Paper 02
Paper 02
Paper 02
ABSTRACT Automatic text summarization aims to reduce the document text size by building a brief and
voluble summary that has the most important ideas in that document. Through the years, many approaches
were proposed to improve the automatic text summarization results; the graph-based method for sentence
ranking is considered one of the most important approaches in this field. However, most of these approaches
rely on only one weighting scheme and one ranking method, which may cause some limitations in their
systems. In this paper, we focus on combining multiple graph-based approaches to improve the results
of generic, extractive, and multi-document summarization. This improvement results in more accurate
summaries, which could be used as a significant part of some natural language applications. We develop and
experiment with two graph-based approaches that combine four weighting schemes and two ranking methods
in one graph framework. To combine these methods, we propose taking the average of their results using the
arithmetic mean and the harmonic mean. We evaluate our proposed approaches using DUC 2003 & DUC
2004 dataset and measure the performance using ROUGE evaluation toolkit. Our experiments demonstrate
that using the harmonic mean in combining weighting schemes outperform the arithmetic mean and show a
good improvement over the baselines and many state-of-the-art systems.
INDEX TERMS Combining ranking methods, combining weighting schemes, graph-based summarization,
multi-document summarization.
I. INTRODUCTION where systems use all the important information of the input
There is no doubt that the need for automatic text summariza- documents in the generated summary or query-focused sum-
tion nowadays is very arising because of the huge increase marization in which systems summarize just the information
in the information available around the world. Automatic in the input documents which is related to a particular user
summarizers are designed to reduce the document text size query.
by building a summary that has the most important ideas in Usually, writing an abstractive summary is considered dif-
that document and can give a better understanding of a lot ficult for automatic summarization because it requires the
of information in a very short time. Generally, the process ability to reorganize, customize, and mix information that are
of text summarization can be classified as single document found in different sentences in the input document. For that,
summarization where systems generate a summary using most of the current automatic summarization systems depend
only one input document or multi-document summarization on extracting sentences from the document [1], in which
in which systems can create one summary using several input the system finds the most important information by pick-
documents that fall under the same topic. Moreover, text sum- ing top-ranked sentences from the input and presents them
marization can also be classified as generic summarization exactly as they occur in the documents to be summarized.
Through the years, many important works with different
The associate editor coordinating the review of this article and approving approaches were proposed to identify the important sentences
it for publication was Shuping He. for extractive summarization such as supervised approaches,
VOLUME 7, 2019 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see 120375
A. Alzuhair, M. Al-Dhelaan: In Graph-Based Multi-Document Summarization
sentences clustering, and graph-based methods. In this paper, To show the effectiveness of our proposed approaches,
we aim to extract summary sentences using a graph-based we measure the performance of both methods separately
ranking method for generic multi-document summarization. and jointly and compare their results with two important
Graph-based methods for sentence ranking have the advan- baselines (TextRank [4] and LexRank [3]). For evaluation,
tage of using knowledge drawn from the entire text in making we exploit a benchmark dataset that is commonly used by the
ranking decisions instead of depending only on local sentence community for text summarization, the (DUC 2003 & DUC
information. Also, graph-based methods are fully unsuper- 2004) dataset. Moreover, we measure the performance of our
vised and depend simply on the text to be summarized without proposed approaches using the ROUGE evaluation toolkit,
the need for any training data. In such approaches, the input which is a very important and effective measure that is found
text is described as a highly connected graph where similar to be correlated with human evaluations [9].
sentences vote for each other and very important or main The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
sentences can be estimated using some common graph-based presents some of the most important work in the graph-based
ranking algorithm. summarization. Section III describes our proposed approach
In this research, we intend to use a graph-based ranking and algorithms design. Section IV presents and analyzes the
method to enhance the results of multi-document summa- evaluation results of all our experiments. Finally, Section V
rization which will result in more accurate summaries that concludes our work and suggests future work directions.
could be used as a significant part of some natural language
applications that involves, e.g., products recommendations, II. RELATED WORK
news summarization, and search engines results. However, Ever since the need to solve the automatic text summariza-
graph-based ranking needs to define some measure to cal- tion arose, many important works with different approaches
culate the similarity between two sentences and use it as the were proposed, such as: using labeled data to train a super-
weight of the edges between the graph vertices that represent vised statistical classifier for distinguishing important sen-
those sentences. It also needs to use some ranking technique tences [22], [26], [28], using data-driven neural networks
to sort the sentences according to their importance. Many techniques to avoid the dependence on human-engineered
important works have been done before in this area that features for sentences extraction [30], [31], using sen-
showed very encouraging results such as TextRank [4] and tence clustering to make groups of similar sentences then
LexRank [3]. However, these approaches may have some choose one representative sentence from every main clus-
limitations because they depended only on one weighting ter [32]–[34], or using optimization algorithms to iden-
scheme which has its strengths but could have some weak- tify the most important sentences while eliminating redun-
nesses and also, they ranked the sentences using only one dant sentences and maintaining the summary under specific
ranking method which might be good in some area but can length [13], [19], [35].
be weak in another one. And since our goal is to enhance the Graph-based methods for sentence ranking is considered
multi-document summarization results, we propose to expand one of the most important approaches that have attracted the
the previous work of TextRank [4] and LexRank [3] by attention of many researchers in this field [18], [20], [23].
combining multiple weighting schemes and multiple ranking Two of the most important work on graph-based methods
methods in one graph framework. that show very encouraging results in sentence ranking are
Particularly, we propose to compute the edge weights TextRank [4] and LexRank [3]. Both works identify the
using a combination of four well-known unequal weighting sentences in the text and add them as vertices in a weighted
schemes, which are: Jaccard similarity coefficient, TF*IDF undirected graph then draw edges between several sentence
cosine similarity, Topic signatures similarity, and the Identity pairs in the text based on their similarity relation. In Tex-
similarity measure. We also propose to enhance the sentence tRank, the similarity relation can be determined simply as the
ranking scores by combining two of the most important number of common words between two sentences divided by
graph-based ranking methods which are: PageRank algo- their length for normalization. Wherein LexRank, the sim-
rithm [5] and HITS algorithm [7]. To combine these methods, ilarity between sentences is computed using the TF*IDF
we suggest taking an ‘‘average’’ value of their results using cosine similarity measure. Then to find the most important
two ways of the Pythagorean means which are: the arithmetic sentences in the text, both TextRank and LexRank propose
mean and the harmonic mean. to rank the graph vertices in a random walk framework using
The motivation behind combining multiple approaches is the PageRank algorithm [5]. Moreover, in an extended work
that it is better to rely on multiple signals instead of relying of TextRank [6], the graph vertices were ranked using two
on only one because it could take the best of each method additional graph-based ranking algorithms, which are: HITS
and avoid the weaknesses that come from each one of them. algorithm [7] and Positional Power Function algorithm [8].
Besides, we can consider that taking the average scores is However, although the results of TextRank and LexRank
like using a voting system wherein only sentences with high are very encouraging, their work is heavily affected by the
similarity in all weighting measures will get high results. And performance of the chosen weighting scheme and ranking
the sentence will get a great ranking score and considered method since they both depend on only one weighting scheme
important if it is important in all ranking methods. to build their graph and only one ranking method to rank the
sentences. They both use as a weighting scheme a measure and LexRank [3]. Graph-based methods for sentence ranking
that gives weight to each word based on its frequency in have shown to be successful for both single-document and
the input document without considering its occurrence fre- multi-document summarization [1]. Such approaches do not
quency in another background corpus, which may have some involve any complex linguistic processing of the text other
strengths but could have some weaknesses as well. Also, both than identifying its sentences and words. They also have the
works depend on the functionality of one ranking method, advantage of being fully unsupervised and depend simply on
which might be robust in some area but can be weak in the text to be summarized without the need for any train-
another one. ing data. Moreover, graph-based methods rank the sentences
Instead of depending on the frequency of the words only, based on information drawn from the entire text instead of
other works incorporate the syntactic and semantic role infor- depending only on local sentence information. And since
mation in the process of building the graph. In [10], the sim- similar sentences are linked together based on their words
ilarity measures can be identified based on a syntactic tree overlap, and then they vote for each other, the graph-based
and a shallow semantic tree in a random walk framework. methods effectively benefit from input repetition, on both the
Also, [25] make use of semantic graph structure for document word level and the sentence level.
summarization, where the vertices are words and phrases To rank our sentences, we use a graph that we define as a
instead of sentences, and the edges are syntactic depen- weighted undirected graph G(V ; E; w) where V is the set of
dencies. Besides, machine-learning techniques have been vertices representing the sentences to be ranked, E is the set
combined with graph-based summarization as well. In [25], of edges representing the relation between similar sentences,
a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was trained and w is the set of edge weights which represent the similarity
to work with the semantic graph structure to find the vertices scores.
that are useful for extracting summaries. Also, [27] incor- The primary research method for our work is to experiment
porate graph representations of sentence relationships with combining different weighting schemes and multiple ranking
deep neural networks using Graph Convolutional Networks methods in one graph framework then analyze the findings.
(GCN). And in [21], a graph-based clustering method was When combining multiple measures to compute the similarity
used for document summarization, in which the system clus- between two sentences, our approach will be depending on
ters the sentences to find how they relate to a specific topic multiple signals to decide if these sentences are similar or
using a document graph model. not. Based on that, it will only give the sentences a high
The hypergraph-based model has been successfully used similarity score if they have high similarity scores in all
for text summarization task which is a generalization proposed measures, and we assume that this will improve the
of the graph in which edges can link any number of accuracy of calculating similarities in the graph. To show that
vertices [15], [16]. This kind of models was proposed to solve our assumption is correct and to prove our point, we decide
the problem of traditional pairwise graph-based modeling, to experiment with combining four different similarity mea-
which is the incapability to capture complex associations sures to produce an improved weighting scheme. We propose
among multiple sentences. Likewise, GRAPHSUM [12] to combine the results of the following sentence similarity
summarizing system was proposed to solve the same problem measures: Jaccard similarity coefficient, TF*IDF cosine sim-
of neglecting complex correlations among multiple terms. In ilarity, Topic signatures similarity, and the Identity similarity
which the system combines the graph-based approach with measure. We choose to start with these measures as they
data mining techniques to create a correlation graph that easy to implement, yet they are strong enough and have
can represent the correlations among multiple terms using shown good results in computing sentences similarity [36].
association rules. However, choosing those four measures is just meant for
Other works also propose using untraditional graph-based experimentation, and our idea is not limited to them. And in
structures. In [11], two kinds of links with different weight- the future, we plan to add other sentence similarity measures
ing schemes were used to connect sentences that belong to to the combination process, such as Semantic similarity and
the same document (intra-link) and sentences from different Word2Vec cosine similarity. Furthermore, by continuing on
documents (inter-link). This approach was proposed to dis- the same principle, we propose to combine two graph-based
tinguish between similar content within one document and ranking algorithms to produce an enhanced ranking tech-
repeated content across multiple documents. And instead of nique that can help in sorting sentences according to their
using a graph of one mode type where vertices are only importance. To do that, we choose to combine the results of
sentences from the text, [14], [29] propose to use a graph of PageRank algorithm [5] and HITS algorithm [7] as they are
two-mode type (bipartite graph) that consist of two different popular in the community of document summarization and
sets of vertices, and the edges can connect only vertices from found to be very successful in many ranking applications.
different sets.
III. PROPOSED APPROACH Weighting schemes are measures that can define the weight
Our work is based on two of the most important work on of the edge between any two vertices by computing the simi-
graph-based methods for sentence ranking; TextRank [4] larity of their sentences. In this paper, we use four important
weighting schemes to calculate the similarity between our or not by comparing their frequency of occurrence in the
sentences, which we discuss below. input document with their frequency in a large background
1) JACCARD SIMILARITY COEFFICIENT For any given word w in the input document D, the log
This weighting scheme is simple and commonly used to likelihood ratio λ(w) is computed via the binomial distribu-
measure the content overlap, in which any two sentences tion formula as the ratio between observing the occurrence
are considered similar if they have terms in common. The probability P(w), in both the document to be summarized and
similarity score can be determined simply as the number of the background corpus. Then, after obtaining the log likeli-
words in common in the two sentences divided by the number hood ratio λ for each word w, it can be statistically classified
of all unique words in those sentences. Formally, using the into either descriptive or not if its likelihood statistic value
sentences S1 and S2 , where each sentence is represented as (−2logλ(w)) is greater than a cutoff threshold with the value
a finite set of words, their Jaccard similarity is described of (10.83) which is an indicator of high statistical significance
as the size of the intersection of the words between S1 and and has a confidence level of (0.001) [17].
S2 divided by the size of the union of the words in both Finally, based on the log-likelihood ratio test, the similarity
sentences: between any two sentences can be calculated as the cosine
|S1 ∩ S2 | similarity of only the topic signatures in the two sentences
Sim(S1 ,S2 ) = (1) and any other words will be completely ignored.
|S1 ∪ S2 |
B. GRAPH-BASED RANKING ALGORITHMS Hub value (value of the outgoing links). It computes the
Graph-based ranking algorithms are techniques that deter- values of the Authority and the Hub in a mutual recursion
mine how important is a vertex within a graph based on based on each other. Formally, let wij be the edge weight that
information taken from the entire graph. In this paper, we use connects the two vertices Vi and Vj , then the Authority and
two graph-based ranking algorithms that are found to be the Hub formulas can be expressed as follows:
successful in many ranking applications. These algorithms X
were originally designed for the directed graphs; however, HITS W
A (Vi ) = wji HITS WH (Vj ) (6)
they can be modified to work with undirected and weighted Vj ∈adj(Vi )
graphs. X
H (Vi ) = wij HITS W
A (Vj ) (7)
Vj ∈adj(Vi )
PageRank [5] is one of the most successful ranking algo- The algorithm starts by giving each vertex a Hub and
rithms; it is an iterative link analysis algorithm that was Authority values of 1. Then it updates the Authority scores
introduced to rank Web pages. It computes the ranking using the HITS W A (Vi ) formula as well as the Hub scores using
score for each vertex in the graph based on the probabil- the HITS WH (Vi ) formula and normalizes the results. This pro-
ity of being in that vertex at time t while making con- cess will be repeated until the scores have come to consistent
secutive moves from one vertex to another random vertex values (convergence). Finally, after reaching convergence,
(random walk). the algorithm returns two sets of scores as an output; the
In this work, we compute the ranking scores using a mod- Authority scores set and the Hub scores set. However, in the
ified PageRank rule that can work with weighted undirected case of undirected graphs, the Authority and the Hub results
graphs. This rule starts by assigning arbitrary values to each will be exactly the same. Therefore, we can use only one of
vertex in the graph. It uses the links weights (similarity them to rank the graph vertices.
scores) to calculate the probability of transitioning from one
vertex to another. Then as more and more transitions are C. ALGORITHM DESIGN
made, the computation iterates until the probability of each In this work, we develop two algorithms to improve
vertex converges. This rule is defined as follows: and enhance the automatic multi-document summarization
(1−d) X Sim(Vi , Vj ) results using graph-based methods. For the first algorithm
PR(Vi ) = +d ∗ PR(Vj ) (5) (Algorithm-1), instead of using only one similarity mea-
Sim(Vj , Vz )
N V ∈adj(V )
j i V ∈adj(V )
z j
sure, we suggest combining four effective and well-known
weighting schemes by taking the average of their results for
where PR(Vi ) is the ranking score assigned to vertex Vi , N each pair of sentences using the arithmetic mean and once
is the total number of vertices that used as a ‘‘normalization again using the harmonic mean. And for the second algorithm
factor’’, adj(Vi ) is the set of neighboring vertices of Vi , and (Algorithm-2), we propose to enhance the sentence ranking
d is a ‘‘damping factor’’ which is the probability to teleport by combining two of the most important graph-based ranking
the random walk (we choose to set the damping factor value methods, also by taking the average of their results for each
at 0.85 as the literature suggests [5]). vertex in the graph using the harmonic mean.
This way, while computing PageRank score for a sentence,
the rule multiplies the PageRank scores of the linking sen- IV. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS
tences by the weights of the links. Also, to rank the weighted This section presents and explains the experiments performed
graph using PageRank all the links weights must be normal- in this work. It also shows an evaluation of our approach
ized to form a probability distribution (i.e. the weights of all and compares the accuracy of our generated extractive
links connected to one vertex sum up to one). By doing that, summaries with two baselines and different state-of-the-art
the graph becomes a Markov chain, and the links weights can systems.
be used as the probability of transitioning from one vertex to
another. Finally, after reaching convergence, the vertices with A. DATASET AND PREPROCESSING
higher probabilities will be considered more important within For our experiments, we use task number 2 of both
the graph. (DUC 2003 & DUC 2004) datasets,1 which is a generic
multi-document summarization task that was created of news
2) HITS ALGORITHM articles in the English language. DUC 2003 consist of 30 clus-
Hyperlink Induced Topic Search [7] (also known as hubs and ters and DUC 2004 consist of 50 clusters of news documents.
authorities) is another iterative link analysis algorithm that Each cluster in both datasets comes with 3-4 golden human
was introduced to rank Web pages. In this paper, we also use reference summaries; those summaries are usually used to
a modified version of the HITS algorithm that can take into compare with the researchers’ system results. To make a fair
account edge weights when computing the ranking scores. evaluation of this comparison, it is important to set a limit
Usually, this algorithm defines two values for each vertex:
The Authority value (value of the incoming links) and The 1 Created by NIST,
Algorithm 1 Computing Sentences Scores Using Average 5) Remove all the punctuations.
Weighting 6) Convert each word into its corresponding stem.
Input : An array S of n sentences
output: An array of sentences’ scores B. EVALUATION METRIC
Array AvgWeightMatrix[n][n];
Array Scores[n]; To measure the performance of our experiments, we use
for i ← 1 to n do a very important and effective evaluation toolkit called
for j ← 1 to n do ROUGE-N [9], which is a recall-based metric that relies
jc = jaccard-similarity(S[i],S[j]); on N-gram statistics and used with fixed length summaries.
cs=tf*idf-cosine-similarity(S[i],S[j]); It measures the efficiency of the automatically generated
ts = topic-signatures-similarity (S[i],S[j]);
id = identity-similarity(S[i],S[j]); summaries by comparing it with the golden summaries made
AvgWeightMatrix[i][j] = AvgValue(jc,cs, ts,id); by humans and finding the number of the n-grams overlap-
end ping between them. The scores produced by ROUGE-N mea-
end sure change based on the number of successive terms used for
Scores = Graph-based-ranking(AvgWeightMatrix); comparison. For our experiments, we use the ROUGE-1 and
return Scores;
ROUGE-2 measures which use one term and two terms for
comparison respectively. We selected these two measures due
Algorithm 2 Computing Sentences Scores Using Average to their common use in other works.
Input : An array S of n sentences C. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
output: An array of sentences’ scores After the preprocessing step, our proposed approach extracts
Array SimMatrix[n][n];
the summaries through three main steps: sentences similar-
Array PageRank[n]; Array HITS[n]; Array Scores[n];
for i ← 1 to n do ity, sentences ranking, and sentences selection (as shown
for j ← 1 to n do in Fig.1).
SimMatrix[i][j] = MeasureSimilarity (S[i],S[j]);
PageRank = PageRank( SimMatrix);
For our graph, we calculate the weights of the edges by
HITS = Hyperlinked-Induced-Topic-Search combining four different similarity measures which are: Jac-
(SimMatrix); card similarity coefficient, TF*IDF cosine similarity, Topic
for i ← 1 to n do signatures similarity, and the Identity similarity measure.
Scores[i] = AverageValue( PageRank[i], HITS[i]); So, for every pair of sentences, we compute four similarity
return Scores;
scores and stored their results so that we can combine them
afterwards. To compute these scores, we use all four measures
as explained in the previous section. However, in the Topic
signatures similarity, we need to compare the occurrence
on the length of the extracted summaries. For that, we set probability of the words in the input cluster against some
the length of each summary in the DUC 2003 clusters to background corpus to find the most descriptive words. To do
100 words, and in the DUC 2004 clusters to 665 bytes due that, for every input cluster, we use the rest of all clusters
to the choice of the DUC 2003 & DUC 2004 organizers for from the same dataset as a background corpus. For example,
gold summaries. if we want to summarize the first cluster in DUC 2003 dataset,
Besides, in the graph-based extractive summarization, we will use as a background all 29 remaining clusters in this
the preprocessing stage is essential as it has a significant dataset.
effect on the accuracy of the similarity scores calculations. Based on the scores of those four measures, we con-
Therefore, we perform some suitable preprocessing steps to duct two experiments to find our new combined weighting
all text documents in each dataset. Originally all text doc- schemes. In these experiments, we adopt two ways of the
uments in both datasets were tagged to identify the docu- Pythagorean means to get an ‘‘average’’ value of the simi-
ment source information from the textual components to be larity scores. In the first experiment, we use the Arithmetic
processed. So, as a first step in the preprocessing stage we mean, where we simply find the average value by adding all
remove all the informational tags like (<DOC>, <TEXT>, proposed similarity scores, then dividing the result by their
<p>, ...etc.) and we extract only the text we need to process number. We choose to use the arithmetic mean as it is the
from the documents. After that, we perform some general and most common measure to find the average value, although
essential preprocessing steps which are: it is greatly influenced by outliers. In the second experi-
1) Split each document into a list of sentences. ment, we use the Harmonic mean, which can be described
2) Split each sentence into a list of words. as the multiplicative inverse of the arithmetic mean of the
3) Convert all capitalized words to lower case. multiplicative inverses of the dataset. Choosing to use the
4) Remove all the stop words. harmonic mean in this part of our experiment is due to its
tendency to be more conservative than the arithmetic mean, Algorithm 3 Selecting Best Sentences for a Summary
and thus reducing the impact of large outliers. Moreover, Input : A list S of n ranked sentences
in each experiment of those, at first, we compute the average output: An extracted summary
values using all proposed similarity measures. Then to study Summary = [];
the effect of each similarity measure, we repeat the experi- Sorted_List = sort the sentences in S based
ment several times where we remove one measure at a time. on their ranking scores;
while (length(Summary) < limit) do
2) COMPUTE RANKING SCORES next_sen = remove the highest ranked
After we calculate all the similarity scores, we need to sentence from Sorted_List;
rank our sentences so we can extract the most central ones. for (sen ∈ Summary) do
To do that, we first convert each cluster of documents to if( CosineSimilarity(sen,next_sen) > threshold):
a weighted undirected graph where sentences are vertices, break;
and weighted edges are formed by connecting sentences else:
using the similarity scores. Then, we use two important Summary = Summary ∪ {next_sen};
graph-based ranking algorithms to rank the vertices of the end
graph which are the PageRank algorithm [5] and the HITS end
algorithm [7]. return Summary;
Based on that, we perform three experiments to rank our
sentences. In the first and the second experiments, we com-
pute the ranking scores using the modified methods of D. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
PageRank and HITS respectively; both methods are used In the first phase of our experiments, we study the effect of
as explained in the previous section. In the third and final combining multiple similarity measures on the summariza-
experiment, we try to enhance the sentence ranking by com- tion results. We test two methods to combine the similarity
bining these two methods by taking the average of their measures which are: arithmetic mean, and harmonic mean.
results for each vertex in the graph using the harmonic mean For each method, we use the PageRank algorithm to rank
approach. the sentences and compare the results with two baselines
(TextRank [4] and LexRank [3]).
3) SENTENCES SELECTION The results in Table.1 & Table.2 show that the arithmetic
After computing the ranking scores for all sentences, we sort mean approach outperformed the TextRank baseline in both
the sentences in descending order then we extract the most datasets. For ROUGE-1, it showed an improvement that
central sentences that have the highest scores and include ranges from 0.43% to 1.14% in DUC 2003 and from 0.57%
them into the summary until we reach the required limit to 1.50% in DUC 2004. However, this approach did not show
of the summary length. However, since our work is a any improvement over LexRank in DUC 2003, and in DUC
multi-document summarization, it is important to ensure that 2004 it showed a slight improvement that ranges from 0.15%
the extracted sentences do not have redundant information. to 0.88%.
So, to reduce the redundancy, we prevent any candidate sen- Nevertheless, the harmonic mean approach showed much
tence to be included in the summary if the cosine similarity improvement and outperformed all baselines in both datasets.
score between it and any one of the previously extracted For ROUGE-1, when we use all proposed similarity
summary sentences is more than a pre-defined threshold measures, this approach has a 1.82% improvement over Tex-
(as shown in Algorithm-3). In our experiments, we set the tRank and 0.59% over LexRank with DUC 2003. Also, with
threshold value at (0.7) based on a previous study [15]. DUC 2004, it has a 1.53% improvement over TextRank and
TABLE 1. Summarization results of (DUC 2003 dataset) using PageRank. TABLE 2. Summarization results of (DUC 2004 dataset) using PageRank.
0.90% over LexRank. However, our experiments show that we can see that the BestCombination of our approach has
the harmonic mean approach gives its best results if we shown a very competitive performance as it obtained com-
remove the Jaccard similarity from the proposed combina- parable results to Lin&Bilmes [13] and SRSum [40], and
tion. This method showed an improvement of 1.85% and outperformed GRU+GCN [27] with 1.07%, REGSUM [44]
0.62% over TextRank and LexRank respectively in DUC with 0.73% and R2N2-ILP [39] with 0.52% in terms of
2003, as well as 1.72% over TextRank and 1.09% over ROUGE-1. We further discuss and analyze our results in the
LexRank in DUC 2004. On the other hand, the results show following section.
that removing any other similarity measure from the proposed
combination will not give as much improvement as removing E. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS DISCUSSION
the Jaccard similarity. Based on the results we presented in the previous section we
Moreover, we can also see in the ROUGE-2 scores that can see that our proposed approach of combining different
the harmonic mean approach performed the best and outper- weighting schemes in one graph framework showed some
formed both baselines. With TextRank it showed an improve- improvement over both baselines. Generally, we can say that
ment that ranges from 0.40% to 1.03% in DUC 2003 and from using either arithmetic or harmonic mean in combining the
0.21% to 0.96% in DUC 2004. It also showed an improve- similarity measures has enhanced the summarization results.
ment over LexRank that ranges from 0.24% to 0.87% in DUC The reason for such improvement is that when we com-
2003 and from 0.17% to 0.56% in DUC 2004. bine multiple successful weighting schemes, we capture their
In the second phase of our experiments, we study the effect strengths and avoid the weaknesses that could come from
of combining two graph-based ranking methods which are: each one them, and hence the ranking algorithm becomes
PageRank and HITS algorithms. To combine the results of more accurate.
those methods we use the harmonic mean approach. And However, our experiments show that using the harmonic
we use as a graph weighting schemes all the similarity mea- mean approach gave the best results and outperformed the
sures that we proposed before. The results in Table.3 & arithmetic mean approach. That is because the harmonic
Table.4 show that the proposed average ranking approach did mean is a more conservative approach than the arithmetic
not give that much improvement compared to the PageRank mean and can handle the outliers much better. Fig.2 demon-
approach in both datasets. For ROUGE-1, it showed a slight strates that the similarity scores cannot always be in a normal
improvement that ranges from 0.03% to 1.0% with only four distribution, and sometimes the scores appear to be very
weighting schemes in DUC 2003, and from 0.03% to 0.16% divergent from each other because of the outliers. Using the
with six weighting schemes in DUC 2004. arithmetic mean when there is a significant outlier within the
At the end of our experiments, we compare our best result scores may skew the results and might give the edge a higher
on DUC 2004 dataset with the results of many state-of-the-art weight than it should have since it takes the middle value of all
systems that involve: optimization model [13], supervised scores including the outlier. On the other hand, the harmonic
regression model [44], deep neural network models [39], [40] mean can yield better results for the intended purposes. If the
and graph-based neural network model [27]. In Table.5, scores of the sentence are divergent from each other where
TABLE 3. Summarization results of (DUC 2003 dataset) using PageRank, HITS_Rank, and AverageRanking.
TABLE 4. Summarization results of (DUC 2004 dataset) using PageRank, HITS_Rank, and AverageRanking.
some are very high, and some are very low, then it will give a Finally, we study the effect of combining PageRank and
lower weight to this sentence. This way, the harmonic mean HITS ranking algorithms on the summarization results. And
will not give a higher weight to a sentence unless it has high we found that our proposed approach of taking the average
scores in all measures. ranking scores using the harmonic mean did not give the
Moreover, as we perform several experiments to study desired improvement. That is because the PageRank algo-
the effect of each one of the proposed weighting schemes rithm gave better results than the HITS ranking algorithm in
on the results, we found that the harmonic mean approach almost every method in both datasets. Thus, the HITS low
gives its best results if we remove the Jaccard similarity results will hold back the desired improvement of combining
from the proposed combination; whereas removing any other the two algorithms. So, the proposed average ranking method
similarity measure will not give as much improvement. The did not perform well because there was no variation in the
reason why removing the Jaccard similarity gives the best results that the combination could benefit from since PageR-
performance is that the Jaccard similarity does not take term ank is almost always better than HITS as shown in Fig.3.
frequency into account, it only takes a unique set of terms for In this research, our main interest was in finding out if
each sentence and does not consider how many times each combining different weighting schemes and multiple ranking
term occurs in that sentence. Meaning that this measure treats methods in one graph framework will improve the results of
all the words the same way and does not give special weight to multi-document summarization or not. For that, we did not do
the term based on its frequency. On the other hand, the three any industrial analysis of our work. However, we can say that
remaining measures worked well together because they all the improvement on the summarization results that showed
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