Q4 Module 3
Q4 Module 3
Q4 Module 3
Visuals are everywhere and the commandments of visual communication serve as the complete
guide to the art of designing. Visual hierarchy on the other hand, adds beauty and order to your design.
It offers to your eyes visual assistance, suggesting to them, what information to linger on to, as your
vision glides through it. It lays down a path for the data to flow in, to get absorbed into the brain
smoothly. It guides the human eye from one element of the data to the next, like an invisible pointer
moving through the data, to keep the reader free of any visual fatigue. Adding hierarchy to your design
will not let your readers get intimidated by all the noise and clutter of the data. It can be applied in the
construction of web design, logo, or infographic (Brown 2014). Information graphics or infographics are
graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information
quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual
system's ability to see patterns and trends.
7. Ask about target group. What is a purpose of the evaluated design? Is it a flyer advertising
art classes for kids or a poster inviting for a jazz concert? Maybe it is an informative website
about yoga practice or a layout of a cooking blog? The target group is essential and it will
determinate the usage of colours, fonts and any other design elements.
8. Define clear messages. Take a look at a visual project, whatever it is, and ask yourself
about the message that it conveys. What type of a message is it exactly? Does it support
the chosen business, event, or activity? Is it encouraging and entertaining? If the message
is misleading, think of a better visual solution for the evaluated design. There is always a
space to improve!
9. Maximize impact. Is the design impactful, legible and meaningful? Could an average
viewer read and understand it well? Does it stand out and catch your eye? Does it support
defined goals and objectives? In the visual communication, things are designed to make
impact. What can you improve to make a project stronger?
10. Ask questions. While evaluating a visual project, you should ask questions
and make sure that you understand the creative process behind it. It will not
be always possible, but using the opportunity of communicating with a
designer can give you a chance to give a more constructive feedback.
Sharpen your eye and truly study the project – at some point it will become
much easier! A trained eye has a capability of analyzing the tiniest and the
most subtle relations between design elements to detect what could be
The different principles of graphic and layout as well as the visual message design really help and guide you in
designing whatever document you plan to do like poster, infographic, brochure, flyer, logo, or your website. Though
there are a lot of applications that you can use in order to do this but it is still necessary to know the principles
behind stunning and elegant graphic.
The basic principles of graphics design include fonts, _______________, alignment, __________________, and
____________________. Fonts or types should not be more than _____________ but the size and _____________ of
the font can be changed in different parts of the document. Several items can be grouped together or be in close
________________ to each other to form as one unit. When it comes to repetition, you can repeat the
_______________, shapes, __________________, spatial relationships, line thickness, _______________,
_________________, graphic concepts, etc. And to make your layouts graphically appealing, use
__________________. These basic principles are used in evaluating the graphics. Another, when you evaluate, you
need to find emphasis too in the use of size, ______________, or color. Other things to consider are
__________________ or fonts, ________________, or ______________ group.