The Nonstationary Impact of Local Temperature Changes

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Clim Dyn (2017) 49:4281–4292

DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3586-0

The nonstationary impact of local temperature changes

and ENSO on extreme precipitation at the global scale
Qiaohong Sun1,2 · Chiyuan Miao1,2 · Yuanyuan Qiao1,2 · Qingyun Duan1,2

Received: 11 November 2016 / Accepted: 6 February 2017 / Published online: 26 February 2017
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and precipitation are more sensitive to ENSO. Global climate
local temperature are important drivers of extreme precipi- models were used to investigate the changing relationship
tation. Understanding the impact of ENSO and tempera- between extreme precipitation and the covariates. The risk
ture on the risk of extreme precipitation over global land of extreme, high-intensity precipitation increases across
will provide a foundation for risk assessment and climate- high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere but decreases
adaptive design of infrastructure in a changing climate. In in middle and lower latitudes under a warming climate
this study, nonstationary generalized extreme value dis- scenario, and will likely trigger increases in severe flood-
tributions were used to model extreme precipitation over ing and droughts across the globe. However, there is some
global land for the period 1979–2015, with ENSO indica- uncertainties associated with the influence of ENSO on
tor and temperature as covariates. Risk factors were esti- predictions of future extreme precipitation, with the spatial
mated to quantify the contrast between the influence of extent and risk varying among the different models.
different ENSO phases and temperature. The results show
that extreme precipitation is dominated by ENSO over Keywords Nonstationarity · Extreme precipitation event ·
22% of global land and by temperature over 26% of global Climate change · ENSO
land. With a warming climate, the risk of high-intensity
daily extreme precipitation increases at high latitudes but
decreases in tropical regions. For ENSO, large parts of 1 Introduction
North America, southern South America, and southeast-
ern and northeastern China are shown to suffer greater Climate change due both to anthropogenic activities and
risk in El Niño years, with more than double the chance of natural variability is now widely accepted and remains a
intense extreme precipitation in El Niño years compared major concern. Climate change induces changes in the
with La Niña years. Moreover, regions with more intense frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, which
in turn pose a profound threat to social and ecological
systems. Extreme value theory is often used to evalu-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this ate risk from hydrological and climatic variables and
article (doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3586-0) contains supplementary provides a foundation for infrastructure management. In
material, which is available to authorized users.
extreme value theory, hydrometeorological variables are
* Chiyuan Miao fitted to a theoretical probability distribution function, which assumes that the probabilistic characteristics of
the variables do not change over time (Xiong et al. 2014).
State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes
However, it has been established that this fundamen-
and Resource Ecology, College of Global Change and Earth
System Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, tal assumption of stationarity no longer holds because
China of climate change and anthropogenic factors, and tradi-
Joint Center for Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, tional extreme value theory is therefore no longer appli-
China cable for climatic risk assessment and mitigation, such

4282 Q. Sun et al.

as water-resource risk assessment, resource management, that they had statistically significant influences on winter
and the operation of critical infrastructure (Milly et al. precipitation in North America, both for the observations
2008; Sarhadi et al. 2016). Therefore, it is essential to and in the regional models (Whan and Zwiers 2017).
consider the nonstationarity of climatic and hydrological Across the world, extreme precipitation triggers flood-
extremes. Several studies have developed nonstationary ing, urban waterlogging, and landslides that lead to severe
models to depict the changes due to natural variability or loss of life and infrastructure. The occurrence of extreme
anthropogenic influences. For instance, Sun et al. (2014) precipitation at the global scale is believed to be related to
presented a framework for spatio-temporal regional fre- many factors. Previous studies have revealed that ENSO
quency analysis to quantify the effects of climate on the is the most influential climate phenomenon affecting the
distribution of hydrometeorological variables. Their variability of global precipitation extremes (Dai and Wig-
flexible framework adopted different temporal regres- ley 2000; Sun et al. 2015, 2016). On the other hand, tem-
sion models, with the parameters of the probability dis- perature also exerts a significant influence on changes in
tribution for hydrometeorological events being a func- regional precipitation, with super Clausius–Clapeyron
tion of climate drivers. Rosner et al. (2014) introduced (C–C) relationships reported in many regions (Ivancic and
an approach that combined hypothesis testing, risk-based Shaw 2016; Lenderink and Van Meijgaard 2008; Miao
decision making, and a decision tree to aid flood man- et al. 2016). In our warming climate, a substantial pro-
agement under nonstationary conditions. Li et al. (2015) portion of current heavy rainfall events over land can be
developed a nonstationary Gamma distribution with cli- attributed to the observed increases in temperature (Fis-
mate indices as covariates to fit precipitation data and cher and Knutti 2015). Understanding the influence of
calculate a nonstationary Standardized Precipitation ENSO and temperature on extreme precipitation is critical
Index (SPI) that is more robust than the traditional SPI for predicting and managing the impact of floods at global
calculation. Moreover, some researchers have attempted and regional scales. However, the driving factors for pre-
to develop multivariate nonstationary methods to investi- cipitation variability vary from region to region and it is
gate how the dependence structure between different indi- unclear which factors are the dominant sources of extreme
vidual variables is influenced by changing environments. precipitation changes. Moreover, some studies suggest
Jiang et al. (2015) used a time-varying copula model to that the ENSO magnitude could change in the future (Cai
assess the variable dependence structure between two et al. 2015; Yun et al. 2016). Consequently, the factors that
nonstationary low-flow series collected from neighboring dominate extreme precipitation in specific regions may also
hydrological gauges. Sarhadi et al. (2016) used a Bayes- change. It is essential to examine the robustness of these
ian, dynamic conditional copula to model the time-vary- relationships for the sake of future risk assessments and
ing dependence structure between mixed continuous and water-resource management. Therefore, in our study, sta-
discrete multiattributes of multidimensional hydromete- tionary and nonstationary GEV distributions were used to
orological phenomena. examine changes in extreme precipitation. ENSO and tem-
Temporal trends in hydroclimatic events can be caused perature were designated as covariates in the nonstationary
by many complex factors, including natural variability and GEV distributions in order to identify which factors drive
anthropogenic changes in external forcings. On the basis extreme precipitation. We plotted the spatial distribution
of nonstationary distribution theory, several studies have across global land of the most significant physical driver of
used climate indices as time-varying covariates to detect extreme precipitation. Then, risk factor was used to quan-
effects on hydroclimatic extreme events. For instance, tify the impact of each covariate on the risk of extreme pre-
Zhang et al. (2010) investigated the influence of large- cipitation. Furthermore, global climate models were used
scale climate variability on extreme daily precipitation in to investigate the changing relationships between extreme
winter in North America by using a nonstationary gener- precipitation and the covariates, providing a foundation for
alized extreme value (GEV) distribution, with indices for risk assessment and climate-adaptive design of flood- and
the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Dec- drought-sensitive infrastructure.
adal Oscillation (PDO), and the North Atlantic Oscillation
(NAO) as time-varying predictors. In India, the character-
istics of rainfall that exceeded a high threshold were mod- 2 Data and methods
eled by nonstationary distributions whose parameters var-
ied with physical covariates like an ENSO index, the global 2.1 Data
average temperature, and local mean temperatures (Agi-
lan and Umamahesh 2015; Mondal and Mujumdar 2015). In this study, extreme precipitation was estimated from
Whan and Zwiers (2017) used NAO and ENSO indices as the unified gauge-based analysis of global daily precipita-
covariates in a nonstationary GEV distribution and found tion produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

The nonstationary impact of local temperature changes and ENSO on extreme precipitation at… 4283

Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center (Xie for this project and ensures the climate sensitivities of the
et al. 2010). The dataset was constructed from gauge reports climate models are retained (Dankers et al. 2014; War-
from over 30,000 stations collected from multiple sources. szawski et al. 2014). Third, the ISI-MIP model data are
Quality control was performed through comparisons with downscaled to the same spatial resolution. The ISI-MIP
historical records and independent information from meas- data have been used for many impact projections, such
urements at nearby stations, concurrent radar/satellite as effects on agriculture (Rosenzweig et al. 2014), water
observations, and numerical model forecasts. Orographic scarcity (Schewe et al. 2014), and drought and flood risk
effects were corrected in this dataset and the optimal (Prudhomme et al. 2014) at different projected levels of
interpolation (OI) objective analysis technique was used global warming. In this study, model projections under the
to interpolate the dataset. Compared with existing prod- RCP4.5 scenario were used for the period 2016–2050.
ucts, the datasets show some improvement in represent-
ing the spatial distribution patterns and temporal changes
of precipitation (Xie et al. 2010). For each year during the 2.2 Methods
period 1979–2015, the all-day percentile index—defined as
the 90th percentile of all daily precipitation observations The extreme precipitation events were fitted with both sta-
across the year (Zhang et al. 2001; Hundecha and Bardossy tionary and nonstationary GEV distributions. We use M0
2005)—was calculated for global land surfaces as an indi- to denote stationary distributions without covariates. First,
cation of extreme precipitation events. ENSO signals were the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test (Massey 1951) was
represented by the monthly Niño 3.4 index, taken from the applied to assess whether the GEV distribution was appro-
Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Working Group priate for the extreme precipitation series at each grid loca-
on Surface Pressure (WG-SP) ( tion. Grid locations that failed the K–S test were removed
psd/gcos_wgsp/Timeseries). Data on local changes in tem- from this study. Temperature and ENSO indices were
perature were extracted from the GHCN_CAMS Gridded used as covariates in the nonstationary GEV distributions,
2 m Temperature (Land) dataset, which is a high resolu- referred to as M1 and M2, respectively. The GEV distribu-
tion (0.5° × 0.5°) dataset of global land surface tempera- tions include three parameters: the location (μ), the scale
tures from 1948 to the near present (Fan and van den Dool (σ), and the shape (ξ). For the nonstationary models, we
2008). The GHCN_CAMS temperature dataset uses the assessed the influence of temperature and ENSO by fitting
station observation from the Global Historical Climatol- models with a covariate for the location parameter only.
ogy Network version 2 and the Climate Anomaly Monitor- The location parameter varies linearly with the covariate,
ing System and applies the anomaly interpolation approach as follows:
with spatially and temporally varying temperature lapse 𝜇 = 𝛽 0 + 𝛽1 x (1)
rates derived from the observation-based reanalysis for top-
ographic adjustment (Fan and van den Dool 2008). Com- where x is the covariate value and 𝛽0 and 𝛽1 are the intercept
pared with other datasets, the GHCN_CAMS temperature and regression coefficients for the corresponding covari-
analysis is reasonably good and captures most general tem- ate. In this study, The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
poral and spatial features in the observed climatology and (Akaike 1974) was used to identify the best models. The
anomaly fields over both regional and global domains. AIC is expressed as follows:
Five global climate models from the Inter-Sectoral (
Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP) climate AIC = n log + 2m (2)
dataset, including GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-ES, IPSL- where n is the sample size, m is the number of parameters,
CM5A-LR, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, and NorESM1-M, were and RSS is the residual sum of squares. The smaller the
utilized to estimate the changing relationships between AIC value, the better the goodness-of-fit of the models.
extreme precipitation and the covariates. The ISI-MIP cli- Then, we compared the estimated likelihood (probabil-
mate dataset covers the period from 1960 to 2099 on a hor- ity) of extreme precipitation during different ENSO and
izontal grid at a resolution of 0.5° × 0.5°. We selected five temperature phases. For this purpose, we used the concept
ISI-MIP models rather than the models in Coupled Model of risk factor to quantify the influence of the covariates, as
Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) for three main in Zhang et al. (2010). The risk factor is defined as follows:
reasons. First, the ISI-MIP data are bias-corrected to ensure
long-term statistical agreement with the observation-based P(E� |E)
Risk factor = (3)
forcing data over the period 1960–1999. Second, the pro- P(E)
jected absolute trends in temperature and relative trends in where E represents the specific events in a given covari-
precipitation and all other variables are preserved by the ate phase and P(E) is the probability of these events. In our
bias-correction method, which was developed specifically study, E indicates extreme precipitation events in El Niño

4284 Q. Sun et al.

phases (for ENSO) or cold years (for temperature). E′ rep- 3 Results

resents the given events conditioned on the La Niña phases
and warm years. The return period is defined as the average 3.1 The observed impact of ENSO and temperature
elapsed time or mean interarrival time between occurrences on extreme precipitation
of critical events; a 20-year return level indicates an event
magnitude that occurs on average once every 20 years. We Figure 1 shows the global distribution of the models that
chose a 20-year return level for extreme precipitation (E20) best fit extreme precipitation during the period 1979–2015,
for the given ENSO and temperature phases, and P(E20) as determined by the AIC. For extreme precipitation, large
was thus equal to 0.05. P(E′|E20) is the occurrence prob- areas are dominated by stationary models, accounting for
ability of extreme precipitation at the 20-year return level, 52% of the global land surface. The spatial distribution of
conditional on the opposite covariate phase. For the nonsta- areas in which ENSO is the most significant physical covar-
tionary ENSO models, P(E) is P(El) and El20 is the 20-year iate is relatively uniform, and covers 22% of the global land
return level for extreme precipitation under the strongest surface. These regions are mainly concentrated in southern
El Niño conditions, corresponding to the GEV param- North America, northern South America, eastern Australia,
eters when the covariate is equal to the highest Niño 3.4 large parts of Southeast Asia, and various grid locations
value on record. We then estimated the probability of this scattered across Asia and Africa. This pattern essentially
20-year return value conditional on a strong La Niña, that matches corresponding regions detected in previous studies
is, under the GEV distribution with parameters correspond- (Sun et al. 2016). Local mean temperature is the most sig-
ing to the lowest Niño 3.4 value; the probability P(E′|E20) nificant covariate over 26% of global land, covering large
can therefore be expressed as P(La|El20). This probability parts of Asia, western North America, Greenland, southern
P(La|El20) is then divided by the nominal probability 0.05 Africa, and central and western Australia. This indicates
and is termed the La Niña risk factor. In the nonstation- that extreme precipitation in these regions has been more
ary local-temperature models, P(E) is P(Cold), the 20-year severely affected by global warming in recent decades.
return level for extreme precipitation under the coldest tem- For instance, the Greenland ice streams are undergoing
perature conditions, in which the covariate is equal to the dynamic thinning owing to regional warming (Khan et al.
lowest annual mean temperature value during the period 2014), which alters the hydrological cycles.
1979–2015, and P(E′|E20) is the occurrence probability of We used the concept of the risk factor to quantify the
extreme precipitation at the 20-year return level during the risk of occurrence of extreme precipitation under different
coldest years, conditional on the warmest year (when the ENSO phases. The results show regional characteristics,
annual mean temperature reached the highest value during and risk of extreme precipitation is quite different under the
the observed period), expressed as P(Warm|Cold20). two extreme ENSO phases. In a very large portion of north-
The extRemes package for the open-source statistical ern South America, Southeast Asia, Russia, and southern
programming language R was used to obtain the nonsta- Africa, the risk factor is greater than 2 (Fig. 2a), indicating
tionary models. that the likelihood of an El Niño 20-year event under La
Niña conditions is enhanced. Extreme daily precipitation
that occurs once in every 20 years during El Niño years

Fig. 1  Global distribution of Global distribution of statistical models that best fit extreme precipitation
statistical models that best fit
extreme precipitation (90th
percentile precipitation) for the
period 1979–2015 period. M0 60°N
stationary model, M1 non-
stationary local-temperature
model, M2 nonstationary ENSO 30°N

30°S M1


120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

The nonstationary impact of local temperature changes and ENSO on extreme precipitation at… 4285

Fig. 2  Estimated impact of 15

ENSO on the probability of (a)
extreme precipitation at the
20-year return level. a The
spatial distribution of risk-factor
values, representing the prob- 10
ability of an El Niño 20-year
precipitation event occurring
under La Niña conditions.
When the risk factor was greater
than 1, risk was increased, and 5
vice versa; b Histogram of
global risk factors; c Compari-
son of the 20-year return levels
for El Niño and La Niña years,
according to the risk factor. Risk 120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E
factor = P(La|El20)/P(El20)

100 200 300 400 500

(b) (c)

Extreme precipitation
8000 Risk<0.5 Risk>2
La Niña
El Niño




10 15




0 5
Risk Frequency Frequency

is more than twice as likely to occur during the strongest temperature as a covariate. The trends are spatially het-
La Niña years in these regions. The large range of risk fac- erogeneous, with the change rates varying from region
tors suggests that the ENSO effect varies substantially by to region (Fig. 3b). For instance, northwest China and
region (Fig. 2a, b). The risk factor is estimated to be greater high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere experience
than 5 in South America and Southeast Asia. A composite distinct increases with change rates of up to 0.2 mm/
analysis comparing the difference between the average of yr over the period 1979–2015, but large parts of North
the five strongest La Niña and El Niño years shows simi- America, Africa, Europe, and central Australia expe-
lar results: in South America and Southeast Asia, the val- rience decreases of up to 0.4 mm/yr. The risk factor is
ues for extreme precipitation in La Niña years tend to be greater than 5 in high latitudes in the Northern Hemi-
higher than the values in El Niño years (Fig. S1a). How- sphere and in northwest of China, indicating the likeli-
ever, in large parts of North America, southeastern China, hood of extreme precipitation increases in a warming
and western South America, there is a reduced probability climate in these regions. Precipitation events that occur
of extreme precipitation occurring in La Niña years, with once every 20 years during the coldest years occur more
risk factors for an El Niño 20-year event during La Niña than ten times as often during the warmest years at vari-
years lower than 0.5. In addition, in the regions with risk ous grid locations scattered in central Russia. In contrast,
factor < 0.5, high intensity extremes precipitation occurs the likelihood of extreme precipitation events tends to
more frequently in El Niño years. In the regions with the be reduced under warm conditions for large parts of the
risk factor > 2, high intensity extreme precipitation occurs middle latitudes, covering Europe, North America, cen-
more frequently in La Niño years (Fig. 2c). The occurrence tral Asia, southern Africa, and southern Australia. The
of high-intensity precipitation events is sensitive to the composite analysis shows that extreme precipitation has
alternation of ENSO phases. a positive sign over high latitudes in the Northern Hemi-
In the context of global warming, temperatures have sphere when the warm phase is compared the cold phase,
increased over large portions of global land in recent dec- but a negative sign in large parts of the tropical regions
ades. We derived trends in the 20-year return level for (Fig. S1b).
extreme precipitation from nonstationary models with

4286 Q. Sun et al.

Fig. 3  Estimated impact of 0.1

local temperature on the prob-
ability of extreme precipitation 60°N
at the 20-year return level. a
Trends in temperature (°C/yr) 30°N
during the period 1979–2015; 0
b Trends in the 20-year return 0
levels for extreme precipita-
tion based on the nonstationary 30°S
local-temperature model over (a)
the period 1979–2015 (mm/ -0.1
yr); c Distribution of risk-factor 120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E
values, representing the prob- 0.4
ability of a coldest-temperature
20-year extreme precipitation 0.2
event occurring under warmest
temperature conditions. Risk
factor = P(Warm|Cold20)/P 0
120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E


120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

3.2 The risk of extreme precipitation under different MIROC-ESM-CHEM, and NorESM-M models show that
future climatic conditions the influence of ENSO on extreme precipitation is also
predicted to be significant in southern India.
Figure 4 shows the dominant factors underlying extreme The spatial pattern of ENSO risk factors varies
precipitation for the period 2016–2050 under the RCP4.5 among the different models. For the GFDL-ESM2M
scenario, based on the global climate models. The area and NorESM1-M models, the overall spatial pattern is
for which the stationary model is the best model for similar to the results based on observations (Fig. 2): the
extreme precipitation events is predicted to reduce in the risk factor is high over northern South America, South-
future. For more than 50% of grid locations, it is not valid east Asia, and eastern Russia for the period 2016–2050.
to assess the risk of extreme events on the basis of the The projected risk factor in these regions is greater than
traditional assumption of stationarity. In contrast, temper- 12, indicating the increased likelihood of an El Niño
ature is the dominant factor affecting extreme precipita- 20-year precipitation event under La Niña conditions in
tion in most regions: M1 dominates across global land in the RCP4.5 scenario. In the GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-
all models except the HadGEM2-ES model. Temperature ES, and NorESM1-M models, a decreased likelihood of
is projected to be the dominant physical covariate across El Niño extreme precipitation under La Niña conditions
large portions of South America, Africa, Australia, south- is found in the central United States, central Asia, and
eastern North America, and high and middle latitudes of southern Europe. There is some uncertainty about the
Asia, covering more than 38% of global grid locations influence of ENSO on extreme precipitation in coastal
in the GFDL-ESM2M, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MIROC-ESM- Australia: the GFDL-ESM2M and NorESM1-M mod-
CHEM, and NorESM-M models. The effect of ENSO els exhibit an increase in risk factor for this region but
is predicted to be robust and the M2 model is domi- the HadGEM2-ES and IPSL-CM5A-LR results show a
nant in Southeast Asia, the coast of Australia, and some decreased risk (Fig. 5). In general, the affected regions
grid locations in North America. The GFDL-ESM2M, and contrast between ENSO phases are smaller in the

The nonstationary impact of local temperature changes and ENSO on extreme precipitation at… 4287

(a) GFDL-ESM2M (b) HadGEM2-ES

60°N 60°N

30°N 30°N

0 0
21% 18%
30°S 30% 30°S
49% 63%


60°N 60°N

30°N 30°N

0 0
15% 11%
41% 51%
30°S 30°S
44% 37%
120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E
(e) NorESM1-M


30°N M0: stationary model

M1: nonstationary model for local temperature
0 M2: nonstationary model for ENSO
37% 38%
120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

Fig. 4  Global distribution of statistical models that best fit extreme precipitation (90th percentile of precipitation) for the period 2016–2050
under the RCP4.5 scenario. M0 stationary model, M1 nonstationary model for local temperature, M2 nonstationary model for ENSO

MIROC-ESM-CHEM and IPSL-CM5A-LR models than climate, the spatial patterns of risk factors based on M1
the other models. nonstationary GEV distributions suggests that high latitude
Accompanying the extension of regions predominantly regions will tend to become wetter but low and middle lati-
influenced by temperature (Fig. 4), the influence of temper- tude regions will tend to become drier.
ature on risk factor is also altered in the future. Under the
RCP4.5 scenario, we find that extreme precipitation events
in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere were 5 to 4 Discussion and conclusions
12 times more likely to occur in the warmest year in the
period 2016–2050, which is higher than the risk factors for We presented here an examination of the influence of
the observed period (1979–2015) (Fig. 6). Increased risk ENSO and local temperature on extreme precipitation over
factors are also detected in various grid locations in tropi- global land for the period 1979–2015, based on nonstation-
cal regions, including western Africa, Southeast Asia, and ary GEV distributions. ENSO and temperature were covar-
northwestern South America. Compared with the results iates in the nonstationary models, and risk factor was used
from the 1979–2015 period, regions in which extreme pre- to quantify the influence of different ENSO phases and
cipitation is affected by the local temperature extend to temperature. The results show that the risk of daily extreme
large parts of South America in the future scenario, with precipitation intensity (90th percentile of daily precipita-
decreased risk of extreme precipitation in the warmest year. tion) increases at high latitudes but decreases in tropical
In the MIROC-ESM-CHEM and NorESM1-M models, the regions under a warming climate. This finding contradicts
affected regions stretch to large inland areas in Australia. previous studies that reported a C–C relation or even a
For large sections of coastal Australia, the influence of tem- super C–C relation in many regions, including the United
perature on the risk of extreme precipitation is predicted States (Shaw et al. 2011), China (Miao et al. 2016), and
to be stronger than the influence of ENSO. In a warming Australia (Hardwick Jones et al. 2010). Min et al. (2011)

4288 Q. Sun et al.

(a) GFDL-ESM2M (b) HadGEM2-ES

60°N 60°N

30°N 30°N

0 0

30°S 30°S


60°N 60°N

30°N 30°N

0 0

30°S 30°S

120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

(e) NorESM1-M



0 5 10 15

120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

Fig. 5  Estimated impact of ENSO on the probability of extreme pre- ability of an El Niño 20-year precipitation event occurring under La
cipitation at the 20-year return level (90th percentile of precipitation) Niña conditions. When the risk factor was greater than 1, risk was
for the different models under the RCP4.5 scenario. The plots show increased, and vice versa
the spatial distribution of risk-factor values, representing the prob-

and Westra et al. (2013) observed intensification of annual may explain why our results contradict those of Min et al.
maximum precipitation with global warming in nearly two- (2011). Further analysis should be conducted to achieve a
thirds of data-covered global land. However, the decreased comprehensive understanding of the relationship between
risk of extreme precipitation that we detected over large temperature and precipitation intensity in terms of various
parts of tropical regions in warm years indicates that the dynamic and thermodynamic factors.
relationship between extreme precipitation and temperature Precipitation across large parts of global land is sen-
is likely to be complex; the C–C relation alone may not be sitive to ENSO variations. ENSO affects not only aver-
sufficient to explain the relationship at the daily precipita- age precipitation but also extreme precipitation. For the
tion timescale at lower latitudes. The duration of precipita- period 1979–2015, we find that variability in the inten-
tion events (Panthou et al. 2014) and decreases in moisture sity of extreme precipitation is dominated by ENSO
availability above 24 °C (Maeda et al. 2012; Utsumi et al. over approximate 22% of grid locations, consistent with
2011; Wasko et al. 2015) are also related to the relation- previous studies (Dai and Wigley 2000; Whan and Zwi-
ship between temperature and precipitation intensity and ers 2017). We investigated the differences in extreme
contribute to the decrease in extreme precipitation with precipitation during different ENSO phases. In El Niño
increases in temperature in tropical regions. In addition, years, large parts of North America, southern South
the precipitation percentile affects the relationship between America, and southeastern and northeastern China suf-
extreme precipitation and temperature (Hardwick Jones fer from an increased risk of intense extreme precipita-
et al. 2010). We chose the 90th percentile of precipita- tion that is double that observed for the La Niña years,
tion rather than maximum precipitation as the measure when the likelihood of extreme precipitation over coastal
of extreme precipitation intensity in this study, and this Australia, Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and northern

The nonstationary impact of local temperature changes and ENSO on extreme precipitation at… 4289

(a) GFDL-ESM2M (b) HadGEM2-ES

60°N 60°N

30°N 30°N

0 0

30°S 30°S


60°N 60°N

30°N 30°N

0 0

30°S 30°S

120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

(e) NorESM1-M



0 5 10 15

120°W 60°W 0 60°E 120°E

Fig. 6  Estimated impact of local temperature on the probability of probability of a cold-temperature 20-year extreme precipitation event
extreme precipitation at the 20-year return level (90th percentile pre- occurring under warm temperature conditions. Risk factor = P(Warm|
cipitation) for the different models under the RCP4.5 scenario. The Cold20)/P(Cold20)
plots show the distribution of risk-factor values, representing the

South America is enhanced. Furthermore, regions with climate-adaptive design of flood- and drought- sensitive
more intense precipitation are more sensitive to ENSO infrastructure will help to reduce losses from meteoro-
(Fig. 2c), making the alternation of drought and floods logical disasters.
more frequent. Previous studies have shown that char- Through global climate models under the RCP4.5 sce-
acteristics of drought are also linked to ENSO and tem- nario, we investigated the dominant factors underlying
perature. The occurrence and evolution of drought can predicted extreme precipitation intensity for the period
be triggered by anomalous tropical sea surface tempera- 2016–2050. The observed relationship between extreme
tures, with La Niña conditions causing drought in North- precipitation and temperature is likely to become more
ern America but El Niño conditions causing drought robust in the future, with most models predicting the
in eastern China (Dai 2011). A general picture of how extension of regions where extreme precipitation is domi-
drought conditions are influenced by ENSO is provided nated by temperature and larger contrast with temperature
by Sun et al. (2016), with the overall effects similar to changes. The risk of extreme, high-intensity, precipitation
those for extreme precipitation. As temperatures change, increases across high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere,
the occurrence of temperature extremes tends to increase, becoming 5–12 times more likely under the warmest years,
leading to greater probability that droughts and heat while the risk factor decreases in middle and lower lati-
waves will occur simultaneously, thereby intensifying tudes under a warming climate. These results suggest that
drought severity (AghaKouchak et al. 2014; Trenberth a warming climate will trigger more severe floods and
et al. 2013). Drought and flood prediction in these areas droughts over global land. The observed decrease in the
may be improved by incorporating physical processes extreme daily precipitation intensity over tropical regions
attributed to ENSO and temperature; better-informed and with higher temperatures (Maeda et al. 2012) is predicted

4290 Q. Sun et al.

to become more distinct in the first half of the twenty-first measurements of precipitation and temperature, and will
century. Furthermore, satellite observations have identi- provide data support for future studies of climate change.
fied significant land greening in the northern extratropical In this study, the ENSO and local temperature were
latitudes during the past three decades, an effect mainly taken to be the main factors influencing extreme precipi-
attributed to anthropogenic climate change (Mao et al. tation over global land; however, precipitation variability
2016; Zhu et al. 2016). The compounding of warmer and is complex and may be controlled by other factors. For
wetter conditions over the northern extratropical latitudes instance, precipitation and temperature variability over
will be more conducive to additional land greening. How- large parts of Europe and Greenland may be affected by
ever, there is uncertainty associated with the influence the NAO through its influence on the Atlantic meridional
of ENSO and local temperature on projection of extreme overturning circulation and ocean heat transport (Delworth
precipitation because the spatial extent and risk vary with et al. 2016). Precipitation over North America may be
the different models. First, global climate models gener- modulated by the PDO (Hu and Huang 2009). Local topo-
ally have relatively coarse resolution and systematic errors. graphic heterogeneity could also affect extreme precipita-
Precipitation is of the local convective and large-scale or tion through influences on radiation and airflow (Liu et al.
stratiform forms, which tend to be highly dependent on 2014). Further studies that take more factors into consid-
the parameterization (Sun et al. 2006). Moist convection eration are essential.
schemes and parameterization of unresolved physical pro-
cesses are heavily involved in the simulation of precipita- Acknowledgements This research was supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41622101; No. 91547118),
tion over global land, especially in tropical regions, and this and the State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and
induces uncertainties in the magnitude and risk of extreme Resource Ecology. We are also grateful to the National Oceanic and
precipitation. Second, there are many difficulties in project- Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center
ing ENSO owing to its complex mechanisms and intricate (CPC) for providing the observed global daily precipitation dataset, to
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) for providing the
linkage to large atmospheric circulation. Models generally gridded 2 m temperature dataset, and to the Global Climate Observ-
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such as less-frequent warm ENSO periods, biases in dura- ing the monthly Niño 3.4 index.
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