SmartLynx Cabin Crew FAQ Dec2022
SmartLynx Cabin Crew FAQ Dec2022
SmartLynx Cabin Crew FAQ Dec2022
1. What kind of airline is SmartLynx? If you don't hold an EU passport, you will be requested
to provide a valid EU work permit that allows you to
work and travel unrestrictedly. Please contact your
We are an ACMI and charter company flying on behalf of local authorities for more information on obtaining an
other airlines and tour operators. EU work permit.
Some of the rules for our cabin crew are set by us, and
some by our clients. The standard and emergency
procedures onboard the aircraft are ours. Onboard 4. What are the language requirements?
service and customer satisfaction is where the client calls
the shots. Most of the time our crew will be trained by Fluent English is a must, as all our training, manuals, and
the client before starting operations. The training can be communication is in English. Any other language is
done in person, online, or come in the form of a written considered an advantage.
service brief.
Typically no. The base is assigned by the company Yes, you can request unavailable days lasting longer than
considering where you live and what languages you 2-3 weeks during the winter months. But please keep in
speak. If a possibility to choose the base comes up, you’ll mind that during the summer season this is not possible.
get an e-mail from Crew planning.
14. Training
9. Is there a fixed base? Your SmartLynx training will start on January, 2023.
The theory part is done online. You will join one of our
Yes, but only the clothing – shoes and suitcase not virtual training sessions together with other crew
included. When you join the company you will receive a members and instructors. For your practical training day
minimum set of uniform items and be asked to wear your you will need to travel somewhere. We use several
own black, classical-style shoes. As a new joiner for your mock-ups in Europe, and if a crew member needs to
first flight you may be required to wear your own classical travel, the travel and hotel accommodation is organized
white shirt and black/dark grey trousers or skirt (for the by the company – you won’t have to pay for anything.
ladies) and a trolley bag measuring max 55*25 cm. We
provide cabin bag allowance of 50 euro which is then When you have completed the training, you might be
reimbursed. Bags must be dark navy or black and soft sent to the base right away, or you might be sent at home
material. first and 1-3 weeks before you go to the base.
We issue standard EU uniform sizes and rely on you to If you have no previous cabin crew experience, your
provide us with your correct size. If your uniform is still a SmartLynx initial training will take 3 to 4 weeks: 10 days
size or two off, you will have to tailor it at your own cost. of theoretical training, 1 – 2 days of practical training,
followed by 5 supervised flight sectors onboard an
All service agreements are valid for max one year (Jan 1st
– Dec 31st). In 99% of cases, when a crew member is
happy with the company and we are happy with the crew 16. Is Covid vaccination mandatory?
member, the agreement is extended for another year.
It is not mandatory, but it is advised.
No. The cabin crew total fee consists of duty allowance, Once you have signed the agreement and the agency has
daily allowance (if applicable), and block hour payment. all the required documents, Crew Training Department
will contact you and set up your training.