MVC Literature Exercise

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Literature in English


1.APOSTROPHE : This is a device used to address
an absent idea as of it were present. When we
“speak” to something that is inanimate, abstract, or
absent, we are using apostrophes.
i. Nigeria, make sure you punish your
detractors (enemies)
ii.Alarm clock, please don’t fail me.
iii.Seven, you are my lucky number!
iv.This month of September you must bring

blessings to me
2.ALLEGORY : This device refers to a situation
where a work of literature has two levels of
meaning. The first is ordinary and the other is deep.
For example, the surface story might be about two
neighbors throwing rocks at each other’s homes, but
the hidden story would be about war between
George Orwell's Animal farm is an example of
3.ANAGNORISIS:This is a part of the plot where the
causes of conflict are exposed. it is the recognition
by the tragic hero of some truth about his or her
identity or actions. There for it is also known as
exposition, realization or recognition
📌 Oedipus Rex by Sophocles (circa 429 BCE): In
this ancient Greek tragedy, a moment of anagnorisis
occurs when Oedipus discovers his true identity and
learns that he unknowingly married his own mother.
📌 In Act 5 Othello realises he should not have
trusted Iago. Othello's knowledge (anagnorisis)
comes too late for him to change the events that
have happened against Desdemona and others by
killing himself. Analyzing Othello as a Tragic Hero
Othello kills Desdemona after he believes that
Cassio has slept with her. Anagnorisis, Moment of
Critical Discovery, Emilia exposes Iago's plan.

4.ASIDE:This is a device in which a character on

stage addresses the audience with the mind of
cutting off fellow characters. It's must be
differentiated from monologue and soliloquy. An
aside is a variant of soliloquy, because only the
audience and not the other Characters, benefits
from such remark.
5.ANAPHORA:This is the same of two or more lines
in a poem
i.Be you igbo
Be you yoruba
Be you hausa
We are all one

ii. For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
📌 We can see in example (i) that the 'Be you' was
been repeated and also in example (ii) 'for want of a
nail.......... Was lost' is also repeated.

6.ANTICLIMAX: it is also known as BATHOS. it is the

arrangement of events from the top most to the
least in order of seriousness. It is the unintentional
descent in literature when a writer strains to sound
pathetic, passionate or elevated and in the process
overshoot the mark and drops into the trivial or
i.At the fall of the house they lived in the widow
lost her husband sewing machine and her ear - rings
ii.“Janet,” exclaimed the announcer, “you've just
won a brand new set of pencils!”

7.ALLUSION :An allusion is a visual reference in

literature. It is a brief reference to an important
person, what he or she said, did or stood for, an
event or popular phrase or line, inserted into a piece
of writing. It can be historical, literary, biblical and
i.if you don't give me my money, I promise
there will be another Aba women's riot
ii. When I refused, she gave me money;
perhaps she thought I was a judas
iii. I came, I saw and I conquered.
8. ANTITHESIS :Refers to a device by which two
contrasting ideas are contrasted or juxtaposed.
i. God proposes
Man disposes
ii.The voice of thunder declares my arrival ;
The rainbow announces my departure;

9. ALLITERATION : it is the repetition of consonant

sounds in a sequence of words in a poetry line or
nearby lines. It refers to the repetition of the same
sound at the beginning of a word .
i.The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew
The furrow followed free
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea

10.ASSONANCE:This figure of speech refers to the

repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in
stressed syllables in a line or nearby line of a poem
i.With thoughts of path back, how rough it was

1.They are as fearsome as they are fearless' is an

example of______
A. Antithesis ✅
B. Pun
C. Oxymoron
D. Simile"

2.A time to sow,

A time to reap,
A time to born,
A time to die"
This exemplies the use of ...
A. Anadiplosis
B. Chiasmus
C. Anaphora ✅
D. Hendiadys
3."Nightfall! Nightfall!! You are my mortal enemy".
The dominant figure of speech above is
A. Ode
B. Apostrophe ✅
C. Allusion
D. Metaphor

4 A literary work in which the characters and events

are used as symbols is known as _________?
A. Characteristics
B. Allegory ✅
C. Metaphor
D. Parallelism

5._______ is used to describe the situation where a

character recognize his mistake
A. Tragic flaw
B. Hubris
C. Denouement
D. Anagnorisis ✅
6.In the theater, words spoken by a character that
are meant to be heard by the audience but not by the
other characters on stage is called
A. Aside ✅
B. Soliloquy
C. Accoustic
D. Tone

7.The juxtaposition of two seemingly contradictory

words is
A. Contrast
B. Anti-climax
C. Oxymoron ✅
D. Anti-thesis

8.The term assonance refers of

A. Repetition of alphabets in lines of a poem
B. Agreement of vowel sounds in a line

C. Repetition of vowels in a line
D. Agreement of consonants in a line
9.The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea...'
'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by S.T.
The dominant figure of speech in the above passage
A. Paradox
B. Repetition
C. Alliteration ✅
D. Antithesis

11.CLIMAX - Climax, a Greek term meaning “ladder,”

is that particular point in a narrative at which the
conflict or tension hits the highest point.

12.EUPHEMISM -it refers to figurative language

designed to replace phrasing that would otherwise
be considered harsh, impolite, or is the
substitution of a mild or less negative word or
phrase for a harsh or blunt one.
i. They're friends with benefits (They are in a
Sexual relationship).

ii. He's creative with the truth.(He's a liar)

iii. She's under the weather(she's sick)
iv. The beautiful lady that has just passed us
everyman's wife(loose /immoral)

13.HYPERBOLE - This refers to a deliberate use or

excessive notion or overstatement by a writer for
the purpose of creating an impression, laughter or
i. She is as big as an elephant
ii. I died of embarrassment.
iii. He's as skinny as a toothpick.
iv.I walked a million miles to get here
v. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse
vi.I've seen this movie a hundred times,

14.LITOTES -Litotes is a figure of speech and a form

of understatement in which a sentiment is
expressed ironically by negating its contrary. For
example, saying "It's not the best weather today"
during a hurricane would be an example of litotes,
implying through ironic understatement that the
weather is, in fact, horrible.

15.METAPHOR - This figure of speech canvasses

between two things by insisting that one thing is
another. While the comparison in a simile is direct
and open, that in a metaphor is usually indirect and
implicated. You can identify metaphor with the use
of 'is'. Metaphors always have figurative meaning
i.He is a cockroach (intelligent)
ii. He is a shinning star(he's bright, smart)
iii. She's an early bed( a person who gets up
or arrives early, or who does something before other
people do)
iv. Funmi is boiling with fury (she's very
16.METONYMY - metonymy, (from Greek
metōnymia, “change of name,” or “misnomer”),
figure of speech in which the name of an object or
concept is replaced with a word closely related to or
suggested by the original
i.The crown has refused to recognize the
newly elected prime Minister *Crown*. (stands for
the royal family say of Britain .)
ii.Sword - (For military force.)
iii. Hollywood. (For US Cinema.)
iv. Hand. (For help.)

16.OXYMORON - This is a figure of speech that

combines contradictory word to reveal a truth. It
places side by side two word that are self
i. Almost exactly.
ii.Awfully good.
iii. Deafening silence.
iv. Freezer Burn.
v. Living dead.
vi. Loyal opposition.
vii. Old news.
viii. Only choice.absent presence
ix. alone together
x. beggarly riches
xi. bittersweet.
xii. brisk vacancy
xiii. cheerful pessimist.
xiv. civil war.

17.ONOMATOPOEIA - This is the deployment of

words in a way that such words suggest or echo
their meaning or sense of use. Words in English
which easily suggests their meaning from sounds
include, bang, boom, tinkle, burp, zoom, crunch,
crush, honk, zip, buzz, hiss, squeak,thud
i. The dog barked all night.
ii. The mouse went squeak as it ran across the
iii. Suddenly, there was a loud thud at the door.
iv. The waves crashed against the side of the
v. The sausages are sizzling in the pan.
vi. The corn went pop in the microwave.

18.PARADOX - This terms refers to a statement

which seems on its face to be self - contradictory or
absurd, yet turns out to make a good sense or be
i. Cowards die many times before their
ii. The child is the father of the man
iii. Save money by spending it.
iv. If I know one thing, it's that I know
v. This is the beginning of the end.
19.PERSONIFICATION - It is a figure of speech
which gives the features of human beings to
inanimate objects.
i.Death, be not proud
ii. The car complained as the key was
roughly turned in its ignition.
iii.Lightning danced across the sky.
iv.My alarm clock yells at me to get out of
bed every morning.

20.SIMILE- This is a figure of speech which involves

a direct comparison between two unlike things,
usually with words such as, like, as, though, as if,,etc.
i.Beyonce was as tender as the morning star
ii. As innocent as a lamb.
iii. As tough as nails.
iv. As shiny as a new pin.
v. As hot as hell.
vi. As white as a ghost.
vi. I shall float like a butterfly and sting like a

21.SYNECDOCHE - This figure of speech refers to

the substitution of a part to stand for the whole, or
the whole to stand for a part. In other words, a
smaller or larger part of something is made to
represent the whole thing.
i.The phrase "hired hands" can be used to refer
to workers. (The farmer needed to bring on some
hired hands.)
ii.The word "head" can refer to counting cattle
or people. (What's the headcount for next week's
iii. The word "bread" can be used to represent
food. (I'm looking forward to breaking bread with
iv. The word "wheels" refers to a vehicle. (Let's
take my new wheels out for a spin.)
v. In the African culture, Grey hair is very much
respected (Grey hair is a part of a aged person)
vi. At the refuge camp, several hands stretched
out for a free meal (several hands for people)
SYNECDOCHE ' is when the word for a part of
something is used to refer to the whole thing, or less
commonly, the word for a whole is used to refer to a
part. 'METONYMY ' is when a word associated with
something is used to refer to the thing Itself.
22 MALAPROPISM - This is the misinterpretation of
words that sound alike I remember because I have photogenic
memory. (photographic)
ii. Tom is the very pineapple of politeness.
iii. Good punctuation means not to be late
iv. Unfortunately, my affluence over my niece
is very small. (influence)
v. You lead the way and we'll precede.

23.PROLOGUE - This is the front piece Act as

introduction to a story

24.PUN - Usually referred to as 'play on words' it is

the use of words or phrases which although may
have similar sounds, posses different meaning.
i.The pastor preyed on the last until she became
poor(note the use of 'prey' rather than 'pray')
ii. Seven days on empty stomach make one
weak(for one week)
iii. The cyclist was two tired to win the race.
(instead of too)
25.EPILOGUE - This is the opposite of PROLOGUE. It
is the closing remarks of a story. Always at the end
of the story. It is a tale piece or summary conclusion
of literary work

26.EPITHALAMIUM - A song /poem that is written to

commemorate/honor weeding Anniversary.

27.EPONYMOUS -This is a novel or a play in which

the title is the same name given to the protagonist.

28.ELEGY - This is a poem that mourns a dead,

therefore the tone is also solemn and sober.

29.ACHILLES HEELS-This refers to the weakness of

the character especially in tragedy
30. HARMATIA - This is the weakness, the Achilles
heels that brings about downfall of a character in a
literary work. It is also known as TRAGIC FLAW

31.HUBRIS- This is the excessive pride or arrogance

of a character that leads to the downfall

32.PROTAGONIST -Also called hero or heroine of a

play. The protagonist is the character that plays the
most prominent role in a play. It is around him/her
that the playwright builds the essential conflicts of
his drama.

33.ANTAGONIST- seen as the opposite of the

protagonist, the antagonist in a play is the character
who opposes the protagonist rightly or wrongly. In
Greek understanding, It means 'a rival' who opposes
the main character or hero as their paths cross and
re-cross in the course of the event in the play.

34.SUSPENSE - it is the state of anxiety and

expectation in a reader /audience of a play or novel
as to how an event is likely to unfold. It raises a
reader's interest and keeps him/her guessing as to
what will happen next
35.SOLILOQUY -it is a device in drama or novel
which allows a character to engage in all loud self -
talk for the reader /audience to have access to what
is in his/her mind. At such times, the character
reveals certain part of his intention which audience
otherwise would not know

36.RHETORICAL QUESTION - it is a question asked

as a way of making statements, nor really because
an answer is expected.
i.He has no shoes, but who knew he would one
day turn out to be the president of his country?
ii. Is the pope Catholic?
iii. Is rain wet?
iv.Do you want to be a failure for the rest of your
v. Does a bear poop in the woods?
vii. Can fish swim?
viii. Can birds fly?
ix. Do dogs bark?
x. Do cats meow?
37.DIDACTICISM - A work of literature is described
as didactic when it teaches moral lesson

10.What sustains the interest of a reader in all

literature is
A. Ambiguity
B. Characterization
C. Suspense ✅
D. Plot

11.Tension between the protagonist and the

antagonist is called______
A. Climax ✅
B. Concrete
C. Conflict
D. Confident

12.A literary work that teaches moral is said to be

A. Didactic ✅
B. Instructive
C. Corrective
D. Impressive

13.You want to know something then you run like a

The device used in the line above is
A. Pun
B. Personification
C. Metaphor
D. Simile✅
14.The opposite of the part that introduces the main
work in literature is known as
A. Prologue
B. Epitome
C. Epilogue ✅
D. Epitaph

15.He is a faithful liar

The line above is an example of
A. Epigram

B. Oxymoron ✅
C. Euphemism
D. Antithesis

16.The trees bowed their heads in shame illustrates

A. Personification ✅
B. Alliteration
C. Assonance
D. Paradox

17.An elegy is a poem of ________

A. Mourning ✅
B. Complain
C. Hope
D. Joy

18.The introductory part of a play, a novel or a poem

is the ________
A. Epilogue
B. Plot
C. Setting
D. Prologue ✅
19.He is a citizen of no mean city illustrates
A. Bathos
B. Euphemism
C. Metonymy
D. Litotes✅
20.A deliberate use of exaggeration for humour or
emphasis is known as
A. Exclamation
B. Litotes
C. Metonymy
D. Hyperbole ✅
E. Antonym

21.Olu hissed, slammed the door and dash out

The dominant figure of speech in the above
sentence is
A. Zeugma
B. Oxymoron
C. Hyperbole
D. Onomotopoeia ✅
22.The substitution of mild and pleasant expression
for harsh and blunt one is called
A. Ambiguity
B. Climax
C. Peripety
D. Euphemism ✅
23.The use of two contrasting words that are placed
side by side is called
A. Prologue
B. Oxymoron ✅
C. Apostrophe
D. Costume
24.The lawyer addressed the bench illustrates
A. Simile
B. Oxymoron
C. Alliteration
D. Metonymy ✅
25.Many hands make light work' illustrates the use
A. Zeugma
B. Hyperbole
C. Metonymy
D. Synecdoche ✅
26.The pen is mightier than the sword' is an
example of
A. Metonymy
B. Antonomasia
C. Comparison
D. Synecdoche
E. Paradox ✅.
27.The misuse of words that sound somewhat
similar is
A. malapropism ✅
B. metonymy
C. onomatopoeia
D. pun

28.This question is based on General Literary

A poem written to celebrate one's wedding is
A. A pastoral
B. An epithalamium ✅
C. A prothalamium
D. A terza rima

29.A character whose name is also the source of the

title of the narrative is called ___?
A. Round
B. Eponymous ✅
C. Flat
D. Tittled

30.In drama, a conspicuous weakness in the

character of the protagonist contributing to his
downfall is referred to as
A. an anagnorisis
B. a tragic flaw ✅
C. a catharsis
D. a catastrophe

31.The protagonist of a story is generally

A. The protest made by the principle character
against his adversaries

B. The principle character of the story
C. The theme of the story
D. One of the minor characters in the story
E. The protest made by a character against the hero

32.The antagonist in a tragedy is

A. Any character in the tragedy
B. The wife of the protagonist
C. The character who provides comic relief

D. The character set in opposition to the main
E. The leading chorus.

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