Chapter 6 Communication Style
Chapter 6 Communication Style
Chapter 6 Communication Style
- Communication style ; set of specific speech related characteristic, cueing other on how to
interpret a message
- Effective communication ; shown to produce better health outcomes, greater satisfaction,
increased understanding , shorter hospital stay and decreased costs .
- Style; manner in which one communicate. modify our own personal style to fit our professional
role . verbal; word spoken, and non verbal; pitch,tone,facial expression, gresture , body posture,
movement , eye contact, distance from person
Basic concepts
- Metacommunication
o Any exchange of info between people carries messages about how to interpret the
o Metacommunication; describe all the factors that influence how messages are perceived
. provide info to interpret what is going on . hidden within verbalization or non verbal
communication, gesture and expressions.
- Verbal communication
o Words are symbol used to think about ideas and to communicate with others
o Choice of words influence by factors and by situation in which communication is taking
o Meaning of words may vary depending on background, culture, experiences.
Denotation and connotation.
Denotation; general meaning assigned to a word
Connotation; personalized meaning of word
Many message convey only part of the intended meaning
- Aspects of non verbal style that influence nurse person professional communication
o Aware of how nonverbal message are conveyed ; position of hands, look on our face,
movement of body give cues regarding meaning . leaning forward; worth listening to
1. Allow silences; use this therapeutically, allow needed time to think about things before
2. Use congruent nonverbal behaviours; congruent with message and should reinforce it. If
not message can be misinterpreted
3. Use facilitative body language; kinesics. Conscious or unconscious body positioning or
actions . emotions accentuate and clarify meaning of words
a. Posture ; leaning forward slightly ; interest. Keep arm uncrossed with pal open,
knees uncrossed , body loose not tight or tense . don’t turn away. Directly facing
person , crossing arms and staring = aggression
b. Facial expression; represent generalised interpretation of emotions . reinforce or
modifies message heard . open friendly expression . don’t furrow forehead
c. Eye contact; not staring. Indicate interest but cultural differences
d. Gestures; affirmative head nodding help facilitate convo by showing interest and
attention . don’t fold arms or fridgeting
e. Touch; can convey caring, empathy, comfort and reassurance. Can be seen as caring
or a threat ; based on culture , life experience (physically assaulted) . but can elicit
misunderstanding if perceived as invasive or inappropriate
f. Proxemics ; physical space to improve our interactions. Perception of what is a
proper distance to be maintained between others , communicates
messages .interactions purpose determine appropriate space
g. Attend to non verbal body cues in others;
Posture; emotional component of a message can be indirectly
interpreted by body language
Facial expression; frowning or smiling add to the message . use this as
barometer of another person feelings, motivations, approachability and
Eye contact; create a sense of confidence and credibility . gaze aversion;
feel uncomfortable, distracted, fear, insecure
- Applications
o Knowing your own communication style ;can influence people behaviours and ability to
reach health goals . passive style not active in helping people to achieve goals but
people that use collaborative supportive style listen before making their point
o Dev an awareness of alternative styles that you can assume if needed
- Interpersonal competence
o Nurse person communication based on nurse interpersonal competence and situations
Social cognitive competency; ability to interpret message content within
interactions from the point of view of each of the participants. Embracing
person perspective , understand how best to assist them . important when the
person communication is impaired
Message competency; ability to use language and nonverbal behavior in the
intervention phase of nursing process to achieve goals of the interaction