Rene Css Profile
Rene Css Profile
Rene Css Profile
Provide your legal name. Schools w ill use this to link your application to your school record.
First name * Rene
Middle name
Last name* Byiringiro
Preferred first name
Provide additional information about yourself, Rene. This helps us figure out w hat other questions w e should ask.
Rene's date of birth* 06/30/2003 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Rene's marital status* Never married
Please select Rene's state of permanent residency (where you live). If you live None of the above
outside of the US or Canada, please select "None of the Above."*
Student's Citizenship
Student's Citizenship
Student Status
Indicate if any of these are true for Rene. These questions help us understand your situation better.
Rene has legal dependents*
Yes No
Rene's CBFinAidID is used to match your application data. If you have one from last year or received one via email,
enter it here. You may leave this blank if you do not have your CBFinAidID.
Confirm Demographics
Please confirm this information is correct. It is used by schools to connect your application to your school record.
First name * Rene
Last name* Byiringiro
Rene's date of birth* 06/30/2003 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Email address*
Phone number* 250789213942
Country* Rwanda
Street address* KN 229 St
Street address (line 2)
City* Kigali
ZIP/Postal Code 00000
This information is accurate and complete.
Parental Relationships
In this section we'll ask basic information about Rene's parents. Please include all biological, adoptive, stepparents, legal guardians, and
parental partners.
What is Rene's grade level for the 2023-24 academic year* Not in School
It's important to know w hat currency you'll be using. Complete your application using the currency most or all of your
financial documentation is in.
What currency will you use to complete this application?* Rwandan franc
Interest income 0
Dividend income 0
Alimony Received in 2022 (including, but not limited to, amounts reported on a 0
tax return)*
Housing, food, and other living allowances received in 2022 as members of the 0
clergy or other profession*
Enter the amounts Rene's parents received or expect to receive in 2023 for the follow ing:
Jeanne's income from work * 0
Other taxable income* 0
Untaxed income and benefits* 0
Expect Change
Jeanne - Employment
Jeanne - Employment
Parent Address
Parent Housing
What is the amount owed on the primary mortgage for Rene's parents' home? 0
What is Rene's parents' monthly housing payment? 0
Dependent Summary
Provide information for everyone, other than Rene and their parents, who
lives in the student's parents' household and receives more than half of
their support from them.
Click the Save and Continue button if you have no dependent information
to provide.
Dependent Summary
Provide information for everyone, other than Rene and their parents, who
lives in the student's parents' household and receives more than half of
their support from them.
Click the Save and Continue button if you have no dependent information
to provide.
For the 2023-24 academic year, what is Thierry's year in school?* 2nd yr college
For the 2024-25 academic year, what will be Thierry's year in school?* 3rd yr college
Parent Expenses
Does Rene's parents have any medical or dental expenses not covered by
Yes No
Parent Expenses
Parent Assets
Assets they own but are held in the names of their children* No
Student Non-filer
How much taxable earnings from financial aid did Rene receive in 2022?
Taxable earnings from need-based work programs and taxable grant and 0
scholarship aid
Tell us more about untaxed social security benefits received by Rene in 2022.
Untaxed portion of any social security benefits 0
Enter the Rene's expected income. If Rene is married, w e'll ask you about their income on the next page.
Rene's expected earnings - summer 2024* 0
Rene's expected earnings - school year 2024-25* 200000
Rene's expected other taxed income - summer 2024* 0
Rene's expected other taxed income - school year 2024-25* 100000
Rene's expected total untaxed income and benefits - summer 2024* 0
Rene's expected total untaxed income and benefits - school year 2024-25* 0
Student Resources
How much does Rene expect to receive from the follow ing sources to pay for educational expenses for the 2024-25
academic year?
Their parents* 0
Scholarships/grants from sources other than the colleges or universities to 0
which they are applying*
Employers, (i.e. tuition benefits) including their parents' employer(s) and/or 0
their employer*
Relatives other than their parents and any other sources providing funds to 0
help pay for college expenses*
Will Rene receive funds from the government for college expenses?* No
International Student Benefits
Will Rene receive funds from any agencies or foundations for college No
How will Rene pay for transportation to the U.S.?* Scholarship or grant
Does Rene have any of the follow ing assets? Select all that apply.
Yes No
A trust
Yes No
How much does Rene currently have in cash, savings, checking, and deposit 0
Student Retirement
Special Circumstances
Select all circumstances that have ongoing financial impact for your family. (required)*
Change in employment
Covid-19 pandemic
Exceptional medical or dental expenses
Eldercare or financial support of other family members
Non-recurring income or expenses
The institutions you selected will receive the information from your application they requested. Not all institutions request all