Ds Link List

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struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;

void insertStart (struct Node **head, int data)


// dynamically create memory for this newNode

struct Node *newNode = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));

// assign data value

newNode->data = data;
// change the next node of this newNode
// to current head of Linked List
newNode->next = *head;

//re-assign head to this newNode

*head = newNode;
printf ("%d Insertion Successful\n", newNode->data);

void printLinkedList (struct Node *node)

printf ("\nLinked List: ");

// as linked list will end when Node is Null

while (node != NULL)
printf ("%d ", node->data);
node = node->next;

printf ("\n");

int main ()
struct Node *head = NULL;

// Use '&' i.e. address as we need to change head address

insertStart (&head, 100);
insertStart (&head, 80);
insertStart (&head, 60);
insertStart (&head, 40);
insertStart (&head, 20);

// Don't use '&' as not changing head in printLinkedList operation

printLinkedList (head);
return 0;

struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;

void insertEnd (struct Node **head, int data)


// since this will be the last node so it will point to NULL

struct Node *newNode = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = NULL;

// if Linked List is empty its is first node being entered

if (*head == NULL)
*head = newNode;
// otherwise find the current last node

// create another variable to traverse the LL

// *head should not be used as we do not want to change head
struct Node *temp = *head;

// traverse to the last node of Linked List

while (temp->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;

// assign last node's next to this newNode

temp->next = newNode;

printf ("%d inserted at the end\n", data);


void display (struct Node *node)

// as linked list will end when Node is Null
while (node != NULL)
printf ("%d ", node->data);
node = node->next;
printf ("\n");

main ()
//creating 4 pointers of type struct Node
//So these can point to address of struct type variable
struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node *node2 = NULL;
struct Node *node3 = NULL;
struct Node *node4 = NULL;

// allocate 3 nodes in the heap

head = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));
node2 = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));
node3 = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));
node4 = (struct Node *) malloc (sizeof (struct Node));

head->data = 22; // data set for head node

head->next = node2; // next pointer assigned to address of node2

node2->data = 30;
node2->next = node3;

node3->data = 24;
node3->next = node4;

node4->data = 20;
node4->next = NULL;

/*No need for & i.e. address as we do not

need to change head address
printf ("Linked List Before Operations : ");
display (head);

insertEnd (&head, 5);

insertEnd (&head, 6);
insertEnd (&head, 7);
insertEnd (&head, 8);

printf ("Linked List After Operations : ");

display (head);

return 0;
Linked List in C: Menu Driven Program

1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<stdlib.h>
3. struct node
4. {
5. int data;
6. struct node *next;
7. };
8. struct node *head;
10. void beginsert ();
11. void lastinsert ();
12. void randominsert();
13. void begin_delete();
14. void last_delete();
15. void random_delete();
16. void display();
17. void search();
18. void main ()
19. {
20. int choice =0;
21. while(choice != 9)
22. {
23. printf("\n\n*********Main Menu*********\n");
24. printf("\nChoose one option from the following list ...\n");
25. printf("\

26. printf("\n1.Insert in begining\n2.Insert at last\n3.Insert at any random loc

ation\n4.Delete from Beginning\n
27. 5.Delete from last\n6.Delete node after specified location\n7.Search for a
n element\n8.Show\n9.Exit\n");
28. printf("\nEnter your choice?\n");
29. scanf("\n%d",&choice);
30. switch(choice)
31. {
32. case 1:
33. beginsert();
34. break;
35. case 2:
36. lastinsert();
37. break;
38. case 3:
39. randominsert();
40. break;
41. case 4:
42. begin_delete();
43. break;
44. case 5:
45. last_delete();
46. break;
47. case 6:
48. random_delete();
49. break;
50. case 7:
51. search();
52. break;
53. case 8:
54. display();
55. break;
56. case 9:
57. exit(0);
58. break;
59. default:
60. printf("Please enter valid choice..");
61. }
62. }
63. }
64. void beginsert()
65. {
66. struct node *ptr;
67. int item;
68. ptr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node *));
69. if(ptr == NULL)
70. {
71. printf("\nOVERFLOW");
72. }
73. else
74. {
75. printf("\nEnter value\n");
76. scanf("%d",&item);
77. ptr->data = item;
78. ptr->next = head;
79. head = ptr;
80. printf("\nNode inserted");
81. }
83. }
84. void lastinsert()
85. {
86. struct node *ptr,*temp;
87. int item;
88. ptr = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
89. if(ptr == NULL)
90. {
91. printf("\nOVERFLOW");
92. }
93. else
94. {
95. printf("\nEnter value?\n");
96. scanf("%d",&item);
97. ptr->data = item;
98. if(head == NULL)
99. {
100. ptr -> next = NULL;
101. head = ptr;
102. printf("\nNode inserted");
103. }
104. else
105. {
106. temp = head;
107. while (temp -> next != NULL)
108. {
109. temp = temp -> next;
110. }
111. temp->next = ptr;
112. ptr->next = NULL;
113. printf("\nNode inserted");
115. }
116. }
117. }
118. void randominsert()
119. {
120. int i,loc,item;
121. struct node *ptr, *temp;
122. ptr = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
123. if(ptr == NULL)
124. {
125. printf("\nOVERFLOW");
126. }
127. else
128. {
129. printf("\nEnter element value");
130. scanf("%d",&item);
131. ptr->data = item;
132. printf("\nEnter the location after which you want to insert ");
133. scanf("\n%d",&loc);
134. temp=head;
135. for(i=0;i<loc;i++)
136. {
137. temp = temp->next;
138. if(temp == NULL)
139. {
140. printf("\ncan't insert\n");
141. return;
142. }
144. }
145. ptr ->next = temp ->next;
146. temp ->next = ptr;
147. printf("\nNode inserted");
148. }
149. }
150. void begin_delete()
151. {
152. struct node *ptr;
153. if(head == NULL)
154. {
155. printf("\nList is empty\n");
156. }
157. else
158. {
159. ptr = head;
160. head = ptr->next;
161. free(ptr);
162. printf("\nNode deleted from the begining ...\n");
163. }
164. }
165. void last_delete()
166. {
167. struct node *ptr,*ptr1;
168. if(head == NULL)
169. {
170. printf("\nlist is empty");
171. }
172. else if(head -> next == NULL)
173. {
174. head = NULL;
175. free(head);
176. printf("\nOnly node of the list deleted ...\n");
177. }
179. else
180. {
181. ptr = head;
182. while(ptr->next != NULL)
183. {
184. ptr1 = ptr;
185. ptr = ptr ->next;
186. }
187. ptr1->next = NULL;
188. free(ptr);
189. printf("\nDeleted Node from the last ...\n");
190. }
191. }
192. void random_delete()
193. {
194. struct node *ptr,*ptr1;
195. int loc,i;
196. printf("\n Enter the location of the node after which you want to perf
orm deletion \n");
197. scanf("%d",&loc);
198. ptr=head;
199. for(i=0;i<loc;i++)
200. {
201. ptr1 = ptr;
202. ptr = ptr->next;
204. if(ptr == NULL)
205. {
206. printf("\nCan't delete");
207. return;
208. }
209. }
210. ptr1 ->next = ptr ->next;
211. free(ptr);
212. printf("\nDeleted node %d ",loc+1);
213. }
214. void search()
215. {
216. struct node *ptr;
217. int item,i=0,flag;
218. ptr = head;
219. if(ptr == NULL)
220. {
221. printf("\nEmpty List\n");
222. }
223. else
224. {
225. printf("\nEnter item which you want to search?\n");
226. scanf("%d",&item);
227. while (ptr!=NULL)
228. {
229. if(ptr->data == item)
230. {
231. printf("item found at location %d ",i+1);
232. flag=0;
233. }
234. else
235. {
236. flag=1;
237. }
238. i++;
239. ptr = ptr -> next;
240. }
241. if(flag==1)
242. {
243. printf("Item not found\n");
244. }
245. }
247. }
249. void display()
250. {
251. struct node *ptr;
252. ptr = head;
253. if(ptr == NULL)
254. {
255. printf("Nothing to print");
256. }
257. else
258. {
259. printf("\nprinting values . . . . .\n");
260. while (ptr!=NULL)
261. {
262. printf("\n%d",ptr->data);
263. ptr = ptr -> next;
264. }
265. }
266. }


*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter value

Node inserted

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter value?
Node inserted

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter element value1

Enter the location after which you want to insert 1

Node inserted

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


printing values . . . . .


*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...

1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter value?

Node inserted

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter value

Node inserted

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Enter your choice?

Node deleted from the begining ...

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Deleted Node from the last ...

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter the location of the node after which you want to perform deletion

Deleted node 2

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


printing values . . . . .


*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


Enter item which you want to search?

item found at location 1
item found at location 2

*********Main Menu*********

Choose one option from the following list ...


1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element

Enter your choice?


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