Chemistry Paper 2 SL Markscheme
Chemistry Paper 2 SL Markscheme
Chemistry Paper 2 SL Markscheme
November 2008
Standard Level
Paper 2
11 pages
–2– N08/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M+
Assistant Examiners (AEs) will be contacted by their team leader (TL) by e-mail (or telephone) –
if by e-mail, please reply to confirm that you have downloaded the markscheme from
EXAMNET. The purpose of this initial contact is to allow AEs to raise any queries they have
regarding the mark scheme and its interpretation. AEs should contact their team leader by
e-mail at any time if they have any problems/queries during the marking process.
The DHL courier service must be used to send assessment material to your team leader/senior moderator
and to IB Cardiff. (However, this service is not available in every country.) The cost is met directly by
the IBO. It is vitally important that the correct DHL account number is used.
Barry Evans
Examinations Administration Department (EAD)
IB Cardiff
Peterson House
Malthouse Avenue
Cardiff Gate
Cardiff CF23 8GL
–4– N08/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M+
1. Follow the markscheme provided, award only whole marks and mark only in RED.
2. Where a mark is awarded, a tick/check (9) must be placed in the text at the precise point where it becomes
clear that the candidate deserves the mark. One tick to be shown for each mark awarded.
3. Sometimes, careful consideration is required to decide whether or not to award a mark. In these cases write a
brief annotation to explain your decision. You are encouraged to write comments where it helps clarity,
especially for moderation and re-marking. It should be remembered that the script may be returned to the
5. Record marks in the right-hand margin against each mark allocation shown in square brackets e.g. [2].
The total mark for a question must equal the number of ticks for the question.
6. Do not circle sub-totals. Circle the total mark for the question in the right-hand margin at the end of the
7. Where an answer to a part question is worth no marks, put a zero in the right-hand margin next to the square
8. Where work is submitted on additional sheets the marks awarded should be shown as ticks and a note made
to show that these marks have been transferred to the appropriate square bracket in the body of the script.
9. For each option: Add the total for each question in the option and write it in the Examiner column on the
front cover.
Total: Add the marks awarded and enter this in the box marked TOTAL in the Examiner
column on the cover sheet.
10. After entering the marks on the front cover check your addition to ensure that you have not made an error.
Check also that you have transferred the marks correctly to the cover sheet. All scripts are checked and a
note of all clerical errors will be given in feedback to examiners.
11. If an answer extends over more than one page and no marks have been awarded on a section draw a diagonal
line through that section to indicate that it has been marked.
12. If a candidate has attempted more than the required number of questions within a paper or section of a paper,
mark all the answers and use the marks of those answers that have the highest mark, unless the candidate
has indicated the question(s) to be marked on the front cover.
13. A mark should not be awarded where there is contradiction within an answer. Make a comment to this effect
in the left hand margin.
–5– N08/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M+
1. A markscheme often has more marking points than the total allows. This is intentional. Do not award more
than the maximum marks allowed for part of a question.
2. Each marking point has a separate line and the end is signified by means of a semicolon (;).
3. An alternative answer or wording is indicated in the markscheme by a slash (/) – either wording can be
4. Words in brackets ( ) in the markscheme are not necessary to gain the mark.
6. The order of marking points does not have to be as in the markscheme, unless stated otherwise.
7. If the candidate’s answer has the same “meaning” or can be clearly interpreted as being of equivalent
significance, detail and validity as that in the markscheme then award the mark. Where this point is
considered to be particularly relevant in a question it is emphasized by writing OWTTE (or words to that
8. Remember that many candidates are writing in a second language. Effective communication is more
important than grammatical accuracy.
9. Occasionally, a part of a question may require an answer that is required for subsequent marking points.
If an error is made in the first marking point then it should be penalized. However, if the incorrect answer is
used correctly in subsequent marking points then follow through marks should be awarded. Indicate this
with ECF (error carried forward).
10. Only consider units at the end of a calculation. Unless directed otherwise in the mark scheme, unit errors
should only be penalized once in the paper. Indicate this by writing –1(U) at the first point it occurs and U
on the cover page.
11. Significant digits should only be considered in the final answer. Deduct 1 mark in the paper for an error
of 2 or more digits unless directed otherwise in the markscheme.
Indicate the mark deduction by writing –1(SD) at the first point it occurs and SD on the cover sheet.
12. If a question specifically asks for the name of a substance, do not award a mark for a correct formula,
similarly, if the formula is specifically asked for, do not award a mark for a correct name.
13. If a question asks for an equation for a reaction, a balanced symbol equation is usually expected, do not
award a mark for a word equation or an unbalanced equation unless directed otherwise in the markscheme.
14. Ignore missing or incorrect state symbols in an equation unless directed otherwise in the markscheme.
–6– N08/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M+
⎛ 5.00 ⎞
(ii) n(CaCO3 ) ⎜ = ⎟ = 0.0500 ;
⎝ 100.09 ⎠
⎛ 1.00 × 50.0 ⎞
n(HCl) ⎜ = ⎟ = 0.0500 ; [2]
⎝ 1000 ⎠
Do not penalize significant figures.
No penalty for using 100 instead of 100.09.
(line 3) steeper;
levels off halfway between zero and Experiment 1; [4]
Allow ECF for lines on graph from HCl in excess in (a)(iii). This means that
the lines are the same but numbered the other way round.
If lines are unlabelled allow [2 max].
2. (a) (atoms of the) same element / atoms with same number of protons/atomic number/Z;
Do not award mark if no mention of atom or element.
(b) (i) (82 × 0.1580) + (84 × 0.6540) + (86 × 0.1880) / other working;
84.06; [2]
Consider ECF for final answer if correct method is used but transcription or
arithmetic error is present in the first stage.
Award [2] for correct final answer with or without working.
polar double
Accept CO2
non-polar double
Accept O2
non-polar triple
C≡C/triple carbon bond / O–H; [4]
(b) (i) produces hydroxide/OH– ions / accepts a proton/H+ / donates pair of electrons; [1]
NH4+ H3O+
+ +
H N H ; H O H ;
structure H H
4. (a) (i) energy change to break/make (one mole) of bonds (in molecule) in gaseous state;
averaged over similar compounds; [2]
(iii) bonds broken: C=C and O=O / 612 + 248 / 860;
bonds formed: C–C and 2 C–O / 348 + 720 / 1068;
ΔH (= 860 – 1068) = –208 kJ/kJ mol –1 ; [3]
Correct final answer award [3] marks.
208 kJ/kJ mol–1 or +208 kJ/kJ mol–1 award [2] marks.
ECF from bonds broken and formed.
No penalty for including 4 C–H bonds in both bonds broken and formed.
(v) negative;
decrease in gas moles/molecules/volume/decrease in disorder/increase in order; [2]
(ii) II;
heat evolved during condensation / when hydrogen bonds/intermolecular forces
form / latent heat given out / OWTTE; [2]
(c) (i) Standard (Gibbs’) free energy change (of reaction); [1]
(e) (i) allows ions to flow through it / to complete the circuit/balances charge;
potassium chloride/KCl / potassium nitrate /KNO3; [2]
Accept any other unreactive soluble salt including sulfates.
Q is zinc/Zn; [2]
(iii) Mg → Mg 2+ + 2e – ; [1]
Accept e instead of e–.
Accept –2e– on left.
Ignore state symbols.
(iv) Zn → Zn 2+ + 2e – ; [1]
Accept e instead of e–.
Accept –2e– on left.
Ignore state symbols.
– 11 – N08/4/CHEMI/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M+
Award [1] for correct ester link and [1] for complete structure showing one complete
repeat unit with continuation bonds – do not penalize incorrect arrangement of
Repeating unit can start/stop in different places.