Bvac 184
Bvac 184
Bvac 184
Advance access publication 30 November 2022
Diabetes—Prevalence and Significance may lead to metabolic imbalances and ultimately to the devel
opment of T2D [3, 6]. For example, impairments in any of the
The global prevalence of diabetes has reached crisis levels, af
pathways involved in insulin binding can lead to reduced glu
fecting more than half a billion adults worldwide (537 mil
cose uptake, resulting in higher circulating glucose levels
lion), or 1 in 10 of the adult population, in 2021 [1] (Fig. 1).
(hyperglycemia) and placing increasing demands on insulin-
These numbers have more than tripled since 2000 and, unless
producing pancreatic beta cells [3, 7] and, as noted above, im
checked, are projected to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783
paired insulin detection and/or uptake by target tissues such as
million by 2045 [1]. Significantly, it is also estimated that al
skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and the liver can result in insu
most 1 in 2 adults with diabetes (240 million) are undiagnosed
lin resistance [3, 7]. Of note, this also leads to inflammation in
and hence unaware of their condition and strategies for its
the target tissues, with increases in circulating levels of proin
management, and that a further 541 million adults have im
flammatory cytokines [3, 7].
paired glucose tolerance and thus have an increased risk for
developing diabetes, specifically type 2 diabetes (T2D) [1].
In the United States, 37.3 million people are estimated to
have diabetes (11.3% of the population), of whom 8.5 million
Risk Factors for T2D
are undiagnosed [2]. While T2D is inextricably linked to obesity [which constitutes
another escalating global crisis (8)], multiple other factors are
also involved, including smoking, sleep quality, family his
Pathophysiology of T2D tory, hypertension, dyslipidema, and others [recently re
T2D accounts for approximately 90% of diabetes cases glo viewed by Ismail et al (9)]. Tellingly, in the 2022 National
bally [1]. It can be precipitated by deficiencies in the produc Diabetes Statistics Report [2], the Centers for Disease
tion and release of insulin by pancreatic beta cells and in the Control and Prevention reports that the prevalence of diag
response of muscle, adipose tissue, and/or liver cells to insulin nosed diabetes in US adults is highest in families with incomes
[3–5]. A full analysis of T2D pathophysiology is beyond the below the federal poverty level (14.1%) and is also higher in
scope of this review, but, as discussed in a recent review by American Indian and Alaska Native (14.5%), non-Hispanic
Galicia-Garcia et al [6], the mechanisms underlying insulin Black (12.1%), Hispanic (11.8%), and Asian (9.5%) people
production and release, and its detection and uptake by target when compared to non-Hispanic White people (7.4%) [2].
tissues, are all tightly regulated, and defects in any of these Rates are also higher in individuals with lower education
Received: 3 August 2022. Editorial Decision: 23 November 2022. Corrected and Typeset: 22 December 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Endocrine Society.
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2 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2023, Vol. 7, No. 2
levels, at 13.4% for those with less than a high school level vs numerous essential functions in maintaining host health.
9.2% for high school and 7.1% for more than high school lev The gut microbiome plays roles in vitamin and amino acid
el educations [2]. In addition to these important societal and biosynthesis [13, 14], bile acid deconjugation and other trans
other (often interrelated) contributing factors such as diet, formations [15], immune responses and protection against
lifestyle, and medication use, data now indicate that changes pathogens [16], and many others [17]. This is made possible
in gut microbial populations may also contribute the develop by the collective genomes of the bacteria, Eukarya [18],
ment of T2D. Archaea (primarily methanogens) [19], and viruses [20] that
inhabit the gut, which together harbor over 150 times more
genes than the human genome [21]. Although bacteria pre
Alterations in the Salivary Microbiome in T2D dominate, contributing an estimated 99.1% of genes in the
Most studies of the influences of the gut microbiome on T2D gut, Archaea contribute around 0.8%, and the remaining
discussed in this review were performed using stool samples, 0.1% are contributed by Eukaryotes and viruses [22].
as are the majority of gut microbiome studies. More recently, Gut microbes strongly influence host metabolism [23],
the salivary microbiome has also been shown to altered in breaking down otherwise indigestible complex carbohydrates
T2D, including decreased abundances of Bifidobacterium via glycoside hydrolases and polysaccharide lyases that are
and increased Streptococcus and Lactobacillus [10], de not encoded in the human genome [24, 25], and regulating lip
creased abundance of the genera Actinomyces and id accumulation, lipopolysaccharide content, and the produc
Atopobium (both phylum Actinobacteria [11]), and increased tion of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which influence many
abundance of Blautia wexlerae, Lactobacillus fermentum, aspects of metabolism [26] including insulin signaling [27].
Nocardia coeliaca, and Selenomonas artemidis in An early study of the gut microbiome in subjects with T2D
treatment-naïve T2D subjects [12]. These findings indicate found significant reductions in phylum Firmicutes, and specif
that T2D has effects on the whole host, including the entire ali ically class Clostridia, when compared to controls, as well as
mentary tract, and that tracking changes in the salivary micro increases in class Betaproteobacteria and genus
biome may provide another useful means to monitor the Lactobacillus that correlated with increased plasma glucose
development and progression of T2D. levels [28]. A subsequent study by Karlsson et al found in
creased relative abundances of Lactobacillus gasseri and
Streptococcus mutans, and decreased Roseburia intestinalis
Alterations in the Gut Microbiome
and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in T2D subjects, as well as
in T2D—Findings From Stool Studies increased expression of microbial oxidative stress genes
The human host relies on the approximately 3.8 × 1013 micro [29], which has been linked to insulin resistance, β-cell dys
organisms that colonize various body sites and perform function, impaired glucose tolerance, and T2D [27, 30].
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2023, Vol. 7, No. 2 3
Moreover, there were similarities between these studies, per activated B cells (NF-κB) [42]. Alterations in gut microbial
formed using adult Danish males [28] and elderly Swedish fe populations, often referred to as dysbiosis, lead to increasing
males, [29] respectively, and a metagenome-wide association bacterial encroachment on the gut epithelium, triggering an
study of Chinese subjects, including increases in inflammatory response [43]. Bacterial components lipopoly
Lactobacillus species and increased microbial oxidative stress saccharide (LPS) and flagellin are recognized by and bind
functions [31]. Since then, numerous studies have examined to the toll-like receptors TLR4 and TLR5, respectively
gut microbiota in human subjects with T2D. In a systematic [44]. TLR4/5 binding results in expression of TNF-α, which
review of the associated data, Gurung et al found that in add has been linked to impaired insulin receptor signaling and in
ition to Roseburia and Faecalibacterium, the genera sulin resistance [45]. Of note, the effects of TLR4 may be
Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, and Akkermansia were consist cell-type specific, as both TLR4 and its coreceptor CD14
ently found to be decreased in the gut microbiome in T2D sub are required to induce adipose tissue insulin resistance in
jects, whereas the genera Ruminococcus, Fusobacterium, and mice [46–48], but knocking out TLR4 in intestinal epithelial
Blautia were consistently increased [32]. In addition, positive cells impairs glucose metabolism and leads to the develop
associations have been found between the genera Clostridium ment of metabolic syndrome [49]. TNF-α in turn leads to
following several successful phase 3 clinical trials [reviewed in subjects for subjects with T2D, including improved glucose
(109)], tirzepatide was approved by the Food and Drug metabolism [120, 121]. It has been suggested that these im
Administration for the treatment of adults with T2D in May provements are, in part, linked to post-surgical changes in
2022 [110]. However, the effects of tirzepatide on the gut mi the gut microbiome [122] and resulting changes in SCFA lev
crobiome remain to be determined. els [119, 123]. Different studies have shown varying results re
garding which microbial taxa are altered, which may be due to
Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors differences in the type of surgery performed (eg, Roux-en-Y
gastric bypass vs sleeve gastrectomy) [124] and/or resulting
SGLT2 inhibitors (eg, canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and empa
changes in stomach pH [125]. However, consistent findings
gliflozin) have also been approved by the Food and Drug
include increases in the abundance of Sutterella, which has
Administration for the treatment of adults with T2D. These
been linked to glycemic control [120, 121], and of mucin-
drugs block SGLT2 cotransporters in the renal tubes of the
degrading A. muciniphila [81, 120, 121, 126]. As noted earl
kidneys, thus inhibiting glucose reabsorption and reducing
ier, the beneficial effects of A. muciniphila are thought to re
glycemia [111]. Few studies have been performed exploring
sult from its effects on bile acids [127, 128]. Consistent with
microbial populations have not been studied in subjects with obesity and T2D has little relevance for the small bowel, il
metabolic conditions such as T2D. lustrating the importance of studying the small bowel direct
To explore and characterize the microbial populations of ly to find metabolically relevant biomarkers and therapeutic
the human small bowel and their roles in health and disease, targets.
we created the REIMAGINE (Revealing the Entire Intestinal Since these first studies, we have utilized these validated
Microbiota and its Associations with the Genetic, techniques to explore the roles and contributions of changes
Immunologic, and Neuroendocrine Ecosystem) study [167]. in small bowel microbial populations in a variety of condi
We developed a new catheter design to overcome cross- tions, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth [170],
contamination with microbes from the mouth and use of proton pump inhibitors [171], age and the ageing pro
stomach, which plagued traditional open aspiration catheters cess [172], menopause and the use of hormone therapy [173],
[168, 169], and as small intestinal samples have high viscosity, and smoking [174]. These studies have consistently demon
low microbial biomass, and small sample volumes, we also strated that overabundance of Proteobacterial taxa, particu
developed improved techniques for sample processing, DNA larly family Enterobacteriaceae and the disruptor genera
recovery and library preparation prior to sequencing, using [175] Escherichia-Shigella and Klebsiella, are associated
duodenal samples [167]. The results indicated that the num with loss of microbial diversity and negative effects on the
ber of microbes in the small bowel was significantly higher duodenal microbiome, as are overgrowth of family
than previously thought and also revealed expanded Lactobacillaceae and the genus Lactobacillus, which is an
microbiome-related pathways [167], suggesting a greater other disruptor in the small bowel [175]. In contrast, families
range of microbial functions than previously thought. Prevotellaceae, Neisseriaceae, and Porphyromonadaceae
Using these validated techniques, we then explored the micro are consistently associated with increased duodenal micro
bial populations of the small bowel (duodenum) and compared bial diversity [173, 174], suggesting that they have positive
them to stool. We found significant differences between their effects in the small bowel. Our next steps will include apply
respective microbiomes, even at the phylum level. The stool mi ing these novel techniques to explore the roles of small bow
crobiome is characterized by high relative abundance of el microbes and their metabolites in metabolic conditions
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, but in the small bowel Firmicutes such as obesity and T2D, which will hopefully allow us to
and Proteobacteria are the most abundant, and Bacteroidetes is identify novel, and successful, microbiome-based therapeut
far less abundant [145]. Moreover, in the duodenum, phylum ic targets.
Firmicutes was primarily comprised of lactic acid bacteria,
particularly families Streptococcaceae, Lactobacillaceae and
Carnobacteriaceae, and family Veillonellaceae, whereas in stool, Clinical Perspectives and Future Directions
Firmicutes was dominated by families Ruminococcaceae, The impact of the gut microbiome on human disease is un
Lachnospiraceae, and Christensenellaceae (which is completely deniable. Current research is exploring the specific mecha
absent from the duodenum) [145] (see Fig. 3). There were also nisms this microcosm has on the human host in a variety of
differences in Proteobacteria composition, with families conditions. Diabetes is a complex and multifactorial disease.
Neisseriaceae, Pasteurellaceae, and Enterobacteriaceae predom The role of the microbiome is likely variable depending on
inating in the duodenum and class Deltaproteobacteria predom other host conditions and genetics. Having stated this, there
inating in stool [145] (see Fig. 3). Clearly, the Firmicutes: is most probably a subgroup of patients with diabetes (and
Bacteroidetes ratio that is much quoted as being relevant to prediabetes) who have a more defined relationship with
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