Form 4 Radioactivity

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Alpha (α) particle

Beta (β) particle

Gamma(y) particle








Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration/decay of an unstable nuclide.

A nuclide is an atom with defined mass number (number of protons and neutrons),
atomic number and definite energy.
Radioactivity takes place in the nucleus of an atom unlike chemical reactions that
take place in the energy levels involving electrons.
A nuclide is said to be stable if its neutron: proton ratio is equal to one (n/p = 1)
All nuclide therefore try to attain n/p = 1 by undergoing radioactivity.
(i)Oxygen nuclide with 168 O has 8 neutrons and 8 protons in the nucleus therefore
an n/p = 1 thus stable and do not decay/disintegrate.
(ii)Chlorine nuclide with 3517 Cl has 18 neutrons and 17 protons in the nucleus
therefore an n/p = 1.0588 thus unstable and decays/disintegrates to try to attain
n/p = 1.

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(ii)Uranium nuclide with 23792 U has 206 neutrons and 92 protons in the nucleus
therefore an n/p = 2.2391 thus more unstable than 23592 U and thus more readily
decays / disintegrates to try to attain n/p = 1.
(iii) Chlorine nuclide with 3717 Cl has 20 neutrons and 17 protons in the nucleus
therefore an n/p = 1.1765 thus more unstable than 3517 Cl and thus more readily
decays / disintegrates to try to attain n/p = 1.
(iv)Uranium nuclide with 23592 U has 143 neutrons and 92 protons in the nucleus
therefore an n/p = 1.5543 thus more stable than 237 92U but also readily decays /
disintegrates to try to attain n/p = 1.
All unstable nuclides naturally try to attain nuclear stability with the production

(i)alpha(α) particle decay

The alpha (α) particle has the following main characteristic:

i)is positively charged(like protons)
ii) has mass number 4 and atomic number 2 therefore equal to a charged Helium
atom ( 42He2+)
iii) have very low penetrating power and thus can be stopped /blocked/shielded by
a thin sheet of paper.
iv) have high ionizing power thus cause a lot of damage to living cells.
v) a nuclide undergoing α-decay has its mass number reduced by 4 and its atomic
number reduced by 2

Examples of alpha decay

210 x 4 2+
84 Pb -> 82 Pb + 2He
210 206 4 2+
84 Pb -> 82 Pb + 2He

226 222 4 2+
88 -> Rny + 2He
226 222 4 2+
88 Ra -> 86 Rn + 2He

x 234 4 2+
y U -> 90 Th + 2He
238 234 4 2+
92 U -> 90 Th + 2He

x 230
yU -> 88 Ra + 2 42He 2+
238 230
92 U -> 88 Ra + 2 42He 2+
210 x
84 U -> y W + 10 α

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210 170
84 U -> 64 W + 10 α
210 x
92U -> yW + 6α
210 186
92U -> 80W + 6α

(ii)Beta (β) particle decay

The Beta (β) particle has the following main characteristic:

i)is negatively charged(like electrons)
ii)has no mass number and atomic number negative one(-1) therefore equal to a
fast moving electron (0 -1e)
iii) have medium penetrating power and thus can be stopped /blocked/shielded by
a thin sheet of aluminium foil.
iv) have medium ionizing power thus cause less damage to living cells than the α
v) a nuclide undergoing β -decay has its mass number remain the same and its
atomic number increase by 1

Examples of beta (β) decay

1.23 x Na -> 23
12Mg + 0
23 23 0
11 Na -> 12Mg + -1e

2. 234 x Th -> y
91 + 0
234 y 0
90 Th -> 91 Pa + -1e

3. 20770Y -> x y Pb + 30 -1e

207 207
70Y -> 73Pb + 30 -1e
14 0
4. x y C -> 7N + -1e
14 0
14 6 C -> 7N + -1e

5. 1 x n -> y
1H + 0
1 1 0
0n -> 1H + -1e

6. 42He -> 411H + x 0 -1e

2He -> 411H + 2 0 -1e

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7. 22888Ra -> 228
90Th + xβ
228 228
88Ra -> 92Th + 4β
232 212
8. 90Th -> 82Pb + 2β + xα
232 212
90Th -> 82Pb + 2β + 5α
238 226
9. 92U -> 88 Ra + xβ + 3α
238 226
92U -> 88 Ra + 2β + 3α
218 206
10. 84Po -> 82Pb + xβ + 3α
218 206
84Po -> 82Pb + 4β + 3α

(iii)Gamma (y) particle decay

The gamma (y) particle has the following main characteristic:
i)is neither negatively charged(like electrons/beta) nor positively charged(like
protons/alpha) therefore neutral.
ii)has no mass number and atomic number therefore equal to electromagnetic
iii) have very high penetrating power and thus can be stopped /blocked/shielded
by a thick block of lead..
iv) have very low ionizing power thus cause less damage to living cells unless on
prolonged exposure..
v) a nuclide undergoing y -decay has its mass number and its atomic number
remain the same.

Examples of gamma (y) decay

37 37
• 17Cl -> 17Cl + y
14 14
• 6C -> 6C + y
The sketch diagram below shows the penetrating power of the radiations from a
radioactive nuclide.

radioactive nuclide sheet of paper aluminium foil thick block of lead

(radiation source) (block α-rays) (block β-rays) block y-rays)

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α-rays β-rays y-rays

The sketch diagram below illustrates the effect of electric /magnetic field on the
three radiations from a radioactive nuclide

Radioactive disintegration/decay naturally produces the stable 20682Pb nuclide

/isotope of lead.Below is the 238 92 U natural decay series. Identify the particle
emitted in each case

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Write the nuclear equation for the disintegration from :
(i)238 92 U to 234
90 T
238 234 4 2+
92 U -> 90 T + 2 He
238 234
92 U -> 90 T + α

(ii)238 92 U to 222 84 Rn
238 222
92 U -> 84 Rn + 4 4 2 He 2+
238 222
92 U -> 84 Rn + 4α
Th undergoes alpha decay to 222 86 Rn. Find the number of α particles emitted.
Write the nuclear equation for the disintegration.
230 222
90 Th -> 86 Rn + x 4 2 He
Method 1

Using mass numbers

230 = 222 + 4 x => 4 x = 230 - 222 = 8
x=8/4 =2α
Using atomic numbers
90 = 86 + 2 x => 2 x = 90 - 86 = 4
x=4/2 =2α
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Nuclear equation
230 222
90 Th -> 86 Rn + 2 4 2 He
Pb undergoes beta decay to 214 84 Rn. Find the number of β particles emitted.
Write the nuclear equation for the disintegration.
214 214
82 Pb -> 84 Rn + x 0 -1 e

Using atomic numbers only

82 = 84 - x => -x = 82 - 84 = -2
x =2β
Nuclear equation
214 214
82 Pb -> 84 Rn + 2 0 -1 e
U undergoes beta and alpha decay to 206 82 Pb. Find the number of β and α
particles emitted. Write the nuclear equation for the disintegration.
238 206
92 U -> 82 Pb + x 0 -1 e + y 4 2 He

Using Mass numbers only

238 = 206 + 4y => 4y = 238 - 206 = 32
y = 32 = 8α
Using atomic numbers only and substituting the 8 α(above)
238 206
92 U -> 82 Pb + 8 4 2 He + x 0 -1 e
92 = 82 + 16 + -x
=> 92 – (82 + 16) = - x
x =6 β
Nuclear equation
238 206
92 U -> 82 Pb + 6 0 -1 e + 8 4 2 He
U undergoes alpha and beta decay to 214 83 Bi. Find the number of α and β
particles emitted. Write the nuclear equation for the disintegration.
92 U -> 210 83 Bi + x 4 2 He + y 0 -1 e
Using Mass numbers only
298 = 214 + 4x => 4x = 298 - 214 = 84
y = 84 = 21 α

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Using atomic numbers only and substituting the 21 α (above)
238 214
92 U -> 83Bi + 21 4 2 He + y 0 -1 e
92 = 83 + 42 + -y
=> 92 – (83 + 42) = - x
x = 33 β
Nuclear equation
298 210
92 U -> 83 Bi + 21 4 2 He + 33 0 -1 e


Radioactive disintegration/decay can be initiated in an industrial laboratory
through two chemical methods:
a) nuclear fission
b) nuclear fusion.
a)Nuclear fission
Nuclear fission is the process which a fast moving neutron bombards /hits /knocks
a heavy unstable nuclide releasing lighter nuclide, three daughter neutrons and a
large quantity of energy.
Nuclear fission is the basic chemistry behind nuclear bombs made in the nuclear
The three daughter neutrons becomes again fast moving neutron bombarding /
hitting /knocking a heavy unstable nuclide releasing lighter nuclides, three more
daughter neutrons each and a larger quantity of energy setting of a chain reaction

Examples of nuclear equations showing nuclear fission

1 235 90 c 1
0n + b U -> 38 Sr + 54Xe + 3 0 n + a

1 27 28
0n + 13 Al -> 13 Al + y + a
1 28 b 4
0n + a Al -> 11 Na + 2 He
a 14 14 1
0n + 7N -> bC + 1H

0n + 11 H -> 2
1H + a
1 235 95 139
0n + 92 U -> 42 Mo + 57 La + 210 n + 7 a

b) Nuclear fusion

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Nuclear fusion is the process which smaller nuclides join together to form larger /
heavier nuclides and releasing a large quantity of energy.
Very high temperatures and pressure is required to overcome the repulsion
between the atoms.
Nuclear fusion is the basic chemistry behind solar/sun radiation.
Two daughter atoms/nuclides of Hydrogen fuse/join to form Helium atom/nuclide
on the surface of the sun releasing large quantity of energy in form of heat and
1H + 21H -> abHe + 10 n
2 3
1H + a -> 2He

2 2 1
1H + 1H -> a + 1H

1 4
4 1H -> 2He + a
14 17 1
7H + a -> 8O + 1H


The half-life period is the time taken for a radioactive nuclide to spontaneously
decay/ disintegrate to half its original mass/ amount.
It is usually denoted t 1/2.
The rate of radioactive nuclide disintegration/decay is constant for each nuclide.

The table below shows the half-life period of some elements.

Element/Nuclide Half-life period(t 1/2 )
238 9
U 4.5 x 10 years
5600 years
1620 years
14 days

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0.0002 seconds

The less the half life the more unstable the nuclide /element.
The half-life period is determined by using a Geiger-Muller counter (GM tube)
.A GM tube is connected to ratemeter that records the count-rates per unit time.
This is the rate of decay/ disintegration of the nuclide.
If the count-rates per unit time fall by half, then the time taken for this fall is the
half-life period.
a)A radioactive substance gave a count of 240 counts per minute but after 6
hours the count rate were 30 counts per minute. Calculate the half-life period
of the substance.
If t 1/2 = x
then 240 --x-->120 –x-->60 –x--->30
From 240 to 30 =3x =6 hours
=>x = t 1/2 = ( 6 / 3 )
= 2 hours
b) The count rate of a nuclide fell from 200 counts per second to 12.5 counts
per second in 120 minutes.
Calculate the half-life period of the nuclide.
If t 1/2 =x
200 --x-->100 –x-->50 –x--->25 –x--->12.5
From 200 to 12.5 =4x =120 minutes
=>x = t 1/2 = ( 120 / 4 )
= 30 minutes
c) After 6 hours the count rate of a nuclide fell from 240 counts per second to
15 counts per second on the GM tube. Calculate the half-life period of the
If t 1/2 = x
then 240 --x-->120 –x-->60 –x--->30 –x--->15
From 240 to 15 =4x =6 hours
=>x = t 1/2 = ( 6 / 4 )= 1.5 hours

d) Calculate the mass of nitrogen-13 that remain from 2 grams after 6 half-
lifes if the half-life period of nitrogen-13 is 10 minutes.
If t 1/2 = x then:
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2 --x-->1 –2x-->0.5 –3x--->0.25 –4x-->0.125–5x--->0.0625–6x--->0.03125
After the 6th half life 0.03125 g of nitrogen-13 remain.

e) What fraction of a gas remains after 1hour if its half-life period is 20

If t 1/2 = x then:
then 60 /20 = 3x
1 --x--> 1/2 –2x--> 1/4 –3x---> 1/8
After the 3rd half-life 1/8 of the gas remain

f) 348 grams of a nuclide A was reduced to 43.5 grams after

270days.Determine the half-life period of the nuclide.
If t 1/2 = x then:
348 --x-->174 –2x-->87 –3x--->43.5
From 348 to 43.5=3x =270days
=>x = t 1/2 = ( 270 / 3 )
= 90 days

g) How old is an Egyptian Pharaoh in a tomb with 2grams of 14C if the normal
C in a present tomb is 16grams.The half-life period of 14C is 5600years.
If t 1/2 = x = 5600 years then:
16 --x-->8 –2x-->4 –3x--->2
3x = ( 3 x 5600 )
= 16800years

h) 100 grams of a radioactive isotope was reduced 12.5 grams after

81days.Determine the half-life period of the isotope.
If t 1/2 = x then:
100 --x-->50 –2x-->25 –3x--->12.5
From 100 to 12.5=3x =81days
=>x = t 1/2
= ( 81 / 3 )
= 27 days

A graph of activity against time is called decay curve.

A decay curve can be used to determine the half-life period of an isotope since
activity decrease at equal time interval to half the original

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(i)From the graph show and determine the half-life period of the isotope.

From the graph t 1/2 changes in activity from:

( 100 – 50 ) => ( 20 – 0 ) = 20 minutes
( 50 – 25 ) => ( 40 – 20 ) = 20 minutes
Thus t ½ = 20 minutes

(ii)Why does the graph tend to ‘O’?

Smaller particle/s will disintegrate /decay to half its original.
There can never be ‘O’/zero particles


Nuclear and chemical reaction has the following similarities:

(i)-both involve the subatomic particles; electrons, protons and neutrons in
an atom
(ii)-both involve the subatomic particles trying to make the atom more

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(iii)-Some for of energy transfer/release/absorb from/to the environment
take place.

Nuclear and chemical reaction has the following differences:

(i) Nuclear reactions mainly involve protons and neutrons in the nucleus
of an atom.
Chemical reactions mainly involve outer electrons in the energy levels an
(ii) Nuclear reactions form a new element.
Chemical reactions do not form new elements
(iii) Nuclear reactions mainly involve evolution/production of large quantity
of heat/energy.
Chemical reactions produce or absorb small quantity of heat/energy.
(iv)Nuclear reactions are accompanied by a loss in mass/mass defect.Do not
obey the law of conservation of matter.
Chemical reactions are not accompanied by a loss in mass/ mass defect hence
obey the law of conservation of matter.
(v)The rate of decay/ disintegration of the nuclide is independent of
physical conditions (temperature/pressure /purityp/article size)
The rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on physical conditions
(temperature/pressure/purity/particle size/ surface area)


The following are some of the fields that apply and use radioisotopes;
a)Medicine: -Treatment of cancer to kill malignant tumors through
-Sterilizing hospital /surgical instruments /equipments by exposing them to
gamma radiation.
b) Agriculture:
If a plant or animal is fed with radioisotope, the metabolic processes of the
plant/animal is better understood by tracing the route of the radioisotope.
c) Food preservation:
X-rays are used to kill bacteria in tinned food to last for a long time.
d) Chemistry:
To study mechanisms of a chemical reaction, one reactant is replaced in its
structure by a radioisotope e.g.
During esterification the ‘O’ joining the ester was discovered comes from the
alkanol and not alkanoic acid.

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During photosynthesis the ‘O’ released was discovered comes from water.

e) Dating rocks/fossils:
The quantity of 14C in living things (plants/animals) is constant.
When they die the fixed mass of 14C is trapped in the cells and continues to
The half-life period of 14C is 5600 years .
Comparing the mass of 14C in living and dead cells, the age of the dead can be

All rays emitted by radioactive isotopes have ionizing effect of changing the
genetic make up of living cells.
Exposure to theses radiations causes chromosomal and /or genetic mutation in
living cells.
Living things should therefore not be exposed for a long time to radioactive
One of the main uses of radioactive isotopes is in generation of large cheap
electricity in nuclear reactors.
Those who work in these reactors must wear protective devises made of thick
glass or lead sheet.
Accidental leakages of radiations usually occur
In 1986 the Nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in Russia had a major explosion that
emitted poisonous nuclear material that caused immediate environmental disaster
In 2011, an earthquake in Japan caused a nuclear reactor to leak and release
poisonous radioactive waste into the Indian Ocean.
The immediate and long term effects of exposure to these poisonous radioactive
waste on human being is of major concern to all environmentalists.


The figure below shows the behaviour of emissions by a radioactive isotope x. Use
it to answer the question follow

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(a) Explain why isotope X emits radiations. (1mk)
-is unstable //has n/p ratio greater/less than one

(b) Name the radiation labeled T (1mk)

alpha particle

(c) Arrange the radiations labeled P and T in the increasing order of ability to be
deflected by an electric filed. (1mk)
T -> P

a) Calculate the mass and atomic numbers of element B formed after 21280 X has
emitted three beta particles, one gamma ray and two alpha particles.
Mass number
= 212 – (0 beta+ o gamma + (2 x 4 ) alpha = 204
Atomic number
= 80 – (-1 x3) beta + 0 gamma + (2 x 2 )) alpha =79

b)Write a balanced nuclear equations for the decay of 21280 X to B using the
information in (a) above.
80 X -> 20479B + 242He + 3 0-1 e + y

Identify the type of radiation emitted from the following nuclear equations.
(i) 146 C -> 147N + ………
β - Beta
(ii) 11 H + 10 n -> 21H + ……
y -gamma
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235 95 139 1
(iii) 92 U -> 42Mo + 57La + 0n +……
7 β – seven beta particles
238 234
(iv) 92 U -> 90Th +……
(v) 6C + 11 H -> 15
7N + ……

X grams of a radioactive isotope takes 100 days to disintegrate to 20 grams. If the

half-life period isotope is 25 days, calculate the initial mass X of the radio isotope.

Number of half-lifes = ( 100 / 25 ) = 4

20g -----> 40g ----> 80g-----> 160g -----> 320g
Original mass X = 320g

Radium has a half-life of 1620 years.

(i)What is half-life?
The half-life period is the time taken for a radioactive nuclide to
spontaneously decay/ disintegrate to half its original mass/ amount

b)If one milligram of radium contains 2.68 x 10 18 atoms ,how many atoms
disintegrate during 3240 years.

Number of half-lifes = ( 3240 / 1620 ) = 2

1 mg ---1620---> 0.5mg ---1620----> 0.25mg
If 1mg -> 2.68 x 1018 atoms

Then 0.25 mg -> ( 0.25 x 2.68 x 1018 ) = 6.7 x 1017

Number of atoms remaining = 6.7 x 1017

Number of atoms disintegrated =

(2.68 x 1018 - 6.7 x 1017 )
= 2.01 x 1018

The graph below shows the mass of a radioactive isotope plotted against time

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Using the graph, determine the half – life of the isotope
From graph 10 g to 5 g takes 8 days
From graph 5 g to 2.5 g takes 16 – 8 = 8 days
Calculate the mass of the isotope dacayed after 32 days
Number of half lifes= 32/8 = 4
Original mass = 10g
10g—1st -->5g—2nd-->2.5—3rd –>1.25—4th -->0.625 g
Mass remaining = 0.625 g
Mass decayed after 32 days = 10g - 0.625 g = 9.375g

A radioactive isotope X2 decays by emitting two alpha (a) particles and one
beta (β) to form 214 83Bi

(a)Write the nuclear equation for the radioactive decay

86 X -> 214 83Bi + 242He + 0-1 e

(b)What is the atomic number of X2?


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(c) After 112 days, 1/16 of the mass of X2 remained. Determine the half life of

1—x-> 1 /2 –x-> 1 /4 –x-> 1 /8–x-> 1 /16

Number of t 1 /2 in 112 days = 4
t 1 /2 = 112 = 28 days
1.Study the nuclear reaction given below and answer the questions that follow.
6 C --step 1-->127 N --step 2--> 1211Na

(a)126 C and 146 C are isotopes. What does the term isotope mean?
Atoms of the same element with different mass number /number of neutrons.

(b)Write an equation for the nuclear reaction in step II

12 12 0
7 N -> 11Na + -1e
(c)Give one use of 6 C
Dating rocks/fossils:
Study of metabolic pathways/mechanisms on plants/animals

Study the graph of a radioactive decay series for isotope H below.

(a) Name the type of radiation emitted when isotope

(i) H changes to isotope J.
Alpha-Mass number decrease by 4 from 214 to 210(y-axis)
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atomic number decrease by 2 from 83 to 81(x-axis)
(ii) J changes to isotope K
Beta-Mass number remains 210(y-axis)
atomic number increase by 1 from 81 to 82(x-axis).
(b) Write an equation for the nuclear reaction that occur when isotope
(i)J changes to isotope L
210 210
81 J -> 84L + 3 0 -1e

(i)H changes to isotope M

214 206
83 H -> 82M + 3 0 -1e + 2 4 2He

Identify a pair of isotope of an element in the decay series

K and M
Have same atomic number 82 but different mass number K-210 and M-206

a)A radioactive substance emits three different particles.

Identify the particle:
(i)with the highest mass.
Alpha/ α
(ii) almost equal to an electron
Beta/ β
1.a)State two differences between chemical and nuclear reactions(2mks)
(i) Nuclear reactions mainly involve protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an
atom.Chemical reactions mainly involve outer electrons in the energy levels an
(ii) Nuclear reactions form a new element. Chemical reactions do not form
new elements
(iii) Nuclear reactions mainly involve evolution/production of large quantity of
heat/energy.Chemical reactions produce or absorb smaller quantity of
(iv)Nuclear reactions are accompanied by a loss in mass /mass defect.
Chemical reactions are not accompanied by a loss in mass.
(v)Rate of decay/ disintegration of nuclide is independent of physical
conditionsThe rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on physical conditions of
temperature/pressure/purity/particle size/ surface area
b)Below is a radioactive decay series starting from 21483 Bi and ending at 20682
Pb. Study it and answer the question that follows.

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Identify the particles emitted in steps I and III (2mks)
I - α-particle
III - β-ray
ii)Write the nuclear equation for the reaction which takes place in (a) step I
214 210
83Bi -> 81Bi + 4 2 He
(b) step 1 to 3
214 210
83Bi -> 81Bi + 4 2 He + 2 0 -1 e
(c) step 3 to 5
82Pb -> 20682Pb + 4 2 He + 2 0 -1 e
(c) step 1 to 5
214 206
83Bi -> 82Pb + 2 4 2 He + 3 0 -1 e

The table below give the percentages of a radioactive isotope of Bismuth that
remains after decaying at different times.

Time (min) 0 6 12 22 38 62 100

Percentage of Bismuth 100 81 65 46 29 12 3
i)On the grid below , plot a graph of the percentage of Bismuth remaining(Vertical
axis) against time.

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ii)Using the graph, determine the:
I. Half – life of the Bismuth isotope
II. Original mass of the Bismuth isotope given that the mass that remained
after 70 minutes was 0.16g (2mks)

d) Give one use of radioactive isotopes in medicine (1mk)

14.a)Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. (2mks)

Describe how solid wastes containing radioactive substances should be disposed

of. (1mk)

b)(i)Find the values of Z1 and Z2 in the nuclear equation below

Z1 1 94 140 1
U + n -> Sr + Xe + 2 n
92 0 38 Z2 0

iii)What type of nuclear reaction is represented in b (i) above?

A radioactive cobalt 6128Co undergoes decay by emitting a beta particle and

forming Nickel atom,

Write a balanced decay equation for the above change

1 mark
If a sample of the cobalt has an activity of 1000 counts per minute, determine the
time it would take for its activity to decrease to 62.50 if the half-life of the element
is 30years 2 marks

Define the term half-life.

The diagram below shows the rays emitted by a radioactive sample

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a) Identify the rays S,R and Q
S- Beta ( β )particle/ray
R- Alpha (α )particle/ray
Q- Gamma (y )particle/ray

b) State what would happen if an aluminium plate is placed in the path of ray
R,S and Q:
R-is blocked/stopped/do not pass through
Q-is not blocked/pass through
S-is blocked/stopped/do not pass through

(c)The diagram bellow is the radioactive decay series of nuclide A which is

94Pu.Use it to answer the questions that follow. The letters are not the actual
symbols of the elements.

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(a)Which letter represent the : Explain.
(i)shortest lived nuclide
L-has the shortest half life
(ii)longest lived nuclide
P-Is stable
(iii) nuclide with highest n/p ratio
L-has the shortest half life thus most unstable thus easily/quickly
(iv) nuclide with lowest n/p ratio
P-is stable thus do not decay/disintegrate

(b)How long would it take for the following:

(i)Nuclide A to change to B
10 years (half life of A)
(ii) Nuclide D to change to H
27days +162000years+70000years+16days
232000 years and 43 days

(iii) Nuclide A to change to P

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27days +162000years+70000years+16days
232000 years and 43 days


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