Culture - English Language I-1
Culture - English Language I-1
Culture - English Language I-1
1 What does the word ‘British’ mean 3 Read the text to check your answers.
to you? Discuss your ideas with a
partner. What does ‘multicultural’
mean? How multicultural do you
think present-day Britain is?
A nation of immigrants
1 If you walk down a street in Britain, 3 In the 1660s, as Britain’s trading
especially in the bigger cities, you empire grew, the slave trade began
will usually see a very diverse mix to bring many people from Africa
of people. These people of different to work in the houses of rich British
races and colours are all part of families. By the end of the 1700s,
multicultural Britain. About 14% there were about 20,000 black people
of the population is originally from living in London, but in 1833 the
another country – that’s about slave trade was abolished throughout
9 million people – and in London the British Empire.
more than 300 languages are spoken. 4 The British Empire during the 1700s
2 What many people don’t know is and 1800s was very powerful. It
2 Find out how much you know that Britain has always been a mixed- controlled many places across the
about the people of Britain by doing race society. The first people to settle world, such as India, several African
this quiz. in Britain were Celts, who probably countries, and the West Indies (the
came from Spain. But it was the islands of the Caribbean, including
1 How many of the people now in Romans who brought the first big Jamaica). As a result, many aspects
Britain originally came from another changes to the culture of the island, of British culture, such as sport,
country? building an effective road structure, were imported there, and the people
a 10% b 14% c 16% towns, and houses. The Roman learned English. They also fought for
2 How many languages are spoken in occupation, which lasted from 43 AD Britain, most notably in the First and
London today? to 410 AD, was followed by invasions Second World Wars.
a 100 b 200 c 300
by Saxons (from Germany), Vikings 5 In the 1880s, Jewish people from
(from Scandinavia), and Normans Russia came to Britain to escape
3 When did the Romans arrive in (from France). The Normans, who
prejudice in their own country. Irish
invaded in 1066, had the greatest settlers arrived during the same
a 43 BC b 43 AD c 410 AD influence on Britain, establishing a period, to find a new way of life
4 How long ago, approximately, was legal and administrative system in away from the poverty and famine
the last invasion of Britain? the country. French was the official in Ireland. And new trade with India
a 2,000 years b 1,000 years language in Britain for over 300 and China brought people from
c 200 years years!
5 What, for three centuries from 1066,
was the official language of Britain?
a French b German c English
6 How many immigrants came to live
in Britain in 2006?
a 20,000 b 143,000 c 4,600,000
7 How many Polish people lived in
Britain in 2018?
a 500,000 b 750,000 c 900,000
8 What is now the most popular food
in Britain?
a curry b roast beef c fish and
Invasions of Britain Immigration flows into Britain
1 Where do you get your news from? How often do you 3 Read Extract 1 from Journalism: A Very Short
read a newspaper or watch the news on TV? Introduction by Ian Hargreaves and decide whether it
holds a positive or negative view of modern journalism.
2 Read the quotes about journalism and discuss to what
extent you agree with each one.
1 ‘Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press,
Extract 2
We know, from opinion surveys, that journalists are less
and that cannot be limited without being lost.’
Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) trusted and less esteemed than used to be the case. In
terms of trust, journalists rank alongside politicians, but
2 ‘A free press can of course be good or bad, but,
most certainly, without freedom it will never be behind business executives and civil servants and way
anything but bad.’ Albert Camus (1913–60) 5 behind the most respected professionals such as doctors,
3 ‘The freedom of the press works in such a way teachers, and scientists.
that there is not much freedom from it.’ Dr Carl Jensen said that ‘The press has the power to
Grace Kelly (1929–82) stimulate people to clean up the environment, prevent
4 ‘Well, to be honest, I think I tell less truth when nuclear proliferation, force crooked politicians out
I write journalism than when I write fiction.’ 10 of office, reduce poverty, provide quality health care
Julian Barnes (1946–) for all people, and even to save the lives of millions of
people as it did in Ethiopia in 1984. But, instead, we are
using it to promote violence and sensationalism and
Extract 1 to line the pockets of already wealthy media moguls.’
News, which was once difficult and expensive to 15 Jensen’s view was widely echoed in the United States
obtain, today surrounds us like the air we breathe. Much during the scandal that engulfed President Bill Clinton.
of it is literally ambient: displayed on computers, public The American news media were widely judged to be
billboards, trains, aircraft, and mobile phones. Where peddling gossip, rumour, and unchecked facts as they
5 once news had to be sought out in expensive and scarce scrambled to outdo each other for sensation and scoops.
news sheets, today it is ubiquitous and very largely free
at the point of consumption. Satisfying news hunger no
longer involves a twice daily diet of morning newspaper
and evening TV news bulletin: news comes in snack-
10 form, to be grazed, and at every level of quality; even to
be programmed to order, to arrive, pre-sorted, via your
personal digital assistant. Where once journalism’s reach
was confined to the time it took to haul bundles of
newsprint from one end of a country to the other, now it
15 is global, instantaneous, and interactive.
But there are problems with this new culture of news.
Because there is so much of it, we find it difficult to
sort the good from the bad. The fact that it is mostly
obtainable without direct payment may mean that we
value it less. As a generation grows up unaccustomed
to the idea that news costs money, the economics
of resource-intensive journalism, like in-depth
investigations, are undermined.
A George Mikes
B Kate Fox
C Bill Bryson
D Jeremy Paxman
E Benjamin Orlove
1 Read the introduction to the article. Can you think of any inventions like that?
2 Look at the headings. What do you already know about these inventions, if anything?
Read the article and compare it to your ideas.
1 patent (l.11) 6 tap (l.34) a strongly, forcefully e become more successful than something else
person or thing that comes before another of
2 vastly (l.9) 7 infrastructure (l.36) b a quick, light knock f
the same kind
3 devote (l.22) 8 precursor (l.43) c greatly h official right to make and sell an invention
the basic facilities needed for the operation of a
4 overtake (l.15) 9 contemporary (l.44) d give all your time to i
public system
5 vigorously (l.29) 10 arguably (l.49) g probably j person living at the same time as another
5 Use the context to guess the meaning of these words in the article.
1 try your hand at (doing) something (section A)
What do you think?
2 pave the way for something / someone (section B)
3 join forces with someone (section C) Look at this list of top ten inventions. Which five do you
think have been the most important for the world? Why?
6 Answer these questions about the steam engine Are there any others you would add?
(A), the telegraph (B), the light bulb (C), and their Top ten inventions
inventors (Watt, Morse, and Edison). In some cases, 1 telephone 6 television
more than one answer is possible.
Which invention ... ? 2 computer 7 light bulb
1 was based on knowledge that had been around for a 3 Internet 8 steam engine
long time
4 antibiotics 9 radio
2 was born out of tragedy
3 was based on an earlier design 5 car 10 camera
4 was being developed by more than one person at
the same time
Which inventor ... ? PROJECT
5 refused to acknowledge others working in his field Choose another invention that has had, or did have, a big
6 cooperated with other inventors impact on the way people live. Find out about it and write a
7 personally organized public access to his invention short text. Include information on:
8 gave his name to something connected with • what it is and how it works
his invention • where and when it was invented and by whom
9 originally had a completely different profession • how it changed people’s lives