CEG With iDP Second Major Cohort 2022

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Innovation & Design Programme

NUS College of Design and Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)

with Second Major in Innovation & Design

Cohort AY2022/2023

Modular Requirements Modular Credits (MCs)

Common Curriculum
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data 1 4
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4
ES2631 Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design 1 4
GE: Cultures and Connections 1 4
GE: Singapore Studies 1 4
GE: Communities and Engagement 1 4
CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
EG1311 Design and Make 4
EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics 4
PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management 4
EG4301 DCP Dissertation or EG4301A Ideas to Start‐up 8
(over 2 consecutive semesters) 2
Sub‐total for Common Curriculum 60
Engineering Core
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2
MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering 2
MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2
EG3611A Industrial Attachment 3 or 10
CFG2101 NUS Vacation Internship Programme 4 and EG3612 Vacation Industrial
Sub‐total for Engineering Core 20
Engineering Programme Requirements
CG1111 Engineering Principles and Practice I 4
CG2111A Engineering Principles and Practice II 4
CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
CS1231 Discrete Structures 4
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐Oriented Programming 4
EE2026 Digital Design 4
EE4204 Computer Networks 4
Sub‐total for Engineering Programme Requirements 40
Unrestricted Electives
Group A module for Second Major 4
Group B module for Second Major 4
Group C modules for Second Major (Innovation & Enterprise electives) 8
EG3301R DCP Project (over 2 consecutive semesters) 12
EG4301 DCP Dissertation or EG4301A Ideas to Start‐up 4
(over 2 consecutive semesters) 2

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Other unrestricted electives 8

Sub‐total for Unrestricted Electives 40
Total 160


Students may read equivalent modules in USP/NUSC, UTCP, and RVRC.

The 12 MCs for EG4301/EG4301A are counted towards 8 MCs for the Integrated Project requirement in the
Common Curriculum while 4 MCs are counted as unrestricted elective.

Students may read also fulfil the compulsory internship using any combination of the following for a
minimum of 10 MCs (excess MCs are counted towards unrestricted electives):
 CP3200 Internship (6 MCs)
 CP3202 Internship II (6 MCs)
 CP3880 Advanced Technology Research Programme (12 MCs)

May be replaced by EG2605 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme.

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students who opt for vacation internships)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
EG1311 Design & Make 4 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 24

Summer vacation between Semesters 2 and 3 MCs

CFG2101 NUS Vacation Internship Programme 4
Sub‐total 4

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 24 Sub‐total 26

Summer vacation between Semesters 4 and 5 MCs

EG3612 Vacation Internship Attachment 6
Sub‐total 6

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 – can be used for SEP MCs

EG3301R DCP Project 6 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1 4
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2 CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
GE * 4 CG2028 Computer Organization 2
GE * 4 CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
UE 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
UE 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 20

Semester 7 MCs Semester 8 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2 4
Sub‐total 10 Sub‐total 10

^ Students can only take EG2310 or EG2301 in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2201A (in lieu of
EG2310) and EG2311/EG2606B (in lieu of EG2301) may clear both modules concurrently in Semester 3.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear these modules earlier.

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students who opt for vacation internships plus a specialisation)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
EG1311 Design & Make 4 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 24

Summer vacation between Semesters 2 and 3 MCs

CFG2101 NUS Vacation Internship Programme 4
Sub‐total 4

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 26

Summer vacation between Semesters 4 and 5 MCs

EG3612 Vacation Internship Attachment 6
Sub‐total 6

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 – can be used for SEP MCs

EG3301R DCP Project 6 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1 4
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2 CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
GE * 4 CG2028 Computer Organization 2
GE * 4 CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
Specialisation module 1 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
Specialisation module 2 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 20

Semester 7 MCs Semester 8 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2 4
Specialisation module 3 4 Specialisation module 5 4
Specialisation module 4 4
Sub‐total 18 Sub‐total 14

^ Students can only take EG2310 or EG2301 in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2201A (in lieu of
EG2310) and EG2311/EG2606B (in lieu of EG2301) may clear both modules concurrently in Semester 3.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear these modules earlier.

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students who opt for industrial attachment)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
EG1311 Design & Make 4 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 24

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 26

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 MCs

EG3301R DCP Project 6 EG3611A Industrial Attachment 10
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
GE * 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 10

Semester 7 MCs Semester 8 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1 4
GE * 4 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2 4
UE 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
UE 4
Sub‐total 22 Sub‐total 18

^ Students can only take EG2310 or EG2301 in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2201A (in lieu of
EG2310) and EG2311/EG2606B (in lieu of EG2301) may clear both modules concurrently in Semester 3.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear these modules earlier.

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students who opt for industrial attachment plus a specialisation)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
EG1311 Design & Make 4 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 24

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
GE 4 EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 24 Sub‐total 26

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 MCs

EG3301R DCP Project 6 EG3611A Industrial Attachment 10
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
GE * 4
Specialisation module 1 4
Sub‐total 24 Sub‐total 10

Semester 7 MCs Semester 8 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1 4 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2 4
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 Specialisation module 4 4
Specialisation module 2 4 Specialisation module 5 4
Specialisation module 3 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
Sub‐total 22 Sub‐total 22

^ Students can only take EG2310 or EG2301 in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2201A (in lieu of
EG2310) and EG2311/EG2606B (in lieu of EG2301) may clear both modules concurrently in Semester 3.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear this module earlier.

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students in year‐long NOC programmes)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
EG1311 Design & Make 4 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 24

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 29 Sub‐total 26

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 – NOC MCs

EG3301R DCP Project 6
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2 NOC
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
GE * 4
Sub‐total 18 Sub‐total 20

Semester 7 – NOC MCs Semester 8 MCs

EE4204 Computer Networks 4
NOC CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
GE * 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 12

^ Students can only take EG2310 or EG2301 in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2201A (in lieu of
EG2310) and EG2311/EG2606B (in lieu of EG2301) may clear both modules concurrently in Semester 3.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear these modules earlier.

A year‐long NOC programme comprises the following modules:

 TR3201N Entrepreneurship Practicum (8 MCs) – replaces EG4301A (4 MCs out of 12 MCs) and UE (4 MCs)
 TR3202N Start‐up Internship Programme (12 MCs) – replaces EG3611A (10 MCs) and EG2401A (2 MCs)
 TR3203N Start‐up Case Study and Analysis (8 MCs) – replaces EG4301A (8 MCs out of 12 MCs)
 Entrepreneurship courses (up to 12 MCs) – replaces Innovation & Enterprise electives (up to 8 MCs) while
the rest are counted as UE

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students in one‐semester NOC programmes)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
EG1311 Design & Make 4 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 24

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 26

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 – NOC MCs

EG3301R DCP Project 6
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2 NOC
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4
GE * 4
Sub‐total 18 Sub‐total 20

Semester 7 MCs Semester 8 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
GE * 4 UE 4
UE 4
Sub‐total 18 Sub‐total 14

^ Students can only take EG2310 or EG2301 in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2201A (in lieu of
EG2310) and EG2311/EG2606B (in lieu of EG2301) may clear both modules concurrently in Semester 3.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear these modules earlier.

A one‐semester NOC programme comprises the following modules:

 TR3202S Start‐up Internship Programme (12 MCs) – replaces EG3611A (10 MCs) and EG2401A (2 MCs)
 TR3204 Entrepreneurship Practicum (4 MCs) – replaces Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1
 Entrepreneurship course (4 MCs) – replaces Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – JC‐intake students or equivalent

(for students in Engineering Scholars Programme)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 DTK1234 Design Thinking 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
RC4 module 1 (replaces GE) 4 RC4 module 2 (replaces GE) 4
Group B module for Second Major 4 EG3301R DCP Project 6
UE 4
Sub‐total 24 Sub‐total 26

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 – NOC MCs

CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2
CG2028 Computer Organization 2
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4
EE2026 Digital Design 4 NOC
RC4 module 3 (replaces GE) 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Group A module for Second Major 4
Sub‐total 26 Sub‐total 20

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
Oriented Programming
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
RC4 module 4 (replaces ES2631 Critique
and Communication of Thinking and 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
UE (or IE2141 Systems Thinking &
4 UE 4
Dynamics if not in RC4)
Sub‐total 26 Sub‐total 26

Students must complete the following modules before Semester 1 through advanced placement credits:
 CS1010 Programming Methodology (4 MCs)
 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering (4 MCs) – using MA2001 Linear Algebra
 EG1311 Design & Make (4 MCs)

A one‐semester NOC programme comprises the following modules:

 TR3202S Start‐up Internship Programme (12 MCs) – replaces EG3611A (10 MCs) and EG2401A (2 MCs)
 TR3204 Entrepreneurship Practicum (4 MCs) – replaces Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1
 Entrepreneurship course (4 MCs) – replaces Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2

Students who are not going on NOC must read EG2101 Pathways to Engineering Leadership in lieu of

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – poly‐intake students

(for students who are not required to take MA1301)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2 MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4
MA1512 Differential Equations for PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
2 4
Engineering Management
GE 4 Group A/B module for Second Major 4
Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4 EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 26

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
GE 4
Sub‐total 22 Sub‐total 24

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1 4
CG2028 Computer Organization 2 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2 4
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 GE * 4
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 22

^ Students are recommended to take EG2201A in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2310 (in lieu of
EG2201A) should take EG2301/EG2311/EG2606B in Semester 1 and EG2310 in Semester 2.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear this module earlier.

Poly‐intake students with accredited diplomas will receive the following exemptions:
 DTK1234 Design Thinking (4 MCs)
 EG1311 Design & Make (4 MCs)
 EG3611A Industrial Attachment (10 MCs)
 Unrestricted elective modules (20 MCs)

(updated 3 September 2022)

Innovation & Design Programme
NUS College of Design and Engineering

Recommended semester schedule – poly‐intake students

(for students who are required to take MA1301)

Semester 1 MCs Semester 2 MCs

CG1111 Engineering Principles and CG2111A Engineering Principles and
4 4
Practice I Practice II
GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with
CS1010 Programming Methodology 4 4
MA1301 Introductory Mathematics
4 MA1511 Engineering Calculus 2
MA1512 Differential Equations for
GE 4 2
PF1101 Fundamentals of Project
Group A/B module for Second Major ^ 4 4
Group A/B module for Second Major 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 26

Semester 3 MCs Semester 4 MCs

CS1231 Discrete Structures 4 CG2023 Signals and Systems 4
CS2113 Software Engineering & Object‐
CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4
Oriented Programming
ES2631 Critique and Communication of
4 EE2026 Digital Design 4
Thinking and Design
IE2141 Systems Thinking & Dynamics 4 EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering 4 EG2501 Liveable Cities 4
EG3301R DCP Project 6 GE 4
Sub‐total 26 Sub‐total 24

Semester 5 MCs Semester 6 MCs

EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6 EG4301 DCP Dissertation 6
CG2027 Transistor‐level Digital Circuits 2 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 1 4
CG2028 Computer Organization 2 Innovation & Enterprise Elective 2 4
CG2271 Real‐time Operating Systems 4 CDE2000 Creating Narratives 4
EE4204 Computer Networks 4 GE * 4
EG2401A Engineering Professionalism 2
Sub‐total 20 Sub‐total 22

^ Students are recommended to take EG2201A in this semester. Those who wish to take EG2310 (in lieu of
EG2201A) should take EG2301/EG2311/EG2606B in Semester 1 and EG2310 in Semester 2.

* Students in UTCP and RVRC will need to overload in Semesters 2 to 4 in order to clear this module earlier.

Poly‐intake students with accredited diplomas will receive the following exemptions:
 DTK1234 Design Thinking (4 MCs)
 EG1311 Design & Make (4 MCs)
 EG3611A Industrial Attachment (10 MCs)
 Unrestricted elective modules (20 MCs)

(updated 3 September 2022)

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