HRM Functions
HRM Functions
HRM Functions
The role of human resource management is to plan, develop, and administer policies
resources. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work
management are:
1. Planning,
2. Staffing,
4. Employee maintenance.
These four areas and their related functions share the common objective of an
adequate number of competent employees with the skills, abilities, knowledge, and
experience needed for further organisational goals. Although each human resource
function can be assigned to one of the four areas of personnel responsibility, some
and to predict future human resources needs. The basic human resource planning
Job Analysis: Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and
perform it. The end product of the job analysis process is the job description. A job
description spells out work duties and activities of employees. Job descriptions are a
resources for an organisation. Human resources planning and recruiting precede the
function that attracts qualified applicants to fill job vacancies. In the selection
function, the most qualified applicants are selected for hiring from among those
managers to decide which applicants to select and which to reject for the given jobs.
Orientation: Orientation is the first step toward helping a new employee adjust
himself to the new job and the employer. It is a method to acquaint new employees
with particular aspects of their new job, including pay and benefit programmes,
employees the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. In addition to
training programmes for experienced employees whose jobs are undergoing change.
for higher level responsibilities within the organisation. Training and development
of supervisors and managers. Besides providing a basis for pay, promotion, and
Career Planning: Career planning has developed partly as a result of the desire of many
employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in their career. Career planning activities
include assessing an individual employee’s potential for growth and advancement in the
Compensation: Human resource personnel provide a rational method for determining how
much employees should be paid for performing certain jobs. Pay is obviously related to the
staffing in that people are generally attracted to organisations offering a higher level of pay in
exchange for the work performed. It is related to employee development in that it provides
Benefits: Benefits are another form of compensation to employees other than direct pay for
work performed. As such, the human resource function of administering employee benefits
shares many characteristics of the compensation function. Benefits include both the legally
required items and those offered at employer’s discretion. The cost of benefits has risen to
such a point that they have become a major consideration in human resources planning.
However, benefits are primarily related to the maintenance area, since they provide for many