TDM Contract1
TDM Contract1
TDM Contract1
This CONTRACT of Lease (“CONTRACT”), made and entered into this 17th day of July, 2023,
in the City of Manila, Philippines, by and between:
JOHN ROBERT ORDENES ROSALES ,single/marriage and of legal age, hereinaFer referred to as the
W I T N E S S E T H: That –
WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the registered owner of a 1 Bedroom Condominium Unit with an
area of 18.sqm., inclusive of furnishings and appliances listed in Annex “A” of this Contract of Lease,
located at Unit 316, Building 4, Stidio City by, Alabang ( “the LEASED PREMISES”).
WHEREAS, the LESSEE desires to lease the LEASED PREMISES and the LESSOR is willing to
lease the same unto the LESSEE subject to the terms and condiDons hereinaFer specified.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideraDon of the foregoing and mutual covenants
hereinaFer contained, the LESSOR has let and by these presents does hereby let and lease unto the
LESSEE the LEASED PREMISES, together with the Furnishings and the LESSEE hereby accepts the same
by way of lease, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. TERMS OF LEASE – This lease shall be for a period of one (6) months commencing on
__________, 2023 to _________, 2024, unless the parDes agree in wriDng to a renewal of this
lease upon mutuality agreed terms and condiDons at least sixty (60) days prior to the
expiraDon of this Contract
2. PAYMENT OF LEASE AND MANNER OF PAYMENT – The parDes herein agree that the rental of
the leased premises throughout the period of lease shall be TWELVE THOUNSAND PESOS (PHP
12,000.00) Philippine Currency, per month, inclusive of AssociaDon Due, VAT and Withholding
Upon signing of this contract of lease, the LESSEE agrees to pay the LESSOR the sum of
TWENTY FOUR THOUNSAND PESOS (Php 24,000.00) Philippine Currency, breakdown are
as follows:
a. The sum of TWELVE THOUSAND,PESOS (Php 12,000.00) representing ____ (1 ) months
security deposit.
The Security Deposit shall remain intact with the LESSOR, bearing no interest for the duraDon
of the lease term for the faithful compliance by the LESSEE of the covenants hereof, which
shall answer for any unpaid utility bills, such as but not limited to water, electricity, cable
charges, telephone or damages to the premises, contracted services, damages to the Leased
Premises other than those arising from normal wear and tear. The balance of this deposit
shall be refunded by the LESSOR to LESSEE within three (3) days from the termination of this
lease, together with an itemized statement of the applicaDon thereof and the supporDng bills
and invoices. But LESSEE shall leave the Premises at least five days before terminating to
return the Security Deposit within three (3) days. If the security deposit is not enough to
secle the unpaid bills such as light, water, and damages to the Leased Premises, the LESSEE is
obliged to secle the same to the LESSOR.
b. The sum of TWELVE THOUSAND PESOS (PHP12,000.00) representing (1) month ADVANCE
rental covering the period from ______, 2023 to ______, 2023 inclusive of associaDon dues,
to be given prior to the start of contract.
d. ONLINE BANKING :_______, 2023 (1) Month Security Deposit and (1) Month
Advance) (php 24,000.00)
d. LESSEE will pay the monthly rent fee through online banking every ____ of the month.
3. WATER, ELECTRICITY, ETC. – The LESSEE shall be responsible for the payment of all uDlity
charges due on the LEASED PREMISES such as water, electricity, telephone, monthly cable
subscripDon, etc.
The associaDon dues on the LEASED PREMISES shall be for the account of the LESSOR. The
rouDne cleaning and maintenance of the air-condiDoning units shall be for LESSEE’s account.
4. RESIDENTIAL PURPOSE – The LEASED PREMISES shall be used only for a single family
residenDal purpose and for no other purpose without the wricen consent of the LESSOR. The
LESSEE shall not sublease the LEASED PREMISES or any porDon thereof or otherwise assign its
rights under this CONTRACT to a third person without the prior knowledge and wricen consent
of the LESSOR.
5. IMPROVEMENTS – The LESSEE shall not make any structural changes, alteraDons or
improvements in the LEASED PREMISES without the wricen consent of the LESSOR. Any
alteraDons or improvements made or introduced by the LESSEE on the LEASED PREMISES with
the wricen consent of the LESSOR which cannot be removed without causing damage to the
LEASED PREMISES shall, upon terminaDon of this CONTRACT, automaDcally inure to the
benefit of the LEASED PREMISES and become property of the LESSOR without any obligaDon
on the lacer’s part to pay or refund its value or cost to the LESSEE.
tenantable condiDon at all Dmes. The LESSEE has inspected the LEASED PREMISES and found
the same to be in good and tenantable condiDon. The LESSOR shall be responsible for all
major or structural repairs on the LEASED PREMISES, and for repairs on water, electrical and
sewage installaDons caused by ordinary wear and tear. The LESSEE shall be responsible for all
minor repairs such as clogged toilets, pipes, broken fly screen, broken doorknobs, washers,
leaking faucets and the like, and all other minor repairs cosDng Philippine Peso: FIVE
THOUSAND PESOS (Php 5,000.00) and below for each occurrence as well as for repairs due to
the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, its employees, members of his household, guests or
visitors, which shall be considered as the direct act of negligence on the part of the LESSEE.
7. FIRE HAZARD AND OBNOXIOUS SUBSTANCE – Except those necessary for ordinary household
use, the LESSEE shall not keep, deposit or store in the LEASED PREMISES any obnoxious or
inflammable materials or substance that might consDtute a fire hazard or cause or increase in
insurance cost for the condominium building and/or the LEASED PREMISES.
8. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY – The LESSEE shall hold the LESSOR free and harmless from any
damage or liability or responsibility to any person, property arising out of or as consequence of
the use of LEASED PREMISES by the LESSEE, its employees, members of his family, domesDc
help, visitors or guests during its occupancy of the LEASED PREMISES. When such damage or
liability is caused by fortuitous events or acts of God, such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods,
etc., which are beyond the control of the LESSEE, the lacer shall not be liable to the LESSOR.
9. TAXES AND INSURANCE – Real Estate taxes, government assessments, and fire insurance
charges, shall be for the account of the LESSOR.
10. INSPECTION OF PREMISES - The LESSOR reserves the right, at reasonable Dmes and with
prior noDce, to enter and inspect the LEASED PREMISES and to make the necessary repairs
thereof. The LESSEE likewise agrees to cooperate with the LESSOR in keeping the said premises
in good and tenantable condiDon.
12. RULES AND REGULATIONS – The LESSEE agrees to abide by the exisDng rules and regulaDons
of the Torre De Manila AssociaDon as well as any ordinances and laws affecDng the use of
13. SALE, TRANSFER, MORTGAGE - In the event of sale, transfer, mortgage or any other
encumbrance of the LEASED PREMISES or any exisDng sale, transfer, mortgage or
encumbrance of the same, LESSOR shall warrant that the purchaser, mortgagee, or
encumbrances shall respect all the terms and condiDons of this CONTRACT.
the LESSEE shall have peaceful enjoyment of the LEASED PREMISES. In case of substanDal
damage to the LEASED PREMISES or any porDon thereof caused by fire, typhoon, earthquake
or any natural calamiDes and without the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, its agents,
employees or guests and/or their family, the damage shall be repaired at the expense of the
LESSOR as speedily as possible aFer such event ceases. If caused by natural calamiDes or
without fault or negligence of LESSEE, its employees, agents or guests or member of their
family, any porDon of the LEASED PREMISES shall become unsuitable for occupancy by
reason of, then the LESSEE shall be enDtled to a refund of a proporDonate amount of the
rentals paid in advance. However, if the LEASED PREMISES are nearly destroyed as to make it
untenantable, without the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, its employees, agents,
household help, guests, or members of their family, either party may demand for the
rescission of this CONTRACT. In such case, the security deposit paid by the LESSEE to the
LESSOR pursuant to this CONTRACT shall be refunded to the LESSEE without interest less any
unpaid dues for water, gas, electricity, telephone, garbage fees, associaDon dues and any
outstanding accounts of the LESSEE and any unapplied advance rentals paid by the LESSEE
shall be returned or refunded without interest to the LESSEE. However, nothing in this
paragraph shall be exempt the LESSEE from liability to the LESSOR, or to any third party, for
damages caused due to the fault of the LESSEE, members of his family, agents, employees,
guests or household help.
15. PRE-TERMINATION CLAUSE – Subject to SecDon 21 hereof, either party shall have the right
to pre-terminate this Contract in case of violaDon of any of the terms and condiDons
sDpulated herein. In the event the LESSEE abandons or vacates the LEASED PREMISES
without noDce, or pre-terminates the Contract for any reason without fault on the part of
the LESSOR, all the advance payment made and unused including the two months security
deposit will be forfeited in favor of the LESSOR.
16. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT - The LESSOR shall provide the Furnishings for the use of the
LESSEE as enumerated in Annex A of this CONTRACT which forms an integral part hereof.
The LESSEE agrees that the pieces of Furnishings are the property of the LESSOR and shall
form part of the LEASED PREMISES. They shall be returned to the LESSOR at the end of the
term in good working condiDon, ordinary wear and tear excepted. The repair and
maintenance of Furnishings should be for the account of the LESSEE. The LESSEE shall be
responsible for all minor repairs on all electrical appliances cosDng Philippine Peso: FIVE
THOUSAND PESOS (Php 5,000.00) and below for each occurrence as well as for repairs due
to the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, it’s employees, members of his household, guests or
visitors, which shall be considered as the direct act of negligence on the part of the LESSEE.
17. RETURN OF LEASED PREMISES - Upon the expiraDon of this CONTRACT or any extension
thereof, the LESSEE undertakes to vacate and surrender to the LESSOR the LEASED PREMISES
including the Furnishings, peacefully and in the same good, clean and tenantable condiDon
as when first occupied, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and with the complete set of keys.
Sixty (60) days before the expiraDon of this CONTRACT, the LESSOR may show the LEASED
PREMISES to prospecDve tenants at reasonable hours and with prior noDce to the LESSEE.
18. PEST CONTROL - Termite control treatment shall be for the account of the LESSOR. However,
pest and insect control shall be for the account of the LESSEE.
19. NON-WAIVER - Delay or failure by either party to exercise any of its rights or remedies
hereunder shall not be construed to be a waiver of such right and remedy.
20. BREACH OR DEFAULT – All covenants and agreements herein contained are deemed
essenDal condiDons hereof. If default or breach be made of any such condiDons by one
party, the aggrieved party shall have the right to terminate and cancel this CONTRACT, by
giving a wricen thirty (30) day noDce of terminaDon to the party which commiced the breach
or default.
In case of terminaDon or cancellaDon exercised by the LESSOR, the LESSOR may forthwith
reenter and padlock the LEASED PREMISES and exclude there from the LESSEE, its
personnel, representaDves, or agents, members of their family, and to disconnect/cause the
disconnecDon of water, electricity, telephone and other uDliDes/services in the LEASED
PREMISES without incurring civil or criminal liability therefore.
Should the aggrieved party be compelled to seek judicial relief against the other party, the
lacer shall in addiDon to any other damages that may be awarded to the aggrieved party,
pay an amount equivalent to twenty five percent (25%) of the amount claimed in the
complaint, as and by way of acorneys’ fees with a minimum amount of Philippine Peso:
FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 50,000.00) aside from the costs of liDgaDon and other
expenses which the law enDtles the aggrieved party to recover from the other party.
21. LEGAL ACTION AND VENUE – Any legal acDon arising from this CONTRACT shall be filed
exclusively in the proper courts of Manila City, Metro Manila, all other venues being
expressly waived.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parDes hereto have affixed their signatures on this 9th of june in
Parañaque City.
______________________ ______________________
_________________________ _________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the Municipality of ___________ this day of
_____________________, personally appeared the following:
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who have executed the foregoing CONTRACT
of LEASE and acknowledged that the same is their own act and deed.
This instrument consisDng of six (6) pages including this acknowledgement and the annex/es hereto
acached signed by the parDes herein together with their instrumental witnesses above and the
leFhand margin of the other page thereof.
Annex A
Bunk bed
TV console table
Wardrove cabinet
Study area
Kitchen cupboards
Water heater