Europeans in Africa. In groups, learners are guided
Video clips
g) Discuss the role of to discuss the role of various
traders that came to Africa Maps
various traders that
came to Africa. Computing
h) Have a desire to learn devices
more about European
3 Political Matching the By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to Who were KLB: Top Oral
developm Countries in learner should be able to: identify the countries of colonial Scholar; Social questions
ent and Africa with Africa and their colonial masters of Studies Oral Report
Governan their Colonial d) Identify the countries masters from the map. Kenya? Learner’s Book Observation
ce Masters of Africa and their Grade 7 pg. 172
colonial masters from Learners are guided to match
the map. the colonial masters with the Atlas
e) Match the colonial countries they colonized in Photographs
masters with the Africa
countries they
Video clips
colonized in Africa.
f) Enjoy using the map
of Africa. Charts
4 1 Political Terms of the By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify the What are the KLB: Top Oral
developm Berlin learner should be able to: meaning and implication of terms of the Scholar; Social questions
ent and Conference the terms of the Berlin Berlin Studies Oral Report
Governan of 1884-1885 e) Identify the meaning Conference of 1884-1885 on Conference of Learner’s Book Observation
ce on the and implication of the partition of Africa from the 1884-1885 on Grade 7 pg. 173-
Partition of terms of the Berlin plaque. partition of 175
Africa Conference of 1884- Africa?
1885 on partition of In groups, learners to discuss Atlas
Africa from the the terms of the Berlin Photographs
plaque. Conference.
f) Discuss the terms of
the Berlin In groups, learners to create
Conference. posters on the terms of the Charts
g) Create posters on the Berlin Conference of 1884- Realia
terms of the Berlin 1885 Computing
Conference of 1884- devices
h) Acknowledged the
Political Organisation
of Selected
Communities in
2 The The By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define the term What is a KLB: Top Oral
Constituti Constitution learner should be able to: constitution. constitution? Scholar; Social questions
on of of Kenya Studies Oral Report
Kenya e) Define the term Learners to identify the What is the Learner’s Book Observation
constitution. importance of the constitution importance of Grade 7 pg. 176-
f) Identify the of Kenya. Constitution of 178
importance of the Kenya?
constitution of In groups, learners to Atlas
Kenya. compose a song on any eight
g) Compose a song on national values enshrined in
any eight national the Constitution of Kenya.
values enshrined in
the Constitution of Charts
Kenya. Computing
h) Appreciate the devices
importance of the
constitution of
3 The Ways of By the end of the lesson, the Learners to search for ways Why do you KLB: Top Oral
Constituti Upholding learner should be able to: of upholding and protecting think it’s Scholar; Social questions
on of and the Constitution of Kenya. important for Studies Oral Report
Kenya Protecting d) Search for ways of Kenyans to Learner’s Book Observation
the upholding and In groups, learners to discuss uphold and Grade 7 pg. 179-
Constitution protecting the the importance of upholding protect the 181
of Kenya for Constitution of and protecting the constitution?
Social Kenya. constitution. Atlas
Cohesion e) Discuss the Photographs
importance of
upholding and
Video clips
protecting the
constitution. Maps
f) Uphold and protect Charts
the constitution of Realia
Kenya. Computing
5 1 Democrac Types of By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define What is KLB: Top Oral
y Democracy learner should be able to: democracy. democracy? Scholar; Social questions
practiced in Studies Oral Report
Africa e) Define democracy. Learners are guided to Learner’s Book Observation
f) Identify types of identify types of democracy. Grade 7 pg. 182-
democracy. 184
g) Role play different In groups, learners are guided
types of democracy. to role play different types of Photographs
h) Appreciate the use of democracy.
democracy. Video clips
2 Democrac Importance By the end of the lesson, the Learners to state the How can we KLB: Top Oral
y of learner should be able to: importance of democracy in ensure that Scholar; Social questions
Democracy society. democracy is Studies Oral Report
in Society e) State the importance practiced in our Learner’s Book Observation
of democracy in In groups, learners to discuss society? Grade 7 pg. 185-
society. the role of citizens in 187
f) Discuss the role of democratic representation. What are
citizens in democratic democratic Photographs
representation. Learners to draw the picture values?
g) Draw the picture in in learner’s book 7 pg. 186
learner’s book 7 Charts
h) Appreciate the Computing
importance of devices
democracy in society.
3 Democrac Characteristic By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify the Why should we KLB: Top Oral
y s of Various learner should be able to: characteristics of Various Practise Scholar; Social questions
Types of Types of Democracy in democracy? Studies Oral Report
Democracy e) Identify the Governance. Learner’s Book Observation
in characteristics of Grade 7 pg. 187-
Governance Various Types of Learners to recite the poem in 190
Democracy in learner’s book 7 pg. 189
Governance. Pictures
f) Recite the poem in Charts
learner’s book 7 Realia
g) Apply democratic Computing
values in interactions devices
with others in the
h) Promote democratic
values in the
6 1 Human Evolution of By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define human What are KLB: Top Oral
Rights Human learner should be able to: rights. human rights? Scholar; Social questions
Rights as Studies Oral Report
practiced in e) Define Human rights. Learners to identify the Why is it Learner’s Book Observation
society f) Identify the characteristics of Human important to Grade 7 pg. 191-
characteristics of Rights in society. know our 196
Human Rights in rights?
society. Learners are guided to Pictures
g) Classify human rights classify human rights as
as stipulated in the stipulated in the Human
Human Rights as Rights as Stipulated in the
human rights instruments Realia
Stipulated in the Computing
human rights devices
h) Appreciate the
evolution of human
2 Human The concept By the end of the lesson, the Learners to brainstorm on How can we KLB: Top Oral
Rights of Equity and learner should be able to: how equity and non- promote equity Scholar; Social questions
Non- discrimination foster and non- Studies Oral Report
Discriminatio d) Brainstorm on how solidarity in the society. discrimination Learner’s Book Observation
n in Fostering equity and non- in society? Grade 7 pg. 196-
Solidarity discrimination foster Learners to explain how to 199
solidarity in the promote equity and non-
society. discrimination in society. Pictures
e) Explain how to Computing
promote equity and devices
non-discrimination in
f) Respect, adhere to
and promote of
human rights for
sanctity of life.
3 African African By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define diaspora. What is the role KLB: Top Oral
Diasporas Diasporas learner should be able to: of industrial Scholar; Social questions
Learners are guided to revolution in Studies Oral Report
e) Define diaspora. indicate on the map they have Europe in the Learner’s Book Observation
f) Indicate on the map drawn countries inhabited by development of Grade 7 pg. 200-
they have drawn African diasporas by mid African 204
countries inhabited 1960s diasporas?
by African diasporas Video clips
by mid 1960s Learners are guided to How can we
g) Examine the role of examine the role of diasporas promote
diasporas in the in the political development African unity
in Africa. in the society devices
political development
in Africa. today?
h) Acknowledged
African diasporas for
promotion of African
Unity in society
7 1 Global Global By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define global What is global KLB: Top Oral
Citizenshi Citizenship learner should be able to: interconnectedness and interconnected Scholar; Social questions
p interdependence. ness? Studies Oral Report
e) Define global Learner’s Book Observation
interconnectedness Learners to identify positive What is Grade 7 pg. 205-
and interdependence. and negative effects of interdependenc 208
f) Identify positive and globalization at local and e?
negative effects of national levels. Pictures
globalization at local What are the
Video clips
and national levels. In groups, learners to discuss qualities of a
g) Discuss the qualities the qualities of a global global citizen
citizen. in the modern Realia
of a global citizen. Computing
h) Appreciate the society?
qualities of a global
2 Global Contribution By the end of the lesson, the Learners to explain what they Which are the KLB: Top Oral
Citizenshi to the learner should be able to: understand by the term common Scholar; Social questions
p Wellbeing of ‘common humanity’ concerns in the Studies Oral Report
the d) Explain what they world today? Learner’s Book Observation
international understand by the Learners to identify how they Grade 7 pg. 209-
community term ‘common can develop a sense of 211
humanity’ belonging to a common
e) Identify how they can humanity for harmonious Pictures
develop a sense of living
belonging to a Charts
common humanity Realia
for harmonious Computing
living. devices
f) Develop a sense of
belonging to a
common humanity
for harmonious
3 Global Organisation By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify the Why was the KLB: Top Oral
Governan of African learner should be able to: founding member countries OAU formed? Scholar; Social questions
ce Unity (OAU) of OAU. Studies Oral Report
f) Identify the founding Learner’s Book Observation
member countries of In groups, learners to discuss Grade 7 pg. 213-
OAU. the achievements of OAU. 217
g) Discuss the
achievements of Learners to state the Photographs
OAU. challenges affected by OAU
h) State the challenges Video clips
affected by OAU Learners are guided to draw
the organizational structure of Realia
i) Draw the Computing
organizational the OAU
structure of the OAU.
j) Appreciate the
importance of OAU.
8 1 Global African By the end of the lesson, the Learners to describe the What are the KLB: Top Oral
Governan Union (AU) learner should be able to: formation of African Union achievements Scholar; Social questions
ce (AU) of African Studies Oral Report
f) Describe the Union (AU)? Learner’s Book Observation
formation of African In groups, learners to discuss Grade 7 pg. 217-
Union (AU) the achievements of AU. 220
g) Discuss the
achievements of AU. Learners to state the Photographs
h) State the challenges challenges affected by AU
affected by AU the challenges affected by AU
Video clips
i) Sing the African Computing
Union Anthem. Learners are guided to sing
the African Union Anthem. devices
j) Appreciate the
importance of AU
2 Global Member By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to How should KLB: Top Oral
Governan countries of learner should be able to: identify the AU member leadership and Scholar; Social questions
ce the African states from an atlas. integrity be Studies Oral Report
Union d) Identify the AU promoted in the Learner’s Book Observation
member states from Learners are guided to draw a society today? Grade 7 pg. 221-
an atlas. map of Africa showing 223
e) Draw a map of Africa member countries of African
showing member Union (AU) Photographs
countries of African Pictures
Union (AU) Video clips
f) Appreciate the Realia
importance of AU Computing
3 Global Organization By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify various How can we KLB: Top Oral
Governan al structures learner should be able to: organs that run the AU. promote Scholar; Social questions
ce of the continental Studies Oral Report
African e) Identify various Learners are guided to interconnected Learner’s Book Observation
Union organs that run the identify the factors which can ness and Grade 7 pg. 223-
AU. promote continental interdependenc 226
f) Identify the factors interconnectedness and e in Africa?
which can promote interdependence. Atlas
continental Photographs
interconnectedness Learners are guided to draw
and interdependence. the organizational structure of
African Union (AU) Video clips
g) Draw the Maps
organizational Charts
structure of African Realia
Union (AU)
h) Appreciate the
importance of AU