Subramanian 2021
Subramanian 2021
Subramanian 2021
ABSTRACT Image Steganography is the process of hiding information which can be text, image or video
inside a cover image. The secret information is hidden in a way that it not visible to the human eyes.
Deep learning technology, which has emerged as a powerful tool in various applications including image
steganography, has received increased attention recently. The main goal of this paper is to explore and
discuss various deep learning methods available in image steganography field. Deep learning techniques used
for image steganography can be broadly divided into three categories - traditional methods, Convolutional
Neural Network-based and General Adversarial Network-based methods. Along with the methodology,
an elaborate summary on the datasets used, experimental set-ups considered and the evaluation metrics
commonly used are described in this paper. A table summarizing all the details are also provided for easy
reference. This paper aims to help the fellow researchers by compiling the current trends, challenges and
some future direction in this field.
INDEX TERMS Image steganography, GAN steganography, CNN steganography, information hiding,
image data hiding.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 9, 2021 23409
N. Subramanian et al.: Image Steganography: A Review of the Recent Advances
FIGURE 2. Classification of the existing methods based on the secret media and the method used. First, the methods are classified and
under each category, further classification is done based on the secret media.
used to hide the secret bits. A combination of cryptography method is used. The secret data is encoded first and then
and steganography is utilized where the LSB of the cover converted to binary bits before embedding it in the cover
image is replaced with the most significant bits of the secret video.
image [10]. The pseudo random number generator is used to Table 6 depicts the detailed review on the traditional image
select the pixels and the key is encrypted using rotation every steganography methods. Another classical method used in
time. A k-LSB method is proposed where the k least bits image steganography field is the Pixel Value Differencing
are replaced with the secret message [11]. For steganalysis, (PVD). PVD works by taking the difference of consecutive
an entropy filter is used to detect and uncover the secret pixels to find the locations for hiding the secret bits in such
image [11]. a way the consistency of the cover image is maintained. For
The LSB methods are used in hiding the secret information every 8 bits, a combination of LSB on the first two bits and
inside videos also. Videos are sequences of images called PVD on the remaining six bits is designed [18]. In addition,
the video frames. Each video is dissected into image frames some other techniques used are the coverless steganography
and the binary bits of the secret information is hidden in where the cover image is not given rather it is generated based
the LSB of the image frames of the video. A basic form on the secret information. The secret information is taken
of LSB substitution method [12] and a combination of the and a relationship management is performed to produce the
huffman encoding and LSB substitution methods is used on cover image using the object detection method. Similar cov-
videos [13]. Another interesting approach is where along erless steganography is proposed where the Local Binary Pat-
with the image frames of the video, audio is also used to terns (LBP) features of the cover image and the secret images
enhance the hiding [14]. Besides the LSB methods, [15], are hashed firstly. Later, the hashes are matched to create the
has proposed a combination of Discrete Cosine Transfor- stego image [19]. Similarly, instead of LBP, the edges of the
mation (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) color cover images are obtained. Then, the binary bits of
for hiding the secret message inside a cover video. To find the secret information is hidden in the edges discovered in
the regions of interest, the multiple object tracking (MOT) the cover images [20].
Other methods of the traditional steganography methods A Separable Convolution with Residual Block (SCR)
are described below. Medical JPEG images are used and is used to concatenate the cover image and the secret
the embedding is implemented by taking the difference in image [25]. The embedded image is given as the input to the
the DCT coefficients of the pixels between two consecutive encoder for constructing the stego image which is fed to the
blocks by considering the pixels at the same positions in the decoder to output the decoded secret image. ELU (Exponen-
two blocks [21]. A novel method called the Pixel Density tial Linear Unit) and Batch normalization are used. A new
Histogram (PHD) is proposed for halftone images [22]. The cost function to reduce the effect of noise in the generated
pixel density of the images are calculated and a pixel den- container image called the variance loss is proposed [26].
sity histogram is formed to hide the secret information. The An encoder-decoder architecture was proposed by
Poisson distribution is utilized to get the burst error and the Rahim et al. in [29]. This method differs from the others in
reconstruction of the images that are compression-resistant the way the inputs are given. The encoder part consists of two
is done using the STC decoding [23]. For more clarifi- parallel architectures each for the cover and the secret image.
cations and explanations on the traditional steganography Features from the cover image and the secret images are
methods, [24] can be referred. extracted through the convolutional layer and concatenated.
The concatenated features are used to construct the stego
B. CNN-BASED STEGANOGRAPHY METHODS A slightly different approach is proposed by Wang et al.
Image steganography using CNN models is heavily inspired in [30] by considering the styling image along with the
from the encoder-decoder architecture. Two inputs – cover secret information and cover image. The created stego image
image and the secret image are fed as the input to the encoder is converted into the style image given as an input. The
to generate the stego image and the stego image is given as reveal network is used to decode the secret information
input to the decoder to output the embedded secret image. from the stego image created. Similar to other methods,
The basic principle is the same except different methods have an auto encoder-decoder architecture with VGG as base is
tried different architectures. The way the input cover image used. An arbitrary image size for the secret information and
and the secret image are concatenated are also different in styling image are taken using the adaptive instance normal-
different approaches while the variations in the convolutional ization (AdaIN) layer and the output is the size of the cover
layer, pooling layer are expected. The number of filters used, image. Pixel distribution of the cover image are got by using
strides, filter size, activation function used and loss function a pixel CNN by Yang et al. in [31]. The secret information
vary from method to method. One important point to note is then embedded in the pixel distribution evenly by reduced
here is the size of the cover image and the secret image has sampling.
to be same, so every pixel of the secret image is distributed in Three networks namely prep-network, hiding network
the cover image. and reveal network are proposed by Baluja et al. in [32]
Wu et al. [25] and [26] have proposed a encoder-decoder based on auto-encoder architectures as a single model. The
architecture. U-Net based encoder-decoder architecture is Prep-network is used to prepare the secret image before
used for hiding and a CNN with 6 layers for extraction is feeding it as input to the hiding network, which takes the
proposed by Duan et al. in [27]. The input shape of the output of the prep-network and the cover image to produce the
U-Net is modified to accept 256 × 256 and 6 channels. The container image. The reveal network decodes the secret image
secret and cover images are concatenated to give the input from the container image by uncovering the cover image.
and hence 6 channels. A U-net based Hiding (H-net) and Two losses are calculated between the cover and the con-
revealing (R-net) network are used by Van et al. in [28]. Batch structed container and between secret and the decoded image.
normalization and ReLU activation are used. The cover and The model is evaluated using the structure similarity index
the secret images are concatenated before being sent to the (SSIM). An extension to [32] is proposed by Zhang et al.
network. Two optimization losses using SSIM and MSE are in [33] where the cover image is converted into an YCrCb
used to reduce the loss and hence improve the performance. image format and the secret image is hidden to only the
Y channel as all the semantic and color information are with minimum noise. The discriminator model is trained to
present in the Cr and Cb channels. Also, to reduce the effectively find out the fake images. Many variations on GAN
payload by two thirds, the secret image is converted into have been proposed ever since, making it more powerful and
grayscale image format. The Y channel of the cover image suitable for synthetic image generative tasks.
and the grayscale secret image are given as the input to the GANs are known for their good performance in the image
encoder-decoder network for constructing the stego image. generation field. Image steganography can be considered as
The output stego image is the Y channel which is combined one such image generation task where two inputs – the cover
with the Cr and Cb channels of the cover image to produce image and the secret image are given to generate one output –
the stego image in the YCrCb color space. To extract the stego image. The existing methods used for image steganog-
secret image, the Y channel of the stego image is again raphy using a GAN architecture can be grouped into five
given to the revealing network to output the grayscale secret categories - a three network based GAN model, cycle-GAN
image. Two different variations – basic and residual models based architectures, sender-receiver architecture using GAN,
are also used in the generative models. A mixed loss function coverless model where the cover image is generated ran-
which is more suitable for the steganography using SSIM and domly instead of being given as input and an Alice, Bob and
its variant multi-scale structure similarity index (MS-SSIM) Eve based model. Details on all the categories and how they
are also used. For the concealing network, ISGAN architec- are executed are given below.
ture is used. Table 2 summarizes the review on CNN-based Generally, a GAN model consists of two main components:
steganography methods. the generator and the discriminator. In the context of image
Not only image steganography, but also, video steganog- steganography, a new network named the steganalyzer is
raphy is tried using CNN. Usually, 2D convolutional layers introduced in some of the methods. The main functions of
are used for images whereas 3D convolutional layers are these three components are,
used for videos. Temporally connected cover and secret video • A generator model, G, to generate stego images from the
frames are given as the input to autoencoder network based cover image and the random message.
VStegNET [34] to produce the container video. Each frame of • A discriminator model, D, to classify the generated
the cover image is concatenated with every frame of the secret image from the generator as either real or fake.
video to produce the container video. An identical network • A steganalyzer, S, to check if the input image has a
architecture is used to reveal the hidden secret video. confidential secret data or not.
The three models, G, D and S are made to compete against
C. GAN-BASED STEGANOGRAPHY METHODS each other to produce realistic images close to the cover
General Adversarial Networks are a type of deep CNNs image given as input. The errors of D and S along with
introduced by Goodfellow et al. [35] in 2014. A GAN uses the parameter alpha between [0, 1] are used to produce the
the game theory to train a generative model with adversarial realistic image and their quality for steganalysis. One main
process for image generation tasks. Two networks – generator difference from the GAN here is that G is updated in order to
and discriminator networks compete against each other to maximize not only the error of D, but to maximize the error
generate a perfect image in GAN architecture. The generator of the linear combination of the classifiers D and S.
model is given the data and the output is the close approxi- Volkhonskiy et al. [36], [37] has introduced DCGAN [38]
mation of the given input image. The discriminator networks based Steganographic GAN (SGAN) which is a simple
classifies the images generated as either fake or true. The DCGAN with three modules - G, D and S. Similar to [36],
two networks are trained in such a way that the generator Shi et al. [2] and [39] has proposed a three component GAN
model tries to imitate the input data as close as possible architecture. The only difference is the architecture used by
FIGURE 3. General working overflow of SGAN and [40]. The generator takes the cover image and the secret information (usually text) as
the input to produce the stego image. The discriminator competes against the generator to classify the generated image as either real or
fake. A steganalyzer is added to extract the secret information from the stego image generated.
these methods. A DCGAN is used in [36], and [37] whereas a double tanh function [42] and a tanh function [41] because
four fractionally convolutional layer followed by a functional the tanh is differentiable and will preserve the gradient loss
layer with Hyperbolic tangent activation with base WGAN during back propagation. The discriminator acts as a stegan-
is used in [2] and [39]. Three models compete against each alyzer with multiple high pass filters for pre-processing to
other in such a way that the generator produces the stego improve the detection accuracy. There are two losses to be
images and the discriminator decodes and recovers the secret considered here – the discriminator loss and the generator
message while the stegananlyzer eavesdrops on the generator loss. The discriminator loss is utilized to distinguish between
produces the probability. Figure 3 represents the working the cover image and the stego image while the generator loss
principle of SGAN. considers the target payload also. Therefore, the generator
An embedding simulator is sometimes used in the place loss is made up of two losses – the entropy loss to guarantee
of the steganalyzer [41], [42] and [43]. Yang et al. [41] the embedding capacity and the adversarial loss to increase
and [42] presented a GAN based image steganography with the anti-detectability rate.
three modules – Generator, Embedding Simulator and Dis- Automatic Steganographic Distortion Learning framework
criminator. The authors in [41] have called the architecture with GAN (ASDL-GAN for short) was introduced by Tang
a UT-GAN since they used the U-Net based architecture in et al. in [43]. In this architecture, the generator is used to learn
the generator network. The generator is used to create the the probabilities for each pixel from the input cover image and
probability map, P, for the input cover image, C and U-Net is the authors have proposed to use a novel activation function
considered because of its effective performance in pixel wise Ternary Embedding Simulator (TES) for generating the stego
segmentation. The U-Net used here also has an expanding images from the generated probabilities. The discriminator
and contracting convolutional layers with increasing filter helps in differentiating between the real and fake images.
number for convolution and decreasing filter numbers for XuNet based architecture is used for discriminator D.
deconvolution layers. Also, the layers I from the down sam- A sender-receiver type of architecture is another way
pling part is concatenated with the layers L - i from the up for image steganography using GAN [33], [43] and [44].
sampling part to help in backpropagation process. The prob- SteganoGAN, a GAN model with encoding network for
ability map, P, from the generator and the random message creating the stego images and decoding network to get the
are given as the input to the embedding simulator to output secret message from the stego image has been proposed by
the modification map, M. The embedding simulator uses a Zhang et al. in [45]. The secret message is embedded in
the cover image using the encoder and the secret message is adversarial training is generated. The input image is first
recovered back by the decoder and a critic is used to evaluate converted to a target domain image and then back to the
the quality of the images generated. Three variants of the source image eradicating the necessity for output image. The
encoder – basic, residual and dense are also discussed to deal original cycleGAN method has been modified a little to fit
with different payload capacity. the image steganography methodology perfectly for hiding
Three models – one basic model and two enhanced models secret message inside the cover image [49]–[51], and [52].
are introduced by Chen et al. in [43]. All the three models Firstly, the RGB cover image is converted to grayscale image
are intended to perform steganography using the encoding and then the luma regions in the image are extracted [49].
network and the safe retrieval of the secret image using decod- The secret message is embedded in the LSB bit of the luma
ing network where the enhanced models are more secure field. The generator then creates the new image with the
and robust. The basic model uses the encoding network to secret message embedded. The generated image and the cover
hide grayscale secret image into the color channel B of the image are given to the discriminator to classify it either fake
cover image to produce the stego image. In the same way, or real. A denoiser is introduced between the two generators
the decoding network reveals the secret image from the color of the cycle GAN to reduce and filter the low amplitude,
channel B of the stego image. The reasons for using color high frequency messages and noise that the discriminator
B channel is that the impact of blue color on human eyes is cannot see [52]. A cycle GAN is used for steganography and
less than red and green. A steganalysis network and attack steganalysis in a covert communication to prevent the security
network are added in the basic model to make it more secure breach and privacy preservation in IoT by Meng et al. in [52].
and robust in enhanced models. XuNet with a Spatial Pyramid ACGAN [53] can generate realistic images for a given
Pooling layer is used in the steganalysis network. label and also recognize the label of the generated images.
Generator model is used as sender and the discriminator Three steps are followed to hide information which are gen-
is used as the receiver by Naito et al [44]. The generator erated by the model and extract the hidden information [54]
in the sending end generates the stego images and the dis- and [55]. First, a word segmentation dictionary and image
criminator eliminates the images that are not realistic. At the database is established. A generative hiding model named
receiving end, the discriminator classifies the sender of the Stego-ACGAN is developed. Finally, a hiding and extract-
stego image received to being true sender or third party to ing algorithm for hiding and retrieving the information is
prevent the generator from wasting time on third party stego designed. A database is set-up pairing the word segmentation
images. The generator in the receiving end decodes the stego as the label and the corresponding images. Like in any other
image and uncovers the secret data. Both the sender and the ACGAN, stego-ACGAN also has three neural networks,
receiver shares the same trained generator and discriminator namely. The generator, the discriminator and the auxiliary
for consistent results. classifier. After training the stego-ACGAN, a secret channel
HIDDeN is a GAN based method with four main com- is used to share the model parameters and the constructed
ponents – encoder, decoder, discriminator and a noise layer image and word segment database to the other party. The
proposed by Zhu et al. [46]. The encoder takes the cover secret information is divided into segments and a binary code
image and the secret message as input and creates an is generated. Each code is then given a label and the mode
encoded image which is fed to the noise layer to produce generates a sequence of images for the segments. The image
the noised image. The decoder decodes the secret message sequences and the input noise are given to the generative
from the noised image and the discriminator helps in giving model to generate the stego images. At the receiving end,
the probability of the given image being encoded or not. the noise is removed and the image sequences are extracted.
Ke et al. [47] have proposed a slightly different architecture Then the image sequence is given to the auxiliary classifier
by using a Generative steganography with Kerckhoffs’ prin- to get the secret information.
ciple (GSK). Instead of modifying the cover image and con- Similar to [54] and [55], the authors in [56] Duan et al.
verting it into stego image, a new stego image with the secret have proposed a coverless steganographic method using a
message is generated. The extraction key and the generated generative model. Instead of transmitting the secret image as
stego image are given to the discriminator for decoding. With- such, a new meaning-normal image totally not related to the
out extraction key the discriminator cannot decode the secret cover image is generated using the generative model. At the
image. The generator is publicly available, the sender first receiving end, the transmitted meaning-normal image is fed
gives the cover image to get the extraction key. Then the cover to produce the secret image. A WGAN [57] is used as the
image and the extraction key are sent to the receiver. In the generative model by Li et al. in [58]. A framework where a
case where the cover image or extraction key are sent alone, textural image is generated by a generative model and acts
only noise is given as output. The discriminator can output the as a cover image is proposed. Then, this cover image and the
secret message only when both the image and the extraction secret image is given to the concealing network for hiding the
key are present. secret image inside the cover image. So the final image is a
CycleGAN [48] is well-suited for image steganography texture based image concealed with secret information.
where the input image is given and the output similar to An adversarial learning based method with three compo-
the given input image but with hidden information using the nents – Alice, Bob and Eve is proposed by Hayes et al. [40].
The general working principle is that Eve eavesdrops between same secret message is given twice. This diverts any suspicion
Alice and Bob to check if there are any secret message created and enhances the security of the model. Eve and Dev
embedded in the communication channel between them. The gets both the real image and the generated image. While Eve
authors in [40] have used neural networks to train all the three helps in distinguishing the stego and the cover image, Dev
components. For the steganographic scenario, Alice is trained helps in classifying the image as real or fake. A detailed
to create the steganographic image while Bob recovers the summary of the methods reviewed under GAN-based method
secret message from the stego images. Eve helps Bob by topic is given in table 3.
giving the probability of the given image being a stego image.
A model with four parts – Alice, Bob, Dev and Eve has III. DATASETS USED
been proposed by Wang et al. in [59]. Since the model is There exist one dataset, BOSSBase, that was specifically
an unsupervised generative model, the authors have named created to deal with the problems of steganography. To further
the model Self-supervised Steganographic GAN (SSteGAN). evaluate the performances of the algorithms some existing
Like in any other communication security paradigm, Alice datasets, which are used for other purposes including object
and Bob try to communicate secretly while Eve eavesdrops recognition and face recognition, are re-modeled to fit for the
on the communication channel. As such, Alice acts as the purpose of our experiments. A detailed explanation on the
generator, Bob as the decoder, eve as the steganalyzer to datasets are described in table 4.
classify if the given image is normal or stego image, and
Dev here acts as the discriminator actively competing against A. BOSSBASE
Alice. Along with secret message, input noise is also given Break Our Steganographic System (BOSS) [60] is the first
as input to Alice, to avoid generating identical images if the scientific challenge conducted to take image steganography
from being a research topic to a practical application. The than 500 to 1000 images. ImageNet does not have any copy-
main aim of the competition was to develop a better ste- rights to the image and contains only the links or thumbnails
ganalysis method that can break the steganographic images to the original image. The dataset consists of images of vary-
created by the HUGO (Highly Undetectable steGO) algo- ing size. Based on the requirement, the number of images,
rithm [61]. The dataset consists of a training set and test- classes they belong to, background and the image size can be
ing set along with the HUGO algorithm that can be used selected from the wide range available.
to create the steganography images. The training dataset
consists of 10,000 grayscale cover images with dimensions D. MNIST HANDWRITTEN DIGITS
512 × 512. The testing set consists of 1000 grayscale images Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology
with dimensions 512 × 512. There is an option to down- database (MNIST) [64] is another dataset that can be used for
load the datasets with steganography images solely for the various computer vision and image processing applications.
purpose of steganalysis. Firstly, the raw images are captured MNIST handwritten dataset consists of a training and testing
using 7 different cameras and they are converted to PGM set with images of handwritten digits 0 to 9. Images in this
images. The links to download the raw images, PGM images, dataset are normalized, black and white with dimensions
the script used to convert the raw images into PGM, EXIF 28 × 28 pixels. The training set consists of 60,000 images
data of the raw images can be found in the official website.1 and testing set consists of 10,000 images.
Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes dataset, also known as Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset [65] was
CelebA dataset [62], is a vast dataset with more than 200K mainly developed for object detection, segmentation and
images that can be used for face recognition, face detec- image captioning purposes. This again is a huge dataset with
tion, face localization and other face-related operations. The images from 80 object categories. Each class contains at least
dataset consists of images from various sources, locations, 5 images. This dataset comes along with the class annota-
background and poses and is best suitable for steganography tion and the segmentation annotation. There is no predefined
also. The probability of using a photo/face image as the cover training and testing split. The dataset split can be carried out
for hiding secret images is very high. Along with the images, based on the research topic and the user convenience.
there are 40 different annotations available like with/without
glasses, emotions, hair styles, other accessories like hat. F. OTHERS
Other datasets that can be used for image steganography and
C. IMAGENet steganalysis are Div2K, SZUBase, USC-SIPI, DTD, LFW,
ImageNet [63] is also a very large dataset containing images and Pascal VOC. Div2K [66] is a commonly used dataset
from the WordNet hierarchy with each node containing more for Single Image Super-Resolution introduced in the NTIRE
2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution. It has
1 a total of 1000 images split into 800 for training, 100 for
FIGURE 4. Sample images from datasets (a) BOSSBase (b) MNIST (c) ImageNet (d) LFW (e) Div2K (f) COCO and (g) CelebA.
validation and 100 for testing. Images with high resolution [32], [56] and [28] or MATLAB [16], [17], [49], and [10].
(1024 × 678) and three grades of low resolution can be found Another popular library used is the tensorflow [40], [52], [55]
in this dataset. SZUBase is a dataset collected in [67] with and [39]. Chainer library from python is also used [44].
40000 grayscale images of size 512 × 512. USC-SIPI [68]
has a variety of different resolution images and sizes for B. METRICS USED
Image processing, image analysis, and machine vision pur- 1) PSNR
poses. Describable Textures Dataset (DTD) [69] is used to Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used to determine the
analysis the textural components containing 5640 jpg images quality, robustness and invisibility of the proposed steganog-
of two sizes - 300 × 300 and 640 × 640. LFW dataset is used raphy method. PSNR is the ratio between the maximum
for face recognition and verification tasks [70]. PASCAL quality representation of the cover image and the stego image.
Visual Object Classes (VOC) is a challenge conducted for In the case of steganalysis, it is the ratio of the maximum
object detection and classification [71]. Figure 4 below repre- quality measurement of the original secret image and the
sents some of the images collated from the dataset described. extracted secret image. PSNR is used to measure the peak
error of the proposed method. The value of PSNR has to be
IV. EVALUATION high which implies that the quality of the reconstructed stego
Evaluation metrics are used to measure the invisibility, secu- image is good. Mean Squared Error (MSE) is another metric
rity, robustness and capacity of the proposed methods. The to measure the quality of the stego image reconstructed. MSE
most commonly used metrics and the functionality they mea- is the cumulative squared error between the stego image and
sure are described below. the original cover image. For better quality images, PSNR has
to be high whereas the value of MSE has to be low indicating
that the error is low. The formulas for calculating MSE and
PSNR are given below.
Image steganography models use two inputs and two output
images mostly. In addition, the datasets used are usually very
large. A GPU-based computer with a powerful graphic card M ,N [I1 (m, n) − I2 (m, n)]
MSE = (1)
is required to perform the training and testing. The trained M ∗N
model can then be deployed in a CPU or hand held standalone
computers for deployment. All the experiments are conducted where, M and N is the number of rows and columns in the
using either python 3.5 and above versions with pytorch [27], input image respectively.
After calculating MSE, its value is used in the calculation TABLE 6. Confusion Matrix for calculating accuracy.
of PSNR.
(R2 )
PSNR = 10 ∗ log10 (2)
where R is the fluctuation in the input image. For example,
if the input image has a double-precision floating-point data
type, then R is 1. If it has an 8-bit unsigned integer data type, measure the performance of the model truly.
R is 255. Table 5 summarizes the PSNR, MSE and SSIM
(TP + TN )
values obtained by various methods in the study. Accuracy = (3)
(TP + FP + FN + TN )
TABLE 5. PSNR and MSE values of the methods. The values indicate stego For a stronger steganography method, a lower value of the
images and ∗ for cover and ∗∗ for secret images. steganalysis accuracy indicates higher security. The detection
rate is another term used to calculate the testing accuracy
of the steganalysis model used. It is used to determine the
secrecy of the proposed method. Figure 5 shows the accuracy
of the steganography and steganalysis methods used in the
A comparison on the steganalysis accuracy methods for
different methods for stego images produced by popular
methods like WOW [72], HUGO [61], S-UNIWARD are
given in the figure 6.
Accuracy/bit accuracy is the commonly used metric to mea- Hiding Capacity of the steganography algorithm is calculated
sure the security and robustness of the methods. Stegano- using the Bits Per Pixel (BPP). BPP represents the number
graphic accuracy is defined as the accuracy of the proposed of bits that are hidden in every pixel of the cover image
method correctly identifying the image as steganography to produce the stego image. For a higher hiding capacity,
image or not. Accuracy is calculated using four terms: True the value of BPP has to be high. The below equation is used
Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP) and to calculate the value of BPP.
False Negative (FN). True positive and true negative are the
correct predictions made by the model while False positive BPP = (4)
and false negative are the errors made by the model. The HWC
table 6 is used to calculate the measures from the confusion where L is the length of the hidden message, H is the height,
matrix. W is the width and C is the number of channels of the cover
The accuracy is calculated as the total number of correct image.
predictions made by the model against all classifications. Many of these metrics compete against each other. Models
Though accuracy is a simple and commonly used, it is not which have higher capacity typically sacrifice secrecy, since
a good measure when the data is imbalanced. That is the hiding more information in images naturally leads to larger
cost for both false positives and false negatives are same. image distortions; models that are very robust to noise typi-
In addition to accuracy, other evaluation metrics are used to cally sacrifice capacity or secrecy, since the message must be
FIGURE 6. Accuracy comparison between different methods (a) Steganalysis and (b) Steganography.
loss of one model may affect the embedding/ extraction • Experiments related to optimizing the parameters and
as they are interconnected. CNN-based methods use U- decreasing the storage capacities can be further con-
Net/Xu-Net autoencoder-decoder architecture for embedding ducted using various datasets.
and extracting. Some methods use the encoder for embed- • The era of quantum computing is not far away, more
ding and decoder for extracting, whereas, some use one efforts on developing designs on quantum images can
autoencoder-decoder for embedding and another for extract- be explored.
ing. Though there is some inter dependency, it is not totally • To benefit from a combination of methods, an ensemble
linked like GAN methods. of traditional and deep learning methods can be further
Unbalance in the learning of generator-discriminator can studied.
happen where the generator is performing efficiently but the • Efforts can be directed to form a benchmark dataset
discriminator is struggling. Though the overall efficiency containing images from various source cameras, image
will not be affected, either sender or receiver will be prone formats. A compilation of all possible algorithms can
to faults. This can be avoided by choosing the parameters also be done to create the steganography images.
carefully and avoiding over fitting during training. • Many methods have considered the hiding capacity,
Security capabilities of the GAN methods are higher security and robustness as the performance measure.
when compared with CNN architectures and traditional LSB However, there are possibilities for man-in-the-middle
methods. GANs are basically used in the image reconstruc- attacks when the transfer happens through untrusted
tion field which makes it conveniently suitable for image channels. Tampering of the stego image can also happen
steganography compared to convNets. during the transfer. These attacks and the performance
In deep learning methods, the working principle of the of the designed algorithm against these attacks can be
image steganography is to extract features from the cover and considered for evaluation along with other metrics.
secret image and concatenate them to produce an end result
closer to the cover image. However, where and how the secret VII. CONCLUSION
image pixels are embedded cannot be understood clearly. Image steganography is the method used in transmitting
Without the counterpart extracting model trained, it may be secret information by hiding it in plain sight inside a cover
difficult to crack the steganography image. This increases the image. Deep learning methods are widely used in every field
security but becomes difficult when the extraction model is and has been used in the research of steganography. Review
not working or crashed. of all the related works led to categorizing them into three
Some of the major disadvantages are the time taken for groups vastly. Most of the traditional based steganography
training, the computational time during testing and the stor- methods use the LSB substitution and some of its variants.
age capabilities. The models take two images or one image Other than LSB, PVD, DCT and EMD are commonly used.
and a text message converted into bits as input. The fea- The hiding capacity of the traditional methods are limited
tures are extracted from both the inputs which increases the as over burdening the cover image by exploiting more pix-
computational time in both embedding and extraction. The els for hiding the secret message may led to distortions.
number of parameters also increases by double at least when Also, the autoencoder-decoder structure with VGG as base,
compared to a normal architecture which in turn increase the U-Net and Xu-Net are the most prevailing architectures
storage space required by the model. used for CNN-based image steganography methods. More
RGB secret images are used by a handful methods when recently, GAN architecture has gained significant attention
others used gray scale images. When converting the gray for their ability to deal with image reconstruction tasks. Image
scale image to RGB image for better understanding, there steganography can be considered one such image reconstruc-
can be loss of information. Image enhancement techniques tion task where the cover image and the secret information is
are required in addition to understand the secret information taken as input to reconstruct a steganographic image which is
properly. close to the cover image in resemblance.
Some of the aspects that can be considered for future works There is no benchmark image datasets to perform the
are enumerated below, image steganography while most of them use the Ima-
• Usage of popular networks U-Net, cycleGAN and geNet, CelebA or BOSSBase. Each of the methods have
using DCT and DWT have been considered and more their own evaluation methods and metrics and hence there
exploration on the other customized architectures can is no common platform for comparisons. Peak Signal-to-
be attempted. For example, Recurrent Neural Net- Noise Ratio (PSNR) value comparison shown in table 5
works (RNNs) instead of CNNs can be further explored. gives an idea on the security performance of the different
A customized WGAN can be replaced with other vari- methods. By far, the best PSNR value of 64.7 is obtained by
ants of GAN. Kuppusamy et al. [49] using cycle GAN. GAN based meth-
• The majority of image steganography methods use either ods have proved to have better security performance and hid-
text or gray scale image as the secret information and ing capacity. GAN is the extensively used and most preferred
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