File Handling
File Handling
File Handling
C files I/O functions handle data on a secondary storage device, such as a hard disk.
Stream-oriented data files-The data is stored in the same manner as it appears on the screen. The I/O operations
like buffering, data conversions, etc. take place automatically.
System-oriented data files-System-oriented data files are more closely associated with the OS and data stored in
memory without converting into text format.
C-File Operations
Closing a file.
To handling files in C, file input/output functions available in the stdio library are:
Function Uses/Purpose
fopen Opens a file.
fclose Closes a file.
getc Reads a character from a file
putc Writes a character to a file
getw Read integer
putw Write an integer
fprintf Prints formatted output to a file
fscanf Reads formatted input from a file
fgets Read string of characters from a file
fputs Write string of characters to file
feof Detects end-of-file marker in a file
C fopen:
C fopen is a C library function used to open an existing file or create a new file.
The basic format of fopen is:
FILE *fopen( const char * filePath, const char * mode );
filePath: The first argument is a pointer to a string containing the name of the file to be opened.
mode: The second argument is an access mode.
Mode Description
w Opens a text file for writing if the file doesn't exist then a new file is created.
a Opens a text file for appending(writing at the end of existing file) and create the file if it does not exist.
w+ Open for reading and writing and create the file if it does not exist. If the file exists then make it blank.
a+ Open for reading and appending and create the file if it does not exist. The reading will start from the beginning, but
writing can only be appended.
Return Value
C fopen function returns NULL in case of a failure and returns a FILE stream pointer on success.
int main()
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("fileName.txt","w");
return 0;
The above example will create a file called fileName.txt.
The w means that the file is being opened for writing, and if the file does not exist then the new file will
be created.
fclose() function is C:
fclose() function is C library function and it's used to releases the memory stream, opened by fopen() function.
int main()
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("fileName.txt","w");
fprintf(fp, "%s", "Sample Texts");
return 0;
The above example will create a file called fileName.txt.
The w means that the file is being opened for writing, and if the file does not exist then the new file will
be created.
The fclose function closes the file and releases the memory stream.
getc() :
getc() function is the C library function, and it's used to read a character from a file that has been opened in read
mode by fopen() function.
Return Value
getc() function returns the next requested object from the stream on success.
Character values are returned as an unsigned char cast to an int or EOF on the end of the file or error.
The function feof() and ferror() to distinguish between end-of-file and error must be used.
int main()
FILE *fp = fopen("fileName.txt", "r");
int ch = getc(fp);
while (ch != EOF)
//To display the contents of the file on the screen
ch = getc(fp);
if (feof(fp))
printf("\n Reached the end of file.");
printf("\n Something gone wrong.");
return 0;
putc() :
putc() function is C library function, and it's used to write a character to the file. This function is used for writing a
single character in a stream along with that it moves forward the indicator's position.
int putc( int c, FILE * stream );
int main (void)
FILE * fileName;
char ch;
fileName = fopen("anything.txt","wt");
for (ch = 'D' ; ch <= 'S' ; ch++) {
putc (ch , fileName);
fclose (fileName);
return 0;
C getw function is used to read an integer from a file that has been opened in read mode. It is a file handling
function, which is used for reading integer values.
int getw( FILE * stream );
int putw( int c, FILE * stream );
int main (void)
FILE *fileName;
int i=2, j=3, k=4, n;
fileName = fopen ("anything.c","w");
putw(i, fileName);
putw(j, fileName);
putw(k, fileName);
C fprintf function pass arguments according to the specified format to the file indicated by the stream. This
function is implemented in file related programs for writing formatted data in any file.
int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...)
int main (void)
FILE *fileName;
fileName = fopen("anything.txt","r");
fprintf(fileName, "%s %s %d", "Welcome", "to", 2018);
C fscanf function reads formatted input from a file. This function is implemented in file related programs for
reading formatted data from any file that is specified in the program.
int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...)
Its return the number of variables that are assigned values, or EOF if no assignments could be made.
int main()
char str1[10], str2[10];
int yr;
FILE* fileName;
fileName = fopen("anything.txt", "w+");
fputs("Welcome to", fileName);
fscanf(fileName, "%s %s %d", str1, str2, &yr);
printf("----------------------------------------------- \n");
printf("1st word %s \t", str1);
printf("2nd word %s \t", str2);
printf("Year-Name %d \t", yr);
return (0);
C fgets function is implemented in file related programs for reading strings from any particular file. It gets the
strings 1 line each time.
char *fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream)
void main(void)
FILE* fileName;
char ch[100];
fileName = fopen("anything.txt", "r");
printf("%s", fgets(ch, 50, fileName));
On success, the function returns the same str parameter
C fgets function returns a NULL pointer in case of a failure.
C fputs function is implemented in file related programs for writing string to any particular file.
int fputs(const char *str, FILE *stream)
int main()
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("fileName.txt","w");
return 0;
In this function returns non-negative value, otherwise returns EOF on error.
C feof function is used to determine if the end of the file (stream), specified has been reached
or not. This function keeps on searching the end of file (eof) in your file program.
int feof(FILE *stream)
Here is a program showing the use of feof().
int main()
FILE *filee = NULL;
char buf[50];
filee = fopen("infor.txt","r");
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filee);
return 0;
C feof function returns true in case end of file is reached, otherwise it's return false.
1. It first tries to open a text file infor.txt as read-only mode.
2. Then as the file gets opened successfully to read, it initiates the while loop.
3. The iteration continues until all the statement/lines of your text file get to read as well
as displayed.
Lastly, you have to close the file.