TOS Science 6 Q2
TOS Science 6 Q2
TOS Science 6 Q2
1. Objective:
After the series of lessons in Science 6, the pupils are expected to answer 75% of a 40–item test.
2. Content :
A. See Table of Specification
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies, Modules
3. Table of Specification
Determine the Distinguishing Characteristics of Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Level of Cognition
Easy 70% Average 20% Difficult 10%
Skills Remem- Under- Apply- Analyzing Evaluating Creating Total
bering standing ing
1. Explain how the organs of 6,9,15,12 1,2,4,14 7.11,13 3,5,8,10 15
each organ system work
2. Explain how the different 19,22,26,27,2 24 20,25,30 16,17,18,21 23 29 15
organ systems work together 8
3.Determine the Distinguishing 31,32,33,34,3 35,38,40 36,37 10
Characteristics of Vertebrates 9
and Invertebrates
Total: 14 8 6 10 1 1 40
V. Answer Key
Answer Key