Major Project Documentation Guidelines
Major Project Documentation Guidelines
Major Project Documentation Guidelines
Computer Science and Engineering
Place: Meerpet
This is to certify that the main project report entitled PROJECT TITLE, being submit-
ted by Mr./Ms.Student Name, bearing ROLL.NO:.XXK9XA05XX in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering, to the TKR College of Engineering and Technology is a record of bonafide
work carried out by him/her under my guidance and supervision.
Place: Meerpet
Problem definition
Limitations of existing system
Proposed system
Review of Literature
Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements
DFDs and UML diagrams
Sample Data
Pseudo Code
Explanation of Key functions
Meth of Implementation
Output Screens
Result Analysis
Design of Test Cases and Scenarios
Use of Abbreviations
Abstract should be one page report typed with single line spacing, Font Style: Times New
Roman and Font Size: 12. The abstract is a very brief summary of the report contents. It should
be about one page long not more than 200 words. The 200-word statement should describe the
problem addressed by your thesis, a description of the work completed and a summary of any
findings or lessons learnt.
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompanies the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible and whose
encouragement and guidance have crowned my efforts with success.
I am also indebted to the Head of the Department, Dr. A. Suresh Rao, Professor,
Computer Science and Engineering, TKR College of Engineering and Technology, for his
support and guidance throughout my Thesis/Dissertation.
I extend my deep sense of gratitude to the Principal, Dr. D. V. Ravi Shankar, TKR
College of Engineering and Technology, for permitting me to undertake this Thesis/Dissertation.
Finally, I express my thanks to one and all that have helped me in successfully
completing this Thesis/Dissertation. Furthermore, I would like to thank my family and
friends for their moral support and encouragement
Place: Meerpet
Chapter 1
—- add text—
Problem definition
Limitations of existing system
Proposed system
Manual for
The Content can be deleted from here. This is only for reference
This document is intended to provide a set of specific and uniform guidelines to the B. Tech
students in the preparation of the eighth semester project report. The content of the report,
which is submitted to the Institute in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology, is very much important. It is also imperative that the report, to be
acceptable by the Institute, should essentially meet a uniform format emphasizing
readability, concordance with ethical standards and Institute-wide homogeneity
Report size
Report may contain maximum of about 100 pages including references and appendices
The manual is intended to provide broad guidelines to the research scholars in the
preparation of the Thesis. In general, the Thesis shall report, in an organized and scholarly
fashion, an account of original research work of the research scholar leading to the discovery
of new facts or techniques or correlation of facts already known (analytical, experimental,
hardware oriented, etc.). Thesis shall demonstrate a quality as to make a definite
contribution to the advancement of knowledge and the research scholar’s ability to
undertake sustained research and present the findings in an appropriate manner with actual
accomplishments of the work.
Content Arrangement
The sequence in which the Thesis material should be arranged and bound is as follows:
Tables and Figures should conform to the margin specifications. Large size Figures
should be photographically or otherwise reduce the appropriate size before insertion.
Document Preparation
In the preparation of the manuscript, care should be taken to ensure that all textual matter is
typewritten to the extent possible in the same format as may be required for the final Thesis.
Hence some of the information required for the final typing of the Thesis is also included
in this section. The headings of all items from 2 to 12 listed in section 3 should be typed
in capital letters without punctuation and centered 50 mm below the top of the page. The
text should commence 4 spaces below this heading. The page numbering for all items from
Abstract to Abbreviations should be done using lower case Roman numerals and the pages
thereafter should be numbered using Arabic numerals.
Abstract should be one page synopsis of the thesis typed with 1.5 line spacing, Font Style:
Times New Roman and Font Size: 12. The abstract is very brief summary of the thesis
contents. It should be about one page long not more than 200 words. The 200-word
statement should describe the problem addressed, a description of the work completed and a
summary of any findings or lessons learnt.
It should be brief and should not exceed two pages when typed in one and a half line spacing
with font size of 12. The student’s signature shall be made at the bottom right end above
his/her name typed in capitals.
Table of contents
The Table of contents should list all captions following it as well as any caption which precedes
it. The title page, Certificate and Acknowledgment will not find a place among the items
listed in the Table of Contents.
List of figures
The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the Figures in the text
and shall have font size of 10 Centered. Single line spacing should be adopted for typing the
matter under this head. Text appearing inside the figure shall have a font size of 10
the thesis..
List of tables
The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the Tables in the text and
shall have font size of 10 Centered. Single line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter
under this head. Within the table, Numbers are to be Centered and text to be left aligned
with in the cell.
It may be divided in to many, based on the need and shall start with Introduction, and shall
end with Conclusion. The main text shall be divided into several chapters and each chapter
may be further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions. Each chapter should be
given an appropriate title. Tables and Figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate
vicinity of the reference where they are cited..
• Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which if included in the
main text may serve as a distraction and cloud the central theme under discussion.
• Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix
2, etc.
• Appendices, Tables and references appearing in appendices should be numbered and
referred to appropriate places just as in the case of chapters.
• Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be
included in the Table of Contents page.
This section shall have several elements, including: A brief summary, just a few paragraphs,
of key findings, related back to what you expected to see (essential); The conclusions of the
research (essential); Importance of research (essential); Recommendations for future
(strongly recommended, verging on essential); Recommendations for practitioners and a
final paragraph rounding off your dissertation or thesis.
Typing Instructions
This section includes additional information for final typing of the Thesis. The impressions
on the typed/printed copies should be black in colour. A sub-heading at the bottom of a page
must have at least two full lines below it or else it should be carried over to the next page.
The last word of any page should not be split using a hyphen. One and a half line spacing
should be used for typing the general text. All the chapters in the thesis shall be typed in
Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 12 with one and half line spacing. All
quotations exceeding one line should be typed in an indented space - the indentation being
15 mm from either side of the margin.
The format for typing Chapter headings, section headings and Sub-section headings are ex-
plained by the following illustrative examples.
Chapter heading : Chapter 1
Section heading : 1.1 Outline of Thesis
Sub-section heading: 1.1.1 Literature review
Sub-subsection heading: Synthetic aperture radars on satellites
The word Chapter without punctuation should be centered 50 mm down from the top of
the page. Two spaces below, the title of the chapter should be typed centrally in capital letters.
The text should commence 2 spaces below this title, the first letter of the text starting 20 mm
inside from the left hand margin. The section and sub-section captions along with their
should be left justified. The typed material directly below division or sub-division heading
should commence 1.5 spaces below it.
• Chapter number: 14, Regular, Times New Roman, bold
• Chapter Heading Font Size: 16, Regular, Times New Roman, CAPS, bold
• Section Heading Font Size: 14, Times New Roman, Title Case, bold
• Subsection Heading Font Size: 12, Regular, Times New Roman, Sentence Case
• Sub subsection Heading Font Size: 12, Regular, Times New Roman, Sentence Case
Page numbering
All page numbers in the chapter (Arabic Numerals) should be typed without punctuation on
the bottom center. The preliminary pages of the Thesis (such as Title page, Acknowledgement,
Table of Contents, etc.) should be numbered in lower case Roman numerals. The title page
will be numbered as (i) but this should not be typed. The page immediately following the
title page shall be numbered as (ii) and it should appear at the bottom centered as already
specified. Pages of main text, starting with Chapter 1 should be consecutively numbered
using Arabic numerals.
Ethics Involved
Knowing the difference between ethical and unethical practices in technical writing requires an
understanding of plagiarism, paraphrasing, and quotation. These concepts are defined below.
The definitions are reproduced from the ‘Handbook of Technical Writing’ [2].
To use someone else’s exact words without quotation marks and appropriate credit, or to
use the unique ideas of someone else without acknowledgment, is known as plagiarism. -
Plagiarism is illegal – One may quote or paraphrase the words or ideas of another if you
document your source. Although one need not enclose the paraphrased material in quota-
tion marks, you must document the source. Paraphrased ideas are taken from someone else
whether or not the words are identical. Paraphrasing a passage without citing the source is
permissible only when the information paraphrased is common knowledge in a field. (Com-
mon knowledge refers to historical, scientific, geographical, technical, and another type of
information on a topic readily available in handbooks, manuals, atlases, and other
Binding Specifications
The Major project should be hard binding in Grey Color
Chapter 2
Producing a literature review may also be part of graduate and post-graduate student
work, including in the preparation of a thesis, dissertation, or a journal article. Literature
reviews are also common in a research proposal or prospectus (the document that is
approved before a student formally begins a dissertation or thesis) [6, 9, 12].
Review Types
The main types of literature reviews are: evaluative, exploratory, and instrumental [9, 22].
A fourth type, the systematic review, is often classified separately, but is essentially a
literature review focused on a research question, trying to identify, appraise, select and
synthesize all high-quality research evidence and arguments relevant to that question. A
meta-analysis is typically a systematic review using statistical methods to effectively
combine the data used on all selected studies to produce a more reliable result.
Process and product
[13] Distinguish between the process of reviewing the literature and a finished work or
product known as a literature review. The process of reviewing the literature is often
ongoing and informs many aspects of the empirical research project. All of the latest
literature should inform a research project. Scholars need to be scanning the literature long
after a formal literature review product appears to be completed.
Page Limitation
A careful literature review is usually between 15 to 30 pages. The process of reviewing the
literature requires different kinds of activities and ways of thinking [9] and [20] link the ac-
tivities of doing a literature review with Benjamin Bloom’s revised taxonomy of the
cognitive domain (ways of thinking: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing,
evaluating, and creating).
Chapter 3
Functional Requirements
Requirements analysis or requirements engineering is a process used to determine the needs
and expectations of a new product. It involves frequent communication with the
stakeholders and end-users of the product to define expectations, resolve conflicts, and
document all the key requirements.
Non-Functional Requirements
Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs) define system attributes such as security, reliability,
performance, maintainability, scalability, and usability. They serve as constraints or
restrictions on the design of the system across the different backlogs. Also known as system
qualities, nonfunctional requirements are just as critical as functional Epics, Capabilities,
Features, and Stories. They ensure the usability and effectiveness of the entire system.
Failing to meet any one of them can result in systems that fail to satisfy internal business;
user, or market needs, or that do not fulfill mandatory requirements imposed by regulatory
or standards agencies. In some cases, non-compliance can cause significant legal issues
(privacy, security, safety, to name a few).
For example, Equation 3.1 states Pythagoras theorem.
In Eqn. 3.1, the well known Pythagorean Theorem x2 + y2 = z2 was proved to be invalid for
other exponents. In other words, the next equation has no integer solutions:
xn + yn = z n (3.1)
E = mc2 (3.2)
∂ p 2 h i ∂η p2 + ∂hτxy (3.3)
+ ∂ pq 1 ∂hτxy
∂x ∂x ∂y
h q2 +
h = −gh −k p+ ψ
∂x h 2
The above equation can be referred in the body as Eqn. 3.3.
Chapter 4
Sample Data
Tables in Documentation/Thesis
This is for Students reference. This can be deleted from here. “Table” means tabulated
numerical data in the body of the Thesis as well as in the appendices.
• It should be cited as Table 4.1.
• Caption should appear above the table.
• Table Header and the entries should be of font TNR 11 Pt, Justified.
• For wider table, the page orientation can be Landscape.
• For larger table, it can run to pages and the header should be repeated for each page of
the table.
• The table must be adjusted to fit in the page and no single row is left out for a new page.
Nehru and
1950-1990 Billions US$ Dhareshwar
Physical Capital
Nehru and
Total Population 1950-1990 Billions Dhareshwar
Nominal GDP 1950-1990 Billions US$ PWT
Numbering of Tables
Tables appearing anywhere in the thesis should bear appropriate numbers. If a Table in Chapter
5, happens to be the fourth then assign 5.4 to the keyword “Table”. If Table 5.1 is to be
continued into the next page, then place the title centrally as “Table 5.1 (continued)”.
Chapter 5
Pseudo Code
All other non-verbal material used in the body of the thesis and appendices such as charts,
graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may be designated as Figures.
• All figure caption should be in the sentence case, TNR 10 pt, and it should be of the
format: Fig. chapter number.figure number figure caption
• It should be cited as Fig. 5.1. Caption must appear below the figure.
• For smaller figures, like (4 figures arranged in Two Columns) per page; they can be in
portrait mode.
• For medium figures, like (2 figures arranged one below the other per page; they can be
in portrait mode.
• For larger figures, like (1 Figure per page), they can be in landscape mode.
• Figure labels should be in Font TNR 10 pt, Bold.
• Figure resolution should be a minimum of 300 DPI.
• If the sentence starts by citing a figure, then it should be written as Figure 5.1
• Text appearing inside the figure should be 10 throughout the thesis
• Samples of fabric, leather, etc., if absolutely necessary may be attached evenly in a
page and fixed/pasted suitably and should be treated as figures.
For example, the universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous, in a large scale,
everywhere we look at.
There’s a picture of a galaxy in Fig. 5.1
Another example is given in Fig. 5.2
Fig. 5.1 Sample picture of universe
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Numbering of Figures
Figures appearing anywhere in the thesis should bear appropriate numbers. If a figure in
chapter 6, happens to be the fourth then assign 6.4 to the keyword “Figure”.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Ordinarily, the majority of the notes you take during the research phase of writing your
report will paraphrase the original material. Paraphrase only the essential ideas. Strive to put
original ideas into your own words without distorting them.”
When you have borrowed words, facts, or idea of any kind from someone else’s work,
acknowledge your debt by giving your source credit in footnote (or in running text as cited
reference). Otherwise, you will be guilty of plagiarism. Also, be sure you have represented
the original material honestly and accurately. Direct word to word quotations are enclosed in
quotation marks.”
When you use programs written by others with or without modifications, the
report/thesis must clearly bring this out with proper references, and must also reflect the
extent of modification introduced by you, if any. A modified program is not entirely yours.
Only a program, which you write from scratch, does not require source to be identified.
Identification of source in all other cases is must. Standard subroutines (even if public
domain) used in your programs must be properly referenced. Although programs need not
be appended to the thesis, they must be submitted to your research supervisor in hard copy
and other media. Inclusion of a computational flow chart in your thesis is highly
recommended, however.
The material presented in the thesis/report must be self contained. A reader must be able
to reproduce your experimental, theoretical, computational, and simulations results based on
the information presented in the thesis. You must mention the names of the suppliers whose
chemicals/instruments were used in the work to allow a reader to setup an experiment.
While discussing issues related to computation time, the hardware used must be specified
accurately, using processor speed, etc.
Use of Abbreviations
In Chapters, while introducing abbreviations, follow:
\newacronym{OMEGA}{$\omega$}{Absoulte Frequency}
Which produces the following output first time when you call it:
ω and simply ω each subsequent time.
Chapter 8
• A brief summary, just a few paragraphs, of your key findings, related back to what
you expected to see (essential);
• The conclusions which you have drawn from your research (essential);
• Why your research is important for researchers and practitioners (essential);
• Recommendations for future research (strongly recommended, verging on essential);
• Recommendations for practitioners (strongly recommended in management and busi-
ness courses and some other areas, so check with your supervisor whether this will be
expected); and a final paragraph rounding off your dissertation or thesis.
[1] Alishahi, K., Marvasti, F., Aref, V. and Pad, P. [2009], ‘Bounds on the sum capac-
ity of synchronous binary cdma channels’, IEEE transactions on information theory
55(8), 3577–3593.
[2] Alred, G. J., Brusaw, C. T. and Oliu, W. E. [2019], Handbook of technical writing,
Bedford/St. Martin’s Macmillan Learning.
[3] Babington, P. [1993], The title of the work, Vol. 4 of 10, 3 edn, The name of the publisher,
The address. An optional note.
[4] Caxton, P. [1993], ‘The title of the work’, How it was published, The address of the
publisher. An optional note.
[6] Doan, A., Madhavan, J., Domingos, P. and Halevy, A. [2002], Learning to map between
[8] Draper, P. [1993], The title of the work, in T. editor, ed., ‘The title of the book’, Vol. 4
of 5, The organization, The publisher, The address of the publisher, p. 213. An optional
[9] Duzdevich, D., Redding, S. and Greene, E. C. [2014], ‘Dna dynamics and single-
molecule biology’, Chemical reviews 114(6), 3072–3086.
[10] Farindon, P. [1993], The title of the work, in T. editor, ed., ‘The title of the book’, 3
edn, Vol. 4 of 5, The name of the publisher, The address of the publisher, chapter 8,
pp. 201–213. An optional note.
[11] Gainsford, P. [1993], The title of the work, 3 edn, The organization, The address of the
publisher. An optional note.
[14] Harwood, P. [1993], The title of the work, Master’s thesis, The school of the thesis,
The address of the publisher. An optional note.
[15] Haykin, S. [2004], Kalman filtering and neural networks, Vol. 47, John Wiley and Sons.
[17] Isley, P. [1993], ‘The title of the work’, How it was published. An optional note.
[18] Joslin, P. [1993], The title of the work, PhD thesis, The school of the thesis, The address
of the publisher. An optional note.
[19] Kidwelly, P., ed. [1993], The title of the work, Vol. 4 of 5, The organization, The name
of the publisher, The address of the publisher. An optional note.
[20] Kothari, C. R. [2004], Research methodology: Methods and techniques, New Age
Inter- national Publications.
[22] Neil, W. and David, H. [2016], CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson Education.
[23] Waldron, S. [2008a], ‘Generalized welch bound equality sequences are tight frames’,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(2), 2307–2309.
[24] Waldron, S. [2008b], ‘Ontology learning for the semantic web’, International Journal
of Mathematics 16(2), 72–79.