Spanish Module 2

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 Los verbos (regulares)

 El verbo SER
 El verbo TENER
 Los números cardinales
 La profesión
 Los días de la semana
 Los adjetivos
 Escribe sobre a mismo/a y
los compañeros de la clase.
Los verbos (regulares)
What is a Verb?
Verbs are words that express the action that the subject executes, or the state or
process in which it is. Therefore, they always agree with the subject in PERSON
(First, Second & Third) and NUMBER (Singular & Plural).

Forms of the verb:

Verbs have two types namely, impersonal and personal types.
The impersonal forms of the verb are the non-conjugated forms such as:
Infinitive (–ar, –er, –ir)
Gerund (–ando, –iendo) &
Participle (–ado, –ido).

The personal forms of the verb:

These are the conjugated forms in a particular tense and particular mood. A verb
in personal form agrees in person and number with the subject of the sentence.
For example,

Yo hablo [1st person singular in present indicative mood]

I speak

Nosotros/as hablamos [1st person plural in present indicative mood]

We speak

The verbal mode:

In Spanish there are basically three verbal modes namely,
Indicative – deals with factual information,
Subjunctive – deals with hypothetical belief,
Imperative – deals with command or order

These modes provide information about the speaker's attitude to what he is

As we have seen the verbs are divided into three groups AR | ER | IR each one of
which presents different sets of endings when it comes to conjugating them.
What distinguishes the three verb groups is the termination that can be observed
in their infinitive form, as shown below:


To conjugate Spanish verbs, the infinitive terminations drop and the present
tense endings are added to the verbal stems:


Yo hablo como vivo
Nosotros | Nosotras hablamos comemos vivimos

Tú Hablas comes vives

Vosotros | Vosotras Habláis coméis vivís

Usted habla come Vive

Ustedes hablan comen Viven

Él | Ella habla come Vive

Ellos | Ellas hablan comen Viven


Yo hablo Como vivo
Singular Tú hablas Comes vives
Él | Ella | Usted habla Come vive

Nosotros | Nosotras hablamos comemos vivimos

Plural Vosotros | Vosotras habláis coméis vivís
Ellos | Ellas | Ustedes hablan comen viven

As the table above shows, the vowel ‘a’ recurs throughout the present tense
conjugation of AR verbs, whereas the ‘e’ characterizes the present tense forms of
both ER and IR verbs. In fact, the IR verb groups share a very similar present tense
conjugation to that of ER group, except for the first and second person plural
forms, where they adopt an ‘i’ instead ‘e’.

Common verbs used in daily life:

Los verbos acabado en AR

Aumentar - to increase Bajar - to get down Considerar - to consider
Abrazar - to embrace Borrar - to delete Cortar - to cut
Acabar - to finish Buscar - to search Enseñar - to teach
Acceptar - to accept Cambiar - to change Entrar - to enter
Agarrar - to hold Caminar - to walk Entregar - to deliver
Ahorrar - to save Cantar - to sing Enviar - to send
Alimentar - to feed Cargar - to load; charge Escalar - to climb
Alzar- to lift Cazar - to hunt Escuhcar - to hear
Andar - to walk Cerrar - to close Esperar - to expect
Anunciar - to announce Citar - to quote Llenar - to fill
Arrancar - to pull Citar - to date Mandar - to command
Arreglar - to repair Cocinar - to cook Manejar - to manage
Asar - to roast Comparar - to compare Mirar - to look
Ayudar - to help Completar - to complete Nadar - to swim
Bailar - to dance Comprar - to purchase Necesitar - to need

Crear - to create Parar - to stop

Descargar - to unload Pasar - to happen; pass
Descargar - to download Preguntar - to question
Empujar - to push Preparar - to prepare
Engañar - to cheat Recargar - to recharge
Endurar - to endure Saltar - to jump
Guardar - to safeguard Soltar - to drop
Hablar - to speak Trabajar - to work
Hallar - to find Tratar - to deal
Imaginar - to imagine Tomar - to take
Informar - to inform Usar - to use
Intentar - to try Viajar - to travel
Los verbos acabado en ER Los verbos acabado en IR
Aprender - to learn Abrir - to open
Beber - to drink Asistir - to assist
Caber - to fit Competir - to compete
Creer - to believe Descubrir - to discover
Comer - to eat Escribir - to write
Comprender - to comprehend Ir - to go
Correr - to run Vivir - to live
Esconder - to hide
Leer - to read
Meter - to put
Traer - to bring
Vender - to sell
Ver - to see
El verbo SER en presente de
The indicative mood is used to talk about true actions, events and states as well
as facts. It is one of three moods in Spanish grammar, apart from subjunctive and
imperative. We use the indicative to express facts in the present, past, future and
conditional tenses. Here, we are going to see about the present indicative tense
of verb SER.

SER in Spanish Grammar:

The English verb To be has two translations in Spanish grammar: SER & ESTAR. In
this, SER is often used to describe qualities and characteristics of noun.

Conjugation of SER:
The conjugation table below provides an overview of the conjugations of SER in
present tense of the indicative mood.

Yo soy I am
Nosotros/as somos We are
Yo soy
Tú eres You are Tú eres
Vosotros/as sois You all are Él/Ella/Usted es

Usted es You are Nosotros/as somos

Ustedes son You all are Vosotros/as sois
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes son
Él/Ella es He/She is
Ellos/Ellas son They are
Few examples using SER:

Félix y Raúl son altos.

Felix and Raul are tall.

Antón es muy simpático.

Anton is very nice.

Yo soy alemana.
I am german.

[De = of/from]

Susana es de Venezuela.
Susana is from Venezuela.

Ese anillo es de oro.

That ring is of gold.

Ese anillo es de María.

That ring is of Maria’s.

Clara y Sara son mis hermanas.

Clara and Sara are my sisters.

Estos son mis amigos.

These are my friends.

Elisa es mi esposa.
Elisa is my spouse.

El partido de fútbol es en Barcelona.

The football match is in Barcelona.

El partido es el miércoles.
The match is on Wednesday.

¿Qué hora es? Son las diez.

What time is it? It’s ten o’clock.
Hoy es 1 de abril.
Today is 1st of April.

Hoy es domingo.
Today is Sunday.

Es primavera.
It’s Spring season.

El ratón es matado por el gato.

The mouse is killed by the cat.

Aquí, ya es de noche.
Here, it’s already night.

Juan es ingeniero.
John is engineer.
El verbo TENER
The Spanish verb TENER can be translated in English most cases with To Have.

Conjugations of TENER:
The below tables show us the conjugation of the verb TENER in the present

Yo tengo I have
Nosotros/as tenemos We have
Yo Tengo
Tú tienes You have Tú Tienes
Vosotros/as tenéis You all have Él/Ella/Usted Tiene

Usted tiene You have Nosotros/as tenemos

Ustedes tienen You all have Vosotros/as Tenéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen
Él/Ella tiene He/She has
Ellos/Ellas tienen They have

Common examples of TENER:

Yo tengo un coche nuevo – I have a new car.

Nosotros tenemos preparadas las maletas – We have prepared the suitcases.
Tú tienes cuatro bolígrafos en tu mano – You have four pens in your hand.
Vosotros tenéis que asistir la clase hoy – You all have to attend the class today.
Ella/Él tiene comprada una casa grande – She/he have bought a big house.

Few examples for possession (la posesión):

Tina tiene los ojos azules
Tina have blue eyes
Nosotros tenemos un perro llamado Neo
We have a dog called Neo

¿Usted tiene una familia grande o pequeña?

Do you have a big or small family?

Marcela y José tienen una casa

(Ellos – They) have a house

Sara tiene una hija pequeña

Sara have a little daughter

Vosotros tenéis un trabajo muy interesante

You all have a very interesting job

Ellos tiene un coche azul

They have a blue car

Ellas tiene una mesa de madera

(Literal meaning: They have a table of wood)
Actual meaning: They have a wooden table

Esta escuela tiene estudiantes muy buenos

This school have very good students

Usted tiene un libro muy antiguo

You have a very old book

Nosotras tenemos cinco exámenes mañana

We have five exams tomorrow

Few examples for age (la edad):

Yo tengo veintidos años – I am twenty two years old
Antonio tiene 18 años – Antony is 18 years old
¿Cuántos años tienes tú? – How old are you? (informal)
¿Cuántos años tiene usted? – How old are you? (formal)
Few examples for day to day expressions:
Tener calor – To feel hot
Tener frío – To feel cold
Tener miedo – To be scared
Tener hambre – To be hungry
Tener razón – To be right
Tener sueño – To be sleepy
Tener sed – To be thirsty
Tener cuidado – To be careful
Tener ganas de – To feel like
Tener prisa – To be in a hurry
Tener verugüenza – To be ashamed
Tener suerte – To be lucky

Yo tengo hambre – I am hungry

Nosotros tenemos miedo – We are sacred

Ella tiene sueño – She is sleepy

Vosotros tenéis sed – You all are thirsty

Tengo frío – I feel cold

Ella tiene razón – She is right (or) she have right

Los números cardinales [1-1000]
1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte
21 veintiuno | veinte y uno
22 veintidós | veinte y dos
23 veintitrés | veinte y tres
24 veinticuatro | veinte y cuatro
25 veinticinco | veinte y cinco
26 veintiséis | veinte y seis
27 veintisiete | veinte y siete
28 veintiocho | veinte y ocho
29 veintinueve | veinte y nueve
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno
32 treinta y dos
33 treinta y tres
34 treinta y cuatro
35 treinta y cinco
36 treinta y seis
37 treinta y siete
38 treinta y ocho
39 treinta y nueve
40 cuarenta
41 cuarenta y uno
42 cuarenta y dos
43 cuarenta y tres
44 cuarenta y cuatro
45 cuarenta y cinco
46 cuarenta y seis
47 cuarenta y siete
48 cuarenta y ocho
49 cuarenta y nueve
50 cincuenta
60 sesenta
70 setenta
80 ochenta
90 noventa
100 cien
101 ciento uno
102 ciento dos
103 ciento tres
104 ciento cuatro
105 ciento cinco
106 ciento seis
107 ciento siete
108 ciento ocho
109 ciento nueve
110 ciento diez
120 ciento veinte
130 ciento treinta
140 ciento cuarenta
150 ciento cincuenta
160 ciento sesenta
170 ciento setenta
180 ciento ochenta
190 ciento noventa
200 doscientos
201 doscientos uno
202 doscientos dos
203 doscientos tres
204 doscientos cuatro
205 doscientos cinco
206 doscientos seis
207 doscientos siete
208 doscientos ocho
209 doscientos nueve
210 doscientos diez
220 doscientos veinte
230 doscientos treinta
240 doscientos cuarenta
250 doscientos cincuenta
300 trescientos
400 cuatrocientos
500 quinientos
600 seiscientos
700 setecientos
800 ochocientos
900 novecientos
1000 (un) mil
La profesión
El abogado; La abogada Lawyer
El actor; La actriz Actor
El/La agente de viaje Travel agent
El/La albañil Mason/Builder
El anfitrión; La anfitriona Host
El apoderado; La apoderada Attorney
El arquitecto; La arquitecta Architect
El/La asistente Assistant
El/ La ama de casa Home maker
El autor; La autora Author
El/La azafata Flight attendant
El bibliotecario; La bibliotecaria Librarian
El bombero Fireman
El/La cantante Singer
El cantautor; La cantautora Lyricist cum singer
El camarero; La camarera Steward
El cartero; La cartera Postman/woman
El carpintero Carpenter
El casero; La casera Landlord
El científico; La científica Scientist
El/La cineaste Filmmaker
El cirujano; La cirujana Surgeon
El cocinero; La cocinera Cook/Chef
El conductor; La conductora Driver
El consejero; La consejera Advicer; Counselor
El contador; La contadora Accountant
El criado; La criada Servant
El/La dentista Dentist
El director; La directora Head; Director
El diseñador; La diseñadora Designer
El doctor; La doctora Doctor
El medico; La medica Doctor
El ejecutivo; La ejecutiva Executive
El/La electricista Electrician
El empresario; La empresaria Entrepreneur

El enfermero; La enfermera Nurse

El escritor; La escritora Writer
El/La estilista Stylist
El/La fabricante Manufacturer
El fontanero Plumber
El florist; La florist Florist
El fotógrafo; La fotografa Photographer
El campesino; La campesina Peasant; Farmer
El/La gerente Manager
El/La guionista Screen writer
El hotelero; La hotelera Hotelier
El/La jefe Boss
El juez; La jueza Judge
El lector; La lectora Reader
El/La letrista Lyricist
El/La líder Leader
El maestro; La maestro Master
El mecánico; La mecanica Mechanic
El mesero; La mesera Waiter
El modelo; La modela Model
El panadero Baker
El peluquero; La peluquera Barber
El/La periodista Journalist
El pescador Fisherman
El pintor; La pintora Painter
El piloto; La pilota Pilot
El plomero; La plomera Plumber
El poeta; La poetisa Poet
El/La policía Police
El politico; La politica Politician
El/La presidente Chairman; President
El profesor; La profesora Professor
El propietario; La propietaria Proprietor
El/La psiquiatra Psychiatrist
El/La recepcionista Receptionist
El/La representante Representative
El revisor; La revisora Checking inspector
El salvavidas Lifeguard
El/La sastre Tailor
El secretario; La secretaria Secretary

El socio; La socia Partner

El soldado; La soldada Soldier
El/La sub director Deputy
El/La taxista Taxi driver
El traductor; La traductora Translator
El vendedor; La vendedora Salesperson
El veterinario; La veterinaria Vetrinarian
El/La vice presidente Deputy chairman

 ¿Eres estudiante? Sí, soy estudiante.

Are you student? Yes, I’m student.
 ¿Son ustedes ingenieros? Sí, somos ingenieros.
Are you’ll engineers? Yes, we’re engineers.
 ¿Es Mario secretario? No, él no es secretario.
Is Mario secretary? No, he is not secretary.
 ¿Es María enfermera? Sí, ella es.
Is María nurse? Yes, she is.
 ¿Son Juan y Pedro taxistas? Sí, ellos son.
Are John and Peter taxi drivers? Yes, they are.
 ¿Qué es el señor Mohandoss Karamchand Gandhi?
Él es un líder.
 ¿Qué es Ravi varma?
Él es un pintor.
 ¿Quién es Chetan Bhagat?
Chetan Bhagat es un novelista.
Los días de la semana
 Domingo - Sunday
 Lunes – Monday
 Martes – Tuesday
 Miércoles – Wednesday
 Jueves – Thursday
 Viernes – Friday
 Sábado – Saturday
Hay treinta días y cuatro semanas en un
mes. Una semana tiene siete días. Los días
de la semana son domingo, lunes, martes,
miércoles, jueves, viernes y sábado.
There are thirty days and four weeks in a
month. One week have seven days. The
days of the week are Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.
Los adjetivos
Adjectives are words that denote the attributes or qualities of a noun. Unlike
English in Spanish, adjectives always agree in GENDER (Masculine or Feminine)
and NUMBER (Singular or Plural) with the noun they accompany. In addition,
unlike English, as a general rule, adjectives in Spanish are placed after the noun
and only in very special cases do they precede it.

The ending of adjectives in Spanish:

The ending of an adjective indicates GENDER and NUMBER with relation to the
noun it accompanies. For example,

José es un dueño amable de Félix.

Jose is a friendly owner of Felix.

Félix es un gato blanco.

Felix is a white cat.

Yo tengo dos libros pequeños.

I have two small books.

Las ramitas son largas.

The sticks are long.

The position of the adjective

The position of the adjective in Spanish varies depending on the type of adjective
and the meaning that we want to give to the sentence. As a general rule,
adjectives must always be placed after the noun that contributes an attribute and
only in exceptional situations, and for very specific communicative purposes, can
it precede it.

In some cases, placing the adjective preceding the noun leads to a change in the
meaning of the adjective.
Adjective Meaning if placed before noun Examples
Mi antigua casa
Antiguo Previous
My old house
Una cierta edad
Cierto Enough | Quite a lot of
A certain age
Una curiosa historia
Curioso Interesting | Strange
A curious story
Un gran hombre
Grande Quality of human
A great man
El pobre hombre
Pobre One that inspires sorrow
The poor man
La próxima vez
Próximo Next | Immediately after
Next time
Una pura formalidad
Puro Simple
A pure formality

Adjective Meaning if placed after noun Examples

Una casa antigua
Antiguo Old | Antique
An old house
Una cosa cierta
Cierto Surity
A certain thing
Un niño curioso
Curioso One who is curious
A curious kid
Un hombre grande
Grande Something of considerable size
A big man
Un hombre pobre
Pobre Penniless
A poor man
Una casa próxima
Próximo Close by time or space
A nearby house
El aire puro
Puro Unpolluted
Pure air
In certain situations the adjective precedes the noun. This is done to emphasize
that the quality noted is a subjective perception of the speaker. In addition, the
statement adopts a poetic or literary tone.

La bonita flor.
The pretty flower.

Él es un grán líder.
He is a great leader.


Alto/a (tall) x Bajo/a (short) Gordo/a (fat) x Delgado/a (thin)
Negro/a (black) x Blanco/a (white) Tonto/a (fool) x Inteligente
Bonito/a (beauty) x Feo/a (ugly) Áspero/a (rough) x Suave (soft)
Pequeño/a (small) x Grande (big) Mayor/a (mayor) x Menor (minor)
Bueno/a (good) x Malo/a (bad) Frío/a (cold) x Caliente (hot)
Moderno/a (modern) x Antiguo/a Alegre (bliss) x Triste (sad)
Nuevo/a (new) x Viejo/a (old) Feliz (happy) x Infeliz (unhappy)
Aburrido/a (borring) x Interesante Mejor (best) x Peor (poor)
Aburrido/a (borring) x Divertido/a (fun) Difícil (difficult) x Fácil (easy)
Caro/a (costly) x Barato/a (cheap) Superior x Inferior
Largo/a (length) x Ancho/a (width) Cortés (gently) x Descortés (rude)
Enérgico/a (brisk) x Perezoso/a (lazy) Agradable x Desagradable
Rico (rich) x pobre (poor) (Pleasant) (unpleasant)

Los adjetivos demostrativos:

The demonstratives [adverbs & adjectives] are used to identify a noun (person,
animal, place or thing) by indicating the distance it maintains with respect to the
speaker. They allow us to indicate three degrees of distance that are indicated by:
Este| Esta, Ese| Esa and Aquel|Aquella. They obey Noun – Gender agreement.
With the demonstrative adjectives, there is also demonstrative adverbs that
establish three degrees of distance that are indicated by: Aquí|Acá, Ahí and
Allí|Allá. Unlike the previous one, these adverbs do not obey Noun – Gender
Demonstrative adjectives
Singular Este (this) Ese (that) Aquel (that one)
Plural Estos (these) Esos (those) Aquellos (those ones)
Singular Esta (this) Esa (that) Aquella (that one)
Plural Estas (these) Esas (those) Aquellas (those ones)
Neutral gender Esto (this) Eso (that) Aquello (those ones)

Demonstrative adverbs Aquí/Acá (here) Ahí (there) Allí/Allá (there very far)

Este edificio es alto.

This building is tall.

Aquellos libros son intersante.

Those books are interesting.

Esta oficina es cómoda.

This office is comfortable.

Esa casa es moderna

That house is modern.

¿Qué es eso? Es una iglesia.

What is that? It is a church.

¿Dónde está ese coche amarillo? Ese coche está aquí/acá.

Where is that yellow car? That car is here.

¿Dónde están esos mesas? Las están allá.

Where are those tables? They are over there.
Escribe sobre a mismo/a
Me llamo Antonio. Soy un actor. Soy de Barcelona y hablo español. Tengo una
casa grande y un coche pequeño. Mi casa tiene un dormitorio, una cocina y un
baño. Mi padre es Pedro y trabaja como panadero. Él es una persona alegre,
amable y simpático. Mi madre es Carmen y ella es una profesora de inglés. Mi
hermana es delgada y es una estudiante de francés. Ella tiene una gata y un perro.

My name is Antony. I am an actor. I am from Barcelona and I speak Spanish. I

have a big house and a small car. My house has one bedroom, one kitchen and
one bathroom. My father is Peter and works as baker. He is a happy person, kind
and simple. My mother is Carmen and she is a professor of English. My sister is
thin and she is a student of French. She has a cat and a dog.

Escribe sobre los compañeros de

la clase
Soy una estudiante de ingeniería. Yo estudio en Instituto de technología de
Vellore. Yo tengo muchos amigos en mi clase. Ellos son muy amables, generosos y
simpaticos. Mi mejor amigos son Nicoleta y Pedro. Ellos son gordos pero
inteligentes. Siempre nosotros hablamos sobre las películas y las comidas. Hay un
chico en mi clase se llama Michael quien tiene los zapatos caros. Hay una chicas
quienes cantan muy bien. Todos mis amigos son enégicos y agradables.

I am a student of engineering. I study in Vellore Institute of Technology. I have lot

of friends in my class. They are very kind, generous and nice. My best friends are
Nicolet and Peter. They are fat but intelligent. Always we talk about movies and
foods. There is a boy in my class called Michael who has costly footwear. There
are girls who sing very well. All my friends are energetic and pleasant.

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