Solution Chap 8
Solution Chap 8
Solution Chap 8
8-3. Determine the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) for the five fine-grained soils of Fig. 8.9a.
σ 'p
Eq. (8.2 OCR =
(8.2)) : OCR
σ 'vo
200 kPa
Soil #8: OCR = = 1.25
160 kPa
250 kPa
Soil #9: OCR = = 1.47
170 kPa
350 kPa
Soil #10: OCR = = 1.52
230 kPa
350 kPa
Soil #11: OCR = = 1.25
280 kPa
290 kPa
Soil #13: OCR = = 0.85
340 kPa
σ 'p 420 kPa
Eq. (8.2) : OCR = = OCR = = 11.4
σ 'vo 36.7 kPa
(a) Leda
Leda clay
clay (undi
d):: σ'p = 220
220 to 280
280 kPa
(b) Mexi
co City
City clay
clay (sam
e CP2)
CP2):: σ'p = 90 to120 kPa
(c) Chic
o clay
clay (sam
e CP1)
CP1):: σ'p = 110
110 to140 kPa
(d) Tex
Texas clay
clay (sam
e #1)
#1): σ'p = 300
300 to 400
400 kPa
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-7. Determine the compression indices for the four soils of Problem 8.6.
e1 − e2
Eq. 8.7: Compression index = Cc =
log 2
σ '1
e1 − e2
Recompression index = Cr =
log 2
σ '1
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-8. The pressure versus void ratio data determined from a consolidation test on an undisturbed
clay specimen are as follows: (a) Plot the pressure versus void ratio curve on both arithmetic and
semilogarithmic graphs. (b) Determine the equations for the virgin compression curve and for the
rebound curve for unloading, starting at 1280 kPa. (c) What are the corresponding modified
compression and recompression indices for this soil? (d) Estimate the stress to which this clay
has been preconsolidated. (After A. Casagrande.)
V 0.6
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Effective Stress (kPa)
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
Semilogarithmic graph.
it 0.7
V 0.6
1 10 100 1000 10000
Effective Stress (kPa)
e1 − e2 1.0 − 0.3
(b) Eq. 8.7: Compression index = Cc = = = 0.32
σ' 10,000
log 2 log
σ '1 60
e1 − e2 0.8 − 0.54
Recompression index = Cr = = = 0.065
σ' 10,000
log 2 log
σ '1 1.0
Cc 0.315
(c) Eq. 8.9: Modified compression index = Ccε = = = 0.17
1 + eo 1 + 0.864
Cr 0.065
Eq. 8.15: Modified recompression index = Crε = = = 0.035
1 + eo 1 + 0.864
(d) From the semillogarithmic plot: σ'p ≈ 330 kPa
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-9. A building is to be constructed on a stratum of the clay 7 m thick for which consolidation data
are given in Problem 8.8. The average existing effective overburden pressure on this clay stratum
is 126 kPa. The average applied pressure on the clay after construction of the building is 285
kPa. (a) Estimate the decrease in thickness of the clay stratum caused by full consolidation
under the building load. Estimate the decrease in thickness due to the bu ilding load if the clay had
never been preconsolidated under a load greater than the existing overburden. (c) Show on the e
versus log σ plot of Problem 8.8 the values of Δe used.
σ 'p 310 kPa
(a) Eq. (8.2) : OCR = = = 2.5
σ 'vo 126 kPa
σ 'p σ ' + Δσv
use Eq. 8.19b: sc = CrεHo log + CcεHo log vo
σ 'vo σ 'p
310 (126 + 285)
sc = (0.035)(7 m)log + (0.17)(7 m)log = (7 m)(0.0137) + (7 m)(0.0208)
126 310
sc = 0.09579 + 0.1457 = 0.2415 m = 241mm
= 0.0137 → Δe1 = (0.0137)(1 + 0.864) = 0.0255
1 + eo
= 0.0208 → Δe2 = (0.0208)(1+ 0.864) = 0.0388
1 + eo
(b) σ 'p = σ 'vo = 126 kPa
σ ' + Δσv (126 + 285)
use Eq. 8.13: sc = CcεHo log vo = (0.17)(7 m)log
σ 'p 126
sc = Ho × ε = (7 m)(0.0873) = 0.611m = 611mm
= 0.0873 → ΔeNC = (0.0873)(1 + 0.0873) = 0.0949
1 + eo
ε = 0.0873
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-10. The compression curve for a certain clay is a straight line on the semilogarithmic plot, and
it passes through the point e = 1.15, σ’v = 65 kPa and e = 0.76, σ’v = 825 kPa. Determine an
equation for this relationship. (After Taylor, 1948.)
e1 − e2 1.15 − 0.76
Eq. 8.7: Compression index = Cc = = = 0.353
σ' 825
log 2 log
σ '1 65
e = ( −0.1535)Ln(σ 'v ) + 1.7907
R e = -0.1535Ln( σ') + 1.7907
o 0.6
10 100 1000
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-12. The following consolidation test data were obtained from undisturbed San Francisco Bay
Mud. For this clay, LL = 88, PL = 43, ρs = 2.70 Mg/m and w = 105.7%. Initially, the specimen
height was 2.54 cm and its volume was 75.14 cm . Plot the data as percent consolidation versus
log pressure. Evaluate the preconsolidation pressure and the modified virgin compression index.
a b c
Stress Dial Reading Void Strain Strain % Strain
(kPa) (mm) Ratio
0 12.700 2.765 0.000 0.000 0.00
5 12.352 2.712 0.014 0.014 1.39
10 12.294 2.703 0.016 0.016 1.62
20 12.131 2.679 0.023 0.022 2.26
40 11.224 2.541 0.059 0.058 5.88
80 9.053 2.211 0.147 0.144 14.54
160 6.665 1.849 0.243 0.238 24.04
320 4.272 1.486 0.340 0.332 33.58
480 2.548 1.224 0.409 0.400 40.45
160 2.951 1.285 0.393 0.384 38.85
40 3.533 1.374 0.369 0.361 36.52
5 4.350 1.499 0.336 0.329 33.25
Δe e −e Ro − Ri
Straina : ε== o i; Strainb : ε =
1 + eo 1 + eo 25.4 mm
⎛ Straina + Strainb ⎞
Strainc : % Strain = ⎜ ⎟ × 100
⎝ 2 ⎠
ε2 − ε1 0.45 − 0.053
Modified Compression index = Ccε == = 0.32
σ '2 700
log log
σ '1 40
Eq. 8.9: Compression index = Cc = (1 + eo )Ccε = (1 + 2.765) × (0.32) = 1.20
From the semillogarithmic plot: σ'p ≈ 38 kPa
e 25.00
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-13. Plot the data of Problem 8.12, on a void ratio versus log pressure graph. Evaluate the
preconsolidation pressure and the virgin compression index. Do these values agree with what
you found in Problem 8.12?
R 2
1 10 100 1000
e1 − e2 2.1 − 1.486
σ 'p ≈ 39 kPa; Eq. 8.7: Compression index = Cc = = = 1.21
σ' 320
log 2 log
σ '1 100
These values agree with the solutions in Problem 8-12.
8-14. The initial water content of the sample in Problem 8.12 is 105.7%, and the density of the
solids ρs = 2.70 Mg/m . Compute the wet and dry density and degree of saturation of the
consolidation test sample if the dry weight of the sample is 52.8 g. If the final water content is
59.6%, compute the degree of saturation and dry density at the end of consolidation.
(a) w i = 105.7%, Ms = 52.8 g
w = → Mw = (1.057)(52.8 g) = 55.81g → Mt = 55.81+ 52.8 = 108.61g
Ms 52.8 g Mw 55.81g
Vs = = = 19.55 cm3 ; Vw = = = 55.81cm3
ρs 2.70 g cm 3
ρw 1.0 g cm 3
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-15. A 7.8 m thick layer of soft San Francisco Bay Mud is to be loaded with a granular fill 3.2 m
thick, on the average. The total density of the fill is about 1.8 Mg/m . Assume that the test data in
Problem 8.12 is typical of the clay layer, and that the layer is normally consolidated. What
consolidation settlement will take place due to the weight of the fill?
8-16. Assume the laboratory test results in Problem 8.12 are typical of another San Francisco
Bay Mud site, but where the clay is slightly overconsolidated. The present vertical effective
overburden stress is calculated to be about 15 kPa, and the thickness of the clay is 3.9 m. At this
location, the granular fill ( ρ = 1.8 Mg/m ) will be only about 1.2 m thick. Estimate the consolidation
settlement due to the weight of the fill.
8-17. What settlement would you expect at the overconsolidated site in Problem 8.16 if the fill to
be constructed were 4 m thick?
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-18. Plot the following data and determine the preconsolidation pressure and the modified
compression index. Specimen height is 25.4 mm, w n = 32.5%, ρd = 1.45 Mg/m . Sample is from a
depth of -11.5 m.
4.19 320
8.05 640 ni
a 10.00
8.03 320
7.83 160 n
7.21 80 r 15.00
7.34 160
7.60 320
8.35 640
12.65 1280
17.41 2560
22.18 5120
21.65 1280
20.63 160
19.26 40
15.35 5
ε2 − ε1 0.25 − 0.031
Modified Compression index = Ccε = = = 0.154
σ '2 8000
log log
σ '1 300
From the semillogarithmic plot: σ'p ≈ 260 kPa
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-19. At the site where the sample of Problem 8.18 was taken, the soil profile consists of about
6.5 m of sand and rubble fill and then 9.1 m of clay. The water table is about 1.8 m below the
ground surface. Average densities of the sand and rubble fill are 1.45 Mg/m above the water
table and 1.70 Mg/m below the water table. Estimate the consolidation settlement if the average
stress increase in the compressible layer is: (a) 50 kPa, (b) 100 kPa, and (c) 250 kPa.
(a) Δσv = 50 kPa; σ 'p = 260 kPa (from Problem 8-18)
For the clay: ρsat = ρdry × (1 + w ) = (1.45 Mg m3 )(1 + 0.325) = 1.92 Mg m3
σ'vo = ⎡⎣(1.8 m)(1.45 Mg m3 ) + (4.7 m)(1.70 − 1.0 Mg m3 ) + (4.55 m)(1.92 − 1.0 Mg m3 )⎤⎦ × 9.81m s2
σ'vo = (10.086 Mg m2 ) × 9.81m s2 = 98.9 kPa (at the center of the clay layer)
0.0815 − 0.05
From Problem 8-18 plot: Ccε = 0.154 and Crε = = 0.0112
σ 'vo + Δσv 98.9 + 50
Eq. 8.17: s c = CrεHo log = (0.0112)(9.1m)log
σ 'vo 98.9
sc = (9.1m)(0.00199) = 0.0181m = 1.8 mm
(b) Δσv = 100 kPa; σ 'p = 260 kPa; σ'vo = 98.9 kPa
σ 'vo + Δσv 98.9 + 100
Eq. 8.17: s c = CrεHo log = (0.0112)(9.1m)log
σ 'vo 98.9
sc = (9.1 m)(0.003398) = 0.0309 m = 3.1mm
(c) Δσv = 250 kPa; σ 'p = 260 kPa; σ'vo = 98.9 kPa
σ 'p σ ' + Δσv
Eq. 8.19b: sc = CrεHo log + CcεHo log vo
σ 'vo σ 'p
260 (98.9 + 250)
sc = (0.0112)(9.1m)log + (0.154)(9.1m)log = (9.1m)(0.0047) + (9.1m)(0.01967)
98.9 260
sc = 0.0428 + 0.179 = 0.222 m = 22.2 mm
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-20. Plot the following void ratio versus pressure data, and evaluate the compression index and
the recompression index. Determine the preconsolidation stress.
Void Pressure 1.100
Ratio (kPa)
1.025 0 1.000
1.006 10
0.997 20 0.900
0.978 40
0.950 80 0.800
0.911 160 a
0.893 200
0.837 300 o
0.780 400
0.655 800
0.504 2000
0.542 500
0.589 160
0.681 20
1 10 100 1000 10000
Effective Stress (kPa)
From the plot: σ 'p ≈ 220 kPa
e1 − e2 1.1 − 0.30
Eq. 8.7: Compression index = Cc = = = 0.412
σ' 6200
log 2 log
σ '1 71
e1 − e2 0.8 − 0.504
Recompression index = Cr = = = 0.090
σ' 2000
log 2 log
σ '1 71
8-21. Use the consolidation data from Problem 8.20 to compute the settlement of a structure that
adds 175 kPa to the already existing overburden pressure of 130 kPa at the middle of a 6 m thick
Δσv = 175 kPa; σ'vo = 130 kPa; σ 'p = 220 kPa; OCR = = 1.7
From Problem 8-20: C c = 0.412, Cr = 0.09, eo = 1.025
Ho σ 'p H σ ' + Δσv
use Eq. 8.18b: sc = Cr log + Cc o log vo
1 + eo σ 'vo 1 + eo σ 'p
⎛ 6 m ⎞ 220 ⎛ 6 m ⎞ (130 + 175)
sc = (0.09) ⎜ ⎟ log + (0.412) ⎜ ⎟ log = 0.0609 + 0.1732
⎝ 1 + 1.025 ⎠ 130 ⎝ 1+ 1.025 ⎠ 220
sc = 0.234 m = 234 mm
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-22. What would be the settlement of the same structure in Problem 8.21 if the
overconsolidation ratio of the clay were 1.0 and σ’vo + Δσv = 305 kPa at the middepth of the clay
layer? Show your work and assumptions on the e versus log s curve of Problem 8.20.
Δσv = 175 kPa; σ'vo + Δσv = 305 kPa; OCR = 1.0 → σ 'p = σ'vo = 220 kPa
From Problem 8-20: Cc = 0.412, Cr = 0.09, eo = 1.025
Ho σ ' + Δσv
use Eq. 8.11: sc = Cc log vo
1 + eo σ 'vo
⎛ 6 m ⎞ (305)
sc = (0.412) ⎜ ⎟ log = 0.173 m = 173 mm
⎝ 1 + 1.025 ⎠ (220)
8-23. The consolidation curve of Fig. Ex. 8.9 is typical of a compressible layer 5 m thick. If the
existing overburden pressure is 50 kPa, compute the settlement due to an additional stress of
150 kPa added by a structure.
Δσv = 150 kPa; σ' vo = 50 kPa; σ 'p = 120 kPa; OCR = = 1.7; Ho = 5 m
From Examples 8.9 and 8.12: C c = 0.44, Cr = 0.03, eo = 0.87
Ho σ 'p H σ ' + Δσv
Eq. 8.18b: sc = Cr log + Cc o log vo
1 + eo σ 'vo 1 + eo σ 'p
⎛ 5 m ⎞ 120 ⎛ 5 m ⎞ (50 + 150)
sc = (0.03) ⎜ ⎟ log + (0.44) ⎜ ⎟ log 120 = 0.0305 + 0.261
⎝ 1 + 0.87 ⎠ 50 ⎝ 1 + 0.87 ⎠
sc = 0.291m = 291mm
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-24. For the test data of Problem 8.12, construct the field virgin compression curve using the
Schmertmann procedure for an OCR of unity.
39.000, 2.765
R 2
590.000, 1.161
1 10 100 1000
Effective Stress (kPa)
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
39, 2.71
R 2
570, 1.1613
1 10 100 1000
Effective Stress (kPa)
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-26. At the midpoint of a 7.5 m thick soil layer, the void ratio is 1.9. Find this point on the field
virgin compression curve determined in Problem 8.24. What is the corresponding pressure? If this
pressure is doubled over the entire site, compute the consolidation settlement of the layer.
R 2
i 170, 1.9
1.5 340, 1.49
1 10 100 1000
Effective Stress (kPa)
Ho = 7.5 m, e1 = 1.9
From the plot: p1 = 170kPa
p2 = 2po = 340 kPa → e2 = 1.49 (from plot)
⎛ Δe ⎞ ⎛ 1.9 − 1.49 ⎞
sc = Ho ( ε) = Ho ⎜ ⎟ = (7.5 m) ⎜ ⎟ = 1.06 m = 106 mm
⎝ 1 + eo ⎠ ⎝ 1 + 1.9 ⎠
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-31. Figure P8.31 shows a proposed foundation site, with 10 ft of sand overlying 15 ft of clay
with consolidation properties shown. The clay is normally consolidated. Assume 1-D conditions.
(a) Compute the initial σ’v at the middle of the clay layer prior to excavation and construction. (b)
After excavation and during construction, the foundation area will be heavily loaded with the
structure and equipment so that σ’v at the middle of the clay layer will be increased to 3900 psf.
Determine the settlement that will occur under these conditions. (c) After construction is
completed, the equipment will be removed and the final σ’v at the middle of the clay layer will be
3200 psf.
(a) σ 'vo = (10 ft)(110 pcf ) + (7.5 ft)(120 − 62.4 pcf ) = 1532 psf
(b) Δσv = 3900 − 1532 = 2368 psf
Given: Ccε = 0.165, Crε = 0.033, Ho = 15 ft
σ ' + Δσv
Eq. 8.13: sc = CcεHo log vo
σ 'vo
(1532 + 2368)
sc = (0.165)(15 ft)log = 1.0 ft
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-32. As part of a construction project, a 7.5 m thick layer of clay is to be loaded with a temporary
3 m thick sand layer (refer to Fig. P8.32).The figure shows the water-table location, soil unit
weights, and the compression curve properties for the clay. Assume the sand layer remains dry.
(a) Calculate the value of σ’v in the middle of the clay layer (at 3.75 m below the water table)
before the sand layer is applied, and after consolidation is complete. (b) Based on your answer in
part (a), and the compression curve characteristics, calculate the settlement that will occur under
these conditions. (c) How much will the clay layer heave when the 3 m sand layer is removed?
σ 'p 74 kPa
(b) Δσv = (3 m)(16 kN m3 ) = 48.0 kN m2 , σ 'p = 74 kN m2 , OCR = = = 1.85
σ 'vo 40.09 kPa
σ 'p σ ' + Δσv
use Eq. 8.19b: sc = CrεHo log + CcεHo log vo
σ 'vo σ 'p
74 (40.09 + 48)
sc = (0.03)(7.5 m)log + (0.18)(7.5 m)log = (7.5 m)(0.00799) + (7.5 m)(0.01362)
40.09 74
sc = 0.05992 + 0.1022 = 0.162 m = 162 mm
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-33. Refer to Fig. 8.5a. Determine: (a) Using log interpolation between 100 and 1000,
determine the σv value at a vertical strain, εv = 20%. (b) If the initial void ratio, eo = 2.6, determine
Cr and Cc for this soil. For C c use the portion of the curve between σ’v = 100 and 500 kPa. (c) If
the original clay layer thickness is 9.5 m, determine the settlement that occurs in the layer when it
is loaded from 200 to 400 kPa. [Note: You don’t need the results from part (b) to do this.]
(a) There are various approaches for interpolating logarithmic scales.
One approach for interpolating the desired x (or σ 'v ) value is as follows:
( ) × ( x11− f );
x = x 2f where, f
In this case, the x data point ( at ε v = 20%) is 18.2% of the way between 100 and 1000 kPa.
Thus, f = 0.182 and x = (10000.182 ) × (1000.182 ) = (3.5156)(43.2514) = 152 kPa
∴ at εv = 20%, σ'v = 152 kPa
ε2 − ε1 0.34 − 0.13
(b) Modified Compression index = Ccε == = 0.300
σ '2 500
log log
σ '1 100
Compression index = Cc = Ccε (1 + eo ) = (0.30)(1 + 2.6) = 1.08
ε2 − ε1 0.07 − 0.0
Modified Recompression index = Crε = = = 0.035
σ '2 1000
log log
σ '1 10
Recompression index = Cr = Crε (1 + eo ) = (0.035)(1+ 2.6) = 0.126
(c) For the load increment from 200 to 400 kPa, Δε = 32 - 23 = 9.0% (From plot in Fig. 8.5a)
sc = ( Δε)(Ho ) = (0.09)(9.5 m) = 0.855 m = 855 mm
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-34. A large embankment is to be built on the surface of a 15-ft clay layer. Before the
embankment is built, the initial σ’v at the middle of the clay layer is 480 psf. The results from a 1-D
consolidation test on the clay from the middle of the layer are as follows:
If the final σ’v at the middle of the layer after the embankment loading is 2100 psf, what is the
settlement, in inches, of the clay layer resulting from this loading?
σ 'p 1800 psf
(a) σ 'vo = 480 psf, σ 'vf = 2100 psf, OCR = = = 3.75
σ 'vo 480 psf
σ 'p σ ' + Δσv
use Eq. 8.19b: sc = CrεHo log + CcεHo log vo
σ 'vo σ 'p
1800 (2100)
sc = (0.0352)(15 ft)log + (0.18)(15 ft)log = 0.3031+ 0.1808
480 1800
sc = 0.4839 ft = 5.8 in
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-35. Figure P8.35 shows a proposed site where an excavation will be made. The 10 ft layer of
sand will be removed, so that the top of the 24 ft normally consolidated clay layer will be exposed.
Assume full capillarity in the clay only. (a) Assume that the water-table location remains the
same during excavation. Compute the σv. σ’v, and u values at the middle of the clay layer before
and after the excavation. (b) Assuming 1-D conditions, compute how much the clay layer will
deform due to this excavation, in inches. Specify whether this is settlement or heave.
(a) Before excavation
σv = (10 ft)(110 pcf) + (12 ft)(120 pcf) = 2540 psf
u = (12 − 3 ft)(62.4 pcf ) = 561.6 psf
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-36. Figure P8.36 shows the soil profile at a site where you plan to lower the water table. You
have results from two consolidation tests, one from the upper 12 ft thick overconsolidated crust,
and another from the lower 32 ft thick normally consolidated zone. You plan to lower the water
table from its current 12 ft depth to 20 ft below ground surface. The consolidation properties for
each layer are shown. Assume full capillarity. a) Compute the σ’v in the middle of each layer
before and after the water table is lowered. (b) Determine the total settlement that will result from
lowering the water table.
(a) Center of layer 1: original water table at 12 ft
σv = (6 ft)(120 pcf) = 720 psf; u = 0; σ 'vo = 720 psf
Center of layer 2: original water table at 12 ft
σv = (12 ft)(120 pcf) + (16 ft)(118 pcf) = 3328 psf
u = (28 − 12 ft)(62.4 pcf ) = 998.4 psf
σ 'vo = 3328 − 998.4 = 2329.6 psf
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-37. When a consolidation test is performed on some soils, the virgin compression region is not
linear, but bilinear. Figure P8.37 shows such a compression curve from a 15 ft thick layer.
Required: (a) What vertical strain, occurs when the soil is loaded from an initial σ’v1 = 560 psf to
σ’v2 = 3000 psf? (b) If you load the soil further, to σ’v3 = 4000 psf, how much additional settlement
occurs? (c) Finally, if you unload from 4000 psf back to σ’v4 = 3000 psf, what additional
deformation (in ft) occurs?
⎛ 980 ⎞ ⎛ 3000 ⎞
(a) εv = (0.032)log ⎜ ⎟ + (0.14)log ⎜ ⎟ = 0.00778 + 0.068 = 0.0758 = 7.58%
⎝ 560 ⎠ ⎝ 980 ⎠
sc = (15 ft)(0.0758) = 1.14 ft
⎛ 4000 ⎞
(b) εv = (0.17)log ⎜ ⎟ = 0.0212 = 2.12%; sc = (15 ft)(0.0212) = 0.318 ft
⎝ 3000 ⎠
sc − total = 1.14 + 0.318 = 1.46 ft
⎛ 4000 ⎞
(c) εswell = (0.032)log ⎜ ⎟ = 0.004 = 0.4% (heave)
⎝ 3000 ⎠
sswell = (15 ft)(0.004) = 0.06 ft = 0.72 in
Aside : net settlement (snet ) for loading and unloading described in parts a, b, and c:
snet = 1.146 − 0.06 = 1.09 ft; or about 1 ft
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Compressibility of Soil and Rock Chapter 8
8-38. Refer to the compression curve marked Soil 13 in Fig. 8.9a. Disregard the small unloading
cycle in the middle of the curve. The initial void ratio for this soil is 1.17, and the preconsolidation
pressure is 290 kPa. Note: the right-hand vertical boundary of this graph is at σ’vc = 2000 kPa.
Required: (a) Determine the C r and Cc for this soil based on the compression curve. (b) If a layer
of this soil 12 m thick is loaded from 50 to 800 kPa (two of the data points shown on the curve),
what settlement will result, in m?
1.17 − 1.135 1.35 − 0.67
(a) Cr = = 0.0106; Cc = = 0.523
⎛ 2000 ⎞ ⎛ 2000 ⎞
log ⎜ ⎟ log ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
(b) Δσv = 750 kPa; σ'vo = 50 kPa; σ 'p = 290 kPa; eo = 1.17; Ho = 12 m
OCR = = 5.8
Ho σ 'p H σ ' + Δσv
Eq. 8.18b: sc = Cr log + Cc o log vo
1 + eo σ 'vo 1 + eo σ 'p
⎛ 12 m ⎞ 120 ⎛ 12 m ⎞ (50 + 750)
sc = (0.0106) ⎜ ⎟ log + (0.523) ⎜ ⎟ log 290 = 0.0223 + 1.2745
⎝ 1 + 1.17 ⎠ 50 ⎝ 1+ 1.17 ⎠
sc = 1.30 m
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