Trad Free Charges
Trad Free Charges
Trad Free Charges
Brokerage Rates:
* Intraday trades are trades which are squared off on the same day and for which you would be required to provide at least exchange
prescribed margins. The choice to square off the trade is at your discretion. If you wish to carry-forward your Futures & Options position,
you can do the same by paying a flat brokerage of Rs. 20 per executed order.
Interest rates:
• Value of transaction will be in accordance with rates provided by the Depository or actual transaction value, whichever is higher.
• To adhere to regulatory guidelines, please place all market instructions for transfers with Kotak Securities latest by 4.00 p.m. at
least one working day prior to the pay-in day. In addition, we also urge you to ensure that all off-market instructions for transfers
are received by us at least 24 hours prior to the execution date.
• STT, GST and all other applicable statutory taxes will be charged as per prevailing applicable rates.
• Charges to be billed on a monthly basis.
Charges for Other Services
I, hereby, consent to the following charges: