Cluster Inset Acr Unit 2
Cluster Inset Acr Unit 2
Cluster Inset Acr Unit 2
Department of Education
Lessons Learned/ Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any
Recommendation: field.
Narrative Report
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps
learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young- Henry Ford.
Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 22, s. 2023 re School Calendar for School Year 2023-2024, the
In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) is scheduled on January 24-26, 2024 and January
29-30, 2024, Unit 2 conducted the Cluster INSET on January 24-25, 2024 at Bantog
Elementary School Gymnasium at 8:00 am- 4:00 pm.
Cluster in service training program of yunit 2 begins with singing of Philippine
National anthem conducted by Mr. Chito R. Batongbacal, followed by an opening prayer led
by Mrs. Lolita O. Palomo. Before the discussion begins, the Officer in charge of the host
school, Mrs. Irish A. Criseno welcomes the participants coming from the different school in
unit 2. Discussion proper starts with the topic Training Workshop on Early Language Literacy
and Numeracy (ELLN) focusing on the Science of Reading by Mrs. Rio M. De Guzman. This
immediately followed by a discussion from the two master teachers of Bantog ES, Mrs. Irish
A. Criseno and Mrs. Carina M. Villegas with a topic Upskilling of Mathematics and Science
Teachers in the Elementary. Right after the discussions, are the activities given by the resource
speakers. The afternoon session focuses on Upskilling of English and Filipino Teachers in
Elementary talked over by Ms. Chona saM. Galang, Ms. Janica Mae P. Chico and Mrs. Charlin
M. Adriano. The last topic for the Day 1 of cluster inset discussed by Mrs. Janeth E. De
Guzman was DepEd Child Protection Policy (DepEd Order No. 40 s. 2012).
The day 2 of cluster inset begins with a simple prayer and morning exercise to keep
everybody alive during the discussion. The first discussant was Mrs. Arlene R. Santos with the
topic Upskilling Teachers’ Competence in Conducting Research, followed by Safe Spaces Act
(Republic Act No. 11313) talked through by Mrs. Virginia G. Gutierrez. The last discussion
for the 2nd day session was Ms. Janet DR. Dela Cruz with the topic Orientation on the
Implementation of Catch-up Fridays. The afternoon session becomes very alive because of the
demo teachers coming from each school in Unit 2. The demo teachers are, Mrs. Virginia
Gutierrez, Mr. Jonathaniel Y. Parulan, Mrs. Ria S. Dela Cruz and Mr.Solaiman Loma.
The 2 day cluster in service training program ends as the teacher participants
receives certificate of appreciation in attending the said activity.
Attached in the document are the photo documentation of the activity.
Prepared by:
School Principal I/ Unit Chairman