Risk Management Policy
Risk Management Policy
Risk Management Policy
All rights reserved by FSN E-Commerce Ventures Ltd. and its subsidiaries. No part of this may be copied,
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Table of Contents
1. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................2
3. COVERAGE........................................................................................................................2
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Section 134(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) requires a statement to be included in the report
of the board of directors (“Board”) of FSN E-commerce Limited (“Nykaa” or the “Company”),
indicating development and implementation of a Risk Management Policy for the Company,
including identification therein of elements of risk, if any, which, in the opinion of the Board, may
threaten the existence of the Company.
Furthermore, Regulation 17(9)(b) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended (“Listing
Regulations”), requires that the Company set out procedures to inform the Board of risk
assessment and minimization procedures and makes the Board responsible for framing,
implementing and monitoring the risk management plan of the Company.
This Policy shall come into force from the date of listing of equity shares of the Company on the
stock exchanges.
In line with the Company’s objective towards increasing stakeholder value, a risk management
policy has been framed, which attempts to identify the key events / risks impacting the business
objectives of the Company and attempts to develop risk policies and strategies to ensure timely
evaluation, reporting and monitoring of key business risks.
Risk Management Policy and Procedure this would promote a proactive approach in analysis,
reporting and mitigation of key risks associated with the business in order to ensure a sustainable
business growth and stability
The policy guidelines are devised in the context of the present business profile, future growth
objectives and new business endeavors/ services that may be necessary to achieve the goals &
the emerging global standards & best practices amongst the comparable organizations.
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A. Risk Governance
B. Risk Identification and mitigation
C. Risk management processes
A. Risk Governance:
The Company has a committee of the Board, namely, the Risk Management Committee,
which was constituted with the overall responsibility of overseeing and reviewing risk
management across the Company. The terms of reference of the Risk Management
Committee are as follows:
(a) To periodically review the risk management policy at least once in two years, including
by considering the changing industry dynamics and evolving complexity;
(b) To formulate a detailed risk management policy covering risk across functions and plan
integration through training and awareness programmes;
1. A framework for identification of internal and external risks specifically faced by the
listed entity, in particular including financial, operational, sectoral, sustainability
(particularly, environment, social and governance related risks), information, cyber
security risks or any other risk as may be determined by the committee;
2. Measures for risk mitigation including systems and processes for internal control
of identified risks;
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3. Business continuity plan.
(e) To decide on risk tolerance and appetite levels, recognizing contingent risks, inherent
and residual risks including for cyber security;
(f) To monitor the Company’s compliance with the risk structure. Assess whether current
exposure to the risks it faces is acceptable and that there is an effective remediation of
non-compliance on an on-going basis;
(g) To monitor and oversee implementation of the risk management policy, including
evaluating the adequacy of risk management systems;
(h) To ensure that appropriate methodology, processes and systems are in place to monitor
and evaluate risks associated with the business of the Company;
(i) To approve major decisions affecting the risk profile or exposure and give appropriate
(j) To consider the effectiveness of decision making process in crisis and emergency
(l) To generally, assist the Board in the execution of its responsibility for the governance of
(m) To keep the board of directors informed about the nature and content of its discussions,
recommendations and actions to be taken;
(n) To consider the appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the chief risk officer
(if any) shall be subject to review by the Risk Management Committee;
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(o) The Risk Management Committee shall have powers to seek information from any
employee, obtain outside legal or other professional advice and secure attendance of
outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary;
(p) The Risk Management Committee shall coordinate its activities with other committees,
in instances where there is any overlap with activities of such committees, as per the
framework laid down by the board of directors;
(q) To attend to such other matters and functions as may be prescribed by the Board from
time to time; and
(r) Such terms of reference as may be prescribed under the Companies Act and SEBI
Listing Regulations.
• The Business vertical and support function Heads of the Company are owners of the
risk of their functions and are responsible for managing risk on various parameters and
ensure implementation of appropriate risk mitigation measures. Risk & Internal Audit - Head
of the Company is responsible for administration and compliance of this Policy.
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Examples of identified risks are:
Broad market risk and other factors beyond the Company’s control significantly
Environmental risk like changes to Government policies, Geopolitical Issues, Financial
policy, Import policies, etc
Competition risk, Demand risk, supply chain management, Capacity management and
inventory risk
Technological change and security risks and cyber-attacks and other Fraud risks
Supplier and critical service provider risk
Reputation and PR risk
Employment related risks
Customer fraud risk
Sustainability risk
Legal and compliance risk
Intellectual property risk
Foreign exchange risk
Financial risks including availability of funds, interest rate fluctuation, etc.
Risk mitigation is an ongoing process that is deployed by business managers in the course of
business. Risk mitigation process that may be regularly be deployed includes:
Review: Set up ERM Benchmark : Benchmark the Internal control: Controls are
(Enterprise Risk management risk policies with other peers exercised through policies and
) framework and periodic systems to ensure timely
review with senior availability of information for
management and board pro-active risk management
Represent : Represent Collaborate : work with other Outsource the risk : For
interest of organisation partners in eco system. For example Insurance
through representative example: shift the shipment
industry bodies for risk related load to a different freight
to policies
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partner who has shipping line
in the same area
Reduce the risk : Example Educate and train : For Redundancy : Back up sites
distributed supply chain example: IT security, Fire for critical
Security applications/business
The role of Risk Management team, through the process of revenue assurance and internal
audit, includes-
- Review / discuss the Company’s risk philosophy and the quantum of risk that the
Company, as an organization, is willing to accept in pursuit of stakeholder value;
- Review establishment and development of effective enterprise risk management
- Review and identify periodically key risk indicators. External and internal risk factors are
assessed by responsible managers across the organization.
- Inquire about existing risk management processes
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- Review the effectiveness of risk management processes in identifying, assessing and
managing the Company’s significant enterprise-wide risk exposures; Reviews to include
operational risks; financial and reporting risks; compliance risks;
- Review of Cyber security
The risk management team will identify and formally report through mechanisms such as
operation reviews and committee meetings.
Any exceptions to this plan should be taken to Risk Management Committee for approval.
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D. Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
The plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected and are able to function quickly in
the event of a disaster. The BCP is generally conceived in advance and involves input from key
stakeholders and personnel.
BCP involves defining any and all risks that can affect the company's operations, making it an
important part of the organization's risk management strategy. Risks may include natural
disasters— fire, flood, or weather-related events—and cyber-attacks. Once the risks are
identified, the plan should also include:
In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Policy and of the Act or Listing
Regulations or any other statutory enactments, rules, the provisions of such Act or Listing
Regulations or statutory enactments, rules shall prevail over this Policy.
Any subsequent amendment / modification in the Listing Regulations, Act and/or applicable laws
in this regard shall automatically apply to this Policy.
This policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure it meets the requirements of legislation & the
needs of organization
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