Vision Procedure With Equipment
Vision Procedure With Equipment
Vision Procedure With Equipment
Definition or
Preparing the 1. Explain the procedure such as how to prepare oneself, purpose, physical
Client and environment, how he/she can participate, client positions, preferences, pain,
Physical vital signs will be taken.
Assessment 2. Ask client to wear gown or as necessary.
3. Provide Privacy
4. Collect subjective data such as current symptoms, past history, family history,
lifestyles and health practices.
(this can be typewrite based on the sequence of parts to be SCORES
examined and techniques)
Evaluating Vision
1 Test distant visual acuity. Position the client 20 ft from
the Snellen or E chart (See Assessment Guide 16-1) and
ask them to read each line until they cannot decipher
the letters or their direction. Document the results by
recording the smallest line of numbers the client can
read on the bottom. For example, 20/20 is normal
During the vision test, note any client behaviors (i.e.,
leaning forward, head tilting, or squinting) that could be
unconscious attempts to see better.
2 Test near visual acuity. Use this test for middle-aged
clients and others who have difficulty with near vision
or with reading. Give the client a hand-held vision chart
(e.g. Jaeger reading card, Snellen card, or comparable
chart) to hold 14 in. from the eyes. Have the client
cover one eye with an opaque card before reading from
top (largest print) to bottom (smallest print). Repeat
test for other eye.
3 The client who wears glasses should keep them on for
this test. Test visual fields for gross peripheral vision. To
perform the confrontation test, position yourself -2 ft
away from the client at eye level. Have the client cover
the left eye while you cover your right eye. Look directly
at each other with your uncovered eyes. Next, fully
extend your left arm at midline and slowly move one
finger (or a pencil) upward from below until the client
sees your finger (or pencil). Test the remaining three
visual fields of the client's right eye (i.e., superior,
temporal, and nasal). Repeat the test for the opposite
1 Perform corneal light reflex test. This test assesses
parallel alignment of the eyes. Hold a penlight 12 in.
from the client's face. Shine the light toward the bridge
of the nose while the client stares straight ahead. Note
the light reflected on the corneas.
2 Perform cover test. The cover test detects deviation in
alignment or strength and slight deviations in eye
movement by interrupting the fusion reflex that
normally keeps the eyes parallel.
Signature of Clinical Instructor/Date