10.42 The Lady's Every-Day Book
10.42 The Lady's Every-Day Book
10.42 The Lady's Every-Day Book
AUG #,
Every-Day BOOK;
New, gjqjyioN.
* *
> % ?•* * ^
Hints for Hot Weather.— The nu- plentifully diluted, and aerated waters,
merous fatalities and sickness that at- are the only safe and suitable beverages
tend hot weather, renders it important for summer temperature ; sulphuric
to guard ourselves against it as much acid, lemonade, lime-juice, and similar
as possible. The sun that ripens the preparations, are at once refreshing, and
corn for our daily bread, and allures us excellent antidotes for diarrhoea, loss
abroad by its brilliant beams, is, never- of appetite, and other disturbances of
theless, fraught with our destruction the system caused by hot weather.
if we expose ourselves too much to his Never open windows while the sun
powerful rays. shines on them, and the blinds should
From 6 to 11 a.m. are the established be wetted, or, better still, a wet blanket
hours of work in India, and those who be hung behind them. In this way
can would find it conduce to their com- any room may be kept comparatively
fort and health to adopt the same hours cool, especially those exposed to the-
for their labours during the prevalence rays of the sun.
of almost Indian weather that July and A flat vessel filled with water, on
August are so constantly attended by. which are floated branches of trees
Above all, the children should be care- covered with green leaves, is a very effi-
fully looked after in hot weather ;they cacious and pleasant means of imparting
should, as a rule, be allowed to sleep coolness to an apartment, and is much
throughout the day, and take their ex- employed in Germany.
ercise only in the morning and evening. The suspension of Indian matting,
This caution may be more particularly previously damped, at the open window,
recommended while on the accustomed tends much to diminish the heat. This
sea-side visit. True, there may some- matting may be imitated by any kind
times spring from o ver the sea a cool of plaited grass.
refreshing breeze to those sporting on But the most important thing to ob-
the sands, yet we admonish all that serveand watch is the temperature of
they would be safer within doors while —
the body we mean that we should be
the sun's power is scorching up every- very careful not to increase the heat of
thing that comes in its fiery way. the blood by animal food, either fresh
Heat, too, stimulates thirst, and it is
or seasoned, or by stimulating drinks.
important to remember that all alcoho- Nothing could be more dangerous, and
lic drinks and high feeding are great many deaths arise from the too preva-
aids in hot weather in producing sick- lent practice of indulging in animal
aess and even sunstroke. Light wines, food and alcoholic drinks, during the
— ; '
hot seasons. It is opposed to the great 5. Let your speech be neither too
physiological rule, which is to keep theloud nor too low, but adjusted t& the
body cool. ear of your companion. Endeavour to
Moderately acid drinks are both very prevent the necessity of the person you
grateful and wholesome, and are, more- are speaking to crying " what do you
over, cheap. say?"
We learnt from Franklin a century 6. Avoid a loquacious propensity
ago that the solar heat is absorbed you should never occupy more than
with greater or less facility according your share of conversation, or more
to the colour of the object exposed to than is agreeable to others.
its rays. Every one remembers how 7. Beware of such vulgar interpola-
he put pieces of cloth, similar in tex- tions as " You know," " You see/'
ture and size, but different in colour, " I'll tell you what."
upon fresh-fallen snow in the sunlight, 8. Learn when to use and when to
and how he found the snow melted omit the aspirate li. This is an indis-
under the pieces of doth quickest when pensable mark of a lady's education.
the cloth was black, less quickly under 9. Pay a strict regard to the rules
the blue, green, purple, red, yellow, of grammar even in private conversa-
in the order enumerated, and very tion. If you do not understand those
slowly indeed under the white. rules learn them, whatever be your age
Each day's experience shows us that or station.
we do not need to be made of snow 10. Though you should always con-
in order to melt rapidly under a black verse pleasantly, do not mix loud bursts
dress. "What we require for comfort of laughter with it.
for summer wear is of course a light 12. Above all, let your conversation
or white material, in order that the be intellectual, graceful, chaste, discreet,
heat rays may be reflected as much and edifying and profitable.
absorbed as little as possible. —
Furs and Moths. Ladies are very
The material should be porous properly anxious about keeping their
should imprison, that is, large quanti- furs free from moths during the sum-
ties of air in its texture, and serve, mer months. A writer who may be
therefore, as a very bad conductor of relied on, says darkness is all that is
heat, while at the same time facilitat- needed. This little grey moth, or
ing evaporation of the moisture from " miller," which deposits the eggs,
the surface of the body. moves only in the light. Enclose the
These qualities are possessed in the article loosely in a paper box, put this
highest degree by white flannel, and in a pillow-case, or wrap it round with
there is no reason that we can find, re- a cloth, and hang up in a dark closet.
marks the Lancet, why this material Camphor, spices, or perfumes, are of no
should not be generally adopted. use. Continual darkness is sufficient.
Propriety of Speech. 1. You must And do not take out the furs in June
be quite as anxious to talk with pro- or July to give them an " airing," for
priety as you are to think, work, sing, even then cometh the enemy, and it
paint, or write according to the most may be that in ten minutes after ex-
correct rules. posure to the light and sun has de-
2. Always select words calculate£T%o posited a hundred eggs in the article.
convey an exact impression of your If you consider an airing indispensable,
meaning. give the furs a good switching and put
3. Let your articulation be easy, them quickly back.
clear, correct in accent, and suited in [We do not see why the old pre-
tone and emphasis to your discourse. ventives for keeping furs from moths,
4. Avoid a muttering, stuttering, such as camphor, &c, could not be
guttural, or lisping pronunciation. persisted in combined with the dark-
the feet ami legs at the same time in parted from. But should a bad state
hot water, and taking also a teaspoonf ul of health require it, and dry-nursing be
of a mixture consisting of syrup of pop- decided on, it is essential to attend both
pies, antimonial wine, and paregoric to the mode of administering the food,
elixir, in the proportions of half an as well as its kind or quality. Al-
ounce of the first, with a quarter of an though the fluid food of the infant does
ounce of each of the others, every three not so much require the mixture of
or four hours, according to the severity saliva to assist digestion, yet a degree
of the cough abstaining at the same of mastication, which increases the flow
time from a stimulating or a too nour- of this fluid, will usually be beneficial.
ishing diet. For this good reason, then, the boat
" These means will soon remove the should be discarded from the nursery
cough though it is often advisable to
: —
the mode of feeding with which is
follow them up for a few nights with most objectionable. The boat is re-
a pill of ralomel and aloes, a grain plenished and laid on the tongue of the
of each, in relief of the secondary de- infant the food is poured on these
rangements of the liver and associated parts of the throat, the irritability of
organs, which constantly succeed to which immediately prompts them, in
cold and from, the neglect of which, self-defence, to the act of swallowing.
though persons often get well of the The most judicious mode, because
prominent affections of the chest, they the nearest approximation to the nip-
yet remain for a length of time after- ple, is the sucking-bottle. In its use,
wards valetudinary. however, great cleanliness must be ob-
Tests of Pure Water.—The fol- served. The mouth of the bottle should
lowing practical rules for testing the be covered with wash-leather, or the
wholesomeness of water (says Dr. Mar- nipple of a young heifer, in which a
cet) may be relied on —
1. The water
: small piece of sponge is placed, in imi-
must be perfectly colourless and trans- tation of the pores of the nipple, to
parent, leaving no deposit when al- prevent too rapid a flow. The first is
lowed to stand undisturbed. 2. It more easily kept clean but the se- ;
must be quite devoid of smell. 3. cond is the most acceptable to the child,
When litmus paper is immersed in the and, indeed, more eligible, as it brings
water, the colour of the paper must tEe necessity of constant cleansing ; it
should be removed, and its sponge with- ation of the bowels termed the Wean-
drawn, after each supply to the in- ing Brash, which appears to be most
fant, and kept in rose or distilled water, frequent in summer and autumn and ;
with a few drops of spirits of wine, and in the male oftener than in the female
re-applied when it is again used. infant.
Of the species of artificial food, we This disorder does not always appear-
give preference to the Aylesbury Con- immediately on the commencement of
densed Milk, a new preparation, but weaning. We have witnessed it fiv&
one th.'vt is fast supplanting all others weeks subsequently. It is marked by
in the estimation of nurses and doctors. frequent evacuation from the bowels,,
When not attainable, let the
this is and, occasionally, during the nausea,,
following preparation be used, which from the stomach of mucous or green
nearly resembles the milk of the mo- fluid,attended with pain. On this en-
ther : —
Fresh cow's milk, two-thirds, sue loss of appetite, wasting, fever, fret-
spring water, one -third well sweet- ; fulness and, towards the termination y
ened with loaf sugar, which is the least tumefaction of the limbs* stupor, and
liable to acidify and cloy. One tea- convulsions. We would advise, if age
spoonful of sugar is the right quantity and all other circumstances are favour-
to sweeten one pint of water, or milk. able, that weaning should be adopted
It is the large proportion of sugar, the in the more temperate months as —
bland and nutrient property of which March, April, May, and October.
renders the milk of the mare and the —
Measles. The earliest symptoms,,
ass so nearly resembling that of the commencing from ten to fourteen days
mother, for which they are eligible sub- after exposure, are redness and tume-
stitutes. faction, and water running from the
After the first three months, milk eyes ; languor, sneezing, head- ache, in-
with less water, or milk alone, should tolerance of light, dry cough, fever ;.
be given. The milk should not be on the fourth or fifth day the skin is
sweetened until a few minutes before covered with small, slightly raised, red
it is given to the baby, or it will turn spots, coalescing and forming red patches
sour. Neither should it be warmed of a circular form, with often a few
over a fire for when milk and water
; purple spots sometimes bleeding at
are used, the warm water will make the the nose on the seventh or eighth day
One of the first symptoms of it is a heat thing to prevent the radiation of heat
in the mouth, perceptible while suck- from the ground, whilst clouds act as
ling. The 4&ild's food should be less- an obstruction to the heat conse- ;
these injure by a direct influence on the ground beneath a tree in full folL
the brain, in inducing stupor, and in- age remains dry.
directly, by totally suppressing that dis- It is a wise adaptation of Providence
charge which was, within limits, a na- that those things which require most
tural effort to relieve. moisture radiate heat most freely, and
Equally erroneous is it to administer collect the largest quantity of dew ;
full doses of anodynes for the purpose of grass, vegetables, and the leaves of
lulling to sleep. We do not so decidedly plants,which are dependent upon it for
object to the rubbing of the gum with sustenance, part with their warmth
one drop of the soothing syrup if this
; rapidly and abundantly, while polished
"be not swallowed, it will sometimes be metal and smooth stones are bad radi-
"beneficial. ators of heat.
A coral is not the substance most In all cultivated ground, also, a large
proper for an infant's gums to press supply of dew is yielded for loose soil
on. A penny square of India rubber, readily throws off its warmth, and the
cut in the form of a cross, is the most genial moisture sinks down to nourish
.suitable for the tender gums. the seeds and roots lying embosomed
If the bowels are confined, and will in the earth. How little we consider
not yield to diet, a gentle purgative, as the wise arrangement of these seeming
magnesia or castor-oil, must be given We
trifles ! pass by, and think not of
without delay. Lancing the gums should such trivial things, and yet God heeds
always be adopted if they are swollen, them, and forgets not the use of even
red, hot, and painful. The warm-bath a drop of dew.
will be found an excellent soother, espe- On a gusty night the wind evapo-
cially where irritation exists. rates the dew as it falls, and in the
Dew. Who does not admire the morning the flowers are disappointed
bright crystal drops that in the early of their fresh glittering ornaments.
morning glisten and sparkle on every The Death Watch. — A Naturalist
leaf and flower, and every blade of grass ? upon going into my
tells us, that, "
Who, in young, careless childhood, has bedroom one night I heard what is
commonly called the Death Watch.'
ceeding the bounds of prudence, the
My inquisitiveness being roused, I de- male, (I presume it to have been,)
termined, if possible, to discover, and having discovered from below a pin-
have a look at, the author of the tick- hole in the paper, had, most indis-
ing. I listened, and after some time creetly, thrust himself through it, and
traced the sound, as I thought, to my after a ramble on the fine smooth
empty hat-box on a chest of drawers. plateau on which he emerged, he, not
I approached gently, and placed my ear having taken proper land-marks, was
close to the box. Yes there it was
! not able again to find his hole of exit.
indeed ! I examined the box on the He thereupon sprang his rattle of alarm,
outside, but saw nothing of life upon and commenced a frantic search for a
it. I lifted the lid, the ticking ceased way of ingress, at which occupation I
at once. I examined the inside of the first discovered him. His deserted mate,
box in every crevice, but found nothing. doubtless in no less an excited state,
I shut the lid again and was quiet. answering with the utmost vigour of
Again was commenced the intermittent her latter- end, to call the wandering
ticking I was certain the sound came
loved one back.
from the box, and was puzzled. I again Pictures on the Wall. — If very
opened the lid and made a most minute well chosen, pictures add much to the
search ; I tore the joinings of the thin good appearance of the room, and im-
wood apart, and looked there-; but found part to it an air of completeness, and
nothing. I replaced the lid, and again a home-look, which many people know
the ticking commenced. I scrutinised how to appreciate. To produce this ef-
again the outside minutely, and looking fect, the subjects of the pictures must
very close, I discovered a little insect be such as we can truly sympathise
about the sixteenth of an inch in length, with, something to awaken our admi-
semi-transparent, and of a rich cream ration, reverence, or love. All the feel-
colour, rushing hither and thither over ings of our nature may be illustrated
and about a slight elevation of the pa- by pictures. There are some which we
per covering of the box, apparently seem to make bosom companions of ;
greatly excited. Every now and then others have a moral effect, and at times
he came to a full stop, and with the prevent our going astray by their si-
nether part of his tiny body struck the lent monitions.
hollow paper ten or twelve taps (which It is therefore worth while to take
were very distinctly audible) he then pains and choose good subjects, whether
set off as fast as his six (I think) legs in engravings or paintings, and to frame
could carry him. and hang them suitably when chosen.
Whilst he was thus running about I Gilt frames are most suitable for
heard another little tapping, apparently rather dark paintings, and on a deep
proceeding from underneath the small coloured wall while prints look well
hollow paper hill. My little lively friend in a frame of composition, oak, rose-
also heard it, and at once came to a wood, or bird's-eye maple, finished with
stand ; and setting his hinder parts in a gilt moulding.
motion, gave the requisite number of Care should be taken to hang them
taps, and was off again. in a proper light, so as best to bring out
I was now curious to see beneath the all the effects of the pictures, and tC>
paper, and tearing it open, (in doing place them so that the light shall fall
winch I unfortunately deprived my from the same side as represented by
insect friend of his paper drum,) I the painter.
found a similar small insect on the In picture galleries and great houses, ••
inside. I watched the interesting couple brass rods are fixed all round the room
for some time and thought I could close to the ceiling, from which the pic-
divine the cause of the tumult. Ex- tures are hung but in small rooms it
is often best not to show toe lines or set on with three pints of water, and
wires by which the pictures hang. This boiled three quarters of an hour ; then
is done by nailing a strong cord across strain. The groats may be boiled again
the back, abont two inches below the with rather more than a pint of water
top, and then suspending it from two put to them boiling, and will produce
nails standing out but a little way from nearly another pint of gruel.
the wall. For meal gruel, one large spoonful of
When there are several pictures in oatmeal (either Scotch or fine) ; mix it
a room, the ordinary rule is, to have very smoothly with two tablespoonfuls
either the upper or lower edge of the of cold water. Stir into a pint of water
frames in a line, on whichever side boiling on the fire. Let it boil briskly
they may be hung. ten or fifteen minutes, then strain.
Gruel. There are two ways of pre- For either sort of gruel, a bit of fresk
paring gruel one from the whole grain,
butter and a little salt may be stirred
whether oat, barley, or rice the other ;
in, or a little sugar and nutmeg.
from meal. The former is generally Rice gruel may be made of ground
preferred as most delicate and secure rice just in^the same manner.
from adulteration the latter is much
As it is generally prescribed when
more convenient when wanted quickly. the bowels are in a disordered state, it
There is no nicer gruel than that made is of special importance that the rice
of whole oats, with merely the husks be perfectly pure and in good keeping..
removed, or once flattened by passing Persons who often use ground rice will
through a mill. The former are called do well to have a mill, and grind it at
whole groats the latter cracked, or
home as wanted.
Embden groats the fresher they are
Astick of cinnamon and a few chips
used the better. If kept at all after of dried Seville orange-peel may be
being cracked it should be in a closely boiled in the gruel for flavour. If
shut vessel, whether glass, earthen, or rinsed and dried, they will serve two
t-in, and in a very dry place. or three times in succession. When
The Embden groats done up in paper strained, sweeten with loaf sugar, and
soon become sour. The coarse Scotch add a grate of nutmeg.
oatmeal, and fine oatmeal purchased by Rice gruel is sometimes ordered to be
measure of an honest meal- man, is far made with port wine or branchy and
preferable to those called " prepared/' it is possible for a sick person to be in
and sold in paper packets. Whether such a state as to lender these additions
it is owing to the " preparation," or suitable,but they should never be used
the mode of keeping, it is hard to but in cases of emergency, and under
obtain^from the latter article good, well- medical direction. In ninety- nine cases
iiavoured gruel. out of a hundred they would do no
For groat gruel, the whole or cracked good, but would probably do great
groats should be set on with cold water, harm. We are pleased to observe a
and a sufficient quantity of it to allow growing reluctance on the part of the
for at least one -third boiling away. It profession to prescribe alcohol but ia
must be frequently stirred, and should most exceptional cases.
not be allowed to boil over. It i3 not Thick gruel, whether of oat, barley,
merely the quantity actually spilt that or rice, may
be thinned with new milk,
is wasted, but in the early stage of the and is a very nourishing and agreeable
process the most nourishing part of the food, when the particular disorder does
grain rises in the form of scum, which not render it unsuitable.
afterwards sinks, and then enriches the —
Chest Preservers. No portion of
whole. the human body requires more protec-
A quarter of a pint of groats will tion from cold than the chest. Various
make one quart of thick gruel being , chest protectors, as they aie termed,
— .
to ornament the amateur's villa, or the or larch, may be used by fixing them
firmly in the ground in a triangular paper knives, hand mirror, card bas-
shape, three feet square at the base, the kets (four designs), letter rack, corner
ends being brought together at the top, bracket, blotting book slide, envelope
and tied with some stiong tarred cord box, thermometer plate, or finger plate
or stout copper wire, and then three for door, ornament for top of ware
roses of the same variety, or of differ- window blind, picture frame, book side,
ent kinds, according to taste, to be photograph frame, table easel, key and
planted one at the foot of each pole, trinket cupboard, reading desk, with
And trained so that when in full foli- wood hinges, finger plates for doors,
age and blossom a handsome tall pyra- hand mirror, flower-pot cover, hanging
mid will become apparent, formed of book shelves, bread and butter plat,
the beauteous and odoriferous queen ters, dragon-fly bracket, picture, 01
of flowers. mirror frame showing carved fretwork,
Perforated Carving and Fret- &c. &c.
Cutting Ladies will find the art of We
give this enumeration of designs
Fretwork or Perforated Carving one contained in Mr. Bemrose's volume,
well worthy their attention as an agree- with a view of showing the numerous
able employment for their hours of useful purposes for which this art is
leisure. "We class this art as the first capable. Nor need it be restricted to
for utility and beauty amongst the these, which are only to be received
numerous ones specially awarded to as an earnest of a hundred other do-
their delicate manipulation. There is mestic articles this feminine art may
really no limit to the useful articles be made available.
that may be made with the aid of this Our author says, " simple Fretwork,
accomplished art. Happily, too, it is of good design, is rich and pleasing to
easy to acquire, and the tools and ap- the eye, but this effect is greatly in-
paratus required for its performance
" creased when the aid of the carving
are inexpensive to purchase. Mr. W. tools is called in, to further embellish
Uemrose, Junr., in his beautiful vo- it and, it being further advisable that
lume of designs and instructions in the amateur, after having mastered the
the art has made it so clear to those simple art of Fretwork, should proceed
who choose to pursue it, that there is to the more advanced operation of
nothing but perseverance required on Wood Carving, she must study well
the part of the student. the instructions given in the " Manual
In his introductory remarks, Mr. of Wood Carving," (published by Bem-
Bemrose observes —
" Fretwork, or
: rose and Sons, Paternoster Row), which
Perforated- Carving, is an agreeable, contains upwards of 130 designs.
useful, and ornamental art to practice, Fret- Cutting and Wood- Carving are
and one that can be easily accom- susceptible of developing manual dex-
plished by a lady it has also the fur-
; terity and taste to a very considerable
ther advantage of being an employ- extent. These sister- arts, pursued by
ment for leisure moments, which is the simple method pointed out in the
neither expensive, nor one that re- volumes referred to, will be found
quires a special apartment, as it can useful in many ways other than those
be practised in any room, and upon for which instructions and elaborate
an ordinary table." designs are given. The theory once
The volume which makes this art so acquired, the practice of the art can
easy and accessible to ladies, conduct- be extended, as we have said before,
ing them, as it were, by a royal road to in innumerable ways to embellish our
its acquisition, contains fifty-three ex- homes, and convert them into homes
quisite designs and instructions for of taste.
book slides, brackets, book-rests, table Preservation of the Teeth. —Ho-
mat, or panel for window plant box, race Walpoie says in his " Letters,"
' —— :
Do not let your brushes be too hard, of the brain often, in nervous fever,
as they are likely to irritate the gums announcing the approach of a favour-
you buy, as many are prepared with Dreams about blood and red objects
destructive acids. Those who brush are signs of inflammatory conditions.
their teeth carefully and thoroughly Dreams about rain and water are
with tepid water and a soft brush (cold often signs of deceased mucous mem-
water should never be used, for it chills branes and dropsy.
and injures the nerves) have no occa- Dreams of distorted forms are fre-
sion to use powder. quently a sign of abdominal obstruc-
Should any little incrustation (tartar) tions and disorder of the liver.
appear on the sides or at the back of Dreams in which the patient sees any
the teeth, which illness and very often part of the body especially suffering,
the constant eating of sweetmeats, indicates disease in that part.
fruit,and made dishes containing acids The nightmare, with great sensitive-
will cause, put a little magnesia on your ness, is a sign of determination of blood
brush, and after two or three applica- to the chest.
tions it will remove it. White treating Rules of Sleep, Dr. Forbes Wins-—
on the care of the teeth, which is a sub- low wisely says there is no fact more
ject of the highest importance to those clearly established in the physiology of
who have young families, and in fact man than that the brain expends
every one who wishes to preserve them, its energies and
itself during the hours
we beg to remind our readers that as of wakefulness and that these are re-
the period generally occupied by sleep cuperated during sleep. If the recupe-
is calculated to be about (at least) six ration does not equal the expenditure,
hours out of the twenty-four, it would •the brain withers —
this is insanity.
greatly promote the healthful mainte- Thus it is that, in early English His-
nance of the priceless pearls whose loss tory, persons who were condemned to
or decay so greatly influences our ap- death by being prevented from sleep-
pearance and our comfort if we were to ing, always died raving maniacs thus ;
of cheese, flesh, sweetmeats, fruit, &c, most brain work, require most sleep.
in a state of decomposition, remaining 2nd. That time " saved " from ne-
wedged between our teeth for six or cessary sleep is infallibly destructive to
seven hours yet how few ever take the
mind, body, and estate.
trouble to attend to this most certain Give your servants, your children,
cause of toothache, discolouration, and
decay, entailing the miseries of scaling,
yourself give all that are under you
the fullest amount of sleep they will
within a fortnight, nature, with almost ter of a pint of wheat in water for three
the regularity of the rising sun, will or four hours, then drain off the liquid,
unloose the bonds of sleep the moment and add a quart of milk, with which
enough repose has been secured for the has been previously mixed two table-
wants of the system. spoonsful of flour, two eggs, quarter of
This is the only safe and sufficient a pound of currants, a little lemon peel
yule and as to the question how much
and cinnamon ; boil for about twenty
sleep any one requires, each must be a minutes and sweeten no doubt this is
rule for himself great nature will
never fail to write it out to the ob-
very nourishing, but it is heavy and
difficult of digestion if taken at all it
server under the regulations now set should be as a very occasional luxury „.
were carefully investigated a short time most easily digested kinds, are those
back by two eminent chemists, Messrs. which are soft and pulpy, having the
Versmann and Oppenheim. They un- seeds enclosed in a pouch, skin, or rind,
doubtedly demonstrated that linen and such as grapes, currants, gooseberries^,
cotton goods dried af ter immersion in a strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,
solution of one or other of several salts mulberries, among, native, and oranges
possessed the property of non-inflam- and lemons among imported fruits ap- ;
mability, and that the best results were ples, although not soft and pulpy, are
obtained with a solution of sulphate of very wholesome but as much cannot
ammonia, or of tungstate of soda, nei- be said for pears and medlars, as, in
ther of which liquids produced any in- most kinds of these, decomposition
jurious effect upon the tissue or colour commences directly the ripening pro-
, of the fabric. The tungstate of soda cess is completed, so that they are sel-
solution was found most applicable to dom eaten in a perfectly sound state.
laundry purposes, on account of its not Stone fruits, such as cherries, plums,
interfering in any way with the process apricots, &c,, are not so wholesome as
of ironing. Muslins, &c, steeped in a those with seeds, although taken in
seven per cent of sulphate of ammonia, moderation they act beneficially, espe-
or a twenty per cent solution of tung- cially in a cooked state. Melons and
state of soda, and then dried, may be pine apples we must pronounce deci-
held in the flame of a candle or gas dedly unwholesome.
lamp without taking fire. That portion With regard to the best time for
of the stuff in contact with the light eating fruit, let us observe that it is di-
becomes charred and destroyed, but it gestible in proportion to its perfection,
does not inflame, and consequently the and, therefore, care should be taken to
burning state does not spread to the have it perfectly ripe, and yet not in a
rest of this material. state of decay. Most juicy fruits are
Frumenty. We give a receipt for best taken in hot weather, and the
the preparation of this article of diet, drier kinds in the cold seasons. The
— . —
ing allowed to cool, is cut into shapes, Boil two eggs for ten minutes, and then
which are dipped in butter and fried. put them in cold water for three or four
Here are several forms of it : minutes, so that the yolks may become
LPass some potatoes through a quite cold and hard. Rub them through
sieve, stir into them a little melted but- a coarse sieve with a wooden spoon, and
ter and enough whole eggs to form a mix them with a tablespoonf ul of cream,
stiffish paste season with salt, pepper,
; and then add two tablespoonsful of fine
and a little nutmeg form into the ; flask oil, or melted butter mix, and
shape of little balls, and dip in batter add by degrees, a teaspoonful of salt,
and fry. This may be varied by adding and the same quantity of mustard ;
a little cream, also some ham or Bo- mix till smooth, when incorporate with
logna sausage finely minced, and some the other ingredients about three table-
chopped parsley. spoonsful of vinegar then pour this
2. Have
a saucepan with about a pint sauce down the side of the salad bowl,
of boiling water and one ounce of but- but do not stir up the salad till wanted
ter ; drop into this gradually with the to be eaten.
hand some Indian corn flour, stirring Garnish the top of the salad with the
all the time until you get a liquid paste. white of the eggs cut in slices or these
Take care not to put too much flour, may be arranged in such manner as to
and to put in gradually, else it will be ornamental on the table. Some
form into knots and spoil the dish. persons may fancy they are able to pre-
Removing the saucepan from the fire, pare a salad without previous instruc-
you stir into the paste a good allowance tion, but, like everything else, a little
of grated Parmesan cheese, a little salt knowledge in this case may not be
and pepper, and pour out your paste thrown away.
on a marble slab to cool. When cold, —
Care of Linen. When linen is well
cut it out into any shape and fry. The dried and laid by for use, nothing more
addition of ham or sausage can also be is necessary than to secure it from
made to this. damp and insects the latter may be
3. Make
the paste as above, only with provided against by a mixture of aro-
common corn flour when half cold stir
; matic shrubs and flowers, sewed in sil-
into it some yolks of eggs, and flavour ken bags, to be interspersed among the
it with pepper, salt, and nutmeg ; add drawers and shelves. These may con-
chopped parsley and minced ham, then sist of lavender, thyme, roses, cedar-
treat it as the others ; or you may fla- shavings, powdered sassafras, cassia, lig-
vour it with cheese. All the above nea, &., into which a few drops of otto
pastes may be fried without being pre- of roses, or other strong-scented per-
viously dipped in batter, but it is more fume, may be thrown. In all cases it
difficult to fry them creditably that will be found consistent with economy,
way. to examine and repair all washable ar-
Mixing a Salad. —This is a point ticles, especially linen, that may stand
of proficiency which it is easy to attain in need of it, previous to sending it to
with care. The main point is, to incor- the laundry. It will also be prudent
porate the several articles required for to have every article carefully num-
the sauce, and to serve up at table as bered, and so arranged, after washing,
rinsing and hanging them where they else a chisel and hammer will quickly
will be dry when the next yard is knock off aeme pretty specimens. All
washed. Finish yard after yard in this loose seaweeds must be taken out of the
way, rubbing each clean and dry as you tank, as they will quickly corrode the
go. Keep a good fire in the room to water. The smooth anemone is the
dry the carpet thoroughly. most healthy of that class, and there-
This is a tedious but thorough pro- fore well suited for the aquarium they;
cess. Hearth-rugs may be cleaned in look, when out of the water, like little
the same way, beating and brushing lumps of green and red jelly sticking
them well, and tacking them on a large to the rock, having in this state a most
board before washing. Scrub one-sixth uninviting appearance by passing the
present a much more charming aspect. white film, which ought to be removed
They are soon surrounded by a beauti- with a camel hair brush, and after being
ful fringe, and when fully expanded, a released from it they will usually ex-
row of little blue globules may be tend their tentacles.
seen. It is as well to have some shell-fish
Another anemone well suited for the in the aquarium, as some of them, par-
aquarium, and on some coasts nearly ticularly the periwinkle and silver-top
as common as the moss, is the straw- are very useful in keeping the sides of
berry anemone, so called from its re- the tank clean.
semblance to the fruit of that name. The acorn shells with which many of
The " gem " and the " daisy " ane- the rocks are covered, are a decided risk
mone are also very hardy little animals, in an aquarium. Though out of water
though much more difficult to procure. they look most unattractive, no sooner
For though common enough they are are they put in than they completely
less easily seen, and have a way of fix- change their appearance, extending nu-
ing themselves in small crevices, out of merous little feelers like so many fea-
which it is very troublesome to get thers, which they wave about most
them. gracefully. Though very pretty at first
Of all the anemones the " crass " is in an aquarium, they soon get lazy, and
the most delicate, but will repay any cease to put out their feelers, and often
trouble, as, when fully expanded, it pre- die, scenting the water with a most
sents a most magnificent appearance. disagreeable smell of gas, which kills all
It is only to be found at low water, and the other inhabitants.
then, when left dry by the tide, looks Crabs are most amusing inmates of
like a dry mass of sand and shells — an aquarium, as they wander over the
very difficult and tedious task it is to whole place, often, however, coming
procure one without injuring the base. to an untimely end, by venturing too
It ought to be placed at the bottom of near the " crass," which is certain de-
the tank, as accustomed to plenty struction, as its tentacles have a wonder-
it is
of water. When a " crass " is not in fully tenacious power, and will retain a
a healthy state, it begins to puff out crab much larger than itself. A her-
striped bladders from its mouth, which mit crab does not live very well in con-
gradually get to an enormous size ;
finement, but while it does it is most
when this occurs it is not likely to live amusing. It has a soft tail, and to
long, and had therefore better at once shield it lives in any shell it happens to
be taken out of the tank. The crass is come across, often previously destroy-
of an exceedingly voracious nature, and ing the rightful owner. It is most in-
will eat any amount of food. None of teresting watching one changing its
the anemones are particular what kind home if an empty shell is put near, it
To keep the heels a few inches apart, the next, white the third, black and
; ;
the neck slightly curved, and the face the outer, white, bordered with green.
and side turned towards the target. The mode of counting the hits, is by
The Aim. When the arrow is three the following increased scale one in ;
parts drawn, the aim is to be taken in ; the gold, counts nine ; one, red, counts
doing this, the pile of the feather should three inner white, one as two ; in
appear to the right of the mark the ; black, four counts as five ; the outer
arrow is then drawn to its head, and white, one counts as one. The prize
immediately loosened. Observe well can be computed in this manner by
the distance and the lateral direction numbers, or, as is sometimes preferred,
in taking aim, for there is no bow that by the hit nearest the centre of the
will send an arrow many feet straight gold.
without some elevation, though it may —
To Draw the Bow. The bow should
be slight ; but when the distanc is be held with the left hand, placing the
many yards, and the bows weak, the arrow on the under side of the string,
elevation would be considerably in- and the upper side of the bow, until the
creased. To meet this unavoidable con- head of the arrow reaches about three
tingency, the bow should be somewhat inches beyond the left hand, and there
raised above the object aimed at. It secure it with the fore-finger while the
is impossible to shoot an arrow straight right hand is removed down to the
to a point, and, if so shot, will fall be- notch, or " nock," as it is more gene-
low it, for it is subject to the earth's rally termed amongst archers. Then
attraction. Therefore much practice is raise the arrow until the dark feather is
required properly to arrange the eleva- uppermost then pass it down the bow,
tion, and in this nice matter much will and fix it on the " nocking" part of
depend of course on the strength of the the string. Have shooting-gloves on
bow and the distance of the shot. the fingers when drawing the bow.
Again, there is the lateral direction Place a finger on each side of the arrow
to be considered by the lateral direc- on the string, and, to steady it, the
tion we mean the side to which the thumb on the opposite side then ex- ;
bow is directed which depends very tend the bow by means of the arrow
much on the state of the wind, by which and the string to the full length of the
the arrow in it3 flight is materially af- outstretched left arm, till the right
fected. If the wind blows from the hand reaches beyond the bottom of the
left hand, the bow should incline to the left ear and thus the arrow is raised
left, and if from the right hand, to the or pointed to an exact line with the
right. centre or bull's-eye of the target, when
The Position. —A
glance at our Illus- nothing more is required than to speed
tration will at once show this. Stand the arrow on its lightning way to the
at right angles with the target, turning object aimed at.
the face over the left shoulder. The Implements. —
The bow best adapted
heels, as we have before observed, must for the use of ladies is made of lance-
wood, and should not exceed five feet be not above the strength of the fair
in length. The resisting power should archer.
not be more than twenty- three pounds, Arrows, in their weight, must be duly
and scrupulous regard should be ob- proportioned to the power of the bow,
served when purchasing a bow that it and preference given to those which
taper from the pile to the feathers. fingers, the tassel to wipe the arrows
The brace, which is made of stout when covered with dirt from striking
leather, is buckled round the bow arm the ground, and a belt to contain the
just above the wrist, to prevent the pouch or quiver, are the other ordinary
string from hurting it. accessories for following the delightful
The shooting-glove to protect the and healthy pastime of archery.
Bead Mosaic. This elegant in the manipulation of this art,
art for ladies will well repay the which is applicable to many pur-
patience required for its due per- poses, and has the advantage of
formance. In the following re- being executed with greater ra-
spects it differs from common pidity, and possessing more dura-
bead- work, for the beads are fixed bility than any other kind of
.-;-^<-:Uv V.--'
gles,' may be found serviceable, .^nd a smaller brush should be taken, and a
time will be economised by using them. little of the cement applied with it to a
Beads of as many different colours as portion of the outline of one of the ob-
possible should be provided, and the jects in the design, as the back of the
mosaicist will do well to have a large fox. To hold the beads while at work,
stock of these to select from but those
; it is well to have a number of little china
beads which are of mixed colour should palettes, or similar shallow receptacles,
be avoided, as they will give more trou- into which a small number of each of
ble, and not be so good in effect as the the different coloured beads may be
self-coloured beads. If gold beads which poured. From one of these, with a box-
are thickly gilt with genuine metal can point, finely tapered to enter the holes
be procured, they will be of great value in their centres, take some of the beads
for enriching the work. Steel beads of the required colour, and arrange them
should be avoided, as being liable to side by side in a row within the outline ;
while above and below it the lines might mine, or crimson lake, gamboge, Prus-
be flowing. As the work proceeds, it sian blue, and opaque ivory black.
should be smoothed and flattened, by These colours are in fine powder, and,
pressing it gently with a small and per- when used, must be mixed with picture
fectly smooth piece of ivory or box- copal varnish, diluted, when necessary,
wood and when the whole design is with spirits of turpentine.
finished — for the purpose of finally cor- There were also be required a few
recting any irregularity of surface — sable pencils, a flat camel's-hair brush,
piece of paper should be laid over it, some picture copal varnish, and a little
and it should be pressed down with a spirits of turpentine.
flat iron, moderately heated. The materials being ready, proceed
Finally, linseed oil must be spread as follows : —
Lay the glass flat on the
over the work, and allowed to run be- print or drawing to be copied, and with
tween the beads, and finely-powdered a very fine sable pencil and ivory black,
whitening sprinkled upon it, and well mixed with varnish, trace all the out-
worked with the brush into the inter- lines. When thoroughly dry, raise it to
stices. This will at the same time tho- a slanting position, by placing it upon a
roughly cleanse the surface from any frame with pieces of upright wood upon
cement, and by forming a kind of putty either side, and a sheet of white paper
between the beads, combine them into flat beneath it by this means the effect
a compact mass. The face of the bead- of the colouring, which may at once
work may be wiped clean with a soft be proceeded with, will be better seen.
rag. In a few days, when the linseed One caution is perhaps here necessary ;
oil and whitening have become tho- be careful not to rub up the black in
roughly dry, and have set, the whole the colouring, as it is liable to smear if
will be so firm that it will bear any rea- much worked over.
On this account
sonable amount of rough usage without moist ivory-black is frequently, and
injury to the work. with advantage, substituted for putting
The subjects most easily worked in in the outline. It may he used with a
bead mosaic are those of a flat character, pen most conveniently, fine or coarse at
such as geometrical patterns, and the the points, according to the nature of
art is admirably adapted to the repre- the work. When finished, the painting
sentation of heraldic devices. Strictly should be fixed up in the window with
pictorial subjects are more difficult of the unpainted side outwards.
treatment, especially if they are brought A few hints as to mixing the colours
very near to the eye. may be useful. The nearest approxi-
Where a rim of dark w^ood surrounds mation to scarlet is made by the ad-
the mosaic, it will always be well to mixture of gamboge with rose madder,
place next it a border of gold, yellow, crimson lake, or carmine; for greens,
or other light beads ; but where the verdigris is very brilliant^ and almost
rim is gilded, if there be no suitable dark every shade may be made by adding
colour next it in the design, a border yellow lake, or brown pink, in different
of black beads should be placed adjoin proportions. When a flat even tint is
ing it. required, the camel-hair brush is used,
Painting upon Glass with Var- and a dabbsr (made by simply covering
nish.— This method is adapted well a little cotton wool with fine leather),
for copying pictures on windows. The which is particularly useful for back-
following colours, specially prepared by grounds in figure subjects, and skies in
Messrs. Barnard and Son, 339, Oxford landscapes, and this applies also to the
Street, are nearly all the materials ne- use of water-colours. When your paint-
cessary for its due fulfilment : ing is finished it must be caref ully var-
Raw and burnt sienna, brown pink, nished. This pretty art may be exe-
yellow, lake, ultramarine, verdigris, car- cuted at small cost,
20 TH£ LAWS fcVtekY-DAy BOOK:
Names. — Agreat point in the se- characters should readily be given. The
lection of names is, not to give your servant who applies for the character,
children such high-sounding names as and the person for whose information
may in after-life make them appear lu- it isgiven, are equally benefited. In-
dicrous in the eyes of the world when deed, there is no class to whom it is of
pursuing an ordinary or common occu- so much importance that characters
pation. It is perfectly true that Plato should be freely given as to honest ser-
recommended to parents to give happy vants.
names to their children, and that Py- Masters and mistresses need be under
thagoras taught that the minds, actions, no apprehension of the consequences of
and successes of men, were according making such communications for the ;
to their fate, genius, and names but ; law very properly treats them as privi-
such a doctrine is wholly untenable by leged where the occasion is justifiable,
any rational system of philosophy. and the party makes them honestly and
Weknew a lady (she is dead now) bona fide, and with a sincere and con-
who had in her girlhood been an in- scientious belief that they are true. It
veterate reader of plays and novels, is where masters and mistresses wan-
from which she had gathered all the tonly and capriciously volunteer, or from
long-winded, high-sounding, and chi- spite and malice make statements inju-
valrous names which are usually found rious to the servant, that they are not
to belong to the heroes and heroines protected. Indeed, in one case it was
of such productions. These she un- held, where a servant, upon the strength
hesitatingly appropriated and treasured of a character given by ner mistress,
in her memory till the happy time got a place, and that it was afterwards
would arrive when she should have an discovered that the character Was unde-
opportunity of conferring some of them served, that the mistress was morally
upon her own offspring. Accordingly bound to inform the new mistress of
this period did arrive, but the novel- the circumstances, and that the com-
reading lady had united herself to a munication made concerning them was
butcher, and she came to stand in the privileged,
public market selling meat. She had a Ail facts ought to be disclosed which
large family, and these she had desig- might be supposed fairly to weigh with
nated, to the great horror of her com- or influence another in engaging or re-
mon-place husband, after the Orlandos, jecting a servant ; for the suppression
Dianas, Desdemonas, and the like. This of the truth is as unjustifiable as om un-
being the case, on a busy day, she might true statement. It is much to be regret-
be heard crying in her shop, " Orlando, ted that, through timidity or a mistaken
Koclerigo, Alexander Smith, fetch the sense of kindness, this important duty
cleaver !" Than this there could be of giving true and faithful characters is
nothing more absurd. not oftener observed. If such a duty
Characters to Servants. Masters — were the more habitually recognised,
and mistresses are not bound to give a the more would servants find it to their
character the refusal to do so, how-
; interest to conduct themselves with
ever, might not ,only appear to arise propriety, and to the satisfaction of
from vindictive feeling, but might even their masters and mistresses and honest;
be more prejudicial to a servant than a servants would not have such frequent
fair statement of the facts affecting the reason to complain of characters being
character, from which the person re- given with an unfairness and a want of
questing it would be at liberty to draw discrimination which place the bad on
his own conclusions, and act upon his a footing of equality with the good.
or her own judgment. As a general Written Characters. The princi- —
rule, therefore, it is right and proper, pal objections to written characters are
and of importance to the public, that the difficulty, if not the impossibility,
Nor are masters and mistresses re- sort should be used without knowing
sponsible to their servants for accidents the ingredients of which it is composed.
occurring to them from the carelessness If mineral and metallic substances form
of their fellow- servants or others, un- their bases, or even if present in con-
less the}T have knowingly employed a siderable quantities, they cannot fail to
grossly incompetent person. be injurious, and produce effects much
Dismissal of Servants. Servants more to be deprecated than those they
may be dismissed without warning for are employed to conceal. Vegetable
grossly immoral conduct, for wilful preparations, on the contrary, especially
misappropriation of their master's or if no t compounded 'with vinegar, are
mistress's property, or for wilful dis- little* liable to be hurtful when used in
obedience. moderation. The following preparation
If the instances of such gross mis- will be found free from these objec-
conduct cannot be clearly established tions >:
— s
by such evidence as would satisfy im- There is a Brazil wood of a fine gol-
partial persons, it will be more proper den red, called Pernambouc Brazil wood.
and prudent to pay the month's wages. Of this take nine ounces, cut it into
Where a servant was negligent in his little bits, and pound them well in a
conduct, frequently absent when his clean iron mortar, with a very heavy
master wanted him, it was held that pestle, so as to bruise the wood almost
his master had a right to discharge to a pulp. Put it into a well-tinned
him without notice. So where a servant stew-pan, with a quart of the best
requested leave to absent herself during white-wine vinegar, and let them boil
the night to enable her to visit her mo- together during half-an-hour over a
ther, who was seriously ill, and her mis- good fire, keeping the stew-pan well
tress refused such leave, and she never- covered strain the liquid through linen,
theless went, it was held that she was pouring out everything that will g<?
justifiably dismissed. through put it again into the stevC
The latter is an extreme case, and pan, which must previously be well
probably arose from the master finding washed and wiped, and place it once
it absolutely necessary, for the conve- more over the fire meanwhile dissolve ;
nience of her family, to refuse her ser- in a pint of the same kind of vinegar
vant leave but it serves to illustrate four ounces and a half of pounded
the law, that a servant's time is at the alum. Mix the two liquids together
master's and mistress's disposal, and over the fire, stir them well with a
that the servant is bound to obey all wooden spoon entirdy fre-e from grease,
and let them gently simmer. A scum and, in short, so be-rouged herself, that
will now rise, which, with a very clean when she appeared in a ball-room,
skimmer, must be carefully taken off, whither she was instantly hurried by
well drained, and then placed upon the impatience of her companions, who
sheets of white letter-paper. This scum were altogether ignorant of her mishap,
must be gradually dried in a very slack every one stared at and shunned her.
oven, or on a stove very little heated, or A report soon spread that she had been
before the fire taking care that no dust
suddenly seized with a malignant scar-
falls upon it. When dry it will form a let fever. She was immediately hurried
most beautiful rouge, which will not away ; she had forgotten all about the
injure the most sensitive skin. rouge, and so excited had her feelings
What is generally used as rouge is, become, that she seemed really threat-
however, merely a preparation of the ened with the dreaded disease. On
colour sold in the shops under the name reaching home, however, the cause of
of " pink saucer." It is prepared in a her strange appearance was explained.
variety of ways to suit the fancies of The application of the wet towel to the
individuals, some preferring it in pow- half-dried rouge had streaked her face,
der, others in the form of a pomade, so as to give it a most singular look.
some, en crepons, while a fourth class As this preparation, when it once dries,
choose to apply it in a liquid form. cannot be removed by any application
When it is preferred in powder, take of soap and water, she was obliged to
Briancon chalk, or talc, reduced to a confine herself to her room for more
very fine powder, mix with carmine in than a fortnight her numerous ad-
due proportion, and carefully triturate. mirers, in the meantime, suffering un-
The preparation may be applied to the speakable anxiety from the report that
cheeks by means of a little bag or ball she was dying of a malignant fever.
of cambric or muslin. A pomade is In order to impart brilliancy to the
easily formed, b}r adding the carmine complexion, white paint is sometimes
to a mixture of white wax and soft po- used, but its use is principally confined
made. This variety is applied by means to theatrical ladies. As almost the
of the finger, being rubbed on the cheek whole of these paints are compounded
in small quantities until it ceases to of metallic substances, they are very
feel greasy. injurious. But such objections do nob
Rouge en crepons are pieces of gauze apply to the following recipe for a sim-
or silk crape, which have been steeped ple preparation :
in rouge, and being rubbed on the cheek, Pound a piece of Briancon chalk, and
import their colour to the complexion. pass it thromgh a sieve of fine silk into
Liquid rouge requires to be very care- a pint of good distilled vinegar ; shake
fully applied, from its being so very apt the liquid several times a- day for about
to be administered in undue quantity. a fortnight : then pour off the vinegar,
In France they have a preparation of and fill the vessel with clear filtered
rouge called " Vinaigre de Rouge de water, stirring it well with a wooden
Maille," which is applied to the cheek spatula ; when the chalk settles to the
by means of a bit of raw cotton and bottom, pour the water gently off. Re-
gentle friction. As it does not colour peat this process several times, until the
until it begins to dry, great caution is powder attains to the desired softness
necessary in its application. and whiteness. The water may then be
humorous story is told of a young poured off, and the chalk dried so as to
Englishwoman, who, ignorant of this be quite free from dust. It may be ap-
quality of the vinaigre," applied an plied by means of a small piece of raw
over-dose, and in her nervous anxiety cotton touched with pomade, to make
to remove" it, rubbed her cheeks with a the powder adhere to the skin.
towel and spread it all over her face, Now for a word of counsel to our
tent spell than all the known cosmetics should the bread turn sour, and they
the earth could fabricate. Be content partake of it, it will cause their death.
to use that universal soap and water At the end of a month they may be
which bathed the delicate skin of your placed in separate cages.
infancy. And, ye " dames of certain The following is a list of complaints
age," be not cajoled with the vain hope to which canaries are subject, and with
of emulating the bloom and texture of the best remedies to be applied :
but the London bird-fanciers acknow- fresh water for bathing, keep the cage
ledge but two kinds, the Jonquil and clean, and strew dry sand over the bot-
the Mealy, or, the plain and the varie- tom.
gated. The male should be a dark Loss of Voice.— This frequently hap-
gray, or grayish brown (the origiual pens to the male after moulting. Hang
colour of the bird), a green or very re- up a piece of rusty bacon for the bird
gularly pencilled. to peck at.
The usual time for pairing canaries Epilepsy, which arises from fright ;
ficult to be obtained, and good females most common complaints to which ca-
as rarely to be met with, naries are subject.
i As soon as the brood is hatched, It is necessary at certain periods t$
-which occupies a period of thirteen cut the claws of cage-birds, and in doing
olays, the male commences his labours, so great care should be taken to avoid
which consist in supplying them with drawing blood.
food for another thirteen days, at the English Christian Names. It is —
end of which period they are enabled probable, from careful calculations,
to pick alone. During this time the that two-thirds of all the children in
female never leaves the nest but for England and Wales are called by one
the purposes of feeding, when her place of the following twenty-five names, cer-
6220. Elizabeth, 4617. Thomas, 3876. shoe presses against the corner, the nail
George, 3620. Sarah, 3602. James, cuts more and more into the raw flesh,
3060. Charles, 2323. Henry, 2060. which becomes tender and irritable. If
Alice, 1925. Joseph, 1720. Ann, 1718. this state continues long the toe be-
Jane, 1697. Ellen, 1621. Emily, 1615. comes more painful and ulcerated, and
Frederick, 1604. Annie, 1580. Marga- fungus — —
proud flesh sprouts up from
ret, 1546. Emma, 1540. Eliza, 1507. the sorest points. Walking greatly in-
Robert, 1323. Arthur, 1237. Alfred, creases the suffering, till positive rest
1232. Edward, 1170. becomes indispensable.
Total number of children (out- of Treatment —
Begin the effort at cure-
100,000) registered under the above 25 by simple application to the tender part
names, 65,892. of a small quantity of perchloride of
Blancmange. Get four calves feet ; iron. It is found a't chemists in a fluid
if possible some that have been scalded, form, though sometimes in powder.
and not skinned. Scrape and clean There is immediately a moderate sensa-
them well, and boil them in three quarts tion of pain, constriction, or burning.
of water till all the meat drops off the In a few minutes the tender surface is
bone. Drain the liquid through a co- felt to be dried up, tanned, mummified,
lander or sieve, and skim it well. Let and it ceases to be painful. The pa-
it stand till next morning to congeal. tient, who before could not put his foot
Then clean it well from the sediment, to the floor, now finds that he can walk
and put it into a tin or bell-metal ket- upon it without pain. By permitting
tle. Stir it into the cream, sugar, and the hardened, wood-like flesh to remain
mace. Boil it hard for five minutes, for two or three weeks, it can be easily
stirring it several times. Then strain removed by soaking the foot in warm
it through a linen cloth or napkin into water. A
new and healthy structure
a large bowl, and add the wine and rose- is found, firm and solid, below. If
water. Set it in a cool place for three thereafter the nails be no more cut
or four hours, stirring it very frequently round the corners or sides, but always
with a spoon, to prevent the cream se- curved in across the front end, they will
parating from the jelly. The more it is in future grow only straight forwards ;
stirred the better. Stir it till it is cool. and by wearing a shoe of reasonable
Wash your moulds, wipe them dry, and good size and shape, all further trouble
then wet them with cold water. When will be avoided.
the blancmange becomes very thick Academy Rolls. —
Two quarts of
that is, in three or four hours if the flour,one pint of milk, butter size of
weather is not too damp put it into
your moulds. When it has set in them
an egg, half a cup each of sugar and
yeast, and half a teaspoonful of soda.
till it is quite firm, loosen it carefully Scald the milk, and when tepid put it
all round with a knife, and turn it out with the other ingredients in the centre
on glass or china plates. of the flour, and mix in enough of the
In-Growing Toe-Nails. This is— flour to make a sponge let it rise twelve
one of the most painful of the diseases hours if light, knead in the rest of the
of 'the nails, and is generally caused by flour for fifteen minutes, and let it rise-
the improper manner of cutting them, till light then knead fifteen minutes-
then wearing a narrow, badly- made shoe more, roll out half an inch thick in cir-
— our remarks, of course, apply chiefly cles the size of a saucer, spread with
to the great toe. The nail beginning butter, double the buttered surfaces
to grow too long, and rather wide at together, and let it rise a few hours un-
the corners, is often trimmed round the til light enough to bake. Follow the;
— —
receipt as here given, and a delicious means of judging of the veal generally,
pudding will be the result. for if the kidney, which may be found
How to Choose Meat. Ox-Beef, on the under side of one end of the loin,
when it is young, will have a fine open be deeply enveloped in white and firm
grain, and a good red colour the fat looking fat, the meat will certainly be
should be white, for when it is of a deep good and the same appearance will
yellow colour, the meat is seldom very enable you to judge if it has been re-
good. The grain of cow-beef is closer, cently killed. The kidney is the part
the fat whiter, and the lean scarcely so which changes the first and then the-
red as that of ox-beef. When you see suet around it becombs soft, and the
beef, of which the fat is hard and meat flabby and spotted.
skinny, and the lean of a deep red, you Bacon, like pork, should have a thin
may be pretty sure that it is of an in- rind the fat should be firm, and in-
ferior kind ; and when the meat is old clined to a reddish colour and the ;
you may know it by a line of a horny lean should firmly adhere to the bone,
texture running through the meat of and have no yellow streaks in it. When
the ribs. you are purchasing a ham, have a knife
Mutton must be chosen by the -firm- stuck into it to the bone, which, if the
ness and fineness of the grain, its good ham be well cured, may be drawn out
colour, and firm white fat. It is not again without having any of the meat
considered prime until the sheep is adhering to it, and without your per-
about five years old. ceiving any disagreeable smell. A short
Lamb will not keep long after it is ham is reckoned the best.
killed. It can be discovered by the How to Choose Fish. Turbot,
neck end in the fore quarter if it has which is in season the greater part of
been killed too long, the veins in the the year, should have the underside of
neck being blueish when the meat is a yellowish white, for when it is very
fresh, but green when it is stale. In transparent, blue, or thin, it is not
the hind quarter, the same discovery good the whole fish should be thick
firm, when the meat has been killed too and the whole fish firm. Many persons
long. think that salmon is improved by keep-
Pork should have a thin rind and ing a day or two but in London this
; ;
when it is fresh, the meat is smooth and precaution is unnecessary. That which
cool ; but, when it looks flabby, and is is caught in the Thames is considered
clammy to the touch, it is not good the finest, though there can scarcely be
and pork, above all meat, is disagreeable better fish than the Severn salmon.
when it is stale. If you perceive many Cod should be judged by the redness
enlarged glands, or, as they are usually of the gills, the whiteness, stiffness, and
termed, kernels, in the fat of pork, you firmness of the flesh, and the clear fresh-
may conclude that the pork cannot be ness of the eyes, these are the infallible
wholesome. proofs of its being good. The whole
Veal is generally preferred of a deli- fish should be thick and firm. It is in
cate whiteness, but it is more juicy and season from December to April.
well-flavoured when of a deeper colour. Soles, when fresh, are cream-coloured
Butchers bleed calves profusely in order on the under part but when they are
to produce this white meat but this not fresh, their appearance is blueish
which they are in their prime is early by a dull appearance, betray that the
in the year. The whiting is a light and crab has been long caught.
delicate fish, and in choosing it you Cray- Fish are good when they are
must examine whether the fins and flesh heavy and the eye bright, and they have
foe firm. no unpleasant smell.
Mackerel is almost the worst fish Prawns and Shrimps are firm and
for keeping, or for carrying to any dis- crisp to the touch when they are good.
tance. When they look flabby, the In fresh Oysters the shell is firmly
colours of the scales faded, and the closed if at all opened, the oysters are
eyes dull, they are not fresh. not fresh. The Milton oysters are the
The Mullet, the Dory, ana some best they are small in the shell, but
other fish, too, are so rare, that it is this is completely filled with the fish.
difficult to determine the qualities which Those from Colchester, Purfleet, and.
characterise their degrees of excellence ;
Milford, are also in demand for their
but you will seldom err if you choose fine flavour. The rock oyster, which is
them from the firm texture of their very large, is coarse in flavour, and fit
flesh, the redness of their gills, and the only for stewing or for sauce.
brilliancy of their colours. How to Choose Poultry. In the —
Fresh -Water Fish may be chosen choice of Poultry, the age of the bird is
by similar observations respecting the the chief point to which you should at-
firmness of the flesh, and the clear ap- tend. A young Turkey has a smooth
pearance of the eyes, as salt-water fish»
, black leg in an old one the legs are
Carp and Tench are in season during rough and reddish. If the bird be fresh
the months of July, August, and Sep- killed, the eyes will be full and fresh,
tember. The former should be killed and the feet moist.
as soon as it is caught, because it will Fowls, when they are young, the
live a considerable time out of water, combs and the legs will be smooth, and
and when this is permitted it wastes rough when they are old.
the firmness of its flesh. In Geese, when they are young, the
Eels caught in the Thames are con- bills and the feet are yellow, and have
sidered finer than any others which are a few hairs upon them, but they are red
brought to market, and may be known if the bird be old. The feet of a goose
by their bright silvery underside. Eels are pliable when the bird is fresh killed,
oaught in pools have generally a strong, and dry and stiff when it has been killed
rank flavour. They are in season all some time. Geese are called green till
the year, except for a short time during they are two or three months old.
the winter. Ducks should be chosen by the feet,
In a Lobster lately caught, you may which should be supple and they also
put the claws in motion by pressing the should have a plump and hard breast.
•eyes ; but when it has been long caught, The feet of a tame duck are yellowish,
the muscular action is not excited. those of a wild one reddish.
The freshness of boiled lobsters may be Pigeons should always be eaten while
determined by the elasticity of the tail, they are fresh when they look flabby
which is flaccid when they have lost any and discoloured about the uuder part,
of their wholesomeness. Their good- they have been kept too long. The feet,
ness, independent of freshness, is deter- like those of poultry, show the age of
mined by their weight. the bird when they are supple, it is
their weight, for when they prove light, pigeons are larger than wild ones.
hartshorn and spirits of turpentine, dust fixes on the sound-board, and cor-
which, is the best known preparation rodes the movements, and if in a damp
for cleansing plate and renewing its room the strings soon rust. Should the
polish. Remember, that two good- piano stand near or opposite to a win-
sized leathers are required for cleaning dow, guard, if possible, against it being
plate, one of which should be kept for opened, especially on a wet or damp
rubbing off the hartshorn-powder, and day and when the sun is on the win-
the other for polishing up the silver af- dow draw the blind down.
terwards. This process should be per- Avoid putting metallic or other arti-
— —
ablution —the or sitz sitting- exercise and moisture act on the' pores
local steam-bath —the foot-bath—the like a wet pack it is only when we sit
pail-douche— wet-douche — wet-pack
use of cold water to the whole person, a sitz-bath (used solely for the purpose)
rubbing with a coarse towel, so as to would be as follows :
diameter at bot-
bring the blood well to the surface, and tom, 1 foot 2 inches ditto at top, 1 foot
of cleanliness, if our pores are not necessary before and after it, to secure
closed after the heat of bed, we are that all-important point, reaction.
likely to chill on exposing ourselves to The Foot-Bath. — This bath is good
the air. for all affections of the head and eyes.
For those with an over-excited ner- Putting the feet into cold water up to
vous system, whose skin is hot and fe- the ankles, for ten minutes, and rub-
verish, or who have much tendency of bing one against the other a walk be-
blood to the head, as well as for those fore and after this is absolutely neces-
of too full habit, tepid water is the sary, which will put the feet in a glow,
best and safest for their systems re- and keep them so all day.
be given in the dish-bath, or, if nothing made torpid, facilitates the absorption
better is within reach, a large tub, in of oxygen, increases appetite, fortifies
which the patient should sit. against cold, invigorates the circulation
The Wet- Pack is a simple and al- of the body, so as to remove its morbid
most certain way of preserving health, sensibility to the vicissitudes of cli-
and curing disease, where human agency mate, and so strengthens the constitu-
is available. It consists merely in wrap- tion, as to enable it to throw off what-
ping up the body in a wet sheet, wrung ever morbid influences were depressing
out of cold water, and well covered with its vital energy.
two or three blankets so as to exclude For three or four nights before tak-
the air. It reduces fever and inflam- ing the Turkish bath the delicate should
mation in a surprisingly short time is ; take a tepid-bath at bed-time, or rub
most deliciously soothing when the themselves well with, flannel soaked in
mind or body is overtasked and excited, hot water and soap or those who un-
and may be believed, on the authority derstand it, may take a wet pack so as
of those whose every nerve sometimes to soften the dead cuticle, and induce
quivers in undue excitement, to be in- its long unaccustomed circulation of
expressible peace blood to return to the skin.
In acute to reduce fever or
illness, Many persons take their first bath
relieve the head, short pack of half an because they feel uncomfortable, and we
hour are given, and frequently repeated. should prefer to have the feeling of dis-
In ordinary cases, three quarters of an comfort first removed by the wet band-
hour is the time allotted for this sooth- age, so as to prevent an unfavourable,
ing process. The popular idea, that it as well as an unjust, impression of the
. is intended to produce perspiration, is bath.
quite erroneous. But as its effect is to But it will never supersede the wet
open the pores, it must always be fol- bandage. To those who are wise enough
lowed by a cold or tepid ablution, over to combine them, the bath and the
the whole person. The wet pack may bandage will always be found of inesti-
be called a universal poultice. mable value. For we must remember,
The Turkish Bath. —" If we only ap- that the Turkish bath is only the high-
ply the single fact, that waste is more est development of the water-cure, act-
necessary than nutrition," we shall get ing more fully on the skin than any yet
at least one reason, not only why the discovered agent.
bath is serviceable to health, but also The beneficial influence of the bath
why should be universal in its appli-
it is strikingly shown in the case of the
cation. Take, for exemplification, the shampooers, who may be said to live in
two extremes persons above or below
the standard of health we mean those —
the bath, and not only continue to en-
joy perfect health after an experience
in the former case, whose tendency is of four or five years, but may be taken
to put up too much fat, in itself a as very models of health and strength.
fruitful cause of disease, and originat- The Turkish-bath should be taken in
ing, we may presume, in some want of health, for then the public would be
due activity in the organs of waste. sure to come to it in illness. In fact,
Hence we see how the bath is likely to to use it as a preventive to disease, as a
serve them. means of cleansing and keeping the sys-
On the delicate and thin its effect is tem up to the standard of health, and
just the reverse for it must be re-
; as an almost certain guard against colds,
membered that the bath never takes epidemics, &c. When the pores are
away what necessary to health, but
is once brought into order, a bath once a
only the superfluous material. It sti- week will be quite sufficient for all these
mulates into healthy action the diges- purposes.
tive and other organs which disease had It is a common question, " Is the
' -
Rhubarb. This plant has been for tied up in bundles and sent thither du-
centuries held in the highest estimation ring the season would almost exceed
on account of its active medicinal pro- credibility.
perties, few drugs being of more efficacy Rhubarb Tart.— See that the stalks
in various complaints. It is a mild ca- are firm and of a large size, and then,
thartic,and commonly considered as one after removing the thin skin, slice them
of the safest and most innocent of the in pieces about four inches long place
substances of this class. Besides its the pieces in a dish, and pour over them
purgative virtue, it has a mild astrin- a syrup of sugar, thinned with water ;
gent one hence it is found to give
; then cover with another dish, and sim-
strength to the stomach, and to be one mer slowly for an hour, upon a hot
of the most useful purgatives in all dis- hearth, or do them in a block-tin sauce-
orders proceeding from a debility and pan. Allow it to cool, and then make
laxity of the fibres. it into a tart ;the baking the crust will
In addition to the medicinal quali- be sufficient when the stalks are tender.
ties of the rhubarb, it is allowed by all Rhubarb Fool. —Scald two quarts
medical men to make one of the most of rhubarb, cleanly peeled, which cut
cooling, wholesome, and delicious tarts into pieces about one inch long, mix it
sent to table many persons prefer it
; to a pulp, which pass through a sieve ?
either to green gooseberries or apples. then let it remain to cool. Then put a
In the early part of the season the stalks quart of new milk into a pan, which fla-
of rhubarb are cut up and mixed with vour with cinnamon, cloves, and lemon
these fruits with the former before
; peel, sugar to taste, and let it boil for
they have obtained their flavour, and ten or twelve minutes. The yolks of
with the latter after losing it by long four or five eggs well beat up with &
keeping. little flour, should be stirred into the
As a plant, too, the rhubarb, particu- milk, then, stirring the while, keep it
larly the Rheum palmatum, is highly over the fire till it boils, after which re-
ornamental in many situations in the move, and set it to cool. Mix the milk
pleasure-ground its luxuriant foliage,
and rhubarb together, and grate some
height of growth, and large palmated nutmeg over it.
leaves, render it very striking and beau- Rhubarb Wine. To make rhuba'> —
tiful. wine in the month of May or June,
The varieties of the Tart Rhubarb, when rhubarb is green, the stalks of the
by which name it may be justly desig- leaves are used in the following propor-
nated, form an object of much interest tions: —
Five pounds of the stalks me
and profit to the market-gardener and bruised in a suitable vessel, to which is
to the cottager it cannot be too strongly added one gallon of spring water after ;
puddings, or when baked whole in a every gallon of this juice three pounds
of loaf sugar are added, and allowed to " The pope formerly blessed eggs, to*
ferment four or five days in a vat. As be distributed throughout the Christian
soon as the fermentation has ceased, world for use on Easter- day. In Ger-
the liquor must be drawn off in a cask, many, instead of the egg itself, the peo-
and allowed to remain until the month ple offer a print of it, with some lines
of March, when all fermentation will inscribed.
be over must then be racked off,
; it " At this day, the Easter eggs used
and more lump sugar added. In the in England are boiled hard in water
month of August a second crop of rhu- containing a dye, so that they come out
barb will be ready to gather for this im- coloured. The boys take these eggs and
proved method of making wine. Rhu- make a kind of game, either by throw
barb is largely employed in making fic- ing (bowling) them to a distance on
titious champagne thus here, as else-
; the greensward —he who throws often -
where, rhubarb has largely usurped the est without breaking his eggs being the
place of the gooseberry. victor —
or hitting them against each
Easter- Day. A solemn festival in other in their respective hands, in which
commemoration of the Resurrection of case the owner of the hardest or last
our Lord and Saviour. From " Cham- surviving egg gains the day.
bers's Information for the People," we "It was at one time customary to
gather that the word used by us is from have a gammon of bacon on this day,
" Ostara, in Anglo-Saxon Uastre, the and to eat it all up, in signification of
name of a goddess once extensively wor- abhorrence of Judaism. The tansy
shipped by the Teutonic nations, and seems to have been introduced into
personifying the light of the rising sun, Easter- feasts as a successor to the bit-
or the dawn it is allied to east.
; In ter herbs used by the Jews at the Pass-
England, before the Reformation, the over. It was usually presented well
Catholic observances of Easter were as sugared."
fully enacted as in any other country. Dandriff in the Hair.— Part the
Early in the morning, a sort of theatri- hair,and rub the scalp with rum, using
cal representation of the Resurrection a piece of sponge or flannel to apply it.
was performed in the churches, the Eau-de Cologne may also be fearlessly
priests coming to the little sepulchre used for the same purpose. When the
where, on Gocd Friday, they had depo- hair becomes greasy and dirty, it ought
sited the host, which they now brought to be washed with warm (not too warm)
forth with great rejoicings, as emble- soft water and soap ; an operation which
matical of the rising of the Saviour. In is always requisite when pomatums and
the course of the day, the clergy had a hair-oils are much used, as they are apt
game at ball in the church, a custom to combine with the scales which are
which it is now difficult to believe that always coming ofT from the skin, and
it could ever have existed. form thick crust very detrimental to
" The viands appropriate to Easter- the Joss and beauty of the hair.
day in the old times were, first and Frequent cutting of the hair is of ad-
above all, eggs, then bacon, tansy- pud- vantage to the eyes, ;he ears, and, in-
ding, and bread and cheese. The origin deed, to the whole >ody ;in like man- j
of the connection of eggs with Easter is ner, the daily washing )i the head with
lost in the mists of remote antiquity. cold water is in excellent prevention
They are as rife at this day A n Russia as against periodical headaches. In Se-
in England. There it is customary to ryzas, or defluxions of the humours from
go about with a quantity, and to give the head, and in weak eyes, the shaving
one to each friend one meets, saying, of the bead often affords immediate re^
Jesus Christ is risen ;' to which the lief. It is altogether a mistaken idea
other replies, l Yes, he is risen ;' or, that there is danger of catching cold
It is so of a truth.' from the practice of washing the head,
butic, and scaly impurities, the more dipped in water, may be suspended over
easy and comfortable we feel. them in all cases the wicks should not
expense, are capable of being made very desirous to beautify their windows, and
picturesque. In many towns on the to convert them into objects of attrac-
Continent, especially in Spain, great at- tion.
tention is paid to this subject, and bal- Our illustration, Fig. 1, shows how,
conies during the summer are frequently with a few simple appliances, a window
to be seen draped with creeping plants, may be at the same time sheltered from
and some of the very streets festooned the sun and rendered pretty. A is a
with these refreshing summer tro- framework of a few laths nailed to-
phies. gether, which by means of rings or
,Let us now be practical, and by pic- staples at its two upper corners may be
torial illustration help all those who are hung upon hooks, driven into the wall
during the summer, and removed before framework should all be painted green,
the winter. Its projection should be and a further improvement can be made
from eighteen inches to two feet. Two by carrying other strings, as at c, from
or more brackets, b, b, are fastened on the top of the framework to a hook
either side of the window sill, to receive driven into the wall above. In Fig. 2
flower-pots or boxes, and between these we show this as it would appear when
and the framework nails are driven into covered with evergreens. For cultiva-
the wall, so that string can be tied upon tion in this instance some of the smaller
them to form a kind of lozenge-shaped climbing plants might be used, such as
trellis- work. The brackets, strings, and the canary creeper, the major convol-
FIO. 2.
vulus, the sweet pea, &c. The above ternalair, either by the heat supplied
arrangement can also be adapted to a by the human body or by lamps, fire,
doorway. or candles ; this renders the air in the
How to Air your Rooms. It is a room lighter than the external air, and
common mistake to open only the lower consequently the external air will rush
part of the windows of an apartment, in at all openings at the lower part of
whereas if the upper part were also the room, while the warmer and lighter
opened, the ventilation of the room air passes out at the higher openings.
would be more speedily effected. The If a candle be held in the doorway near
air in an apartment is generally heated the door, it is ten to one that the flame
to a higher temperature than the ex- will be blown inward ; but if it be
— ;
whilst the cold air flows in at the bot- his comfort lies she must not cherish
tom. A current of warm air from the his weaknesses by working upon them ;
room is generally rushing up the flue she must not rashly run counter to his
of the chimney, even though there be prejudices. Her motto must be never
no fire in the grate hence the un- to irritate. She must study never to
wholesomenessof using chimney- boards. draw largely upon the small stock of
Broken Chilblains, Boils, and patience in man's nature, nor to increase
Cuts. An excellent salve for these his obstinacy by trying to drive him i
may be made in the following manner never, if possible, to have " scenes/"
Take a quart of sweet oil and a pound We doubt much if a real quarrel, even
of red lead, and gently stir and boil if made up, does not loosen the bond
[hem until they are well mixed, and as- between man and wife, and sometimes^
sume a dull brown colour. Then shake unless the affection be very sincere,,
in six ounces of finely powdered resin, lastingly. If irritation should occur, a
and let it continue boiling until the woman must expect to hear from most
resin is well dissolved and mixed then men a strength and vehemence of lan-
remove the vessel from the fire and add guage far more than the occasion re-
half an ounce of gum clemi when that quires. Mild as well as stern men are
is well blended the salve will be made, prone to this exaggeration of speech ;
and may be poured into vessels for use let not a woman be tempted ever to say
common red earthen jars are suitable anything sarcastic or violent in retalia-
for this purpose. It may be kept with- tion. The bitterest repentance must
out injury for many years, and when needs follow such an indulgence if she
wanted for use may be spread with a does. Men frequently forget what they
warm knife upon a linen rag. In mak- themselves have said, but seldom what
ing it, great care should be taken that is uttered by their wives. They are
not a drop falls or boils over into the grateful, too, for forbearance in such
fire, as it is very inflammable, and might cases for, whilst asserting most loudly
cause serious mischief. This salve has they are right, they are often conscious
been found very efficacious in the most they are wrong. Give a little time, as
obstinate cases. "
the greatest .boon you can bestow, to
The Best Blacking. For preserv- the irritated feelings of your husband.
ing the leather of boots and shoes, and Contrivances and Make-shifts.
which will make them perfectly water- In the most easy and monotonous exis-
proof, blacking made after the following tence, no woman is exempt from cir-
manner is the best known —
Take of cumstances in which the means and
yellow wax one ounce and a half, of materials they have at their command
mutton suet four ounces and a half, are, apparently, insufficient to procure
horse turpentine half an ounce, ivory them what they very much require, or
black three ounces ; melt first the wax, to deliver them from annoyances from
to which add the suet, and afterwards which they continually suffer. And
the horse turpentine when the whole here it is the power for moulding what
is melted, remove it from the fire mix we have into substitutes for what we
in gradually the ivory black, constantly are denied the power of producing good
stirring till it is cold. "When it is used, " make-shifts " where the unwise would. -.
it may be rubbed or laid upon a brush, bring forward bad ones, and the stupid^
which should be warmed before the fire. and indifferent remain in difficulty
When it is wanted in a large quantity, this is in all a valuable accomplishment,
it may be gently melted in a ladle or and may be reckoned as several hundred
pot over a chafing-dish with live coals. pounds in any woman's marriage por-
tion. Of course, nothing that has, ori- alike from damp and dust, and easily
ginally, a specific and restricted use, " got at," gave ample room to many
can be so entirely satisfactory as the ab- wearing apparel that would
articles of
sent desideratum of which it is made to have been crushed in drawers, or must
take place yet, under the direction of
otherwise have been dragged out from
the ingenious and the judicious, many a bandboxes beneath the beds. In various
humble resource will be available to —
other ways on landings and in attics,
produce comfort, or alleviate inconve- such coverings as the piece- box may
nience ; and this is no mean considera- easily supply, and ingenuity will advan-
tion. tageously apply, will make lumbering
As each emergency would require a boxes useful and presentable, and at the
different expedient, it would be impos- same time preserve them from mildew
sible to give directions for contrivances ;
and decay the space beneath the beds
Even such chests and boxes have been and Christianity, loth to wage war with
introduced to us as very available and every ancient usage consented to retain
respectable-looking pieces of furniture. thisone as the most innocent of them
A little spare damask, and a cushion to all.Indeed, green boughs seem to have
match, afforded a seat or settee to the been almost universally looked upon as
eye as well as use, and the box secured emblems of purity.
— ;
of returning light and heat, the sun kers, in primitive times, to make pre-
being then at its furthest point from sents to their customers of little images
them. From that feast the burning of in paste, just as, in the present day, the
the log became transferred to the eve of tallow-chandlers present a few doll's
Christmas Day and, as such, was never candles to the children of their custo-
omitted up to the early part of the pre- mers. These presents were called Yule
sent century. It is now rarely met Cakes, and were believed to have been
with, and only in very remote rural dis- originally designed to represent the in-
tricts. fant Jesus.
Theyule-log was the stem of one of It was also the custom at Rome to
the largest trees that could be found on present boxes of sweetmeats to the fa-
the estate of the proprietor in whose thers of the Vatican at Christmas. From
halls it was to raise its cheerful flame. these, it is said, come the modern mince-
It Was hewn down on the Candelmas pies and plum- pudding. The former
Day, in the month of February of the was said to be of a coffin shape, and in-
same year then kindled where it fell,
; tended to represent the manger wherein
and suffered to burn until sunset, when the child was laid.
the fire was extinguished, and the log Rules for Eating.— Dr. Hall, on
laid in a proper place until it was re- this important subject, gives the follow
quired at Christmas. ing advice : —
1. Never sit down to table
At the appointed time it was carried with an anxious or disturbed mind ;
into the mansion hall by a number of better a hundred times intermit that
domestics, amidst much rejoicing, and meal, for there will then be that much
kindled on the hearth with no little more food in the world for hungrier
mirth and merry-making. stomachs than yours and besides, eat-
The Waits. These Christmas bards ing under such circumstances can only,
are a remnant of the old minstrels at- and will always, prolong and aggravate
tached to courts and cities, and who the condition of things.
added to their musical offices the more 2. Never sit down to a meal after
important, though less pleasant duty, any intense mental effort, for physical
of watching and guarding the streets. and mental injury are inevitable, and
They perambulate the principal tho- no one has a right to deliberately injure
roughfares in small parties, crying the body, mind, or estate.
hour at each corner, or street, or lane 3. Never go to a full table during
for- the tea gives present stimulus and plished, the parent fish leave the eggs
a little strength, and before it subsides, to be hatched by surrounding influ-
nutriment begins to draw from the ences, while they themselves quit the
sugar, and cream, and bread, thus al- spot, and remain in the river for a short
lowing the body gradually, and by safe period, while they recover from the
degrees, to regain its usual vigour. exhaustion caused by the process. Du-
Then, in a couple of hours, a full meal ring this period they are unusually ra-
may be taken, provided that it does not venous, and vast quantifies of the young
bring it later than two hours before of their own kind, which are about that
sundown ;if later, then take nothing time abundant in the river, fall victims
for that day in addition to the cracker to their insatiable appetite. After a
and tea, and the next day you will feel time, and about tha months of Mareh
a freshness and vigour not recently and April, they drop down from pool
known. to pool, in any flood which may seem
No lady will require to be advised a favourable to them, until they reach the
second time, who will conform to the sea, where they are supposed to remain
above rules whilst it is a fact of no
from six weeks to three or four months,
unusual observation among intelligent when they again seek the river, vastly
physicians, that eating heartily, and increased in weight, and improved in
under bodily exhaustion, is not unfre- condition.
qnently the cause of alarming and pain- While they are occupied in this mi-
ful illness, and sometimes sudden death. gration, the abandoned eggs are gra-
These things being so, let every family dually approaching maturity, under the
make it a point to assemble around the influence of warmth and the rushing
table with kindly feelings with a — waters, and, after a period, varying ac-
cheerful humour and a courteous spirit cording to the temperature of the wa-
and let that member of it be sent from ter, the young salmon bursts through
it in disgrace who presumes to mar the its prison. It is then a tiny and almost
re-union by sullen silence, or impatient transparent creature, hardly to be re-
look, or angry tone, or complaining cognised as a fish; and, being too feeble
tongue. Eat ever in thankful gladness, to employ the mouth in obtaining sub-
or away with you to the kitchen, you sistence, bears a portion of the egg still
" ill-tempered thing, that you are," adhering to the abdomen, like a trans-
There was good philosophy in the old- parent amber- coloured sac, flecked with
time custom of having a buffoon or mu- tiny blood-vessels ; and, by gradually
sic at the dinner-table. absorbing this material into the system,
Salmon. — The life history of the preserves its life until its increased di-
salmon is very interesting, and as we mensions permit it to seize prey with
ought to know something more than the little, mouth, afterwards to be sc
the gross culinary character of the daily formidably arrayed with teeth.
food we consume, both animal and ve- In this stage of their existence, the
getable, we shall briefly give it. little salmon are called by a great va-
We will begin with the salmon's cra- riety of names, and are marked with
dle. This is a groove in the gravelly eight or ten dark patches upon the
bed of a river, and is scooped out by sides. When the fish are about to de-
one or both of the parents after this part for the sea, their mottled coat is
it is the duty of the male salmon to exchanged for a covering of bright sil-
watch over his mate, and to fight any very scales, under which, however, the
other fish of his own sex and species dark patches still exist, and can be seen
who may intrude upon their home. by holding the fish in certain lights, or
The whole process of depositing the by rubbing off the lightly- clinging
numerous eggs occupies, on the average, scales. At this period the fish is called
about ten days, and, after it is accom- a smolt
until it at last emerges into the ocean. gently, adding a little vinegar to the
What may be the course of its marine water, which will give firmness to the
life is not known, the fish being lost in salmon. Four pounds will take one
the wide expanse of ocean but, in the hour to cook, especially if thick.
; To
course of the autumn, it returns to the ascertain whether it is done try it with
river whence it came, and forces its wa" a skewer if the flesh of the fish sticks
The food of the salmon is extremely carefully all the time the salmon is
varied, as must necessarily be i?he case boiling in the pickle, and, when done,
with a fish that passes its life alternately remove the fish, and pour the liquor
in fresh and salt water, and is certainty into a jar, until both that and the fish
of an animal nature, but the precise become cold, and then put the fish into
creatures that form its sustenance are the liquor, with about one-third more
not generally known it is, however,
; vinegar, and some whole pepper. One
ascertained that it feeds largely on some pint of vinegar to three quarts of water,
varieties of the echinus, or sea-urchin. with a dozen bay leaves, half that quan-
The salmon is one of those fish that tity of mace, quarter of an ounce of
must be eaten fresh, in order to preserve black pepper, and a good handful of
the full delicacy of its flavour. It it be salt, is the pickle salmon should be
cooked within an hour or two after boiled in. Let the air be kept from the
being taken from the water, a fatty fish, and, if kept for any length of time,
substance, termed the "curd," is found it will be found necessary to occasion-
between the flakes of flesh. If, however, ally drain the liquor from it, and to
more than twelve hours have elapsed skim and boil it.
from the death of the fish, the curd is Collared Salmon.— Split sufficient
not to be seen, and the salmon is much of the salmon to make a substantial
deteriorated in the opinion of cooks and roll, which should then be washed and
epicures. well wiped rub the inside and outside
We will^ now give some instructions thoroughly with white pepper, salt, and
for cooking this favourite fish, which, mace then tightly roll it, and bind it
when in season, (April. May, and June up put as much water, and one-third
simmer till quite done. Drain and boil have three or four coats of this solution,
the liquor quickly, and pour it over the letting each dry before the other is laid
iish when cold garnish with fennel.
on ; with a piece of damp
then smooth it
To Dry Salmon. The fish should cold, mix it with starch-powder till it
be opened, and the whole of the inside becomes as stiff' as dough roll it out ;
removed, even the roe. It should then to the thickness of a shilling, then cut
be scalded, and well rubbed over with it into pieces two inches square, and
salt, and then hang it to drain for set them to dry before a moderate
about twenty-six hours. Two ounces fire.
of bay salt, the same quantity of foot's When required for use, get a coarse
sugar, and about three ounces of salt- cloth, make it thoroughly wet, then
petre, should be well mixed together, squeeze out the water, and put it on a
and the mixture thoroughly rubbed dish four times double place the rice ;
into the fish then place it on a dish, cakes in rows between this cloth, and
and there let it remain for two days when sufficiently soft to knead into the
and nights, after which period rub it consistence of new bread, make it into
further with common salt. After this a small lump if too wet, mix with it
let it remain another day, and it will more starch-powder but it must be ;
then be in a fit condition for drying. sufficiently kneaded to lose all appear-
After drying wipe it thoroughly, then ance of this powder bef ore you take the
spread it open with two sticks, and hang impression, to do which you must pro-
it in a chimney where a w ood fire is cure some gutta-percha half an inch
To Broil Salmon. Cut it in slices inches square, and soften it in hot wa-
about an inch thick, then season with ter then get any real carved ivory you
common pepper and cayenne, adding can, and take off the impression on the
salt and nutmeg, a little of each. Wrap pieces of gutta percha, by pressing it
<each slice in white paper, which has carefully upon the carved ivory till a
been smeared with fresh butter each deep impression is taken.
«nd should be fastened by twisting or When the moulds are quite dry and
tying broil over a slow fire for seven hard, and the paste in a proper state,
or eight minutes a coke fire is prefer- with a small camel-hair brush lightly
able ;serve in the paper, with melted touch with sweet oil the inside of the
butter, anchovy, tomato, or lobster- mould you are going to use, and then
sauce. press the rice paste into it if the im- ;
— Half an ounce of isinglass, boiled and Son's Cement place your figures on
slowly in half a pint of water, till dis- the box in large or small pieces, just as
solved then strain it, and add flake your own taste directs the figures ad-
; ;
white, finely powdered, till it is as white here better if put on before they are
as cream. The box, or whatever other quite dry. Sometimes, from frequent
kneading, the paste gets discoloured ;
hour ;wet the spot once or twice with.
these pieces should be set aside and cold water during the time. If this
vised separately, as they can be painted does not remove the stains, repeat the
in water -colours to imitate tortoiseshell acid- water, and lay the article again in.
or carved oak this should be done after the sun.
being stuck to the box. Having com- Sausage Rolls. Take equal por-
peted your work, finish by varnishing tions of cold roast veal and ham, or cold
it very carefully with ivory varnish, fowl and tongue chop these together
which should be almost colourless. This very small, season with powdered sweet
design so nearly resembles carved ivory, herbs, salt, and cayenne pepper ; mix
that, when carefully done, it has been well together, and put a portion of the
mistaken for it if properly cemented,
; chopped and seasoned meat, rolled to- •
too, it is very strong, and looks well for gether, into puff paste to cover it ; and
boxes, card- cases, &c., either as ivory bake for half an hour in a brisk oven.
or tortoiseshell. These rolls are excellent eating, either
From the completeness and readiness hot or cold, and are especially adapted
with which the materials can be ob- for travelling or pic-nic parties.
tained from Barnard & Son, 339, Ox- —
Rissables. These are made with,
ford Street, this is an elegant amuse- veal and ham, chopped very fine, or
ment for any inepnious lady. pounded lightly add salt, pepper, nut-
Milk of Ross. —Take two ounces meg, a few bread crumbs, and a little
of blanched airs :>-- ds, twelve ounces of parsley and lemon peel, or shalot ; mix
rose water, two drachms each of white all together with the yolk of eggs, well
soft soap, or Windsor soap, white wax, beaten either roll them into shape like
and oil of almonds, three ounces of rec- a flat sausage, or into the shape of pears,
tified spirits, one drachm of oil of ber- sticking a piece of horse-radish in the
gamot, fifteen drops oil of lavender, and ends to resemble the stalks ; egg each
eight drops otto of roses. Beat the al- over, and grate bread-crumbs fry them
monds well, and then add the rose- brown, and serve on crisp-fried parsley.
water gradually, so as to form an emul- To Dress Cold Meat.— Cut the
sion mix the soap, white wax, and oil
meat in pieces, and lay them in a mould
together, by placing them in a covered in layers, well seasoned. Then pour
jar upon the edge of the fireplace, then over and fill the mould with some clear
rub this mixture in a mortar with the soup, nearly cold, which, when left to
emulsion. Strain the whole through stand some hours, will turn out to be
very fine muslin, and add the essential as firm as isinglass, especially if shank
oils, previously mixed with the spirit. bones were boiled in the soup.
This is an excellent wash for Sun- Should the cold meat be poultry or
burns and Freckles, or for cooling the veal, the addition of some small pieces
face and neck, or any part of the skin of ham or bacon, and of hard-boiled
to which it is applied. eggs cut in slices, and put between the
Stains from the Hands. To re- — layers of meat, is a great improve-
move fruit and other stains from the ment.
hands, first damp them with water, Another way to dress cold meat is
then rub them with tartaric acid, or to have it minced very fine, well sea-
salt of lemons, as you would with soap ;
soned, and put in patty-pans, with a
then rinse them, and rub them dry. thin crust below and above it, and baked
Tartaric acid, or salt of lemons, will also in a quick oven. Cold meat, cut in
quickly remove stains from white mus- small pieces, and put in a pie- dish, with
lin or linen. Put less than half a tea- batter poured over it, and baked until
spoonful of the salt or acid into a table- the batter rises, is a third way. Potatoe-
spoonful of water wet the stain with
; pie is another capital method of using:
it, and lay it in the sun for at least an cold meat. For this purpose the meat
should be cut in pieces and covered with which so often at fault even in these
mashed potatoes, then put into the oven simple modes of preparing human nour-
to bake until the potatoes are well ishment.
browned. Pork, veal, lamb, and all young meats,
, The Art of Cookery.— Of all the when not thoroughly dressed, are ab-
arts upon which the physical well-being solute poison to the stomach and if
of man, in his social state, is dependent half- raw beef or mutton are often eaten
none has been more neglected than that with impunity, it must not be inferred
of cookery, though none is more im- that they are wholesome in their semi-
portant, for it supplies the very foun crude state, but only less unwholesome
tain of life. The preparation of human than the young meats.
food, so as to make it at once whole- Vegetables, also, half done, which is
some, nutritive, and agreeable to the the state in which they are often sent
palate, has hitherto been beset by ima- to table, are productive of great gastrie
ginary difficulties and strong preju- derangement, often of a predisposition
dices. to cholera.
Many persons associate the idea of A great variety of relishing, nutritive,
wealth with culinary perfection ; others and even elegant dishes, may be pre-
consider unwholesome, as well as ex- pared from the most homely materials,
pensive, everything that goes beyond which may not only be rendered more
the categories of boiling, roasting, and nourishing, but be made to go much
the gridiron. All are aware that whole- further in a large family than they usu-
some and luxurious cookery is by no ally do. The great secret of all cookery,,
means incompatible with limited pecu- except in roasting and broiling, is a ju-
niary means whilst in roasted, boiled, dicious use of butter, flour, and herbs,
and broiled meats, which constitute and the application of a very slow fire
what is termed true English fare, much for good cooking requires only gentle
that is nutritive and agreeable is often simmering, but no boiling up, which
lost for want of skill in preparing them. only renders the meat hard. Good
Food of every description is wholesome roasting can only be acquired by prac-
and digestible in proportion as it ap- tice and the perfection lies in dressing
proaches nearer to the state of complete the whole joint thoroughly without
digestion, or, in other words, to that drying up the juice of any part of it.
state termed chyme, whence the chyle This is also the case with broiling ;
r>r milky juice that afterwards forms whilst a joint under process of boiling,
blood is absorbed, and conveyed to the as we have said, should be allowed to
heart. Now, nothing is further from simmer gently.
this sta/te than raw meat and raw vege- With regard to made- dishes, as the
tables. Fire is therefore necessary to horrible imitations of French cookery
soften them, and thereby begin that prevalent in England are termed, we-
elaboration which is consummated in must admit that they are very unwhole-
the stomach. This preparatory process, some. All the juices are boiled out of
which forms the cook's art, is more or the meat, which is swimming in a he-
less perfect in proportion as the ali- terogeneous compound, disgusting to
ment is softened, without losing any the sight, and seasoned so strongly with
of its juices or flavour— for flavour is spice and Cayenne pepper enough to
not only an agreeable but a necessary inflame the stomach of an ostrich. ,
put two spoonfuls of salt to every quart the milk be as hot as it can be borne
of water put the fish on in cold water
; ;
with the finger put a cupful of, this;
remove the cover, and only let the wa- with three eggs well beaten and mixed
ter simmer. To ascertain when it is with three spoonfuls of very thick yeast
done try it with a skewer if the flesh then put this to the batter and beat
of the fish stick to the boae it is not them all together in a large pan or bowl
done enough. A mackarel will take add as much milk and water as will
from fifteen to twenty minutes, a had- make it into a thick batter cover it ;
dock a little longer as a general rule, close, and put it before the fire to rise ;
a pound of fish takes from fifteen to put a bit of butter in a piece of thin
twenty minutes. muslin, tie it up, and rub it lightly
Sponge Cake. Dissolve in half a over the iron hearth or frying-pan then ;
fire until it is quite clear then pour it do slowly, and it will be very light.
into a bowl, adding the grated rind of Bake them all the same way. They
a lemon, and keep stirring it until it is should not be brown, but of a fine yel-
cold. Then take the yolks of eight low colour.
eggs, and the whites of two, and beat Pickling -
. —
Never use brass, copper,
them together foiQa quarter of an hour or bell-metal kettles for pickling, be-
mix the eggs and syrup together, and cause the verdigris produced in them
beat the mixture half an hour longer. by the vinegar is very poisonous. Ket-
Just before you put it into the oven, tles lined with porcelain are the best ;
stir in by degrees half a pound °* nour but if you cannot procure them, block-
One hour and a quarter will bake it. tin may be substituted. Iron is apt to
To Wash Lawn and Muslin. discolour any acid that is boiled in it.
Delicate lawn and muslin dresses are Vinegar for pickles should always be of
so frequently spoiled by bad washing, the best cider kind. In putting away
the colours of the fabrics yielding so pickles, use stone or glass jars. The
readily to the action of soap, that it is lead, which is an ingredient in the glaz-
better to adopt another and a better ing of common earthen ware, is rendered
method of cleaning the finest materials, very pernicious by the action of th?
and imparting to them the appearance vinegar.
of newness. Take two quarts of wheat Have a large wooden spoon and a
bran, and boil it for half an hour in fork for the express purpose of taking
soft water. Let it cool, then strain it, pickles out of the jar when you want
and pour the strained liquor into the them for the table. See that, while in
water in which the dress is to be washed. the jar, they are always completely
covered with vinegar. If you discern of those persons who, having plenty of
in them any symptoms of not keeping leisure, and a great desire to hear them-
well, do them over again in fresh vine- selves talk, make frequent inroads into
gar and spice. their friends' houses. Though perhaps
The jars should be stopped with large well acquainted with the rules of eti-
flat corks, fitting closely, and having a quette, which prescribe the time when
leather, or a round piece of oil- cloth, the doors of English homes freely admit
tied over the cork. It is a good rule to all who have a right to pass the thres-
have two-thirds of the jar filled with hold, they call at the most unseasonable
pickles, and one-third with vinegar. hours. If the habits of the family are
Alum is very useful in extracting the early you will find them in the drawing-
salt from pickles, and in making them room at eleven o'clock. It may be that
firm and crisp. A
very small quantity they are agreeable and well-informed
is sufficient, too much will spoil them. people but who wishes for calls at such
In greening pickles, keep them very a strange hour ? Most families have
closely covered, so that none of the their rules and occupations, and it is al-
steam may escape, as its retention pro- most past endurance to have them bro-
motes their greenness, and prevents the ken in upon by thoughtless people, who,
flavour from evaporating. having gained access, inflicts his or her
Vinegar and spice for pickles should presence till nearly luncheon time, and
be boiled but a few minutes too d h;
then goes off with saying, " Well, I have
boiling takes away the
strength. paid you a long visit," or, " I hope that
Etiquette of Visiting. Visits of I have not stayed too long."
Ceremony. These visits should neces- Visits of Condolence.—These visits
sarily be short, and they should on no should be paid within a week after the
account be made before the hour of event which occasions them but if the
luncheon, nor yet during the time. Per- acquaintance is slight, immediately afte'_-
sons who intrude themselves at un- the family appear at public worship. A
wonted hours are never welcome the ;
card should be sent up ; and if your
lady of the house does not like to be friends are able to receive you, let your
disturbed when she is, perhaps, dining manners and conversation be in har-
with her children. Ascertain, there- mony with the character of your visit.
fore, which you can do readily, what is It is courteous to send up a mourning
the family hour for luncheon, dinner, card ; and very soothing for ladies to
&c., and act accordingly. Half an hour make their calls in black silk or plain-
amply suffices for a visit of ceremony. coloured apparel. It denotes that they
If the visitor is aitady, she may remove sympathise with the afflictions of the
her boa, or any neck covering, but on family and such attentions are always
then it is best to wait until you are in-and converse for a few minutes with an
vited to do so. unembarrassed air after which you
visit ought never to be accompanied by slight invitation, given for the sake of
young children nor are favourite dogs courtesy, ought not to be accepted.
and pay ready money for everything and, in some cases, they may answer to
she purchases. This is the only way in correct the injurious qualities of the
which she can be sure of getting the food with which they are partaken.
best goods at the lowest price. We re- Saline Condiments. Common salt —
peat, that this is the only way compati- is considered by most persons as a mere
ble with economy ;because, if a ser- luxury, as if its use were only to .gratify
vant be entrusted with the buying, she the taste, although it is essential to
will, if she is not a good judge of the health and life, and is as much an ali-
quality of articles, bring home those she ment or food as either bread or flesh.
can get for the least money (and these It is a constituent of most of our food
are seldom the cheapest) and even if
; and drinks, and nature has kindly fur-
she is a good judge, it is ten to one nished us with an appetite for it. In
against her taking the trouble to make many cases of disordered stomach, a
a careful selection. teaspoonful of salt is a certain cure. In
When the ready-money system is the violent internal pain, termed colic,
found inconvenient, and an account is a teaspoonful of salt, dissolved in a pint
run with a tradesman, the mistress of of cold water, taken as soon as possible,
a house ought to have a pass-book in with a short nap immediately after, is
which she should write down all the one of the most effectual and speedy re-
orders herself, leaving the tradesman to medies known. The same will relieve
fill in only the prices. Where this is a person who seems almost dead from
not done, and the mistress neglects to receiving a heavy fall. In an apoplectic
compare the pass-book with the goods fit, no^time should be lost in pouring
ordered every time they are brought down salt water, if sufficient sensibility
in, it sometimes happens, either by mis- remains to allow of swallowing if not, ;
take, or the dishonesty of the trades- the head must be sponged with cold-
man, or the servant, that goods are water until the sense returns, when the
entered which were never ordered, per- salt will restore the patient from le-
haps never had, and that those which thargy. In cases of severe bleeding of
were ordered are overcharged and if ; the lungs, and when other remedies
these errors are not detected at the have failed, it has been found that two
time, they are sure to be difficult of ad- teaspoonfuls of salt completely stayed,
justment afterwards. For these and the blood.
»ther economic reasons, the housewife Acidulous Condiments. —
should avoid running accounts, and pay by accident or design, has been
ready-money. employed by mankind in all ages, in
Condiments. The name of condi- greater or less quantity, as an aliment,
ment is usually given to those substan- or rather substances naturally contain-
ces which are taken with food for the ing it in small quantities have been em-
immediate purpose of improving their ployed as food, or it has been artificially
flavour. But most of them serve other formed, to be used and eaten. It is ne-
and much more important purposes in cessary, in one or other form, for the
the animal economy than that of grati- preseravtion of health. The prolonged
fying the palate. Most of them are, in absence from juicy vegetables or fruits,
fact, alimentary substances —the use of or their preserved juices, is a cause of
which has become habitual to us. scurvy. Vinegar is used as a condiment
But all the substances used as condi- on account of its agreeable flavour and
ments are not necessary to our exist- refreshing odour. It is employed alone
ence. This is the case with the aro- or with pickles. When taken in small
matic and pungent condiments. The quantities, it is wholesome but, of
Furniture. It is scarcely possible to are several smaller things, which may
lay down a rule with respect to the or- be added according to circumstances.
dinary furniture of a room, yet there is It is one thing to have furniture in a
a general law of propriety which ought room, and another to know how to ar-
as much as possible to be observed. range it. To do this to the best advan-
Regard must be had to what is called tage, requires the exercise of a little
the " fitness of things," and thereby thought and judgment. Some people
the avoiding of violent contrasts. For live with their furniture in the most
instance, sometimes a showy centre- inconvenient positions, because it never
table is seen in the middle of a room, occurred to them to shift it from place
where the carpet and every other article to place, until they really had found
is out of repair ; or a resplendent look- which was the most suitable. Those
ing-glass stands above the chimney- who are willing to make the attempt,
piece, as though to reflect the incon- will often find that a room is improved
gruous taste of its owner. Shabby in appearance and convenience by a lit-
things always look the shabbier when tle change in the place of the furniture.
thus contrasted with what is bright and It is too much the practice to cover
new. We do not mean to say that new the mantel-piece with a number and
variety of knick-knacks and monstrosi- circle around, and adheres to the nail,
ties by way of ornament ; but this is requires particular attention, as it is
in very bad Three, or, at most,
taste. frequently dragged on with its growth,
four articles, are all that should be seen drawing the skin below the nail so
in that conspicuous situation. Vases tense as to cause it to crack and separate
of white porcelain, called " Parian," or into what is called agnails. This is easily
of old china, or a statuette, are the most remedied by carefully separating the
suitable. The forms of some of the skin from the nail by a blunt, half-round
white vases now sold at a low price, are instrument.
so elegant, that it is a real pleasure to _
Many persons are in the habit of con-
look at them. tinually cutting this pellicle, in conse-
Indian Receipt for Curry.— The quence of which it becomes exceedingly
following is a real Indian receipt by irregular, and often injurious to the
a native cook for the preparation of growth of the nail. They also frequently
curry : —
Cut a chicken into pieces, sav- pick under the nails with a pin, pen-
ing the bones fry them gently in an
; knife, or the point of sharp scissors, with
ounce of fresh butter, strewing over the intention of keeping them clean, by
them, after they have been on the fire doing which they often loosen them,
for a few minutes, one tablespoonful of and occasion considerable injury.
curry powder. Have ready two large The nails should be cleaned with a
onions cut small into rings, and take brush not too hard, and the semicircular
care to have them fried without turning. skin should not be cut away, but only
Put the onions with the fried chicken loosened, without touching the quick,
into a stew-pan, and add half a pint of the fingers being afterwards dipped in
good stock (or, if not to be had, of wa- tepid water, and the skin pushed back
ter) ;cover the pan, and stew the whole with a towel. This method, which
gently, until the meat becomes tender. should be practised daily, will keep the
If desired, just before it is served, add nails of a proper shape, prevent agnails,
the juice of half a small lemon salt it ; and the pellicles from thickening or be-
to the taste. If made from meat al- coming rugged. When the nails are
ready cooked;, it should not be stewed naturally rugged or ill-formed, the lon-
at all. gitudinal ridges or fibres should be rub-
Management of the Finger- Nails. bed and scraped with lemon, afterwards
— They should be of an oval figure, rinsed in water, and well dried with a
transparent, without specks or ridges towel but if the nails are very thin,
tened and enlarged by being pressed are tender enough to serve, pour off the
upwards against the nails, and gives water entirely, strew some fine salt over
them a clumsy appearance. the potatoes, give them a shake, and let
The epidermis, which forms the ser<#- them stand by the fire in €Le saucex>ap
for a minute, then dish and serve them little nutmeg. It should be made thick,
immediately. Some cooks throw in a and, being rather substantial, a squeeze
small piece of fresh butter with the salt, of lemon will improve it. Fry a light
and toss them gently in it after it is brown.
dissolved. This is a good mode, but the ANew Receipt to Boil Old Pota-
more usual one is to send melted but- toes. —
Wash, wipe, and pare the pota-
ter to table with them, or to pour white toes, cover them with cold water, and
sauce over them when they are very boil them gently until they are done %
young, and served early in the season, pour off the water, and sprinkle a little
as a side or corner dish. Very small fine, salt over them then take each
potatoes take from ten to fifteen mi- potatoe separately with a spoon, and lay
nutes to boil ; moderate sized, fifteen it in a clean, warm cloth, twist this.
to twenty minutes. so as to press all the moisture from the
Mashed Potatoes. Boil them per- vegetable, and render it quite round ;
fectly tender quite through, pour off turn it carefully into a dish placed be-
the water, and steam them very dry ; fore the fire, throw a cloth over, and
peel them quickly, take out every speck, when all are done, send them to table
and while they are still hot, press the quickly. Potatoes dressed in this way
potatoes through an earthen colander, are mashed without any trouble ; it is
or bruise them to a smooth mash, with also by far the best method of preparing
a strong wooden fork or spoon, but them for puddings, pies, or cakes.
never pound them in a mortar, as that To Roast or Bake Potatoes.
will reduce them to a close heavy paste. Scrub and wash the potatoes exceed-
Let them be entirely free from lumps, ingly clean, and let them be of the same
for nothing can be more indicative of size ; wipe them very dry, and roast
carelessness or want of skill on the part them in a dutch oven before the fire,,
of the cook, than mashed potatoes sent placing them at a distance from it, and
to table full of lumps. Melt in a clean keeping them often turned or, arrange ;
saucepan a~slice of good butter, with a them in a coarse dish, and bake them in
few spoonfuls of milk, or, better still, of a moderate oven. Dish them neatly in
cream put in the potatoes after having a napkin, and send them very hot to
sprinkled some fine salt upon them, table ; serve eold butter with them.
and stir the whole over a gentle fire, They will take nearly two hours to roast
with a wooden spoon, until the ingre- or bake before a moderate fire.
dients are well mixed, and the whole is To —
Fry Potatoes,, Dainty dishes
very hot. It may then be served di- of fried potatoes, to set between the
rectly ; or heaped high in a dish, left principal ones at table, (entremets,)
rough on the surface, and browned be- may be prepared in the following man-
fore the fire ; or it may be pressed into ner : —
After having washed them, wipe
a well-buttered mould of handsome and pare some raw potatoes, cut them
form, which has been strewed with the in slices of equal thickness, or into thin
finest bread-crumbs, and shaken free of shavings, and put them into a pan with
the loose ones, then turned out, and plenty of boiling butter, or very pure
browned in an oven. clarified dripping. Then fry them of a
More or less liquid will be required fine light brown, and very crisp lift ;
for potatoes of different kinds. For two them out with a skimmer, drain them
pounds of potatoes add one teaspoonful on a soft warm doth, dish them very
of salt, one ounce of butter, and one hot, and sprinkle fine salt over them.
quarter-pint of milk or sweet cream. This is an admirable way of dressing
Potatoe Omelette. This may be old potatoes. When pared round and
made with a mashed potatoe or two round to a corkscrew form, in rib-
ounces of potatoe-flour, and four eggs, bons or shavings of equal width, and
and seasoned with pepper, salt, and a served dry and well-fried, lightly piled
pearance, and are excellent eating. They may be said of the gooseberry. Culti-
are sometimes served with a slight vators who pay any attention to the
sprinkling of Cayenne. If sliced, they subject, never allow the root to make
should be something less than a quarter but one stock, thus forming a beautiful
of an inch thick. miniature tree. To do this you must
To Promote Sleep. —The means of take sprouts of last year's growth and
promoting sound sleep are of great im- cut out all the eyes, or buds, in the
portance to health, as the grand pur- wood, leaving only two or three at the
poses of sleep are more fully effected, top then push them about half the
the sounder and more perfectly it is en- length of the cutting, into some mellow
joyed. The greatest refreshment is de- ground, where they will root, and run
rived from the most complete repose of up a single stock, forming a beautiful
the functions. For this purpose they symmetrical head. If you wish it higher,
should have been as generally exercised cut the eyes out again the second year.
as possible during the day, both those This places your fruit out of the way of
of body and mind — this exercise, how- the fowls, and prevents the gooseberry
ever, should not have proceeded so far from mildewing, which often happens
as to produce a state of painful fatigue when the fruit lies near the ground,
or exhaustion, as nothing is more sure and is shaded by a superabundance of
to preclude refreshing sleep the state leaves and sprouts. It changes an un-
of the circulation in the head should not sightly bush, which cumbers and dis-
have been excited by deep study, intense figures your garden, into an ornamental
thought, tea, coffee, or other stimulant, dwarf tree. The fruit is larger, and ri-
for some time previous to retiring to pens better, and will last on the bushes,
rest ; late and copious suppers should by growing in perfection, until late in
be expressly avoided the head should the fall. The mass of people suppose
not be kept too warm by thick, or flan- that the roots make out from the lower
nel night-caps ; —
the feet and lower ex- buds. It is not so they start from
tremities should have been brought to between the bark and wood, at the place
a comfortable temperature, if necessary, where it was cut from the parent root.
by artificial means, such as the warm Modelling in Gutta Percha and
foot-bath, or flesh-brush ;lastly, and Leather. —
Besides being one of the
above all, the cares of the day should greatest novelties of the present day,
have been put off with the clothes, a these arts combine usefulness and ele-
habit, which, like every other in connec- gance, for by the aid of the beautiful
tion with the subject of sleep, may be enamel colours, an ordinary white china
materially influenced by determination. cup and saucer *can be made to represent
Dr. Priestley enumerates it among the the old china with its quaintly-raised
privileges of his particular constitution, blossoms, figures, birds, leaves, &c. Old
for which he expresses gratitude to his family relics, in the form of quaint
Maker, that, however much his mind vases, Egyptian figures, and all other
might have been tried and perplexed articles of vertu, can be reproduced with
through life during the day, as soon as wonderful exactness, the only requisite
he laid his head on the pillow all his being a slight knowledge of painting,
cares were forgotten. He found time and a little patience and taste.
enough for all the pursuits of his busy Pretty card-baskets may be entirely
life, without studying in bed —without moulded out of the gutta percha an- ;
employing the hours that should be cient china frames to hold mirrors, old-
hours of repose in deep meditation and fashioned gilt frames which are tar-
thought. nished, and seemingly only fit for the
Currants and Gooseberries. The lumber room, can, by the aid of the
currant, properly propagated, is the most white enamel, be made to represent the
often seen within them, and for a very sharply round the edges with a "pen-
jmall sum. Wood, stone, and leather, knife, to the depth of sixteenth of an
besides gutta percha, can all be made to inch, slicing as it were the piece in the
represent china in all its varieties, by form of the leaf out of the wood, then
the aid of the white and beautiful tinted with a pencil trace the veins of the na-
enamels, which can never be displaced tural leaf, upon the indented outline
from the article painted with it, except which is on the wood, doing it with
by the use of turpentine, and that with great care and precision, after which cut
great difficulty. the lines out with a knife.
The materials required for the art of This mode saves much time and
gutta percha work are but few, and are trouble, especially to those living in
as follows : —
The purest white gutta out of the way places where moulds
percha which is sold in sheets, and by would be difficult to procure all that ;
the pound, the thickness of it should be is next to be done is io warm the gutta
less than a quarter of an inch, and quite percha, and whilst wet, press it upon
smooth on its surface. Barnard and the indented mould, when upon being
Son's enamel colours in bottles, consist- removed it will be found to bear upon
ing of white, deep rose, crimson, pale its surface an exact copy of the veins
pink, blue, three shades of green, yel- and outline just formed upon the wood.
low, orange, scarlet, mauve, violet, and The leaf should then be moulded with
two shades of brown a pair of sharp the fingers, by bending or crinkling ac-
pointed scissors, and several wooden cording to the style of the leaf copied.
moulds for leaves, &c, together with The flowers are simply formed from
six camel's hair brushes of different the warm gutta percha, after pressing
large sizes, and six of the sable brushes it out to the even thickness of the real
from the medium to the finest, for flower intended to copy ; each petal
veining and tinting tiny blossoms, but- should be, as in wax, cut and moulded
terflies, birds, Sec. Three sizes of cop- from nature if for a rose, or any other
per wire, from the fine for stems of many-petaled flower, the sizes should
leaves and flowers, to the medium thick, be cut, moulded and regulated, in their
for centre stems, stalks of large flowers, order before making up.
&c, where strength is required, and a The stems and. tendrils are formed
pair of small pliers. of wire covered smoothly with gutta
the gutta percha whilst warm, by press- tween each process an hour or two
ing a leaf upon it, that the impression should pass to let it dry. The vase is
of it may be obtained upon its surface, then adorned with a garland, composed
and then as quickly cut out with the of a double branch of fuschias formed
scissors, and moulded with the fingers in leather, stiffened and oak stained as
into natural form. Another, and e dually before described, they should be ar-
as good a way, is to get a smooth piece ranged according to the illustration,
Of wood, and after placing the natural with small pins or tacks, taking care
leaf or spray of leaves upon its surface, they are not seen, by placing a leaf or
l&iace with a pencil round the outer bud to cover them. A trail of nicely
formed ivy leaves should wreath round
the foot and stem of the vase, ending persons would be tempted to eat them.
in a graceful tendril to meet the garland Let but little time elapse between shel-
of f uschias on each side of the vase. ling and cooking, and care should be
This design would be equally suitable taken to have them as near of a size as
for gutta percha and enamels on a china possible. Before boiling, place them
cup or vase. If in gutta percha each in a colander, and some cold water
part of the calyx should be separate as run through them. Put them in fast
in wax and moulded accordingly. boiling water, and, with the saucepan
To —
Boil Vegetables, When green uncovered, let them boil rapidly for a
vegetables are fresh gathered they will quarter of an hour, or until tender. Put
not require so much boiling by quite a a slice of butter with them in the tu-
third of the time, as when stale. To get reen in which they are to be served, and
out the insects carefully shake the cab- when it has melted, gently stir the peas,
bages, greens, &c., and take off the out- adding pepper and salt.
side leaves. Soft water is best for cook- —
Asparagus. This esteemed vegeta-
ing vegetables but if only hard water ble should be cooked as soon after it
<can be obtained, a little soda should be has been cut as possible. Scrape the
used, (never pearlash,) which will soften stalks well, and put them into eold wa-
the water, and improve the colour of ter, and then gather them together and
the vegetables. Salt should also be tie them in bundles of equal size ; after
used with them. Green vegetables, they have been put into boiling water,
which should always be boiled by them- add to them a moderate handful of salt,
selves, take from twenty to thirty mi- and then let them boil until the ends
nutes fast boiling to make them tender. of the stalks are tender, which will be
"When they sink they are done, and then, in about thirty minutes toast a round
to maintain their flavour, they should of bread, which moisten with the wa-
be at once taken up and drained. They ter in which the stalks were boiled :
invariably should be put on in boiling serve them with the white ends of the
water, in an uncovered saucepan, which stalks outwards, and with melted butter.
will improve their colour. —
Artichokes. After having cut away
When thoroughly boiled, all vegeta- the outside leaves, and mad@> the stalks
bles are both wholesome and nutritious, even, put them, with a handful of salt,
but the reverse when under done. In into boiling water, and they will be
boiling them, the chief matter to be tender in about twenty-five minutes if
careful about is to see that they are soft they are young, but double that time if
before they are taken up as we have they are old. Drain, cut off the points
stated before this is usually accom- of the leaves, and serve with melted
plished in half an hour ; but the time butter.
will vary with their freshness, and the —
Angelica. Cut the stalks in lengths
season in which they are grown. of four or five inches, and well boil them
To restore frost-bitten vegetables, lay in a small quantity of water, keeping
them in cold water one hour before on the lid of the saucepan then dish ;
cooking, and when set to boil, put a them and peel them, and then boil again
piece of saltpetre in the water. until a fresh green, then dry the stalks
Cauliflowers should not be allowed on a cloth, and lay them in an earthen-
to boil so fast as greens ;they should ware pan, adding about a pound of sifted
be boiled in spring water with a little sugar to each pound of stalks let them ;
salt in it. In cutting off the stalks leave thus remain for three or four days, and
a little of the green on. then boil them again until very green,
Green Peas should be sent to table then place them in a sieve to drain, and
green this is their rharm
; but when powder them with pounded sugar. If
they wear a grey or yellow colour they the angelica is to be candied, lay it out
should not be brought to table, for few to dry in the sun.
French Beans. — If young the stalks half an hour to boil ; an equal propor-
and ends should alone be removed, and tion of milk should be used with the
the beans should be thrown one by one water.
as they are trimmed into cold water Spanish Onions. These are much
; —
they should be put on in boiling water improved by being dressed with some
to be cooked, with a handful of salt in lean ham. While cooking three or four
about twenty minutes they will be ten- together they- should not be allowed to
der. They should boil rapidly, but not touch each other cover them close, ;
in too much water, and they should be and place them with the ham on a j?low
uncovered. Beans at their maturity stove, turning them repeatedly until
should have the ends and strings taken they are done all round, which will be
off, and they should be divided length- in about two hours. They should be
wise and across. To preserve their fresh prepared for roasting by taking off two*
green colour a little soda should be skins, but the stalk or the root should
thrown into the pot soda imparts a not be much cut away.
tween two plates, then place it before four inches wide, or at least sufficiently
the fire for the moisture to evaporate wide to conveniently tie over the mouth
before serving. of the jar, and dip these strips into the
Turnips, to Boil and Mash. —Af- hot wax, then stripping nearly all the
ter boiling until tender, drain them on wax off. With cloth thus prepared,
a sieve, and then mash with butter, after the jar is filled with hot preserves,
pepper, and salt, taking care that they and while still hot, close the mouth,
are free from lamps. and bind it on with good linen cord.
Seakale. This should be boiled till Then with shears trim off as much of
very white, and, like asparagus, may be the waxed cloth as is desirable, and
served on toast. Seakale cannot be then dip it in some melted wax, which
done too much. After trimming it should be made with only about half as
should be tied in bundles, and if in- much tallow. Sealing-wax may be used
tended to be served on toast it should instead, if desired. The jars should be
be thoroughly drained. It will take put where the wax will cooi ax, once, so
— —
that the exhaustion caused by the cool- with sour buttercnilk. Bake the loaf
ing of the preserves, and the condensa- well in a thoroughly heated but not
tion of the steam, may not cause the fierce oven. In a brick, or in a good
wax to run through the cloth. Nothing iron oven, a few minutes less than an
can be more thoroughly air-tight than hour would be sufficient to bake a quar-
bottles so prepared. tern loaf. The buttermilk should be
Brown Sauce. Put into a saucepan kept till it is quite acid but it must ;
two pounds of beef, the same quantity never be in the slightest degree rancid,
of veal, an old fowl, some onions and or otherwise bad. All unfermented
carrots, and throw over the whole a pint bread, it must be repeated, should be
of water place the saucepan on a strong
placed in the oven directly it is made,
fire until the sauce begins to glaze then;
or it will be heavy.
put the vessel on a slower fire, and when To Preserve Pears.— Take small,
your glaze begins to brown, put to it a rich, fair fruit, as soon as the pips are
little stock, adding some mushrooms, black them over the fire in a kettle,
; set
a bunch of parsley, a few cloves, and with water to cover them let them ;
a roux which you have made in a sepa- leaving on a little of the stem, and the
rate vessel, and let it boil again another blossom end pierce them at the blos- ;
hour you have only then to take the som end to the core, then make a syrup
fat off and pass it through a sieve, when of a pound of sugar to each pound of
it is ready for use. fruit when it is boiling hot, pour it
Economical Pudding. Take two over the pears, and let it stand till the
tablespoonf uls of rice, put it into a small next day, when drain it off, make it
saucepan with as much water as the rice boiling hot, and again pour it over ;
will absorb. When boiled enough add after aday or two, put the fruit in the
a pinch of salt, then set it by the fire syrup over the fire, and boil it gently
until the rice is quite soft and dry. until it is clear ; then take it into jars
Throw it up in a dish, add two ounces or spread on dishes boil the syrup
it ;
of butter, four tablespoonf uls of tapioca, thick, then put it and the fruit in jars.
a pint and a half of milk, sugar to the Cool Rooms.— In fevers a cool room
taste, a little grated nutmeg, and two frequently does as much good as medi-
eggs beaten up. Let it all be well cine. Blinds coated with the following
fitirred together, and baked an hour. composition and placed outside the win-
Bread without Yeast. Some years — dow, are both sun and rain-proof the ;
since, when unf ermented bread was first greatest heat will not affect them :
becoming known, the following recipe Boil well together two pounds of tur-
was very successfully tried and we ; pentine, one pound of litharge in pow-
have since been told that an almost si- der, and two or three pounds of linseed
milar method of preparing bread is oil the blinds are to be brushed over
common in many remote parts of both with this varnish, and dried in the sun.
England and Ireland, where it is almost Umbrellas, light linen coats, and covers
impossible to procure a constant supply of hats may be so treated.
of yeast. Blend well together a tea- Rules for Ladies. Mrs. Jamieson —
spoonful of powdered sugar and fifty recommends the ladies to observe the
grains of the purest carbonate of soda following rules
: In the morning use :
mix a salt- spoonful of salt with a pound pure water as a preparatory ablution :
of flour, and rub the soda and sugar after which they must abstain from all
through a hair-sieve into it. Stir and sudden gusts of passion, particularly
mingle them well, and make them envy, as that gives the skin a sallow
quickly into a firm but not hard dough, paleness. It may ;.eem trifling to speak
if they would avoid pimples. highly valued, and was the distinguish-
Instead of rouge, let them use mode- ing mark of the greatest dignities, being
rate exercise, which will raise a natural reserved for princes only. The most
bloom in their cheek, inimitable by famous of their purple dyes was that
art. called Tyrian, which is said to have
Ingenuous candour and unaffected been drawn from a certain shell- fish, a
good humour will give an openness to species of murex, common on the shores
their countenance that will make -them of the Mediterranean but the quantity
woollen clothes usually worn by them to bite), because they were supposed at
were of the natural colour of the sheep first, figuratively speaking, to bite the
but the wealthy classes preferred co- dye into the cloth. The action of the
mordants in fixing the colour on the the earliest times, been an object of in-
cloth is very decided. If a piece of terest with those who bestowed atten-
calico be simply soaked with a solution tion on optical appearances, but the
of the colouring-matter of Brazil-wood, rainbow is much too complicated a phe-
and thereafter washed the whole of the nomenon to be easily explained. In
dye can be washed out but if the ;
general, however, it was understood to
calico be first immersed in a solution of arise from light reflected by drops of
acetate of alumina (a mordant), and rain falling from a cloud opposite the
thereafter treated with Brazil-wood so- sun. The difficulty seems to be how to
lution, it acquires a permanent red co- account for the colour, which is never
lour, which, cannot be washed out. produced in white light, such as that of
By varying the mordant, a great va- the sun, by mere reflection.
riety of shades may be derived from the Maurolycus advanced a considerable
same colouring: matter. Indeed, the step, when he supposed that the light
mordant itself, in many instances sup- enters the drop, and acquires colour by
plies a colour For example, in dyeing refraction ; but in tracing the course of
with cochineal, when the aluminous the ray he was quite bewildered. Others
mordant is employed, the colour pro- supposed the refraction and the colour
duced is crimson but when oxide of
to be the effect of one drop, and the
iron is substituted for the alumina, a refraction of another ; so that two re-
black colour is the result. Cloth first fractions and one reflection were em-
treated with a mordant of acetate of ployed, but in such a manner as to be
alumina, and thereafter with a decoc- still very remote from the truth.
^nd thereafter dyeing with madder. two refractions from the convex part,
bellows are formed by immersing the and a reflection from the concave, they
cloth in solution of acetate of lead, and were returned to the eye tinged with
then in solution of bichromate of pot- different colours, according to the angle
ash. Oranges are readily produced by at which the ray had entered.
taking the cloth already dyed yellow, The rays that gave the same colour
and boiling it in dilute milk of lime, or made the same angle with the surface,
even washing soda. Broivns are formed and hence all the drops that gave the
by heating the cloth in solution of the same colour must be arranged in a cir-
sulphate of manganese, and passing it cle, the centre of which was the point
through caustic soda, and lastly placing in the cloud opposite the sun.
it in solution of bleaching powder. New —
Year's Gifts. The ancients
When parts of the cloth are to re- made presents out of respect on the
main uncoloured, it is necessary to print New Year's Day, as a happy augury for
on a substance which destroys or throws the ensuing year, which were called
off the colour." Strenas, Symmachus adds, that the use
Rainbows. —The rainbow has, from of them was first introduced by King
— —
taken up for perusal, and the eye glances also setting forth whether any and what
^it the affectionate inscription to us in rent is due and for what period from
the donor's handwriting. such lodger to his immediate landlord ;
A —
Cure for Love. Take of spirit and such lodger may pay to the superior
of resolution, 14 ounces syrup of good
landlord, or to the bailiff or other per-
advice, 1 2 ounces spices of employ-
son employed by him as aforesaid, the
ment, 13 ounces spirit of indifference,
rent, ifany, so due as last aforesaid, or
1 ounce oil of absence, 2 ounces pow-
so much thereof as shall be sufficient to
der of disdain, 2 grains. Pmt these in- discharge the claim of such superior
gredients into a saucepan of sound rea- landlord. And to such declaration shall
son, with a good quantity of the best be annexed a correct inventory, sub-
heart's ease. Stir it up with a large scribed by the lodger, of the furniture,
quantity of time, and strain it through goods, and chattels referred to in the
a long bag of patience. A
small portion declaration and if any lodger shall
such application shall be heard before a mixture with antimony should be em-
stipendiary magistrate, or before two ployed.
justices in places where there is no sti- Persons subject to sore throat find
pendiary magistrate, and such justices cayenne a good preventive. In the form
or magistrate shall inquire into the of lozenges this may be taken at any
truth of such declaration and inventory, time pleasantly, and its use in this way
and shall make such order for the re- will frequently crush the disease in its
covery of the goods or otherwise as to first attempt at outbreak.
him or them may seem just, and the Cure for a Cold.— Dr. Hall says,
-superior landlord shall also be liable to " A bad cold, like measlesand mumps,
an action at law at the suit of the lod- or other similar ailments, will run its
ger, which action the truth of the course of about ten days, in spite of
declaration and inventory may likewise what may be done for it, unless reme-
be inquired into. dial means are employed within forty-
3. Any pa}^ment made by any lodger eight hours of its inception. Many a
pursuant to the first section of this Act useful life may be spared, to be increas-
shall be deemed a valid payment on ac- ingly useful, by cutting a cold short off
count of any rent due from him to his in the following safe and simple man-
immediate landlord. ner :
On the first day of taking a cold
4. This Act shall not extend to Scot- there is a very unpleasant sensation of
land. chilliness. The moment you observe
D. H. M. this you go to your room and stay there
The Seasons. The— keep it at such a temperature as will
should eause their children to be regis- on thick, warm, woollen stockings, even
tered within six months after birth, by if it be summer and for twenty-four
giving personal notice to the registrar hours eat not an atom ol food, but drink
of their district. No fee is payable ;
as largely as you desire of any kind of
but after forty-two days a sum of 7s. 6d. warm teas, and, at the end of that time,
is chargeable. Registration of birth if not sooner, the cold will be effectually
answers all the purposes of baptism as broken without any medicine what-
regards property. ever."
Sore Throat. Sore throat is best How to Catch Cold.— When, in
relieved by the inhalation of steam from the spring or commencement of sum-
a basin of hot water, around which a mer, you throw up the window to enjoy
towel is thrown enclosing the head, and the fresh air, if you feel a delicious
the application externally of a mustard- coolness blow over the face and neck,
plaster, or a liniment of equal parts of you may rest assured that you are tak-
spirit of hartshorn and oil on flannel. ing cold. If you get heated with exer-
and le.t them stand on the hob three pound currants or raisins, and (if
days. This preserve is an excellent liked) a few carra way- seeds. Having
substitute for the real West Indian im- mixed these ingredients well together,
portation, which is reckoned so great a make a hole in the middle and pour in
delicacy, and is also so expensive. It half a pint of cold new milk one egg f ;
mix in half a pound of loaf sugar, finely Fig Pudding;. Procure one pound —
powdered. Spread sheets of white pa- of good figs, and chop them very fine,
per on your baking-tin, and over that and also a quarter of a pound of suefy
the proper wafer-paper lay the paste likewise chopped as fine as possible
on it in pieces about the size of a wal- dust them both with a little flour as you
nut, and sift fine sugar over. Bake care- proceed it helps to bind the pudding
fully in a moderately hot oven, and, together then take one pound of fint
when cold,, cut the wafer-paper round. bread crumbs, and three ounces of su-
If it is desired, two or three almond gar ;beat two eggs in a teacupful of
stripscan be laid on the top of each milk, and mix all well together. Boil
cake as they begin to bake. four hours. If there is no objection,
Light Tea- Buns. —Take half a tea- serve it with wine or brandy sauce, and
spoonful of tartaric acid, and the same ornament your pudding with blanched
quantity of bicarbonate of soda, and rub almonds. Simply cooked, however, it
them well into a pound of flour, through isbetter for children, with whom it is a
a hair sieve, if leisure permit. Then great favourite. Flavour the pudding
work into the flour two ounces of but- with a little allspice or nutmeg ; but
ter, and add two ounces of crushed and the spice should be added before the
sifted lump sugar, also a quarter of a milk and eggs.
Common Cement. —Mix together idea that, to render young limbs hardy,
harf a pint of vinegar and half a pint of the body should be exposed to the un-
milk. When they have formed a curd, due influence of our capricious climate.
take the whey only, and mix it with the To Wash Cotton Bed-Furniture
whites of five eggs, beating the whole —
and Printed Calicoes, 1. Get rid of
very hard. Then sift in gradually suf- as much dirt as possible by brushing
ficient quicklime to convert the whole and shaking.
into a thick paste. This will be found 2. Do not let the dirty things lie
useful for broken bowls, jugs, &c. Rub about in a damp wash-house, or in any
both the broken edges, and then cover way become damp before they are fairly
the crack with it, allowing it a fortnight wetted.
to dry. Another good cement may be 3. On no account use a particle of
made by mixing together equal quanti- soda, pearlash, or anything of the kind.
ties of melted glue, white of egg, and 4. Allow plenty of water and plenty
white lead, and boiling them. of room in the tub.
Woollen Clothing It is not gene- 5. Use soft water, no hotter than
rally understood how clothing keeps the would be pleasant for washing the
body cool in hot weather, and warm in hands.
cold weather. Clothes are, generally, 6. Kub with soap in the ordinary
composed of some light substance, which way. Mottled soap is preferable to yel-
does not conduct heat but woollen low. If a general wash is about, the
substances are worse conductors than water in which flannels a second time
those which are made of cotton and have bee-\ washed does very well for
linen. Thus, a flannel shirt more effec- the first rashing of coloured things or
tually intercepts or keeps out heat than that in which muslins have been washed
a linen or cotton one ; and whether in a second time, provided that no soda or
warm or cold climates, attains the end anything of the kind has been used.
of clothing more effectually. The ex- 7. When the first washing is com-
change of woollen for cotton under- pleted, have ready another tub with wa-
shirts in hot weather, is therefore an ter of the same degree of warmth, into
error. This is further proved by ice which put each piece, immediately on
being preserved from melting when it wringing it out of the first water.
is wrapped in blankets, which retard, 8. Eepeat the process of washing in
for a long time, the approach of heat to the second liquor, carefully observing
it. These considerations show the error that every part is clean.
of supposing there is a positive warmth 9. On wringing out of the second
in the materials of clothing. The thick water, immediately plunge each piece
cloak which guards the Spaniard against into cold spring water for rinsing.
the cold of winter, is also in summer 10. On wringing each piece out of
used by him as a protection against the the rinsing water, immediately hang it
direct rays of the sun ; and while in out, and let it dry as quickly as pos-
England flannel is our warmest article sible.
of dress, yet we cannot more effectually 11. In hanging up, put any thick
preserve ice, than by wrapping the ves- double parts next the line, letting the
sel containing it in many folds of the thinner part hang down and blow about.
softest flannel. Black cloths are known When these are dry, the positions may
to be very warm in the sun but they
; be changed, and the thick parts hung
are far from being so in the shade, es- downwards.
pecially in cold weather, when the tem- 12. If, through unfavourable wea-
perature of the air is below that of the ther, or any other circumstance, the
surface of the skin. We may thus ga- drying cannot proceed at once, the
ther the importance of attention to things had better remain all night in
children's clothing. It is an absurd the rinsing water, than be laid about
damp. If they are half dry out of doors, themselves into fever, throat affections 5"
when taken in for the night, let them be and other maladies.
hung or spread in a room, and again " But I never eat more than I want,"
hung out early next day. If there is is the common reply to a remonstrance
no chance of favourable drying abroad, against the dangers of excessive eating.
they should be quickly dried before a Every person wants the quantity he is
fire,or round a stove. in the habit of eating.If he would di-
13. If starching is required, a suffi- gest well two pounds a day, but eats
cient quantity of made starch may be four pounds, he wants the latter quan-
stirred into the rinsing water. tity. The body, however, is strength-
Everton Toffey. Take one pound ened by what it can digest and assimi-
and a half of brown sugar, three ounces late. The large eater is always hungry.
of butter, a teacupful and a half of wa- " During many years' practice of my
ter, and one lemon. Boil the sugar, profession," a medical gentleman told
butter, water, and half the rind of the us, "I had but little muscular exercise.
lemon together, and when sufficiently I ate enormously. An hour's postpone-
done which will be known by drop- ment of my dinner was painful. Now
ping into cold water, when it should be I labour very hard several hours a day
quite crisp let it stand aside until the in my gymnasium. I do not eat more
boiling has ceased, and then stir in the than a third the quantity of former
juice of the lemon. Butter a dish, and years. Now I can omit a dinner alto-
pour it about a quarter of an inch gether without inconvenience. I have
in thickness. The fire must be quick, lost twenty pounds in weight, but feel
and the tofiey stirred all the time. a great deal younger. More than half
Bed Clothing'. Bed-clothes, says of the thin people would gain flesh by
Dr. Johnstone, should be just sufficient eating less. I have only one dietetic
to enable the patient to sleep. It is rule from which I never depart this;
better to wake with a sensation which rule, kind reader, I commend to you.
induces an inclination to draw the bed- Always take on your plate, before you
clothes more closely around the shoul- begin, everything you are to eat. Thus
ders, than with an oppressive sense of you avoid the dessert, and are pretty
heat, which induces a disposition to sure not to eat too much.
throw the clothes back. We should How
to be Miserable. Be con- —
sleep as we should eat, because it is stantly afraid lest some one should en-
necessary, and not for the sake of the croach upon your rights be watchful
luxurious animal gratification which it against it, and if any one comes near
yields. The short morning doze, into your things snap at him. Contend ear-
which one often suffers oneself to fall, nestly for everything that is your own,
after the full complement of the night's though it may not be worth a pin for ;
sleep is over, merely because it is not your " rights " are as much concerned
time to rise when one wakes, perhaps as if it were a pound of gold. Never
about five or six o'clock, is injurious. yield a point.
Over Eating". This is not a com- Be very sensitive, and take everything
mon practice with the ladies, and we that is said to you in playfulness in the
have but little need to point out to most serious manner. Be jealous of
them the numerous evils that flow from your friends, lest they should not think
the error of eating too much at a meal. enough of you. And if at any time they
Yet there are some ladies to be found should seem to neglect you, put the
amongst those who complain of never worst construction upon it you can, and
being well, who might trace the source conclude that they wish to avoid your
of their frequent indisposition to the acquaintance and so the next time you
attractive pleasures of the table. meet them, put on a sour look and show
It is affirmed that thousands eat a proper resentment. You will soon
get rid of them, and cease to be troubled ness from pain. Put a handful of bran
with friends. You will have the plea- in a pint and a half of cold water, let it
sure of being shut up in yourself. boil rather more than half an hour, then
Be very touchy and irritable. Culti- strain it, and flavour with sugar and
vate a sour, cross, snappish disposition. lemon- juice but it is a pleasant drink
of defects in the best of things, and be admirably adapted for joining paperr
always on the look-out for whatever is card, &c, in forming the various orna-
deformed or ugly, or offensive in any ments which afford amusement and em-
way, and turn up your nose at it. If ployment to the ladies. When made of
you will do half of these things you will the consistence of plaster or clay, mo-
become miserable enough. dels and busts may be formed and the \
prefer the open part to the vicinity of ses can afterwards be washed in clean
trees. The distance of a thunder-storm, water and sent to the table. Small
find consequently the danger, is not dif- salads, cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli,
ficult to be estimated. As light travels celery, lettuces, and vegetables of all
at the rate of 192,000 miles in a second descriptions, by the same simple me-
of time, its effects may be considered as thod, may be freed from slugs, worms,
instantaneous within any moderate dis- or insects. If a jar of brine is kept for
tance. Sound, on the contrary, is trans- the purpose, and strained after being
mitted only at the rate of 1,142 feet, or used, it will last many weeks.
about 380 yards, in a second. By ac- To
Convert Hard Water into
curately observing, therefore, the time Soft. —
If any are troubled to get soft
that intervenes between the flash and water for washing, fill a tub or barrel
the noise of the thunder which follows half full of wood ashes, and fill it up
it, a very near calculation may be made with water, so that you may have ley
of its distance, and there is no better whenever you want it. A
gallon of
means of removing apprehensions. strong ley, put into a kettle of hard
Bran Tea. —A very cheap and use- water, will make it as soft as rain-water.
ful drink in colds, fevers, and restless- Some housekeepers use pearlash or pot-
ash but this costs something, and is varied exercise, but never strain therx\
very apt to injure the texture of the by too long persevering over a work they
cloth. are weary of.
To Clean Paint that is not Var- Weak eyes are more benefited by a
nished. Put upon a plate some of the green shade, or blue or green spectacles,
best whiting have ready some clean or railway goggles (made of wire gauze),
ning as will adhere to it, apply it to the ficial light, nor sew black clothes.
paint, when a little rubbing will in- Avoid exposing your eyes to a draught
stantly remove any dirt or grease ; wash of air, and do not roast them by sitting
well off with water, and rub dry with a too much before a bright fire. If your
soft cloth. Paint thus cleaned looks usual position exposes one eye more
equal to new ; and without doing the than another to a glare of light, protect
least injury to the most delicate colour, the exposed eye with a green shade.
it will preserve the paint much longer Use double eyeglasses when you re-
than if cleaned with soap ; and it does quire them, rather than single ones, or
not require more than half the time even spectacles, and take care that their
usually occupied in cleaning. focus entirely suits your own. Choose
Care of the Eyes. Most people apartments that are evenly and well
may preserve good sight through their lighted. Accustom your eyes to the
lives by taking care of it ;. and yet it is natural influence of the atmosphere and
so often, forfeited by neglect. Among solar light ; those who live in close and
the rules lor keeping the eyes sound dark rooms will produce a morbid weak-
and healthy the following are some of ness of the optic nerves.
the most important :— Beware of strong, reflected lights,
Avoid glaring lights ; avoid abrupt, especially those from white walls, chalk
violent transitions from light to dark- racks, &c. ; for white hardly absorbs
ness, and from heat to cold, and vice any ray whatever, whereas the other
versa ; keep the eyes clean ; wash; thejn colours absorb many. Accustom your
with lukewarm water. If jqn '{suffer ey&s Hid view varied objects at near and
from irritation of the eyes, moisten yQur- remote distances, as by this means you
finger with your fasting saliva, and ap- wall preserve their free play and flexi-
ply it gently to your eyes. There ; is, bility'; whereas, if you direct your sight
great virtue in this. But do noVruJb too exclusively to near objects you will
or press your eyes at all roughly unless become near-sighted.
you wish to injure them. Let the coloured papers of your rooms
Never allow dust or hairs to remain be rather mild and soft than brilliant
in your eyes ; but if they get in, fill the or garish. View objects in oblique
. eyes with lukewarm water, so as to set lights so as to avoid their direct reflec-
the encumbrance afloat, and gently draw tions, which often dazzle the eyes.
your fingers across the eyes in the di- The best colour for spectacles is pale
rection of the nose, until the offending blue.
substances slip out at the corners. Do not let a glaring light fall on the
Do not put poultices over your eyes, paper while you read or write.
lest in attempting thus to draw out the —
Ennui. This is a French word, sig-
inflammatory diseases, you draw out nifying listless fatigue of the mind,
eyes and all. resulting chiefly from want of employ-
In order to preserve your eyesight, ment of the mental powers. Those
preserve your general health by air, affected by ennui are generally the idle
exercise, and temperance in all things. and thoughtless and no better cure
Accustom your eyes to moderate and for the disease, for such in most cases it
reallyis, can be recommended than ac- pleasant effects. The prices range from
tive useful employment. We say to 7s. 6d.to 21s. The central depot is at
persons who are thus afflicted Why — 113, Strand, London.
stand ye thus idle when there is so much —
Game. Legally #ie term only in-
work to be done ? Why waste the pre- cludes hares, pheasants, partridges, and
cious time which God has given for your the several kinds of grouse and bus-
own benefit, and that of your fellow- tards. The snipe, quail, landrail, wood-
creatures ? Do something that shall be cock and coney, are not game, strictly
beneficial to yourself, if not to others ; speaking, although they may not be
although the latter ought to be a great shot by unlicensed persons. But it is '
aim and object of your existence. In- with game as an article of diet that we
dustry like virtue is its own reward it ; have here to do, and generally (we
conduces to health both of mind and quote from " The Family Doctor,") it
body, but idleness consumes both, as may be recommended as safe and whole-
rust doth metal, and one of the most some, as it contains a smaller proportion
obvious signs of this wasting of the of oily and fatty matter than most flesh.
mental powers is ennui. It is too commonly, however, eaten in
Rheumatism. —For this too common such a state of semi-putrefaction as to
disease the application of electricity in render it extremely objectionable it ;
the form of galvanism experience has may be known to be too " high " for
taught us to be the best remedy. Gal- safe eating when air bubbles are ob-
vanism, so named from its discoverer, served near the bones, and the meat, on
Galvani, is usually elicited by the mu- being cut, gives out what can hardly
tual action of various metals and che- be called a crackling sound, but a sen-
mical agents upon each other, copper sation, to the carver. This is owing to
and zinc and sulphuric acid being those the evolution of carbonic acid gas, and
most commonly employed. in this state game sometimes acts as an
The principal effects of Electro-Gal- irritant poison. The best remedy is to
vanism, as applied to disease, appears to give a full dose .of castor oil, with about
be that of a powerful stimulant to the 20 drops of laudanum, as the irritant
nervous and muscular systems but,
; matter will have passed beyond the sto-
besides this action, it appears to have mach before the symptoms show its de-
the power of allaying pain and irritabi- leterious nature, and therefore emetics
lity in the part to which it is applied. or the stomach pump would be useless.
In Rheumatism, and similar chronic If there are colicky pains after this,
disoaders, galvanism has been proved to give calomel and opium, 1 grain of each,
be exceedingly efficacious. Among the about every quarter of an hour.
recent inventions for the application of To Pkeserve Game, the best way is
electricity to the cure of rheumatism to enclose a piece of charcoal in the
and numerous other " ills that flesh is body, out of which the viscera have
heir to," is the " Electro- Samaritan," been removed, close the skin by sewing,
a very ingenious appliance which may and tie a piece of skin tightly round
be worn with comfort, the galvanic the neck to exclude the air.
plates being enclosed and isolated, so as
to prevent irritation of the skin, and
Bee Stings. In most cases any one
stung by a bee can instantaneously ob-
also to intensify the power of the cur- tain relief by pressing on the point stung
rent, which is communicated to the with the tube of a key. This will ex-
body by two open plates or poles the
chain itself being enclosed in gutta per-
— tract the sting and relieve the pain, and
the application of aqua ammonia (com-
cha, and enveloped in cloth or silk. The mon spirits of hartshorn) will immedi-
sensation imparted by the " Electro- ately remove it. The poison being of
Samaritan " is simply one of a comfort- an acid nature, is at once neutralised
ing stimulus—no shocks, nor other un- by the application of this penetrating
and volatile alkali. A small quantity bits of the white of the egg, and pieces
introduced into the wound on the point of pickled beetroot.
of a needle or fine- nibbed pen, and ap- —
Perfumed Soap. Take four ounces;
plied as soon as possible, will scarcely of marshmallow roots skinned, and dried
ever fail. in the shade powder them, and add
Essence of Ginger. Take two and — ;
crush it, but not to powder then add ; two ounces of blanched almonds, an
one pint of the best brandy, ®r rum, ounce and a half of kernels husked, two
place them together in a bottle, and ounces of oil of tartar, the same of c 1
shake them now and then for a fort- of sweet almonds, and thirty grains oi
night then strain, and it is ready for
; musk thoroughly incorporate
; these in-
use. A few drops of this essence of gredients, and add to every ounce half
ginger, taken on a lump of sugar, is an an ounce of Florentine orris-root in fine
excellent thing for flatulency. A good powder ; then steep half a pound of
deal of the essence of ginger of com- fresh marshmallow roots, bruised in the
merce contains Cayenne pepper, and is distilled water of mallows (or orange
made of spirits of wine instead of the flowers) for twelve hours, then squeeze
cordial spirits. out the liquor ; then, with this liquor,
Salads. —Salads are composed chiefly and the preceding powders and oils,
of lettuce, endive, radishes, green mus- make a stiff paste, to be dried in the
tard, land and water- cresses, celery, and shade, and formed into round balls.
young onions. any of them
All or This soap is excellent for smoothing the
should be washed and placed ornamen- skin, or rendering the hands delicately
tally in a salad bowl the lettuce is
; white.
generally cut in pieces lengthwise, and •'
Turncoat." The opprobrious ap-
stuck round the dish the celery, also
; pellation of " turncoat," took its rise
divided, is placed in the centre and ; from one of the first Dukes of Savoy,
the small salads, such as cresses and whose dominions lying open to the in-
radishes, are placed between. This is cursions of the two contending houses
the mode of serving a salad plain. When of Spain and France, he was obliged to
a dressed salad is to be served, the whole temporise and fall in with that power
iscut in small pieces, and mixed in the that was most likely to distress him,
bowl with a dressing. The dressing is according to the success of their arms
made in the following manner For a : — against one another. So, being fre-
moderate quantity of salad, boil one egg quently obliged to change sides, he hu-
quite hard when cold, take out the
mourously got a coat made that was
yolk and bruise it with the back of a blue on one side, and white on the
spoon on a plate then pour on it about
other, and might be indifferently worn
a teaspoonful of cold water, and a tea- either side out. While on the Spanish
spoonful of salt. Rub all this together interest he wore the blue side out, and
till the egg has become quite smooth the white side was the badge of the
like a thick paste. Add a teaspoonful French. From hence he was called the
of made mustard, and continue mixing. by way of distinguishing him
Next' add and mix a tablespoonful of from other princes of the same name.
salad oil, or cold melted butter. After A
Saunterer.— The words " saun-
this, add and mix a tablespoonful or ter" and " saunterer" are singular re-
more of vinegar. The dressing is now cords of mediaeval practices and feelings.
made, and may be either mixed with " Saunterer," derived from " la sain-
the salad, or put into a glass vessel called terre," is one who visits the Holy Land.
an incorporator, which is sent to table At first a deep and earnest conviction
along with the salad. The top of the drew thousands thither drew them to —
salad may be ornamented with small visit
may be instanced of change in the po- for a whole day stir and wash often.
sition of leaves, whilst in flowers there Next day change the water, and when
seems to be no limit to variation. The poured off a second time, at the end of
greater number shut the petals at night, twenty-four hours, dry the fat by rub-
ihe stalks declining on one side ; but bing on a clean linen cloth. Now put
there are some which roll their petals the suet, with one pound and. a half of
back, and curl them up like miniature fresh hog's lard, into a large pan, and
volutes. When the petals are numerous, melt the whole over a gentle fire. When
they usually form a conical pent-house, properly combined, put the whole into
as every one must have observed in ma- an earthen pan, and beat it well with a
rigolds and daisies. When there are wooden spatula until quite cold. Whilst
only three or four, the complicate ela- beating, add six drachms of essence of
borateness of their interfolding is most lemon, and thirty drops of oil of cloves,
beautiful, and baffles all description. previously mixed together. Now con-
Such is the common scarlet poppy of tinue beating until the mixture be per-
the cornfields, and the less gaudy esch- fectly white, and afterwards put it up
scholitzia of the flower-garden. The into small pots. Leave the pots open
corollas of plants, like dead-nettles and until the pomatum is quite cold ; when
snap-dragon, are not formed to open and cover them by pieces of bladder, &c. In
shut ; but the protection which the in- summer, use more suet, and mix in a
ternal parts of the former kind derive cool place ; in winter, use more hog's
from their nocturnal closing has here a lard, and make the pomatum in a warm
substitute in the form of the flower. room.
The sleep of such plants is probably un- Picture of Woman. — " The true
accompanied by any external change. woman," says Charles Dickens, " for
The same may be said of campanulas, whose ambition a husband's love and
and other bell-shaped flowers. The four her children's adoration are sufficient,
petaled flowers of cruciferae, it should who applies her military instincts to
have been observed, are remarkably the discipline of her household, and
careless of repose. Their sleep never whose legislatives exercise themselves
appears sound, or even constant for in making laws for her nurse ; whose
many successive nights ; they seem rest- intellect has field enough for her in
less ; and in the morning always look communion with her husband, and
dozy and uncomfortable. When flowers whose heart asks no other honours than
are overblown, or the plant, if an an- his love and admiration a woman who
nual, is near its decay, the phenomena does not think it a weakness to attend
of sleep are very considerably dimin- to her toilet, and who does not disdain
ished, partaking, with humanity, the to be beautiful, who believes in the vir-
characteristics of old age. In fact, they tue of glossy hair and well-fitting gowns,
only sleep in perfection when in the and who eschews rents and ravelled
full energy of youth and health. edges, slip-shod shoes and audacious
To Make Common Pomatum. — make-ups ; a woman who speaks low,
Take four pounds of fresh and white and does not speak much who is pa- ;
mutton suet, skinned and shredded very tient and gentle, and intellectual and
fine, which melt in about two quarts of industrious who loves more than she
spring water ; and whilst hot, put the reasons, and yet does not love blindly ;
whole into a well-glazed earthen pan, who never scolds and never argues, but
small at bottom and wide at top. Let adjusts with a smile such a woman is
it stand until the fat is quite cold, and the wife we have all dreamed of once
all the impurities fall to the bottom, in our lives, and is the mother we still
which carefully scrape off. Now break worship in the backward distance of the
the fat into small pieces, which put into past."
a pan with two gallons of spring water, To Restore the Colour of the
Teeth. — Dissolve two ounces of borax child taught to use its voice while
in three pints of hot water. Before young. In their schools all join in sing-
quite cold, add thereto one teaspoonful ing, as a regular exercise, and in their
of tincture of myrrh, and one table - churches singing not confined to the
spoonful of spirits of camphor. Bottle choir, who sit apart from the others,
and mix for use. One wine-glassful but there is a vast tide of incense going
of the solution, added to half a pint of forth to God from every heart that can
tepid water, is sufficient for each appli- give utterance to this language from
cation. Only a soft brush should be the soul. In addition to the delightful
applied to the teeth, as a hard one de- influence singing has upon the character,
stroys the enamel. it has also a marked influence in sup-
English Surnames. The Registrar- pressing pulmonary complaints. Dr.
General estimates that there are nearly Eush used to say, that the reason why
40,000 different surnames in England. the Germans seldom die of consump-
Among these there aye 53,000 families tion was, that they were always sing-
bearing the name of Spiih, and 51,000 ing.
the name of Jones. The Smiths and —
Flowers. How the universal heart
Joneses alone are supposed to include blesses flowers !They are wreathed
half a million of the population. In an round the cradle, the marriage-altar,
average it seems that 1 person in 73 is and the tomb. The Persian in the far
a Smith, 1 in 76 a Jones, 1 in 112 a east delights in their perfume, and
Williams, 1 in 148 a Taylor, 1 in 162 a writes his love in nosegays while the ;
Davies, and 1 in 174 a Brown. Among Indian child of the far west claps his
the list of peculiar names given, we note hands with glee as he gathers the abun-
the following :
Allbones, Alabaster, Af- dant blossoms—the illuminated scrip-
fection, Awkward, Baby, Bolster, By tures of the prairies. The Cupid of the
(the shortest English name), Camomile, ancient Hindoos tipped his arrows with
Corpse, Cakebread, Dagger, Eighteen, flowers, and orange flowers are a bridal
Eatwell, Fowls, Fussy, Gin, Hogsflesh, crown with us, a nation of yesterday.
Idle, Jolly, Jelly, Kiss, Lumber, Mud- Flowers garlanded the Grecian altar,
dle, Nutbrown, Officer, Pocket, Quince, and hung in votive wreaths before the
Rabbit, Sanctuary, Tombs, Unit, Vul- Christian shrine. All these are appro-
gar, Waddle, Yellow, and Zeal. priate uses. Flowers should deck the
Pea Soup. Put one quart of split brow of the youthful bride, for they are
peas to soak overnight in soft water ;
in themselves a lovely type of marriage.
the next morning wash them out, and They should twine round the tomb, for
put them into a soup-pot with two car- their perpetually -renewed beauty is a
rots, two onions, a stalk of celery, and symbol of the resurrection. They should
four quarts of water ; let this boil four festoon the altar, for their fragrance
or five hours have boiling water at and their beauty ascend in perpetual
hand to add, as the water boils away in worship before the Most High.
pea soup more than any other kind ;
Toasted Cheese. This is much
stiain the soup through a very coarse relished by some persons, but is seldom
sieve. Have a piece of salt pork boiled in met with well prepared. The following
another pot one hour then take it out receipt may be found useful
Cut the:
and skin it put the soup and the pork cheese into slices of moderate thickness,
back into the pot, and boil it gently one and put them into a tinned copper
hour, frequently stirring it with a large saucepan, with a little butter and
•spoon. Care should be taken that it cream simmer very gently until quite
mence in season. In Germany every a shape, and brown it before the fire.
period the stomach should be allowed the whole is sufficiently boiled, add the
repose. A
little tea or any other liquid liquor obtained from stewing the leg,
is beneficial rather than otherwise, but and there will be soup enough for six
Solid food is a mere encumbrance there or seven persons
a good dinner for
is no gastric juice ready to digest it. each.
And if any reader having at all a deli- How
to Choose Eggs. In put- —
cate digestion, will attend to her sensa- ting the hands round the egg, and pre-
tions after eating muffins or toast at senting to the light the end which is
tea, unless her dinner has had time to not covered, it should be transparent.
digest, she will need no sentences of ex- If you can detect some tiny spots, it is
planation to convince her of the serious not newly laid, but may be very good
error prevalent in English families of for all ordinary purposes except boiling
making tea a light meal, quickly suc- soft. If you see a large spot near the
ceeding a substantial dinner. Regu- shell, it is bad, and should not be used
larity in the hours of eating is far from on any account. The white of a newly-
necessary ; but regularity of intervals laid egg boiled soft is like milk that ;
ing ; in which case a light supper is re- after they are laid upon a dish a cover ;
Ironing. Shirt-fronts are most con- of seeds of coriander, anise, and carra-
veniently ironed upon a deal board about way, and nine ounces of sassafras, sim-
12 inches long and 8 wide, covered with mered in six ounces of water, until re-
fine flannel to be placed between the
; duced to one quart. Then add six
back and front of the shirt after the pounds of brown sugar or treacle, and
back is ironed. The skirts of dresses boil the whole for ten minutes. When
also may be
ironed in a similar manner, cold, add three ounces of laudanum.
using a board as long as the skirt, 26 [We give the receipt, but we cannot re-
inches long at one end, and 12 inches commend its use.]
at the other. The board should be To Pack Glass or China. —
covered with a blanket, and rest upon cure some soft straw or hay to pack
a thin block of wood at each end, to them in and if they are to be sent a
keep it from creasing the skirt beneath long way, and are heavy, the hay orj
it. straw should be 5 little damp, which'
Coffee as a Disinfectant. Nume- — will prevent the things slipping aboutj
rous experiments with roasted coffee Let the largest and heaviest articles be
prove that it is the most powerful always put undermost in the box or
means, not only of rendering animal hamper. Let there be plenty of straw,
and vegetable effluvia innocuous, but and pack the articles tight but never
able. However pure and sincere the she will deceive others. So, young la-
feelings of either party may be, the dies, have a care that, in attempting to
concealment implies a doubt of the in- deceive others, you are not yourselves
tegrity of one of the parties. Either deceived.
the man is ashamed of the woman, or What is your Daughter Thinking*
the woman is ashamed of the man, or about ? —You are very careful of her
somebody interested is ashamed of one dress you attend personally to its pur-
or the other of them, or they design to chase and fit. You go with her to see
deceive a trusting parent or guardian ;
that her foot is nicely booted and you;
but look at it in any way or light, the give your milliner special instructions
proceeding is disreputable. as to the style of her bonnets but do ;
It may be said that it sometimes oc- you ever ask yourself, " What is she
curs that a mutual affection is formed, thinking about V Do you know any-
which, without any reasonable cause, thing at all of her inner life ? Many
is opposed by the parents, and which who are esteemed most excellent mo-
cannot be abrogated without violence thers are as ignorant on this all-impor-
to the feelings, or it may be urged that tant point as if they had never looked
love is not to be overcome by mere ar- upon their daughters' faces. They exact
gument or persuasion. It rarely hap- respectful obedience and if the young ;
pens, however, that parents are insti- creature yields it, and has no need of a
gated by any other motive in regulating physician's immediate sendees, they
the conduct of their children than that consider their duty done. Alas what !
of an anxious desire for their present a fatal mistake. These are the mothers
and future happiness and it must be who, never having invited the confi-
admitted that they are more likely to dence of those young hearts, live to see
be better able to judge the probable re- it bestowed anywhere and everywhere
sults of any act than youth and inex- but in accordance with their wishes. Is
perience can possibly be. It may seem it, can it be, enough to a mother worthy
spirited and adventurous to sacrifice the name, to be satisfied that her daugh-
everything for what is called "love," ter's physical wants are cared for ? What
but the admiration and enthusiasm of that yearning soul that is casting
which attaches to such an act will be about, here and there, for something to
brief and transient ; the realities of life satisfy its questionings ? When she
will gather around, and soon prove that sits there by the fire, or by the window,
reflection and judgment should be ex- musing, sit down by her, and coax her
ercised and advice listened to in regu- thoughts out of her. Cast that fatal
lating our behaviour and actions, and dignity to the winds which has come
more especially in affairs of the heart, between so many young creatures and
from the important influence which the heart to which they should lie
they exert over the future well-being nearest in these important early years.
of the parties concerned. " Eespect" is good in its place ; but
Besides being morally wrong and un- when it freezes up your daughter's soul-
justifiable, however, a clandestine court- utterances when it sends her for sym-
ship, especially with respect to the fe- pathy and companionship to chance
male, isinjurious to present prospects guides, what then ? A
word, a loving,
and character. The young lady com- kind word, at the right moment no —
promises her reputation for " people
; mind can over-estimate its importance.
will talk," scandal will originate, and Remember this, when you see the sad
society is prone to be censorious. The wrecks of womanhood about you and ;
man, too, if not restrained by some pu- amid the sweeping waves of life's cares
rity of principle, is ever ready to regard and life's pleasures, what else soever you
the lady with suspicion. He naturally neglect, do not fail to know what your
thinks, that if she deceives her parent, young daughter is thinking about.
Cold Fish. By the following plan sand, and two parts of soft soap lay a ;
a good dish may be made from any kind little of this on the scrubbing-brush.
of cold fish. Free the fish from all Afterwards rinse thoroughly, and dry
bone, and cut it into small pieces ; sea- with a clean coarse cloth. This will
son them with onions and parsley chop- keep the boards a good colour. It is
ped together, and salt and pepper mix ; also useful in keeping away vermin.
two eggs well with a tablespoonful of For that purpose, early in the spring,
ketchup. Mix the whole together with bedsteads should be taken down, and
the fish, and put it in a baking- dish with furniture in general removed and ex-
two or three slices of bacon over it. amined ;bed- hangings and window-
Bake before the fire in a Dutch oven. curtains if not washed should be shaken
Serve with melted butter or oyster and brushed and the joints of bed-
thrust her head into the hedge, and tion your apparatus on a good hob,
thought that because she could not see where there is a fire, and so the radia-
the fox, the fox could not see her. But tion of heat is less positive, shorter
in a moral point of view, it is worse than time will suffice. The latter way is
silly. It is a false proceeding to all in- mine, winter and summer, and the dif-
tents and purposes. Zimmerman has ferences of the surrounding circum-
an aphorism which is applicable to the stances equalise, or nearly so, the time.
case — " Those who conceal their age do I keep an egg underwater nine minutes ;
not conceal their folly." two, nine and a half three, ten
and ;
To Scour Boards. —Mix together four nearly eleven minutes. The yolk
one part of lime, three parts of common first owns the power of the caloric, and
— -
Rue. — The common rue has a strong rancid it will not do. The eggs must
ungrateful odour, and a bitter, hot, be grated down very fine, and mixed
penetrating taste. The leaves are so with the meal and olive oil. The whole
acrid as to irritate and inflame the skin is then passed through a tin colander,
if they are much handled. Rue was to form it into grains, like small shot •
often used by the ancients, who ascribed then placed in a frying-pan, set over a
to it many excellent qualities. It is still gentle fire, and gradually stirred wirh a
employed in some country districts as broad knife, till it be partially wasted
a tea ; and also externally in various and dried, the test of which will be its
kinds of fomentations. A conserve, fine yellowish brown colour.
made by beating the fresh leaves with Shopping 1
Ladies should always
thrice their weight of sugar, is the most bear in mind that a shop is a public
commodious form for using the herb in resort that they are speaking before,
ing them up from the former. Of course always be met with calm self-possession.
this necessitates the consecration of the If you have good manners you will very
tray to cups and saucers, &c, and thus rarely meet with impertinence or rude-
make it advisable to find or provide a ness. When ladies complain of being
shelf wide enough to hold it. But in frequently annoyed in any such way, it
materially hastening the operations of is a sure sign that their own deportment
" bringing tea " fourteen times in every is faulty. Self-possession and self-reli-
week, it would be worth some contriv- ance are the result of a well- disciplined
ance for its comfortable accomplishment mind and cultivated manners, and a
in all houses. It might be a curious person possessed of them will always
test of the comparative prevalence of be equal to the occasion their looks
what is by courtesy termed " common alone are sufficient to repress inso-
sense," to ascertain how many indivi- lence.
duals in the different classes of mistres- Cold Food for Infants. Our best —
ses and servants, in their endeavour to authorities direct that the cow's milk
carry out the above method, would na- should be given to the child at the same
turally wash the tray first, and how temperature as that of the mother's
many would begin with the cups and —
milk 90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit
saucers ! and, when great accuracy is required, a
German Paste. An excellent food thermometer employed. On reflection,
for birds, much better than what is obvious that these instructions can
it is
generally sold under this name, may be never be carried out so that the little
made as follows —
Take four fresh eggs
: one mil take all its food at the same
temperature ; for during a meal the To Pack Fruit. —Nothing requires
bottle becomes cold, and there may fre- so muchcare as to pack fruit for pre-
quently be considerable difference of sents, &c. It is generally done in bas-
temperature between the first and the kets but this should not be, as they
last milk imbibed by the infant. It is are often placed among heavy articles,
unnecessary to state that very little will and the fruit, of course, will become
upset the feeble powers of the digestive bruised and spoiled.Strong deal boxes
organs in the early days of infantile have been recom mended in lieu of the
life and this difference in the tempe-
; baskets ; the size of the box, of course,
rature of the food, I am disposed to be- to vary with the quantity of fruit to be
lieve, is one of the causes of gastric and arranged for. Follow this plan in pack -
markably well. If there is any tendency between all the rows, and also between
to diarrhoea, I recommend the milk to the melons in the same row, till the
be 'heated to 212 deg. Fahr., and after- layer is finished let the fruit be nearly
wards allowed to get quite cold before of a size as possible, and fill up any
being used. In private practice, I am interstices that may happen with grass
of opinion that bottle-fed infants gene- and moss.
rally have their food given them too When the melons are provided for,
warm. They soon like it even better put a layer of moss and grass over them,
than warm food, and during the teeth- upon which place the tin box with the
ing period cold milk seems especially currants, packing it well all round with
agieeable to the inflamed gums of the grass to prevent friction, then place a
little sufferers. layer of moss over the box, and pack
The above plan for the preparation the pears firmly on that layer, similar
of food for infants is certainly worthy to the melons, and the same way with
of trial. We all know the difficulty of the plums, nectarines, and peaches, and
having artificial food properly prepared, last of all, the grapes, filling up the said
notwithstanding minute directions are box with moss and grass, that the lid
given concerning it and the importance may down so tight as to prevent
of keeping the nurse-bottle scrupulously any friction among the fruit.
clean. Many devices are resorted to by Locks and two keys should be pro-
those who have the care of infants to vided to each box, so that the persons
avoid the trouble of freshly preparing who pack and unpack should have a key.
the food every time it is wanted, and In returning the box the moss and grass
the temptation is great, particularly at should always be sent back, which, with
night, to have in readiness a quantity a little addition, will serve the whole
sufficient for several meals. As a con- season, being well aired and shaken up
sequence come the various disturbances after each journey. The box should
to the system resulting from the inges- be corded firmly, as well as locked.
tion of food which is often sour before Fruit thus packed may be safely sent to
it is taken. If it can be given cold any distance, when it would arrive
without detriment to the child, there fresh and sound.
seems to be no good reason why the diet —
Head- Dresses. For in-door wear
iliould not always be fresh. we could wish more head-dresses were
It is a pity that caps are so entirely loved, and within one's means, are they
forgotten by young people. only used at little quiet parties while
Caps seem to be considered only fit for a formal party, or a large ball, they
for servants aud great-grandmothers. are condemned in favour of a hideous
Even middle-aged ladies fancy that, by stiff wreath of artificial ones, gummed
assuming a cap, they are renouncing and wired into the most unnatural di-
youth whereas, by continuing to ex- rections ? It has often made us angry
pose the bald patch on their heads, and to hear it said, " Oh yes, a camellia or a
the increasing thinness of their locks, rose in the hair is very pretty to wear
they imagine they still retain it. This at home, but it would not be proper for
is a terrible mistake. The bad taste a good party !" People who say this
which does not scrupulously conceal are unworthy ever to see or to touch
such a misfortune as a bald patch can- real flowers.
not be too severely condemned at the
; Almond Icing for Bride Cakes.
same time there is no reason why any- The whites of six eggs, a pound and a
thing so becoming, so coquettish, and so half of double refined sugar, and one
cleanly as some sort of cap, should not pound of Jordan almonds blanched and
be adopted by the young. Fifty years pounded with a little rose water, mix
ago, or even thirty, girls were never seen together, and whisk it for an hour, lay
without a cap in the morning, and very it over the cake, and put it in the oven.
Modelling and Making Paper amply repay the pupil for the care be
Flowers. This art is so elegant, clean, stowed in making it. There is another
and delicate, that the most refined lady beautiful and delicate variety of this
need not scruple to practise it it re- flower, which is white, much more
quires only to examine Flora's gifts with crimped at the edges, and most richly
exactness, and delicacy in handling the marked with scarlet it is rather
fene petals. Fold them together length- them (which may also be obtained
ways, and bring the upper edges for- ready prepared), and which will give
ward. Proceed in the same way with great effect to its appearance.
petals No. 2. Then take a piece of Burige's Rose Campion. —This spe-
middling-sized wire, bend the end a cies of flower is a beautiful scarlet, and
little, and roll round it some paper to easy to model. It is a native of Asiatic
the shape and size of a plum- stone, and Russia, an herbaceous perennial, very
cover with some scarlet paper ; after pretty and ornamental, and displays its
which, fix the petals No. 1 with some rich scarlet flowers in the month of
cement and silk in rows of threes and July. This flower is peculiarly grace-
fives together. Then proceed with pe- ful on account of its lanceolate leaves ;
tals No. 2 in like manner ; after which hence it has been selected as a good
draw on the calyx (which may be pur- flower for grouping. This flower re-
chased ready prepared) of nearly a si- quires but one pattern for the petals,
milar colour to the flower. Finish by namely, to show the size, and has five
preparing the thickest wire by covering in number.
You must avoid cutting
it with reddish brown paper for the every petal alike, but vary them more
stem, in imitation of bark (or woody or less (as seen in the whole flower in
stalks); then cut the stalk of your the engraving). After having cut the
flower about an inch long, just sufficient petals in bright scarlet paper, form fine
to attach it to the stem. This flower veins on them, as seen in diagram, with
grows in trusses of three and four to- a tint mixed of carmine and indigo, and.
gether, with two or three buds above placed on with a fine sable brush. Con-
the end of a smooth penholder so as to I cut five small green leaves, as seen in
form a tube, taking care to cement the ! diagram, for the calyx, which cement
edge ; then take the petals one by one, ' round ; roll some green paper round
touching the base with a little cement, ! the stalk, and the flower is finished.
and fix them carefully and'' regularly' [Bocks with fuller instructions than
round the tube then take the sta- our space admits of our giving, as well
mens, the knots at the ends of which as the few mid inexpensive tools and
must be blue fix them at the end of materials necessary for the due perform-
a middling-sized wire about five inches ance of this art; may be obtained from
long, and pass it through the tube just' Barnard and Son, 339, Oxford Street.
Culture of Hollyhocks.— The hol- ing with the feet. Place at onee orer
lyhock is not so generally grown as its each plant some spruce or other ever-
decorative qualities entitle it to be, says green branches, as a protection against
a correspondent in the Gardener. When frost and cutting winds as, if they get
grown amongst shrubs in situations frozen to any extent, the spikes are
moderately sheltered, few plants pro- never so fine. As soon as all danger
duce a finer floral display during the from frost is past, remove the protection,
autumn months. The great drawback examine each plant, and see that all are,
to its cultivation is the liability of the firm in the soil.
plants to get broken with the winds ;
Let only one stem rise from a plant,
but if secured when 18 inches high to and nip all laterals as they appear.
suitable stakes, this objection is at once Never allow the plants to suffer for
got over. At planting time give each want of water and as soon as flower-
plant a few spadefuls of rotten manure, buds are formed, mulch the beds with
and if possible a little fresh soil press rotten manure. I prefer this to giving
the earth firmly round the plants and manure water, as the latter, unless ap-
if the ground is dry, give a good water- plied with judgment, has a tendency to
ing. In due time, stake each plant, and make the plants grow by fits and starts,
as the stems advance in growth, secure thereby causing irregularity in the build
them thereto with strong ties of mat- of the spikes, a fault which neither
ting. If the above simple hints are at- length of spike nor size of blooms will
tended to, the result in most instances compensate for. In most instances, two
will be satisfactory. flower- buds will start from the axil of
When Holyhocks are grown for exhi- each leaf nip out the smaller of the
bition, they must have a plot of ground two and in any case of crowding thin
devoted to themselves let the situation to the requisite number. During the
be as sheltered as possible, but never three weeks preceding the show, the
near to anything that would in the least spikes must be protected from rain and
obstruct the noonday sun or a free cir- strong sun. This, in the case of the
culation of air. To produce spikes such hollyhock, is not so readily accomplished,
as are seen at some of our horticultural but it 'is necessary to the production of
shows requires a rich soil. To secure clean spikes and the cultivator must
this, let the ground be trenched in au- not neglect, as by doing so he will de-
tumn, adding, as the work proceeds, a stroy his chance of attaining the end in
liberal supply of good manure. When view.
the trenching is complete, give the sur- Culture of the Chinese Primrose.
face a dressing two or three inches thick —The large purple and white- fringed
of the best manure procurable ; the varieties of last season being a great im-
winter rains will wash the best parts of provement both in size and colour, will
it into the soil, and when planting- time now more generally commend this
comes, a slight forking is all that is re- favourite flower to the notice of the
quired to make the bed in readiness to public. About the middle of March
receive the plants. The plants should the seeds are sown in a pan of light rich
not be put out until all danger from soil, in gentle heat, in a cucumber frame,
severe frost is passed, say the end of or in any other warm place, and when
March or the beginning of April. Let plants have obtained their rough leaf,
the plants stand three feet apart in the to be removed to the greenhouse, and
lines, and five feet from line to line/** placed on a shelf or trellis as near the
When finished planting, if the ground glass as possible, to give them strength,
is moderately dry (which it should be, and dwarfnessi When fit, they are potted
as il is a bad plan to plant when the off singly into small 60- sized pots. About
soil is over- wet), make the surface rather the end of May they are shifted into
rirm by giving the whole a gentle tread- large 60-sized pots, using compost ci
equal portions of turfy leaf- mould, peat, this takes place in every room where we
and silver-sand well mixed together in a have even candles. Now, the reason is
rough state the drainage must be care-
; this the hydrogen of the gas, or oil, or
fully looked to, or most probably, if not tallow unites with the oxygen of the air,
well drained, many of the plants will taking eight measures of oxygen to one
damp off and others grow weakly. They of itself, to form nine measures of water,
are to be placed again in the greenhouse which is deposited on the windows and
near the glass, and to have plenty of walls if provision is not made for its
air and room. About the beginning of escape then the carbon unites with a
July, when the plants will have filled portion of the oxygen to form carbonic
their pots with roots, they are shifted acid gas.
into 4 8 -sized pots, in the same sort of Each room should have a fireplace, and
compost as before, with the addition of particularly bedrooms, and when there
a little decomposed cow-dung, and if is not one, some other means of venti-
any blooms appear, they are pinched off. lation should be contrived, such as in-
About the middle of August they are serting a revolving ventilator in the
shifted in 32-sized pots, in a compost of upper part of the room, over the door.
two-thirds chaired turf, one-third rot- Such a contrivance can be procured and
ten cow-dung and. silver- sand. When fixed for about sixpence or ninepence,
large specimens are required, they are and when the upper sash of the window
shifted into 24-sized pots, the soil to be is let down for about an inch, the room
made quite firm around the roots, and will be rendered quite sweet and whole-
then to be removed to a shady situation some.
in the open ground until, if the weather Whenever persons have left a room
is favourable, the first or second week in which they have sat for some time,
in October, when the best-fringed and the window should be opened and the
-coloured flowers are chosen, and re- door set ajar the same plan should be
moved to shelter under glass, where air pursued with bedrooms. Many persons
<^an be freely admitted to them in fine sleep with their windows a little open,
weather. By such treatment they will and the plan is not objectionable, except
bloom freely from November to May. in damp weather. In high houses it is
Ventilation is required in all apart- advisable to light the staircase by a sky-
ments, but especially in those we sleep light hung in the centre, so that it will
in. Various methods have been used serve for the purpose of ventilation as
for this purpose, the most useful of well.
which isthat of Dr. Arnott, which con- Dr. Darwin, while addressing an au-
sists in making an aperture opening into dience of mechanics at Derby, some years
the chimney, as near to the ceiling as ago said " By your exertions you pro
in ventilating rooms or houses consist that power of being of use to them must
1. Of having an inlet for fresh air, and cease. I fear some of you do not under-
an outlet for vitiated air. 2. The air ad- stand how health is to be maintained in
mitted should be as pure as possible, vigour. This, then, depends upon your
free from local vitiations, such as drains, breathing uncontaminated air for the
smoke, &c. 3. When air is admitted purity of the air becomes destroyed
into an apartment it should be at the where many are collected together, efflu-
lowest part, and the aggregate area of via from the body corrupts it. Keep
admission should be twice as great as open, then, the windows of your work-
that of the outlet. shops, and as soon as you rise in the
Where gas or oil is consumed for morning, open all the windows of your
lighting a room a large amount of car- bedrooms. Inattention to this advice,
6onic acid and water is generated, and be assured, will bring disease on your-
— —
peat my serious advice open your win- light of the eyes, flashing ; nostrils, wel\
dows to let in the fresh air, at least once pronounced ; hair, black and curled
in the day. Remember what I say ; I strongly ;
gestures, violent
voice, deep ;
speak now without a fee, and can have and harsh shaggy eyebrows the mouth
; ;
no other interest but your good in this closes deter minately jaw-bone marked ;
my advice." forcibly.
Palpitation of the Heart. This is — Phlegmatic— The body bears a large
sometimes in the heart or its great ves- proportion to the limbs, and the plane
sels, or in all —
a remedy for which it is of the face to the features complexion, ;
scarcely in the power of medicine to sodden features, sunk, not well formed;
offer, although temperate living (avoid- hair, hempen and lank ; eyes, open, dull,
ing the excitement of violent exercise or grey in colour eyebrows, an unmean- ;
spirituous liquors) and wholesome air, ing arch cheeks, pendulous HpSjthick^
; ;
may so far palliate, as to give a chance without coarse expression voice, unin- ;
to the diseased parts, if not to recover fected and deep attitude, without gesti- ;
their tone, at least to become no worse. culation light of the eyes, tranquil.
ing about the heart," arises far more lar constriction white manifest under ;
frequently from a debilitated state of the iris of the eye hair, lank, dark in ;
the nerves, and a vitiated state of the colour voice, unsubstantial, susceptible
and, like others, is itself liable to nervous long in proportion to their figure light ;
beef will yield the same ; but roasting hardened. The lobster only grows
beef is more extravagant — the bone in while the shell is in this spit state.
a piece of the ribs or sirloin weighs so Names. —A great point is, not to
much. We are convinced, as a rule, give your children such high-sounding
we do not make as much soup in our names as may in after life make them
households as we ought to do. All the appear ludicrous in the eyes of the world
bones should be saved and stewed for when pursuing an ordinary or common
hours. The liquor in which beef, mut- occupation. For example, we know a
ton, and even bacon, is boiled, should lady who had in her girlhood been an
be kept to make stock for soup with ; inveterate reader of novels and plays,
an addition now and then of part of a from which she had gathered all the
shin of beef, or a shilling's worth of long-winded, high-sounding, and chival-
bones from the butcher, you can nearly rous names which are usually found to ;
always have soup for the late dinner belong to the heroes and heroines of
where there is a family of eight or ten. such productions. These she unhesita-
The cook should be ordered to preserve tingly appropriated and treasured in her
all the dripping, which should be clari- memory till the happy time would arrive
fied before it is set aside, taking care when she should have an opportunity of
always tc keep the beef dripping sepa- conferring some of them upon her own
rate from the rest, as it can be used for offspring. Accordingly this period did
making pastry. but the novel and play-reading
Lobsters. —These shell-fish are nei- lady had united herself to a butcher,
ther wholesome nor digestible, but they and she came to stand in the public
Jiave a curious history. Their claws market selling the meat which her hus-
are something more than lines of beauty, band had slaughtered. She had a large
or to be associated with mere delicious family, and these she had designated,
pickings. Like our metropolitan post- to the great horror of her husband, after
men, they change their coat, and put on the Orlandos, Dianas, Desdemonas, and
a new one once a. year, and previous to the like. This being the case, on a busy
laying aside the old one it appears sick, day, she might be heard crying at her
languid, and restless. Whether these stall from the one end of the market
are a lobster's manifestations of joy, sor- alley to the other, " Orlando, Eoderigo,
row, or pride, we cannot tell, but such Alexander Smith, fetch the cleaver ?"
they really are, and it mounts its new Than this, nothing could be more absurd.
coat in a few days. During the change Custom had familiarized it to the ears
of its habiliments it seeks a very lonely of the surrounding butchers, but the
3pot,lest the temptation of its uncovered auricular organs of a stranger must have
skin should tempt its brethren to devour been singnlarly tickled by hearing such/
it in its defenceless condition. " It is an assemblage of dignified appellations
hard, however, to conceive," observes being employed in so common an occu-
Travis, " how lobsters, in casting their pation. It is perfectly true that Plato
shells, are able to draw the flesh of their recommended it to parents to give happy
large claws out, leaving the shell entire names to their children, and that Pytha-
and attached to their body, in which goras taught that the minds, actions,
state they are constantly found." Fish- and successes of men, were according to
ermen state that the lobster pines be- their names, genius, and fate but such
trunk. The new shell, as at first, quite one which the mistress should consider
membraneous, but, by degrees, becomes as her duty, for servants are not to be
entrusted with it. Great care should larly in frosty weather. This may be
be taken in the purchase to obtain one prevented by scoring a small notch in
from a maker of known reputation, for the glass at top and bottom.
the cheap ones, particularly those picked Best means of Safety during a
up at brokers' shops, are always out of Thunder and Lightning Storm. —
repair. The best means of safety in a thunder-
The principal of the Argand lamp (so storm would be to maintain the hori-
named after its inventor, a Frenchman) zontal rather than the upright position ;
is, that a free current of air should be to avoid the contact of metallic substan-
drawn through the centre of the name, ces. If out of doors, not to take shelter
and to ensure this, it is necessary to under trees, which are equally good con-
clean the lamp frequently, and remove ductors of the electric fluid with animal
any dust or impurities from the oil or bodies to keep the clothes dry and
; ;
charcoal of the wick, which collects the to retire into a vaulted cellar, if under
small holes in the rim, through which the domestic roof, where no conductor
the cold air is drawn. If the lamp is is attached to the building or to keep
used every night it should be cleaned in the middle of a room with a boarded
daily. The methodical mode is this :
—floor or, which is better, to lie down
Remove the shade carefully before on a feather bed. The covering of a look-
you soil your hands with the oil. Pro- ing-glass during a storm can add no
vide a bottle of warm water (a little safety to the house or room. It prevents
above blood heat), and in this first wash it reflecting the light given out by the
the glass chimney, then pour the oil electric discharge, but the covering can
from the fountain, and remove any sedi- produce no other effect. Lightning can
ment from about the brass work. Screw only produce an effect upon the human
up the wick, and if it is not long enough body when it is the object through which
for the time it may probably be required the fluid passes to the earth. Thus it is
to burn, replace it with a fresh one by dangerous to stand or sit against a wail,
means of the stick. Having washed all because the body is a better conductor
the brass work, wipe the parts carefully, than the substance of the wall, and the
screw eveiything in its former position, electric fluid would therefore pass from
and take care in replacing the wick that the wall through the body, and so to
the small notch at the side of the brass the earth. If the wall was of iron the —
enters the groove which is sank to re- iron being the better conductor—no
ceive it turn it up and down once or such accident would occur. Houses with
ning to and fro. In the midst of all this lemy Euergetes. When the king went
confusion the gentleman, punctual to on his expedition to S}^ria, she was an-
time, walks with ease to his place, takes xious for his safety, and made a vow to*
his seat without hurry or noise, and, in consecrate her hair, which was much ad-
securing his own comfort, regards the mired for its fineness and beauty, to
comfort of others by a spirit of concilia- Venus, if he returned safe. He did re-
ting accommodation. The other day, turn safe and she offered her hair in
while riding in an omnibus, I was much the temple at Cyprus. This consecrated
annoyed, as were others of the passen- hair, being afterwards missing, was fa-
gers, by two females (I regret I cannot bled to have become a constellation in
say ladies), who sat with heads protru- the heavens, which constellation is called
ding from the windows, shouting and Coma Berenices (the head of Berenice),
passing pleasantries to some acquaintance to this day. Another remarkable in-
on the pathway. Rudeness of any kind stance is that of Nero, who according to-
on such occasions causes annoyance to Suetonius, cut off his first beard, put it
all who witness it. in a casket of gold set with jewels, and
Avoid all boastings and exaggerations, consecrated it to Jupiter Capitolinus.
backbiting, abuse, and evil speaking In fact, the hair of the head and beard
slang phrases and oaths in conversation has been held, more or less, in a sort of
giving offence, and if you do offend, have hair in spells and incantations. To this
the manliness to apologise infuse as day, the Arabs and other Orientals, treat
much elegance as possible into your the hair which falls or is taken from
thoughts as well as your actions and them, with a degree of care which indi-
as you avoid vulgarities you will increase cates the superstitious feelings which
the enjoyment of life, and grow in the they connect with it. They bury it very
respect of others. carefully, that no one may see it, or em-
The Hair of the Head. In the ploy it to their prejudice."
5th verse of the 6th chapter of Num- From the passage in Numbers, it is
bers, we find permission given to man therefore evident that the hair was worn
for the hair to grow long, in the follow- long by men earlier than B. c. 1490. In
ing words, " and shall let the locks of the year b. c. 1027, we also find that
the haii of his head grow." This alludes Absalom, the king's son, wore his hair
to a custom among the Nazarites and very long and that " when he polled-
Persians, to allow the hair to grow until his head (for it was at every year's end
the completion of a vow and then, that he polled it, because the hair was
when the term of the vow expired, they heavy on him, therefore he polled it),
shaved the head, or, as it afterwards he weighed the hair of his head at two-
mentions in the 18th verse of the same hundred shekels after the king's weight."
chapter, they took " the hair of the head (2 Samuel xiv. 26). There cannot be a
and put it in the fire, which is under doubt that Absalom wore his hair un-
the sacrifice.'' usually long, because we afterwards
It was a very ancient custom among find (2 Samuel xviii. 9), that as he was-
the heathen nations to consecrate to the riding a mule, and passing under the
gods the hair when cut off, as well as thick boughs of an oak, that his head
caught hold of the oak, and he was bours and these, being bound together
taken up between the heavens and the at the end with string, fell down before
earth and the mule that was under
; the ear-ring, which they partially con-
him went away." When we remember cealed. Many of the mummies of women
that it was the custom at that time to have been found witlx the hair perfectly
anoint the head with ointments, and preserved, plaited in the manner I have
then to sprinkle the hair with gold-dust, mentioned the only alteration in its
so that it might look handsome, we may appearance being the change of its black
almost account for the great weight of hue which became reddened by exposure
Absalom's hair and in this we are. some-
; to great heat, during the process of em-
what assisted by the passage " after the balming.
king's weight," which refers to the les- Sir G. Wilkinson also tells us that
ser shekel in use among the Hebrews at slaves or servants dressed their hair dif-
. that time. The suspension of Absalom ferent to the ladies. " They generally
by his hair is a very remarkable proof of bound it at the back part of the head,
the extraordinary strength of the human into a sort of loop, or ranged it one or
hair, and calculating at the rate of 10 more long plaits at the back, and eight
grains as the weight sustained by every or nine similar ones were suffered tc*
hair, and the number of hairs as 648 to hang down at either side of the neck
the square inch of his head, we shall and face. Several woodcuts are given to
find that Absalom's hair was quite capa- illustrate the various methods of dress-
ble of sustaining the weight of his body. ing the hair, both by the ancient Egyp-
In the New Testament we are told tian ladies, and their slaves or servants ;
that if a man have longhair, it is a shame and in one of them, we observe that the
unto him but if a woman have long side hair is confined by a comb, and falls
hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is in six plaits down the side of the neck,
given for a covering (1 Cor. xi. 14, 15). while the short hair before it is arranged
The ancient Egyptian ladies wore their in three separate plaits on the cheek.
hair long and plaited. The back part was The custom of plaiting the hair is re-
made to consist of a number of strings ferred to in the Bible (1 Peter iii. 3) y
of hair, reaching to the bottom of the and we learn from Josephus and other
shoulder-blades and on each side other historians, that certain of the Jewish
strings, of the same length, descended women gained a living by adorning and
over the breast. The hair was plaited in plaiting the hair of the women of that
the triple plait, the ends being left loose
period. It was not an ordinary mode of
or, more Usually, two or three plaits were plaiting the hair, as we may easily see.
fastened together at the extremity, by from the statues in the British Museum,
woollen strings of corresponding colour. but required great skill and taste.
Around the head was bound an orna- —
Pomegranates. Pulpy fruits, are
mental fillet, with a lotus bud, by way distinguished from others by the soft-
of feroniere, falling over the forehead ;
ness of the texture in which the seeds
and the strings of hair at the sides were lie imbedded. They differ very materi-
separated and secured with a comb, or a ally amongst themselves in botanical
band ornamented in various ways accord- characters some being berries, others-
ing to the fancy of the wearer, and occa- pulpy receptacles. We will now try to
sionally a round stud or pin was ^hrust trace the origin of the Pomegranate. It
into them at the front. was cultivated in the western countries,,
The short hair at the side of the face, on the borders of the Red Sea, and held
which the ingenuity of ancient Romans, in great esteem, before the peach, the
and modern European ladies has, by the nectarine, or the apricot had been
aid of gum, compelled to lie in an im- brought from Persia to the more west-
movable curve upon the cheek, was inter- ern countries. The children of Israel
woven with several of its longer neigh- murmured for the fruits of Egypt " It —
a pound, and is three or four inches in cate as the orange, and is generally re-
diameter. It has entered the heathen moved from the houses eight or ten days
mythology, for in the isle of Eubrea, earlier.
there formerly was a statue of Juno, Sausage Cakes. Chop lean pork —
holding in one hand a sceptre, and in the very finely, having removed all the bone
other a pomegranate. The Jews employ and skin previously, and to every pound
the fruit in their religious ceremonies of meat add three-quarters of a pound
in the south of France, Italy, and Spain. of fat bacon, half an ounce of salt, a
It being so generally diffused in the cli- pinch of pepper, quarter of a nutmeg
mates suited to it, implies that it pos- grated, six green onions chopped finely,
sesses highly valuable properties. Its and a little chopped parsley when the ;
j uice is grateful to the palate, and assua- whole is well chopped and mixed, put
ges thirst in a degree peculiar to itself it into a mortar and pound well, finish-
from its pleasant acid, an acid so soft, ing with three eggs. Then have ready
that the pomegranate, to use Moore's a pig's caul, cut into pieces large enough
description of it, "is full of melting to fold a piece of the above preparation*
sweetness." The tree grows to the height of the size of an egg, but rather flattened,
of twenty feet, the branches are thick, and broil gently over a moderate fire.
and varieties are armed with spines This is a very nice relish for breakfast,
opposite each other. The flowers come ded against by a mixture of aromatic
out in clusters of three or four at the shrubs and flowers, sewed in silken bags
end of the branches their blowing is to be interspersed among the drawers
so irregular, that it often continues for and shelves. These may consist of la-
months. Independent, of its fruit, the vender, thyme, roses, cedar -shavings,
pondered sassafras, cassia, lignea, &c., tain amount of time and thought to
ilLvO which a few drops of attar of roses,
dress ; it is only when this is carried to
or other strong- scented perfume may be excess, and absorbs the mind to the ex-
thrown. In all cases, it will be found clusion of better things, that it has a
consistent with economy, to examine bad effect on the character.
and repair washable articles, especially —
Tapioca. This starch is the pro-
linen, that may stand in need of it, pre- duce of the roots of the Jatropha Mami-
vious to sending it to the laundry. It hot, a plant which grows in great abun-
will also be prudent to have every arti- dance in the West Indies. The roots
cle carefully numbered, and so arranged, in their raw state are called Cassado,
after washing, as to have their regular and are strong poisons, yet the starch
turn and term in domestic use. extracted from them is similar in its nu-
Becoming Dress.— A young girl tritive qualities to sago, which it resem-
will often wear a rich and heavily- bles in appearance, but is not so high
trimmed silk dress which is quite un- coloured, asd is formed into larger grains
suitable to the wearer and to the occa- it is prepared in the same manner, only
sion. The toilette of a French demoi- that it does not require to be macerated,
selle at a ball is nearly always spotless or boiled more than half the time. It
the dress of tulle or some such is much used by invalids and infants.
white ;
naments are worn, but the effect of the and in them it is less apt to become sour
toilette is of exquisite freshness and ele- during digestion than any other fari-
gant simplicity. It is a mistake to sup- naceous food, even arrowroot not ex-
pose the most expensive dresses are the cepted.
most admired or the most effective. To —
Vinegar. Next to salt, this is, per-
those who are still young, good but in- haps, the most important condiment ;
expensive materials, well made and with it isvery serviceable in aiding the diges-
few but good trimmings, are far more tion of celery, lettuce, beet-root, and
becoming than over trimmed and costly other raw vegetables, and in preventing
silks. A lady is well-dressed only when them from inducing flatulence ; it is
her appearance accords with her posi- equaily useful in promoting the diges-
tion and means ;for all pretension in tion of rich and oily substances such as
dress is in bad taste. It is difficult to salmon. Lemon-juice has a similar effect
decide how far the ever- varying changes when used with goose and wild fowl ;
of fashion should be followed, but to upon the same principle apple sauce is
dress in the fashion and never to carry probably, from the malic acid which it
it to excess is the most sensible plan. contains, eaten with pork. Acetic acid
To wear anything outre, or that attracts is the volatile acid principle, which, di-
attention by its novelty, is in bad taste. luted with water, constitutes vinegar. It
Frenchwomen are very careful of their is prepared from sugar, cyder, malt, and
dresses, and this is why they always look wine, and from the destructive distilla-
so fresh and crisp. We have heard of tion of wood. This condiment is both
ladies who, on going to a ball, stood the useful and wholesome, more, however, to
whole way in their carriages rather than some persons than others. But taken
allow the delicate tulle puffings and immoderately vinegar is decidedly in-
flowers to be crushed. This is going to jurious, destroying the digestive powers
the extreme, but there is no doubt that rather than assisting them, even, indeed,
if ladies wish their toilettes to look inducing active disease of the stomach.
fr^sh and charming, they must use care It is sometimes used in large quantities
ii\ Reserve them sc. It is natural and for the reduction of corpulency, which
p^Ciit that every lady should give a cer- is a very dangerous practice.
burnt or sprinkled about a sick room, it fruit, that it is time a counteracting im-
becomes both refreshing and agreeable. pression should be promulgated, having
The colour of the brown vinegar is its foundation in common sense, and
generally imparted by burnt sugar. based on the observation of the intelli-
Frittrers. —
Very nice fritters may be gent. No one ever lived longer, or freer
made with a kind of paste, which, being from the paroxysms of disease, by dis-
allowed to cool is cut into shapes, which carding the delicious fruits of the land
are dipped in batter and fried. Here are in which he finds a home. On the con-
several forms of it 1. Pass some po-
: trary, they are necessary to the preser-
tatoes through a sieve, stir into them a vation of health, and are therefore cansed
little butter melted and enough yolks to make appearance at the time when
of eggs or whole eggs to form a stiffish the condition of the body, operated up-
paste ; season with salt, pepper, a little on by deteriorating causes not always
nutmeg form into the shape of little understood, requires their grateful, re-
into this gradually with the hand some substance now known as " manna."
Indian corn flour, stirring all the time Of the composition of the former we
until you get a liquid paste. Take care know nothing, while we do know that,
not to put too much flour, and to put the latter cannot be used as food. The
it in gradually, else it will form into manna now used is obtained chiefly
knots and spoil the dish. Removing the from Sicily and Calabria, and is the
saucepan from the fire, you stir into the concrete juice of several species of ash
paste a good allowance of grated Parme- of the genera ornus and fraxinus The
san cheese, a little salt and pepper, and juice exudes in the summer months,
pour out your paste on a marble slab to either spontaneously or through inci-
cool. When cold, cut it out in any shape sions made for that purpose in the bark,
you like, and fry. The addition of ham and is collected in leaves placed in cups
or sausage can also be made to this. 3. to receive it; or it forms incrustations
Make the paste as above, only with com- upon twigs, straws, and leaves placed
mon corn flour when half cold stir into under the trees. The best is of a light
parsley and minced ham, then treat as nauseous taste, and is soluble in water
the others ;or you may flavour it with and alcohol. It consists of a crystaliz-
cheese. All the above pastes may be able, sweet principle, called " man-
fried without being previously dipped nite," which sometimes amounts to 75
in batter, but it is more difficult to so per cent, of true sugar, and of a yellow
fry them creditably. nauseous matter, which gives it its
Use of Fruit. Instead of fear of a value as a purgative medicine. A sub
generous consumption of ripe fruits, we stance called manna is obtained by the
regard them as positively conducive to Bedouin Arabs in the form of an exu-
health. The maladies commonly as- dation from a plant which grows in
phosphoric paste I am almost clear of coquettish than it has during the last
crickets, cockroaches, beetles, rats arid few years and never has the result been
mice. 1 tried it at first alone on bits more satisfactory, according to the ideas
of slate and glass but I find the best
of its originators, if startling to the
plan is to mix it with a little butter or quiet bystanders. Those of us who are
lard, and spread it on small bits of stout old enough to remember the fashions of
grey paper with a thin knife, and then the early Victorian era can scarcely be-
dust a little coarse sugar on the top. lieve that we were contented to be so
Eats and mice carry the paper off to simple, so plain, so absolutely uncoquet-
their haunts, and enjoy their feast at tish in our attire as we were. And some
leisure. have proved also that wood-
I of us, bitten with the new faith in fuzzy
lice will take itwith sugar, although 1 heads, queer hats, and multitudinously
have, like others, found hot water the frilled shirts, bewail the cruel fate that
most effective remedy where it can be doomed our best years to Dutch- cut
applied. For ants 1 have used a strong petticoats, corkscrew ringlets, or smooth-
dose of guano-water mixed with helibore banded heads innocent alike of chignons
powder, poured on their runs and into or Gainsborough-fringed foreheads. Our
their castles. bonnets, too do any of our readers re-
Raised Cake without Eggs. — Stir member the " neat straw bonnet " of
together a large coffee- cupful of light —
our own youth ? the side frills dotted
brown or white sugar, and half a cupful about with loops of narrow ribbon, some-
of butter add to it half a pint of sweet
; times ornamented with broad bows,
milk and half a pint of warm water. To sometimes with rosebuds placed alter-
this mixture stir in flour enough to nately in and out the quilled blonde
make a thick batter, and half a cupful " whiskers V the cross-cut curtains ?
of yeast set it to rise over night. Next
the bow at the back with long ends ? if
morning stir in a cupful of chopped rai- very coquettishly-minded, we put that
sins or currants, and a teaspoonful each bow to the side, trembling lest a knot
of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Put of ribbon not just in the middle of the
it into two baking pans ; let it rise un- —
crown should look too " coming" which
til perfectly light, then bake three-quar- was the slang term thirty years ago for
ters of an hour. the "fast" of to-day. Aid then the
New Treatment of Hydrophobia. dresses, utterly devoid of ornamenta-
—In a recent coroner's inquest held at tion, put into thick " box plaits " rou>i;d
on a groom who died from hy-
.-Salford, the waist the bodice fastened with
drophobia from the bite of a cat, the hooks and eyes under a concealing hem,
coroner said it was very desirable that to the eternal cry of Oh, do come and
the publie should kuow what was best hook my frock for me !" though some
to be done in these cases. He had had clever girls, who do not " screw in,"
sl case similar to the present one,and could manage to do that office for them-
the medical man agreed with him that selves by a series of gymnastic efforts
the best method was to suck the wouud —
behind their backs if low, laced with
and spit out the blood, bathe it in warm many holes that always came crooked
water, in order to encourage bleeding, at the end, to the exceeding irritation
and continue this until the wound could of the patient operator the berthas,
But were the young hearts that beat long after they have left school, in a
beneath those round-necked, long-wais- form of exercise which yields them health
ted, peaked bodices, very different from and enjoyment. But, as a general rule,
those which now throb beneath the the virtues and uses of walking are not
wonderful creations of millinery skill sufficiently impressed upon our English
called " costumes" and "trained skirts ?" youth of both sexes. Yet it is the one
Does the shape of the dress make much form of exercise which especially com-
difference to the creature within it ? or mends itself to universal
adoption. It
is not human nature at eighteen much costs nothing. The opportunities for
the same whether it dances in a bul- practising it are always at hand. It
bous Dutch- built petticoat which makes strengthens the constitution as no other
" cheeses" as it spins or trails after its exercise does, unless we admit riding as
long eddying lengths of silk and muslin, its rival —and riding is the privilege of
for ever under its own feet or its part- the few. The habit of taking long walks,
ner's ? a train that becomes a disrepu- which boys and girls may acquire, is an
table mass of dirt and rags before the accomplishment which may stand them
evening is over. There may be, and is, in good stead in many an emergency of
a question of comparative beauty, nice- life ;and even if no useful results were
ness, and convenience in costumes ; but, possible, walking, like virtue, is its own
so far as the human soul is concerned, reward.
it is to be hoped it is not so much in- The Teeth. —In the adult there are
fluenced by externals as might be ima- 32 teeth. They are generally lost for
gined ; else, if it were so, there would want of due care, and a few from defects,
not be a girl left in England who was in some families. When we finish a meal
not a thorough coquette, both body and it is impossible to avoid leaving some
mind. And coquetry, though it has an bits of food in the mouth. Should any
innocent side, pretty and perfectly harm- lodge between the teeth that generally
less, yet has also an ugly tendency to gives us some uneasiness, and we endea-
broaden out into utter heartlessness, vour to pick it out. But the surfaces of
into selfishness, and something near to the teeth employed for grinding the
sin. food (five above and five below on each
The truth is, we usethe term in a side) are very uneven, that they may
double sense ; the one means simply the be better suited for bruising it. Small
desire to attract admiration by manner, grains^ of food are liable to remain in
dress, or personal beauty ;the other these irregular places, on the surface
means the desire to attract love which or, if the gums are not healthy, some
is not returned, and which is wanted will lodge between them and the teeth.
only for the public triumph of a pitiful In all cases, these bits of food ought to
vanity. be removed by washing the mouth.
The Importance of Walking Ex- In some European countries they even
ercise.— A moderate use of walking, as do this before company, but it does not
a means of strengthening the frame, is look well. The teeth should be carefully
far too much neglected by us.
and in time, if suffered to remain, may of a carious tooth has been sufficiently
breed insects to eat through the hard alleviated to bear the pain of stopping,
enamel of some tooth or teeth, and that recourse should be had to the dentist at
this will give us severe pain and cause once. The sufferer must be content to
the loss of those beautiful instruments depend upon the use of one of the many
given us by our benevolent Creator to varieties of soft stopping known to den-
minister to our comfort, health, and I regard the amalgam of mercury
life. and standard (not pure) silver to be the
Toothache. —Where a tooth is so far most eligible material for the purpose,
gone as to be very troublesome, it is all things considered. When carefully
best to have it out. For toothache impacked it wiiLlast many years, fre-
(which everyone is liable to) the " Family quently to the end of life."
Doctor " recommends creosote, chloro- The Female Character. Of all —
form, and laudanum, either separately the charms which twine themselves
or in combination. The mode of appli- about the female character, none is more
cation is to saturate a small piece of lint lovely, more touching, more worthy to
or wadding, and introduce it into the be honoured and admired than simpli- —
hollow of the tooth, keeping it there as city the gentle yet frank open-hearted-
long as may be necessary should there ness of character, which seems to make
be no available hollow, apply it as close the soul a place of light and purity, like
as possible to the seat of pain. Other the mild, sweet radiance of a spring
remedies are, inhaling the vapour from morning, among budding leaves and
henbane seeds put on a hot piece of opening flowers. How exquisitely beau-
metal chewing a piece of pellitory root, tiful, how unspeakably delicate, says a
or using the tincture ; putting a piece late writer, is the loveliness of a woman
of sal prunella in the mouth and allow- unaccustomed to the world " Unsca-
ployed in conjunction with a suitable pare this sweet and touching simplicity,
dentifrice will sufficiently answer the which makes the life but the expressive
purpose for which tooth-brushes are in- countenance of the soul, with artifice
tended. Even a soft-haired tooth-brush that hateful weed, which often takes root
may, in many cases of irritable gums, so vigorously even in early life, harden-
be advantageously dispensed with in fa- ing and blackening the soil in which it
vour of a sponge rubber, an instrument grows, till nothing is seen but smut and
which may be easily prepared by tying stubble. Compare a subtle, contriving,
a piece of sponge to the handle of a tortuous, snaky thing—with her crafty,
worn-out tooth-brush. satin- spoken words, her quick, furtive
Stopping Decayed Teeth.—" So glances, her readily changing brow, and
soon/' says Dr. Scoffern, in his " Philo- her artificial softness of demeanour— the
sophy of Commou Life," " as the pain heartless syren of the dance, who lures
— :
very soul of beauty the sweet spirit of cernment new views of things, seems
fascination which makes us love what only to check the earnest expression of
otherwise we could but at the most ad- natural feeling and lively thought.
mire. All artifice or affectation of charac- Excellent Fruit Wine. Take red —
ter, all prettinesses, all exquisite and and white currants, red and green goose-
elaborate contrivances to rivet the en- berries, mulberries, raspberries, and
chanted gaze of the beholder whether strawberries of different sorts, black and
displayed in the dress or manners can white grapes, cherries of different sorts
never so bewitch us as Nature's self. (except the little black ones). All the
In female dress, when youth and beauty fruit must be thoroughly ripe. Take an
appear arrayed in simple white, with equal quantity of each and throw them
perhaps a single bouquet reposing on into a mash- tub, bruising them lightly.
the bosom of innocence, or with a single Take some golden pippins and non-
brilliant diamond sparkling among the pareils chop and bruise them well, and
light masses of auburn curls which na- mix them with the others. To every
ture herself has entwined, and which fall two gallons of fruit put one gallon of
like fleecy clouds on each full and ripe- spring water ; boil all twice a day for a
ning cheek how infinitely does such a fortnight ; then press it through a hair
vision outshine the mere earthen image, bag into a stone vessel. Have ready a
tricked out in all the puffs andpapillotes, wTine hogshead, and put into it one hun-
all the dangling bows and tresses, all the dred raisins with their stalks ; fill it
glittering ribands and sparkling paste, with the strained juice, and lay the cork
which wealth or fashion, vanity or folly, on lightly till it has done fermenting ;
is too much the science of mere be- if it is clear. If it is, bottle it off ; if it
haviour. Instead of educating the feel- is up for six months longer,
not, cork it
ings, we are critically didactic as to the and then bottle it. The longer it is kept
mode of their expression the sentiment the better it will be. It is necessary to
and disposition reigning within are not put in with the brandy half a dozen bay
constantly visible in the external de- leaves.
portment. We do not encourage intre- How To Keep Fowls. No fowls —
pidity and independence of thought, can possibly thrive well, or be profitable
thavQ is nothing original nothing fer- to the owners, unless they are plentif uUjr
fed, and have a comfortable place to They should have food given to them
roost in at night and for a shelter in regularly three times a day. When
cold or wet weather. Their room or hen- newly hatched, they may have bread
house may be adjoining to some other soaked in milk. By way of variety, you
fiut-buildiug. It is best to have it facing may give your fowls, occasionally, buck-
the east or the south, and it must be wheat, barley, rice, and oats.
perfectly weather-tight. It should have If always fed there, they will stay
a door and windows, and be very well chiefly in their house during the winter,
lighted ; the windows may either be and will, in consequence, be more heal-
latticed with wood, or netted with iron thy, and in every respect more profit-
wire. In the evening, after the fowls able. They must be well supplied with
have gone to roost, let the door be locked plenty of clean water, in large shallow
seeing that it is opened very early in the pans of tin or earthen- ware, turned bot-
morning, unless in bad weather. The tom upwards, on which the fowls can
hen-house should be frequently cleaned stand to drink without wetting their
out, and occasionally ; for, if kept dirty, feet, which often makes them sick. Re-
the fowls will be infested with vermin. collect always, that dirty water gives
If this should happen, catch every fowl, them diseases, but a little clean brick-
even to the smallest chicken, and rub dust thrown occasionally into their
their skins and feathers well with lard drinking pans is good for their diges-
or dripping ; then have their house tion.
thoroughly cleaned and whitewashed at Their nests should be movable, that
once ; afterwards fumigating it with whenever she has done sitting they may
burning brimstone. Next, throw some be taken away, and cleaned out before
sand or fresh earth on the floor. they are replaced. For the nest, you
If fowls are scantily supplied with may place on the floor (not far from the
water, or if they have access only to that walls, but not against them) old flat
which is dirty or puddled, they will con- baskets, or deep boxes set up on the
tract a disorder called the pip, which is side, the open or entrance part turned
a thin white scale that grows on the tip from the light. Fill them with clean
of the tongue, and prevents their feeding. dry straw or hay. Place near the boxes
Catch them, pull off the scale with your lime, for the hens to form their egg- shells.
fore -finger nail, and then rub the tongue Old rubbish lime, or plaster from old
with salt. When fowls have this or any walls, is very proper for this purpose, if
other disease, they look drooping, their well broken up. Ifyou cannot procure
eyes appear dull, and their combs and this, mix lime and water to a mortar ;
gills become pale and flabby. When let it dry, then break it up and put it
they are sick, feed them with bran that into the hen-house. See that the set-
has been mixed to a paste with boiling ting hens have plenty of food and water
water. every day, at the time they come off
In wet weather, keep the fowls shut their nests. If they are not supplied at
up all day in the hen-house ;also when once they will go back to their nests
it is very cold, taking care that they are without waiting, and suffer much in
properly supplied with food and water. consequence.
They should have in their house a little Their roosts or perches should be con-
manger or feeding- trough, which ought trived as not to be exactly over each
never to be empty. If they have plenty other, and some should be placed low
of food always by them, they will eat enough for the young fowls to reach
frequently, but only a little at a time, without difficulty in flying up to them.
and it is best for them to do so. When Let none of the nest-boxes be placed
their food is given to them scantily and under the roosts.
irregularly, they injure themselves by The hen-house should frequently be
devouring it too fast. cleaned out, whitewashed, fumigated
; :
the bottom to prevent their being burnt this to a quart of spring water, half-a-
then pass the pulp through a hair sieve pound of bay salt, half- an- ounce of white
to keep back the skin and seeds. Weigh pepper, and a quarter- of -an -ounce of
the pulp, and to each pound add a pound pounded mace. Boil slowly a quarter-
of loaf sugar broken small. Place the of-an-hour, adding the oysters towards
whole on the fire, and keep it well stirred the last, to scald them in it. Strain
from the bottom of the pan with a wood- and pound them well until reduced to
en spoon, until reduced to a marmalade, a paste ; add them again to the liquor,
which maybe known by dropping a little boil a quarter-of-an-hour, and take off
on a cold plate, when, if it is of a jelly- any dark scum that may rise. Rub the
like consistence, it is done. Put it into whole through a fine sieve ; add two or
jars or pots while hot, and cover with three spoonfuls of white wine vinegar,
pieces of paper (cut to the size of the bottle and cork close when cold.
mouths have been satu-
of the jars) that Salad Cream. Rub the yolks of —
rated with some good sweet oil or olive hard-boiled eggs smooth, with the back
oil, or with spirit. This should be done of a table-spoon in a basin, or with a
when the marmalade is cold. The tops small pestle and mortar. To each yolk
of the jars may be afterwards covered of egg add a table-spoonful of good salad
with pieces of bladder or paper, and be oil, some made mustard, a salt- spoonful
tied round the edge. of salt, and sufficient strong vinegar,
Quince or Apple Jelly. This is pre- with the addition of some Chili vinegar,
pared as directed for marmalade, except to make it of the consistence of thin
that when the fruit is reduced to a pulp cream, and bottle for use. Some prefer
the clear juice is strained off, and to the addition of a little cream, but for
each pint a pound of loaf sugar is added, bilious persons we consider that it had
and then boiled to a jelly. The resi- better be left out.
due left on the sieve will serve to make Dangerous Diets. The failure of —
a common marmalade, by using moist the potato-crop is likely, from what we
read to bring about an epidemic of add to the above, haif-an-ounce of oii
scurvy, unless the public can be better of vitriol (sulphuric acid) but this,
of vessels on long voyages has shown, does by fixing one half of the skin un-
over and over again, the uselessness of der a strong cord round a horizontal ash
the pea and bean tribe in preventing pole, grasping the loose end with his
scurvy. left hand, and car efully shaving it with
Strychnia for Blindness. Profes- his right by means of a circular knife of
sor Nagel of Tubingen has published quoit-like shape and extraordinary keen-
reports of cases in which he has, by the ness removing the skin, reversing it
use of strychnia, restored sight to pa- on his pole, and shaving the other half
tients suffering from decay cf vision in like manner, when, after a little
or from blindness. Strychnia, as is well polishing, or stoning off, and padding
known, is a deadly poison, but it has a down, it is finished. We may here re-
wonderful effect in stimulating the mark that at every stage the work is in-
nerves, and Professor Nagel found that spected by a competent foreman before
in diseases of the optic nerve, whether it is passed on to that which follows.
functional or organic, its operation was The skins are now removed to another
alike speedy and efficacious. The quan- room, where they are exammed and sor-
tity used is of course exceedingly small ted for cutting into such kinds of gloves
—one fortieth of a grain —
mixed with as they are best fitted for in quality, size,
water, and this solution is not to be substance, &c. ; they are thence sent to
swallowed, but is injected under the the cutter (in lots, generally, of from
skin of one of the arms, which seems to four to five dozen) with full instructions
render the result more remarkable. This for his guidance respecting every skixL.
remedy has also been tried by oculists The cutter, taking one skin at a time,
elsewhere, and with marked success. stretches it to the fullest extent, and
To Make Good Blacking.— Take cuts it up by measure into plain oblong
four ounces of ivory black, half-an-ounce pieces of the required size, which he
of Prussian blue, one ounce of sweet oil, submits to be stamped while stretched
two ounces of treacle, one ounce of sul- out, as a proof of his correctness in
phate of iron (commonly called green measuring and marking, before finishing
vitriol), and a quart of strong vinegar. them off in the form he is required to
Mix the first five ingredients well to- give them. From the cutter these ob-
gether, then gradually stir in the viue- long pieces called " tranks," are sent to
gar bottle it off, and keep from six to
; the puncher, who, taking two or three
eight weeks before using. Some persons pairs at a time, and placing them on the
knife to which they correspond in size cases,they are labelled and sent off to
and shape (being so numbered by the the London warehouse, whence they
cutter), puts them under a press, when are distributed to every part of the
the form of the glove is instantaneously kingdom, the colonies, America, &e.
produced, with all the necessary slits Messrs. Dent and Co. now employ nearly
and openings, button-holes, gussets, &c, seven hundred handc within the walls
for enabling the sewer to put them to- of their manufactory, and about five
gether. The thumbs, and the forge ttes thousand sewing people, &c., outside.
or fourchettes the pieces put between —
Dancing. Dancing is, perhaps, the
the fingers are punched separately. oldest amusement in the world, remarks
The "tranks" now go to the trimmer, a contributor to the Victoira Magazine,
who, with a very fine cutting pair of and too natural not to outlive all oppo-
scissors, removes every roughness that sition, yet while we often hear it dis-
may have been left in the punching, paraged, we scarcely ever hear it de-
after which they are supposed to be fended for its extreme reasonableness.
finished, though they have yet to be A small book entitled " Dancing in a
again closely examined, so as to correct Right Spirit," is the only attempt of
any faults, and prevent any defective the kind I have met with, but the au-
pieces being sent oub to the sewer. thor has greatly limited himself by con-
Having passed this examination they are sidering the question in one direction
handed to boys, who fold each pair with only. Whilst very rightly and sensibly
its complement of thumbs, forge ttes, reminding us how dancing was a reli-
and other pieces inside, and put them gious pastime among the Jews, and
up into half-dozen or dozen packets, how it is nowhere forbidden, but rather
each packet with full instructions for commended, in the Bible, he leaves un-
making, written on the band the sew-
touched any consideration apart from
ing materials are then added to each the Bible, and much may be said in
packet ; and after being duly entered favour of dancing from an artistic point
out they are taken by travelling clerks of view. As beauty of colour to the
to the various sewing stations through- eye, as sweet sounds to the ear, so is the
out the county of Worcester, and into luxury of quick, easy motion, to the
parts of Warwickshire, Oxford, Hereford, healthy frame. All young things de-
Gloucester, Devon, and Somerset. Each light to skip and dance. When it hears
clerk will take out daily the number of quick, lively music, the child must
dozens required for his particular station, dance it is an irresistible, spontaneous
and bring home made goods to a like instinct, as much as to use its young
extent, the quantity varying with the voice and shout and laugh and sing out
population of the different localities. All its merriment. It is the first praise of
these goods when brought in from the the child to its Creator. By enjoying
makers have yet to receive the last finish, the life He gives it, the child unwit-
that is, the " topping," button and but- tingly, unconsciously, praises Him in its
ton-holing, &c, and this is done by bright, swift motion, as hereafter it will
hands in the city of Worcester, within do consciously in a maturer form by the
easy reach of the manufactory. The life it will lead to His glory. So in the
gloves are now completed ;but they childhood of mankind, men danced be-
must still be " dressed," or put into fore God in the full joy of their hearts.
straight and attractive form they are
; It was a kind of praise to God from
then subjected to their final examination these children of the earth's earlier days,
by an " expert," and when passed by and as much the right and natural mode
him have the firm's name stamped in- for them to express praise, as it is now
side one glove of each pair ; after which the right and natural mode for chil-
being neatly made up, banded in half- dren to enjoy themselves. Whatever
dozens, and put into small boxes or gives us highest enjoyment is most ap-
only that, but in process of time a grim in this case may not be thrown away.
theology, which would banish all cheer- Vegetables for a small Garden. —
fulness from life, did its best to con- what are the most profitable crops
demn dancing, together with many other to be grown in a small garden ? The
innocent and, natural amusements. But answer must be as follows : Broad
such gloomy views of things are too un- Beans should only be grown to a limited
natural to retain the world in their bon- extent, and the main- crop varieties only
dage, so dancing is still an enjoyment to sown. French Beans are the most valu-
thousands and when nature's pre-emi-
able, because of the little space they re-
nent right of guidance is more and more quire, and the great excellence of their
recognised, dancing will again assume produce, and also because they are not
its place amongst the arts which add soon affected by the drought. Scarlet
beauty and joy to our lives, and, though Runners must also be grown rather ex-
no longer amongst the rites of religion, tensively, as they continue in bearing
will, far from being considered hurtful throughout the season, even in dry sum-
to the religious sentiment, be seen to be mers, if well supplied with water. Beet-
a futherance therefore in the same man- root, if grown at all, should be cultivated
ner as are painting, music, and all other in limited quantities, as it is by no means
branches of the joyous and beautiful. profitable. Borecoles are invaluable but ;
Mixing a Salad. This is a point Borecolis are too precarious, and Brussels
of proficiency which it is easy to attain Sprouts are hardy productive enough to
with care. The main point is, to incor- be considered first-rate, although they
porate the several articles required for cannot well be excluded. Cabbage, es-
the sauce, and to serve up at table as pecially the small-growing sorts, is per-
fresh as possible. The herbs should be haps the most profitable crop that can
" morning gathered," and they will be be grown, as the stumps will, in ordi-
much refreshed by laying an hour or nary seasons, yield a plentiful supply of
two in spring water. Careful picking, tender greens after the hearts have been
and washing, and drying in a cloth, in cut. Those who have been accustomed
the kitchen, are also very important, and to the monster market cabbage will pro-
the due proportion of each herb requires bably not hold this vegetable in very
attention. The sauce may be thus pre- high esteem, and it is necessary to tell
pared :
Boil two eggs for ten or twelve them that there is nearly as much differ-
minutes, and then put them in cold ence between light and darkness as there
water for a few minutes, so that the is between a cabbage cut just as it begins
yolks may become quite cold and hard. to harden, and sent to table within two
Rub them through a coarse sieve with a or three hours afterwards, and one that
wooden spoon, and mix them with a is allowed to remain until it shows signs
>ablespoonful of water or cream, and of bursting, then subjected to a slight
then add two tablespoonfuls of fine flask fermentation for a considerable period,
oil, or melted butter ;mix till smooth, and finished off with lying in a green
when incorporate with the other ingre- grocer's shop for two or three days.
dients about three tablespoonfuls of Cauliflowers are admissible in limited
vinegar then pour this sauce down the numbers. They can. no doubt, be grown
side of the salad-bowl, but do not stir up cheaper than they can be purchased, but
the salad till wanted to be eaten. Gar- they are not profitable. Ca rrots for draw-
ing young should be grown, and, where in a stewpan, with two or three quarts
space can be spared, for storing also. of clear gravy soup, together with some
Celery, unless stable manure is handy carrots and turnips, cut into fancy shapes
and abundant, should not be thought with a vegetable cutter, also a few small
about. Onions for drawing during the onions (whole), and a head or two of
summer, and a few for storing, will be
valuable but a summer crop only should
celery sliced — (partly boil the vegetables
first in a little stock). Simmer all to-
be grown. Turnips take up too much gether until the vegetables are perfectly
room, and are not so profitable as many boiled, skim off the butter as it rises,
other things. Main crops of the best and your soup will be perfect. If thick
varieties of Peas only should be sown, as ox-tail is preferred, stir in a thickening
peas can be purchased so eheap at the of arrowroot or rice flour — or thicken it
time when the ordinary crops come in ;
with roux flavour it strongly with spice,
therefore, it is a waste of space to grow add a little port wine, and serve.
-any but the best marrowfats, which can New Remedy for the Tooth-ache.
only be purchased at a high price. Early — At a meeting of the Medical Society,
Potatoes only that will come off in time Dr. Blake, a distinguished practitioner,
to admit of the ground being planted said he was able to cure the most despe-
with, winter greens must be selected. A rate case of tooth-ache, unless the disease
considerable space must be set apart for was connected with rheumatism, by the
salading, as it is much better to be able application of the following remedy :
to have Lettuces, Radishes, and Cresses Two drachms of alum reduced to an im-
fresh from the garden than to buy them palpable powder. Mix, and apply to the
after they have been lying about several tooth.
clays. In addition to the foregoing, a Domestic Uses of Ammonia.
moderate quantity of Endive should be Ammonia is nearly as useful in house-
planted in August, to take the place of keeping as soap, and its cheapness brings
the lettuce in the autumn. Those who it within the reach of all. For many
love Spinach may obtain abundant sup- household purposes it is invaluable yet
plies with very little trouble from a its manifold uses are not so generally
small garden. known as they should be. It is a most
Preserving Eggs. The following is refreshing agent at the toilet table a ;
an easy mode of keeping eggs in a per- few drops in a basin of water will make
fectly edible condition for ten months. a better bath than pure water, and if the
Have ready a square deal box, of the skin is oily, it will remove all glossiness
size you are likely to require; cover the and disagreeable odours. Added to the
bottom with a layer of sweet bran, about foot-bath, it entirely absorbs all noxious
3 inches thick ; as the eggs are brought smells so often arising from the feet in
in from the fowl-house, wipe them care- warm weather, and nothing is better for
fully over with a piece of new flannel, cleansing the hair from dandruff and
well saturated with sweet oil ; lay themdust. For the headache it is also a de-
carefully on the layer of bran, taking sirable stimulant, and frequent inhaling
care that they do not touch each other ;
of its pungent odours will often entirely
then add another layer of bran, aud pro- remove catarrhal cold. For cleansing
ceed as before. We are now using eggs paint it is very useful. Put a teaspoon-
which were so treated, and which were ful of ammonia to a quart of warm soap-
laid as long ago as the 4th of last June, suds, dip in a flannel cloth, and wipe off
and are perfectly o™d f or all kitchen the dust and fly-specks, grime and smoke,
purposes. and see for yourselves how much labour
Excellent Ox-Tail Soup. Take a it will save you no scrubbing will be
couple of ox-tails, and cut them into needful. It will cleanse and brighten
pieces at the joints; fry them in butter wonderfully to a pint of hot suds mix
until they are quite brown ; put them a teaspoonful of the spirits, dip in your
silver spoons, forks, &c, rub with a easy of digestion. Such of our readers as
brush, and then polish on chamois skin. have not tried it should do so. We
For washing mirrors and windows, it is pend for their guidance a few reliable
also very desirable put a few drops of recipes ;
ammonia upon a piece
of newspaper, and —
Blancmange. Take one quart of
you will readily take every spot or milk, and mix it with four ounces or
finger-mark on the glass. It will take four tablespoonfuls of the flour add a ;
grease -spots from any fabric put on little salt, and flavour to taste then
; ;
the ammonia nearly clear, lay blotting boil the whole for a few minutes, allow,
paper over the place, and press a hot it to cool in a mould, and serve up with
flat iron on it for a few moments. A milk and jelly, or milk and sugar.
few drops in water will clean laces and —
Pudding. Prepare as above, adding
whiten them finely, also muslins. For one or two eggs. To be eaten warm.
cleaning hair and nail brushes it is —
Baked Puddings. Nearly four table-
equally good. Put a t^aspoonful of spoonfuls of the flour (or three and a
ammonia into one pint of warm or cold half ounces), to one quart of milk add ;
water and shake the brushes through a little salt boil three minutes, stir-
the water when the bristles look white, ring it briskly ; allow it to cool, and
rinse them in cold water, and put into then thoroughly mix it with two eggs,
-the sunshine or in a warm place to dry. well beaten with three tablespoonfuls
"The dirtiest brushes will come out from of sugar flavour to taste, and bake for
this bath white and clean. There is no half an hour in an oven, or brown it
better remedy for heartburn and dys- before the fire.
pepsia, £nd the aromatic spirit of am- —
Custard. One quart of milk, and
monia h especially prepared for these mix it with three ounces of the flour :
troubles. Ten drops of it in a wineglass one or two eggs well beaten and a lit-
of water are often a great relief. The tle butter and salt, and four tablespoon-
spirits of ammonia can be taken in the fuls of sugar. Flavour to taste, and boil
same way, but it is not as palatable a three or four minutes, then pour it into
<Iose. Farmers and chemists are well a pie- dish, and brown it before the fire.
aware of the beneficial efiects of am- This is an exquisite delicacy.
monia on all kinds of vegetation and if ; —
Fruit Pie. Bake or stew the fruit
you desire your roses, geraniums, fu- with sugar, put it into a pie- dish, then
chsias, &c, to become more flourishing, pour over it corn-flour, boiled with milk,
you can try it upon them, by adding in the proportion of four ounces of the
five or six drops of it to every pint of flour to one quart of milk, then brown
warm water that you give them but it before the fire or in the oven. Ttu>
don't repeat it lest you stimulate them makes a covering lighter and more d&-
too highly. Rain-water is impregnated licious than pie -crust.
with ammonia, and thus it refreshes and —
Omelet. Beat up two eggs, and with
vivifies vegetable life. So be sure and them one tablespoonful of the flour, and
keep a large bottle of ammonia in the a teacupf q1 of milk add a little pepper
house, and have a glass stopper for it, as and salt, and sugar if preferred throw :
it is very evanescent, and also injurious the whole on a flat saucepan, previously
to corks, eating them away. well heated, and covered with melted
Corn-Flour Recipes. Corn-flonr is butter keep the saucepan in motion
carefully prepared from the best Galatz over the fire, then turn it several times
Maize, and has all the good properties and roll it up, keeping it in motion till
of the real arrowroot, than which it is, it is slightly browned.
however, more nutritious. For light —
Sponge Cake. Half a pound of corn
dishes, puddings, blacmange, cakes, &c, flour, quarter, or half pound of butter,
•suitable for children and invalids, it and two teaspoon fuls of baking powder,
stands unrivalled, being wholesome and to be very well mixed together. Take
three eggs, and beat the yolks and whites your table. In some cases medicine i»
separately for fifteen minutes, then add necessary ; but if the above is properly
to them a quarter of a pound bruised carried out, almost immediate relief is
white sugar ; mix all together, flavour experienced.
to taste, and beat for fifteen minutes ;
Steaming Food. — If ladies knew
put it into a well- buttered tin, papered the superiority of steaming many arti-
all round two inches deeper than the tin, cles of food over boiling them, they
and bake in a quick oven for one hour would be better supplied with conve-
It may also be used as arrow-root in niences for that purpose. Cooking can
every kind of preparation. be done much quicker, and with less
Parlour Pastime. The following fuel, by steam, than in any other way..
beautiful chemical experiment may be Apple dumplings are far superior when
easily performed by a lady, to the great steamed, to boiled ones, which are apt
astonishment of a circle at her tea-table to be heavy and water- soaked. Steam
Take two or three leaves of red cab- till done, then set in the oven a few
bage, cut them into small pieces, put minutes to dry the moisture. So it is
them into a basin, and pour a pint of with other puddings, custards, brown
boiling water upon them let it stand
bread, vegetables, &c, and for cooking
an hour, then pour it off into a decanter. fruits, to preserve or put up in their
It will be a fine blue colour. Then take own juice, it is an excellent way to
four wine -glasses into one put six drops
; steam till tender, before putting into
of strong vinegar into another six drops
; syrup. In warm weather, a steamer is
of solution of soda ; into a third a strong valuable indeed, for a very little fire?
solution of alum, and let the fourth will do.
remain empty. The glasses may be Warm Bed-Covering. —When tha
prepared some time before, and a few nights are cold, and the bed-clothes in-
drops of colourless liquid that have been sufficient,adopt the following very sim-
placed in them will not be noticed fill
; ple plan : —
throw off one or two of the
up the glasses from the decanter, and top covers from the bed, then get two
the liquid poured into the glass con- or three large newspapers one very —
taining the acid will become a beautiful
red the glass containing the soda will
large one will do —
spread them on the
; bed, and replace the cover. The result
become a fine green that poured into
; will be a warm and comfortable nighty
the empty one will remain unchanged. without snaj perceptible increase in the
By adding a little vinegar to the green weight of the bedding. Again, for a.
it will immediately change to red, and cold ride on boat, coach, or a long walk
on adding a little solution of soda to against the wind, spread a newspaper
the red it will assume a fine green, thus over your chest, and you will not be-
showing the action of acids and alkalies come chilled through. Nothing can be
on vegetable blues. cheaper, and nothing more efficient.
Sick Headache.— Much sick head- —
Tea Cake. Rub into a quart or
ache is caused by overloading the sto- dried flour of the finest kind, a quarter
mach by indigestion. It may be re- of a pound of butter then beat up two- ;
lieved very much by drinking freely of eggs with two teaspoonfuls of sifted
warm water, whether it produces vo- sugar, and two tablespoonfuls of washed
miting or not. If the feet are cold, yeast pour this liquid mixture into
warm them or bathe them in water as the centre of the flour, and add a pint
hot as you can bear it. Soda or ashes of warm milk as you mix it beat it up ;
in the water will do good. If the pain with the hand until it comes off with-
is very severe, apply a cloth wrung out out sticking set it to rise before the
inch thick ; set them in tin plates to completely covers the articles, remove
rise before the ten minutes, then
fire for the basket carefully and allow \t to
bake them These cakes
in a slow oven. drip for twelve hours. These baskets
may be split and buttered hot from the make a beautiful parlour ornament, and
oven, or split, toasted, and buttered for a long time preserve the freshness
after they are cold. of the flowers. •
Sponge Biscuits. —
Beat the yolks The —
Opal. This gem comes from
of twelve eggs for half an hour then ; Hungary and Mexico. The Hungarian
put in a pound and a half of beaten opals are much the superior, and have
sifted sugar, and whisk it until it rises not the disadvantage of deteriorating
in bubbles ; beat the whites to a strong with time. For the perfection of an
froth, and whisk them well with the opal, it should exhibit all the colours of
sugar and yolks work in about four-
; the solar spectrum, disposed in small
teen ounces of flour, with the grated spaces, neither too large nor too small,
rinds of two lemons. Bake them in tin and with no colour predominating. The
moulds buttered, in a quick oven for opal is sometimes called the harlequin,
an hour before they are baked, sift a
; in allusion to the great variety of colours
little fine sugar over them. which it displays. The substance of
Icing for Cake. Beat the white of the opal is of a milky hue, and of a pale
one egg perfectly light then add eight greenish tint. The milkiness is gene-
teaspoonf uls of loaf sugar, pounded fine rally known by the term opalescence.
and sifted, very gradually, beating it It is the colour of water in which a lit-
well ; after every spoonful, add one tle soap has been dissolved. In order
drop of the essence of lemon or rose- to explain the brilliant colours of the
water to flavour it. If you wish to opal, we may imagine in the stone a
colour it pink, stir in a few grains of great number of isolated fissures, of
cochineal powder or rose pink if you ; variable width, but always very narrow.
wish it blue, add a little of what is Each fissure, according to its width,
called powder-blue. Lay the frosting gives a peculiar tint similar to the ef-
on the cake with a knife, soon after it fect produced by pressing two plates of
is taken from the oven smooth it over,
; glass together we may recognise vio-
and let it remain in a cool place till let, blue, indigo, red, yellow and green,
hard. To frost a common- sized half of the last two being exhibited more rarely
cake, allow the white of one egg and than the others.
half of another. As a proof that the brilliant colours
Crystallised Baskets.— pleasant A of the opal are due to narrow fissures,
reminiscence of summer maybe retained similar colours may be produced by par-
by the manufacture of crystallised flow- tially fracturing, with the blow of a
er-baskets. The process is very simple, hammer or a mallet, a cube of glass or
and can be accomplished by any lady even a rock crystal. Colours obtained
of taste. Construct some baskets of in this way are of the same character as
fancy form with pliable copper-wire, those of flowers, which result from the
and wrap them with gauze. Into these overlaying of the transparent tissues of
tie to the bottom violets, ferns, gera- which the petals are composed. Hereirt
nium —
leaves in fact, any flowers ex- lies the secret of all their final decay.
cept full-blown roses and sink them Sometimes the opal is coloured only
in a solution of alum, of one pound to in its substance, and has not so great a
a gallon of water, after the solution has play of lights as when it is variously
cooled. The colours will then be pre- travel sed by fissures, and then it is not
served in their original beauty, and the so much esteemed. The opal is not a
crystallisedalum will hold faster than very hard stone. In its chemical com-
when from a hot solution. When you position it is only quartz combined with
have a light covering of crystals that water. HeM- e*Danding its fissure^
out permanent alteration, the colours of water is gradually heated, but never
a beautiful Hungarian harlequin opal. allowed to boil ; cold water should be
The opal of the Roman senator, Nonius, added as soon as the water in the pot
of the size of a hazel-nut, which he se- commences boiling, and it should thus
lected from among all his treasures as be checked until the potatoes are done,
the companion of his exile, was esti- the skins will not then be broken or
mated at about 160,000 pounds. This cracked, until the potato is thoroughly
gem has appropriately been called the done pour the water off completely,
" Koh-i-noor of Rome." uncover the pot, and let the skins be
Patchouly. It is well known that thoroughly dry before peeling.
the real Indian shawls possessed a pe- To Extract Marking Ink.—The
culiar and agreeable, odour, which was following process will be found easy and
new to European noses as the shawls effectual :
Take the piece of marked
were to European eyes. This odour linen, and immerse it in a solution of
pertinaciously clung to the fabric, and a chloride of lime, when in a few minutes
genuine " India" unfailingly advertised the characters will pass from black to
it as such by its perfume. The cause white, owing to a new preparation of
of this odour was fully inquired into, silver being formed, namely, white chlo-
and it was found to be given to the ride of silver, which still remains in the
shawls by contact with an herb known fabric, but owing to its solubility in so-
to the Hindoos as putcha, pat or pat- lution of ammonia, it may be entirely
chouly, as it is more commonly called. extracted by immersion in that liquid
Importation of the dried herb, as an aid immediately it is removed out of the
to the shawl-maker's enterprise, natu- first, and allowing it to remain in it for
rally followed, and this led to its intro- a few minutes after this it only re-
strengthened by each other, can brave numbers of cases neither patient nor
the world's frown in the rugged but nurse has any idea of what is going on.
heaven-lit path of reform. Home, with Particularly in acute fevers, the pa-
all that is dearest in the sacred name, tient's mind is not in a state to com-
is their peaceful and cherished retreat, plain of a slight pain, therefore they
within whose sanctuary bloom the vir- must be sought for by the nurse, and
tues that make it a temple of benefi- prevented. They geneially form about
cence. the bottom of the back, and about the
Sweet Words. Five of the sweet- hips. The constant pressure of the
est words in the English language begin body causes a slight redness at first,
with H, which is only a breath Heart, and if attended to then the mischief
Heart is a hope-place, and home is a on the part dies, and leaves a sore which
heart-place, and that man or woman too frequently takes away all chance of
sadly mistaketh who would exchange recovery. Examine carefully every day,
the happiness of home for anything less bathe the parts with spirits and water,
than heaven. and take off the pressure, first by alter-
Female Society. What is it that ing the position, if possible, and se-
makes all those men who associate ha- condly, by making little pillows or pads,
bitually with women superior to those and placing them so as to bear the
who do not ? What makes the women weight. Unless you can do this, ail
who are accustomed to, and at ease in, treatment you can adopt will be cf no
the society of men, superior to their avail.
sex in general ? Solely because they are Widowhood. —A great vicissitude
in the habit of free, graceful, continued in a woman's circumstances and situa-
conversation with the other sex. Wo- tion not unfrequently occurs upon the
men in this way lose their frivolity, death of her husband and in the
their faculties awaken, their delicacies higher rank of society this is often pe-
and peculiarities unfold a]l their beauty culiarly severe. A
widow thus placed
and captivation in the spirit of rivalry. has niuchneed for foititude and even ;
And the men lose their pedantic, rude, those of an inferior rank have their
declamatory, or sullen manner. The trialsand difficulties to support with
coin of the understanding and the heart dignity and composure.
changes continually. Their asperities During her temporary seclusion from
are rubbed off, their natures polished general society, a widow can hardly
and brightened, and their richness, like employ her time more wisely, than in
gold, wrought into finer workmanship
is forming her plans, and arranging her
by the women, than it could
fingers of future establishment and mode of liv-
ever be done by those of men. ing. In doing this she would do well
Cement for Wood. — A very supe- to lay her intentions and wishes before
riorcement for joining wood may be those whom her husband has appointed,
made by soaking isinglass or gelatine with herself, his executors, and the
in water until it swells. The water guardians to his children.
should then be drained off, and spirit It often happens, however, that a wi-
poured on it, and the vessel placed in dow and her co-executors are at vai"/ >
a pan of hot water until the isingias3 ance she, tenacious of her power, jea-
lous of their interference, and suspicious puerile wishes for relaxation, she should
of their negligence in promoting her in- steadily persevere in the plan ©f educa-
terests or those of her family ; while tion which she has formed for her chil-
they, perhaps, are irritated and troubled dren, preserving, with conscientious
by her ignorance in matters of business, care, the precious years of their youth
and made angry by want of friendly from waste and neglect. Thus, the
confidence in their intentions. widow who strives to fulfil every obli-
When a widow is satisfied as to the gation to her children has no sinecure ;
integrity and prudence of her co-execu- but, with Heaven's blessing on her en-
tors, she will only be doing them jus- deavours, she will have her day of com-
tice if she confide all matters of business pensation ; her success will be honoured
to them. A prudent woman cannot be in the world, and affectionately and du-
blind to the advantages which may ac- tifully acknowledged by her children,
crue to her children, from the unani- who, with one voice, " will rise up and
mity she preserves with their other call her blessed."
guardians. The Monthly Nurse, and her Du-
When time has healed the wound
patible with the state of feeling of one light sleeper, or rather capable of doing
recently bereft of the most intimate of with very little sleep and as this would
human ties), the widow will probably be incompatible with the habits of a
be again seen in the world, and will glutton, or of one fond of ale and por-
again mix in her usual societies. She ter, we will suppose that she is free
should, now, bear in mind, that, from from any inclination towards intempe-
the circumstance of her being left en- rance. She should be gentle, tender,
tirely to her own conduct, many eyes kind and tolerably lively in her man-
will be upon her ; and, from various ner, and should have great command
motives, many will curiously examine over her temper, and have so much
into the circumspection and prudence self-possession, that, under any circum-
of her conduct. If the breath of slan- stances, even the most alarming that
der ought not to reach her as a wife, -it can occur, she should be able to main-
is even more essential to her, that as a tain a cool and collected manner. Above
widow it should be completely sup- all things she should not be addicted
pressed. She has no longer a protector to quackery, nor should she ever pre-
to shelter her when reproached, nor to sume to prescribe medically either for
sanction with his approbation her future the mother or the child.
steps. She has to screen the name she A nurse should be taught the art of
bears from the very shadow of disrepute, emptying the mother's breast by suc-
because, besides belonging to her chil- tion when the infant is weakly, and the
dren, he who owned it and bestowed it supply of milk great for, then, the ;
upon her can no longer defend and res- breast becomes turgid, aud the efforts
cue it from calumny and disgrace. of the infant are insufficient to draw it,
A widowed mother is liable to fall until it has been previously relieved,
into the error of over-indulgence of her either by suction or some other means.
children. To guard against this mater- It is a better plan to have the breasts
nal weakness should be more than ever drawn by the mouth than by any of
her earnest aim, since paternal firmness the various contrivances which are in-
is no longer at hand to counteract its vented for that purpose. Sore nipples,
injurious effects Without regard to which are so painful, and so disappoint-
ing to the young mother, who is gene- doctor interferes, or appears to aid her
rally desirous of fulfilling every part of efforts, the more his skill is to be de-
her maternal duty, are the consequence pended upon.
of this turgidity, which excites inflam- When the child is born, and the mo-
mation. When, however, the nipple ther therefore, in some degree re-
becomes sore, the shield is the best re- lieved from her state of suffering, she
medy, and a nurse should know how to should be restrained from any lively
render this little instrument serviceable, expressions of joy, for they would be
for unless it be properly applied the in- dangerous to her at the time in which
tention for which it is used will be de- so much of her strength is exhausted.
feated. All salves and washes are use- Many of the fatal occurrences in child-
less without the aid of the shield. bed have been attributed to the want
Some ladies, who have never suffered of this precaution. Rest, and, if pos-
from sore nipples, have attributed their sible, sleep, should be obtained for two
escape to the habit, which they bad or three hours before the young mother
adopted some weeks previous to their be laid comfortably in bed after deli-
confinement, of washing the nipples very. After this has been done, the in-
with weak brandy and water. fant should be brought to her, and then
A nurse should not be of an avari- should be applied to the fountain of its
cious disposition, otherwise to visit the natural and only proper food. When
lying-in room is quite a disgraceful tax medicine is required, the doctor will
upon the friends of the lady. The terms order it, but on no account should the
upon which the nurse attends for the nurse be allowed to administer it with-
month should be settled at the time out his orders.
she first engaged
is and every lady
It is a very common practice with
who has any feelings of delicacy, will monthly nurses to keep an infant from
explain to her, that she is to expect its mother's milk for two or three days
nothing beyond her just pay and that
after its birth ; this is equally bad for
any expectation of receiving money the parent and child. The first milk
from visitors must be abandoned. which the child draws acts as a purga-
As the moment of confinement ap- tive upon it, whilst its sucking keeps
proaches everything should be in rea- the breast soft and pliable, and brings
diness, so that no hurry or bustle occur. the milk into the proper channel. For
One friend, who possesses some con- these reasons the infant should be put
siderable degree of fortitude, the nurse, to the breast three or four hours after
and the doctor, are the only persons its birth, and this should be repeated
who should be admitted into the room as often as the mother's strength will
during the labour. Whatever conver- permit it. If a lady is to suckle her
sation is permitted the less the better infant, the sooner it is applied to the
— should be of a cheerful and encou- breast the less chance there is of the
raging description all depressing pas-
nipples becoming sore ; but in some
sions, want of confidence in the medical constitutions this will occur in spite of
attendant, and alarm of any description, every precaution, and when it does, the
inasmuch as they weaken the powers child should be kept from the breast
of the animal economy, and protract until the milk has been nearly carried
the sufferings of labour, also tend to in- off by purgatives and low diet ;then
terrupt the natural steps of the process, the child beiir; again placed at the
and cause difficulties which would not breast causes a return of the milk, while
otherwise happen. Every female should the breast and the nipple remain cool.
be previously informed, that, unless Until the infant can be applied to the
some unforeseen difficulty present itself, mother's breast, its aptitude for sucking
the child may be born without manual should be kept up by placing it at the
assistance ; and, therefore, the less t!).e breast of a temporary wet nurse.
dress and wash an infant with more fa- rather be gently pressed than rubbed
cility, and with greater gentleness, than with the towel, and particularly under
others but their prejudices are often the joints
; the hands, arms, and thighs
ther should learn what is right to be unless this be the case, it is better to
done, and then be prepared to oppose use no powder of any kind. Drying
firmly any contrary modes which her the skin well, when it has been wetted,
nurse may suggest. is the best mode to prevent soreness.
In washing an infant during the The infant should not be kept longer
month, the water should be tepid, for undressed than can be avoided but if ;
water either too hot or too cold is alike it do not appear to be chilled, the nurse
injurious. The whole body of the in- may gently rub its back, head, and
fant, with the exception of the head, limbs with her hand, until there is a
should be immersed in the water when general appearance of circulation. As
it is washed If a nurse be so ignorant soon as the clothes have been put on,
as not to know what will take off the the nurse should dip the end of a soft
white mucous matter which occasionally piece of cambric into warm water, and
adheres to the skin of a newly-born in- cleanse the tongue with it. Some nurses
employ sugar and water for this pur- thered. Infants are also liable to return
pose ; but unless there be any disease from their stomachs any surplus of milk
in the mouth, plain water is the best ;
they have received and when this oc-
and the friction on the tongue should curs while they are sleeping, they should
be so gentle as not to occasion the in- be gently lifted up, so that what they
fant to cry out. vomit may be entirely emptied from
When there is hair on the. head of an the mouth.
infant, great care should be taken to The cry of an infant ought never to
dry it well after washing ; for, to put a be disregarded, as it is Nature's voice,
cap on with the hair damp, would be to which speaks of some pain or suffering.
incur the danger of cold and inflamma- Cries, however, are of different kinds :
tion in the eyes, or of ear-ache and deaf- for example, that of hunger may be
ness. A careful nurse will endeavour known ;it is short and wrangling but
to guard the organs of sense from any when the cry is a continued one, and
injury, such as exposing the eyes to a the legs are drawn up, there must be
strong glare of -light, or the ears un- pain. In such a case as this, the breast
covered to currents of air. must not be administered until the pain
Nursing an Infant. An infant be removed. Warm bathing, gentle
should not be nursed in an upright po- friction on the bowels, examination of
sition \for the first two months of its the clothes to ascertain whether any
life. It is painful to see the bent back ligatnre is drawn too tight, should be
and weak neck of a young child com- first tried, and if the infant still appear
pelled to support a weight to which to be in pain, a gentle aperient medi-
it is rarely equal. Some ladies, how- cine, or an injection, should be admin-
ever, err in the other extreme, and, by istered. Powerful medicines should be
keeping their infants too long in a re- given only by the advice of the medical
clining position, have prevented that attendant.
gradual supply of strength which might To Secure Photographs in Al-
have been acquired by a gentle and bums. From starch is made a prepara-
timely use of the muscles and bones of tion known as dextrine it is in the
the back and neck and when infants form of a powder, and this made into a
have been brought to this state, it has rather stiff paste with cold water, is the
been difficult to ascertain whether it best material for fixing photographs in
had been caused by the disuse of the albums. Keep the dextrine very clean,
parts, or was the effect of disease. An and proceed as follows cover the whole
infant should rarely be taken out of back part of the photograph lightly with
doors for the first month of its life, un- the paste, then place it on the page of
less the weather be peculiarly favour- the album, with a sheet of white blot-
able. The extremes of heat or of cold ting paper on the other side of the al-
are alike injurious to it, and damp wea- bum page. Then gently smooth over
ther is peculiarly so. the face of the picture with a handker-
An infant should never be left to sleep chief. Thick starch will also answer the
alone. Frightful accidents have occurred purpose.
from negligence in this respect and,
; —
Seasonings for Soups. Spices al-
indeed, for the first few days of its life, ways should be put in whole into soups.
an infant should not be in its bed for Allspice is one of the best, though it is
half an hour at a time without being not so highly esteemed as it deserves.
looked at for, if it should chance to Seville- orange juice has a finer acid than
roll on its face, it has no power to turn lemon- juice, but both should be used
itself again, and were it left for any with caution. Sweet herbs for soups
length of time in this situation, with its or broths consist of knotted marjoram,
face against the blanket or pillow, it thyme and parsley a sprig of each tied
would be in great danger of being smo- together. The older and drier onions
seasons also they are very strong the terminating in a web of the most exqui-
quantity should be proportioned accord- site green edged with gold. The tail
ingly. Although celery may generally consists of eighteen feathers, of a grey-
be obtained for soup throughout the brown colour, and assists in supporting
year, it may be useful to know that the train, when it is expanded, and as-
dried celery-seed is an excellent substi- sumes its fan-like form. The pea-hen
tute. It is so strongly flavoured that is rather smaller than the male bird, and
a drachm of whole seed will enrich half her colour is more subdued and homely.
a gallon of soup as much as will two The legs of both male and female are of
heads of celery. Mushrooms are much a grey- brown. That of the former dis-
used, and when they cannot be obtained plays a strong spur, and the feet are
fresh, mushroom ketchup will answer clumsy, at striking variance with the
the purpose but it should, be used very grace and elegance of his general form.
sparingly, as nothing is more difficult The voice is also harsh and dissonant.
to remove than an over-flavouring of Management of the Pea-Fowl. —
ketchup. A piece of butter in pro- It would be idle to think of domesticat-
portion to the liquid, mixed with flour, ing these birds in the ordinary poultry-
and added to the soup, when boiling, house or yard. Their habits are of the
will enrich and thicken it. The finer most rambling description, and they
flavouring articles, as ketchup, spices, cannot be confined to one spot, though
wines, juice, &c., should not be added they may be so accustomed to it that
till the soup is nearly done. Wine they will make it their home, to which
should be added late in the making, as they will constantly return.
it evaporates quickly in boiling. A tea- They are very destructive birds in
spoonful of sugar is a good addition in gardens ; therefore, they should never
flavouring soups. be kept, except where there are exten-
Pea-Fowl. This gorgeous bird is sive lawns or parks and shrubberies for
a native of India, being found in great them to disport in. They require no
numbers in the extensive plains of that shelter at night, for they love to roost
country, in the neighbourhood of the on trees, frequenting the very highest
gauges, and in the kingdom of Siam. branches and when they cannot find
It has long been naturalised in Europe, a tree, they will perch upon a hay-stack
but in the country it is now kept more or the roof of a house.
for ornament than use. The male bird After they have passed what may be
— —
the well-known peacock is one of called the age of infancy, they require
the most beautiful of the feathered very little food, providing chiefly for
creation. It is elegantly shaped, its themselves but where you wi.-h to at-
length, from the tip of the bill to that tach them to yourself, and to train them
of the tail, being about four feet. The to come back to a particular locality,
head, neck, and breast are of a brilliant you must feed and pet them, giving
blue, shaded with gold the back and them the same food as turkeys. By
upper part of the wings are bright ash, feeding and kindness, he will come for
mixed with black stripes the ground his meal as punctually as a human
of the feathers of its splendid fan-like being. They know the voice of their
train is black ; but they are studded keeper. If she calls them, they will
with what are popularly called eyes ;" come to her, and eat out of her hand.
lovely spots, of a round form, diversified The hen is more timid than the male,
with the most attractive colours, and and cannot be brought to show such
sparkling with the radiance of the confidence in her keeper.
brightest gems. The neck and head They do not pair. The peacock re-
are gracefully formed ; and from the quires four or five hens, who generally
crown springs a tuft of twenty -four fea- make their nests on the bare ground,
If the eggs are taiven away she lays a they possess active and energetic spirits,
second time during the summer. They sorely disturbed by any waste of time.
are sometimes taken from the nest, and Some wives have discovered an admir-
kept as you keep those of the fowl or able facility in dealing with this diffi-
Turkey, till the time for hatching, and culty, and it is a secret which, having
then placed under a common hen, or a been discovered hy^oine, may be known
turkey-ben the latter proving the best to all, and is well worth the finding
foster mother. Thus you can have two out.
broods in one year. Asparagus for the Lungs. —The
The peacock, both in its natural and frequent use of asparagus strongly
domestic state, destroys numerous in- recommended in affections of the lungs
sects which would be very destructive ;
and ches^: in fact, asparagus is one c
and they will keep a place clear of frogs, the most wholesome as well as agreeable
lizards, and similar reptiles. If they vegetables we possess.
are killed, when poults, about nine American Remedy for Diarrhoea
months old, they make an excellent — Take one teaspoonful of salt, the
dish. The old birds, when they are same of good vinegar, and a tablespoon -
getting to maturity, are not wholesome ful of water mix and drink. It is
food. But they are excellent food at a said to act like a charm on the system,
much more advanced age than the nine and even one dose will generally cure
months. obstinate cases of diarrhoea or the first
They should be well fed, but not put stages of cholera. If the first dose does
up to fatten be killed at any period
; not bring complete relief, repeat the
except the moulting season, and then dose, as it is quite harmless. The pa-
hung in the larder some time before tient should keep perfectly quiet, a re-
cooking. They live eighteen or twenty clining posture being the best. In se-
years. vere cases soak the feet thoroughly in
Hints for Wives. Don't imagine very warm water, chafing them well.
when you have obtained a husband, Flannel wet with pretty warm vinegar
that your attention to personal neatness and salt (especially in warm weather)
and deportment may be relaxed. Now, and placed around the loins, wrapping
in reality, is the time for you to exhibit warm flannel over it, is an excellent aid
superior taste and excellence in the cul- to recovery. Any and everybody can
tivation of your address, and the becom- apply these remedies without a physi-
ing elegance of youi appearance. If it cian, running no risk, and will be astcn*
required some little care to foster the ished at the beneficial result.
admiration of a lover, how much more An Excellent Tonic. — Hops, six
is requisiteto keep yourself lovely in ounces, boiiing water, one pint soak ;
the eyes of him to whom there is now for foiu hours. Oose, half a wine-glass-
^o privacy or disguise— your hourly ful.
On Furnishing.— The great point cupations they shall lose their position-
in furnishing is to study well the aspect, in society. Suppose it to be so surely
the general style of the house, and to it iswiser to quit a position we cannot
make all our efforts harmonise with it : honestly maintain than to live depen-
for incongruity is a great offence against dent upon the bounty and caprice of
good taste. There is a fitness in things others better to labour with our hands-
which should never be lost sight of, if than to eat the bread of idleness or :
we desire success. We know of an in- submit to feel that we must not give
stance where, in an old-fashioned house, utterance to our real opinions, or ex-
abounding in mullioned windows which press our honest indignation at being,
run high up into the ceiling, the pre- required to act a base or unworthy
sent possessor has hung all the rooms part. And in all cases, however situated,
with Chinese papers, and fitted them up every female ought to learn how all
with light- coloured ultra-modern fur- household affairs are managed, were it
niture, as inconsistently as if you were only for the purpose of being able to
to decorate Westminster Abbey like the direct others. There cannot be any dis-
Italian Opera House. It would not be grace in learning how to make the bread
difficult to multiply instances where fur- we eat, to cook our dinners, to mend
niture has been transplanted from one our clothes, or even to clean the house.
house to another without the smallest Better to be found busily engaged in
reference to its appropriateness. Our removing the dust from the furniture
theory is that no one thing should catch than to let it accumulate there until a
the eye. There should be harmony visitor leaves palpable traces where his
throughout and we recommend that hat or his arm have been laid upon a
the less pattern there is in the paper tion become quite obstreporous and
the better, unless, for some special rea- unmanageable as soon as they begin tc*
son, a chintz paper is desired. If the suspect any design to control them.
room faces the south, a cool grey or They have a particular aversion to the
mauve is good ; and for a north room sway of woman that is, when it be- —
we have seen a yellowish green answer comes apparent. Intimate, for instance,
admirably, imparting to the room an that they are under woman's control,
appearance of sunshine. As a rule, we and they will bristle up indignantly, as*
have found it best to avoid reds, espe- though it were an insult to their man-
cially dark reds, which are offensively hood. They are docile enough so long
dingy. Blue is a dangerous colour to as there is no appearance of control,
use it is so apt either to make a room but once show them the reins of go-
gaudy or cold ; though we have seen it vernment and they will resist you with
effectually used with pink to give it a all the obstinacy of their nature. The
Pompadour look. For carpets we in- woman who would live in harmony with
cline to small inoffensive patterns, and her spouse must study his nature and
generally avoid those which are flowery, disposition. She must not cross his
as being in theory and effect bad. temper, nor assume authority, and pre-
Female Occupation. Women in — sume to dictate, for there is nothing
the middle rank are brought up with so exasperates the spirit of a man that
the idea that if they engage in some oc- is a man as any attempt to trespass
upon his prerogative. She must grace- not patience and endurance therefore
fully concede his lordship, and pay it I would counsel all wedded ladies who
all due respect and reverence ; then, if would live in comfort with their liege
she possess the magnet of his affections, lords, to avoid unnecessary occasions of
she may lead him whichsoever way she irritation and dissatisfaction."
wills. Woman's power lies in her affec- Character and Treatment of Pul •
tions ; and love, when judiciously exer- monary Consumption. — Dr. Searle, in
cised, the husband cannot resist — ex- his excellent book, " The Blood in its
cept, perchance, he partake of the na- Eelations to Life, Health, and Disease,"
ture of a bear, and is as impervious to describes Consumption as a " disease
the influence of the tender passion. specific in character, dependent upon
Another chief requisite in the manage- some general cause of derangement of
ment of a husband is a genial, cheerful the nutritive and healthy condition of
nature ; for, if we have not sunshine in the system. A
disease, connected with
his home, he will be a gloomy fellow some depraved or altered condition of
cross and surly beyond endurance. In the blood, in relation to its elements
order to make him a pleasing object of derived from without," thus described,
contemplation, or companionship, he " as food, air, or beverage, or of defect
must be kept in good humour by the in their assimilation or in the purifi-
well ordered house He at the founda- under the influence of cold, become
tion of domestic felicity. Show me the more amenable to inflammation and ;
man that can be ill-natured when he under a low and insidious form of it
comes home to a cheerful fireside, where these tubercles increase in size, and
the smiling wife awaits his arrival with then, compressing and occupying the
a comfortable dinner, and I will show space of the air-tubes, become a perma-
you a genuine specimen of a bear. Ano- nent source of irritation to these tubes,
ther hint I would suggest to wives is, and of extended inflammation hence
that they look well to the condition of cough, expectoration, febrile commo-
their husbands' shirt buttons. No man tion, &c, ensue. The tubercles increas-
can keep his temper over a buttonless ing in size, and the parts surrounding
shirt he can bear the loss of a fortune them being involved in one common
wTith better grace than the loss of a shirt inflammation, they coalesce, and either
button. Men cannot bear petty vexa- in distinct clusters, or severally, soften,
tions and inconveniences ; they have and become the seat of abscess ; the
into the blood, and thus contaminating such sensible relief, that unknown to
the vital stream hectic fever, diarrhoea, her professional adviser, she was induced
and numerous secondary derangements to take two baths every day, and so
follow from the exhaustion of which, great was the benefit that in less than
and the destruction of the organisation, six months she had not only got rid of
death necessarily closes the scene. all her ailment, but had become quite
" I have detailed thus much, with a strong and stout."
view of showing that there can be no Shoulder of Mutton Boned.—The
specific remedy for this disease —
which, joint to be operated on should not be
like scrofula, is an affection of the ge- too fat remove the bone as far as the
neral system, and that all treatment first joint from the knuckle, sprinkling
must bear reference to the stage of af- the incision with pepper and salt. Make
fection. In the early stages it must be a stuffing the same as for veal, with
sought in the causes which gave rise to half a pound of bread-crumbs, four
the tubercles attention must not be ounces beef suet chopped fine, a little
directed alone to the relief of the cough, onion minced, salt and pepper, also a
and the symptoms of inflammatory irri- little grated nutmeg, and one egg place ;
tation, but to the condition, so to speak, the stuffing into the incision, fold over
of the blood, or the depravation that the meat into its former place, and tie
may exist, ofwhatever kind, of the as- it up tightly with string. Shoulder of
similative and nutritive processes, and mutton done in this way may be roasted^
of the general health and strength of but should properly be braised that —
the system. Strict attention to diet, is, first fried of a golden colour in oil or
air, exercise, warmth, clothing, and the clarified butter, and then put into a
like expedients of renovation, are evi- stewpan with a pint and a half of stock,
dently the remedies. And seeing that and any trimming of vegetables at hand ;
these bodies (the existence of which four or five cloves, six peppercorns, salt,
may be determined by auscultation and thyme, parsley, and bay-leaf. Leave it
percussion of the chest that is to say, to boil gently for two hours, strain off
tapping the outside, and noticing the the stock, remove the fat, let it reduce
sound imparted of vacuity or consoli- on the fire until it becomes like glaze,
dation, and of the air's murmur within) pour over the mutton, and serve.
are soluble in an alkali, as Dr. Campbell To take Impressions of Leaves
proved by experiment ; an alkali may —
and Plants. Take half a sheet of fine
very probably be taken with advantage, wove paper and oil it well with sweet
as he has recommended. And an occa- oil ;after it has stood a minute or two,
sional vapour-bath, or rather the lamp- to let it soak through, rub off the su-
bath, may be employed to secure a more perfluous oil with a piece of paper and ?
active state of the functions of the skin, let it hang in the air to dry after the
and prevent at the same time the deve- oil is pretty well dried in, take a lighted
lopment of inflammation. Sponging the candle and move the paper over it, in
chest every morning with salt water, a horizontal direction, so as to touch
and the daily use of the flesh -brush, the flame, till it is perfectly black. When
are also useful expedients, and it is now you wish to take off any impressions of
a well- authenticated fact, that cod-liver plants, lay your plant carefully on the
oil has often proved itself to be a most oiled paper, lay a clean piece of papef
valuable auxiliary. over it, and rub it with your finger
" A young lady, the subject it was equally in all parts for half a minute,
said of consumption, having been sent then take up your plant and be careful
to an hydropathic establishment, the not to disturb the order of the leaves,,
and place it on the paper on which you not touch the plain side of the paper ;
wish to have the impression then the sheets of the designs should be laid
cover it with a piece of blotting-paper, flat to dry, they should be left two or
and rub it with your finger for a short three days before being used, and they
time, and you will have an impression will remain good for three months, or
superior to the finest engraving. The even longer.
same piece of black paper will serve to To apply the design to the glass, it
take off a number of impressions. The should be wetted with water on both
principal excellence of this method is, sides, the glass should also be wetted ;
that the paper receives the impression lay the design on the glass, and roll well
of the most minute veins and hairs, so down —
all air bubbles will be easily re-
that you obtain the general character moved by this means keep the plain —
of most flowers. The impressions may side of the paper wet for a few minutes,
afterwards be coloured. then, with the point of a knife, carefully
Vitremanie. This is the name given raise a corner of the paper, and pull it
by Messrs. Barnard and Son of 339, Ox- gently off the work is now to be washed
ford Street, for a much improved pro- with a camel-hair brush, and water,
cess of Diaphanie, and which the new and afterwards dried by placing a piece
art supersedes. The great success of of blotting paper over the work, and
Diaphanie (no less than 250,000 sheets
of designs having been sold in England
rolling it ; leave it now for a few
then coat it with enamel varnish, and
alone) —is well known to every lady, as the work is finished. In removing the
are its great defects, the chief of which paper, it is sometimes better, particu-
was that, the sheets being applied with larly when the design is large, to care-
transfer varnish, bubbles of air some- fully scratch a hole in the paper, and
times remained between the design and tear it off in pieces from the centre.
the glass, which, in the subsequent The work is more easily performed on
process of rubbing off the paper resulted free glass, cut to the proper sizes, and
in holes this rubbing off, moreover,
; afterwards fixed over the glass already
required much time, patience, and care, in thewindow, by means of a bead it ;
and was rarely perfectly performed. may, however, be done upon the win-
These defects are entirely obviated by dow as it stands.
Vitremanie. By this method the de- The designs may be arranged to fit
signs, after being covered with Glucine, any window, strips of lead foil applied
may be applied to the glass with water with gum being used for the purpose of
only, and the paper removed entire, a covering the edges of the groundings,
few minutes sufficing for the operation, borders, &c, where they join. For cir-
and nothing being left upon the glass cles and other shapes the strips of lead
but the design in colours of unclouded may be stretched with the thumb and
brilliancyand transparency. fingers to any pattern desired, the crea-
The materials required are as follows ses being smoothed by the handle of a
The printed designs, three brushes knife or paper-cutter, slightly wetted.
two of camel's hair and one of hog's It is needless to state that for private
hair, —
a bottle of each Glucine and residences, where the private look-out
enamel varnish, a roller, a sponge, a lit- is not inviting, this art should always
tle blotting paper, and a pair of scis- be called into requisition. It has, too,
sors. been most successfully adopted by many
The instructions are as simple as the churches, and if some 250,000 sheets of
materials, designs, &c, are inexpensive. designs for Diaphanie have been dis-
With the camel-hair brush pass a coat- posed of in England alone, it is certain
ing of Glucine over the coloured face of with this improvement in the manipu-
the designs that are proposed to be used, lation of the process, a much more ex-
care being taken that the Glucine does tensive patronage may be counted on.
The Best Way to Wash.—First before the fire, or on the hob, or, be^cer
look out all your fine white things in still, on the hot plate of an oven, till
one parcel, and your coarse things in the tea is well heated, but, of course,
another, throw them into two separate not burnt then pour upon it the boil-
pans, with the quantities of soap and ing water, and a fragrant infusion of
washing-powder, and cold water, accord- good strength is instantly produced.
ing to the instructions on the packets. Virtues of Tea. —A cup of good tea
Leave them to soak all night, and the is one of the best material blessings ;
next day give the wristbands and col- it will refresh both head and heart, and
lars of shirts a slight rubbing with soap help the rest of the fatigued body it ;
in cold water, and then boil the fine will cure almost any minor ailment,
things first, according to the printed from headache to cholera and do more
instructions, then the coarse things, to cement the bonds of friendship than
and proceed in the usual way till the a thousand congratulatory epistles or a
whole is completed. By adopting this wagon-load of presents. We have faith
method it will be found that the labour in the ladies who love tea, who make
of washing is reduced almost to no- it skilfully, and elegantly serve it. The
thing the clothes have a most perfect poorest woman should aim at having a
whiteness, and the whole may be got complete tea-table, and should even give
out of the way as fast as you can dry way to extravagance in securing the
them. choicest herb and the most fragrant in-
Porridge. To make porridge you fusion of it.
must have what is called round meal, But extravagance is not necessary, for
which consists of crushed (not ground) tea is in itself positively beneficial, and
oats, che saucepan must be placed on at the present day within the reach of
the fire with the necessary quantity of those of most humble means. What-
boiling water in it, and then, with a ever you may tolerate in shabby crock-
wooden spoon in one hand, and a hand- ery for breakfast and dinner, bring on
ful of meal in the other, sprinkle in the your best at tea-time and if your best
meal and stir it round till it is as thick is not so good as you would like, seize
as you want it. It should boil for at least the first opportunity to substitute for
ten minutes, and should then stand be- it better.
fore the fire for some time before it is —
Dinner Etiquette. Never let your
eaten. If of a good thickness, it may guests sit down to table without ac-
be eaten with cold milk and sugar, and quainting them beforehand with the
will give health and strength to all who bill of fare, that is, if the dinner be a
partake of it. Many first-class Scotch ceremonious one because the great va-
families make oatmeal -porridge their riety of dishes placed on the table is to
staple food for breakfast ; it is highly give a choice to the different tastes of
healthful and economical. A little ex- the company.
perience will soon render a person effi- By selecting a few favourite dishes,
cient in its preparation. digestion is rendered more easy, as it is
Art of Tea-making. To make a then aided by the fancy of each indi-
fragrant and refreshing cup of tea pro- vidual ; but should you be helped to a
ceed as follows : —
Use soft water, and dish which does not meet with your
be sure it boils. If you are compelled approval, though, at the same time, you
to use hard water, throw into the ket- feel yourself constrained by politeness
tle a pinch of carbonate of soda ; but to eat of it, your dinner is spoiled, and
the latter should never be used unless you do no justice to the bountiful sup-
the water requires correction, and then ply of your Amphitryon.
very moderately, for it is apt to destroy When you help at table never give
the roughness of the flavour. After the more than two or three slices of meat,
tea has been put into the pot place it cut thin. . Carve everything a little in
figured. A good carver ought never to into a stew-pan holding a little more
ask if any person likes their meat well- than two quarts, set it on a brisk fire, |
done or under-done, as you disfigure then add half an ounce of salt, a tea-
the joint at once such fancies cannot spoonful of sugar, and three cloves stir
; ;
be tolerated, except at the table of the continually for a few minutes, until
wealthy for the million it is a waste the meat gets a little dry, then fill with
the crudity of such aliments is unwhole- fat on the surface, pass through a thin
some, and apt to destroy the most deli cloth, and it is fit for use. A little
cate part of the digestive organs. Be tapioca, semolina, or vermicelli, may
also contented with one sort of vege- be added for convalescents, after it has
table on your plate at once, potatoes been passed through a cloth, and set
excepted. We have often witnessed on afresh on the fire in another stew-pan,
one plate, with salt beef, carrots, greens, until either is done. The vegetables
peas,and potatoes. are a very great improvement in flavour,
The greatest compliment a guest can and cannot be in the least injurious to
pay his host is to be asked to be served a patient but, if objected to by the
a second time of the same dish, though medical gentleman, they may be omit-
not above half the quantity first served ted also the cloves and half the salt.
getables, carrots, turnips, onions and charms for a blind man ; music does
celery ; when sufficiently boiled the not please a poor beast who does not
vegetables must be taken out whole, and know one tune from another. I pro-
the soup seasoned with pepper and salt test I can sit a whole night talking to
and a little cayenne to taste ; also a a well-regulated, kindly woman about
little Harvey's sauce and ketchup ; then her girl coming out, or her boy at Eton,
fry some mutton cutlets, the quantity and like the evening's entertainment.
required for the number, a pale brown, One of the great benefits a man may
add them to the soup with the vege- receive from a woman's society is, that
tables cut up small. he is bound to be respectful to them.
Salmon Curry. Have two slices of The habit is of great good to your
salmon weighing about a pound each, moral men, depend upon it. Our edu-
which cut into pieces of the size of wal- cation makes us the most eminently
nuts cut up two middling- sized onions, selfish men in the world.
; We
fight for
which put into a stew-pan with an ourselves, we push for ourselves, we
ounce of butter and a clove of garlic yawn for ourselves, we light our pipes,
cut in thin slices ; stir over the fire till and say we won't go out we prefer
becoming rather yellowish, then add a ourselves and our ease and the greatest
teaspoonful of curry powder, and half good that comes to a man from a wo-
that quantity of curry paste ; mix all man's society is, that he has to think
well together with a pint of good broth, of somebody beside himself somebody —
beat up and pass through a tammy into to whom he is bound to be constantly
a stew-pan, put in the salmon, which attentive and respectful.
stew about half-an-hour, pour off as —
Earache. No lady who suffers with
much of the oil as possible ; if too dry, this painful malady should be without
moisten with a little more broth, mix- a bottle of arnica. It is indispensable
ing it gently and serve as usual with in cuts, burns, and bruises, and in ear-
rice separate. Salmon curry may also ache it is an infallible remedy. As soon
be made with the remains left from a as —
any soreness is felt in the ear which
previous dinner, in which case reduce feeling almost always precedes the re-
the curry sauce until rather thick be- —
gular " ache," let three or four drops
fore putting in the salmon, which only of arnica be poured in, and then the
requires to be made hot in it. Th^ re- orifice filled with a little cotton to ex-
mains of a turbot may also be curried clude the air, and in a short time the
in the same way, and also any kind of uneasiness is forgotten. If the arnica
fish. is not resorted to until there is actual
is required. To each quart of mush- hour, but that is the extreme time for
room liquor, two blades of pounded roasting a full-grown bird.
mace, half ounce each ginger and all- White Wine Whey.— Boil half a
spice, and quarter of an ounce cayenne pint of new milk as soon as it boils,
pepper. The mushrooms should be full up, pour in as much white wine as will
grown, and fresh gathered in dry wea- turn, and make it look clear boil it up,
ther. Put a layer of them into a deep set the saucepan aside till the curd sub-
pan, sprinkle salt over them, and then sides, and do not stir it. Pour the
another layer of mushrooms, and so on whey off, and add to it half a pint of
alternately. Af ter they have remained boiling water, and a bit of white sugar.
a few hours break them up with the The whey will thus be cleared of milky
hand put
them in a cool place for particles, and may be made as weak as
three days, occasionally stirring and you choose. Cheese whey is a' very
mashing them so as to extract from wholesome drink, particularly if the
them as much juice as possible. Mea- cows have fresh herbage. Whey may
sure the quantity of liquor without be made of vinegar or lemon and when ;
straining, and to each quart allow the clear, diluted with boiling water and a
above proportion of spices, &c. Put all little sugar. This is less heating than
into a stone jar, cover it up closely, put wine, and if required to excite perspi-
it into a saucepan of boiling water, set ration, answers quite as well.
it over the fire, and let it boil for three —
Giblet Soup. The giblets should
hours. Then turn the contents of the be well washed in warm wT ater two or
jar into a clean stew-pan, and let the three times, the bones broken, the neck
whole simmer gently for half an hour and gizzards cut into convenient pieces ;
pour it into a jug, and let it stand in a the head also should be split in two. If
cool place until the next day. Then goose-giblets are used, a couple of sets
pour off into another jug, and strain should be dressed but if duck giblets
into dry bottles. Be careful not to are cooked, four sets will be wanted ; a
squeeze the mushrooms. Cork well, so pint of water is to be allowed to each
as perfectly to exclude the air. set. Put them into cold water, let them
To —
Roast Ducks. Be careful to boil up gradually, take off the scum, and
clear the skin entirely from the stumps when they boil, add some sweet herbs,
of the feathers ; take off the heads and pepper and salt, mace, and an onion.
necks, but leave the feet on, and hold Let the whole stew for about two hours,
the feet for a few minutes in boiling until the gizzards are tender take out :
water to loosen the skin, which must the giblets, strain the soup, and thicken
be peeled off. Wash the insides of the it with a little flour and a bit of butter ;
birds by pouring water through them. and flavour it with a little ketchup.
Put into the bodies a seasoning of boiled Serve up the giblets and the soup to-
onions, mixed with minced sage, salt, gether.
pepper, and a slice of butter. Cut off Care and Management of the
the pinions at the first joint from the Hair. —Perfect cleanliness is indispens-
bodies, truss the feet behind the backs, able* for the preservation of the health,
and roast the birds at a brisk fire, but beauty, and colour of the hair, as well
do not place them sufficiently near to as its duration ; this is attained by fre-
be scorched ; baste them constantly, quently washing it in tepid soft water,
and when the breasts are well plumped, using those soaps which have the small-
and the steam from them draws to- est portion of alkali in their composi-
wards the fire, dish, and serve them tion, as this substance renders the hair
quickly, with a little good brown gravy too dry, and by depriving it of its moist
poured round them, and some also in a colouring matter, impairs at once its
tureen. Young ducks should be roasted strength and beauty. After washing
half an hour ; large ones, about an the hair should be immediately and tho-
habit of separating the leaves from the in an oven after the bread has been
stalks, and mixing them into a paste withdrawn. Practice alone will enable
any one to judge exactly how long it his answer from them, written of course
may be necessary to leave it in the oven in as friendly a spirit as the delicacy of
— say two or three hours. After the the subject permits of.
drying, the sand must be gently poured On no account whatever must you
off, and if the degree of heat has not delay sending a reply to a proposal of
been too strong, the flower preserves marriage. Think of the suspense of an
for two or three years its primitive individual who has thrown himself, as
beauty. Some kinds demand
of flowers it were, upon your kindness, enter into
more particular attention to secure their his feelings if you can, and consider
perfect preservation ; thus, before bury- if you do not act uprightly towards
ing tulips in the sand, it is necessary him, and as becomes a lady, your own
to take out their pistil, otherwise the good name will be compromised, and
petals would often be separated from be lacerated, or,
his feelings will either
the stem. The calyxes of pinks and which would be most deserving, he
carnations should be pierced in several would regard you with a cold contempt,
places with a pin ; it is well to use the and would not feel himself bound to
same precaution with all double flow- conceal the particulars of the case from
ers. Should the leaves and stems have any one. Let him have a reply from
lost their verdure, it may be restored you, and there is no opening then for
by exposing the plant to the gas arising his revealing anything derogatory to
from a mixture of steel filings and sul- your character <*s a lady.
phuric acid diluted with water. We have said that in the event of a
Proposal of Marriage. A— lady's refusal it should be written by your
conduct at this particular time must be parents or guardians this is the law of
governed by the estimate she has been etiquette but if your love for sparing
able to form, by a frequent intercourse, pain be at all strong, and you have any
of the sincerity of the gentleman's at- fear that your parents are not qualified
tachment to her ; and, it is presup- to send a refusal in a proper tone, then
posed that she is perfectly satisfied with sit down yourself to break the law by
his moral character and social position writing him a letter of condolence, ac-
by her previously having accepted him knowledging your obligation of the
as a lover. When gentlemen marry, honour he intended you, and promising -
not do so, we do not mean through any him in many particulars but let him
sordid motive, but as a security against unmistakably know that you can never
• a life of future misery and degradation. be Iris wife.
Never trifle with a proposal of mar- If your parents determine to reply as
riage ; delays are dangerous at once well as yourself, and you are conscious
refer the offer to your elders in the that their reply will not be tempered
household, and if their decision^ be fa- with kindness, then a letter from you
vourable, and the gentleman is perfectly in addition, in a consoling tone, will be
in accordance with your own wishes, as an oasis in the deserted heart of the
then there can be scarcely any objec- gentleman, and will only leave in him
tion to a speedy union. regrets and not chagrin that he has uot
Should, however, a proposal be made secured a prize as one who has a heart
to you not be agreeable with such an can feel for others' woes.
alliance as you desire to consummate, Short and Long Courtships.—
then your wisest plan is to refer the Those courtships of seven years' dura-
gentleman to your parents, at the same tion, which formerly were so common,
time acquainting them with the obsta- are now almost reckoned amongst the
cles which you think are very unfavour- things that were, and we do not think
able to an union, and he will receive that society is any loser by the change,
When such periods had to elapse before of Siberia,we must conform to the
a prudent union could be effected, there usages of society. There are many ri-
were many contingencies which might diculous rules which may be overlooked,
intervene to set aside the most sincerely but in main points we must give way
pledged vows, and then the respective to prevalent customs or be regarded
parties found themselves perhaps con- with feelings not very conducive to our
sidered as out of date by the world. peace.
Such courtships are now so infrequent While we are on the subject of long
that the people who were engaged in and short courtships it will not be out
them would be considered as rarities. of place to touch upon those courtships
On the other hand, short courtships, which, though very short, are never-
though not always fatal to happiness, theless very often productive of acute
ought, for many reasons, to be dis- pain. A gentleman, we will suppose,
couraged. It is no argument in defence makes a proposal to a lady, and the
of them to single out many instances in answer he receives is, that she will con-
substantiation of the fact that they sider about it and let him know after
have been successful. Many cases of she has taken the advice of her parents.
marriages at sight we have known to She is so unfeeling, and we think un-
have resulted in happiness. But we grateful, as never to think of the man
must look at the mass of the people, who has paid her the highest compli-
and note clown what a larger view af- ment which can be paid by a gentleman
fords. A thorough knowledge of cha- to a lady ; and, to darken the picture,
racter is not to be acquired by an ex- represents to her friends that Mr. So-
terior impression. Conversation and and-So had made her an offer and she
observation of habits, for at least twelve had rejected him, and that when she
or eighteen months, is necessary for consulted her parents they were very
most courtships. If the respective per- much annoyed at an offer having been
sons have resided in the same town for made to their daughter from any such
the whole of their lives, and have been quarter. Such heartless conduct, the
previously acquainted, the period of product of excessive vanity, cannot be
courtship may, without danger, be di- too highly censured, and if her friends
minished. The caution which we have calmly listen to such a breach of all the
suggested as necessary is not called into rules of good faith, they may be de-
use in a case of this kind it is only re-
; servedly classed with the individual
quisite where there is an imperfect who has, with their silent sanction,
knowledge of the habits and principles. violated the laws of society.
Time's all- trying ordeal is necessary to Leaving Company, —French leave
discover whether the core is as worthy is the fashion now-a-days in good so-
of admiration as the beautiful exterior. ciety, and we should hope will continue
When a young lady and gentleman so. By this method you slip out, shake
enter upon the field of love, they place hands quietly and unobserved with the
themselves open to remark : and should host and hostess, and the party goes on
they be hasty in running to the altar, undisturbed otherwise the movement
or long and weary in their amours, they of the one is the signal for the move-
will be equally a topic of censure or ment of another, and the party is bro-
approval. When an engagement has ken up prematurely. We have seen,
Oeen made, the most judicious course in homely assemblies, a sedate matron
-s to letboth circles of friends and ac- retire to dress, and reappear with bon-
quaintances know of it, in order that net and shawl on to shake hands with
qo gentleman may be pining in solitude the whole company. Nothing can be
for the lady whose love he knows not is more vulgar or detrimental to the life
bespoke. So long as we do not adjourn of a party, however unpretending its
to the prairies of America er the wilds character.
— — —
Economy the Basis of Comfort. take place. We are sure that the im-
Let it be your aim to make the
first portant reasons cited for tying up the
most of everything, and thank God that jam hot will induce every one to do
you have so much. If your income is so.
ample, guard against extravagance and Influence of Marriage on the Du-
study economy that you may avoid ration of Life. — M. Bertillon lately
debt, and enjoy the pleasures of life free read before the Academy of Medicine
from pressing anxieties. It is too much a paper on the relative influence of
the fashion for ladies to ignore their marriage and celibacy, based on statis-
husbands' pecuniary affairs, and to pro- tical returns derived from France, Bel-
fess ignorance of money matters, and to gium, and Holland. In France, tak-
encourage themselves in the idea that ing the ten years 1857 66, he found
their wishes at least must be gratified that the 1,000 persons aged from 25 to
— with the rest they have nothing to 30, 4 deaths occurred in the married,
do. Now the affectation of this is bad 10 '4 in the unmarried, and 22 in wi-
enough, but the actual practice is worse dowers in females at the same age the
— many a ruined house, many a bank- mortality among the married and un-
ruptcy springs out of it many a do- —
married was the same 9 per 1,000,
mestic circle is broken up, and the pride while in widows it was 17. In persons
which led to the ruin humbled to the aged from 30 to 35, the mortality among
dust as a reward. Make the best of men was, for the married 11 per 1,000,
everything, and keep within your in- for the unmarried 5, and for widowers
come, and if your means be ever so li- 19 per 1,000 ; among women, for the
mited, you will now find that care and married, 5, for the unmarried 10, and
economy will place you in the enjoy- for widows 15 per 1,000. There appears
ment of as much comfort and respect- to be a general agreement of these re-
ability as is enjoyed by many who have |
suits of marriage in Belgium and Hol-
greater resources than yourself. The land, as well as in France and Paris.
matter of first importance in the eco- A Certain Recipe to Remove
nomic management of a household is Fruit Stains from Table Linen.
skilful marketing. Tie up some cream of tartar in the
To Keep Jam. Ordinary jam, it stained part, and then put the linen
has been discovered fruit and sugar into a lather of soap and cold water,
that have been boiled together for some and boil it awhile. Then transfer it web
time keeps better, if the pots into to some lukewarm suds, wash and rinse
which it is poured are tied up while it well, and dry and iron it. The
hot. The reason for this will be per- stains of either fruit or wine will be
fectly obvious from the following simple extracted during the process. They
explanation. If the pot of jam or pre- may be also removed by rubbing them
serve be allowed to cool before it is while wet with common salt. A third
tied down, littie germs will fall upon plan is to mix in equal quantities, soft
it from the air, and they will retain soap, pearlash, and slacked lime. Rub
their vitality, because they fall upon a the stains with this preparation, and
cool substance they will be shut in by expose the linen to the sun, with the
the paper, and will soon fall to work mixture plastered on it. If necessary,
decomposing the fruit. If another pot, repeat the application. As soon as the
perfectly similar, be filled with a boil- stain has disappeared, wash out the
ing hot mixture, and immediately co- linen immediately, as it will be injured
vered over, though, of course, some of if the mixture is left in it.
the outside air must be shut in, any Leaves for Garnishing the Des-
germs which are floating in it will be sert. A rare old leaf is the ivy, green,
scalded, and m all probability destroyed, or golden, and yet its smell is anything
so that no decomposition whatever can but sweet, its taste is rank and poison-
less, aud fit in well with most fruits. flowers that give out a disagreeable
Ehododendron leaves are bright and odour, and some of them, like P. quad-
glossy, and look well either singly or in rangularis, are too large ; and kerme-
terminal branchlets. Laurustinus is sina, in a young state, is almost too
clear, bright, shapely, and has a good tender. Still, this noble family is rich
effect. The Arbutus is also clean and in leaves for garnishing. P. alata, edu-
pretty, in terminal bunches or single lis, and racemosa, being among the very
file; and sweet bay leaves are light, best species, are also rich in beautiful
glossy, and sweet, without, however, leaves ; but some are fragile, and those
flavouring the fruits that rest upon that are suitable have more or less scent.
them. Camellia leaves are models of smooth,
Notwithstanding this wide range of glossy beauty, but no one cares to gather
choice, many ladies, however, elect to them for fruit garnishing ; while those
cushion their fruit on variegated or of oranges, lemons, &c, are too highly
green kale. It is pretty enough, but perfumed. Stephanotises are too lea-
both the sight and the smell are sugges- thery, were one inclined to pick them
tive (often highly so) of cabbage, which off. The early forcer of fruit and flow-
is a. somewhat incongruous association ers can seldom, however, be at a loss for
them. They are the best of all, from additional cure. But the antidote we
the time the tender leaflets will barely now submit and recommend is every-
pass through the dinner, till the winter where available, for it is nothing more
leaves of many colours crumple into a nor less than an application of common
handful of dust in our fingers. Early soil to the wound. A friend of ours had
fig-leaves are also admirable. Later in the misfortune to be stung by a bee in
the season they seem too rough and her garden, and as none of the usual
common for choice fruit but the early antidotes were then available, she drew
leaves have a soft freshness that is most the sting from the wound and applied
pleasing. Even early peach, plum, pear, a little common soil, after wetting it
apple, and cherry leaves are admirable sufficiently to admit of its being worked
while the leaves of forced roses have a into the consistency of thick cream.
cleanly beauty that is seldom seen on The pain previous to the application of
those out of doors. The lily of the val- the soil was most intense but in a few
ley leaf, with a flower or two here and seconds after it was reduced to a dull
there, gives one of the choicest, sweetest ache, and nothing more was felt after-
finishes to a dessert, without flavouring wards beyond a slight stiffness in the
the fruit. A fine Czar violet and leaves joints of the thumb. The same remedy
of the common primrose are by no means has been often tested, and with the same
to be despised. That most useful of all degree of success. As the stings of bees
plants for cutting, the astilbe japonica, and wasps affect some persons more
yields a harvest of exquisite leaves for than others, it is proper to observe that
the adorning of the dessert. Again, the remedy of soil is applicable to ail,
forced lilacs, especially ail the varieties and may be implicitly relied on.
of the Persian, are invaluable. Doubt- Keeping Fish Fresh with Sugar.
less a considerable proportion of the —
A method adopted in Portugal for
charm arises from the fact of the leaves preserving fish consists in removing the
being out of season but they are like- viscera, and sprinkling sugar over the
wise more beautiful, that is, more fresh interior,keeping the fish in a horizontal
and green, when produced under the position, so that the sugar may pene-
shelter of glass. It is astonishing how trate as much as possible. Fish pre-
much variety of garniture adds to the pared in this way can be kept completely
interest and beauty of the dessert. And fresh for a long time, the flavour being
this reminds us of another set of leaves as perfect as if recently caught. One
which we have not named that are tablespoonful of sugar is sufficient lor
amongst the most useful and beautiful a five- pound fish.
of all —
those of the strawberry. This Sick-room Disinfectant.— When a
fruit never looks so well as when nest- solution of chloride of lime is used to
ling upon its own leaves and doubt-
sprinkle the floors of sick rooms, it leaves
less desserts generally would be far more insoluble stains of carbonate of lime.
interesting aud beautiful than they are, These may be removed by vinegar ,
if, as far as practicable, early fruit were but chloride of soda, sometimes called
adorned with leaves or branchlets of its from the name of its discoverer, La-
kind. barraque's Disinfecting Fluid,*' is far
[We must make our acknowledg- better, as the resulting carbonate can be
ments to ." The Garden " for this lucid removed by a wet cloth. By breath-
and practical article.] ing fumes of chlorine from this com-
New Cure for Bee- Stings.— There pound, Mr. Roberts was enabled to tra-
suppose the player has a queen of played away a queen of spades, took in
trumps, or any other suit, and has the fourth, declared treble bezique
three kings of the same suit in his again, making a score in four proclama-
kand, he can put one king down with tions of 4000. But this is very seldom
boxes flat and rather stout wire trellises gether for seven or eight minutes then :
(just large enough to cover the grate) throw in two ounces of butter, three
should be fixed, by fastening the up- and a half ounces of sifted sugar, with
rights to the back of the boxes by means the grated rind of a lemon, and while
of screws. The boxes should then be the semolina is still hot, beat with, it
filled with a composition consisting of gradually and briskly four eggs. Bake
turfy loam three parts, leaf- mould one for half an hour in a moderate oven.
part, and decayed manure one part. To Fry Soles. —Skin and cleai\
Previous to rilling with soil, three six- your fish carefully ; slip a knife down
inch pots should be put in each, one in the spine, and loosen the flesh from the
the centre, and one at each end, for the bones for about three -fourths of the
purpose of receiving j)ots of a smaller length of the fish. Put the fish into
size,containing ferns or flowering plants, milk for ten minutes or a quarter of an
when the boxes are placed in the draw- hour then take out and flour all over.
ing-room. The best ivy to use is that Have your frying-pan with sufficient
known as the common Irish, although, melted lard or fat to cover the fish, but
probably, any of the strong- growing not absolutely boiling put in the fish
green -leaved ivies would do equally and fry until of a golden brown. Take
well for the purpose. To prevent loss the fish out pat it lightly on both
of time, strong plants in five-inch pots sides with a perfectly clean cloth pow- ;
ought to be procured, and three plants der with a little and serve with
put in each box, and the shoots trained fried parsley and a lemon cut into slices.
regularly over the trellis. If this is Do not be persuaded to serve the fish
done early in the spring of the previous on paper.
year the trellis will be densely covered Comparative Health of Water-
— — —
statement of the (annual) rate of mor- ingly lets any house, room, or part of
tality in thesecond quarter of the year a house, which any person suffering
1872 in the districts or sub-districts of from a contagious or infectious disease
England, comprising and approximately has inhabited, without having such
representing the watering places In : — house, room, or part of house, and all
Ramsgate the rate of mortality was as articles therein liable to retain infection,
Jow as 117 per looo living Leaming- : disinfected to the satisfaction of a qua-
ton, 11*9 Eastbourne, 12 8; Folke-
; lified medical practitioner, as testified
stone, 12-9 ; Hove, 13'9 Lowestoft,
; by a certificate given by him, such per-
13'9 ; Worthing and Littlehampton, son shall be liable to a penalty not ex-
14-6; Sidmouth, 14*8; Dawlish and ceeding twenty pounds. If the autho-
Teignmouth, 15'2 Hastings and St. ;
rities of watering-places do not enforce
Leonards, 15*5 Tenby, 15"6 Wey- ; ;
observance of this clause, they will de-
mouth, 15"8 Southend, 16*1 Chel-
; ; serve a severer punishment than the
tenham, 16-3 Isle of Wight, 164 ; ;
law provides for neglectful lodging-
Torquay, 16*5 Clifton (with part of house keepers.
Infectious diseases are
Bristol), 16\5 Wells, 167 ; Tun bridge ;
frequently left behind by visitors, and
New Brighton, 16"9 Harrogate, 17*6 ; ;
unhappy persons following them, who
Buxton, 177 Brighton, 17'8 Ilfra- ; ; have gone out for pleasure and recrea-
combe, 17 '8 Yarmouth, 181 Ban- ; ;
tion, become miserable victims to a life-
gor,and Beaumaris, 181 Scarborough, ;
long disease.
18*5 Blackpool, 191
; Aberystwith, ; Australian Meat. On the nutri- —
191 Exmouth, 19 '5 Weston-super-
; ; tive qualities of this meat, the " Food
Mare, 20 '2 Penzance, Marizion, and Journal
; " says
St. Ives, 20-6Malvern, 20'9 Llan- " This subject was brought before
; ;
Margate, 22*5 Heme Bay, 22'6 South- ; Smith, who read a paper on the econo- ;
put it into a saucepan containing three low indeed and it can scarcely be said ;
pints of water, and boil it down to one that his opinion of the economic value
pint. Cool the liquor, put it into ano- of Austialian preserved meat is rela-
ther saucepan, well scoured, and boil it tively much higher at the same time ;
again. As it boils add white sugar he adds his testimony to that of all
enough to give it the consistency of other scientific men in favour of this
syrup, Take it from the fire, and when meat as being perfectly wholesome and
it is cold put it into a bottle, and seal.containing all the elements of nutri-
When travelling, if you wish for a cup tion in the same proportions as English
of good coffee, you have only to put two meat.
teaspoonfuls of the syrup into an ordi- " Dr. Smith says that the saving by
nary coffee-pot, and fill with boiling its use in institutions now supplied with
water. Add milk to taste. fresh meat at 7d. per pound would not
Caution to Sea-side Visitors. be great. That there should be any —
The most important clause of the new saving at all, say one halfpenny a pound,
Sanitary Act, and one that will be in- in such extreme cases, is a fact of im-
valuable to travellers of all conditions, portance but other persons very cap- ;
fat that will be found surrounding the through the meat cleanly and easily,
meat. Carefully preserve these for and a second, third, and fourth satisfied
use. me that one fault had been Cured the —
In cutting the meat be careful to use meat was no longer stringy, but firm
a sharp knife, and cut cleanly. A blunt and compact. Tasting what I had on
knife will necessarily give a broken my plate, I found it all I could desire ;
it was tasteful, agreeable, and even rich, for being used in soups. There is a kind
almost melting in the mouth, and in of pea called the sugar pea, the pods of
all respects equa], if not superior, to se- which have only a thin pellicle as an
cond-rate English beef. internal lining, instead of the hard lin-
Beef. A very savoury dish with ing found in other kinds, and peas of
Australian beef is to be produced as this kind are boiled in the pod, and
follows —
: Put some of the fat from the used like kidney beans. The pods of
tin inco a frying-pan, and in it some the ordinary garden varieties are, how-
sliced onions, till browned. Mix a tea- ever, of equally delicate flavour, and the
spoonful of curry with two tablespoon- only, but insuperable objection to their
fuls of flour, and mix together in a use as a boiled vegetable is, the hard
paste. Boil about a quart of water in and unmasticable interior lining. They
a stew-pan, well stirring in the paste may, however, be used in soups, being,
and onions. Add your meat sliced. in the first place, boiled in a separate
Simmer for a few minutes, and season. vessel, until they can be easily rubbed
You can boil some rice and serve with to pieces. This is done by means of a
it. wooden spoon, or similar implement,
Irish Stew of Australian Mutton. and the pea shells are then placed in a
— Boil your potatoes, onions, and if you drainer having wide holes, with the
think proper, a turnip or two, till suffi- water in which they were boiled, when
ciently done ;then add your Australian the eatable part passes through the
mutton, cut in suitable slices, and with drainer with the water, and forms an
a fair proportion of the fat and jelly. excellent addition to soups ; or a good
Let this simmer for a few minutes. soup may be made by merely adding
Season with pepper and salt, and skim. to it a proper quantity of extract of
•Serve hot. meat, or of Australian cooked meat, and
Toad- in-the- Hole of Australian beating it a little. The strips and hard
Beef. Mix some good batter season linings of the pods remain upon the
and a head of celery, with a clove of while Dr. Hassall claims for it far more
garlic. When perfectly pulped, strain nutrient power than any of the cereals
if preferred. To this liquor add the employed as food in this country. Now
meat cut in slices, with curry-powder that butchers' meat has become so higb
to taste, boiled in water and thickened in price, the use of macaroni, as a sub-
with flour, and seasoned. Have ready stitute, twice or thrice a week, deserves
some rice slowly simmered, one part consideration from those who have to
rice to three of water, with a lump of practice economy. It is susceptible of
butter, but not stirred. Put this on a varied culinary treatment, and is not
dish, pour on curry, and serve. only palatable and appetising, but of
Pea Pods. The pods of peas are high nitrogenous value when cooked
commonly thrown away as refuse after with cheese.
shelling, or used only for feeding cattle The finest qualities of macaroni (from
or pigs ;but when young and tender the Italian maccare, to bruise or crush)
they are an excellent vegetable, very fit are those which are whitest in colour,
and do not burst or break up in boil- toss it well together and serve. It will
ing it should swell considerably and be found light and nutritious, and well
become quite soft but if it does not worthy the notice of vegetarians.
retain its form when boiled, it has not To Make Macaroni Soup. Boil a —
been made of the best wheat. Some pound of good macaroni in a quart of
makers flavour and colour it with tur- the best stock till it is very tender ;
meric, to suit tastes but this is limited then take out half, and place it in ano-
to very few. Only hard kinds of wheat ther saucepan. To the remainder add
are applicable to the manufacture of mere stock, and boil it until you can
macaroni, as they contain a large per- pulp the macaroni through a fine
centage of gluten. The following is sieve. Then put
it to the two liquors,
the method of preparation The wheat : — adding a pint or more of boiling hot
is first ground into a coarse meal, from cream, the macaroni that was first ta-
which the bran is removed in that — ken out, and half-a-pound of grated
state it is called semolina ; while the Parmesan cheese make it hot, but it
to employ both heat and humidity to with French roll crusts, cut into small
ensure a good semolina. This is worked pieces.
up into a dough with water, and for Ferns as Basket Plants for Room
macaroni it is forced through piped- —
Decoration. It is impossible to ima-
shaped gauges. Strictly speaking, in- gine a more beautiful object for impart-
deed, the name macaroni implies ex- ing grace and elegance to rooms, corri-
clusively to wheaten paste in the form dors, &c, than a well-grown basket of
of pipes, varying in diameter from the ferns, either suspended from the ceiling
size of an ordinary quill pen to an inch. or from ornamental brackets in the
There is no essential difference between walls. During the hot summer months
vermicelli and macaroni. the various shades of green in their
To Cook Macaroni. There is no — arching, feathery fronds, imparts an
better way of cooking this wholesome elegant and cool appearance ; and when
food than the following Put as much —
: two or more sets of plants are grown
of the pipe to soak in water as may be for the purpose, so as to admit of fre-
required then boil it in milk and water
; quent changes, the interesting features
till quite tender, with a small onion
of this mode of room decoration are
when done, strain off the milk and add considerably enhanced. Amongst the
a piece of butter about the size of a best strong- growing ferns for very large
plum, and a little nutmeg some pre- ;
rooms are Polypoclium aureum, Wood-
fer a little salt and cayenne to the wardia radicans, and Aspidium exalta-
nutmeg. Mix thoroughly together and tum. Their long arching fronds have
put it into a dish, then cover with grated a grand appearance, especially when the
Cheshire cheese put it into the oven
rooms are artificially lighted but the
or before the fire to be lightly browned, bottom of the basket should be covered
and serve hot with mustard. with a few trailing sprays of Cissus dis-
Another method is Put in an iron
: — color, hanging about in apparent negli-
pot or stew-pan two quarts of water ;
gence. This Cissus does well in bas-
let it boil add two teaspoonfuls of kets short pieces of the old wood strike
; ;
salt, one ounce of butter then add one freely in early spring if taken off before
let it be rather firm to the touch it is are put in in February, the growth of
then ready for use, either for soup, pud- this plant is so rapid that nice young
ding, or to be dressed with cheese. plants will be ready for filling baskets
Drain in a colander put it back in
it ;
in April.
the pan, add four ounces of cheese or Almost all the hardier kinds of stove
more, a little butter, salt, and pepper ; and greenhouse ferns do well in baskets
— not only those whose mode growth the four suits to represent the four
,/aturally fits them for suspending, but classes of men in the kingdom.
many of the erect growers also but ; By the cceurs (hearts) are meant the
the bottom of the basket should in all gens de choev/rs, choir men, or ecclesias-
cases be covered with creeping or trail- tics and therefore the Spaniards, who
ing plants, such as Panicum variegatum, learnt the use of cards from the French,
Tradescantia zebrina, Isolepis gracilis, have copas, or chalices, instead of
Lycopodiums, &c. The object should hearts.
be to hide every wire of the basket, The nobility, or prime military part
which should be made as plain and sim- of the kingdom, are represented by the
ple as possible. Highly elaborate and ends or points of lances and our igno- ;
they are more difficult to fill satisfac- of the figure induced us to call them
torily, and the projecting ornamental spades. The Spaniards have espados,
work seems out of place. swords, in lieu of pikes, which are of
" Some time ago," says a correspon- similar import.
dent of The Field, " I made an obser- By diamonds are designed the order
vation to the above effect but the of citizens, merchants, or tradesmen,
dealer remarked that every man liked carveaux, square stones, tiles, or the
to bring into prominence his own han- like.
diwork. A plainly-made basket, simple Trefle, the trefoil leaf, or clover grass,
in shape, lined with green moss, and corruptly called clubs, alludes to the
one or more plants planted in it accord- husbandmen and peasants. The Span-
ing to the size, the bottom covered with iards have bastos (stones or clubs) in-
creeping or trailing plants, which should stead of the trefoil. It is probable that
be pegged in till the basket is covered, we give the Spanish signification to the
and then allowed to hang down negli- French figure.
gently this, according to my ideas, The names of the four kings were
fulfils the conditions required in a taste- David, Alexander, Csesar, and Charles..
ful basket of plants. Our baskets are These names are still used by the
home-made, and are generally circular French, and represent the four monar-
in shape. A handy man, after a little chies of the Jews, Greeks, Romans and
practice, will make half-a-dozen to begin Franks under Charlemagne.
with in a few hours, and will soon be By the queens are meant Argine
able to impart a certain amount of neat- (anagram of regina), Esther, Judith,
ness to his work. As the wires are in- and Pallas, representing truth, piety,,
tended to be hid with moss and foliage, fortitude, and wisdom. The knaves
fine workmanship is unnecessary. We were designed as servants to the four
use two kinds of wire. A stout wire knights.
forms the framework of the basket, and To whatever nation belongs the cre-
is lashed together with a smaller wire ;
dit ofinventing cards, they seem to
when finished, the whole is painted two have designed them in accordance with
coats, to keep the wire from rusting. A the phenomena of the year the two ;.
file and a pair of pliers are all the tools colours represent the-two great divisions
required, and such work could be done of the year ; the number of suits repre-
on wet days. It is always best to fill a sent the four seasons the number of
few new baskets every spring ; there is cards in each suit is equal to the num-
thus always a lot of fresh young speci- ber of weeks in each quarter and the
within one of the number of days in deal is good, provided the pack was
the solar year. perfect ; should any one have fourteen,
Whist. —Whatever may be the an- the deal is lost.
tiquity of this game, it is certain that 9. any one omit playing to a trick,
whist as it is now played was not un- and, consequently, have one card more
derstood till early in the eighteenth cen- than the rest, the adversaries may call
tury. It was not till the time of Hoyle a new deal.
that it became a game of science. He 10.If any one play out of his turn,
gave instructions in the game at a gui- the adversary may call a suit, or call
nea a lesson, and was the first to throw the card so shown at any time during
together the results of experience, and that deal.
his work has been the corner stone of 11. If any player show a card the
all that has since been published on the penalty is the same.
subject. The learned Doctor Johnson, 12. A card once played cannot be
in his explanation of the word, says it taken up again.
is derived from the verb whist, because 13. Cards thrown down, under the
it is a game requiring you to' keep si- supposition that the game is lost, may
lence. All the lexicographers have fol- be called by the adversaries in any or-
lowed in his train, and some, in accord- der they like provided they do not
shuffle last. The pack must be cut by still remain a sufficient number of
his right hand adversary. tricks to win the game for the party
3. If a card be turned up in dealing, revoking, they must remain at nine.
a new deal may be called if any card ; 18. A revoke cannot be claimed be-
be faced, there must be a new deal. fore the trick is turned, or the person
4. Should the dealer drop two cards who revoked, or his partner, has played
to one heap, and continue beyond that again nor after the cards are cut for
ask which is the trump suit. scores three in the short game.
7. Should the dealer not turn up the Finessing Is when holding the best —
last card, the deal is lost. and third best of a suit, you put your
8. Should any player have but twelve third best on your adversary's card,
cards, while the rest have thirteen, the and risk the left hand advcrauT 1 aving
second best. If he has it not you win ture, and firm cabbage, from which the
two tricks. coarse outer leaves have been detached,
Forcing. —Playing a
card that com- and the stalk chopped off; scoop out
pels your adversary or partner to put the heart, fill up with minced meat,
on a trump. bread crumbs, onions and seasoning ;
Long Trump. —The trump. last fasten up in a cloth, plunge into boil-
Loose Card. —A cardof no value for ing water, and boil for half an hour.
winning a trick, or for returning your A -savoury viand of nature's own sug-
partner's lead. gesting (for it is indebted to no culi-
Points. —
The numbers scored either nary legerdemain), such a dish, if pro-
for points or honours. Ten make the perly cooked, ought to recommend itself
game, and five save a double in Long to the poor man equally with the epi-
Whist. In Short Whist, five make the cure.
game, and three save the double. Five —
Frozen Water-Pipes.—This acci-
points of the game count as one point dent is caused by the expansion of wa-
of the rubber. ter in freezing. When pipes or taps are
Quart. sequence of any four cards. frozen, the best way to thaw them
is to
Quart-major a sequence of ace, king, let warm water gradually flow over their
queen, knave. surface ; remembering, at the same
Quint. —A sequence of five. Quint- time, that if the water is used too hot
major —a sequence of ace, king, queen, or too quickly, the thaw will be too
knave, ten. sudden, and broken pipes will be the
Buffing or Trumping. — Playing a result. The precaution of throwing a
trump upon any other suit. bit of woollen covering; over taps and
Renounce. Not holding a card of a pipes in frosty weather, or binding them
particular suit. round with a straw band, would often
See-saw. —
Partners trumping each a save both inconvenience and expense.
suit, and playing to each other for that —
Hints for Sea- Voyages. On ship-
purpose. board is no place for fine dressing, and
Sequence. Two or more cards of a those who attempt it must do so, not
suit following each other. only at the expense of personal comfort,
Slam. — One party winning every but to the destruction of good clothing.
trick. A dress worn three or four days at sea
Tenace. — Holding first and third best will never be in condition to wear on
of any suit, and having to play after land again hence those who have had
the person who holds the intermediate any experience in ocean travel always
one. take an old woollen dress, and keep their
Terce. sequence of three cards. trunks locked.
Terce-major a sequence of ace, king, Ladies will find a shoe-bag, with a
queen. half-dozen pockets, an admirable article
Rubber. —Winning two games out of of state-room luxury. In it can be
three, or winning two before the adver- dropped breast-pins, watch, hair-pins,
saries win one. tooth-brushes, combs, &c, and all the
A —
New Dish. When quaint old small articles that would otherwise be
Tusser wrote his Five Hundred Points sliding about the floor before morning.
of Good Husbandrie, he could scarcely A well- corked bottle of cologne or bot-
have been aware of a dish which, for tles of medicine, are always safe from
simplicity, economy, and savoury taste, breakage, and handy, in this receptacle.
may be said to have no rival. Whilst It would also, be well to take a few
the materials are both homely and po- small brass screw- hooks to serve as ex-
pular, the combination comes to us from tra hangers for the shoe-bag, and articles
the lovely tropical island of Mauritius, of wardrobe which two ladies in a small
and is as follows : —Select a large, ma- state-room will find it necessary and
coDvenient to suspend. There are but ones, till soft. Peel them quickly, and
two hooks for each passenger, which is beat them flat with a rolling-pin or glass
sufficient for men, but lamentably defi- bottle. Then put them directly into a
cient for ladies. A small gimlet to make thin muslin bag that will reach from
holes in whick to screw the hooks will ear to ear, and about three inches deep.
be desirable. Apply it speedily, and as warm as pos-
Weight of the Body at Night sible, to the throat. Keep it on day
and Morning. If two persons are to and night, changing it when the strength
occupy a bed-room during the night, let of the onions appears to be exhausted,
them step on a weighing scale as they and substituting fresh ones. Flannel
retire, and then again in the morning. must be worn round the neck after the
Frequently, there will be a loss of two poultice is removed.
or more pounds, and the average loss The Jewels of the Months. —In
throughout the year will be a pound of Poland, according to a superstitious be-
matter, which has gone off from their lief,each month of the year is under
bodies, partly from the lungs, and partly the influence of some precious stone,
through the pores of the skin. The which influence is attached to the des-
escaped matter is carbonic acid and de- tiny of persons born during the course
cayed animal matter or poisonous exha- of the month. It is, in consequence,
lation. This is diffused through the customary among friends, and more
air in part, and part absorbed by the particularly between lovers, to make,
bed-clothes. If a single ounce of wood on birthdays, reciprocal presents, con-
cotton be burned in a room, it will so sisting of some jewel ornamented with
completely saturate the air with smoke the tutelar stone. It is generally be-
that one can hardly breathe, though lieved that this prediction of happiness,
there can only be one ounce of foreign or rather, of the future destiny, will be
matter in the air. If an ounce of cot- realised according to the wishes expres-
ton be burned every half -hour during sed on the occasion :
stick in a whole clove. Then have boil- Length of Woman's Hair.— Dr.
ing fat or dripping in the pan, dredge Benjamin Godfrey says that a woman's
each croquet again well with flour, lay hair may grow to the length of six feet,
them in the boiling fat, aud fry a nice and that a young lady of Massachusetts
brown then take them out and lay refused two hundred pounds for her
on a soft cloth in a hot place to drain. cranial covering, which was only an inch
Serve hot. short of this measurement. Four hun-
Junket. Put three pints of milk dred hairs of average thickness would
into a saucepan, with lump- sugar to cover an inch of space. The blonde
taste. When slightly warm, add three belle has about 140,000 filaments to
large teaspoonf ids of essence of rennet,comb and brush, while the red-haired
stir well, then add a large wine-glassfulbeauty has to be satisfied with 8§,,000 ;
of brandy or rum stir again, then pour ; the brown- haired damsel may have
the mixture into your junket-bowls, and 109,000 the black-haired but 102,000.;
leave it undisturbed for two hours and Few ladies consider that they carry some
a half. Before serving, grate a little forty or fifty miles of hair on their
nutmeg over the top. In Devonshire head the fair-haired may even have ;
eggs, else the yolk will turn black). Cut rounding earth. Every boy has seen
the eggs in half, after taking from the in the woods the root of some tree,
cold water. Rub the yolks in a marble planted by the birds or the winds in the
or wedgwood mortar, or with a silver crevices of a rock, wandering down the
•or wooden spoon, with some melted sides of a boulder in search of nourish-
butter, pepper and salt, to a smooth ment. In one case, a horse-chesnut
paste ; and, if you know it will be agree- tree, growing on a flat stone, sent out its
able to all, add a very little made roots thus to forage for food. They
mustard. Pound the meat of a cold passed seven feet up a contiguous wall,
fowl, finely-minced, or grind some cold turned at the top, and, passing down
tongue or ham, and, having made it seven feet upon the other side, found
smooth, mix with the egg paste, moist- the needed nourishment there which
ening, as you proceed, with a little their own barren home denied them.
gravy, or, if you have none to spare, A yet more singular instance of this
with melted butter. Cut a thin slice search for food is related. A seed had
from the bottom of the white of the been dropped by one of Nature's hus-
egg, so that it will stand, and fill each bandmen, a bird, in the decaying trunk
of the hard whites with this paste. of an old tree. It sprouted, put forth
Place close together on a flat dish, and roots, branches, and a little stem. But
pour over the gravy left from the roast its roots in vain sought nourishment at
fowl yesterday, heated boiling hot, into the breast of its dying foster-mother.
which a few spoonfuls of cream or rich At length, abandoning all hope of sup-
milk have been stirred. Cover closely port from her, they pushed out from
with a hot cover, and let them stand a home to seek a living. They dropped
few minutes before sending to table. to the ground, a distance of sixty or
If liked, a little parsley, chopped fine, seventy feet, and, fastening there, suc-
be added to the paste. ceeded in securing an independent liv-
Plant Odours. As a general rule, ing. As time passed on, the old trunk
those flowers which are most brilliant died, decayed, and disappeared. The
or decided in colour are, in like degree, new tree remained suspended, as it
less fragrant, the degree of fragrancy were, in mid- air, the roots proceeding
decreasing from white to yellow, then downward, and the branches upward,
red, followed by blue, violet, green and from a point about equi- distant between
orange. It is also noted that, among the two.
flowers of the same colour, certain types —
To Roast a Turkey. Make a veal
of scent are prevalent. In the white, stuffing, and fill the breast at the crop.
the odour of honey is often found, Cover the turkey with buttered paper,
though greatly varying in strength, or and roast it at a distance of about seven-
partially neutralised by some scent. teen inches from a quick fire, and fre-
The odour of prussic acid, so decided quently baste. Three hours for a tur-
in the flowering almond and hawthorn, key weighing twelve pounds. Remove
is also often met with in white flowers. the paper when the bird is clone, sprinkle
Among yellow blossoms the scent of it with salt, dredge on a little flour,
the orange prevails in a greater or less and froth it well with fresh butter.
degree, while in those of a purple or a Serve with a good gravy and fried sau-
violet hue the odour of vanilla is com- sages round.
mon, the heliotrope and lilac being rea- To Boil a Turkey.— Stuff the breast
dily recognised as members of this with two pounds of sausage-meat put;
of course, be made, using less propor- shirts, very fine linen and the same
tablespoonful of pounded sugar, half an crochet and knitting, which she can
ounce of melted isinglass, and any fla- generally do herself, would be far more
vouring that may be preferred, a table- durable than cheap embroidery, and
spoonful of liqueur of any kind, or a quite as handsome. The question in
wine-glassful of wine will be sufficient. the young mother's mind should be
Fill the mould with it and cover it with this: is it my business to earn money,
a slice of sponge-cake cut to the shape or is it only in my power to save it ?
of the mould. Place it in ice until ready If the latter, every shilling saved by
for table. Great care must be observed employing remnants of time in doing
in turning it out that the cream does the little necessary decorations, is of
not burst the case. consequence, besides affording a plea-
Salutations. They should always sant occupation for leisure hours. The
be suited to the parties saluted. It is trimmings that can be readily made at
a much disputed point upon whom the home, are edgings and insertions in cro-
obligation of the first salute lies, when chet, knitting, and tatting. Each piece
persons of different age or condition should be made of the length required,
meet. The best rule is for the younger with a slight allowance for shrinking ;
to salute the senior, as was the custom thus, the pieces for the top, epaulettes,
with the Romans. When a lady meets and sleeves of a little frock should all
a gentleman she salutes first, or no re- be made separately.
cognition takes place. Salutations should The Fittings of the Workbox.—
always be hearty, but softened by po- Before beginning any such a lengthened
liteness. When a gentleman shakes occupation, as preparing a baby's ward-
bands with a lady, he should not grasp robe, every implement necessary should
very small sizes. The pincushion should latter to be richest in the component
also be well stocked with pins, and a parts of bile, butyric, and acetic acids ;
few fine headless needles, with sealing- the pale is less likely to cause nausea,
wax tops, are very useful in all fine if it is really fresh and pure, and for
work. Cotton and linen or Mecklen- this reason mostly preferred.
burg thread may be used ; the former —
Castor Oil. This very safe and
for cotton work, the latter for linen and common aperient is an oily substance
French cambric. secreted by the beaver. We obtain it
Cod Liver Oil. — In
diseases con-
all from both America and Russia, but that
nected with a scrofulous habit of the imported from the latter country is
constitution, this oil has been used with esteemed the best. Without doubt it
great advantage ; in general debility, is the mildest, safest, and most certain
its decidedly nutritive properties ren- cathartic known, seldom griping, or
der it extremely valuable. causing flatulency ;it may therefore
The Best Methods of~Administer' be administered in irritable conditions
ing the Oil. The common dose of of the system to persons suffering from
cod liver an adult is one table-
oil for debility, and young children also after
With regard to the best vehicle for its is not so with castor oil, the dose of
administration, this must depend gene- which, after repetition, may be gene-
rally upon individual taste but milk, rally decreased.
orange wine, ale, or some bitter infusion, The usual quantity required, is for
cinnamon, or other aromatic water children from one to two drachms for
: ;
and cold coffee may be mentioned as adults, from one to an ounce and a half,
among the best ; for children it may The best mediums for its administra-
be made into an emulsion with yolk of tion for those who cannot take it in its
egg and sugar, or disguised in well- pure state, are tea, coffee, gruel, spirits
sweetened cocoa, in which state it is and water, or peppermint ; those to
sometimes taken unknowingly rasp- ;
whom its oily flavour is especially nau-
berry vinegar is not a bad vehicle. An seous, will do well to chew a piece of
hour before a meal is the best time for fresh orange or lemon peel just pre-
taking this oil it is then less likely to
; viously to taking it ; this renders less
cause nausea, and more likely to become acute the nerves of taste. It is some-
assimilated with the food. Patients, times made into an emulsion as follows :
who have become accustomed to it, ex- Put into a clean mortar the yolk of an
perience a sensation of sinking and egg, add to this six drachms of castor
faintness when the usual dose is omit- oil, and well mix by trituration then ;
ted, which fully bears out its character add gradually, to the extent of six
as a nutrient ; with some it acts slightly ounces, cinnamon, or some other aro-
as a laxative, and with others causes a matic water.
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or ingenuity can be displayed in folding all the corners exactly to the centre,
table-napkins, or as they are commonly like Fig. 7 ; bring the four corners of
called, adopting the French name, ser- Fig. 7 also to the centre, and smooth
viettes. To make them look well, ser- them at the crease then form it into
viettes are required very fine, exactly the crown by folding the corners at a a
square, not too large, to be starched, in Fig. 7, and slipping them into similar
and folded quite damp, every fold folds at b b, bringing the napkin round
creased in place with a clean hot iron. and upright in the form of a crown
A box-iron is the best for this purpose, (Fig. 9).
and it should be a small one easily 4. The Flower. —
To make this way
used. of folding resemble a flower, copy Fig. 6
1. One of the simplest styles is to and then Fig. 7 ; bring all the corners
fold the napkin in four, lengthways ; of Fig. 7 nearly, but not quite, to the
then, like Fig. 1, keeping the whole of centre for the second fold finish it as
the fold at the top and the edges at a a before, and then curl up the four centre
and b b roll up the ends at B to A one
; /
points like Fig. 10.
at a time, as in Fig 2, but roll them 5. The Cornucopia looks very pretty
the reverse way to Fig. 2 that is, over, down a long dinner- table. Fold the
not under. When both ends are rolled serviette in a half, lengthways then ;
up as close as e, with a twist of the hand, fold it like Fig. 11, the hems at the
bring the ends of the rolls, D, to the broad end. Take the corners, a and b,
point c, like Fig. 3. Then lay the part bring them back again to the corner c,
shown in Fig 3 flat on the table, and set like Fig. 12. Double Fig. 12 together
up the diamond- shaped fold at the top down the centre. This represents Fig.
with the hands slip the dinner roll or
13. At D, in Fig. 13, three folds exist,
slice ofbread into the hollow. Before two outer and one inner. Set Fig. 13
the bread is put in, Fig. 4 represents upright, over the dinner roll with three
the form of the folded serviette. of these folds to one side. Shape it
2. This varies a little from No. 1 in nicely, keeping the space from e to F
appearance. First fold it four times, close. A
flower at the point e has a
lengthways, and then like Fig. 1, as al- very pretty effect, especially if it be a
ready described, keeping the hemmed scarlet geranium, which contrasts well
edges at a a and B B ; then roll it up with the white damask, and gives a
precisely like Fig. 2, the rolls as there brighter look to the table. To carry out
shown, outside. When both are close the idea of the cornucopia, a few flowers
as E, take the points of the rolls at E be- and leaves may be placed in the man-
tween the thumb and finger of each ner shown in Fig. 14, the stalks slipped
hand, and bring them together under- under the edge, but must not be done
neath at c. By this means the point c too profusely.
will stand perfectly upright. Press the 6. The Cocked Hat is made by fold-
whole properly into place. The differ- ing the serviette first in half one way,
ence between No. 5 and No. 4 is this : and then in half the other way and onc<J
in Fig. 2, No. 4 is rolled under ; No. 5, more in half, lengthways, in the waj>
over. In Fig. 3, the part where the illustrated by Figs. 15 and 16, the dot-
fold meets, which is shown by Fig, 4, is ted lines showing in each diagram where
under or next the rolls which form No. the next fold is made. Then make a
5. To form No. 5 this fold is outside. fold still lengthways, turning one one
way and one the other, not quite to the or two. This pattern placed the reverse
top. This fold is shown by a a a a in way on the plate also looks well, the
Fig. 17. The serviette is supposed in dinner roll in the centre outside, Fig.
this diagram to be laid flat on the table, 24 it requires the napkin to be very
the dotted line in the centre marking stiff, and exact in the folding. In Fig.
the fold, which is shown in Fig. 18 by 25 the bread is to be placed underneath.
the line at b. The lines in Fig. 17, from 8. To Fold a Serviette as a Dah-
A to a and a to a, are the folds to be lia. —Make it very stiff fold the four
made lengthways, not quite meeting corners to the centre as in Fig. 7. Re-
the top, with the hemmed edges up- peat the process by folding the four
wards where the lines are marked. The corners now existing to the centre, and
napkin is supposed to be doubled in half still repeat it a third time ; form it
again in Fig. 18, with the hems outside round by pleating the edge, one pleat
at the line a, on each side of it then ; in the centre of every side, and one pleat
fold as in Fig. 18, first one side and to every corner. When placed upright
then the other, and iron down the over the bread, the flower should open
crease then partly unfold one side, as
; ' to the heart and display every petal.
shown in Fig. 19. The dottedlines 9. The Mitre is not difiicuit to fold,
mark the creases in the unfolded part, and always looks well. First fold the
and c and c show how the piece marked napkin in half ; then fold down the
c, in Fig. 18, is turned down. The piece corners as shown in Fig. 26 ; turn these
raised is now folded down again, the corners down again to meet in the mid-
dotted line, creased, passed over the dle, which is indicated by a dotted line.
other side, and the ends tucked in and The napkin now looks like Fig. 27. Fold
crossed down flat, The serviette now this in hair at the dotted line in the
resembles Fig. 20. Arch it nicely over centre, bringing the two points back to
the dinner roll, and put a spray of flow- back, for the fold is made outwards.
ers at the top to resemble the feather Fig. 28 is the result. Fold over the two
in a cocked hat, in the manner shown ends a and b, and produce Fig. 2&. Let
in Fig. 21. down the point c in Fig. 28, and fold
7. The Basket. —Fold a serviette the corners inside it fold back c in its
twice, like Figs. 15 and 16, once long- place again, turn the napkin over, and
ways, and the second time across. This let down the point like c on the other
is to reduce its size. Fold the four side. The napkin now resembles Fig.
points to the centre, like Fig. 7 turn ;
30. Fold it down at the dotted lines,
it over on the other side, and again fold turning the points a and B towards c.
the four points to the centre again;
Fig. 31 is the figure now represented.
turn it face downwards, and with the D is the point let down turn it up
other side up, turn back the four cor- again to e ; slip the hand inside the
ners, Fig. 22 fold it from a to B, Fig.
hollow underneath the napkin, and
22, and c to d, both folds to be made shape the mitre nicely, and then place
keeping the part uppermost outwards. it over the dinner roll like Fig. 32.
Open the last fold from c to D, and —
Deserted Wife. If a wife is de-
bring the shoulder B to the shoulder D serted by her husband, he remains liable
by a fold at the dotted line between e. for her necessaries, just as though she
Repeat the same fold as that at E all lived with him, but especially if they
round. The napkin will now stand on are known to be living apart, the ex-
end as a basket, by standing it on its pression " necessaries " will be very se-
legs at e and the other three corners, verely interpreted in case of proceed-
and opening it back at F, in the way ings ;it has been laid down that if a
shown at Fig. 25. Fill the spaces with shopkeeper will sell goods to every one
a few flowers, or cut the roll in four, that comes, it lies on him to make good
put a portion in each, and just a flower his claim on the husband.
Mince Pies. Put a pound of Hour or other affections, when brush-rubbing
upon your pastry slab, with two ounces is resorted to, it should be done at first
towel, or a hair-glove on the hand. The The table having the oil- skin cover, with
hand- rubbing used for stiffness, painful the woollen cloth or common table
joints, disabled limbs,&c, should begin cover over it, should have a fair white
by taking the course of the muscles. It damask table-cloth, and the creases
is simply surprising to what extent the made in the folding of the cloth should
force and power of the rubber may be so arranged as to go from head to
reach, without any roughness, and with foot directly in the centre of the table.
distinct gratification to the patient. The cloth should be smoothed down to
After a time, enlargement and swelling the table as much as possible over this ;
will be rubbed away, and then little should be placed what the French call
" kernels " may be often felt by the a napron, or smaller table-cloth of the
fingers, like deep-seated hard grains same pattern. To each guest should be
fastened to joints and muscles. When laid a table-napkin, folded according to
these are rubbed away, as they soon will taste. In France, they fold every other
be by an experienced hand, the stiffness napkin like a fan, and put it in the long
is gone, and the cure completed. champagne glass, and the other one
Brush-Rubbing.— For rheumatism, made to stand up in the plate, so that
one plate is without a napkin, and one Perfumes. — Paris, says Mr. Rimmel,
plate with but we recommend all the
; in his interesting ''Book of Perfumes,"
napkins to be folded alike. In the nap- is the great centre of the manufacture
kin should be placed a small roll, and of perfumery, which forms an important
to each place should be laid a plate and item of what are called " articles des
<i soup plate, and the napkin put on the Paris" There are in that capital 120
plate. On the right-hand should be working perfumers, employing about
placed a knife and spoon on the left- 3000 men and women.
flowers being placed in the epergne, be- same result at a much less cost. The
cause we do not eat flowers, and we finest is made with English oil, and the
think that all things used at a dinner- common with French, which is con-
table should be used for holding things siderably cheaper, but is easily dis-
to eat or driuk. Bottle-stands should tinguished by its coarse flavour.
be placed near to the salt-cellars, to Perfumes for the Hainekfrchief
hold your small decanters filled with arecomposed in various ways the best ;
tracted from the heliotrope ; but it has again, require neither, and should use
a strong vanilla flavour, by using the hair- washes or lotions. A mixture of
latter as a basis, with other ingredients lime-juice and glycerine has been intro-
to give it freshness, a perfect imitation duced, and has met with great success,
is produced ; and so on with many for it clears the hair from pellicles, the
others. usual cause of premature baldness. For
Toilet Soaps. The most important all these things, however, personal ex-
branch of the perfumer's art is the perience is the best guide.
manufacture of toilet soaps. They are Tooth-powders are far preferable to
generally prepared from the best tallow tooth-pastes. The latter may be plea-
soaps, which are remelted, purified, and santer to use, but the former are cer-
scented. They can also be made by tainly more beneficial.
what is called the cold process, which Lotions for the Complexion require
consists in combining grease with a fixed of all other cosmetics to be carefully
dose of lees. prepared. Some are composed with
English toilet soaps are the very best mineral poisons, which render them
that are made the French come next, dangerous to use, although they may be
but, as they are not remelted, they effectual in curing certain skin diseases.
never acquire the softness of ours. The There ought to be alwaj^s a distinction
German soaps are the very worst that made between those that are intended
are manufactured the cocoa-nut oil, for healthy skins, and those that are to
bling it, with coarse fur, short horns, substance, or dies of the malady, and is
two projecting teeth from the upper eaten up by other fishes. In either
jaw, said to be used in rooting up the case, the ambergris becomes loose, and
aromatic herbs from which the Bhoteas is picked up floating on the sea, or is
believe that it derives its odour." The washed ashore. It is found principally
male alone yields the celebrated per- on the coasts of Greenland, Brazil, India,
fume, the best thing which comes from China, Japan, &c.
Tonquin. Ambergris is not agreeable by itself,
Musk an unctuous substance of a having a somewhat earthy or mouldy
reddish-brown colour, which soon be- flavour, but blended with other per-
comes black by exposure to the air. It fumes it imparts to them an ethereal
is so powerful that, according to Char- fragrance unattainable by any other
din's authority, the hunter of the ani- means. Its price varies very much,
mal is obliged to have his mouth and according to the quantity to be found
nose stopped with folds of linen when in the market.
he cuts off the bag from the animal, as —
Floral Perfumes. The floral series
otherwise the pungent smell would includes all flowers available for per-
cause haemorrhage, sometimes ending fumery purposes, which hitherto have
in death. As, however, the natives take been limited to eight viz., jasmine,
good care to adulterate the musk before rose, orange, tuberose, cassie, violet,
they send it to Europe, we are not ex- jonquil and narcissus.
posed to such accidents. Jasmine is one of the most agreeable
Musk is, without any exception, the and useful odours employed by per-
strongest and most durable of all known fumers, and highly valuable are the
perfumes, and it is, in consequence, fragrant treasures which they obtain
largely used in compounds, its presence, - From timid jasmine buds, that keep
when not too perceptible, producing a Their odours to themselves all day,
very agreeable effect. Musk is also to But, when the sunhght dies away,
be found, though in a less degree, in Let their delicious secret out."
other animals, such as the musk-ox, the It was introduced by the Arabs, who
musk-rat, the musk-duck, &e. called it Yasmyn, hence its present
Civet. This is the glandular secre- name. It grows in the shape of a bush
tion of an animal of the feline tribe, from three to four feet high, and re-
which is found in Africa and India. quires to be in a fresh open soil, well
When properly diluted and combined sheltered from north winds. The flow-
with other scents, it produces a very ering season is from July to October.
pleasing effect, and possesses a much The flowers open every morning at six
more floral fragrance than musk in- o'clock with great regularity, and are
deed, it would be impossible to imitate culled after sunrise, as the morning dew
some flowers without it. Its price va- would injure their flavour. Each tree
ries from 20s. to 30s. per ounce, accord- yields about twenfy-four ounces of
ing to quality. flowers.
Ambergris.—This scent for a long The Rose —the queen of flowers.
time puzzled the savans, who were at a And well does the perfumer turn their
loss to account for its origin, and delicious fragrance to account for he ;
thought it at first to be of the same compels the lovely flower to yield its
nature as yellow amber, whence it de- aroma to him in every shape, and he
rived its name of grey amber (ambre obtains from it an essential oil,a dis-
gris). It is now ascertained beyond a tilled water, a perfumed oil, and a po-
doubt to be generated by the large- made. Even its withered leaves are
headed spermaceti whale, and is the rendered available to form the ground
result of a diseased state of the animal, of sachet-powder, for they retain their
whi«h either throws up the morbific scent for a considerable time.
generally open In the night, must be are not sufficiently powerful to yield an
gathered before sunrise, as after that essence.
time they lose half their fragrance. The Violet is one of the most charm-
The Orange Perfume. The orange- ing odours in nature. It is a scent which
blossoms used for perfumery are those pleases all, even the most delicate and
of the bigarrade or bitter orange-tree. nervous, and it is no wonder that it
They yield by distillation an essential should be in such universal request.
oil which forms one of the chief ingre- The largest and almost only violet plan-
dients in eau de- Cologne ;a pomade tations have hitherto been at Nice, its
and an oil are also obtained from them exceptional position rendering it the
by maceration. The largest bigarrade- most available spot for them. The spe-
tree plantations are those to be found cies used is the double Parma violet.
in the south of France, in Calabria, and It flowers from the beginning of Febru-
in Sicily. A full-grown tree yields on ary to the middle of April, and each
an average from fifty to sixty pounds of plant yields but a few ounces of blos-»
blossoms. The flowering season is in soms, which are culled twice a week
May, and the flowers are gathered two after sunrise.
or three times a week after sunrise. The Jonquil and Narcissus are two
The Tuberose is a native of the East bulbous plants which are also cultivated
Indies where it grows wild, in Java and for perfumery purposes, but in much
Ceylon. It springs from a bulb which smaller quantities than any of those al-
is planted in the autumn and bears ready mentioned, their peculiar aroma
flowers every year. It was first brought rendering their use. limited. Mignon-
to Europe by a Spanish, physician in nette, lilac, and hawthorn are also some-
1594. times worked into pomades, but on such
Cassie is a shrub of the acacia tribe, a small scale that they are not worth
which only grows in southern latitudes. mentioning. The extracts named after
Ail those who have travelled on the these flowers are generally produced by
coast in Genoa, in the months of Oc- combination.
tober and November, will no doubt re- —
Herbal Perfumes. This series com-
member what charming bouquets and prises all aromatic plants, such as la-
garlands are made of the cassie inter- vender, spike, peppermint, rosemary,
mixed with other flowers. To perfu- thyme, marjoram, geranium, patchouly,
mers it is a most valuable assistant, and wintergreen, which yield essential
possessing in the highest degree a fresh oils by distillation.
floral fragrance, which renders it highly Lavender is a nice, clean scent, and
useful in compounds. It bears some an old and deserving favourite. The
resemblance to the violet, and, being best lavender is grown at Mitcham, in
much stronger, is often used to fortify Surrey, and at Hitchin in Hertford-
that scent, which is naturally weak. shire. It is produced by slips, which
are planted in the autumn, and yield rishing puddings, and not expensive ;
flowers the next year and the two fol- but they are too heavy for persons with
lowing ones, when they are renewed. weak digestive organs.
Spike is a coarser kind of lavender, The Wholesomeness of Fruit. —
which is principally used for mixing There can be no doubt that, both in
with the other, or for scenting common their fresh and dried state, they are ex-
soaps. tremely useful, affording to the blood
Peppermint is more used by confec- the saline constituents which it gene-
tioners than perfumers, yet the latter rally needs, cooling the system, and in
find it useful in washes and tooth-pow- many cases acting as a gentle aperient ;
ders. It is, like lavender, best grown the best, because the most easily di-
in England, the foreign being very in- gested kinds, are those which are soft
ferior. and pulpy, having the seeds enclosed in
Rosemary is another plant of the la- a pouch, skin, or rind, such as grapes,
biate order, which yields a powerful gooseberries, Mulberries, strawberries,
essence, used chiefly for scenting soap. Raspberries, blackberries, and currants,
The resemblance of its flavour to that among native, and oranges and lemons
of camphor is very remarkable. among imported fruits apples also,
The Rose- geranium yields an essence although not soft and pulpy, aie very
which is greatly prized by perfumers on wholesome but as much cannot be
account of its powerful aroma, by means said for pears and medlars, as, in most
of which they impart a rosy fragrance kinds of these, decomposition commen-
to common articles at a much less cost ces directly the ripening process is com-
than by using otto of roses, which is pleted, so that they are seldom eaten in
worth six times as much. It is culti- a perfectly sound state. Stone fruits,
vated in the south of France, Algeria, such as cherries, plums, apricots, &c,
, and Spain. are not so wholesome as those with
* Patchouli comes from India, where seeds, although taken in moderation
it is known under the name oipuchaput. they act beneficially, especially in a
It has a most peculiar flavour, which is cooked state. Melons and pine- apples
as offensive to some as it is agreeable to we must pronounce decidedly unwhole-
others. some.
Wintergreen we receive from North Best Times for Eating Fruit It —
America. This essence is exceedingly may be observed that fruit is digestible
powerful, and requires to be used with in proportion to its perfection, and,
great caution to produce a pleasing ef- therefore, caie should be taken to have
fect. Well blended with others in soap, it perfectly ripe, and yet not in a state
it imparts to it a rich floral fragrance. of decay. Most juicy fruits are best
Hasty Pudding-, We give two re- taken in hot weather, and the drier
ceipts for making this favourite dish kinds in the cold seasons. The best-
Into a pint of boiling milk stir about a time of day for eating fruits is the
tablespoonful of flour, previously rub- morning, none but the more watery
bed down with a little cold milk kinds should be eaten after midday,
sweeten with sugar, and serve hot a and none at all late in the evening.
little nutmeg may be added, if agree- The worst possible time to eat them is
able, or a few currants. For a baked just before going to bed.
pudding : —
Into a pint of cold milk stir —
Roast Goose. Peel and cut in
half a pound of Hour, and boil, stirring small pieces six onions, and put them
it the while let it stand until cold, in a stewpan with two ounces of butter,
then add two eggs previously beaten half a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter of
up mix well with sugar to sweeten, a teaspoonful of pepper, a little grated
and any desirable spice, and put into nutmeg and sugar, and six leaves of
cups and bake. These are good nou- fresh sage chopped fine put over the
— —
fire, and stir with a wooden spoon till Burns and Scalds. From a useful —
the ingredients come to a pulp. Stuff littlemanual showing us how to pro-
the goose with this while hot, and roast ceed in emergencies " Till the Doctor
for two hours before a moderate fire, Comes,'' —
which is its title we extract —
frequently basting. Serve with a good the following sound counsel Burns : —
brown gravy on the dish, and apple and scalds are constantly occurring,
sauce in a boat. not only in poor families, but in every
Apple Sauce. Pare, quarter, and class of society. The number of chil-
core six large apples, and throw them dren who die from these causes is dread-
into cold water to preserve their white- ful but when we consider the love of
ness. Put them into a stewpan with a playing with fire common to children,
little water to moisten them, and boil the dress swelled out with crinoline
them to a pulp. Beat them up, adding when cooking or doing anything near a
sugar and a small piece of butter. fire, the careless manner in which luci-
Christmas Plum Pudding. Stone — fer matches are carried loose in pockets
and chop one pound of raisins wash, ; and dropped on to floors, or the way in
pick, and dry one pound of currants ;
which hot liquids are placed in the way
blanch and chop fine two ounces sweet, of children, the wonder is that they do
and one ounce bitter, almonds quarter not happen more frequently.
of an ounce mixed spice, and the rind Putting out the Fire. Take this —
of a lemon, grated. Pour over them case, a description of what is unfortu-
two glassfuls of brandy, and let it stand nately happening every day A fe- : —
four hours. Soak one pound of bread male's clothes takes fire she is wrapped ;
crumbs in milk, then squeeze dry. Take in flames her arms and hands, her
one pound of flour, one pound of beef- neck and face, are scorched with the
suet, chopped three-quarters of a
fine, heat her hair is in a blaze
the smoke ;
pound of moist sugar, six ounces can- issuffocating her. She becomes utterly
died peel, and a full teaspoonful of confused, and rushes to and fro, so
salt. Mix these with the bread-crumbs creating a current of air which increases
to the other ingredients ; then well beat the fire. The best thing she could have
eight eggs, add them to the pudding done would have been instantly to roll
with sufficient milk to make it quite upon the floor. But how few would
stiff. Boil for eight hours. have presence of mind to do this The !
Economy of —
Fuel. The person lay- more need for a friend to do it for her.
ing a fire should fill the grate up to the Seize her by the hand, or by some part
top bar with coals, putting larger pieces of the dress which is not burning, and
at the bottom and smaller over them ;
throw her on the ground. Slip off a
then, upon these, paper enough to light coat or shawl, a bit of carpet, anything
the sticks, which should be laid upon, you can snatch up quickly, hold this
and not under, the coal. Cover the before you, clasp her tightly with it,
sticks with the cinders remaining from which will protect your hands. As
the previous day's fire these will soon
; quickly as possible fetch plenty of wa-
become red hot the coal below will
; ter ;make everything thoroughly wet,
be warmed sufficiently to make it throw for though the flame is out, there is
off gas ;this, passing through the hot still the hot cinder and the half-burnt
cinders, will be kindled, and will burn clothing eating into the flesh ; carry
with a bright flame, instead of going up room, lay her
her carefully into a warm
the chimney in smoke, as it does when on a table or on a carpet on the floor
the coals are laid on the top. The fire —
not the bed give her some warm stimu-
thus laid will require no poking, and lating drink, send for the doctor, and
will burn clear and bright from six to proceed to the next operation
eight hours without the necessity for Removing the Clothes. Perhaps —
more coals to be thrown on. in the whole course of accidents there
a piece of this well with linseed-oil and much danger, whereas it is really the
lime-water, and as soon as an injured absence of pain, or more truly the want
part is exposed, put this on cover it of power to feel pain, which constitutes
with another dry rag or flannel, and se- the danger. Especially is this the case
cure it with a bandage. If you have with a child, if the burn be large, par-
not got the mixture of oil and lime- ticularly on the chest, and the little
water, get a pint of hot water and milk one remains perfectly quiet, utters no
(equal parts), with a small teaspoonful complaint, sighs deeply, and asks fre-
of carbonate of soda in it. If you have quently for cold water, it is almost cer-
no milk at hand, use warm water with tain that life is fast drawing to a close.
plenty of common soap in it or if you
; Small Burns. For smaller burns —
have no soap, use plain water with the use the same remedies till the inflam-
carbonate of soda, or a little morsel of mation has subsided, or as people say,
common washing soda, not more than till the fire is out then spread some ;
the size of a small hazel-nut, to a pint Turner's cerate on the icoolly side of
of water, dissolved in it ; but whatever lint, and dress the sores with it. They
you use, keep the parts thoroughly wet will generally get well without much
and well covered. If you have a water- trouble. You can make a capital oint-
proof sheet or coat, a piece of oil- cloth, ment yourself of common whiting
lay this over the mattress, and then a (which you use for polishing tins) and —
blanket over it. As soon as you have lard without any salt, If the burn be
removed all the clothing, and applied small, and the person can stay indoors,
the dressings, lift her gently into bed, try the following
and cover her as warmly as possible. Kecipe for Small Burns. Take —
In after- dressings large surfaces must chalk (whiting) and linseed or com-
not be exposed to the air either leave mon olive oil, and mix them to the
a thin covering and wet it with the lo- consistency of honey, then add vinegar
tion, or if you are using an ointment, so as to reduce it to the thickness of
remove only a small portion of the dres- treacle apply with a soft brush or
sing at a time, have everything in rea- feather, and renew the application from
diness, and cover again as quickly as time to time. Each renewal brings
possible. fresh relief and a most grateful cool-
ness. But if the patient is compelled Fill the dish with water, cover the
to go about, you can use the ointment whole with a light paste, beat up an
at once, or dust the part thickly over egg with a pinch of salt, glaze the pie
with flour, kept on with rag and ban- with it, and bake in a moderate oven
dage ; but I am greatly in favour of two hours.
wet applications, as they do not stick Springing out of Bed. —
Dr. Hall
to the raw surface, which is most pain- disapproves of the doctrine that every-
fully sensitive. Unless the burn or one should spring out of bed the instant
scald be very small you will almost they wake in the morning. " Up to
always find warm dressings much more eighteen," says Dr. Hall, " every child
grateful to the patient than cold. should be allowed ten hours' sleep, but
To Make Lime- Water. — Put a time should be allowed to rest in bed,
piece of unslacked lime the size of a after the sleep is over, until they feel
very large walnut into a common- sized as if they had rather get up than not.
wine-bottle full of cold water, shake it It is a very great mistake for persons,
up a few times, then let it settle. You —
old or young especially children and
need not fear making it too strong ;
feeble or sedentary persons —
to bounce
the water will take up only a certain out of bed the moment they wake up ;
quantity of the lime, however much all our instincts shrink from it, and
you put into it. fiercely kick against it. Fifteen or
Cold Meat. If made into an aspic twenty minutes spent in gradually
is a delicious way of using the last of waking up, after the eyes are opened,
a joint, especially in summer time. Cut and in turning over and stretching the
the meat in pieces, and lay them in a limbs, do as much good as sound sleep,
mould in layers, well seasoned. Then because the operations set the blood in
pour over and fill the mould with some motion by degrees, tending to equalise
clear soup nearly cold, which, when the circulation for during sleep the
let to stand some hours, will turn blood tends to stagnation, the heart
out and be as firm as isinglass, espe- beats feebly and slowly, and to shock
cially if shank- bones were boiled in the the system by bouncing up in an in-
soup. Should the cold meat be veal or stant and sending the blood in over-
poultry, the addition of some small whelming quantities to the heart, caus-
pieces of ham or bacon, and of hard- ing it to assume a gallop, where the
boiled eggs cut in slices and put be- instant before it was in a, creep, is the
tween the layers of meat, is a great im- greatest absurdity. This instantaneous
provement. bouncing out of bed as soon as the
Wrinkled Silk. It may be ren- — eyes are open will be followed by wea-
dered nearly as beautiful as when new riness long before noon.
by sponging the surface with a weak Lucifer Matches. —Although fric-
solution of gum arable, strained, or tion matches are so common, a very
white glue ; then iron on the wrong small proportion of those who use them
side. understand the principle on which they
Rabbit Pie. Skin two rabbits, wash operate. It is, in fact, a very simple
them thoroughly, and cut them into affair. The tip of the match is a com-
small joints. Have ready some lean bination of sulphur and phosphorus.
bacon, and a pound and a half of rump The phosphorus ignites at the heat of
steak cut 'both into small pieces, place 150 degrees, which a slight friction will
them ail on a large dish, or on a chop- produce, and this in turn ignites the
ping-board, sprinkle them with salt, sulphur, which requires 450 or 500 de-
pepper, chopped parsley and thyme, grees. The flame of the sulphur sets
mix all well together, and put them fire to the pine wood, of which the
into the pie-dish, adding force-meat match is composed, and which ignites
balls, or the yolks of hard-boiled eggs. at about 600 degrees. The combination
— —
is necessary, because the phosphorus way or another, it is, in fact, the very
alone would not kindle the match, while essence of existence.
the sulphur alone would not ignite with A Nice White Soup. Break up a —
the ordinary friction. shin of veal, and let it soak in cold
Secret Marriages. Every now and water for two hours ; then put it tu
then the public is startled by the ex- boil in four quarts of water, with an
posure of some domestic or social vil- onion, a little mace, pepper, and salt ;
lainy based on a secret marriage. Some let it simmer for five hours. Strain it
confiding young lady has been induced through a sieve, and set away to cool
to marry her lover secretly, and to keep until the next day. Then take off alt
the marriage secret for months, and fat, wiping with a cloth put it to boil.
perhaps for years. Of course a man When quite hot, if not well seasoned,
who wishes to keep his marriage a se- add whatever may be required mix ;
cret is always actuated by selfish, and two spoonfuls of ground rice with wa-
usually by base, motives. He is acting ter stir it until it boils, then add a
a part, playing a game ;and his con- pint of good sweet milk, and give it one
fiding wife is pretty sure, in the end, boil.
to find herself the victim of his trea- Brown, Black, and Blue Eyes.
chery and baseness. A woman should That the colour of eyes should effect
never consent to any such arrangement. their strength may seem strange yet ;
Her marriage should be solemnised in that such is the case need not at this
the light of publicity, and not in the time of day be proved and those whose
tionally base, that he seldom, even by especially young people, do not know
accident, deviates into the path of that it takes years to marry completely
honour and virtue. No woman w ho T
two hearts, even of the most loving and
values her domestic happiness should well assorted ;but nature allows no
ever listen to the suggestions of such a sudden change. We ascend very gra-
man in favour of a secret marriage. dually from the cradle to the summit
Importance of Salt. To every per- of life. Marriage is gradual —
a fraction
son whose diet consists largely of bread A
of us at a time. happy wedlock is a •'*
or its equivalents, common salt is a po- long falling in love. I know young
sitive necessity. It is a universal con- persons think that love belongs only to
stituent of animal bodies, so univ<-rsal the brown hair, and plump, round,
that unless an animal can acquire it in crimson cheeks. So it does for its be-
one way or another that animal cannot ginning. But the golden marriage is a
live. Widely diffused all over the world, part of love which the bridal day knows
it is taken up, too, by the roots of vege- nothing of. Youth is the tasseJ and
tables, and may also be found in their silken flower of love, age is the full
ashes. Dietetically regarded, salt is corn, ripe and solid in the ear. Beau-
by no means in the same category with tiful is the morning of love, with its
mustard, pepper, vinegar, and other prophetic crimson, violet, purple, and
condiments. These are not to be found gold, with its hopes of days that are to
in blood or muscle. Salt is. In one come. Beautiful also is the evening of
— ——
love, with itsglad remembrances, and to feast his eyes on so rare a spec-
its rainbow side turned towards heaven tacle. ")(
the other just like itself. upon the top of all. The heat of the
Old people never .marry their oppo- iron passes through and softens the
sites they marry their similars, and grease, which is then absorbed by the
from calculation. Each of /these two porous magnesia. The iron may be re-
arrangements is very proper. In their moved in an hour, and the magnesia
long journey, these two young opposites dust brushed off. Soapstone dust may
will fall out by the way a great many be used in the same manner, but does
times, and both get out of the road not answer quite so well.
but each will charm the other back
conciled. The man will be nobler and ers of bread and butter in rather thin
larger for being associated with so much slices, and the peel and currants, until
humanity unlike himself, and she will the dish is nearly full, observing to have
be a nobler woman for having manhood currants at the top then pour over, ;
beside her that seeks to correct her de- slowly and equally, a custard of sweet-
ficiencies and supply her with what she ened milk and two or three eggs, fla-
lacks, if the diversity be not too great, voured to taste, and bake in a moderate
and there be real piety and love in their oven for twenty minutes.
hearts to begin with. The old bride- To Pickle a Tongue.—Wash it
groom, having a much shorter journey well then salt it in common salt for
to make, must associate himself with three days then mix a quarter of a
one like himself. A perfect and com- pound brown sugar, and
of the coarsest
plete marriage is, perhaps, as rare as half an ounce of saltpetre, well pounded,
perfect personal beauty. Men and wo- and rub it well into the tongue. Then
men are married fractionally now a
; return the tongue into the first pickle,
small fraction, then a large one. Very and keep it in it, close covered, for three
few are married totally, and they only, weeks, turning it every other day.
I think, after some forty or fifty years Good- Bye. —There is hardly any
of gradual approach and experiment. greater perversion of the meaning of a
Such a large and sweet fruit is a com- phrase in the English language than is
plete marriage that it needs a very long contained in the words " good-bye "
summer to ripen in, and then a long which in themselves have no meaning
winter to mellow and season it. But a whatever. In olden times it was cus-
real, happy marriage of love and judg- tomary among pious people, when part-
ment between a noble man and woman, ing from those they loved or respected,
is one of the things so lovely that if the to commend them to the protection of
sun were, as the Greek poets fabled, a God. The phrase in French was a Dieu,
god, he might stop the world in order to God.
Anglicej "adieu/ and now
the pattern is pricked. The threads flowers should be all copied from na-
are carefully wound upon several bob- ture. The skirt was adorned with
bins. The process requires nimble and wreaths of flowers, the initial of each
skilful fingers, and a great deal of pa- sprig forming the name of her Majesty
tience. The groundworks are various, —
Amaranth, Daphne, Eglantine, Lilac,
and contain the flower. There are se- Auricula, Ivy, Dahlia, Eglantine. Queen
veral laces that are not worked upon a Victoria's bridal dress was made of
ground. Valenciennes and Mechlin laces Honiton lace, and cost one thousand
have the designs and ground made to- pounds.
gether, finished with either the pearl or Damson Jelly. To four pound of—
picot edge. damsons put four pound of loaf-sugar
At one period guipures were the mode. and half a pint of water boil them ;
During the reign of Henry VIII., this for half an hour over a gentle fire, till
lace was so extensively worn, that the the skins break, then take them off*,
costumes of pages were covered with and set them by for an hour place ;
this costly garniture and at the coro- them over the fire again for half an
nation of Henry II. the church was hour more then set them by again
; ;
richly trimmed with guipure lace. repeat for a third time. "While they
About the beginning of the fifteenth stand by the fire put a weight upon
century, Brussels lace was first intro- them to keep down the syrup. The
duced to the beau moncle. The manu- last boiling must be continued till they
facture of this lace a sort of jobbing
is appear of a very high colour in the part
affair. The manipulation
of it is very where the skin is broken then take;
complicated, every part being made se- them off, set to cool, and when
them by
parately. The thread is exceedingly they are cold drain off the syrup. Boil
fine from one pound of flax there can
; a dozen good-flavoured apples to a pulp,
be manufactured lace to the value of and some peach or plum kernels with
700£ sterling. Valenciennes became them, add the apples to the damson
known in the seventeenth century. The syrup ; boil together twenty minutes,
finest qualities are from Ypres. It re- and put into glasses or pots.
— A
of the vessel, which must be held fast the part which constitutes the white is
while two persons draw the list back- not properly set before that time, and
wards and forwards. This will warm does not obtain its de icate flavour.
the glass, and often enable the hand to Three minutes are quite sufficient to
turn the stopper. boil a full -sized egg but if below the
4. Warm the neck of the vessel be- average size, two minutes and a half
fore the fire, and when it is nearly hot, will suffice. Never boil eggs for salads,
the stopper can be generally moved. sauces, or any other purpose, more than
5. Put a few drops of oil round the ten minutes and, when done, place
stopper where it enters the glass vessel, them in a basin of cold water for five
which may then be warmed before the minutes to cool. Nothing is more in-
fire. Next take the decanter or bottle, digestible than an egg boiled too hard.
and employ the process No. 1, described Rice Pudding. — Put two table-
above. If it continues fixed, add ano- spoonfuls of the best rice in a pie -dish ;
ther drop of oil to the stopper, and place wash it well mix two tablespoonfuls
the vessel again before the fire. Then of sugar with it. Pour on a pint of
repeat the tapping with the wood. If milk, and bake very slowly for two
the stopper continues still immovable, hours. A few shavings of butter laid
give it more oil, warm and
it afresh, on the top of the milk, or a small quan-
rub itanew, until it gives way, which tity of finely-minced beef- suet will help
it is almost sure to do in the end. to keep the milk from burning ; but
Take a steel pen or a needle, and the oven should never be hot enough
rim round the top of the stopper in for this. Rice boiled in milk, sweet-
the angle formed by it and the bottle. ened, poured into a mould, and eaten
Then hold the vessel in your left hand, cold with jam is very good and tapi- ;
and give it a steady twist towards you oca, after having been soaked in water
with the right, and it will very often for some time, may be boiled in milk
be effectual, as the adhesion is fre (which has been flavoured with lemon-
quently caused by the solidification of peel) till perfectly tender, sweetened,
matter only at the point nearest the poured into a mould, and turned out
air. If this does not succeed, try pro- when cold. It should be made very
cess No. 5, which will be facilitated by stiff if it is to retain its shape. This is
very nourishing, and much nicer to artificial flowers.In some degree, how-
many tastes than tapioca-pudding made ever, the flowers should be chosen to
with eggs. Always use good milk, never harmonise also with the colour of the
skimmed milk, if you would have pud- paper, or the walls of the ball-room.
ding nourishing and digestible. The lady of the house, who is ex-
Ball-Room Etiquette. A month — pected to appear in rather conspicuous
at least should elapse before the ball is full dress, should be in readiness to re-
given after the invitations have been ceive her guests in good time allowing
lected which reflect colours in harmony but when this is not the case, her hus-
with the human complexion as, for ; band should lead out the greatest stran-
example, the rose, the early white aza- ger, or lady of highest rank present
lea, the white and pink hyacinth, and and while one dance is proceeding, the
other flowers of similar tints. There mistress of the ball should be preparing
should not be an undue proportion of another set of dancers to take the place
green for, as this colour reflects the
; of those upon the floor as soon as they
blue and yellow rays, it is by no means have finished.
favourable to the feeble complexion Nothing displays more want of ma-
and still worse are yellow and orange- nagement and method, than a dead
coloured groups, whether of natural or pause after a dance ; while the lady, all
should be announced at twelve, and limited, and the individuals are, at least y
each gentleman should then be re- supposed to possess a taste for informa-
quested to take charge of a lady to the tion, whether obtained from books or
supper-room. Both with regard to the from conversation.
pleasure of her company, and her own This description of evening amuse-
comfort, the mistress would do well to mentis not, however, general, but is
discountenance the habit, which is confined either to literary circles, or to
sometimes sanctioned, of the gentlemen those persons of rank and fortune who
remaining long in the supper-room after wish to patronise literature. When you
the ladies have retired. wish to give a conversazione, the party
When the gentlemen remain in the should be selected with some care and ;
half their charms when they lose their natural productions should also be in-
good-humour, it is charitable to them troduced, to excite attention and pro-
to prevent, if possible, this half -hour of mote remark.
discomfiture. Card parties may be united with con-
The Supper. The variety of little versaziones. The introduction of cards
delicacies of which suppers generally takes off the air of pedantry which is
consist, makes them rather expensive. supposed to pervade a pure conversa-
The table is often crowded with dishes, zione, and sets aside the character of
which, however, contain nothing of a gaming, which might attach to a party
more solid nature than chickens, col- met solely for the purposes of play.
lared eels, tongue, prawns, lobsters, jel- Many of our ablest men of science and
lies, trifies, blancmange, whips, fruit, in literature, are fond of whist, and
cake, ornamental confectionery, &c. would willingly go to such a mixed
As it would be scarcely possible to party, although they would hesitate to
seat a very large party at once at a attend one purely conversational, or
supper-table^ it is advisable to keep one convened solely for card-playing.
part of the company dancing in the /-Qualifications of a Housekeeper *
need not be seated nor sup until the not as vigilant as she is honest, she can-
ladies have retired. Very little appa- not discharge her duty well. As she is
the deputy of her mistress, she should may be required to take an active part
endeavour to regard everything around in the cooking, must depend on the
her with the keenness and interest qualifications of the cook under her.
and regard of a principal, rather than The housemaids, laundress, and dairy-
with the indifference of a servant. She maid, should also be under her eye, so
should be constantly on the alert in ob- that each should feel aware that her
serving and detecting anything wrong conduct is observed.
in the conduct of those under her. It Even if you should be perfectly satis-
is a part of her duty to see that each fied that your housekeeper is a woman
fulfils his or her share of the household of great integrity, you will still find it
employments, without appealing to the desirable to fix your eye constantly upon
heads of the family unless she find
; her, that her vigilance and integrity
her authority insufficient to keep the may not relax for want of this incite-
whole in order. ment. Symptoms of neglect on her
She should be a good accountant part should never be overlooked, as they
having books in which she may note would tend to throw the whole house
down strictly allexpenses of the house, into confusion.
and which should be cast up weekly, To Wash Glass. —Decanters, in
in order to show them to her lady, and which the wine has stood some time,
have them settled at a time convenient may be cleaned by putting a few drops
to her. She should have a book, also, of muriatic acid into them, and after-
in which those articles of housekeeping wards washing them well with cold wa-
that are brought into the house and not ter. Muriatic acid, put into the water
immediately paid for should be entered. in which the glass is washed, removes
It is a satisfaction to her master and any discolouration from wine, and cer-
mistress that this book should be ready tainly improves the polish of the glass,
to compare with the accounts sent by Egg-shells pounded small, and put with
the tradesmen. some water into decanters, will have
It is the province of the housekeeper the same effect. Much of the brilliancy
to have the charge of the store-room, of glass depends on drying it with great
with the preserves, pickles, and confec- care, immediately after it is washed,
tionery, and to see that no waste takes and rubbing it some time after it
place in anything entrusted to her. A is dry. You must remember in pur-
clever housekeeper will be able to judge chasing glass-cloths to buy them toler-
of the consumption which, from the ably fine, because, from fine linen, there
size of the family she superintends, will is but little lint when these cloths
and when that quantity is exceeded, great trouble to the servant to remove
she will instantly try to discover the it entirely. A
brush is necessary for
cause and to rectify it, if it proceed polishing cut-glass after it has been
from any waste or carelessness of those wiped dry. Glass should be washed in
under her superintendence. cold water, and china in as hot as can
It is absolutely necessary that she be used. Some people think it better
should understand the art of cooking, to wash glass in water just warmed,
and everything connected with it. It but we do not think it looks so clear
is true, there are many houses in which afterwards as it does when washed in
professed cooks are kept but where
; cold water ;besides, servants are some-
this is not the case, it is necessary that times hasty in their proceedings, and
the housekeeper should be well qualified we have seen them plunge glass into
to superintend the whole business of hot instead of warm water, by the effect
the kitchen. In most domestic estab- of which there has been an instant loss
lishments the housekeeper has to pre- of one or more articles. In frosty wea-
pare the confectionery and how far she
; ther, glasses are very liable to crack, if
hot water be put suddenly into them. the left hand, with tnumb exposed ; I
This circumstance is owing to the sud- love you, drop both of them.
den expansion of the inside of the glass, How to Judge Furs. —
In purchas-
while the outside remains contracted ;
ing furs, a sure test of what dealers call
for as glass is a very bad conductor of a prime fur is the length and density
heat, the heat does not permeate the of the down noxt the skin this can be
How to Mix Mustard. Mustard — so dense that the breath cannot pene-
should be mixed with water that has trate it, or at most shows but a small
been boiled and allowed to cool hot ; portion of skin, the article may be ac-
water destroys its essential qualities, cepted.
and raw cold water might cause it to The Lips. — Leigh Hunt remarks,
ferment. Put the mustard in a cup, " I have observed that lips become more
with a small pinch of salt, and mix with or less contracted in the course of years,
it, very gradually, sufficient boiling wa- in proportion as they are accustomed to
ter to make it drop from the spoon express good humour and generosity, or
without being watery. Stir and mix peevishness and a contracted mind. Re-
well, and rub the lumps well down with mark the effect which a moment of ill-
the back of a spoon, as mustard pro- temper or grudgingness has upon the
perly mixed should be perfectly free lips, and judge what may be expected
from these. The mustard-pot should for an habitual series of such moments.
not be more than half full, or rather Remark the reverse, and make it a si-
less, if it would not be used for a day milar judgment. The mouth is the
or two, as the mustard is so much bet- frankest part of the face it can't in
them over the left shoulder I love ; breathing joy of candour, of reserve,
another, tap your chin with them I ; of anxious care, or liberal sympathy.
am engaged, toss them up gently Be ; The mouth, out of its many sensibili-
careful,somebody is watching us, twirl ties, may be fancied throwing up one
them round the fingers I hate you, ; great expression in the eye as many —
turn them inside out I am satisfied,
; lights in a city reflect a broad lustre
hold them loose in the left hand I wish ; into the heaven."
I were with you, smooth them out —
The Eye. The little sphere, of an
gently I am displeased, strike them
; inch or so in diameter, which forms the
over the hand 1 am vexed, put them
; eyeball, is a camera, essentially like the
away Do you love me ? put one on
; one used by the photographer to throw
the picture in the eye might be as per- the other vegetables, adding a few leaves
fect as before, but we would, neverthe- of tarragon and chervil. Boil then for
less, be blind to it. twelve minutes longer, and serve hot.
If any portion of the network of Rose-tinted Curtains. —By dissolv-
nerves just mentioned should be para- ing magenta in water, white muslin
lysed, we would cease to see part of curtains can readily be tinted of a beau-
the picture formed on the portion of A shilling's worth of
tiful rose colour.
the eye's inner surface. If the entire magenta powder, dissolved in barely as
image of some small object should fall much water as to steep the curtains in
upon that insensible spot, we could no completely, and then wrung out, tinted
more see it, though looking straight at two large pairs of window -curtains after
it, than if we had no eyes, or kept them being starched, and another pair after
shut. these were done. The tint fades were
Cheerful Activity. If a lady desires much exposed to the sun, but it can be
to retain the possession of a healthy readily renewed, where faded, by a soft
organisation, she must not remain inert brush, or by dipping anew. There are
and idle three-fourths of her time. She —
various applications of it for example,
who sits down by the fire to keep quiet to toilet- covers, &c.
and pore over novels, while the physical Economy in Coal. —The most prac-
health grows delicate day by day, and tical suggestion yet made towards eco-
the mind morbid from lack of exercise nomy of coal seems to be the use ot
and occupation, are more to be pitied solid bottoms in ordinary fire-grates.
than the overworked women of the It is asserted, and even proved, that in
land, who rise early in the morning, re- any fireplace not exceedingly small, a
freshed after sweet sound sleep, and plate of iron placed upon the grate will
with glowing cheeks, quick step, and halve the consumption of coal, reduce
strong muscle, begin the task of the the smoke, and leave a cheerful, free-
day The workers live longer and enjoy burnmg fire. Quite sufficient air enters
more than the idlers. Women expect through the bars, no poking is neces-
men to exert themselves, and, rain or sary, and the fire never goes out till the
— :
cause, on the one side, the first of Janu- senators and nobles of his city, who
ary looked towards the new year, and were named Majores ; though some will
on the other towards the old. The have it to have been thus called from
Christians heretofore fasted on the first Maia the mother of Mercury, to whom
day of January, by way of opposition they offered sacrifice on the first day of
to the superstition of the heathens, who this month. In May the sun enters
in honour of Janus observed this day Gemini, and the plants of the earth in
with feastings, dancings, masquerades, general begin to flower.
and other ignorant manifestations. —
June. The word comes from the
February. This month is so called Latin Junius, which some derive from
from Februa, a feast held in the second Junone. Others derive it from junior-
month of the Roman chronology. In ibus, this being for young people, as the
the first ages of Rome, February was month of May was for old ones. In
the last month of the year, and preceded month is the summer solstice.
January till the Decemviri made an —
July This word is derived from the
order that February should be the se- Latin Julius, the surname of C. Caesar,
cond month of the year, and come after the dictator, who was born in it. Mark
January. Antony first gave the name of July,
March. According to the common which was called Quintilis, as being the
way of computing, March is the third fifth month of the year in the old Ro-
month of the year. Among the Ro- man Calendar, established by Romulus,
mans March was the first month ; and which began in the month of March.
in some ecclesiastical computations that For the same reason August was called
order is still preserved, as particularly Sextilis, and September, October, No-
in reckoning the number of years from vember, and December, still retain the
the incarnation of our Saviour, which name of their first rank. On the third
is done from the 25th of March. In day of this month the dog-days are com-
England, before the alteration of the monly supposed to begin, and to end on
style, March, properly speaking, was the the eleventh day of August.
first month in order, the New Year —
August. This is the eighth month
commencing from the 25th though in
: of the Julian year. This was called in
complaisance to the customs of our the ancient Roman Calendar Sextiiis, as
neighbours, we usually ranked it as the being the sixth from March, from which
third, but in this respect we spoke one the Romans began their computation.
way and wrote another. It was Romu- The Emperor Augustus changed the
lus who divided the year into months, name, and gave it his own not that
to the first of which he gave the name it was the month in which he was born,
of his supposed father, Mars, The but because it had been fortunate to
month of March was always under the him, by several victories which he had
meric gives the transparent yellow crys- Yet willingly prepare to go,
tals logwood, purple, &c.
; If your Father wuls it so.
Tonics. Iron is the best of tonics, Nor be impatient to be gone,
and may be taken with advantage by Be content to linger on
weakly persons of pale complexion, or If that should be your Father's will,
in any case where symptoms of febrile He forgets not you are ill.
or intermittent disease are present. The You must not murmur at delay,
best form is that of the muriated tinc- That lands you in such glorious day,
ture dose eight or ten drops in water, And keeps you there with him for
gradually increased to fifteen or twenty aye
drops. This medicine, and, indeed, Only patient
tonics generally, should not be used for The Dangers of New Houses.—
more than a fortnight at a time, and a One of the many
errors which people
long interval should elapse between such who build houses are apt to commit is
periods of taking them. Iron taken in that of living in them, or rather dying
conjunction with Peruvian bark or qui- in them, before they are sufficiently dry
nine will soon restore the colour to the for occupation. It not unfrequently
cheek, and the strength to the frame of happens that a man, disgusted with the
the dilapidated valetudinarian. Bark defective sanitary arrangements of the
steeped in port wine forms an agreeable generality of houses, ancient and mo-
tonic draught, but the cheapest, most dern, builds a dwelling for himself and
easily obtainable, and by no means the his family, constructed with all the la-
least efficacious tonic, is made by throw- test improvements, and, in his extreme
ing a clean iron nail into a bottle of ripe anxiety to commence a career of lon-
old ale, and after a week drinking the gevity, rushes into it almost before the
liquor in regular doses. workmen are out of it, and while the
Gentian, camomile, and other popu- walls are still saturated with moisture.
lar bitters, are valuable tonics, many of The consequence is, as might have been
which would be found more rapidly expected, in addition to the architect's
corrective of the system than laxative charges, the rash owner is called upon
medicines always, indeed, where ill- to pay within the first few months a
ness resulted from weakness of the di- further bill to the doctor, and too often
gestive organs. Khubarb root is also a to the undertaker also. A
house agent
valuable tonic when used in small doses, not long ago, being asked why the house
when used in large doses it is a purga- agency business was so commonly com-
tive. bined with that of the undertaker,
The Invalid's Calendar. grimly replied that the two went to-
Bitter is the wind in March ;
gether and on being asked for a fur-
April winds your frame will search ; ther explanation stated that he had ob-
Go out most cautiously in May ;
served, as an almost invariable rule,
In June, you'll go out every day ;
that, when as a house agent he found a
July you are free at length ?
August air will give you strength
tenant for a newly-built house, he was
applied to as an undertaker on behalf
September now begin to mind ;
spect leads occasionally to the most la- New Modes of Safety during a
mentable consequences. Lightning Storm. In commenting
— —
Origin of Clans and Tartans. on an interesting case of lightning
Clans were Highland families, all mem- stroke, Mr. Lane, in a clinical lecture
bers of which bear the same surname, delivered at St. Mary's Hospital, re-
and are supposed to be descended from marked that there is no doubt that the
a common ancestor, of which the chief safest place for shelter is in the interior
of the clan is the lineal representative. of a dwelling-house or other enclosed
Most of the Highland noblemen and building, at a distance from windows
gentlemen have designations peculiar to and street-doors and in a cellar, per-
them as chiefs of their clans, which, in haps, for choice, not only is the chance
their own country, no feudal titles or of being struck infinitely less, but the
distinctions, however exalted, are al- risk of serious injury is also much di-
lowed to efface. These names were minished. The popular notion that it
usually patronymic, expressive of de- is imprudent to take shelter under a
scent from the founder of a family. tree appears well founded s especially if
Thus, the Duke of Argyll is called Mac- the tree be isolated, or standing alone.
Cullum More, or son of Colin the Great. A low tree, or a hedge with several high
Each clan is distinguished by the pat- trees near, is less objectionable, as the
tern of its tartan, and the rank of the lightning will generally be attracted by
wearer by the number of its colours. preference to the most prominent ob-
For instance, royalty wore seven colours, jects. Trees standing together in a
viz., red, blue, purple, brown, yellow, wood are seldom struck the electric
white, and green ; the Oldhams, or men cloud coming Within the attraction of a
of learning, six the nobility, live ; gen-
; mass of trees possibly discharges itself
tlemen, who entertained strangers at insensibly through the innumerable
their table, four commanding officers
; points of foliage. Awood, therefore, is
in the army, three soldiers, two
; ; and not an unsafe place, though even there
the peasantry, one. This, perhaps, is it may be well to keep away from a tree
the origin of the tartan. Another cu- which is higher than its neighbours.
rious account is given of the origin of Many persons have been killed while
tartan plaids. It is said that they are standing under a hay or corn-rick ;
in commemoration of the coat of many these, therefore, should be avoided.
colours that Jacob prepared for his son, From their dryness they are worse con-
adopted by the Celts in Scotland and ductors than the human body, so that
in the North of Ireland, in honour of the current passes from them to the
Joseph, it being asserted that the Israe- latter, as the readiest channel by which
lites of the tribe of Joseph came over it can reach the ground. But is it safer
from Egypt and settled in Scotland, to remain in the middle of a large open
some of whom, in course of time, passed space ? This is a doubtful question ;
over to Ireland, and introduced the tar- for a man in the erect position, though
tan into Ulster. It is a disputed mat- less prominent than a tree, still offers a
ter whether the Israelites at first settled dangerous point of attraction when no
in Scotland or Ireland but we must
; other object is near, and if struck, the
leave the Irish and Scotch to settle the whole force of the stroke will pass
affair amongst themselves in the best through his body, entering probably by
possible way. But there is one thing his head ; whereas under the tree the
certain, that if the Israelites had been current is likely to be divided and split
adventurers on the Western seas, the up, so that though the chance of being
natives of Scotland seem to have made struck may perhaps be greater, the risk
the most of it in commemorating their of fatal injury is considerably less. It
memory by adhering to the tartan for appears to be pretty generally agreed
many ages. that the safest plan, supposing shelter
vated and prominent situations being, one drachm carbolic acid, two drops
; ;
of course, carefully avoided. Additional and collodion flexible, one ounce, painted
security may also be obtained by depo- with a camel-hair pencil over their sur-
siting watch and chain, money, or other face. When the chilblains vesicate, ul-
metallic substances which attract elec- cerate, or slough, it is better to omit
tricity, at a safe distance. Wet clothes the aconite and apply the other com-
are not without a compensating advan- ponents of the liniment without it. The
tage they are all the better conductors collodion flexible forms a coating or pro-
of electricity and, if they do not con-
; tecting film, which excludes the air,
vey safely the whole of the current, whilst the sedative liniments allay the
they will transmit a much larger pro- irritation, generally of no trivial cha-
portion of it, so that there will be all racter.
the less risk of personal injury. It is For Chapped Hands e advise the
unwise to walk along an exposed road free use of glycerine and good olive oil,
under an umbrella, especially. one with in proportion to two parts of the former
metallic stem and framework. to four of the latter after this has been
Statistics of Life. —
Half of all who well rubbed into the hands, and allowed
live die before 17. Only one person to remain for a little time, and the hands
in 10,000 lives to be 100 years old, and subsequently washed with Castile soap
but one in a hundred reaches 60. The and tepid water, we recommend the
married live longer than the single ;
belladonna and collodion flexible to be
and out of every 1,000 born, only 95 painted, and the protecting film allowed
weddings take place. Of 1,000 persons to permanently remain. These com-
who have reached 70, there are of cler- plaints not unfrequently invade persons
gymen, orators, and public speakers, 43 ;
of languid circulation and relaxed habit,
farmers, 40 ; workmen, 33 soldiers,; who should be put on a generous regi-
32 lawyers, 29 professors, 27 doc-
; ; ; men and treated with ferruginous tonics.
tors, 24. Farmers and workmen do not Chapped lips are also benefited by the
arrive at a good old age as often as cler- stimulating form of application here ad-
gymen and others, who perform no vocated, but the aconite must not be
manual labour ; but this is owing to allowed to get on the lips, or a disagree-
the neglect of the laws of health, inat- able tingling results.
tention to proper habits of life in eating, Process of Enamelling the Face.
drinking, sleeping, dress, and the proper —All the materials for the operation
care of themselves after the work of the being at hand, the operator begins to
day is done. overlay the skin of his patient with a
Chilblains. —
To those especially li- skin of his own composing. He applies
able to these tiresome and painful affec- the enamel to her face, and then to her
tions we recommend, as a preventive, bust. This enamel consists chiefly oi
wearing kid-skin gloves lined with wool, white lead or arsenic, made into a semi-
which not only keep out the cold, but liquid paste. It requires a good deal
absorb any moisture that may be upon of skill to lay it on, so that it shall be
the hands and to rub over the hands
; smooth; and not wrinkled ; and two or
three hours, and sometimes a much away in the very coolest part of the
longer time, are consumed in making a house.
good job of it. This being done, there Facts from the Marriage Law.
yet remains the finishing touches and Persons under the age of twenty- one
adjuncts of head and cheek-gear ! So may not marry without the consent of
down she sits again, and he, with his their parents or guardians ;but a mar-
pigment of Indian ink and pencil of riage without such consent is good, and
camel-hair, paints her eyebrows di- the issue of it will be legitimate, unless
vinely, Then her cheeks are inlaid the publication of the banns was ren-
with " plumpers," which she brings dered void by the parent or guardian
with her, and which cost her £5. They openly dissenting, or unless the regis-
are made into pads, and composed of a trar's certificate was issued in spite of
hard substance, which combines various being forbidden by one whose con-
chemical materials. After the cheeks sent is necessary but minors marrying
are thus made to look like a girl's cheek, without the required assent are liable
they are carmined with a vegetable to certain penalties, such as being in-
liquid rouge, laid on with a hare's foot. dicted for perjury, where the licence
The finale of the make-up is the adjust- was procured by a false oath, or forfeit-
ment of the teeth, which, when properly ing all property which would otherwise
set, give the mouth a lustre as of opals. accrue from the marriage.
The lady then goes away with a chuckle A marriage cannot be set aside on the
of deep satisfaction as she thinks of the ground that the parties had not resided
conquests she will make in the evening, in the parish or district a certain num-
in the glare of the lamps, wax candles, ber of days prescribed by law, or that
and gas. She has a bust as white as the marriage did not take place between
alabaster, with shoulders and arms to the hours of eight and twelve in the
match, and warranted to stand for six forenoon. The marriage is absolutely
months. null and void, if the parents were within
Strange facts these, but such fantastic the prohibited degrees of consanguinity
tricks, thank Heaven ! are not at all or affinity, that is, persons in the as-
common in England, however they may cending and descending line ad infini-
obtain amongst the ladies of America. tum, and collaterals to the third degree
At the same time we fear that our wo- inclusive.
men are not wholly sans reproche in the The marriage is void where one 01-
matter. both of the parties are already married :
To Preserve B/Eilk. A teaspoonful but if one of the parties has been ab •
of fine salt or of horse-radish in a pan sent, and not heard of for seven years,
of milk will keep it sweet for several and is still living, though the second
days. Milk can be kept a year or more marriage of the' other party is void, yet
as sweet as when taken from the cow, there can be no prosecution for bigamy
by the following method : —
Procure in such a case. And, with reference to
bottles, and as they are filled immedi- bigamy, if the first marriage is valid, it
ately cork them well, and fasten the is bigamy to marry again, though the
cord with packthread or wire. Then marriage be void on another ground
spread a little straw in the bottom of a besides that of its being bigamous but ;
boiler, on which place the bottles with the converse of this is not law, so that
straw between them until the boiler if the first marriage is void, a second
contains a sufficient quantity. Fill it marriage may be contracted without
up with cold water, and as soon as it fear of a prosecution.
begins to boil draw the fire and let the Although it is unlawful for a person
whole gradually cool. When quite cold under age to marry without the consent
take out the bottles and pack them in of parent or guardian, where he or she
sawdust in hampers, and stow them has any and though no person can be
married (unless by special licence), ex- chemists unite in telling us that a pound
cept within the parish or chapelry where of it, eaten by man, adds much less
one of the parties has resided fifteen to his own body than a pound of eggs.
days and though the guilty parties,
or peas, or beans, or even good bread
and the minister who colludes with him would have done Fatty or oily food
or them, are subject to certain penalties is only fit for stomachs possessing very
for disobedience to this law, yet, when strong digestive powers. Acidulous and
in either of these cases the marriage has saccharine food are not only nourishing,
been once celebrated, it remains a valid but are naturally adapted to, and fur-
marriage, and not only is no evidence nished at the right time for, allaying
of consent, or of residence necessary to man's thirst. Millions of labouring peo-
prove the validity of the marriage, if ple enjoy excellent health and vigour,
disputed, but the party disputing the and live very long, who never eat any
marriage will not even be allowed to flesh food, nor does any strong working
show that there was no residence, or no animal eat it. No animal willingly eats
parental sanction. the flesh of a flesh- eating animal. They
The Voice. — It may be vastly im- like flesh made from vegetables best.
proved in its tone and modulations by To Preserve Eggs. — The following
the practice of reading aloud. Confi- experiments with pure oil will show
dence gives the voice fulness and clear- their value : —
Ten eggs were rubbed
ness and trepidation is generally ac-
; with the finger dipped in flax-seed oil y
companied with a huskiness of utterance just lightly covered with the oil, which,
that has a most unpleasing effect. The dried in a few days ten other eggs were
modulation and proper management of oiled in the same manner with the oil
the voice should be made a great point of the French poppy, to ascertain the
of by young ladies, for a fine and me- comparative effect of the two oils ten ;
confidence and a total absence of affec- side by side, but not in contact, in a
tation for uncertainty, agitation, and
; vessel, the bottom of which was covered
striving for effect, are always ruinous to with sand enough to keep them stand-
the voice of the speaker, which is con- ing upright, three-fourths of each egg
stantly running against breakers or get- being exposed they remained thus for
tion are more perfectly marked by voice first put into the tub, and weighed in
and manner of speaking than we are sixmonths after. The following will
willing to allow. show the result — First,
the eggs not
tion of nutriment it gives to the body. rubbed with oil of poppy lost 4 per
A pound of rice would give far less cent., were full, without odour or bad
strength to the body than a pound of taste the eggs rubbed with flax-seed
raw eggs, though both digest in about oil lost 3 per cent, of their primitive
an hour. Farinaceous food is the most weight, and had the odour and taste of
nutritive, and forms the substantial ali- an egg perfectly fresh. Hence, flax seed
ment of mankind. Cheese-like and mu- oil may be deemed preferable for pre-
cilaginous food are also very nutritious serving eggs.
when they agree well with the stomach, There are several other modes for
as are also albuminous and gelatinous preserving eggs, but there can be no
food, only they stimulate as well as doubt now that flax-seed oil will be the
nourish the body. Fibrinous food is popular method, since it is proved to be
the most stimulating ; but the best the most reliable.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
each can have a varied design, according open character, that is, very much
to fancy or skill. The material should pierced or perforated, such as the fern,
be of the finest jean, cut into circles, wild geranium, oak, very young sprigs
either with a cheese-plate or in any- of vine, jessamine, or rose-leaves ; also
other simple way. The ferns or leaves the airy stems of grasses and harebells ;
selected should be flattened, by leaving these can easily be had in the countrj7 ,
them several days under pressure. The and seaside visitors can obtain the same
kinds which will be found most suitable, results with sea- weed. Many will find
aad have the best effect, are those of an it most convenient to begin their work
nor even allowing the dots to be coarser finished afterwards with the pen from
at one time than another. the original. If the drawing should
Fig. 1 is simple, but appropriate in prove too difficult for the artistic pow-
design, consisting merely of a few young ers of the operator, and the engraving
vine leaves, apparently laid over grasses, selected be not too valuable, an easier
but in reality the grasses are laid over method is to cut it out, and paste it on,
the vine ; for the darkest leaves in the after the dark ground is finished ; it
d'oyley are the first removed, the pure has only to be carefully steeped in cold
white always remaining till the ground water to be taken off before the anti-
is finished, which has generally the best macassar is washed, and can then be
effect when graduated or vignetted from replaced as before. The corners should
the centre outwards. When satisfacto- be composed of leaves a size less than
rily concluded, it must be left a short those used for the centre, and the four
time to dry care also should be taken connected by a trailing border of con-
be finished by a rose-coloured silk fringe the natural colour of the foliage, and it
round the edge or, by way of greater may also be used for the decoration of
variety, each might have a different- bedroom and other furniture, made of
coioured fringe. light- coloured woods, and afterwards
Fig. 2 is a design which is capable of varnished.
extensive adaptation to a great variety We will only add that this fascinating
of tastes and requirements, inasmuch combination of nature and art affords
as, instead of the monogram here intro- great scope for the display of good taste
duced, anyone may substitute their and decorative arrangement.
crest, armorial bearings, or a scroll with This delightful art is worth the care-
motto or name. This monogram was ful study of every lady.
To Preserve Gold Fish. —A cor-posed to the sunshine. Following these
respondent in the Queen gives us the instructions, the water never requires
following hints on how to preserve gold changing, a cupful being occasionally
fish in good health.
He says " In the added to supply the loss by evaporation
first place let me dissuade anyone from only. All the trouble of changing the
keeping gold fish in a bowl with water water and feeding the fish is thus
only this involves constant trouble in avoided, and the bowl and contents
changing the water, the neglect of which may be left to themselves. Avoid giv-
causes disease and death to the fish, is ing the fish bread, which is injurious.
anything but pretty, and can offer little They require no food but a thread of
interest to the owner. Most people are vermecelli crumbled small may be given
alarmed at the name of an aquarium, them from time to time as a treat, if
but, in reality, the aquarium is far less desired. A bit of wash-leather, tied to
trouble than the usual water globe. a stick, should be used occasionally to
Those who have not the former can clean the inside of the glass, and to re-
utilise the latter as an aquarium with move the minute vegetation growing
very little difficulty. Put about an inch thereon. Some allow this to grow on
depth of coarse, pebbly sand at the bot the side turned to the light, to which
torn of your globe procure a few weeds it forms a natural screen and modifica-
from a dealer in aquaria (who will tell tion. A few water- snails will assist in
you which are the best sorts), sink these keeping the interior clean. A fresh-
by means of a stone attached to the water mussel may be added, and, if de-
roots in the sand, otherwise the move- sired, one or two small water-beetles,
ments of the fish may uproot them, procuring those only which are harmless
then pour in the water the sand should to the fish. In my bowl I have neither
be well washed before being used. In changed the water nor fed the fish for
a few days (generally less than a week) two years, and they are in excellent
the weeds will begin to thrive this condition. A little care at first will
will be recognised by their giving out ensure success and prevent all trouble
little air bubbles, which rise to the sur- afterwards, except the occasional clean-
face or cling to the leaves. Then only, ing of the glass and the addition of a
and not before, is the time for putting little more water, as before stated."
in the fish. Of these, the smallest are —
Wear Flannel. If your constitu-
the best the large ones are only suited tion is delicate, wear flannel next the
for the large aquaria. The usual mis- skin during summer, and be particularly
take is, the overstocking of the globes. careful that your children wear it also.
For the average- sized ones, three, or at It is the sudden changes and alterations
most four, small fish, about three inches of the weather the ordinary effects of
in length, are sufficient. Fish require which may be warded off by wearing
a certain quantity of air this is sup- flannel next the skin which produce
plied by the bubbles emanating from those fatal colds, and those bowel com-
the plants. It is therefore evident that plaints which are generally ascribed to
if more fish are put in than the plants too great an indulgence in summer
can supply air for, the balance will be fruits. We have heard an eminent
destroyed, the fish will perish, and the plrysician say, that a very large propor-
whole result will be a failure. The tion of the deaths by cholera could have
usual mistake is, putting in the fish be- been prevented by the simple precau-
fore the plants are ready for them, and tion of wearing flannel next the skin.
then putting in too many. Never al- —
Lung's and Stays. The fatal con-
low the bowl to remain long in the blaze sequences of pressure upon the lungs
of a strong sunshine. The best position cannot be too much impressed upon
is on a stand or table between two win- women. They ought, in health, to mea-
dows, or in a window not too much ex- sure from 27 to 29 inches round the
the blood gets fair play, and the space ologists assure us such is really the fact.
left between the leather and the stock- They describe it as a variety of coal
ing is filled with a comfortable supply which occurs sometimes in elongated
of warm air. The second rule is, never uniform masses, and sometimes in the
sit in damp shoes. It is often imagined, form of branches, with a woody struc-
that unless they are positively wet, it is ture. It is, in its natural state, soft
not necessary to change them while the and brittle, of a velvet black colour,
feet are at rest. This is a fallacy for,
: and is found in large quan-
lustrous. It
when the least dampness is absorbed tities in Saxony, and also in Prussian
into the sole, it is attracted farther to amber mines in detached fragments,
the foot itself by its own heat, and thus and, being exceedingly resinous, the
perspiration is dangerously checked. coarser kinds are used for fuel, burning
Any person may prove this by trying with a greenish flame and a strong bi-
the experiment of neglecting the rule, tuminous smell, leaving an ash also of
and his or her feet will become cold and a greenish colour. Jet is likewise found
damp after a few moments, although, in England, on the Yorkshire coast.
on taking off the shoe and examining it, Hastings as a Winter Sea-side
it will appear quite dry. —
Resort for Invalids. " As autumn
Orchids as Ornamentsfor the advances the question naturally arises-
Hair. —It is now a commonpractice to the head of the family and the inva-
amongst ladies to fasten their hair with lid," writesDr. Garrett, a physician
pins, upon the head of which is an imi- and a resident of Hastings, " as to
tation, in silver or gilt, of a butterfly whither they shall go for the winter.
with its wings expanded, the insect Enough has been written respecting
being placed upon a piece of fine wire foreign climates, and the means that
twisted like a corkscrew, so that the should be employed in certain foreign
least movement of the wearer causes localities for the recruital of health ;
the insect to oscillate in a more or less but little has been said, and far less has
iife-iike manner. When the three larg- been investigated, as to the natural at-
above its high-water mark, the more times produces ulcers ; tincture of io-
abundant must be its supply of ozone. dine, because it does not prevent pus-
Now, an invalid coming to this climate, tulation. The doctor recommends gly-
at once feels the influence of this invi- cerine, which, through its exosmotic
gorating ingredient of the atmosphere. action, diminishes the intensity of the
He takes a deep, refreshing inhalation eruption. His favourite formula is,
which he may not have experienced be- soap, ten parts ;
glycerine, four parts ;
fore for some time. His appetite is triturate, and add mercurial ointment
immensely improved, and he becomes twenty parts. This ointment does not
aware of a marked and considerable prevent swelling of the face, causes no
change in his respiratory and digestive pain, and prevents pustulation. It
functions. Now, the probability is, that should be applied before the pustules
this pulmonary patient, or dyspeptic, have been transformed into vesicles.
continues his full animal diet, consumes Spices. Cloves are the dried blos-
his liberal quantum of stimulants (spi- soms of a tree which is a native of the
rits, wine, and bitter ales), and takes Molucca Islands, particularly of Am-
his customary doses of iron, bark, and boyna. It grows to the height of the
mineral acids, to the full extent that laurel tree, and no verdure is ever seen
his system will tolerate. He forgets under it. From the extremities of the
that he is sipping a tonic atmosphere branches grow quantities of flowers,
all day long, '
a stimulant to the vital which are first white, then green, and
functions/ and what takes place ? The at last red, and hard, in which state
pneumogastric nerves become unduly they are properly cloves. When they
excited, the breathing becomes lc ss full become drier they assume a yellow cast,
and free, the appetite diminishes, and a which ends in a dark brown. Cloves
lassitude is the sure and inevitable re- are stimulating aromatics, and yield
sult. Hence, the over-tonicise^ patient abundance of oil.
forfeits his benefits, loses his confidence, Cinnamon is the inner bark of a spe-
and at once pronounces the climate re- cies of bay tree, which grows scarcely
when the nut is ripe, the first falls off which place it in the press. The press
itself then the second appears, which
; is made with either three pieces of board
is very thin and fine. It is taken off or pasteboard. Lay on the first board
the fresh nut with a great deal of care, two sheets of blotting-paper on that ;
and exposed to the sun to dry this is; lay your specimens place straight and
the Mace. The nut is taken out of the smooth over them a piece of old muslin,
shell, and put into lime-water for seve- fine cambric, or linen then some more
ral days, and is then prepared and fit to blotting-paper, and place another board
send abroad. on the top of that, and continue in the
Pepper is the fruit of a shrub, the same way. The blotting-paper arid the
stem of which requires a prop to sup- muslin should be carefully removed
port it the wood of it is knotty, like
; and dried every day, and then replaced ;
the vine, to which it bears a near re- at the same time those specimens that
semblance. It produces white flowers, are sufficiently dried may be taken
whence the fruit grows in hunches, away. Nothing now remains but to
like gooseberries, and each fruit bears write on each the name, date, and lo-
twenty or thirty peppercorns. cality. You can either gum the speci-
Collecting and Laying out Sea- mens in a scrap-book, or fix them in, as
Weeds. —
It must be borne in mind, drawings are often fastened, by making
that if exposed to the sun or rain, the four slits in the page, and inserting each
plants, as a general rule, soon change corner. This is by far the best plan, as
colour. The gleaner should, therefore, it admits of their removal without in-
always seek for them at low tide, in jury to the page, at any future period,
pools among the rocks, where the finest if it is required either to insert better
specimens may be found. It should specimens or intermediate species.
be noticed whether they were found " Some of the larger algse will not
growing from or attached to the rocks, adhere to the paper, and consequently
or whether they were accidentally left require gumming. The following me-
there by the falling tide. Specimens thod of gumming them will be found
which are found attached to the rocks one of the best —
After well cleaning
will almost invariably be the most per- and pressing, brush the coarser kinds
fect ;and care should be taken to ob- of algas over with spirits of turpentine,
tain the entire plaiit, raising with it in which two or three small lumps of
the tendrils by which it holds to the gum-mastic have been dissolved, by
stone. When gathered, the sooner they shaking in a warm place two -thirds of ;
are laid out the better. Miss Gifford a small phial is the proper proportion,
cil in a natural form (picking out with afterwards the room may be opened,
a pin gives the sea- weed an unnatural when it will be found that the sickly,
appearance, and destroys the character- unwholesome smell will be entirely gone.
istic fall of the branches, which should The smoke of the juniper berry posses-
be carefully avoided) then gently raise
; ses this advantage, that should any-
the paper with the specimen out of the thing be left in the room, such as tapes-
water, placing it in a slanting position ry, &a, none of it will be spoiled.
for a few moments, so as to allow the About Enigmas. — The earliesr enig-
— — — ;
told was put forth by the Sphinx, and Lord Byron's celebrated enigma on
solved by (Edipus. It was in these the letter H is doubtless well known to
terms, " What animal is that which our readers. Cowper, Bernard Barton,
goes on four legs in the morning, on and Lord Macaulay, have also contri-
two at noon, and on three in the eve- buted to our amusement in this way.
ning ?" The answer to the enigma was, Canning, the statesman, writes the fol-
" Man, who in infancy crawls on all lowing :
nor live above twenty-four hours."' An Perhaps one of the most happy of
allegorical enigma of such construction enigmatists was the late Winthrop Mack-
hardly requires the skill of an CEdipus worth Praed, who wrote many enigmas
for its solution.Whatever number of and charades that charm the ear by
however, the ancients composed,
riddles, their musical cadence, and, in fact, pos-
but few have been handed down to us, sess poetical merit for which we may
so we must pass at once to those of often search in vain in many compo-
more recent times. sitions of a more ambitious aim. As
With regard to the different species puzzles they are, perhaps, very easy of
of enigmatical compositions, some little solution, with the exception of one or
confusion appears to exist, as the dis- two which, have never been quite satis-
tinguishing names are frequently mis- factorily answered. That commencing
applied. It may not then be amiss to " Sir Hilary," has recently been intro-
describe the different forms of enigmas duced into a popular magazine. Many
in general use. The word enigma is a words have been suggested for its solu-
comprehensive term that may be ap- tion but the best answer, with the
bilically divided into other words, which the latter being unsyllabically divided.
are severally described as first, second, Another enigma of Praed' s, "beginning
third and fourth, as the case may be " Sir Gregory sat in his cushioned
loosely and confusedly they are ar- but to be wretched because circum-
ranged, the better. Crowding is espe- stances make impossible for you to
cially to be avoided, and to accomplish surround yourself at home with the fine
this a good base of green of different pictures and graceful statues and silken
varieties is needed to keep the flowers hangings you see elsewhere, is as un-
apart. This filling up is a very impor- wise as it would be to refuse to enjoy
tant part in all bouquet-making, and the roses of summer because December
the neglect of it is the greatest stum- is in the year. If you cannot have good
bling-block to the uninitiated. Spiked paintings, you may perhaps buy some
and drooping flowers, with branches and —
good engravings or if those are too
sprays of delicate green, are of absolute dear, there are left chromos and photo-
necessity in giving grace and beauty to graphs and if all the rest fail, Nature,
pickling onions with vinegar. To each pound of flour in a stewpan, and keep
quart of vinegar allow two teaspoonf uls it stirringover the fire a few minutes,
of allspice, two of black pepper, and one then add twelve ounces of bacon cut
of mustard- seed. Have the onions ga- into small pieces. The hare should be
thered when quite dry and ripe ; take ready cut up, then put it into the stew-
off the outside skin, then with a silver pan and stir it for ten minutes. Then
knife (steel would spoil the colour of add half a pint of port, and sufficient
the onions) remove the inner skin ; beef broth to cover it add a couple of
pierce the onions with a silver fork, bay -leaves, three cloves, and, when the
and as fast as they are prepared put hare is half done, a pint of button onions
them into very dry bottles or jars. Pour and a little brown sugar, and let it sim-
over sufficient vinegar to cover them, mer until it is well done, when dish it
with the spice, &c, mixed in the above up. It will take about four hours to
proportions Tie down with bladder, jug-
and put them in a dry place. In a fort- To Clean Black Marble.— Equal
night they will be ready for use. parts of soft-soap and pearlash ; with
Oxtail Soup. Cut two tails into soft flannel rub it over the marble, and
pieces, and with an ounce of butter and remain a few minutes then wash
let it ;
two small onions, lay them in a stewpan with warm water, and a second time
and brown them* Cover them with with cold spring water and when quite ;
boiling water, and add a couple of stems dry polish with paraffine oil.
of celery, some thyme, a carrot and a Qualities of Cocoa.-— When mixed
turnip, a little parsley, four cloves and with water, as it is usually drunk,
it is
four peppercorns, and a little allspice more properly to be compared with
for about four hours let it all gently milk than infusions of little
direct nu-
boil. Then prepare half a pint of but- tritive value, like those of tea and coi-
ton onions, and a carrot and a turnip fee ; and, on the other hand, it has ttxe
cut into small balls, which boil in water great advantage over milk, and over
with a little salt. Take the pieces of beef-tea, and other similar beverages,
tail carefully out, strain
the liquor, and that it contains the substance theo-
skim off the fat. Mix in
a stewpan two bromine, and a volatile empyreumatic
ounces of flour and an ounce of butter ; oil thus it unites in itself the exhili-
when mixed, add it to the liquor, with rating qualities of tea, with the body-
a teaspoonful of salt and the prepared sustaining and strengthening qualities
vegetables let all boil together. Add
; of milk.
a glass of port, and serve hot. Its analogy to theine leads to the
To Roast Sucking Pig.— After the belief that it exercises a similar exhili-
littleporker has been prepared for the rating, soothing, hunger-stilling, and
spit, make the following stuffing :
waste-retarding effect. But it has the
slice four onions, fry them in a little advantages over tea and coffee of being
butter, chop a few sage-leaves, and salt, eminently nutritious. It is rich in all
pepper, four ounces of bread-crumbs, the important principles which are
five ounces of stoned raisins, three eggs, found to co exist in the most valued
and three dessert-spoonfuls of melted kinds of food.
butter. Mix all and fill
well together, The finest qualities of . cocoa are
the pig with the same, after which sew found not in Mexico, but in the isth-
Up the pig, and rub it with butter, and mus of Central America, Venezuela,
roast for nearly three hours. Serve and some of the West Ind a Islands.
With rich gravy, adding the brains and The cocoa plant is an evergreen, which
sage- leaves, chopped small, together grows to the height of fifteen or twenty
with a little melted butter. feet, with drooping bright green leaves,
To Jug a Hare.— Mix together a in shape oblong, eight or nine inches
quarter of a pound of butter and half a long, three inches broad, and pointed
at the ends. The flowers and fruit " Thank you," the appreciative glance,
bear at all seasons of the year. we openly acknowledge our inferiority
Common —
Politeness. There is no- to men and women in whom the omis-
thing that costs so little as common po- sion would be excusable.
liteness, and yet it is a commodity that " I have never found anything else
few possess or take pains to enrich so cheap and so useful as politeness,"
themselves with. Rudeness and ill- said an old traveller to us once. He
manners are so prevalent that, when then went on to state that, early in life,
we come in contact with a polite person, finding how
useful it was, frequently,,
we are apt to be astonished. With some to strangers, to give them some infor-
persons this polish is innate, also here- mation of which they were in search,
ditary, for there is more good and evil and which he possessed, he had adopted
inherited than is generally credited, and the rule always to help everybody he
in others it is developed by proper home could in such little opportunities as
training and refined associations. were constantly offering in his travels.
True politeness springs from good- The result was, that out of the merest
ness of heart a person who is sympa-
; trifles of assistance, rendered in this
thetic, who looks upon his fellow- crea- way, had grown some of the pleasantest
tures from a personal stand- point, can- and most valuable acquaintances that
not fail to be polite, for feeling prompts he had ever formed.
generosity. The contrast visible be- To Make —
Good Bitters. Accord-
tween dress and mental culture is cu- ing to the flavour desired, take either
rious to a student of human nature. of rum, brandy, or whisky, one pint ;
The genuine jewel shines forth the gentian and quassia root, of each three
brighter in proportion as the setting is ounces dried orange peel, four ounces ;
often fails to conceal the true nobility the whole to steep for a week or fort-
of character within, night. Finally strain through muslin,
To those desirous of impressing this and it is ready for use. If agreeable to
subject upon their friends, we would the taste, half an ounce of cinnamon or
refer to railway travel, which from day nutmeg may be added to the above in-
to day affords opportunities of judging gredients.
what is due to those with whom we Domestic Uses of Ammonia.
come in contact. We have heard a poor Ammonia is nearly as useful in house-
person say '' Thank you " when offered keeping as soap, and its cheapness brings
a seat ; and have seen elegantly -dressed it within the reach of all. For many
ladies, whose position in society is sup- household purposes it is invaluable ;
posed to afford advantages for acquiring yet its manifold uses are not so gene-
good manners, take a seat under simi- rally known as they should be. It is a
lar circumstances, without a word of most refreshing agent at the toilet table ;
recognition, as if conferring a favour. a few drops in a basin of water will
Ah the simple " Thank you ;" how it
! make a better bath than pure water,
warms the heart, kindling pure emo- and if the skin is oily it will remove all
tion,strengthening one's faith in hu- glossiness and disagreeable odours. Ad-
manity, and carrying joy to secret ded to the foot-bath, it entirely absorbs
places ! all noxious smell so often arising from
Those or us who possess the advan- the feet in warm weather, and nothing
tages which good society affords should is better for cleansing the hair from
surely be careful not to lower ourselves dandruff and dust.
below the humble classes, whose sur- For the headache it is also a desirable
roundings all tend to rudeness and vul- stimulant, and frequent inhaling of its
garity. According to our action so is pungent odours will often entirely re-
our reward. If we grudge the simple move catarrhal cold.
For cleansing paint it is very useful. it refreshes and vivifies vegetable life.
Put a teaspoonf ul of ammonia to a quart So be sure and keep a large bottle of
of warm soapsuds, dip in a flannel cloth, ammonia in the house, and have a glass
and wipe off the dust and fly- specks, stopper for it, as it is very evanescent,,
grime and smoke, and see for yourselves and also injurious to corks, eating them
how much labour it will save you no away. :
pearance in history, found favour with the ease and dignity of a refined lady.
an heiress. Consequently the Graham When you have once acquired good
shield has no quartering." habits in this department, it will require
Pouring Out Tea and Coffee. — less attention, and you will always do
There is more to be learned about pour- it in the best way without thinking
ing out tea and coffee than most ladies much about it.
are willing to believe. If those decoc- Rules for Obtaining Good Sing-
tions are made at the table, which is by ing Canaries.— The following are the
far the best way, they require experi- best rules for obtaining and preserving
ence, judgment, and exactness if they
; good singers. The most essential is to
are brought on the table ready made, it choose from among the young that
still requires judgment so to apportion which promises a fine tone, and to se-
them that they shall prove sufficient in clude it from all other birds, that it
quantity for the family party, and that may learn and remember nothing bad.
the older members present shall have The same precaution is necessary during
the stronger cups. We have often seen the first and second moulting for be-
persons pour out tea, who, not being ing likely to relearn its song, it would
aware that the first cup is the weakest, introduce into it with equal ease foreign
and that the tea grows stronger as you parts. It must be observed whether
proceed, have bestowed the weakest cup the bird likes to sing alone or in com-
upon the greatest stranger, and given pany with others, for there are some
the strongest to a very young member which appear to have such whims, lik-
of the family, who would have been ing to hear only themselves, and which
better without any. Where several pout for whole years if they are not
cups of equal strength are wanted, you humoured on this point. Others sing
should pour a little into each, and then faintly, and display their powers only
go back, inverting the order as you fill when they can try their strength against
them up, and then the strength will a rival. It is very important to distri-
be apportioned properly. You should bute regularly to singing birds the sim-
learn every one's taste in the matter of ple allowance of fresh food which ia
sugar and milk, too, in order to suit intended for the day. By this means
them in that respect. But why not let they will sing every day equally, be-
each individual sweeten his own tea to cause they will eat uniformly, and not
his own liking ? A far more convenient pick the best one day and be obliged to
fashion this would be, than the present put up with the refuse the next.
one, where the hostess has to be asking Non-Medicated Hair Oils and Po-
with every cup she pours out for her —
matums. Perhaps the best hair- oils
guest, " Is your tea to your liking ?' are those which hold castor- oil as the
&c. Besides, this plan would save the basis. Castor-oil alone, however, is ra-
president of the tea-table a world of ther too glutinous, requiring to be di-
trouble and anxiety about the tastes of luted with oil of olives, or, what is still
her visitors, and fears that she might better, spirits of wine, which latter has
have put too much sugar in somebody's the property of uniting with cast or- oil.
cup, and too little in somebody else's. As regards the perfume wherewith hair-
Delicacy and neatness may be shown oil is to be scented, this is a matter of
in the manner of handling and rinsing taste, and the perfume which will be
the cups, of helping persons to sugar, liked by one person will be disagreeable
and using the cream-pot without letting to another.
the cream run down from the lip. There Essence of bergamot furnishes an
are a thousand little niceties which will odorous matter very commonly used
occur to you, if you give due attention for the scenting of pomatum, and which
to the business, and resolve to do it with is, perhaps, more generally agreeable
the thrift of a good housekeeper, and than any other class of perfumed po-
matum however, various other odori- centre of the orange. Holding the fork
ferous agents will be mentioned. Occa- in your left hand, peel the orange with
sionally hair-oils are tinted delicately a very sharp small table-knife, slicing
red. There is no positive advantage in all the skin off, the segment at the base
you slice a segment of the flower end Ftounders are best late in the au-
deep enough to go completely through tumn and early in the winter.
the skin then replacing the segment,
; Turbot and Brill may be fcund in
thrust a fork through it to the very condition all the year round, and out
tion of the ling sent to market may be are sold ready boiled, which have no
found out of condition, and it is neces- meat, or but little, inside the shell, on
sary that any purchaser should know account of having died from a kind of
how to select ling, or leave the selection consumption. We do not know why it
to a fishmonger who can be trusted. A is, but lobsters that die after having
ling that stiffens when dead is in prime been removed from their natural ele-
condition, as also is one the liver of ment are always, when boiled, almost
which is of an opaque creamish cast, worthless, the flesh being soft and wa-
approaching almost to whiteness, the tery, and, moreover, there Is very little
paler the better a dark or reddish tint
of it. Can they, under such circum-
in the liver is a sure sign of ill con- stances, prolong life by existing on
dition. themselves, that is, by consuming their
Mackerel, of one kind or another own vital juices ?
June, the south coast and Cornish from should be full in the shell, and look
February to April, and Norway and clean and free from mud. If taken from
Ireland durkig the rest of the year. a muddy ground they should be kept
At the same time, there is very much for three or four days in clear sea water,
difference in the quality of these mac- or salt and water. Mussels that are of
kerel. The east coast fish, though the a deep colour, and sharp at the edges,
smallest, are undoubtedly the best as are best ; those of a slate colour, with
regards flavour next in order we would
shells rough and worn at the edges, are
place the Cornish, then the south coast, generally hard and tough. Cockles
next the Irish, and, lastly, those from should have as white shells as possible,
Norway, the two last being very infe- and should always be kept for some days
rior fish to all the others, but they are in clear salt water to free them from
much larger, and the purchaser obtains sand.
quantity if not quality for his money. To Teach a Parrot to Talk.—Mi
We have also eaten delicious small onirley Hibberd recommends that you
mackerel caught off the coast of Wales should begin with very short sentences.
in August. The goodness and fresh- " Pretty Polly " will no doubt be the
ness of mackerel are displayed when first lesson for a parrot as long as the
the beautiful rainbow tints which this —
world lasts and a very good one it is.
The best times to teach a parrot are ing of song is good for another reason ;
early in the morning and late in the it cures the bird of screaming, and sup-
evening, when the bird is in a quiet plants those wild harsh cries which be-
attentive mood. At dusk put the cage long to them in their wild state. I have
on a table, and remove from the room had a parrot make considerable progress
anything that may distract the bird's in the song of the canary, and execute
attention, such as a living creature of some sweet and simple passages admir-
any kind, or anything in motion. Then, ably. My famous old Poll whistles the
with the door ajar, repeat the lesson gamut up and down to perfection it ;
over and over again just outside the is really glorious to hear her.
room, and in a few days it will be echoed One necessary part of the teaching of
back to you clearly and distinctly, to a parrot is that of accustoming it to be
give you heart to try another. This is fondled. If poked at with sticks and
the chief pleasure in keeping a parrot ;
fingers, the bird soon learns to snap at
its first efforts are so comical, its per- every stranger, and occasionally draws
severance so charming. Poll will screw blood from the fingers of master or mis-
herself into all sorts of shapes in her ef- tress ;but if guarded against such mis-
forts to respond, and when all is quiet chievous tricks, there is no animal that
will go over the lesson in an undertone becomes more safely familiar. I like
till she knows it perfectly. Until she to see an old family parrot strut over
can accomplish one speech well, it would the carpet, climb the chairs, mount the
only perplex her to begin another. Spe- table and survey the tea-things, to steal
cial precautions, however, are not indis- a lump of sugar or a strawberry, and
pensable ; the same sentence repeated then climb on its mistress's shoulder,
again and again will soon be learnt and chuckle.
but as you find the bird make progress How to Treat Parrots. We are
in new lessons, go over all her old ones, also indebted to Mr. Shirley Hibberd
or she may discard her first teachings for the following instructions in the
in admiration of the last. Harsh con- general treatment of parrots, as their
sonants are easily uttered by parrots. health, diet, &c. :
You will find that poll can roll the r as A parrot should never be kept a close
well as any Hibernian in such a sen- prisoner. Its health is sure to suffer
tence as " Scr-r-r-r-r-atch her poll." unless allowed out of the cage pretty
When she has accomplished a few les- frequently and as Poll invariably flut-
sons, you may teach her according to ters her wings well when she first comes
your fancy ; but it would be folly to out, it is necessary to give her parole
attempt sentences of any length until before any meals are served, because of
the bird has had at least six months' the scurf which is shaken out from the
training by that time you will know
; roots of the feathers, the getting rid of
Its capabilities, and may act accord- which keeps the skin healthy, and pre-
ingly. In teaching, should not be
it serves the strength of the bird.
forgotten that parrots have considerable So managed, parrots are rarely affected
musical powers ; they learn the best with any disease. They should go out
notes of the thrush and blackbird of doors regularly all the summer long,
quickly gray parrots especially have a
but not be exposed to a burning sun.
voice of considerable compass, and exe- If anything ails them a little change of
cute portions of simple tunes with very diet will generally set them right ; a
rich modulations. By whistling one or few green radish -pods, the green seeds
two bars at a time when poll is in a of the nasturtium, a green capsicum,
quiet listening mood, she will soon pick or any pungent vegetable in common
them up, and in repeating them will table use, acts as a corrective, and is
frequently treat you to some good ori- much relished. If they get relaxed,
ginal variations of her own. This teach- give a little more hemp-seed and soma
yolk of hard-boiled egg, and let the bath to attach to the cage where 'the
bread-and-milk be nearly dry. If trou- door opens, and get Poll to take her
bled with costiveness, make the bread- bath in her own way but if she refuses
and-milk in the usual way, but use cold compel her to it for her own good. A
milk instead of boiling it ; and give a favourite gray parrot of my own, now
stalk from a grape vine, a few radish- getting delightfully garrulous and full
pods, grapes, or fruits of any kind in; of queer ways, will never take a bath
fact, their diet should be varied with of her own accord but she gets a pe-
pared. Cut a slice from a stale loaf, if the weather is chilly, she enjoys the
remove the crust entirely, and on the fire for an hour for, as parrots come
crummy portion pour boiling water. from warm climates, they are tender,
Before the bread goes to pap pour off and must not be exposed rashly to cold.
the water, and squeeze the bread as If a bird learns to take a bath of its-
dry as possible, so that it forms a tough, own accord, let it have one every morn-
semi-glutinous mass. It is then quite ing in warm weather, and once a week
soaked through, but not too moist, and at least all through the winter when ;
will absorb milk readily. The milk the water should be tepid, and there
should be boiled, and as much poured should be a good fire in the room to
over as the bread will take up. Give prevent the bird taking cold.
it in a porcelain vessel twice a-day, and Now the bathing and feeding, as we
never allow any in the cage to get sour. have advised them, are of especial im-
Fed in this way, with nuts and fruits, portance in more than one respect.
a modicum of bread-and-butter, or bis- Parrots are subject to violent fits of
cuit, dipped in milk or beer, all the irritability, and these are invariable in-
parrot tribe do well but if fed exces-
; dications that their health is in some
sively with seed, or much indulged with way disordered. Gouty feet and fall-
meat, and especially bacon and ham, ing off of the feathers are other very
they are sure to get diseased, and ra- common calamities and a parrot care-
pidly lose their feathers. Always be lessly treated is sure to get affected with
on your guard that no one but yourself, one or all of such complaints sooner or
or some one that understands them as later. Indeed, when once they get the
well, has anything to do with feeding habit of picking off their feathers, and
your parrots. I have lately seen a of manifesting strong passion, they are
splendid bird ruined by being sent in a very bad state, and need the great-
down to meals with the children, where est care and patience to restore them,,
it [ate ofeverything, became naked in or they may die suddenly in convul-
a month, and died in convulsions ;
sions. But if properly cared for, this
though it was previously as fine a bird common habit of picking off the fea-
as was ever petted into beauty and cle- thers may be wholly prevented and ;
verness. —
the means are first, plenty of fresh
Bathing. — In summer and autumn water for drinking, and a bath regularly ;
the sooner you can get the bird to bathe sweet wholesome food seed only twice ;
the better. Have a proper porcelain a da}T , and then in small quantities
and, above all, means of amusement. same time beware of your fingers. Give
This last item is of more importance the bird a common bell-shaped roomy
than may appear at first sight. par- A cage, with a swing for its amusement.
rot fed with exciting food, kept without Let it have for the first week nothing
water, or left to mope in a dull room but hemp-seed for its staple food, with
with no one to talk to or to talk to it, occasionally a biscuit dipped in milk, a
will surely begin to dig away at its own raisin, fig, orany fresh fruit from the
flesh off cornos a feather from the
; fingers, and plenty of clean water and
wing, or a whole bunch from the bo- coarse sand. It will scream, yell, fight,
som and, horrible to relate, when once
; and threaten, but never mind take ;
the bird draws blood with its beak, it care it has all it requires, and time will
will peck itself with redoubled vigour, work wonders with it. Above all things,
and literally hack itself to death. Keep let the person who intends to teach it
your bird amused, then, and it will soon minister to its wants from the first let ;
repay all your attentions. The wire no servants interfere with it and if ;
swing which is usually attached inside visitors tease it, carry the bird away at
a parrot- cage is very useful at first in once, as a quiet reproach to them. Par-
aiding to tame the bird but after a- rots often have their tempers ruined
while that should come away, for they forever by servants and visitors poking
get into a habit of swinging themselves at them with sticks, or for presenting
stupid, and, from love of the undulat- their fingers for Poll to snap it. Never
ing motion, spend all their time dozing allow any one to tempt your bird in
in it. Take away the swing when Poll that w ay for the trick of snapping and
is beginning to get on well, and she will pecking is an acquired one a well- ;
exercise herself about the cage, and be taught parrot never attacks anybody.
better for it. This last point, however, After a week or ten days the bird will
is not to be enforced too strictly ; let be quieter, more contented, and will
the habits of the bird decide. begin to know you ; then alter its diet,
Hints in Purchasing a Parrot. — giving less hemp-seed and more fruit,
In purchasing a parrot, it is always best biscuit, and nuts. Their best staple
to procure a young untaught bird, if diet is bread-and-milk but they will
possible ; for one that has been taught not eat it until they are somew^hat
will also have formed strong attach- tamed, and at first must be pressed to
ments and in passing into strange
; it by hunger. If kept wholly on hemp,
hands will probably mope, and refuse at they get feverish, cast their feathers,
first to utter a word in the hearing of begin to peck themselves, and indulge
its new possessor. This, however, is in terrible fits of temper and animal
not a serious matter ; kind treatment food, except in minute quantities, has a
and frequent attention will soon win similar effect upon them.
its affections. But there is another —
Canaries. Mr. Kidd, a great autho-
you may not know all that it has rity with bird-keepers, observes, that
been taught. Parrots bought of sailors if you want a good songster, you will
sometimes say strange things, and it is sometimes have to dispense with beauty.
very difficult, if not impossible, to era- The brightest colours are frequently the
dicate their early lessons. A
man given most delicate. Never choose a bird
to oaths may be reformed, but for a whose feathers are rough, or eyes dim.
swearing parrot there is little hope in- If the bird be trim and joyous, he may
deed. be regarded as in good health. While
Diet. —
In the case of a young half- making your selection, take plenty of
wild bird which is the best in spite of time for decision. Exercise your taste,
the extra trouble it occasions first of— and you may become possessed of a
all endeavour to win the bird's confi- really musical bird. There is, of course,
dence by kindly attentions, but at the a great difference in the powers of the
— .
from heat, cold, and draught. If you cage is to be suspended at least six feet
have more birds than one, suspend them from the floor.
above each other. They may hear, but See that the cage be provided with
should not be permitted to see each tii pans, &c,
nest-boxes, water-glasses,
other. Maintain the strictest cleanli- &c, all complete and having procured
ness in their cages, and always supply two nest-bags, scald them thoroughly
them with the best of seed canary, — to destroy the indwelling vermin. When
flax, and rape, mixed the first in ex-
; quite dry, hang them (externally) on
cess. Give them clean water twice the front wires of the cage.
daily, and let their perches be cleansed The birds may now be turned into
at least once a week. Provide them, their new habitation and they will ;
too, with plenty of coarse red gravel, perfectly comprehend the nature of the
changed every other day, and let some provision that has been made for them,
well- bruised old mortar be mixed with and their future offspring. Hang them
it. in a quiet corner repress all prying
for " luxuries." These consist curiosity ;and you will very soon be
of hard-boiled yolk of egg, a morsel of rewarded by seeing her little ladyship
sweet cake or mealy potato, and crumb commence '
of bread moistened in the mouth with Never attempt to peep into the nest y
brown sugar. Let them see you pre- either while it is in the course of con-
paring this, and then watch their move- struction, or when there are eggs in it.
ments. Add an occasional hempseed. Nature hates any interference of this
Lettuce, shepherds' -purse, groundsel, kind. Only be patient, and wait thir-
plantain, chickweed, and water- cress, teen days you will then have a new
yellow, or mealy colour. Both birds task is undertaken by the papa, who
should be at least a year old strong, considers it a pleasing duty.
healthy, and vigorous. Place them, Should any eggs remain unhatehed
first, in separate cages near each other after the hen has sat fourteen days.
they may be at once removed. No So t habit makes five meals a day seem
doubt they are unfruitful. '
mixed with old (bruised) mortar. Clean day is one-eighth of life. It is, there
water, too, should be given twiceNdaily, fore, of great importance that we form
and occasionally bread and egg. simple, natural, and healthful habits,
Sometimes the parents will neglect and in all ways order our lives to the
their children, and refuse to feed them. highest uses.
In such cases you must interfere re- • —
Dry Friction. Dry friction over the
moving them in the nest, and feeding whole surface of the body once a .day,
them by hand. This is easily managed or once in two days, is often of more
by the aid of a short pointed stick, at service than the application of water.
the end of which place some of the food, The reply of the centenarian to the in-
and drop it into the birds' open mouths. quiry, to what habit of life he attributed
This should be done every hour, assum- his good health and extreme longevity,
ing that the nestlings are about a week that he believed it due to " rubbing
old when they are removed. Adminis- himself all over with a cob every night,"
ter water, by letting it drip from the is significantof an important truth. If
end of your little finger. invalids and persons of low vitality
To encourage them to feed them- would use dry friction every day for a
end of the stick to
selves, present the considerable period, we are confident
them with the food on it. They will they would often be greatly benefited;
prove very apt scholars, and quickly Cleanliness is next to godliness, no
learn the way to their mouths.' doubt, and a proper and judicious use
Never remove any young birds from of water is to be commended but hu-
they are two months old. as is the bath, and healthful under pro-
Cage them off separately at this age,per regulations, it is no substitute for
and let their dwelling be light and that exercise of the body without which
cheerful. They will soon record their
all the functions become abnormal.
song, and amply repay you for all your Marrow Pudding". Take a ripe ve- —
past trouble. Give them each a bath getable marrow, cut out a round at the
daily, also a flight in a spare room if flower end, scoop out the seeds, and fill
practicable. the hollow with meat cut into small
By putting up birds of different co- pieces as for a meat pudding, mixed
lours, some very pretty varieties may with pepper and salt and a little cold
be obtained. The colour in no way in- gravy. Keplace the round end and tie
terferes with the song. it up in a cloth. Put it into fast boiling
Habit in Eating and Sleeping. —
water, and let it boil three or four hours,
The quantity of food is so much a mat- according to the size. Those who are
ter of habit, that two persons of equal fond of a beef kidney will find it cook
weight, and mental and bodily activity, very nicely in this manner.
will consume widely different quanti- Ginger Pop. Put a very clean pot —
ties of food —
one eating four times as containing a gallon of water to boil on
much as the other, the surplus being of the fire. As soon as it begins to boii
no possible advantage, but the reverse. add twelve ounces of brown sugar, cue
ounce of bruised ginger, and two ounces drunkenness, but the habitual use of
of cream of tartar stir all well to- stimulants far short of what is neces-
gether. Now pour the whole into an sary to produce that condition and ;
earthen pan, cover it with a cloth, and this, he says, injures the body and di-
let it get cold. Then stir in half a gill minishes the mental power to an ex-
of fresh yeast stir it well, so as to be tent which he thinks few people are
perfectly well mixed cover it again aware of. To this indulgence he at-
with the cloth, and leave it to work up tributes a large proportion of some of
this will be in from six to eight hours' the most painful and dangerous mala-
time. Remove the scum very carefully, dies which come under his notice.
so as not to disturb the clearness of the Whitlow. —
Though in itself a small
beer. Take it out with a jug, and pour affair,there are few things which cause
it into clear bottles. Cork down tightly such suffering, and which are so ne-
with a string across the cork, and put glected and allowed to have their own
away in a cool place, lying down. In way. Surgeons are constantly meeting
four days this pleasant drink will be with people who have lost bones of the
ready. finger or thumb, and have stiff joints
Very many add to it scraped dande- from this cause. At the commencement
lion roots and some herbs, which they great relief is sometimes obtained by
boil up with it, which makes it a plea- soaking the part in the following mix-
sant bitter, and makes it highly bene- ture take half a gill of strong vinegar,
life are thereby so completely exhausted small opening down to the bone to al-
that the system has lost all ability to low the matter to escape, which takes
recuperate, and slow and typhoid fever one moment to do, gives relief in an
sets in and carries the patient to a pre- hour, and can be done without giving
mature grave. Whenever walking or any pain. It is a great pity for any
work is an effort, a warm bed and cool one so to fear the very slight operation
room are the very indispensables to a as to lose the use of a thumb for life,
sure and speedy recovery. Instinct and if near a surgeon or a public insti-
leads all beasts and birds to quietude tution there is in the present day no
and rest the very moment disease or excuse. In either case a poultice must
wounds assail the system. be constantly applied.
Intoxicating —
Drinks. Sir Henry Influenza. —
" I do not know any
Thompson, the eminent physician, has complaint which produces such depres-
put forth a positive declaration as to the sion of spirits as this," says Dr. Hope,
mjurious effects of intoxicating drinks, in his " Till the Doctor Comes." " I
that must excite the earnest attention have had strong, able men, such as
of thinking men and women. Sir Henry 1
navvies,' who work out in all wea-
says he has long been of opinion that thers, come and ask me if they were
there is no greater cause of evil, moral likely to die soon, they felt so down/
and physical, in this country, than the Any one attacked with influenza should
use of alcoholic beverages, He explains give up at once, remain in bed, and
that by this he does not mean actual encourage perspiration by every means
in his power. If it can be had, the Do- the strings at about four inches from
ver's powder should be taken, as in the top of the box. The instrument
common colds, and repeated if needful, must be placed before the opening made
and either with or without this, I have by raising the lower sash of the wdndow
found the two following preparations to about a level with the strings. To
of milk very useful. The first is called increase the current of air an opposite
wine-whey, made by putting two wine- window or door may be opened. When
glassfuls of white wine and one tea- the wind blows the strings emit sound
spoonful of vinegar to a pint of milk ;
in unison, and, in proportion to its force,
simmer it very gently so as not to break change variously through the notes of
the curd, then strain and sweeten. The the diatonic scale, often forming most
other is, scald a pint of buttermilk, pleasing harmonic combinations.
strain it, and then add one wineglass- —
Anchovy. This fish is about the
ful of rum and one of treacle, or as size of the middle finger, bluish brown
much sugar as the patient likes. If you on the back, and silvery white on the
are in the country, get the whey direct belly. It abounds in the Mediterranean
from the dairy. If you are not able to along the shores of Spain, Italy, and
get wine, use rum in the sweet milk. Greece and in the Atlantic on the
iEolian Harp. This musical instru- horn. They are caught only during
ment, named after ^Eolus, god of the the night, being attracted near the
winds in the old mythology, emits soft boats by charcoal fires burning in them.
and harmonious notes merely from a If when the barrels are opened the fish
current of air passing over its strings. are found to be small, firm, and round •
It is made as follows :
Let a box be backed, with a silvery skin, red flesh,
made of well- seasoned deal, not more and plump, compact form, they are pro-
than one- fourth of an inch thick in ; bably true anchovies. If, on the con-
length exactly the width of the window trary, they taper much towards the tail,
in which it is to be placed in depth
; are dark brown on the outside, and the
four inches, and in width six inches. flesh is pale and flabby, they are pro-
Glue on the top of this box, at its two bably sardines, another Mediterranean
ends, two pieces of wainscot, half inch and much inferior.
high and quarter of an inch thick, to Anchovy Omelet. — Wash the salt
serve as bridges for the strings ; inside from a dozen anchovies, and lay them
the box, at each end, glue two pieces of in cold water for a quarter of an hour ,
beech wood, about one inch square, and cut thern in slips, and place them on
ot length equal to the width of the box. thin slices of bread fried in oil beat ;
Into this beech wood holes must be up a dozen eggs, and season them well :
bored, into which holes the pegs of the put some olive oil in a frying-pan, and,
strings are to pass. The strings must when it begins to boil, put in half the
be of catgut, the size of the first string eggs to form the omelet. When done,
of a violin, and they are fastened round place it on a dish, and lay the anehov?
pegs like those of the violin, and the toast on it then form the second
pegs inserted in the holes at the oppo- omelet with the rest of the eggs, and
site ends of the box. The strings should put it over the toast. Serve with any
be parallel, not drawn tight, and tuned sauce you please.
In unison. To procure a proper pas- —
Anchovy Sauce. Pound three an-
sage for the wind, a thin board, sup- chovies in a mortar with a little bit of
ported, at each corner^ is placed over butter ; rub the whole through a dou-
half a pint of melted butter ; or stir in round, and tie them in pudding- cloths
a tablespoonful of essence of anchovy. very tight. One hour will boil them,
To the above many cooks add lemon- and when you take them up just dip
j dice and Cayenne. Serve very hot. them in cold water, and put them in a
Aniseed Water. Take eight ounces cup the size of the dumpling when you
of new aniseed sift it well to free it
; untie them, and then they will turn out
from the dust, and then infuse in six without breaking.
pints of water, with the juice of three Apple Jelly.— Pare, core, and quar-
lemons, and half an ounce of cinnamon. ter any quantity of good apples cover ;
In a week's time distil it over a mode- them well with water, and let them boil
rate fire put one pint of water into till soft drain them through a sieve
; ;
the still dissolve three pounds of sugar into a pan, and in the meantime have
in three pints of water. As the anise ready a syrup made by boiling the rinds
contains an acid salt, which renders this and cores in water strain it off, and ;
Some are taken internally, and others in a mortar some lemon -peel with a
are applied externally for this purpose. quarter of a pound of good moist sugar,
Pain either arises from blood stagnat- and, if agreeable, add some quince-jam ;
ing at a particular spot, causing inflam- cover it with puff- paste bake it an hour ;
craving as beset with horrors, and ter- together with your finger, and by de-
minating in death. If an anodyne grees infuse as much water as will make
causes sleep, it is called a soporific it of a stiff paste
roll it out two or ;
and if it rapidly diminishes the circu- three times with the rolling-pin, and
lation, it is called a sedative. roll it large enough to receive about one
Apple Dumpling. Make paste tne pound of pared and cored apples. It
same as for apple pudding divide it should be boiled in a basin, well but-
into as many pieces as you want dump- tered, which is preferable to a cloth ;
lings peel the apples, and core them ; boil it an hour and three quarters ; but
mon mistake to open only the lower noon, some warm soup or broth may be
part of the windows of an apartment, taken and remember, that if immer-
whereas if the upper part were also sion, instead of being succeeded by a
opened, the ventilation of the room glow on the surface of the skin, is fol-
would be more speedily effected. The lowed by chilliness, languor, or head-
air in an apartment is generally heated ache, bathing in the sea should by no
to a higher temperature than the ex- means be persisted in.
ternal air. either by the heat supplied Red Currant Jel^.— Eub the fruit
by the human body, or by lamps, gas, through a sieve, and afterwards squeeze
or tire ;this renders the air in the it through a fine linen cloth ;put it
room lighter than the external air, and into a preserving pan, with three quar-
consequently the external air will rush ters of a pound of white sugar to every
in at all openings at the lower part of pint of juice place it over a brisk fire,
the room, while the warmer and lighter stirring it occasionally with a skimmer.
air passes out at the higher openings. Keep it well skimmed when it is done,
If a candle be held in the doorway near it will fall from the skimmer in sheets ;
the door, it will be found that the flame then take it up, pour it into pots, and
will be blown inward ; but if it be cover them closely. Made in this way.
raised near to the top of the doorway it it is used for sauce for game, &c, but
will be blown outward. The warm air if required for other uses, a little rasp-
in this case flows out at the top, whilst berry juice will improve it.
the cold air flows in at the bottom. A —
" Welcome." This word is derived
current of warm air from the room is from the Saxon wilcuma ; the meaning
generally rushing up the flue of the of which is, " Your coming pleases me."
chimney, even though there be no tire They knew the word right well, did our
in the grate ; hence the unwholesome- Saxon forefathers their hospitality was
the skin is perfectly dry, as any wetness come make ameuds for hard fare."
Mustard Poultices.— Make a bag for them, the young and middle-aged
the size required of book muslin, and, would stammer in the uncertain treble
after mixing equal quantities of mus- of those in the decline of life. But
tard aud linseed meal, (or a larger pro- alas ! by ill-usage or accident they have
portion of the former should the case bereft us, or remain with us only to be
require it) iu a basiu, with boiling wa- perpetual torments and an unsightly
ter of a proper consistency, fill the bag, exhibition. Iu the interests of our
and, sewing it up, apply it to the part health, and a due regard to our personal
affected, covering it with a handker- appearance, we ny tor succour to the
chief or a piece of linen. The patient surgeon-dentist, whose skill and inge-
will find this a very clean and comfort- nuity has at hand remedies for the nu-
able plan. After it has been kept on merous diseases to which teeth aresub-
as long as desired, it t lily remains to ject. The skill now shown in the pre-
remove it, and lay on a piece of old paration and adjustment o.t artificial
cambric handkerchief, no rubbing or teeth by Mr. Farnham, Essex Road,
washing being required. The poultice Islington, has reduced the loss of our
is perfectly efficacious, and ail that is teeth to the merest minimum of incon-
necessary afterwards is to dust it with venience, and the public are much in-
hair powder for a day or two. debted to him for the efficient substi-
Soda Water, Dissolve six drachms tutes he has provided for our offence-
of dried carbonate of soda in a quart against those that nature gave us. The
bottle of water, and four drachms and artificial teeth referred to perform the
C-i half of tartaric acid in another bottle good offices ot those we have lost in the
of the same size ;
pour out a wine- mastication ot tood, and the clearness
glassful from each bottle, and throw of articulation Dental surgery has, no
them at the same time into a tumbler, doubt, generally made great progress
when it will immediately effervesce towards perfection, and the art. has at
it should be drunk in this state. This length developed itself into one of cer-
is a good soda-water, and a dozen glasses tainty, still it is more prudent to place
thus prepared will not cost more than our requirements in the hands ot those
eighteenpence. If ten drops of the that we know can give us help, than
muriated tincture of iron be previously risk getting into unskilful ones but —
put into the tumbler, an excellent and more prudent still, to take scrupulous,
pleasant tonic mineral water is made. care of those beneficently giveL into
Artificial Teeth. —The loss of our our keeping by Nature.
teeth is the loss of some of our best —
Argand Lamp. This lamp is so
friends, and, like our best friends, their named after the inventor, a Frenchman.
true value is only discovered by their The wick being cylindrical admits air
absence. Have they not from our child- to both sides of a very thin sheet of
hood materially helped us to sustain the flame, and, consequently, renders the
life God gave us t Could we have assi- combustion, or burning, ot the oil much*
milated our food without their labori- more complete than where a common
ous help '*
Have they not done the solid wick is employed, and the air can
rough part of preparation by masticat- only reach the outside of the flame.
ing and grinding our daily food for the The wick of the moderator lamp is like-
more delicate offices of the digestive that of the Argand Jamp, and differs
organs '}
But for their generous work, from it chiefly in having the oil forced
cur daily food would have been swal- up to the wick, whereas, in the Argand
lowed in indigestible lumps, and remain lamp, the oil reaches the wick only by
in the stomach only to torture us, instead its own gravity. The management of a.
of contributing to the life-blood of the lamp of any kind is rather a difficult
body. Is it not to the teeth, too, that business, therefore great care should be
we owe our perfect articulation '
Bat taken in the purchase to obtain one.
air is drawn. If the lamp is used every stand for nearly a quarter of an hour ;
night it should be cleaned daily. The pour off the water, and stir in some
methodical mode is this : —
Remove the pounded sugar boil one pint of milk,
shade carefully before you soil your and pour it gradually upon the arrow-
hands with the oil. Provide a basin of root, stirring, it one way all the time.
warm water (a little above blood heat), Or it may be made with water in which
and in wash the glass chimney, lemon-peel has been boiled, and then a
this first
then pour the oil from the fountain, glass of port or sherry and a little nut-
and remove any sediment from about meg stirred into it.
the brass work. Screw up the wick, Arrowroot Blancmange. Take a —
and if it is not long enough for the time teacupful of arrowroot to a pint of milk :
it may probably be required to burn, boil the milk with twelve sweet and six
replace it with a fresh one by means of bitter almonds, blanched and pounded ;
the stick. Having washed all the brass sweeten with loaf sugar, and strain it ;
work, wipe the parts carefully, screw break the arrowroot with a little of the
everything in its former position, and milk as smooth as possible pour the
take care in replacing the wick that the boiling milk on it by degrees, stirring
small notch at the side of the brass all the while put it back into the pan
enters the groove which is sunk to re let it boil a few minutes still stirring ;
shade, which should be done in clean lic Jamaica pepper, one ounce
; mace-, ;
water, lukewarm, with the admixture three quarters oi an ounce black pep-
of a little soda, which removes all stains, per, one ounce ginger, sliced, one
and does not injure the appearance of ounce port wine lees, one quart. Let
the ground glass. The glass chimneys the ketchup boil up, and then simmer
will sometimes crack with the heat, ten minutes skim it well, and put it
particularly in frosty weather. This away for twenty- four hours then boil ;
may be prevented by scoring a small it until reduced one half. When cold.,
notch in the glass at top and bottom. bottle it for store, and cork and wax it
Arrowroot. This starch is manu- well.
Choking. —Persons are frequently you use the precaution, it is most sure
in danger of suffocation from fish-bones, that an ordinary candle will gutter away
pins, &c., which stick in the throat. in an hour or two, sometimes ,to the
The moment an accident of this kind endangering the safety of ther^'house.
occurs, desire the patient to be perfectly This may be avoided by the placing as
still ; open his mouth, and look into it. much common salt, finely powdered, as
If you see the obstruction, endeavour from the tallow to the bottom
will reach
to seize it with your finger and thumb, of the black part of the wick of a partly-
or a long, slender pair of pincers. If itburnt candle, when, if the same be lit,
cannot be got up, and is not of a nature it will burn very slowly, yet yielding
to do any injury in the stomach, push sufficient light for a bedchamber the ;
it down with the handle of a spoon, or salt will gradually sink as the tallow is
a flexible, round piece of whalebone, consumed, the melted tallow being
the end of which is neatly covered with drawn through the salt, and consumed
a roll of linen, or anything that may be in the wick.
at hand. If you can neither get it up How to Eat an Egg. —There is an
nor down, place six grains of tartar old saying, taken from the Italian,
emetic in the patient's mouth. As it " Teach your grandmother how to suck
dissolves it will make him excessively eggs." This appears an unnecessary
sick, and in consequence of the relaxa- piece of information, as people do not
tion, the bone, or whatever it may be, suck eggs as they do oranges but as ;
will descend into the stomach, or be we believe there are few who know how
ejected from the mouth. If a pin, but- to eat one properly, we shall give the
ton, or other metallic or pointed body secret. By the usual mode of introdu-
has been swallowed or pushed into the cing the salt, it will not mix or incor-
stomach, make the patient eat plenti- porate with the egg the result is, you
fully of thick rice pudding, or some either get a quantity of salt without
other farinaceous substance. egg, or egg without salt. Put in a drop
A —
Rain-Glass. The following may or two of water, tea, coffee, or other
be depended upon as a rain-glass a ;
liquid you may have on the table at the
friend of ours says, " I have used it time, then add the salt, and stir. The
for months. Get a common pickle bot- result is far more agreeable, the drop of
tle, such as is sold at every Italian ware- liquid is not tasted.
house fill it with any kind of water,
Umbrellas. If an umbrella is wet, —
to within two or three inches of the do not unfurl it for the purpose of dry-
top plunge the neck of an empty Flo- ing it more rapidly. If you do, the
rence oil-flask into the pickle bottle. whalebones acquire a particular set,
Before rain, the water will rise two or which it is almost impossible to obviate ;
three inches in the neck of the inverted they become permanently bent, in con-
flask —
often in three or four hours. If sequence of the shrinking of the cloth
the weather is settled for fair, the water while drying, and give the umbrella
will remain not more than half an inch when furled a bulging and unseemly
high, for days, in the neck of the flask. appearance.
It never fails to foretell rain. It may Rules for Young Wives.— 1. Obey
stand in or out of doors, in sun or shade, your husband cheerfully, even though
and the water never needs changing so you think him in error it is better ;
3. If you see any imperfections in hand, and squeeze it for half a minute ;
your husband (which there may be), if good, it can be put out of the hand
do not pride yourself on your penetra- in a lump, retaining the form given to
tion in discovering them, but on your it by the hand if adulterated, it will
if you are beautiful, that it adds to your than without this precaution. No salt
weakness and dependence. will be required in making the pud-
5. If you displease him, be the first dings. In hot weather the suet should
to conciliate and to mend there is no be put into strong salt and water, to be
band's fortitude, or show your own for quart of rectified spirits of wine. Cork
ms imitation. close, and agitate it once a day for a
7. When you rise in the morning, fortnight, keeping it in a warm place.
resolve to be cheerful for the day let About a teaspoonful is sufficient at a
your smiles dispel his frowns. time in this a soft tooth-brush should
8. Take pride in concealing your hus- be dipped, and then worked into a la-
band's infirmities from others, rather ther on the teeth and gums. It clean-
than in proclaiming them ;
you will ses the teeth, strengthens the gums,
only be laughed at by all his acquaint- and sweetens the breath. Apply the
ances if you tell his faults to one. tincture in the morning, and before re- £
. —
English Stew. This is the name tiring to rest.
given to the following excellent prepar-
ation of cold meat.
Hair Oils.— When used moderately,
Cut the meat in oil tends to strengthen the hair, espe-
pepper, salt, and flour them, and cially when it is naturally dry. When
lay them in a dish. Take a few pickles used in excess, however, they clog the
of any kind, or a small quantity of pores, prevent the escape of the natural
pickled cabbage, and sprinkle over the secretions, and cause the hair to wither
meat. Then take a teacup half full of and fall off. The varieties of " oils,"
water add to it a small quantity of
" greases/' " ointments," rivalling each
the vinegar belonging to the pickles, a other in their high-sounding preten-
small quantity of ketchup, if approved sions, which are daily imposed upon
of, and any gravy that may be set by public credulity, are interminable. We
for use. Stir all together and pour over deem the following the best, and cer-
the meat. Set the meat before the fire tainly the simplest to prepare ;
with a tin behind it, or put it in a For an excellent Hair- Oil. boil to-
Dutch-oven, or in the oven of the kit- gether half a pint of port wine, one pint
then range, as may be most convenient, and a half of sweet oil, and half a pound
for about half an hour before dinner- of green southernwood. Strain the mix-
time. This is a very nice way of dress- ture several times through a linen rag,
ing cold 'meat, which is well deserving adding, at the last operation, two ounces
of attention. It is palatable, cheap, of bear's grease. If fresh southern-
and simple. wood is added each time it passes
To Test Flour. To judge if flour through the linen, the composition will
be pure and good, take a little ia the be improved.
For Thickening the Hair. To one — of eggs, sprigs of parsley, &c, according
ounce of Palma Christi oil add a suffi- to your taste pour in another half
cient quantity of bergamot or lavender inch of the jelly, while liquid, with great
to scent it. Apply it to the parts where care, so as not to discompose your gar-
it is most needed, brushing it well into nish then put either calves' brains,
three drachms of the powder of sou- up your mould with and let it
thernwood, three drachms of the bal- stand till set. When wanted dip the
sam of Peru, one and a half drachms of mould in hot water an instant, place
the ashes of the roots of bulrushes, and your dish on the top, and turn it over
a small quantity of the oil of sweet at once.
almonds. Apparel. — Let it always be borne in
Cleansing the Hair. Nothing but — mind that to buy good clothing is the
good can be derived from a due atten- cheapest whatever the price may be ;
tion to cleaning the hair. Once a week that to be too warmly clad is far safer
is perhaps desirable, but this will de- than to be too thinly clad.
pend upon the individual persons with
Clothing ought to be suited to the
light, thin, and dry hair, will require climate. Custom has, no doubt, a very
it more seldom than those with thick, great influence in the matter of dress ;
greasy hair, or who perspire very freely. but no custom can ever change the na-
Nothing is better than soap and water. ture of things so far as to render the
The soap should be mild and plentifully same clothing fit for an inhabitant of
rubbed in the hair. Nova Zembla and the island of Jamaica.
Aspic. Take a knuckle of veal, a In youth, while the blood is hot and
knuckle of ham, a thick slice of beef, the perspiration free, it is less necessary
and, if these will not make your jelly to cover the body with a great quantity
stiff enough, add two calves' feet, or of clothes ;but in the middle and de-
some swards of bacon, rasped put ;
cline of life, when the skin becomes
them into a saucepan with one pint of rigid and the humours more cool, the
rich stock, and sweat it over a stove till clothing should be increased.
reduced to a glaze then moisten it
; The clothing ought likewise to be
with stock, boil and skim it well. Put suited to the period of the year. Clo-
to it two onions, two carrots, salt, pars- thing may be warm enough for summer
ley, scallions, four cloves, one clove of which is 03^110 means sufficient for win-
garlic, and two bay leaves let the
; ter. The greatest caution, however, is
whole stew for seven hours, then strain necessary in making these changes.
off the liquor. Break four eggs into a We ought neither to put off' our winter
stewpan, and put to them the liquor clothes too soon, nor to wear our sum-
when cold, the juice of two lemons, mer ones too long. It would likewise
And two tablespoonfuls of tarragon, and be prudent not to make the change all
beat it with a whisk over the tire till at once, but to do it gradually. Every
near boiling, and when it does so re- person 'of discernment will perceive that
move your stewpan to a smaller fire, most of the colds which prove so de-
and place lire on the lid for half an structive to the inhabitants of Britain
hour then pass it through a w et dou-
areow ing to their imprudence in chang-
tempted to be mended by dress. All Infants and children are less apt to
attempts of this nature are highly per- have their perspiration checked than
nicious. The most destructive of them persons who are more advanced in life,
amongst ladies is that of depressing the and, therefore, less apt to catch cold.
waist into unnatural dimensions. By From the change of childhood to the
this practice (not so much observed, thirty-fifth year, the strength of the vi-
we are happy to say, as formerly) the tal powers, and ? brisk circulation, tend
action of the stomach and bowels, the very much to keep up an equal perspi-
motion of the heart and lungs, and al- ration ; but, after that period, the force
most all the vital functions are ob- of the circulation being lessened, the
structed. Hence proceed indigestion, clothing by day, and the covering by
syncopes, fainting fits, coughs, consump- night, should be gradually increased,
tion of the lungs, and other complaints for many of the diseases of advanced
so common among females. life are produced or exasperated by ob-
feet likewise too often suffer by structed perspiration.
pressure. Howa small foot not of Na- Upon the whole, however, after the
ture's making, came to be considered age of thirty-five, it mav be better to
genteel we will not pretend to say ; but exceed rather than be deficient in clo-
certain it is that this notion has made thing. Habit or custom always merits
many persons lame. Corns are univer- great attention. If persons have been
sal, andthis painful excrescence is sel- accustomed to warm clothing, there will
dom occasioned but by tight boots or always be hazard in sudden changes of
shoes. Corns are not only very trou- every kind.
blesome, but by rendering people un- Persons of delicate and irritable con-
able to walk, they may likewise be con- stitutions, whose powers are weak and
sidered as the remote cause of other circulation languid and unsteady, ,are
diseases. apt to have the perspiration checked
The size and figure of the shoe ought by very slight causes. This also hap-
certainly to be adapted to the foot. In pens to invalids, whose complaints are
children the feet are as well shaped as thereby much increased. Until the
the hands, and the motion of the toes constitution, therefore, has been per-
as free and easy as that of the fingers ;
manently strengthened, and, indeed,
yet few persons in an advanced period hardened, by being gradually habitu-
of life are able to make any use of their ated to air and exercise, they ought
toes ; they are generally squeezed all rather to exceed than be deficient in
of a heap by narrow shoes, and often the quantity of clothing.
laid one over another in such a manner Such addition to the clothing ought
as to be rendered altogether incapable to be made to it in cold and damp wea-
of motion. Nor is the high heel less ther as to protect the body against the
hurtful than the narrow toe. A lady sudden and severe impressions of either.
may seem taller for walking on her tip- Invalids should have clothing accommo-
toes, but she will never walk well in dated to different seasons and changes
this manner. It strains her joints, dis- of weather — those particularly who are
torts her limbs, makes her stoop, and subject to coughs, those whose nerves
utterly destroys all her ease and grace- are weak or irritable, and those who are
fulness of motion. It is entirely owing subject to fits of languor or depres-
to shoes with high heels and narrow sion.
toes that not one female in ten can be —
Apricot Marmalade. Take some
said to walk well. and choose from amongst
fine apricots,
Children should from the birth be them those that are of the deepest yel-
habituated to light clothing, not only low and ripe, but not too ripe. Peel
by day but in bed, for nothing contri- them, and take out the stones weigh
butes more to form the constitution. twelve pounds of the flesh of the fruit,
some on the end of the finger and the photograph will not make good any
thumb, and rubbing them together. If imperfections in it.
on separating them the marmalade Indeed, it is advisable to sharpen up
forms a thread, it is quite done. the generality of photographs with sepia
Chromo- Photography. This .is so and lake, ere you lay on the flesh and
simple an accomplishment, that any carnations because these colours ma-
one ignorant of art may easily practise teria^ reduce the strength of the pho-
it, • tograph, and after they are laid on it is
The colours, &c., are not expensive, too late to sharpen up. It is therefore
and the work is permanent. The small- advisable to put in a few spirited touches
est miniature, and the life-size portrait, in the eyes, eyebrows, nostrils, mouth,
can be done with little trouble and and hair at first, before you proceed to
cost. The few articles required are to the Colouring, which is thus accomp-
be obtained at Messrs. Barnard and lished :—
Son's fine-art depository, 339, Oxford We suppose your picture to be trans-
Street, as well as the necessary direc- parent and quite dry, and ready there-
tions. fore for the application of the colours.
The photograph is not to be mounted Unscrew the cup, and squeeze from the
on card- board, but thrown into warm bottom of the tube a small quantity of
water, to soak out as much of the size the tints you require on to the palette,
as possible. Afterwards it is to be tho- and mix with them a little of the Me-
roughly dried, and laid on a sheet of dium of the latter use only sufficient
glass, face downwards. It then receives to make them work agreeably, for they
a coat of the varnish, or several coats, must not be too thin do not mix much ;
until it be perfectly transparent. When more than you require, for the colours,
the varnish is quite dry, proceed to after some hours, will dry and become
colour the photograph, always working useless. For the sake of clearness we
on the back. You may, if you like, lay will suppose that it is a portrait of mo-
on the varnish before you put the pho- derate size you propose to colour. First
tograph on the glass.; but whichever apply the appropriate colour (pink) to
way you adopt, it will be necessary to the lips and cheeks very sparingly, soft-
place a slip of gummed paper over the ening the latter with a dry brush. In
edges of the photograph, so that it may order to see the effect of your work re-
remain steadfast on the glass while you verse the picture, without removing it
are at work. from the glass, and place a piece of
The photograph to be painted must, white paper, behind it if not sufficiently ;
by all. means, be a good sharp impres- softened at the edges of the colour use
sion if it be not you should make it the dry brush again.
; Next will come
up with water colour hefore you varnish the high lights, small touches of white
it, and after it has been soaked. Indian to the eyes, and to the prominent parts
ink and lake, or lake and sepia, mixed of the objects (particularly polished
to the colour of the photograph, must ones.) upon which the light strikes.
— thus bright scarlet used upon a dark one of the most common is the douche
photograph, produces almost a brick bath, in which a single jet of water,
colour, or if very dark and warm, a ma- varying in size from the thickness of
roon while if the photograph is {very a quill pen to that of a man's arm, is
pale, it remains scarlet. Again, bright projected with great force, either from
yellow, seen through the photograph, is above, below, or one side, upon a par-
the appropriate colour for flaxen hair. ticular part of the body. The sitz bath
Except the cheeks, as a rule, paint is taken sitting besides which there
brighter than the required tint. A lit- are the foot-bath, hand-bath, &c. Some-
tle judgment and practice will soon times, when the patient is sitting in a
enable you to hit upon the appropriate warm or tepid- bath, cold water is poured
colours. You may, when you doubt the over the head and upper part of the
effect of a colour, try it upon your pic- person. Pieces of coarse linen, satu-
ture (keeping it as far as possible from rated with cold water, are also applied
the other colours) and if it does not to the skin, and covered over Avith dry
satisfy you, take a piece of linen, damped cloths, and re-moistened several times
with the spirit, and remove it, and trj? a day. The wet sheet packing is one
again. of the characteristics of the system. It
The colours may
be mixed with each consists in the patient being closely
other, and it will be frequently neces- enveloped in a sheet, wrung out of cold
sary to add white to them, —
thus, for water, and then covered over with dry
the sky, the blue must be mixed with blankets. The great importance of hy-
the white for water, blue, green* and
; dropathy consists in the healthy stimu-
white and so on,
; lus which it gives to the nerves, bracing
"When the colouring is finished and them, and acting as a tonic and soother
perfectly dry, pass a penknife round to the whole system.
Tatting. This branch of needle- cesses, and rendered of more general
work, although it may be considered of utilityby the manner in which it is now
recent introduction in modern times, is practised. The old tatting, although
merely a revival of an art practised by performed in the same stitch, was al-
our grandmothers. It has, however, ways worked with one thread only and
been considerably extended in its pro- although in modern practice this still
Fig. 6.
applies to simple patterns, a great ad- applied to a great number of purposes,
vance has been made by the introduc- such as, in white cotton, to edgings and
tion of two threads for more compli- insertions for trimming under- clothing
cated designs. A new element of va- and baby- linen, for making caps, for
riety has also been secured by the in-, trimming aprons of black silk or satin,
traduction of " purls," or loops. and summer dresses in any washing
As a description of work which can material, for anti-macassars, d'oyleys,
be conveniently carried in a very small and, in black, or a
toilette- covers, &c. ;
but, in our opinion, less successfully ring and pin (Fig. 2) is used by most
than in cotton. tatters, and is undoubtedly useful in
The chief implement used in tatting coarse work but its place may be sup-
ua the shuttle (Fig. 1), in selecting which plied by an ordinary pin of a large size,
care should be taken to choose one that and for fine work the latter is in our
is long and not too thick, as it is easily opinion preferable. A shuttle in ivory
refilled and the cotton joined by a knot, costs sixpence, and they may be bought
whilst it is difficult to pass a thick and o higher prices, one in tortoiseshell
clumsy shuttle through the loops. The costing two sh: Rinj and })ias
pence-halfpenny per reel of 200 yards. tight, or there will be danger, in begin-
In proceeding to work, the end of ning, of forming the stitch in it upon
the cotton is passed through the hole the cotton of the circle, which would
in the shuttle, and the shuttle is filled make a knot, and prevent the cotton of
with cotton to about level with the the circle being drawn up when re-
sides, but not fuller, as that would have quired.
a tendency to force the ends open. The The second part of the stitch resem-
ring is placed over the left thumb, and bles the first, except that instead of
the pin allowed to hang down. The passing the shuttle first under and then
tatting-stitch consists of two parts ; over the cotton, it has, in this instance,
to be passed first over and back under. For the third leaf of the trefoil,make
By this double action, a number of four stitches, and join as before then
stitches, varying accordiug to the pat- four and a purl, then eight, and draw
tern, have to be formed in succession, together. Before making the next tre-
which are then to be drawn into a ring foil, carry along the cotton for the length
by releasing the circle of cotton from of the last then begin and proceed as
modern tatting the necessity for sewing foils with the connecting stems, the
together is obviated by the use of loops rings being worked upon the thread of
or " purls," which are made by intro- the shuttle, the stems upon that of the
ducing the pin through the first half reel. "When the length of this is com-
of a stitch, and leaving it there till the pleted, the line at the bottom by which
cotton issecured by making the second it is to be sewn
to the linen, with the
half, when the pin may be removed. small connecting ring?, are added ; the
By hooking the cotton through the loop former being worked on the thread of
thus formed while making the next the reel, the latter on that of the
ring, the two are firmly joined. shuttle.
In tatting with two threads, the end Fig. 7 is a pattern which, as we have
of the cotton on the shuttle and the shown it, is best adapted for laying on
end of the cotton on the reel have to dresses, aprons, &c, as a trimming, or,
be tied together in a firm knot. This if the squares be brought side to side
knot has to be held between the thumb instead of corner to corner, it will make
and forefinger of the left hand and ; a good insertion pattern. The stems
instead of forming a circle of cotton and rings are of course worked on two
upon the fingers, that thread which is threads, as in the last. When one
attached to the reel is twisted several square is completed, the cotton must be
times round the middle finger, as shown broken off and the joining made, as
in Fig. 4. From this the stitches and shown, by the purl.
loops are made upon the cotton in the Fig. 8 is a round pattern, suited for
shuttle in the same manner as before. an anti- macassar, by simply repeating
Tatting with two threads thus admits it tillthe desired size is reached, or for
of making lines either straight or curved, a d'oyley, by surrounding it with circles
whilst with the single thread rings only of rings and lines like the two outer-
can be formed, and for any elaborate most, but of proportionately larger size
pattern a combinat'on of the two me- in their details. In working this the
thods is necessary. four rings in the centre are made with
In Fig. 5 is shown a simple pattern, one thread the cotton is then broken
suitable for use as edging, to be worked off, and all the successive circles after-
in one thread only. This might well wards are made with two threads. The
form a first lesson for a beginner. The cotton must be broken off at the com-
cotton being taken upon the fingers, as pletion of each circle.
shown in Fig. 3, eight stitches have to Tatting is a description of work for
be formed, then a purl, then four stitches which no great number of patterns is
and a purl, then four more stitches, and required its elements are so simple
draw the ring together. In the second that, by merely introducing well-ar-
ring, four stitches are made, and the ranged repetitions, it is easy to produce
cottonis hooked by means of the pin a variety of pleasing and original de-
through the purl on the last ring then
; signs, and one of its peculiar advantages
eight stitches and a purl, then four is, that any pattern can readily be al-
stitches, and draw the ring together. tered to suit the shapes and require-
better plan is to soak it in clean spring 1. Take about two pounds of shin of.
water for twenty- four hours before beef, five or six ounces of barley, a bit.
washing. two or three sliced onions,,
of parsley,
Tatting work should be starched with with salt and pepper cut the meat into
very thin starch only, and every loop small pieces, and having broken the
should be picked out with a pin before bone, place itin a pot with four quarts
ironing, which should be done with a of water ;
potatoes, cabbage, indeed
very cool iron. Exceedingly fine tat- any vegetable on hand, or left the day
ting should be got up without the use before, may beadded. Boil gently for
of any starch whatever. four or five hours.
Pie- Making". — There is no article of 2. Soak a quart of split peas for a
cookery more worthy of admiration, or day in cold water, and then put them
more appetising, than a well-made pie. into a boiler with five quarts of water,,
It is always in season, and a general and two pounds of boiled potatoes, cold,,
favourite. Some are best eaten when and mashed, with herbs, three small
cold, and in that case suet should not onions sliced, pepper and salt to taste.
be mixed with the forcemeat should
; Cover close, and gently boil for four or
the pie be made of meat that requires five hours, or until reduced to six quarts
more dressing to make it tender than of water.
the baking of the crust will allow, or Danger from Eating Nuts. Me- —
should you wish to send it up in a dical men advise that salt should be
raised pie form, follow these instruc- taken with nuts, especially when eaten
tions ; —
Take three pounds of a veiny at night. " One time," says a writer y
piece of beef that has fat and lean, wash " while enjoying a visit from a friend,
it, place it in a stewpan, season it with hickory nuts were served in the evening,
pepper, salt, ground mace, and allspice, when my friend called for salt, stating
and stand it on a very slow fire let a
; that he knew the case of a woman eat-
piece of butter be put at the bottom of ing heartily of nuts in the evening, who*
the stewpan, which should only just was taken violently ill. The celebrated
hold it, and cover it over keep it sim-
; Dr. Abernethy was sent for, but it was
mering in its own gravy until it begins after he had become too fond of his
to sink down in the stewpan, then add cup, and he was not in a condition to
a little more seasoning, some forcemeat, go he muttered, " Salt, salt," of which
Birds in their Natural Feathers, comes through and smears the feathers.
r—To produce pictures of birds with Be cautious not to have your coat of
their natural feathers is a very delight- gum too moist or wet. When you have
ful and instructive employment. Take wholly covered your bird with its fea-
a thin board or panel of deal and very thers, you must, with a little thick gum,
smoothly paste on it two or three layers stick on a piece of paper, cut round, of
of white paper. When the paper is the size of an eye, which you must
quite dry, get any bird you wish to paint like the eye of the bird glass ;
represent, and draw its figure as exactly eyes, however, may be purchased at the
as possible on the papered panel then naturalist's shops. When the whole is
paint what tree or ground-work you in- dry, dress the feathers all round the
tend to set your bird upon, also its bill outline, and rectify the defects in every
and legs, leaving the rest of the body other part. Then lay it on a sheet of
to be covered with its own feathers. clean paper, and a heavy weight, such
Next prepare that part to be feathered as a book, to press it after which it ;
by laying on thick gum arabic, dissolved may be preserved in a glass frame, and
in water. Two or three coats of gum then it forms a very pretty ornament.
•are necessary in order to produce a good Chilblain Liniment. —One ounce of
body on the paper. When your design camphorated spirit of wine, half an
is so far produced, take the feathers off ounce of liquid subacetate of lead mix;
the bird as you use them, beginning at and apply in the usual way three or four
the tail and points of the wings, and times a day. Some persons use vinegar
working upward to the head, observing as a preventive ; its efficacy may be in-
to cover that part of the draught with creased by the addition to the vinegar
the feathers taken from the same part of one-fourth of its quantity of cam-
•of the bird, letting them fall over one phorated spirit.
another in their natural order. You Window Plants. —
During January
must prepare your feathers by cutting and February the summer flowering
off the downy parts that are about their window plants such as geraniums, fuch-
stems, and the large feathers must have sias, &c, should be kept as nearly dor-
the insides of their shafts shaved off* mant as possible, allowing just enough
with a sharp knife, to make them lie water to prevent flagging, and all the
fiat the quills of the wings must have
light that can be spared from the more
their inner webs clipped off, so that in interesting division of winter bloomers,
laying them the gum may hold them of the latter class such things as China-
by their shafts. When you begin to roses, cinerarias, hyacinths, and other
Jay them, take a pair of steel pliers to bulbs, will now be in an active state.
hold the feathers in, and have some some of them flowering, and others
gum -water, not too thin, and a large about to do so, these must be liberally
pencil ready to moisten the ground- treated with water. Mignonette, how-
work by little and little, as you work ever, must be excepted. Above every-
it then lay your feathers on the moist-
: thing keep the leaves clean, they are
ened parts, which must not be waterish, few in number, and feeble in action,
but only clammy, to hold the feathers. but they have yet an important func-
You must have prepared several leaden tion to perform, and without they are
weights, which you may form in the kept as healthy as possible, the plant
shape of sugar-loaves by means of a cannot begin a new growth with the
stick,by casting the lead in sand. vigour it is desirable it should possess.
These weights will be necessary to The pots should be occasionally scrub-
set on the feathers when you have bed with clean water, but do not paint
merely laid them on, in order to press or otherwise fill up their pores, for air
them into the gum till they are fixed ;
is as essential to the roots as to the fo-
i*rt you must be cautious lest the gum liage, and no inconsiderable quantity
lands its way to them through the sides tiful window ornaments, and occasion,
of a clean pot ; with the same view the but trouble, at this time they are
surface of the soil should be frequently coming rapidly into bloom. Look for,
stirred ;the process keeps it open, pre- and destroy insects of all sorts every
vents the growth of moss and weeds, few days, they multiply so fast, that
and imparts a better appearance. The without constant attention, the plants
water given should always be rather are soon overrun. The leaves must be
warmer than the atmosphere of the kept clear of dust.
room, and rain water slightly heated is From May forward till the middle of
+ he best. September, plants in pots may be placed
In February the whole of these plants out of doors they are, in fact, better
will be benefited by re-potting. Ge- in the open air, than in the heated at-
raniums and fuchsias delight in light mosphere of a room. Except in stormy
rich earth ; calceolarias (lady's slipper,) seasons they may stand out night and
roses, the chimney campanula, and day, in some slightly sheltered spot. As
others which grow as freely, should a precaution against the effects of strong
have a large proportion of loam ; what- sunlight, it is advisable to place the pots
ever manure is added for either must in which the plants grow, into others a
be thoroughly decayed. The pots should size or two larger, and fill the space
be thoroughly clean inside and out between them with moss
for many
take care to have each properly drained plants, having fibrous slender roots, are
with pieces of slate or potsherds, in size easily injured by the heat of the sun
and number proportionate to the pot, scorching them through the pot. Such
the larger ones require from one to as stand upon the ground should have
three inches of this drainage. In re- a thick layer of ashes spread for them,
moving the plants take off the matted to prevent worms from creeping in ;
fibres with a knife, loosen the soil mo- wash their leaves frequently with clean
derately, and when in its place press water, and remove insects. When any
the new earth tightly round it give a portion of the collection is kept in-
gentle watering, and keep them rather doors, a window facing the north or west
warm for a few days afterwards they is to be preferred, and plenty of air-
should have plenty of air on fine days, must be admitted. As soon as gera-
and water as they become dry ; station niums have done flowering, they should
each where they may receive the direct be cut down, repotted, and the tops
light, and pay particular attention to struck to form plants for next year.
keeping the leaves clean. This is a good time to propagate nearly
On the attention given to window all kinds of pot-plants ; most of them
plants through the month of April, most strike with freedom on a warm border
of the success for the season will de- in a sandy soil, covered with a glass,
pend. The plants are now, or ought to and kept moderately watered. Myrtles,
be, in very active growth, which must and some other hard-wooded plants,
be encouraged by moderate and regular may be struck by placing the cuttings
supplies of water and air. Pinch out for about half their length, into a phial
the points of the growing shoots of such filled with water. Seeds must be sown
plants as are required to become bushy. in light earth as soon as they are toler-
This, with such plants as geraniums, ably light.
fuchsias, myrtles, and others of similar In July, fuchsias in a growing state
habit, is very necessary. Cactuses must should receive a final potting place ;
have a sunny position, and plenty of them in large perfectly clean pots, using
water. Mignonette in pots and boxes a mixture of turfy loam and peat, or
will require thinning so as to leave the leaf mould ; train the shoots, and water
plant about three inches apart. The liberally ; geraniums that have done
several kinds of China-roses form beau- flowering should be repotted ; they re-
quire a lighter soil, such as one part young plants of the Chinese primrose
turfy loam, two parts leaf\^ mould, and should be placed three or four to-
the remainder sand cut down the tops
; gether, in pots of rich light earth, and
to within two or three joints of their nursed to forward their growth as far
base, and set the plants in a warm shel- as possible.
tered place to induce them to grow In September the geraniums cut
again ; the cuttings may be struck in a down in July will be pushing forth a
frame or a hand-glass, and will form number of young shoots these must
keep them and similar plants, as the a small pot, and treat them as the older
cyclamen, &c, in the most shaded place plants. Young plants of myrtles, and
out of doors. The whole tribe of lilies indeed all others that are properly
are handsome window plants, and some rooted, should receive similar treatment.
of the dwarf Japan kinds peculiarly Cinerarias are among the most useful of
adapted for the purpose they are just spring-flowering plants, and if a few
beginning to bloom and should have seedlings can be obtained now (Sep- 1
plenty of air and water. The Chinese tember) they will make nice plants,
primrose may be sown in pots of light with the treatment recommended for
rich earth, and if covered with a piece geraniums. Cyclamen, Guernsey, or
of glass, will vegetate q uickly, and form belladonna lilies, and lachenalias, should
nice plants by the autumn. Propaga- be repotted the first and last are very
should be attended to without loss of are of reasonable price, and well worth
time. Water all the plants with regu- adding to the usual stock of window-
larity, and in quantities proportionate plants. Fill a few pots with fibrous
to their size and the state of the wea- loam, and sprinkle them over with
ther but particularly keep the leaves mignonette, nemophilla insignis, and
give air whenever the weather will per- ering plants must still form the excep-
mit, and at all times let them enjoy tion as mentioned last month.
whatever sunshine occurs, and unin- Excellent and Cheap Biscuits.
terrupted light. Now that the respir- Flour, two pounds, and a large table-
ing power of the leaves becomes less- spoonful of arrowroot ; carbonate of
ened, it is most essential that every ammonia, a small teaspoonful finely
particle of dust be carefully removed ;
powdered ; butter, one ounce new ;
the surface of the soil in which they milk, half a pint, and rather less than
grow should be occasionally stirred to a quarter of a pint of boiling water.
keep it clean and porous, and even the Rub the arrowroot and the ammonia
outsides of the pots should be washed into the flour dry dissolve the butter
for the same end. If it be necessary to in the hot water, then add the milk,
stand the pots in saucers when the and gradually mix the whole with the
plants are watered, the waste which flour. Well beat the dough till it is
runs through should be regularly emp- thoroughly mingled and tough. Roll ,
tied away, as much mischief ensues out very thin cut out in rounds, and
from allowing the roots to remain in stab with a docker. A docker is a hoop
the water. of tin or brass, in which is set a frame
The directions given for the month of points something like a harrow so ;
should have the water changed once or sugar, finely pounded, three ounces ;
twice a week. Chrysanthemums in carbonate of ammonia, two drachms ;
pots require plenty of water while in almond flavouring or essence of lemon,
bloom, and when their beauty declines, eight drops two eggs well beat the
; ;
the plants should be taken to a warm eggs, sugar, and flavouring, then add
part of the garden, or placed in a light the flour and ammonia, and thoroughly
shed to complete their maturity. mix the whole. Drop on buttered tins,
During December, if the geraniums leaving plenty of space between, as the
or other plants taken from the borders cakes will expand in baking. Thus, if
in autumn, exhibit signs of rottenness, the drop be the size of a shilling, allow
remove the decaying parts, and dust it the space of a half-crown. Bake in a
the wounds with quicklime or sulphur, quick oven a very short time. An Ame-
keep them comparatively dry, and as rican oven in front of a clear fire bakes
much exposed to the sun as possible these cakes very nicely.
air is essential whenever it can be ad-
Rice Cakes. Groun^ rice and loaf
mitted. Water sparingly, keep the sugar pounded, of each, half a pound ;
haves clean, and wait patiently. Flow- essence of almonds, eight drops ; four
or five eggs, well beaten up may be kind, they are insufficient for a perma-
dropped on buttered tins as the above nent cure, and afford but temporary
article, or may be baked in one deep relief.
tin as a whole cake. The tin must be By painstaking, however, corns may
previously battered and dusted with be got rid of. Corns are occasionally
loaf sugar; also lay at top a piece of picked out in such a manner that, by
white paper buttered. avoiding the cause of their production,
Rice Froth. A cheap and orna- namely, tight boots or shoes, they do
mental dish. For one-third of a pound not return a skilful hand, by means
of rice, allow one quart of new milk, the of a strong finger-nail, or a poir ::ed, but
whites of three eggs, three ounces of not a cutting instrument, wears out
loaf sugar finely pounded, a stick of and tears away the substance from its
cinnamon, or eight or ten drops of al- hold. This kind of treatment answers
mond flavouring, and a quarter of a very well for round hard corns but- ;
pound of raspberry jam. Boil the rice some corns are flat and considerably
in a pint, or rather less, of water when spread out, and they cannot be pulled
the water is absorbed, add the milk, out in such a manner. When corns
and let it go on boiling till quite tender, are removed in this way, ever so skil-
keeping it stirred to prevent burning. fully, they are still apt to form again,
If cinnamon or laurel leaves are used, in the same or in some degree, though,
boil them with the milk, and remove as has been said, they sometimes dis-
them when the rice is sufficiently done appear. The method is usually followed
it in a glass dish or china bowl. Beat concentrated acetic acid, and from time
up the egg whites and sugar to a froth, to time scraping away what is possible
cover the rice with it, and stick bits of with the thumb or finger nail. This
raspberry jam over the top. plan is frequently tried without a suc-
Hard and Soft Corns.— When a cessful result, merely because the acid
corn has once been produced on a part, obtained is of insufficient strength.
the part goes on producing it, so that Acetic acid, when strong, which may
when you pare a corn, if shoes be dis- be said to be concentrated vinegar, is
continued entirely, it grows again. The adapted to effect a gradual removal of
part is said to have acquired a habit. corns, without making a sore place.
The fact is, that the vascular part of Strong mineral acids burn the skin.
the skin which forms or throws out the In the hands of a surgeon, caustic,
scarf-skin, becomes adapted to grow too or strong acids, are applied for the ra-
much of this. So then, when a person dical cure of corns with the desired ef-
once has a corn, it is found trouble- fect. When a corn is effectually picked
some and difficult to get* rid of. The out in the manner above described, or
first thing to be done with this object when it is reduced by the continued
is to begin with what would have been application of acetic acid, the surgeon,
sufficient to prevent the corn, wearing by the continued application of caustic,
well- fitting and easy shoes. By this or a mineral acid, may destroy what he
means simply, corns will at least be less calls the matrix, or secreting surface, so
troublesome, and will sometimes, after as to prevent further reproduction.
a while, disappear. There are soft corns and hard corns,
There can be no objection to paring, and this difference puzzles people. We
scraping, rasping, or picking corns. But have hitherto bee» talking about hard
these methods of relief, though per- corns. Soft corns are soaked corns ;
fectly necessary to one's comfort now they are corns which grow between the
emd then, are all of merely a make- shift toes, when these rub against their fel-
tal, Tins, Brasses, and Coppers. strain through a sieve. Flavour with an
This excellent paste is composed of rot- onion, and pepper and salt.
ten stone, soft soap, and oil of turpen- This is not given as the most econo-
tine. The stone must be powdered and mical method of preparing beef -tea, or
sifted through a muslin or hair sieve ;
broth, for common family purposes, but
mix with it as much soft soap as will as the best, when it is wanted as a re-
bring it to the stiffness of putty to ; storative in illness, or for the food of
about half a pound of this, add two young children.
ounces of oil of turpentine. It may be Black Currant Lozenges. — Boil or
made up in balls, or put in pots it will ;
bake the fruit in a jar stopped close.
soon become hard, and will keep any When the juice separates, strain through
length of time. The following is the a coarse sieve. Measure the juice, and
method of using —
The articles to be
: boil briskly for half an hour. The more
polished should be perfectly freed from the juice has evaporated before adding
grease and dirt. Moisten a little of the sugar, the better. For every full
the paste with water, smear it over the quart of juice (as measured into the pan,
article to be polished, then rub briskly not reduced by boiling) allow Fine —
tvith dry rag or wash-leather, and it will loaf sugar, three ounces, best gum arabic,
soon bear a beautifui polish. .
finely powdered, three drachms, cream
Eggsm Cakes. In making cakes, of tartar,three drachms. The gum
whatever eggs are to be used, should must be mixed in a cup or basin with a
be added after ail the other ingredients very small quantity of the boiling juice,
are thoroughly mixed. By observing stirred briskly to it till quite smooth,
this rule, two eggs will be found to go then stir it to the whole. Boil the
as far in enriching the cake and making mass till it is very stiff and candies on
it light, as three would do, if added at the sides of the pan. Pour it on dishes
an earlier stage of the preparation. or plates turned upside down the
Nutritious Beef-Tea. The most thickness should not exceed one- eighth
tender and juicy parts of the animal of an inch. Dry in the sun or in an
should be chosen there is no part American oven, placed in front of a fire,
equal to the meat which runs length- but at a considerable distance. When
ways along the bones of the Joins. The one side begins to harden, carefully turn
process of preparing should be com- on other plates of the same size. When
pleted quickly, not carried on by slow quite hard and dry cut out in lozenges.
simmering. A good moderate broth is For this purpose, a sharp tin cutter is
made in the proportion of a quart of the best instrument. The form should
water to a pound of meat. -When very be either square, diamond, or hexagonal,
rich tea is required for invalids in a that the pieces may be cut one close to
state of great weakness, who perhaps another without waste. Shake among
can receive but a spoonful or two at a the lozenges a little magnesia to prevent
time, the weight of meat should equal sticking. Keep them a wide-mouthed m
that of water, a pound to a pint. The bottle, with a glass stopper or in tin ;
weight allowed should be of lean meat, boxes, between layers of white paper,
perfectly free from skin, bone, and fat. in a very dry place. These iozenges
Chop the meat as fine as sausage meat. may be made with the entire fruit.
Pour over it the quantity required of Proceed exactly as above directed, ex-
boiling water, and set it on the fire when cept omitting to strain after the baking
it boils up, throw in a little salt, and a or first boiling.
piece of bread slowly toasted, not burnt Damson or BlacK Currant Cheese.
let it boil briskly from twenty minutes —
These are sometimes made with the
to half an hour, which should not be whole skins and pulp of the fruit, some-
exceeded do not take off" the scum, times with the pulp only.
; In either
but stir it down as it rises. When done case, the fruit is to be nrst baked or
boiled in a stone jar till perfectly ten- worn, cannot easily be injured. This
der and the juice runs freely if dam-; is quite correct but there is an agent
sons, the stones separate. If the skins by which it may very quickly be in-
are to be retained, there is only to re- jured, if ladies are not careful namely, ;
move the damson stones with a silver the rays of the sun through glass win-
spoon. Measure the pulp into a pre- dows. Dr. Ure says ft To the same :
serving pan, brass skillet, or enamelled cause (the sun and glass) must be as-
saucepan set it over a clear, brisk fire,
; cribed the decay remarked in stuffs
and Jet it boil briskly till the liquid has themselves by the action of light. I
evaporated and the fruit become dry. might adduce several examples of this
Then add powdered loaf sugar, in the fact ;among others I might mention a
proportion of half a pound to one quart curtain of fugitive crimson taffeta, which
of pulp, as measured into the vessel. had remained long stretched behind a
Stir it well, Let it go on boiling till window all the parts which were op-
the jam candies to the sides of the pan. posite the panes of glass were entirely
Pour into shallow vessels, such as pot- deprived of colour, whilst those which
ting jars, saucers, &c. In a day or two corresponded to the wood of the case-
turn them down on a clean dry shelf. ment were much less faded, and, fur-
Good and Bad Meat. Dr. Letheby ther, the silk itself was almost destroyed
-states the following characteristics by in the discoloured parts, where the cur-
which good and bad meat may be dis- tains could be torn with the slightest
tinguished. Good meat is neither of a effort, while it retained elsewhere its
pale pinkish colour, nor of a deep purple usual strength. The injury to the cur-
tint. The former is indicative of disease, tains could in great measure, be reme-
and the latter a sign that the animal died by having the blinds down when
has died from natural causes. Good the sun is out.
meat has also a marble appearance from Flavouring for Puddings.— When
the ramifications of little veins of in- the hawthorn is in blossom, gather the
tercellular fat ; and the fat, especially buds, which are like little white peas,
of the interior organs, is hardy and and put them into wine bottles let ;
isuety, and is never wet ; whereas that each bottle be three parts full, and then
of diseased meat is soft and watery, fill it up with British brandy. In two
often like jelly or soddened parchment. months it is fit for use. This is used
Again, the touch or feel of healthy meat for plum pudding, custards, &c, and is
is firm and elastic, and it hardly mois- delightful as a flavouring.
tens the fingers whereas that of diseased
; Cure for Wasp Stings. — It is a fact
meat is often soft and wet in fact it worth knowing at the season of the year
is often so soft and wet that serum runs when wasps are troublesome with their
from it, and then it is technically called stings, that no application will afford
wet. Good meat has but little odour, such instantaneous relief as a drop of
and this is not disagreeable whereas
; liquor of potassse, (potash- water) ; in-
bad meat smells faint and cadaverous, deed its effects are so unfailing, that it
and it often has the odour of medicine. may be termed a specific cure. It ope-
This is best observed by cutting it and rates by neutralising the injected poison,
smelling the knife, or by pouring a little which is undoubtedly of an acrid na-
warm water upon it. Good meat will ture. Families and persons who have
bear cooking without shrinking, and the care of children, will do well to
without losing very much in weight have always at hand a small quantity
but bad meat shrivels up, and it often of this solution, which should be kept
boils to pieces. in a stoppered phial. It is not an ex-
The Sun Causing Curtains to Rot. pensive application a quarter of an ;
the remaining edges, leaving no wrinkles water and strain oft when done. Cool
on the surface. Paste the back of the quickly and work with yeast. When
map or print, fold it together, and let the working begins to subside the liquor
it remain until the paper is soaked, then sinks, and the froth draws together in
open it, and place it evenly on the can- a sort of flat cake skim it, and put the
vas, cover it with a sheet of clean paper, liquor to the vine leaves in the cask
and, beginning in the middle, rub it bung it down, and leave it in a cellar or
down carefully with the hand, going other convenient place for a month or
from the centre all round to the edges, six weeks —
then draw off the liquor
until all the air is excluded, and the clear, empty the cask of the vine leaves
paper adheres closely to the canvas. — soak, scald, and thoroughly dry it ;
When quite dry, with a large camel's return the liquor and with it one pint
hair brush lay on a coating of parch- of ordinary vinegar, a handful of cher-
ment size, repeating this when dry ;
vil, and two ounces of raisins to every
.New milk a pint, and four eggs well and work with yeast, as the foregoing
beaten ; sugar, powdered, three
loaf —
articles adding when the work sub-
jounces almond flavouring, or pure es-
sides, vinegar, raisins, and put the whole
sence of lemon, eight drops vermecelli, ; into the cask. The vinegar will be fit
from two to three ounces butter, from ; for use in one month, then tighten the-
one to two ounces. Butter a deep dish, bung.
into which put the milk, eggs, sugar, Dried Flowers.— Many ladies living
butter, and flavourings, well mixed —
lay in towns are in the habit of taking oc-
the vermecelli at top, and grate nutmeg casional walks in the country. It would
over ; bake for half an hour a few add much to the pleasure of these walks
thin silces of bread and butter, with to carefully gather all the wild flowers
currants strewed at top, make an agree- they can discover, for they will be looked
able variety. at with pleasure by those sisters who
Vine Leaf Vinegar. Fresh ga- for the want of health or opportunity
thered vine leaves with their foot stalks, have not been able to get abroad where
and any vine shoots of the season, that the wild flowers grow, and if dried will
have not at all become woody of these make a nice collection of specimens.
drop into the cask intended to be used The sheets containing these specimens
as many as will fill it lightly these are called an herbarium. The best way
should not be gathered till the liquor to make one is as follows when the
flower gathered and before it begins
is vated here in 1S51, but our summers
to wither, it must be spread very smooth are seldom warm enough to bring it to
and flat between some old newspapers, perfection. The seeds are annually im-
so that all the blossoms may be fairly ported from Malta and Spain. The
open. A moderate pressure of books plant is annual, and propagated by sow-
or large weights can be applied. After ing the seed in a light dry soil in the
a few days it will be sufficiently dry to spring.
remove. Sheets of writing or wrapping Anise-seeds have a warm aromatic
paper may then be used. Cut very smell, and a pleasant warm taste, ac-
neatly narrow strips and make two or companied with a degree of sweetness ;
more incisions or slits in the sheet on they have been esteemed useful in nu-
each side of the dried plant, through merous 'complaints, but in none more
which put the strips. so than flatulent colics and obstructions
Physical Herbs. —The following is of the breast, in diarrhoeas, and for
a list of such plants as are generally de- strengthening the tone of the stomach
nominated physical herbs, and which in general.
are found to be more or less wanted in 3. Balm. —So called from the Greek
most families, although they are not so word signifying honey, because of the
much in common use as formerly. We abundant and excellent honey of its
however, will give a short description flowers, for which bees frequent it.
of them, and the purposes for which The garden balm is a perennial, and
they are medicinally used. may be easily propagated by parting
These plants, or herbs, may, in most the roots in spring or autumn, and
instances, be very easily cultivated ; the planting them in beds of common gar-
soil for growing the greater part should den mould.
be light and dry, but that of a poorer The herb, in its recent state, has a
description is more suitable for some, weak, roughish, aromatic taste, and a
as lavender, rosemary, rue, sage, worm- pleasant smell, somewhat of the lemon
wood, and a few others ; and if planted kind. Balm was formerly esteemed of
in a rich moist soil, much of their aro- great use in all complaints supposed to
matic quality flies off, and they are ren- proceed from a disordered state of the
dered less capable of withstanding any nervous system. As tea, however, it
severe weather makes a grateful diluent drink in fevers,
1. Angelica. —
This herb is propa- and in this way it is commonly used,
gated from its seeds, which are to be either by itself or acidulated with lem-
sown as soon as gathered in August, in ons.
a moist situation and when the plants
; 4. Blessed Thistle. —
This annual is
are about six inches high, they must be propagated from seed sown in autumn.
transplanted to a similar soil, about It obtained the name of benedictus, or
three feet apart. The flowering stems blessed, from its supposed extraordinary
should be cut down when a few inches medicinal virtues. It has an intensely
high. and disagreeable smell. It
bitter taste,
The were formerly
stalks of Angelica was formerly employed to assist the
blanched, and eaten as celery, but they operation of emetics but the flowers
are now only used as a sweetmeat, of camomile are now substituted for it
when candied, by the confectioners. with equal advantage. It was also
The Laplanders extol the utility of this thought, when taken internally, to be
herb for coughs and other disorders of peculiarly efficacious in malignant fe-
the chest, but in this country it is sel- vers. In loss of appetite, its good effects
dom employed for that purpose, as have been frequently experienced. It
many other simples surpass it in aro- has now lost much of its reputation,
matic and carminative powers. and does not seem essentially different
2. Anise-seed. —
It was first culti- from other simple bitters.
dient in that summer beverage com- monly sold by the confectioners en-
posed of wine, water, lemon- juice, and crusted with sugar.
sugar, called a cool tankard, to which —
10 Cumin. The seeds have an aro-
they seem to give an additional cool- matic, warm, and bitterish taste, with a
ness. strong, but not disagreeable smell, and
6. Caraway. —This herb is biennial, contain a large quantity of essential
and propagated by sowing the seeds in oil, and are supposed to possess a car-
spring. minative and stomachic power. In
The seeds of this plant are well known England this herb is a hardy annual,
to have a pleasant spicy smell, and a and but little cultivated for use. The
warm aromatic taste and on that ac- seeds reach us from Sicily and Malta.
herb grows wild in many parts of Eng- medicine, but are sometimes put into
land. It is a hardy perennial, and by pickles to heighten the flavour, particu-
parting the roots early in spring it is larly of cucumbers.
easily propagated. 11. Ffverfew. —
The plants of this
Both the flowers and leaves of the biennial are raised from seeds, which
camomile have a strong though not un- should be sown about March, upon a
grateful smell, and a very bitter nau- bed of light earth, and* afterwards trans-
seous taste. The flowers possess the planted to some distance apart.
stomachic and tonic qualities usually Feverfew has long been employed for
ascribed to simple bitters. watery A medical purposes its virtues are sto-
infusion of them is frequently used for machic and tonic. It has been suc-
the purpose of promoting the operation cessfully given in hysteria, and is a me-
of emetics. They are very generally dicine of considerable activity.
used in emollient decoctions, to assuage 13. Horehound. —
This herb is com-
pain, and externally as fomentations, mon in various parts of England, on
and for both purposes held in much waste ground and among rubbish, in
esteem. hot, dry, and dusty situations. The
8. Clary. —This herb has been long plant is annual, and may be raised by
known in English gardens, where it is sowing the soeds in any of the spring
spikes are usually employed, being cut of the name, and prove a source of vex-
as they are wanted. The flower- stems ation than a means of pleasure and
may be cut during the summer, and profit.
tied up in bunches for use. That gardening is a healthy occupa-
15. Lavender. — This is a very hardy tion for both men and women no one,
plant. It may be readily increased by we presume, will deny and that, while
planting slips or cuttings of the young it bestows health on the body, it is cal-
shoots in the spring. culated to give serenity to the mind.
The fragrant smell of the flower is It has afforded in all ages a pleasing
well known, and to most persons very relief from the troubles and anxieties
agreeable ; to the taste it is bitterish, of the world to some of the busiest ac-
warm, and somewhat pungent ; the tors on the stage of life, to whom the
leaves are weaker, and less grateful. pursuit of gardening has become the
The flowers are commonly employed as chief attraction of retirement, and in
a perfume, and medicinally as mild numerous instances has gilded the eve-
stimulants and corroborants, in several ning of life with the blessings of health
complaints, both internally and exter- and contentment.
nally. They are also sometimes used In kitchen gardens the method of
in the form of a conserve. preparing and laying out requires much
16. Marsh-mallow. — So called from consideration since, next to a badly
gentle declination towards the south, sioning not only much unnecessary
so that it may at all times have the full labour, but great exhaustion to the
advantage of the sun as much as pos- soil.
; It is by neatness, cleanliness, and
sible it should be well sheltered by assiduity in every department connected
plantations, but by no means shaded with the kitchen garden, that it can be
or confined ; nor should the trees be rendered alike a source of pleasure and
planted too near the wall or boundary advantage to themselves, and an object
fence, as the roots are apt to run into of just admiration to others.
the garden, thereby impoverishing the We
will now submit the mode of
soil. operation for each month of the year,
In selecting the ground, it is of con- beginning with
siderable importance to have the soil of —
January. Having very carefully pre-
a good and healthy quality, being suf- pared your garden ground commence
ficiently dry, mellow, and capable of your operations by sowing early peas.
being easily worked with the spade Mazagan beans should be sown in the
the best is that of a rich, friable, and second week of this month. In open
dark loamy texture the worst, that of weather sow onions on a light, rich,
a light, sandy, and'stiff clayey descrip- loamy soil. Sow radish on a warm
tion. border, also lettuce in every variety in
In forming a new kitchen garden, the warm borders or under hand-glasses, to
first thing is to have the land well transplant when of sufficient growth.
trenched to the depth of two feet and Sow early carrots in a warm border, to
a half indeed, with proper manage- be ready for use in April. Raise small
ment, a depth of eighteen inches has salad, on a slight hot- bed, in pots or
been found sufficient. boxes. Transplant cauliflower plants
As to the shape or figure of the gar- from small to large pots and keep them
den, this is a point of little consequence in a cool frame. Put out cabbage plants
— though the square, or that approach to succeed the autumn-planted crop.
ing nearest to it, is certainly the best Plant potato- onions in shallow drills,
and most convenient. and earth them up as they grow. All
With regard to the size of the gar- cool esculents may be sown. Pot straw-
den, that, of course, must vary accord- berries and they will come early. If the
ing to circumstances. weather prove frosty leave most things
Too much ground should not be taken alone if it turn out damp and muggy
up with walks these are generally you may have your hands as busy as
about three feet wide, quite straight, bees in looking after the slugs," &c.
and placed at equal distances, and com- Plant the hardy kinds of evergreens,
posed of fine red binding gravel. and water them at the roots as soon as
But little attention should be paid planted.
to ornament in a kitchen garden, but February.— In the beginning of the
utility should everywhere predominate. month sow onions for the principal crop.
The succession of crops is a matter Sow peas to gather early in June, in
of considerable importance in culinary rows eighteen or twenty inches apart.
gardening, as the growth of wholesome Sow parsley in drills. Plant the early
and healthy vegetables in a great mea- kind of potatoes under a south wall.
sure depends upon it. Sow parsnips in drills at ten inches
We must caution those ladies who apart. Sow radishes and lettuces in
have the taste and inclination to en- warm situations. Sow spinach for an
gage in kitchen gardening, with a view early crop. Sow turnips. Sow cucum-
o£ always having at hand a bountiful ber seeds in hot-beds they must have
supply of fresh aud wholesome vege- air occasionally, and the heat of the
and hoe peas sow radishes, and thin it is quite time enough to transplant-
den. Sow radishes ; their success will light to spare, dig up a space the size it
depend entirely on the weather. Top will cover, and plant them three or four
beans in flower and earth up others. inches apart all over it. Hoe winter
Plant a main crop of celery, in trenches spinach, removing them where too thick,
twelve to eighteen inches wide, and and leaving them six or eight inches
twelve inches deep, four feet apart. apart. Sow salads as usual every month.
Train the shoots of cucumbers and me- Take carrots and parsnips up as required,
lons along the surface, to be out of each until the leaves have turned yellow,
other's way. Transplant leeks, and sow when they may all be taken up and
lettuces and salads. Sow peas once a stored. Plant out cabbage plants six
week for chance crops, and earth up po- inches apart, and in rows fifteen inches
tatoes. Put sticks to scarlet beans, and apart, in the beds where they are to
plant winter greens, Brussels sprouts, stand through the winter, Do not wait
Savoys, &c, after wet weather. Sow for one to die after another. For, this
winter spinach, and carrots to draw reason leave a moderate sprinkling of
young in a month or two, as well as to plants in the seed-bed, for fear you
stand for spring use. Gather cucum- should want them. Asparagus is re-
bers for pickling if they have been commended by most professional gar-
planted out into the frame. deners to be cut down this month those ;
August. This month furnishes the who do not wish to exhaust their beds
kitchen gardener plenty to do in looking should perform this operation at least
after the insects. The green fly may two months earlier. Sow radish seed ;
be banished by burning tobacco. Look your success will depend a great deal
at your potato crop, and spare no ex- upon the sort you sow. The farther the
pense to destroy the willow weed there ;
year advances, let the radish be short-
potatoes will smother most weeds, but topped, or you get a quantity of leaf
the willow weed is too tall and vigorous without any root.
for them. Sow salads and winter spin- —
October. Plant out lettuces in warm
ach. Take off the useless shoots of cu- situations, or where they can be pro-
cumbers, pull off dead leaves, and pro- tected. Take up full grown carrots and
tect from cold winds. Sow cabbage seed parsnips for storing, also potatoes if
for spring and winter crops sow after; they are still out. Earth celery as it
a wet day. Sow cauliflower seed from grows up it is only the covered por-
the 20th to the end of the month. Plant tion that is eatable. Plant out for
out brocoli from seed beds. Hoe be- spring use the August-sown cabbages
tween all kinds of crops, clear weeds, twice as thickly as they are wanted, that
stir the ground, and earth up. Top when every other one or two out of
beans in bloom, and earth those that every three are drawn for greens during
are up. Plant out winter greens and the winter, the others may be left to
lettuces, and sow turnips after rain. form cc,bbages.
September. Take up potatoes that —
November. Put cabbage plants in ;
are ripe, and store them in a dark cellar earth up celery from time to time ;
covered over with straw. Earth up plant whole sets of potatoes, six inches
celery on a dry day, and bruise the deep, in a dry quarter. Look well to
lumps of soil small. Draw onions as your store of onions, not only keeping
they ripen dry them on the ground
them thinly spread, but continually
for a day or two let them be stored
turning them, and taking away every
very dry and cool, and where they have one that throws out the least hint of
free air. Prick out the August sown rotting or growing. Plant beans and
cauliflowers ;choose the warmest place peas in warm and sheltered situations,
in the garden for them, if they are only and sow a few carrots and radishes
to be protected in the ground, but if under like circumstances.
you have a common garden frame and December. —Plant potato onions in
the formation of groups of flowers rice- for the sake of strength, to some dis-
paper is principally applied, either on tance beyond the centre, For the pur-
card- board, or affixed to small vases, pose of entirely concealing the junction
baskets, &c, in festoons and clusters. on the centre, gum a star, or some other
The rice-paper may be procured in va- pretty and appropriate ornament, on
rious colours, and intermediate tints each side of the screen one or two;
may be made by colouring the white. bows of narrow ribbon may be put on
Several pieces of rice-paper are laid on different parts of the handle, by way of
each other upon a tablet of lead, and finish. The two ends of the paper
the leaves and component parts of flow- should be so contrived, that the handle,
ers are cut out with small steel punches, being neatly and firmly gummed on one
which may be procured at the fancy of them, the other may wrap securely
tool warehouses. A
sufficient quantity over, without showing where they are
of the different leaves having been thus joined.
formed, and placed on separate trays, Transparent Screens. Draw on a —
each leaf is to be held by a delicate pair thin piece of drawing-paper any kind
of tweezers, and its end affixed, with of figure, animal, or small composition ;
stiff gum- water, to the article to be or- for instance —
a boy holding a mouse in
namented. Thus, the heads of roses a trap, with a dog jumping up towards
and thick clusters of flowers, are formed, it. The design should be sketched very
and fine delicate parts may be drawn lightly, any dark shadows.
in colours afterwards. Water-colour Trace it on another piece of
drawings are sometimes made on leaves paper, line for line then, by adding a
of rice-paper, for scrap-books screens, frock, bonnet, curls, bracelets, &c, the
&c. The effect of the colours, if pro- boy may be changed to a girl, particu-
perly managed, on tbfc material is very lar care being taken to keep the entire
soft and delicate. outline of the boy on the folds, &e„ of
Crimped Paper Hand Screens. the girl's frock or the mouse-trap may
The paper commonly used for making be converted into a cage by lengthening
these hand-screens, is glazed and co- the bottom the mouse into a bird by
loured on both sides. Divide a sheet the addition of plumage and the dog;
into three parts or equal strips, of two into a cat, by putting a longer tail,
of which the screen is to be formed ;
rounder head, &c. Again, should the
join them into one length, crimp them first drawing be a boy blowing bubbles,
with the machine, and run a thread by the addition of an old hat, longer
through completely one of the edges, skirts to the coat, a little beard and a
first putting on the other edge, which few wrinkles, and blending the bubbles
will be the margin of the screen, a nar- into a little cloud, an old man smoking
row border of gold paper. Having fas- his pipe may be produced. When the
tened one end of the thread, begin to second drawing is finished, cut it out
<lraw the crimped paper into a circular neatly, and paste it at the back of the
form when the lower part is drawn first, with great care, so that the lines
by the thread into the shape of the of the original, and the copy which has
received the additions, may be exactly by holding the work opposite a good
opposite each other. At the back of light. Paste it between thin paper, and
these, paper is to be pasted on, and the at the corner from whence the light
production may then be used as the proceeds, put a round spot of oil or
interior, or centre ornament of a screen*. varnish to imitate the moon. The land-
When it lies flat on the table, or if placed scape may also be improved by putting
against the wall over the chimney-piece, a little varnish round the edges of the
with the front exhibited, the first pic- lightest parts with a camel's-hair pen-
ture only is seen when held against
cil. It may
be formed into screens,
the light, or the fire, it changes into the and decorated and strengthened in the
second. The taste and ingenuity of the manner described under the head of
artist will, doubtless, suggest a variety " Transparent Screens," p. 228. It is
of designs, which will be more elegant scarcely necessary to observe, that the
in the original, and more amusing in the landscape can only be seen when the
change, than those we have mentioned. screen is held up between a light and
Handles may be added to the screens, the spectator nothing, however, must
similar to those described in " Crimped be drawn or fixed to its surface but ;
the shape of their shadows being cut star shape, are made by small circular
out and pasted on as above directed ;
incisions leaves, like those of the fern,
and where these shadows may become are composed of one long incision down
deeper, other pieces of paper of a less the middle, and a succession of short
size are to be cut out and pasted on as ones up the sides. In cutting rosettes
before thus, not only the mere masses,
; it is better to hold the knife still and
but all the variations of light and shade move the card round an infinite va-;
may be produced ; as, also, the nice riety of forms may be produced by va-
gradations and soft blending of one into rying the length and shape of the in-
another, as well as the abrupt projec- cisions. Care should be taken not to
tions. A
moonlight view produces the cut through to the back of the card,
best effect when the shadows are suffi- and the penknife must be of that kind
ciently strong, which may be ascertained which is called sabre- pointed.
the centres in that line, describe seg- elaborate and exquisitely- finished archi-
ments of circles completely across the tectural subjects, ingenious models of
paper ; fix the compasses again at the the most delicate works, grottos, trees,
opposite side of each segment, and join &c, and even views on an extensive
the two extremities ; the segments on scale, may be admirably executed in
one side of the paper must then be parchment or paper, either in a plain
neatly cut out and the whole piece state, or coloured to imitate the objects
creased by the hand. Run a thread represented. The attempt to describe
through the part not cut out, draw it the mode of constructing such a class of
into a circle, and thus the form of a works would be fruitless ; proficiency
flower will be obtained. Make a handle in this amusing, and we may venture
of wire, and fasten it to the flower, co- to say instructive art, is only to be at-
vering the seam which will be in the tained by practice, taste, and natural
•centre, with a piece of paper represent- ingenuity.
ing the central filaments of the flower. Good Home-Made Bread.—Three
The wire should be covered with thin pounds and a half of coarse or fine flour,
green paper, or gauze, twisted into the a tablespoonful of solid brewer's or one
shape of a stalk at intervals, introduce
; ounce of German yeast, with a pint and
a leaf or two, formed likewise of green a half of warm milk and water, and a
paper, with a thin piece of wire up the little salt. Mix these ingredients thus.
centre to preserve the shape and re- Put the flour into a large, dry, earthen
semble the stem. Before creasing the pan, and mix it with a teaspoonful o£
flower, charades, enigmas, &c, should salt make a hole in the centre of the
Ibe written on each of the imitative pe- flour,leaving some at the bottom mix;
tals. The artist may carry her repre- the yeast quite smoothly with the luke-
sentation of flowers, on the above prin- warm milk and water ; stir half of this
ciple, to a very considerable extent. She mixture into the hole in the flour till it
may use double, or even treble paper, forms a thin batter ; cover it thickly
placing one piece behind another ; and, with flour broken down from the sides ;
% a judicious selection of colours, may
copy, not merely the shape, but the va-
cover the pan with a cloth or board,
and set it in a warm place, but not too
rious tints of the flowers. She will near the fire. In three quarters of an
show her good taste by imitating, as hour the batter will be sufficiently
closely as possible, the colours of her raised, then add to it the remaining
original ; instead of substituting red liquid, and work up the whole into, a
for lilac, blue for green, or yellow for moderately stiff paste. Pay strict at-
vermilion, &c. tention to work the dough up very tho-
An immense variety of other elegant roughly. Replace the dough, cover as
and useful articles may be constructed before ; in three quarters of an hour it
of pasteboard and paper ; indeed, the ought to have risen well. Now knead
application of the art is so extensive, it thoroughly, put it on your board, cut
that it would be impossible for us to to the sizes you intend, or bake it in
afford space for describing an hundredth one loaf. If baked in one loaf, it will
part of the various works in those ma- require two hours if divided, one hour
terials which have fallen beneath our and a quarter. When tins are used,
notice. The elementary principles of warm them, and, while warm, rub them
the art may be sufficiently acquired by thoroughly with well- greased paper, so
constructing the articles we have de- that while they will part easily from
scribed, to enabie the young artist to the loaf, they may not make the crust
greasy. It is a good plan, where iron serve hot. The gravy should be of the
ovens are used, to place clean bricks on consistence of cream, and o? a rich
the bottom to bake the bread on. All brown colour.
bread,when taken from the oven should Colours of Dresses. This is a de- —
be turned upside down to cool. A clean partment of dress that should be re-
wooden shelf in a dry place is the best garded from an artist's point of view ;
for keeping bread on. Bread should and where the natural taste for colour
never be cut under at least one day is deficient, the blending or contrasting
old. of them, as shown in good pictures,
Infants"' Beds. —These should be so should be studied, as well as certain
contrived that the heat is equalised definite laws, such as —
yellow, red, and
over their bodies, and the head kept blue are contrasts in all their shades,
-cool. This latter is effected by the and the harmonising tints are discovered
horsehair pillow. It is better for a baby by the union of two of them. Blue is
to lie upon woollen than linen ; a top cold, yellow illuminates, and red warms.
sheet is sufficient, and that is only re- Grey and black are contrasts to white :
quired to prevent the flannel irritating greens with reds. Light blue contrasts
the face. A child should never be so with orange, and harmonises with deep
covered up as to perspire, The mother blue. Crimson has its contrast in deep
should always calculate the warmth of green, and its harmony in violet.
the under, as well as the upper, clothing The influence of day and artificial
of the bed, and avoid excessive heat as light has also to be regarded. Crimson
much as a debilitating cold. A thick is very handsome at night in the day-
mattress and a bed give great under- time, the finest complexion would be
warmth, and a bed so made requires destroyed by it. Pale yellow, often very
lighter over- covering than where only handsome by day, at night appears
a, thin mattress, or perhaps a blanket dirty, and tarnishes the complexion to
folded to serve for one, is used. An in- which, in the daytime, it added lustre.
stance of the evil of the latter mode By these elementary principles, we dis-
presents itself in a recent workhouse cover the reasons for effects that sur-
report, during severe cold, the children round us daily in the form of unbecom-
had to sleep on canvas-bottomed beds, ing and bizarre dresses.
with only a single fold of blanket for We must not arrange colour in dress
mattress. They were amply covered as the natural colouring of birds and
over, but for want of under-warmth flowers is arranged, because birds and
most of them became seriously di- flowers are surrounded by a peculiar
seased. atmosphere. Nor must the colours in
Alamode Beef.— Take three pounds a painting be always thus used, because
of beef the sticking piece answers very the painter has the advantage of a fixed
well. Cut the meat into small pieces, shade in the background.
and roll them in flour. Slice an onion The rule for colour in dress must be
very thin, and fry it of a light brown, harmony with the tints of the com-
with two ounces of dripping in a stew- plexion. Thus, for fair complexions,
pan ; put in the meat, shake it, and the purest white, and light and brilliant
lightly brown it ; add twelve berries of colours, such as rose, azure, light yel-
allspice, the same of whole black pep- low, &c, are becoming. To dark com-
per, two bay leaves, a quarter of a tea- plexions, thesG colours would impart a
spoonful ground pepper, and one of black, dull, and tanned hue. These,
salt then add by degrees two quarts therefore, should adopt such colours as
of water, stirring all the time. Let the green, violet, puce and purple such ;
stew simmer gently, closely covered for colours will give animation and liveli-
three hours, or till the meat is quite ness, bringing out the charms of the
tender. Take out the bay leaves, and dark features, making them vie with
and often surpass those of The handle is made of two wires, strung
their fair
sisters. In short, fair women should as the others, and crossing each other
correct the paleness of their complexions so as to form a succession of diamonds.
by light colours, and brunettes their It is proper to string the berries as the
yellow tints by strong colours. bending of the wires proceeds, and
The form of a costume is almost of where the wires cross each other, or ap-
equal importance to colour in artistic pear to do so, a larger gilt bead should
dressing. A lady of low stature should be introduced. The interior of the bas-
not wear her skirts trimmed horizon- ket if lined with doubled satin, gathered
tally, and should avoid moire antique, at top and bottom, and pulled in puffs
as well as striped materials, unless the through the arches in the sides. The
stripes are perpendicular. A stout fi- whole is ornamented with ribbons and
gure should not indulge in tight-fitting bows, according to fancy.
costumes, unless she wishes to appear Mock-China Scent Jars. Take a —
stouter than she really is. The tall, common vase, similar in shape to one,
graceful figures have a wider range ;
of foreign china, or a grape jar, and
nature has so favoured them in respect cover it entirely with widow's lawn r
to form that they, we think, may rest which may be fixed on by paste. Cut
satisfied with merely consulting the flowers, &c, out of chintz that has a
rules for colour, although, probably, the good Indian pattern, and ornament the
reverse of the advice we give to their jar with them, arranging them taste-
shorter and less graceful sisters may be fully in groups. Procure from a turner
with advantage acted upon by them. a lid and stand to match the jar, and
Allspice Baskets. The berries of cover and ornament them precisely in
allspice should be steeped in brandy for the same manner. The jar, cover, and
some time, in order to soften them, and stand, are then to be vanished by a
then perforated with a small borer. painter.
The berries are strung on a slender wire, Gold-Thread Purses and Reti-
sufficient to form the circumference of cules. — The thread is to be procured
the bottom of the basket, and the ends at the gold-iace shops a small loop is
are neatly twisted together with a pair formed at the end of it then, with a
of pliers, and then formed into a round tambour- needle passed through that
or an oval at discretion. Wrought gilt loop, the thread is drawn up again into-
beads strung between the berries, very another loop, and thus, in succession,
much improve the general effect of the until such a length has been woven as,
basket. The interior of the bottom is the two ends being joined, will form
composed of wires strung with the ber- the circumference of the purse. The
ries, and crossing each other so as to joining is effected bypassing the needle
form diamonds, or any more fanciful through the two end loops, and draw*
shape. The first row, for the sides, ing the thread up through both then ;
consists of a series of small arches, fixed five loops are to be formed on the con-
at their bases to the bottom circle, by tinuation of the thread ; after which y
twisting one wire round the other. The the needle is passed through the third
second row consists of another series of loop from the join, on the completed
arches, the bases of which are fixed in a circle, and the thread drawn through ;
similar way on the summits of the first five more loops are then formed on the
row a third row, in the same manner, perfected round, as before, and so on,.
completes the height of the basket. A in the same manner, until the circle is
series of semicircles, or bows of wire, finished. The succeeding rows are then
is then fixed to the top row, so as to formed by weeing, as before, five loops
project over the sides of the basket at a time, and then passing the thread
from the extremities of these are hung through the thread, or centre loop, ei:
festoons of the berries, strung on silk. the row last finished ; the rounds are
still continued until the desired size is wood. This outline must then be
obtained. The bottom is completed sketched in with a pen dipped in the
by drawing the loops together with gold J black colour to be used for the ground.
thread, and affixing a gold- bullion tas- All the shades and lines in the design
sel. The top is finished by a straight should be correctly finished by the pen :
row of running loops, sewn with gold after the manner of line engraving and ;
thread to a spring clasp. The lining the whoie of the ground, or space sur-
should be of satin, and rather smaller rounding the outline of the figures,
than the net. must be covered with the black colour
Piercing Costumes on Paper. laid on with a camef s-hair pencil. When
Turkish or ether Oriental costume or the painting is dry, the whole article
draperies, are produced by a combina- should be finished with a transparent
tion of water-colour painting, for the varnish ;to perform which, however,
features, with a series of small punctures it should be observed, that a thin coat
made with needles of various sizes, for of isinglass size is to be passed over the
the dresses. The face, hands, and feet wood previously to the tracing. The
being first drawn and coloured, the varnish to be used is Barnard's white
outline and folds of the drapery are mastic. The general effect is very pleas-
marked with a tracing- needle, the paper ing, .and resembles ebony inlaid with
is then laid on a piece of smooth cloth, ivory. It is also an art very easy of
or a few sheets of blotting-paper, and attainment, and requiring but little
the punctures inserted in the folds of the proficiency in drawing.
dress from the back to the front of the
, Poonah Work, or Oriental Tint-
paper. It sometimes affords a pleasing ing. —Flowers, fruits, butterflies, &c. ?
variety, if the costume be wholly or from original pictures, may be executed
partially coloured, as it relieves the mo- in a very brilliant manner in Poonah
notony of the white. Needles of various painting, or Oriental tinting.
sizes should be used at discretion, and A piece of tracing-paper, of a pecu-
the whole of the back-ground or body liar manufacture, which is sold as Poo-
of the paper painted in some sober nah-paper, is laid on the subject to be
opaque colour, to throw up the figure. copied, and all the parts of one colour
Chinese Painting.— A variety of are marked in outline on it with a steel
articles, such as work-boxes and baskets, point ; the interior of the outline is
screens, and small ornamental tables, then cut out, either with a sharp-pointed
may be procured at the fancy reposito- penknife, or with little instruments,
ries or bazaars, made of a beautiful white made for the purpose, and which may
wood, quite plain, for the purpose of be procured at Barnard and Son's, 339,
being ornamented by ladies in the Chi- Oxford Street. Another piece of tracing-
nese style. The subjects generally re- paper is then laid on for the purpose of
presented are Chinese figures and land- marking and cutting out all the com-
scapes, Indian flowers or grotesque or- partments of another colour ; and so
naments. Patterns on paper, and the on, until a series of frames, or formules,
colour, which is black, used in the ope- is obtained, each of them having aper-
ration, are also supplied at the same tures, through which the whole of some
places. one colour can be laid on the paper.
Tracing paper is to be laid over the The principal formule is to be placed
pattern, and the outline drawn with a on a piece of London drawing-board,
pencil. The tracing is then placed with and the colour applied with a flat Poo-
the pencilled side downwards on the nah brush, held perpendicularly ;
wood, and the pattern, which will plainly parts are then to be shaded from the
appear through, is then rubbed with the edge as may be requisite ; the colour
handle of an ivory folder, or a penknife, being first nearly all rubbed out of the
so as to transfer the pencil lines to the brush on a piece of waste- paper. Each
— ——
through the apertures of its own for- otherwise her productions in Oriental
mule. The wings or bodies of beautiful tinting will prove offensive, rather than
insects are sometimes ornamented with pleasing, to persons of taste.
touches of gold or ruby bronze. A little Treatment of Window Plants.
gum water, mixed with a small quan- The following hints will prove useful
tity of the gold or bronze, is laid on the to those ladies who cultivate window
paper with a brush dry gold, or bronze,
plants in pots :
pose an incision
must be made in the windows that the inevitable is result
unoerside of the drawing-paper with a the plants are all badly grown, whereas
where the wings are joined to the a few could be managed with the best
D °dy. In the choice of colours, the possible results. The cultivator of win-
young artist should follow
Nature as dow plants is always open to one pest,
— —
generally denominated the " green fly." fish into hot or warm water, but into
When this appears, some soap and wa- cold ; bring it to the boil gently and
ter should be applied, either by the use keep the fish simmering till done.
of a soft brush or by the hand, carefully Watching. —Fish requires very care-
washing off the fly in the act. ful watching while boiling ; draw up
To Keep Flies from Meat. In —
the strainer and try the fish by with*
hot summer weather it is almost im- drawing a bone from the fin when this ;
possible to procure meat that is neither separates easily the fish is done. If it
tough nor tainted. In such seasons the has to be kept hot, take it on the
greatest care is needful, and meat should strainer out of the water, and set it
be carefully examined to guard against crosswise over the kettle. Place a clean
flies. If it has been touched by them, soft cloth over the fish, and above that
cut off the part, and wash the joint with a piece of folded flannel ; by this means
vinegar and water. The best way to you still keep the heat in, without spoil-
prevent the flies touching raw flesh or ing the colour of the fish.
fish is to pepper it well with common Frying and Broiling. Fish to be —
black pepper. This is easily removed fried or broiled should be cleansed and
before dressing, and its use will often wrapped in a soft cloth, and thus ren-
make it possible to preserve meat fresh dered thoroughly dry. In most cases
long enough to become tender even in of frying, egg and bread crumbs are to
sultry weather. be used. The best material to fry fish
To Prevent and Remove Taint. in is oil ; the worst, butter the most ;
It is the best way to remove from meat economical, clarified lard or dripping,
the parts liable to taint easily, such as either of which should boil at the time
the pipe running along the bone of loins the fish is put into them. Place fried
of meat, and kernels from the fat of beef fish on white blotting-paper to absorb
or suet. If you ha\-e not succeeded in the grease. Fish to be broiled should
preserving meat from taint, wash it with be seasoned previous to dressing great ;
Condy's crimson fluid diluted, according care is required for this mode of cook-
to directions This is a perfectly harm- ing.
less disinfectant. It is good always to Hands and Face.—When hot wash
keep small pieces of charcoal lying about in very warm water, and it will remove
in the meat safe during summer time. from the face the unpleasant redness
In purchasing meat care should be and heat in a comparatively short time,
exercised to have it free from bruises. and produce a refreshing sensation.
The rump and aitchbone of beef and Never apply in these cases cold water,
legs of mutton, are more likely than as it is very injurious to the skin, and
other parts to be thus spoilt. productive of redness and eruptions
How to Use Very Stale Bread. which are seldom if ever removed.
Very stale bread can be grated into —
Skylarks. These birds are the most
coarse powder and preserved in jars. It eminent of our British song-birds, and
must be kept in a dry place well covered are great household favourites. Bising
up. It will thus keep sound for a long almost perpendicularly from his lowly
time, and be found useful in the pre- nest, the lark ascends, by a succession
paration of stuffings, puddings, &c. of springs, to an immense height, sing
To Cook Fish. Cleaning. Fish — ing all the while to cheer his brooding
should be carefully cleaned, but all mate, whom he continually keeps in
soaking in water except in the case of view and, should she attract him, he
fresh- water fish should be avoid^1 as , drops like a stone from his elevation, as
itdeprives fish of flavour. it were, to attend her bidding on other ;
Boiling. —
Put a little salt and vine- occasions his descent is made in an
gar into the water in which fish is to be oblique direction. They usually pass
boiled ; it gives firmness. Never put their time on the wing, or on the
— :
Nightingales. —Some of our poets to prevent the bird from hurting itself,
differ strangely as to " the humour of which it would otherwise be in danger
their song." Milton deems it " most of doing. When kept in a room, or an
musical most melancholy." " Forlorn aviary out of doors, they are furnished,
Philomel is a poetical expression, at the mating season, which is about
which has been long hacknied, in prose the end of April, with slender roots, dry
and verse while another serious poet grass, twigs, oak- leaves, hair, down, and
describes its song thus other fine and warm substances, with
produces two, and sometimes three, which are reared from the nest, and,
broods in a year. have never known the sweets of liberty,
Thrushes. — The rich-toned throstle, become good songsters in a state of
called by one of our poets the mellow captivity. They are so addicted to
mavis ; the fieldfare and that brilliant mocking whatever sounds they hear,
naked. The size, shape, and plumage we must go into some retired village,
of the thrush and blackbird, or black and there we may probably discover a
ouzel, are too well known to require fine black ouzel, in a plain wicker cage,
any particular description. The throstle beneath the eaves of a labourer's cot,
begins his song early in the spring, and chaunting the notes which he has heard
continues it during part of the summer. his free sire singing from the holly-tree
The female lays five or six eggs of a top in the adjacent wood. Blackbirds
light blue colour, marked with dusky should be fed on the same food as
spots. The nest of the throstle is gene- thrushes, which see.
rally built in bushes, and made of dry Goldfinches and Linnets. To en- —
grass, clay, and rotten wood. These ter into any description of these birds
birds feed on insects, and the berries of would be superfluous nor is it even ;
holly, misletoe, &c. When kept in necessary to dwell on the mode of treat-
cages, their usual food, as well as that ment most congenial to their habits
of the blackbird, is raw or parboiled when kept as song-birds for who does ;
meat, sopped bread, stale bun, scalded not know that these gay little warblers
fig- dust, or bruised hemp-seed and delight in being placed, during the
chopped egg mixed with crumbs of merry spring-time of the year, where
bread. the sunbeam may gild their plumage
Blackbirds. The blackbird sings with a richer glow ? in the sultry sea- —
as soon as the thrush, and continues to son, abroad, but in the shade ? and, —
enliven the woods with his full, me- while their feathers are falling, and
lodious notes for four or five months. throughout the winter, in some choice
The nest of the blackbird is built in a location, which is at once sheltered but
low bush, generally a holly the female not solitary
or, that they live on
lays four or five eggs, regularly marked seeds, and require to be regularly pro-
with spots of a dusky hue on a bluish vided with food and water, for which,
ground. Blackbirds cannot be kept in in return, the little captives make their
avaries, on account of their quarrelsome little mansions merry with their me-
dispositions. They are excellent song- lody ?
birds for the cage ; and, if brought up The goldfinch, when kept in a cage,
from the nest, may be taught to whistle loses, in moulting, the freshness and
tunes very correctly the practice, how- beauty of its plumage those which are
; ;
ever, in our opinion, is a bad one we purchased in autumn, possess the livery
look upon it as a great waste of time, they wore in the woods and it is never ;
tending to no good purpose the native again equalled, while the birds remain
rally, worthless in a cage those only spring, frequently pine, and rarely prove
moss, and other soft materials, and lays that case, the stitch taken should be
five or six eggs which are white, and shorter than the piece of bullion, the
marked at the end with purple spots. under-side of which will, therefore, be
The Linnet has a great number of compressed, and the upper side ex-
admirers, and, when rich in song, is panded, so as to give it prominence.
deemed valuable. Young birds are often Gold spangles may be occasionally
brought up under an old linnet of re- introduced, and they should be secured
putation as a songster ; and from being by bringing the thread from beneath,
kept in the same room long enough to passing it through the spangle, then
acquire the variety of notes and execu- through a very short bit of bullion, and
tion of its master, the little pupils are back through the hole in the centre of
reckoned worth two or three guineas the spangle this is better than sewing
each, or even more, if they exhibit any the spangle on with a thread across its
unusual powers of voice. The nest of face.
the linnet is usually built in a white Gauze Screens. —
These screens are
thorn, or furze-bush ; it is composed of made of gauze, stretched over a frame
bents, moss, &c, and lined with fine of wire, and ornamented with figures,
down, and sometimes horsehair ; the which are usually cut out of chintz. The
hen lays four or five whitish eggs. handles, as well as the shapes, are merely
Gold-Thread Embroidery. Not a of wire, bent and fastened in various
long time ago this art was very popular modes. The gauze must be doubled,
with ladies, and is still practised by a stretched lightly over on one side of the
great number. In splendour and rich- wire frame, and neatly sewed at the
ness it far exceeds every other species edges, which should be bound with gold
of embroidery, and is principally used or coloured paper. The ornaments, such
in court dresses and for the ball-room. as flowers, birds, &c, cut out of chintz,
It is practised on crape, India muslin, are to be gummed on the front of the
or silk ; and, principally, in large and screens but should a difficulty occur
ciently transparent, a paper pattern is tened to the gauze by their bodies, with
placed underneath ; the outline is run their wings extended. Flowers, also,
in white thread ; and the subject is then gummed by their calyces and stems,
worked with gold thread, in satin- stitch. with their petals free, produce an equally
For a thin stalk to a flower, the run- good effect. The handles are bound
ning-thread should be omitted, and over with ribbon, and decorated with
gold thread laid on the material, and bows.
sewn slightly over with another gold —
Old Maids. Being an old maid im-
thread, thus giving the stalk a very plies decision of character neither
pretty spiral appearance. In embroi- sham nor show, nor courtly manners,
dering a thick material, the design is to nor splendid person, have won them
be sketched with a pencil, if the ground over ; nor fair promises, nor shallow
be light, or with a white- chalk pencil if tears. They looked beyond the manner
dark. The pattern is frequently va- and the dress, and finding no cheering
ried by the introduction of short pieces indication of depth of mind and sterling
of fine gold bullion ; sometimes two or principles, they gave up the specious
three of them coming out of the cup of present for the chance of a more solid
a flower ; the stitch passes lengthwise future, and determined in hope and re-
through the twist of the "bullion, thus signation to " bide their time."
of flour allow one pound of butter, and into a smooth paste with half a pint of
not quite half a pint of water. Mode of water roll it out, and it is ready for
mixing : —
Carefully weigh the flour and use. This crust is quite rich enough for
butter, and have the exact proportion ordinary purposes, but when a better
squeeze the butter well, to extract the one is desired, use three quarters of a
water from it, and afterwards wring it pound of suet to every pound of flour.
in a clean cloth, that no moisture may Some cooks, for rich crusts, pound the
remain. Sift the flour see that it is suet in a mortar, with a small quantity
perfectly dry, and proceed in the fol- of butter. It should then be laid on
lowing manner to make the paste, using the paste in small pieces, the same as for
a very clean pasteboard and rolling-pin puff- crust, and will be found exceed-
— Supposing the quantity to be one ingly nice for hot tarts. This quantity
pound of flour, work the whole into a of suet to every pound of flour will
smooth paste, with not quite half a pint make a very good crust and four ;
of water, using a knife to mix it with ounces will be found sufficient for chil-
the proportion of this latter ingredient dren, or for stomachs that do not like
must be regulated by the discretion of rich pastry.
the cook too much be added, the
; if Management of Table Lamps.
paste, when
baked, will be tough. Roll If the wick be turned too much, the oil
it out until it is of an equal thickness will not rise readily nor should it be
point of the braid, 5 chains, observing who is disposed to make it, very dur-
to pass the needle through both braids. able, useful, and ornamental to the
On this row work 6 double on each chain laundry-table.
scollop. Illustration No. 2 shows the In a subsequent part of our volume
pattern in full size. we shall give pattern of a cover for a
This cloth will be found by any lady polished box-iron,
Sugar as Food. —In alluding to the wear. Inferior carpets usually have a
uses of sugar in assisting assimilation, reduction in the quantity of surface
Mr. Bridges Adams says
— know by
" I worsted, produced by dropping loops.
experience, the difference in nutritious }
The quality of worsted is not less im-
effect produced by the flesh of tired portant than the quantity indeed, a
other food, of a different quality, such are sound and brown, buff, and fawn
may allude to the fondness of artisans any pattern in agreement with your
for confectionery, and of patients, just taste. Between the figures cut out all
discharged from the hospital, asking the diamonds, but be careful not to cut
for " sweets," in preference to good them in the figures. Three or four
substantial food, as examples of a cor- leaves, arranged in a circle, and cut in
rect instinct. There is no doubt that some pretty pattern, form tasteful or-
in children, in whom the requirements naments for candlesticks. The beauty
of growth call for a rapid and efficient of cut-paper flowers and lace-paper cut-
transformation of food into tissue, the tings depends very much upon the taste
desire for sweets is very imperious, and and ingenuity of the designer.
parents should understand that the To Make Melted Butter.— Mix the
jam-pot will diminish the butcher's butter and flour smoothly together on a
bill and increase the amount of nutri- plate put it into a lined saucepan, and
tion extracted from beef and mutton. then pour in about half a pint of milk.
How to Choose a Carpet. —Brus- Keep stirring it one way over a sharp
sels carpet, although estimated by the fire ; let it boil quickly for a minute or
beauty of design and richness of colour, two, and it is ready to serve. It will
ought also to possess durability. This only take ten minutes altogether. This
chiefly arises from the quantity and is a very good foundation for onion, lob-
quality of worsted on the surface than ster, or oyster-sauce, and is the melted
from the ordinary operations of the wea- butter we recommend in preference
ver. In the best qualities the worsted to any other using milk instead of
warp-threads usually appear on the sur- water makes the preparation look so
face, in sets of threes, each set occupy- much whiter and more delicate. Ano-
ing the space between the linen warp- ther method is to make it without the
threads or chain, of which threads there milk, thus mix half
: —a pint of water
are about seven to the inch. This close and a dessertspoonful of flour, to a
arrangement maintains the loops of batter, which put into a saucepan add ;
worsted nearly upright, giving thereby two ounces of butter and a seasoning of
greater elasticity, with a well-sustained salt keep stirring one way till all the
resistance to the effects of pressure and ingredients are melted and smooth.
The Art of Salting; Meat.— This the house of which a large spoonful
•consists in rubbing in the salt evenly may be taken in milk, tea, soup, or any
and thoroughly, dividing the salt in two way most agreeable.
equal portions, rubbing in the first half, Boiled Flour for Infants. Make a —
and after a day or two the remainder. bag of cheap white calico, say a quarter
Bay salt is the best kind to use for of a yard square, or smaller if you like.
curing meat, as the flavour is better. Stuff it quite full of flour till it is quite
Brown sugar, in the proportion of hard, and the flour does not come out.
half an ounce to a pound of salt, is an Tie it very tightly at the top, and put
ingredient that adds greatly to the fla- it in a saucepan of boiling water. Let
vour of the meat. One way of apply- it boil hard for four hours, filling up
ing it is to rub it well into the meat with boiling water as the water wastes.
before salting. Meat should be kept Then take it up peel off the skin ;
covered with brine, and turned and chop or break up the ball of flour into
rubbed daily. In winter meat should pieces roll it with a rolling-pin on a
be hung till tender, before salting in clean board until no lumps remain
summer it cannot be salted too soon. when cold put it into a dry tin. This
Frozen Meat will not take the salt is far better than arrowroot indeed, it
properly indeed, in very cold weather, is one of the very best things for inva-
number of cotton bags, a little larger vants follow suit and are neat the :
than the hams. After the hams are house is orderly and well arranged. A
well smoked, place them in the bags, woman may be plain, and no longer
and get the best kinds of sweet, well young but if her attire is clean and
made hay cut it with a knife, and with tidy, she may be very pleasant to look
your hands press it well around the upon pleasanter by far than her beau-
hams in the bags tie the bags with tiful young neighbour always in a slat-
strings, put on a card of the year, to ternly deshabille, save when she is got
show the age of the hams, and hang up for the occasion. Her husband is
them up in a garret or some dry room, glad to return home and contemplate
and they will last five years, and will the home picture. Unconsciously, per-
be better for boiling than on the day haps, he finds repose in the well-or-
you hung them up. This method costs dered establishment. On the contrary,
little, and the bags will last forty years. a slatternly woman, surrounded by un-
No flies or bugs will trouble hams if the kempt, noisy children, and a disorderly
hay is well pressed around them the household, gradually drives her hus-
sweating of the hams will be taken up band to feel less comfort at home than
by the hay, and it .will impart a fine elsewhere, and she sits down at last to
flavour to the hams. The hams should bewail in vain the fate she has brought
be treated in this way before tKje hot upon herself.
weather sets in. Nor is this the whole extent of the
Isinglass. —
Boil one ounce or isin- evil. Children of a slatternly mother
glass shavings, forty Jamaica peppers, fall under the ban of society they are
world. There is a prejudice against loved ones, but shall draw others into
them that " like produces like," as it itspeaceful circle. Let the house always'
often does. be the scene of pleasant looks, cheerful
Scotch Scones. Take two pounds words, kind and affectionate acts let :
flour with the milk in its effervescent some music in the household music —
state ;roll the paste to about r quarter not kept like silks and satins, to show
of an inch in thickness, stamp it out in to company, but music in which every
small round cakes, and bake them on a member of the home may join let the ;
before many days. When this has fairly rounded with an air of cozy and cheer-
taken place the sponge may be suspended ful goodwill then children need not
Cherry Brandy. To every pound half a nutmeg, grated pour on to these ;
of cherries allow half a pound of white ingredients half a pint of any spirit,
powdered sugar, with brandy enough and let the mixture stand together for
to cover them. Select plump, ripe two or three days then strain off the;
fruit, free from bruises cut off the tincture formed, and add ten drops of
stalks quite short, and half fill a wide- oil of peppermint it is then ready for
mouthed bottle add sugar in the above use. Some people use it by pouring a
proportions, and fill up the same with few drops on the tooth-brush, and clean-
pure French brandy cork and seal the ing the teeth with it in the ordinary
bottles, and place them on a tray, turn- manner but it answers equally well if
ing them head downward every twelve mixed with an equal quantity of water,
hours, for twelve days the brandy will and applied as a gargle to rinse the
from it or prefer any other place it is ounce of the best white wax, in four
it shall not only firmly hold its own when nearly cold add any perfume that
ter and dark weather, and are therefore and a little above the ear. It is, how-
termed " summer freckles." Those, on ever, often mistaken for a high cheek
the contrary, which do not depend on bone. This propensity produces a de-
light or heat, being equally vivid in sire for indulgence in food, gluttony,
winter as in summer, may be regarded drunkenness, and appetite. If large
as constitutional, and are called '* cold and unguided, it becomes a fearful
freckles." They vary in colour, being source of intemperance.
sometimes yellow, and sometimes green, 3. Amativeness. —This propensity is
-and are not, like summer freckles, pe- situated on the lower and posterior por-
culiar to persons of light complexion. tion of the brain, and gives a fulness
Saffron spots, sulphur spots, and liver to the back part of the neck between
spots, are all discolourations of the same the ears. A small neck at the back im-
nature as freckles, though not always plies a small development of this organ.
permanent, being often referable to This animal feeling, put into our nature
some disarrangement of the system, by an all- wise Providence for temperate
and disappearing with the cause which gratification and for the progress of
created them. creation, causes man to sink below the
Turn we now for a remedy to Mr. brute, if it acts by itself without being
Erasmus Wilson, who has so long and guided by the higher sentiments.
so successfully made skin diseases his 4. Philoprogenitiveness. This pro-—
study. He prescribes —
Elder-flower pensity is the love of children and ten-
-ointment one ounce, sulphate of zmc der beings, and extenal outwards to-
twenty grains. Mix well, and rub into wards the ear, and gives a drooping ap-
the affected skin at night. In the pearance to the back of the head. This
morning wash it off with plenty of soap, organ is that of a peculiar sentiment
and when the grease is completely re- given to man, in order that he may
moved, apply the following lotion have an instinctive love for children,
Infusion of rose petals half a pint, citric and that he may be willing and ready
acid thirty grains. All local discolour- to make any sacrifice which the care and
ations will disappear under this treat- education of those little ones may call
ment, and if the freckles do not entirely for. When this organ is over-balancing
yield, they will, in most instances, be the others, the individual so constituted,
greatly ameliorated. Should any un- is particularly fond of children, some-
pleasant irritation or roughness of the times weakly indulgent to them, and
skin follow the application, a lotion allowing them to give way to their ill-
composed of half a pint of almond mix- tempers and obstinacy.
ture, and half a drachm of Goulard's 5 Concentrativeness. —
This organ
is immediately above the last organ, child this propensity is one of the first
and not seldom acting strongly in com- visible, and one, too, which most spee-
bination with it. It produces great love dily wM.1 spread its entangling tendrils.
of home and national pride. This organ 9. Secret! veness. —
This organ lies
helps man
to concentrate his impres- immediately above the last propensity.
sions and feelings systematically on one It shows itself in a thousand different
point ; and if large, raises great aversion ways, and a power very difficult to
to living abroad. It often occurs that discern, especially
if it has become
this propensity, if nourished too much, deeply rooted in the individual. It is
produces in young people eccentric and also of immense consequence, and not
fantastic manners ; on the other hand, seldom attended with deplorable cir-
if the organ is small in a child, it will cumstances. The marks for noting the
show great tendency to travel, love of development of Secretiveness are, ge-
geography, or instability, proneness to nerally (because in the child the nobler
change, combined with want of firm- sentiments still slumber), an inclination
ness, and will create a very unstable to conceal emotions and plans secresy
called courage. If this organ is very ated at, and gives an elevation to, that
large, its possessor may become truly part of the head forming the curve or
courageous or he may be quarrelsome
; turn from the back to the top of the
and fond of fighting and opposition. If head. It bears selfishness in its name
combativeness is small, the individual and essence. It is, in short, the love
is deficient in the necessary qualifica- and esteem of ourselves.
tion to meet danger, or the attacks of
others. Combativeness if early displayed
13. Love of Approbation. —This is
situated at each side of the preceding
in the character of a boy, ought not organ, at the posterior lateral part of
to be too much counteracted, but ra- the head. While the foregoing senti-
ther regulated. With regard to a girl ment produces esteem of self, this leads
it is quite different. This sentiment to a desire for the esteem and appreci-
ought only to be nourished in order to ation of others.
lead her to take up the defence <">f right
and virtue.
14. Caution. —
This propensity is si-
tuated above Secretiveness, at each side
8.Destructiveness.— The propen- of the head, near the middle of each
sity to destroy gives a fulness to the parietal
bone. From this sentiment
head, above the upper part of each ear, arises the instinct which leads us to ap-
sometimes causing it to project. In a prehend and shun danger.
called the organ of religion, has its seat produces the talent for remembering
in the upper part of the head, in the objects, and is the great element in ob-
centre of the sentimental organs, close servation. With Imitation, this power
to Benevolence. It is of a rather round makes the artist.
form, and gives the feeling of depen- 25. Eventuality. It is situated in —
dence with regard to God. the middle of the forehead, above Indi-
17. Firmness. —
This organ is situ- viduality. This organ is the medium
ated between Veneration and Self- by which history is learnt for, through
esteem at the very summit of the head, the same, man possesses the power to
to which it gives a towering appear- remember facts.
ance. It produces constancy and per- 26. Form. —
Between the eye and the
severance in the various actions of the nose this is situated, giving an appear-
other organs, and enables men to con- ance of width. From this organ results
quer difficulties in science, art, and the talent of perceiving definite forms,
business. substances, &c.
Conscientiousness. This organ
18. — 27. Size. —
This organ is seated at
is situated on each side of Firmness, the inner corner of the arch of the eye-
and disposes a man to look for and de- brow, and enables man to form an esti-
sire justice to respect the rights of his
; mate of size, to judge of perspective,
fellow- creatures to love truth, and to
; and gives an idea of space, dimensions,
be open to conviction. distance.
19. Hope. —
This sentiment, situated 28. Locality. —
This organ actuates
on each side of Veneration, induces us the traveller, landscape painter, geo-
to believe in the realisation of the de- grapher, chess player, geometrician, and
sires of the other faculties. With love voyager. It is situated above and on
of life, it creates a belief in immortality, each side of the nose. It also enables
and is the basis of faith. its possessor to find out and remember
20. Wonder. —
This is situated on places.
each side of Imitation, and gives origin 29. Colour. —
This gives an arched
to general curiosity, desire for novelty, appearance on the middle of the eye-
to see or hear interesting or striking brow. It sometimes only projects, with-
things it also causes belief in presen-
; out being large. This faculty gives
timents, in secret inspirations, in phan- taste and judgment in the harmony of
toms, dreams —in short, anything su- colours. It constitutes the chief ele-
pernatural. ment in the talent of a painter.
21. Ideality. —
Is of an elongated 30. Time.— Above the middle of the
form, and situated on the side of the eyebrow this organ is situated, and gives
head above the temples. It is the talent the power to calculate and judge accu-
of poetry, and produces a desire for any- rately. It helps greatly to elegant com-
thing that is lovely and sublime. position, and also to tact in dancing,
22. Wit. —
This organ is situated on and is a most important element in true
the upper and lateral part of the fore- musical talent.
head, and gives an inclination for comi- 31. Language. — It is situated at the
cal things, and to laugh and jest. back of the orbit, and gives promi-
nence to the eye. It is the power of stand and cruets opposite each other ;
inventing and recollecting signs, and and, if in season, a small vase of flowers
of remembering words it also gives
in the centre if not, a water- jug and
great fluency in the use of words as the tumblers, which may be placed on a
medium for the expression of thought. side-table at other times. The sides of
32. —
Comparison. This organ is si- the table are occupied by the requisites
tuated in the middle of the upper part for each guest, namely, two plates, a
of the forehead, and gives a fulness to large and small fork and knives, and
that part. It produces the power of dessert-spoon. A folded napkin, con-
perception, comprehension, comparison. cealing the bread, should be placed
In short, it forms the general talent of upon the plate of each guest.
learning and understanding. The dishes served for luncheons are
33. Causality, —
This organ is situ- the remains of cold meat neatly trim-
ated at each side of comparison, and med and garnished cold game, hashed
enables us to trace the cause and effects or plain curries, minced meats, cold
[This outline of the names, situation, cooked cutlets, steaks, and chops ome- ;
and characteristics of the phrenological lettes, bacon, eggs, devilled and grilled
divisions of the brain, we have extracted bones, potatoes, sweetmeats, butter, pic-
from an excellent little book, entitled kles, cheese, salad. In fact, almost
" Children's Gifts and Mothers' Duties," anything does for lunch, whether of fish
by Elise Von Lersner. This work is flesh, fowl, pastry, fruit, or vegetables.
full of sound advice to mothers on the Ale, stout and sherry are generally
moral training of their children, and served, with biscuits and ripe fruit.
cannot be too highly commended, apart —
Breakfasts. The table, of course,
from all phrenological theories, on which as for every meal, should be covered
the author's deductions are based.] with a clean white cloth the cups and
Game. All kinds of game may be saucers arranged at one end, if for tea,
made fit for eating when it appears to and at both ends if for tea and coffee ;
or three waters, and rub them with salt coffee-pot occupying the space between
have ready a saucepan of boiling water, in front, and the urn that at the back.
and plunge them into it one by one, The slop-bason and milk- jug should be
drawing them up and down by the legs, placed to the left, and the cream and
so that the water may pass through hot milk to the right. The remainder
them. Let them stay for about ten of the table should be occupied in the
minutes, then hang them up in a cold centre by the various dishes to be par-
place when they are completely and taken of, while at the sides must be
thoroughly drained, well salt and pep- ranged a plate for meat, &c, and a
per the insides, and well wash them be- smaller one for toast, rolls, &c, with a
fore roasting. knife and fork for each person, the carv-
Luncheons. The luncheon is laid ing-knife and fork being placed point
out in two ways one way is to bring to handle the bread-and-butter knives
; ;
in a butler's tray with let-down sides, to the right of their respective dishes,
on which it is previously arranged upon which should occupy the centre part,
a tray-cloth, and letting down the sides and spoons in front of the hot dishes
and spreading the cloth upon the din- with gravy. Salt-cellars should occupy
ing-table, to distribute the things as re- the four corners, and, if required, the
quired. The other way is to lay the cruets should be placed in the centre of
cloth as for dinner, with the pickle- the table. Dry toast should never be
prepared longer than five minutes be- consulting your book, where to rind
fore serving, as it becomes tough, and whatever you want, and which of the
the buttered, soppy and greasy, if too boxes it will be best to open first. Also,
long prepared. Hot rolls should be in a long sea-voyage, if there is occasion
brought to table covered with a napkin. to have a trunk brought from the hold
The dishes usually set upon the table to get out of it any particular article,
are selected from hot, cold, and cured your book will tell exactly in which of
meats. your trunks that article is. For want
To Remove Black Stains from the of such an inventory, we have seen, in
Skin. Ladies that wear mourning in crossing the Atlantic, three or four
warm weather are much incommoded trunks brought up belonging to one
by the blackness it leaves on the arms family, opened, and searched, before
and neck, and which cannot easily be the right one could be found.
removed, even by soap and warm water. Ice Cream. —
Put the cream into a
To have a remedy always at hand, keep broad pan then stir in the sugar by
in the drawer of your wash-stand a box, degrees, and when all is well mixed,
containing a mixture in equal portions strain it through a sieve. Put it into a
of cream of tartar, and oxalic acid (POI- tin that has a close cover, and set it in
SON). Get at a druggist's half an ounce a tub. Fill the tub with ice broken
of each of these articles, and have them into very small pieces, and strew among
mixed and pounded together in a mor- the ice a large quantity of salt, taking
tar. Put some of this mixture in a cup care that none of the salt gets into the
that has a cover, and if, afterwards, it cream. Scrape the cream down with a
becomes hard, you may keep it slightly spoon as it freezes round the edges of
moistened with water. Be sure that it the tin. While the cream is freezing,
is always closely covered. To use it stir in gradually the lemon-juice, or the
wet the black stains on your skin with juice of a pint of mashed strawberries
the corner of a towel, dipped in warm or raspberries. When it is all frozen,
water then, with your ringer, rub on dip the tin into lukewarm water take
; ;
a little of the mixture. Then immedi- out the cream, and fill your glasses, but
ately wash it off with water, and after- not till a few minutes before you want
wards with soap and water, and the to use it, as it will very soon melt.
black stains will be visible no longer. You may heighten the colour of the red
This mixture will also remove ink, and fruit by a little cochineal. If you wish
all other stains from the ringers, and to have it in moulds, put the cream
from white clothes. It is more speedy into them as soon as it has frozen in
in its effects if applied with warm wa- the tin. Set the moulds in a tub of ice
ter. No lady should be without this and salt. Just before you want to use
mixture, but care must be taken to keep the cream, take the mould out of the
it out of the way of young children, as, tub, wipe or wash the salt carefully
if swallowed, it is poisonous. from the outside, dip the moulds in
Packing Household Articles.— lukewarm water, ' and turn out the
In packing for the removal of a family cream. You may flavour a quart of ice
to a distant place, let all the trunks and cream with two ounces of sweet al-
boxes be numbered, and the numbers monds and one ounce of bitter almonds,
put down in a book let some one who
, blanched and beaten in a mortar with
overlooks the whole of the packing, set a little rose water to a smooth paste,
down every article, denoting the exact Stir in the almonds gradually while the
box or trunk in which it is placed, and cream is freezing.
the order in which the things are put Rules for Making Cakes and Pas-
in, beginning with those at the bottom. try.— In making cakes or pastry, always
By this means, after arriving at the commence by weighing out the ingre-
place of destination, you will know, by dients, sifting the flour, pounding and
- •
be beaten separately, bear the whites ries, melons, apricots, currants and
first, as they will stand longer. Eggs gooseberries.
should be beaten in a broad shallow Fish. —
Carp, soles, tench, smelts, eels,
pan, spreading wide at the top. But-
trout, turbot, lobsters, chub, salmon,,
ter and sugar should be stirred in a deep herrings, mackerel, crabs, prawns, and
pan with straight sides. Break every shrimps.
egg by itself, in a saucer, before you July, August, and
September. —
put it into the pan, that in case there Meats. —These are the same as the pre-
should be any bad ones, they may not ceding months, except pork, which com-
spoil the others. Eggs are beaten most mences in September.
expeditiously with whisks. A small Poultry. — Fowls, chickens, pullets,
. quantity of white of egg may be beaten rabbits, pigeons, and green geese, lever-
with a knife, or a three-pronged fork. ets, poults; turkeys, the two former
Monthly List of Food in Season. months geese in September.
— —
.—January. Meats. Beef, veal, mut- Fish. —
All othe~ -foods same as the last " every man becoming his own doctor,"
month. but for the treatment of many of those
December. —
Meats as in October. every- day ailments we are confident
Poultry and Game. Pheasants, geese, that the Pyretic Saline will be found
turkeys, pullets, pigeons, pullets, larks, adequate to the occasion.
woodcocks, snipes, sea-fowls, Guinea Origin of the Forget-me-not. —
fowls^ wild ducks, widgeon, grouse, ca- The popular tradition which tells how
pons, fowls, rabbits, and hares. the name came to be applied to the
Vegetables same as last month. plant which now bears it throughout
Fish. —
Carp, sturgeon, soles, gudgeon, Europe is not generally known. It is
eels, shell fish of all kinds, dories and said that a knight and a lady were walk-
turbot. ing by the side of the Danube, inter-
Saline Drinks. These wholesome changing vows of devotion and affection,
and pleasant summer drinks now enter when the latter saw on the other side
largely into domestic medicine, and are of the stream the bright blue flowers of
found to be no unimportant remedies the myosotis, and expressed a desire for
in cholera, diarrhoea, fevers, gout, bile, them. The knight, eager to gratify her,
heartburn, exhaustion, blotches on the plunged into the river, and, reaching
face, and various other diseases arising the opposite bank, gathered a bunch of
from altered conditions of the blood. flowers. On his return, however, the
Hence the cause of saline drinks having current proved too strong for him, and,
become so popular. They partake of the after many efforts to reach the land, he
qualities of salt, which is the chief con- was borne away. With a last effort he
stituent of the blood and the body gene- flung the fatal blossoms upon the bank,
rally, and we find that where salt is de- exclaiming as he did so, " Forget-me-
ficient in the system, the digestive pow- not
ers are weakened, and the general tone
And the lady fair of the knight so true
of the system is impaired. To the con- Still remembered his hapless lot
dition of the blood may be traced both
stantly ready to be raised to the boiling they disappear. The silks should then
point at a moment's notice. be rinsed in luke-warm water, and
The copper parlour-kettle is always stretched by pins to dry. Flowered
bright on the lid and front part ; but white silk is best cleaned by bread
mark — never cleaned underneath,
it is crumbs rubbed on by the hands. Black
nor on the where the soot is de-
sides, silk is best cleaned by some ox-gall, put
posited. By this means the parts turned into boiling water the silk should be
towards the fire absorb heat, while the laid out on a table, and both sides
parts turned from it retain the heat sponged with the gall-liquor, then rinsed
which the others gain. with clear water. A very little gum-
The silver drawing-room kettle pre- arabic or gelatine may be dissolved in
sents a highly-reflecting surface all over, water, and passed over the wrong side
since by that means it retains the heat of the silk, which should then be
by preventing radiation. stretched out on pins to dry.
For the same reasons, a bright metal Origin of the Word " Husband."
teapot is used where three or four peo- — The word "husband" is derived
ple take tea together but old cotta-;
from the Anglo-Saxon words " hus"
gers or people living alone use cosy lit- and " bond," which signify " the bond
tle black teapots, which they set upon of the house ;" and it was anciently
the hob. In both cases the laws of spelled " house-bond," and continued
natural philosophy are carried out. to be thus spelt in some editions of the
Breaking Glass to any required Scriptures after the introduction of
Figure. —
Make a small notch by means printing. A husband then is a house-
of a on the edge of a piece of glass,
file bond the bond of a house that which
; ;
trace with French chalk the figure re- engirdles the family into the union of
quired, then make the end of a tobacco- strength, and the oneness of love. Wife
pipe, or the end of a rod of iron of the and children, and the " stranger that is
same size, red-hot apply the hot iron
: —
within thy gates " all their interests
to the notch, and draw it slowly along and all their happiness are encircled —
the tracing on the glass a crack will ;
in the house- bond's embrace, the ob-
follow the direction of the iron, and the jects of his protection and of his special
pieces of glass may
be separated. care.
Glossy Starch. Put about two — Muffling the Throat. —What is the
•ounces of white gum-arabic powder into best mode for protecting the throat from
a, pitcher, and pour on the same a pint colds where a person is very susceptible
of boiling water, according to the degree of them ? The common way of pro-
of strength you desire, and then, having tecting the throat is to bundle and wrap
covered it, let it stand all night. In it up closely, thus overheating and ren-
the morning pour it carefully from the dering it tender and sensitive, and more
dregs into a clear bottle, and keep it for liable to colds and inflammation than
nse. A tablespoonful of gum-water before. This practice is all wrong, and
stirred into a pint of starch that has results inmuch evil. Especially is this
been made in the usual manner, will the case with children and when, in
give black or printed lawns a look of addition to muffling the throat, the ex-
tremities are insufficiently clad, as is an oak tree in full health within your
often the case, the best possible con- parlour.
ditions are presented for the production —
Onion Sauce. Peel a dozen onions,
of sore throats, coughs, croup, and all and put them in a little cold water to
kinds of throat affections. If the neck whiten let them remain about twenty
is kept overheated a portion of the minutes then put them into a sauce'-
time, when it is exposed some form of pan, cover them with water, and boil
disarrangement of the throat will be them well if the onions are very strong,
apt to occur. The rule in regard to change the water they will require
clothing the neck should be to keep it about an hour to boil. When teiider,
as cool as comfort will allow. In doing drain them thoroughly and rub them
so you will suffer much less from throat through a sieve. Make a pint of melted
ailment than if you are always fearful butter as follows ;
A dessert- spoonful
of having a little cold air come in con- of flour, two ounces of butter, three
tact with your neck. Those who have quarters of a pint of milk mix and stir ;
been accustomed to the muffling of the it until it boils add the onions., and
throat should be careful to leave off gra- stir till the sauce simmers, when it is
dually, and not all at once. quite ready for the table.
To Restore Colours Taken Out To Work Devices in Hair. This —
by Acids. Hartshorn rubbed on a silk is the most difficult branch in weaving
or woollen garment will restore the co- or plaiting hair ornaments. No small
lour without in j uring it. Spirits of tur- degree of artistic taste is requisite to
pentine is good to take grease or drops ensure success. Landscapes require as
of paint out of cloth ; apply it till the fine shading, and as delicate touches, as
paint can be scraped off. Kub French when drawn with the pencil. Patience,
chalk or magnesia on silk or ribbon that lightness of hand, good eyesight, and
has been greased, and hold near the fire ;
some knowledge of the principles of
this will absorb the grease so that it drawing, -are the attributes most likely
may be brushed off. to conduce to success but practice, ;
To Settle Coffee and Secure its judgment, and perseverance will alone
Aroma. The following method will produce perfection.
be found an excellent one for these pur- It is very difficult, too, to give verbal
poses : For a pound of coffee take an instructions for this branch of hair-
egg and beat it well When the coffee work, which is eminently artistic, and
is nicely browned, and cool enough not not mechanical. However, we will en-
to cook the egg, pour the egg over it, deavour to lay down some fundamental
stirring it until every kernel is coated directions, which, we trust, the taste of
with a varnish, and let it stand a few our readers will enable them to carry
minutes till it dries. This will prevent into practice, and which will guide
the escape of all aroma. It is not af- them towards achieving skill in the
fected by moisture, and the egg helps art.
the coffee to settle when it is ground Hair of any length above an inch and
and steeped. a half may be used for devices.
A —
Parlour Ornament. Suspend an The first article we require for this
acorn by a thread so as to nearly touch work is ivory, such as is used by minia-
the water in an/ glass vessel, set it upon ture painters this can be obtained at
the mantel, and let it remain there for any ivory-turners it must be polished, ;
two months, without being interfered of a good colour, and flat and even, not
with, except to supply fresh water, and warped. Next a clear solution of gum-
the acorn will burst, and as it throws a dragon, of about the consistence of
root down into the water, a sprout or cream, must be prepared by soaking a
stem will be sent upward, throwing, out piece of this gum, of about the size of
beautiful green leaves, thus giving you a nut, in three parts of a wine-glassful
of cold water the gum will take six or bon, or united surface of hair, semi-
hairs evenly at one end, and tie them. From this preparation, leaves, petals,
Damp it, curl it closely as for a " flat- or flowers, corns of a wheat-ear, and
curl," put it in paper, and then set it such like, are cut out, either with the
to press under an iron sufficiently warm scissors, or by laying the hair on the
to thoroughly dry it without scorching, palette and using the penknife ; and
or rendering it harsh ;
put it aside for when the ribbon is brittle this latter
use in a book. This preparation is mode is to be preferred. At first it will
chiefly used for feathers. be best to cut out the requisite portions
The waved hair is prepared by plait- from patterns previously prepared ; but
ing hair not less than two inches in after awhile skill and practice will enable
length in fine plaits, clamping it, en- it to be done by the eye.
veloping it in paper, and pressing it as Besides the preparations of hair which
we have just directed. When required we have thus enumerated, it will always
for use, the plait must be carefully and be necessary to have an unprepared
patiently picked out with a pin, and tress of hair, tied at both ends, to keep
the hair will be found to be rippled in it smooth, as from this the hairs for
the manner required. Or, if a larger stems, outlines, shading, tendrils, &c,
wave is needed, the hair may be damped, will have to be drawn as they are re-
and wound tightly in and out a fine quired.
hair-pin, and dried as before. These The device which is intended to be
preparations are chiefly adapted to trees, worked, must be traced on the ivory
or to the touches indicating grass, or with a hard, fine-pointed pencil. We
turf, or the ground. will suppose that the device to be a
The ribbon hair is formed by taking tomb with a willow tree drooping over
a tress, not too thick, and measuring it, and a group of trees and the sky at
three or more inches, and, having pre- the back of the picture to be reproduced
viously arranged all the hairs evenly, on the ivory. For this the ribbon hair,
tying it at one end. Then a few drops the rippled hair, and some unprepared
of the gum-water must be let fall on the hair, will be needed ; also a piece of
palette, so as to form a straight lineon ivory, and a thickish solution of gum-
this the hair is to be laid down, and dragon. For the tree stem, or trunk,
held in its place by the tied end, and about twenty hairs must be drawn from
then smoothed out with the ivory knife the tress, and passed between the finger
in one direction, namely, from the tied and thumb after they have been moist-
end, towards the opposite extremity, ened with gum-water the ends must
until it assumes the form of a flat rib- be cut to shape on the ivory with the
penknife. The foliage of the tree is hair pencil, and brought to its place,
composed of the rippled hair. adjusted there with the point of the
We will, however, commence with pin, and then pressed down with its
the tomb. With, a fine camel-hair pen- head. When all the leaves are placed,
cil, moistened in gum-water, go over the stem must be made as above di-
the outlines then take two or three rected, and laid down so as to cover the
hairs from the tress, and passing them lower extremities of the leaves, and
between a moistened thumb and finger, make them appear to spring from it.
lay them down on the outline, cutting For most flowers, a circle of thread,
off the ends with the point of the pen- varying in size from a pin's head to a
knife, arranging them with the point fourpenny piece, must be gummed on,
of the pin, and passing the head of the and the centre of it moistened with,
pin over to smooth and fix them there. gum, and then the petals of the flower
With these hairs outline and shade the made to spring from the centre, and rest
tomb. Then, for the group of trees at on that thread. For double flowers, a
back and the sky, gum the outlines as second and smaller circle of thread is
before, and all the ivory there that is to put in after the first row of petals have
be worked on take some twenty or been fixed in their places and are dry.
more hairs from the tress, press their It is always advisable to wait until
extremities down on the cloud lines, one portion of the work is dry, before
and let them cover that spot, and then a second portion, or one that overlaps
shade them out with the point of the it, is added.
pin, as one would throw in pencil shad- Wheat-ears are composed of corns
ing. Then lay the tress down on the cut either separately, or in a single
upright trees in the background, and piece, from ribbon hair, and with single
with the penknife cut off the short hairs projecting between each corn.
lengths requisite to form all those up- Feathers are made by gumming a
strokes, and afterwards arrange them portion of the surface of one side of
all evenly with the pin's point. Make the feather, and laying an end of curled
a stem by passing four or six hairs be- hair down on it, and cutting cff the
tween the thumb and finger, moistened tress close to the stem of the feather ,
with gum, and press it into its place and then with pin and large brush, ar-
with the head of the pin, cutting off ranging the bit laid on gracefully and
any superfluous length. Now take the naturally. This is to be repeated until
willow tree in front, drooping over the the whole featnery portion on either
tomb, and having gummed all that por- side is covered. The stem is then made
tion of the ivory, lay down the trunk, in the same way as flower stems, and
made as above directed, and then form laid on so as to cover the ends and ;
the foliage with rippled hair, shading the bands, or ribbons, formed in like
and arranging it by means of the point manner, and adjusted to their places.
of the pin, and the larger and firmer Devices must, of course, always be
brush before described. If reeds and protected by glass or crystal, as their
flowers are introduced into the device, delicate structure will admit of no rough
the former are made like the stems, and usage.
cut into ahape with the knife, and the How
to Make Wool Flowers.—
small flowers are cut out from ribbon There are several ways of making wool
hair, and laid on the gummed surface. flowers, but the one we are about to
For groups of flowers, the leaves, describe is to be commended for its sim-
petals, &c, must first be cut out and plicity and its charming effect. The
then the ivory having been outlined materials required are wooden or bone
the spray we intend to work first must meshes of various sizes, single Berlin
be gummed, and each leaf raised sepa- wool of various colours, and a reel of
rately with the tip of a moist camel- fine flower, with a skein of fine white
silk. For the moss a pair of steel knit- take the end D, Fig. 2, and place it
ting needles of moderate size. D, Fig. 3. The end D is under the
We will commence by describing a end C. Pull them into as close a tie
dahlia. Take an inch mesh, cut off and as close to the mesh as possible.
about six inches of wire, and place it Take the end C in Fig. 4, and carry it
across the mesh, as shown at A in Fig. 1. behind the mesh as D
in Fig. 5, pulling
Take the wool double, and fold it across it up straight and tight, like Fig. 6.
the mesh the reverse way, at B. Draw Then take the double end of wool and
it down tight and close to the wire, twist it round the mesh, like Fig. 7>
holding the hole at the lower end of the drawing the loop close to the previous
mesh by the thumb and finger of the one. Work this with the wire in the
left hamd. Then take the end of wire same way. The number of loops re-
C, Fig. 1 and bring it down across the quired may vary with the size of the
under the thumb and finger. Then When these are completed slip them off
chest, and lay the foundation for the if they be destroyed, or seriously in-
loss of health and beauty. All this can jured, the young plant must die.
be perfectly obviated by a little atten- Seeds will not vegetate unless within
tion to the manner of breathing. Re- the influence of moisture, air, and heat ;
member that the lungs are like a blad- be careful, therefore, not to sow your
der in their construction, and can be seeds too deep, or they will never come
stretched open to double their size with up.
perfect safety, giving a well- formed good is obtained by saving your
chest and a perfect immunity from con- own seed from common annuals and
sumption. The agent, and the only vegetables your ground is worth more
agent we require, is the common air we to you for other purposes than the cost
breathe ; supposing, however, that no of the quantity of seed which you will
obstacle exists, such as tying it round require besides which, you will have
with stays, or having the shoulders lay- a better crop from seed raised in a dif-
ing upon it. On arising from your bed ferent soil.
in the morning, place yourself in an Theroots of very young plants are
erect position, the shoulders thrown off not strong enough to bear removal the ;
behind, holding your breath as long as roots will be able to perform their pro-
possible. Repeat these long breaths as per functions.
much as you please. Done in a cold Plants when exposed to the action
room is much better, because the air is of light, transmit moisture copiously
much denser, and will act much more through their leaves transplanted seed-
Theseeds of most weeds will retain store roots complete protection, or let
their vegetative power for an unlimited them stay in the ground.
umber of years ; take care, therefore, All plants absorb from the ground
gans of a plant, and, as before observed, therefore, when kept in rooms, their
if they are destroyed or injured the place should be as near as possible to
whole plant suffers. the window.
The pores in the leaves of the plants, All plants have a season of rest dis- ;
by which they transmit moisture and cover what season is peculiar to each,
air, are exceedingly minute, and liable and choose that season for transp 1
smoke, and if their leaves become soiled planting them at this period, for in all
they should be washed. probability they will suffer from the
The branches and leaves of plants check.
rarely touch one another while in a On the contrary, choose this period
growing state learn from this not to
; in preference to any other, for taking
crowd plants too much in your beds ;
cuttings, as they are then most active
air and light are as necessary to them in forming roots.
as earth and water. Plants when in bloom have all their
The throwing off of its leaves by a juices in the most perfect state choose, ;
more than the severest frost. nials, unless you wish to save seed the ;
If a grass-plot becomes overrun with plants will thus be prevented from ex-
moss, manure the surface, and the grass hausting themselves.
will gain strength so as to overcome To procure a succession of roses, prune
the intruder. down to three eyes on all the branches
In all cases of pruning, cut towards of some trees, as soon as the buds begin
you, beginning a little below a bud, to expand defer the same operations
but on the opposite side, and ending with others, until the leaves are expand-
just above the bud by this means the
ing in the former case the three buds
wood will be kept alive by the bud, and will bear early flowers in the latter
no water will be able to settle and rot they will not begin to expand until the
on it. others are in full foliage, and will bloom
Leaves shaded from the light do not proportionally later.
acquire depth of colour or strength of By choking the growth of plants, you
flavour gardeners take advantage of
throw strength into the flowers acrs}
fruit , this is the reason why gardeners of weeds, or when the latter run to seed,
nip off the termiual shoots of beans and they will supply your garden with a
other such vegetables on this prin-
; stock against next season.
ciple, too, is founded the valuable art Finally, whether you sow seeds, wa-
or pruning. ter the young plants, or reap the pro-
Generally speaking, the smaller the duce, remember that you are dependent
quantity of fruit on a tree, the higher for all on God's blessing.
the flavour therefore, thin all fruits in
: Care of Carpets.— When carpets
moderation, but avoid excess a single ; are taken up, be careful in removing the
gooseberry on a tree, or a single bunch tin tacks, so that the edges of the carpet
of grapes on a vine, no matter how fine are not torn, then roll up the carpets
it may be. is a disgrace to good garden with the upper part inside, and send
ag- them away to be beaten. As soon as
Fruit should always be gathered in the carpets are removed, throw a few
dry weather, and carefully placed in tea-leaves, not too wet, over the floor,
baskets, not dropped in the slightest
sweep the room out, and afterwards
bruise will cause fruit to decay. wash the boards with a flannel, but be
All bulbs and tubers should be placed careful not to throw too much water
in the ground before they begin to shoot about, as it is liable to injure the ceilings
if suffered to form leaves and roots in of the rooms below. While the floor is
the air, they waste strength. drying, beat the carpets, by hanging
Never remove the leaves from bulbs them over a stout line and beating them,
after flowering until they are quite dead ;
first on one side and then on the other,
as long as the leaves retain life, they with a long, smooth stick. After the
are employed in preparing nourishment carpet is beaten, it may be dragged over
and transmitting it to the roots. a lawn, or else brushed on both sides
Vegetables that are valued for their with a carpet broom. If faded or greasy
juciness and mild flavour should be in many parts, an ox-gall mixed with a
grown quickly the reverse should be
; pailful of cold water, or a little grated
the case when a strong flavour is re- raw potato and cold water mixed to-
quired. gether, and sponged over the places,
Though rapid growth is desirable in and then wiped dry with soft cloths,
succulent vegetables, this is not the case will make them look clean and bright.
with most flowering shrubs, which form Pot- Herbs.— Parsley.— This herb
.bushy and therefore handsomer plants is most in use, indeed in constant de-
ground which are exposed to the same and if the stalks are cut down occasion-
temperature, because the fibres of their ally to prevent their seeding, it will last
roots cling to the sides of the pots and for several years. The seed, which
are soon affected if they are kept out
; should be buried about an inch deep,
of doors during the winter, bury the is a long time vegetating, the plant not
pots in the ground. appearing above ground for five or six
All garden hedges should be kept clear weeks. Parsley may be cultivated by
weather by shading and watering Those joram, savory, and tarragon, may be
ladies who have conservatories or frames grown from cuttings or roots, like those
should keep a root or two of mint in already described.
pots, as it is in demand for lamb very Some corners should be devoted to
early in the year, and before it puts fennel and horse-radish, esculents in
forth its young leaves in the ooen constant use. The first is shy of mov-
ground. ing, and unless the plants are very
Sage. This herb is indispensable in young, it can scarce^ ever be done
the stuffing of geese, ducks, or pork, so successfully after April.
by all means nourish a few roots of it, Little Presents. —
Lite is made up
which is propagated by planting the of little things every now and then—;
young shoots about the month of June. and every now and then only—is it that
Take some robust shoots, about six we are startled from the usual routine
inches long, remove all but the top of small events by some great thing
leaves, and insert them in dippled holes, happening to us. Small grains make
quite up to the leaves, squeezing the great mountains, and there is a value
earth at the bottom of the shoot, but in little things to which many large
pressing it lightly towards the top. ones can never attain. How cheering
Shade and water, and when the plants to the downcast mind is even the bright
spindle and show an inclination to smile, or the passing sunbeam, and just
flower, cut them down, so as to induce such cheerful visitants are little pre-
the growth of side shoots. Or you may sents. We hare a great value and re-
divide the whole root, which is best af- gard for them ; it is not the worth of
fected in spring or autumn. If produced the thing, but the spirit that induced
from seed, it must be sown in a rich the gift, that we prize. We
are all tra-
border in April, thinned out when the vellers along a road more or less weary
plants are three inches high, and re- to even* one ; life's journey presents us
moved to its final station in the autumn with many trials, crosses, and care? ;
or the following spring. Sage requires we need to drink at the fountain, for
a dry soil and sheltered situation. the way is dusty to rest by the road-
Thyme will grow anywhere, but it side, for the journey is toilsome and :
prefers a dry poor soil ; if the ground is we like to receive the word of hearty
rich, the plant will become too luxuri- cheer from the fellow-traveller who is
ant and lose its aromatic qualities. bound for the same destination. Many
There are several varieties, that pre- a time have we been thus helped on by
ferred for culinary purposes is the le- a little present. Listless and weary,
mon scented, it is also the handsomest we had risen from unrefreshing sleer>.
in appearance. It is propagated by seeds lo ! the postman's knock sent into our
flowing sunshine and a sumptuous ease, pent of a good action ? Let them speak
. and some gleam from that bright but for you when you are absent, and If
distant world might come to us —
a ray, they do not call forth answering beams
yes in the shape of a little present. of love, and joy, and thankfulness, let
The letter is thick and bulky, we feel them at least glow as the hot burning
it, we wonder, then we break the seal coals upon the heads of the ungrate-
something more than a letter springs to ful.
sight —
some small but useful thing, " Yes, I love you, little presents,
, tiad we have rejoiced over our little In your small array ;
present. Kor is the pleasure evanescent Stars of kindness, mildly beaming
—we feel, all day long, that something Light upon my way.
pleasant has happened to us we have ;
- and little troubles sink before the rising They have potent sway
•of the beams shed by our little present, Over care, and grief, and sorrow,
Let us then give our little presents, Driving all away."
-called forth by the feeling of love and
kindness. Long after we had given and The Art of Bird-Stuffing.—Begin-
forgotten the gifts, little presents have ners should never attempt to stuff any
come up and looked at us again ; we bird smaller than a blackbird the lar-
had not remembered the queer old ger the bird the easier it is to stuff.
•drawing, the work of our childhood ; First put a small quantity of wool down
er the little letter that accompanied it, the throat in order to prevent any mois-
full of all manner of good wishes the ;
ture escaping from the stomach this ;
only marker, so badly worked that now is highly important, and must never
meet us, between the leaves of that old the wings close to the body divide ;
Bible, utterly forgotten by the giver, the feathers from the breast- bone to
but oh treasured by the recipient
the vent divide the skin in like man-
treasured in the greatest treasury of ner. Great care must be taken not to
all, the little gifts of love thought puncture the abdomen raise the skin
worthy of a place between those leaves. with the point of a penknife until you
They look at us, they remind us of days can take hold of it with your finger
long past, but surely they were links and thumb ; hold the skin tight and
in a friendship which is not yet severed, press on the body with the knife as the
some of the little things that yet abide, skin parts from it, putting the knife
and, like the small seed, sinking into farther under until you reach the thigh ;
the ground, containing the germ of break the thigh-bone close to the top
great results. Y\r e have never valued joint, and push it gently up until you
great and costly gifts as we have little can take hold of the flesh now take ;
presents. Once we were tempted to the bone that is attached to the leg and
ridicule an ornament from its want of pull it gently out, turning the skin of
taste and fitness, we were stopped by the leg inside out cut the flesh off
words — " It was the pre-
representation of a precious bond, one wet escapes from the flesh, dry it up
we take upon us too lightly, and throw with fresh bran. With a small pair of
off too easily —
the bond of friendship^ scissors, put the skin on both sides out
As far as your means will permit, of your way as much as possible \
$ke body up (the tail of the bird being- the tail, of course) ; open the eyelids,
held in your hand) ; cut through as and put in the eyes (patience is required
close to the tail as possible (this is done young beginners to do this) mount
in ;
inside the skin) ; then take the bird by the bird on a perch fastened to a small
the back-bone, and gently push the skin board, bend the legs so that it will seem
down by the thumb-nail till you come to stand in a proper position be care- ;
to the wings ;take as much flesh from ful not to loosen the ie^ wires from the
the wing joints as you can, and go on body, bring the feathers nicely together
skinning till you reach the ears take between the legs, bend the neck, and
hold of them close to the skull and pull put the head, in the shape you think
them out. Take the eyes out, and be proper, then run a pin or a piece of wire
careful not to burst them, holding the through the butt of the wing and into
skin with one thumb and finger, while the body, to keep it in its proper place.
you pull the eye out of the skin wi*& Should the bird be out of shape in
the other ;after taking the eyes one, places, raise the skin gently with a
put as much cotton in the sockets as needle, put the feathers as straight as
will nicely fill them. Skin down to the you can, put a pin in the breast, back,
beak very gently, cut the neck away and under each wing near to the top of
from the skull, and also a piece of the the thigh, fasten the end of the cotton
•skull to take the brains out anoint to one of the pins, and gently wind it
the skin with arsenicated soap, put a round the bird from one pin to the
little tow round the thigh bones to form other put up the bird when you see
the thigh, and gently turn the skin back that it is right. You had better let the
again ; if care has been taken, the loss specimen dry of itself, then bake it ,
of the body will make but little differ- keep it free from dust, and it will dry
ence in the size of the bird. Get three in a fortnight. Spread the tail in a na-
wires, one as long again as the bird, the tural position, and when it is dry, un
other two twice the length of the legs, wind the cotton "cut the pins close to
file them sharp at one end, bend the the butt of the wing and the head take ;
biunt end of the long wire, put some out the others, and the bird is finished.
tow on the bend and squeeze it tight This art, though somewhat unplea-
to fasten it, then twist the tow until it sant in its operations for fair fingers, is,
is about the size of the body do it as when accomplished, an interesting par-
tight as possible. Have some tow cut lour ornament, especially when it is a
up small, get a strong wire, rough one representation and a memento of some
point, and turn the other into a bow to favourite pet.
hold in your hand take hold of some
, Electricity from a Black Cat.— To
of the tow with the rough end, and receive the electrical shock from a black
push it up the neck this requires but cat, place the left hand under the throat,
a small portion of tow put some in with the middle finger or the thumb
the chest, and a little all over the in- slightly pressing the bones of the ani-
side of the skm. Put the body wire up mal's shoulder then, on gently passing
the neck, and bring it out through the the right hand along the back, sensible
skull at the top of the head draw the electric shocks will be felt in the left
body into the skm and be careful not hand. Very distinct discharges may
to stretch the neck then put the other be obtained, too, by touching" the tips
wires through the centre of the feet of the ears after applying friction to the
np the legs, being careful not to break back of the cat. It will be hardly ne-
the skin put enough wire inside the cessary to hint how requisite it is" that
skin to push into the body to fasten a good understanding should exi^t be-
the legs cut off a piece of the wire tween the experimenter and the cat.
that has gone through the head, put it Pocket-Handkerchief.— The com-
through the tail into the body (under ponent parts of this familiar term are
— -
or pocket- hand -head- cover. Hence the Divorce. In the event of a marriage-
transitions that have taken place in the being annulled by divorce, the parties
use of that article of dress first worn . so divorced cannot legally marry again
on the head, then carried in the hand, until three months have elapsed after
and lastly the pocket. m The word the absolute dissolution of the former
mouchoir is not the translation of it, marriage.
unless depoche be added for the French ; Legal Modes of Marriage.— Upon
have mouchoir de tete, mouchoir de cou, some one of the following modes only is-
as well as mouchoir de poche. In fact marriage valid in England :
ter's husband brother husband's bro- official book of the church is held to be
; ;
the banns have been duly published the years of age, then the declaration must
marriage may be solemnised at either affirm the consent of the parents or
of the churches where the banns were guardians of such parties.
published, wr ithin three calendar months False declarations, if known cO both
after such publication, but not else- parties, has the effect of making the
where, nor after the end of the three marriage void as against the children
months. thereof, according to the strict letter of
2. Marriage by Licence. —A mar- the law.
riage licence may be obtained from a The practical effect of a marriage by
surrogate, who is a bishop's representa- licence is, that immediately after the
tive for the purpose of granting mar- declaration is made, the marriage may
riage licences. Where there is only one take place forthwith, or any legal time
church in a parish, the incumbent is within three months afterwards, in the
usually a surrogate. Where there are church or chapel specified in the licence,
more than one, certain of the incum- but not afterwards, nor elsewhere.
bents are selected by the bishop to act 3. Marriage by Special Licence. —
as surrogates, Special licences vary only from ordinary-
In the metropolitan district, mar- ones that they do not specify any par-
riage licences may be procured either of ticular church or place where the mar-
a\ local surrogate or in Doctor's Com- riage is to take place, nor do they re-
mons. quire the previous residence of either
One of the parties about to be mar- of the parties in any particular parish
ried must make application for a li- or district. Like the other licences,
cence, and he or she will thereupon be they are only available for the space of
required to make the following declara- three months.
tion : Marriage by Certificate of a Su-
•January 1, 1874. —
perintendent Registrar. Persons de-
Diocese of London, sirous of availing themselves of autho-
Appeared personally, rity to marry by certificate, must con-
William Robinson, of the parish of form to the following provisions:
Fulham, in the County of Middlesex, One of the persons must give notice
and prayed a licence for the solemnisa- to the superintendent registrar of the
tion of matrimony in the parish church district in which they both reside or ;
is very easily made, and as home-made In a vessel of copper one pound of co-
plaster is better than what can be pur- coa-nut oil is heated to 60 degrees Fah.,
chased, the process of making ought to whereupon half-a- pound of caustic soda
be generally known. Soak bruised isin- is added, with constant stirring. In
glass in a little warm water for twenty another vessel half- a- pound of white
four hours, then evaporate nearly all Venetian turpentine is heated, and when
the water by gentle heat dissolve the quite hot stirred into the copper kettle.
residue in a little proof spirits of wine, This kettle is then covered and left for
and strain the whole through a piece four, hours, being gently heated, after
of open linen. The strained mass should which the fire is increased until the
be a stiff jelly when cool. Now extend contents are perfectly clear, whereupon
one pound of ox- gall is added. After to be provided with the means of de-
this enough of good, perfectly dry Cas- fence, and to know their conditions of
tile soap is stirred into the mixture to attack. Everything that materially de-
cause the whole to yield but little under ranges the health may become the oc-
the pressure of the finger for which
casion or exciting cause of the prevalent
purpose from one to two pounds of soap complaint. When the constitution has
are required for the above quality. Af- been deteriorated by any cause, espe-
ter cooling, the soap is cut into pieces. cially by bad diet, by fatigue, by misery,
It is excellent, and will not injure the by depression, then it is most liable to
finest colours. be impressed with the noxious influ-
Hints to Convalescents, — Conva- ences. Hence the necessity of adopting
lescence neither health nor disease, it
is every means of increasing vigour. A fit
is an intermediatestate. Yv'asted ener- of passion, " catching cold," an over-
gies are to be recruited, and the organs dose of physic, an indigestion, a fright,
are to be prepared to encounter influ- a wound, anxiety, are ail causes of indi-
ences from which they have for a longer vidual attacks of reigning epidemics,
or a shorter time, been withdrawn cholera, typhus, dysentery.
influences of society, friends, noise, heat, The Effects of Different Atmo-
light, visits, cold, food, bodily labour, spheres —
on the Health. Variation
and mental toil. in the qualities of the air we breathe,
Intellectual toil or exertion is to be is a fertile source of disease, and an effi-
turbing, too apt to rekindle quenched appetite and digestive powers ,inapti-
irritations, and to produce relapses of tude for intellectual as well as bodily
departed diseases. It is a great advan- exertion ; sleepiness during day, and
tage of watering-places, and other places sleeplessness at night. It induces cere-
of invalid resort, that the patient's af- bral affections ;
gastric, bilious, and in-
fairs are left behind. The perfect calm testinal diseases. It aggravates hysteria,
of the passions is included in this ad- epilepsy and hypochondriasis. It is un-
vice. Moral emotions of an anxious or suitable for the lymphatic, the scrofu-
exciting character exercise a much more lous, and the rheumatic but adapted
the mucous membranes of the lungs, to other parts of the body ; all the se-
and gastro-intestinal canal. The very cretions are increased. For the same
strong and bilious are often benefited reason, absorption is more rapid. The
by this kind of weather. necessary result of this state of things
Cold Water Drinking.— This fluid is a keener sensation of hunger —
isthe best adapted for the drink of man- greater demand for, and ability to dis-
kind. It is indispensable to the exis- pose of food. The change of matter is
tence of organic matter water consti- — more rapid waste and suppty are more
tuting seven-eighths of the entire weight equable and proportionate, The used-
of the body. The same proportion of up particles are duly carried out of the
the solid food we eat is pure water. system. The repair of waste is more
Being free from all irritating, corrosive, perfect. In short, the body is better
or corruptible ingredients, it does not nourished. The free drinking of cold
injure the most delicate structures which watei sometimes incommodes begin-
it permeates <£ saturates. It separates, ners. But it is only a temporary incon-
attenuates, dissolves all other substan- venience, and passes off by perseve-
ces as such it becomes the grand ve-
: rance.
hicle of nutrition —
carrying into the Alcoholic Beverages. All alco—
circulation the new materials of growth holic drinks and fermented liquors, as
or repair while it is, at the same time,
; well as medicinal stimulants of all kimds,
a menstruum to carry off the wasted, should only be had recourse to on ex-
useless, or dead particles of the frame. tremely rare occasions, and under cir-
It confers upon the tissues that elasti- cumstances of great exhaustion, when
city, expansion, and movement, which lifeappears sinking. They can never
their functions require. Hence it is be taken with impunity in a state of
manifest how much of this bland, lim- health. The nutritious ingredients in
pid fluid is necessary for the wants of any, of even the best, of the liquors in
the economy to repair the waste con- question, are almost an infinitesimal!
stantly taking place, and jto replenish element compared with the noxious
all the parts that would otherwise be- principle they contain. The temporary
come dry and shrunk from want of stimulus of organic activity, and the
moisture. Besides this, there is every transient exhilaration of animal feeling
reason to believe that, in the elaborate they produce, is mistaken for the acqui-
chemistry of the living body, it is in sition of strength and nourishment.
part decomposed its elements form To counsel alcoholic drinks to feeble
new combinations and all go to carry
; suckling mothers, and dyspeptic jnva-
lids, is inexcusable. They may, indeed, state ofhealth for the operation, he
temporarily counteract exhaustion, sti- may give a certificate to that effect, ex-
mulate vascular action, and rouse tor- tending the time for two months, which
pid nervous energy producing a glow may be repeated as many times as the
vaccinator may think desirable, and any
in the stomach, or a draught in the bo-
som but they will fail to impart avail-
such certificate absolves the holder
able nourishment. This counterfeit of thereof for the two months, but no
strength is soon succeeded by increased longer.
weakness, and a more imperious de- —
Pin-Money. When a marriage set-
mand for a repetition of the stimulant. tlement of a large family estate is ef-
The mischief does not rest here for, ; fected, it is upon trustees to the use of
•the ordinary dose failing to produce its the husband, his heirs and a.-signs, until
wonted effect, a deeper and a deeper the marriage, and thenceforth subject
draught becomes necessary, and at last to an annuity payable by the husband
merges into a habit. In other cases, to the wife for her separate use. The
where the administration of wine or annuity thus payable is what is popu-
spirits is commonly supposed to be jus- larly known as " pin-money " or, the ;
cinator appointed for the district. For sure and obtaining his consent every
purposes of the Vaccination Act, the time ycu want to go to the milliner's
persons who are responsible for the shop, or for a little charity but that ;
vaccination of a child are expressly de- you shall have so much, consistent with
fined, namely —
the father (when living), your husband's income, and your own
if the child is legitimate the mother, dignity, which you shall retain apart
if the child is that of a widow or un- from him and exempt from his con-
married woman or the person autho- trol."
but persistent
When the authorised person (whethei claims for unpaid pin-money, if claimed
the public vaccinator or not) to whom each time within the year, are held to
a child is submitted for vaccination is make the payment binding for any
of opinion that the child is not in a fit period of arrears.
A wife's unfaithfulness bars her claim they get into bed, but wake some two
to any arrears or future payment of pin- or three hours afterwards, and cannot
money but if the wife leaves the hus-
sleep again, is a condition which may
band at his suggestion or with his con- in general be remedied by getting up
sent, then the claim for pin-money re- and eating some bread-and-butter thus —
mains good. engaging the nervous power in diges-
It is expressly decided that savings tion and the nutritive processes, and
of pin-money are separate estate to all returning afterwards to a cool bed. (
intents and purposes, and they may be Tea and Coffee. Dr. Searle ob-
— —
willed as such. serves " The infusion of these grateful
If the wife suffers her husband syste- exhilarants in boiling water as ordina-
matically to pay for her clothing and rily practised, in moderation there is
personal requirements for any length of no great objection to, provided they are
time, that is held to be a tacit relin- not taken too hot or too frequently.
quishment of pin-money, and it has They should in a general way be con-
been decided that in such a case it can- fined to the breakfast-table and to per-
not be afterwards claimed, unless its sons of an adult age. The young re-
payment has meanwhile been continued quire no excitants of any kind milk
afterwards plead that the disclosure of produce the same effects. To persons,
the wealth was purposely made to him therefore, who are the subjects of any
as an inducement to propose, and that spasmodic or nervous affection, although
the settlement is consequently an un- sleeplessness may not be induced, they
qualified fraud. are nevertheless clearly prohibited. And
[We are indebted to Beeton's Hand- to the dyspeptic — another large class of
Book of the Law Relating to "Women —
persons the sugar, and hot water in
and Children," for this paragraph, as which they are infused, render them
well as those on " Pin-money," " Cau- equally objectionable ; whereas cold
tion to Unmarried Ladies," and " Le- water, saturated as it is with atmosphe-
gal Modes of Marriage." To those of ric-air, possesses positively beneficial
our readers who are desirous of further virtues in many such cases.
information on these and kindred sub- Cautions to be Observed after Ex-
jects, we earnestly recommend this posure to the Cold. The secretion —
cheap and exhaustive volume.] eliminated by the skin is in general
Wakefulness after a Few Hours' acid, as is evinced not only by the taste,
Sleep. For the benefit of those per- but by the fact of its so often discharg-
sons who fall asleep perhaps soon after ing or staining the colour of ladies'
the sense she is made to have of her ever, has been found too powerful for
own importance m
the family, and in delicate skins,and it has given place to
the unusuai capacity she is obliged by a better contrivance, the hair-glove.
expensive article, pur fair friends will seam under an edge of red gimp cord.
be glad to learn how to make one for Add a metal ring at the top to hang up
themselves, using for it old mountings the frame.
or new ones at pleasure. The mounting Cheap Floral Decoration. The —
of the one given in our illustration is introduction of natural ornaments into
covered with white glace silk, and em- our houses is of comparatively recent
broidered with fine black silk in point date. Fashion, in her changing moods,
russe. The materials must be taken has willed it, and the conventional and
double; each part is, of course, em- artificial have had their day. Kustic
broidered separately, and the divisions baskets of trailing ivy, stands of gaily-
of the mounting must lie between both tinted growing flowers, mimic ponds
pieces of material. The fan is completed teeming with finny life, and vases of
at the upper end with a narrow strip of autumnal leaves and grasses, have re-
Chantiliy lace. A white silk cord and placed the cumbersome china or queer
tassell are fastened on the fan from il- old ornaments of buhl and marqueterie ;
lustration ; a circle, consisting of a plait and even in art, the graceful negligence
of white silk gimp cord, is fastened on of nature is imitated in the decoration
the cord ; the circle is placed on the fan of our modern dwellings, in showy con-
so as to prevent its opening when not trast to the geometrical embellishments
in use. Coloured silk may, of course, and prim finery of the houses of half a
be used instead of white. century ago. And this is true alike in
Ornamental Frame for a Match public as well as in private edifices.
Stand. Materials : fine penelope can- Like all fashionable articles, however,
vas, red floss silk, black ditto, gilt beads ; and especially in cities, the question of
-ornaments of gilt metal. An infinite the expense of such decorations is by
variety of patterns are now prepared in no means an unimportant one, and
gilt or silvered metal, finely carved for doubtless many of our country readers
ornamenting articles of fancy work. In would hesitate at the prices demanded
our present pattern, the bird's nest by florists for baskets of the commonest
which serves as a match- stand is formed wild grasses and ferns, even as which
of a light trellis- work of iron, the branch, flourish in abundance on every brook
and leaves, and the mother-bird, who, side. The more elaborate devices, which
with open wings, seems to consider in include bowls of gold fish, or cages of
despair the nest emptied of her young birds, with, perhaps, a few exotic plants,
ones, are of gilt metal. A flight of little bring sums which are beyond the reach
birds (those, no doubt, who have de- of ordinary purses. Paying these prices
serted the nest) are placed upon the is, however, not at all necessary, if one
outer border. These little birds are also has a little mechanical ingenuity, and a
of gilt metal ; they are sewn on with fair share of taste. We have made beau-
gold- coloured silk over the border, which tiful baskets from old Wooden chopping
is worked in common cross-stitch, with trays that have survived their turn of
black floss-silk, and edged on either side usefulness in the kitchen, though, per-
with a row of gilt beads. The centre is haps, clean new ones would be better.
filled, up with red floss- silk in slanting All the materials noeded, are some sticks
stitches, forming squares over 8 stitches of red cedar with the bark on, or, if
of the canvas. The metal stand and or- this variety of wood cannot be obtained,
naments are sewn over the centre. The almost any kind can be pressed into the
frame is 12 inches long, 9 inches wide. service ; a few bits of rattan, some
To mount it, fold back the edges of the gnarled roots, a paper of brads, and a
canvas, and stretch it over a piece of little varnish, complete the require-
cardboard of the same size, liied with ments. A good plan is to out the cedar
sticks into pieces, say three inches long, a pot of ivy, after it has begun growing
split them, sharpen both ends, and nail for a time in the shady part of a roorn^
these neatly around and outside the and the young shoots will speedily turn
upper edge of the bowl. Then fasten white, while the older leaves will begin
bits of root or twine the rattan around to drop off. There is another fact that
beneath and finish with an irregular amateur house-gardeners forget, and
knob below. For handles, select three that is that the roots of a plant need
strong pieces of rattan, and secure them plenty of air ; and hence pretty pots of
firnily to the bowl, letting them extend painted china or majolica ware will not
about two feet above the same and meet answer to contain the earth for their
in a neat loop. The bowl should not be reception. If such vessels, however,
less than six inches deep, in order to should be used, the common earthenware
give the roots of the plants plenty of pot must be set inside of them, with
room to grow downward. After the plentjr of intermediate spaces between ;
construction of the basket is finished, while care should be taken that the
give it a coat of varnish and the work is higher edges of the outer pot do not
done. Dried walnut skins, acorns, chest- shade the base of the plant. Weak ve-
nut burrs, may be used as ornaments getation may be rejuvenated with a
instead of pieces of root. We
have also little ammonia, but it must be used
seen some very neat arrangements made with care as too much kills. About two
entirely of the shells of English walnuts, drops in a teacupf ul of water, given once
which had been carefully removed. In a week, we have found to be plenty for
filling the basket first place some broken a good-sized plant.
stone or bits of china at the bottom to A very pretty adornment for picture
serve for drainage, and above add loose frames is German ivy, a common trail-
earth made oftwo- thirds garden soil ing vine which grows with great luxuri-
and one third sand. As regards plants, ance. All the old medicine phials which
unless the basket be large, or a stand infest out of the way closets may be
(which, by the way, can be made of a utilised for this purpose. These should
soap box, lined with zinc, and mounted be filled with water, and hung behind
on feet) be used, we do not believe in the pictures, and a slip of the ivy in-
any large variety of flowers in a single serted. The vine is quite hardy. We
receptacle. It is nonsense to mix exo- have seen a single slip, in a pint bottle,
ticswith wild ferns and grasses, because grow until it ran along the entire length
the nature of soil which suits one is of a moderate-sized room. A sponge
not generally beneficial to the other ;
moistened and with fine seed scattered
and very often the warm uniform tem- in its pores, soon becomes a mass of liv-
perature, necessary for delicate plants, ing verdure, though a prettier ornament
is fatal to the more hardy varieties from we think can be made of a large pine
woods and pastures. Fill a basket en- burr, similarly prepared and hung, like
tirely with ivy, and a luxuriant growth the acorn, over water. Fine grass seed
can be obtained, particularly if too many is the best to use. Wardian cases are
shoots be not set in. Florists aim to very easily made. A shallow box lined
cram as much as possible into their with zinc, with seme holes on the sides
baskets, and are totally regardless about to ventilate the soil, and a large glass
the broad leaves of the begonias shading shade, easily obtained for a small sum,
"the stems and roots of the more delicate answer the purpose. The plants take
creeping vines. In first setting in the care of themselves, the water which
plants, however, place them for a few they evaporate condensing on the glass
days in a cold room until new shoots and running back to the soil, so that a
appear. Remember, also, that plants, species of circulation is constantly main-
and especially ivy, will not grow without tained. Insect fanciers can combine ani-
light, particularly in the houss. ™ace mal and vegetable life in one case.
— ;
may save from fatal diseases but when nate of ammonia half a drachm oil of
; ;
it requires to be stopped, let the person peppermint, fifteen drops mix tho-;
sit upright, brithe the neck and face roughly, and keep in a bottle well
with cold water, and dissolve a little corked.
alum in the water, and squirt it up the This quantity will make six full doses.
nostrils. If this fails, send for the doc- To a person above fourteen years of age
tor. Do not plug the nostrils, for un- give one teaspoonful stirred in a little
less it be done properly you may think water every three hours till better.
the bleeding has ceased, whereas it is Under fourteen years of age give half
only finding its way to the top of the a teaspoonful. If there is pain in the
throat, and being swallowed. bowels, apply heat as follows Make : —
Diarrhoea Every summer brings a common dinner plate or small dish
with it this unwelcome visitor to young quite hot, lay on some folds of flannel
and old, and is frequently fatal to the wrung out of hot water, place the hot
former, " Because it is common at the plate over this, taking care that the
same time of the year that fruit is," edges do not extend beyond the flannel
says Dr. Hope, " it is generally thought then cover with a dry towel. By hav-
that eating fruit is the cause of it. It is ing two plates, one at the fire while the
said to come in with the plum season other is in use, you can change them in
so it does, but not because of the plums, a moment, and get any amount of heat
or infants at the breast would not so you require without the weight of a
frequently die of it. Ripe, sound fruit, large poultice.
in its proper season, does no harm, but Now comes the important question
great good but sour, unripe, or half-
; How to know when to stop the action
decayed fruit or vegetables is little bet- of the boweis, and when to assist them ?
find this sufficient. Two tablespoon- xiety depicted on this dial plate of the
f uls of warm water, a little sugar, half internal organs, there is likely to be or-
a teaspoonful of carbonate of soda', and ganic or functional disease of the heart,
one teaspoonful of paregoric mix ail pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, chronic
together and give a teaspoonful every consumption, dropsy of the chest, caus-
chree hours till the purging stops. To ing a sense of oppression and impeded
an infarct three or four months old, half respiration. In fevers, and other acute
a teaspoonful will be sufficient, increas- forms of disease which shorten life,,
ing the dose according to the age. For there is also this anxious expression.
grown-up people and children above When the countenance is livid and,
seven years of age, I now give you an tinged with blood, there is impeded
excellent receipt, which you should keep respiratiou and circulation, probably
ready in the house :
— congestion of the brain this is the case
in apoplexy, disease of the heart, effu- the fresh sea breezes at the distance of
sion of the lungs, &c. A pale counte- about a quarter of a mil?, from the sea
nance is a sign of fainting and haemorr- than close to it. The residence of sucn
hage, external or internal. When the should be on a hill sloping down to the
expression is violent and excited, there shore. On the same level as the sea,
Is probably the delirium of fever, in- the air is rendered somewhat impure
flammation of the brain, mania, or de- by the decaying animal and vegetable
lirium tremens. In paralysis, convul- matter which is left by each receding
sions, epilepsy, hysteria, and chorea, we tide.
have a distorted countenance and a ; Newly-Painted Houses.— Most se-
flushed one is symptomatic of fever in rious effects have very often arisen from
general. Sometimes, in the latter stage breathing the atmospnere of newly-
of an incurable disease, the face becomes painted houses that the headache,
made of some farinaceous material, and if they are obliged to do this, to admit
well and carefully cooked they will
as much fresh air as possible, and to be
then be found to be excellent articles out of doors as much as circumstances
of diet for invalids. Simple rice, sago, will admit ; children, especially, should
tapioca, and boiled bread puddings, are be kept away from this morbific influ-
those best suited for the sick room, or ence.
a composition of light egg and flour. Moral Government of Children.
To make them very nutritious, and at The following admirable rules on this
the same time light, it is best first to very important subject, we extract from
hake or boil the farinaceous ingredient Chambeis" " Infant Treatment :"
thoroughly in milk, and while it is hot Anticipate and prevent fretfulness
to stir in the egg, previously beaten up and ill-temper by keeping the child in
"with a little warm milk then set aside
; good health, ease, and comfort. Never
to cool ; the egg is thus sufficiently quiet with giving to eat, or by bribing
•cooked, without having its albumen in any way, still less by opiates.
hardened and rendered indigestible. For the first few months avoid loiul
Sea-side Visitors.— One fact should and harsh sounds in the hearing of
be borne in mind by those who resort children, or violent lights in their
to the sea-side, for the sake of the purer sight address them in soft tones
do ;
and more bracing atmosphere which nothing to frighten them and nevei ;
to a child and in its presence ; by which Never encourage revenge. Never allow
means a naturally violent child will be a child to witness killing animals.
trained to gentleness. Counterwork secretiveness by expos-
Moderate any propensity of a child, ing its manoeuvres. Regulate notions
such as anger, violence, greediness for of property —
one's own and another's.
food, cunning, &c, which appears too Never strike a child, and never teach
active. Show him no example of these. it to strike again. Never tell a child to
Let the mother be, and let her select beat or threaten any animal or object.
servants such as she wishes the child Corporal correction may be avoided by
to be. The youngest child is affected judicious substitutes.
by the conduct of those in whose arms Set an example of cleanliness, order,
he lives. punctuality, delicacy, politeness, and
Cultivate and express benevolence proper ease of manner. This is better
and cheerfulness in such an atmos-
than " teaching manners," as it is
phere, a child must become benevolent called.
leaves off crying. Let the crying be the doing so, you aggravate the feeling by
reason for not giving. manifesting the same feeling in your-
Constant warnings, reproofs, threats, self : and by further showing your com-
and entreaties—as, " let that alone/' bativeness, exciting the child's oppo-
" be quiet," " how naughty
you are," sition. Divert the child from the ob-
&c, all uttered in haste and irritation, ject,and put in activity its benevolence,
are most pernicious. No fixed or defi- and reason.
nite moral improvement, but the re- Never frighten to obtain a child's
verse, results from this too common obedience threats of hobgoblins, and
soon discovered to be falsehoods, and Accustom the child to find ita own
operate most immorally." amusement. It is the most unprofit-
This excellent counsel we supplement able slavery to be constantly finding
by a word or two upon books for those amusement for it,
of tender years. Too much care cannot Remember that children iove stories
be given to this subject. Many a false — the simpler the better and delight
impression has been instilled into a to have them told again and again.
child's mind by an artist or author who Always give them a moral turn and
had no higher care than to amuse the character.
young mind regardless of its moral wel- Be sparing of the marvellous ; ex-
fare. Often and often has a funny nar- clude the terrible and norrible and :
rative, adorned with funny pictures, al- utterly proscribe ail ghost and witch-
though they have provoked a laugh, stories.
left very unfavourable impressions in Accustom children to reptiles, insects,
the child. Certainly there is much &c. ; and prevent the foolish fears of
more care now shown by the caterers these creatures which is often found in
of books and pictures for the young adults, and leads to the constant and
than in the past. The pens of the best most unnecessary destruction of them.
religious writers, and the pencils of ar- Induce a child to give attention, by
tists who rank among the highest in presenting objects, and giving narra-
their profession, are now largely engaged tives which interest it. Do not tell it
on books and magazines for the young that it must give attention.
— even for infants. " Chatterbox," Avoid employing female servants as
edited by the Rev. Erskine Clark, is, nurses who possess coarse habits and
perhaps, the most popular amongst sentiments, or whose mode of speaking
children's books, and in many respects is coarse or indelicate.
the best. It may be regarded as a re- No difference need at first be made
presentative book amongst juvenile li- between the rearing and training of
terature, and we are pleased to observe male and female infants. Ailow female
that its pure tone and cheerful spirit children as they grow up to amuse
is reflected in most of the other perio- themselves with dolls, and in a similar
dicals that appeal to the minds of the manner encourage and regulate the
young. amusements of boys.
Earliest Intellectual Education.— Baking Pastry. —Regulate the heat
Cultivate by exercise the five senses of of the oven according to the article to
seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tast- be baked. Make thosethings first which
ing. will suit the heat of the oven. Light
Teach the child to observe forms, paste requires a moderately quick oven ;
sizes, weights, colours, arrangements, for if the oven is too hot, the paste will
and numbers. be coloured before it is properly baked ;
all a child's knowing facul- and if it is then taken out of the oven
ties on —
objects feathers, shells, rib- it will fall, and become flat. A
bons, buttons, pictures of animals, &c. oven will prevent pastry from rising
Practise distinct articulation. If at sufficiently and
; putT-paste baked in
four years of age a child has any defect, an oven with anything that causes
it ought to be systematically taught to much steam, will not be so light as
pronounce correctly. otherwise. Iced tarts or puffs should
Let a child put its toy to another be baked in a cooler oven than those
than the intended use, if it does not de- that are not iced the door should be
stroy it. This exercises invention. left a little open if the oven is
too hot.
Encourage construction, and furnish Small articles of pastry require to bs
the materials, leaving ingenuity to baked in a fiercer oven than large ones.
work. All pastry should be baked m cieau
tins or patty- pans, without being but- raspings, and garnish the dish with
tered Pastry, when baked sufficiently, sliced boiled carrots.
may be easily slid about on the tin, or Irish Stew, —
Cut a neck of mutton
pan, while hot and puffs, patties, or
as for the haricot blanch the chops
small pies, may be lifted from the tin, in water, then put them into another
without breaking, by putting your stewpan with four onions cut in slices,
fingers round the edges and carefully put to it a little of your second stock,
lifting them, which cannot be done and let it b:)il a quarter of an hour ;
unless they are sufficiently baked. pare three pounds of potatoes, cut them
To Neutralise the Acid in Fruit into thick slices, put them into a stew-
Pies and Puddings.— A
large quan- pan with a quart of water, two or three
tity of the free acid which exists in carrots, turnips or onions may be added,
rhubarb, gooseberries, currants, and salt and pepper the mutton when added
other fruits, may be judiciously cor- to the gravy, let it boil or simmer very
rected by the use of a small quantity gently for two hours, and serve smoking
of carbonate of soda, without the least hot.
affecting their flavour, so long as too —
Calf s Head. Let the head be well
much soda not added.
is To an ordi- cleaned, the tongue and brains be taken
nary sized pie or pudding, as much out, then boil the head in a cloth to
soda may be added as, piled up, will keep it white. It is as well to soak the
cover a shilling, or even twice such a head for two or three hours previously
quantity, if the fruit is very sour. If to boiling, it helps to improve the co-
this little hint is attended to, many a lour. Wash, blanch, and soak the
stomach ache will be prevented, and a brains, theu boil them, scald some sage,
vast quantity of sugar saved, because, chop it flue, add pepper and salt, and
when the acid is neutralised by the a little milk, mix it with the brains ;
soda, it will not require so much sugar the tongue, which should be soaked in
to render the tart sweet. salt and water for twenty-four hcurs,
To Boil a Ham.- Hams which are should be boiled, peeled, and served on
bought from a cheesemonger have usu- a separate dish. The head should boii
ally been long hung, and are very dirty ;
until tender, and if intended to be sent
if such should be the case, the ham plainly to table should be served as
should be soaked about twelve hours, taken up. with melted butter and pars-
then wrapped in a clean cloth, and laid ley if otherwise, when the
; head is
upon stone flags for two days, the cloth boiled sufficiently tender, take it up,
being kept moistened with clean soft spread over a coat of the yolk of egg
water, this will render it tender when well beaten up, powder with bread
cooked ;let it be thoroughly scraped crumbs, and brown before the fire in a
and cleaned, and placed in the coppei, Dutch oven.
which in small families will be fouud Forcemeat.— This should be made
the most convenient way of cooking it ;
to cut with a knife, but not dry or
it should be put in suiheient water to heavy, no one flavour should predomi-
cover it, which water, when the ham is nate according to what it is wanted
cooked, will be found of the greatest for a choice may be made from the
service in making stock for soups the
; following list : —
Be careful to use the
time it will take to boil will depend least of those articles that are most
upon the weight of the ham, a small pungent ; cold fowl, veal, or ham, fat
one three hours and a half, which may bacon, scraped, beef suet, crumbs of
progress, according to the weight, to bread, parsley, white pepper, salt, nut-
six hours when it is done, remove the
; meg, yolks and whites of eggs beaten
skin if possible without breaking it, as to bind the mixture, which makes ex-
it prevents the ham when cold becom- cellent forcemeat. Any of the follow-
ing dry spread over the ham bread
; ing articles may be used to alter the
live parts of boiling water are now added, these all well together, and then add a
while stirring. In another vessel thirty tablespoonfui of white -wine vinegar ;
parts of starch paste are stirred up with add it by drops like the oil, and stir till
twenty parts of cold water, so that the it is a smooth cream.
milky fluid is obtained without lumps. To —
Boil Rice. Very few persons
Into this some boiling glue solution is know how to boil rice properly. It is
poured, and the whole kept at boiling usually so boiled as to become a heavy
temperature. After cooling, ten drops dough, so tenacious and solid as to be
of carbolic acid are added to the paste. almost impenetrable to the digestive
This paste is of extraordinary adhesive fluids secreted by the mouth and the
power, and may be used for leather, stomach, which are necessary to dissolve
paper, or cardboard, with great success. it and to effect its digestion and distri-
cut them in the slenderest fillets pos- in cold, then in hot water, in order to
sible, and stripe them tastefully up the shrink them. Welsh flannel is the
pile of cold chicken. Then take the softest, and should be preferred, if it is
hearts of three small cabbage-lettuces to be worn next the skin but Lanca-
well washed and dried, cut long ways shire flannel looks finer, lasts longer,
In quarters, and dispose them tastefully and should, therefore, be selected when
round the bottom of your chicken py- it is not to be worn next the skin. Un-
ramid. Boil three eggs quite hard, der flannel garments should be fre-
shell them, and when cold, cut two of quently changed, because they imbibe
them in slices, with which garnish the perspiration, which is liable to be ab-
dish at the bottom. Cut the white of sorbed again into the system, and this
the third egg in long strips, and lay it is injurious. All flannel vestments that
on the upper part between your anchovy are made full, should be gathered, not
fillets. Crown the tops with a bunch plaited because in the latter case they
of young cress, well washed and dried, become thick, and matted by washing ;
placing the yolk of the last e^on the and in the event of their being turned
top. The following sauce can be either from top to bottom in order to niter
carefully poured oyer it, or served with the wear, the part that had been plaited
will be found to be so drawn and in- an already irritable and very sensitive
jured, that two or three inches of it part with a heap of hard poppy- shells,
must be cut off. or scraped carrots, or horse radish,
Pimples.— A weak solution of sugar called poppy, carrot, and horse-radish
of lead or sulphate of zinc may be used poultices, but w hich increase rather
as a wash if
; not effective, try two than allay the sufferer's pains.
drachms of camphorated spirit, corro- When vegetables ars used to medi-
sive sublimate of mercury one grain, cate poultices, they should be bruised,
rosewateror almond- water half a pint, put into a pot, covered with water, and
to be applied night and morning, When simmered for about half an hour. The
there is great irritability of the skin, a liquid is then to be strained off, and
decoction of the woody nightshade may mixed with bread-arid- water or linseed
be used instead of the rose or almond- to the consistence of a poultice.
water. If pimples arise from the con- Barometer.— This instrument (we
dition of the blood, then cooling pur- quote from *' Beeton's Medical Diction-
gatives should be taken. APlummer's ary) is for measuring the weight or
pill at night, and a teaspoonful of de- pressure of the atmosphere. It may be
coction of sarsaparilla twice a-day, with said to be the invention of Torricelli,.
a black draught once a- week, are excel- who first demonstrated the existence of
the patient or the doctor may be in- When the pressure varies, the float sinks
clined to medicate it, instead of loading or rises, and moves the needle round
ther. When
the column of mercury is expansiveness of metals.
unsteady, it an unsettled con-
indicates To Prepare Oatmeal.— Scotch oat-
dition of the atmosphere a steady meal is by far the best
; to prepare it ;
barometer indicates that the weather the grain is first kiln-dried, stripped of
at the time will last. If the mercury its outer skin or husk, and then coarsely
be low, th^ "weather will remain bad ground. Made into porridge, it consti-
if the mercurv be high, the weather will tutes, perhaps, the best breakfast diet
continue fair. A sudden falling of the for the young. It should be prepared
barometer almost invariably presages a thus :
Put into a saucepan as muth.
storm. The connection between the water as will make the desired quantity
variations of the weather and the pres- —
say a pint let it boil, then take a
sure of the atmosphere is, however, a handful of the meal, in the left hand,
subject ill understood For determin- and while letting it fall gradually and
ing altitude, the barometer is an invalu- gently into the water, stir the mixture
able instrument. In ascending moun- quickly round with a wooden spoon,
tains the mercury is found to sink about held in the right hand continue doing
the tenth of an inch in 90 feet so that, this until the mixture assumes the con-
if the mercury fall an inch, we have sistency of thick gruel then add a ;
ascended nearly 900 feet but this is little salt, and let it boil gently for ten
subject to variations through change minutes, keeping it stirred all the time ;
of temperature and other causes, which add a little more water, and again boil
render various corrections necessary. for another five minutes, still stirring ;
There are many forms of the mercurial it will then be smooth and digestible,
barometer, but they are all modifica- to make it which is the object of the
tions of the siphon or the cistern. The lengthened boiling to make it more:
by its middle, so that whenever the at- in the thickening of soups and broths,
mospheric pressure diminishes, it un- but are now generally superseded by
coils and, on the other haud, whene/er pearl-barley, and their chief use at pre-
the pressure increases, it contracts. ^J sent is for gruels and decoctions for
Thermometer. —
An instrument for demulcent purposes.
determining the degree of active heat In the process of shelling there is
existing in the atmosphere or other obtained from the grains of oat a kind
bodies; there are several kinds, but the of thin pellicle or minor scale, which
has the technical name of " seeds,' and show them where they can best view
from which is prepared a peculiar jelly- the sunset rouse them in the morning,
like food, very good and nourishing for not with the stem " time to wake," but
invalid? it is called in Scotland sowens.
with the enthusiastic " See the beauti-
Either the groats or oatmeal may be ful sun rise !" Buy for them pretty
employed in the preparation of gruel. books with pretty pictures ; and en-
Moles. To remove moles apply a courage them to decorate their rooms
stick of nitrate of silver to it once or in his or her chiidish way. Give them
twice. Moisten the stick very slightly, an inch, and they will go a mile. All6w
touch the mole once, and it will turn them the privilege, and they will make
black. Do not interfere with it while your home beautiful.
sore ; it dry up and fall off. If it
will Ironmould in Linen. Wash the —
does not come off clean enough the first spots in a strong solution of cream of
time, repeat the operation. tartar and water. Repeat if necessary,
A Maiden s Psalm of Life,— Life and dry in the sun.
is raal, life is earnest, single blessedness
0?*, —
Rub the spots with a little pow-
a fib ; Man thou art, to man return dered oxalic acid, or salts of lemon and
est/' has been spoken of the rib. Not warm water. Let it remain a few
enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our des minutes, and then rinse well in clean
tmed end or way, but to act that each water.
to-morrow finds us nearer marriage- Law of Breach of Promise of
clay. Life is long, and youth is fleeting, Marriage. —
The law requires that
and our hearts though light and gay, promises and agreements in considera-
<still like pleasant drums are beating tion of marriage shall be in writing,
wedding marches all the way. In the duly signed but with regard to pro-
world's broad field of battle, in the bi- mises to marry there is a very great
vouac of life, be not like dumb driven distinction and a verbal promise, if
to herself, grows into a graceful lady. both parties must be bound or neither.
Place a boy in the establishment of a Custom has established that though
thorough- going, straightforward busi- a promise to marry, to be valid, must
ness man, and the boy becomes a self- be in writing, or in unqualified spoken
reliant, practical, business man. Chil- words, yet the acceptance of a promise
dren are susceptible creatures, and cir- need not be in words, but may be taken
cumstances, scenes and actions always for granted if nothing indicating the
impress. As you influence them, not contrary be done. It is considered that
by arbitrary rules, nor by stem example this distinction is necessary in consider-
alone, but a thousand other ways that ation of the modest reserve of the fe-
speak through beautiful forms, pretty male, who is usually, though not inva-
pictures, &c., so they will grow. Teach riably, the acceptor.
your children, then, to love the beau- Asa general rule, if the promiser has
tiful. Give them a corner in the gar- not married another, nothing in law
den for flowers encourage them to put can be done till an ample " reasonable
it in the shape of hanging bask ; time " has elapsed, and the other party
effectual bar to proceedings if it truly age the right is transferred to the fa-
alleges an insufficient lapse of " rea- ther.
sonable time," but there appears to be Different Breeds of Fowls. The —
no other possible bar, provided that Dorking, so called from the town in
the challenger is chaste and in good Surrey, Avhere they were first bred, is
health. one of the most important breeds. It
Bad health will in some cases be a has the peculiarity of five toes, three in
justification for breach, especially if the front and two behind the colour is
ests so seriously as a physical defect, plumage black the cheek white and
; ;
which may, more or less, prevent her comb and wattles singularly large. The
husband from obtaining livelihood. hens are capital layers ; their eggs are
Candour with regard to maladies on larger than those of the Dorking breed ;
either side, though required by law in and they are, like these of that fowl, of
cases of manifest importance, is not to an excellent flavour. The Spanish fowls
be supposed obligatory with regard to are also very delicious table -birds.
every little personal peculiarity. The The Malay fowls are so named from
obligation must be considered in the the peninsula of Malay, the southern
light of what is reasonable, having re- point of the continent of India, from
gard to the circumstances and the per- whence thej- were brought. They are
manency of the marriage tie. very large and strong birds, the colour
Minority on the part of the person of the feathers generally black, or of a
deceived, is no bar to proceedings by very dark brown, with yellow stripes ;
that party. It was formerly doubted and the legs are large and coarse. The
whether a minor could bring an action eggs are large, and so rich, that two of
for breach of promise, but the question them are equals three of those of or-
is considered settled by a case in which dinary fowls.
it was decided that though a minor There are the Polish and the Ham-
cannot be sued for breach of promise, —
burg breeds the former a noble and
yet the minor may sue for breach if the very beautiful bird, and an excellent
other party be of age at the time of the layer. Their colours are blue and
promise. black, and some are speckled and they ;
eggs are also small, and of a French from the sun, and shelter from the wind.
white, and tapering at one end. The The house should be high enough to
chicks are white, except a dark streak allow a man to enter and walk about
on the head, and down the nape of the with ease, in order that there may be
neck, a curious fact, as when full grown, no difficulty in cleaning it if there be,
this is the only part without dark mark- the chances are that it will be ne-
ings. There are gold and silver- spangled glected, A fowl-house tolerably lofty
Hamburgs the former being termed is more conducive to the health of the
Bolton Bays, the latter Bolton Greys. fowls than a low-roofed one, and the
The Bantam family is # derived from perches may be placed more out of the
the Bankiva fowls, a native of Java. way of vermin, should any find their
The full- bred Bantam cock should have way in.
a bright rose comb, a well- feathered Brick and mortar are the best ma-
tail, full hacklers, a proud lively car- terials for the construction of the house,
riage, and ought not to weigh more than as the walls should be impervious to
a pound. There are nankeen, black, vermin. Lath and plaster are some-
and white- coloured bantams, the former times used for the walls and a very ;
being the most highly prized. All the ornamental house may be made of posts
bantam cocks are very pugnacious, but and rails, the interstices filled with fag-
the hens are good layers, and good mo- gots. The roof may be made warm and
thers to their own chickens, though ornamental with thatch, but it harbours
they will attack any stranger with fury. vermin therefore a slated or tiled roof
All these various fowls, with ducks, is best. There should, with slates or
geese, guinea-fowls, and turkeys, are tiles, be a ceiling of lath and plaster, to
known under the common name of prevent currents of air, or drippings of
Poultry, which is derived from the water, both of which are injurious to
French poulei, a chick, or chicken. fowls. Asphalted felt, nailed close, is
Management of Poultry. Fowls a good substitute for the ceiling, and
are sometimes kept in large open sheds, affords as safe a protection.
roosting upon any projection they can For Ventilation, there should be a
find. Sometimes they are sheltered small lathed window at each end, which
in out-houses and stables to say no- can be opened or shut at pleasure.
• Or
thing of those in London, and other a Venetian blind fitted in the frame
large towns, that are frequently stowed answers the purpose, perhaps, better.
away in cellars. But, whether fowls The door should have a hole at the bot-
are kept for pleasure or profit, there tom, with a sliding panel, which should
should be a fowl-house^or their recep- be pulled up during the day, and closed
tion. They cannot triRe properly in at night. Should there be no windows,
the confined unhealthy places in which then loose movable boards should be
they are frequently kept. used in the door to admit air. Some-
The fowl -house should front the east times the hole for the admission of fowls
or south and if it can be erected at
; is placed at the top of the door ;and
the back of a stove-house, or brewery, then a slanting piece of wood, with slips
or stable, so much the better. nailed across, is placed to enable the
Though an extreme heat should be fowls to reach it.
avoided, a genial warmth conduces to The perches should be arranged in
the health of the fowls, and greatly im- the shape of a broad double ladder, the
proves the faculty of laying. perches being placed so that the fowls
do not overhang one another. That The poultry house should be cleaned
the fowls may ascend to the higher out every day, and the floor washed at
perches, steps in the wall should be ieast once a week, and the walls fre-
placed so that the birds can jump from quently whitewashed. The windows
one to the other. should be kept open in summer.
Sometimes perches are suspended Assorting the Flocks. It is ne- —
across the fowl house :and then there cessary that bcth cocks and hens should
should be hen ladders placed close to be kept, for though hens kept by them-
them, because heavy fowls ascend to selves will lay eggs, they will be of a
their perches with difficulty if they very inferior quality, About one cock
have to fly up to them, and are apt to to seven or eight hens will do, The
break their breastbones by falling to former should not be less than a year,
the ground in attempting to fry down. nor more than two years old, and should
Perches are best made with rough be removed when he is four years old.
poles, two or three inches in diameter, —
Feeding Poultry. Having erected
with the bark left on. It should be your poultry-house, laid out your poul-
recollected that the feet of fowls are try-yard, and got around you a stock
not constructed to clasp smooth poles. of fowls, the next thing necessary is to
Nests, or laying- places, should be attend to their food. Now fowls will
provided in the fowl house, by fixing eat almost everything in the shape of
wooden boxes to the wall, or placing grain or vegetables, and they will pick
shallow hampers, or baskets, of wicker- bones as cletin as a dog. Animal food
work, and these make the best nests, they will eat cooked or raw, the flesh
for they are cooler in summer, and can of their own species as well as any
be easier taken down, well washed, and other. They are particularly fond of
Med with clean, fresh straw. If fixed worms and snails, but slugs they do
nests are used, they should be tho- not like. Yv hen they are in the fields
roughly whitewashed, inside and out, they find the insects for themselves, but
at least ouce a month. If the nests when kept in poultry-yards, they must-
are made of wood, there should be a be found for them. They require a va-
small ledge, to prevent the eggs from riety of food, green and hard. Of green
rolling out, and they should not be too food, they will eat almost anything ;
large ; if they are, two fowls would be cabbage and beet-leaves, lettuces, leeks,
apt to try to sit together in the same radish and turnip-tops, and any kind
nest. About a foot square is a good of herb. The best plan is to fasten
size for them. They should be placed heads of cabbages, lettuce, rape, or other
in tiers, the lowest being about three green herbs, to some fixture, by means
feet from the ground ;and it is best of the roots, and to let the fowls peck
to reserve this for fowls which are rear- for themselves. This practice not merely
ing breeds, as they can then enter and prevents waste, but is, in consequence
le'cive them with more ease, and without of the amusement it affords, decidedly
danger of disturbing the eg^s. conducive to health.
Wheat or rye straw, dried heath, or Of the six Md& of grain— wheat, bar-
dried fern leaves, are the best materials ley, oats, ryey buckwheat, and Indian
for the beds of the nes%s, while the floor —
corn they become soonest tired of
of the house should be hard and dry. rye, and eat the least of it but it is
and kept covered with clean gravel or impossible to say which of the ether
sand. To prevent bad smells, which grains they like best, as they evidently
are injurious to fowls, it would be well differ in their tastes, and will eat one
to keep a basket of slaked lime or cold day what they had previously rejected.
mortar in a corneT, with a shovel, so About a quarter of a pint of either of
that some may be shaken over any dirt the grain will be sufficient each day
or impurities. 1 for an ordinary- sized fowl ; but a large
one, or one with a more voracious ap- or May, the pullets will begin to lay
petite than ordinary, will require one- their eggs about Christmas.
third of a pint. Some poultry-keepers Eggs that you wish the hen to sit
recommend boiling the grain; barley upon should not be kept more than
and wheat should always be boiled. a month ; the shorter time they are
Fowls should have grain given to kept the better. Neither the largest
them at least twice, in the morning nor the smallest should be taken for
and afternoon ; and during the day sitting
; those of a medium size are
have green food meat, fish, or insects preferable and those should be selected
to peck at, and eat as they please. which are larger at one end than at the
Laying Eggs and Hatching. — The other. An egg equally thick at both
care of the poultry-keeper is particularly ends is likely to have two yolks, and,
required in attending to the hens when instead of yielding two chickens, as
laying and sitting. It is in this de- might be supposed, if hatched at all, it
partment of her labours that she will will merely produce some monstrosity.
have to display much acuteness and ac- As many eggs should be put under
tivity, as well as patience and good the hen as she can conveniently cover,
temper. generally from nine to eleven. When
The best male and female birds that a hen wishes to sit, she becomes very
can be found should be selected for restless, wanders about, hangs her wings,
breeding. They should have no de- utters an indistinct cluck, runs search-
fects ;but if the male be defective in ing into holes and corners, and if she
any point a hen defective in the same finds any eggs will sit upon them.
point should not be suffered to make She sits about twenty- one days, and
one of his flock. If you wish to ensure during this time a proper supply of food
purity of breed, and a fine stock, it is and water should be placed near her,
best to select a handsome bold male, but not within reach, for it is better
and about six of the handsomest hens, that she should get off her nest now and
and put them in a separate enclosure. then and refresh herself.
When the eggs are laid, they should Daring incubation, take care that no
'be collected before noon and on those strangers go near them. The less they
intended for breeding, mark the date, are interfered with the better. Do not
and the name of the hen, that you may turn the eggs, the hen will do that.
know what breed they belong to. They About the twelfth day, take the oppor-
should then be placed in bran, the large tunity, when the hen is off the nest, of
end uppermost. Those intended for looking at them. If there is a waving
the table should be handed over to the shadow seen, on holding an egg up in
cook, who will know the best way for the sun, the process of hatching is going
preserving those for which she has not on if not, you may throw it away, as
than one egg in three days. Spring horny scale at the upper tip of the bill,
and summer are the most general sea- with which, after ehe twenty-first day,
sons for laying, though some hens will it begins breaking its shell. Some will
lay for nine months together. The extricate themselves in an hour others —
moulting season, when she is renewing two or three and sometimes they are
her feathers, is the usual time for her a day and a night, or even two days ;
to cease laying. It is very easy to make but about twelve hours is the average
them Jay in the winter, by keeping time.
them warm, and giving them rich and The chickens should be removed one
stimulating food. Or, by having an by one, as they are hatched, and laid in
early brood of chickens hatched in Anril a basket, covered with flannel, and put
them in a warm place. As the chickens broods, if they are of the same age, and
develope themselves the shells should placed under her care. The advantage
be carefully removed. of this is that the otner hens can be
When the hen is exhausted from sit- sent back to sit again, or to lay.
ting, which is usually the case, she —
Fattening Fowls. The best Iwd
should be fed on crumbs of bread soaked for fattening is potatoes and grains,
in port wine. with rice boiled dry as for curry. Bread
Care of the Young Chickens. — and milk, barley meal, or oatmeal and
For twenty four hours they require milk, with boiled potatoes, mixed with
nothing but warmth. Whilst hatch- barley-meal, are all excellent fattening
ing, the yolk forms their nourishment, diets, and better than greasy, impure
and they take the remaining part of mixtures.
this before leaving the shell, which will Unless they are barn door fowls, they
sustain them for the day. The second should be put up in a coop or close room
day they should be put in a basket, for a fortnight or three weeks, before
lined with tow, and with the mother they are required for table and if the
placed in a coop, or long box, with bars barn-door fowls have had access to a
in front, which will permit the chickens stable, they require also to be put up.
to run in and out. While the hen is They cannot have anything better than
cooped up with her brood she must be barley meal, boiled in milk with a sup-
weather is very cold, they must have the fowl sharply on the back of the
artificial warmth. Chickens will thrive neck, about the third joint from the
in cold weather where the hen has the head. This causes instant death.
run of the kitchen. This is a much better mode, and the
The best food for young chickens is fowl suffers less, than the poulterer's
crumbs of bread soaked in milk these common practice of dislocating the ver-
may be mixed with boiled rice, and the tebrae of the neck, by a strain or a sud-
yolk of an egg boiled hard, and chopped den twist. The straining operation is
up. Meat, under-done, and chopped very cruel, as it must give the fowl
very fine, is nourishing and after two great pain
: and the latter requires ;
or three days, curds, grits, or oat cake much dexterit}7 If done suddenly and .
cut very small, may be given them. effectually it is as merciful as using the
Fresh water, in a very shallow dish, bat.
must be set for them every day, or Cochin China Fowls. The mana- —
oftener, should they empty it. gement of this bleed does not differ
Chickens should be fed for five or six much from that of the domestic fowl.
days on the food we have described ;
Their house should be dry, sheltered,
after that time they should have boiled and warm they should have the run
barley, groats, or bruised barley. In a of a good yard, and the perch for roost-
fortnight or three weeks they may go ing should be placed near the ground.
into the poultry-yard with the hen, It is better still not to let them roost
who will bestow her motherly care on at all. Give them a bed of straw, which
them till they are fully feathered, and may be placed on a raised platform, or
no longer require her watchfulness, in a basket large enough for them to
when she will beat them off if they do lay down without injuring their plum-
not leave her, or are not taken away, age. The straw should be turned over
and will begin to lay again. and cleaned every day ; and renewed
One hen will bring up two or more once a week.
and money in attempting a cure. mouth and beak washed with a weak
The common disorders of fowls are solution of chloride of lime. The bird
apoplexy, the pip or thrush, roup, the should be kept in a warm shed or room,
gapes, moulting, asthma, consumption, apart from the rest of the fowls.
corns, diarrhoea, and constipation. When fowls are moulting, they re-
The symptome of apoplexy are stag- quire warmth and shelter, and a diet
geriug. shaking of the head, and a sort of a somewhat more stimulating and
of tipsy aspect. Limit the supply of nutritious character than usual. Some-
food, and apply leeches to the back of times, however, the feathers fall off
the neck. when the bird is not moulting. This is
Diarrhoea may be generally cured by a disease, and a change of diet should
a change of diet, and a little chalk ad- be made, with good air, cleanliness, and
ministered in gruel as constipation
; a dusting place, or what some call a
may by small doses of castor oil, and a dust-bath, are essential. Some, how-
diet upon oatmeal porridge, and green ever, recommend small quantities of
vegeta b!es. sulphur and nitre mixed with fresh
The pip is a very painful disease, to butter, to be given daily.
which young fowl are peculiarly liable. Corns may be extracted with the
The symptoms are a thickening of the point of a penknife. If ulcerated, as
membrane of the tongue, especially to- will often occur, touch them with lunar
wards the pip, which makes the bird caustic.
gasp for breath, whilst his plumage be- Indigestion amongst fowls is caused
comes ruffled, he mopes, and pines, and by over-feeding and want of exercise.
if relief cannot be afforded, dies. The This is cured by turning the fowl into
part should be anointed with fresh but- an open walk, and giving it some pow-
ter or cream. A teaspoonful of castor dered gentian and cayenne in its food.
oil, or thereabouts, according to age Asthma is a very painful disorder. It
or strength, should be administered. It is characterised by gaping, panting, and
should have an allowance of fresh vege- difficulty of breathing. To effect a cure,
table food, mixed with potatoes, and a warmth, with small repeated doses of
little oatmeal, and a plentiful supply of hippo powder and sulphur mixed with
water. butter are necessary. The addition of
The croup or roup is caused by cold, cayenne pepper will be an improve-
moisture, and uncleanness, the symp- ment.
toms of which are difficult and noisy Consumption is also a disorder of
breathing, swelling of the eyes, dis'- fowls. anything can do good it is
c barge from the nostrils and mouth, change of air and warmth.
and loss of appetite. The common re- With regard to diseases the poultry-
medies are, rather less than a teaspoon- keeper should always bear in mind that
ful of salt dissolved in water, or rue and prevention is better than cure. If fowls
garlic beaten up into a mass with but- are well housed, well fed, and kept per-
ter, and crammed down the fowl's fectly clean, with a due attention to
throat. their warmth, they will rarely become
Gapes may be detected by running diseased and if they should, the attack
at the nostrils, watery eyes, alteration will be slight, and the cure more sim-
of voice, and loss of appetite and spirits. ple. The other diseases are chiefly mo-
If the bird dies, and is opened, the tra- difications of those enumerated.
Catarrh or the effusion of water or anee ; although it be not easy to
mucus from the nostrils, with the loss enlighten the individual who has jour-
of the sense of smell and sneezing is neyed through half her course of exist-
often relieved by the frequent use of ence, in a state of ignorance, or to change
the smelling-bottle of ammoniacal salts ;
the habits which years have strength-
and when unaccompanied with fever, ened and confirmed, yet, occasionally
this with a pill of calomel and aloes, an instance may occur, in which instruc-
and immersing the feet in hot water at tion proves a blessing of far greater
bed time, will in general be all that is value than aims, produciug such effect-;
•equisite. But when fever exists, or upon the welfare and habits of a family,
txaere ismuch pain in the forehead, in- as would result from no other cause :
haling the steam of hot water from a and this should stimulate the benevo-
basin, placing a towel at the same time lent in the good work, although they
around it to exclude the air and include may meet with unconquerable difficul-
the head, is another excellent expedient, ties in ninety- nine cases out of a hun-
conjoined with the use of the pills of dred.
calomel and aloes, and the saline mix- There is abundance of zeal displayed
ture with antimony every three or four in every rank and circle of society, and
hours. it is only to be regretted that so virtu-
Clothing the Poor. The charitable ous an impulse is not always properly
institutions, which abound in every dis- directed, and comfort and relief be-
trict, afford the means to do extensive stowed in a proportion equal to the
good at a trifling expense. The lying- time and money expended. Charity
in charities, and the societies for pro- without judgment is like scattering-
viding the poor with change of linen seed in the ocean, where it sinks or is
during illness, are excellent institutions, dissipated on the waves but, with
and extend relief from, one end of the judgment, it is like seed sown in a
kingdom to another, without being too friendly and fertile soil, which springs
heavy an expense for any one. But we up in due season, and produces a thou-
are not great admirers of those societies sand fold in return. In the first case it
which are formed for clothing the poor. is the ruin of individual independence,
We think much greater benefits would and of that honest pride which seeks to
be conferred by teaching them, or at oppose industry and frugality to the
least their children, how to cut out and pressure of necessity ; while, in the
make their own clothes. These arts other, it is the blessing of Heaven, and
are becoming almost unknown among the salvation of sinking virtue in the
the lower orders ; and this, though it hour of adversity ; and presents the
may chiefly be caused by the females sublimest trait in the human charac-
being engaged in working at manufac- ter.
tories, has been increased by the ease / —
Fomentations. These are, gene-
with which they have procured from rally, decoctions of mucilaginous or
the charitable ready supplies of every narcotic vegetables. But as the best of
article of clothing. The object of cha- these, when
externally applied, have
rity should be to ^lieve and comfort very medicinal virtue, flannels
those who labour under sickness and wrung out of boiling water, are of equal,
the infirmities of t>ld age. A woman if not of superior use to any of them.
who is compelled to make and repair The flannels should be about two yards
the clothes of her family will be much long, and sewed together at the ends,
more careful of them than one who so that by means of two sticks, turned
imagines that she can dr,*v upon the in opposite directions, they may be
treasury of benevolence for all her wrung perfectly dry from the boiling
wants. To increase the knowledge of water. They should be applied lightly
the poor, in every respect, is of import- over the part to be fomented, which
thus becomes involved in an atmosphere when entertaining guests, she cannot
of hot vapour, without the bed or linen pass altogether so unobtrusively, al-
of the patient being wetted. As soon though the manners of the present pe-
as one flannel begins to cool, another riod allow of more ease and latitude of
should be wrung dry from the water, deportment than formerly was deemed
and be applied to the part, on the in- correct in a lady hostess, whose time
stant the other is withdrawn from it. and thoughts were condemned to the
General Conduct when Visiting. strictest attention to the comforts and
— Impropriety of manner in company, pleasures of her visitors, often to the
though it does not bespeak a very cor- entire destruction of both.
rect mind, may be attendant on an in- Ease of manner in a woman is very
nocent one. A woman may have too pleasing, when the self-possession which
much levity of manner may laugh
; — gives it is unaccompanied by masculine
and talk too loud give herself many courage, or by an undue value for her-
fantastic airs ; be too familiar with self. In general, the manners will be
some of her acquaintance, and too free from any painful degree of con-
haughty to others and, yet she may straint, when the mind is not engaged
mean nothing wrong to any one and, upon self; or occupied with the idea of
perhaps, her sole view may be to at- exciting attention and admiration from
tract momentary notice, or to endeavour those around. Affectation has its origin
to render herself a person of conse- from these sources and this, besides ;
and yet they render her liable to deri- Good sense and simplicity of manners
sion, and to just censure, even from the are generally companions, forming a
lenient in judgment. natural gentility, which is far preferable
Propriety is to a woman what action to any artificial politeness, inasmuch as
is to an orator, the first, and second. the one is a part of the individual her-
and third essential that propriety is self, and the other only a garb worn
the centre in which the lines of duty when occasion calls for it. However,
and amiability meet and is to the cha- those who possess this natural gentility
racter what proportion is to the figure, may, by mixing in good society, have
and grace to the attitude. Propriety the additional polish given to it, which
thus characterised, is the union of every afterwards distinguishes it as the per-
desirable quality inwoman, by which fection ofgood manners.
her conduct and manners are influenced Young ladies should not be brought
under every circumstance. Propriety early into society their time should
never desires a deviation from any of be chiefly devoted to study, and to the
the laws of good society, and neither application essential to the acquisition
seek notice nor admiration, which, from of any accomplishment either mental
their natures, would be incompatible or practical. Instruction wT ill avail little
with its own characteristics. Improper if the thoughts are withdrawn from it
familiarities, haughtiness, intrusive for- by the attractions of society, which
wardness to superiors, and insolence to even older people often find incompati-
the indulgence of any whim, ble with strict attention to their duties,
by which our conduct to others may or to serious occupation the effect
be influenced, are all equally unknown upon the young and lively must be still
to propriety. greater, in rendering application irk-
Unless a woman desire it, she seems some to them, and in diminishing their
but little called upon in public to bring zeal and interest in the acquisition of
herself and her actions into a prominent knowledge.
peitit of view, or to render herself a The manners of young ladies will be
mark for sarcasm and ridicule. At home, insensibly formed during the progress
of their education, and at this period of complacency. All this may be con-
life, they will derive more advantage sidered by some as fashionable ease of
from the example afforded them, in the manner ; but, certainly, the tout ensem-
correct and amiable deportment of those ble is far from in teresting or graceful.
amongst whom they live, than could Not only appearances, but the com-
be obtained from an occasional mixture fort of a young lady in public, depends
in more general society. To home they upon her having an unexceptionable es-
should be indebted for the first impres- cort or chaperon, to whom she may have
sion of good manners —
to the world
; recourse upon any dilemma, and whose
for the finishing touches only. The experience and greater knowledge of
consequences of too early an initiation the world may be useful to her in assis-
into the supposed delights of routs and ting her out of her difficulties. Her
balls are, often, an unfinished education, mother is, of course, the best escort she
and from late hours, ruined health ;
can have but if circumstances prevent
sufficient evils to render parents cau- her from accompanying her daughter,
tious of yielding, when urged by the a near relation or an intimate friend
solicitations of their daughters, to in- should supply her place.
troduce them early into those scenes of Visiting the Sick. —
This is a duty
promised delight. Even when the pro- from which no lady should shrink un-
per season arrives for the indulgence der the excuse of the danger of con-
of these natural wishes, moderation in tagion to which it exposes them, which
their enjoyment should be strictly ob- is an alarm more imaginary than real.
served. This a regard for health re- To visit the bed of sickness and poverty
quires, and it is, also, a precaution, by uuited affords an impressive lesson even
which the zest for such pleasures may to an unreflecting mind. Sufferings,
be kept alive. Satiety is the mortal unalleviated by the comforts which
foe to enjoyment. competency bestows, cannot fail to
On the score of appearances, too, it is awaken the tenderest feelings of com-
by no means desirable for young people passion within us ; and, at the same
to frequent too commonly the haunts time, grateful sentiments will naturally
of pleasure. It might lead to an un- arise, when we compare the superior
favourable inference alike as to the in- mercies which we enjoy, with the de-
clination and power of a young lady to privations of health and the necessitous
discharge the obligations of a wife or a state we behold in others. If we have,
mother, and thus obscure her prospects at any time, suffered ourselves to repine,
of engaging the notice and approbation or to indulge an impatience of temper
of the sensible and reflecting part of the when undergoing temporary affliction,
other sex. This remark must be per- no volume that we can peruse will so
fectly familiar to the prudent and wan- sensibly arouse us to the sense (f our
mother, as well as the truism, that error, as the spectacle which indigence
what we behold every day we regard presents to us, when it is conjoiueel with
with indifference, or rarely notice. The bodily infirmity. In remembering cur
florist covets scarce and choice plants, happier lot, we cannot refrain from ask-
and not the flowers that are common to ing ourselves, " Are we more worthy
his soil and country, and of which he than these sufferers, since (Air condition
may easily obtain possessian. is so much superior ?" The question
We do not think that even the man- is rarely answered with self-satisfaction.
ners of a young person are improved by Conscience that discontent has
tells us,
too great a familiarity with the world. often pervaded our hearts and that,
•the trials of poverty, without self-con- deception in this respect. Their aid
"denmation for the unwilling- submission also, is requisite to look after other
with which we have met the few trials servants when they are ill for, if left
->f oar lives, nor without forming reso- to themselves, they will seldom, on the
lutions for the better ordering of the approach of recovery, show either pru-
temper and disposition in future and ; dence or forbearance in the choice and
we are persuaded that you, too, would quantity of their food A sick servant
never regret visiting these scenes of af- should be seen at least once in the day
fliction, or any of those receptacles by her mistress and, if possible, also,
Which benevolence has provided for the when the medical visit is paid. It is
the diseased, or for the support
relief of part of the domestic duty of a lady, to
even though they tacitly
of the infirm, ascertain the exact state of any invalid
admonish and reprehend you for impa- amongst her household. When there
tience under your own sufferings. is a want either of comforts or of clean-
While these scenes reprove the chil- liness in the sick room, or any inatten-
dren of prosperity, they are a balm to tion towards the invalid from her fel-
those who are grieving under the trials low-servants, the censure belongs un-
to which " flesh is heir to/' The be- doubtedly to the head of the family,
nevolent satisfaction which springs from whose general superintendence would
the desire to comfort and alleviate the have secured the sick person from ne-
affliction of others removes a portion of glect, and whose example would have
our own, and. aids our exertions to re- shamed into kindness all the unfeeling
sume the usual equanimity of our spi- or careless members of her family.
rits. It is a provoking characteristic of ser-
Ifs in the midst of surrounded by
joy., vants, that they allow themselves to be
alt the delights of prosperity, such me- completely overtaken by illness, before
lancholy scenes present themselves to they will mention it, or give way to it
your view, do not turn from them with in the least. By neglecting to take early
•disgust, but allow them, for a time, to notice of disease, and refusing allevia-
tempei the gaiety of your heart, and tion from medicine and other means, it
<to cast a serious colouring over your gains power and, thus, the patient's
the failings of others justify any omis- Occasionally horses are found vicious
sions in kindness or duty on our part. and unmanageable but defects of tem-
The expenses attendant on the illness per may generally be traced to the ill-
of a domestic should undoubtedly be treatment of some reckless master, some
defrayed by her employer. We think cruel trainer, or some ignorant groom.
there are very few cases in which the Even in these cases, mild, but firm
medical debt of a servant, falling ill treatment, may render him gentle and
while discharging her duty to her em- tractable.
ployers, should the expense be met of —
Saddling. In saddling, the groom
her removal into the country, provided very frequently flings the saddle on the
change of air is deemed necessary for horse's back, and at once proceeds to
the re -establishment, of health. On re- tighten the girths to the extent re-
covering from acute diseases, this change quired. This causes the animal great
is generally very desirable ; but unless inconvenience, which he resents by
th-i friends of the servant, to whom it throwing back his ears, and trying to
is natural she should wish to be re- bite or kick his tormentor ; for which
moved, live in good air, and are able to he is corrected in very strong language,
provide her with suitable nourishment, if not by a blow, and his temper ruffled,
her strength may, perhaps, return to her to the discomfort of his rider. The
more rapidly, by remaining in her place, horse, being accustomed to such rough
in possession of the comforts necessary treatment, endeavours, by puffing him-
for the entire restoration of her health. self out, to lessen, in some degree, the
Hints to Lady Equestrians.— The distress experienced from this mode of
art of horsemanship does not consist in saddling and, in consequence, when
merely knowing how to mount, how to the rider has been en the road some
hold the reins, how to sit with security half hour, she finds her seat become
.and grace, nor how to compel the horse- loose and unsteady. Should the horse
to walk that canters or gallops at the start or shy, and the rider be inexpe-
will of the rider. All these are indis- rienced, she may iose her balance (in
pensable. But there is also the art of which case the saddle will turn round)
drawing forth the loilUng obedience of and be precipitated to the ground.
the animal. This is to be obtained only The humane and experienced groom
by a kind, temperate, and uniform will place the saddle lightly on the back
treatment, and by a thorough know- of the horse, patting him kindly as he
ledge of his habits and instincts. How does so. Then, drawing up the girths
different is a ride on a well-kept, well to within two holes of the lequired
used horse, who feeis that he carries a tightness, will so leave it for a quarter
friend, to one on a broken spirited or of an hour. By this time the saddle
timid creature, in whom ill-usage has wiil be warm, when it may be tightened
produced many defects. In the former as much as necessary, without pain or
case, the exercise is as great a pleasure discomfort to the animal, and, more-
to the hDrse as to his rider. He sniffs over, greatly lessening the chances cf a
the air, he pricks up his ears, he throws wrung bac k or withers.
forward his feet with energy. Life has A lady's saddle should be placed more
to him delights beyond his stall and his backward on the horse than a gentle-
corn. The horse is naturally gen tie. man's, to keep the heavy weight of the
intelligent, and affectionate but these iron as far from the withers as pos-
neither throwing too much weight on a slight balancing motion of the body,
the hand of the assistant, nor pulling so slight as to be felt, not seen, should
at the saddle both are ungraceful, and,
accompany the action of the hand.
after a little practice, unnecessary. Let The management of the reins is the
the groom arrange the habit carefully greatest difficulty in horsemanship, and,
"between the foot and the stirrup. If by some persons, it is a difficulty never
well arranged at first, it ought to re- altogether overcome. Do not pull at a
main so during the ride. The habit horse's mouth. Work the reins con-
should never be pinned under the foot tinually verj? gently, and easily, but let
it is sure to tear the skirt, and prevent there be no strain on him, or he will
it falling gracefully and easily. Seat certainly learn to pull, and lose the
yourself rather backward on the saddle, graceful easy carriage of his head. A
taking care that the figure be erect, and thoroughbred horse should have his
the shoulders perfectly square with your mouth so light, that he may be ridden
seat. Take the reins in the left hand. with a piece of packthread. But a bad
If you rido c n the curb, raise that first, rider may teach him to pull, in a very
leaving the left rein outside the hand, few lessons. By working the mouth is
or between the third and fourth fingers meant a light wavy motion of the hand,
— the right side of the rein between not tiring to the rider, and pleasing to
the first and second fingers. Then raise —
the horse to be acquired by practice
the snaffle, leaving the left rein outside and attention only.
the hand, and the right with the curb, The reins should never be required
between the first and second fingers. to assist the seat —we mean that per-
Leave the snaffle looser than the curb, fect balance that enables the rider to
so as to hang gracefully in a festoon do what she will, without interfering
from the bit. Double all the four reins with the action of the horse. The per-
together over the forefinger, placing the fect rider should be able to bend her
thumb firmly on them. body down to the stirrup on the left,
Should you prefer riding on the snaf- side, or down to the girth on the right,
fle, which, to an inexperienced rider, is to throw her arms over-head, and yet
perhaps safer, aud certainly, in such a her horse not swerve in the least. A
case, preferable for the horse, reverse lady who has a perfect seat may throw
the instructions above given, taking up her stirrup aside, and her reins across
the snaffle first, &c. keep the elbows her horse's neck, and yet be able to
close to the body — not in young lady guide him by the mere balance of her
fashion, so as to form a triangle with body, whether in walking, cantering,
the waist, by which rounding and stoop- trotting, or galloping.
ing of the shoulders is produced, and We had almost forgotten to mention
all power over the horse lost. The the whip. It should be carried in the
hands should always be kept low, as right hand, and simply as an ornament.
near the saddle as possible. In guiding A good rider never requires it a kind ;
the horse by the rein, use the hand rider will never use it. The man who
only, from the wrist downwards. Never strikes the willing creature who carrier
use the arms. If you wish your horse him through heat and cold, through
to move to the right, bend the hand wind and rain, in spite of fatigue or
slightly inwards towards the body, so thirst, degrades himself by the act. A
as to tighten the right rein, and loosen —
lady a lady, uses the hand that holds
the left. If you wish him to move to the whip but to pat and encourage.
the left, depress your hand slightly, " Poor fellow ! Good horse !" will do
which will tighten the left rein and more with the noble animal than the
loosen the right. In both cases, keep blow.
the wrist unmoved. It should be done Cantering. — On first setting forth,
by the hand alone, and imperceptibly the horse should be allowed to walk a.
short distance. Some riders gather up graceful, but in the attitude nearly
their reins hastily,and before they have power is lost. The arms are compara-
secured them property, allow the ani- tively useless. Should the horse stum-
mal to trot or canter off. Such a pro- ble, the rider risks being thrown over
ceeding is often productive of mischief, his head. Her position deprives her of
sometimes of accident. A lady's horse the power of assisting her horse to rise r
should canter with the right foot. The whilst the additional weight thrown on
left, produces a rough unpleasant mo- his shoulders prevents him from helping
tion and ungraceful appearance. The himself. At all times, the broad part
whole body is jerked at every stride. of the foot only should rest on the iron
Should the animal have been trained of the stirrup.
to canter with the left foot, a little per- —
Shying. Should a horse shy, he does
severance will soon teach him better. it generally from timidity. The com-
Hold the rem so as to tighten it slightly mon practice of forcing a horse to ap-
on the left side of the mouth, touch proach very near the object of alarm is
(not hit) him gently on the right shoul- a foolish and useless abuse of power.
der with the whip .-it well back in the He should be encouraged by words and
saddle, so as not to throw weight on the patting on the neck, and above all by
shoulder. The horse will soon under- the fearlessness of his rider. Ahorse
stand what is required of him. But if soon learns to depend greatly on his
he does not, try agaiu after an interval mistress. Should she start, or feel
of a few minutes. Straighten the reins timid, he perceives it immediately, and
immediately he throws out the right will prick up his ears and look about
foot. Pat and encourage him with kind him for the cause. On the other hand,
words, but repeat the operation should we have known many real dangers en-
he change his feet, which he may do be- countered with safety, through the rider
fore getting accustomed to his new step. having sufficient presence of mind to
The considerate rider will not compel break out into a snatch of song (all
him to canter too long at a time, for it horses like singing), which has diverted
is very fatiguing. That it is so, is easily his attention from the object of fear.
proved by the fact that the steed of a —
Rearing. Should a horse rear, lean
lady, too fond of cantering, becomes the body forward, loosing the reins at
weak in the forelegs, or what is com- the same moment press both hands,
the stirrup. She must rise slightly with The above is rarely necessary, and should
every step of the animal, taking care to only be done in a case of urgency.
keep the shoulders quite square with
A lady rode a spirited thoroughbred
the horse. To lean over one side or the liorse. She had been ill for a short
other, be the inclination ever so slight, time, and the groom had been ordered
or to bring forward one shoulder more to exercise him every day. Recovered
than the other, has a very bad appear- from her indisposition, the lady again
ance. A good horsewoman will avoid mounted her favourite. She had not
the common error of leaning forward proceeded far on her ride, before she
^^en trotting. It is not only very un- encountered one of those high trucks
often seen in country towns. At sight the horse's back while it is still heated*
of this the horse reared fearfully. His often produces swellings, particularly if
rider pressed all her weight on him, and the skin be at all irritated by friction.
he descended, but only to rise still The saddle should be sponged and dried,
higher. As she cast up her eyes, she either in the sun, or by the harness-
saw his fore-feet pawing the air above room or kitchen -fire, before being put
her head. He stood so erect, that she away. This precaution prevents the
almost fell backwards. The bystanders stuffing from hardening. A humane
screamed the groom rode up :
" Drop rider will always attend to the lining
off, ma'am ! oh, pray drop off!" he ex- of the saddle, for a wrung back must
claimed, adding, in the excitement of be sad pain. Ahorse will shrink from
the moment, a truth he might have the slightest touch of a finger on the
concealed, " I always do." The lady injured part what must, then, be the
first) into clean water,, keep it there a of the bowels with calomel and rhu-
minute or two, then take it out, and barb, I order strong beef tea, wine, and
sprinkle the flowers lightly by the hand above all, Bass's pale ale the patients ;
the fair but frail creatures, as directed and the personal use of the applications,
above, must be strictly observed, or all that we may hope to benefit the suf-
will perish. ferer), I find the best and most effica-
Peeling Potatoes. All the starch cious is equal parts of honey and con-
in potatoes is found very near the sur- centrated muriatic acid, applied with a
face the heart contains but little nu- probang to the whole of the false mem-
triment. Ignorance of this fact may brane, about every sixth hour. As a
form a plausible excuse for those who gargle, borax and honey, mixed with a
cut off thick parings, but none to those little brandy and water, is very useful ;
who know better. Circulate the injunc- and, after the stripping off of the false
tion, " pare thin the potato skin." Then, membranes, a gargle mixed with tannic
too, consider the economy of it. acid and water affords great comfort."
A Cheap and Efficient Filter. Married Women's Property Act.
Procure a clean flower-pot (common —Whereas it is desirable to amend the
kind), close the opening of the bottom law of property and contract with re-
by a piece of sponge, then place in the spect to married women :
direct such inquiry, and award such Husband Not to be Liable on his
costs as he shall think fit. Wife's Contracts Beforf her Mar-
Married Women may Efiect Po- riage. — 12. A husband shall not, by
licy of Insurance. — 9. A married wo- reason of any marriage which shall take
man may effect a policy of insurance place after this Act has come into ope-
upon her own life or the life of her hus- ration, be liable for the debts of his wife
band for her separate use, and the same contracted before marriage, but his wife
and all benefit thereof, if expressed on shall be liable to be sued for, and any
the face of it to be so effected, shall property belonging to her for her sepa-
enure accordingly, and the contract in rate use shall be liable to satisfy such
such policy shall be as valid as if made debts as if she had continued unmar-
with an unmarried woman. ried.
As to Insurance of a Husband Married Women to be Liable to
for Benefit of his Wife. 10. A po- the Parish for the Maintenance of
licy of insurance effected by any mar- their Husbands. —
13. Where in Eng-
ried man on his own life, and expressed land the husband of any woman having
upon the face of it to be for the benefit separate property becomes chargeable to
of his wife and children, or any of any union or parish, the justices having
them, shall enure and be deemed a trust jurisdiction in such union or parish
for the benefit of his wife for her sepa- may, in petty sessions assembled, upon
rate use, and of his children, or any of application of the guardians of the poor,
them, according to the interest so ex- issue a summons against the wife, and
pressed, and shall not, so long as any make and enforce such order against
object of the trust remains, be subject her for the maintenance of her hus-
to the control of her husband or of his band.
creditors, or form part of his estate. Married Women to be Liable to
When the sum secured by the policy the Parish for the Maintenance of
becomes payable, or at any time pre- their Children. 14. A married wo-
viously, a trustee thereof may be ap- man having separate property shall be
pointed by the judge of the County subject to all such liability for the main-
Court of the district. If it shall be tenance of her children as a widow is
proved that the policy was effected and now by law subject to for the mainte-
premiums paid by the husband with nance of her children provided always :
intent to defraud his creditors, they that nothing in this Act shall relieve
shall be entitled to receive out of the her husband from any liability at pre-
sum secured an amount equal to the sent imposed upon him by law to main-
premiums so paid. tain her children.
Married Women may Maintain an This Act does not extend to Scot-
Action. — 11. A married woman may land.
maintain an action in her own name Birthdays of the Queen and Royal
for the recovery of any wages, earnings, Family —
Her Majesty, Alexandria
money, and property by this Act de- Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and
clared to be her separate property, or Ireland born May 24, 1819 succeeded
; ;
of any property belonging to her before William IV. June 20, 1837 crowned ;
marriage, and which her husband shall, June 28, 1838 married Feb. 10, 1840,
by writing under his hand, have agreed to her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-
with her shall belong to her after mar- Coburg, whose lamented death occurred
riage as her separate property, and she on the 14th of December, 1861. Issue
shall have in her own name the same of the marriage :
remedies, civil and criminal, against all H.li.H. Victoria Adelaide Mary Lou-
persons whomsoever for the protection isa, Princess Royal born November
and security of such wages, earnings, 21, 1840 married January 25, 1858,
The Weather. If the dew lie plen-
1866, to H.R.H. Prince Christian of tifully on the grass after a fair day, it
Augustenburg. is the sign of another if not, and there;
H.R.H. Louisa Caroline Alberta born is no wind, rain must follow. A red
March 18, 1848 married Marquis of evening sky portends fine weather but
; ;
H.R.H. Arthur William Patrick Al- horizon in the evening, and especially
bert born May 1, 1850.
in the morning, it foretells wind, or
H.R.H. Leopold George Duncan Al- rain, or both. When the sky in windy
bert ; born April 7, 1853. weather is tinged with sea-green, the
H.R.H. Beatrice Mary Victoria born rain will increase if with deep blue it
; ;
£1, or less amount, lOd. (In Plaints frost, with hail, snow, or rain. Two
for Recovery of Possession of Tene- currents of clouds always portend rain,
ments, the poundage to be estimated and in summer thunder. If the moon
on the weekly, monthly, or yearly rent looks pale and dim, expect rain if red, ;
Judgment by Consent when the a clear sky, fair weather.
demand does not exceed £1 Is. and — To Preserve the Colours of Dres-
every additional £1, or less amount, Is. and second tub of water a large table-
Summons for Commitmeut when spoonful of ox-gall. The gall can be
the amount of the original demand re- obtained from the butcher, and a bottle
maining due shall not exceed £1 3d., of it should always be kept in every
and every additional £1, or less, 3d. house. No coloured articles should be
Hearing of Summons for Commit- allowed to remain long in the water.
ment when the amount of the original They must be washed fast, and then
demand remaining due shall not ex- rinsed through two cold waters. Into
ceed £1 6d.— and every additional £1, each rinsing water, stir a teaspoonf ul of
colours ; and hang them clouds of this kind have long been
after rinsing
out immediately. When ironing'-dry deemed a prognostic of the wind.
(or still a little damp,) bring them in 2. In fair weather, with light variable
have irons ready heated, and iron them breezes, the sky is seldom quite clear
at once, as it injures the colours to allow from small groups of the oblique cirrus,
them to remain damp too long, or to which frequently come on from the lee-
sprinkle and roll them up in a covering ward, and the direction of their increase
for ironing next day. If they cannot is to the windward. Continued wet
be conveniently ironed immediately, let weather is attended with horizontal
them hang till they are quite dry and sheets of this cloud, which subside
then damp and fold them on the fol- quickly, and pass to the cirro-stratus.
lowing day, a quarter of an hour before The cirrus pointing upward, is a distant
ironing. The best way is not to do indication of rain and downward, a ;
coloured dresses on the day of the gene- more immediate one of fair weather.
ral wash, but to give them a morning Before storms they appear lower and
by themselves. They should only be denser, and usually in the quarter op-
undertaken in clear bright weather. If posite to that from which the storm
allowed to freeze, the colours will be ir- arises. Steady high winds are also pre-
reparably injured. We need scarcely ceded and attended by streaks running
say that no coloured articles should ever quite across the sky, in the direction
be boiled or scalded. If you get from they blow in. These, by an optical de-
a shop a slip for testing the durability ception, appear to meet in the horizon.
of colours, give it a fair trial by washing 3. The snooting or falling star, pre-
it as above ; afterwards, pinning it to cedes a change of wind.
the edge of a towel, and hanging it to 4. If clouds appear gradually to di-
dry. Some colours, (especially pinks minish, and dissolve into the air, so as
and light- greens,) though they may to become invisible, it is an indication
stand perfectly well in washing, w ill T
of fine weather.
chaDge as soon as a warm iron is applied 5. If the sky, after being for a long
to them the pink turning purplish,
; time serene and blue, become fretted
and the green bluish. No coloured ar- and spotted with undulated clouds, not
ticle should be smoothed with a hot unlike the waves of the sea, rain will
iron. speedily follow.
Changes of Weather Indicated 6. It not unfrequently happens that
hj the Clouds. 1. The clouds, called two different currents of clouds appear ;
Cirrus, appear early after serene wea- these are certain signs of rain, particu-
ther they are, at first, indicated by a
; larly if the lower current fly swiftly
few threads pencilled as it were on the before the wind. Should two such cur-
sky ; these increase in length, and new rents appear during summer, or hot
ones are, in the meantime, added la- weather, they announce a speedy thun-
terally. Often the first formed threads der storm.
serve as steuis to support numerous 7. When it rains with an east wind,
branches, which in their turn give rise it will probably continue for twenty-
to others. Their duration is uncertain, four hours.
varying, from a few minutes after their 8. While rain is falling, if any small
first appearance, to an extent of many space of the sky be observable, it is al-
hours. It is long when they appear most a certain sign that the rain will
alone, and at great heights and shorter speedily cease.
when they are formed lower, and in the "9. When the solar rays break through
vicinity of other clouds. This modifi- the clouds, and are visible in the air,
cation, although in appearance almost it shows that the atmosphere is filled
motionless, is intimately connected with with vapours, which will speedily be
the motion of the atmosphere ; and converted into rain.
the subjoined design on a large square skill is needed any one can do it well
pencil mark the outline hard. Enough months in the year, July, August, and
will remain on the card for the experi- September.
menter to lightly draw in the subject Green Pea-Soup.— Into hail" a gal-
when the papers are removed. The less lon of water (stock, if at hand,) put a
the outline which is drawn is visible, quart of old green peas, a slice or two
the better the effect. Busts and statues of ham, two small onions, a little mint,
also form charming subjects, and may and simmer the whole in a stewpan un-
easily be traced from photographs. til the peas are done after that press
lime is precipitated in tine powder, pour quart of young peas, with two lettuces,
oft' the clear lime-water for use at the cut up small, and two ounces of butter ;
time it is wanted. Put the feathers, to when the young peas are done, add them
be cleaned in a tub, and add to them a to the older sort, and give them a boil
sufficient quantity of the clear lime- up, and then serve. This soup is not
water, so as to cover them about three often made in families, nor is it a very
inches. The feathers, when thoroughly profitable one, nor simple in its prepara-
moistened, will sink down, and should tion. If the soup, when done, is not
remain in the lime-water for three or considered thick enough, boil the crumb
four days, after which, the foul liquor of a roll in a little of the soup, and rub
should be separated from them by lay- it through a fine sieve, then add it to
ing them on a sieve. Afterwards, well the soup, and boil. Serve very hot in a
wash them in clean water, and dry tureen with toasted bread.
them on nets, about the same fineness Pea Soup Without Meat—
At p.
as cabbage nets. Shake them from time 72 we gave an excellent receipt for this
to time on the nets ; as they dry, they soup with meat, the following is for pea
will fall through the meshes, when col- soup without meat —
Put one pound of
lect them for use. The admission of split peas into a gallon of liquor in
lir will be serviceable in the drying, which a piece of salt beef or pork has
tnd the whole process may be completed been previously boiled ; add to this
in about three weeks. The feathers two onions and carrots, a little mint,
thus prepared, want nothing further and as much pepper and salt as the
than beating, to be used either for beds, taste may approve. The vegetables, cut
bolsters, pillows, &c. in small pieces, should be first fried in
Vegetable Marrow. Cut a mar- dripping for a quarter of an hour before
row into three or four slices, take out putting them in with the liquor and the
the seeds, and put them in boiling water peas. When the ingredients are brought
with a small handful of salt, and let together in the saucepan, they will take
them boil for half an hour, longer, if a good three hours before the peas are
the marrows are old. Serve them on toast nice and tender of course they should
and cover them with melted butter. If be well soaked, before boiling, for twelve
they are preferred mashed, they should hours, as mentioned in the previous
be well drained when taken from the receipt. When done, and taken up,
water, and beaten smooth with a wooden crush the pulp of the peas through a
;-.poon, and seasoned with pepper and sieve, return it to the scup, and let it
salt, and the dish garnished with toast boil for half an hour longer ; then again
sippets. Sometimes, when served in press the peas through a fine sieve, and
.slices-, they are covered with egg and serve them and the soup with toasted
bread- crumbs, and fried in boiling lard. bread. This excellent soup can be made
Cooked any way, however, vegetable for the sum of five farthings a quart.
thin slices, commencing at the thick to yield much more gelatine than is to
end if begun at the thin end a bitter be obtained from meat, two ounces of
and put them into a shallow dish, and contain any flavouring matter, soup
cover them with equal parts of salad-oil made entirely from them would, though
and vinegar, in which turn the slices nourishing, be tasteless.
about that they may become perfectly The best kind of stock is made from
saturated. Be it observed, that the slices beef, as it possesses more colour and fla-
ought to be very evenly cut of a uni- vour than other meats ; veal lacks fla-
form thickness, and not some half as vour, and mutton is apt to have a tal-
thick again as others. To avoid this lowy taste. Use fresh meat for stock,
imperfection to a dish of cucumber, as and mix various kinds rabbit old fowl,
; /
thoroughly English of any, is within curves to get them into the form indi-
the power of any lady to work, who cated in your pattern. When these
possesses an ordinary amount of skill braids are firmly fastened down, com-
and patience with her needle. It has mence the dotted bars with Taylor's ;
the advantages of durability and par- Mecklenburg thread fasten with a but-
amount beauty, and is therefore well ton-hole stitch to make it firm at one ;
worthy the little effort required for its edge of the braid lay two or three
manufacture. This exquisite lace is threads across and then (working;
adapted to a variety of uses for dress from the left to right) half way close
adornment, or furniture decoration. button-hole stitches then to form the ;
To make Mecklenburg lace, lay upon dot, work one button-hole stitch on the
the pattern a piece of tracing cloth, and top of each stitch, not drawing the
with fine pen and ink (liquid Indian ink thread tight, so as to form a loop, and
is the best) trace over in outline the in that loop work four tight button-
braids thereon then remove the trac- hole stitches then one more button-
; ;
ing, and tack it upon leather, or any hole stitch in the last of the row of
coloured substance, such as glazed cam- stitches finish the bar with tight but-
point-lace cotton commence the stitch in previous row, and leave space five on
for largest opening next, and so on next row is six stitches
Fan Lace. —This is worked with six in the spaces left in previous rows a ;
button-hole stitches ; then leave space space, six stitches, and repeat.
for six ; then six stitches as before, and The stitch in other large opening is-
repeat till end of row in the next row
; called
*ive button-hole stitches on top of six
Open English Lace and is worked to form diamond spaces then twist ;
by placing threads across at equal dis- the needle round the thread until you
tances, and then the reverse way, so as come to where they cross put your ;
needle tinder the lower thread, over the with the same. If persisted in a suffi-
next, and under the next repeat this
; cient length of time, it will effectually
until the spot is as large as desired ;
cure nasal catarrh. It is said by a phy-
then twist the needle roiiDd the thread sician that the various mixtures sold as
until you come to the next crossing, catarrh remedies, in many cases are only
when repeat. salt disguised so as not to be known.
The edge may be bought and sewn —
Chocolate Cream. Mix the yolks
on, or worked in this way one button- of six eggs strained with two ounces of
hole stitch, leaving it a little loose, and pounded loaf sugar and three ounces of
working four tight button-hole stitches grated chocolate add a pint of milk
into it, and repeat. This should be set the mixture on the fire in a double
worked from left to right. saucepan, the outer one filled with hot
Those ladies who are in earnest to go water, and keep stirring till the cream
into the fashionable accomplishment of thickens ; dissolve a quarter of an ounce
point-lace making, should first visit Mr. of isinglass, previously soaked, in a little
William Barnard's Artistic Needlework milk ; add
this to the cream, strain it,
Depository, 119, Edgware lioad, Lon- pour it into a mould, and put it in a
don, where the most elegant designs cold place or on ice to set.
and materials may be purchased, as well Hints for the Toilet.— Too much
as the fullest instructions given. attention cannot be paid to the arrange-
Lard. This is the fat of swine after ments of the toilet. Ladies' dresses
being melted and separated from the should be chosen so as to produce an
flesh. In the pig, the fat differs from agreeable harmony. Never put on a
that of almost every other quadruped, dark- coloured bonnet with a light spring
as it covers the animal all over, and costume. Avoid uniting colours which
forms a thick layer between the flesh will suggest an epigram such as a straw-
and the skin, not unlike the blubber in coloured dress with a green bonnet.
whales. Lard is used largely in medi- The arrangement of the hair is most
cine in the making of ointments. The important. Whatever be your style of
prepared lard of the Pharmacopoeia is dress, avoid an excess of lace, and let
made from the internal fat of the abdo- flowers be few and choice. In a mar-
men of the pig, perfectly fresh and re- ried woman a richer style of ornament
moving as much of the membranes as is admissible. Costly elegance for her
possible. The fat is cut into small for the young girl, a style of modest
pieces and put into a vessel with cold simplicity. The most elegant dress loses
water, having also a current of water its character if it is not worn with grace.
running through it. It is then broken Young girls have often an air of con-
up with the hands so as to expose every straint, and their dress seems to partake
part of it to the water, in order that of their want of ease. In speaking of
everything soluble may be carried away. her toilet, a woman should not convey
The water is then drained away by the idea that her whole skill consists in
means of a sieve or cloth, and the fat adjusting tastefully some trifling orna-
liquefied at a heat not exceeding 212 ments. A simple style of dress is an
degrees, and strained through flannel indication of modesty.
while hot it is then put into a pan
; —
Colours in Dress. Of all colours,
heated by steam, and kept at a tempe- perhaps the most trying to the com-
rature a little above 212 degrees, stir- plexion are the different shades of lilac
ring it continually until it becomes clear and purple. The fashionable and really
and entirely free from water, and is beautiful mauve and its varieties are,
then strained through flannel. of course, included in this category. In
Nasal Catarrh. Make a weak brine accordance with the well-known law v£
and snuff up the nostrils, and let it run optics that all colours, simple or com-
t&wn in the throat also wet the head
; pound, have a tendency to tint Bill-
— —
from it by the hair and by a ruche of ish yellow suits no one, especially those
tulle, which produce the neutralising with pale complexions. Its effect is to
effect of grey. Should the complexion diffuse, by contrast, a purple hue over *
still appear too yellow, green leaves or the complexion, and this is certainly no
green ribbons may be worn as trim- addition to beauty.
mings. These will often neutralise lilac Besides the beautiful and permanent
and purple colours, and thus prevent mauve and magenta colours, blue is fa-
their imparting an unfavourable hue to vourable to most cemplexions light or
harmonise with the complexion is the who are less fair, or in whom years
equally beautiful colour called " ma- have developed more of the colour of
genta." The complementary colour the sere and yellow leaf peculiar to au-
would be yellow-green magenta,
; there- tumn. It often happens, that as per-
fore, requires very nice treatment to sons advance in years, colours which
make it becoming. It must be subdued suited them in youth cease to be becom-
when near the skin, and this is best ing pink, for instance, agrees well with
done by intermixture with black either ; a youthful complexion and fair skin,
by diminishing its brightness by nearly but it does not harmonise with the yel-
covering it with black lace, or by intro- low tints of more advanced age in this ;
ducing the colour in very small quan- case either sky-blue, or pure deep blue,
tity only. In connection with this co- will be substituted with advantage for
lour, we have recently observed some pink.
curious effects. First, as to its appear- These few instances will be sufficient
ance alone if in great quantity, the to indicate some of the difficulties at-
colour, though beautiful in itself, is tending the right use of colour in dress.
giarinuc, and difficult to harmonise with Although broken colours next the
its accompaniments. —
Secondly, as to skin which of itself is a broken colour,
its combination with black if the black as is also the hair
; —
have a good effect*
and help to clear up the complexion, so various, it is quite impossible that
pure colours are by no means to be ex- the fashionable colour, though it may
cluded entirely from dress what I mean
: suit a few individuals, can be becoming
to say is only that they should be em- to
all. Instead, therefore, of blindly
ployed with discretion, and always with following fashion, as a sheep will follow
a view to set off the wearer to the the leader of the flock, even to destruc-
greatest advantage. They may thus be tion, we should like to see every lady
made to produce the best effect. select and wear the precise shade of
The coloured rosette, sometimes imi- colour which is not only best adapted
tated by a thick cluster of artificial to her peculiar complexion, but is in
flowers of one colour, such as rose-buds, perfect harmony with the rest of her
worn on the forehead or on the front of habiliments, and in accordance with her
the rim of a hat, are very inartistic years and condition.
artists always look upon a single patch Table Poisons. There are the but-
of colour as a spot, or blot, which im- tercups to begin with, so caustic that
mediately attracts the eye, to the ex- the hands of children gathering them
clusion of everything else, thereby are sometimes inflamed, or even blis-
breaking up the repose of the subject tered. The deep colour of butter was
or picture. To produce harmony, they ascribed to the eating of these flowers
consider that a colour should reappear, by the cows, wherefore they were called
or be repeated, in different parts of the butter-flowers and butter-cups but the ;
picture. This rule is founded on ob- cows know better than to eat them. The
servation. Nature does not produce poisonous principle in buttercups is vol-
isolated specimens of the flowers which atile, and disappears out of the herb in
deck our fields and hedgerows, but scat- drying. Buttercups, therefore, are not
ters them over the soil more or less only harmless when mixed with the
•^abundantly, and at greater or less inter- grass in mailing hay, but even help to
vals. Primroses and cowslips, butter- make the fodder nutritive by the large
cups and daisies, daffodils and hare- quantity of nutriment their stems con-
bells, come not in dense clusters like tain.
the nosegays we hold in our hands, nor It may be thought that we are safe
singly, but each plant is separated from among legumes, but we are not ;we
its kindred by the intervening green may eat beans and peas, but we had
turf, and appears more beautiful in its better avoid eating laburnum. The poi •
emerald setting, while the frequent re- sonous principle of the laburnum, cyti-
currence at uncertain intervals of the sine, is contained in some other legu-
same colours and forms, gives pleasure minous plants. In the laburnum it kills
to the eye ; and the irregularity of the easily. There is much poison, too, in
intervals between the plants produces laburnum bark. The seeds of the yel-
variety. Applying these observations low and of the rough-podded vetchiug
to the coloured rosette on the hat or may produce headache and sickness.
forehead, a verdict of inharmonious The wild flower of the cucumber tribe,
must be returned against it. If the hat common in England, the bryon}*, is a
must have a coloured decoration, the powerful and highly irritant purgative.
colour should be repeated by binding It is a quack herb medicine its red
the rim or crown of the hat with the berries produce very ill effects on chil-
same colour. dren, who may chance to eat them.
As the object of all decoration in dress In the parsley tribe there are some
is to improve, or to set off to the great- familiar wild flowers, very apt to be
est advantage, the personal appearance eaten, and very far from eatable. Car-
;)f the wearer, it follows that the colQurs rots and parsnips, celery and fennel, be-
employed should be suitable to the long to this family, and they are good
complexion and, as complexions arc
; to eat, of course but there are other
plants of this kind, which careless peo- silence. We would never advise a per-
ple may mistake for parsley, celery, or former to make a sacrifice to vulgarity
parsnips, and die of the blunder. Hem- or bad taste, but there is no want of
lock leaves have been eaten for parsley pieces which combine brevity with ex-
leaves, although very much darker and cellence —
contain in a small compass
more glossy. Cows and goats will not many beauties of melody, harmony,
eat hemlock, but sheep eat it unharmed. and modulation, and afford room for
It kills man, when taken
in a fatal dose, the display of brilliancy, taste, and ex-
by its strong action on the nerves, pro- pression on the part of the performer.
ducing insensibility, and palsy of the A piece of this kind will not weary by
arms and legs. As a drug it is most its length those who do not care for
dangerous, except in skilful hands. music, while it will give pleasure to the
Then there is fool's parsley, which is most cultivated taste and with such
decidedly poisonous, and much resem- things, therefore, every musical lady
bles common parsley. ought to be well provided.
But the most virulent of all the poi- Wonders Revealed by the Tele-
sons of this sort, is the water dropw ort, T
scope and Microscope. Dr. Chal- —
common on the banks of the Thames. mers, speaking of the advantages de-
When not in flower it resembles celery, rived from the discovery of the tele-
and the roots may be mistaken easily scope and microscope, says, " The one
for parsnip roots. The fine-leaved wa- led me to see a system in every star.
ter-dropwort, and the common drop- The other leads me to see a world in
wort, are less poisonous, but not to be every atom. The one taught me that
eaten without considerable danger. The this mighty globe, with the whole bur-
similarity of the roots of the aconite, or den of its people, and of its countries,
monkshood of our gardens, to those of isbut a grain of sand on the high field
the horse-radish, has caused some fatal of iminenshVv. The other teaches me
accidents, and the beautiful red berries that every grain of sand may harbour
of the belladonna, or deadly nightshade, within it the tribes and families of a
have on several occasions lured children busy population. The one told me of
to destruction, so have those of the spot- the insignificance of the world I tread
ted arum, called " lords and ladies." upon. The other redeems it from all
A Hint to Musical Ladies. lady —A its insignificance for it tells me that
who plays well on the piano-forte, and in the leaves of every forest, and in the
desires to make this accomplishment a flowers of every garden, and in the wa-
source of pleasure and not annoyance to ters of every rivulet, there are worlds
her friends, should be careful to adapt teeming with life, and numberless ;is
the style of her performance to the cir- are the glories of the firmament. The
cumstance in which it is called for ; and one has suggested to me that beyond
should remember that a gay mixed and above all that is visible to man,
company would be tired to death with there may lie fields of creation which
one of those elaborate pieces which sweep immeasurably along, and cany
would delight the learned ears of a party the impress of the Almighty's hand to
of cognoscenti. It is from neglect of the remotest scenes of the universe. The
this consideration that many a really other suggests to me, that within and
excellent performer makes her music a beneath all that minuteness which the
social grievance. Many a beautiful so- aided eye of man has been able to ex-
nata or fantasia, to which at another plore, there may lie a region of invisi-
time we should have listened with plea- bles and that, could we draw aside
sure,has been thrown away upon a the mysterious curtain which shrouds
company, who either drowned it by it from our senses, we might there see
their conversation, or sat during its con- a theatre of as many wonders as astro-
tinuance in constrained and wearied nomy has unfolded a universe within
in medical investigations, and in the as well, put into the boiler, and covered
detection of food adulteration, and of with water. I he water not only retains
infinite interest in parlour pastime, the valuable oil, and other aromatic ele-
revealing to us the myriad beauties of ments, but also prepares it by soaking,
things invisible to the naked eye, while for immediate boiling in the morning.
the telescope reveals the sublimity of If the coffee pot be set on the range
the heavens, and brings to view the dis- or stove, or near the fire, so as to be
tant ships on the ocean. kept hot all night, preparatory to boil-
Both these instruments are of great ing in the morning, the beverage will
interest and importance to mankind. be found, in the morning, rich, mellow,
But unfortunately they cannot al- and of a most delicious flavour.
ways be depended upon, except they Coffee used at supper time should be
are purchased at the best makers, who placed on or near the fire immediately
have studied their theory, and brought after dinner, and kept hot or simmer-
the most perfect mechanical machinery — —
ing not boiling all the afternoon.
to ensure the excellence of their manu- Preparation of Whitewash.— The
facture. Those made by Messrs. F. following mode of preparing whitewash
Darton & Co., the well-known philoso- is strongly recommended :
—Take a wa-
phical instrument manufacturers, 102, ter-tight, clean barrel, or other suitable
St. John Street Road, can always be cask, and put into it half a bushel of
relied on. The microscope could be lime. Slake it by pouring water over
made of great service in the education it, boiling hot, and in sufficient quantity
of the young, and we think it a great to cover it five inches deep, and stir it
oversight that it is not introduced into briskly till thoroughly slaked. When
schools and home education. the slaking has been effected, add two
To Roast and Prepare Coffee. pounds of sulphate of zinc dissolved in
The bess mode of roasting, where it is water, and one of common salt. The. e
done at home, is to dry the coffee first ?yill cause the wash to harden, and pre-
in an open vessel, until its colour is vent its cracking, which gives an un-
slightly changed. This allows the mois- seemly appearance to the work. If de-
ture to escape. Then cover it closely, sirable, a beautiful cream colour may
and scorch it, keeping up a constant be communicated to the above wash by v
nel may be unequally heated. Too low or a good pearl or lead colour, by the
and too slow a heat dries it up without addition of lamp or ivory black. For
producing the full aromatic flavour ;
fawn colour, add four pounds of umber,
while too great heat dissipates the oily one pound Indian red, and one pound
matter, and leaves only bitter charred lampblack. This wash m:iy be applied
kernels. It should be heated so as to with a common whitewash- brush.
pint and a half of young green peas, more inconvenient than the other.
boil them in three quarts of water, with Domestic Economy. —This
three or four sprigs of mint when done
always be practised by persons with li-
enough, strain them, then boil two mited or fluctuating incomes. Extrava-
quarts of old green peas in the same gant parents must expect to have ex-
water, and rub them through a colander travagant children, and, and when mas-
when done enough. Cut up a cucumber ters and mistresses do not economise,
in slices, and some small young onions they can scarcely expect the servants to
in slices about half an inch thick, the do so. Eemember that there is a vast
white part of a lettuce, and stew them difference between economy and stingi-
till tender. Then add them to the ness. Prudent persons generally set
young peas with about two ounces of aside three twentieths of their yearly
butter rolled in flour. Then season to income for contingencies six-twenti-
taste with a little cayenne pepper and eths for household expenses ; three-
salt. Beat some spinach and rub it twentieths for servants and amusement
through a sieve. Put it to the soup just four-twentieths for the education of
before you take it off the fire, to make children, personal expenses, &c. and ;
it green. Add
a lump or two of white four-twentieths for rent, wear and tear
sugar. If peas are scarce, the shells of of furniture, insurance, &c. For example
the green peas may be added, in place —suppose that your income be £400 a
of the whole peas. If the flavour of you may expend £120 on food,
meat is preferred, add either a bit of and £60 on servants, &c. £80 on family
lean ham, or a hock of the ham, or root and self, and the same sum for rent, &c.
of a tongue, whichever is convenient. while you reserve £60 for an accumu-
Drying Plants.-—There are so many lating fund. If your income is fluctu-
ways of drying plants, that almost every ating, set aside ^ix- twentieths of it for
botanist has a plan of his own. The a reserve fund.
only points to attend to, are to dry spe- Watercress in Gardens. —Nothing
cimens quickly, thoroughly, and beneath is than to have a good succession
a pressure that will not crush them. If of this wholesome plant throughout the
they are succulent, or apt to cast their year. About the early p art of March,
a dibble, nearly up to the tops in rows, were high, would have room to spread
about eight inches apart, and six inches or radiate downwards and outwards to
between the plants, watering them well, the more distant floor or carpet, and to
and shaded them with mats, supported warm them. 2. The notion that the
on sticks just above the plants, for a fire, because near the floor, must warm
Throwing a Shoe after a Bridal a much longer time, they exercise in-
Pair. — The custom of " trashing," or genuity, and they really please them
pelting people with old shoes on their more. A
little girl had better fashion
return from church on the wedding day her cups and saucers of acorns, than to
is of very ancient date. There were have a set of earthen ones supplied. A
certain offences which subjected the boy takes ten times more pleasure in a
parties formerly to this disagreeable li- little wooden cart he has pegged to-
a piece of wire into the same form, but shelf is then to be covered with a layer
rather larger than the bottom fix the of clean, small pebbles, over which a
ends together, and fasten the feathers quantity of fresh charcoal, made from
into it at regular distances from each wood or bones the latter is preferable ;
other. A handle of wire, or pasteboard, and fine sand should be laid to the depth
covered with a portion of skin with of an inch, and then covered with ano-
the feathers on it, may be added. The ther layer of pebbles over this should
basket should be lined with coloured be placed another shelf, pierced with
silk, or gold paper. holes, to prevent the water which runs
Children's Playthings. Playthings or is poured in, from disturbing the
that children make for themselves are a prepared bed of charcoal, and sand, and
great deal better than those which are pebbles. At the bottom of the cask a
bought for them, They employ them tap is to be placed, to draw off the water
able to be picked up by children, and pound of fresh lard into a pan, with an
therefore objectionable. ounce and a half of white wax ; set it
Custard for Pies. In a pint of good on a slow fire till it is melted, then take
new milk, put two or three bitter al- a small tin dish, fill it with water, and
monds, a stick of cinnamon, a piece of add a few chips of alkanet root let the ;
lemon-peel, and seven or eight good- water boil till it becomes of a beautiful
sized lumps of sugar ; let the whole red colour, strain some of it, and mix
simmer gently till the flavour is ex- it with the other ingredients according
tracted, then strain and stir till cold. as may be desired scent it with some
Beat the yolks of six eggs, and mix well agreeable and favourite extract, and
with the milk, then stir the whole over then pour it into small white jars or
a slow fire till it is about the thickness boxes.
of rich cream. It may be flavoured with To Keep Silk and Velvet. Silk —
almond or rose water, of which one articles should not be kept in white pa-
ounce will be sufficient. per, as the chloride of lime used in
The Lips. Beautiful lips are re- bleaching the paper will probably im-
garded by all persons as indispensable pair the colour of the silk. Brown or
requisites to prettiness in a lady. No- blue paper is better, and the yellowish,
thing but excellent general health will smooth India paper is best of all. Silks
impart to them that charming ruby tint intended for dress should not be kept
which so delights the observer. It has long in the house before they are made
been said, by the most reliable medical up, as lying in the folds will have a ten-
authorities, that a red under lip is one dency to impair its durability, by caus-
of the surest indications of good health;
ing it to cut or split, particularly if the
and it may well be added, that it is one silk has been thickened by gum. Thread
of the most irresistible fascinations of lace veils are very easily cut. Dresses
which a young lady can be possessed. of velvet should not be laid by with any
The weather affects the lips of some weight on them, for if the nap of thin
persons to such an extent to disfigure velvet is laid down it is not possible to
thedr beauty, as well as to cause much raise it up again. Hard silk should
pain from soreness. A strong wind, never be wrinkled, because the thread
united with a cold atmosphere, will fre- is easily broken in the crease, and it
quently cause so great an irritation of never can be rectified. The way to take
the delicate skin of the lips that weeks wrinkles out of silk scarfs or handker-
will sometimes elapse before the effects chiefs is to moisten the surface evenly
will be entirely effaced. Ladies should with a spoon and some wheat glue, and
therefore be quite scrupulous in guard- then pin the silk with some toilet pins
ing their lips from cold and wind, espe- around the shelves or on a mattress or
cially in riding. In warm weather, cold feather bed, taking pains to draw out
water may be used in washing the face the silk as soon as possible. "When dry,
and lips without fear of their becoming the wrinkles will have disappeared. It
chapped but in cold weather both cold is a nice job to dress light-coloured silk,
or hot water, as also soap, should be and few should try it. Some silk arti-
avoided. Pure tepid rain water will be cles should be moistened with weak
found to be the least irritating to a de- glue or gum- water, and the wrinkles
licate complexion, and a preventive ironed out with a hot flat iron on the
against chapped lips. Much may be wrong side.
done to restore the lips to their natural Eyebrows and Eyelashes. The —
state, when they have become inflamed beauty of the eyebrows is held to con-
or chapped, by a timely application of sist in their being arched. In eyelashes,.
the height of their beauty consists in not really words. This is not all for ;
their being long and glossy. In the East not to speak ill is not sufficient we ;
the training of the eyelashes forms one must speak well. Vulgarism in language
of the peculiar cares of the toilette. In is a distinguishing characteristic of bad
order to increase their length and bril- company, and a bad education."
liancy the Circassian ladies are said, Avoid using unmeaning or vulgar
frequently, that is ten or twelve times phrases, as You know," " You see,"
' ;
portant subject, and write all that you while a letter written remains indelible
have to write upon it before you pro- or unaltered. When 3*011 put your hand
ceed to the next subject. to an assertion or an opinion, it becomes
By paragraphing each subject, your your own, and you are held answerable
letter will be better understood, and for it. For these reasons you ought to
more easy to refer to. Each paragraph use great caution in writing, even to
should be commenced at about an inch your dearest friend, anything you should
from the left edge of the paper as you afterwards hesitate to acknowledge. To
face it. request your correspondent to burn a
Lord Chesterfield properly observes letter, is a plain confession that you
" We
must never offend against gram- have written something of which you
mar, nor make use of words which are are ashamed, or that yon are afraid of
You should not forget that it is pos- articles of smaller dimensions. There
sible for your dearest friend to become
your bitterest enemy, and especially so
are two varieties of the art poticho-
manie on wood and on glass the latter
for your bitterest enemy to wish to be of which professes to look down with
reconciled to you. Therefore write with some contempt on the former. In the
warm but not foolish confidence to the first-named variety, a vase or other ar-
friend, and with dignity instead of ticle isfashioned in wood, and painted
haughtiness to your enemy. with wash- colour an Oriental pattern
Use good paper. See that it is clean. printed upon cloth is cut with scissors
Fold your letter neatly. These apparent into proper form, and pasted upon the
trifles should be attended to, as many wash and the wash and the pattern
subsequently addressing the same per- of varnish and gum, others of the es-
son. Or, " I have the honour to be," sence of turpentine, brushes and pen-
or to remain, &c, may always with pro- cils of various kinds, and fine sharp-
priety be used by an inferior addressing pointed scissors. The designs depend
a superior. for their excellence on the skill of the
The words faithful, devoted, dutiful, draughtsman and colourist, and on an
obedient, humble, obliged, &c, prefixed appreciation of the direct object in
to the word servant, may be selected view seeing that some are intended
and adopt the higher rank. while all the well-known ground-tints
Potichomanie. Rather a clumsy of rose de Pompadour, rose du Berri,
name given to an elegant art for ladies. &c, must be imitated in the colour-
It is reaily a mania for " potiches," the printing of the designs. As to the
French designation for Chinese and Ja- crystal vessels which are to be decorated,
panese vases but, more soberly, it is
; the lady artist has only to please her
the art of imitating such vases. It is a —
own taste in selection chimney orna-
pretty art when moderately indulged ments, table ornaments, toilet orna-
in, but is sometimes carried to an ex- ments, or the like. Everything being
tent unsuitable alike to the purpose in at hand, one or more printed sheets are.
cut up, in such way as to isolate all the decorate arts it ; would develop its re-
portions which are conjointly to make sources in the embellishment of our
up the device. Taste in selection, and apartments and furniture, and that we
care in cutting, are necessary. Most of skould see potichomanian artists ho-
the coloured prints are prepared with a noured and praised. The prediction,
transparent adhesive composition on however, has not yet been fulfilled but ;
the surface, and the wetting this com- the art is a pretty art nevertheless.
position suffices to attach the composi- —
Decalccmanie. This is another fa~
tion to the glass but where this is vourite art with ladies. It is a mode
not the case, liquid glue is employed. of decorating the panels of rooms, chair
The separate pieces are stuck to the in- coverings, cloth, linen, silks, metals, and
side of the glass, in order that the out- indeed almost all kinds of solid or
side may retain its glossy surface. Every opaque surfaces. It is effected by means
little piece must be made to adhere of transferring. There must be, as in
closely to the glass, and be pressed all these fancy arts, a storehouse of lit-
down carefully upon it by means of a tle aids for facilitating the work, de- —
cloth or a cloth or leather dabber. If signs printed on paper, bottles of cement
the mouth of the vessel be too small to varnish, finishing varnish and detergent
admit the hand, the ingenuity of the liquid, a roller, a few camel-hair pencils
potichomanist will be somewhat taxed, or brushes, a piece of cloth or leather,
but not hopelessly. When all the se- a sponge, an ivory knife, a pair of pin-
veral sectional bits of paper ornament cers, and a pair of scissors —
all of which
have been thus applied in their proper can be obtained in convenient boxes
places, the whole interior of the vessel nmde for the purpose. The designs
receives a coating of unalterable varnish are printed on paper so prepared, that
or melted gum, to assist in fixing the after the coloured surface has been ce-
paper to the glass, and to prevent the mented down upon wood, cloth, metal,
coloured composition subsequently ap- &c, by means of varnish, the colours
plied from getting under the edges of become transferred from the one sur-
the paper. This coloured composition face to the other. The art is, in prin-
is intended to imitate the ground tint ciple, diaphanie applied to an opaque
or general colour of the species of por- instead of a transparent substance, with
celain selected. The colours require to certain changes in plan and procedure
be well prepared, and mixed with var- depending on this difference. There
nish or with essence of turpentine, ac- are two kinds or classes of designs pre-
cording to the tint needed. The colour pared for this purpose one, intended
is applied either with a brush, as in or- to appear like ordinary pictures, is for
dinary painting, or else by pouring it applying to light- coloured surfaces, such
into the vase, making it flow all over as white wood, china, paper, &c. the
the interior, and pouring away the sur- other, intended to present a kind of
plus. It generally requires a repetition lustre or metallic hue, is for application
of this process to render the tint clear to dark grounds, such as rosewood, ja-
and equable ; and, indeed, this is the panned ware, brown or black woven
most critical feature inthe art ; for un- fabrics, &c. The designs may be chosen
less a near approach can be made to an in plenty from flowers, birds, figures,
imitation of the wonderful regularity landscapes, imitations of Sevres porce-
of ground tint in good porcelain, the lain, Chinese and other vase patterns.
potichomanist had better modestly re- imitations of beautifully veined woods,
tire from the art altogether. Such, in arabesque or renaissance ornaments,
a few words, are the leading features in anything is available, provided that it
amusement, which a colour-
a tasteful is properly printed in colours although
it. The selected design is cut with being coloured in the inside white, green,
scissors nearly to the proper size and blue, or any other colour, make very
shape, and is well coated with varnish handsome ornaments when decorated.
by means of a sable-hair pencil, every Also tea and coffee services of white
portion of the design receiving its due earthenware or china ; white wood ar-
quota. The paper is not made use of such as screens, card- cases, and
immediately, but is allowed to remain boxes straw dinner-mats, pieces of silk
a minute or two, until the varnish be- or cloth, slippers, hand- screens, sofa-
comes slightly tacky to the fingers. The cushions, scent-bags, ribbons, articles
paper is then laid face downward upon in ivory or wood ; indeed, it is difficult
the plate in its proper position a piece
; to say what ornamental article may not
of cloth or leather, damp, but not ac- be thus decorated, from the panel of a
tually wet, is laid upon it, and is pressed room to the tiny articles upon the dres-
or rubbed down carefully, either with sing-table. If you can paint in oil or
a roller or an ivory knife. The back of water colours, sometimes the finished
the paper is next moistened, and allowed work may, by a few judicious touches
to remain for a minute or two, by which with the appropriate colours, be im-
time the paper itself is removed from proved but it is never absolutely ne-
the plate, leaving the colours of the de- cessary unless the work has been inex-
vice behind, as well as the varnish. pertly performed." He is so enthusi-
This removal is effected either by the astic in the matter, that he would have
fingers only, or with the aid of pincers. " every lady her own house decorator."
The porcelain or earthenware plate, with —
The Truffle. The truffle is very
the design thus transferred to its sur- much used in French cookery, though
face, is next washed carefully with it is a very costly esculent. The root
water and a camel-hair brush, to remove appears now to be indigenous to France,
spots and irregularities. When finally whence it is exported to all parts of
dried, a coat of varnish secures the Europe.
whole work, and the fair artisthas a It is allowed that the very best truf-
pictorial dinner-plate at her disposal. —
fles those most acceptable to the epi-
If, instead of a hard surface of porcelain —
cure are found at Perigord ; their
or earthenware, the transfer is made to perfume and fine flavour are said to be
a surface of silk or other soft material, unparalleled. The blacker the root is
the process is slightly modified. The in colour, the more highly it is prized ;
silk is laid down on a piece of clean pa- while in Arabia preference is given to
per, the picture laid upon it face down- the white truffle, which is found in its
wards, and the damping and pressing deserts in great profusion. It is exten-
effected. Or else, as a more effective sively used among the Bedouins, not
method in some cases, the face of the as an article of luxury, but as a com-
picture is coated with varnish, and the mon necessary, like the potato among
back is floated on the surface of warm ourselves and when cooked in milk,
water in a flat vessel ; in the course of it is said to be most palatable and nu-
a few minutes the picture is carefully tritious. In India, where the same kind
lifted up, the superfluous moisture is of esculent is found, it is turned to a
absorbed by application of a sponge, the different account ; it is distilled into a
wet varnished surface is laid down on liquor which is highly prized by the
the silk, and in a very short time the natives.
paper may be pulled away, leaving the The spot where a truffle-bed exists is
colour and the varnish behind it. A generally known by the hollo w sound
which the ground emits on being tested, worship. From the description of the
and on which frequently a swarm of memorable dance which David per-
large bottle-flies settles, being attracted formed before the ark " with all his
by the scent of the root. It is a singu- might," we learn that the sacred dances
lar fact that all vegetation — all kinds of of the Jews were not solemn stately
plants, flowers, and even the grass — is measures, like those that take place in
affect d by a sort of blight in the im- Catholic churches, but real dancing.
mediate vicinity of a truffle- bed. Pliny No nation, however, paid [greater at-
tells us that in his days the peasants tention to choregraphy than the ancient
who searched for truffles, to gratify the Greeks, and with them it formed the
taste of the Roman aristocracy, were most important branch of youthful edu-
always accompanied by a swine, whose cation. They regarded it with such
keen scent soon directed them to the respect that the gods and goddesses
hidden treasure. In the present day were represented as dancers and inven-
dogs of the spaniel breed, trained for tors of ballets. The religious dances of
the purpose, are used in searching for the Greeks, however, must not be re-
the underground vegetable. In those garded as mere outbreaks of childish
districts of France where the deposits joy, but as complete pantomimic repre-
are most extensive and prolific, nume- sentations. Among the Greek dances,
rous packs of dogs are kept by the pea- the Pyrrhic takes the first place it was
Dancing. It is a curious circum- renowned for his graceful movements ;
stance, that although dancing has been while Socrates confirmed his fiery speech
an institution amoug all nations from on behalf of choregraphy by learning
the earliest ages, the epochs of it are his steps when well in years. Plate
not very well known. Among the an- performed the Cyclian dances with a
cient peoples dancing was a necessary ballet of boys and Alcibiades delighted
Apostles, and the first Bishops favoured present Bolero and Fandango, were
dancing, because they knew that the combined with animated movements
Pagans were so attached to their reli- and gesticulations, and accompanied by
gious rites, and could hardly give them the sound of the castagnettes. During
up on joining the new Church. These the sixteenth century, many new dances
Christian dances, however, did not for were invented which were considered
long remain proofs of religious zeal. As improper, owing to their freer move-
they most frequently took place at ments and suggestive poses, and which
night, they eventually produced ex- met with such favour from the multi-
cesses, and the Church was obliged to tude that they caused the older dances
interfere. Such hold had dancing ob- to be almost forgotten. Toward the
tained of the Christians, that in 692 it middle of the seventeenth century,
was found requisite to publish a Decree when through Philip the Fourth's love
of the Council in prohibition. Special of splendour the external brilliancy of
allusion was made in the decretal to the the dramatic performances was greatly
public or objectionable dances of women, heightened, the dances grew into lengthy
and the festivities in honour of false ballets, which simply drove the simpler
gods. At the same time, the priesthood national dances from the stage. At the
sedulously spread the opinion, that the beginning of the last century the Se-
Evil One was the patron of dancing ;
guidillas came into vogue in La Mancha.
and we find in a Breton ballad, that This dance soon spread over all the
dancing was accursed since the day Spanish provinces and the Fandango
when the daughter of Herodias danced is,in reality, only a modification of this
before the cruel king, who ordered, dance. The character of the Fandango
through her blandishments, the head is at first gentle and tender, gradually
of John the Baptist to be cut off. attaining the extreme of Southern pas-
It was not till the fifteenth century sion ; and in this lies its fascination, for
that the revival of dancing took place the steps are extremely simple and in-
in Italy. On the celebration of the artistic. Formerly the nobility danced
marriage between Galeazzo Sforza Duke it in a dignified and ceremonious man-
of Milan, and Isabel of Arragon, in 1849, ner, and according to the rules pre-
Virgonzo de Botta performed a grand scribed by the stage, until it became
ballet, which created considerable atten- popular, and was performed with more
tion, and was imitated at other Euro- extravagant movements. The Bolero
pean Courts. The general impulse given is a noble, modest, and more decent
to the arts of peace was favourable to dance than the Fandango, and is also
cholegraphy ;and this was especially performed by two persons. Among
the case at the Court of the Medici, other Spanish dances we may refer to
where upwards of fifty young ladies of the Cachuca. This dance is always per-
the highest families trod stately mea- formed by one gentleman or lady to the
sures. The principal amusement was the accompaniment of the castagnettes The
so-called " Danses basses," in which name of the dance is applied to a beauty,
the dancers did not rise above the and to anything that is graceful.
ground, or either leap or hop. These The first dances reached France from
were so solemn and stately, that at the Italy in the reigns of Francis I. and
€ourt of Charles IX. of France they Henry and Catherine de Medici did
were performed to Psalm tunes. a great deal for them. She had heroic,
In Spain, dancing has been a national gallant, grotesque, and allegorical bal-
Amusement from the earliest ages, and lets performed. She gradually added
the descriptions which Roman authors livelier dances, in which gentlemen,
have left us of the art of the Gaditanian imitating professional dancers, were
dancers favour the assumption that the obliged to make leaps, and the ladies
Spanish dances of those days, like the wore short dresses in order to show
whether they kept time. Grand ballets (dancers) and Awalim who
and allegories took the place of tourna- are among the prettiest women in Egypt,
ments, which had grown unfashionable live deplorably insome district allotted
since Henry II. lost his leg in one of to them. They are invited to the harecss
them. In the year 1830 the Polka was at festivities.
discovered by a servant-girl in a Bohe- Such are the most remarxable epochs
mian country town. She danced it for in the history of dancing, and we think
her own amusement, to a tune of her they deserve preservation at the present
own composition a schoolmaster wrote
; day, when dancing seems to have dis-
down the tune, and the new dance was appeared from the scene. The headlong
soon after publicly performed. pace at which couples dash round the
What an important part dancing for- ball-room in the waltz, or the polka,
merly played in England we may see renders it impossible to pay any atten-
from Shakspere's dramas, in which the tion to the steps and even the qua-
poet allows no opportunity to escape for drille, which might have afforded some
alluding to the dances of his day, or in- opportunity for the display of grace, has
troducing them at proper places, as they yielded to the prevailing fastness of the
so thoroughly suited the taste of Merry age.
England in the olden time. Their
Fish Gravy. Prepare three or four
number amazes us. small eels, by skinning, cleaning, and
In Russia, nearly all the provinces cutting them into inch lengths then ;
have their own national dances, of which place them in a stewpan, with sufficient
the Pigeon Dance and the Cossack are water to cover them, adding to the
celebrated. The latter is performed by water a little essence of anchovy, a iew
two persons, who move toward each sweet herbs, mace, and lemon peel.
other and retire, in turn, and accom- Simmer the whole till the eels are drawn
pany it with pantomimic gestures. to the bottom of the pan when the fish
The dances of the Hungarians are of are nearly half done, add a thick crust of
a most peculiar nature, and bear a dis- well toasted, but not burnt, bread.
tant resemblance to those of the Cos- When the stewing is completed, strain
sacks. The steps are performed with it, and mix in a thickening composed
the heels together is a great point. The f uls of chopped mint put a gill of vine-
only exception to the rule is the Polo- gar, and one ounce of white sugar add ;
naise, which is still danced at some Eu- these to the mint in the tureen, and stir
ropean balls, as is also the case with the altogether until the sugar is dissolved.
Mazurka and Cracovienne. In Turkey, Those who like this sauce sweet must
where any violent movement is con- increase the quantity of sugar, which
sidered improper, dancing is only per- should be pounded before adding to the
formed by travelling bands. The pub- mint, which, if not obtainable, mint
lic dancers are always present at Turkish vinegar makes a tolerable substitute.
festivals. This sauce is improved by allowing the
In modern Egypt, dances are only mint to soak a few hours in the vinegar
performed by the Ghawsi. The Ghaziehs for a few hours before wanted. This
sauce is the invariable accompaniment be surprised at the quantity of dirt in
to lamb, hot or cold, roast or boiled. the water. The water may need chang-
English Omelet.— Two eggs, a tea- ing once or twice, if the carpet is very
spoonful of finely-chopped parsley and dusty. Snow sprinkled over a carpet
thyme, the same quantity of chopped and swept off before it has time to melt
onion, salt, pepper, and two ounces of and dissolve, is also good for renovating
butter. Beat whites and yolks sepa- a soiled carpet. Moistened Indian meal
rately, the former to «* stiff froth. Mix is used with good effect by some house-
the herbs, pepper, and salt with the keepers.
yolks. Put the onions and butter, into —
Buttermilk. This is advocated as
an omelet pan, and when the butter is food for very young children, in eon-
melted, and very hot, mix whites and junction with rice or wheat-flour. Be-
yolks together lightly pour into the
sides being easier of digestion, it is
pan, and keep stirring the mixture with cheaper and less liable to adulteration
a spoon till it begins to set, then merely than milk from the cow. Dr. Van Maa-
shake it till it is done. Omelets made nen, of Barneveld, says that buttermilk
by this recipe are equal to those made is invariably used by the children of that
by French cooks. Do not turn the district, and with the best effects. They
omelet in the pan, not even half over, get through their infantile disorders
but turn it out upside down they are ; with wonderful celerity. Scrofula is
lighter so. A wood fire is best for cook- unknown,, and the bills of mortality are
ing them over light chips thrown on reduced to a minimum, all owing, ac-
the fire, so as to make a good wood blaze. cording to the doctor, to the use of but-
You can make " scrambled" or " but- termilk.
tered " eggs in the same way, by substi- Sponge Pudding. — Butter a mould
tuting a saucepan for the omelet-pan. thickly, and fill it three parts full with
Suet and Milk. This food is ser- small sponge cakes, soaked through with
viceable for children who. dislike fat wine ; up the mould with a rich cold
"saeat, but will take milk. In such cases custard. Butter a paper and put on the
Hie milk may fail to supply the system mould then tie a floured cloth over it
with a sufficient proportion of fat. The quite close, and boil it an hour. Turn
following preparation will be palatable, out the pudding carefully, and pour
if given while it is warm : —
Warm half some cold custard over it, or bake it,
a pint of new milk, and add to it a and serve with wine- sauce instead of
tablespoonf ul of suet very finely minced. custard.
When the suet is completely melted, Raspberry Vinegar. Fill a large —
skim the milk, and pour it into a warm bowl with fresh-gathered raspberries,
cup. It may be sweetened with loaf- picked from their stalks, and cover the
sugar. fruit with the best white vinegar let ;
setting a pail of cold water out by the the vinegar carefully through a jelly-
door, wet the broom in it, knock it to bag until quite clear, and weigh the
get offall the drops, sweep a yard or so, juice against its own weight in lump
then wash the broom as before, and sugar. Boil it up for a few minutes
sweep again, being careful to shake all with the sugar, removing the scum, and
the drops off the broom, and not sweep bottle it when cold. This syrup, mixed
far at a time. If done with care, it will with water and lumps of ice, or soda-
clean a carpet very nicely, and you will water, is very refreshing.
such as is freest from veins, &c. Set in giveup advantages for the sake of a
a saucepan far from the fire to melt gra- pound or so.
dually. When melted, pour it into a Garden. —If the house should be in
pan of cold spring water when hard, : the suburbs, there will probably be a
wipe it dry, fold it in white paper, put garden, or (if a new house), a piece of
it into a linen bag and keep it in a cool ground for one. In the first case, it is
place when to be used scrape it. By
; very probable that a piece of ground
this process it will keep sweet for a strewn and sown with building rubbish
year. will be the plot that is to be converted
Hints on Taking a House.— Gas. into a garden. The landlord should
—In some cases where gas is laid on in remove the rubbish from the parts in-
new houses, the fittings are left to be tended for beds, and lay down some
put in by the tenant in others they foundation, as well as gravel for paths.
are supplied by the landlord, charged Unless the house is a high- rented one,
for as fixtures, the money being returned this is all that canbe expected. If it
when the tenancy ends. be high-rented, landlords usually plan
Blinds. —The same plan is adopted the garden and furnish it with grass and
in regard to Venetian blinds, and it is a evergreens.
saving one to tenants, as blinds and gas- —
Dust-Bin. Observe that this is put
fittings rarely suit any other house than in a convenient place, where it will not
the one for which they were originally annoy either the eye or the nose, and
intended. But when this is not the whence it can be emptied without the
case, it will be found best and cheapest contents being carried through the
to have them supplied by a good house, house.
where there is not only a choice of de- Coal- Cellar. —This is another item
sign, but where the work can be de- of importance. See that it is so placed
pended on. This advice is, however, to that the coals can be kept dry, and are
be taken with a grain of salt, and that within easy reach of the domestics.
is —
get price lists and inspect for your- —
Repairs. Before taking a house, look
self before deciding. well to all the locks, fastenings, &c,
Bells. In very small houses, it is and see that everything is in good order
not usual to hang any other than house- before you enter ; make inquiries as far
door or garden- gate bells still, if pos-
as you can, respecting the previous te-
sible, there should be bells on each floor nant, supposing that it has been occu-
ringing to the lower passage. In regard pied, and require to see the last receipts
to these, and the fixing of a Letter-Box, of rent and taxes, or at least have a rea-
an incoming tenant might agree with a sonable assurance that there are no ar-
landlord to bear some part of the ex- rears.
pense, because the comfort and saving Landlord. — is also advisable to
of time are to the tenant's benefit. know something about the reputation
Shelves and Closets. See that re- of the landlord a little clever gossip,
quisite closets and cupboards, as well carried on with tact, will elicit quite as
as shelves, are in the house. If these much as you want to know, the points
should be deficient, the time to have interesting to you being, whether he is
them supplied is before you enter as a man of respectable means and stand-
tenant. If your requirements are rea- ing if he is careful and prompt in at-
sonable, most landlords will attend to, tending to needful repairs, &c. As a rule,
and satisfy them, at least partially, be- avoid speculative builders for landlords ;
fore you take possession ; and, if you they are always poor, generally in debt,
have reason to believe that your tenancy and their houses are always changing
will be permanent, it is better to share hands. They usually employ either boys
some of the expenses with the landlord, or unskilled labour, and, in consequence,
their tenants' repairs are so badly exe- Macaroni Soup. Boil a pound of —
cuted that their houses are always either the best macaroni in a quart of good
falling to decay from neglect, or kept in stock till it is quite tender then take
a constant confusion and discontent by out half, and put it into another stew-
the bungling and inefficient patching up pan. To the remainder add some more
of inexperienced workmen. stock, and boil it till you can pulp all
Agreements. —We
give here only one the macaroni through a fine sieve. Then
word of advice. Never sign an agree- put it to the two liquors, adding a pint
ment, or enter as a tenant in a house, or more of boiling hot cream, the maca-
before the landlord has entirely finished roni that was first taken out, and half
all you require him to do in it. At this a pound of grated Parmesan cheese
moment we are suffering discomfort, make it hot, but do not let it boil serve ;
the consequence of our own weak trust it with the crust of French roll, cut into*
in the assurances of a promising land- small pieces.
lord and we repeat, if you wish for
; —
Vermicelli Soup. Break the vermi-
comfort in your home, see that all the celli into three-inch lengths. It is not
landlord has to do to ensure it is done requisite to soak it rinse it, however,
before you sign the agreement or enter in water to get rid of the floury par-
the house as tenant. ticles. Now put on the vermicelli, after
Laundry Blue. In the " getting thus prepared, in stock sufficient to*
up" of ladies' ornamental apparel and cover it, and let it boil till quite tender,
fine linen, too much attention cannot without dissolving. It will take a quar-
be paid to the qualities of the starch ter of an hour to make tender, or a few
and the blue that are used, especially minutes longer if it be very dry. Add
the latter article. The blues that are this to some hot stock, and then serve..
frequently in use positively dye and This soup, as well as macaroni, is some-
rot the clothes by some destructive mi- times dusted over with cheese.
neral agent which they contain to pro- —
Fish Soup. Soak some crushed,
duce intensity of colour. Thanks to dried peas, previously well washed, then-
an eminent French chemist, who has put them to cook in warm spring or
discovered the colour used by the old river water. After softening, pass them
painters, and which in their day fetched through a colander, so as to form a thin
fabulous prices, and to Messrs. Reckitt puree. Take afterwards some scraps of
and Sons for utilising the discovery, and fresh fish, put them in a saucepan, with
bringing this rare and beautiful colour an onion stuck with one or two heads-
within the reach of the very poorest, of cloves, slices of carrot and pot-herbs r
for it is sold in neat squares at one salt and pepper moisten with half wa-
penny the ounce. But its cheapness, ter and half broth add bread-crumbs
of course, was not the attractive fea- and a lump of butter let the whole cook
ture that gained it admission into the thoroughly, and then strain through a
laundry of H.R.H. the Princess of colander. In the South of France, this
Wales, and other distinguished fami- fish-soup, which everywhere can replace
lies it was for its durability, its pu-
; that of meat, is prepared with oil instead
rity of tint, and its freedom from any of butter.
destructive ingredient. The " Paris White and Brown Fish Stock.—
Blue," introduced by Reckitt and Sons Take three pounds of silver eels, and cut
under that name, is used in the same them up into two-inch lengths, two
manner as those old-fashioned blues it pound of skate, and half a dozen floun-
is fastsuperseding, only that its great ders, cut into small pieces. Put them
strength requires less quantity than any into a stewpan with water enough to
other, and therefore it is more econo- cover them, season well with pepper and
mical. It is unquestionably the best salt, and add a head of celery, two small
blue in domestic use. (See Starch.) onions, and a handful of sweet herbs,
with two dozen cloves stuck round the with any other remnants of beef or
onions cover the whole closely down,
; bones, in a stewpan that has been rub-
and gently stew for two hours. The bed round with an ounce or two of salt
only difference between white and brown butter, and add half a tumbler of water
stock is, that the latter is coloured by to the meat. Let this stew gently, co-
the fish that are used being first fried vered closely, until all the gravy is
brown in flour and butter. Although drawn out of the meat. Now pour in
our receipt specifies skate, flounders, and boiling water, asmuch as is required for
eels, we beg to observe that any fish, the quantity of soup needed. To this
cooked or uncooked, will do for either add shred onions, sweet herbs, and a
white or brown fish stock. It is as well few cloves, then stew the whole together
to know that neither sort will keep slowly for four or five hours. If the-
more than four days. colour is not deep enough, add a little
Pepper- Pot. Stew gently a pound browning.
of pickled pork, and any roast meat To Roast a Haunch of Venison.
bones that are to be had, in three or four —When some country cousin presents
quarts of water, with a few sliced onions, us with a haunch, it is as well to know
carrots, and turnips it should stew
; how to cook it. At p. 27 we have given
until the meat is tender then boil some
; the tests to choose venison by in the
spinach, and rub it through a fine-holed event of our aforesaid cousin forgetting
sieve ; withdraw the bones from the us, and that we have to buy it. We have-
liquor, and put in the spinach, and sea- nothing to do here but to detail a pro-
son highly with cayenne. Cold mutton, cess of cooking this aristocratic joint.
lamb, or veal, minced, may be substi- Begin by trimming off the chine bone
tuted for the pickled pork, stewed with and the end of the knuckle, then wash
any vegetables that may be in season ;
it in cold milk and water, and wipe it
the meat should be cut up into small thoroughly dry protect the joint with
pieces the meat from a cold fowl buttered paper before putting down to
ster or crab, in similar proportions. spit is not to be had, why then the old
Skim off the scum while the- mixture familiar jack must be brought into re-
is stewing. Rice is generally boiled with quisition, and the best possible use made
the other ingredients, but a nice savoury of it. Before putting the haunch down to
pepper-pot can be made without either roast, cover it with a paste of flour and
lobster or crab. Strain off part of the water, then place it close to the fire to
gravy before serving, smooth the top, crust the paste, at the same time keep-
and with a salamander nicely brown it, ing the paper well basted, and there-
and slightly pepper it with cayenne. fore it should be stout, and securely tied
Brown Soup. This soup is also the over the paste after the haunch has
cheek, or any of the cheap, inferior remove the paper covering, then baste
parts also lean bacon, proportioned in the haunch with butter, draw it nearer
quantity to the beef a quarter of a the fire, and let it remain until a nice
pound of bacon, to one pound of beef, brown colour covers it, then dredge a
is a good proportion. But half beef and little flour, and, when lightly browned
half bacon may be used. Lay the pieces, all over, conclude that it is done. Send
of this, when the coating of paste and out removing the skin, then take the
paper has been removed, it should be meat from the bones, and cut it into
tested by inserting a skewer into the small square pieces. Put them into the
thickest part, and if it does not pass in water the head has been parboiled in,
easily, the joint must be put down again adding a seasoning of mace, pepper, and
for further roasting. cloves to your taste, and let it tho-
To Hash —
Venison. Cut the meat roughly boil. Prepare some flour, well-
in sizeable pieces from the bones of the browned, adding as much butter as will
remains of any piece of venison, and make it rich ; add also some chopped
place the latter and trimmings into a onion which has been browned in slices,
stewpan with some good stock then ; as well as some small portions of thyme
strain, and add a tablespoonf ul of mush- and sweet marjoram ; then stir all to-
room ketchup, thicken with flour, then gether, put it into the pot containing
one boil up, and after the gravy has the calf's head, and when it is enough
cooled, put the slices of venison into a cooked, add a little vinegar to the soup,
pan, and when the whole is about to and serve with white wine. A couple
simmer, dish it, and serve hot with of hard-boiled eggs, chopped, and stirred
gravy. into the soup, is a material improve-
Mock-Turtle Soup. This is a very ment.
rich, nutritious soup, and rather an ex- Mock- turtle will keep for several days
pansive one to make if prepared for the — indeed it is improved by keeping, and
epicure. But our receipt will be found will safely travel in jars. It is best
in practice a very good soup, and within wrapped up by setting the jar in boiling
the means of those for whom our volume water. If only a portion of it is taken
is intended. Put in an earthen jar a at a time, it should be thoroughly stirred
small knuckle of veal, a large cow-heel, up to get a proper share of the meat
three onions, a bunch of herbs, a few which has settled at the bottom.
cloves (which should .be stuck round —
Brandy Sauce. One tablespoonf ul
each onion), salt and pepper to taste, of pounded sugar, half a wine-glassfull
and about a gallon of cold water. Let each of brandy and sherry, and mix the
this slowly boil for five hours and a half, same with half a pint of melted butter.
then remove the jar from the hob, but When well mixed put it on the fire, and
it must not be uncovered till it is quite keep stirring it one way for fifteen
cold. After that, if the soup is wanted, minutes, or until it nearly comes to the
remove the fat that may have caked at point of boiling. This quantity is suffi-
the top of the jar, strain the soup, and cient for a good-sized family plum-pud-
put it with the veal, and a dozen good- ding, which may be either poured over
sized forcemeat balls, and the juice of a it, or served in a tureen, at the discre-
lemon, on the fire, and let the whole tion of those about to partake. As a
gently simmer for seven or eight mi- rule, we think rich sauces are better
nutes. Before the veal, however, is put served by themselves, for by some they
on the fire again, it should be cut up are not liked, and with others they dis-
into two-inch pieces, as near as possible agree.
square. A glass or two of sherry thrown College Pudding. This is a very —
into the soup while it is simmering, im- favourite currant pudding, which is thus
parts a nice flavour to it, although It made :
Take two pound of bread-
adds a trifle to the expense. But the crumbs, shred half a pound of suet, and
ingredients together, and make up the glass in the milk and the pounded al-
puddings to the size and shape of an monds put the mixture on the fire, ;
egg. Having melted six ounces of but- and let it boil a few minutes pour it ;
ter in a frying-pan, when quite hot, stew through a sieve, then add the yolks of
the puddings in it over a stove, turning the eggs well beaten put it on the ;
them in it three or four times till they fire until it thickens, stir it until nearly
are of a fine light brown. Mix a glass cold, and put it into a mould.
of brandy with the butter, and serve Portable Soup. —This soup is made
with sweet sauce for puddings (which in a few minutes, and it has other pe-
see). culiar advantages to those ladies who
Sweet Sauce for Puddings.—Melt prefer being their own cooks ; amongst
half a pound of fresh butter, to which others, it is always ready as good stock
add a tablespoonful of pounded sugar, for gravies and sauces. Get about three
and flavour the same with lemon peel pounds of shin of beef, and break the
and nutmeg. Simmer the whole for a bones also a small knuckle of veal, and
few minutes, stirring the sauce one way. a large cow-heel ; immerse all the meat
Another method of making this sauce, in a large saucepan, with water sufficient
is, new milk, mixing
to boil a pint of to cover it, adding four onions, and pep-
with three eggs and a quarter of a
it per and salt. Stew the meat to pieces,
pound of sugar ; stir the whole till it and then thoroughly strain it, and put
becomes of the consistence of cream, but it away in as cold a corner as the house
it should not boil. Flavour with a ta- commands, until the fat has caked on
blespoonful of brandy and ground bitter the top, which should be carefully re-
almonds. moved, and then the soup returned to
Lemon Mince Pies. —Weigh one the stewp^n, and rapidly boiled over a
pound of large lemons, cut them in half, brisk fire the saucepan should be un-
squeeze out the juice, and pick the pulp covered, and the soup boiled and stirred
from the skins boil them in water till
for six hcurs then pour it into a pan,
'Same of currants, and of fresh beef suet boil enough water in the basin to reach
minced, a little grated nutmeg, and as high outside the basin of soup which
citron cut small. Mix all these ingre- should invariably be placed in it, as
dients well, and fill the patty-pans with the soup reaches inside keep the watt., ;
rather more of the mince than is usually boiling until the soup within the basin
put. has reached a thick consistency it ;
To Buttered Toast.—
Prepare should then be spooned off into small
Hold the bread before a good clear fire, pots, and put away in cool places ; tin
that it may be done as quickly as pos- canisters, if to be had, are better than
sible, and butter it the instant it is pots. We hare now
distilled it to its
toasted. If this is not attended to, the essence, basin of good soup or
and a*
toast, instead of eating light and crisp, gravy may be made in two or three
will be tough and leathery. To prepare minutes. It may be flavoured with any
dry toast, if it is required to be crisp kind of herb the taste approves, by
and thin, it should be put in the toast- boiling the herbs, and straining them
rack, and placed before the fire some through water, make it boil, and then
time before it is used. When thick dissolve the soup in it.
toast, not too dry, is wanted, it should Rules for Frying.— This mode c£
be served at once. cooking is chiefly confined to fish, eggs,
ham, onions, &c, but is not often re- smear them ever so little with suet, to
sorted to for meat, except by the poor, prevent the meat from adhereing to the
whose appetites are generally superior bars.
to their sense of correct cookery. Fry- Meat while broiling should be fre-
ing meat is the least economical and quently turned with a small pair of
nutritious of all known methods. tongs ; a fork should never be used ;
If, however, the frying-pan is occa- meat for the gridiron should range in
sionally pressed into the service for thickness from three-quarters to an
chops and steaks, it should be suffi- inch.
ciently large to allow the meat to lie If the meat be thick, it must be placed
flat at the bottom, while the fire should at a greater distance, at first, from the
be free from blaze, although brisk. fire, to warm it through ; if thin, the
In the case of lean meats, as veal cut- fire must be brisk, or the meat will be
lets, &c„, the pan should be greased with soddened, and inferior in colour.
butter or lard salt fat is apt to fly in
; Meat on the gridiron should never be
the fire, and therefore dangerous to cut to see whether it is done this can ;
before the lean is a quarter done while or gravy, which is the more nutritive
for a beef- steak the fire can neither be part, is retained, either in the meat
too hot nor too clear. Fish and under- itself, or in the liquor, which is taken
done meat require but a steady fire. with or without it.
When the bars of the gridiron are hot Meat for stewing should be put into
through, thoroughly wipe them, then cold water, with only enough to cover it.
It should be thoroughly skimmed when the thickest part of the joint hung
it comes to the boil, and then simmered downwards.
slowly until the meat is very tender, The joint should be first basted with
and the gelatinous portions thoroughly fresh dripping, and then with its own
dissolved. gravy.
A stew should never boil. Nor does Roasting joints should be exposed to
it require so great a heat as boiling All a quick fire, that the external surface
the nutritious elements are obtained by may be made to contract at once, and
this process, too many of which evapo- the albumen to coagulate before it has
rate in boiling and roasting. had time to escape from within.
Rules for Boiling. The joint of If meat is exposed to a slow fire, the
meat should be put into boiling water, pores remain open, the juice continues
for hot water coagulates tiie albuminous to flow from within as it is dried from
constituents of meat, as the white of the surface, and the flesh pines, and
egg is set, and prevents the juices from becomes hard, dry, and unsavoury.
escaping but cold water softens the To Truss Larks, and all Small
fibres, extracts the albumen and the Birds. Pick them well, cut off their
nourishing juices, and renders the meat heads, and the pinions at the first joint.
tasteless. During the time of cooking, Flatten the breast-bone with the handle
however, the water should be kept un- of a knife, turn the feet to the legs,
der the boiling point until done, for to and put one into the other. After the
continue it at a boil hardens and spoils gizzard has been drawn, run a skewer
it. through the middle of the body, and tie
Rules for Roasting. This process the same to the jack or spit during the
of cooking especially requires care and roasting.
great attention to the fire, which should To Truss and Roast "Woodcocks
be brisk, clear, and steady. Make up and Snipes. These game-birds are
the fire a little longer than the joint, to never drawn, as the entrails are con-
ensure the ends being well done. In sidered the best of the birds after they
stirring the fire, be sure to remove the have been plucked (in which great eare
dripping-pan, to avoid ashes tumbling must be taken, as they are very tender,
in with the gravy. Keep the fire well especially after they have been hung),
up in fuel to a strong equal heat. cut the pinions in the first joint, then
Large joints should be kept at a mo- flatten the breast-bone turn the legs
derate distance from the fire, and moved close to the thighs, and tie them to-
nearer by degrees or the joint will only gether at the joints
; ;
place the thighs
be half done through. When steam close to the pinions, into the latter put
rises from the meat it is done. a skewer, and run it through the other
Place paper over meat that is not very pinion, the thighs, and the body. Skin
fat, to prevent burning ; take off the the head, take out the eyes, and put the
same within the last hour, and dredge former on the point of the skewer.
the joint with flour and salt. While roasting, place some toasted bread
Allow fifteen minutes to every pound in the dripping-pan to catch the trail
of meat, and a quarter of an hour over. and gravy ;well baste the birds during
White meats, as lamb and veal, a little roasting they will take about twenty
longer than the prescribed time for minutes. Dish each bird on a separate
other meats. piece of toast, and pour a little gravy
Salt extracts the grav}T therefore do over them. They are very troublesome
not sprinkle the meat with it. to prepare for table, but they are de-
Young meats do not require so much licious morsels, and worth the care, to
cooking as old. those who have the time and who choose
The hook of the bottle-jack should to devote a little of it to the cooking of
be so placed as to take in a bone, and snipes and woodcocks.
Marmalades. — These may be made in sufficient flour to make a very light
with almost any kind of fruit, and they dough, knead for ten minutes, let it
are usually prepared by boiling the stand in a warm place for half an hour?
fruit and sugar together to a pulp, stir- then make up the cakes, put them on
ring them while boiling it is kept in
; tins, let them stand a short time to rise ?
pots,which should not be covered until and bake them in a quick oven. Care
the marmalade is quite cold half a should be taken not to put the yeast to
pound of sugar to every pound of fruit the milk too hot nor too cold.
is the usual proportion. Red and Black- Currant Jam.—
Orange Marmalade. —Take
Pluck the currants from the stalks,
weight of white sugar and sound Se- weigh them, and to each pound of fruit
ville oranges, cut the rind thin, and add twelve ounces of crushed sugar ;
place it in an iron pan, cover it with then put curr^ats and sugar into a pan,
water, and boil till soft after straining and boil and stir them for forty minuteSj
it from the water, which should be pre- removing any scum that may rise dur-
served, cut up the peel into half-inch ing the boiling. The jam is now fit for
lengths, and return them to the water potting, but it should not be covered
they were boiled in. Quarter the orange in until it is quite cold use oiled paper ;
itself, after removing the outside white for the covers. Stretch the paper round
fluff or down, and scrape the orange the top of the pot, and, when dry, the
from the fibry part of it ; put the lat- covering will be quite hard and air-
ter with the seeds, and the orange pulp tight.
with the cut-up peel then with boiling
; Raspberry Jam.—Put the rasp-
water through a sieve wash the seeds, berries into the preserving-pan, mask
which will thicken to a jelly ; add it them well up with a prong, and let
to the pulp and the strips of peel. Now them simmer for twenty minutes, stir-
put sugar and all in the preserving pan, ring the while then add a pound of ;
boil forty minutes and in a few hours, sugar to every pound of fruit, and a
to get cool and set, divide it off into wineglassful of red currant juice, and
pots. when these are added to the raspberries,
Seed Cake. Beat about one pound simmer again for half an hour. Pot it
of fresh butter to a cream, and mix when cold, and tightly cover it with
with it a pound of flour, three ounces oiled paper.
of caraway seeds, one pound of sugar, Preserved Rhubarb. Put an equal —
and four eggs. When all is thoroughly weight of rhubarb and sugar in a pre-
beaten together, bake it in a tin, for twoserving-pan, after the rhubarb has been
hours. These cakes are sometimes made cut into inch pieces, and the sugar been
with dough from the baker, but they clarified add a little water and ginger,
are not so nice ;however, if it is used, aud then put the rhubarb with the
cover it over, and set it in a warm place sugar, and simmer the whole for about
to rise, before mixing the ingredients. three hours then pot it, and tie down
Sally- Lunn Tea-Cakes. Take a when cold.
pint of milk, quite warm, a quarter of a Rules for Baking. This, like fry- —
pint of thick yeast put them into a ing, is not a good process of cooking
pan with sufficient flour to make a thick meat, with the exception, perhaps, of a
batter, cover it over, set it in a warm leg of pork and a fillet of veal. But we.
place, and Jet it stand until it has risen do not advise the mode even for these
as high as it will about two hours it joints, for meat loses one third in bak-
will take to accomplish this. Dissolve ing.
two ounces of lump sugar in a quarter When, however, it is found necessary
of a pint of warm milk, and one egg well to resort to it, be particularly careful
beaten ; add these to the batter. Then about the basting of it while in the
well rub a quarter of a pound of butter oven, which will in a measure prevent
burning or soddening, which baked done without being overdone the lat- ;
meat is so liable to, and which tells so ter spoils the flavour, and makes it
much against the process. tasteless and insipid. When done, drain
Some people give choice to a baked it, serve hot, with a garnish of parsley,
ham over a boiled one but we are not and an accompaniment of plain melted
Treacle Pudding. Make a nice over the inside of the fish an hour be-
suet crust, and roll it out to a half inch fore putting it in the fish-kettle tie it ;
treacle, then tie it up in a cloth, put pour the water on the cod for it might
it into thoroughly boiling water, and break it. When it comes gradually to
keep it rapidly boiling for two hours a boil, draw it on one side to simmer
and a half. This is called a roley-poley for half an hour, which will be sufficient
pudding, and, fortunately for the chil- time to dress it while simmering, it is
dren, who have a great partiality for it, important to remove the scum as it
it is cheaply made ;at the cost of six- rises. When taken up it should be
pence sufficient for half a dozen olive well drained. Serve on a hot napkin,
branches may be put on the table. with a garnish of the liver, horseradish,
Currant Dumpling. Take a pound and sliced lemon.
of flour,and mix with the same a quar- —
Salt Cod. This is commonly an
ter of a pound of finely- chopped suet Ash Wednesday and Good Friday dish,
then add to them about a pound of and on these religious occasions it is
currants, and make the whole into a both cheap and plentiful it is better
dough with either milk or water then; known as " salt fish." It should be
divide the whole into half a dozen soaked in water for twelve hours pre-
dumplings, and put them into boiling paratory to boiling :after it has soaked
water, and rapidly boil for half an hour. this time, put it into a fish-kettle with
To prevent their sticking to the bottom enough cold water to cover it, adding
of the pan, shake it occasionally. These sufficient vinegar to give the fish a fla-
dumplings may be boiled in floured vour ; it will be hard and tough if it
cloths ; if this plan is chosen they will boils fast ; simmer it gently for an hour,
take twice the time to boil. Serve with or until tender, occasionally removing
cold butter, sugar, and slices of lemon. the scum. Serve with plenty egg-sauce,
To Boil Salmon. After it has parsnips, and fringe the dish with pars-
been well cleaned and scaled, so that ley sprigs.
no blood has been left inside, put it in To Dress Cold Cod.— Separate the
a fish-kettle with sufficient cold water cold fish to be dealt with into flakes,
to cover it (boiling water makes the and fry them in butter with a sliced
fish hard) ;add salt and a little vinegar, onion ; after the frying, the flakes
bring it quickly to a boil, take off the should be simmered for ten minutes in
scum, and then simmer slowly. Allow a stewpan with a little butter rolled in
from eight to ten minutes for each flour, and half a pint of stock. Or, bet-
pound the test of being done is when
; ter still, begin thus: —
Pick the flakes
the meat easily separates from the away from the bones, and skin them
bones ; all meat should be thoroughly before they get cold. When wanted,
put them into a stewpan with what was Model Pattern for a Young La-
left of the sauce with which they were dy's Apron. —
This elegant apron for a
originally served. Add a dozen oysters young lady fourteen to seventeen years
and the liquor. If those are not enough of age, is composed of white percale,
to moisten the fish, add a couple of trimmed with embroidery, together
spoonfuls of melted butter. Over a with pockets.
quiet fire carefully warm, and put it Model Pattern for a Lady's Cra-
aside directly it is hot through. Sur- vat.— The materials used for the cravat
round a hot dish with some mashed en p. 337, are composed of white per-
potatoes, so as to leave a hollow in the cale, holland, or pique, and trimmed
middle, in which deposit the warmed with black braid
scarlet, blue, or the
fish and the sauce. Sprinkle over the escallops edged with the same. A
fish some grated bread-crumbs, and set of coloured ribbon on each shoulder.
for a few minutes in a quick oven,
Cosmetics. There was a time when
nicely browned, it will be the chemical nature of things was not
ready to serve. so well known as to day when the
same with common chalk a third order off the large claws, and crack them in
contains starch grains mingled with the three or four places without interfering
preceding one, or both. By starch with the meat, and then place the
grains we would mean to signify the pieces on the dish as if they were again
preparation called " violet powder," attached to the fish, so that it might
which really has no more to do with have the appearance of not having been
violets than with cabbages or cucum- mutilated ; garnish the dish with pars-
bers ;being really nothing else than ley.
starch grains odorised by orris-root, —
To Dress Crabs. Scoop the fish
which smells not unlike violets. out of the shell, and thoroughly amal-
The ladies of fashion of ancient Borne gamate it with three tablespoonf uls each
had as much inclination to make them- of vinegar and oil, and a little mustard ;
selves " beautiful for ever" as the la- after the fish has been mixed with the
dies of London or Paris of the present other ingredients, return it to the large
day. To preserve the complexion, re- shell, which should then rest upon the
course was had by the Boman ladies to claws. Serve round the dish slices of
a variety of cosmetics. Whilst sitting lemon, and sprigs of parsley. If the
in their own apartments, and, above all, crab has to be served hot, it should be
before retiring to rest at night, they heated before the fire, and served with
would cover their faces with a paste some dry toast.
made of wheat-flour, or of crumbs of To Boil Lobsters.— Put them into
bread well soaked. Others made an boiling water with an ounce of salt ;
ointment of the suet extracted from the while cooking they must be carefully
fleece of a fat ewe, twice washed and watched to see that they are not over
bleached in the sun, but still retaining nor under-done they will take about
a rank smell. Other cosmetics were half an hour. Lobsters that are bought
more costly, and not unfrequently com- in the shop, as a rule, are not boiled
posed of singular ingredients, the spe- enough, and are in consequence hard
cific virtues of which it is not easy to and indigestible. After they have been
divine. The simplest was a lotion of sufficiently cooked, rub the shell with
asses' milk. Poppsea, Nero's wife, used sweet oil to brighten its colour, taking
to bathe in milk, five hundred asses care to wipe off the oil before bringing
being kept for the purpose. A certain the lobster to table.
fluid mixture much in vogue, was ob- Dripping Crust for Meat Pies
tained by slowly boiling for forty days and Puddings. —
All kinds of good
and nights the heel of a young white meat fat may be made availabie for pie-
the remains of any underdone cold roast put the ham and veal into a deep pie-
beef. Do not fail to make a hole in the dish in alternate layers, seasoning each
centre of the crust, which may be orna- piece of veal separately as it is laid in
mented or not, but we think meat pies the dish ; mix in with the meat a cou-
pie of hard-boiled eggs, sliced, a table - they are browned, serving them with
spoonful of sweet herbs, and half a pint egg-sauce. This second plan is more
of water. Cover the whole with a puff- troublesome than remunerative.
paste crust made thus —
carefully dry
: To Boil Turbot.— Soak the fish for
a pound of flour, and work the same into two or three hours in salt and water to-
a smooth paste with less than half a remove the river slime then cut down
pint of water ; roll out thin, and cover the centre of the back nearly to the
with a quarter of a pound of butter, bone, but not to interfere with or re-
broken into bits, and sifted over with move the fins then dissolve a quarter
a pound of lard in bits, and well floured ; turbot in a large saucepan (there are
then fold over, and once more roll out, kettles made on purpose to boil this
and spread over the paste two ounces fish ; they are broad and shallow), and
of lard or butter, and finally roll it to let it gradually come to a boil, skim-
the size of the pie-dish, either round or ming off any scum that may arise during
oval. The pie will take an hour and a the time if allowed to boil rapidly, the
half to bake in a brisk oven. The crust turbot would break, which would be a
of a ham and veal pie is usually orna- fatal mishap. In about half an hour
mented in any way the cook's skill or after the water boils, the turbot will be
fancy may suggest. done let it drain well before serving,
Giblet Pie. Either duck or goose and throw a hot cloth over the drainer ;
giblets will do for this pie, which should place it on the table with lobster- sauce,
be made as follows —
After cleaning
: melted butter, brown bread and cucum-
the giblets put them into a saucepan ber ; arrange alternately round the dish
with some savoury herbs and an onion, slices oflemon and sprigs of parsley.
adding a pint and a half of water, and Turbot improved by keeping a day
simmer the whole gently for an hour, before boiling, longer if the weather be
or a little longer. After that, throw up not too hot or muggy.
the giblets, and allow them to cool To —
Boil Brill. In boiling brill
when they should be chopped into small nicely, one object should be to preserve
pieces, and cut the gizzard, heart, and its whiteness, which may be achieved
liver in slices, and put them in a pie- by rubbing it with lemon- juice. Place
dish, with three or four pieces of a good the fish in a kettle with water enough
rump- steak, which place at the bottom to cover it, and a quarter of a pound of
of the dish see that the steak and
; salt to each gallon of water, and slowly
giblets are well salted and peppered ;
let it come to a boil, and then simmer
then strain the gravy in which the gib- for about twelve minutes, for a fish of
lets were stewed, and pour it over them medium size. Serve it accompanied
in the dish ;cover with puff paste, and with lobster- sauce and melted butter,
let itbake in a brisk oven for an hour and garnish the dish with parsley and
and a half. A piece of buttered paper horseradish. Many cooks boil brill in
on the top of the crust will protect it the same manner as turbot, and servo
from scorching or burning. it with the same sauces, and the same
To Broil Dried Haddock.— They garnish.
should be gradually warmed through To Boil Trout. Unlike most other —
before the fire or on the gridiron kinds of fish, trout should be put into
be ;
before broiling, and roll it in bread- the water with a little vinegar. When
crumbs wetted with egg, and directly taking up be careful not to break tha
skin. Serve either with lobster or hour to preserve it whole and un-
true, the same fat may be used again To Fry Soles. Skin, wash, and —
and again for fish, yet withal it is the wipe them dry, then smear them with
most expensive method. To fry eels, the yolk of an egg, beaten up with
first cut them into three-inch pieces, bread-crumbs, and put them into a deep
only scoring, not separating them pan of boiling lard or dripping, and fry
dredge with flour, rub them over with them a nice brown on both sides for ;
egg and bread-crumbs, and fry in boil- this purpose they should be carefully
ing lard to a nice brown, and serve with turned so as not to break them dish ;
melted butter. There is no better way them when taken from the pan, and
of frying them, and if they are carefully put them before the fire to dry, or ab-
done, they will be found delicious to sorb the fat in which they have been
those who like eels. fried ; a fine sole will take a quarter of
To Stew Eels. —After well an hour to fry and nicely brown.
ing, cut the eels up into three-inch To Boil Soles. Wash and clean a —
pieces, season them with pepper and large sole without disturbing the roe ;
salt, and put them in a stewpan pour then lay it in a kettle of cold water
over them a pint of stock, an onion and sufficient to cover it, with a little salt
a piece of lemon-peel let them stew and vinegar slowly let it come to a
; ;
gently for half an hour, and then dish boil, carefully removing the scum as it-
them with care, and after straining the rises after it has boiled, withdraw the
gravy, pour it over the eels. A glass kettle to the side of the fire to simmer,
of port will improve the gravy if put and in ten minutes it will be ready to
into the stewpan with it. take up it is usually served with lob-
To Boil Salmon. After it has ster or shrimp- sauce.
been well cleaned and scaled, so that no To Stew Soles.— They should first
blood has been left inside, put it in a be partially fried in lard or oil, and
fish-kettle with sufficient cold water to when about half fried, remove them
oover it (boiling water makes the fish from the pan, and put into it about a
hard) ;add salt and a little vinegar, quart of water, three tablespoonfuls of
bring it quickly to a boil, take off the anchovy, and a large onion, sliced after ;
scum, and then gently simmer. Allow this has boiled for twenty minutes, put
from eight to ten minutes for each the sole or soles in again, and slowly
pound the test of being done is when stew them for half an hour, or less if
the meat easily separates from the they are small. When they have been
bones; all fish should be thoroughly removed, thicken the liquor with but-
done without being overdone the lat- ter rolled in flour, then boil up, and
ter spoils the flavour, and makes it having placed the soles in a dish, strain
tasteless and insipid. When done, drain the liquor over them, and serve with
it, and serve hot, with a garnish of pars- shrimp or oyster-sauce.
ley and an accompaniment of plain Rules for Making Soups.— The
melted butter. delicate and proper blending of savours
To Boil Mackerel.— Soak first for is the chief art of good soup- making.
a quarter of an hour in salt and water Be sure to skim the grease off the soup
cleanse the fish inside and out, take out when it first boils, or it will not become
the roe and steep it in vinegar, and then clear. Throw in a little salt to bring
replace it put it in lukewarm-water, up the scum. Remove all the fat. Be
.and simmer very slowly for half an careful to simmer gently, and never
: ——
two slices of ham, to which add half a all other puddings, it must not be al-
pint of water, and season with pepper, lowed to stop boiling for a minute un-
salt, and two blades of mace. If it is til it is quite done.
to be a raised pie-crust, the water should To Roast a Leg of Mutton.
be omitted the pie we are describing The leg should be hung in a cool place
is for a puff- paste crust. When the pie before roasting as long as it will keep
is ready, pour in at the hole made in free from taint, for newly-killed mutton
is never tender. Aneight-pound leg, about two hours, which will be suffi-
before a clear brisk fire, will take about cient for a leg of eight pounds this :
two iiours to roast to meet the general joint is generally preferred somewhat
taste, which is, that a little red gravy under- done, so that when carved the
should now from the joint when it is red juices of the mea.t should ming]e
carved, and that it should never be with the gravy in the dish ; the two
over-done, except to meet some par- hours allowed must be reckoned from
ticular taste. It is a practice with when the water boils up after the meat
some cooks, before roasting this joint, has been put into it on no account let
water, and parboil it by simmering, and a little salt should be put into the wa-
when taken from the hot water imme- ter. Mashed turnips and caper sauce
diately hung on the jack to roast when
; (see Saucer) are always served with
this method is pursued, it will only boiled leg of mutton the capers may
take an hour and a quarter to roast be- be either thrown over the joint or sent
fore the Basting should be per-
fire. to table in a tureen ; the turnips and
severed in during the whole time it is carrots (the latter are sometimes used;
roasting. When the joint is done dredge may be boiled with the meat. We
a little salt over it, and then mix the this joint, whether roast or boiled, to
dripping with a cupful of boiling water, be the most profitable that a family
salted, and pour it over the meat. Serve can sit down to, the bone weighing so
with its own gravy, red- currant jelly, little in comparison with the bulk cf
and what vegetables may be in season. meat.
To Roast a Haunch of Mutton. Hashed Mutton. —The remains cf
— This joint consists of the leg and part a cold leg or shoulder of mutton, espe-
of the loin, cut so as to resemble a cially if they are under- done, make a
haunch of venison. It is the favourite nice savoury dish if prepared in the
and leading joint of mutton, and, when following manner —
Cut the meat in
well cooked and served, is a very impos- neat uniform slices from the bones,
ing family dish. It is of the first con- trimming off all superfluous fat and
sideration to hang the haunch of venison gristle chop the bones and fragments
as long as possible before roasting ; if of the joint, put them into a stewpan
the weather be warm, pepper and gin- with five or six whole peppers and all-
ger rubbed over it will protect it from spice, half a head of celery, one onion,
flies, or, if the weather be heavy and two ounces of butter, and. a little flour
moist, rubbing with sugar will prevent to thicken cover the whole with wa-
its turning sour. It should hang at ter, and simmer for one hour. Slice
least for forty- eight hours, and in the and fry the onion of a nice pale brown,
winter season a week's hanging will be and add it to the bones, &c. Stew for
none too long. When ready for roast- a quarter of an hour, strain the gravy,
ing, paper the fat, and commence by and let it cool then skim off any par-
placing the joint some distance from ticle of fat, and put it with the meat
the fire baste with its own dripping,
: into a stewpan. Flavour with ketchup,
and, about half an hour before it is tomato sauce, or any flavouring that
done, remove the paper, draw the may be preferred, and let the meat gra-
haunch closer to the fire for the pur- dually warm through, but not boil, or
pose of finishing and browning. Before it will harden. To hash meat properly,
a favourable fire it will take about three it should be laid in cold gravy, and only
hours. Finish off and serve the same left on the fire long enough to warm
as the leg. through.
To Boil a Leg of Mutton.— Cover To Roast Beef. —With the excep-
the leg with boiling water ; after it has tion of the round, the primest parts are
once boiled up let it only simmer for roasted, the chief being the sirloin and
ribs. Roasting joints should run about lished cold as hot. When served, gar-
eight to ten pounds in weight. When nish the dish with carrots. The liquor
a smaller joint is used it had better for the beef is boiled in should be preserved
the bones to be removed, and the meat to a future day for pea- soup.
rolled. It will be found the best eco- To Boil Salt Beef.— Wash the
nomy to cut off the tops of ribs, salt brine off, and put the joint into boiling
them, and boil them, for if they are water. Remove the scum as it rises.
roasted with the joint they too fre- About twenty minutes to each pound
quently get shrivelled and burnt, and of meat will be sufficient time for boil-
much good meat wasted. ing, which should be gently and not
Where fat prevails, it would be well rapidly done. If the joint be over salt,
to protect it with paper, removing the change the water when the meat is
same when the meat is nearly done, and about a quarter done, or, better still,
from this time dredge with flour until soak it for two or three hours in cold
the roast is perfected. When done, water before boiling.
empty the gravy from the dripping-pan Every kind of meat is best cooked by
into a basin, then remove the fat, and boiling gently, for rapid boiling spoils
pour the gravy into a well-dish, gar- the meat salt meat should be very
a little further back, and constantly stewing, the steaks, cut into shapely
basted with the dripping, as it falls, to pieces, should be fried in a bit of but-
the finish. These directions are applic- ter until they are evenly browned.
able to other joints of beef as well as After they have been taken from the
the sirloin and ribs. pan, three carrots, turnips, and onions,
To Boil a Round of Beef.— Salt all sliced, should be fried in the fat, and
for ten or twelve days, according to then the steaks and vegetables put into
taste, about eight or nine pounds of about half a pint of water, with a little
the round then, after washing off the
; salt and pepper, and a tablespoonfuL
salt, skewer it in a round form. Put each of ketchup and flour, and let it
it in boiling water, and immediately it slowly simmer for three hours ;
boils up, remove it on one side the fire, seasoning, and flour for thickening,
that it might only simmer until it is should be added when the meat and
done. It will take about two hours vegetables are nearly done, and then
and a quarter after it has commenced rapidly boil the whole for three minutes.
boiling. Clear the scum as it rises, or Skim off the fat, and serve.
the joint will not look inviting when Caper Sauce for Boiled Mutton.
brought to table. Carrots, turnips,
parsnips, and frequently suet dump-
— Mix three tablespoonfuls of capers
with half a pint of melted butter ;
lings, are served with this dish, and chop up the capers small, and add their
these may all be boiled with the meat liquor to them and the melted butter,
if the size of the pot admits. This is a stirring well the while, until the capers
good family joint, being as much re- simmer for three minutes, when they
may be served ; this sauce may be im- cold water ; while the eggs are in the
proved by the addition of a little chop- water, make half a pint of melted but-
ped parsley, and a few bread-crumbs. ter, then peel off the shells from the
Some persons prefer pickled nasturtium eggs, slice them, and when the butter is
pods to be substituted for the capers. boiling, mix in the eggs with it, and stir
The quantity named in our receipt is them in it one way, and serve hot. If
-sufficient to serve with a large leg of the sauce is required extra thick add
mutton. an egg or two more than the number
Caper Sauce for Fish. This sauce given to the same quantity of milk.
is not often served with fish, but when Squeeze in some lemon juice, when
it is, it is thus prepared : —
Take some liked, before serving. This is the proper
melted butter, into which put a bit of sauce for salt fish, with which it is so
glaze, and when the sauce is in a state necessary an accompaniment, that it
of readiness, throw into it some capers, should be made in abundance, so that
pepper and salt, and a tablespoonf ii of it might not run short, and spoil the
essence of anchovies. dinner. The eggs will take twenty-five
Imitation Caper Sauce. Boil a — minutes to harden.
bunch of parsley down until it has lost To Roast a Leg of Pork. Bear —
its bright colour, then cut it up, put it in mind that pork takes longer to cook
into melted butter, with a pinch of salt, than any other kind of meat twenty-
and a tablespoonf ul of vinegar, then boil five minutes to the pound should be
up, and serve, when the sauce will hardly allowed, except for very young pork.
be known from that made with capers : The joints for roasting are the leg, the
it may be used with either fish or loin, the spare-rib, and the chine. In
meat. roasting the leg first equally score the
Bread Sauce. —Boil some crumb of rind, and stuff it with sage and onions,
bread, with a finely- chopped onion, and a few hours before hanging it on the
a little white pepper ; when cooked, re- jack an opening should be made about
move the onions and peppercorns, and the knuckle for the reception of the
put the bread, after it has been pulped stuffing. While the joint must be tho-
through a sieve, into an earthenware roughly done before serving, it should
pipkin with milk, a bit of salt butter, not be hung too near the fire, but stea-
then stir it one way with a wooden dily roasted at some distance before a
spoon till it boils. The crumb of French good, but not a flaring fire, at the same
rolls should be used for this sauce, and time well basting it with its own fat
it should be cooked in boiling milk, and and gravy. Serve with plenty apple
allowed to simmer on one side the fire sauce mixed with the gravy from the
until the bread evaporates the milk. dripping-pan.
Bread sauce is usually served with game To Roast Fore-Quarter of Lamb.
or fowls, but it must be put on the table —
Lamb requires very careful attention
very hot. The bread, whether plain or while cooking it should always be tho-
fancy, used for this sauce, should be two roughly done, and properly served.
or three days stale, and should remain Mint-sauce is invariably served with
in the milk for half an hour to soak be- hot or cold roast lamb. A fore- quarter,
fore boiling, then beat it briskly with a weighing eight or nine pounds, will re-
fork until it is smooth, and without quire nearly two hours before a clear
lumps. It will take an hour and a half brisk fire, and constant basting it ;
to prepare. A richer bread sauce can should not be put down too near the
be made by mixing a little cream with fire at first. When sufficiently done,
it before serving. the carver should separate the ribs from
Egg; Sauce for Salt Fish.— Boil the shoulder but before it is quite;
three or four eggs quite hard, and then done, lay in the dripping-pan two
put them for ten or twelve minutes into ounces of butter, squeeze a lemon, and
— —
spoonful of vinegar and two of, salt; being to signifie the course which he
after this soaking, dredge it with flour, runneth about the world, and the fiery
then plunge it into boiling water, and gleames and brightness, the light and
boil gently for an hour and a half, if heat wherewith he warmeth and com-
about six pounds, and it should not be forteth the things that live and grow."
heavier ; some cooks prefer boiling a leg The Romans called this day Dies Solis.
of lamb sewn up in a thin cloth. Serve Sunday, among Christians, has three i
the melted butter throw it over the from its having been selected by the
joint. apostles as their peculiar time of meet-
To Stew a Breast of Lamb. ing " to offer up their praises and
Cut it into pieces, pepper and salt them, thanksgivings for the inestimable bene-
and stew in sufficient gravy to cover the fits bestowed upon mankind, through
meat until tender, or about an hour Jesus Christ our Lord ;" and, lastly,
and a half then thicken the stock or and most commonly, it is called Sunday
gravy it has been boiled in with a little in compliance with the long- used and
butter and flour, at the same time acf- ordinary form of speech.
ding a glass of sherry, then boil ityip —
Monday. Termed Monan-Dceg by
for a minute and throw it over* the the Saxons, was dedicated to the wor-
meat. This dish is much improved by ship of the moon. " The form of this
stewing mushrooms, spinach, or green idoll seemeth very strange and ridicu-
peas with it, especially the latter. lous, for, being made for a woman, shee
To Roast a Fillet of Veal.—The hath a short coat like a man but more ;
prime joints of veal for roasting are the strange it is to see her hood with such
loin and the fillet. Prepare for roasting two long ears. The holding of a moone
by first taking out the bone, and putting before her breast may seem to have
under the flap a stuffing of forcemeat been to express what she is but the
; ;
then skewer the joint in a round form, reason of her chapron with long ears ?
sprinkle with flour, and then put it as also of her short coat and pykecl
down to the fire, but at some distance shoes, I doe not finde." By the Romans
at first, for it should be gradually cooked this day was called Dies, Dunce, being
until it becomes a rich brown it must dedicated to the moon.
Tuesday. So named from Tuysco,
vered with paper a fillet weighing nine the most ancient god of the Germans.
pounds will require three hours. This He was " the father and conductor of
joint depends much upon the stuffing, the Germans, who, after his name, even
which should be abundant. A bit of unto this day, doe in their owne tongue
bacon or pickled pork served with it is call themselves Tuytsh, and their coun-
a welcome accompaniment, for veal in try of Germany Tuytshland and the :
nunciation." The Romans named this Saxons, but of all the Teutonic people
day Dies Martis, from its being dedi- of the Septentrionall regions, yea even
cated to Mars. of the people that dwelt beyond Thule
Wednesday. —A contraction of Wo- or Island for in Gweeneland was he
din's or Odins day. "Odin," says Dr. knowne and adored in memory where-
pled Germany and Scandinavia, and the manner how he was made his pic-
among their posterity for several ages." ture doth declare. This great reputed
But at length, a mighty conqueror, the god, being of more estimation than
leader of a new arm^ of adventurers many of the rest of the like sort, though
from the east, over-ran the north of of as little worth as any of the meanest
Europe, erected a great empire, assumed of that rabble, was majestically placed
the name of Odin, and claimed the in a \ery large and spacious hall, and
honours which had been formerly paid there set as if he had reposed himselfe
to that deity. From thenceforward that upon a covered bed. On his head he
deified mortal, under the name of Odin wore a crown of gold, and round in a
or Wodin, became the chief object of compass above, and about the same,
the idolatrous worship of the Saxons were set or fixed twelve bright bur-
and Danes in this island, as well as of nished golden starres. And in his right
many other nations? Having been a hand he held a kingly sceptre. He was
mighty and successful warrior, he was of the seduced pagans believed to be of
believed to he the god of war, who gave most marvellous power and might ;
victory, and revived courage in the con- yea, and that there were no people
flict. After civilising, in some measure, throughout the whole world that were
the countries which he conquered, and not subjected unto him, and did not
introducing arts formerly unknown, he owe him divine honour and service.
was also worshipped as the god of arts That there was no puissance comparable
and artists. In a word, to this Odin to his. His dominion of all others far-
his deluded worshippers impiously as- ther extending itselfe, both in heaven
cribed all the attributes which belong and earth. That in the aire he go-
only to the true God to him they
; verned the winds and the cloudes and ;
built magnificent temples, offered many being displeased did cause lightning,
sacrifices,and consecrated the fourth and tempest, with excessive mine, haile^
day of the week,which is still called and all ill weather but being well
by his name
in England, and in all pleased, by the adoration, sacrifice, and
other countries where he was formerly service of his suppliants, he then be-
worshipped. Notwithstanding this, the stowed upon them most faire and sea-
founders of the whole of the Kingdoms sonable weather, and caused corne
of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy pre- abundantly to growe, as all sortes of
tended to be descended from Woden, fruits, &c, and kept away the plague,
and some of them at the distance only and all other evill and infectious dis-
of a few generations." The Romans eases. Of the weekly day that was de-
dedicated this day to Mercury, from dicated unto his peculiar service we yet
which cause it was named Dies Mer- retain the name of Thursday, the which
cnrii. the Danes and Swedians doe yet call
Thursday.— From Tkors-Dceg, or the Thors-day. In the Netherlands it is yet
Thunderer's day. It was dedicated by called Danders- dagh, which being writ-
the northern nations to the worship of ten according to our English orthogra-
Trior, the bravest of the sons of Odin.
phy, is Tyunders-day, whereby it may
" The idol Thor was not only served
appeare that they antiently therein in-
and sacrificed unto of the ancient Pagan tended the day of the God of Thunder ;
.and in some of our old Saxon bookes I penance and devotion, in reference to
find it to have been written Thunres- the approaching birth of Christ. There
deagh ; so, as it seemeth, that the name are four Sundays in Advent, commenc-
of Thov, or Thur, was abbreviated of ing with that, as we have remarked,
Tkunre, which we now write Thunder." nearest to the feast of St. Andrew.
This day was named Dies Jovis, Jove's St. Agnes' Eve. —The annals of
Day, by the Romans. canonisation in the Church of Rome
Friday. Was so named in honour present no image of greater purity and
of Friga, the wife of Odin. This god- sweetness than St. Agnes. She is de-
dess was the reputed giver of peace and scribed as a very young and spotless
.plenty. The Romans dedicated Friday maid, who suffered martyrdom in the
to Venus, whence its name of Dies Ve- tenth persecution under Diocletian, in
neris ; and that goddess having pos- the year 306. A few days after her
sessed many of the attributes for which death, her parents, going to her tomb,
Friga was most celebrated, several au- beheld a vision of angels (such is the
thors have supposed them originally to legend), in the midst of which stood
have meant the same divinity. their daughter, with a snow-white lamb
Saturday. Or Seater Dceg, so named by her side. She is therefore usually
from the idol Seater, worshipped by our represented with a lamb standing by
Saxon ancestors. " He was leane of her side. At Rome, on St. Agnes Day,
visage, having long haire and a long Jan. 21, during mass, and while the
beard, and was bare-headed and bare- Agnus is being sung, two lambs, as
footed. In his left hand he held up a white as snow, and covered with finery,
wheele, and in his right he carried a are brought in and laid upon the altar.
paile of water, wherein were flowers and Their fleeces are afterwards shorn, and.
f ruites. His long coate was girded upon converted into palls. In England, as
him with a towel of white linnen. His much as elsewhere, it was customary
standing upon the sharpe finns of a fish for young women on St. Agnes' Eve to
(the pearch) was to signifie that the endeavour to divine who should ba
Saxons, for their serving him, should their husbands. The proper rite was
passe stedfastly and without harme in to take a row of pins and pull them out
dangerous and difficult places. By the one after another, saying a pater-noster,
wheele was betokened the knit unity and sticking one pin in the sleeve then
and conjoined concord of the Saxons, going to rest without food, their dreams
and their concurring together fn the were expected to present to them the
running one course. By the girdle, image of their future husband.
which with the wind streamed from —
All Fool's Day. We need hardly
him, was signified the Saxon's freedom. say that this day of trifling occurs on
By the paile with the flowers and f ruites the 1st of April, which has been from
was declared that with kindly raine he the most ancient times set apart for the
would nourish the earth to bring forth commission of various species of folly
such fruites and flowers. The seventh and practical joking. Its origin is un-
day was dedicated by the Romans to known, but it is observed in many
Saturn, and named in honour of him, countries under different names. What-
Dies Batumi. ever may have been its origin we can
Advent Sunday. This festival of only sav that it is more honoured in
It is
the Church, always the nearest Sunday the breach than the observance.
to the feast of St. Andrew (Nov. 30), fast dying out.
whether before or after the Advent (li- Quarter Days.
teralfy the coming) is a term applied Lady Day 25th March.
. .
viding the date of the year by four. If For sure as a gun they will give up
there is no remainder it is Leap Year ;
the ghost,
but if there be any remainder, it shows If the maggot cries click, when it
how many it is after Leap Year.
years scratches the post.
To Make —
Yeast. To any quan- Bat a kettle of scaldir^Ahot water in-
tity of water desired add sufficient hops jected,
to make it very strong, and let it steep Infallibly cures the timber affected :
slowly for two or three hours. Then The omen is broken, the danger is
boil it a few minutes, strain out the over,
hops, put the liquor back in the kettle, The maggot will die, and the sick will
let it boil moderately, and add flour recover !"
until a stiff batter is formed. When The noise of the wood- worm is produced
thoroughly scalded, put it in a jar to by a species of small beetle of the tim-
cool, and while a little warm, add yeast ber-boring genus. In the spring these
to ferment it. When well fermented, insects commence their ticking, as a call
add to two quarts of the yeast half a to each other. They beat with their
teacupfnl of salt. Keep it in a cool heads, and though they are very " head-
place. A
tablespoon twice filled will strong," they are less so than the peo-
make sponge for a half-dozen loaves of ple who cling to the stupid belief that
bread. Yeast made in this way will their sound is a token of calamity.
not sour. Or boil one ounce of hops in A Good Week's Work.—
a gallon of water until it is reduced to Sunday — Church doors enter in,
half a gallon, then strain it off through Rest from toil, repent of sin,
a hair sieve, and pour it boiling hot on Strive a heavenly rest to win,
a half quartern of flour, stirring well —
Monday To your calling go ;
all the time ; mix in two tablespoonf uls Serve the Lord, love friend and foe ;
of moist sugar when lukewarm, add
; To the tempter answer, " No."
a pint of old yeast to quicken, keeping —
Tuesday Do what good you can :
it in a warm place while making. If no Live in peace with God and man ;
old yeast is at hand, half a pint of old Remember life is but a span.
ale will answer to quicken, or an ounce —
Wednesday Give away and earn ;
of German yeast. When made, reserve Teach some truth, some good thing
half a pint by bottling, and keep it in learn ;
si cool place for your next making. Joyfully good for ill return.
Thursday Build your house upon Coffee. —This is more stimulant,
Christ the mighty Corner-stone ;
and more oppressive to the stomach,
Whom God helps, his work
done. is than tea. It is apt to constipate the
Friday For the truth be strong ;
bowels, and produce acidity and flatu-
Own your fault if in the wrong, lence. It contains a greater quantity
Put a bridle on your tongue. of extractive and resinous matter. Its
Saturday— Thank God and sing, use as a promoter of digestion is very
Tribute to His treasure bring ; questionable, if it be not positively clog-
Be prepared for Terror's King ! ging and injurious ; gratuitously ab-
Thus your hopes on Jesus cast, sorbing the powers of the gastric juice,
Thus let all your weeks be passed, at the expense of the solid ingesta, be-
And you shail be saved at last. sides introducing into the system a
To Destroy Weeds on Gravel great amount of highly carbonised ma-
Walks. —Any manufacturing chemist terials, only necessary in very low tem-
will be glad to supply the residuum peratures. Coffee should always be
from the manufacture of ether at one fresh roasted, and should be made by
halfpenny per pound. Mix six parts infusion. Boiling dissipates its aroma.
water with one part of this material in Hints to Convalescents. Wasted —
a, glazed earthen vessel, then let two energies are to be recruited, and the
persons be employed, the one to pour organs are to be prepared to encounter
the liquid from an earthen jug over the influences from which they have been
weedy walk, the other to well rub it withdrawn influences of friends, so-
in with a worn-out broom or scrubbing- ciety, visits, noise, light, cold, heat,
brush no wSGtering-pan to be used, or meats, drinks, bodily labour, and men-
it would destroy it in an hour. Care, tal toil. The fear of relapse necessi-
too, must be taken that it does not fall tates that here, as in many things else,
upon the clothes or hands, as the acid we advance step by step. Intellectual
is extremely powerful. The weeds die toil or exertion is to be avoided by
almost immediately, nor will any for a convalescents, for its effects on the
long period spring again. It also utterly brain are too exciting. Perfect calm
destroys the dwarf green moss, which .of the passions must also be observed.
is so apt to grow on walls in damp, Michaelmas Day. This day, as —
shady places. Walks operated upon most people know who have rent to
twice a-year in this way will effectually pay, is one of the quarter days, and falls
be kept clean and neat at a very slight on the 29th of September. It is a great
cost. Care should be taken not to apply festival of the Komish and English
it within two inches of the edge of the churches. The popular custom of hav-
lawn, lest it should destroy the grass. ing a goose for dinner on this day thus
Whitsun Day. This festival of the originated —
Queen Elizabeth is said
Church is so called from this day being to have been eating her Michaelmas
one of the stated times of baptism in goose when she received intelligence of
the ancient Church, when those who the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
were baptised put on white garments, There have been other reasons assigned
as types of that spiritual purity they for this custom, but it seems to have
received in baptism. The day is de- arisen simply from the goose being at
signed to commemorate the descent of this time in finest condition for the
the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on table.
the day of Pentecost. Whit- Sunday, Midsummer Day. This falls on —
Monday, and Tuesday, these three days the 24th of June, and is sometimes
together are called Whitsuntide, and known as St. John's Day, being the na-
fall six weeks after Easter, which festi- tivity of St. John the Baptist. It is a
val regulates all others in matter of time of high observance in Catholic
time. countries. It was believed by the su-
perstitious that on the eve of this day, bless candles, and distribute the same
by fasting and pulling certain herbs, it among the people, by whom they were
was possible to obtain an insight into carried in solemn procession. The say-
futurity. ing of Simeon, respecting the infant
Ash Wednesday. —This is the first Christ, in the temple, that he would be
day in Lent, a holiday in the Church of a light to lighten the Gentiles, probably
England. The palms, or substitute supplied an excuse for adopting the
branches, consecrated and used on Palm candle- bearing procession of the hea-
Sunday of one year, were kept till the then, whose external religious practices
present season of another, when they the founders of the Eomish Church
were burnt, and their ashes blessed by made a practice of imitating.
the priest, and sprinkled on the heads —
Test for Plate. The following pro-
of the people hence the name given to
cess for testing the genuineness of sil-
the day. This sprinkling of ashes was ver plating on metals may be of value
performed with many ceremonies and to many ladies. The metallic surface
great devotion. In England it is still is carefully cleaned, and a drop of a cold,
a reason for the saying of the " Com- saturated solution of bichromate of pot-
mination " in the Prayer Book, by ash, in nitric acid, is placed upon it, and
which the doers of certain kinds of immediately washed off with cold water.
wickedness are cursed. If silver, a blood-red spot of chromate
Shrove Tuesday. This day is the of silver is formed ; on German silver
herald of Lent, and has been from the or Britannia metal, the stain is brown
earliest ages celebrated by feasting and or black.
merry-making. It is the concluding St. Swithin's Day.—The legend of
day of the time of Carnival, which in thisday is (which falls on the loth of
various Catholic countries is of greater July) that if it rains on it it will con-
or less extent, but celebrated with most tinue to rain for forty days afterwards.
distinction at Home and Venice. The St. Swithin was Bishop of Winchester
main distinction of Shrove Tuesday was in the year 865, to which rank he was
the eating of pancakes, made with eggs raised by King Ethelbert, the Dane, and
and spice, and this custom still pre- was canonised by the pope. He was
vails. singular for his desire to be buried in
Palm Sunday. This day, the Sun- the open churchyard, and not in the
day before Easter, is the commencement chancel of the minster, as was usual
of Passion Week, and is therefore seme- with other bishops, which request was
times called Passion Sunday, in com- complied with ; but the monks, on his
memoration of the sufferings of our Sa- being canonised, taking it into their
viour. In Catholic countries, on this heads that it was disgraceful for the
day, the priests bless branches of palm, saint to lie in the open churchyard, re-
which are carried in procession in me- solved to remove his body into the choir,
mory of those strewn before our Lord which was to have been done with so-
at the entrance into Jerusalem. After lemn procession on the 15th of July. It
the procession is over the branches are rained, however, so violently on that
burnt, and their ashes preserved for day, and for forty days succeeding, as
sprinkling on the heads of the people had hardly ever been known, which
on Ash Wednesday. made them set aside their design as
Candlemas Day. This holiday in heretical and blasphemous ; and instead
the English church falls on the 2nd of they erected a chapel over his grave,
February. The early fathers of the at which man}' miracles are said to
church held it in commemoration of have been wrought. Churchill, Gay,
Mary in the Temple, forty days after Ben Jonson, and other poet satirists,
childbirth, as commanded by the law have noticed St. Swithin with ridi-
and it was their custom on this day to cule, which such superstitions deserve.
out leaving a token of affection from We wish that all the old customs
somebody. Hearts are trumps, indeed, handed down to us and commonly ob-
on St. Valentine's Day, and old and served by rich and poor, young and old,
young amongst bachelors and spinsters were as pure as the one dedicated to
are much disappointed if they have not St. Valentine ! We are very sorry, how-
a valentine of some sort of course, al- ever, to observe, that in cases too nu-
ways excepting those which maliciously merous, valentines, instead of breathing
point to personal defects. love and purity, are made the mediums
The ice of many a courtship has been of jealousy, spite and malice, and to
broken by a sweet valentine the heart wound a sensitive spirit by caricaturing
A Good Week's Work
A Maiden's " Psalm of Life
Acidulous Condiments
Organ of
Aspic ....
Asparagus, to Boil
for Weak Lungs
August, Kitchen Gardening
the Phenomena of
Act, Vaccination 269 Australian Meat 132
Activity, the Benefits of Cheerful , 165 Beef, to Roast
Adhesiveness, Organ of 246 Baby's Wardrobe
Advent Sunday . 348 Bacon, how to Choose
Advice to Wives 34 Bad Taste 70
^Eolian Harp, to Construct an 197 Baking Pastry 279
Agnes, St., Eve of 348 Balm 222
Agreements with Landlords 328 Ball Room Refreshments l62
Aim, the, in Archery . 15 Suppers l62
Alamode Beef 231 Etiquette l6l
Albums, to Secure Photographs in Banns, Marriage by 264
Alencon Lace 1 59Bantam Fowls 2SO
All Fools' Day . 348 Barometer 2b2
Allspice Baskets 252 Baskets, Allspice 232
Alum_ Baskets, to Make 170 Alum I/O
Amativeness, Organ of 245 Feather 310
Ambergris 151 Bathing, Sea 199
Ammonia, Domestic uses of IC2 Baths and Bathing . 2b
Anagram . . >
183 Bead Mosaic 17
Anchovy 197 Beans, French, to Boil 52
Omelet 197 Haricot 52
.... *97 52
Furniture, Cotton, to
Dangers of Springing Oat
Beds, Infants .
Apparel, General Hints upon 204 Bee Stings, Cures for , I29
Apple Dumpling. Beef, Alamode . 231
Jelly . Soup, Shin of 73
Pie and Pudding
Apple, or Quince, Jelly
Apricot Marmalade
April, Kitchen Gardening for
Steaks, to Cook
Tea, Nutritious
Bergamot, Essence of
the Phenomena of Birds in their Natural Feathers 213
Approbation, Love of Bird Stuffing, the Art of 202
Apron, Lady's, Model Pattern for (il- Births, Registration of 57
lustrated) Birthdays of the Queen and R
Aquarium, Hints on Stocking and Family . 301
Managing an Biscuits, Excellent and Cheap 216
Archery . Bitters, to Make Good 186
Argand Lamps, to Clean Black Currant Lozenges 219
Arrowroot Cheese 219
Blancmange Blackbird, the . 237
Artichokes, to Boil Blackbeetles, to Destroy 317
Artificial Teeth Blacking, to Make Good 99.
Ash Wednesday . the Best
. . .
354 INDEX,
Blancmange, Arrowroot 20I Camomile 223
Corn Flour . 10,3 Canaries, General Treament of 12^ 193
Bleeding from the Nose 276 Pairing, Breeding, and Rear
Blessed Thistle 222 ing .
Boiling Brill
Rules for
Caper Sauce, Imitation
Carat, the
Card Parties
Cards, Origin of
Soles '.
341 Cardboard, Embossing on
Trout 340 Carpet, how to Choose a
Turbot 340 Carpets, Care of.
Borage ....
Boiling, Broiling, and Frying Fish
Boils and Cuts, Treatment of .
223 Cassie
Dry-Cleaning and Scouring
Carp and Tench, How to Choose
. . .
Bouquet, to Arrange a
Bouquet, to Preserve a
How, to
Brandy, Cherry
Draw the
Brain, Phrenological Divisions of the
. Castor Oil
Cauliflower, to Boil
Cat, Electricity from a Black
.... .
3 00
Chickens, Care of
Chilblains . 34, 173
Children, the Importance of Singing
Moral Government of
. .
Burns and Scalds, Receipt for Small 155 China or Glass, how to Pack
Butter as a Condiment . .
45 Chinese Painting
Melted, to Make . . 242 Primrose, Culture of
Buttermilk . . . 326 Choking .
— ——
Cake, Icing for
_ Almond
Icing for
. .
Christmas Plum Pudding
Christian Names, English
— —— Sausage
Rice ....
Raised, without Eggs
. .
. 216
Civet .
Veal ....
and Pastry, Rules
Calendar Months
. .
Clandestine Courtships
Cleansing the Hair
Closets and Shelves
Clothes, to remove from a Bu
INDEX. 355
Cloves Curry, Indian Receipt for . 46
Coal, Economy of 165 Salmon . 122
Coal-Cellar . 327 Curtains, the Sun causing them to Rot 220
Cochin-China Fowls 289 Curtains, White Muslin, to Rose Tint 165
Cod-Liver Oil . .
M3 Custard Flour . . 103
Best Method of Taking 143 for Pies . 3i8
Cod-Fish, how to Choose 25 Cuts and Boils 34
Cod's Head and Shoulders .
335 Damson Cheese . 219
Coffee, to Settle, and to Secure Jelly . 159
Aroma 253 Dancing 100
to Roast and Prepare . 3i3 Dances, History of National 323
and Tea, how to Pour out 188 Dandriff in the Hair 3i
— as a Disinfectant .
74 Day, Easter .
Syrup of, for Travellers 132 , Michaelmas 350
Cold Cod, to Dress .
335 , Midsummer 33°
Meat, Preparation of . 156 Days of the Week, Origin of 346
Cautions to be Observed after " Death-Watch," the
Exposure to
to Avoid Catching
Cure for a
How to Catch a .
December, Kitchen Gardening for
Dessert, Leaves for Garnishing the
of .
Collared Salmon
Colour .
of Dresses, to Preserve
taken out by Acids, to
Combativeness, Organ of
Company, Etiquette of Leaving
Dinner Etiquette
5, 276
Comparison, Organ of Dish, a New .'''. . 138
Complexion, Lotion for the Disinfectant, Coffee as a 74
Concentrativeness, Organ of Dismissal of Servants
Condiments . Divorce, the Law of
Condolence, Visit of Dorking Fowls 2S5
Conscientiousness, Organ of Dory or Mullets, to Choose How 26
Constructiveness, Organ of D'oyle;\s, Antimacassars, &c. (illus
Consumption, Treatment of trated)
Contrivances and Makeshifts Dreams
Convalescents, Beef-tea for Dress, Becoming 9i
Conversaziones Dresses, Colours of 231
Cookery, the Art of
Cool Rooms .
— to Preserve the Colours of
and Shirt Fronts, to Iron
. 302
Coriander Dried Haddocks, to Broil 349
Corn-Flour Recipes Dripping Crust for Meat Pies and
Corns, Soft, Receipt for Puddings .
Dyeiug, the Art of
Dyspepsia,, Remedy
Short and Long . Earache 122
Crabs, to Dress Easter-Day 31
, How to Choose Eating between Meals 73
Cray-Fish, How to Choose Rules for 30
Cream Ice Eau de Cologne 14Q
Sa^ad Economical Pudding .
Crickets, to Destroy Economy t e Basis of Comfort 127
Croquet Education, Earliest Intellectual 278
Cru pets, to Make Eels, How to Choose 26
Crystallized Baskets Fry
to . v 340
Cumin Stew
to 34i
Currant Jelly, Red . Egg Baskets 14
vate .....
Currant Dumpling
Currants and Gooseberries, to Culti-
Sauce for Salt Fish
Eggs, Laying and Hatching
how to Cook
Eggs, to Choose , IOO Flower Sleep 70
in Cakes . 219 Flowers . . . 72
to Preserve .
> 175 Charade . . ' . 230
Elder Sisters 279 Dried, to Preserve . 221
Electricity from a Black Cat 260 Paper, Making and Modellinj
Emblematic Stones . 130 Wool, How to Make .
Embossing on Cardboard
Fish, to Boil
Caper Sauce
Different Kinds
Frying and Boiling Fish
of, When in
. . 255
Egg Sauce for Frying . . . . -33*
Gravy . 325 Fuel, Economy of 354
How they Change Cole 70 Furnishing, . . . 116
How to Choose -45
toKeep Fresh with Sug
Stock, White and Brow
. .
Furs, How to Judge
Gall Soap
Garden, the Lady's
New Year's
Ginger, Essence of, to Make
Flounders in Season 189 Imitation of Preserved . 61
INDEX. 357
Glass, to Wash . . . 163 Hollyhocks, Culture of .
Gravy, Fish
Gooseberries and Currants, to Culti
Hastings for
Puddings for .
Irish Stew
Ironmoulds in Linen, to Remove
Ironing Cloth, Pattern for an .
Mackerel ....
Mace and Nutmegs .
How to Choose
Made Dishes
— Garden, the
Model Pattern for a (il-
Maids, Old
Malay Fowls
Maigre, Green Pea Soup 3H
Lamb, Breast Stew
of, to 34 6 Management of Carpet Brooms 326
Fore*Quarter, to Roast 345 Maps or Prints, to Mount 221
Leg of, to Boil 34 6 Marble, Black, to Clean 185
How toChoose 25 March, Kitchen Gardening for 226
Lamp, Argand, to Manage . . S( 5, 290 Phenomena of l66
Oil . . . . 37 Marketing, Hints on .
Lamps, to Prevent their Smoking . 32 Marking Ink, to Extract 106
Landlords, Agreements with 327 Marmalade, Apricot . 205
Landscapes, &c, on Transparent quince 98
Language, Organ of
Larks, to Truss
Laundry Blue .
Marriage, Legal Modes of
by Banns .
Dy i^ertmcate 01 a Jvegisiiai
of Jews and Quakei"s
by Special Licence
. 264
Lavender . . . 15: > 224 Influence of on the Duration 0:
Laying a Table . 148 Life 127
Laying Out a Kitchen Garden 224 »
— Breach of Promise of 284
Law of Breach of Promise 284 Law, Facts from the J 74
Lawn and Muslin, to AVash 42 — Proposal of
Leather and Gutta Percha Modelling Sacredness of . 106
(illustrated) 48 v lews on I o7
Leap Year .
349 Marriages, Illegal 264
Leaving Company, Etiquette of 126 Secret . 157
Legal Modes of Marriage 264 Married Ladies, Hints to 312
Lemon Pomatum 69 Women's Property Bill . 299-
Length of a Woman's Hair 140 Marrow Pudding 155
Letter- Writing, Hints on 3^9 Vegetable . 306
Licence, Marriage by 266 Marsh Mallow. 224
Lightning, Safety during . 8- 7, 172 Mashed Potatoes .
Lime Water, to Make 156 Maxims for Gardeners 258
Linen, Care of 12 May, Kitchen Gardening for 226
Indelible Marking Ink for 70 Phenomena of . 166
Table, to Remove Stains from 127 Mayonnaise, French 281
Ling, when in Season
Liniment for Chilblains
Linnet, the
Lips, the
——— Chapped ....
Meat, Australian
How to
the Art of Salting
4c >, '156
When in
to Boil
to Dress .
Locality, Organ of
History of their Peculiarities
Season .
Measles .
Lodgers' Protection Act
' .
Metals, Britannia, Polishing Paste for
Microscope and Telescope, Won-
ders Revealed by
Michaelmas Day . 350 Omelet, Anchovy
Midsummer Day 550 — Corn-Flour
Milk, to Preserve 174 English .
Pastry, to Bake
and Cakes, Rules for Makin
Non-Medicated Hair Oils and Per- Patchouli
fumes Patterdalc Pudding
Nose, Bleeding from the Pea Fowl .*
Phenomena of Perches for Fowls
Oils, Hair Perfumes
Oily Condiments . Floral
Ointment for the Hair Handkerchief .
360 INDEX.
Perfumes, Rose 124 Potichomanie 329
Phials, to Wash . 239 Poultice, Bread-and-Water 282
Photographs in Albums, to secure in Mustard 200
Phrenological Divisions of theBrai 245 Poultry, Management of 286
Physical Herbs 222 <
Diseases of 2QO
Piano-Forte, Management of a 27 How
Chooseto 26
Pickle Salmon, tX> 38 Pouring Out Tea and Coffee
— Tongue, to 158 Prawns and Shrimps, to Choose
Pickling Onions 184 Preparation of Whitewash
Pictures on the Wall 6 for the Hait-
Pie, Apple . . 108 Presents, Little
Custard for Fruit . 33 Preserved Rhubarb .
Pot Herbs
Potatoes, to
to Cook
Reticules and Purses, Gold-Thread
to Fry .
47 Wine
to Roast or Bake Preserved
New, to Boil 46 Rice Cakes
Old, to Boil
How to Peel
Potatoes, Irish method of Boiling
Potato Omelette
to Boil
. 1
INDEX. 361
Rice Pudding . 1 60 Sea Bathing •'
Riddles , . ' . 183 Seakale, to Boil 52
Roast and Truss Snipes and Wood Seaside Visitors, Caution to . 132
cocks, to
.... .
Seasons, the ....
Sea Voyages, Hints to Invalids on
Weeds, to Collect and Lay Out
. in
Roasting, Rules
Rolls, Academy
Rooms, How to Air
for .
Secret Marriages
Seed Cake
Organ of
Self-Esteem, Organ of
. .
. .
Rose Geranium . *53 September, Kitchen Gardening for 227
Perfume 124 Phenomena of . 167
Roses and Fuschsias 187 Servants, Characters to 20
to Train for Pillars
Millr Ul
JAXliis. nf
Dismissal of
Medical Attendance
Sickness of
Royal Family, Birthdays of the 300 Serviette, or Tabls Napkins (illus- I2 5
Rue 11 trated) ^25
Rules for Young Wives S" elves and Closets
. . 202 327
for Obtaining Good singing
for Obtaining Sleep
for Baking
for Boiling
Shin of Beef Soup
Shopp'ng .....
for Frying . . . 33^ Shieing Horses 297
for Roasting . 333 Sick-Headache 104
for Stewing
Soup Making
Rump -steak Pie
.... -
339 Silk, to
Clean ....
ng fie
Rocm Disinfectants
to Keep
Salad Cream ....
jviu.iit.y x uu.mng •
and \ el vet
to Obliterate Wrinkles in
to Take out Grease from
to Mix
Saline Condiments
Drinks ....
. 68
Size, Organ of
Silver, to Polish
Salmon, to Boil
~o.. n
lO Joion
lO vurrv
... ~,\
... 335
the ...
Skin, to Remove Black stains from
Skylarks, Treatment of .
Slatternly Women
History of the
to Choose
r lcxie
Sally Lun Tea Cakes
t>: „i.i ~
. .
Sleep, Rules of
Sleeplessness ....
Small-Pox, to Prevent Pitting in
2 43
Soap, Gall
Smoking of Lamps, to Prevent
Snipes andWoodcocks, to Roast
.... .
Saturday, Origin of the Word
Sauce, Anchovy
Brown ....
Soft and Hard Corns
Soles, to Boil
*_aper, ior r isii . .
345 to Fry . .
34 1
Egg, for Salt Fish How
.... •
2 53
Sore Throat
Soup, Brown
to Choose
. .
... 320.
362 INDEX.
Soup, Vermicelli . 328 Toasted Cheese .
White . 157 Toe-Nails, In-Growing 24
Winter 121 Toffey, Everton 64
Spanish Fowls 28,5 Toilet Soaps .
Onions 52 Table, Ammonia for the 186
Speech, Propriety of 2 Vinegar 149
Spices l8l Tongue, to Pickle 158
Spinach, to Boil 52 Tonics 171
Sponge Biscuits . IO4 Toothache 95
Cake, Corn-Flour
Agnes' Eve
Stains from the Hands, to Remove
Transparency, Design for (illus
Transparent Screens .
Stale Bread, How to Choose 235 Transpositions 183
Starch, Glossy- 252 Treacle Pudding 335
Stays and Lungs T79 Trotting 297
Steam Bath for the Throat I48 Trout, to Boil . 34o
Steaming Food IO4 Truffles 322
Stew, English 203 Truss and Roast Snipes and W
Irish 280 cocks
Stewed Eels
Stewing, Rules for
Stock, to Prepare Good
Fish, Brown and White
Stoppers of Bottles, to Loosen
34 1
Turbot ....
Tuberose Perfume
Tuesday, Origin of the rord
to Boil
Turkey, to Boil
71 Violet Perfume
Teething Visiting, Etiquette of
Telescopes and Microscopes, Won the Sick
ders of the — General Conduct when
Temperaments, the Human Vitremanie (illustrated)
Tench and Carp, to Choose . 26 Voice, the
Thermometer 282 Vulgarities
Throat, Sore .
57 Waits, the
Dangers of Muffling the 252 Wakefulness, Remedy for
Steam-Bath for the . 148 Walks, Gravel, to Destroy Weeds on
Thrush, the .
237 Walking Exercise
Thunderstorms 65 Walls, How to Choose Pictures for the
Thmsday, Origin of the Word 347 Walnut Ketchup, to Make .
Wasps .....
Stings, Cure for .
Water, to Convert Hard into Soft .
White Paint for the
Soup, a Nice
Whitsun Day
Cress, Qualities of 65 Widowhood 107
. Tests of Pure .
3 Wife, Deserted, Law for a 147
Filtered . 3i6 Rules for a Young 202
Health of
Watering Places, tbe Comoarative
Clouds ....
Changes of. Indicated by the
Names of 346 Wives, Advice to . 34
" Welcome," Origin or the Word 199 Woman, Picture of . 7i
Wet Pack, the
Whey, White Wine
Laws of the Game
Women, Slatternly
Wonder, Organ of
Wood, Cement for
Woodcocks and Snipes, to I))ress .
Whiting ....
Technical terms used in
Whitewash, Preparation of
White Wine Whey
Wool Flowers
Woollen Clothing
Yeast, to
. 349
and Brown Fish Stock 328 Yule Log, the . 36
Paper Flowers 80
Tatting ....
D'Oyleys, Antimacassars, &c.
Soak Swinborne's Isinglass or 1 quart packet of Gelatine in 1
1 oz. of
pint of cold water, add ^-pint of red currant jelly dissolved in J-pint of
not water, with 4 ounces of loaf sugar and the juice and peel of 1 lemon,
and stir over the fire till dissolved, strain through muslin and pour into
a mould. Instead of currant jelly, a pint of any fruit syrup without
sugar, or a pint of sweetened juice of any fresh fruit may be used; and
whipped cream may be served with it the same as for claret jelly.
Soak f-oz. of Swinborne's Isinglass or Gelatine in |-pint of sherry or
raisin wine, dissolve over the fire; add the juice of 2 lemons, with 6
ounces of loaf sugar rubbed over the rind of the lemons, and while hot
pour the whole gently into 1 pint of cream, stir a short time and put
into a mould.
muslin, stir occasionally till nearly cold, and then pour into a mould.
Soak 1 oz. of Swinborne's Isinglass or 1 quart packet of Gelatine in 1
quart of new milk for 20 minutes then add 2 clean laurel leaves, boil
for a few minutes, put in 6 ounces of loaf sugar and a little brandy ;
strain through muslin and stir occasionally till nearly cold, then pour
into a mould.
N.B. — A richer blanc-mange is made by using half cream and half
milk. Any flavouring may be substituted for the laurel leaves.
For a 2 quart 'packet of Gelatine use double the quantities given.
*'Pure as the Lily." Manufactured specially for ladies wear. Perfectly white
and pure. Highly recommended. Patterns of all makes and prices for all
widths free on application to the Manufacturer.
JOHN NOBLE, Victoria Mills, Manchester.
When used for Children, forms the basis of a Magnificent
Head of Hair.
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