Are compounds words or phrases – or are they neither, or both? How should
we classify compounds? How can we deal with the fact that the relationship
between the elements of sugar pill (‘pill made of sugar’) is different from that
in sea-sickness pill (‘pill to prevent sea-sickness’)? Are compounds a linguis-
tic universal? How much do languages vary in the way their compounds
work? Why do we need compounds, when there are other ways of creating
the same meanings? Are so-called neoclassical compounds like photograph
really compounds? Based on more than forty years’ research, this controver-
sial new book sets out to answer these and many other questions.
In this series
116 gillian catriona ramchand: Verb Meaning and the Lexicon: A First Phase
117 pieter muysken: Functional Categories
118 juan uriagereka: Syntactic Anchors: On Semantic Structuring
119 d. robert ladd: Intonational Phonology (second edition)
120 leonard h. babby: The Syntax of Argument Structure
121 b. elan dresher: The Contrastive Hierarchy in Phonology
122 david adger, daniel harbour and laurel j. watkins: Mirrors and
Microparameters: Phrase Structure beyond Free Word Order
123 niina ning zhang: Coordination in Syntax
124 neil smith: Acquiring Phonology
125 nina topintzi: Onsets: Suprasegmental and Prosodic Behaviour
126 cedric boeckx, norbert hornstein and jairo nunes: Control as Movement
127 michael israel: The Grammar of Polarity: Pragmatics, Sensitivity, and the Logic of
128 m. rita manzini and leonardo m. savoia: Grammatical Categories: Variation in
Romance Languages
129 barbara citko: Symmetry in Syntax: Merge, Move and Labels
130 rachel walker: Vowel Patterns in Language
131 mary dalrymple and irina nikolaeva: Objects and Information Structure
132 jerrold m. sadock: The Modular Architecture of Grammar
133 dunstan brown and andrew hippisley: Network Morphology: A Defaults-
Based Theory of Word Structure
134 bettelou los, corrien blom, geert booij, marion elenbaas and ans van
kemenade: Morphosyntactic Change: A Comparative Study of Particles and Prefixes
135 stephen crain: The Emergence of Meaning
136 hubert haider: Symmetry Breaking in Syntax
137 josé a. camacho: Null Subjects
138 gregory stump and raphael a. finkel: Morphological Typology: From Word to
139 bruce tesar: Output-Driven Phonology: Theory and Learning
140 asier alcázar AND mario saltarelli: The Syntax of Imperatives
141 misha becker: The Acquisition of Syntactic Structure: Animacy and Thematic
142 martina wiltschko: The Universal Structure of Categories: Towards a Formal
143 fahad rashed al-mutairi: The Minimalist Program: The Nature and Plausibility
of Chomsky’s Biolinguistics
144 cedric boeckx: Elementary Syntactic Structures: Prospects of a Feature-Free Syntax
145 phoevos panagiotidis: Categorial Features: A Generative Theory of Word Class
146 mark baker: Case: Its Principles and Its Parameters
147 william bennett: The Phonology of Consonants: Dissimilation, Harmony and
148 andrea sims: Inflectional Defectiveness
149 gregory stump: Inflectional Paradigms: Content and Form at the Syntax-
Morphology Interface
150 rochelle lieber: English Nouns: The Ecology of Nominalization
Victoria University of Wellington
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108235679
© Laurie Bauer 2017
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2017
Printed in the United Kingdom by Clays, St Ives plc
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Bauer, Laurie, 1949- author.
Title: Compounds and compounding / Laurie Bauer.
Description: Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, [2017] |
Series: Cambridge Studies in Linguistics | Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017016349 | ISBN 9781108416030 (Hardback : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781108402552 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: English language–Compound words. | English language–Word formation. |
English language–Morphology. | Construction grammar. | Cognitive grammar. |
Linguistic universals.
Classification: LCC PE1175 .B28 2017 | DDC 425/.92–dc23
LC record available at
ISBN 978-1-108-41603-0 Hardback
ISBN 978-1-108-40255-2 Paperback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of
URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate.
Figures page x
Tables xi
Preface and Acknowledgements xiii
Abbreviations and Notational Conventions xv
1 Introduction 1
viii Contents
3.3 Binarity 41
3.4 Recursion 43
3.5 The Interpenetration of Compounding and Syntax 46
3.5.1 Phrases as Modifiers in Compounds 46
3.5.2 Phrases in Non-Modifying Position 49
3.5.3 Words from Phrases 50
3.6 Exploiting Argument Structure 51
3.7 The Grammatical Function of Compounds 53
Contents ix
7 Discussion 168
7.1 Taking Stock 168
7.2 Some Typological Considerations 169
7.3 Where Next? 172
Language Index 190
General Index 192
There are three direct motivations for this work. The first is that early in 2015
I was asked to write a chapter on compounds in English (Bauer in press). In
writing that chapter it quickly became clear to me that I had much more to say
than would fit into a chapter, and that many of the issues that deserved
consideration in the study of compounds were worthy of a least a chapter
each. Several of them have had books written about them. The second motiv-
ation is from a comment I made at the Universals and Typology in Word-
Formation II conference held at Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia, in
August 2012. The organisers asked me to provide a summary of that confer-
ence at its end, pulling out common threads. One of the things I noted, in an
attempt to be provocative, was that we had seen a number of papers where the
classification of compounds had been raised as an issue. I suggested that if we
had not got a classification of compounds after 4,000 years of work, we might
be asking the wrong questions. I may still be asking the wrong questions, but
I have tried to change the ground a little here. The third motivation is that
I realised in the course of this project that I first started to take the study of
compounds seriously at the beginning of 1973, when I narrowed the topic of
my PhD down to compounding. So I have been working on and with com-
pounds for more than forty years, and developing my own view of compounds
gradually over that period. Some of my ideas remain unchanged from my
thesis (completed in 1975 but published as Bauer 1978), many others have
changed radically since then, under the influence of my own and other people’s
research on compounds specifically and my own evolving ideas about lan-
guage and linguistics. Those ideas have evolved as the linguistic landscape has
evolved. When I started my thesis, Chomsky’s Extended Standard Theory was
a recent innovation and cognitive grammar had not been developed at all.
These days, though I would hesitate to call myself a cognitive linguist, I have
been strongly influenced by many of the ideas of cognitive grammar and,
within that overall framework, by construction grammar and exemplar theory.
These trends in linguistic thought have changed my ideas about compounds
A adjective
abe abessive
abl ablative
absl absolutive
adjlz adjectivaliser
adv adverb
aorII aorist of class II
cont continuous
def definite
deriv derivational marker
DO direct object
gen genitive
ill illative
ine inessive
inf infinitive
inst instrumental
le linking element
m masculine
N noun
neut neuter
nmlz nominalization
non-neut non-neuter
NP noun phrase
num number
P preposition
pass passive
past past tense
pers person-marker
pl plural
PP prepositional phrase
pres present tense
Q quantifier
sg singular
subjv subjunctive
V verb
3 third person
♦ is morphologically related to
• break between morphs not indicated in the orthography/
* unacceptable
of questionable acceptability
italics cited examples; words; word-forms, morphs; titles
small lexemes; glosses of grammatical items
// enclosing phonological representations
<> enclosing orthographic representations
[] enclosing constituents; enclosing editorial comment or
‘’ enclosing meanings or glosses; enclosing terms; enclosing
dialogue; enclosing quotations
“” enclosing quotations within quotations; as “scare quotes”