( 2022-M-12062000)
A Research Submitted in
The year 2019-20 has been very challenging for the entire country . The impact of the
pandemic, the virus COVID -19 has an unpredictable and serious impact of the lockdown on
small trade and business. The small business man and the trader who’s lively hood is depended
on the daily work or daily income bases, showing their concern about the survival in the
pandemic situation, many of the small businesses were restricted due to social distancing and
have to shift their businesses according to the demand of the urgent need of people and earning.
This paper provides the analysis of the impact of the lockdown situation on the small businesses
in the city of Pune. Over all the paper contributes to our understanding the impact of pandemic
on the common people.
Covid-19 has been the world shaking Pandemic of the century. Starting with China in January
in 2020, it has widely spread . All developed and non developed nations were affected by the
virus. Besides medical research to find out vaccination as an effective solution over this
situation, a number of steps like social distancing, compulsory use of masks and time and again
use of sanitization are some of the precautions were made mandatory by the government of
Study of Impacts of pandemic on Small scale Businesses in the city of Pune, Maharashtra
lockdown, implementation of Section 144 (Curfew situation) were adopted as measures by the
Government in the month of march . all business small and large scale business has to be shut
down as per the rule . Trade and commerce of small and big businesses, schools and colleges,
entertainment centers and hotels, religious places and personal get - togethers for marriages
and other family functions came to a total shut down. Only essentials were allowed like
hospitals . medicals, and dairy .
This effected the small scale business as their livelihood depend on daily basis. This small
scale business are very vast as they include small grocery , cloths ,electronic appliances , bike
and cycle repair shops, vegetable vendors, food stalls, and many more were harmly affected by
the pandemic as their source of income was shut. There was no option rather then spending
their savings. Only essentials for allowed Covid impact on Pune industry reports decline in
production. A survey conducted by Mahratta chamber of commerce, Industries and Agriculture
(MCCIA) has reported that on average the surveyed company said that their current level
production has decreased from 83 percent in March to 69 percent in April 2020.
Many businesses made adjustments or changes to their business activity in order to cope with
the new challenges posed by the pandemic. We also looked how many business survived the
pandemic and again started the business after so much of loss and how they managed to do this
and what were the challenges they faced .
Moreover, in order to assess the impact and future implications of pandemic for these
businesses, the study asked whether, and to what extent there were changes in the utilization of
open tools of innovation and in the implementation of sharing and cultural processes that could
potentially promote innovation within the business and business performance.
How revenue of business changed after the pandemic The study findings showed that the
revenues of over half of the businesses were harmed during the pandemic as compared to the
same period the year before, and only 20% of the businesses actually saw a revenue increase
during the pandemic. These findings support research according to which the revenues of most
of small businesses in the industry sectors has decrease during the pandemic period.
The study findings showed that 60% of the businesses made no changes or adjustments to their
business activity during the pandemic. The business owners explained that they work done the
basis of a daily wages.. Also, those businesses whose revenues declined during the pandemic
made efforts to reduce expenses, whether by laying off workers or other means however, as
noted no changes or adjustments.
Impact of technology on retail grocery business of Pune. The essential needs of human life
have long been acknowledged as food, shelter, and clothing. Food supplies are seen as the most
crucial commodities in both developed and emerging countries, and in years of severe
shortages, inhabitants must rely on other nations, even importing the same, to survive. The
COVID-19 epidemic in Pune has prompted numerous businesses and retailers to close their
business .
Short-term difficulties confront retailers and brands, including those relating to health and
safety, supply chain, workforce, cash flow, consumer demand, sales, and marketing .
Coronavirus illness 2019 has had a large economic impact in addition to its influence on public
health. Just a few weeks after the outbreak, the pandemic had already caused major disruption
among small enterprises; around 25% of businesses had temporarily closed, and nearly all of
these closures were related to pandemic. Various well-known brands in many industries are
going to go bankrupt if consumers stay at home and economies shut down as a result of the
pandemic . This isn't only affecting the economy; it's affecting the entire society, which has
resulted in significant changes in how firms and customers behave . Impact of pandemic on
various businesses.
Employment changes through various phases of the lockdown based on primary data. labour
working in small business owners like groceries shop, vegetable shop, bakery’s, small food
stalls; etc. were badly affected as there was a pandemic situation government as implemented
curfew. As per the rule all the shops as to be closed this increased the number of unemployment
in the market and fall in their income.
There was a large drop in income of a small scale business with the announcement of
lockdown. While there is some recovery with easing of the lockdown, the income at the time
of survey is still lower than its pre-lockdown level. Casual labour households with the largest
fall in income and employment are the most affected. Income and employment losses was
increased highly.
As per the data nearly 90 per cent of the workers could not work between 25 March 2020 and
3 May 2020. More than 90 % of the workers received no income from their occupation. The
average daily income of the workers fell by 78% per cent during the lockdown. Even though
the distribution of food by the government could avert hunger and deprivation among people,
40 % of the surveyed households reported deficient supply of food. Income loss and scarcity of
food were also reported . A total of 76% of the households had exhausted their savings by the
time of survey and required assistance to survive.
Many businesses have been largely affected by the pandemic with varied responses. Smaller,
financially vulnerable, businesses faced closure or other serious economic disruptions while
healthy firms in sectors heavily impacted by lockdown measures e.g. travel, tourism, and event
organizers were forced to reduce their activities or to engage in cost-cutting measures . Small
business owners faced many challenges during the pandemic . As there was no customers to
buy a product the cash flow as stopped the business owner as no choice. The rented shop owners
unwillingly as to pay the shop rent despite of no business in the hope the market will start again
Small business with the less life shell of the product has to deal with a large amount of loss as
the product was expiring and there was no option left for them
In the pandemic period many business transformed themselves as per the technology after the
pandemic the online transactions increased. Pandemic forced many small business to
implement the technology many business started taking online orders after the pandemic this
helped many business to take orders from all over the country. Digital technology has played a
important role in facilitating pandemic prevention and in the expansion of consumption. In the
post-pandemic , digital technology encouraged new products, new goods and services, and
variety of new business of business and new business models in various industries such as
education sector , health care sector and smart-homing sectors will become important factorsand
this will impact on economic growth a country. The digital economy will is a vital force to drive
such a economic recovery, and facilitate other changes in production activities, accelerating use
of digital technology application from customers .
To study the operational challenges faced by small scale business faced during pandemic.
A present study investigated the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on small scale businesses in
Pune region. Many businesses made adjustments or changes to their business activity in order
to cope with the new challenges posed by the pandemic. We also looked how many business
survived the pandemic and again started the business after so much of loss and how they
managed to do this and what were the challenges they faced .
Data accuracy: The review's findings may be constrained by the accuracy of the data acquired. For instance,
the study might use self-reported data, which could include recollection bias or social desirability bias.
Correlation versus causation: The study could be able to find correlations between Business, losses,
And problems faced , but it might not be able to prove causality.
It may be difficult to tell whether specific variables are merely correlating with one another because
all business are different .
Platform-specific findings: The study's conclusions might only apply to certain business
or geographical areas.
An alternative theory claims that the relationship between two variables is statistically significant.
H1or Ha is used to indicate it.
To ascertain whether alternative hypotheses can be supported by evidence, they are often investigated
using statistical techniques and data analysis techniques.
The primary data is collected from the 104 owners of various types of business from Pune
Region using the questionnaire sampling. The researcher has collected the responses with
questionnaire and also conducted the interviews of therespondents. They have responded on a
multiple choice questions on google forms . responses have been measured in graph.
The question asked to the 103 small scale business owners with the responses measured in
Moreover, in order to assess the impact and future implications of pandemic for these
businesses, the study asked whether, and to what extent there were changes in the utilizationof
open tools of innovation and in the implementation of sharing and cultural processes thatcould
potentially promote innovation within the business and business performance.
How revenue of business changed after the pandemic The study findings showed that the
revenues of over half of the businesses were harmed during the pandemic as compared to the
same period the year before, and only 20% of the businesses actually saw a revenue increase
during the pandemic. These findings support research according to which the revenues of most
of small businesses in the industry sectors has decrease during the pandemic period.
The study findings showed that 60% of the businesses made no changes or adjustments to their
business activity during the pandemic. The business owners explained that they workedon the
basis of a daily wages.. Also, those businesses whose revenues declined during the pandemic
made efforts to reduce expenses, whether by laying off workers or other means however, as
noted no changes or adjustments.
The findings also indicated that over 60% of the businesses made no changes during the
pandemic in their activities to acquire knowledge from external entities or in the scope of
collaboration with external entities.. The business managers explained the increased activity in
terms of efforts to expand the product line or to enter new areas of activity—efforts that entailed
the acquisition of new knowledge Also, changes and adjustments to products, or the desire to
reduce expenses and achieve economies of scale, led to increased collaboration with external
entities, generally with a main customer or with other the businesses in the same market .
The findings also indicated that more than two-thirds of companies, there was no change in the
extent to which sharing processes took place within the business during the pandemic, while
for over a half of the businesses, such processes occurred to an even greater degree. In 90% of
the firms, there was no change in the extent to which processes were implemented during the
pandemic period.
According to the owners of businesses who displayed greater engagement in sharing processes
this was due mainly to social distancing limitations and to the shift to onlinemeetings.
These findings confirm research hypotheses that most small businesses in the industry sector
have not reduced their use of the open innovation tools and the extent to which sharing and
cultural processes were taking place and implemented in the business during the pandemic
These findings are very encouraging in terms of the future, as most of the businesses
maintained, and some how increased , there utilization of tools, and also continued engaging
in sharing and cultural processes for innovation promotion purposes. Therefore anticipate that
the innovation level of most small business in the industrial sectors will not be more affected
in the future and may even rise, given the increased efforts of a large amount of these firms to
identify and utilize more knowledge, and the increase more collaboration withexternal entities.
The study showed that the rate of revenues from subcontracting work for those business whose
revenues increased or unchanged during the pandemic was higher than that of businesses whose
revenues declined, pointing to a significant relationship between the changein revenue levels
during the pandemic and revenues from subcontracting work, such that businesses whose rate of
revenue from subcontracting work was relatively high increased revenues.
These findings support research , regarding the relationship between change in revenue and
rate of revenue from sub contracting work . From previous studies support these findings of
the present study. Found that the subcontracting relationship between large-scale industries
and small businesses is inclined to production and product-related cooperation, where the
contractors are concerned with meeting fluctuation in demand and shortening long delivery
times. According to the production subcontracting strategy is instrumental in the survival of
small businesses in the industrial sector, given the ability to guarantee reductions in operating
costs and risk, and Resources accessibility.
We see that small businesses in the industrial sectors that work as subcontractors basis or in
particular sector that have long-term contracts with big customers from many years , are likely
to scope better during periods of economic disasters and under conditions of economic
uncertainty. Businesses whose sales are based primary or on any other businesses (B2B) and
that do not service private end customers (B2C) through face-to-face interaction, cope better
during periods of restrictions and unexpected situations in such as a corona virus pandemic.
No changes were found between change in revenue of a small scale business during the
pandemic and export sales. These findings do not support research hypotheses. The finding of
expectation that businesses active in international markets and exposed to new knowledge and
ideas that allow them to develop the ability to learn quickly and the flexibility to deal with
change will be less adversely affected by extreme situations of economic distress, uncertainty
and restriction
During the pandemic Many business were struggling. Their biggest problems have been
declining demand and broken supply chain. Yet there are challenges The responses to this
issue include the introduction of sanitation and sanitization methods and of protection
procedures an updated sourcing policy, the incorporation of new vendors, the streamlining of
their product portfolio, a more responsive evaluation of supply chain analysisof disaster or
emergency management plans. In this way small scale business can scope withthe coronavirus
As per the responses we got from the business owners we came to know that only pharmacy
sector has got benefit from the pandemic as the use of sanitizer and masks were highly
increased in the market and all the business were most effected by the pandemic.
Small businesses have almost 60% of workers. our result Showed the financial fragility of
many small businesses, and how they were affected by the pandemic . After asking some
business owners we found that 43% of businesses were temporarily closed and that
employment had fallen by 40%. This represents a shock to the small firms that has little
parallel in the market . Our results suggest that many of these firms had little cash on hand
toward the beginning of the pandemic, which means that they will either have to cut expenses,
take debt, or shut down there business .
Many Small businesses who responded to our survey suggest that many are likely to face a
financial problem after the pandemic . Around 38% of business were likely to open as of the
end of 2020. While optimism increased when they were informed about the many loan
The impact of Covid-19 Movement Control Order on SMEs’ businesses and survival
strategies. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16(2). www.google.co.in
Date 2022-04-06
0% 100%
Words 131
Plagiarised Unique
Character 800
The year 2019-20 has been very challenging for the entire country . The impact of the pandemic, the virus COVID -19 has
an unpredictable and serious impact of the lockdown on small trade and business. The small business man and the trader
who’s lively hood is depended on the daily work or daily income bases, showing their concern about the survival in the
pandemic situation, many of the small businesses were restricted due to social distancing and have to shift their businesses
according to the demand of the urgent need of people and earning. This paper provides the analysis of the impact of the
lockdown situation on the small businesses in the city of Pune. Over all the paper contributes to our understanding the
impact of pandemic on the common people
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Date 2022-04-06
0% 100%
Words 292
Plagiarised Unique
Character 1845
Covid-19 has been the world shaking Pandemic of the century. Starting with China in January in 2020, it has widely spread .
All developed and non developed nations were affected by the virus. Besides medical research to find out vaccination as
an effective solution over this situation, a number of steps like social distancing, compulsory use of masks and time and
again use of sanitization are some of the precautions were made mandatory by the government of India.
Study of Impacts of pandemic on Small scale Businesses in the city of Pune, Maharashtra
lockdown, implementation of Section 144 (Curfew situation) were adopted as measures by the Government in the month of
march . all business small and large scale business has to be shut down as per the rule . Trade and commerce of small and
big businesses, schools and colleges, entertainment centers and hotels, religious places and personal get - togethers for
marriages and other family functions came to a total shut down. Only essentials were allowed like hospitals . medicals, and
dairy .
This effected the small scale business as their livelihood depend on daily basis. This small scale business are very vast as
they include small grocery , cloths ,electronic appliances , bike and cycle repair shops, vegetable vendors, food stalls, and
many more were harmly affected by the pandemic as their source of income was shut. There was no option rather then
spending their savings. Only essentials for allowed Covid impact on Pune industry reports decline in production. A survey
conducted by Mahratta chamber of commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA) has reported that on average the
surveyed company said that their current level production has decreased from 83 percent in March to 69 percent in April
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Date 2022-04-06
15% 85%
Words 813
Plagiarised Unique
Character 5479
Review of related Literature Impact of Covid – 19 on various businesses.A Study of Economic Impacts of Lockdown on
Small Businesses in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India . .
• To study the impact of coronavirus on small business in Pune region
Impact of technology on retail grocery business of Pune. The essential needs of human life have long been
acknowledged as food, shelter, and clothing. Food supplies are seen as the most crucial commodities in both developed
and emerging countries, and in years of severe shortages, inhabitants must rely on other nations, even importing the same,
to survive. The COVID-19 epidemic in Pune has prompted numerous businesses and retailers to close their business .
Short-term difficulties confront retailers and brands, including those relating to health and safety, supply chain,
workforce, cash flow, consumer demand, sales, and marketing .
Coronavirus illness 2019 has had a large economic impact in addition to its influence on public health. Just a few weeks
after the outbreak, the pandemic had already caused major disruption among small enterprises; around 25% of businesses
had temporarily closed, and nearly all of these closures were related to pandemic. Various well-known brands in many
industries are going to go bankrupt if consumers stay at home and economies shut down as a result of the pandemic . This
isn't only affecting the economy; it's affecting the entire society, which has resulted in significant changes in how firms and
customers behave . Impact of pandemic on various businesses.
There was a large drop in income of a small scale business with the announcement of lockdown. While there is some
recovery with easing of the lockdown, the income at the time of survey is still lower than its pre-lockdown level.
Casual labour households with the largest fall in income and employment are the most affected. Income and
employment losses was increased highly.
As per the data nearly 90 per cent of the workers could not work between 25 March 2020 and 3 May 2020. More than 90 %
of the workers received no income from their occupation. The average daily income of the workers fell by 78% per cent
Page 1 of 3
during the lockdown. Even though the distribution of food by the government could avert hunger and deprivation among
people, 40 % of the surveyed households reported deficient supply of food.
Income loss and scarcity of food were alsoreported . Atotal of 76% of the households had exhausted their savings by the
time of survey and required assistance to survive.
• To study the operational challenges faced by small scale business faced during pandemic.
Many businesses have been largely affected by the pandemic with varied responses. Smaller, financially vulnerable,
businesses faced closure or other serious economic disruptions while healthy firms in sectors heavily impacted by
lockdown measures e.g. travel, tourism, and event organizers were forced to reduce their activities or to engage in cost-
cutting measures . Small business owners faced many challenges during the pandemic . As there was no customers to
buy a product the cash flow as stopped the business owner as no choice. The rented shop owners unwillingly as to pay the
shop rent despite of no business in the hope the market will start again soon.
Small business with the less life shell of the product has to deal with a large amount of loss as the product was expiring
and there was no option left for them
In the pandemic period many business transformed themselves as per the technology after the pandemic the online
transactions increased. Pandemic forced many small business to implement the technology many business started taking
online orders after the pandemic this helped many business to take orders from all over the country. Digital technology
has played aimportant role in facilitating pandemic prevention and in the expansion of consumption. In the post-
pandemic , digital technology encouraged new products, new goods and services, and variety of new business of
business and new business models in various industries such as education sector , health care sector and smart-homing
sectors will become important factors and this will impact on economic growth a country. The digital economy will is a
vital force to drive such a economic recovery, and facilitate other changes in production activities, accelerating use of
digital technology application from customers .
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Casual labour households with the largest fall in income and employment are the most affected. Income and employment
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A present study empirically investigated the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on small scale businesses in Pune region.
Many businesses made adjustments or changes to their business activity in order to cope with the new challenges posed
by the pandemic. We also looked how many business survived the pandemic and again started the business after so much
of loss and how they managed to do this and what were the challenges they faced .
Moreover, in order to assess the impact and future implications of pandemic for these businesses, the study asked
whether, and to what extent there were changes in the utilization of open tools of innovation and in the implementation
of sharing and cultural processes that could potentially promote innovation within the business and business performance.
How revenue of business changed after the pandemic The study findings showed that the revenues of over half of the
businesses were harmed during the pandemic as compared to the same period the year before, and only 20% of the
businesses actually saw a revenue increase during the pandemic. These findings support research according to which the
revenues of most of small businesses in the industry sectors has decrease during the pandemic period.
The study findings showed that 60% of the businesses made no changes or adjustments to their business activity during
the pandemic. The business owners explained that they worked on the basis of a daily wages.. Also, those businesses
whose revenues declined during the pandemic made efforts to reduce expenses, whether by laying off workers or other
means however, as noted no changes or adjustments.
The findings also indicated that over 60% of the businesses made no changes during the pandemic in their activities to
acquire knowledge from external entities or in the scope of collaboration with external entities.. The business managers
explained the increased activity in terms of efforts to expand the product line or to enter new areas of activity—efforts that
entailed the acquisition of new knowledge Also, changes and adjustments to products, or the desire to reduce expenses
and achieve economies of scale, led to increased collaboration with external entities, generally with a main customer or
with other the businesses in the same market .
The findings also indicated that more than two-thirds of companies, there was no change in the extent to which sharing
processes took place within the business during the pandemic, while for over a half of the businesses, such processes
occurred to an even greater degree. In 90% of the firms, there was no change in the extent to which processes were
implemented during the pandemic period.
According to the owners of businesses who displayed greater engagement in sharing processes this was due mainly to
social distancing limitations and to the shift to online meetings.
These findings confirm research hypotheses that most small businesses in the industry sector have not reduced their use of
the open innovation tools and the extent to which sharing and cultural processes were taking place and implemented in
the business during the pandemic period.
These findings are very encouraging in terms of the future, as most of the businesses maintained, and some how
increased , there utilization of tools, and also continued engaging in sharing and cultural processes for innovation
promotion purposes. Therefore anticipate that the innovation level of most small busines s in the industrial sectors will not
be more affected in the future and may even rise, given the increased efforts of a large amount of these firms to identify
and utilize more knowledge, and the increase more collaboration with external entities.
The study showed that the rate of revenues from subcontracting work for those business whose revenues increased or
Page 4 of 3
unchanged during the pandemic was higher than that of businesses whose revenues declined, pointing to a significant
relationship between the change in revenue levels during the pandemic and revenues from subcontracting work, such that
businesses whose rate of revenue from subcontracting work was relatively high increased revenues.
These findings support research , regarding the relationship between change in revenue and rate of revenue from sub
contracting work . From previous studies support these findings of the present study. Found that the subcontracting
relationship between large-scale industries and small businesses is inclined to production and product-related
cooperation, where the contractors are concerned with meeting fluctuation in demand and shortening long delivery times.
According to the production subcontracting strategy is instrumental in the survival of small businesses in the industrial
sector, given the ability to guarantee reductions in operating costs and risk, and Resources accessibility.
We see that small businesses in the industrial sectors that work as subcontractors basis or in particular sector that have
long-term contracts with big customers from many years , are likely to scope better during periods of economic disasters
and under conditions of economic uncertainty. Businesses whose sales are based primary or on any other businesses (B2B) and
that do not service private end customers (B2C) through face-to-face interaction, cope better during periods of restrictions
and unexpected situations in such as a corona virus pandemic.
No changes were found between change in revenue of a small scale business during the pandemic and export sales. These
findings do not support research hypotheses. The finding of expectation that businesses active in international markets
and exposed to new knowledge and ideas that allow them to develop the ability to learn quickly and the flexibility to deal
with change will be less adversely affected by extreme situations of economic distress, uncertainty and restrictions
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Page 2 of 2
Date 2022-04-06
Characters 1744
During the pandemic Many business were struggling. Their biggest problems have been declining demand and broken
supply chain. Yet there are challenges The responses to thisissue include the introduction ofsanitation and
sanitization methods and of protection procedures an updated sourcing policy, the incorporation of new vendors,
the streamlining of their product portfolio, a more responsive evaluation of supply chain analysis of disaster or emergency
management plans. In this way small scale business can scope with the coronavirus pandemic
As per the responses we got from the business owners we came to know that only pharmacy sector has got benefit from
the pandemic as the use of sanitizer and masks were highly increased in the market and all the business were most
effected by the pandemic.
Small businesses have almost 60% of workers. our result Showed the financial fragility of many small businesses, and
how they were affected by the pandemic . After asking some business owners we found that 43% of businesses were
temporarily closed and that employment had fallen by 40%. This represents a shock to the small firms that has little
parallel in the market . Our results suggest that many ofthese firms had little cash on hand toward the beginning of the
pandemic, which means that they will either have to cut expenses, take debt, or shut down there business .
Many Small businesses who responded to our survey suggest that many are likely to face a financial problem after the
pandemic. Around 38% of business were likely to open as of the end of 2020. While optimism increased when they were
informed about the many loan program.
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Their biggest problems have been declining demand and broken supply chain. Yet . there is hope for the challenge. After the dust settles
manufacturers find it necessary, with .
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Yet, our results underscore the financial fragility of many small businesses, and how deeply affected they are by the current
crisis. In our sample, which ...
impact/content/download/72670/file/How%20are%20 small%20bu sinesses%20adjusting%20to%20C OVID.pdf
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