Iso 13702 2015

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Second edition

Petroleum and natural gas

industries — Control and mitigation
of fires and explosions on offshore
production installations —
Requirements and guidelines
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Contrôle et atténuation des
feux et des explosions dans les installations en mer — Exigences et
lignes directrices
ISO 13702:2015

Reference number
ISO 13702:2015(E)

© ISO 2015
ISO 13702:2015(E)


ISO 13702:2015


© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland
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or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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ISO 13702:2015(E)

Contents Page

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms................................................................................................................................ 1
3.1 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
4 Objectives...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Fire and explosion evaluation and risk management.................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Management system........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Risk assessment and the risk management framework....................................................................................... 7
5.3 Risk assessment process................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Risk identification................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Risk analysis............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.6 Risk evaluation......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.7 Risk treatment.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.7.2 Prioritization of risk treatment measures.................................................................................................. 9
5.8 Risk treatment in the context of offshore oil and gas operations................................................................ 9
General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.8.2 Design loads.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Fire and explosion strategy and performance standards........................................................... 10
5.8.4 Verification.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ISO 13702:2015
6 Installation
6.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................................................................................................
74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015 11
6.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 11
7 Emergency shutdown systems and blowdown....................................................................................................................11
7.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
8 Control of ignition.............................................................................................................................................................................................12
8.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
9 Control of spills....................................................................................................................................................................................................13
9.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
10 Emergency power systems.......................................................................................................................................................................13
10.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
11 Fire and gas (F&G) detection systems..........................................................................................................................................13
11.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
11.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
12 Active fire protection.....................................................................................................................................................................................14
12.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
12.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
13 Passive fire protection..................................................................................................................................................................................15
13.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
13.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
14 Explosion mitigation and protection measures.................................................................................................................16

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

14.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
14.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 16
15 Response to fires and explosions......................................................................................................................................................17
15.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
15.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 17
16 Inspection, testing, and maintenance...........................................................................................................................................17
16.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
16.2 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Annex A (informative) Typical fire and explosion hazardous events...............................................................................19
Annex B (normative) Guidelines to the control and mitigation of fires and explosions..............................24
Annex C (informative) Typical examples of design requirements for large integrated
offshore installations.....................................................................................................................................................................................49
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 59


ISO 13702:2015

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 13702:1999), which has been
technically revised.
ISO 13702:2015
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 67, Materials, equipment and offshore structures for
petroleum, petrochemical and natural74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
gas industries, Subcommittee SC 6, Processing equipment and systems.

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

The successful development of the arrangements required to promote safety and environmental
protection during the recovery of hydrocarbon resources requires a structured approach to the
identification and management of health, safety, and environmental hazards applied during the design,
construction, operation, inspection, maintenance, and decommissioning of a facility.
This International Standard has been prepared primarily to assist in the development of new installations
through their lifecycle. For existing installations that predate this International Standard, not all
requirements are necessarily appropriate. Retrospective application of this International Standard can
be undertaken where it is reasonably practicable to do so. During the planning for a major change to an
installation, there will be more opportunity to implement the requirements. A careful review of this
International Standard will determine those sections which can be utilized in the change.
The technical content of this International Standard is arranged as follows.
— Objectives: lists the goals to be achieved by the control and mitigation measures being described.
— Functional requirements: represent the minimum criteria to meet the stated objectives. The functional
requirements are performance-orientated measures and, as such, are applicable to the variety of
offshore installations utilized for the development of hydrocarbon resources throughout the world.
— Annex A (informative): typical fire and explosion hazardous events.
— Annex B (informative): describes recognized practices to be considered in conjunction with
statutory requirements, industry standards, and individual operator philosophy to determine that
the measures necessary are implemented for the control and mitigation of fires and explosions.
The guidelines are limited to principal elements and are intended to provide specific guidance
which, due to the wide variety of offshore operating environments, cannot be applicable in some
circumstances. ISO 13702:2015
— Annex C (informative): typical examples of design requirements for large integrated offshore
— Bibliography: lists documents to which informative reference is made in this International Standard.

vi  © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved


Petroleum and natural gas industries — Control and

mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production
installations — Requirements and guidelines

1 Scope
This International Standard describes the objectives and functional requirements for the control and
mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore installations used for the development of hydrocarbon
This International Standard is applicable to the following:
— fixed offshore structures;
— floating systems for production, storage, and offloading;
— petroleum and natural gas industries.
Mobile offshore units as defined in this International Standard and subsea installations are excluded,
although many of the principles contained in this International Standard can be used as guidance.
This International Standard is based on an approach where the selection of control and mitigation
measures for fires and explosions is determined by an evaluation of hazards on the offshore installation.
The methodologies employed in this assessment and the resultant recommendations will differ
depending on the complexity of the production process and facilities, type of facility (i.e. open or
ISO 13702:2015
enclosed), manning
levels, and environmental conditions associated with the area of operation.
NOTE 74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
Statutory requirements, rules, and regulations can, in addition, be applicable for the individual offshore
installation concerned.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC Guide 73, Risk management — Vocabulary

3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC Guide 73 and the
following apply.
act of personnel onboard leaving an installation in an emergency

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

place where personnel onboard sleep and spend their off-duty time
Note 1 to entry: It can include dining rooms, recreation rooms, lavatories, cabins, offices, sickbay, living quarters,
galley, pantries, and similar permanently enclosed spaces.

active fire protection
equipment, systems, and methods which, following initiation, can be used to control, mitigate, and
extinguish fires
area classification
division of an installation into hazardous areas and non-hazardous areas and the sub-division of
hazardous areas into zones
Note 1 to entry: This classification is based on the materials which can be present and the probability of a
flammable atmosphere developing. Area classification is primarily used in the selection of electrical equipment
to minimize the likelihood of ignition if a release occurs.

cellulosic fire
fire involving combustible material such as wood, paper, furniture, etc.
class of fire (
type of fire
classification of fires, based on the nature of the ISO fuel13702:2015
Note 1 to entry: ISO 3941 describes the classes74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
of fires.

<of hazards> limiting the extent or duration of a hazardous event
Note 1 to entry: The definition of control is specific in this International Standard and other definitions are used
in other standards.

control station
place on the installation from which personnel can monitor the status of the installation, initiate
appropriate shutdown actions, and undertake any emergency communication
deluge system
system to apply fire-water through an array of open spray nozzles by operation of a valve on the inlet
to the system
embarkation area
place from which personnel leave the installation during evacuation
EXAMPLE Helideck and associated waiting area or a lifeboat/liferaft boarding area.

emergency depressurization
controlled disposal of pressurized fluids to a flare or vent system when required to avoid or minimize a
hazardous situation

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

emergency response
action taken by personnel on or off the installation to control or mitigate a hazardous event or initiate
and execute abandonment
emergency response team
group of personnel who have designated duties in an emergency
emergency shutdown
control actions undertaken to shut down equipment or processes in response to a hazardous situation
spread of impact from fires, explosions, toxic gas releases to equipment or other areas thereby causing
an increase in the consequences of a hazardous event
act of personnel moving away from a hazardous event to a place where its effects are reduced or removed
escape route
route from an area of an installation leading to a muster area, temporary refuge (TR), embarkation area,
or means of escape to the sea
critical safety system
any system which has a major role in the ISOcontrol
and mitigation of fires and explosions and in any
subsequent evacuation, escape, and rescue activities
planned method of leaving the installation in an emergency
evacuation, escape, and rescue
range of possible actions including escape, muster, refuge, evacuation, escape to the sea, and
evacuation route
escape route which leads from the temporary refuge (TR) to the place(s) used for evacuation from
the installation
gas explosion
combustion of a flammable gas or mist which generates blast waves due to confinement of the combustion-
induced flow or the acceleration of the flame front by obstacles in the flame path
physical explosion
explosion arising from the sudden release of stored energy such as from failure of a pressure vessel

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

fire and explosion strategy
results of the process that uses information from the fire and explosion evaluation to determine the
measures required to manage these hazardous events and the role of these measures
functional requirements
minimum criteria which shall be satisfied to meet the stated health, safety, and environmental objectives
potential source of harm
Note 1 to entry: Hazard can be a risk source for potential for human injury, damage to the environment, damage
to property, or a combination of these.

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014]

hazardous area
three-dimensional space in which a flammable atmosphere can be expected to be present at such
frequencies as to require special precautions for the control of potential ignition sources
hazardous event
event that can cause harm iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
The incident which occurs when a hazard is realized such as release of gas, fire, loss of buoyancy.

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014] ISO 13702:2015

human factors 74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
environmental, organisational, and job factors which influence behaviour of work in a way that can
affect health and safety
ignition sources
any source with sufficient energy to initiate combustion
integrated installation
offshore installation which contains, on the same structure, accommodation, and utilities in addition to
process or wellhead facilities
jet fire
turbulent diffusion flame resulting from the combustion of a fuel continuously released with momentum
in a particular direction
manned installation
installation on which people are routinely accommodated

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

mobile offshore unit
mobile platform, including drilling ships, equipped for drilling for subsea hydrocarbon deposits and
mobile platform for purposes other than production and storage of hydrocarbon deposits
Note 1 to entry: Includes mobile offshore drilling units, including drillships, accommodation units, construction
and pipelay units, and well servicing and well stimulation vessels.

muster area
designated area where personnel report when required to do so
individual, partnership, firm, or corporation having control or management of operations on the leased
area or a portion thereof
Note 1 to entry: The operator can be a lessee, designated agent of the lessee(s), or holder of operating rights under
an approved operating agreement.

passive fire protection
coating or cladding arrangement or free-standing system which, in the event of fire, will provide thermal
protection to restrict the rate at which heat is transmitted to the object or area being protected
pool fire
turbulent diffusion fire burning above a horizontal pool of vaporizing hydrocarbon fuel under conditions
where the fuel has zero or very low initial momentum
ISO 13702:2015
risk 74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014]
running liquid fire
fire involving a flammable liquid flowing over a surface
temporary refuge
place provided where personnel can take refuge for a predetermined period while investigations,
emergency response, and evacuation preplanning are undertaken
part of a hazardous area based upon the frequency of the occurrence and duration of an explosive
gas atmosphere

3.2 Abbreviated terms

AB accommodation block

AFP active fire protection

API American Petroleum Institute

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

BA breathing apparatus

BOP blowout preventer

CCR central control room

CF cellulosic fire

CS control station

EDP emergency depressurization

EER evacuation, escape, and rescue

ESD emergency shutdown

FES fire and explosion strategy

F&G fire and gas

GOR gas oil ratio

HC hydrocarbon

HMI human machine interface


heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

International Electrotechnical Commission

IMO International Maritime OrganizationISO 13702:2015
JF jet fire 74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
PA public address

PFP passive fire protection

PLC programmable logic controllers

SSIV sub-sea isolation valve

SSSV sub-surface safety valve

TEMPSC totally enclosed motor-propelled survival craft

TR temporary refuge

UA utility area

UPS uninterruptable power supply

WH wellhead area

4 Objectives
The following are the principal objectives of this International Standard, in order of priority:
— safety of personnel;
— protection of the environment;

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

— protection of assets;
— minimization of financial and consequential losses of fires and explosions.

5 Fire and explosion evaluation and risk management

5.1 Management system

All companies associated with the offshore recovery of hydrocarbons shall have, or conduct their
activities in accordance with, an effective management system which addresses environmental issues
such as described in ISO 14001 or similar (for example, operators should have an effective management,
contractors should have either their own management system or conduct their activities consistently
with the operators management system) and additionally addresses issues relating to health and safety.
One key element of such management systems shall be a process of evaluation and risk management
which shall take place in a framework which provides the policies, procedures, and organizational
arrangements that will embed risk management throughout the organization.

5.2 Risk assessment and the risk management framework

This International Standard assumes that the risk assessment is performed within the principles and
guidelines for risk management described in ISO 31000.
In particular, those carrying out risk assessments shall be clear about the following:
organization’s risk management policy, its objectives, and the context in which the organization operates;
b) (
extent and type of risks that are tolerable and how to treat any risks that are deemed not to be tolerable;
c) how risk assessment integrates into organizational
ISO 13702:2015 processes;
d) methods and techniques to be used for risk assessment and their contribution to the risk
management process;

e) accountability, both for performing risk assessment and for making decisions taking account of the
f) resources required to carry out risk assessment;
g) how the risk assessment will be reported and reviewed.

5.3 Risk assessment process

Risk assessment provides decision-makers and responsible parties with an improved understanding of
risks that could affect achievement of objectives and the adequacy and effectiveness of controls already
in place. This provides a basis for decisions about the most appropriate approach to be used to treat the
risks. The output of risk assessment is an input to the decision-making processes of the organization.
Risk assessment is the overall process of risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation. The
manner in which this process is applied is dependent not only on the context of the risk management
process but also on the methods and techniques used to carry out the risk assessment.

5.4 Risk identification

The starting point for risk management is the systematic identification of the sources of risk and their
potential consequences which can be dependent on the location, activities, and materials which are used
or encountered in them.
The risk identification process shall be applied to all stages in the life cycle of an installation and to all
types of hazards encountered as a consequence of the development of hydrocarbon resources.

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

5.5 Risk analysis

Risk analysis involves developing an understanding of the risks. Risk analysis provides an input to
risk evaluation and to decisions on whether risks need to be treated, and on the most appropriate risk
treatment strategies and methods. Risk analysis can also provide an input into making decisions where
choices are made and the options involve different types and levels of risk.
Risk analysis involves consideration of the causes and sources of risk, their positive and negative
consequences, and the likelihood that those consequences can occur. Factors that affect consequences
and likelihood shall be identified. An event can have multiple consequences and can affect multiple
objectives. Existing controls and their effectiveness and efficiency shall also be taken into account.

5.6 Risk evaluation

The purpose of risk evaluation is to assist decision-making and shall be based on the outcomes of risk analysis.
Risk evaluation involves comparing the level of risk found during the analysis process with qualitative
or quantitative criteria established when the context was considered. Based on this comparison, the
need for treatment shall be considered.
Decisions shall take account of the wider context of the risk and include consideration of the tolerance
of the risks borne by parties other than the organization that get benefits from the risk. Decisions shall
be made in accordance with legal, regulatory, and other requirements.
In some circumstances, the risk evaluation can lead to a decision to undertake further analysis. The risk
evaluation can also lead to a decision not to treat the risk in any way other than maintaining existing
controls. This decision will be influenced by the organization’s risk attitude and the criteria that have
been established. (
5.7 Risk treatment ISO 13702:2015
5.7.1 General

Risk treatment involves selecting one or more options for modifying risks and implementing those
options. Once implemented, treatments provide or modify the controls.
Risk treatment involves a cyclical process of
— assessing a risk treatment,
— deciding whether residual risk levels are tolerable,
— generating a new risk treatment, if risk levels are not tolerable, and
— assessing the effectiveness of that treatment.
Risk treatment options are not necessarily mutually exclusive or appropriate in all circumstances. The
options can include the following:
a) avoiding the risk by deciding not to start or continue with the activity that gives rise to the risk;
b) taking or increasing the risk in order to pursue an opportunity;
c) removing the risk source;
d) changing the likelihood;
e) changing the consequences;
f) retaining the risk by informed decision.

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ISO 13702:2015(E)

The process of selecting risk treatment measures predominantly entails the use of sound engineering
judgement, but it can be necessary to supplement this by recognition of the particular circumstances
which can require deviation from past practices and previously applied codes and standards.

5.7.2 Prioritization of risk treatment measures

Preventative measures, such as using inherently safer designs and ensuring asset integrity, shall be
emphasized wherever practicable. Based on the results of the evaluation, detailed health, safety and
environmental objectives, and functional requirements shall be set at appropriate levels.

5.8 Risk treatment in the context of offshore oil and gas operations

5.8.1 General

The above is general and applies to all hazards and potentially hazardous events. In the context of fires and
explosions, the evaluation of these events may be part of an overall installation evaluation or may be treated
as a separate process which provides information to the overall evaluation. For further requirements and
guidelines related to hazard identification and risk assessment, reference is made to ISO 17776.
In developing the risk treatment measures, there are a wide range of issues which shall be considered
to ensure that the measures selected are capable of performing their function when required to do so.
These issues include the following:
a) nature of the fires and explosions which might occur (see Annex A);
b) risks of fires and explosions;
c) marine environment;
d) nature of the fluids to be handled; ISO 13702:2015
e) anticipated ambient conditions;74d60587f89e/iso-13702-2015
f) temperature and pressure of fluids to be handled;
g) quantities of flammable materials to be processed and stored;
h) flammability and toxicity of materials in non-hazardous areas including accommodation and
control station;
i) amount, complexity, and layout of equipment on the installation;
j) location of the installation with respect to external assistance/support;
k) emergency response strategy;
l) production and manning philosophy;
m) human factors;
n) interaction with adjacent facilities and vessels, e.g. jack-up, flotel, offtake tankers.
Clause 6 to Clause 16 identify requirements and provide guidance on a range of measures which can
have a role in either the control and mitigation of the potential fire or explosion hazardous events on an

5.8.2 Design loads

The evaluation of the fire and explosion hazards on the installation shall define the fire and explosion
loads. The loads shall be summarized into a form to provide suitable input to the design process and
thereby constitute the minimum loads that the installation shall be designed to withstand, unless

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