Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 1
Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 1
Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 1
a working model on the cycle proposed and, in addition, many of these engines
by Dr. Diesel resulted in explosions and gave off considerable carbon monoxide
failure. Further attempts to experiment fumes, creating a menace to personnel.
along this same line were abandoned.
Consequently, an engine operating In the meantime, MAN built and
entirely on the theoretical cycle experimented with 2-stroke cycle diesel
proposed by Dr. Diesel was never engines for submarine propulsion.
produced. This cycle subsequently However, insufficient progress had been
became known as the diesel cycle. made in metallurgy to provide metals
capable of withstanding the greater heat
Many designers realized the value of and stress inherent in engines of this
the practical elements in the cycle of type. MAN then turned its efforts toward
operation outlined by Dr. Diesel. production of a 4-stroke cycle diesel
Subsequently, experimenters began to engine capable of developing 1000 hp.
achieve favorable results by eliminating While fairly successful, these engines
the impractical elements and by altering eventually developed structural
the cycle of operation. Successful weaknesses at the crankcase.
experiments were conducted by the
Machinen-fabrik-Augsburg-Nurnberg By 1914 the MAN 4-stroke cycle diesel
(commonly called MAN) concern in had been partially redesigned and
Germany. strengthened, producing the SV45/42,
1200-hp engine used in the majority of
By this time the more volatile German submarines during World War I.
petroleum fuels were in common use Following World War I, the United States
and diesel engines utilizing liquid fuel Navy acquired a number of these engines
were designed. These engines operated for use in the earlier S-class boats. A
on a cycle in which the combustion copy of this engine was produced by the
phase occurred at constant pressure New York Navy Yard and used in other
rather than at constant temperature. early S-class submarines.
Experience also disclosed that it was
essential to cool the combustion The Electric Boat Company, which was
chamber externally. Early diesel formerly the Holland Torpedo Boat
engines operating on the constant Company, became licensee in the United
States for the MAN Company of
Germany. Later, the Electric Boat 2/23
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pressure cycle, were efficient enough to Company consolidated with the New
make commercial production feasible. London Ship and Engine Company.
Shortly before World War I, the Electric
Progress in diesel engine design has Boat Company developed the well-
been rapid since the early models were known NELSECO engine. During, and
introduced. The impetus of war subsequent to World War I, a number of
demands, progress in metallurgy, United States submarines of the O, R,
fabrication, and engineering, and and S classes were equipped with these
refinements in fuels and lubricants have NELSECO engines. In fact, the principal
all served to produce modern, high- installations in United States submarines
speed diesel engines of exceptional were 6- and 8-cylinder NELSECO's until
efficiency. about 1934.
1A3. History of submarine engine Prior to 1930 the engines used in most
development. The first United States submarines of all the larger naval
submarines utilizing internal powers, with the exception of Great
combustion engines for propulsion Britain, were 4-stroke cycle diesel
were powered by 45-horsepower, 2- engines. The United States Navy,
cylinder, 4-stroke cycle gasoline however, experimented with a 2-stroke
engines produced by the Otto Company cycle Busch-Sulzer engine and equipped
of Philadelphia. Meanwhile, the a number of boats with this type of
English Submarine Service made use of engine. Since then, the majority of
12- and 16-cylinder gasoline engines in engines designed for United States
their earlier submarines. submarine use have been of the 2-stroke
cycle type.
The inherent hazards accompanying the
use of such a highly volatile fuel as
gasoline were quickly realized.
Stowage was a constant problem and
handling of the fuel was extremely
dangerous. Internal explosions were
Prior to 1929, all engines in the United 1A4. How submarine requirements
States Submarine Service were of the affect engine design. The fact that
air injection type. Shortly after 1929, submarines are both subsurface and
mechanical or solid type injection was surface vessels places definite restrictions
employed on MAN engines. The upon size, hull design, and shape. Total
advantages to be obtained with this weight, too, is a factor having
type of injection were immediately considerable bearing on underwater
apparent. By using solid type injection, operations. Hull characteristics restrict
the weight of the engines could be engine size and location of the engine
considerably reduced. The elimination compartments. Engine weight must bear
of the air compressor alone accounted a proportionate relationship to the weight
for a saving in weight of approximately and displacement of the vessel as well as
14 percent. to power requirements.
The advantages derived from the use of In the first engine-powered submarines,
mechanical injection were numerous the engines were mechanically connected
and included: directly to the propeller shafting. This
design, known as direct drive, developed
immediate operational problems. The 3/23
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by slow-speed electric motors. The only 1. The engine should furnish maximum
connections between engine power and amount of power with minimum weight
propeller shafting were electrical. and space requirement.
Hence, vibrations developed by the
engines could not be conducted to the 2. The engine should possess the ability
propeller shafting and propellers, and to develop occasionally more than full 4/23
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1B1. Reciprocating internal charge of fuel and air is admitted, and the
combustion engines. An engine that process is repeated. The above sequence
converts heat energy into work by of events is called a cycle of operation.
burning fuel in a confined chamber is
called an internal combustion engine. 1B2. Cycles of operation. The word
Such an engine employing back-and- cycle enters into the description of the
forth motion of the pistons is called a operation of any internal combustion
reciprocating type internal combustion engine. As applied to internal combustion
engine. The diesel engine and the engines, it may be defined as the
gasoline engine are the most familiar complete sequence of events that occur in
examples of reciprocating internal the cylinder of an engine for each power
combustion engines. stroke or impulse delivered to the
crankshaft. Those events always occur in
The basic principle of operation of an the same order each time the cycle is
internal combustion engine is relatively repeated.
simple. The space in the cylinder in
which the fuel is burned is called the Each cycle of operation is closely related
combustion chamber. Fuel and air are to piston position and movement in the
admitted to the combustion chamber cylinder. Regardless of the number of
and ignited. The resulting combustion piston strokes involved in a cycle, there
increases the temperature within the are four definite events or phases that
combustion chamber. Gases, released must occur in the cylinders.
by combustion, plus the increase in
temperature, raise the pressure which 1. Either air or a mixture of air and fuel
acts on the piston crown, forcing the must be taken into the cylinder and
piston to move. Movement of the piston compressed.
is transmitted through other parts to the 5/23
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crankshaft whose rotary motion is 2. The fuel and air mixture must be
utilized for work. The expended gases ignited, or fuel must be injected into the
are ejected from the cylinder, a new hot compressed air to cause ignition.
3. The heat and expansion of gases Matter is anything having weight and
resulting from combustion must occupying space. Solids, liquids, and
perform work on the piston to produce gases are matter.
A molecule is the smallest division of a
4. The residual or exhaust gases must given matter, which, when taken alone,
be discharged from the cylinder when still retains all the properties and
expansion work is completed. characteristics of the matter.
The cycles of operation in each type of Heat is a form of energy caused by the
internal combustion engine are molecular activity of a substance.
characterized both by the mechanics of Increasing the velocity of molecular
operation and the thermodynamic activity in a substance increases the
processes. The three most commonly amount of heat the substance contains.
known cycles are the Otto cycle, the Decreasing the velocity of molecular
diesel cycle, and the modified diesel activity in a substance decreases the
cycle. amount of heat the substance contains. 7/23
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been transformed into heat energy in molecular activity. As the piston nears
the compressed air. inner dead center, the volume is reduced
rapidly and the temperature increases to a
In Figure 1-1C, more force has been point sufficient to support the automatic
applied to the piston, raising the ignition of any fuel injected.
pressure in the cylinder to about 300
psi, and the temperature to nearly 700 Combustion changes the injected fuel to
degrees F. gases. After combustion, the liberation of
the gases with a very slight increase in
Figure 1-1D shows the final stage of volume causes a sharp increase in
the compression stroke as the piston pressure and
arrives at inner dead center. Pressure is
in the neighborhood of 470 psi and the
temperature is about 1000 degrees F.
This illustration closely approximates
Pressure-volume diagrams give the Letters are located on each of the figures
relationship between pressures and in the diagrams. The distance between
piston positions, and may be used to two adjacent letters on the figures is
measure the work done in the cylinder. representative of a phase of the cycle.
Also, if the speed of the engine and the Comparing the diagrams provides a
time involved in completing one cycle visible means of comparing the variation
are known, the indicated horsepower in the phases between the three cycles.
may be computed by taking pressure-
volume diagrams on each cylinder and 1B8. The Otto cycle. The Otto cycle
converting the foot-pounds per unit of (Figure 1-2) is more commonly known as
time into horsepower. This method of the constant volume cycle and its
determining horsepower, however, is principles form
not practicable on modern fleet type
submarine engines.
The Otto cycle may be defined as a The diesel cycle may be defined as a
cycle in which combustion induced by cycle in which combustion induced by 9/23
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1B9. The diesel cycle. In the true diesel 1B10. Modified diesel cycle. We have
cycle, only air is compressed in the previously described the Otto cycle as
cylinder prior to ignition. This normally one in which combustion occurs
produces a final compression pressure theoretically at constant volume, and the
of about 500 psi. At such a pressure the diesel cycle as one in which
temperature of the compressed air may
range from 900 degrees to 1050 degrees
F. Since most fuel
along BC. This was followed by 2. With the intake valve closed, the
adiabatic expansion from C to D. piston makes an upward stroke,
Rejection of the gases from the cylinder compressing the air. Pressure is generally
was constant volume from D to A. around 500 psi with resultant
temperatures as high as 900 degrees to
c. The modified diesel cycle. This is the 1050 degrees F, depending on the design
cycle (Figure 1-2) used in all fleet type of the engine. At about the end of this
submarine diesel engines and in stroke, the fuel is injected into the hot
practically all modern diesel engines. In compressed air, and ignition and
this thermodynamic cycle, compression combustion occur over a relatively short
is adiabatic from A to B. Combustion is period of piston travel.
partly constant volume from B to C and
partly constant pressure from C to D. 3. The expansion of combustion gases
Expansion is adiabatic from D to E. forces the piston downward through one
Rejection of gases from the cylinder is stroke. This is called the power stroke.
constant volume along EA. As the piston nears the end of this stroke,
the exhaust valve opens, permitting some
1B12. Thermal efficiency. The thermal of the burned gases to escape.
efficiency of an internal combustion
engine may be considered the 4. The piston makes another upward
percentage of efficiency, in converting stroke in which the remaining exhaust
the total potential heat energy available gases are forced out of the cylinder. This
in the fuel into mechanical energy. We completes the cycle.
have already stated that the mechanical
equivalent of heat energy is 778 foot- 1B14. The 2-stroke diesel cycle. In this
pounds for one Btu of heat. By this cycle (Figure 1-4) the piston makes two
equation, it is a simple matter to figure strokes to complete the cycle. There is
how much work should be delivered on one power stroke for every two piston
an ideal basis from a given quantity of strokes or for each revolution of the
fuel. An engine operating on this- basis crankshaft. An engine employing this
cycle requires a scavenging air blower to 11/23
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would be 100 percent efficient. No assist in clearing the exhaust gases from
internal combustion engine, however, is the cylinder, to replenish the cylinder
100 percent efficient, because heat with the necessary volume of fresh air,
losses, conducted through the cooling and to make possible a slight
and exhaust systems, and friction losses supercharging effect.
make the thermal efficiency of any
internal combustion engine relatively Figure, 1-4 shows the two strokes and the
low. sequence of events that occur in the 2-
stroke diesel cycle as follows:
1B13. The 4-stroke diesel cycle. In the
4-stroke diesel cycle, the piston makes 1. Start of compression. The piston has
four strokes to complete the cycle. just passed bottom dead center, the
There is one power stroke or power cylinder is charged with fresh air, and
impulse for every four piston strokes, both the intake ports and the exhaust
or two complete revolutions of the valve are closed. The fresh air is trapped
crankshaft. and compressed in the cylinder.
Figure 1-3 shows the four strokes and 2. Injection. At about the end of the
the sequence of events that occur in the compression stroke, the fuel is injected
4-stroke diesel cycle. and combustion occurs.
1. The intake valve opens and a supply 3. Expansion. Expansion of gases from
of fresh air is drawn into the cylinder combustion forces the piston downward
while the piston makes a downward through one stroke. As the piston nears
stroke. the end of this stroke, the exhaust valve
is opened slightly in
advance of the uncovering of the intake uncovered, the scavenging air which is
ports. This permits some of the burned under pressure, rushes into the cylinder.
gases to escape. This drives out the remaining exhaust
gases and completes the cycle.
4. Exhaust. As the intake ports are
1C1. Single-acting diesel engine. Both end of the piston. The piston rod extends
the 4-stroke and the 2-stroke cycle through the cylinder head of the lower
diesel engines illustrated and described combustion chamber and passes through
in the previous section were of the a stuffing box to prevent leakage of
single-acting type (Figure 1-5). In all pressure. The piston rod is attached to a
single-acting engines the pistons used crosshead, and the connecting rod is
are usually of the trunk type, that is, attached to the crosshead so that it may
pistons whose length is greater than turn freely on the crosshead pin. The
their diameter. One end of the trunk crosshead has a flat bearing surface that
type piston is closed; this end is called moves up and down on a crosshead guide
the crown. The opposite or skirt end of to steady the piston rod and piston and
the piston is open. The connecting rod prevent uneven wear.
extends through the open end of the
piston and is attached to the piston by Combustion occurs in the upper
means of the piston pin. combustion chamber, and the pressure of
the gases of combustion is applied to the 12/23
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The term single-acting is used to top end of the piston during the
describe these engines because the downward stroke. At the completion of
pressure of the gases of combustion this stroke, combustion occurs in the
acts only on one side (the crown) of the bottom combustion chamber and
pistons. In the 4-stroke cycle, single- expansion pressure is applied to the
acting engines, the power stroke occurs bottom end of the piston during the
only once in every two revolutions of upward stroke. The downward power
the crankshaft. In the 2-stroke cycle, stroke serves as the compression stroke
single-acting engines, the power stroke for the lower combustion chamber and
occurs once in every revolution of the the upward power stroke serves as the
crankshaft. All of the main and compression stroke for the top
auxiliary diesel engines currently combustion chamber. Thus the power
installed in fleet type submarines are of strokes are double that of a single acting
the single-acting type. engine and the engine is referred to as a
double-acting type.
1C2. Double-acting diesel engine. A
considerable number of double-acting The 2-stroke cycle, double-acting engine
diesel engines (Figure 1-6), namely the has a distinct advantage in power output
HOR and MAN engines, were used in compared with the single-acting type.
installations for fleet type submarines With twice as many power strokes as a
until recent years. Lately, however, comparable single acting engine and,
most of these double-acting engines with other conditions being equal, it
have been removed and replaced with develops practically twice as much
2-stroke cycle, single-acting engines. power per cylinder. In addition, the
While double-acting engines have no operation is smoother due to the fact that
place in current installations, it is well the expansion stroke in one combustion
for the student to be familiar with their chamber of the cylinder is balanced or
general design and operation. cushioned by the compression stroke in
the opposite combustion chamber.
In double-acting diesel engines, the
piston proper is usually shorter and is There are two principal difficulties
described as the crosshead type. The encountered in adapting double-acting
piston is closed at both ends and has a engines to submarine use. First, the
rigid piston rod extending from the crosshead type of piston construction
lower end. Both ends of the cylinder are requires considerably more length than
closed to form a combustion chamber at that of single-acting engine types. As a
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6. The lower piston has covered the With the 12-degree lower crankshaft
exhaust ports and scavenging air lead, the lower piston has advanced the
supercharges the cylinder until the crankshaft through a 12-degree arc of
travel in the expansion phase of the cycle 18/23
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upper piston covers the scavenging air by the time the upper piston has reached
ports. inner dead center. This causes the lower
piston to receive, at full engine load, the
Figure 1-13 shows how the lower greater part of the expansion work, with
crankshaft leads the upper crankshaft the result that about 70 percent of the
by 12 degrees in the Fairbanks-Morse total power is delivered by the lower
submarine diesel engine. This lower crankshaft.
crankshaft lead has a definite effect
both upon scavenging and power For submarine use, the opposed piston
output. engine has three distinct advantages.
Since the lower crankshaft leads the 1. It has higher thermal efficiency than
upper, the exhaust ports at the lower engines of comparable ratings.
end of the cylinder are covered slightly
before upper piston travel covers the 2. It eliminates the necessity of cylinder
intake ports. Thus, for a brief interval, heads and intricate valve mechanisms
the exhaust ports are closed while the with their cooling and lubricating
intake parts are open. By the time the problems.
intake port is covered, the cylinder has
been charged with fresh air well above 3. There are fewer moving parts.
atmospheric pressure. Thus, through the
lower crankshaft lead and scavenging
action, a supercharging effect is
achieved in this engine.
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Figure 1-11. F-M 10-cylinder 38D 8 1/8, outboard side, blower end, left-hand engine.
Figure 1-12. F-M 10-cylinder 38D 8 1/8, Inboard side, control end, right-hand engine.
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a. Main engines.
electric drive, fleet type submarine. auxiliary equipment. It may also be used
Each engine is coupled with a generator indirectly for powering the main motors.
to form a generator set. Through the Main motors are used for propulsion and
main control cubicle, the current may be powered either by the batteries or
supplied by main generator sets may be by the main generator sets.
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