Django is a high-level web framework wri en in Python that encourages rapid development and clean, pragma c design.
It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pa ern, but with slight varia ons. In Django, this pa ern is
o en referred to as Model-View-Template (MVT).
Object-Rela onal Mapping (ORM): Django provides an ORM layer that allows developers to interact
with the database using Python objects, abstrac ng away the need to write SQL queries directly.
Admin Interface: Django comes with a built-in admin interface that allows developers to perform CRUD
opera ons on the applica on's data without wri ng addi onal code. It's highly customizable and can be
easily integrated into Django projects.
URL Rou ng: Django uses a URL dispatcher to route incoming web requests to the appropriate view
func ons, making it easy to define URL pa erns and handle different types of requests (GET, POST, etc.).
Template Engine: Django includes a powerful template engine that allows developers to create HTML
templates with dynamic content using template tags and filters. This enables the separa on of
presenta on and logic.
Form Handling: Django provides a form handling mechanism that simplifies the process of valida ng
and processing form data submi ed by users. It includes built-in form classes and valida on logic.
Security Features: Django includes built-in security features such as protec on against common web
vulnerabili es like SQL injec on, cross-site scrip ng (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It also
supports user authen ca on and authoriza on out of the box.
Middleware: Django middleware allows developers to hook into the request/response processing
pipeline and perform tasks such as authen ca on, logging, and error handling.
Interna onaliza on and Localiza on: Django supports interna onaliza on (i18n) and localiza on (l10n)
features out of the box, making it easy to build mul lingual web applica ons.
Project: A Django project is a collec on of configura on se ngs, URL pa erns, and applica ons that
make up a web applica on.
Applica ons: Django applica ons are modular components that encapsulate specific func onality within
a project. Each applica on can have its own models, views, templates, and URL pa erns.
Models: Models define the structure and behavior of data in a Django applica on. They are typically
defined as Python classes that subclass django.db.models.Model.
Views: Views are Python func ons or classes that receive HTTP requests and return HTTP responses.
They contain the applica on logic and interact with models to fetch or manipulate data.
Templates: Templates are HTML files that define the presenta on layer of a Django applica on. They can
include dynamic content using template tags and filters.
URLs: URL pa erns map URL pa erns to view func ons or classes within a Django applica on. They are
defined in the file of each applica on and the project's main file.
4. Se ng Up a Django Project:
To create a new Django project, you can use the django-admin command-line u lity:
This command will create a new directory containing the project files and subdirectories. You can then create Django
applica ons within the project using the python startapp command.
5. Running a Django Development Server:
You can start a development server to run your Django project locally using the following command:
This will start a lightweight web server that listens for incoming requests on h p:// by default.