HR Guidelines Procedure Document
HR Guidelines Procedure Document
HR Guidelines Procedure Document
“At Meezan Bank Limited, every member of MBL family has to be committed to the prime objective of
promoting Islamic Banking by setting new milestones in Riba-Free Shariah-compliant Islamic banking.
This binds our collective behavior inline with the Shariah, which itself is a complete set of guidelines for
life, including prime values and professional etiquettes.”
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Establish Islamic banking as banking of first choice to facilitate the implementation of an equitable
economic system, providing a strong foundation for establishing a fair and just society for mankind.
To be a premier Islamic bank, offering a one-stop shop for innovative value added products and services
to our customers within the bounds of Shariah, while optimizing stakeholders value through an
organizational culture based on learning, fairness, respect for individual enterprise and performance.
To be the employer of First Choice; to attract, retain, reward and respect the human capital of the bank
and transform this asset into a winning combination of mutually beneficial relationships among the
key stakeholders.
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S. No DA Number Description of Amendment
The Meezan Bank Limited Board HR & Remuneration Committee (BHRRC) in its 23rd
meeting held on October 29, 2013 in Karachi approved the segregation of HR Policy &
Procedure Document into two separate documents, namely; (1) HR Policy Document
and (2) HR Guidelines & Procedure Document. The same was ratified in 63 BOD
HRG&P/63BOD/ Meeting held on October 30, 2013. October 30,
01 1013/001 In addition to above, few amendments in the parent HR Policy & Procedure Document 2013
were also recommended by BHRRC and ratified by the BOD. The amendments were of
guidelines & procedural nature and are accordingly incorporated in this document under
the subjects of Assignment Specific Benefits, Staff House Finance, Separation / End of
Service, Recruitment, Selection and Placement, Travel, Staff Auto Finance.
The President & CEO approved changes in the approval matrix concerning Personal
Banking Officer and Manager (PBO & PBM) in Recruitment, Selection &Placement,
HRG&P/P&CEO/ Transfer & Posting and Separation/End of Service Procedure. Furthermore, guidelines & February 4,
02 0214/002 procedure regarding 8 to 8 banking were removed from Guidelines on Standard of 2014
Ethics, Business Practices & Code of Conduct, Assignment Specific Benefits and Staff
Attendance & Punctuality.
HRG&P/P&CEO/ The President & CEO approved changes in the Staff Leave Procedure for its final
03 0514/003 approval.
May 20, 2014
HRG&P/P&CEO/ September 1,
04 0914/004
The President & CEO approved changes in Assignment Specific Benefits.
HRG&P/P&CEO/ October 20,
05 0914/005
The President & CEO approved changes in Mobile Phone/ Blackberry/ Smart Phone.
HRG&P/P&CEO/ December 1,
06 1214/006
The President & CEO approved changes in Staff Medical Limits.
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Contents Page No.
1. Introduction 6
2. Definitions Of Commonly Used Terms 8
3. Guidelines & Standard of Ethics, Business Practices And Code of Conduct 11
4. Recruitment, Selection And Placement 13
5. Internship/ Visiting Shariah Scholars 28
6. Job Description 32
7. Salary & Compensation 33
8. Succession Planning 35
9. Job Rotation 36
10. Internal Communication 37
11. Staff Travel 38
12. Transfer & Posting 41
13. Staff Attendance & Punctuality 46
14. Grievance Handling & Disciplinary Action 49
15. External Teaching for Staff 56
16. Separation / Resignation 58
17. Staff Medical 62
18. Mobile Phone/ Blackberry/ Smart Phone 68
19. Cash Award on Passing IBP Diploma Exams 70
20. Laptop (Note Book) for Employees 71
21. Club Membership 73
22. Staff Auto Loan 76
23. Staff House Finance 79
24. Assignment Specific Benefits 86
25. Staff Accounts 90
26. Performance Appraisal 92
27. Staff Leave 94
28. Bank Vehicle 98
29. Alternate Saturday Off 102
30. Staff Hajj & Umrah 103
31. Reimbursement of Professional Membership Fee 104
32. Staff Life Coverage 106
33. Annexure 107
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This document is produced by the Human Resource Department of the Bank, keeping in view all applicable Federal and
Provincial laws. The Human Resource Department reserves the right to change this document, without notice, in order to
maintain compliance with Federal and Provincial laws, to clarify the Banks’ position, or to reflect administrative changes.
This document in no way constitutes or represents a contractual agreement between Meezan Bank Ltd. and its employees.
Revisions to this document shall be in the form of additions, corrections and deletions to the document, which will usually be
initiated by the Head of Human Resource Department.
This HR Guidelines & Procedure document supersedes all previous HR Guidelines & Procedure documents regarding
Human Resource Management of Meezan Bank Limited.
The Guidelines & Procedures in this document have been developed, keeping in view the internal and external influencing
factors, with the purpose of providing to the employees at all levels within the Bank, a clear description of the existing
Guidelines & Procedures.
Request for clarification or explanation of the material present in this document shall be addressed to the Head of Human
Resource Department.
The “HR Guidelines & Procedure” Document has been prepared with the objective of providing information and guidance
to staff members, management of branches and other working units of the Bank. This document should remain available
with the above-mentioned authorities and accessible to all employees.
Any employee, who wishes to consult this document, may be allowed to borrow it for a short period of time. However, it
may not be taken out of the office. Copies of the document must not be provided to any external party except with the prior
approval of the Head of Human Resources.
However, access to this document shall not be restricted from such external parties who are entitled to it in accordance with
the provisions of any law for the time being in force.
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The President & CEO will approve any change to the Human Resource Guidelines & Procedures contained in this
Amendments in this document shall be advised to everyone at Meezan Bank Limited through email carrying a running
‘Amendment Number’. A separate ‘Amendment Record Sheet’ shall be prepared and kept in Human Resource Department
for maintaining permanent record of amendments. The Human Resource Department shall send amendment sheet to all
units with clear instructions regarding their placement in the document.
Management of branches and other departments/units of the Bank shall ensure compliance with the provisions contained in
this document. The Audit Department and Compliance Department staff, during their routine audits, shall also note
violations of provisions contained in this document and report these in their reports to the President & CEO with a copy to
the Head of HR for information.
For sake of effective compliance at all time, in case of any position given in the document becoming vacant, authorities
associated with the relevant position shall automatically escalate to the next higher authority-in-line, unless a temporary
authority has been granted and authorized by the management of Meezan Bank in this respect.
All employees of the Bank shall conform to and abide by these procedures with such amendments as may be effected from
time to time. Provided they shall not apply, except as otherwise provided in these rules or to such an extent as may be
specially or generally prescribed by the President & CEO to:
Staff shall also observe, comply with and obey all orders and directives which may, from time to time, be given by any person
or persons under whose jurisdiction, supervision or control they may be placed.
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Various terms used in the document are being defined below. The wording that follows each term indicates the precise
meaning of that term as defined by Meezan Bank Ltd.
The Administrative reporting of a resource placed in a unit will include reporting of day-to-day administrative controls.
The Administrative Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the employee attends office on time, monitoring his absences,
ensuring that he/she follows office decorum, dress code and general discipline. It should be understood that the
responsibility of identifying/hiring suitable staff, leaves and annual appraisals would remain the joint responsibility of the
Functional Supervisor and the Administrative Supervisor.
A subset of a region; a relatively smaller group of branches/Sub branches within a Region
The Head of a particular set of branches in a defined geographical area as approved by the Management
The portion of total salary of an employee excluding all allowances and other emoluments.
Board of Directors of Meezan Bank Ltd. Formed under the provisions of its Articles of Association.
Head of any branch of Meezan Bank Ltd.
Branch controller is a hybrid of our regular Branch Manager and Operation Manger.
The outlet of Meezan Bank Limited to provide banking services.
A single calendar day beginning in the morning and ending at midnight.
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The President & CEO may, where considered necessary, delegate any of the powers vested in him, to other Executives and
Officers of the bank.
A staff member’s dependent spouse(s), dependent son up to the age of 21 years, and unmarried /unemployed daughter.
An obligation to perform a certain job assigned verbally or in writing by the superiors/seniors, during the period of
employment with Meezan Bank Ltd. Including probationary period and joining time, in case of transfer.
The period during which an employee is on duty as well as on leave with pay authorized by a competent authority, but does
not include any period during which an employee is absent from duty without permission for which an acceptable reason
/justification has not been provided and hence will not be eligible for any benefits.
Actual cost of passage incurred on travel by an employee.
The functional reporting of a resource placed in a unit will be related to the job/target assigned by the functional supervisor.
The functional supervisor will do manpower planning, obtaining budgetary approvals for hiring and subsequent training,
placement and transfers, career planning, target assigning etc. The responsibility of identifying/ hiring suitable staff, leaves
and annual appraisals would remain the joint responsibility of the Functional Supervisor and the Administrative Supervisor.
The amount of salary, which includes basic salary and other regular monthly allowances and emoluments payable to an
Head of a Department at Meezan Bank
Immediate supervisor (administrative or functional) at any level will be considered as line manager.
The Management of Meezan Bank Ltd. Which has been delegated the responsibility to manage the affairs of the Bank by the
Board of Directors. This term will always include at least the President & CEO and the Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
Term is used contextually, and in different contexts may or may not include Department Heads, Regional Managers, Area
Managers and Branch Managers.
An employee performing duties on a post for the time being on temporary basis, which is permanently held by another
employee or if a person is appointed for a particular position for a temporary period.
Household articles such as furniture and other personal belongings of a staff member and family including personal car.
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The period during which a staff member’s abilities to perform a job satisfactorily is examined by the Bank prior to granting
“Confirmed” status.
Group of branches within a defined geography, as approved by Management.
The Head of a particular region as approved by the Management.
Expenses that may be reimbursed to employees against production of receipts, certificates or statement of expenses.
Sexual Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to abuse (physical/ verbal) or hostile behavior because of his / her
sex, which might threaten the individual’s job security or create an intimidating environment.
These are totally independent branch with small size work place providing branch banking facilities to potential areas, where
high cost branches are not viable to operate.
Total full time working experience excluding internships, part time work experience or experience while engaged in full time
study at educational institutions.
This includes any branch of the Bank, Department and Business / Support Unit at the Head Office, Regional/Area Offices
and any other working unit of Meezan Bank Ltd.
The Head of Unit performing a defined set of assignment(s); this may mean Department Head, Regional Manager,
Functional Head, Area Manager, Branch Manager, Branch Controller, Resident Branch Manager etc.
It occurs if a person is given less favorable treatment than others, because she / he has exercised her / his rights under the
policy or relevant legislation.
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The standard of ethics, business practices and code of conduct of the bank is provided in the HR Policy Document; however
few procedural guidelines subject to change according to the business needs are enlisted below as guidelines.
For the sake of clarity, relative in the context (provided in HR Policies Document) means;
Son & his spouse[s] Daughter & her spouse Father & Mother
Step-father & Step-mother Sister & her spouse Brother & his spouse[s]
Employee’s Spouse Spouse’s sister & brother Spouse’s parents
Spouse’s step-parents Maternal/Paternal Aunt Maternal/Paternal Uncle
Niece / Nephew Grand-Parents / Children Cousins of the first degree
Meezan Bank will not recruit relatives of the employees of EVP II & Above grade. In case of marriage of two MBL staff
members or any new relationship developed between two employees by virtue of any marriage in their family; these
employees should intimate HR within 15 days of such development. These guidelines apply to all employees (regular /
contract) of Meezan Bank Limited.
An employee should never allow him/herself to be in a position whereby he/she might be deemed by others to be
influenced in making business decisions as a consequence of accepting a gift or hospitality.
a) Employees are not allowed to accept gifts from companies or individuals with whom the Bank does business.
Examples are:
i. Kickbacks in cash from customers, suppliers or contractors.
ii. Gifts from customers, suppliers or contractors.
iii. Services from customers, suppliers or contractors.
iv. Invitations to attend functions by customers, suppliers or contractors, especially those with lucky
draws involving expensive prizes.
v. Foreign holidays or tours arranged/paid by customers, suppliers or contractors.
vi. Gifts with commercial value from travel agents, hotels or insurance companies.
b) Employees are allowed to accept only minor items such as small number of inexpensive items like calendars, diaries,
desk pads and pens usually bearing a company logo. In no case should the specialty items be valued at more than
Rs.5,000/- in total during a calendar year. The Department Heads / Line Managers should be consulted if any
doubts are encountered.
c) If the employees are offered gifts, other than minor items as listed above, they should politely but firmly decline
them, referring to Bank policy, if necessary.
d) If gifts are delivered at their houses or workplace and cannot be easily returned without incurring embarrassment,
they must hand over gifts to the Human Resource Department, which will consider the most appropriate ways of
dealing with them.
e) As a recipient of any gift, employee will write to the senders and acknowledge receipt of the gifts, inform them of the
course of action taken and inform them of the Bank’s policy in acceptance of gifts.
f) Gifts from airlines arising from business travel such as travel bags, pens and toiletry sets will be allowed along with
the accrual of air miles in appropriate schemes. Cash reimbursements or deals offering refund or free air tickets or
lodging must be returned to the company marking the same.
g) The employee must not accept hospitality unless it is business related. The frequency and scale of business related
hospitality should not be significantly greater than what the Bank is likely to reciprocate. Invitations to suppliers’
social events, sports or theater tickets, golf outings, non business dinners etc. should generally be avoided.
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h) Generally, when employees travel to visit a supplier and a lunch/dinner meeting is appropriate, the customers/
suppliers will many times pay for it. When the same supplier visits Bank, the concerned unit’s staff should
reciprocate with lunch/dinner and turn in an expense report.
The dress code & professional attire of both genders are detailed below:
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The need for additional staff should first be established by a department / branch desirous of hiring, before the actual hiring
process can be put into action. The combined mechanism of Annual Headcount Projection and Approved Organogram
fulfills this purpose
The responsibility of initiating hiring for branches rests with the Branch/Area Manager and with Regional Manager
in absence of Area Managers. The Branch Manager may forward suitable resumes and candidates to Area or
Regional Offices. Position justification process should be streamlined by way of Annual Headcount Projection /
Approved Organogram which is to be finalized along with finalization of annual budgets.
Where fresh hiring is within approved Annual Headcount Projection/Organogram, or is being made to replace an
employee who left the organization or is transferred to other unit of the Bank, this fact should be stated in
Interview Sheet. Where proposed hiring is outside Annual Headcount Projection/Approved Organogram and is not
for replacement purposes, justification should be provided under signatures of Branch, Area and Regional
All hiring proposals forwarded to Human Resource Department at any stage should have following essentials;
a) Interview Evaluation Sheet duly filled-in and signed by all concerned as per Hiring Approval Matrix;
b) CV of the Candidate;
c) Approved Organogram of the unit/branch with the slot duly highlighted for which the candidate is proposed;
d) Last Pay Slip/ Salary Account Statement / Salary Certificate (in case of experienced candidate);
e) Employee Record Form duly filled-in completely;
f) Copy of CNIC;
g) Copy of Degrees (Matriculation Onwards).
Before initiating hiring of batch officers, Human Resource Department shall inform all units of approximate
timings of such hiring and enquires about their region-wise requirements before the hiring process starts. The
eligibility criterion and other terms & conditions of such hiring will be as per approval of DCEO & President &
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In the absence of relevant Department Head, DCEO is to approve.
The Human Resource Department will set up a record of job applicants, based on applications received directly at Human
Resource Department (by paper mail or e-mail or through the Bank’s website etc.), those passed on by various units of the
Bank and by searching through job portal(s).
The Bank’s Management encourages existing employees to apply for vacant positions. Towards this end, Human Resource
Department may conduct internal searches at its discretion.
After identifying prospective candidates and initial screening, Human Resource Department will arrange the written test (if
The selection interview will be according to the Hiring Approval Matrix (HAM) for each position preferably in a panel
mode. In all cases, all interviewing officials should sign ‘Interview Sheet(s)’ during or immediately after an interview. The
sheets must be forwarded to Human Resource Department along with recommendations and other documents.
The Branch / Area / Regional Manager or Department Head should hand over the ‘Offer Letter’ to the candidate
personally or Human Resource Department (as the case may be), against the candidate’s signature of acceptance on
attached copy of the letter.
The accepted offer letter should be forwarded to Human Resource Department for record purposes and a copy retained by
the branch / unit. The “Offer Letter” will become “Appointment Letter”, on joining of the candidate. No separate letter
will be issued in this regard.
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Justification of staff hiring to fill a position vacated by a departing staff Branch Manager /
member, or for additional hiring, either in terms of agreed head count Area Manager /
budget, or in view of the changing needs of the branch / office, or for Department Head / Regional Manager
getting up a new branch / unit, or for creating replenishing staff pools
Specification of educational background, professional skills and Department Head / Regional Manager /
experience / exposure required in a candidate for a vacant position Human Resource Department
Branch Manager /
Area Manager /
Identifying and short-listing of appropriate candidates
Department Head / Regional Manager /
Human Resource Department
Testing of short listed candidates (if required) Human Resource Department
Preliminary interviews, wherever candidates were first identified. As Per Hiring Approval Matrix
Obtain CEO’s approval for any procedure deviation in hiring or in case of
Human Resource Department
special approvals for Senior, Executive & Middle Management cases.
CIB Check and CNIC Check (Resolve any issues surfaced) Human Resource Department
Fixing and fine-tuning of salary and perks and issuance of offer /
Human Resource Department
appointment letter.
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In case no response is provided by the former employer within a reasonable time, the initial letter is
followed by reminder letter, as well as telephone calls, emails or any other appropriate means of
In case no response is provided by the institute/university within a reasonable time, the initial letter is
followed by reminder letter, telephone calls, emails or any other appropriate means of communication.
In case any discrepancy (concealment/misrepresentation of facts, fake/forged documents etc.) is found,
the case is forwarded to Disciplinary Action Committee for appropriate action.
Upon confirmation of service, the employee on-probation assumes the status of a permanent employee. It may be
noted that confirmation process does not entitle a new joiner to any raise in salary or grade etc. The approval
authorities are as follows;
Upon receipt of the request through Oracle HRMS and satisfying all necessary requirements and getting
appropriate approvals, Human Resource Department will prepare ‘Confirmation Letter’ for dispatch to
relevant branch / unit, provided that:
a) The staff member has supplied all documents required by Human Resource Department for completing
their records.
b) There is no adverse report against the employee, which might justify deferring confirmation, in which case
Human Resource Department will contact the relevant branch / Department.
c) In the event of an employee failing to show satisfactory progress during probationary period, the
concerned Line Manager may recommend extension of probationary period or discontinuation of service.
Meezan Bank initially offers a 6 month contract to all its contractual employees. 15 days before the end of the
contract, the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) would automatically intimate the line manager.
The line manager would forward his recommendation of renewal of contract or regularization of services as
permanent employee to Human Resource Department through proper channel (as per the approval matrix).
It may be noted that renewal of contract does not entitle a new joiner to any raise in salary or grade etc. The
renewal of contract will requires recommendation and approval as follows;
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The candidate for regularization should pass a written test before regularization (including those exempted from this
requirement as per the “Recruitment, Selection and Placement Policy”).
Human Resource Department will issue the regularization letter. In such instance, employee will not be assigned any
probation period. It may be noted that regularization of service does not entitle an employee to any raise in salary.
The Human Resource Department shall maintain a record of service of an employee (the components of service
record are mention in HR Procedure Document). Branches may also maintain the records for the employees posted
at their branches.
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An employee shall not have access to his / her confidential record. The personal files of employees’ are strictly
confidential and are not supposed to be shared with any other individual or department in the bank except
otherwise deemed appropriate.
The Human Resource Department shall maintain a record of service with the following components for each
a) Name
b) Father’s Name
c) Date of birth
d) Place of Birth
e) Nationality
f) Contact number(s)
g) Blood Group
h) Ailments or Disabilities
i) Copy of the last drawn Salary Certificate
j) Qualifications (Attested educational
a. Educational
b. Professional
k) Previous experience
a. Non-banking
b. Banking
l) Permanent & current address
m) Interview sheets having evidence of the
competent authority’s review
n) Date of appointment (with reference to
letter of appointment)
o) Date of joining service
p) Promotion – Dates and Grades;
q) Appointments held
r) Salary grade, Designation, Assignment
s) Details of salary and allowances
t) Leave record (only for Head office staff)
u) Loan approval records (only for Head
Office Staff)
v) Performance appraisals including adverse
reports and comments thereto
w) Transfer/Release letter; and
x) Any other skills
Branches will also maintain following records for the employees posted at their branches
a) Employment Data Form
b) Copy of Offer/Appointment Letter
c) Transfer Record
d) Leave record
e) Copies of appraisal form
f) Loan record; and
g) Any other record pertaining to the employee
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Candidates should have completed GCE Advanced “A” levels or 1st Division Commerce Graduation or Certified
Accounting Technician (CAT) and have passed following ACCA exams or their equivalents under any revision to the ACCA
F1 Accountant in Business
F2 Management Accounting
F3 Financial Accounting
F4 Corporate & Business Law
ACCA local office in Pakistan or any other source contacted for recruitment of candidates should be specifically informed of
the above mentioned qualification criteria.
The contract will be for a total period of three (3) years. The first term under the contract would be for twelve (12) months
following expiry of which it will be renewable for a minimum period of six (6) months. During the first three (3) months
from the signing of the initial contract, the trainees would be observing a probation period during which service can be
terminated by either side by giving seven (7) days’ notice without assigning any reason.
ACCA trainees at MBL can be supervised by member from any of the following professional bodies:
The stipend structure of ACCA trainees at MBL will be as follows:
Base Stipend PKR 7,500 / month
Per Paper Increment (in addition to prerequisite papers) PKR 1,000 / paper
Contract Renewal PKR 5,000 / annum
Per paper increment applies to papers attempted and successfully cleared before or following hiring at MBL. Increment on
account of contract renewal will only be applicable following expiry of first term of the contract and shall remain in force for
the next twelve months.
The total stipend based on all increments over the base stipend shall be capped at PKR 25,000/ month only.
ACCA trainees shall be entitled to the following assistance from MBL towards their studies:
Trainees shall be entitled to reimbursement of 50% of the annual subscription amount paid by them during any
year. Reimbursement claims can be made in the form of a request to the HR department along with evidence of
payment in this respect.
Trainees shall be entitled to reimbursement of 50% of the cost of study pack purchased of any one approved
publisher of the ACCA scheme. The reimbursement shall be made once per paper attempted during the course of
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the training contract with MBL upon a request submitted duly along with proof of purchase. The study pack from
any publisher shall consist of the following:
a) Study Text,
b) Revision Kit
c) Exam Pass Cards
Trainees shall be entitled to 25% reimbursement of examination fee for papers attempted following hiring at MBL.
Reimbursement shall be applicable once per paper during the complete contract term.
1) Study Leave
ACCA Trainees shall be entitled to a seven (7) day leave per paper which shall be subject to a maximum of twenty
eight (28) leaves for any one exam session and a total of fifty six (56) leaves per year. Any un-utilized exam leaves
cannot be carried forward.
2) Annual Leaves
ACCA Trainees shall be entitled to a total of ten (10) days prorated annual leaves per year. Un-availed annual leaves
cannot be carried forward.
3) Sick Leave
ACCA Trainees shall be entitled to a total of 7 days prorated sick leaves per year. Sick leaves in excess of 1 day at
any time should be accompanied with a medical certificate. Any un-utilized sick leaves cannot be carried forward or
availed for any other purpose.
For induction of an ACCA Trainee, the respective department may intimate Human Resource Department about their
requirements. The Human Resource Department, after evaluating the requirements, may use all available mediums for CV
acquisition, mainly web based portals and ACCA Pakistan.
All ACCA Trainees are required to appear and pass a Pre-Recruitment Test conducted by Human Resource Department.
Firstly, concerned Head of Department would interview the candidates and the Interview Sheet(s) shall be forwarded to
Human Resource Department. Then Human Resource Department would conduct the interview, and successful candidates
will be offered the ACCA Trainee contract.
Before Issuance of offer letter, Human Resource Department will verify the CNIC and check eligibility as per the “ACCA
Trainee Program Policy”. In case of negative verification of CNIC or eligibility, the candidate will be disqualified for hiring.
The accepted contract should be forwarded to Human Resource Department for record purpose.
ACCA trainees have a different leave structure; the details of the leaves are mentioned in Human Resource Policy Document.
He/she may apply the leave by submitting a written leave application (duly approved by the Department Head) to Human
Resource Department.
For availing Study Leave, the ACCA Trainee (along with the above-said approval of the Head of Department) should also
submit the papers’ schedule to Human Resource Department.
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Incase of trainees qualifying part way through his / her training contract and the respective Department head wishes to hire
him / her on the bank’s payroll, the remaining term under the contract shall cease to exist on the 1st of the following month
in which the trainee successfully qualified the ACCA scheme.
Verification of CIB/
Shortlists/Scrutiny of CVs from Scheduling of interviews and HR Issues Offer
Human Resource CNIC and submit for
Talent pool conducting Recruitment test. Letters
Department Approval.
Relevant Department Request For Recruitment Recommends / scrutiny
As per delegated Authority
In certain casses
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Issuance of relevant perks
Receives information
Payroll Department of new joining for
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Incase of Head
Office forms comes
directly to
Department Heads
Incase of Head Office
Departments & Revision
of salary
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Approvals /
Relevant Department
AVP II & Below
DCEO/CEO BMs (through SEVP),
AVP I & Above
If not justified HR
may initiate
Academic Disciplnary action
Replies Replies
Institution against emploee.
For clarification
HR again send
letters for
verifications till
verification or HR
Previous may initiate
Replies Replies
Employer Disciplinary actions
against employee
Replies Replies
Rectify Rectify
allegation allegation
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Internships are educational programs that allow students to gain practical work experience and academic credit and at the
same time provide the organization a ready pool of talent for future prospective positions.
On the other hand, prospective Shariah Scholars have high importance for Meezan Bank as future employees for its Product
Development & Shariah Compliance Department (PDSC). For this purpose Meezan Bank welcomes visits from Shariah
Scholars and helps them in getting acquainted with market conditions and practices as well as other Shariah Scholars from
different schools of thought and give a practical experience on how Shariah Compliant financial products are developed and
Number of Interns
Not more than two (2) internees will be accommodated at a branch / department at any given time. However, in
large branches and departments (staff strength of 20 plus in its premises) up to three (3) internees could be allowed.
Normal duration of the internship will be 4 to 8 weeks. However, the management has the right to change the
duration, if consider necessary.
Monthly Stipend
The amount of stipend is at the rate of Rs.3000/- per month (for interns completing Bachelor’s Degree) and
Rs.4000/- per month (for interns completing Master’s Degree). This amount may be revised by the President &
CEO from time to time.
Duration of Visits
Duration of visit is decided by the Management.
Monthly Stipend
The amount of stipend is at the rate of Rs.5000/- per month. The payment of stipend will be made by Finance
Meezan Bank Limited gains in that the practicalities of Islamic financing and banking are marketed in an influential
section of the customer population. The Shariah Scholars gain by understanding how the precepts of the Shariah are
implemented in the practical world of the 21st Century.
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The Head of Human Resources will approve the internship cases and internship offer letter will be issued by Human
Resource Department. The internee must furnish a confidentiality bond before joining.
In case any extension is required for the internship period, the Respective Manager/ Department Head may initiate
the request through HRMS. The Head of Human Resource Department will approve the request and the internship
extension letter will be issued.
The proposal for induction of Shariah Scholar should be initiated and recommended by Head of PDSC Department through
HRMS and may include the following;
a) The CV of the Candidate;
b) Recommendation Letter from Institution / Jamia;
c) Copy of Last Degree Earned;
The visits will be approved by President & CEO on the joint recommendation of Head of PDSC & HR. The Shariah Scholar
must furnish the confidentiality bond before joining.
The respective line manager will forward to Human Resource Department an “Internee Evaluation Sheet” on completion of
internship period along with the internship report submitted by the intern. Thereafter, the Human Resource Department will
issue an “Internship Completion Certificate”.
The Head of PDSC Department will inform satisfactory completion of Shariah Scholar visits and the Human Resources
Department will issue “Visit Completion Certificate”.
The respective Manager/ Department Head must ensure that all the leaves/absences of the internee should be leave without
If the internees’ conduct/behavior/performance is not satisfactory then the respective Manager/ Department Head may
recommend the termination. The Letter of Termination will be issued by Human Resource, subject to the approval of Head
of Human Resource.
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Allows internship.
Branch Managers / On completion Branches/Deptt
Recommends Deliver certificate
Line Managers In case of Head office, forwards assessment forms and
reports to HR for certificates and release stipend
application comes
directly to Department
Area Managers Recommends
Head of Human
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Through HRMS
Department Joint Recommendation Intimates completion of visit
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The purpose of the Job Description is to clearly define the job responsibilities of each employee and to ensure that the
employees are made aware of and understand what is expected of them.
The purpose is also to maintain a transparent and equitable system of determining the relative value of various roles in the
Bank, and to classify roles by grades and to reassess roles due to substantial change in scope.
Job Description should be standardized for all jobs, and signed by all new/old incumbents to their understanding of job
requirements and responsibilities.
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Employee compensation may be the single most vital aspect of business. Compensation is the payment a business gives to its
employees in exchange for their services.
While the most common forms of cash compensation is monthly salary, compensation also may include commissions,
performance linked incentives, bonuses based on the performance of the business, equity in the business in the form of stock
options, and/or fringe benefits. In addition to cash compensation, businesses often provide their employees with group
benefits such as group insurance (medical, dental, term life, etc.), the availability of flexible healthcare spending accounts,
disability insurance, retirement benefits, sick days, vacation time, and/or other benefits.
Businesses succeed or fail based on the quality of employees work, and compensation generally is considered the most
important factor in attracting and retaining quality employees.
An employee wishing to avail this facility should make a request through HRMS for salary advance duly recommended by the
Line Manager/ Department Head. In case of emergency, the employee could use email facility to inform his/her Line
Manager/ Department Head but will have to later incorporate that request in HRMS.
The request is approved by the Head of Human Resource and forwarded to the Finance Department for disbursement.
Sub-Payroll (for some specific employees) is executed on 5th, 10th and 15th of each month for advances against salaries. In
case the date falls on a holiday, the sub-payroll execution is forwarded to the next working day.
The pay scale may be amended based on recommendation of HR and approval of the HR Committee.
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Basic House Rent Utilities Medical Gross
45% of basic 10% of basic 10% of basic 16.67% of
Basic Salary Gross Salary
salary salary salary basic salary
Human Resource
Process for Approvals. Forward to Finance Deptt.
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Succession planning is the practice of recognizing and developing employees with the potential to fill leadership positions.
Succession planning is a continuous and dynamic process that recognizes that some jobs are significant for the performance
of the organization, too important to be left vacant, which must be occupied by the most suitably qualified employees.
The following Guideline & Procedure are to be read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
The following steps are required for the succession planning process of Meezan Bank:
Comparing the desired profiles of positions vis-à-vis profiles of available candidates for the positions
Identifying deficit of skills / soft skills / experience in candidates
Identifying possible continuity issues
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The Objective is to offer and encourage job rotational opportunities for current employees, who have the desire to enhance
their skills and develop new competencies to pursue different or greater responsibilities.
Periodic rotation of staff between various assignments is used by Meezan Bank Ltd. as a means of broadening areas of
expertise of concerned staff. This is also done to ensure smooth transition from one job to another incase a staff member
leaves or is transferred to another job or location.
Whenever practically possible, the Staff members posted at branches will be rotated periodically. The basic guideline for
rotation is as follows.
a) All staff members of Meezan Bank’s branches should be rotated from their specific assignments after completing a
certain period of service as elaborated below within the same region.
b) This rotation may mean transfer from one position to another within same department in branch, transfer from one
department to another in branch or from one branch to another branch.
When an employee completes above mentioned time period on the same job or in the same branch, he/she should be
transferred to any other position and/or branch.
The Line Manager(s) would initiate transfer request in consultation with the functional department and/or Human Resource
The approval hierarchy in such cases would be the same as of the normal transfer.
Human Resource Department will send a quarterly intimation/ email to regional managers with copy to relevant functional
heads regarding the rotation of branch staff who have completed the criterion mentioned in the policy.
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Meezan Bank Ltd. believes in promoting open, direct and honest communication among all units and individuals of the
Bank. Towards this end, a number of tools / mediums could be used as mentioned below. Efforts will continue to open up
new channels of communication as and when feasible. All employees are encouraged to make use of these tools/mediums
and channels to keep themselves informed of what is going on in the Bank, as well as to enhance their professional skills and
knowledge, aimed at furthering their careers.
Branches and departments should assist and encourage Bank’s employees in using internal communication facilities. Overall
performance of branches / departments is greatly enhanced by promoting a culture of caring, sharing and opening channels
of internal communication.
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The purpose of this document is to regulate the Bank’s official travel and to provide a framework for travel expense
Regional Offices Staff ----- Regional Manager DCEO & CEO
Head Office Staff Department Head Head of HR Department Head DCEO* & CEO
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Employees Reimbursements
For Intercity travel Only
Staff with Bank Provided Vehicles
(See note A below)
Staff Not Provided Bank Vehicles
(See note B below)
Within the City
Staff Not Provided Bank Vehicles
(See note C below)
Note A: Those employees who either use their vehicle or public transport for official travel within the region will be entitled
for reimbursement of actual bus / train fare or fuel expenses incurred at the rate of Rs.10/ KM and Toll Tax. However, this
will not be applicable to Regional Managers.
Note B: Those Employees on official intercity travel within the region are entitled for reimbursement of amount equal to
bus / train fare even if they use personal car for traveling. However, in exceptional circumstances where public transport is
not readily available, the Department Head (For Head Office) and Regional Manager (For Branches) may approve the travel,
using employee own car, irrespective of grade, except training. These staff will be allowed reimbursement of fuel expenses at
the rate of Rs.10/ KM plus toll tax.
Note C: Those Employees on official travel within the city are entitled for reimbursement of amount equal to Taxi fare not
exceeding Rs.15/ KM.
The distance mentioned in the claim should be just and factual that can be verified. Employees who commute directly from
their residence for within-city assignments will not be entitled to the above reimbursement except staff for which their
respective Department Heads recommend.
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Scrutiny of claim
Department If the actual claim exceed the tentative
amount of travel mentioned in the
Travel Authorization Form. It will be
Payment for
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The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines & procedure for transfer and posting of staff in Meezan Bank.
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The staff stationed at Head Office and Regional Office will be transferred with the approval of President & CEO.
All the approved TRFs should be sent to HRD for issuance of Transfer Order. Under no circumstances will a transfer be
effective without a Transfer Order.
A transfer at own request may only be considered subject to legitimacy of request, availability of vacant slot in the destination
branch, backup replacement in the source branch, approval of the management etc. A transfer at own request cannot be
taken as a matter of right under any circumstances. An employee permanently transferred to another location at own request
will not be entitled to any facility.
The transfer of an employee that is for more than 30 days but less than 90 days with a future plan for further
relocation/reposting is a “Temporary Transfer”.
The transfer of an employee that is for more than 90 days without any future plan for further relocation/reposting is a
“Permanent Transfer”.
In case of a genuine need for salary adjustment of the employee, the concerned Regional Manager may recommend a salary
adjustment provided that incumbent’s job profile is being enhanced. However, this adjustment will be approved by Head of
Branch Banking, DCEO and President & CEO. Any resource below the above levels will be recruited locally and shall not be
transferred from one city to another in normal circumstances.
Employees traveling on temporary transfers from one city to another will be eligible to avail the following facilities:
a) Tickets
The employee will be entitled for air ticket (or Railway or Bus/Coach tickets, as applicable) for self-only.
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Employees traveling on permanent transfers from one city to another will be eligible to avail the following facilities:
a) Tickets
Air tickets (or Railway or Bus/Coach tickets, as applicable) for the staff member, spouse and children.
Transportation of personal belongings should be affected in a single shipment; piecemeal shipment will
not be allowed and the bank will bear the cost of only one shipment. Approval from relevant department
is required prior to shipment of personal effects.
The Administration Department may also assist employees in this matter on the employees’ request.
Upon permanent transfer of an employee, the Bank would bear the expense of transportation of official
vehicle(s) and one personal vehicle by road/rail, whichever mode is cheaper.
d) Expenditures of Transfers
All Expenses related to the transfer will be borne by the Branch/department to which the employee is
being transferred.
In view of the fact that a recently transferred employee will require some time to find a suitable
accommodation at the place of transfer, the bank will provide temporary accommodation for the
employee only, till the time he/she finds a place for residence. For this purpose, guesthouse or club
accommodation may be arranged in consultation with the Administration Department. The total period of
such bank-provided accommodation, however, will not exceed one month.
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vii. The Manager of the source and destination Branch will be responsible to submit the release and joining reports
respectively of employees transferred.
viii. The concerned HR officer will make changes in HRMS as per the transfer order.
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Approval Authorities
Relevant Department
Heads Recommends/Approvals As per Delegated
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Punctuality is one of the basic rules of office discipline, which needs to be meticulously observed by all employees of the
Bank. As client dealing starts at 9:00 a.m., it follows that employees should be at their respective stations before that time,
ready to attend clients and perform other duties. This means that before that time, their desk drawers should be unlocked and
stationary in place.
Employees who read newspapers in the office must ensure that reading of newspapers and magazines should cease by 9:00
a.m. (unless scrutinizing and noting of such contents forms part of their regular duties, like economic research, portfolio
management etc.) or postponed till lunch time.
Timings during the month of Ramadan shall be followed as per to the circular issued by the State Bank of Pakistan. MBL will
follow timings seasonally prescribed by SBP for different parts of country. There is no grace time allowed and late would be
marked even he / she has given prior information of his/her arriving late, unless the late arrival was due to an earlier official
appointment or late night official travel etc. Late arrivals for personal reasons will be considered late in any case.
It is important for the senior officers to encourage compliance to the rules laid down by personal example.
Branch Managers and Heads of Departments must ensure that their staff does observe these timings.
After every 5th late arrival in a month, late-comers will have one casual leave deducted from their leave balance. If there is no
casual leave balance available, one annual leave will be deducted. In the event that there is no annual leave available, one day
will be marked as leave-without-pay.
An employee reporting for duty after office time shall be marked late, even where he / she has given prior information of his
/ her arriving late, unless the late arrival was due to an earlier official appointment or late night official travel or office work
which was done within Bank premises etc.
For every un-condoned absence, employees will have one casual leave deducted from their leave balance. If there is no casual
leave balance available, one annual leave will be deducted. In the event that there is no annual leave available, one day will be
marked as leave-without-pay.
The Branch Manager / Line Managers and Department Heads will cascade the month end attendance register with all staff in
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their reporting line for any possible rectification. This being a Guidelines & Procedure, HR will not issue any separate
warning for effecting above penalties.
Report of Report to
Branch Staff Branch Manager / Manager Operations / SQC
Department Staff Department Head
Branch Managers Respective Area Manager
Area Managers Regional Manager
Regional Manager Head of Branch Banking
AVP I & Above at HO Management Office
A monthly report will also be sent to the above. HR will provide requisite reports, however monitoring & compliance of
punctuality and absence management is the responsibility of the respective line manager.
For branches, each employee is monitored through automated Biometric Fingerprint System and is also required to mark
his/her attendance manually on the attendance register. In case of those branches where automated Biometric Fingerprint
System is not available, attendance is manually recorded on a attendance register. The attendance is then manually uploaded
into the Human Resource Management System (HRMS).
Any employee, who is going to be late for any reason, should inform his/her respective Line Manager as early as possible.
All employees are responsible for making sure that their attendance record is correct and up-to-date and must make sure to
check-in and check-out in the bio-metric attendance system.
New joiners should get themselves enrolled in the attendance system as soon as possible.
In case of any discrepancy in attendance, an email is to be sent to the Human Resource Department requesting appropriate
changes as required along with all the necessary information.
New Joiner
Area Office / Region / Branch will contact Human Resource Department, and HR will provide temporary access rights to
the concerned (SQC / Oms) for enrollment of new joiner which would be revoked after half an hour time duration.
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Permanent Transfer
Area Office / Region / Branch will contact the Human Resource Department along with the transfer order. After
validating the transfer order, HR will revoke the employee details from previous location and transfer the details to the new
Temporary Transfer
Area Office / Region / Branch will contact the Human Resource Department and email from Regional Manager
will be required to fulfill the need of transfer order. Once email is received, HR will revoke the employee details from
previous location and transfer the details to the new location.
Note: All employees will be enrolled through finger print impression only.
For every un-condoned absence, employees will have one casual leave deducted from their leave balance. If there is no casual
leave balance available, one annual leave will be deducted. In the event that there is no annual leave available, one day will be
marked as leave-without-pay.
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The following guidelines & procedure are to be read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
This inquiry committee has the mandate to conduct the inquiry, investigate the matter and counsel the victim in harassment
cases. This inquiry committee will propose its recommendation to the Head of HR for taking appropriate action against the
Composition of Bank’s Anti-Harassment Committee;
Procedures for handling reports can be classified in two categories – informal and formal procedures.
Most recipients of harassment simply want the harassment to stop. Informal methods of dealing with the situation
are often the quickest and most effective means of achieving this.
In circumstances where it is too difficult or embarrassing for an individual to do this on their own behalf, other
approaches may be more suitable. Below are options available for informal handling of a complaint:
i. Speak directly to the alleged offending party on his /her own or accompanied by a supportive colleague;
ii. Speak to his/her immediate manager or supervisor, who then speaks to alleged offending party on
employee’s behalf;
iii. The employee can ask a colleague to speak to the alleged offending party on his / her behalf;
iv. The employee may take no action but keep a written record for future use.
i. The alleged offender should be informed that the discussion is informal and confidential;
ii. The alleged offender should be asked to stop his / her behavior which is the cause of offence;
iii. The impact of his /her behavior should be explained – that the behavior is unwanted, causes discomfort
and interferes with work;
iv. The required standard of behavior expected of all employees, as given in the Code of Conduct and this
procedure, should be conformed;
v. The likely consequences of continued behavior should be explained;
vi. The fact that the situation will be monitored should also be explained;
vii. The alleged offender should be informed that a record is being maintained.
Throughout the informal stage, those employees who feel they are being harassed or discriminated against are
advised to keep a written record or details to support any informal request to the alleged offender to stop his /her
unwelcome behavior. This documentation is also useful to support any subsequent formal complaint.
i. All incidents
ii. Date and time
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Formal action may be initiated at any time at the request of the complainant. However, employees are advised that
informal procedures are often the quickest and most effective in such cases.
i. Complaints may be formally lodged with the Line Manager or the Manager Employee Relations at HRD;
ii. The complaint should be lodged in writing including all details of the incident(s) or a statement should be
recorded in the presence of the Line Manager or the Manager ER at HRD and must be signed by both
i. The Bank will establish an Investigation Team to carry out an investigation in response to a formal
allegation of harassment or bullying presented to a line manager or to Manager Employee Relations at
ii. The investigation will be completed at the earliest possible date preferably within 15 days, wherever
iii. The Investigation Team will include internal trained investigators and at the Bank’s direction, may include
an external investigator;
iv. The Investigation Team will hold meetings with the complainant, the person(s) against whom the
complaint has been made and relevant witnesses;
v. A work colleague may accompany the complainant, the alleged offender and witnesses at meetings with
Investigation Team;
vi. The final report of the Investigation Team will be submitted to the Manager Employee Relations – HR;
vii. A joint decision with regard to appropriate action will be made by the HR and respective Line manager,
which may include mediation, counseling or further disciplinary action, including termination / dismissal;
viii. The employee has right of appeal on grounds of unfairness or improper procedures to Disciplinary Action
Review Committee within 3 days of information of such decision;
ix. Counseling will be arranged through the Human Resources Department if required.
Where a complaint is received in relation to the any Area Manager, Department Head, Regional Manager or any
official in EVP & above grade, Chairman Disciplinary Action Committee will initiate the formal investigation.
However, any official DAC related letter (i.e. Show Cause/ Change Sheet/ Explanation, Warning etc.) to the
employees above maybe reviewed by the Chairman DAC.
Throughout the process, HR staff is available to provide confidential support, guidance and advice.
i. Get the complaint in writing or a statement that should be signed by the complainant and the person
receiving the complaint;
ii. Get the facts – from the complainant, the alleged party, witnesses, or others who can provide useful input;
iii. Follow Bank procedures for handling the complaints and investigations – e.g. show cause notice, formal
hearing, etc.;
iv. The Head of HR and the respective Line Manager may take a decision and inform the complainant and
alleged offender of the outcome, with due respect and confidentiality;
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v. Employees are given the opportunity to appeal to the Disciplinary Action Committee, should they disagree
with the decision within 3 days from the information of such decision.
It is the responsibility of all employees to act in a responsible and professional manner with each other. However, it
is also the line manager’s responsibility to ensure correct standards of behavior are maintained in the workplace.
Where a complainant approaches a manager or supervisor they will be given their respectful attention without
unnecessary delay. The role of the manager or supervisor at the informal stage is, however, only one of support or
All reported incidents of harassment will be recorded and in the event of any patterns emerging, management may
wish to initiate its own formal investigation and take remedial action where this proves to be necessary.
Additionally, there may be situations where the seriousness of a complaint warrants formal procedures being
In exceptional circumstances, the Bank may initiate an investigation, even where no formal complaint is received,
where it has serious concerns for the safety, health or welfare of employees.
If he / she fails to return to duty within ten (10) days and/or provide any acceptable (completely at bank’s own discretion)
justification to the bank in writing, he/she will be liable for disciplinary action, which may lead to termination of service. The
said written notice will not be for a period of less than three (3) days from the date of dispatch and will be dispatched
through registered post / courier at the employee’s last recorded address.
If an employee resumes his/her duty and will not be able to provide any acceptable (completely at bank’s own discretion)
justification for such unauthorized absence, the absence will be treated as “without pay”.
For conducting a meeting and decision, quorum of at least three (3) committee members is necessary. In the absence of
Chairman, any other member may chair the meeting.
The decision / resolution will be taken/passed by simple majority. However, if the alleged employee is a direct reportee of
any of the above member, his vote will not be counted and simple majority will be counted by excluding such member. To
attend the meeting is mandatory for all members except in extreme exigencies of work.
1) Fraud / Forgery Cases (willful misuse /embezzlement of bank’s funds / property / assets or forgery in official
documents/information & deceit for personal gains)
2) Violation of Discipline/Code of Conduct Cases (unauthorized absence, discipline/norms/practices & office
decorum violations, attitude-related issues, involvement in illegal or unethical activities that pose a financial or
reputation threat to the bank)
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i. Any employee may report such cases to Audit Department & Operations Department
ii. Audit Department will conduct the initial brief investigation /enquiry and submit the report to the Human
Resource Department (Hard copy & Soft Copy) if further action is required with a copy marked to
Compliance Department (for information) and relevant Department Head / Regional Manager (to remove
the accused from present assignment).
iii. HR will issue the Charge Sheet / Show Cause / Call Explanation and follow up or if necessary seek
guidance from the DAC for issuance of the same
iv. Response received from the accused will be advised to DAC on receipt via email (scanned copy of charge
sheet & reply of suspect)
v. DAC (after seeing the reply of accused) will intimate Human Resource Department to issue Enquiry
Notice and follow up or otherwise close the case with or without warning
vi. In case of non-receipt of reply to Show Cause, Human Resource Department will issue enquiry letter
without DAC intimation
vii. Human Resource Department will appoint an Enquiry Officer, Management Representative and
Management Witness from within the bank who will conduct the enquiry proceedings on the prescribed
format and submit the enquiry report to Human Resource Department
viii. Human Resource Department will put up the enquiry report to DAC (through circulation or meeting) and
DAC will take the decision for issuance of appropriate letter / action against the accused
ix. Human Resource Department will take action against guilty as advised by DAC
x. Human Resource Department will maintain the record of all such proceedings in personal file of the
employees and a status sheet
xi. Human Resource Department will inform State Bank of Pakistan regarding termination/dismissal of an
employee in terms of BPRD circular # 17 of June 11, 2003
xii. Compliance department will inform the State Bank of Pakistan or other regulatory bodies (if required)
regarding the fraud/forgery incidents
xiii. During the process, the accused may be suspended at any stage on instruction (verbal /written) of any
DAC member.
The following procedure will be observed in all violation of Discipline / Code of Conduct cases:
i. Any employee may report such cases to Human Resource Department
ii. Human Resource Department will conduct initial investigation / enquiry
iii. Based on seriousness of findings and in consultation with the Line Manager, Human Resource
Department at its discretion may issue the Charge Sheet / Show Cause and follow up
iv. Further if required, Human Resource Department may remove the accused from present assignment in
consultation with the Department Head / Area Manager / Regional Manager
v. HR at its discretion and/or upon recommendation of Line Manager may do counseling/issue Warning
vi. In case charge sheet is issued, Human Resource Department will decide on receipt of reply from the
accused to proceed further with issuance of Enquiry Notice in consultation with the relevant Line
Manager or otherwise close the case with or without warning
vii. Human Resource Department will appoint an Enquiry Officer, Management Representative and
Management Witness from within the bank to conduct the enquiry proceedings on the prescribed format
and submit the enquiry report to DAC
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viii. The DAC will take the decision for issuance of appropriate letter / action against the accused
ix. Human Resource Department will take action against the guilty as advised by the DAC
x. Human Resource Department will maintain the record of all such proceedings in personal file and a status
xi. Human Resource Department will inform State Bank of Pakistan regarding termination/dismissal of an
employee in terms of BPRD circular # 17 of June 11, 2003
xii. During the process, the accused may be suspended at any stage on instruction (verbal /written) of any
DAC member.
NOTE: Due to the nature of versatile Employee Relations / Disciplinary Action issues, the above procedures are not
binding and only provide an overall broad guideline / procedural framework. The Head of HR / Manager ER may modify /
amend / skip / add any step mentioned above.
The Human Resource Department will issue the “Letter of Suspension” from services to the accused.
The suspension can only be done on pending inquiry and after the issuance of charge sheet / show cause notice etc. During
suspension, the employee will not be allowed access to his/her office, system or any confidential information/premises.
a) Inquiry Officer (A person who is not a direct party to the grievance under investigation)
b) Management Representative (A person who will plead the case on behalf of management with the inquiry
c) Management Witness (A person who will be presented on behalf of the management by the management
representative to support the charges leveled on the accused)
The domestic inquiry will be conducted on prescribed inquiry proceeding format available with the nominated inquiry
officers. The domestic inquiries are strictly an official matter and any person nominated by the HR to participate in the
inquiry proceedings in any capacity should ensure presence and observe the instructions in letter & spirit.
This separate committee is formed to ensure a fresh unfrozen review of each appeal filed against the DAC decision as-well-as
to align MBL with current practice in banking industry.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Chairman) Head of Training & Marketing (Member)
Head of Legal (Member) Manager E.R. (Secretary)
For conducting a DARC meeting and decision, quorum of at least DCEO and one other committee member is necessary.
The President & CEO may modify the composition of DARC as and when required.
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a) If an employee observes any suspicious, fraudulent or unethical activity, transaction or act that may cause a
potential threat to the bank or is against the interest of the bank, he/she must immediately report this to Head
of Human Resource or Head of Internal Audit.
b) Suspicious activity includes but is not limited to any ongoing loss, misuse of bank’s assets/ facilities, deviation
from bank’s rules and regulations, violation of State Bank’s Prudential Regulations and guidelines, drawing of
personal gains, parallel banking, disclosure of bank’s confidential information, forging bank’s documents or
negotiable instruments, taking personal gifts /favors /gains from the bank’s clients or customers, taking
charges from customers above published / official bank charges or anything against prudent banking practices
and interest of MBL.
c) In case the employee feels that the importance of the matter he/she wants to report is critical or involves
serious potential threat to the bank, he /she can directly approach DCEO/President & CEO.
d) The management will ensure complete confidentiality of the identity of any such reporter and at their discretion
can consider rewarding the person for information that saves the bank from a potential loss.
e) The management will ensure that employees expressing personal concerns in good faith are not penalized for
their initiative. However, raising unfounded allegations about work colleagues will be viewed as an offence, as is
victimizing or deterring employees from raising a concern about improper conduct.
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Mediation with
Branch Managers/line employees except
Managers fraud & forgery
Issues letter to
employee (Incase
Executes of dismissal/
Executes decision of Receives inquiry
Human Resource Resolves at its own or Resolves at its own decision or forced
DAC for charge sheet/ report and refer
Department refer to DAC or refer to DAC appoint inquiry resignation, HR
warning/show cause/ for DAC
explanation. officer reports to SBP)
A ut hori ty o f
D eci sion
Management Witness
information of
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Meezan Bank is viewed as a center of expertise / repository of knowledge & skills in the field of Islamic Banking. As a result
staff members receive invitations/solicitation to conduct external teaching assignments from time to time. The objective of
this guideline is to regulate the manner in which staff may engage in such activity.
All employees must ensure that their personal interests do not conflict with the duties which are owed to Meezan
Bank or which Meezan Bank owes to its customers. Similarly the teaching/training engagements should be
complementary to, and should not interfere with the employee’s duties at the bank.
The teaching/training engagements should be managed strictly on the employee’s own time, e.g. after work-hours,
on weekends, on public holidays, during paid vacations etc.
If a teaching assignment requires a staff member to be away from his/her official duties then Annual Leave will be
required to be taken. The normal application/approval procedure for Annual Leave will be followed in this case and
the maximum number of Annual Leaves for such assignments should NOT be more than 5 days in a calendar year
unless approved specifically by CEO. Casual Leave will not be granted for such engagements. However, teaching /
training of Islamic Banking-related topics at forums such as SBP, NIBAF & IBP will be exempt from this
The maximum compensation/financial benefits gained from external teaching / training activities should not be
more than Rs.100,000/- per annum. However the President & CEO may grant exceptions to this rule on a case-to-
case basis.
Where the interests of the bank so warrant, the DCEO and President & CEO may assign specific representational
public-speaking assignments at reputable platforms to specific individuals.
The approval of President & CEO is mandatory for planned appearance on any type of media.
i. Any employee accepting teaching/training engagements should only do so with prior written approval of CEO on
the prescribed form “Approval for Accepting External Teaching”.
ii. A copy of the approved form must be submitted to the Learning & Development Department prior to the date of
the engagement.
MBL staff going on public speaking / training assignments should always be conscious that they are representatives of MBL
and should not make comments / statements that undermine the ideology and platform represented by MBL.
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Employee is required to submit original resignation duly signed, line manager forward the resignation along with the
resignation formalities duly signed by employee and line manager.
The line manager should mention the duration of the notice period required to be served by the subject employee, along with
waiver (if recommended) in notice period by Regional Manager or relevant department head.
After completion of all necessary documents, HR makes the “Resignation Proposal Format” and get approval of competent
authority, then issue the “Acceptance of Resignation” accordingly.
For Consumer sales staff / BDOs on contractual employment, there would be no notice period requirement.
Resignations of these staff will be processed for immediate release.
The employees will serve the notice period according to their employment terms. Relaxation in serving Notice
Period against payment of basic salary in lieu of un-served Notice period will be granted according to the following
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During probationary period an employee can resign at any time with fifteen (15) days prior written notice and in the
event of such resignation the employee will be entitled only to the remuneration at agreed rate of salary for the time
actually employed. Any waiver for this should be approved by DCEO/CEO.
Note: All cases will be approved subject to scrutiny from HR department and approval of Head of HR.
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In case an employee is involved in any activity or behavior which is against the policy of the Bank, the line manager may refer
the case to Human Resource Department along with all the necessary details for further action.
All employees of Meezan Bank Ltd. Shall retire from the Bank’s services on attaining the age of 60 years. Human Resource
Department will issue the retirement letter, two months prior to attaining the age of 60.
Lotus ID
Information Technology Department Domain ID
Core Banking ID (i.e. T24 ID)
Internet Access
Operation Department power of attorney (if applicable)
Signatory power (if applicable)
For conversion on commercial terms as per policy.
CAD Auto loan (if applicable)
Housing Finance (if applicable)
For information to ensure (i.e. staff A/c to convert
Compliance Department customer A/c) compliance from the respective branches
regarding the status / nature of salary account.
Withdrawal / Cancellation of
company vehicle (if any)
Administration Department Mobile phone, Black berry and SIM (if any)
Fuel card (if any)
or Any other perks as a special approval.
Deactivate / Get Surrender
Human Resource Department Attendance Registration
Staff ID card
Medical Card
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Issues acceptance of
HR issues or Hold Release letter
Human Resource Processing for resignation through Branch/
through Branch/Deptt. and email for
Department Approval Deptt, and forward to finance
deletion of IDs to concern deptt
for final settlement.
For AVP-II & Below
Head of Commercial
Approval Authorities
of Credits / BDO /
SME / Branch Banking
Head of Human
For AVP-II & Below
of All Other Deptt
DCEO / CEO For BMs / AVP I &
Above of All Deptt. &
Settlement Debit/Credit Forward to HR for
Finance Department Incase of Consumer/ account and forward to issuance or Hold the
Corporate/Marketing PF trustees for approval letter
Only COO approves.
Administration Withdrawal of bank
department / IT property/facility from
Department employee
Approval of PF
Provident Funds
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The Bank recognizes the importance of medical assistance benefits that give the peace of mind to an individual to focus on
job functions without having to worry about financial risks in the event of hospitalization.
The following Guideline & Procedure are to be read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
The out-patient coverage is as per the following;
a) Eligibility:
Employees in grade of SEVP I & above are entitled to claim outpatient medical reimbursement (administered by
the bank) on actual basis for medical treatment in Pakistan in addition to the hospitalization and maternity Takaful
b) Scope:
The scope of treatment is as follows:
a) Consultation charges of a registered medical practitioner.
b) Expenses of Dental, ENT or Eye testing charges (excluding Orthodontics, Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth
Whitening, Optical Glasses, Hearing Aids etc.)
c) Cost of medicines, injections, drips etc. prescribed by a registered medical practitioner.
d) Expenses for the X-ray, Ultrasound, ECG, Pathological Test or any other medical investigation.
Meezan Bank has instituted hospitalization and maternity benefit plans for all regular & contract employees through health
Takaful operator (The company which is providing health Takaful services to MBL).
a) Eligibility:
All regular and contract employees up to the age of sixty five (65) years and their immediate family members
(spouse and dependent children) are eligible to benefits under this policy.
At the time of joining MBL, each employee will be required to provide particulars of their immediate
family members (spouse and children) to the Human Resources Department, and should update the personal
details of any changes that may occur over time.
Dependents whose details are not updated in HRMS will not be considered eligible under this policy.
b) Limits:
Hospitalization due to sickness or accidental injury is covered, on the recommendation of a registered medical
practitioner. Entitlement for hospitalization benefits per person per annum in the event of such sickness is outlined
in the following table:
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200,000 140,000 110,000 80,000 50,000
Room & Board
Entitlement (Per day) 17,000 8,000 6,500 5,000 3,500
(*) The above limits will be applicable for the Takaful policy period mentioned on the Health Card and cannot be
carried forward over the next year.
(**) The Daily Room Rate is inclusive in the total hospitalizations limits.
Important Note:
i. Pre & Post Hospital (Diagnostic / Follow ups) Tests, Medicines, and Consultations (Leading to
Hospitalization) up to 30 days.
ii. Day Care Surgeries are covered.
iii. Maternity Care Benefit limit covers 9 Month Pre Natal Expenses and 01 Month Post Natal Expenses
(within available limit).
iv. Multiple child births coverage.
v. Credit available at Panel of more than 130 hospitals across Pakistan.
vi. 24 Hours Medical Hotline, to assist covered members and their dependents.
vii. Birth defects or congenital illnesses expenses covered up to maximum 50% of hospitalization limit per
person/year subject to availability of hospitalization limit..
viii. Hepatitis B and C Interferon therapy expenses covered up to maximum 50% of hospitalization limit per
person/year only on reimbursement basis subject to availability of hospitalization limit.
c) Scope of Coverage:
Pre-Hospitalization Diagnostic Charges: Reimburse of expenses for diagnosis outside the hospital
and can be utilized up to 30 days before admission into the hospital.
Post hospital Follow-ups charges: Reimburse of expenses for post-hospitalization follow-up
treatment (Consultation, laboratory, medicine expenses and can be utilized up to 30 days after discharge
from the hospital).
The following expenses will also be eligible for coverage under this policy during the period of confinement in
a) Treatment of fractures / dislocations, etc.;
b) Eye & E.N.T. surgeries in Day Care;
c) MRI, CT Scans, Endoscopy etc.;
d) Hospital Room, Operation theatre and ICU / CCU;
e) Physicians, surgeons & anesthetist’s charges;
f) Prescribed medicines during hospitalizations;
g) Doctors’ / Surgeons’ visits;
h) Oxygen supplies;
i) Blood transfusions;
j) Room rent for the patient, up to the ceilings for the days of confinement;
k) Fees for physician, surgeon, gynecologist, resident medical officer and nursing Charges;
l) Charges for operation, delivery, anesthesia etc.;
m) Charges for medicines, injections, X-rays, ultrasound, ECG, Pathological tests Etc.
n) Expenses incurred on maxilo-facial surgery due to accidental wound will be allowed only on a case to
case basis.
o) Thallium Scan
p) Angiography
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d) Exclusions:
For the Takaful Health Care Benefit, following exclusions would be applicable:
a) Routine medical examinations or check-ups, routine eye or ear examinations, vaccinations, medical
certificates, examinations for employment or travel, spectacles, contact lenses, hearing aids, elective
cosmetic surgery, all dental or oral cosmetic surgery related to teeth, rest cures and services or treatment
in any home, spa, hydro-clinic, sanatorium or long term care facility that is not a Hospital as defined.
b) Tests or treatment related to infertility, contraception, sterilization, sexual dysfunction.
c) Any abortion performed due to psychological or social reasons and consequences thereof.
d) Prosthesis, corrective devices and medical appliances which are not surgically required.
e) All costs relating to cornea, bone marrow, muscular, skeletal or human organ or tissue transplant from a
donor to a recipient.
f) Treatment of mental illness, psychiatric or nervous disorders (including any neuroses and their
physiological or psychometric manifestations).
g) Self-inflicted injury, suicide, abuse of alcohol, drug addiction or abuse.
h) Sexually transmitted disease and any treatment or test in connection with Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) or any AIDS related conditions or diseases.
i) Elective overseas treatment for non-emergency or chronic medical conditions where adequate
treatment can reasonably be postponed until the Individual Covered returns to Pakistan.
j) Injury or illness while serving as a full-time member of a police or military unit including reservist service
and treatment resulting from participation in war, riot, civil commotion or any illegal act including
resultant imprisonment.
k) Outpatient Services.
l) Rock climbing, mountaineering, pot-holing, skydiving, parachuting, hang-gliding, para-sailing,
ballooning, all diving and surfing unless declared to and accepted in writing by the Company prior to the
event giving rise to a claim under the Policy, racing of any kind other than on foot and all professional
m) Costs or treatment after an annual renewal date (Due Date) arising from accident, illness or death
occurring during the previous Period of Takaful.
n) Costs or benefits payable under any legislation or corresponding insurance cover relating to occupational
death, injury, illness or disease.
o) Costs arising under any legislation which seeks to increase the cost of medical treatment and services
actually received above charge levels which would be considered Reasonable and Customary in the
absence of such legislation.
p) Costs arising out of any litigation or dispute between the Individual Covered and any medical person or
establishment from whom treatment has been sought or given, or any other costs not specifically related to
the payment of the medical expenses covered by the Policy.
q) Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion clause shall always be applicable on members aged 65 years or
above to avoid any confusion.
r) Pre-Existing Medical Condition define as any injury, disease, illness, condition or symptom for which
treatment, or medication, or advice, or diagnosis has been sought or received (even if no treatment is
provided) or was foreseeable prior to the commencement of the individual coverage for the Individual
Covered concerned.
e) Maternity Benefit:
Covers all ante-natal, childbirth (delivery) and post-natal treatment for the mother when admitted as a
registered in-patient to a hospital, subject to maximum available limit as per entitlement.
Normal Delivery limit covers all expenses related to Normal (SVD/Breach/Forceps) delivery
routine hospital and general services charges incurred on Individual Covered and newborn child
expenses during the mother’s confinement.
Complicated Delivery limit: In the event where following complications arise, this limit is
increased to the amount stated above or in the Participant Specific Schedule (PSS):
1. Caesarean section when a Physician has certified that a natural delivery will endanger
the life of the mother and/or child;
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f) Maternity Exclusions;
The Takaful Coverage provided Maternity benefit does not cover any loss resulting from or
caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by:
a) No other charges for complications of pregnancy, childbirth or ante-natal treatment except defined above
are covered under the Complicated Delivery Benefit.
b) Operations upon unborn fetuses are not covered.
g) Credit Facility:
Being a member of Group Health Family Takaful, you will be able to avail credit facility at the panel hospitals. The
list of panel hospital is available with HR and on website of Takaful operator.
1) Emergency Treatment
2) Planned Treatment
Reasonable and customary charges means charges for medical care which shall be considered by the Takaful operator or its
medical advisers to be reasonable and customary to the extent that they do not exceed the general level of charges being
made by others of similar standing in the locality where the charges are incurred when giving like or comparable treatment,
services or supplies to individuals of the same sex and of comparable age for a similar disease or injury.
For Enrollment of Family record i.e. Spouse, Children, kindly fill the required fields in Excel Sheet (Medical Enrollment
Make sure that you have incorporated the information in HRMS Family Updates and have got it approved by concerned
Attach the screen shot of approved HRMS information in email and the Medical Enrollment Sheet as well and email it to
concerned authority in HR Department for further processing.
If your dependents’ information has not been incorporated in HRMS than first incorporate it in HRMS along with the
proof of Spouse & Children and get it approved from the concerned authority. Once approved, email Human Resource
Departmentthe screen shot of HRMS (showing the family members) and the Medical Enrollment sheet (filled with
required information).
For Correction of Family record i.e. Spouse, Children, kindly fill the required fields in Excel Sheet (Correction Sheet).
Make sure that you have incorporated the changes in HRMS Family Updates and have got it approved by concerned
Attach the screen shot of approved HRMS information in email and the Correction Sheet as well and email it to
concerned authority in Human Resource Department for further processing.
If your dependents’ information has not been changed in HRMS than first incorporate the information in HRMS along
with the proof of Spouse & Children and get it approved from the concerned authority. Once approved, email HR
Department the screen shot of HRMS (showing the family members) and the Correction Sheet (filled with required
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Submits Reimbursement
Employee Receives Pay Order
Claim Form
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The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines regarding entitlement, usage approving authorities, ownership of
device, replacement of phone / device, monthly charges limits etc.
The benefit will be available to the positions listed in HR Policy Document (Chapter 12 – Mobile
Phone/Blackberry/Smartphone Policy)
The bank will reimburse upto Rs.10, 000/- for purchase of mobile phone device. However, if any of the above employees
wishes to purchase a Mobile Phone device whose cost exceeds the entitlement amount of Rs.10,000/-, the employee will pay
the differential amount from own resources.
The reimbursement limit can be changed from time to time with approval of President & CEO.
Blackberry Devices:
The Blackberry device may be replaced after 24 months from its last allocation as per entitlement.
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The entitlements of all other employees who are allowed mobile phone/ Blackberry monthly billing limits based on their
individual approvals will be as follows;
i. The allocation of all devices, maintenance of relevant records of allocation, monthly billing and its usage will be
responsibility of Administration department.
ii. Abuse / misuse of the privilege / device may result in appropriate disciplinary action. Incase of any theft,
snatching, loss, malfunctioning of device, the employee is responsible to arrange the new device from own
resources and ensure that he/she stays connected without any interruption due to such incident.
iii. The Mobile Phone / Blackberry cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
iv. The entitlement limits are for purchase of new devices only.
v. The Mobile / Blackberry device is provided to eligible employees on the ownership basis and is not required to
be surrendered to the bank at the time of separation from service for any reason. The depreciated value of the
device will be debited to the employee at the time of final settlement on separation from service.
vi. All requests for reimbursement for Mobile Phones / Blackberry devices will be forwarded to Administration
Department on “Requisition Form” through concerned RM / Department Head.
vii. The Administration Department will process and approve monthly billing and advise the finance Department
viii. The employee will provide evidence of purchase of the device to Administration Department (i.e. sales receipt,
copy of the warranty card etc.) for reimbursement against any purchase of cell phone.
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Meezan Bank Limited, as a matter of policy encourages its employees to appear for the IBP Diploma Exams, which are
regarded as an esteemed professional qualification for bankers. Towards that end, it has been decided to award cash prizes to
those employees who pass the said exams in first attempt only;
Stage of IBP
Cash Award
I 20,000
II 30,000
III 50,000
The subject reward will be applicable for employees who appear in exams after joining MBL and after implementation of this
policy. If an employee leaves MBL within one (1) year after receiving the cash reward, the same will be reversed at the time of
An employee who has cleared any level of IBP is entitled to cash award according to the “Cash Award on Passing IBP
Diploma Exams Policy”.
The Bank receives confirmation and other related information directly from IBP. The reward(s) are then processed on that
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The purpose of Notebook Policy is to provide guidelines regarding entitlement for Notebook Computers and also to clarify
the responsibilities associated with such usage.
The following will be eligible for the Laptop (Notebook).
a) EVPs & above.
b) Regional Managers
c) Department Heads
d) Area Managers
e) Based on functional requirement: Staff that needs to frequently travel and have functional requirement in
line with their routine job responsibilities. Such staff will need to be specifically identified by the relevant
Department head.
Temporary allotment:
If a staff that does not fall in the above category needs a notebook for any specific assignment necessitating travel, he/she
will be allocated a notebook by the IT Department. The relevant Department Head will sign off the requisition to the IT
Department for this purpose.
This notebook will be classified as a “Pool Notebook”. This will be a temporary allocation and the notebook will have to be
returned to the IT Department upon return from the travel. There is no limitation on the number of times a staff can have a
Pool Notebook issued.
a) The IT Department will manage the inventory of notebooks issued to staff.
b) Safekeeping of the notebook and its accessories will be the direct responsibility of the officer to whom the
notebook has been issued.
c) Any damage to the notebook and/or its accessories caused due to negligence or mishandling by an officer will
be viewed seriously and related expenditure will be the responsibility of the concerned officer. In such event,
the facility of notebook may also be withdrawn.
d) The responsible unit of MBL will have all laptops Takaful-insured
e) All requests for allotment of notebook will be forwarded to IT Department for obtaining approval from
f) Notebook provided to an officer should be viewed as a privilege and not a right.
g) Abuse of the privilege may result in appropriate disciplinary action.
h) The notebook is allotted to officers specifically for official purpose. Any usages other than official purpose are
strictly prohibited.
i) Installation/Un-installation of software/applications should only be done through the IT Department.
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j) The notebooks will always be the property of Meezan Bank Limited and will have to be surrendered to the IT
Department at the time of cessation of services from MBL.
At the time of joining, Human Resource Department will communicate to IT Department to provide laptop to the eligible
In case an employee gets entitled to laptop by virtue of grade promotion of functional elevation, he/she will initiate a
requisition duly recommended by Line Manager to IT Department for issuance of the laptop.
If a non-eligible staff needs a notebook for any specific assignment necessitating travel, he/she will be provided a notebook
by the IT Department. The relevant Department Head will sign off the requisition to the IT Department for this purpose.
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All Regular/confirmed employees having designation of EVP and above.
One Club Membership during the entire service with the bank.
MBL will contribute 75% of the membership fee (inclusive of refundable / nonrefundable deposits and any other
charges / expenses for acquiring the membership) subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 750,000/- (Seven Hundred
Fifty Thousand).
It is understood that the total amount contributed by the bank towards cost of club membership admission fee may
will not exceed Rs.750,000/- during the tenure of one’s service with the bank.
MBL will reimburse the subscription on monthly basis (on production of payment receipt) of club at actual but
subject to maximum cap of Rs. 2,000/-.
iii. MBL reserves the right to refuse approval of any club without assigning any reason whatsoever.
iv. MBL club membership holder and the dependents shall uphold the Islamic values and the culture of Meezan Bank
while attending the club activities.
v. MBL club membership holder shall make the best use of this benefit for projecting Meezan Bank in the social
circles and maintaining / improving on the business relationships.
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i. Payment requests for Membership fee shall be directly forwarded to Head of Human Resources along with the
membership form and membership fee (25% of total fee).
ii. The HR Department would then draft a memo and forward it for approval to the President and CEO.
iii. After approval from the President and CEO, the memo would be sent to the Finance and Administration
Department for the pay order to be issued in the name of the Club.
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DCEO/CEO Approvals
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The following Guideline & Procedure are to be read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
Standard documentation for a Vehicle Loan will comprise of the following:
i. Loan agreement
ii. Letter of undertaking for Staff Gratuity Fund
iii. Letter of undertaking for Staff Provident Fund Trust
iv. Demand promissory note
v. Copy of the registration documents
However the Bank may require additional documentation if considered necessary, in its sole discretion.
Gross Salary 10,000
Provident Fund 1000
Income Tax 200
Net Salary 8,800
Any other outstanding monthly Liability with MBL (a) 1000
Any other outstanding monthly Liability with other Fis (b) 1000
This loan’s servicing liability I 1000
Debt Burden ratio = (a+b+c)/Net Salary 34%
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viii. All expenses related to the purchase of the vehicle registration and transfer etc. shall be borne entirely by the
employee himself/herself.
ix. Employee would be liable for comprehensive Takaful coverage of vehicle for the period the loan remains
x. If an employee is promoted in Bank’s provided vehicle grade, he/she will be liable to repay the total
outstanding amount of loan within a month.
xi. The approval will be valid for three (3) months.
xii. In the event of separation from service for any reason, the entire amount of loan will become payable. If not
paid by the employee before release / last working day and the Bank is of the opinion that the delay in payment
is without a valid reason then employee will be liable to pay to the bank as charity an amount calculated at the
rate of 20% per annum for the unpaid amount, part thereof or any other amount due for each day of the delay
beyond the relevant payment date or due date by which the unpaid amount, any part thereof or any other
amount due remains unpaid to be donated by the bank on behalf of the employee for charitable purposes as
approved by the shariah supervisory board / shariah advisor of the bank.
xiii. The Bank may also have the right to deduct the outstanding loan amount solely at its own discretion from any
monies that are payable to the employee on account of terminal benefits, salary, provident fund, gratuity etc.
The balance amount in that case would have to be settled by the employee within two months. Incase of
failure, the case will be forwarded to Remedial Asset Management Department (RAMD).
xiv. Employees’ against whom the disciplinary action proceeding are underway will not be considered for this
facility. In such cases, if the charges against an accused have been established, the Disciplinary Action
Committee at its discretion may disqualify / extend the minimum eligibility period for this facility.
xv. The transaction is not allowed for the certain blood relations (i.e. parents, children) and spouse without the
approval of the competent authority.
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Head of Human
Approval Authority
Verification of
Credit Administration Forward for
documents & forward
Department disbursement
for disbursement
Approval of
Head of CAD Disbursement
Joint Authority
Approval of
Head of Finance
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MBL offers House Financing for its staff to own a residential property. The following Guideline & Procedure are to be
read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
In cases where the number of remaining months of service up to staff’s retirement age of 60 fall short of the maximum
payment period (240 months), the amount of the monthly instalment will be increased to ensure complete recovery of
the outstanding amount up to retirement. This will be subject to the principle of maximum deduction level of 40% of
gross salary. The CIB report of the employee will also be considered before approving this facility.
If the above-mentioned conditions cannot be fulfilled, or if it is observed that the staff will not be able to repay the
outstanding amount upon retirement, the Bank shall have the discretion to reduce the amount sanctioned to the
concerned staff member.
The outstanding liabilities of employees with other financial institutions will also be taken into account while calculating
DBR. It should be noted as a point of clarification that the rental payment that will start one month after purchase of
land will not be used as benchmark for calculation of Debt Burden Ratio (DBR). The DBR will be benchmarked against
the first payment of rent plus monthly unit purchase. The employee at his / her discretion may decide to opt for Equal
Monthly Installments (EMI) or Unequal Monthly Installments (UMI) and the DBR calculation of the employee will be
based on such selection.
The facilities under this scheme will be booked through the Diminishing Musharika instrument or any other instrument
as approved by Meezan Bank’s Shariah Advisor.
House finances allowed to the employees will invariably be secured by equitable mortgage of the said property in favour
of the Bank, apart from signing required documents. This will however not preclude the Bank from advising the staff to
execute registered mortgage at his / her cost and expense, whenever the Bank so decides.
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In all events, the staff concerned must satisfy the Bank that it has, or will have a valid and adequate security for (payment
of) the finance. Where the Bank is not so satisfied, it will be free to exercise such rights and options, as it may consider
expedient, including refusal to grant the finance or recall thereof where the finance has been disbursed in part or whole.
Sanction of the finance, if not utilized in the manner prescribed herein above within six (6) months shall stand
automatically cancelled, unless renewed or extended by the sanctioning authority. The staff housing finance will be
available only for the purchase of one property. The Staff Housing Finance will be available only in the city /area that are
covered under the Easy Home product.
Incase the facility is availed by a CAD Department’s employee then the case / documents will also be reviewed by the
CAD Manager at Head Office.
For example, if the financing is availed by AM-II grade employee for Rs. 7 million
a) Rate upto Rs.6million (Grade cap) = 4 % p.a.
b) Rate for Rs.1million (above the Grade cap) = 1 year KIBOR rate minus 0.5% with annual re-pricing.
The rate will be decided on the basis of slab the employee has chosen; the rate of the respective slab will be applicable on
the total amount.
Above rates are subject to a floor of 2% p.a. and a cap of 20% p.a. and will be reviewed after three (3) years i.e. March
31, 2016.
However, the CEO may also revise the rate based on market trends as and when deemed necessary.
Finance will be disbursed as per eligibility criteria mentioned above, subject to entitlement amount, or 90% of
cost of property, whichever is lower. In case of a difference in the quoted cost and assessed value, the lower of
the two will prevail for the purpose of disbursement of the facility. Payment of finance would be started from
the month following the disbursement of finance.
An employee being the owner of a plot of land is entitled for 100% of entitlement or 99 % of the cost / value
of plot, whichever is lower. In case of a difference in the quoted cost and assessed value, the lower of the two
will prevail for the purpose of disbursement of the facility.
For purchase of plot of land, Bank Finance under this scheme will be restricted to 50% of the entitlement
amount or 80% of cost/value of plot, whichever is lower. In case of a difference in the quoted cost and
assessed value, the lower of the two will prevail for the purpose of disbursement of the facility.
Guidelines for staff house financing in construction cases as defined in clause 23.8 (2 & 3) above
a) In case of clause 23.8 (3) above remaining finance amount would be released during the construction
period. The periodic disbursement will be made on the request of employee supported by
BOQ/running bills of architect/contractor:
b) It will be ensured by the employee that construction work is started within twelve months and
completed within a further twelve months period from the date of purchase of plot. It is pertinent to
note that all/any drawdown from bank should be completed within this period (i.e. within 24 months
from the date of first drawdown).
c) If construction is not commenced within the stipulated 12 months period or completed in 24 months
from the date of first drawdown, the profit rate applicable on the financing amount will be charged at
the rate prevailing for commercial housing finance by Meezan Bank Limited Easy Home or specific
Management and PDSC approval will be required for extension in construction period.
d) Payment of finance through Unit purchase would be started one year after the date of disbursement of
last trenches for construction. However, payment of rent under the product of Diminishing
Musharikah as being used by the Housing Finance Department will start one month after purchase of
For sake of clarification, it should be noted that the Debt Burden Ratio as defined in section 23.2 will
be calculated on the basis of first rent payment plus monthly unit purchase.
The structure of the builder product in this case is such that maximum financing amount under the
facility can only be up to 99 % of the value of land. Hence, the maximum drawdown for construction
will be limited to differential between the cost of land and initial disbursement for purchase of land.
However, if the value of the subject land is less than the construction value, subject to the availability
of cushion in entitlement, BOQ verification & availability of Shariah compliant solution additional
disbursement may be considered after specific approval from PDSC.
Finance will be disbursed to the extent of the 80% of assessed value of property. The employee will be
responsible for arranging the differential from own resources. In order to avoid over-financing, valuation of
property will be carried out through the CAD Department of Meezan Bank.
In case of a difference in the balance payable and assessed value, the lower of the two will prevail for the
purpose of disbursement of the facility. The bank’s disbursement will be affected only if the complete funds
required for repaying the facility can be arranged. Product structure as approved for Easy Replacement will
Standard Musharakah documentation for Housing Finance will comprise of the following:
However the Bank may require such additional documents, estimate certificates and proof, as it may deem necessary at
different stages of disbursement. The Credit Administration Department and the in-house legal advisor of the Bank shall
ensure that all documentation is properly completed. Expert opinion with regard to engineering, architecture or valuation
aspects may also be obtained, if considered necessary. Cost of any such opinion will be on account of the respective
employee. Whenever the bank commence Takaful coverage on housing finance extended to employees, the employee
will be liable to share Takaful charges as determined at that time.
The disbursement of finance will be subject to production of the relevant documents establishing the free and
unencumbered title/ownership of the plot of land or the house to the satisfaction of the Bank. Disbursement of the
finance may be made in lump sum or in trenches depending upon the requirements of individual cases. Treatment of
taxes will be as per the Easy Home policy. Disbursement of the facility will fall under two categories:
Drawdown: Disbursement for acquisition / construction of property
Takeover: Acquisition of Housing Finance liability of a person joining Meezan Bank, from previous employer
1) Process
The process of drawdown of enhanced limit is that the previous facility will have to be fully paid-off (except in
case of renovation / construction on existing property) and a new disbursement will be affected under the
terms and conditions of the Housing Finance policy applicable at the time of the fresh disbursement as detailed
2) Conditions
Enhancement will be allowed on the following lines:
a) Enhancement will be allowed only once in service life with Meezan Bank.
b) The enhanced amount that an employee may avail will be calculated as the difference between the new
limit and outstanding amount. In case of “Zero” outstanding the full limit may be allowed.
c) Drawdown on enhanced entitlement will be allowed for renovation / construction on the existing property
subject to the conditions and only if the value of property as assessed through the relevant department of
MBL is sufficient to provide the requisite margin to the bank. The process of monitoring of utilization of
funds will be carried out through the relevant department.
i. For sake of clarification, it is emphasized that such drawdown will only be allowed for the purpose of
actual renovation / construction on the existing property and not for generating liquidity by utilizing
the enhanced market value of the property.
ii. It may please be noted that enhancement will be available only for:
a. Purchase of new property, OR
b. For renovation / construction on existing property
d) In case of a Takeover for a new incumbent, the takeover disbursement will be counted as the last
drawdown, after which the employee will be entitled to one enhancement after three years of continuous
service with Meezan Bank.
e) For employees availing Housing Finance facility for the first time in their service with Meezan Bank (non-
takeover cases) after 30th September 2006, the minimum time differential between initial Drawdown and
Enhancement will be eight years.
f) Cases of staff who wish to avail their enhanced entitlement for construction / renovation of existing
property or for paying off their existing house finance facilities or the cases of takeover from previous
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employer will be evaluated on a case-to-case basis due to certain Shariah restrictions in extending such
g) In case of enhancement, the same may be allowed for another 20 years subject to availability of room till
the age of superannuation.
The transaction is not allowed for the certain blood relations (i.e. parents, children) and spouse without the approval by
the competent authority.
The Bank may also have the right to deduct the outstanding finance amount solely at its own discretion from any monies
that are payable to the employee on account of terminal benefits, salary, provident fund, gratuity etc.
The balance amount in that case would have to be settled by the employee within two months. Incase of failure, the case
will be forwarded to Remedial Asset Management Department (RAMD).
The total staff finances will therefore, on an aggregate be limited to 1.25% of the Bank’s Net Financing portfolio.
All applications received by the management for Concessional Housing Finance beyond the above limit will be dealt at
the discretion of the management on a case-to case basis. This applies to all employees, i.e. new entrants, lateral entrants
and current employees. However if the total outstanding housing finance exceeds the above mentioned cap due to
subsequent change in the net financing portfolio; the same may not be considered as the policy violation.
More specifically, if a transaction has already been done under the Diminishing Musharikah mode through Easy Home
and the employee wants to replace the Easy Home financing by Staff Housing Finance, modalities of the replacement
transaction will have to be cleared by the PDSC Department.
Housing Loans / Financing disbursed under the previous policies would continue under the conditions applicable at the
time of their sanction and will not be affected by the revised terms of the policy.
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The staff desirous of availing their enhanced entitlement (if applicable) will avail the new facility under the terms of the
revised policy.
The takeover process may start after resignation of the joining employee to previous employer however the same will not
be disbursed to the last employer in any case before joining of the new employee. The liability takeover will be subject to
the clearance from PDSC department.
The following initial basic documents required for takeover of liability but not limited to the following;
The Human Resource representative in the interview will ask candidate about the house finance takeover and segregated
amounts of outstanding principal and profit.
The Human Resource Department will forward the takeover approval to the CAD department to take initial documents
and obtain PDSC approval and disburse the takeover amount.
ii. Human Resource Department will scrutinize the application and verify about the employees’ pay slip, credit
information through ECIB and validate the Debt-to-Burden Ratio as per the policy.
iii. The case will be approved by Head of Human Resource and forward to CAD Department for further course of
iv. The CAD will ensure proper valuation and validation of property documents.
v. The Legal Department will furnish its legal opinion on the subject. In case of any discrepancies, the CAD may
refer to the committee comprising of Head of Human Resource, Head of Legal and Head of Operations.
vi. The case will then be forwarded to the Finance Department by CAD for disbursement.
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Verification of documents
Credit Administration Forward to Finance for
& forward for
Department disbursement
Approval of
Head of CAD
Joint Authority
Approval of
Head of Finance
Monthly Team Target = Total Team Members x Monthly Target of the team member
On quarterly basis, team performance of the RM would be analyzed and RMs would be entitled for the cash incentive upon
achieving the Quarterly Team Target (i.e. monthly team target x 3). The incentive would be paid on quarterly basis as per
following composition.
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In consumer hubs where there is no relationship officer, the relationship manager(s) will be assigned individual targets and
they will be entitled for the sales commission and fuel & mobile allowance as per parameters applicable for relationship
Monthly Team Target = Total no. of ROs in team x Monthly Target of RO (Relationship Officer)
On quarterly basis, team performance of the RM would be analyzed and RMs would be entitled for the cash incentive upon
achieving the Quarterly Team Target (i.e. monthly team target x 3). The incentive would be paid on quarterly basis as per
following composition.
Note: The above mentioned Quarterly Incentive will not be applicable for Easy Home RM’s that are working individually
(no relationship officer) in their respective sales hubs.
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of housing finance case. There would be no individual target of Branches Coordinators. The Branches Coordinator would be
entitled for the sales incentive of Rs.1,500/- per million on disbursement of housing case.
Sales Staff Condition
Mobile allowance will be paid only in
Relationship Officer those months when individual target is
Branches Coordinator Rs.1,000/- per Monthly Fixed
month Monthly Fixed
Relationship Manager (except for RMs in Faisalabad, Multan &
Hub / Sales Manager Monthly Fixed
Allowance Amount
Evening Shift Allowance Rs.200/-
Night Shift Allowance Rs.250/-
Gazetted Holidays Rs.1000/-
In this regard, the call center shall submit its shift report & monthly shift schedule in advance endorsed by Head (IT/Call
Center) to Human Resource & Administration for its processing.
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The certain staff of IT Department engaged in shift assignment (day/night) or on public holidays/ Sundays are entitled for
allowance as follows;
Allowance Amount
Day / Night Shift Rs.250/- per day
Public Holiday / Sunday Rs.500/- per day
The charge allowance of Rs.10,000/- per month will be provided to all Area Managers. This allowance is specific to the
assignment of Area Managers and will be withdrawn with the withdrawal of assignment.
Target for each ASM will be the cumulative target of all the BDOs under their control / reporting. The ASM will be required
to generate incremental deposit equivalent to total monthly target of all their BDOs. For example if an ASM has 20 BDOs
under and target of each BDO is 4 million, then the ASM will be required to generate 80 million incremental deposit each
month for becoming eligible for performance allowance.
Further for ASM to get the performance allowance, at least 50 percent of the BDOs under him should have achieved their
respective targets.
It is the duty of the respective Branch/Area/Regional/Line manager to send complete detail about each and every of their
employee that has been involved in either Car Ijarah Sales, House Finance Sales, Business Development or Call Centre to the
Consumer Department not later than the 15th of each month.
The Consumer Department, after verifying all the details would forward the Memo to the Human Resource Department for
approval. Once approved by the Human Resource Department, the information is forwarded to the Finance Department for
Disbursement of funds to the respective employee accounts.
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Issuance of Pay Order Free
FTT I FDD Free (Corresponding bank charges at actual)
Duplicate statement Free
Issuance of Certificates Free
Issuance of VISA Debit Card (ATM) Free
SMS Annual Charges Free
Issuance of Cheque Book Free
Cheque collection / intercity Free (Other bank and NIFT charges will apply)
Cheque return (insufficient funds) As per Schedule Of Charges
Locker (subject to availability) Waiver of key deposit (Annual charges will apply as per SOC)*
All above facilities are restricted to confirmed staff salary accounts only, and are not applicable in joint account(s) maintained
with spouse and family members.
*Maximum 10% of total lockers in the branch may be allocated to staff members.
Branch Manager must ensure the withdrawal of locker facility from the respective staff at the time of end of employees’
services with Meezan Bank Limited.
1. All Staff members are only allowed to open one saving or current account singly or jointly with his / her spouse at
the time of appointment in the respective branch of Meezan Bank Limited. The account will be opened for the
purpose of salary and other disbursements (i.e. bonus; increments, and other allowance or any form of
reimbursement from Meezan Bank Limited against services rendered by employee).
2. Staff members are not allowed to open any account either singly or jointly in any other branch without the prior
written permission of respective authority as mentioned below;
3. Any account of staff member either singly or jointly, opened under / outside the category of staff shall be treated as
“staff account” for monitoring purpose only.
5. On monthly basis, Branch Managers should review the transaction of staff account and seek clarification of any
questionable or abnormal credit transaction in the account. Evidence of such review i.e. justification from staff,
must be documented in the report for audit review.
6. On monthly basis, staff account of Regional Managers & Department Heads must be reviewed by Head of
Compliance and Head of Compliance account by Head of Audit. Any credit transactions (other then MBL
generated) over Rs.1,000,000/- must be reviewed and clarified with written justification and keep record for the
same for audit review.
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7. In case of staff resignation, Human Resource Department should communicate the same to respective branch for
change of account status in system as regular customer or its closure.
8. All rules for inoperative and dormant shall be applicable after the change of account status as regular customer
therefore all service charges will be applicable as per schedule of charges.
9. All respective authorities as mentioned in clause # 2 above are responsible to maintain an updated list of their
respective staff accounts for ready reference. It must be ensures that staff members accounts opened even out side
the category of the staff account should be treated as “Staff Account”.
10. All staff members are required to disclose and update (in case of any change) of their immediate family members
account(s) maintained by them in MBL to their respective authorities as mentioned in clause # 2 above in the
following format:
Branch Date
Serial Account Title of Currency Type of Relation Account
Number Account Account
Maintain Opened
11. In case of Branch staff, the account will be opened in their respective branches. In case of Head Office staff, the
account will be opened in designated branches.
12. Also in case of Head Office, the Human Resource Department sends an email to the PNSC or Gulbai Branch
(wherever the employee wants his/her account to be opened) for his/her employment at Meezan Bank Head
13. Since the inception of T-24 system, the employee being transferred to another branch or office of Meezan Bank is
not required to transfer his/her salary account.
14. At the time of separation (Resignation/Retirement/Termination etc.) the staff account would be converted into
customer account.
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It is the aspiration of the bank to gradually move towards individual objective setting in a phased manner. Meezan Bank
Limited’s performance appraisal system is improved and upgraded from time-to-time in-line with the Bank’s requirements, as
well as with industry practices. Performance Assessment should be more than a past-oriented activity that criticizes or praises
employees for their performance in the preceding year. Rather, appraisal must take a future-oriented view of what employees
can do to achieve their potential in the bank. This means that managers / appraisers must provide the employees with the
feedback and coach them to achieve higher levels of performance.
Performance appraisal is an interactive exchange between the immediate supervisor and staff member(s) reporting
to him/her. (A supervisor is defined as the person to whom one or more employees report on a regular basis).
The Branch Managers and Department Heads will bear the ultimate responsibility for successful completion of the
Human Resource Department will forward the Appraisal Form and guidelines on the appraisal process to all
Branches / Departments for the annual appraisal exercise.
Meezan Bank will promote certain number of people to recognize their professional achievements and provide
them career progression in-line with their performance. Decision in this regard will be taken in consultation with
respective Manager, Regional Manager and Department Head.
Requirements are received from operating units for staff of higher seniority to suit their operational needs. Branches
and other units of the Bank are to support their promotion recommendations with reference to the ‘organogram’ of
their unit, explaining precisely the operational requirements that justify the need of staff with higher seniority.
When competing for promotions to higher grades, overall performance of a Branch, Region or Department will also be a
factor in considering promotion recommendations. Similarly, audit rating of a branch will also be considered before taking
promotion decisions.
i. The “Appraisal Cost Proposal” and “Appraisal Guidelines” are approved by CEO & DCEO. Net increases in
payroll and bonus pool are approved by Board of Human Resource & Remuneration Committee.
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ii. Appraisal Forms are dispatched to all Line Managers/ Department Heads.
iii. An Excel Sheet for appraisal ratings, adjustments (if any) and promotions is also sent to Line Managers/
Department Heads and the same information is provided in it as the “Appraisal Form”.
iv. All data is collected and summarized by the Human Resource Department.
vi. Announcement of increments/promotions is done through appraisal letters sent by the HR Department to
concerned Line Managers/ Department Heads.
vii. Updates are made in the Human Resource Management System (HRMS).
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The objective of this guidelines & procedure is to provide and regulate leave facility to employees for certain incidents (i.e.
sickness, emergency, bereavement in immediate family etc.), certain occasions/eventualities (Hajj, maternity, prolonged illness
etc.) that necessitate their temporary absence from duty and paid leave for leisure and recreation of employees for physical &
mental rejuvenation.
The employee may proceed on leave only if it has been approved by the sanctioning authority as per Leave Approval Matrix
mentioned in Human Resource Guidelines & Procedure Document in clause # 27.3 (except in cases of medical
All leave requests entitled (annual, casual, hajj & maternity) or non-entitled (official visit & training) follow the
aforementioned procedure.
The application is then submitted to the Human Resource Department for further processing (i.e. scrutinizing of relevant
documents and reason for availing leave).
Applicant Recommended By
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Branch Managers Area Manager
Managers of following departments in a branch:
a) Operations
b) Personal Banking
c) Credits Branch Manager Area Manager
d) Credit Administration
e) Trade Finance
f) Consumer Finance
g) Corporate Finance etc.
Officers --
* Department Head OR Regional Manager
** Applicable to the departments which report to DCEO.
When the exigencies of service so require, the sanctioning authority may refuse leave of any kind or may recall an
employee before the expiry of leave sanctioned earlier.
The roster must give dates during which each employee plans to avail at least continuous 10 days Annual leave
(A/L). The plan thus finalized must be implemented and staff must proceed on leave on planned dates.
An employee proceeding on leave shall hand over the charge of his / her post to another employee whom he / she
has been directed to do so and should sign a report. When taking back the charge the same process should be
An employee on Annual leave may not resume his / her duty before expiry of his approved leave unless specifically
permitted by the sanctioning authority.
An employee availing Annual Leave should not visit the concerned branch / unit in the duration of his / her leave,
except to operate his / her own account. He / she should not have access to his / her own desk or equipment or
the Bank’s record. Joining report may be sent to the line manager on resumption of duty.
When an employee’s leave contains weekends or public holidays within the sanctioned leave period, (i.e. spread on
both sides of weekend or holiday) the weekends or public holidays will be counted as part of the sanctioned leave.
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Proper leave records should be maintained for all employees at their respective establishments/units according to
the prescribed format.
At the end of each month the officer maintaining leave records must go through the attendance register to counter-
check that all ‘absences’ or ‘leaves’ marked against various employees are supported by leave applications and other
documents, as required.
All approving authorities should forward approve leave applications and joining reports to concerned offices as
listed above for record keeping purposes.
Optional leave can be availed by the employees as per the guidelines given by the State Bank of Pakistan through
circulars from time to time. The Bank should establish to display the list of the festival holidays.
Annual Leave is an earned leave. An employee also may be granted annual leave equal to his/her projected earned
leave balance as would accrued at the end of the current year. Employees will not be granted advance leave against
leave to be earned in following years.
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H R G U I D E L I N E S & P R O C E D U R E D O C U M E N T
D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4
Approval / Recommends
VP I & above Incase of branches only DCEO
Human Resources
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H R G U I D E L I N E S & P R O C E D U R E D O C U M E N T
D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4
Meezan Bank provides vehicles to certain members of management as not only a component of their overall compensation
package but also to enhance their productivity. The principal criterion in determining eligibility is the appropriate recognition
of an individual employee’s position based on skills, experience and market practice. Alternatively vehicles may be assigned
where mobility is a requirement of the daily business functions of a position.
The following Guideline & Procedure are to be read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
The above limits will be reimbursed against undertaking duly submitted (only once) by each entitled employee to
administration department, that he /she is responsible for production of actual bills for each calendar quarter (three months)
whenever required by the bank. Accumulation of limits will NOT be allowed.
The Administration Department will be responsible for scrutiny of the bill (whenever required) and payment to the
concerned employee.
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H R G U I D E L I N E S & P R O C E D U R E D O C U M E N T
D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4
The employees in SEVP grade are not entitled for the above benefit.
Meezan Bank is responsible for providing Takaful coverage (Islamic Insurance) and for payment of all taxes. However, the
employee also has an obligation to ensure that these requirements are met and payment deadlines are adhered to.
The employees in SEVP grade are not entitled for the above benefit.
The executives will be free to employ a driver of their choice through the bank’s third party service provider on the clear
understanding that the driver provide services specifically to the concerned executive and his appointment will lapse if the
executive is no longer with the Bank.
The subject driver will be employed by third party contractor for only the period of actual employment of the executive
associated with the bank; the salary of the driver will be as agreed between HR department and the third-party contractor.
Employees will be reimbursed to the extent of Rs.16,000/- for cars of 1300 cc & above and Rs.10,000/- for cars which are
below 1300 cc to purchase seat covers, mats etc. on production of actual bills, only once when they are given vehicle.
The employees in SEVP grade are not entitled for the above benefit.
Employees have a responsibility to ensure that safe driving practices are adopted and all traffic rules are observed. Use of
safety belts, if fitted in the car, is highly recommended.
The employee will be solely responsible for all consequences arising out of any accident or violation of the traffic laws by
himself/herself or the member of his/her family driving the vehicle.
The following are authorized to drive the Bank provided vehicle if they hold a valid driving license:
a) The Employee
b) A professional driver engaged by the Bank/Employee
c) Members of the employees immediate family (i.e. spouse, children, siblings & parents)
d) Another Bank employee, on Bank business and with prior permission of the entitled official
e) Garage mechanic for testing and maintenance purposes
Repair & Maintenance charges will be reimbursed against production of actual bills for each calendar quarter (three months).
All claims will be submitted to the Administration Department, Head office along with supporting cash memos/receipt. The
Administration Department will be responsible for scrutiny of the bill as per the Bank Vehicle policy and payment to the
concerned employee.
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H R G U I D E L I N E S & P R O C E D U R E D O C U M E N T
D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4
All claims will be submitted to the Administration Department, Head office along with supporting cash memos/receipt. The
Administration Department will be responsible for scrutiny of the bill and payment to the concerned employee.
In addition, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that all legal requirements are fulfilled in a timely fashion and the
agencies including the police, insurance company etc. are notified. The Administration Department should be consulted for
ongoing advice/assistance in this regard.
The Human Resource Department verifies the figures and rating through the Commercial Department. In case there are
some discrepancies, the request is sent back to Regional Office.
Otherwise, the Human Resource Department calculates the weighted average deposits by giving weightage and check for
eligibility as per the Bank Vehicle policy.
The approval is signed by the Head of Branch Banking, Head of HR, DCEO and CEO.
After getting approval from the management, the case is forwarded to Administration Department for arranging the vehicle
and retaining previous vehicle.
Human Resource Department inquires about the book value of the subject vehicle from finance department calculated as per
clause # 28.14 of this document (HR Guidelines & Procedure Document) and take management’s approval.
The Human Resource Department verifies the employee’s eligibility as per the policy and calculates the net book value of the
subject vehicle and forward to the management for approval.
The Human Resource Department then intimates the approved case to the Administration Department for further action.
This Buy-Back option will be applicable to all existing vehicles allocated to the employees as well as for future allocations.
The concerned employee will be given thirty days to exercise and pay for purchase option.
a) The officials who are not entitled for and nor allocated the bank vehicles are not allowed to avail the bank pool
vehicles/drivers. However, for official work only, the vehicles/ drivers may be allowed as an exception subject to
availability and approval of the Department Head in case of head office and Regional Manager in case of branches.
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H R G U I D E L I N E S & P R O C E D U R E D O C U M E N T
D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4
b) The officials from upcountry branches / offices at the level of VP I & above visiting Head Office / Regions for
official work can use the pool vehicle for business day (office hours) subject to availability.
c) The officials from upcountry branches / offices at the level of EVP & above can use/hold the pool vehicle and
driver for full day & night (24 hours) and to the length of their official stay subject to availability.
d) The pool vehicles cannot be claimed as a matter of right in any case.
e) The fuel reimbursement claims for pool vehicles will not be entertained.
f) The pool vehicle is given solely on temporary basis and is not allowed to be taken out of city limits. Prior permission
from the Head of HR on recommendation of Department Head should be obtained if travel to other cities is
required for an official work.
g) The bank may take back the vehicle in case of any misuse (reckless driving, unofficial use etc.) or if any other urgency
/ priority in terms of importance may arise where the bank deems necessary to provide the vehicle to another
h) In case of an accident or requirement of major repair work, the official using pool vehicle must immediately inform
Administration Department.
i) The vehicles given for full day (office hours) can be taken at 9:00 a.m. from administration department and must be
returned to the same by 7:00 p.m. in the evening.
j) The official availing the vehicle should be a licensed driver and is supposed to abide by the traffic laws and use the
vehicle with care.
k) Any damage to the vehicle due to careless handling and usage of the vehicle will be made good by the official using
the vehicle.
l) The pool vehicle and / or driver are not meant for domestic use or available to the family members of the official.
Alternate Saturday Off is not to be taken as a right by any employee; it is purely on the Line Manager’s discretion to extend
or to withdraw or to call employee on duty. Where our customer services, standards, work flows, delegations, duties,
meetings, assignments and deadlines etc. are adversely effected, the ‘Alternate Saturday Off’ will not be taken or apply.
Employees (Regular or Contractual), who are on the strength of Head Office, Area Offices and Regional Offices.
Please note that any change, addition, deletion in the roster should be made by new/revised roster on the prescribed format.
The format of “Alternate Saturday off Roster” is provided in Annexure.
Alternate Saturday Off is not to be taken as a right by any employee; it is purely on the Line Manager’s discretion to extend
or to withdraw or to call employee on duty. Where our customer services, standards, work flows, delegations, duties,
meetings, assignments and deadlines etc. are adversely effected, the ‘Alternate Saturday Off’ will not be taken or apply.
Department Heads, Area Mangers and Regional Managers are required to develop Six Month Alternate Saturday off Roster
in December (for January to June) and in June (for July to December) of each staff in department/office and forward it to
the Human Resources Department.
Only the Head Office/Regional or Area Office staff is eligible for alternate Saturday off.
If new roster will not advised by the respective office in the months mentioned above, the old roster will be continued by the
system and no intimation will be made by Human Resource Department.
The appropriate backup of the staff on Alternate Saturday Off should be available to ensure smooth working of the unit.
Above mentioned procedure was followed for overall Bank until the announcement for Saturday off by SBP. Since then, only
some branches are working on Saturday, so the procedure for Alternate Saturday Roster is not being followed now.
The Staff Hajj & Umrah Procedure aims to provide guidelines to avail the facility to perform the holy rituals on facilitated
terms as per criteria given in the Staff Hajj & Umrah Policy. This being a gesture of Meezan Bank’s care for its employees by
providing them an opportunity to perform this highly desired ritual.
The following Guideline & Procedure are to be read in conjunction with the policy on the same.
The employee should fill up the Hajj form and get it recommended by his/her Line Manager/Department Head.
The form should then be forwarded to the Human Resource Department for final approval.
Any employee who wishes to perform Hajj or Umrah by availing the facilities mentioned above should first get the “Staff
Umrah/Hajj Installment Plan Form” filled and get it recommended by his/her Line Manager/ Head of Department.
The form should then be sent to the Human Resource Department for verification (Credit Information and Eligibility) and
approval from Head of Human Resource.
After approval, the Human Resource Department would forward the form to Consumer Department (Labbaik Unit) for
further processing.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines & procedure regarding reimbursement of membership fees of certain
reputable professional bodies / institutions for staff of Meezan Bank Limited and to clarify the procedures associated with
such arrangements.
The regular and confirmed staff of the bank at the grade of AVP & above.
Any eligible employee who wishes to get his/her professional membership fee reimbursed should send in an application to
the Human Resource Department duly recommended by the Line Manager/Head of Department.
The HR Department verifies the eligibility of the subject employee (Grade & Institutions) and gets it approved by the Head
of Human Resource. The application is then forwarded to the Finance Department for further action.
Branch Managers /
Line Managers
Head of Human
Meezan Bank in the event of death of an employee will provide his/her family with some tangible support through takaful
arrangements as a policy matter.
Please ensure that following formalities should be completed at the time of your reporting for duty at Meezan Bank
1 All the attached forms (as listed below) are to be completed, signed and witnessed in all respect
c) Joining Report
Medical Fitness Certificate from a reputable Medical Practitioner certifying that you are
e) medically fit to work in a financial institution
(Applicable in case of regular employment only)
Reference letters from three respectable citizens of Pakistan who should not be your
Dear Sir,
In response to offer for appointment bearing reference No. ____________________________ dated ________________,
I hereby report for duty at Meezan Bank Limited, __________________________________________________________
(location) today i.e. on ________________________.
Signature : _______________________
Name : __________________________________
Designation : __________________________________
Department : __________________________________
Branch : __________________________________
* Account No. should also be mentioned; otherwise joining will not be entertained.
Date : _______________________
Dear Sir/Madam,
Letter of Reference
This refers to offer of employment from Meezan Bank Limited made to Mr./Ms.__________________________________
S/D of ___________________________________.
I recommend him/her for a job in financial sector and feel that he could be an asset for your organization.
Signature : ____________________
Name : ____________________
Designation : ____________________
Organization : ____________________
Please paste a
Employee No.
recent colour
Date of Birth (with blue background)
Residential Address
Phone Nos
Residence : Cellular :
(with Area Code)
CNIC Number
Blood Group
_________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of the Employee Signature of Branch Manager/Department Head
The Trustees
Employees Provident Fund Trust
Dear Sirs,
Signature : ____________________
Name : ____________________
Grade : ____________________
Emp. ID : ___________________
Date : ____________________
Dear Sir,
Signature : _______________________________
Name : _______________________________
Grade : _______________________________
Employee ID : _______________________________
Date : _______________________________
The Trustees
Employees Provident Fund Trust
Meezan Bank Limited
Human Resource Department
4th Floor, Meezan House
Estate Avenue, C-25, SITE,
Dear Sirs,
Kindly enroll me as a member of the Bank’s Employees Provident Fund Scheme. I hereby authorize you to deduct
Provident Fund from my salary with effect from the date of my confirmation of my employment with MBL.
Signature : _____________________________
Name : _____________________________
Grade : _____________________________
Employee ID : ____________________________
Date : ____________________________
Grade: Deptt.:
Branch/Head Office:
Overall/Final Rating
For Recommendation/Approval
Grade: Deptt.:
Trade Finance/
Non Funded Business
For Recommendation/Approval
_________________________ _________________________
Regional Manager General Manager (Commercial)
Name :
Qualification : Current Occupation/Course of Study
Name of Institution :
Location Internship Attended : From: To:
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Would you recommend to hire him/her for your branch if a position becomes available : YES NO
If yes, Why :
If no, Why :
3. I undertake to perform honestly, faithfully and diligently the responsibilities and task assigned to me as an ‘Intern’
with the Bank and to follow the instructions given to me.
4. I will strictly observe the office timing and will not leave the office without permission of my supervising officer.
5. I will not remain absent from office without valid reason and approval from my supervising officer.
6. I will observe the strictest secrecy as to the accounts of all customers of the Bank and as to all the transactions of
the Bank of whatever descriptions with its customers, correspondents or stockholders.
7. I will not divulge any of the matter/information, which I may acquire as an internee.
8. I will not divulge any of the credit information of any person, firm or corporation, which I may acquire as an
internee or use any information of whatsoever kind or character which I may receive as an internee of the bank for
any purpose.
9. I will at no time divulge any such information to any person not entitled thereto.
I further promise that I will honestly and faithfully conduct myself during the internship period and I will deliver/return to
the Bank, all Bank records, books etc., intact which I may receive during the internship period.
Signed by me this ______________ day of _________________, 2008 in affirmation of the above declaration.
_________________________ _________________________________
Name Signature
Sr# (0-5: Poor; 6-10: Fair; 11-15: Good; 16-20 Excellent) Max Score
1 Appearance & outward personality 20
Appropriately dressed and presentable. Appropriate body language facial expressions
2 Educational background 20
Suitably qualified for internship, from reputable institutions
3 IT Skills 20
Fluent with MS Office applications. Usage of Internet, E-mail & other web based technologies. Typing speed
4 Communication and inter-personal skills 20
Fluent & articulate in verbal & written communication, public speaking & presentation. Sound inter-personal skills
5 Assertiveness, self confidence & self discipline 20
Sure of himself / herself. Clear about personal goals & objectives. Generally well organized
Total for candidates 100
Interviewer’s Comments on Suitability/Utilization of Candidate during Internship
Dear Sir,
1. I shall use the loan only for the purpose specified above and the price of the car / motorcycle to be purchased by
me shall not be less then the amount of loan granted to me.
3. I shall keep my vehicle registered in the MBL’s name for the period the loan remains outstanding against me.
4. I shall be liable of comprehensive insurance for the vehicle to be purchased against loan for the period this loan
remains outstanding.
5. I am not availing any other Staff Loan except Staff House finance amounting to Rs.____________/- since
__________ 20__ with a monthly installment of Rs.________/-
6. I did not avail the Staff Auto Loan from MBL ever in the past during my service with the bank.
Signature: _________________________
(duly stamped)
Designation: _________________________
Date: ____________________________
1. I shall use the house finance only for the purpose specified above and the price of the plot/ flat/house to be
purchased by me shall not be less then the amount of finance granted to me.
I also undertake that the house/flat will be used for my own residence.
2. I agree to pay the total amount of house finance in ______ monthly installments.
3. I shall mortgage the property in favor of MBL for the period the financing remains outstanding against me.
5. I am not availing any other Staff financing except Staff Auto Loan amounting to Rs._______________/- since
_____________ 200__ with a monthly installment of Rs.____________/-
6. I did not avail the Staff House Finance from MBL ever in the past during my service with the bank.
7. I accept that the disbursement of the financing amount as above will be subject to availability of a Shariah
compliant product and clearance from PDSC department.
Signature: _________________________
(duly stamped)
Designation: _________________________
Date: _________________________
appropriate column]
1 2 3 4 5
1 Salary
2 Career Opportunity
3 Work Pressure
4 Rules & Regulations
5 Type of Work
6 Place of Work
7 Working Relationship/Environment
8 Responsibility
9 Family Circumstances
10 Any Other : Please specify
Excellen V. Satisfactor
Good Poor
t Good y
1 Rules, Regulations and Policies
2 Place and condition of work
Salary and cash allowances in comparison with the
individual performance
4 Other benefits in comparison with other Banks
5 The level of individual training & development
6 Working Relationship
7 Performance Appraisal System
8 Career Opportunities
9 Staff Motivation Level
10 Internal Communication
Signature ______________________________
Date : _________________________
F In your view the reason any employee may want to leave his/her job at MBL would be because of: (Please rank in order of
importance. 6 being the highest and 1 being the lowest). Describe other also;
e. Other______________________ _____________
f. Other______________________ _____________
Remarks :
Check List
1 Issuance of Acceptance Letter
2 Cancellation of Power of Attorney
3 Cancellation of Bank’s ID Card
4 Surrender of Bank Car and Fuel Card
5 Surrender of Mobile Phone with SIM Card
6 Settlement of Dues and Liabilities
7 Cancellation of Computer Password
8 Closure of Salary Account / Cancellation of ATM Card (salary Account)
9 Marked in HRMS
10 Payroll Deletion
11 Personal Guarantee for any other purpose
12 Deletion from Health Coverage/Life Coverage/ Any Other Coverage
13 Return of Bank’s property: PC, Car, Keys etc.
14 Settlement / Transfer of Staff Loan to Commercial Terms
Date: ___________________
Experience : 1 - 3 Years
Desired Profile
Area of Expertise : Trade Finance, Imports Documentation, Trade Policy, UCP
The purpose of the job is to facilitate the customers in their dealings with the bank
Purpose of Job regarding monitoring and handling all activities of exports. To efficiently manage the
branch’s export department utilizing the provisions of Trade Policy to the best
advantage of the customer and the bank, strictly adhering to the guidelines issued by
the bank, SBP and other regulatory authorities.
1. Check Daily activity “ Nostro Accounts” for responding to the credit entries.
Responsibilities 2. Negotiate with Customers/ and deals with treasury for rate negotiation.
3. Handle all export documents for scrutiny.
4. Correspond with Head office, other departments and customers, with
reference to export related activities.
5. Oversee the management of export department by supervising the directly
related members of this department.
6. Any other assignments entrusted by the supervisor.
I would like to avail the MBL Staff Labbaik Umrah / Hajj installment plan as per given detail.
Applicant Signature:
Grade: Location:
Income Tax:
Provident Fund:
Installment Amount of
Staff Loans:
Installment Amount of
External Loans:
Total Deductions:
No of Person(s) Traveling:
No of Installments: Rs.
Debt Burden Ratio: % (Should not be exceeded 50% of Total Gross Salary)
HR Recommendation:
____________________ __________________________
Officer HR Assistant Vice President – HR
HR Approval:
Head of Human Resources
Department / Branch:
For Regular Teaching Assignment For One Time Teaching/ Training Assignment
Institution: Institution:
Approval / Comments