Group 3 - Search For Lipa Massacre
Group 3 - Search For Lipa Massacre
Group 3 - Search For Lipa Massacre
April 9, 1994
- Victims:
- Helen Arandia (35)
- Chelsea Arandia (6)
- Geleen Arandia (4)
- April 9, 1994
- Lipa City Park, Sabang, Lipa City
HisTOrY of The CAse
Elmer Palicpic asked
for a loan from
Helen and her
Elmer fled and hid
WitNEsS teStIMonIeS
○ Saw Elmer Palicpic after committing the
■ Looking traumatized and shocked
■ Still holding the murder weapon and
maintaining hand position
○ Testified regarding Elmer’s vices
■ Drug use
■ Alcohol use
■ Gambling
03 PhYsiCAl eVIdeNcES
CC: Judiel Faith Antonil
PhYsiCAl eVIdeNcES
● Bodies of the victims
○ Angelina Arandia, 35 years old = 58 stabs
○ Chelsea Liz Arandia, 6 years old = 18 stabs
○ Anne Gellen Arandia, 4 years old = 21 stabs
● Total stabs: 97 stabs
● Knife as a murder weapon
● “Nabigla lamang po ako”
04 CoUrT deCIsiONs
Elmer Palicpic:
Laude, J (Aug 1998). Man Gets 3 Life Terms for Lipa Massacre. Philippine
05 DEfiNItiON of TErMs
CC Daniella Argosino
ART. 248. Murder. Any person who, not falling within the provisions of Article 246, shall kill another, shall be
guilty of murder and shall be punished by reclusion perpetua if committed with any of the following
attendant circumstances:
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, with the aid of armed men, or employing
means to weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure or afford impunity;
2. In consideration of a price, reward, or promise;
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault
upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other means
involving great waste and ruin;
4. On occasion of any calamities enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption
of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any other public calamity;
5. With evident premeditation;
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the suffering of the victim, or outraging or
scoffing at his person or corpse.
LIfe IMpRisONmeNt
● Sentence for a crime covered by Special Penal Law wherein the duration
is indefinite
● No accessory penalties
● No details on pardon specified
REcLusIoN pERpeTUa
● Penalty for a crime committed under the Revised Penal Code
● Imprisonment of 20 years and 1 day to 40 years
● Eligible for pardon after 30 years
● Award given to the heirs of the deceased as a form of monetary restitution
or compensation for the death of the victim at the hands of the accused.
● Its grant is mandatory and a matter of course, and without need of proof
other than the fact of death as the result of the crime or quasi-delict, and the
fact that the accused was responsible therefor.
GrOuP OpiNIon ON tHe
06 caSE
GroUP opINiOn
The group agrees with the court ruling that the accused, Elmer Palicpic is guilty of the
murder of Angelina Helen Arandia and her children Chelsea Liz and Anne Geleen. After the
massacre occurred, Elmer Palicpic acted suspiciously and immediately evaded the police by
hiding in Quezon province. The moment he was caught, he even confessed to committing
the crime. Although he had an alibi of being in his father-in-law’s house at the time of the
murder, the evidence was deemed insufficient.
The group also agrees with the court sentencing of life imprisonment for Elmer
Palicpic. We were truly horrified by the heinous crime that was committed to an innocent
family. We believe that the accused deserves to receive the highest form of punishment,
which is imprisonment for life.
GroUP opINiOn
This tragedy raised a discussion on death penalty for gruesome murders like this.
However, we do not believe that the death penalty should be reinstated. According to
numerous studies, death penalty does not offer closure nor healing to the berieved. There is
no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms of
imprisonment, and it ultimately carries the risk of ending the lives of accused persons who
are innocent.
Lastly, we sympathize with Ronald Arandia, a husband and father who only wanted to
provide for his family to live in comfort. We hope that a tragic incident like this will never
occur again. And we hope that by discussing this case, the memory of Helen, Chelsea, and
Geleen Arandia lives on.
bRoAdCasT/ meDIa
07 cLipPInGs
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun
Earth Venus
The Earth is the third Venus has a beautiful name
planet from the Sun and the and is the second planet
only one that harbors life from the Sun
CAleNdAR of JUlY
M T W Th F S Sn Mercury
Mercury is the closest
28 29 30 01 02 03 04 planet to the Sun
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Venus
Venus is the second
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 planet from the Sun
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
HOmiCIde RAte
Venus has a very toxic
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest Neptune is the farthest
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun
Venus Mars
Venus has a nice name Despite being red, Mars is
and high temperatures actually a cold place
Jupiter Earth
Jupiter is a gas giant and The Earth is the third
the biggest planet planet from the Sun
WOunDs kNifE
02 02 Venus
Venus has a beautiful name
03 Earth
It is the third planet from the Sun
03 04 04 Mars
Mars is actually a cold place
WhERe dOeS tHE suSpECt LIve NOw?
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Venus is the second
planet to the Sun
The Earth is the third
planet from the Sun
ChROnoLOgY of ThE FacTs HomICidE
Big numbers catch your
audience’s attention
Saturn is a gas giant
Jupiter is the biggest one
Mars is actually cold
03 CrIMe sUSpeCtS
Here is where your
presentation begins
CrIMes OF tHE suSpECtS
SusAN boNEs TimMy SmiTh JohN doE JEnNa dOe
Saturn is a gas giant Mercury is the closest Ceres is located in the Planet Earth is where
and has several rings planet to the Sun main asteroid belt we all live on
Pluto is considered a
dwarf planet
Sentence Testimonials
25 yeARs
“Venus has a nice name and is
the second planet”
Name: Susan Bones ● Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the
Solar System
Age: 30
● The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the
Gender: Woman only one that harbors life in the Solar System
HOw To cATcH A MurDEreR?
SteP 01 SteP 03
SteP 02 SteP 04
Venus Saturn
Venus has a It is a gas giant and
beautiful name has several rings
Earth The Sun
The Earth is the The Sun is the star
planet we live on at the center