Parts of Computer
Parts of Computer
Parts of Computer
8. Sound Card- an
expansion card that allows
for input and output audio
2. Motherboard- main
circuit board of the computer.
It contains all the circuits and
components that run the
computer. It also contains
buses and electrical pathways
that are needed to make the 9. Video Card- it is an
computer run. The buses allow expansion card that allows
for data travel between for
components of the computer. graphic information to
be displayed to a device
such as the monitor or TV.
3. CPU (Central Processing
Unit)- also known as the
processor or brain of the
computer that processes
everything from basic
10. Optical Disk Drive-
instructions to complex
uses a laser light to read data
functions. It performs all of the
from or write data to an
instructions and calculations
from memory, interpret data optical disc. These include
CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray
from peripherals, and manage
onboard information flow
between subsystems.
4. RAM (Random Access
Memory)- the temporary
storage for data and programs
that are being accessed by the 11. Network Interface
CPU for quick and easy access Card- provides a computer
in the future. It is volatile with a connection to a
memory, which means that network. It implements the
contents are erased when the physical layer circuitry
computer is powered off. The necessary for
more ram your computer has, communicating with a data
the more programs and link layer standard, such as
applications it can run at once. Wi-Fi. Each card represents
a device and can transmit
5. ROM (Read-Only and control the flow of data
Memory)- memory that on the network.
contains hardwired 12. Expansion Slots- where
instructions that computers use the user insert interface
when it starts, before the cards to the computer
systems’ software has loaded. system. These tend to
It is a non-volatile memory contain ports, and interface
type that receives data and with the motherboard. They
permanently writes it on a chip come in a variety of types
that lasts even after you turn such as PCI that has slots
off your computer. used to add sound cards,
network cards, or other
6. PSU (Power Supply Unit) - interface cards.
converts main AC to low-
voltage; regulates and supplies
DC power for the internal 13. Ports and Buttons-
components of a computer. It found on the motherboard
can be turned on and off by a and GPU. These ports allow
switch found on the back of for user inputs and outputs
the computer to go through the computer
using various devices.
17. North bridge- responsible II. Software- are set of instructions (also called a program) that
for managing the guides the hardware to operate effectively. Software can be split
communication between the into two main types.
central processing unit (CPU)
and memory, plays a crucial 1. System Software
role in facilitating the transfer (Opening System/OS)-
of data between the integrated Any software required to
graphics and system memory. support the production or
execution of application
programs, but which is not
specific to any particular
18. South bridge- main
purpose is to handle the 2. Application Software-
input/output (I/O) functions of designed to help the user
the computer. It acts as a to perform singular or
bridge between the central multiple related tasks.
processing unit (CPU) and
other peripheral devices,
facilitating communication
and data transfer.
B. Input Devices
Computer basics: Inside a computer. (n.d.).
1. Keyboard- an input device
used to enter characters and
functions into computer
Strydom, M. (2023, October 11). Parts of a computer and their
system by pressing buttons, or
functions (All components). Computer Info Bits.
C. Output Devices