IA - Incident Management Plan - 2021

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Version 1.1

Signatures below indicates approval of this Management Plan.

Prepared by:

Approved by:

Sec 16.2
Approved by:

Sec 16.1 CEO

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Table of contents:


2. SCOPE 4









11. RECORDS 13



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The purpose of this plan is to describe the management and controls related to the
setting of health, safety and environmental objectives, targets and establishing action
plans during installation services, equipment, on-site maintenance, and support services.

All incidents/accidents shall be properly investigated, reported and closed out in

accordance with the Occupation Health and Safety Act.

This plan applies to all Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental monitoring and
measuring of set objectives and targets as determined by the management
representative, in collaboration with the company executive management committee.

This plan extends to all he company personnel and contractors working for or on behalf of
the company and will be executing services, delivery of equipment and/or maintenance
on any premises of the company’s clients.

This plan will also extend to any contractor working on the premises of the company.


Near Miss:
Any Incident that was avoided and provides an opportunity for improvement and / or a
learning point
An undesired event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other loss.
Work Related Injury:
An injury or illness is considered work related if an event or exposure in the work
environment either caused or contributed to the injury /illness or significantly aggravated
a pre-existing injury / illness
First Aid Injury
Any incident which arises out of and in the course of duty, which is treated by the first
Occupational Disease / Illness:
Is a disease caused by environmental factors, the exposure to which is peculiar to
particular process, trade or occupation, and to which an employee is not ordinarily
subjected to or exposed outside of or away from such employment
Disabling Incident
A “disabling incident” will be defined as any incident which arises out of and in the course
of duty, which results in medical treatment resulting in an employee or contractor missing
one or more shifts.
Fatal Incident

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The death of an employee or contractor who dies as a result of an injury suffered in a
work related incident.
Property Damage:
Any incident where the property of the company was damage.


CLIENT Customer Teams (CT) / Customer Business Teams (CBT)

16(2) Sec 16(2) Appointee Department of Labour
EMP Environmental Management Plan
H&S Health and Safety
SHE Safety, Health and Environmental
SHEQ Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality
CR Construction Regulations
HCS Hazardous Chemical Substance

Employees refer to persons employed by the company.
Non-conformity is the non-fulfilment of a requirement. A non-conformity can be any
Relevant work standards, practices, plans, legal requirements etc.
Health and Safety Management System requirements.
Incident is defined as "An incident is any accident or event that is caused in the course of
which involves:
• occupational illnesses.
• uncontrolled fire and explosions.
• any injuries.
• equipment plant or property damage.
• dangerous occurrences which could have but did not injure any person.
• exposures to hazardous substances or circumstances.
• loss of environmental value
• any other occurrence that could put employees or plant at risk.
Hazard refers to a source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human
injury or ill health, or a combination of these.
Danger or dangerous means anything that may cause injury or damage to person or
Minor Incident An event during which no damage to a person's health and safety or the
environment is to be expected. The damage can be cleaned up; by the affected
organisational unit and the applicable in- house or external services, e.g. burst water pipe,
electricity cut, leakage of stored substances into the safety pan, etc.

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Accident (Major Incident) means an accident arising out of and in the cause of an
employee's employment and resulting in personal injury, illness, or the death of the


The following are the responsibilities for the implementation of this plan within the
The appointed 16(2) has the overall responsibility for the implementation and compliance
to this plan.
The SHE Manager or appointed person is responsible for the implementation and
monitoring in accordance with the plan.
Managers and Supervisors in the relevant departments are responsible that the plan is
executed and adhered to.
All Staff and Contractors working on behalf of the company, are responsible for complying
to the requirements as set out in this plan.


The key to accident prevention is the standard attained in the thorough investigation of
all our accidents and incidents, since it is only after investigation that effective corrective
action can be implemented in order to prevent a recurrence.

In order therefore to ensure such a high standard it is necessary to appoint specific

employees to conduct these investigations.
Consequently, the following employees are designated as Accident / Incident
Investigators and are responsible to investigate any accident / incident occurring in the
workplace under their direction and control.
Appointed Accident Investigator


In all cases where an employee has suffered an injury or is suffering from an occupational
disease, he will immediately report such injury/disease to the Appointed Accident

The Appointed Accident Investigator will ensure that the injured or diseased employee
receives prompt and effective treatment. All injuries no matter how small or insignificant
they may seem will receive first aid treatment.

All injuries will be investigated and an Annexure 1 form completed by the Appointed
Accident Investigator. Where a disabling injury has occurred the investigation will be

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conducted the Appointed Accident Investigator \ Health & Safety Representative \ Safety
Officer who will then complete the Annexure 1, WCL1 forms.


All cases of injury will be investigated on the relevant forms. The person conducting the
investigation will depend upon the seriousness of the injury incurred, as determined by
the Appointed Accident Investigator.

The investigation having been conducted properly and the relevant forms completed
correctly, with the necessary recommendations having been made by the investigator,
the following procedure will occur:
• In the case of disabling injuries: the Appointed Accident Investigator will complete
the form in all its sections making sure that meaningful comments are made.
• In the case of minor injuries where the investigation is carried out by a person other
than the Appointed Accident Investigator, will complete the sections as the employer
and sign the form.

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Accident occurs

Employee injured on duty

Employee reports to First Aider

Treatment Assessed by the
First Aider

First Aid Treatment

(provided by Mars Fibre appointed First First Aid Treatment
Aider) (provided by Mars Fibre appointed First Aider)

Returns to work On site: Supervisor to call ambulance

082 911 or 084 124 or 10177

then immediately call the Appointed Accident

First aider immediately informs Site
Supervisor of accident.
First aider to complete Injury Record Sheet
and place it back in the first aid box Supervisor to complete the WCL2 document
and hand to the emergency personnel. Ensure
you get a copy of this document back from the

Site Supervisor to inform the Appointed

Accident Investigator of the injury
Injured transported to closest hospital. First
Medical Report is completed by Doctor.

The Appointed Accident Investigator to

investigate injury
The Appointed Accident Investigator to
complete the Incident Investigation Report

Treatment provided - employee discharged

NB: First medical report is to be brought back
to Mars Fibre Management

Injured goes back for medical treatment -

Injured goes back for medical treatment
employee fit for work
Progress medical report is to be brought
Final medical report is to be brought back to
back to Mars Fibre Management each time
Mars Fibre Management

The Appointed Accident Investigator to

complete Resumption report

Employee returns to work

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All incidents that result in, or could have resulted in, any damage to property, materials,
product or interruption in operation, other than normal breakdowns, or injury to persons
will be reported to site supervisor immediately. Service incidents will be reported to the
local town council and a reference number received.

Statistics will be kept.


When flood conditions are forecast, the following guidelines shall be used:
• Contact the Site Supervisor or Construction Manager
• Monitor weather forecast
• Move valuable equipment to higher area.
• Store chemicals where flood waters cannot reach them and cause contamination.
• Make transportation preparations to move employees / equipment in the event that
evacuation is needed.
• Evacuation
• If the site is in a low lying area venerable to flooding, evacuation will be immediate
and observe weather forecasts prior to beginning with any work.
• Evacuation is to follow the safest route possible (listen to weather and news reports
for routes). Maintain voice contact among employees and ensure that all
employees are accounted for. Make use of the roll call lists
• If time and conditions permit, unplug all electrical appliances.
• All loose outdoor articles are to be brought in or tied down.


• Evacuate the area immediately.
• Do not turn any electrical switches on or off.
• Eliminate all open flames.
• Evacuation should be to an area (if possible) upwind of the site.
• Call Fire / Ambulance 10177 (landline) or 112 (cellphone). and report that there
has been a Hazardous Materials Spill.
• Do not attempt to contain, touch, or identify (if unknown) the hazardous
• Do not attempt to rescue someone who has been overcome by fumes.
• If an employee has had contact with chemicals, see MSDS and consult the First
Aider immediately.
• Do not return to the building/site until authorized to do so by the fire department.

If a civil unrest occurs on site, the following should be contacted immediately:
• Contact the nearest police station
• Call for help

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• Do not engage or have eye contact
• Go to the preplanned assembly point


24 Report to inspector regarding certain incidents

(1) Each incident occurring at work or arising out of or in connection with the activities of
persons at work, or in connection with the use of plant or machinery, in which, or in
consequence of which-
(a) any person dies, becomes unconscious, suffers the loss of a limb or part of a
limb or is otherwise injured or becomes ill to such a degree that he is likely
either to die or to suffer a permanent physical defect or likely to be unable for a
period of at least 14 days either to work or to continue with the activity for
which he was employed or is usually employed;
(b) a major incident occurred; or
(c) the health or safety of any person was endangered and where-
(i) a dangerous substance was spilled;
(ii) the uncontrolled release of any substance under pressure took place;
(iii) machinery or any part thereof fractured or failed resulting in flying,
falling or uncontrolled moving objects; or
(iv) machinery ran out of control, shall, within the prescribed period and in
the prescribed manner, be reported to an inspector by the employer or
the user of the plant or machinery concerned, as the case may be.
(2) In the event of an incident in which a person died, or was injured to such an extent
that he is likely to die, or suffered the loss of a limb or part of a limb, no person shall
without the consent of an inspector disturb the site at which the incident occurred or
remove any article or substance involved in the incident therefrom: Provided that such
action may be taken as is necessary to prevent a further incident, to remove the
injured or dead, or to rescue persons from danger.
(3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply in respect of-
(a) a traffic accident on a public road;
(b) an incident occurring in a private household, provided the householder
forthwith reports the incident to the South African Police; or
(c) any accident which is to be investigated under section 12 of the Aviation Act,
1962 (Act No. 74 of 1962).
(4) A member of the South African Police to whom an incident was reported in terms of

subsection (3) (b), shall forthwith notify an inspector thereof.

25 Report to chief inspector regarding occupational disease

Any medical practitioner who examines or treats a person for a disease described in the
Second Schedule to the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1941 (Act No. 30 of 1941), or any
other disease which he believes arose out of that person's employment, shall within the
prescribed period and in the prescribed manner report the case to the person's employer

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and to the chief inspector, and inform that person accordingly. [S. 25 substituted by s. 7 of
Act No. 181 of 1993.]

8. Reporting of incidents and occupational diseases

8.(1) An employer or user, as the case may be, shall —

(a) within seven days of any incident referred to in section 24(1)(a) of the
Act, give notice thereof to the provincial director in the form of WCL1 or
WCL 2; and
(b) where a person, in consequence of such an incident, dies, becomes
unconscious, suffers the loss of a limb or part of a limb, or is otherwise
injured or becomes ill to such a degree that he or she is likely either to die
or to suffer a permanent physical defect, such incident, including any
other incident contemplated in section 24(1)(b) and (c) of the Act, shall
forthwith also be reported to the provincial director by telephone,
facsimile or similar means of communication.

(2) If an injured person dies after notice of the incident in which he or she was
injured was given in terms of sub regulation (1), the employer or user, as the
case may be, shall forthwith notify the provincial director of his or her death.

(3) Whenever an incident arising out of or in connection with the activities of

persons at work occur to persons other than employees, the user, employer
or self-employed person, as the case may be, shall forthwith notify the
provincial director by facsimile or similar means of communication as to the

(a) name of the injured person;
(b) address of the injured person;
(c) name of the user, employer or self-employed person;
(d) address of the user, employer or self-employed person;
(e) telephone number of the user, employer or self-employed person;
(f) name of contact person;
(g) details of incident:
(i) What happened;
(ii) where it happened (place);
(iii) when it happened (date and time);
(iv) how it happened;
(v) why it happened; and
(h) names of witnesses.

(4) Any registered medical practitioner shall, within 14 days of the examination
or treatment of a person for a disease contemplated in section 25 of the Act,
give notice thereof to the chief inspector and the employer in the form of
WCL 22.

(5) Any other person not contemplated in this regulation may in writing give
notice of any disease contemplated in section 25 of the Act, to the employer
and chief inspector.

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Recording and investigation of incidents

9.(1) An employer or user shall keep at a workplace or section of a workplace, as the

may be, a record in the form of Annexure 1 for a period of at least three years,
which record shall be open for inspection by an inspector, of all incidents which
he or she is required to report in terms of section 24 of the Act and also of any
other incident which resulted in the person concerned having had to receive
medical treatment other than first aid.

(2) An employer or user shall cause every incident which must be recorded in terms
of subregulation (1), to be investigated by the employer, a person appointed by
him or her, by a health and safety representative or a member of a health and
safety committee within 7 days from the date of the incident and finalized as
soon as is reasonably practicable, or within the contracted period in the case of
contracted workers.
(3) The employer or user shall cause the findings of the investigation contemplated
in subregulation (2) to be entered in Annexure 1 immediately after completion
of such investigation.
(4) An employer shall cause every record contemplated in subregulation (1) to be
examined by the health and safety committee for that workplace or section of
the workplace at its next meeting and shall ensure that necessary actions, as
may be reasonable practicable, are implemented and followed up to prevent
the recurrence of such incident.

A program for the implementation of this plan will be developed to ensure that:
Documentation is up to date and controlled
Induction Training plans are included in workplace induction training and new employee
Starter packs
Induction Training processes and plans is provided to key stakeholders, contractor/s
working for and on behalf of the company.

All Employees shall be trained and informed to the instructions and requirements as
defined in this document.
All supervisors, managers will be trained and equipped to execute the instructions and
requirements as defined in this document.

Safety, Health, and Environmental Policies & Plans
Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Plans

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This plan will be revised annually should there be any change in the requirements for a
non-conformance issue, or should there be any change to the regulatory requirements
that impact this plan.

The Health & Safety Manager will update the plan and thereafter be approved by the Sec
16.1 or Sec 16.2 appointee regarding the Health and Safety regulations.

Any plan altered, must be placed on the training matrix within 48 hours, to ensure
updated plans are communicated to all levels of employees.

This plan will be enforced upon sign off. Staff members and Contractors who make
themselves guilty of not following the process could face disciplinary action that could
lead to dismissal.

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