A 3-phase synchronous generator supplies two loads connected in parallel through a lossless
transmission line. The line-to-line voltage VL across the load is 4.16 kV. The synchronous
generator stator resistance is Rs = 0 Ω and stator reactance is Xs = 1 Ω.
Find the per phase internal voltage Ear and the torque angle ∠δ for the synchronous gener-
Solution Steps
(a) Draw the per phase equivalent circuit including the equivalent circuit for the syn-
chronous generator and the per phase equivalent load. The circuit is shown in the
figure below. Note, that Z eq,Y = Z 1,Y ||Z 2,Y where Z 2,Y = 13 Z 2,∆ .
jXs +
Ear∠δ° +
− Vas Z1,Y Z2,Y
Figure 1: Power system per-phase equivalent circuit.
V as VL
(b) Now compute the current in the transmission line, I a = Z eq,Y
where Vas = √
(c) Since the transmission line has no impedance, the per phase voltage at the synchronous
generator terminals is equal to the per phase voltage at the load. Now, using I a and
V as , compute the synchronous generator internal voltage and angle given by Ear ∠δ =
I a · jXs + V as .
Problem 2
stator rotor
I as I'r
+ Rs jXls jX'lr R'r
Vas Rc jXm R'r (1-s)
− s
Figure 2: Full induction motor per-phase equivalent circuit with rotor referred to the stator
side winding.
Use the following values for the stator leakage reactance Xls = 0.5 Ω, the magnetizing reac-
tance Xm = 50 Ω, the rotor leakage reactance (referred to the stator side) Xlr0 = 0.6 Ω, and
the rotor winding resistance (referred to the stator side) Rr0 = 1.0 Ω. Assume stator winding
and core losses are negligible (i.e., Rs = 0 and Rc = ∞).
Solution Steps
(a) The value of slip s relates the synchronous speed ωs and the mechanical speed ωm of
the motor. Identify the mechanical speed in the problem statement (1510 RPM) and
convert to units of radians per second making sure to include the pole count of the
motor. Then use the frequency relationship of p2 ωm = (1 − s)ωs to solve for s. Values
of s range from zero to one with typical values being very close to zero.
(b) The quantity Pag delineates the real power transferred across the air gap from the
stator to the rotor. Thus, determine the total real power delivered to the rotor side of
the gap to determine Pag .
First, use fundamental circuit analysis to find I r . Then find the total (three-phase)
power through the two resistors Rr0 and Rr (1−s)
which are also sometimes expressed as
one resistor s . The result is Pag .
(c) The mechanical power delivered to the motor Pm is the power across the air gap
delivered to the rotor Pag minus the power loss through the rotor windings (Pr,loss =
3|I r |2 Rr0 ). This is often simplified as Pm = Pag (1 − s).
(d) The power delivered to the motor shaft Pshaf t is the mechanical power delivered to the
motor Pm minus the frictional losses of the rotating shaft Prot .
(e) Efficiency η is the ratio of mechanical output power from and electrical input power to
the motor—i.e., η = shaf Pin
. In this case, since the core loss and stator winding losses
are zero, the power delivered across the air gap and the input power to the stator are
equivalent (i.e., Pin = Pag ). Answer η = 82.74%.
Problem 3
E(t) v, N
Depth W
It consists of a fixed and a movable piece. Both pieces are made from infinitely permeable
material and have depth W into the paper. The air gap has permeability µ0 and length
x(t). A voltage source E in series with a resistor R induces a current i(t) that drives the
terminals of an N -turn coil wound on the fixed piece producing a flux linkage λ(t) in the coil.
(b) Derive the force of electric origin f e (i, x) acting on the movable piece.
(c) Write the mechanical and electrical equation for the system as a function of the inputs
i, x and E and the parameters N , W and R.
(d) Convert the dynamical description of the differential equations derived in part (c) into
state space form. Use X = [x(t), ẋ(t), i(t)] as your state vector.
(e) Given the initial state space vector, X(0) = [0, 0, 1], and time step of 0.1 second, find
using Euler’s method, X(t), at time t = 0.1 second and t = 0.2 second. Take N = 100,
R = 5Ω, W = 1cm.
Solution Steps
(a) To compute the flux linkage, compute the reluctance R. Use that to compute the
magnetic flux φ and then flux linkage λ = N · φ.
(b) To compute the force of electric origin, first compute the coenergy Wm0 (i, x) = 0 λ(î, x)dî.
Then differentiate coenergy with respect to x to find f e (i, x).
(c) The mechanical and the electrical equations are given by:
Note that, λ is a function of both i(t) and x(t), so use partial derivatives to compute
(d) The key idea is to bring the second order mechanical differential equation down to two
first order differential equations and combine it with the first order electrical differential
equation to express the system in the state space form. Use x1 = x(t), x2 = ẋ(t) and
x3 = i(t) define the state vector.
(e) For the state space form, Ẋ = F (X), Euler ’s method gives the state vector, X, at
time step, k, as:
X(tk ) ≈ X(tk−1 ) + (tk − tk−1 ) · F X(tk−1 )